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xmoros · 6 months ago
Electric Self-Stirring Mug: An Innovative Beverage Experience!
Introducing the 400ML Electric Self-Stirring Mug, a revolutionary product designed to enhance your beverage experience. This portable mug is perfect for use in dining rooms, gyms, parks, and schools.
Click here to buy
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lukepeternz-blog · 8 years ago
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☕☕ Turbo Charge Your Morning Routine With This Speedy Hack - A Self Stirring Coffee Mug! 💪💪💪 ➡️➡️ https://goo.gl/DKrMNL ➡️➡️ https://goo.gl/DKrMNL . #selfstirring #automatic #coffee #coffeeculture #coffeeshop #coffeeaddict #coffeefan #coffeeproducts #ilovecoffee #coffeeislive #kitchen #kitchenproducts #nz #instashop #freedelivery #worldwide #lukepeter
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inspireuplift · 6 years ago
For just $19.97 Who says you need a spoon to stir your beverage? Well, actually you don't! Now you can save a little time in the morning, mixing your frothy coffee or hot cocoa, by using our Self-Stirring Coffee Mug! It's time to raise your laziness game to the next level. Your morning cup of coffee will never be the same, because your mug will mix itself! This self-stirring mug features a cyclonic action mixer to evenly blend the ingredients in your beverage of choice. It's an automated mug for complete and total lazybones and the leak-resistant cap helps prevent spills while you're on the go. The Self-Stirring Coffee Mug isn't just for stirring coffee! Use your imagination and make your life easier with whatever you choose to mix in this amazing mug! Capacity 400 ml The Self-Stirring Coffee Mug is available in a variety of eye-catching colors! There's a different color for every member of the family! Choose from Black, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green and Light Blue.
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arcadia-tc-blog · 6 years ago
When returning from a long day of work, it's hard enough mustering the energy to make a cup of a refreshing beverage. Imagine then having to continuously stir a cup of beverage. Luckily those clever chaps at Bluw have devised a way to avoid this exertion. Introducing the Self Stirring Mug. No prizes for guessing what this little gem does. Press the button on the handle of the Self Stirring Mug to activate the tiny motor inside the bottom. Then watch as the propeller spins the contents, keeping your beverage lip-smackingly tasty. . . . . #engineeringmadeeasy #selfstirringmug #selfstirring #mug #cup #beverage #coffeemug #coffiecup #cotd #cafelife #caffeine #coffeelove #coffeelife #coffeeoftheday #coffeelovers #coffeeholic #teacup #coffeegram #instacoffee #mugs #coffeeaddict #coffeelover #teaoftheday #teastagram #drink #muglife #teaholic #tealife #tealove #mugmurah #techtrends #technews #instatech https://www.instagram.com/p/BwKnZliD-VU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gxcwf7hck36j
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raph-f · 5 years ago
Individual Assessment 2
I. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test
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1.1 Do you agree or disagree with your test results? Why?
Yes, I believe that the results of this personality test reflect who I am as a person accurately. Excluding the Assertive trait, all of the other traits are somewhere in the middle, ranging from the 50s to the 60s, which I believe is accurate because, as a person, I tend not to fall in the extremes, always adapting myself to the situation at hand. However, the Assertive getting a score of 72% surprised me because I don’t see myself as an assertive person -- in fact, I perceive myself as a very laxed person. In a work setting, where professors group us for projects, I usually take position to be the group leader. However, I never really saw myself as assertive as a leader, especially with how accommodating I believe I am when it comes to managing deadlines and delays in our work.
1.2 Do the recommended careers (based on the infographics) appeal to you? Why/why not?
The recommended careers are not very appealing to me because I see myself as someone working in the corporate world. However, one of the common skills that ENFP individuals have is the ability to work with people, thus having a strategy in People Mastery, which I believe can be applied in a corporate setting.
1.3 How will the knowledge of your personality type help you to become a successful business leader?
The knowledge of your personality types helps you become a more successful business leader because it allows you to better recognize the traits you have and where you are good at. For example, I am an ENFP-A, this means that I portray myself like a diplomat, having skills in people mastery. Knowing this, I can better identify what I’m good at and apply it to the situation at hand, possibly volunteering for tasks that I believe I am well equipped in. Furthermore, it allows us to see where we fall short and encourages us to improve on these areas.
II. “Big 5” Personality Test 
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2.1 How does your introversion/extroversion level compare across these 2 tests? Do you agree with the results? Why/why not?
The Big 5 Personality Test reflects the same as compared to the previous personality test (the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test). Both of which gave me a score around the 50s range in regards to extroversion. I agree with this because I see myself as someone who is extroverted depending on the situation and in regards to who I’m with.
2.2 Based on the definition of each trait, how would you describe yourself?
My top three traits are Emotional Stability, Extraversion and Agreeableness. Based on these, I can describe myself as someone who works well with people, even under pressure. I believe that holds true as I perform well in group works, often assuming the role of group leader, and I am usually very approachable, and easy to work with. Furthermore, my emotional stability manifests in my ability to work under pressure, because while for most people, deadlines drawing nearer causes panic, it helps me analyze which tasks to prioritize and which can be put for later, making multitasking much more efficient.
2.3 In your view, are the results of your MBTI and Big 5 tests consistent? Why/why not?
Based on the results I’ve received being somewhat similar and that I agree with the outcomes of each personality test, I believe that they are consistent. This is especially evident in Extroversion and Agreeableness and Assertiveness: I was ended up with somewhat the same result for extroversion in both the MBTI and the Big 5 test; and I scored low on Agreeableness on the Big 5, while scoring high on Assertiveness, which I believe means the same thing.
2.4 Does this test give you additional insights into your personality traits, in addition to those you discovered in your MBTI results? Why/why not?
One of the functions these tests gave is more insight into who I am and my personality traits, but moreover, it better solidified the results of the MBTI for having the same results.
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3.1 Is the definition of each characteristic in the R-I-A-S-E-C profile consistent with what you know about yourself? Why or why not?
The result of each characteristic is somewhat consistent with how I perceive myself, but only to an extent. Although I agree with with most of the results, I do not agree with my low score in the Social category. To elaborate, for Social, I believe that working with people is one of my strengths, especially with how I take charge and usually assume the position of leader during class group works.
3.2 Do any of the suggested jobs fitting your R-I-A-S-E-C profile interest you? Why or why not? Which of the suggested jobs do you think you can do, based on the level of preparation prescribed in the O*Net profiler?
In the Fifth Job Zone of the RIASEC results, there were job suggestions from the legal field, which I see myself going into in the future. Other than those, there were suggestions for analysts, journalists, and industrial-organizational psychologists. All of which are field of work that I don’t really mind going into, as most of these suggestions are things I am personally interested in. Out of all these, I believe that the suggested job that aligns with me most is a lawyer, especially as someone who is currently taking up a degree in Legal Management.
3.3 Do you think you will have a fulfilling career if you take one of the suggested jobs for your profile? Why or why not?
All the careers that the RIASEC test suggested for me based on my results were things fields of work that I was interested in. Although some of them are careers in the arts, which are somewhat hard to make a living out of, especially here in the Philippines, I still believe that choosing such a career would be fulfilling for me, so long as I am passionate about it. However, I would prefer to work in the corporate world, which the RIASEC included for some of the suggested careers, like Lawyers and Analysts.
3.4 Do you agree with the comparison between your level of introversion/extroversion to your R-I-A-S-E-C profile? Why or why not?
The result I received for Social from the RIASEC profile came out really low -- significantly lower than my results from the previous two personality tests. I don’t agree with this result because I believe I am a sociable person to an extent: in an academic setting, I’m able to work well with others and get alone with my groupmates, even if I do not know them on a personal level, and in my circles of friends, I’m very approachable and enjoy spending time with the different circles I have.
IV. SelfStir 360° Assessment
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4.1 What did you learn about yourself by doing the SelfStir assessment?
One of the most interesting things I’ve observed from the results is that people see me better than I see myself: almost all the ratings given to me were higher than my own self-assessments. It’s very flattering seeing people acknowledge the good traits you possess,  meaning that people see me as someone they can count on.
4.2 What is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness? Did these traits surprise you? Or are you already aware of them?
For Family, I scored lowest in Vision and highest in Adaptability. For Work, I scored highest in Authenticity and lowest in Positive Attitude. For Friends, I scored lowest in Positive Attitude and highest in Consultative Decision Making. Based on these results, it is apparent that we portray different roles and different functions depending on different settings -- where I excel at in one setting, I may be better or worse in another. However, one common ground in the different results is my low score in Positive Attitude. This doesn’t really surprise me because as a person, I don’t really have a “positive” mindset, but it’s not necessarily negative either -- I like to think of it as being realist, and anticipating what is attainable and do-able and working with that and, if achievable, do more. I don’t believe this is a negative thing, but rather, something that helps in being more objective, especially in the work field where anticipating results must be done so in a neutral manner.
4.3 What do you think about other people’s rating of you? Are you surprised to learn about their impression of you? Or are you already aware of the image you project to the world?
For almost all of the ratings, my evaluators scored me higher than I did myself during the self-evaluation. I believe this is a good thing because it means people see these good traits in me and that I carry those traits with me more often than I realize. This is most apparent evident in the work setting where the evaluators scored me mostly higher than I did myself -- I associate this with competence, as I believe that I, as a groupmate or partner in an academic setting, am able to carry my weight and contribute to tasks.
I’m not very surprised by these results as I’m very self-aware of the image of myself I project towards the world, especially since entering college where the environment is unfamiliar, where I’m more careful with how I interact with different people.
However, I believe it is important to take note that we present ourselves differently to different people and in different settings; for example, in a friend setting, we may act differently and play different roles depending on which circle of friends we are with (assuming you are like me, participating in multiple circles of friends), and I believe that factor comes into play towards the subjectiveness of this evaluation.
4.4 How important is a 360 assessment in the workplace?
These personality tests are very helpful, especially the 360 assessment, in improving yourself and your work environment. Given it’s a workplace, despite being told to just “be yourself”, you always have to be professional, always putting your best foot forward. The 360 assessment helps us understand where we might fall short in this -- we are able to see our strengths and weaknesses from the results. From that, we can try to align the results we get to where and how we should improve ourselves in a personal setting. For example, in the work setting of the 360 assessment, my peers rated me lower than I did myself in Accountability and Decision Making, meaning I should improve in these areas. Furthermore, we are able to better recognize our strengths, and in doing so, will be able to know what fields and tasks in our work we can be more proficient in.
4.5 How can this assessment help you become an effective leader?
As stated in my previous answer, these results allow us to recognize our strengths in order to better utilize them for tasks and fields we can better perform in, and to identify our weaknesses in order to encourage growth and improvement.
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blaisegellert · 4 years ago
Demo/review of Harry Potter Potions Cauldron Self Stirring Mug/GETS CRAZY NEAR THE END!??
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hispermall · 3 years ago
Self Stirring Mug Innovative utility by Hisper Mall Call or WhatsApp @ 03004154888 #hispermall #selfstirring #selfstirringmug #stirringmug #innovative #gadgets #utensils #kitchenessentials https://www.instagram.com/p/CUK3TQSlLz4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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princejaron · 5 years ago
Person’s Personality
Personality is defined by American Psychological Association as an “individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving.” Essentially, it defines us as a person, and differentiates us from others. Thus, it is important to discover, learn, and explore our different personalities so that we may further understand and improve ourselves in many aspects of our lives. In this blog, I am going to discuss about the four personality tests I took -           Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Big 5, R-I-A-S-E-C, and SelfStir 360°.
Let us talk about Myers-Briggs Type Indicator first. 
Here, result showed that I am an INFJ-T advocate - Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging, and Turbulent.  
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Introverts like working independently or in small groups. They prefer doing tasks one by one. 
Intuitives like looking at the big picture. They are very creative and innovative in solving problems. 
Feelers are sensitive and cooperative with others’ feelings, thus they act and decide accordingly. 
Judgers are organized and prepared. They are goal-oriented and rule-based. 
Looking at my result, I agree with it but not entirely. I would say its accuracy is at approximately 80%. Yes, I am an introvert, and I do prefer working independently or in small groups. However, I would say I’m more of multi-tasking than doing tasks one at a time. When you are a college student, multi-tasking is a necessary skill to have. Next, I do identify as an intuitive because I tend to look at the big picture than just what is already there. However, I am also very detail-oriented. I am realistic, but I am also imaginative, if that makes sense. Thus, although I am more of an intuitive than an observant, the ratio of 29:21 of me being intuitive and observant respectively is fairly accurate. I also agree that I am more of feeling rather than thinking when it comes to making decisions and taking actions. I consider myself as a very empathetic person. Thus, I try to understand others’ perspectives and feelings first before taking any action. Next, I do believe that I’m more of judging than prospecting, but only by a low margin. I think that the close ratio of 53:47 of judging and prospecting respectively is fairly accurate. I am very organized, and as much as possible, I like to stick to plans and rules. However, I am also very adventurous. I like to go out of the box, and I like surprises. Personally, I see rules as more of a guide. Sometimes, disobeying rules is the better option, and acknowledging that fact, I think the 53:47 ratio fits me perfectly. 
Consequently, some careers were recommended to me as an INFJ: therapist/counselor, social worker, HR diversity manager, organizational development consultant, and customer relations manager. Frankly, none of them really appeal to me. If I had to choose one though, then it would be HR diversity manager, but it is not a career that I am actually interested in. I chose HR diversity manager because I see the importance of HR in any organization, and I am actually inspired by its concept. However, I am really devoted to becoming an entrepreneur, a CPA lawyer, and a writer. Anything else is not a priority. Thus, these careers are unappealing to me.
As someone who aspires to become a successful business leader one day, this personality test is actually very helpful. The knowledge of my personality type makes me aware of my strengths and weaknesses. I am able to know more of my capabilities, and this allows me to improve myself as a future business leader. 
Secondly, we have Big 5 as our next personality test. 
Here is the result:
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In the result, it is noticeable that my extroversion is very low, having only a score percentile of 7. This confirms the result from MBTI that I really am an introvert. However, the percentage between the two tests slightly differ in size as my extroversion in the previous test is at 18%. I still do agree with the result though. If I were given only the factor labels and was asked to rank them accordingly, it would show the same result as this. 
The definition of each factor label is provided by Big 5:
Extroversion - individuals who score high are outgoing and social. Conversely, individuals who score low tend to be shut ins.
Emotional Stability - invertedly referred to by other names such as neuroticism or negative emotionality. 
Agreeableness - individuals who score high is friendly and optimistic, while individuals who score low are critical and aggressive. 
Conscientiousness - individuals who score high are careful and diligent. Conversely, individuals who score low are impulsive and disorganized. 
Intellect/Imagination - often called openness to experience. People who score low tend to be traditional and conventional 
Based on the provided definition of each factor label, I would describe myself as being a shut-in, although I do not deprive myself of the adventures experienced in the outside world. Even as an introvert, the outside world is still a comfortable place for me. After all, I am very open to experiences, old and new. Moreover, I admit that being deprived of it due to the pandemic makes me miss it so much. Additionally, even as an introvert, I am still very friendly. I exude an aura of approachability. However, I am a bit anxious about many things, but I try to be optimistic as much as possible.
Personally, if I were to compare the results between the two tests, I would say that it is consistent. The two descriptions I had of myself based on the two results are identical and do not contradict each other in any way. In fact, the two tests even supported each other’s result. 
However, this does not mean that the Big 5 test did not give me additional insights into my personality traits. In this test, I learned that I am very friendly and optimistic, and that I am prone to being emotionally unstable. 
For the third personality test, we have R-I-A-S-E-C. 
It showed the following as the result: 
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The definition for each interest is provided:
Realistic people like working with objects, machines, tools, plants, or animals. Moreover, they like being outdoors. 
Investigative people like observing, learning, investigating, analyzing, evaluating, or solving problems.
Artistic people like working in unstructured situations using their imagination and creativity.
Social people like working with people to enlighten, inform, help, train, or cure them. They are skilled with words. 
Enterprising people like working with people - influencing, persuading, performing, leading, or managing them for organizational goals or economic gain.
Conventional people like working with data. They have clerical or numerical ability, and they carry out their tasks in detail or follow through on others’ instructions. 
I think that what I know about myself is fairly consistent with what resulted from this test. However, if I were to personally rank the following interests according to how I know myself, it would not have the same result. My ranking would be: 1. Artistic 2. Enterprising 3. Investigative 4. Social 5. Conventional 6. Realistic. I ranked artistic as my highest interest because I am a very creative and imaginative person. It is one of the only things I am actually good at. I ranked enterprising as my second highest interest because I am an aspiring entrepreneur. The idea of entrepreneurship is something I have loved ever since I was a child. I ranked investigative as my third highest interest because I am very analytical and observant. Sometimes to a point of overthinking even. Social is the third lowest interest because I am an introvert but I undeniably do enjoy working with people sometimes. Conventional is the second lowest interest because I am not really good with numbers but I am detail-oriented. I placed realistic as my lowest interest because I am almost never good with hands-on work aforementioned in the definition of realistic. However, I do sometimes like the outdoors. 
There are a lot of occupations being suggested depending on what interests you scored higher in. They are the following: 
For artistic, being a painter, a writer, a musician, or an interior designer are suggested. 
For enterprising, being a lawyer, a salesperson, a real estate agent, a public relations specialist, or a business manager are suggested. 
For social, being a social worker, a teacher, a counselor, or a clinical psychologist are suggested.
I am sincerely happy with these options, especially that my three dream careers were mentioned here - specifically being a lawyer, a business manager/entrepreneur, and a writer. 
Additionally, there were suggested jobs based on my chosen level of preparation - high. They are the following: 
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Personally, among these options, I can do interior designing, copy writing, and editing. I’m very creative and imaginative. Thus, these three are befitting of my skills and talents. 
However, I feel that although I can excel in them, I would not be fulfilled with taking them as a job. I am very dedicated in my aspirations as an entrepreneur, a CPA lawyer, and a writer. Anything else, I feel, is not going to provide me the level of fulfillment that I want. 
It is said that those who place high on enterprising, social, and artistic lean more towards extroversion. However, I obviously do not agree with this comparison. It has already been proven by my results from both MBTI and Big 5 that I am an introvert. However, this does not mean that I am not artistic, enterprising, and social, as proven by R-I-A-S-E-C. Personally, I think that these interests do not have a restrictively specific label when it comes to whether or not it is for extroverted people or introverted people. 
Lastly, we have the Self-Stir 360 Degree Assessment.
Honestly, this is an interesting personality test. I learned a lot about myself based on the result:
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Here, I learned that I am actually very decent when it comes to work and my friends. My peers ranked me higher than I ranked myself, and that honestly surprised me. It made me realize that I put too much pressure on myself to the point that even what is highly regarded by others will be mediocre for me (if I am the one who did or made it). I belittle myself, and that is actually not healthy. I need to remove or change that part of me. In these two results, I learned that my peers appreciate my efforts more than I think they do. However, that does not mean that I stick to where I am right now just because they are ultimately satisfied. Instead, I should take the next step of the unending staircase to perfection, and continuously strive to be a better person.
I think that my greatest strength is empathy, and my greatest weakness is my inability to clearly and effectively express myself. These traits did not really surprise me, I already knew them beforehand. Being empathetic is something that I have been working on for years, and my inability to clearly and effectively express myself is an obstacle that I have been trying to break through.
I find this assessment very important especially when it comes to being in the workplace. With this, you are able to assess yourself and be assessed by others. By comparing the two assessments, you will be able to know whether or not you are actually meeting the standards set of you by your peers. Do not get me wrong, you do not have to necessarily always meet the standards of your peers, but it is still important to note them. Furthermore, you are able to evaluate yourself. This assessment can help you know what you should focus on improving about yourself.
On a similar note, this assessment can help you become an effective leader in a way that you know how others evaluate you based on your performance. Here, you get to know what your strengths and weaknesses are, and act accordingly. Being an effective leader means being open to constructive criticism, and this assessment provides you with just that.
In conclusion, we are always a work in progress with hidden personality traits waiting to be found. Thus, it is important that we always try to get know more about ourselves so that we may become better persons. “We have to continue shaping our personality all our life. If we knew ourselves perfectly, we should die.” Albert Camus said.
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inspireuplift · 6 years ago
For just $19.97 Who says you need a spoon to stir your beverage? Well, actually you don't! Now you can save a little time in the morning, mixing your frothy coffee or hot cocoa, by using our Self-Stirring Coffee Mug! It's time to raise your laziness game to the next level. Your morning cup of coffee will never be the same, because your mug will mix itself! This self-stirring mug features a cyclonic action mixer to evenly blend the ingredients in your beverage of choice. It's an automated mug for complete and total lazybones and the leak-resistant cap helps prevent spills while you're on the go. The Self-Stirring Coffee Mug isn't just for stirring coffee! Use your imagination and make your life easier with whatever you choose to mix in this amazing mug! Capacity 400 ml The Self-Stirring Coffee Mug is available in a variety of eye-catching colors! There's a different color for every member of the family! Choose from Black, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green and Light Blue.
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juliennelisha · 5 years ago
Introvert to Extrovert: My Personality Development
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I was a shy kid growing up, you would find me beside my mom all the time, in the corner, or just holed up in my room most of the time. I was an introvert up until high school, I don’t really like being the center of attention, up until now really. I prefer being in the background. Up until college, new environment, new people, new beginnings. When LPEP came around, we were given the chance to get to know our block mates, and I guess that’s where I started being more sociable. 
I have always done personality tests because I was interested of getting to know my personality traits more, especially during quarantine just to see if I have changed. I probably took the MBTI test more than 3 times already and I would always get ENFP-T as a result, a campaigner.  According to the result, Campaigners are cheerful and supportive, always sharing and developing ideas, and staying open-minded, taking in others’ thoughts and feelings. This warmth and sincerity makes people with the Campaigner personality type masters of drawing people out of their shells, and as a result they tend to have a huge circle of friends.
I would like to think that i’m approachable, interesting and exciting, with a cooperative and altruistic spirit and friendly, empathetic disposition. More often the not, I get deeply involved in my friends life, going to great lengths to be selfless and support them no matter what.  I like being surrounded by people may it be having small talks or deep meaningful one. Safe to say I have become a social butterfly over the past couple of years, the friends I’ve made in college contributing to that as they have pushed me out of my comfort zone when we’re in gatherings. I won’t hesitate to initiate a conversation with anybody. Although, from time to time I still enjoy my time alone. 
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I would like to describe myself as someone who has a lot of empathy, friendly and sociable, and very observant.  Empathy falls under Social Awareness. This skill reflects a person's ability to connect with others and to relate to them which is an essential skill in building and managing healthy relationships. Without the ability to understand what another is going through, our relationships remain superficial and without the depth and richness that occurs when we share an emotional connection. I would always pay attention to the small details of a person. I also like exploring new things may it be a place or food, anything under the sun really. However, my emotional stability isn’t so good as I tend to make decisions based on what I am feeling or I get carried away with my mood sometimes. But I am still very careful and diligent with my decisions, I would rethink doing something more than 2 times before actually doing it. 
My strengths would be being able to feel the joins and pains of others and being energetic and enthusiastic. I would usually already sense the mood of the person upon entering the room or just by seeing them. It helps me understand and have a connection with a person more and what they are going through. My weaknesses would be having too much empathy and I overthink things and is highly emotional. Too much of a good thing is bad, and having too much empathy could also hurt my mental well-being and seeing as I am already highly emotional, it’s not a good combination. I already tend to have a conclusion already before even knowing the whole story. I tend to look for underlying motives in even the simplest things. I lose a bit of sleep asking themselves why someone did what they did, what it might mean, and what to do about it.
Learning more about my personality traits, most especially my strengths and weaknesses, gives me an opportunity to better myself as a person, a colleague, and as a business leader. I’m currently studying Finance and with the 3 personality tests I took, it does include Finance as one of the job opportunities/fields. However, some of the other job opportunities are quite far. According to the infographics in my MBTI result, being an event planner, advertising creative director, consultant, restaurateur, and a journalist, are one of the possible career paths. These appeal to me because ever since I was young I already had the dream of being an event planner or a creative director. Always fascinated with new ideas, both in terms of developments in fields they are already familiar with, and when new subjects come along. Exploring the perspectives of other people, gleaning new insights for projects, and working with others are challenges waiting to be explored. 
As I made other people assess me with SelfStir, the results weren’t really a surprise to me. It was something I had already expected. I wasn’t surprised that my answers compared to my family's answers are different because I don’t really get to show how I am with my friends with them. They always had this image of me as just a hard-working student who gets high grades all the time because of their high expectations from me and because of that I don’t really get to show my true personality to them. It’s important to know this because then you’ll see and understand hoe other perceive you.
Likewise in the workplace, the 360 assessment is very important so that one is aware of how a co-worker or a boss perceives you. These tests increase productivity, teamwork and communication, leading to a happier and more profitable business. It also helps teams understand how their co-workers are different, and helps managers better understand their direct reports. Also helps assess potential skills of an employee and what role best suits them in the workplace. The results can be a path on ways you can adapt your processes in a way that will be most effective for different teams in your organization.
This assessment could help by showing how other people perceive you. By knowing how others perceive you, you could see the aspects of yourself to work and develop on. Knowing your weaknesses, especially for a leader, would really help for improvement with how to run the business and how to treat your employees better. It also helps me as a leader to better understand how to keep individual employees engaged and motivated at work. Overall, knowing how your employees view you should be very important so that it avoids conflicts and it would help in building a coherent and positive workplace.
As a business leader, knowing my personality would help me work around and be more attentive towards my clients and employees. A chance to conduct that exploration alongside other people who share their excitement. I can leverage these insights to become a better business leader and cultivate an environment where employees are productive, loyal and satisfied. Using personality assessments can help you gain a deeper understanding of your employees, which is the basis for stronger relationships. 
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daniflestado · 5 years ago
Know Thyself
Part I: Personality Tests
·      Do you agree or disagree with your test results? Why?
I agree with my test results considering that I can relate to it. I enjoy working alone or in small groups, as well as, value innovation and creativity. I believe that being a creative problem-solver is the reason why I was able to stay and continued studying interior design for one year. However, my dream is to have my own brand in the future. So, I transferred to De La Salle University, and enrolled in a business course. Like Logicians, I also struggle in finding a career that fulfill my needs.
·      Do the recommended careers (based on the infographics) appeal to you? Why/why not?
Careers on the infographics namely Software Engineer, Medical Scientist, Mathematician, Psychiatrist, and College Professor do not appeal to me. I am more interested in the creative and the business industry. Still, on the 21st slide which also has recommended careers for INTP, I am glad that it includes occupations on the mentioned industries. For business, it suggested Financial Analyst and Economist. While for the creative industry, it recommended Architect.
·      How will the knowledge of your personality type help you to become a successful business leader?
Since I know now that I have a unique personality, this can work towards my advantage and will help me to become a successful business leader. I can offer exceptional products and services which are not similar with present brands. I can make my brand distinctive as much as possible to make it out of the ordinary.
Big 5
·      How does your introversion/extroversion level compare across these 2 tests? Do you agree with the results? Why/why not?
In the MBTI, I got more than half on introversion and about half on extroversion in the Big 5 test. I do not agree with the results because I think I am not sociable. Even though I can approach people and start a conversation, I only do it when it is needed. There are times that I just really want to initiate a talk, but that rarely happens. I get pleasure from spending my time alone or with my loved ones which is just a small group.
·      Based on the definition of each trait, how would you describe yourself?
I can describe myself as an outgoing and social person who also enjoys time for herself. I am not emotionally stable, but is friendly and optimistic. I am somewhat careful and diligent. I have high levels of intelligence and imagination. I am not traditional and conventional.
·      In your view, are the results of your MBTI and Big 5 tests consistent? Why/why not?
The results of my MBTI and Big 5 tests are almost consistent. I agree with all factors except for Factor I. I suppose the difference on how the question is constructed and how I relate it to my experiences resulted in a different interpretation. On one of the statements, I agreed that I am the life of the party, but it only happens with my family and a small circle of friends. I believe that my MBTI and Big 5 tests will be consistent if I disagreed with it.
·      Does this test give you additional insights into your personality traits, in addition to those you discovered in your MBTI results? Why/why not?
Yes, this test gave me additional insights into my personality traits. I was able to recognize that I am approachable, hopeful, cautious, and a hardworking individual. Moreover, I was guaranteed that I truly have a unique personality.
Part II: R-I-A-S-E-C Profile
·      Is the definition of each characteristic in the R-I-A-S-E-C profile consistent with what you know about yourself? Why or why not?
Yes, the definition of each characteristic in the R-I-A-S-E-C profile is consistent with what I know about myself. I believe that I am attracted in occupations that require paperwork. I am interested in leading other people. I am keen on work that deals with art and design. I would like to be of help and serve my fellowmen.
·      Do any of the suggested jobs fitting your R-I-A-S-E-C profile interest you? Why or why not? Which of the suggested jobs do you think you can do, based on the level of preparation prescribed in the O*Net profiler?
The suggested job that interest me is Agent & Business Managers of Artists, Performers, & Athletes. I have thought about creating a brand that supports local artists. I want to help aspiring artists like me to be known and be heard of their stories. Based on the level of preparation prescribed in the O*Net profiler, the suggested job I think I can do is Advertising & Promotions Managers. I will need a four-year bachelor’s degree, as well as, classroom job and on-the-job training which De La Salle University can offer.
·      Do you think you will have a fulfilling career if you take one of the suggested jobs for your profile? Why or why not?
No, I think I will not have a fulfilling career if I take one of the suggested jobs for my profile. Despite the fact that I thought about managing artists, I am confident that I will be truly happy if I pursue my dream. I really wanted to have my own brand, have a physical store, be in charge of it, and create a little community. I am captivated in putting together the two things I am passionate about: art and business. I am firm on attaining my dream.
·      Do you agree with the comparison between your level of introversion/extroversion to your R-I-A-S-E-C profile? Why or why not?
I agree with the comparison between my level of introversion to my R-I-A-S-E-C profile. I am characterized as introverted in the MBTI and I scored high on the social portion of my R-I-A-S-E-C profile. Although I am more comfortable working alone, I do not hate the idea of working in a small group. I would love to teach and help my employees grow. I also intend on learning from them.
Part III: SelfStir 360° Assessment
·      What did you learn about yourself by doing the SelfStir assessment?
I become more aware of myself. I learned about the traits I need to improve on. I was reassured with the qualities I already know. I realized that I have to improve on collaborating with others, as well as, in clearly and effectively expressing myself. I also grasped that I must be more objective, respectful, and be nonjudgmental in discussions.
·      What is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness? Did these traits surprise you? Or are you already aware of them?
My greatest strength is motivating others and my greatest weakness is collaboration. I am already aware of my traits in the top five statements on both contexts. I was surprised that I scored low on the statement “I enjoy participating in teamwork. I seek collaboration and participation by asking for and encouraging the sharing of ideas, experience, knowledge, and perspectives." I thought I am active enough, but I was not in their perspective. I will make an effort to be better in that area.
·      What do you think about other people’s rating of you? Are you surprised to learn about their impression of you? Or are you already aware of the image you project to the world?
I am already aware of the image I project to the world in terms of the top five statements where I got the highest ratings. I believe that the reason why I am already aware of it is because it is the persona I wanted to show to other people. However, I was surprised to learn about their impression of me in terms of the bottom five statements where I got the lowest ratings. I suppose these are the traits I disregarded. Since I am now aware of it, I should improve such qualities.
·      How important is a 360° assessment in the workplace?
A 360° assessment is important in the workplace, especially when hiring new workers. It will enable managers to know more about applicants’ skills, abilities, and other characteristics. This will help managers recognize if a potential employee fits with the specifications of a particular job.
·      How can this assessment help you become an effective leader?
This assessment can help me become an effective leader by being self-aware. It will enable me to recognize the qualities that I need to improve on and I am good at. By continuously developing my traits, I will become well-rounded. Through a 360° assessment, I will be capable of understanding my workers. For instance, my employee scored low on collaboration, I will give more independent work tasks to him/her and assign him/her from time to time on team tasks so that he/she can become better.
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kennn929 · 5 years ago
Knowing and understanding one’s self is an important part in our growth and development. This enables us to see how our abilities, interests, personalities, and characteristics affect what career path we can take that will best match our unique attributes as people. There are different tests that show us the different jobs we may take that are aligned to our traits as people. These tests may not be that accurate however it will give us an insight on the different options we may take if we are not yet sure of what we want to become in the future. The first test I took was the personality test. This test showed me what are my dominant personalities and which jobs best compliment the type of personality that I have. After taking the test, I ended up with the result of INFP-A or, which means that I am introverted, intuitive, feeling, prospecting, and assertive. All of these traits can be found in a mediator who always looks for a way to make things better. This test was actually spot on with who I knew I was as a person. I knew that I am the introverted type who works better alone than when I need to interact with others. I am also intuitive when it comes to how I gather knowledge around me yet I also try to prospect different scenarios that may happen before I make the final call. I am also the feeling type wherein I try to consider what others may feel or think in everything I do while at the same time, I am assertive in fighting for what I believe in is right. However, what made me disagree with the test was the career path it matched for the personality I had. It says that the top careers for those with similar characteristics to mine are graphic design, psychologist/therapist, writer/editor, physical therapist, and HR development trainer. Among these I am only interested in becoming either a psychologist or a HR development trainer yet these are not my interests and I also do not have the needed skills to become a graphic designer or a writer/editor. My skills and interests mostly lie in the technical field of systems development and data analysis as I have been trained in mathematics and programming throughout my teen years. I believe that basing recommended career just on our personalities is not enough as it is also important that our chosen careers should match our skills and interests. In order to persevere in specific field, talent and passion for the job is needed as without them we would not find fulfillment in the career that we took. Nevertheless, I do think that knowing what type of personality is an important factor we become leaders in our future careers. It is because many people will always have the talent or the passion to perform their jobs and allow them become successful in their careers. However, only those with the right personality which fits seamlessly with their chosen careers are those who stand out and look like they were born to do this job. This is why we must also take into consideration and know if the job that we want to take actually fits our personality in order to persevere and become a more successful leader. The second test that I took was a R-I-A-S-E-C test in order to find out my interests and what jobs would best suit the interests that I have. The result that I got from my test is that my highest score is tied between social, enterprising, and conventional wherein I got a score of 33. Just like the personality test I took, the results in this test were spot on with the way I view myself. The most important characteristic in my interests are those that are social in a way that I may have a positive influence in the lives of others, enterprising in a way that I may start up my own business and become self-employed rather than gaining a salary from a firm, and conventional in a way that I am practical and spend my time efficiently and effectively. However, unlike the personality test this test were spot on with the prospective careers that I have in mind that would fit in with my skills and interests. Among the jobs that were suggested, I took notice of credit analysis, credit counselors, and financial manager. I believe that any of these jobs would allow me to show my skills and talents as well as fit into my personality as a mediator to help others in times of need to get through their financial woes. Though the preparation to attain this type of career is high, I have already made a career plan in order to see this through. I took up the course of Management in Financial Institutions as my foundation into the world of finance and business. After graduating, I will work in our family business while studying as I try to attain a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) accreditation which will take a minimum of three years to achieve. After which, I will take my masters in Business Administration hopefully with a scholarship abroad in order to widen my scope of business in the international setting. Once I have completed these, I will return back home and serve other people in order to bring awareness on how they should handle their finances and how they can secure their future financially not only for themselves but also for their family. I believe that I will have a fulfilling career in the finance sector as based on my personality test I am a mediator wherein I want to create a better way of life for those who will be needing my assistance as I advise them with their financial decisions. In terms of my level of introversion/extroversion, the personality test suggested that I am more of an introvert however my R-I-A-S-E-C profile shows that most of my interests namely, social, enterprising, and conventional are mostly leaning towards extroversion. Though these results may be different, I believe that they are both telling the truth about who I am as a person. I may be introverted in the way I deal with other people but I am also someone who considers their feelings in every little thing I do thus my interests in social careers would lead me to assert myself into becoming someone who could help them get through their current situation . The third test I took was the SelfStir assessment. In this test, I learned whether I am able to view myself in the same as how my peers view me. There are times that I tend to under evaluate myself and think that I do not open myself enough to others or I do not have good decision making skills yet my peers prove me wrong and actually see me better than I see myself. I believe this is true as I will never know how my actions will be interpreted by other people. I may think that I am doing a good job though they might view things differently. This assessment allowed me to verify my actions if they are actually a reflection of what I want to show others of who I really am. Among all the responses I see that my greatest strength is that I seek feedback to identify potential areas of improvement while my greatest weakness is that I do not openly share my thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and knowledge. These traits did not surprise me as these are really a reflection of who I am as a person. I am someone who is able to easily connect with others and talk about their problems and help find ways to solve them. However, as an introvert, I find it hard for me to share and talk about my feelings, thoughts, and beliefs as I am very selective of the people I trust. I am also someone who believes in the Japanese concept of “Kaizen” which means continuous improvement. I believe that there is always room for improvement in whatever I do and that I should never be complacent with who I am. This is why I actively seek feedback to know what I could do better the next time around so I will not commit the same mistakes as before. I was not surprised to find out that these were my lowest and highest ratings as these were the traits that I really show other people of what type of person I want to be. Overall, these assessments are important not only for our personal lives but also in the workplace as this can also be applied in performance management. Through feedback from our friends, co-workers, and managers, we will be able to know whether the performance level that we think we have achieved is the same in the eyes of our peers. Managers can also take advantage of this type of assessment to know what are the areas for improvement that those under them must develop and exert more effort. They will also be able to manufacture training programs and mentorship systems in order to improve the qualities of other workers. In the end, this assessment will allow managers and business leaders become effective as they will enable and empower their workers to work better and improve themselves not just as employees but also as people.
Kenneth Gabriel Rojas
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fulgararchitects · 5 years ago
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pearlmercuriosblog · 5 years ago
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ruyi26-blog · 8 years ago
Know Thyself - Third Blog Entry
My test results say that I am a supposed ISFP-T or “Adventurer.” I actually took the test several times over the past few years. The first time I took the test was back in 2014 and I got ISFJ or “The Defender” as my result. My other results were ISTJ or “The Logistician” last year and then I actually got a second ISFP-T early this year.
 Since the “IS” part of all my results remained constant, I guess I can safely say that I am definitely an introverted person who believes more on data based on FACTS than data based on my own thoughts or imagination. Let’s just say that this is the result of me getting sick of being wrong so many times.
 As for the last two letters (T/F, J/P), I believe that getting the “F” result is more accurate for me than the “T” because although I value factual data when it comes to external matters, I turn to how I feel when it comes to myself. An example could be let’s say I have an assignment due tomorrow, it’s 11pm, I have to be awake by 5am. I think a “T” or “thinking” type of person would find a way to finish the assignment as soon as possible because it is what I should to do to get the job done. However, an “F” or “feeling” type of person would rather consider what he/she wants to do for himself/herself in that situation instead of just thinking of the assignment alone. Having been aware of my condition (neurological disorder) since I was 14, I think it’s not really that surprising that I prefer to put my own wants over anything else and view the “right thing to do” as subjective. BUT if I am part of a group in the said assignment, that’s another story.
 As for whether being a “J” or “P”, I believe that my most recent result (P/Perceiving) is more accurate because I am more inclined to improvising now than I was before. I have seen too many plans go out the window without so much as a goodbye and been put through enough unexpected situations to actually adapt whatever will happen around me. Because of this, I learned not to focus too much on the norm or stress myself over making a to-do list for the next day.
 Having “T” or “Turbulent” for my 5th dimension comes as no surprise to me. I am, sad to say, very self-conscious. Always have been. Without a doubt, I am also sensitive to stress so I try to stay away from whatever or whoever stresses me out as much as possible because whether or not I have a condition, it’s the normal thing to do. It’s what SHOULD be done for your own sake. I am also a very emotional person which, if I might add, is to my dismay. I would really rather be a “go with the flow” type of person, but I guess it’s not so bad to care too much about a lot of things. I think the last bullet for “Turbulent” being “eager to improve” can speak for itself considering the other descriptions I just mentioned.
 So yes, I have come to the conclusion that I am an Adventurer. For now.
 The recommended careers for my result appeal to me in a way because it mentions that I love my job because I’ll be able to help people through it. Nothing makes me happier than helping people. However, I don’t see myself becoming one of those on the list in the infographic for ISFP. Then again, even I don’t know what I want to become when I graduate so my opinion on that list probably won’t matter over time.
 I’ve always been the person who doesn’t know what exactly to go after. I honestly feel like I’m on a road with no destination just making a few stops every now and then. My only goal is to find a job where I’ll be able to work hard but won’t focus too much on how much I earn because I’m happy to be there. It’s very ironic, but even I don’t know myself very well. It’s also one of the reasons why I enjoy taking personality tests. They are the closest I’ll ever get to knowing myself. They give me a sneak peek into what kind of person I really am. Knowing my personality type would help me understand myself more and know more about what I want in life which will eventually help me grow into the leader I want to be someday.
Most of the characteristics showed me what I knew about myself like wanting to work with animals, solving problems, and working without following a set of rules. I love being around animals. Always have an always will. They are like the music I listen to to get away from the world. As for solving problems, I don’t very much like the process. However, when I find the solution through hard work is just the best feeling in the world. I also like working without following a set of rules, unless the said set of rules were made by me. I don’t like being controlled.
 Out of all the characteristics in the R-I-A-S-E-C profile, Social was my highest. It said that the job which would fit me the most is becoming a teacher. When I think about it, it’s actually very true. I enjoy teaching people about anything. I enjoy the feeling of being able to share what I know to people. It gives me an indescribable feeling of contentment. I just find it a little ironic considering how I am seen as an introvert by the personality tests I’ve taken.
I think I will have the most fun teaching. I once had a literature professor who told us that he graduated with the degree that had nothing at all to do with literature. Each meeting just listening to him teach, anybody could tell that he was very happy with his choice. To this day, I still haven’t seen a professor teach with as much joy in his/her eyes as him. It was only then when this small spark inside me. I want to be like him. I want to have what he has. I don’t want to be like my parents who are like slaves to their occupation with no way to escape. I think teaching will be able to give me what I want. I still don’t know how I’ll get to where I want to go, but the beauty of choices is that you can make them when you get there.
 I’m not sure if I agree with my level of extroversion in my R-I-A-S-E-C profile because my attitude constantly changes. I can be the most talkative or most quiet person in the room depending on the situation. A part of me is telling me to go and do what I want, but the other part is what plants doubt, asking how will I do so.
The SelfStir assessment showed me just how different I will act around co-workers, friends, and family. Like how much more open I would be around my friends than in the other two contexts. Through the assessment, I learned that I am not as engaged with a lot of activities as I am with others with certain people. However, I am very flexible when it comes to different situations.
 Although I was already aware of the majority of the traits SelfStir showed me, I think the 360° assessment would help the workplace positively if done correctly. It would help the workers be more self-aware which I think would make them know exactly what they want which would, in turn, find the motivation they need to accomplish their goals.
 Anyone can become a leader, but I believe that in order to become a good leader, you need to know yourself more.
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carlosbaniqued-blog · 6 years ago
16 PERSONALITIES After taking the 16 personalities test, I can definitely say that I am an ENFP-T. The description actually seems very accurate to how I really am. I really am very communicative and extroverted. I try to converse with different types of people and learn from them as well. As for the weaknesses, they seem to be accurate as well. There are honestly times wherein I get stressed easily and I tend to overthink, but I am definitely trying to work on it. The careers actually seem to fit how I actually am, and they appeal to me because these some of them are actually what I plan to be in the future. With this, knowing your personality type will definitely help you in becoming a successful business leader because it helps you see what would be best for you and your career. It more or less gives you a direction of what career you would like to pursue after you graduate. This also helps you see your flaws and help in further improving them as well. BIG 5 Based on the definitions, I am a very extroverted person who, although may have a low emotional stability, would is always friendly and would always have a positive outlook in life. I may also be very careful and conscious in everything that I do in order to prevent harm to others. I believe that the results are consistent as it seems fitting to how I act and live my life too. I tend to observe my flaws as well especially when it is something I definitely have to fix about myself. I believe that this also, in a way, gave me more insights on some of my personality traits because it guess this also helped assesed what I need to improve on to be a better person. R-I-A-S-E-C PROFILE The results I got from the were pretty accurate. My highest among all was “Enterprising” which is something I can definitely agree with. The results were very fitting of me since I guess I am more of an analytical type of person. I really like looking into details of certain things whether it may be for papers or something recreational like music.  As I checked the careers, I tried checking the potential jobs that would best suit me and I believe they were very fitting of my profile. These jobs mainly focused on positions in the analysis side of a business as well as the operations side such as being a manager. I believe that I would best fit these positions as I really do enjoy communicating with other people as well as solving certain problems that would come my way and I believe I can further develop my skills as well as gather new experiences from it as long as it could possibly be something I would definitely want to pursue in the future. Looking at my introversion/extroversion results and comparing it to my R-I-A-S-E-C profile, I can definitely say that they match. They both see me as an extrovert who loves to communicate with people which I can definitely agree to. I really love talking to people because everyone is unique and interesting in their own way. You learn from them and you share some knowledge of your own. SELFSTIR Like the other tests, I learned more about myself through specific tests that would more or less estimate how I really am. My greatest strength for work would be collaboration and my greatest weakness would be achievement. For Friends, my greatest strength would be motivating others and my greatest weaknesses would be communication and vision and purpose I was definitely surprised with how they rated me as I did not know that was how they would see me. I have never really talked about these kinds of things but am blessed to have known that they kind of see me the same way I see myself in a way. Personally, another people’s judgement about me actually helps me become better. It is through these that I see what I have to improve on and how could I grow in to a better person. The 360 assessment is definitely important in the workplace as it helps you get to know yourself not only through self-assessment, but it also helps you see yourself from another point of view as there are other people assessing you. This helps you also see your strengths and weaknesses and through this, it helps you grow not only as an employee but a person as well. The results of these assessment also help us be an effective leader by giving us ratings on certain aspects. Through these ratings, we get to analyze what must be done in order to improve oneself to be an effective leader.
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