#Selling Concept
atissi · 5 months
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kras mazov lookin ass
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sentimental-lity · 3 months
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Daddy told me to be his good girl tonight to send him a sexy video of me playing with my favorite toy… now he’s calling me a brat :( I dont get it, does anyone know what i did wrong :’(
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blueskittlesart · 11 months
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Now that you're gone
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monobani · 4 months
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some Maria outfit variations I did for fun because I miss her leopard print :'>
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notaluckypup · 1 year
Oh to be a whiny little puppy with an intense training regimen. Learn all of my idiosyncrasies just to point them out and teach me how to “fix” them.
Tell me how perfect I am for always rolling over and bowing to give you my cunt, softly remarking that it was what I was meant to do, how a good pup knows to give in before the question is even asked. After all I am a good pup aren’t I?
Teach me to whine instead of beg, slowly take more and more of my vocabulary until all I can do is yip and moan. Shush me like a scared animal that can’t possibly know what it’s doing.
Make sure I always remember who owns me, how to obey, and most of all, that mutts don’t speak😵‍💫
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rosefortune77 · 3 months
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Need some people in my asks telling me what they'd do to me right now
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
Not trying to be rude or anything but you shouldn't use the word 'manic' or 'manic period' etc. unless you actually have manic/depressive episodes because it downplays how severe those disorders can actually be. They're just words but unlearning harmful terminology like that can help destigmatise mental illness and I would hope youi would want to do that.
yeah it's almost like i used those words specifically because i DO understand how severe they are
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rosaacicularis · 7 months
scarian au where scar is the mayor and grian is working at the dhp, and scar is trying to like charge/arrest grian but he always finds a loophole to exploit so scar can't do anything <3
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t00thpasteface · 2 months
me: (browsing youtube recommendations afterwatching a brief history video) huh, i should watch this video on common misconceptions about the 1950s just in case to make sure i don't say anything completely fucking braindead in my MASH fic. i mean, i don't have any love for that era, and i've certainly read plenty about it before, but hey, maybe i'll learn something new
the video: our first common misconception is that the 50s were a peaceful time. in 1950,
me: (looks at the camera like i'm on the office)
the video: [...] the korean war is often called the "forgotten war." however, two decades after it ended,
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brbuttons · 6 months
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Thank you.
made art for a video game zine jam. chose emotional self-warfare.
[ comms // shop ]
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
Can you pls also share sleepy lwj and wwx bc I know the perfect place for them to nap as well!! 🤩
The sleepy lads, at your whims! Transparent too!
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notaluckypup · 1 year
I want to sit in your lap while you’re working on something or trying to focus and just start mouthing on your neck and rubbing against your thigh. I want to distract you from everything and make it so you can’t help but pay attention to me. I want you to both hate it and love it when you see me walk your way with a look all too familiar and know from the start nothing is about to get done. I want to break your pride when you fuck me, I want you to succumb to my every moan and motion even while you’re ‘so called’ in charge.
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tadc-harlequin-au · 2 months
God I'm way too invested in this au. Anyway I wanna hear more of the biology of the puppets and marionettes (might make fanart maybe)
I don't think I'm fully ready to delve into the topic of a Marionette because it reveals major story spoilers, for now just know that they are completely and utterly devoid of life, forever following an endless directive.
For the Puppets, I guess I can give a little bit more information about them, as long as I'm not crossing a personal story boundary I've set for myself lol
Once a Puppet reaches the first enlightenment stage, black tendrils begin to appear on their innermost structures slowly but steadily, as I've explained with Caine.
These things, these transformations... they can be jarring for the Puppet experiencing them for the first time especially when the Puppet starts to feel full sensations such as an electrifying jolt, a pain, or a touch, but make no mistake; aside from their weird alien appearance they mean no danger, and they can even come in pretty handy.
About half-way through the story, Pomni actually gains new abilities everytime she reaches a stage of enlightenment, and there are six steps to achieving the full process, and it may vary on how fast or slow these Puppets can achieve them.
Yeah, can you tell this is like, the leveling up system? lol
Firstly, let's start with Awareness.
Awareness is when a Puppet grows to think beyond their directive; their thoughts becomes separated from the imprinted norm that they used to know their whole existence.
Although, it's still the first stage, which means that even if a Puppet begins to think original thoughts for themselves, they'll still have a tendency to follow the original commands.
They'll just start thinking "hey, maybe I should stop and think about what exactly I'm doing for a second. Just for a second. Then I promise I'll go back to my routine."
At this rate, there's not much changes happening on the physical, except letting a Puppet feel physical touch, despite their mechanical body.
Secondly; Sentience
Sentience is when a Puppet grows... well, a genuine sentience, one that wasn't pseudo and pre-programmed into their very being.
They'll start exploring aspects that they haven't thought of exploring, and this is where creativity and imagination gets to shine a little more if the Puppet is on the creative side of things.
a Puppet may undergo a change of personality (not always guaranteed), so don't be surprised when the once-happy-go-lucky puppet starts crying out of nowhere.
black tendrils may seep out of an exposed joint or a cracked part, but they're only tiny little veins.
Thirdly; Conscience
Conscience is when a Puppet starts to feel emotions based on an inner moral system, that wasn't, again; pre-programmed into them.
they'll start to THINK what's right or wrong based on personal experiences, or maybe even remember their OWN former moral system from their past life, and even a combination of the two.
This is usually the part where they'll start to judge the directive imprinted into them, maybe bouts of unknown regrets will come too.
the veins become more noticeable at this stage, and can now be used for physical attributes/advantages.
Fourth; Reminiscence
This one is usually in tandem with the third, but not everyone can have the same case, since it always varies between all of them.
Reminiscence is when a Puppet remembers their past life prior to becoming what they are now; no strings holding them back from recalling anymore.
These come in the form of seeing major life events unfold right between your eyes; whereas before, there'll only be hazy glimpses.
Fifth; Persipience
Persipience is when a Puppet becomes wiser, and can now overcome the directive they were tasked with if they wished to.
This process can be agonizing for some because it is similar to the symptom of a withdrawal from an addiction.
Fortunately, once they've gotten over past that obstacle, they'll gain full automation over their bodies, the "itch" no longer as present as it used to be.
Sixth; Enlightenment
The final step.
A Puppet needs to come to terms with their new discovery.
They need to be at peace with the process of what had happened to them, accepting the progression from "Human" to "Puppet" as a part of their existence.
Final evolution takes place, and the Puppet can now fully utilize their soul magic to it's fullest extent.
Just like wisdom, not many are willing to go through this process/or can achieve this, since accepting the idea of "becoming a Puppet" like it's similar to the concept of growing up from adolescence to adulthood can be hard for some to fully stomach.
Although, it is considered as the "fully matured" process of the six stages.
Now, Madness takes just as much of steps as Enlightenment does. Only this time, you're on the wrong end of the stick.
Firstly; there's Isolation.
As the name itself applies, isolation is when a Puppet denies/is denied social interaction that their soul wants, prioritizing objectives over anything.
Subtle twitchiness may occur.
Secondly; Revelation
A revelation settles deep within a soul fragment laying inside a puppet's heart; they're trapped, and there's no escape.
Can also be called "entrapment", but revelation is cooler and sounds more fancy
Thirdly; Rebellion
Rebellion is when an attempt to rebel against the internal system of a Puppet takes place, but is not achieved due to the lack of free will and sentience on the physical and mental body.
The body becomes more uncontrollable, dangerously swinging and twisting.
the literal metaphor of an internal battle happening within oneself.
Fourth; Corruption
Another attempt is made by the soul energy, only this time, it's harnessing the worse aspects of a Puppet to propel itself and grow physically stronger, a desperate option.
large, black tendrils may burst through weaker parts and/or limbs; namely joints.
Repairs? What's that? Who even needs 'em lmaoooo
Fifth; Obsession
A Puppet begins to obsess over directives; a byproduct of the soul energy harnessing the negative traits that it's host was ingrained with.
The physical appearance of a Puppet becomes more grim, overexaggerated features that you'd only see in horror movies start to become more prominent.
Work is non-stop, no breaks. Liberation is irrelevant. The concept of humanity is irrelevant. They only exist to follow their directives now. If some shithead wants to tell you otherwise, they will fucking DIE.
Sixth; Madness
You've grown physically stronger. But at what cost?
ANYWAYS that was a massive infodump, what were talking about again?
Oh right. Puppet biology.
Uh, They're hella weird.
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enthusiastic-nimrod · 10 months
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Windi Daize, local airhead and the Pink of a Weather themed magical girl team!
When I started on this group I was super preoccupied about making sure she didn't resemble the other pinks too much, and was also concerned about how I could take the concept of "wind" and make a readable design based off of it- but I feel like what I ended up going with works.
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spooksier · 10 months
also btw that passage about media consumption as activism and the idea of "gayboring" (this post) are twin sisters to me because when you see media consumption as activism and therefore as a reflection of real life, any gritty or unsavory or "weird" aspects of any marginalized culture/community gets completely sanitized in favor of portraying an "ideal" form of that community in the eyes of consumerism (i.e.: boring and safe and non-confrontational)
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loppiopio · 1 year
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in a flash.
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