#Semni Keensnare
uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
for your charr folks for the oc grouping thingy--biggest fans of candy/sweets/pastries (and what types) vs not-so-big fans? :) @kerra-and-company
Ooo thank you for the ask! Let's see...
Biggest Sweet Tooth:
Valens - will and can eat their body weight in candy.
Phil - likes more maple flavored or earthy flavored sweets.
Larthi - enjoys cool sweets like ice cream!
Neutral on sweets:
Sigilis - will eat sweets if they are there but doesn't make a b-line for them.
Ordia - likes sweet tea but that's about it.
Zoticus - only really likes a mint or something after he eats not like 'proper' sweets.
Galla - doesn't really like them but if something is sweet, she won't refuse the food.
Dislikes sweets:
Elder Parteira - hurts her teeth to eat sugary things so she avoids it.
Vissenta - just finds them to be a bit underwhelming, she prefers spicy and savory.
Semni - doesn't have much in the way of taste anymore most of her taste buds have already gone caput so no point to eating them.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
New Charr Kids!
Realized I haven't formally introduced my newest (impulse) kids yet! All of them are Charr. First up is...
Semni Keensnare (Ranger/Druid)
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An elderly, proud Gladium who outlived her whole Warband by sheer will alone. Most passed from combat and a few from age before her. She refuses to join any others even though the offers have been posed - simply because she is loyal to Her Warband. She has had the best and needs no others. Even if she is all that remains of it. One of the finest trappers, she lives off the land by herself in Diessa Plateau. She's standoffish and cranky but will help if she sees someone really struggling in the wilds.
Philetus Hearthmend (Elementalist/Weaver)
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A Flame Legion shaman who is part of the Mend Warband - a cluster of Flame who are working their hardest with Efram to keep up appearances and relationships between Flame and the other Legions. Most of his Warband does political engagements and discussions but Philetus (he goes by Phil) prefers a more hands on approach. Using his expertise in fire magic, he helps the common people by working on their stoves, ovens, and fireplaces. He's got a big heart and a small brain but is well meaning to a fault.
Larthi Glimmerforge (Mesmer/Chronomancer)
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The newest member of the Forge warband! A shy, solitary Mesmer who was assigned to the Forge under strange circumstances. Its previous Warband all disappeared and their bodies were never recovered. Despite all its efforts it can't recall what happened to them either. Larthi's control over its Chronomancer skills is still a work in progress which leads to it occasionally blinking forward or backwards in time for brief moments - startling everyone involved.
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
General Character Overview:
Idiot Squad
Nightmare Troop
Primary Characters:
(Notes: for any of them that have 'voice claims' it's just examples of voices I've found that get pretty close to how I hear the characters speak, not claiming that it's the exact person in question. That would be a little creepy.)
Ruby Aenn (any pronouns, usually she/her), Current Commander of the Pact. (Interview)
Riaghael (he/him), Former Commander of the Pact. (Interview) (Otome Route - unfinished) (Scar map) (Voice claim) (Commissioned Art) (Commissioned Art 2) (Commissioned Art 3) (Commissioned Art 4)
Deiliús (they/he), Nightmare Convert. (Interview) (Otome Route) (Voice claim) (Scar map) (Commissioned Art) (Commissioned Art 2)(Commissioned Art 3) (Commissioned Art 4)
Secondary Characters:
Forge Warband
Sigilis Forgemuzzle (she/her) -  Legionnaire, Head Engineer of the Pact.(Interview) (Commissioned Art)
Galla Strangleforge (she/her)- Pact Combat Instructor.
Ordia Sprintforge (she/her) - Freelance consultant.
Valens Forgedance (she/they) - Olmakhan Runaway.
Naechdion (he/him), Swamp dwelling nomad. (Interview) (Otome Route: here and here)
Glanaim (he/him), Hired Sniper for the Pact. (Interview) (Voice claim)
Warden Cálguais (they/them), Warden Captain.
Madrúil (he/him), Nightmare Kennelmaster. (Interview) (Voice Claim) (Otome Route) (Commissioned Art)
Countess Diamhasla (she/her), Countess of Blasphemy. (Interview) (Voice claim) (Commissioned Art)
Caonaí (she/her), Shiverpeaks Sylvari, first to Awaken. (Interview)
Árgiúis *Storyverse*, Shiverpeaks Sylvari - seventh to Awaken.
Mhonde (he/him), Retired Lightforge Calibrator. (Interview) (Commissioned Art)
Raja the Vehement (she/her), a very unorthodox Raven Shaman.
Elder Parteira (she/her), an Olmakhan midwife. (Interview)
Toraedh (he/she/they), a questionable 'Courtier'
Semni Keensnare (she/her), an ancient Gladium who outlived all her warband by tenacity alone.
Philetus Hearthmend (he/him), a Fire Shaman who currently uses his magic to fix peoples stoves and fireplaces.
Larthi Glimmerforge (it/its), a Chronomancer who has a hard time controlling where it ends up.
Initiator Fhiaskko (she/her), an Asuran Reaper who is absolutely not cursed, not even in the slightest.
Bhruizz (xe/xem), one of Mhonde's older siblings, a skilled warrior who knows xe's way around a sword.
Unburiable (Riaghael / Trahearne)
Warcat Wives (Sigilis / Galla)
Raven's Jest (Mhonde/Raja)
Warden's Nightmare (Toraedh/ Shoilieru @moonlit-grove )
Campfire Cats (Philetus / Crecia)
Most of my drabbles with be tagged with #squadstories for the main Idiot Squad or #nightmaretales for the Nightmare Troop.
La • Maison • Dieu   (Nightmare Troop Canon)
The Star (Nightmare Troop Canon pt 2)
Ossify (Post HoT explanation for Riaghael)
Affairs of the Heart (-on pause- Ongoing Canon)
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