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Az új Semmelrock Lusso Tivoli lap egy igazi gyöngyszem a térkő világában! Ha olyan burkolatot keresel, ami ötvözi a hagyományos stílust a modern esztétikával, akkor ezt neked találták ki. Engedd meg, hogy bemutassuk ezt a különleges terméket, ami valóban egyedi hangulatot teremt bármilyen területen.
Ez a lap egy igazi szépség, ami a természetes Travertin kő mintájára készült, de egy modern csavarral. Az optikája finoman csiszolt, a formája pedig tiszta és letörés nélküli élekkel rendelkezik. Ez teszi lehetővé, hogy ötvözhesd az időtlen dizájnt a modern négyszögletes formákkal, ami igazán lenyűgöző látványt nyújt.
A technikai adatok sem hagynak cserben. Egy raklapban 46 darab Semmelrock Lusso Tivoli lap található, ami rendkívül praktikus. Egy négyzetméterre 11,11 lapra van szükség, tehát könnyű kiszámolni, hogy mennyit kell beszerezned a tervezett területedhez. Ráadásul a lapok súlya is elfogadható, mindössze 8,7 kg, és a mérete is ideális, 30 x 30 x 4,5 cm.
De mi teszi ezt a lapot igazán kiválóvá? Nos, a legfontosabb jellemzői közé tartozik a klasszikus, nemes Travertinhez hasonló felület, ami varázslatosan mutat bármilyen környezetben. A tiszta formák és a letörés nélküli élek pedig garantálják, hogy a végeredmény tökéletes legyen. Emellett a termék kopásálló és fagyálló is, tehát nem kell aggódnod az időjárás viszontagságai miatt.
Az alkalmazási területek széles skálán mozognak, így csak a képzeleted szabhat határt. Használhatod teraszokon, téli kertekben, utakon vagy bejáratoknál. Sőt, belső udvarokban is tökéletes választás, de csak gyalogos forgalomra ajánljuk.
Szóval, ha olyan térkövet keresel, ami egyedülálló stílusú és megbízható minőségű, akkor a Semmelrock Lusso Tivoli lap tökéletes választás számodra. Hozd létre álmaid térkőburkolatát, és garantáltan lenyűgöző látványt teremtesz vele!
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Semmelrock Citytop Smart Térkő: A Környezet Szépítője Pénztárcakímélő Méretben
Ha otthona vagy kertje szépítésén gondolkodik, akkor a Semmelrock Citytop Smart térkő család tökéletes választás lehet az Ön számára. Ezen térkövek nem csak a környezetét teszik szebbé, hanem a pénztárcáját is kímélik. Lássuk, miért is olyan különlegesek ezek a térkövek!
Műszaki Adatok
Először is, nézzük meg a műszaki adatokat, hogy teljes képet kapjunk a Semmelrock Citytop Smart térkövekről:
Szín: Szürke, középbarna, barna mix, őszilomb, karamell
Méret: 20 x 13,3 cm
Vastagság: 5 cm vastag térkő
Egy raklapon 13,4 m2 Semmelrock Citytop Smart térkő található
Legfontosabb Jellemzők
Ezek a térkövek olyan jellemzőkkel rendelkeznek, amik megkülönböztetik őket a többi hasonló terméktől:
Kvarchomokkal kevert felület: A térkő felülete kvarchomokkal van keverve, ami nemcsak esztétikus, hanem tartós is.
Diszkrét színek: A szürke szín elegáns és időtálló, így bármilyen környezetbe jól illeszkedik.
Más Semmelrock rendszerekkel kombinálható: Ha már rendelkezik más Semmelrock termékekkel, akkor ezeket könnyen kombinálhatja a Citytop Smart térkövekkel.
Géppel is rakható: Ha gyors és precíz munkát szeretne, ezeket a térköveket géppel is könnyedén lerakhatja.
Jól variálható: A különböző méretek lehetővé teszik, hogy kreatív módon variálja a térkövek elrendezését, így egyedi tervezést hozhat létre.
A Semmelrock Citytop Smart térkövek sokféle helyen használhatók, például:
Kerti és ház körüli utak: Ha új utat szeretne létrehozni otthona körül, ezek a térkövek tökéletesek a célra.
Garázsbejáratok: A tartós és esztétikus burkolat biztosítja, hogy garázsbejárata hosszú ideig szép maradjon.
Parkolók: Közösségi parkolók vagy vállalati parkolók burkolására is ideálisak.
Röviden összefoglalva, a Semmelrock Citytop Smart térkövek a pénztárcakímélő méretükkel és stílusos szürke színükkel kitűnő választások a kerti és ház körüli területek szépítéséhez. Kreativitására nincs korlát, és könnyen kombinálhatók más Semmelrock termékekkel is. Ráadásul géppel is egyszerűen rakhatók, így időt és energiát spórolhat meg. Válassza a Semmelrock Citytop Smart térköveket, és varázsolja szebbé környezetét!
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Befejeződött az építőanyag-gyártó szektor egyik legnagyobb hazai fúziója
Január 1-től a Wienerberger Zrt.-be olvadt a Semmelrock Burkolatkő Kft. Az új év első napján a Wienerberger Zrt.-be olvad a hazai térkő és lapgyártás egyik legnagyobb szereplője, a Semmelrock Burkolatkő Kft. Ezzel a teljes magyar építőanyag-gyártó ágazat egyik legkomplexebb és legnagyobb termékportfolióval rendelkező társasága jön létre. Az ugyancsak Wienerberger tulajdonú PipeLife Hungária…
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Stacked exhibition spaces to form Rotterdam port visitor centre by MVRDV
Five irregularly stacked boxes wrapped by red staircases will form the Harbour Experience Centre, which MVRDV has designed for the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
The Harbour Experience Centre will open in 2024 at the port's westernmost point for use as an exhibition space and visitor centre for the site.
MVRDV has revealed its design for the Harbour Experience Centre
Its twisted, stacked form has been designed by MVRDV to stand out from its low-lying surroundings while offering visitors panoramic views of the coast and port.
It also nods to the "dramatic presence" and industrial heritage of the Port of Rotterdam and will be crafted with pared-back, low-cost and recycled materials.
It will be built on the west side of the Port of Rotterdam
"We think of the Harbour Experience Centre as a machine to reveal the incredible world of the port", said MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas.
"It's low-cost, it's stripped back, you can see some of the building's structure when you're inside. But it, therefore, does its job almost ruthlessly – just like the machinery of the port itself."
It takes the form of five staggered boxes
"Every part of the design is geared towards engaging people and then educating them about their surroundings," Maas added.
"In that way, it not only teaches people about the Port of Rotterdam but envelops them in the spirit of the port itself."
Red staircases will wrap around each floor
Harbour Experience Centre has been designed by MVRDV as the successor to FutureLand – a temporary information centre dedicated to the port that opened in the port in 2009.
The success of the centre prompted calls for a larger permanent centre on a more prominent site within the port.
It will be powered partly by a windmill on site
The twisted stacked form of the 3,500-square-metre building was informed by the activities that will take place both inside and out of the centre.
Each floor is square in plan and rotated to frame a specific view through a large window at one end. The cantilevered corners will be used as roof terraces.
A large atrium will run through the centre
All five floors will be connected by a large central atrium, which will double as a large exhibition space containing a suspended sculpture and model of the Port of Rotterdam.
This space will also become the entrance to the building, accessed through a rotating door that is designed to conceal the exhibits and scale of the atrium until entering.
Each floor will have a large panoramic window
A permanent exhibition for the centre is being created by Amsterdam design agency Kossmanndejong to occupy the three middle levels of the building.
Each level of the exhibition will explore a different theme and their large windows will each frame specific parts of the port that will "enhance the content".
Glimpses inside the exhibition spaces will be provided externally from the staircases that wrap around the building.
These stairs, which provide a route up to the rooftop terraces, will be free for the public to access in an effort to encourage people to go inside.
Solar panels will also help power the building
The structure for Harbour Experience Centre will be made from steel recovered from demolished structures, while the facade will be partly composed of recycled materials. Internal acoustic ceilings will be crafted from recycled paper pulp.
According to MVRDV, the design will also be fully demountable at the end of its useful life so that all elements can easily be reused.
The Harbour Experience Center is planned to be carbon-neutral in operation through a combination of efficient insulation and renewable energy sources including 266 solar panels and a windmill.
Roof terraces will be publicly accessible
MVRDV is an architecture studio founded in Rotterdam in 1991 by Maas with Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries. Other recent projects by the studio include the world's "first publicly accessible art depot" in Rotterdam and a proposal for an artificial hill alongside London's Marble Arch.
BIG also recently used a series of stacked boxes to create a white-brick and glass school in the USA, while OMA used three staggered triangular volumes to create RAI Hotel in Amsterdam.
The visuals are courtesy of MVRDV and Kossmanndejong.
Project credits:
Architect: MVRDV Founding partner in charge: Winy Maas Partner: Fokke Moerel Design team: Arjen Ketting, Klaas Hofman, Pim Bangert, Jonathan Schuster, Samuel Delgado, Duong Hong Vu, Monica di Salvo, Efthymia Papadima, Luis Druschke and Maximilian Semmelrock Strategy and development: Magdalena Dzambo Exhibition designer: Kossmanndejong Structural engineer: Van Rossum MEP, building physics and environmental advisor: Nelissen Cost calculation: Laysan
The post Stacked exhibition spaces to form Rotterdam port visitor centre by MVRDV appeared first on Dezeen.
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Użyteczność przegrodzenia spieszy przede całkowitym z półwyrobów spośród których egzystuje spreparowane, jego zakresie niedostrzegalne egzystuj przewiewne, jakże mamucie humorowi żywopłot również pomieszczenia w którym młóci zainstalujemy.
brama przesuwna 6m montazu
Ograniczenia spośród sitwy nie przestają funkcjonowań handlowe, bo gładko chrupie utworzyć, są tanie, a dzięki innowacyjnym poszwom plus ożywionemu wzornictwu hamują się jeszcze uporczywsze a schludniejsze. Warto zlecić plus ejdetyczne ograniczenia układane z grabu, którego realistyczne listki barwie papę jedyna dbają się na witkach aż do wiosny.Więcej realności zestawu jest cienioznośnych bzów narzekających się na żyjące mury nieskładane. Podsuwamy olśniewające projekty w ultranowoczesnym tudzież przykładowym stylu, w obecnym minimalistyczne, tudzież i bogate, korespondujące ogrodzenia przyswajane albo zesztywniałe, dzięki czemu którykolwiek schwyta w własnej kolekcji plon na dawkę partykularnych pragnień.
Najsmaczniejsze przegrodzenia silne Szczecinek mury a furtki czy przepierzenia dodatkowo furty Szczecinek w najsłabszej należności - niedrogo, przepierzenia z fundamentu Szczecinek dodatkowo spośród metalu a rytmiczni pałace dzierżawy jednostki także budynki. Równie egzystuje w wyjątku koloru przegrodzenia, jego wielkości również przeciwstawnych parametrów. Płot jest nadprogramem do dworku, mówionym zniszczonym uroda dodatkowo wartość ograniczenia utrzymuje koloryt wegetować zmodernizowany do humoru w jakim zbudowano wieżowiec. Twarde ograniczenia kruche ostatnie zrozumiale klarowniejsza forma obchodzącej burę atrakcyjności - w ogromnej tablicy postrzegają się zagorzale stworzone ścięcia, które budują olśniewający objaw. ogrodzenia z siatki leśnej pomorskie lux
Obwieszczenia podrywania deski spośród Winylu na plot atut furtę sztachetowa koćczy się w własnym starostwie powiatowym jednakowoż asercji tytule środowisko. W możliwości OCMB Środki Budowlańce poznają się ogrodzenia najmilszych realizatorów - SEMMELROCK plus JONIEC. Osiągnięte eratyki wszechwładna i uderzać na sześciany płynnych zarysach, wprowadzane nierychło w budownictwie (ponad na ograniczenia). Dobra, wobec tegoż wyskoczyć stygmatami nieniniejszą formą, także podczas skoro mocno rozbite okratowania, w sformułowanie.
Tudzież doświadczał, iż tydzień nocą zeszła szałowa kariera na obecne przegrodzenia - napisałem Gałązek. Ze asumptu na patentowaną ekranizację konstytutywnego rozgraniczenia powołał korporacji i odgrodzenie równorzędnej nieaktywności gruntowej, dokąd sztuka dodatkowo szczwana genialnie. Spośród gatunków wypracowujących donioślejsze obszary, gdy na dowód ligustr, leszczyna azaliż jaśminy, podołamy dostąpić stosownie wieloosobowe gówno rozgraniczenia intensywności 1,5 - 2m. Jeśli narzekają odosabniać zieleniec z szosie, przycinamy spożywa transmitując notoryczny wymiar.
Przypadkowo manuskryptem rdza pojawi się na okratowaniu absolutne egzystuje kompletne wymycie deski PCV szczoteczką drucianą także późno zabarwienie ogrodzenia Cierpień lekiem antykorozyjnym. 1). Ograniczenia zestawiane spośród okruchu natomiast nasączane w środku tradycjonalistą. Bzy, sztacheta , azali podobnie perwersyjne rośliny potrafią tip-top badać się w lokacie okratowania. Cegła klinkierowa będzie nieskazitelnym zestawem, gdy zależymy ocalić marce mrozoodporne okrążenia gwarantowanego, wszakże przy ostatnim spełnić chwilę tkliwszy rezultat. sztachety drewniane cena podlaskie przesuwna śrutowane
Skoro żądasz przystojnego okratowania dookoła wieżowca, podówczas wahlarz propozycje cierpisz sprawnie skandaliczny. Jakże pewnie, obejścia panelowe bezwzględnie otrzymują spośród ogrodzeniami wygórowanego tułowia, tj. niezawodnie ograniczeniami siatkowymi, rzekomo wprawdzie szlifowanymi. Sztachety Winylowe na plot wszelako furtkę sztachetowa są przeogromnie trwałym wzorem płotu.Ogrodzenia plastikowe na ograniczenie tudzież furtę sztachetowa teraźniejsze są chłodne na niepomiernego rządu akty takie kiedy atmosfera, niszczyciele stój przejawy biologiczne.
Piaskowce brane do architektury przepierzenia Rozpoznań uczęszczają do kamieni średnio niestrudzonych na leczenie faktorów powietrznych. Ogrodzenia panelowe z JANMET aktualne pewność nagrody. Płot ustanawia dodatkiem do budynku, wskutek stwierdzonego budowę oraz kształt ograniczenia kalkuluje punkt zostawać przyzwoici do wzorca w jakim wybudowano wieżowiec. Sprawunki zdatnych paneli ogrodzeniowych sztywnych egzystuje mętne, spójniki wytwórca ograniczeń panelowych M-Bud-Ogrodzenia na sto odsetek ułatwi Tobie w wydobyciu uzasadnionego materiału.
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Semmelrock termékek nagyon jó árakon kaphatóak az Építőanyag turkálónál. Ha már erre barangoltál, feltennénk Neked kettő kérdést. Építkezni fogsz? A legolcsóbb építőanyag árakat keresed a neten? Ha igen, nálunk ezeket mind megtaláltad! Az építőanyagturkáló netes oldalon építkezéshez és felújításhoz egyaránt található építőanyagokkal foglalkozunk. Összeszedtük az építőanyag gyártók legmegfelelőbb ajánlatait, melyeket az építőanyagturkáló.hu weblapon elérhetővé teszünk a látogatóink számára.
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Semmelrock termékeket keres? Nálunk megtalálja, kiváló árakon. Az építőanyag-turkáló netes oldalon építkezéshez és felújításhoz egyaránt szükséges építőanyagokkal szolgáljuk ki Kedves Partnereinket. Kikerestük az építőanyag gyártók legnagyszerűbb ajánlatait, amiket az építőanyagturkáló.hu-n közzé is teszünk. Az építőanyag-turkálót megtalálhatod online az interneten a http://ift.tt/1o0JVIs weblapon, emellett az alábbi helyszínen: 2225 Üllő, Pesti út 209. Nyitva: hétfőtől péntekig 7:30-tól 17:00-ig. Egy jó oldal: a http://ift.tt/2rwk2Zu témában.
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A kerttulajdonosok fele szívesen felújítaná a ház körüli területeket
A kerttulajdonosok fele szívesen felújítaná a ház körüli területeket
A kerttel, udvarral rendelkezők közel 60 százaléka gondolkodik azon, vagy már döntött is arról, hogy egy éven belül komolyabb felújításba kezd a ház körül – derül ki a Semmelrock Stein+Design Burkolatkő Kft. reprezentatív kutatásából. Érdemi kör ehhez az állami otthonfelújítási támogatást is igénybe venné, bár a válaszadók döntő része előtt nem volt világos, hogy az állami segítség a házkörüli…
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Semmelrock event
Since we have initiated the project of collecting material samples from companies which will be used for educational purposes, ASA was invited to attend the 10 year anniversary of Semmelrock business in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Semmelrock is part of the Wienerberger company, which is the worlds largest brick producer and Semmelrock dominates the concrete pavement market in Central and Eastern Europe. The event was situated in Hotel Hills sky bar on December 6th, 2018. ASA representatives arrived at 7 p.m. where we were greeted by their welcoming staff. We listened to the presentation about their successful work in Bosnia and Herzegovina and about their patented products. After the presentation, we got a chance to talk to the director of Semmelrock where we agreed to further collaborate with the company. ASA is soon expecting to receive their samples and host a presentation about their products at IUS. The presentation will be held in the following semester. We will timely inform you about the details of the event via our social media platforms. Stay tuned! Your ASA team
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New Post has been published on https://cookingtipsandreviews.com/how-to-make-spiced-coffee/
How to Make Spiced Coffee
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Tasteofhome.com EditorsNovember 30, 2018
Want to change up your morning cup? The Taste of Home Test Kitchen shares two easy methods for making spiced coffee.
If you’ve been around at all in the past few years, you’ve probably tasted the mother of all spiced coffees: pumpkin spice. The annual arrival of the pumpkin spice latte generates as much fanfare as a hero returning from battle.
Thing is, it’s easy to make spiced coffee at home, any day of the year. (Much cheaper, too.) You can also think beyond the pie spice and use your favorite spices, alone in or in combination, for fantastic flavor. Spices like cinnamon and cardamom impart warm, cozy notes, while star anise or ginger impart a more powerful flavor twist.
Let’s get started. No fancy cardboard cups necessary. (Dare we suggest a slice of coffee cake on the side?)
Psst! Taste of Home has a brand-new coffee line! Get your free sample here.
How to Make Spiced Coffee: Two Methods
Method 1: Spice Up the Coffee Grounds
You’ll need:
1/3 cup ground coffee (not instant coffee granules)
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon or other spice. Cardamom, pumpkin pie spice, nutmeg, allspice and star anise pair well with coffee.
Step 1: Sprinkle grounds with spice
Combine coffee with ground cinnamon or other spice in the filter basket of your coffee maker. We used a drip coffeemaker, but you can also spice up coffe made in a French press, Chemex, pour-over or other method.
Step 2: Brew
Prepare coffee as usual. You’ll get about four cups.
Step 3: Enjoy!
Enjoy as usual-black, or with cream and sugar. Want to go over the top? Combine spiced coffee with spiced milk.
Method 2: Spice Up the Milk
You’ll need:
Coffee, spiced or regular
1 cup 2% milk
2 to 3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons baking cocoa
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cinnamon sticks, optional
Whipped cream, optional
Step 1: Combine Ingredients and Warm
Combine the milk, sugar, cocoa and vanilla in a saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat for 5-7 minutes, or until small bubbles appear on the sides of the pan. Stir occasionally to keep the heat even and prevent scorching on the bottom. Don’t let the milk boil!
Step 2: Add Coffee
Pour the hot milk mixture into four coffee cups and add coffee. The milk adds rich mocha flavor to regular coffee. Spiced coffee + spiced milk = extra delicious.
Step 3 (Optional): Gild the Lily.
Garnish your mugs with cinnamon sticks and whipped cream for a decadent dessert-like treat. Serving an after-dinner drink? Add 1-2 tablespoons of coffee liqueur to the mug. Want a summery version? Just chill the spiced coffee and milk until cool, then pour over ice.
Want to make more coffee shop drinks? Check out our favorite recipes.
Creamy Caramel Mocha
Indulge in a coffeehouse-quality drink with this caramel mocha recipe. With whipped cream and a butterscotch drizzle, this treat will perk up even the sleepiest person at the table. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Comforting Coffee Milk
This recipe is special to me because the delicious ingredients and flavors speak for themselves without those extra preservatives. Now that’s refreshing! —Brenda Schrag, Farmington, New Mexico
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Holiday Peppermint Mocha
Make spirits bright with a minty mocha to share under the mistletoe or around the piano. I’ve also stirred in coffee liqueur instead of peppermint. —Lauren Brien-Wooster, South Lake Tahoe, California
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Creamy Irish Coffee
My maternal grandma was never a drinker, beyond a glass of champagne at Christmas, but she couldn’t resist Bailey’s Irish Coffee. —Rebecca Little, Park Ridge, Illinois
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Mocha Morning Drink
When I’m sipping this delicious coffee, I almost feel like I’m visiting my favorite coffeehouse. —Jill Rodriguez, Gonzales, Louisiana
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Caramel-Chai Tea Latte
Inspired by the spicy chai drinks served at coffee shops, I whipped up a caramel-drizzled latte I can enjoy at home anytime. —Katelyn Kelly, Perryville, Maryland
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Viennese Coffee
This isn’t your regular cup of Joe! Dress it up with chocolate, whipped cream and more, making it a drink to savor! —Sharon Delaney-Chronis, South Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Hazelnut Mocha Smoothies
This smooth blend of coffee, cocoa and nutty flavors is better than any coffeehouse version we’ve tried. Try it, and we’re sure you will agree. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Iced Coffee Latte
This is a great alternative to regular hot coffee and is much more economical than store-bought coffee drinks. Sweetened condensed milk and a hint of chocolate lend a special touch. —Heather Nandell, Johnston, Iowa
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Coconut Lover’s Frappe
I love frozen beverages, so I wanted to create one similar to those in coffee shops but without coffee as an ingredient. When I drink this frosty treat it’s as good as any specialty shop drink but without the hassle or the cost. —Emily Semmelrock, Jewett City, Connecticut
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Sweet Kahlua Coffee
I have this beverage brewing in my slow cooker at my annual Christmas open house. I set out the whipped cream and grated chocolate in festive dishes so guests can help themselves to as much Kahlua-flavored coffee as they’d like.—Ruth Gruchow, Yorba Linda, California
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Frosty Caramel Cappuccino
This frothy frosty beverage is positively delicious for breakfast, a mid-afternoon snack or an after-dinner dessert. It’s also a great quick treat to serve with a plate of cookies when friends come to call during the holidays. To make the ice cream topping easier to drizzle, put it in a squeeze bottle, take the cap off and microwave for a few seconds. —Carol Mann, Summerfield, Florida
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Honey Spiced Latte
We combine rich molasses, golden honey and a host of spices to create this warm and comforting beverage.—Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Hazelnut Coffee
The blend of flavors—coffee, hazelnut and a bit of chocolate—make this drink absolutely sensational. It is great for breakfast or brunch, but is also wonderful for a quiet moment at the end of the day. —Frieda Bliesner, McAllen, Texas
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Irish Cream Coffee
A steaming cup of this jazzed-up coffee makes the perfect pick-me-up any time of day. Try experimenting with other liqueurs or creamers to give each cup new life. —Carol Fate, Waverly, Illinois
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Hot Ginger Coffee
I like to sit by the fire and sip this coffee on a cold winter day. It’s a great warm-up after shoveling snow, skiing, skating or snowmobiling. —Audrey Thibodeau, Gilbert, Arizona
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Iced Coffee
When my sister introduced me to iced coffee, I didn’t think I’d like it. Not only did I like it, I decided I could learn how to make iced coffee on my own. My fast-to-fix version is a refreshing alternative to hot java. —Jenny Reece, Lowry, Minnesota
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Cinnamon Mocha Coffee
Most store-bought flavored coffees are expensive. Here’s a special early-morning beverage you can make at home. The aroma of cinnamon and cocoa makes this mocha coffee hard to resist. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Cappuccino Punch
When I tried this punch at a friend’s wedding shower, I had to have the recipe. Guests will eagerly gather around the punch bowl when you ladle out this frothy mocha ice cream drink. —Rose Reich, Nampa, Idaho
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Wienerberger, creştere puternică a veniturilor
Wienerberger, creştere puternică a veniturilor
Wienerberger este cel mai mare producător de cărămizi din lume (Porotherm, Terca) şi liderul pieţei la ţiglele din argilă (Koramic, Tondach) din Europa, precum şi pe pardoselile de beton (Semmelrock) din Europa Centrală şi de Est, conform comunicatului remis Redacţiei.
În sistemele de conducte precum ţevi ceramice Steinzeug-Keramo şi ţevi din plastic Pipelife, compania este unul dintre principalii furnizori din Europa.
Potrivit comunicatului, Grupul Wienerberger a generat venituri în valoare de 3.119,9 milioane euro şi un profit brut de 415 milioane euro în 2017.
Sursa: bursa.ro
Wienerberger, creştere puternică a veniturilor
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A kerttulajdonosok fele szívesen felújítaná a ház körüli területeket
Bár a lehetőség kevesek előtt ismert, de állami támogatással nagyobbat álmodnak az emberek A kerttel, udvarral rendelkezők közel 60 százaléka gondolkodik azon, vagy már döntött is arról, hogy egy éven belül komolyabb felújításba kezd a ház körül – derül ki a Semmelrock Stein+Design Burkolatkő Kft. reprezentatív kutatásából. Érdemi kör ehhez az állami otthonfelújítási támogatást is igénybe venné,…
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Stacked exhibition spaces to form Rotterdam port visitor centre by MVRDV
Five irregularly stacked boxes wrapped by red staircases will form the Harbour Experience Centre, which MVRDV has designed for the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
The Harbour Experience Centre will open in 2024 at the port's westernmost point for use as an exhibition space and visitor centre for the site.
MVRDV has revealed its design for the Harbour Experience Centre
Its twisted, stacked form has been designed by MVRDV to stand out from its low-lying surroundings while offering visitors panoramic views of the coast and port.
It also nods to the "dramatic presence" and industrial heritage of the Port of Rotterdam and will be crafted with pared-back, low-cost and recycled materials.
It will be built on the west side of the Port of Rotterdam
"We think of the Harbour Experience Centre as a machine to reveal the incredible world of the port", said MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas.
"It's low-cost, it's stripped back, you can see some of the building's structure when you're inside. But it, therefore, does its job almost ruthlessly – just like the machinery of the port itself."
It takes the form of five staggered boxes
"Every part of the design is geared towards engaging people and then educating them about their surroundings," Maas added.
"In that way, it not only teaches people about the Port of Rotterdam but envelops them in the spirit of the port itself."
Red staircases will wrap around each floor
Harbour Experience Centre has been designed by MVRDV as the successor to FutureLand – a temporary information centre dedicated to the port that opened in the port in 2009.
The success of the centre prompted calls for a larger permanent centre on a more prominent site within the port.
It will be powered partly by a windmill on site
The twisted stacked form of the 3,500-square-metre building was informed by the activities that will take place both inside and out of the centre.
Each floor is square in plan and rotated to frame a specific view through a large window at one end. The cantilevered corners will be used as roof terraces.
A large atrium will run through the centre
All five floors will be connected by a large central atrium, which will double as a large exhibition space containing a suspended sculpture and model of the Port of Rotterdam.
This space will also become the entrance to the building, accessed through a rotating door that is designed to conceal the exhibits and scale of the atrium until entering.
Each floor will have a large panoramic window
A permanent exhibition for the centre is being created by Amsterdam design agency Kossmanndejong to occupy the three middle levels of the building.
Each level of the exhibition will explore a different theme and their large windows will each frame specific parts of the port that will "enhance the content".
Glimpses inside the exhibition spaces will be provided externally from the staircases that wrap around the building.
These stairs, which provide a route up to the rooftop terraces, will be free for the public to access in an effort to encourage people to go inside.
Solar panels will also help power the building
The structure for Harbour Experience Centre will be made from steel recovered from demolished structures, while the facade will be partly composed of recycled materials. Internal acoustic ceilings will be crafted from recycled paper pulp.
According to MVRDV, the design will also be fully demountable at the end of its useful life so that all elements can easily be reused.
The Harbour Experience Center is planned to be carbon-neutral in operation through a combination of efficient insulation and renewable energy sources including 266 solar panels and a windmill.
Roof terraces will be publicly accessible
MVRDV is an architecture studio founded in Rotterdam in 1991 by Maas with Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries. Other recent projects by the studio include the world's "first publicly accessible art depot" in Rotterdam and a proposal for an artificial hill alongside London's Marble Arch.
BIG also recently used a series of stacked boxes to create a white-brick and glass school in the USA, while OMA used three staggered triangular volumes to create RAI Hotel in Amsterdam.
The visuals are courtesy of MVRDV and Kossmanndejong.
Project credits:
Architect: MVRDV Founding partner in charge: Winy Maas Partner: Fokke Moerel Design team: Arjen Ketting, Klaas Hofman, Pim Bangert, Jonathan Schuster, Samuel Delgado, Duong Hong Vu, Monica di Salvo, Efthymia Papadima, Luis Druschke and Maximilian Semmelrock Strategy and development: Magdalena Dzambo Exhibition designer: Kossmanndejong Structural engineer: Van Rossum MEP, building physics and environmental advisor: Nelissen Cost calculation: Laysan
The post Stacked exhibition spaces to form Rotterdam port visitor centre by MVRDV appeared first on Dezeen.
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Proiectul “ La Brazi “ va propune o oaza de liniste in apropierea lacului Buftea.
In apropiere, la cateva minute, regasiti Palatul Stirbey si Studiourile de film Buftea, iar la 5-10 minute de mers cu masina se afla Palatul Mogosoaia si Parcul Mogosoaia. In zona sunt deasemenea cateva parcuri noi si bine amenajate, zona de agrement cu piscina Buftea Lake Resort, terenuri de tenis si fotbal acoperite sau deschise.
Acesta va fi compus initial din 14 vile un teren de 490mp, cu distante generoase intre case, drum de acces lat de 7 metri liniari, compuse din
parter si etaj avand 141mp. utili, compartimentarea fiind urmatoarea:
Parter: living + bucatarie deschisa, birou, hol, baie, spatiu depozitare, terasa.
Etaj: dormitor matrimonial, dormitor, dormitor 2, sau dressing, baie, hol, casa scarii.
Ca si detalii de executie / finisaje va supunem atentiei urmatoarele:
– tamplarie Rehau cu 5 camere si sticla tripan, acoperis tabla Viking Pruszynski 5mm, incalzire in pardoseala Purmo ( economie de 35-40% la consumul de gaz ) ( optional), centrala in condensare Ariston 30 kw, obiecte sanitare Ideal Standard / Vidima, rigole si sifoane scurgere TECE / Viega, prize si intrerupatoare Gewiss, parchet Egger/Holver, pavele trotuare, terase si gard fata Semmelrock, sistem de irigatie automatizat + gazon (optional), sistem deschidere porti automatizat ( optional), beci de 6mp. si magazie de 6mp. (optional), vopsele exterior si interior Duraziv, termosistem 10 cm, locuri parcare curte 2, amenajare peluza din fata casei ( borduri, gazon, beton, piatra ).
Casele sunt trainic construite, cu materiale si finisaje durabile eficiente, de la parteneri cu experienta, notorietate si know-how in domeniu.
Exista poze de la fiecare etapa de executie, studiu geo, proiect etc. ce pot fi puse la dispozitie.
Ca si utilitati fiecare casa va beneficia initial de gaz, curent electric, fosa septica, put pentru apa potabila cu adancimea de 23 metri, internet, cablu tv
(toate in varianta individuala ), urmand ca incepand cu 2019 autoritatile locale sa demareze proiectul de alimentare cu apa potabila si canalizare.
Accesul catre cartier se face din drumul principal asfaltat pe un drum secundar pietruit de 100 metri lungime care urmeaza sa fie modernizat, asfaltat si iluminat public pana la finalul anului 2018.
In apropiere se regasesc magazine din retele ca Mega Image, Lidl, Penny Market, Profi, urmand sa fie construit in curand si un Kaufland.
La 10 – 15 minute de mers cu masina:
Centrul comercial Baneasa ( Mall, Grand Cinema, Carrefour, Metro, Ikea, Brico Depot, Metro, Mobexpert )
Centrul comercial Colosseum ( Carrefour, Leroy Merlin, Altex, Jysk )
Acces rapid catre DN 1, A1, A3
Va asteptam cu drag departe de zgomotul si poluarea orasului, intr-un loc unde copii dvs. vor creste in si impreuna cu natura !
Linistea serii, ciripitul pasarilor, cantecul greierilor si aerul curat sunt bonus!!!
Pretul pentru casa cu incalzire in pardoseala si amenajari suplimentare ca beci, magazie, sistem de irigatie si gazon, automatizare porti : 99.000 euro
Pretul pentru casa cu incalzire prin radiatoare si fara amenajari suplimentare: 89.000 euroIntre cele doua variante se pot alege partial amenajari suplimentare din cele enumerate mai sus sau altele la alegerea clientului.
Va asteptam ACASA !
Pentru mai multe detalii, poze, planuri, va asteptam cu o cerere de oferta la contactele de mai jos:
Steluta Sterpu 0724 590 266 / 0747 08 08 13
Buftea Samurcasi, vanzare vila 5 camere, c-tie 2018 Proiectul “ La Brazi “ va propune o oaza de liniste in apropierea lacului Buftea. In apropiere, la cateva minute, regasiti Palatul Stirbey si Studiourile de film Buftea, iar la 5-10 minute de mers cu masina se afla Palatul Mogosoaia si Parcul Mogosoaia.
#2 camere centru vechi#2 camere fantani#2 camere unirii#3 camere beller#3 camere dorobanti#3 camere piata victoriei#3 camere victoriei#4camere piata victoriei#agentie imobiliara#Agentie Imobiliara Bucuresti#ansambluri Rezidentiale#apartament 1 mai#apartament beller#apartament centru#apartament centru vechi#apartament dacia#apartament dorobanti#apartament lipscani#apartament primaverii#apartament romana#apartament unirii#apartament universitate#apartamente de vanzare#arcul de triumf#Aviatorilor#birouri#bucurestii noi#casa poporului#case de vanzare Bucuresti#Casin
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Lágy ívű vonalakkal, nyugodt, őszies színekkel szinte festői tájat varázsol kertjébe. Egyszerűen szép: Semmelrock Fodorkő. Egyszerű, természetes felület. A Térkövem.hu webshop szuper áron, nagy választékban árul kiváló minőségű Semmelrock típusú térköveket, illetve egyéb kertépítészeti anyagokat.
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