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floatmagazin · 3 months ago
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schorschidk · 5 months ago
🚢🌊🚤 Hier einige Impressionen aus Bremerhaven: Der Seefalke, die Elbe 3 und das U-Boot Wilhelm Bauer. Letzteres beherbergt ein Technikmuseum und ist weltweit das einzige erhaltene U-Boot seiner Art. Diese Schiffe liegen gegenüber des Deutschen Schifffahrtsmuseums im Museumshafen. ⚓✨
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sailingistruth · 2 years ago
How to Tow a Sailboat
During the last two years I have towed more than 15 boats. This article provides some advice of how to tow a sailboat.
As most of you know, my temporary home base currently is Isla Mujeres, Mexico where I happen to be have become some sort of unofficial first responder to all sorts of maritime mishaps and emergencies. During this time I gained a lot of experience in salvaging, searching and rescuing. But before I share some of it (specifically on how to tow a sailboat) I wish to tell you a story. It all started…
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the-outer-topic · 5 years ago
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1939 Dornier Do 26 Lufthansa ‘Seefalke’
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fitundheil · 3 years ago
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Nicht ihr Arm hat sie gerettet, sondern deine Rechte und dein Arm und das Licht deines Angesichts, weil du Wohlgefallen an ihnen hattest. Psalm 44,4
Dramatische Rettung (3) Um 18.20 Uhr hat der englische Dampfer SOS gefunkt. Schon 15 Minuten später verlässt das Rettungsboot BORKUM den schützenden Hafen der Insel, hinaus in den Sturm, der mittlerweile Orkanstärke erreicht hat.
Noch ein weiteres Boot eilt der TEESWOOD zur Hilfe, der auf der Ems stationierte Bergungsdampfer SEEFALKE. Er trifft auch als Erster bei dem untergehenden Schiff ein, aber er kann nicht helfen - er hat zu viel Tiefgang und kommt nicht nah genug heran. Aber er lotst die BORKUM heran und dann, als sie ihre Arbeit aufnimmt und versucht, Seeleute von dem auseinanderbrechenden Schiff zu retten, hält er seine starken Scheinwerfer auf die Unglücksstelle gerichtet und erleichtert so die lebens­gefährlichen Rettungsmanöver.  
Das Licht des Bergungsdampfers weist der BORKUM den Weg zur Rettung. Wie oft hat das Wort Gottes Menschen schon in das Licht Gottes gestellt! Und in diesem Licht entdeckten sie, dass sie Sünder und verloren waren. Doch sie erkannten auch, dass Gott den Weg der Rettung schon bereitet hat und das „Rettungsboot“ schon bereit liegt.
Wer sich von Jesus Christus hat retten lassen, dem zeigt dann das Licht des Wortes Gottes, wie ein Leben im Glauben aussieht. Deshalb sagt die Bibel: „Die Belehrung [ist] ein Licht“ und: „Dein Wort ist Leuchte meinem Fuß und Licht für meinen Pfad“ (Sprüche 6,23; Psalm 119,105).
(Fortsetzung morgen) Der Gott, der sprach: Aus Finsternis leuchte Licht, ist es, der in unsere Herzen geleuchtet hat zum Lichtglanz der Erkenntnis der Herrlichkeit Gottes im Angesicht Jesu Christi. 2. Korinther 4,6 https://gute-saat.de
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sailorsandseadogs · 5 years ago
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Throwback to when we had a real grass dog yard onboard Seefalke! We discuss our entire onboard potty experiment - what worked and what didn’t - in our new ebook HOW TO SAIL WITH DOGS, which just got a fantastic review from the official @solardogz online blog, The Starboard Tack! Our next experiment are the cool sun guard/rashguard shirt for dogs (swipe left) They can be worn all day - and under the life jacket. Give @solardogz an insta follow to learn more! #howtosailwithdogs #sailingwithdogs #sailingwithpets #sailingdogs #sailingpets #dogswhosail #livingonasailboatwithdogs #petsonboard #travelwithdogs #travelingdogs #boatdogs #sailtheworldwithdogs #traveltheworldwithdog #travelwithpets #sailinglife #dogsonboats #petsonboats #sailingandcruisingwithpets #boatingwithdogs #beaglesofinstagram (at Domburg, Suriname) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0jo2x5ID_P/?igshid=108ovb0b5j552
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fontonfront · 12 years ago
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Seefalke, Elbe, Hamburg
Such a strong sans serif, with the most subtle of blue drop shadows for personality.
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schorschidk · 6 months ago
🚢🌊🚤 Hier einige Impressionen aus Bremerhaven: Der Seefalke, die Elbe 3 und das U-Boot Wilhelm Bauer. Letzteres beherbergt ein Technikmuseum und ist weltweit das einzige erhaltene U-Boot seiner Art. Diese Schiffe liegen gegenüber des Deutschen Schifffahrtsmuseums im Museumshafen. ⚓✨
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sailingistruth · 2 years ago
Why Can't I Say "No"?
My friends call me for help when they get stuck in Belize. "No" is not an option. So Seefalke and I set sail for an evacuation mission.
Why didn’t I just say “no”?, I keep asking myself. I am sick. I can’t see my own face but it bet it is as greenish brown as the Sargasso seaweed that is spread all over my deck. I feel terrible. Cold sweat is running down my face. I remember the fun fact that it has the same salinity as the ocean around me. I hold on to the massive sea fence of Seefalke and get in position to relief myself one…
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sailingistruth · 4 years ago
Learning the Greek Alphabet - Part 2: Hurricane Delta
Learning the Greek Alphabet – Part 2: Hurricane Delta
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And all of a sudden it is calm.
No movement. Not the slightest breeze. Not the usual cacophony of Reggeaton music, barking dogs and power boat engines. Even the birds stopped chirping. The world is holding its breath.
It happened so suddenly, like someone pulled the plug in the dance club. Subconsciously I want to stick my fingers in my ears to prevent my eardrums imploding from this…
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sailingistruth · 4 years ago
At Captain's Command
At Captain’s Command
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A kiss. A hug. I hate goodbyes!
Without a further word I turn around and walk back to the beach that now lonely lays in the dark. Playa Tortugas, turtle beach, here in Cancun, during daytime full of families and fun, is surrounded by a net, intended to protect its guests from sharks and other deep sea critters, I suppose. Purely symbolic I am sure, because it has holes as wide that the…
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sailingistruth · 5 years ago
Hailing Channel 13
Isla Mujeres Cruisers Net is a great example of sailors establishing an effective communication channel with officials in times of Corona lockdowns: "Hailing Channel 13"
“Good morning, this is Isla Mujeres Cruisers Net. It is our purpose to stay connected, exchange information and build the community of cruisers. Your participation is encouraged.,” at exactly 08:00 the familiar voice greets all sailors currently anchored or docked at Isla Mujeres, Mexico.
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The Whale Shark – Isla Mujeres’ Mascot
The voice belongs to Lisa, who is our net controller today.…
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sailingistruth · 5 years ago
Life Under the Yellow Flag
Quarantined on my sailboat in Mexico: Life Under the Yellow Flag
“Open – Rain or Shine” the neon sign over the entrance to Skull’s Landing invites its guests. It is one of those signs that normally can be switched from “open” to “closed” just this one doesn’t have a “closed” option. A great marketing move. Skull’s Landing is the local cruisers’ hangout with Happy Hour from 17:00 to 19:00. 
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Skull‘s Landing – The Local Cruisers‘ Hangout on Isla Mujeres,…
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sailingistruth · 5 years ago
Last Order
Last Order in the sailor's hangout at Isla Mujeres, Mexico after the government had ordered to close all bars and restaurants.
This photo was taken on March 27, 2020 at the anchorage at Isla Mujeres, Mexico after the government of the state Quintana Roo had ordered to close all bars and restaurants from 23:00 until further notice due to the Corona pandemic.
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Last Order
We are from Canada, from Argentina, from the Netherlands, from Sweden, from the USA, from the UK, from Mexico, from France, from Brasil, from…
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sailingistruth · 5 years ago
The Birth of a Solo Sailor
The Birth of a Solo Sailor
So now it is definite.
It is early morning of October 31, 2019 as I motor down the muddy waters of Suriname River from Domburg, through the heavy jungle heat, following the tide past plantations and mansions towards Paramaribo, Suriname’s lively capital, I know, it’s definite.
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Leaving the Anchorage at Dawn, Suriname River
Earth and water, just like air and fire, are elements that do…
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sailingistruth · 5 years ago
I Am not a Sissy
We published a new article. Check it out: "I Am not a Sissy"
I am still in Germany. I have been here for almost two weeks and in less than two days I am going to fly back home to my boat Seefalke. She is in Cuba now waiting for me.
It is cold. Sabine just passed, a furious winter storm, but luckily it brought less damage than expected. I am waiting in line out on the apron of Frankfurt International Airport to board my flight to Prague to continue…
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