#Secrets of Enigmatic Ruins
davidclark24 · 3 months
Unraveling Secrets of the World's Most Enigmatic Ruins | Evocative Explorer | Exploring the Secrets of Most Enigmatic Ruins in the World
AncientMysteries #HistoricalSecrets #HiddenRuins #LostCivilizations #AncientWonders #ForgottenWorlds #MysteryUnveiled #RuinsExploration #AncientSites #HistoricMysteries #SecretRuins #AncientLegends #ArchaeologicalDiscoveries #HistoricWonders #RuinsOfTime #AncientArchitecture #UnsolvedHistories #AncientEnigmas #TimeTravelThroughRuins #MythicalRuins
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realspacejunk · 7 months
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Across the sprawling tapestry of our world, amidst the flat lands and forests, the mountains' solemn peaks, the rugged coasts, sprawling dunes and the silent depths of cavernous earth, there stand monuments of enigmatic grandeur. Reminders of a time forgotten, there lie scattered remnants of the bygone Age of Wonders, veiled in mystery and cloaked in the hushed secrets of heresy. These ruins, wrought of ethereal white stone intertwined with veins of golden and silver, stand as solemn sentinels to an era lost. Their works speak of skill and power beyond our reckoning, a testament to the ingenuity of minds now forever stilled. Tales among the learned speak of a people long vanished, a race of ancients known as the Nairim. Once, they walked beneath the god's golden light, their footsteps echoing through the halls of time, the wonders of their creation inspiring fairy tales of fools. Yet, lust for grandeur and folly marked their days, and they dared to defy the gods themselves, their ambition a flame that consumed them til their race was destroyed and their last bones became dust. They stand as a warning, a cautionary tale of betrail enshrined in words and tongue. To admire the ruins of the Nairim is to court the ire of powers long dormant, to stir the embers of forgotten evil. Thus the voices of the wise counsel against delving too deeply, against unravelling the threads of a past best left undisturbed and buried. Let the ruins of the Nairim, these Humans, stand as silent witnesses to the folly of their hubris, as testament to the fragility of mortal pride. Let them stand, and let us heed the lessons they impart, lest we too be consumed by the flames of our own hubris and the thoughts of heretical darkness.
Thalas the historian, History of the White Towers - Introduction to the Old Cultures of the Continent of Sands Fourth Age
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blindseer0 · 2 months
Who Is Jenna and What is Her Route About?
(Reposted from Twitter)
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Jenna’s Route is a highlight for many: arguably the happiest ending and the one most people recommend playing last. It’s also controversial, not just because Jenna is one of the more polarizing characters, but because people feel it doesn't focus enough on her.
I’ve seen multiple people comment that they still didn’t really know who Jenna was after playing her route. That kind of makes sense, since it has a large focus on Leo, which I think distracts people from what is going on with Jenna.
It doesn’t help that she is canonically the most enigmatic and guarded character, with Chase even commenting that he feels like there is extra meaning to what she says but he’s not smart enough to figure it out. So, who is Jenna and what is the point of her route?
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Thankfully, the game has Flynn tell us exactly what each route is about. Carl’s is about his anxiety, fear of the future, and lack of confidence in himself. Leo’s is about his obsession with the past, inability to move forward, and projecting all of that onto Chase.
What about Jenna’s? Flynn’s comments to her are arguably the cruelest, and he even says as much. We know Jenna’s family were abusive towards her and that she had good reason to leave and never come back. Flynn knows this, he and Leo dealt with her family the most and its implied that after Leo and Chase started dating he was left to help her by himself. He never has anything positive to say about any of her family and seems to despise all of them. Why would he care about what happens to them or her relationship with them? The answer is, he doesn’t.
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Flynn isn’t talking about how Jenna treats her biological family, he’s talking about her found family, our main characters. As he points out, Carl and Leo are both in very dark places (and we see him trying to help both of them, in his own way) and could really use her help.
Chase, who went to Pueblo on Jenna’s advice, seems lost and unsure of what to do with his life. Jenna’s on the same campus as him, and they’ve hardly talked. To be clear, Jenna isn’t obligated to sort their shit out, but it’s easy to see why Flynn thinks she abandoned them.
Flynn also accuses her of thinking she’s better than them because she left Echo, and he’s absolutely right. Why do I think that? Let’s look at everyone’s reactions to Sydney’s death. In Carl’s Route, Leo talks about how everyone changed after that.
Carl became more anxious and depressed, Leo became overprotective, Flynn became bitter, and TJ was obviously keeping a traumatizing secret. So, what about Jenna? What did she “learn” from Sydney’s death? Jenna learned that if you stay in Echo, it will FUCKING KILL YOU.
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Jenna saw what the town did to her family, how it killed her brother, Sydney and countless others and she decided to leave before it killed her as well. We see her try to convince Chase, Carl, and even Leo to leave Echo, because she thinks the town will ruin them if they don’t.
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That’s why she shows disdain towards Janice for still working at the diner and to various other people, because it’s obvious to her that the town breaks people and if they were smarter they would know they should leave; if they were stronger or just tried harder they could leave.
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Jenna tells Chase as much, that the difference between her and Jeremy was “temperament”. Her “nature” was strong enough to overcome her “nurture”. She talks about how Heather “made herself a victim”, which is in contrast to Jenna, who does her best to not talk about her abuse.
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Jenna needs to believe that she got out of Echo through sheer force of will; that she is better, tougher than everyone who stayed, because if that wasn’t the reason, what does that mean for everyone still there? What does it mean for her family? For her?
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And the reason she shows disdain towards Flynn is not only because he’s still in Echo, but because he knows the truth of the lie Jenna tells herself: she didn’t survive Echo because of her temperament, she survived Echo because of her friends, her found family.
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To get her good ending, you have Chase tell her “We kept each other sane”; we’re supposed to understand that “we” isn’t just Chase and Jenna, it’s all of them. Chase even says he could have become like Jeremy and Clint if he didn’t have Jenna, Leo, and the rest of the group.
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Deep down, Jenna knows this. Before the temperament line she says that it was falling in with Clint that made Jeremy the (awful) person he is; that if things had been different, he, or she, could have been different.
In Jenna’s route Leo expresses a similar sentiment, saying he should have been there for Micha, should have introduced him to the group, that if he had, maybe things would have turned out better for the bat. In Route 65 he says that his friends are why he didn’t turn out like the people at the party.
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That’s why Jenna’s good ending is what it is. You, as Chase, convince her that people can change, can be better, and that they can help each other survive, that you don’t have to do it on your own. Jenna talks Heather down because she realizes she could have been like Heather, if not for her found family keeping her sane and supporting her through the worst parts of her life.
(This is also LITERALLY true, in that she could not have physically left Echo if one of her friends, Chase, hadn't given her a ride out of town.)
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It’s also why the Socketman is so prominent in the route; it’s what helped her survive her abusive childhood until she could meet Chase, Leo, and everyone else.
(I have another thread I could write about Jenna, Flynn and the Socketman, but this has already gone on too long.)
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That’s why she doesn’t actually talk to Jeremy, another common complaint. Jeremy makes his choice when he sells her, and the people she cares most about, out to Brian. It’s not him she needs to talk to, it’s them. Her route is the only one where they’re all together at the end.
Jenna is a tough, talented person, and it wasn’t just luck that got her out of Echo and where she is; she put in the work. But admitting that she was lucky, that her found family, for all their flaws were, and are, still there for her, that there was some good in the hellhole that is Echo, that’s what allows her to save the people in the town, to save Heather, and leads to (arguably) the happiest ending in Echo. That’s why I love the writing for Jenna and her route so much. There’s so much under the surface and so many layers to explore.
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(You, obviously, don’t have to agree with all or any of what I’ve said here, and I’d love people to tell me what they think or if I’m full of shit. I just wanted to put my thoughts out there, since I’ve seen people talking about it, and give another way to look at things.)
(I wanted to write a thread about Leo and Conservatism, but to write that I needed to write a thread about Leo, Jenna and College in Echo, and to write THAT I needed to explore Jenna’s character and what motivates her. Let me know if you would want to read either of those.)
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dewdropdinosaur · 6 months
I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship
ALASTOR x (F) READER Summary: You are Charlie's older sister and the pristine image of what a princess of Hell should be. But sometimes even perfect pretty princesses have their secrets. Warnings: NONE This was a request from the lovely @fandomfan-102 REQUESTS OPEN
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In the heart of Hell, amidst the chaotic streets and vibrant nightlife, stood the Hazbin Hotel, a haven for lost souls seeking redemption. Among its eccentric inhabitants was Alastor, the infamous Radio Demon, a charismatic figure whose mere presence commanded attention. Furthermore,  Y/N Morningstar, the older sister of Charlie, the hotel's founder; too commanded the room with her devilish charm and royal style. 
Unlike her sister, Y/N was a bit more of what people expected from a princess of Hell. Though by no means was she sadistic or remotely close to some demon’s level, she was not as bubbly or optimistic as her sister. More cunning, reserved, and always dressed to impress; Y/N held power unknown and one that could possibly even rival her father. 
Fortunately or unfortunately depending on who you ask, Y/N often found herself drawn to the enigmatic Alastor. Their love, a delicate dance hidden from prying eyes, grew stronger with each stolen moment amidst the cacophony of Hell's chaos. Stolen kisses, lying about laying one's head on the other's shoulder. Whispers of sweet nothings in the back of hallways and sly hand holds.
At first, to the average outsider, Alastor might have been using Y/N for power or station but truly as time wore on; he grew to love her in his own way. Yes, their relationship was not like most but despite their differences, a deep connection had blossomed between them, eventually culminating in a secret engagement under the light of the red moon as Alastor presented Y/N with a heartfelt declaration and a ring. 
As fate would have it, soon news spread like wildfire through the corridors of the hotel that Lucifer himself would grace them with his presence. Panic swept through the inhabitants, each scrambling to prepare for the arrival of the feared and revered ruler of Hell. As rumors spread of Lucifer Morningstar's imminent visit to the hotel, tension crackled in the air. Lucifer, the Lord of Hell himself, was rarely seen outside his domain, and his presence promised both excitement and trepidation.
Y/N and Alastor found themselves in a particularly precarious position. While their love burned bright, Lucifer's presence threatened to expose their secret engagement. Yet, they dared to hope that their careful charade would remain intact. On the eve of Lucifer's arrival, Alastor and Y/N found solace in each other's company, stealing fleeting moments of affection amidst the chaos. Little did Y/N know that the carefully guarded secret was about to be thrust into the spotlight by none other than Alastor himself. 
On the fateful day of Lucifer's visit, tension hung so thick in the air a cannibal could have taken a bite out of it.. The inhabitants of the hotel stood on edge, awaiting the arrival of their sovereign. As the grand doors swung open, revealing the imposing figure of Lucifer, the room fell into a hushed silence. As Lucifer's shorter but nonetheless dominating figure materialized in the hotel's grand foyer, all eyes turned to him. Charlie greeted her father with nervous excitement, eager to showcase the progress of her ambitious project.
Alastor, ever the charismatic showman, stepped forward to greet the Dark Lord, a charming smile playing upon his lips. Power plays were always Alastor speciality. 
"Ah pleasure to meet you sir, quite a pleasure. It’s nice to finally put a face to the name. Though I must say,  you are much shorter in real life." Alastor declared with a flourish. 
With an annoyed look, Lucifer replied “Who is this? Who is this man? Are you the bellhop?” 
"Ah no. I am the host of the hotel. You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast. Or from my fiance Y/N."
If the floor could have dropped beneath Y/N, it would have. The words hung in the air like a heavy fog, suffocating the room with stunned silence. All eyes turned to Y/N, whose cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment and whose eyes glared at her lover. Charlie's jaw dropped in disbelief, her eyes darting between her sister and the Radio Demon.
Gritting her teeth, Y/N whispered “Alastor…what in the devil are you doing?”
Lucifer's expression remained inscrutable as he regarded Alastor with a raised eyebrow. "Is that so?" he mused, his voice dripping with disdain. "Well, well, it seems my daughter has been keeping secrets from me." 
Charlie's jaw dropped in shock, her mind struggling to process the unexpected revelation. She shot a bewildered glance at her sister, who could only offer a sheepish shrug in response.
The spirited founder of the Hazbin Hotel stood frozen in disbelief, her eyes widening in shock at the bombshell dropped by Alastor. She blinked rapidly, struggling to comprehend the sudden turn of events.
"Wait, what?" Charlie stammered, her voice laced with incredulity. "Y/N, you're engaged to...Alastor?"
Husk, the cynical bartender with a penchant for chronic alcoholism, arched an eyebrow at the revelation, his expression a mixture of skepticism and mild amusement.
"Well, I'll be damned," Husk remarked dryly, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Guess Hell just froze over." His boss did really have it in him.
Angel Dust, the flamboyant and irreverent resident of the Hazbin Hotel, let out a raucous laugh at the surprising news, clapping his hands together with glee.
"Hot damn, talk about a plot twist!" Angel exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Looks like we've got ourselves a real-life soap opera unfolding right here!"
Despite the initial shock, the atmosphere soon shifted, morphing into a cacophony of laughter and chatter as Lucifer not so graciously accepted the news of his daughter's engagement. After several threats towards the Radio Demon, the King of Hell reluctantly relented though he did stay close to his oldest daughter’s side the rest of his visit. 
Alastor and Y/N found themselves enveloped in a whirlwind of congratulations and well-wishes from their surprised friends and colleagues.
As the night wore on, amidst the revelry and celebration, Alastor and Y/N stole a quiet moment alone, their hands intertwined as they basked in the warmth of their newfound truth. Despite the unexpected turn of events, they knew that their love would endure, for in the heart of Hell, where chaos reigned supreme, their bond remained unbreakable. Though Y/N did get payback at Alastor for his little stunt. You can imagine how that went over my dear reader. 
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alygator77 · 3 months
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≫ longer fics
⚜ moment of weakness/passion [part 1] [part 2]
after a rough night at the bar, you are drunk out of your mind and decided to ask your best friend satoru to come pick you up to take you home. but during the car ride the alcohol starts giving you courage, making you feel rather bold as you make a move on your best friend. did this ruin your friendship? was this a mistake, or does he reciprocate your feelings?
⚜ motherhood and matrimony [masterlist]
satoru gojo, the arrogant and irresistible heir to a billion-dollar corporation and the son of your boss, the ceo... but when satoru’s father dies unexpectedly, his inheritance hinges on a stipulation: he must marry and have a child, but the child doesn't necessarily have to be his, right? together, you strike a deal: a fake marriage that promises financial stability for you and corporate control for him. as the lines between business and emotion blur, you must decide if your partnership is purely contractual or if it could evolve into something real.
⚜ beat of my heart [masterlist]
being a psychology major with a passion for music, you're no stranger to chaos—between juggling school, caring for your mother, and working at a local music shop, you've learned to keep your cool. but when a cocky drummer pushes your patience to the limit, a chance encounter with satoru gojo—an enigmatic, sharp-tongued musician—turns your world upside down. as you're drawn to his dangerous charm, an unexpected connection deepens, but so do the secrets you've both been running from. will you get caught up in his rhythm before you realizes it’s too late?
≫ one shots
⚜ echos of time, a love unspoken
overwhelmed with grief and regret, you are desperate to reconnect with your closest friend and secret love, satoru gojo. when you discover an ancient relic that allows you to travel back in time, you are given the opportunity to finally share your true feelings
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thebunnednun · 4 months
OKAY HEAR ME OUT GURL! A story where Reader has a crush on Ace and Sabo tries to help her with getting his attention BUT Sabo is the one who's in love with reader! So like Sabo--> Reader--> Ace. (Of course we want friends to lovers so she stay Sabo? You choose, Babe! salute from Brazil)
If you only knew how much I love you Sabo x Straw-hat! Reader x Ace
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Sabo is becoming quiet popular with my readers!!
Disclaimer: I do not own the art in any way, shape, or form.
Thank you for the request babe! I hope you enjoy this!
To be posted on my Tumblr account soon.
I also have a poll out right now where all readers can vote for what they want to see next. At this time, 5/18/2024, you lovelies have 4 days left to vote! Feel free to comment what you specifically want as well!
Hopefully now I can get to the rest of my requests.
Now lets get on to this sexy man!~
The salty breeze of the sea carried whispers of adventure and longing as you stood on the bustling docks of Loguetown. Your eyes scanned the horizon, searching for a familiar figure among the bustling crowd. And there he was, Ace, the enigmatic pirate with a smile that could melt even the coldest heart.
(And Abs that would melt the ice caps.)
Your heart fluttered as Ace approached, his presence commanding attention wherever he went. You had harbored a secret crush on him for what felt like an eternity, your admiration for him growing with each passing day. But despite your best efforts to hide your feelings, you couldn't help but blush whenever he was near.
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Ace greeted you with a grin, his voice as warm as the sun-kissed sea. 
"What's up?"
"Hey, Fire britches," you replied, trying to steady your racing heart. "Just enjoying the sights and sounds of the harbor."
As they walked along the docks, you stole glances at Ace whenever you thought he wasn't looking. You admired his confidence, his easy charm, and the way he effortlessly captivated everyone around him. But deep down, you knew you could never be more than just a friend to him.
Meanwhile, Sabo watched from a distance, his heart heavy with longing. He had been friends with our lovely Reader for as long as he could remember, always by her side through thick and thin. But lately, he couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between them. 
"Sabo, are you okay?" Luffy's voice broke through Sabo's thoughts, snapping him back to reality.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Sabo replied with a forced smile. "Just lost in thought, I guess."
Luffy studied him for a moment, a knowing look in his eyes. "You know, if there's something bothering you, you can always talk to me about it," he said, his voice filled with concern.
Sabo's heart swelled with gratitude for his brother's kindness. "Thanks, Luffy," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I appreciate it."
As the days turned into weeks, You found yourself spending more and more time with Ace, your feelings for him growing stronger with each passing moment. You cherished the moments together, the laughter and camaraderie you shared, but you couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was missing.
One evening, as the sun was setting below the shoreline, you found yourself sitting alone on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, just lost in thought. You couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at your heart, a sense of longing that refused to be ignored.
"Sabo," you whispered into the night, voice barely above a whisper. 
"What am I supposed to do?"
Unbeknownst to you, Sabo had been standing in the shadows, watching you with a heavy heart. He longed to tell you how he felt, to confess the depths of his love for you, but he couldn't bear the thought of ruining your friendship.
"[Name]," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "I wish I could show you how much you mean to me."
As the days turned into weeks, Sabo found himself consumed by thoughts of you, his feelings burning brighter with each passing moment. It was almost like he was addicted. He knew he had to do something, anything, to get her to see him in a different light. 
"Sabo," Luffy's voice broke through Sabo's thoughts, pulling him back to reality once again. 
"I have an idea!"
Sabo raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. 
"What kind of idea?"
Luffy grinned mischievously. "I think it's time we help [Name] with their crush on Ace," he said, excitement dancing in his eyes. "And who better to help them than their two best friends?"
Sabo's heart skipped a beat at the mention of your crush on Ace. "You really think that'll work?" he asked, trying to keep the hope out of his voice.
Luffy nodded enthusiastically. "Of course it will! We'll be their wingmen, their partners in crime," he declared, a grin spreading across his face. "And who knows? Maybe along the way, they’ll realize that the one they’ve been searching for has been right in front of them all along."
With a newfound sense of determination, Sabo and Luffy set their plan into motion. 
They orchestrated chance encounters between [Name] and Ace, subtly arranging situations where they could spend more time together. And as they watched from the sidelines, Sabo couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy whenever Ace flashed that charming smile of his at you.
But despite their best efforts, [Name] remained oblivious to Sabo's feelings for them. They were too focused on Ace to notice anything else, their heart set on a love that would never be.
As the days turned into weeks, Sabo found himself growing more and more frustrated. No matter what he did, he couldn't seem to get [Name] to notice him in the way he wanted them to. And with each passing day, his feelings for her only grew stronger.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Sabo found himself alone on the deck railing of the Thousand Sunny, lost in thought. You and Ace had seemingly gotten closer and he couldn't shake the feeling of despair that gnawed at his heart, a sense of hopelessness that refused to be ignored.
He’d fallen hard for you and was now going to lose you to the man he called Brother. The fire he commanded was now threatening to consume his very soul if he didn't get this under control.
"Dear God," he whispered into the night, his voice barely audible. "What am I supposed to do?” 
But before he could dwell on his thoughts any longer, he heard footsteps approaching from behind. Turning around, he found himself face to face with [Name], your eyes filled with concern.
"Sabo, are you okay?" you asked, your voice was soft yet filled with genuine concern. "You seem lost in thought."
Sabo forced a smile, trying to hide the turmoil raging within him. "I'm fine, [Name]," he replied, his voice barely a whisper. "Just lost in thought, I guess."
You studied him for a moment, as if trying to gauge his true feelings. "Ya know, if there's something bothering you, you can always talk to me about it," you said, your voice filled with warmth and understanding. 
Sabo's heart swelled. The pale moonlight illuminated your features with a soft ethereal glow. The swell of your pouty lips and the concern that painted your eyes were stabbing him inside of his heart. A cold sweat broke out onto his skin with fear crawling its way with gratitude for your kindness. "Thanks, [Name]," he said, his voice thick with emotion. 
"I appreciate it."
As the days turned into weeks, Sabo found himself consumed by thoughts of [Name], his feelings for them burning brighter with each passing moment. He knew he had to do something, anything, to get them to see him in a different light.
One fateful night, as the crew of the Thousand Sunny gathered on deck to watch the stars, Sabo found himself unable to keep his feelings hidden any longer. With his heart pounding in his chest, he turned to [Name], his voice trembling with emotion.
"[Name]," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "There's something I need to tell you."
You turned to him with a soft smile. “I have something to tell you too. But you go first!” You tried to keep your heart from skipping a beat at the intensity of his gaze. However, as Ace passed by he made no attempt of communication. "What is it, Sabo?" you asked, voice barely a whisper.
The vulnerability in Sabo's eyes took you by surprise and his voice lacked its usual conviction.
‘I have to do this, I have to do this!’
Sabo took a deep breath, gathering his courage before speaking.
He looked into your eyes, seeing nothing but genuine concern and care. It was now or never. Taking a deep breath, he decided to take the plunge. "It's just... hard. Helping you with Ace, I mean."
You blinked in surprise. "Why?"
"Because..." Sabo's voice cracked slightly, and he looked away, unable to maintain eye contact. "Because I have feelings for you."
The room fell into a stunned silence. Your heart raced as you processed his confession. "Sabo... I..."
He shook his head, forcing a smile. "It's okay. I know you like Ace. I just needed to tell you."
You reached out, gently turning his face back to yours. "Sabo, I had no idea. If I had known..."
He placed his hand over yours, his touch warm and reassuring. "It's not your fault. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship."
"I... I love you, [Name]," he confessed, the words tumbling out in a rush. "I've loved you for as long as I can remember, and I can't keep it hidden any longer."
Your heart soared at his confession, your own feelings for Sabo bubbling to the surface. "Sabo," you whispered, voice filled with emotion. "I love you too."
You squeezed your fingers tightly in front of your chest. “I.. I just realized that while I liked Ace and spending time with him I didn't actually love him romantically.” You softly reached for Sabo's hand and he came closer to join your fingers together. 
“I realized I was in love with my best friend instead.”
With tears of joy streaming down their faces, You and Sabo embraced, your hearts finally finding the love you had been searching for all along. 
And as they watched the stars twinkle in the night sky, they knew that their love would burn bright for all eternity.
Unbeknownst to you both, Luffy and Ace were on the top deck high fiving each other. 
“HA, and he’s supposed to be the smart one!”
“Can you not say that without picking your nose?”
Make sure you check out the a03 account by the same name. I also have a Sexy Mihawk x Maid! Reader posted in the masterlist! Give it a read if you please!
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don't be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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chiharuhashibira · 1 year
What about a shorts featuring your fave Kimetsu No Yaiba teacher?
But make it Professor X Student
So, in this version, Giyu's still your PE professor at your university and the old Guidance Counsellor at your old school when you're still in high school.
So a little history too but also different 🤭 Y/N is around 19-21-ish? and Giyu is around 28-30.
Note: W/N=wrong name
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔: 𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑬𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
Content Warnings: ProfessorXStudent/Age Gap/Suggestive/Spanking/Curse Words/Matured Content/18+/Sexually Explicit
Minors DNI.
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(Image is not mine, credits to the rightful owner)
🌸𝑮𝒊𝒚𝒖 𝑻𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒐𝒌𝒂🌸
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You were faced with an intense volleyball competition against the other second-year college students. Shinobu Kocho is really fast, and you can't help but groan whenever she manages to spike the ball. The girl is your friend, but the fact that she is more skilled at sports than you is irritating. Which eventually gets her noticed by your crush...
Giyu Tomioka.
But he's not just a simple crush. You've been smitten with him since you were still a student at the school where he was the guidance counsellor. Yep! You liked him ever since you first laid eyes on him, and since then, you have been doing everything to get his attention.
Detention is just one of the long lists of things that you endured back in high school just to meet him face-to-face. There is a lot more that eventually marked you as one of the delinquent kids with Inosuke Hashibira.
Yep, a bad record just to see Giyu.
And when you went to college, it was also the time that Giyu resigned from his old position at the school. The man is not close to you because you have always irritated him, but he was not as harsh with you as he is with Inosuke. As if fate were on your side, Giyu Tomioka became your PE professor in college.
While reminiscing, you felt a sudden pain on your face, and there, your sight suddenly went dark.
"Where am I?"
That's the first thing that you muttered when you opened your eyes. You looked around and met the most enigmatic blue eyes that you had ever seen. Your heart started beating fast as you watched how fixated Tomioka's eyes were. He tilted his head to the side, and without an obvious expression, he asked, "Are you okay now?"
You loved the feeling that even just his stare could give you. And the fact that you're alone in this room with him makes you so happy. You were about to speak when suddenly the door busted open, and there, Inosuke ran towards your side.
"Oi Shiru-sensei! What happened to my W/N-chan?"
"Your voice, Hashibira-kun. She just woke up."
"But what happened? Are you okay, W/N-chan?"
You wanted to strangle the fuck out of your best friend for ruining the moment where you had finally locked eyes with Giyu. That's once in a lifetime, for crying out loud, and Inosuke knows that you've liked the PE professor for so long, and yes, surprisingly, Inosuke's good at hiding secrets.
"Inosuke... I'm okay... But what happened, Tomioka-san?"
"Kocho accidentally hit your face with the ball. You weren't doing well earlier. It's your fault."
Ouch. Harsh. But yes, Giyu has always been too harsh with his words, so it is a surprise to see that he is the one who is looking after you at the clinic now. You frowned and looked up at Inosuke, who was pouting at Giyu. He looks mad.
"Miyoka-sensei! W/N-chan is great at sports! It's just that you favour Morobu-chan so much!"
You turned red when Inosuke said those words to Giyu, who seemed unaffected by them. If Inosuke did that to other professors, he would be expelled by now, but then, it's Giyu that we're talking about. And yes, the man's desensitised to both of your craziness, to the point that he just shoves them off.
Tomioka stood from his seat and looked at you with emptiness in his eyes, as usual. "See you at next week's class. And you, Hashibira-kun! Button up your goddamn shirt!"
Giyu finally left the clinic, leaving you with your best friend, who was still glaring at the door. You threw your pillow at Inosuke, and that astounded the hell out of him. Inosuke looked back at you and pouted while rubbing his face, as if he were hurt, even if the pillow was soft as heck.
"What was that for, W/N-chan?"
"Idiot as always... You entered the room at the wrong time. He was staring at me, and our eyes locked with each other. But you ruined it, boar-head."
"Oh..." Inosuke picked his nose while watching you sulk on the bed. Then his eyes suddenly shone, and you knew too well that when he does that, he has a crazy idea.
"I have an idea!"
"Pray do tell, my henchman."
"Pfft!" He rolled his eyes at you but still sat beside you. "What if I hit your face hard with a ball so you'll collapse again? Maybe Moyoka-sensei would help you—"
"What if I hit your face with that chair right now, Inosuke? You're insane as always."
"But I am serious!"
And that day ended up with Inosuke pitching you his mundane ideas just for you to get Tomioka's attention again. Yes, you listened, but in the back of your head, you can't stop thinking about Giyu's stare.
You realised that being bad doesn't benefit you, especially with a by-the-book professor like Giyu. You felt like if you became better at sports than before, Tomioka would notice you like he notices his star student, Shinobu. You can't help but feel envious whenever she casually converses with Tomioka and he responds with a nod of his head.
Oh well, it's kind of your fault for choosing the path as a delinquent kid back then. Of course, Tomioka won't ever be fond of you because of that impression.
Another PE day has ended with you just watching how Shinobu gave Giyu a high five when their team won over yours again. You sighed and frowned at the sight, but then finally managed to breathe properly when Shinobu left the gym.
You decided to stay because perhaps helping Giyu clean up might make a good impression. You stood up from the bench where you're sitting, and that surprised Tomioka, as he never sees you staying in this shithole, which was also your school gym.
He sauntered towards you, wiping the sweat from his face. Gosh, at that moment, you felt like all the muscles in your body had tensed up. He looked so handsome with his hair tied. You composed yourself and walked towards him, fixing your shirt as you felt conscious.
"Why are you still here, menace?"
"Bad sensei. I'm not like who I was back in high school." You muttered, stopping in your tracks, which made him raise an eyebrow and cross his arms. His eyes were fixed on you again, and you loved it.
"Then why are you here?"
"Sensei... I just want to say sorry for being a pain in the ass back in high school."
Giyu didn't reply that quickly and just tapped his fingers on his arm. He tilted his head once again. "Okay. Be a great girl, then. And for the hundredth time. Follow the rules."
You nodded. Giyu turned his back on you, picking up the volleyball. "You need help, Sen—"
He suddenly tossed it to you, and as if on reflex, you spiked the ball back to him, which made a small smile appear on his lips. That astounded you and eventually made you smile as well. Yes, you have seen him smile before, but now what makes you happy is that it's because of you.
"Good pass, Y/L/N-san. Want to try again?" He asked with a calm tone, different from his emotionless one. You immediately nodded, and then he served the ball so perfectly that it almost stunned you. But no, you composed yourself and jumped to hit the ball back at him.
And that sequence of serving and hitting lasted for a few more seconds. Giyu's movements flows like the water but of course, you started adapting to it. Yet, you started feeling tired, until... score! With a last spike, you managed to win! You jumped and squealed in joy as you managed to score against your professor.
Tomioka smiled and finally went in front of you. He patted your head, and that made your world stop. You know that there's no romance in his gesture, but still, you can't help but be flustered.
"Few more practices, and you'll be better than Kocho."
"Would you help me, sensei?" You asked boldly, making Giyu surprised. He took his hand away from your hand, and you felt like cold air suddenly embraced you in the absence of his touch.
You waited for an answer, but all you got was a shrug, and that made you annoyed. But you wanted to be a good girl in front of Tomioka's eyes, so you just decided to speak again. "I promise I'll help you clean up after class."
"Great deal then." He said this, tossing the ball back to you. "You can start today. Just put it back in the storage room."
So weeks passed with Tomioka training you after class. But of course, both of you make sure that every student has already left before doing so. You felt happy that Giyu managed to go out of his way to help you become better.
It's as if he had enrolled you in a special class that was just perfectly curated for you, as you weren't just learning; you were also spending time with him, which would always make your heart swell. And yes, everything's decent as you know how Tomioka lives by the rules.
But you never expected that things would change today.
While taking a break from your after-class training, you felt a cold thing press on your cheek. Surprised, you looked up and saw Giyu pressing a pop can on your cheek, which immediately made you blush. You took it from his hands, and when your skin brushed against his, shivers ran up your spine.
He sat beside you, stretching his back and wiping his sweat with his towel. You realised that you had forgotten yours, so you stayed sweaty as you rested. Giyu seemed to notice this, so he raised an eyebrow at you and said, "You're so sweaty. Why don't you change and go home early today? Where's your towel?"
"I left it. Sorry."
He handed you his towel and sighed. "Beggars can't be choosers. Use this. Don't worry, I don't smell bad."
You smiled at what he said, but internally, you were screaming. You took his towel and wiped your neck with it, and yes, Giyu definitely smells like apple and ocean. It's like what you imagined. You turned to look at him and noticed that his eyes were still fixated on you. He gulped and looked away immediately after you caught his stare.
What was that?
Giyu cleared his throat and stood up. "Uhh, do you want me to open the pop can for you?" He offered so, you nodded and gave him the can. With a few movements of his hands, he gave it back to you, opening it with ease.
You wondered why Giyu suddenly became soft. You noticed this change on the third week of practicing with him. He stopped making harsh comments on your movements; he even clapped once when you scored against Shinobu. Sometimes, you'll find him looking at you at break times. And just like now, he would quickly avert his gaze from you whenever you caught him.
"Tomioka-san, thank you." You said that before drinking the pop. Your eyes lingered on Giyu, who seemed to try his best to look away. There's a weird tension that he creates right now that wasn't present in your old practices.
"Welcome." he said in a low tone of voice.
But before you could speak, Tomioka suddenly spoke up. "Why do you always cling to me, Y/L/N-san?"
"What do you mean?" His sudden question left you perplexed.
"I've been your guidance counsellor for two years. And now, I've been your professor for almost two years too. You think I won't notice how you tried to get my attention for those four years? Think again. So, now tell me why you would do so?"
You shivered, but it wasn't because of fear. The mere thought of him noticing those things you did for him since then made you flustered. A part of you wished that Tomioka was thinking of you before he went to sleep, wondering why, because at least with that, you managed to get the attention that you have longed for so long.
You shifted in your seat and gripped his towel. "Sensei, it's not like—"
"So you're saying that you're just weird, then? People avoid me, Y/L/N-san. But you kept bugging me despite my cold shoulder."
"It's just... I feel comfortable with you."
"But why?" You won't know, but Tomioka was perplexed at himself too. The sudden eagerness to know about the reason behind others actions towards him was new to him. You sighed deeply and stood up from your seat, closing your eyes before doing the most insane thing that you'll do in your life.
But before you could almost speak, a sudden jolt of pain hit your calf, which made you almost scream. "Oh fuck..." You said this, biting your hand as tears welled up in your eyes. Fucking cramps...
For a moment, he thought that you were just being dramatic to avoid the question, but when he saw you literally almost crying with the pain, Tomioka suddenly jogged near you and crouched down. He tried to stretch your leg, which made you swear at him out loud.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Stop Tom—ouch! No!"
Giyu sighed but still stretched your leg, slowly massaging the back of it with his other hand.
"Idiot. If we don't stretch it, the cramps will be worse."
And it's true—it felt better this time. You looked at Giyu, who was crouched down, massaging you. You wiped your tears with his towel and enjoyed the sensation of his hands against your skin. Yes, it's non-romantic. You reminded yourself for the nth time, but that didn't stop your breathing from changing as your heart started beating fast.
The pain went away, but his hands are still massaging you. You didn't stop him, though. You want this moment to last for a few seconds because you know that it won't happen again.
Giyu suddenly looked up at you, his eyes still empty as always. But for some reason, it seems darker than usual. "Why do you feel comfortable with me? I'm not a good person."
You wondered why he said those words, but you remained silent. What he's doing now is different from what he's saying. If he's a bad person, why would he spend time training you after his class? If he's not really the way you see him, why would he try his best to correct your mistakes and make sure that you're okay?
Giyu felt his muscles relax, and so he stood up and stretched his back. "Fine. If you don't want to answer, then okay. It's not my business anyway." He tried his best to sound professional, but a hint of annoyance still escaped his voice.
"Thank you, Tomioka-sensei." You thanked him for helping you, but without telling him, you also wanted to badly thank him for dropping the subject, as you knew you'd end up confessing if he kept on asking.
Giyu started walking away, which also meant that your training was over. But then he stopped in his tracks and turned to look at you again. "And for your and your boyfriend's information, I wasn't favouring Shinobu. She's just good at sports. And so you are right now. So perhaps I'll be less harsh on you at class."
"Hashibira-kun's your boyfriend, right?"He was astounded by your reaction. Yes. Tomioka had always thought that Inosuke was your boyfriend, as you were always with him. He has no idea that the guy's just like your brother, and he actually has a girlfriend of his own.
You can't help but laugh at what he said, which bothered him, so he sauntered back to you with a clear, confused expression plastered on his face.
"Why? Do I sound funny?"
"No! It's quite hilarious that you believed Inosuke to be my boyfriend! He's taken already; what the heck?"
You noticed the littlest changes in Tomioka's expression, like how the tension on his shoulders faded and how his breathing pattern changed.
Giyu stared at you as if he were solving a puzzle. But still, he stopped himself from asking too much. "Whatever. Go home early." He said and finally went out, with a small smile on his lips.
You slept like a baby that night as you reflected on how adorable Giyu had been that day.
But on the other hand, Tomioka was sitting on his bed, wondering what just happened. He was questioning himself all day after he left you.
Yes, he was thinking of you, and he can't fathom why these thoughts started to plague him. And it worsened today as he felt a bit relieved to know that Inosuke's not your boyfriend. He hated to admit it, but he was quite happy to know that.
"I'm failing as a professor. Why would it drive me crazy if she's with Inosuke? I never wanted to be with her. I never even imagined myself wanting that for my student. But damn, why am I thinking about all these things?"
Giyu rubbed his face with his palms intensely and plopped back on his bed. He cannot fathom why, but sometimes he just wants to hoard you for himself. Yes, it's clear to him that it's against the principles he is living for, but he just can't stop it.
It started the day he carried you to the clinic bed. And of course, he won't tell you that he was the one who carried you. He would also hide the fact that he had scolded Shinobu that same day, after he left you and Inosuke.
That moment was the first time he really looked at you and seen how beautiful you are. That's also the first time that he realised that it seemed like you were doing everything just to get his attention. Before by being delinquent, and now by trying your best to be his star student.
He somehow appreciated it.
Earlier, when you had cramps and he massaged you, he would never admit it, but the sounds you make create a whirlpool of insane thoughts inside his head. Giyu shook his head and heaved a sigh.
Now he can't stop thinking about what would happen if you weren't his student. Would he still feel this way? Yes. He will.
I never really wanted this to happen, but I think I'm falling. What should I do?
A few days had passed, and yes, Giyu still decided to train you after his classes. You'll never notice how hard he tries to compose himself whenever he sees you. But today, he can't keep it any longer.
There's no PE class today, so you headed straight out of the university. While walking home, a car suddenly stopped. You turned to look at who it was, and it was Tomioka. He was gesturing for you to come in, and of course, you did without thinking ten times. Tomioka drove once again, wishing that no one had seen you come inside his car.
You sat beside him, adjusting your skirt. "Tomioka-san, thanks for the ride!"
"Mmm, of course."
"What made you drive me—"
"Don't think about it too much."
You nodded and just stared at him, watching how focused he was. The silence started to thicken, and to your astonishment, it was Tomioka who broke it this time.
"Have you ever done something that was against your virtues?"
"Wow, that's a deep question, sensei. But I'm not quite sure what you mean. As you can see, I was once one of the delinquent kids with Inosuke, Gyutaro, and Ume before college. So I guess, yes?"
"I know you've been annoying before. But I mean now."
"Can you elaborate?"
"Elaborate please."
"Uh... I can't put it into words."
"How can I answer if I don't know the context?"
"Okay, um, something like this."
"Like what?"
"Me asking you to ride in my car."
You crossed your arms and bit your lip. Now you're interested. "I don't interpret this in a bad way, sensei. And I think it leans more towards you being a gentleman."
"Oh, aren't you scared that I might take you somewhere?"
His question astounded you. What is he saying? You gulped and placed the bag on your thighs, looking at him with the same expression. But inside, you realised yes. He doesn't know where you live in the first place. "Nope. You're not a bad person. You're my sensei so I trust you." That seemingly irritated Tomioka.
"You don't get the point, but you also do."
"Then tell me!" You said, raising a voice at your own professor as you hated riddles. But then his next words took your breath away. "I like you, Y/N."
You feel like you've lost the ability to talk. Your eyes brightened as you saw Giyu's face flush at the sound of those words. You could have never foreseen him making such a confession to you.
Perhaps he suddenly realised the weight of the thing that he just did. He suddenly stopped the car and hit the steering wheel in frustration. "Fuck! I shouldn't have told you that." He looked up at you with eyes that almost told you how much he feared what you would do.
"I mean, I-I... Fuck, I look like a fucking creep. I don't fucking deserve to be your sensei. I'm sorry, but can we just forget about this?"
"I've been waiting for you to fall for me." Those words suddenly made every bit of fear in Tomioka collapse. He was afraid to lose everything just because of his recklessness, but then, when he heard you say that, everything just brightened.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm in love with you Tomioka-sensei. So I don't want you to tell me to forget about this because you'll definitely hurt me."
"Y/N." Tomioka called you by your first name and suddenly had the courage to hold your hand.
"Are you serious, Y/N?"
You didn't speak but just leaned in to kiss your PE professor, which certainly caught him off-guard. But then he pulled out his eyes, now drunk with passion, and caressed your face. "What should we do?" He asked as if he were a lost child, even if he was older than you.
"Hide this? No one needs to know Tomioka-sensei."
"Wouldn't you tell this to your friends? What if you're just pranking me?"
"I would never do that." You said this while holding his hand and letting him feel your rhythmic heart through your clothing. When Tomioka put his hand on your chest, he flushed a little bit, but he was relieved to feel the same rhythm coming from both of your hearts.
Nothing had changed between you and Giyu at school. Of course, nothing should change, or else everything will be obvious. But when the classes are over, he will try his best to show you how sweet he is. And when we say sweet and classes are over, it's outside school, as he will die first before making a move on you while also being at his job.
Ironic, isn't it?
Now, you were with him as both of you decided to spend the weekend at his house near a river. Giyu was shy when he first asked you out, but eventually, here you are, cuddling up with your PE professor, a.k.a., boyfriend.
Except for kisses, Giyu has not yet made a move on you. A part of him still can't believe that he's having a secret relationship with his student, despite how obedient he is to the rules.
You were cuddling with him, making the most of every second. As you know, on Monday, he'll be your professor, and you'll just be his student again, at least in class. You felt a sensation when you felt Giyu's hand slide down onto your waist. But the man thought that you were uncomfortable, so he pulled his hand away.
"Why? I want your touch."
Touch? He was surprised by what you said. You repeated it as you sat over his lap, facing him. "Touch me, Giyu." The sudden emotion that had taken over you shocked even you. But then, with that, Giyu suddenly smashed his lips against yours, kissing you hungrily. His hands went inside your shirt, and each touch made you whimper in pleasure.
Giyu pulled out and told you to turn your back on him, so you did. A part of him is shy about what he is doing, but he can't just stop himself, so he'll just prefer you looking away instead. His hands suddenly caressed your thighs, lifting your skirt in the process. You felt him getting hard beneath you, which definitely made your dam break.
He rested his chin on the crook of your neck and whispered in your ear with a low, sexy voice. "Do you want more?"
"Mmm yes, Giyu." You said, moaning as his hands slowly stroked your clothed cunt.
"So wet for me, Y/N. You want this?"
"Yes Giyu~ Ahhh~"
"You want to do risky things, right? You've been a very naughty girl. I'm gonna teach you something better than PE." He suddenly lifted you and bent you over by the table. His left hand caressed your breast while he used his right hand to take off your underwear and his pants.
Tomioka spanked you, which definitely made you moan loudly. He chuckled and went near your ear again, grinding his hot, hard cock on your ass.
Hands grasping the table, you moved your hips, wanting him to be inside of you. "Giyu... I-I've never let anyone touch me this... ah~ way since I fell in love with... you." Giyu chuckled and kissed you behind your ear. "Good girl. Let me reward you then."
You felt him line his cock on your entrance, and finally, with mixed pleasure and pain, he managed to enter you, making you scream in passion. "Ahh~ You're so tight. Is this your first time?" He whispered again, and you nodded with tears welling up in your eyes.
"Don't worry, baby, it'll be better. I'll be gentle."
For someone who seemed cold at the university, Giyu was definitely sweet and caring behind closed doors. He slowly thrust himself into you, both of you moaning in pleasure. As he stated, after a few more slides into and out of your tight cunt, it felt great.
Giyu wrapped his arms around your waist, and slowly his thrusts became faster. You grabbed both sides of the table as he gave you a vigorous fuck. Your head was spinning in satisfaction with his motions.
He's your PE professor, and no wonder how graceful the bucking of his hips felt. The slapping of your skin, mixed with your lewd sounds, made you so wet that it dripped down on your leg as Giyu hit your g-spot repeatedly. "Yes! Yes there!"
But then the man suddenly stopped and turned you to face him. You saw how dark his eyes were with lust, and you loved it. He laid you down on the table and ravaged your lips with his hungry kisses as he ripped your shirt, revealing your wonderful tits to him. He kissed them down as he once again aligned his hard cock on your pussy.
He didn't go slow this time. With his nails digging into your waist, Giyu went in and out of you as if there was no tomorrow. You never expected that the decent, by-the-book professor would be this wild in bed, and that turned you on so much that you just wanted to cum.
And yes, as Giyu's lustful eyes watched you and your breast jiggled with each of his movements, you suddenly felt tingles all over your body, especially on the pit of your stomach. "Uh...haah~ Giyu! I'm going cum!"
That made Giyu smirk, and with his right thumb, he rubbed your clit as he fucked you harder, making you almost pass out from the overstimulation. You loved it. You felt like you were in heaven as you reached your first orgasm. Your eyes rolled, and you moaned so hard as you squirted against his cock. But yes, Giyu didn't stop fucking you.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful!" He muttered between his moans.
Suddenly he felt like he was about to cum too, and so he smashed his lips against yours, and his movements went faster and harder than you could imagine. You were literally moaning in his mouth as your first orgasm came. Then, now, you can already feel your second orgasm after just a minute of having your first one.
"Fuck baby, I can't take it anymore!" Giyu said, and finally, with a final thrust, both of you came, his warmth filling your already dripping cunt to the brim.
Giyu planted sloppy kisses on your lips, which you returned, causing him to hum with contentment. Without pulling out, he carried you to the bedroom and laid you on the bed.
There, he finally pulled out but still wrapped his arms around you. "You'll never know how I tried my best to stop myself from making love to you at the uni."
"Me too, Tomioka-sensei."
"Hey, I told you not to call me that when it's just us." He pouted, but then you kissed his nose. "Giyu, my Giyu." Tomioka caressed your cheek and kissed you once again. "Did you plan all of this to happen?" he asked innocently, making you chuckle.
"What I planned was just to get your attention. But I've got something better, I guess." You said that, kissing his cheek. Giyu stared into your eyes and smiled. "You know, I never wanted to feel this way towards you before, but you convinced me to still do it anyway."
"And how did I do that?"
"By trying your best this time and not being the idiot you were before in high school."
You wanted to tease him more, but you just rested your head on his chest. "I just always wanted to get your attention. I love you, Giyu."
"I love you too." He muttered in a sleepy tone as he embraced you tight. Both of you are wishing this weekend wouldn't ever end.
𝑨𝒂𝒂𝒌𝒌! 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒊𝒕~
I enjoyed writing this that it took me THREE EFFIN DAYS XD But yeah, that was hot! 🥵 Giyu breaking his by-the-book attitude is so cute XD Risqueee babyyy hahaha!
Anyways, OF COURSE! The most awaited Sanemi chapter will be next and I can't wait for it as well hahaha!
Reblogs, Comments, and Requests are highly appreciated! Love you!
Ja ne~
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
402 notes · View notes
doumadono · 11 months
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Warnings: violence, viking!Dabi, viking!Shoto, earl!Endeavor, viking!Natsuo, fem!reader, smut (short & not graphic), viking themes, Shoto is a spoiled brat
Summary: in a Viking world of power, secrets and warriors, a young woman captured during a raid finds herself entangled in the life of Dabi, the enigmatic eldest son of the ruthless earl. As secrets, scars, and desires collide, their unconventional connection unfolds in a tale of love, danger, and destiny
Word count: circa 5.9k
A/N: for a few years, I've held a fascination with Viking themes and their historical era. Recently, I had the idea to place Dabi in such a setting and see where the story would take me. I sat down to write and found myself falling in love with this new narrative instantly. While it might seem trivial to some, it's already become a precious gem to me. I plan to unravel the story over six chapters. I hope you enjoy the first one, and I'm open to all opinions. If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series, please let me know ♥
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As the longship glided silently through the dark waters, the moon cast a pale, ethereal glow on the rugged Viking coastline. The scent of salt and adventure filled the night air, and the crew of fierce warriors, led by Dabi, the renegade son of the brutal, ruthless Viking earl, Endeavor, prepared to make landfall.
Dabi, at thirty years of age, bore the marks of a troubled past. Dabi's once-pale skin was now marred by those burns, darkened like a charred log in the heart of a raging fire. His body bore the scars of a fire that had ravaged him in his youth, a cruel gift from his own father, who had attempted to kill him. But it was these very scars that had forged his determination and honed his indomitable spirit. His hair was the color of snow, and his eyes were as blue as the frost-covered sea. He had a reputation as a fierce warrior, known for his ruthless tactics and the way he fought with the fury of a tempest.
The village he came from was a place of cold stone and rough-hewn timbers, where the Viking way of life reigned supreme. The women of the village shied away from Dabi, for his scars marked him as an outcast. He lived a life of solitude, seeking solace in the wild, untamed lands that surrounded their settlement.
Their destination was a small Christian village, nestled among the rolling hills. It had been raided by Dabi's people before, but tonight was different. Tonight, Dabi's heart was restless, and he was inexplicably drawn to the village's fate.
As the Vikings stormed the village, chaos erupted. Houses were set ablaze, and the cries of the villagers filled the night.
The raucous cries of his men filled the air as the village burned and the spoils of their raid were gathered. Dabi stood at the heart of the chaos, an enigmatic figure in the midst of destruction. A faint, unsettling smile tugged at the corners of his lips, hidden beneath the eerie wolf's jaw mask.
He watched with satisfaction as his warriors, his loyal comrades in arms, looted and plundered. The riches of the Christian village flowed into their grasp, their spoils of war. It was a successful trip by Viking standards, a brutal triumph in the unforgiving world they inhabited.
Amidst the smoldering ruins of the Christian village, the Vikings had unleashed their wrath. Blood had been spilled, and the lives of some villagers had been brutally cut short.
But not all of the villagers had met a swift and merciless end. The Vikings, with a calculated eye, had chosen to capture several women and a few men, sparing them from the fate that had befallen their companions. These survivors would serve a different purpose, as slaves in the service of their Viking captors. Among them a young woman. Her hair was the Y/H/C, and her eyes held the innocence of a world untouched by the brutality of the North.
As the raiders dragged the captives away from the charred remains of their homes, the air was heavy with the weight of despair and uncertainty. These men and women, once free, were now prisoners of a world far removed from the peaceful existence they had known. Their lives had taken a harrowing turn, marked by servitude and the harsh reality of Viking conquest.
For Dabi, this decision was not only about power but also about securing the resources and labor needed to sustain their existence in these harsh northern lands. The villagers had been caught in the merciless currents of fate, and their futures were now inexorably tied to the whims of the Viking warriors who had chosen to spare them for their own purposes.
As Dabi inspected the captured men, his gaze swept over the somber group, each face marked by fear and resignation. But then, as if guided by a force beyond his control, his eyes fell upon a young woman. The sight of her took his breath away, and for a moment, he couldn't lie to himself – she was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes upon.
Despite the dirt, blood, and tears that marred her face, her beauty shone through like a radiant star in the night sky. Her cheeks bore the scars of anguish, her eyes, streaked with despair, created rivulets in the dust and grime that clung to her skin. Her once-neat clothes, now tattered and dirtied, bore witness to the cruel turn of fate she had endured.
Dabi's heart, which had been hardened by the harshness of Viking life, thudded in his chest with a new and unfamiliar emotion. She was a vision amidst the chaos, and in that moment, he realized that there was something more to her than just her physical beauty. There was a strength in her, a resilience that had allowed her to endure even in the face of such brutality.
As Dabi's eyes locked onto her, a strange and unsettling sensation coursed through him. It was a feeling he couldn't quite comprehend, a magnetic pull that defied all reason. In the midst of the chaos and destruction, this woman, captured from the village, appeared before him like an enigma.
Her hair, now messy, and those defiant eyes held a fierce determination that had not been extinguished by the horrors of the raid. She was a picture of vulnerability and strength intertwined, a paradox that captivated his very soul.
Dabi, who had always been driven by the uncompromising resolve of a Viking warrior, found himself unnerved by the intensity of this attraction. He was a man of few words and even fewer emotions, but her presence stirred something deep within him, a longing he could not explain. He questioned the very nature of his emotions, grappling with the unfamiliar warmth that her presence kindled within him, even though they hadn't spoken.
He couldn't tear his gaze away from her. Every time their eyes met, it felt as if the fates themselves had intervened, weaving their destinies together in a tapestry of fire and ice.
Their initial meeting was far from the romantic tales sung by skalds. She was bound and helpless, standing amidst the ash and ruin of her once-peaceful village. Dabi, cloaked in darkened furs, surveyed the captives with an air of detached authority. His icy gaze met hers, a meeting of two souls from opposite worlds. "You," he spoke, his voice as cold as the northern winds, "What's your name?"
The woman's voice trembled as she replied, avoiding looking at him, "It doesn't matter anymore."
Dabi's frustration simmered just beneath the surface as her initial reply didn't satisfy his curiosity. He huffed in annoyance, the cold air from his breath mingling with the tension in the atmosphere. His desire to understand her and the strange attraction he felt only intensified.
Closing the distance between them, he moved with a predatory grace, catching her by the shoulders and forcing her to turn to face him. His grip, firm but not unkind, held a subtle hint of authority. Their eyes locked, his piercing gaze penetrating her soul. "I asked you for your name, woman," Dabi demanded, his voice tinged with impatience. It was a command that brooked no disobedience, his intensity pushing past the boundaries of the tumultuous situation they found themselves in. His own desire to know her name and the unexplainable connection he felt had turned into an obsession, and he needed answers, regardless of the circumstances.
As Dabi's demand hung in the air, she met his unwavering gaze. Her eyes, a mixture of fear and defiance, looked up into his, a silent struggle raging within her. But shortly after, her gaze faltered, shifting to the mask he wore, crafted from the jagged jaw of a wolf. The sight sent a shiver down her spine, a symbol of the fierce, untamed nature of the man who stood before her.
The man, with the mask that lent him an imposing visage, was tall and imposing, easily towering over her. His presence alone was enough to instill a sense of vulnerability in her.
Trembling, she finally surrendered to his demand, her voice quivering as she spoke, "I am Y/N." Her name, offered with a tremor in her voice, was a fragile gift, a shard of her identity laid bare in the face of the formidable Viking who had claimed her as his captive.
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For the next two days, the Viking raiders worked tirelessly to pack the spoils of their conquest onto their longships.
Dabi, ever the watchful leader, stood guard over the entire process, ensuring that the riches plundered from the Christian village were securely stowed away. The village's treasures, from precious metals to food supplies, were meticulously organized and divided amongst the victorious Vikings.
The night of their conquest, the Vikings celebrated their successful raid with an infernal party. Driven by the spoils they had claimed, they emptied the Christians' pantries of beer, meat, and mead. The sound of merriment echoed through the night, a stark contrast to the sorrow that had befallen the captured villagers.
However, amidst the revelry, there were dark moments that marred the festivities. Some of the Viking warriors, fueled by intoxication and the ruthless nature of their world, committed terrible acts upon the captive Christian women without their consent. It was a grim reminder of the brutality that often accompanied such raids, where power and desire clashed with the innocence of the conquered.
Dabi, torn between his leadership role and the strange attraction he felt for one of the captives, observed the chaos with a heavy heart. The celebration, for him, was a juxtaposition of the jubilant and the sinister, a reflection of the duality that defined their lives as Vikings.
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After days of tireless packing, the Viking raiders were finally ready to set sail for their homeland. The longships, laden with the spoils of their conquest, were now prepared to embark on the journey back to the rugged shores they called home.
Dabi took his place at the bow of his longship, a position of command and observation. His keen, turquise eyes surveyed the captivated people who had survived the ruthless acts of the past nights. They were a motley group, marked by both the physical and emotional scars of the raid. Some carried the burden of their violated dignity, while others were haunted by the loss of their loved ones and the destruction of their once-peaceful village.
The longship that Dabi commanded was the largest among the six that had come to the shore. It loomed like a dark behemoth against the horizon, its figurehead carving through the waves, a symbol of the Viking's ruthless power. Dabi watched as the captives, those who would serve as slaves in their new life, reluctantly boarded the vessel. It was a moment that carried with it a sense of foreboding, a step into the unknown, as they embarked on a perilous journey to a life that was bound by the harsh code of the Viking world.
Dabi's keen eyes never left the captivating young woman named Y/N as she hesitantly approached the longship. She was one of the last to board, and her trembling form didn't escape his notice. She might have tried to mask her fears with a poker face, but the vulnerability that emanated from her was unmistakable.
A faint, almost smug smirk played at the corners of Dabi's lips. He knew that Y/N was not going to be easily sold in any market or to another earl. The strange attraction he felt for her had ignited something within him, a desire to protect and possess her. He understood that she was unique, an enigma amidst the other captives, and he was prepared to put pressure on his father to ensure she remained with their family in their Great Hall.
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The journey back home was arduous and relentless, the Viking longships battling through raging storms and colossal waves that crashed against their sides. The tempestuous sea was a cruel reminder of nature's might, a fierce adversary they had to contend with on their voyage.
For days on end, they sailed through the tumultuous waters, each day bringing new challenges and peril. The crew worked tirelessly to navigate the treacherous waves, their lives intertwined with the unpredictable whims of the sea. The longships, laden with their ill-gotten gains, were tossed like leaves in a tempest, and the thunderous roars of the ocean were their constant companion.
Dabi, despite his role as a leader, occasionally took walks along the longship to check on his comrades. It was an excuse, he told himself, but the truth was that he sought to steal moments to take a closer look at the captivating young woman named Y/N. She was bound to a mast, her body curled in a defensive posture, a vulnerable figure amidst the chaos.
One night, as they braved the wrath of the sea, Dabi stood close to the place where Y/N was tied. He leaned against the side of the boat, his arms crossed, gazing into the darkness that enveloped them. The crashing waves and the howling winds created an eerie symphony, but his focus remained on the woman who had become a focal point of his thoughts.
"I was curious how," Dabi's voice suddenly pierced the silence.
Startled, Y/N was pulled out from a shallow slumber she had allowed to envelop her. She blinked, momentarily disoriented. "What?" she asked, her voice trembling with a mix of exhaustion and apprehension.
Dabi, who had been standing nearby, turned his gaze toward her. "How do you know our language?" he inquired, his words delivered with a curious, almost neutral tone. It was a question that had been gnawing at him, the mystery of her familiarity with their Viking tongue.
Y/N hesitated, her thoughts racing as she grappled with how to respond. The truth was a delicate matter, a secret that she had guarded with her life. "My father was a Northman," Y/N replied, her voice carrying a note of bitterness, "and as long as he was around, he was teaching me some things."
Dabi's response was not immediate, and in the dim light, his smirk was concealed by the wolf's jaw mask he wore. The revelation intrigued him, and the knowledge that she had learned their language from her Northman father added another layer of complexity to the enigma of Y/N. It was a connection he hadn't anticipated, a bridge between their two worlds that he had yet to fully explore.
"What are you going to do to us?" Y/N asked suddenly, the uncertainty in her eyes betraying her anxiety.
Dabi sighed heavily and walked closer to her, resting his hip against the mast to which she was tied. "You'll work for us," he replied simply, his tone carrying a hint of slyness.
Y/N's expression darkened as she processed his words. "So, we're going to be your slaves," she said with a tinge of bitterness, "a beautiful perspective."
Dabi chuckled softly, the sound muffled by his mask. "Well, we Vikings have a different way of looking at things, you see. You'll find our 'perspective' quite interesting, I assure you."
"Why us?" Y/N asked, curiosity mingling with her apprehension.
Dabi's eyes gleamed with amusement. "Your village was raided before, and you happen to possess a huge amount of goods we needed," he replied, the slyness in his voice becoming more apparent. "You could say it's just a matter of unfortunate circumstances."
"You're a monster. You all are. You killed innocent people!" Y/N ground the accusation from the depths of her mind.
Dabi chuckled darkly, his head tilting back slightly. "We? Oh no, sunshine, we're not monsters," he retorted, his voice dripping with a chilling nonchalance. Dabi leaned in closer to Y/N, his voice low and filled with an air of mystery. "You see," he began, a hint of smugness in his tone. "We are Vikings, warriors of the North. Our ways are brutal, but they're also fiercely proud. We live by the sword and sail by the stars. Our world is one of conquest and survival, where strength and cunning are the ultimate currencies." Dabi paused for a moment, as if considering whether to reveal more. "And you, Y/N, have found yourself caught in the wake of our world. Your journey is now intertwined with ours, and how it unfolds, well, that remains to be seen."
His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of the unknown.
Dabi's sharp ears caught the sound of Y/N's quiet sobs, and he turned his gaze toward her.
Her words, filled with pain and anger, washed over him. "I wanna rather die than be a slave," she lamented, "you're animals, killing and robbing for fun. I'll never forgive you for killing my friends."
He let out a low, almost amused chuckle, a sound that resonated with a kind of sly arrogance. "Animals, you say?" he responded, his voice carrying a note of mockery. "Perhaps, but in our world, it's the fittest that survive. We aren't much for sentiment, and the reality is, we did what we had to do to ensure our own survival." Dabi's gaze remained fixed on her, and his tone took on a more cryptic edge. "As for forgiveness, sunshine, that's not something I'm particularly concerned about. We live by the code of the North, and it's a world where the line between predator and prey is often blurred. It's a harsh existence, but it's ours."
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As the Viking longships sailed southward through the tempestuous sea, they finally reached their home village, known as Skjaldvargr nestled on the southern shores of Norway.
The arrival of Dabi and his crew was met with a raucous reception. The people of Skjaldvargr, mostly guards and shieldmaidens, had been eagerly awaiting their return. The shieldmaidens, with their fierce eyes and battle-worn armor, stood proudly alongside their male counterparts, a testament to the equality that defined Viking society.
The village came to life with the clanging of shields and the joyful cries of reunion as the raiders disembarked, their ill-gotten treasures in tow. It was a homecoming marked by the spoils of their conquest and the triumphant return of their warriors, a scene that underscored the unyielding spirit of the people of Skjaldvargr.
The longships were expertly unloaded, and the captivated men and women were carefully escorted off the vessels. They were bound together, forming a dispirited line, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and resignation. The captives from the Christian village now stood on the wooden pier, their lives forever changed by the Viking raid.
Dabi was the last to disembark. As he stepped onto the pier, the people of Skjaldvargr erupted into cheers. His name carried weight in the village; he was known not only as a fierce Viking warrior but also as one of the heirs to Endeavor, their ruthless earl. His presence was a symbol of power and authority, and the villagers greeted him with a mixture of reverence and admiration.
The triumphant return of Dabi and his crew marked a momentous occasion in the life of Skjaldvargr, where the spoils of their conquest and the legend of their daring deeds would echo through the halls of their Great Hall. The fate of the captives, bound and silent, hung in the balance, as the world of the Northmen unfurled before them.
Among the men and women on the shore, there was a tall, white-haired male with a thick, long fur draped around his shoulders, a figure that stood out amidst the assembled Vikings.
Dabi approached the man and wrapped him in a warm hug. "Natsuo, brother," he greeted him with a grin that couldn't be seen behind his mask.
Natsuo, the younger of the two, returned the hug, placing his hands on Dabi's shoulders. "Looking good and returning successful again. Wonderful," he replied with a hint of admiration in his voice. He stepped back, taking a moment to study his brother. "But what's all this fuss about a Christian village?" he inquired, his curiosity evident. "You've got everyone talking."
Dabi's smirk only widened as he regarded his brother. "Oh, Natsuo, it's a long story. Let's catch up over a drink at the Great Hall. I have quite the tale to tell."
The brothers shared a knowing glance, the unspoken understanding between them evident in their eyes.
Dabi wasted no time in issuing his orders to one of his men. "Make sure the Y/H/C woman is not sent to the market but is brought straight to the Great Hall," he commanded, his tone devoid of any room for discussion.
His bondsman, ever dutiful, nodded in acknowledgment of the directive.
Natsuo, wearing a mischievous grin, couldn't resist teasing his older brother about the mysterious woman. "Dabi, she must be quite the catch if you're keeping her for yourself," he said, his tone laced with amusement. "Hope you're going to share a little!"
Dabi scoffed, playfully shoving his brother's shoulder. "Don't be absurd, Natsuo. She's just a captive from the Christian village. I've got more important matters to attend to," he replied, his tone gruff but carrying a hint of a secret smile. "Now, off to the Great Hall. Father is likely impatient for the reports."
The banter between the two brothers continued as they made their way to the heart of Skjaldvargr, leaving behind the captivated woman who had captured Dabi's attention and a tale that had yet to fully unfold.
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His hips moved with swift and forceful determination, and the woman beneath him found herself panting and moaning his name in response. With a final series of intense grunts and thrusts, the young man with distinctive two-coloured hair reached his climax, giving one last deep thrust into the girl, spilling his seed in her.
She gently placed her palm against his cheek, her touch brushing over a scarred, reddened area under his left eye. However, her hand was met with a swift and firm push as he growled, withdrawing from her and hurriedly adjusting his pants.
"No," he snarled, pushing her off his bed with ease. "Get the fuck out now," he demanded, his tone filled with a brusque and dismissive edge.
"But you told me you liked me and that we'd have more time together," the young thrall whispered softly as she gathered her clothes from the wooden floor.
The young man's chuckle was cold and devoid of genuine emotion. "Are you that naive?" he sneered, "I only wanted your pussy, nothing else. Get out of my bed before my father or older brother catch you. You don't want to find yourself in trouble, do you?"
The thrall, disheartened and regretful, quickly dressed and left the room. She entered the main chamber of the Great Hall just as Natsuo and Dabi stepped through the massive doors.
Their father, Endeavor, the fearsome earl of Skjaldvargr, was seated at the throne at the end of the chamber, grinding his axe. His stern gaze bore into his eldest son as they approached, a silent expectation for a report on their latest raid.
"The raid on the Christian village was a resounding success. We looted their coffers, took their goods, and brought back valuable supplies that will sustain our village for the winter. The riches we've acquired are beyond our expectations."
Endeavor nodded, acknowledging the information. "Any captives?" he inquired, his eyes scrutinizing his son.
Dabi continued, "We have several men and women who will serve as thralls. We've also secured a Y/H/C woman who is very unique, father. She possesses knowledge of our language, and I've made the decision to keep her within our Great Hall rather than sending her to the market."
He listened to Dabi's report with a stern demeanor, his eyes narrowing as his son spoke about the captive Y/H/C woman. When Dabi finished, the earl's voice held a note of warning. "You know that you shouldn't be making such decisions without my consent," he admonished, his tone heavy with authority. "But this time, I will let it slide."
Inside, Dabi couldn't help but heave a silent sigh of relief. Endeavor's leniency meant that he would have the opportunity to interact with Y/N more freely, a chance to explore the mystery and attraction that had drawn him to her during the journey home. The knowledge that he wouldn't face immediate consequences for his impulsive decision filled him with a sense of gratitude, even as he maintained his outward composure.
Natsuo, on the other hand, took a seat at the long table, where freshly cooked meat was being served by their thralls. He joined the warriors who had gathered to eat, listening to the tale of their successful raid with a satisfied grin. The sounds of feasting and celebration filled the Great Hall, a stark contrast to the darkness and secrets that had transpired on the longship during the journey home.
As Dabi stood in front of his father, a sudden presence caught his attention. A young man with two-colored hair, neatly groomed but slightly untidy now, had joined them. It was Shoto, Dabi's youngest brother, who had recently celebrated his eighteenth spring. His appearance and demeanor appeared deceivingly innocent, but Dabi knew that his younger sibling was not to be underestimated.
"So, you've returned, brother," Shoto said, his tone dripping with feigned sweetness. He offered Dabi a smile that was almost too saccharine, given the complexities of their family dynamics.
Dabi acknowledged Shoto with a nod, a sense of unease brewing beneath the surface.
Shoto turned his attention to their father, Endeavor, his voice carrying a subtle air of request. "Father, this winter, I want to visit Earl Gizzor's settlement, as we discussed. It's crucial that we maintain good relationships between our settlements."
Dabi furrowed his brow, disbelief tinging his words. "What? How do you intend to do that? We've declared war on them."
Shoto maintained his sweet smile as he responded, "While you were away, brother, father and I reached an agreement. We've decided that it's no longer necessary to wage war with Earl Gizzor. Instead, we've buried the hatchet."
Dabi was taken aback, struggling to process what he was hearing. Earl Gizzor was known to be a man of dubious trustworthiness, and the sudden reconciliation with him left a bitter taste in Dabi's mouth. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, and the unexpected alliance between his younger brother and their father raised more questions than it provided answers.
Endeavor nodded in agreement with Shoto's proposal, adding his voice to the conversation. "Shoto is right, Dabi. Maintaining alliances and peace with neighboring earls is essential. We can't be at war on all fronts."
Dabi, with a simple nod of acknowledgment, turned to leave the throne area of the chamber. However, before he walked away, he caught Shoto's shoulder, his grip gentle but firm. "You have a fucking sperm on your pants, you little bastard," he grumbled, his voice low and filled with a blend of irritation and brotherly mockery. "Which poor thrall have you managed to lure into your charms this time?"
Shoto, not one to be easily cowed, replied in a wry and cocky whisper, ensuring their father couldn't hear, "You're always looking so closely, brother. Some of us don't need a mask to be charming. If you looked look like a real man, you wouldn't need to be envious of my romantic pursuits," he quipped, a glint of mischief in his eyes as he took a not-so-subtle dig at Dabi, looking him hardly in the eyes.
Their exchange, hidden beneath the veneer of family respect and decorum, hinted at a deeper sibling rivalry and a history of conflicting personalities. The tension between Dabi and Shoto was a thread woven into the very fabric of their family.
Dabi's patience worn thin by the exchange with Shoto. He scoffed and let go of his younger brother's arm. He turned and made his way straight to his chamber, his footsteps heavy.
Natsuo, who had been a silent witness to the situation between his two brothers, watched with a heavy heart. He loved them both and couldn't bring himself to pick sides, but the tension in the air was palpable, and he worried about the growing rift between Dabi and Shoto.
In his own chamber, Dabi wasted no time. He shed his outer layers, discarding the fur, the mask, woolen shirt, and pants until he stood naked in the room. He flopped onto his bed, which was covered with furs, and stared at the ceiling. His mind was filled with thoughts about everything that had transpired during the days, and he couldn't help but wonder about Shoto's intentions and the potential consequences of their father's newfound alliance.
After some contemplation, he decided to take a bath to clear his mind. Dabi wrapped a towel around his hips and called for one of the thralls to prepare a hot bath for him.
As the thrall prepared the bath, the steam filled the room, creating a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. Dabi wasted no time and immersed himself in the hot water of the wooden tub. The soothing warmth seeped into his muscles, and he leaned back comfortably against the edge, closing his eyes.
The scent of the bath's herbs and oils mixed with the steam, creating a fragrant haven that allowed Dabi to momentarily escape the complexities of his world. With each passing moment, the tensions seemed to melt away, leaving him in blissful solitude and the serene embrace of the soothing bathwater.
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As you were brought to the Great Hall, everything appeared new and unfamiliar. Fear coursed through your veins as you found yourself surrounded by strangers, most of them men whose eyes bore into you with an unsettling hunger. The air was thick with whispered, lewd comments, but you did your best to avoid drawing attention, keeping your gaze lowered and your composure intact.
Amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces, an older woman, a thrall who had been through similar experiences, extended a hand to guide you away from the prying eyes. She offered a reassuring smile as she took your hand and spoke in a soothing tone. "Come with me, child. I'll explain your new duties and help you settle in," she said, her voice filled with empathy. "You'll find your place here, and in time, it will become more familiar."
Her words provided a glimmer of hope in the midst of your fear, as you followed the thrall to begin your new life in the Great Hall, embarking on a journey that held both uncertainty and the possibility of finding your own strength in a world of unfamiliar faces and customs.
The thrall, as she handed you a plain, thick, greyish dress, began to speak about the members of the earl's family. Her voice was gentle and informative, and you listened attentively, eager to learn more about the people you would be serving. In the end, it was your new life.
She explained, "The earl is Endeavor, a formidable leader and the head of this settlement. He's known for his strength and authority, but also for his ruthlessness."
You nodded, taking in the information, and she continued, "Touya, the eldest son, is a fierce warrior, and he's known for his prowess in raids. His younger brother, Natsuo, is more diplomatic, often seeking peaceful resolutions. The youngest of Endeavor's sons is Shoto," the thrall continued, her voice carrying a more cautious tone as she spoke of him. "He can be the most problematic one, especially when it comes to his affairs." Her words were filled with a hint of warning. "Shoto is known for his charisma and charm, but don't be fooled. He's a smooth talker and has a way of getting what he wants." She leaned in closer, her eyes narrowing as she emphasized, "Be careful around him, dear. He may seem charming, but his intentions can be far from virtuous."
Overwhelmed by the realization that you had been reduced to nothing but a slave, a feeling of hopelessness and anger welled up within you. You turned to the elder woman and, with a hint of defiance, you declared, "I don't want to work. I won't be a slave."
The thrall, her expression heavy with the weight of harsh reality, looked at you with a stern gaze. She leaned in closer, her voice low and foreboding as she whispered, "You don't have a choice in this matter, my child, so hadn't I. If you refuse to work, you won't survive for long. This is the way of our world, and it's a harsh one. I arrived here several years ago, after being taken from the settlement of another earl who was killed in a battle with Endeavor, and ever since, I've been toiling for the earl's family. The tasks are far from rewarding, but such is the way of life," she explained, her voice tinged with resignation.
As you inquired about the tall man who cnquered your village, the thrall's eyes held a certain intensity, and she clarified, "It was Dabi. Dabi is his chosen warrior name. His given name is Touya."
You had obediently completed your first task of cleaning the Great Hall, even though it felt like a menial chore that reflected your new life as a thrall. However, when another thrall instructed you to go to another room to help with the bath, you complied without question. With a heavy sigh, you followed the directions and pushed open the door.
As you stepped into the room, a rush of steam enveloped you, carrying a fragrance of herbs that filled the air. Your brow furrowed in surprise, but before you could react further, the steam dissipated. What lay before you was a scene that caught you off guard: a large bed and clothes, and a mask that you recognized from when Dabi had worn it.
Then, your eyes fell upon the figure in the bath, and a gasp escaped your lips, a sound you couldn't control. You took an involuntary step back as the sight unfolded before you. The man in the bath was Dabi, his body covered with a patchwork of purple, dark, scarred skin. These gnarled, wrinkled, and disfigured patches marred much of his lower face and neck, extending past his collarbone, and continued down his arms and legs. Your whimper of shock hung in the air, and you couldn't help but take another step back, horror etched on your face. It was the first time you saw him without a mask.
Dabi's turquoise eyes opened slowly, and he gazed at you with a haunting intensity. "That's you," he whispered, a quiet acknowledgment of your presence, his voice tinged with a hint of mystery and a deep well of secrets.
As the realization of Dabi's disfigured appearance settled in, the room seemed to grow heavy with tension. Your initial shock gave way to a mix of empathy and curiosity, wondering about the circumstances that had led to such extensive scarring.
The room, suffused with the aroma of herbs, steam and the eerie sight of his scars, seemed to cradle you both in its embrace, marking a pivotal moment that was only beginning to unfold.
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heathen wolves: @indignant-alpaca @misafiryanki @roast-toast @within-eyesight @crystalwolfblog
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chopperfancard · 1 year
aaaaa hollow knight roleswap au
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"The Vessel"
An enigmatic wanderer who descends into Hallownest carrying only a broken nail to fend off foes. They themselves do not even know what brought them here. But they are sure they will find their answer eventually. Though they lack a voice to speak, they are far from unfeeling. Actions speak louder than words, after all.
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A thief from the outside world who has come to Hallownest after she could no longer resist a desire to seek and uncover its lore and secrets for herself. Wielding a needle and a thread and years of combat experience; she is a superb hunter even in unfamiliar habitats such as the labyrinths of Hallownest.
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The inquisitive guardian of Hallownest's ruins. Vigilantly protecting it from outsiders who wish the desecrate its sacred history. Though he does not have many flashy powers, his proficiency with a nail more than narrows the gap between him and his opponents during tense combat.
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Ghost of the Past
Formerly known as "The Hollow Knight", but something went wrong, and now it is merely just a living reminder of the failure of our king.
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vintagerpg · 7 months
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This is the Science Fiction Book Club first edition of Robert Holdstock’s Mythago Wood (1984). It concern a family living near the titular forest. Dad’s obsessed with it, Mom is going to pieces because of that obsession, kids are largely neglected. One brother goes to war, the other stays. Mom and Dad die. The war brother comes back years later and find things…strange.
The forest is larger on the inside than it is on the outside. It is also inhabited by unusual people, like Roman centurions, Robin Hood-like huntsmen, barbarians and a giant rage god that is a man with a boar head. These inhabitants are both manifestations of the land’s memory and also somehow connected to the minds of the regular people who enter the woods — everyone brings their own set of mythagos to life. The edges of this are fuzzy and never fully explained. Its the best part of the book and it speaks somehow of a primal human consciousness in such a way that I’ve never really been able to stop thinking about it (even though I have very little desire to read the subsequent novels in the series).
The bulk of the novel consists of a rivalry between the two brothers. The one who stayed has spent years roaming the strange landscape inside the wood (which houses many ruins and a couple of distinct culture groups) as a barbaric reaver who seeks the affections of a young Boudica-like woman/archetype that the war brother also loves (some of the relationship stuff here is yicky, fair warning). Christian’s (ironic name) transformation into a violent, filthy bandit king is striking and also resonates strangely. Things come to a head near the even-weirder heart of the wood and end rather enigmatically (and subverts expectations for a violent score-settling).
Curiously, despite there being like eight books in the series, I don’t ever hear folks talk about them. That, somehow, makes the secrets of this book even more appealing.
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alternativeminiatures · 3 months
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New Trench Crusade unit, I don't know how they would make this into a miniatures, but mother of god, just the concept art is incredible!
++HUNTER OF THE LEFT HAND PATH++ The hunters of the Court of the Seven-headed Serpent are followers of the Left-hand Path. They stalk the primordial hinterlands of hell, where they hunt terrifying beasts and perform vile magicks and auguries using the innards of their still-living prey to discern portents and omens. They follow the hidden paths, the secret ley lines that connect the eons old shrines and ruins that still endure in the cancerous, tortured wilds of hell. The hunters haunt the remnants of kingdoms, the sites of ancient battles and places of legend long forgotten by the scribes and cartographers of Hell. In solitary rituals the hunter makes appalling oblations before these forgotten shrines, genuflecting and making obeisance to enigmatic beings of awesome power whose names even the Arch-Devils have forgotten. To arm themselves, the hunters perform strange rites upon their left arm, driving into it nails of infernal iron forged in the foundries of the city of Pandemonium. Their left arm grows into wicked shapes, often taking the form of a powerful hunting bow that fires arrows made from the hunterâ™s own diseased blood. Such darts can be used for many purposes: killing their prey outright, paralyzing them, or causing them to see visions of their own demise. They wear the pale skins of the stargazing oracle beasts that wander the burning plains of hell in great herds. The eyes of the oracles are alive even after their death and watch out for the new master that wears their skin as a cloak.
When called to war on Earth, the Devil Lords can really only hope the hunters answer to their summons, as the hunters do not always listen. They prefer the solitude of the wilds of hell, where they can ruminate upon its vile majesty, and consider the orders from the Princes of Hell as suggestions at best. When one can be persuaded to join the hunt of the Court on Earth, they can traverse the paths of No Man's Land just as easily as the wastes of Hell, for the ley lines of Hell are reflected upon the fallen Creation.
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bupia · 1 year
Bloodlust: Chapter 6 - Dracopia x Fem!Reader
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Summary: The following morning has finally arrived, marking Copia's highly anticipated reunion with his long-lost siblings after years of separation. Driven by his quest to uncover the truth about his mysterious past, Copia isn't quite prepared for what his siblings have to share. However, as secrets are unveiled, new layers of Copia's story are revealed, plunging him deeper into his enigmatic past.
Words: 14.222
Warnings: Angst (blood; mortality; dead body; blood drink; mentions of mortality; bite) | SMUT! (dirty talk; oral sex, m-f; fingering; teasing; overstimulate; oral sex, f-m; bites during sex; penetration: p in v; unprotected sex; breeding) | Swearing | Italian swearing
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Available on AO3
Final chapter.
Tag list: @copiasslut @copiasprincipessa @haelithra @new-age-space-age @the-did-i-ask @sodoswitchimage @thesoundresoundsecho @fishwithtitz @nimbusghoul @enchantedbunny
A delicate tickle graced your cheek, swiftly followed by a soft, affectionate kiss. It roused you from your slumber, with the softest of giggles. Slowly, your eyelids fluttered open, revealing Copia's hand tenderly cradling your face. He drew you nearer, gracing your cheek with a cascade of affectionate kisses, each one warmer than the last.
With your eyes half-lidded, you turned your face toward him, glimpsing a faint smile adorning his lips. He leaned in closer, gently bestowing a tender peck upon your lips.
"Buongiorno, dormigliona," he murmured softly.
"Good morning, Copia," you replied, your voice carrying a trace of morning warmth.
With a gentle motion, you shifted your body towards him, nestling your forehead against his chest. Inhaling deeply, you allowed his comforting presence to wash over you. Your hand found its place on his chest, fingers tracing tender patterns through the fabric of his shirt, while you nuzzled your face against him.
"How did you sleep, cara?" he inquired softly.
"I had a good night, what about you?" you replied.
"I... I didn't sleep at all," he admitted with a hint of unease in his voice.
"Why?" you asked, your words barely more than a murmur.
"I spent the whole night trying to remember something about my past, about that day, about her. But all I can remember are flashbacks of the church in ruins and me killing those people," Copia confessed, his voice weighed down by the weight of his memories.
"Copia," you began gently, "you had a traumatic event in your life. You lost your home, your brothers, and someone you loved. It's not easy to cope with such loss, and it's not your fault for struggling to remember. Your brain is simply processing it the best way it can."
"I just wish I could at least remember something, feel something," Copia lamented.
"And you do, Copia, not all of it, but you do have some memories inside of you," you reassured him gently. "I don't know how it feels to carry that burden, how you must be feeling right now," you took a deep breath, "but trust me, everything is going to be alright."
Copia locked his gaze with yours and enveloped you in a tight embrace. You reciprocated, drawing him close as you took a deep, calming breath. His lips found the top of your head, leaving a gentle kiss in their wake, prompting you to turn your face to meet his, your eyes connecting.
However, something caught your attention, causing your eyebrows to furrow. Your hand instinctively moved to Copia's lips, and your thumb brushed against his thin mustache, wiping something away. As you turned your thumb in your direction, realization struck you like a bolt, and your eyes widened. The red spot on your thumb took you by surprise, and you turned your gaze to Copia, where you could see the embarrassment in his eyes.
"Copia... Is this...?"
Copia took your hand in his, bringing your thumb to his lips, and with a gentle suck, he cleaned it. "Mi dispiace, amore, I... felt a little hungry," he admitted with a hint of sheepishness.
You withdrew your hand from his and brought it up to your neck, a look of concern on your face as you sat up abruptly on the bed. Copia's eyes widened, and he followed suit, holding your face with both of his hands.
"No, no, no, no, amore," Copia reassured you, shaking his head earnestly. "It's not from you, I promise."
You nodded, removing your hand from your neck but still watching him closely, though his expression turned melancholy. He let go of your face, turning his head away.
"Copia..." you murmured, calling for him.
"Do you really think I would do it to you, cara?" he asked, his voice heavy with disappointment.
"No, Copia... I'm sorry," you apologized, reaching for his hands and holding them tightly. "It was an involuntary reaction. I'm deeply sorry, Copia. I know you wouldn't hurt me."
Copia turned his face back to meet yours, and you gave him a gentle smile. Leaning in, you pressed a tender kiss on his lips and let out a heavy sigh.
"I know you wouldn't hurt me. You promised to take care of me, and I believe you will," you whispered against his lips, reaffirming your trust in him.
Copia's eyes softened as he heard your words, and he held your hands with a reassuring grip. "I would never want to hurt you," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity.
"Yes, I know, I'm sorry," you expressed with regret.
Copia smiled warmly and reassured you, "It's okie dokie, cara mia."
"You promise me?"
"Sì," Copia affirmed. "I do understand your fear." He leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on your cheek.
"I'm not afraid of you..." you started to say, but before you could finish, Copia took the initiative. He grabbed your waist and laid you down, crawling his body on top of yours.
"Aren't you, amore?" his face hovered just inches away from yours, and a playful smile danced on his lips as he asked.
You shook your head, denying any fear, and your hands found their way to his face. With a sense of longing and desire, you closed the gap between you two, capturing his lips with your own. Your hands roamed his face, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you, pressing his body against yours. Copia adjusted his position, his hand moving to your thighs, gently parting them to settle himself more comfortably between them.
You moved one of your legs closer to his hips, exerting a gentle yet purposeful pressure to anchor him in position. His hands caressed your thighs before gliding up to your hips, securing their grip with firmness. As your chest pressed against his, your hands began to wander over his back. His fingers traced intricate patterns along your sides, evoking a sharp intake of breath from you.
"I think I need some more time in bed with you," a mischievous glint sparkled in Copia's eyes as he whispered, his warm breath brushing against your lips.
"Yeah? Why?" you asked, tilting your head.
Copia gazed into your eyes with a playful glint, a sly smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Because," he whispered huskily, his voice laced with desire, "I can't think of a better way to start the morning than in the warmth of your arms."
With a playful smile, you leaned in, your lips meeting his in a tender kiss. The kiss was soft at first, but soon became more passionate, with tongues intertwining and hands roaming over each other's bodies. Your heart beat rapidly in your chest as you felt yourself getting aroused. He responded by wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close to him. You felt the heat of his body through his shirt as he pressed against you.
Your hands wandered down his back, exploring every inch of him as you continued to kiss him passionately. Copia moaned into your mouth, his hands running up and down your sides. His lips were hot on yours, and you could feel a heat emanating from them. The kiss were becoming more demanding his tongue sliding deeper inside your mouth, tasting you.
You broke away from the kiss, your breath ragged as you gazed deeply into Copia's eyes. His gaze intensified, his eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint, and a playful grin played upon his lips.
"Should we get up now? To meet your brothers," you asked, your breath still heavy.
"Oh no," Copia replied, "We're going to stay here for a while longer."
You smiled at his response, nodding in agreement. Perhaps his brothers could wait a little longer as you and Copia savored the present moment. However, your heart raced as you felt his hand slide under your shirt.
"W-What are you doing, Copia?" you stammered, your voice quivering with surprise.
"Let me compensate for yesterday, amore," he murmured softly, his eyes filled with desire and tenderness.
Your breath quickened even further as his hand slowly moved down between your legs, making their way towards your ache core. You let out a soft gasp as his fingers touched your core, your hips bucking involuntarily. You bit your lip, and Copia grinned at your reaction, his fingers gently rubbing your sensitive flesh over your panties.
"A-Are you sure about it, Copia? We don't need to do it now," you hesitated, seeking confirmation.
"You don't want to do it?" he inquired.
"I... I want," you admitted, your desire matching his.
"So let me do it for you, cara," he whispered
You moaned softly, your hands finding their way to his hair, gently tugging on it as his fingers made their way to your clit. Copia gazed into your eyes with a wicked grin on his face.
"You like it like this, amore?" he asked.
You nodded your head in response, your agreement silently conveyed. However, before you could utter a word or share another breath, your mind went blank as Copia's fingers slip inside your panties finding your clit. Your hips bucked upward as he began rubbing it gently, causing you to whimper.
"Yes... Copia... please," you whispered. "More..."
Copia met your plea with a knowing smile, ready to fulfill your every desire. Your legs shook as he caressed your clit gently between his fingers. You closed your eyes, your whole body shaking as you arched your back, grinding your core against his fingers.
"So wet," he murmured, his fingers sliding along your slit. "I'm very satisfied to feel how wet you are for me, amore," he said, rubbing your clit harder.
He withdrew his hand from inside your panties going with it to the waistbands, slowly pulling them down your legs. He lowered his body, leaving his hand between your legs, still caressing your core. You opened your eyes, widening in surprise as you felt him kissing your inner thighs. A soft moan escaped your lips as your fingers tangled in his hair.
"I can't wait to taste you here, amore," Copia whispered.
"C-Oh! Copia..." you moaned, your hips moving up and down. "Please... I need you."
"Do you?" he asked, his voice filled with desire.
"Y-Yes... P-please..."
His tongue darted out to taste you. One of your hands rested on the edge of the bed, your eyes closed again as you enjoyed the feeling of Copia's tongue lapping at your flesh. As he opened his mouth wider, you could feel something sharp brushing against the sensitive skin of your core. You opened your eyes to see him staring up at you, his head moving slowly, his tongue gliding over your wetness. Your eyes closed once again, your breathing coming in short pants.
His tongue swirled around your clit, making you squirm. Copia spread your legs wider, his hands resting on your thighs as he licked you. His tongue circled your clit, teasing it. You cried out, your body shaking as his tongue made its way down your slit, plunging deep inside you.
"Oh yes! That feels so good," you sighed, your fingers digging into the bed.
Your body writhing as Copia's tongue explored your entrance. The fingers your had on his head, ran though his hair, holding onto him tightly. His hand found its way to your clit, rubbing it. Your juices flowing freely, coating his fingers. He pushed his head closer to your core, his tongue plunging deeper, thrusting you with it.
You wrapped your legs around his head, pulling him deeper, wanting more. Copia moaned against your core, the vibrations sending chills through you. You moaned loud and your head rolled from side to side, the sound of his mouth sucking and licking your wetness sent shivers down your spine. His fingers stroking faster, your hips bucking against his face.
"Oh... Copia, Copi-Ah! Yes, just like that, don't stop," you cried out.
You grabbed a hold of his hair, puling him into you harder. Your nails digging into his scalp, he lets go of your clit, and reaches up to grab both of your breasts under your shirt. Pushing them together, his mouth still working over your core. He squeezed your breasts hard, pinching your nipples between his fingers. His tongue went again to your clit, flicking it over then dipping lower to taste your wetness.
"Oh!" you gasped. "Fuck! Copia... Please... Ah! How can you be so good at this?"
He lowered one of his hands, moving it back to between your legs, going with it inside of you, pumping in and out slowly. You bit your lip, feeling his fingers sliding in and out of you. He added another finger, pumping them faster, matching the speed of his tongue.
"Copi-Ah! I can't, this is too much, oh fuck," you moaned loud.
"Is it? Do you want to cum?" he asked, his voice husky.
"Yes! yes! yes! yes!"
"Molto bene," he cooed. "Just wait a little longer for me, amore, sì? Just a little bit longer."
You nod and he kept the peace of his moves inside you, working on your spot. His tongue flicked around your clit again, then went to your entrance. Faster now, he sucked on your clit, his fingers thrusting harder. His other hand still playing with your nipple, pinching and tugging at them. You can feel your orgasm building deep within you, your muscles tightening around his finger.
"Copia... I'm going to..." you whimpered.
"Not yet, amore," he said, pushing his fingers deeper inside of you.
"I can't take it anymore, please," you begged, trying to pull away from his mouth. "I want to cum, I need to cum."
He withdrew his hand from your breast and wrapped his arms around your leg, pushing you further onto his face, burring his face deeper on your wetness. You arched your back, grinding your core against his face. Your breath quickening as you tried to fight the urge to come.
"Please... please..." you cried out, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
He pulled his fingers out of you, and went with his tongue to your entrance, plugging deep inside of you, tasting your juices, moaning into your core. You were almost there, you could feel it coming. And then, just when you thought you couldn't take anymore, he stopped.
"Now, amore, now!" he growled, taking your clit between his lips.
He sucked hard on it, and you screamed out feeling your orgasm building inside of you. Your breathing rapid, your chest heaving as he sucked your clit. You screamed loud, your back arching and your body convulsing. Your hand gripping the sheets as he sucked on your clit, pushing you over the edge.
"Yes, Copia, I'm going... I'm go... I... I..."
You felt your orgasm rushing through your body, your walls contracting, your body shaking uncontrollably. You screamed as you came, your juices pouring out of you, covering his face. He lapped up every drop, savoring your taste, swallowing them greedily.
You looked down at him, your eyes glowing with your orgasm, and smiled. He looked up at you, giving you a soft kiss on your clit. He removed his face from between your legs, crawling back to the top of you.
"That was amazing," you whispered, breathless, your fingers gently tracing patterns on his skin.
"Was it?" he asked, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
"Yes... it was very good, Copia," you reassured him.
"I'm glad I was able to give pleasure to you, cara mia," he said with a satisfied smile on his lips.
You giggled slightly, your affection for him shining brightly. You cupped his face with both of your hands and leaned in with a tender, passionate kiss. You felt his body relax on top of yours. The kiss deepened, and you could taste yourself on his lips.
"Now I think it's my time to give you something," you whispered, your hand gently trailing down his chest, your intentions clear as your desire for him continued to burn brightly.
But before you could reach for him, he gently grabbed your hand, stopping you. "Amore, it's not necessary," he said with a warm smile.
"But, Copia, I want to do it for you," you insisted, your desire to please him evident in your eyes.
"I know, amore, but I think we don't have enough time," he explained. "I should be going to meet miei fratelli."
"Are you sure?" you asked, your lower lip pouting slightly.
He nodded and pressed a gentle peck on your lips. "I want to ask you to come with me because I don't want to face miei fratelli alone, but I'm too afraid to bring you there. I know they wouldn't hurt you, but I don't know how much they've changed," Copia admitted, his vulnerability showing as he shared his concerns with you.
"Copia, I can go with you. I'm not afraid of them at all, because I know they will not hurt me," you assured him, punctuating your words with a tender kiss on his lips. "I have you by my side, and you promised me you won't let anything happen to me, and I trust you."
"Would you really do it for me?" Copia asked, his eyes searching yours for confirmation.
"Copia, I would do anything for you," you replied with sincerity. "Do you want to go to meet them now?"
"Can you get up?" Copia arched a playful brow, his eyes filled with amusement.
You looked at him, blushing hard. "I- I... I'm afraid I can't," you admitted shyly.
He chuckled, biting his lower lip. "Then we can stay like this for some more minutes."
Copia lay down next to you, pulling you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you in a warm embrace. You rested your face on his chest, closing your eyes, allowing your body to relax. As you shifted your leg, you bumped into something. Curiosity piqued, you opened your eyes and widened them in surprise as you saw the bulge on his pants.
"Copia..." you began.
"Leave it, amore, it's fine," he said, blushing even deeper.
You couldn't help but giggle at his embarrassment, finding his reaction endearing. Closing your eyes again, you wrapped an arm around him, holding him close. Copia pulled the sheets to cover both of you, enveloping you in a cozy warmth.
After a few minutes of peaceful intimacy in bed, he pressed a loving kiss on the top of your head. You opened your eyes and looked at him, giving him a gentle smile in response. You slowly sat up on the bed, yawning softly before getting up and heading to your wardrobe. You selected some clothes and turned to Copia, who remained on your bed.
"I'm going to take a shower, and I'll be right back," you informed him, seeing him nod in agreement.
With that, you left the bedroom and made your way to the bathroom, preparing for a refreshing shower to start your day. The water embraced you in its gentle warmth, and you closed your eyes, letting the tranquility of the moment wash over you. As you sank deeper into the water, your mind briefly wandered to the incredible moments you had shared with Copia. It was indeed amazing how he made you feel, and the connection between you was undeniable.
However, you realized that lingering on those memories would needlessly extend your time in the bath. With a serene smile, you chose to set aside those thoughts for now and direct your attention to the current moment. Exiting the comforting bathwater, you reached for a towel and proceeded to get dressed. Once you were dressed, you left the bathroom, returning to your bedroom to find Copia already wearing his attire.
You rested against the doorframe, your gaze fixated on him with unwavering attention. Your eyes followed every curve and line of his form as he stood before the mirror, meticulously perfecting his outfit. He turned his face towards his shoulder, as he caught your reflection in the mirror. Copia's gentle smile graced his lips as he took a few steps toward you, cradling your face with both of his hands and planting a tender kiss on your forehead.
"Should we be going now?" you inquired.
"Sì, we should," he replied.
"Are you nervous, Copia?" you asked.
"A little, but it's going to be alright, with you by my side," he reassured you.
You nodded, and he released his hold on your face, taking your hand in his. Together, you walked to the living room and left the house. As you strolled down the street side by side, heading toward the location where the ball had taken place a few weeks ago, you could feel the tension in Copia's grip on your hand. You were nervous too, but you needed to remain composed to support Copia through this.
Upon arriving at the old house where the ball was held, Copia suddenly stopped in his tracks, gazing at it intently. You took a small step in front of him, offering a reassuring smile. You gently tugged on his hand, guiding him toward the old house. The two of you stood before the front door, and you knocked. Copia's grip on your hand remained firm as the door swung open, revealing Terzo.
"Fratello! Sei venuto!" Terzo averted his gaze from Copia and looked at you. "And, as it seems, you've brought a guest."
"Sì, I asked her to join me," Copia replied, his body still tense as he released a heavy sigh.
"Well, I don't see any issue with that, given we weren't entirely certain you'd honor our little reunion with your presence," Terzo said with a wide smile as he wrapped his arms around Copia, embracing him tightly.
"Cosa sto facendo qui, Terzo?" Copia inquired, his expression unreadable, not moving a muscle.
"Da quando sei diventato così brontolone?" Terzo chuckled, releasing Copia from the hug and giving him an affectionate pat on the back. "Non preoccuparti, fratello," Terzo sighed, a warm smile gracing his lips. "Ti abbiamo appena sentito mancare."
"Maybe we should go inside now, right?" you suggested, reaching for Copia's hand with a warm smile on your lips.
"Piccolina is right," Terzo agreed, turning his back and starting to lead the way back inside the old house. "Inside awaits i nostri fratelli and," he paused, looking at you over his shoulder with a mischievous grin, "food."
With a smirk, Terzo took the lead, and you followed closely behind Copia. While you weren't scared, you couldn't help but feel a touch of nervousness about meeting Copia's brothers and how he would react to the reunion.
As the three of you entered a room, the air was filled with the scent of fresh blood. Your gaze scanned the room and landed on a man holding a woman in his arms. Copia's eyes fixed on him as he fed on the woman, his fangs gleaming as he satisfied his thirst. Your expression tightened at the sight, fascination and trepidation swirling within you. Your grip on Copia's hand tightened, and he turned his face to you.
"Don't worry, cara," he whispered softly.
Terzo observed the two of you and cleared his throat, prompting the man to release the woman he had been feeding on, her lifeless body falling to the floor. He quickly wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and greeted Copia with a wide, friendly smile.
"Copia!" He exclaimed, his arms wide open as he approached Copia with genuine delight. "Non posso credere che tu sia veramente qui," he said, carefully stepping over the woman's lifeless body on the floor. Then, his gaze turned toward you with a hunger in his eyes, and he licked his lips slowly. "E hai portato uno spuntino con te."
Your discomfort grew as you felt his hungry gaze on you, and Copia's grip on your hand tightened. Your hand found its way to his back, with a firm grip you hold his shirt. Copia hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting between the man outstretched arms and the lifeless woman at their feet.
"Lei non è uno spuntino, Secondo," Copia said firmly, his protective instinct evident as he pulled you closer to him.
"For now," Secondo conceded, wrapping his arms around Copia in a show of brotherly affection. "But it's okay, fratello, we all need a bit of fun from time to time," he added with a wink. Secondo then patted Copia's back and released him, keeping his cheerful disposition intact. "But tonight, we celebrate our reunion!"
"I want to enjoy this moment as well, but I think we have things to discuss, sì?" Copia said, his tone carrying a hint of seriousness.
Secondo let out a thoughtful hum and then turned his attention to Terzo. "Go wake up Primo, Terzo," Secondo ordered.
"Why don't you do it, cretino?" Terzo shot back.
"Because I'm the older one here," Secondo replied with a smirk.
"Three months is not old enough to think you can tell me what to do, cretino," Terzo retorted, a playful glint in his eye.
Just then, a voice resonated from the hallway before a man entered the room. "Can't we learn how to behave?" he quipped.
You turned your face toward the voice behind you, your gaze falling upon a man with an ancient appearance as he entered the room. You observed Copia's reaction, noticing him shaking his head slightly before turning his attention to the newcomer.
"Copia," the man said, his eyes fixed on him. "Mio fratello, sei davvero venuto."
"Primo," Copia said, his smile widening as he let go of your hand and walked towards the man. "I can't believe you three are alive."
"I must admit we didn't believe Terzo when he said you were alive," Primo replied.
Secondo couldn't help but let out a chuckle, his grin unwavering as he crossed his arms and glanced at Terzo. Terzo, in turn, shot Secondo a threatening look.
Terzo's threatening expression toward Secondo softened into a grin as he turned to face Primo. "Well, it seems my word isn't taken seriously around here," Terzo quipped, his tone filled with playful reproach.
"It never was," Secondo said, his tone filled with nonchalance as he turned his back to Terzo and strolled back toward the woman on the floor.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from him as he roughly grabbed the woman's wrist and dragged her toward another room, the sight of it leaving you with a racing heart. The reality of being in the presence of four vampires, even if one of them was Copia, began to sink in, and a shiver of fear ran down your spine. The reassurance of Copia's presence did little to alleviate the unease you felt in this moment.
As you turned your face away, you suddenly found the old man who had just entered the room standing right in front of you, his gaze locked onto you. Startled, you instinctively took a step back, but you quickly bumped into Terzo's body behind you. You felt his firm grip on your arms, keeping you in place as he stood protectively between you and the mysterious newcomer. The atmosphere in the room grew even more charged with tension, and you couldn't help but wonder about the intentions of the brothers surrounding you.
"You don't need to be scared," Primo said softly as he extended his hand to gently cup your chin, his touch surprisingly gentle given the circumstances. "We won't cause you any harm," he reassured, his eyes meeting yours.
Although his words provided some comfort, your nerves still ran high, especially when Terzo's face drew closer to your neck. You could feel his breath against your skin, and his hand on your shoulders caressed you tenderly.
"As I can see the mark is still here," Terzo's warm breath tickled your ear.
Your gaze shot toward Copia, whose expression had shifted to annoyance and anger. In an instant, Copia swiftly made his way to your side, taking your arm in his hand and pulling you close to him. He wrapped his arms around you in a possessive and protective manner, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
"Basta!" Copia's voice rang out in a furious tone.
"As I can see, Terzo was right for the first time," Secondo commented casually as he passed by you and Copia.
Copia took a step back but kept you in his arms as he looked at his brothers. "What do you mean, Secondo?"
Secondo chuckled and shrugged. "That you are in love."
Time seemed to stand still as you froze in Copia's arms, your heart pounding in your chest. The word "love" echoed in your mind, and you felt a mix of emotions surge within you. Copia was in love with you? But, more importantly, were you in love with Copia? You turned your face upward to look at him, trying to find the words to express your thoughts, but your voice failed you in the face of this unexpected revelation.
"Don't worry," Terzo reassured, his voice firm. "We have no interest in her."
Copia turned his face downward to meet your gaze, his eyes locking with yours. A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he began, "My feelings toward anyone here are up for discussion. I came here because I want some answers."
"Answers?" Primo inquired, his expression growing more serious. "Terzo, cosa hai fatto?"
Copia met Primo's gaze squarely. "He told me about what you three did to me," he replied with unwavering determination.
A heavy silence hung in the air as the three brothers exchanged glances. Copia, in the midst of his emotions, released you from his protective embrace and adjusted his gloves on his hands. Primo took a step forward.
"Secondo, could you take her to another room?" Primo requested.
Your heart quickened at the suggestion, and you turned to Secondo with a sense of unease. "Why?" you asked, your voice trembling slightly. "Why do I have to go to another room? I don't want to."
Your fear and discomfort were evident, and you were reluctant to leave Copia's side, especially after witnessing Secondo's unsettling actions earlier. You couldn't shake the feeling that your safety was in jeopardy if you were separated from him.
Secondo suddenly walked over to you, his grip on your arm causing you to stumble slightly. Fear flashed across your face as you looked at him, but his wide grin sent shivers down your spine. His other hand found its way to your lower back, steadying you.
"Fai attenzione, piccola angela," Secondo whispered in a husky tone, his words sending a chill through you.
"Secondo," Copia called out in a serious tone. "Lasciala andare."
"Primo said to take her to another room, fratello," Secondo replied defiantly.
"Non lo dirò di nuovo," Copia warned, his patience wearing thin.
Reluctantly, Secondo removed his hands from you, and you swiftly moved back to Copia, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. The tension in the room remained palpable, but for now, you found refuge in Copia's protective embrace.
"Whatever you three have to tell me, she will stay here," Copia declared firmly, his hands resting on your waist as he pulled you closer. "No one will take her to another room, capito?"
"Qualsiasi cosa tu voglia, fratello," Secondo conceded, raising his hands in a placating manner.
"Copia, I didn't suggest it as a bad thing," Primo interjected, his tone more conciliatory. "I just thought it might be better for your lover not to hear about it."
"Why?" Copia turned his head in Terzo's direction. "Is there something more that I should know? More than the fact that you three practically got rid of me?"
"Copia, you..." Terzo began, but Primo raised his hand to silence him.
"Me? What about me?" Copia released your waist, pulling you behind him protectively.
"You died," Secondo stated bluntly.
The gravity of Secondo's words still hung heavily in the air, the revelation echoing through the room and leaving you stunned by the weight of it. But suddenly, you heard Copia starting to laugh, his laughter ringing out loudly and confusingly in the tense atmosphere. You looked at him with a puzzled expression.
"Died?" Copia asked through his laughter. "I died? What are you saying, fratello?" His amusement seemed entirely at odds with the serious revelation.
Primo let out a weary sigh, and Copia took a determined step forward, closing the distance to Secondo. Terzo acted swiftly, moving to your side and pulling you away from the brewing confrontation. You watched from a safe distance as Primo positioned himself between Copia and Secondo.
Copia's eyes widened with rage, and he demanded in a voice that brooked no argument, "Explain yourself right now."
Primo reached out, holding Copia back and preventing the situation from escalating further. "Copia, per favore, listen to what we have to say."
"What more do you all have to tell me?" Copia demanded, his gaze now fixed on Primo. "For years, I thought you three were dead, that those people killed you. Then, I discover that Terzo was alive, and he tells me about what truly happened that day, that the two of you were also alive just like him. Then, he tells me I had a past lover, a woman that I can't even remember, and then, she is the one who died. And to top it all off, I discover that you three decided to get rid of me," Copia's voice quivered with a mix of rage and sadness. "And now," he choked back tears. "Now, I discover that I died. No one is giving me straight answers here; I have no idea what is happening."
Secondo reached for Primo's shoulders and gently moved him aside, creating a space between Primo and Copia. He then approached Copia, his hand finding Copia's shoulders, and he pulled him into a tight embrace. Copia responded by wrapping his arms around Secondo, tears flowing down his face as he held onto his brother.
You averted your gaze from the them, feeling somewhat like an outsider in the midst of their complex family dynamics. Terzo released his arms from around you, and you took a moment to adjust your clothes. As you watched, Terzo walked over to where Copia, Secondo, and Primo were standing. He reached for Primo's shirt, pulling him closer to Copia and Secondo, and the three of them embraced Copia simultaneously.
"Fratello," Secondo began in a murmur, his voice filled with remorse. "It's me who you have to forgive here, especially me."
The three brothers slowly released Copia from their embrace, giving him space to process their revelation. You remained where Terzo had positioned you, maintaining a respectful distance as you observed the unfolding conversation.
"Because it was me who killed you," Secondo confessed, his words hanging heavily in the air.
Copia's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. He looked around at Terzo and Primo, seeking confirmation from their solemn expressions. "What happened that day, Secondo?" Copia's voice trembled with emotion. "What truly happened? I just need to know what happened."
"On that day, Eleanora came to the church looking for you right after you left," Secondo began, his voice carrying the somber memories. "I happened to be wandering nearby when I saw her entering the church. I approached her and informed her that you had just left. She asked me if she could stay there, as she was adamant about meeting you before the mass. It was a day of mass, so she could remain there without disrupting anything," he continued, his hands clasped together in remorse. "So, we all left the church that day, and she stayed there waiting for you."
"And what did she want?" Copia asked, his voice filled with anxiety. "Did she tell you why she was there?"
Secondo shook his head in the negative, signaling that Eleonora's intentions that day had remained a mystery. Copia let out a heavy sigh, his hands coming up to cover his face as he took a deep, contemplative breath.
A heavy silence hung in the room as Secondo continued, his voice cracking with emotion. "After that, I don't know what happened. Terzo suddenly came to us, saying that the church was in flames and that the villagers were filled with anger. He insisted that we needed to get out of there, but we couldn't leave you behind. We went back to find you, and all we saw was you holding her in your arms. We watched helplessly, unable to do anything."
"Ci dispiace profondamente, Copia," Primo said, his voice filled with remorse as he rested a hand on Copia's shoulder. "There was nothing we could do. There was no way to save her, and you knew it. That was the moment you started with the killing."
"And that was the moment I had to stop you," Secondo explained solemnly. "That was the moment I came and... stopped you."
"You stopped me by killing me? That was your solution?" Copia's voice quivered with a mix of anger and sadness.
"Fratello, you know that I could never kill you for real," Secondo replied, his voice heavy with regret. "It was more like a... It was as if I had knocked you out. And then, as you fell into my arms. After that we had to decide what to do with you, and that was the moment me and Primo decided to send you away."
Copia's questions continued, his voice filled with a desperate need for answers. "And why? Why did you three do this to me? Why didn't you three come with me? Why leave me alone all this time?"
"We had no choice, Copia," Terzo said, his own voice tinged with sorrow. "I... We didn't want to do it, but Italy was not a safe place for us four, and we knew that the best option was to send you away."
"Because you three thought I was dead, so it was just better to get rid of me," Copia lamented.
"We didn't know if I really killed you or not, Copia," Secondo admitted. "We knew you might probably be alive, but we weren't sure. And because of it, we couldn't just leave your body there, so we put you on this boat, hoping it would sail away because in case you woke up, you would be safe in somewhere else."
"So the reason my memories are like that, confused, is because you decided that killing me was the best idea?" Copia's voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt.
"I didn't kill you!" Secondo exclaimed desperately. "I didn't even want to kill you. It's just that when you fell into my arms, I realized what I had done, or what I thought I had done, because now you are right here in front of me! In front of us!"
Copia's emotions continued to pour out as he expressed the pain he had carried for centuries. "For years, I thought you three were dead. I felt lonely, scared, and sad. I didn't have a family; I didn't have a home. I was a stranger among strange people, left alone by the three of you. You never thought about looking for me before, and I wouldn't have known you three were alive if it weren't for Terzo."
"Copia, we didn't plan for things to be like that for you," Primo declared earnestly. "We didn't send you away because we thought you were dead. It was because of the possibility that you could come back to life that we did it. We wanted you to have a new life, a new home in a new place. Far from the accident, far from the pain."
Copia's frustration and anger were evident in his response. "And you three decided it for me? It should have been me deciding my life, but you three took it from me. You three decided it for me!"
Terzo stepped forward, his voice carrying a sense of regret. "Copia, we know it might not have been the right decision, and we understand your anger. But we did it out of love, out of the desire to protect you and keep you safe. We couldn't bear the thought of losing you."
Copia looked at his brothers, his emotions still raw and turbulent. "You may have done it out of love, but you robbed me of my choice, my identity. I lost everything that day."
"Fratello, per favore, forgive us," Secondo pleaded. "Forgive me."
"Copia, we didn't intend to abandon you," Terzo said. "Secondo wasn't certain if you had truly perished or not; we were uncertain. We suspected you might still be alive, yet we couldn't be certain. We simply wished for your safety."
Copia's emotional outpouring overwhelmed him, and he fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face as his hands covered his eyes. The depth of his sorrow was palpable, and you couldn't bear to see him in such pain. You hurriedly walked over to Copia and knelt down in front of him, wrapping your arms around him in a reassuring embrace. One of your hands gently cradled his head, allowing him to bury his face in your shoulder as he held onto you tightly.
"I'm here, it's okay," you whispered softly, your voice filled with tenderness and comfort. "I'm here, Copia. I'm here with you now."
"Fratello-" Terzo began to speak, but you shot him an angry glare over your shoulder, interrupting him with your stern expression. "I think we should leave them alone for now," Terzo stated firmly.
You turned your attention back to Copia, pressing a gentle kiss on his head as you felt his tears soak through your shirt. His attempts to speak were choked by his own emotions.
"It's okay," you whispered softly, your voice filled with empathy and patience. "We don't need to say anything now. Take your time, Copia."
Copia clung to you, his tears slowly subsiding as he held onto your comforting presence. The room was filled with the echoes of his pain, and you remained there, holding him close, providing a safe space for him to release the emotions he had kept buried for far too long.
After a while, Copia's grip on your shirt began to loosen, and he pulled back slightly, his tear-stained face looking into your eyes with a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability. His voice was soft and filled with sincerity as he finally found the words to speak.
"Grazie," Copia whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "Grazie for being here, for not leaving me alone."
You smiled gently, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
"Cara mia..." Copia began, his gaze locked with yours. "Ti amo così tanto, amore."
You furrowed your brow, gazing at him with curiosity. "What did you say?" you asked, not quite comprehending his words.
"He said he loves you," Primo said as he made his way inside of the room.
You widened your eyes and Copia's sudden change in demeanor caught your attention, and you followed his gaze as he turned to look at Primo, who was standing near the door where he had exited only a few minutes ago. Copia rose to his feet, gently bringing you up with him, and pulled you close against him in a protective embrace. Your eyes darted between Copia and Primo.
"I asked Secondo and Terzo to wait outside, but I had to come back to talk to you, fratello," Primo explained.
Copia took a step back, still holding you close, as Primo spoke. "What more do you want to tell me?" Copia asked, his curiosity piqued.
"Vieni con me, fratello," Primo said, motioning toward another door in the room.
Copia released you from his embrace and took your hand, following Primo's lead with you in tow. As you walked, your thoughts were in a whirlwind. Copia had just confessed his love for you, and you hadn't had the chance to respond, to tell him about your own feelings for him. The weight of unspoken emotions hung in the air.
Feeling a surge of warmth and affection, you tightened your grip on Copia's hand, prompting him to look at you. With a sincere smile, you conveyed your feelings without words, letting your eyes speak volumes. Copia's gaze met yours, and he couldn't help but return your smile with one of his own as he continued to walk alongside Primo, with you by his side.
Primo stopped in front of a door, opening it to reveal a bedroom. He entered first, holding the door open for both you and Copia to follow him inside. Primo watched as you both entered the room and then walked over to a nightstand, opening a drawer.
"When we sent you away," Primo began, "we kept some things you had. I know you think that we didn't care about you, but we did. We kept your things for years so we could still have memories of you."
Primo retrieved a box from inside the drawer and returned to where you and Copia stood. Copia released your hand and reached for the box, his curiosity piqued. He exchanged a glance with you before looking back at Primo, who nodded, signaling for him to open the box.
Copia carefully opened the box, revealing its contents. Inside, he found a collection of items that seemed to hold a piece of his forgotten past. Tears welled up in Copia's eyes as he picked up a small, weathered journal. He leafed through the pages filled with his own handwriting.
"This is your history, fratello," Primo said softly, his gaze filled with empathy. "We never wanted to erase your past. We wanted to protect you from the pain. Secondo thought he killed you that day, but, I knew you weren't dead. I kept these so that someday, when the time was right, you could reclaim what was lost if we found you again."
"Grazie," Copia's voice was choked with emotion as he looked up at Primo.
As Copia continued to leaf through the pages of the journal, a small piece of paper slipped from its confines and fell to the floor. You bent down to retrieve it and handed it to him. Copia took the paper from your hand, his curiosity piqued. He unfolded it slowly, his expression shifting from curiosity to something more profound.
In that moment, Copia let the box and the journal fall to the floor, his attention fully captured by the contents of the paper. His eyes moved, scanning the paper. Copia's gaze locked onto yours, his eyes filled with a mixture of emotions that were difficult to put into words. His lips parted as if he were about to speak, but he remained silent, as though struggling to find the right words. You reached for Copia's face, cupping his cheek delicately, concern etched across your features as you sensed his bewilderment.
Copia showed you the paper with a drawing, your eyes widened in shock and surprise. In that instant, an inexplicable shiver cascaded down your spine. The drawing depicted a woman who bore an uncanny resemblance to you. It was as if you were looking at a portrait of yourself, and the resemblance was so striking that it left you speechless.
"What is this?" you asked in disbelief, your gaze shifting from the drawing to Primo, who was approaching you both.
Primo examined the drawing in Copia's hands and then turned his gaze to you, his expression one of shock and realization. Without a word, he quickly left the room, leaving you and Copia alone in the bedroom.
Copia took a step closer to you, his eyes fixed on the drawing. "She... is you," he said softly. "But how... how can it be you?"
You were at a loss for words, unable to explain the inexplicable connection between you and the woman in the drawing. The mystery deepened, and the questions that lingered in the air remained unanswered, leaving both you and Copia with a sense of bewilderment and intrigue.
Your mind raced with questions, and you stammered, "I... I don't know, Copia. I have no idea."
"It's as if... as if I knew you," Copia whispered, his voice filled with awe and disbelief. "And I found you."
Copia's hands shifted from your waist, pulling you closer into a warm embrace, and his eyes welled up with tears, mingling with his contented smile. Your hands continued to tenderly stroke his shoulders, offering reassurance. His arms enveloped you tightly, and he rested his head gently on your shoulder.
Your hand gently found its way into Copia's hair, fingers entwining with the strands. Inhaling deeply, you held him close with your arms wrapped firmly around him. A whirlwind of thoughts swirled in your mind concerning your connection to him and the mysterious woman. Was it simply an uncanny coincidence? A drawing from years past seemed hardly conclusive evidence. You began to question the potential link between you and the woman from Copia's drawing. Nevertheless, he had drawn nearer to you, and everything with him always seemed so intense.
"Co-" you were abruptly interrupted as the three brothers entered the room, each of them wearing expressions of shock and apprehension.
"Is it really true?" Terzo was the first to speak. "Are you really her?"
"Her?" you echoed, puzzled.
"Eleanora," Secondo clarified.
Copia loosened his embrace slightly, allowing you to turn and face the three brothers who stood before you, their eyes filled with anticipation and uncertainty. You could sense the weight of their unspoken questions in the air.
You took a moment to collect your thoughts before responding. "I... I don't know," you admitted, your voice trembling with uncertainty. "I can't say for certain if I'm her or not. It's just a drawing, and resemblance alone doesn't prove anything."
Copia gently grasped your chin, turning your face toward him. "I know you're not her," he began, his voice a tender murmur. "I know she's gone, and I understand that. Please don't think I'm trying to replace her with you."
You met his gaze and replied, "I... I don't think you are."
But Terzo's question lingered in the air, casting a shadow of uncertainty. "But is she Eleanora or not?" he pressed.
Copia's response, however, was resolute and filled with emotion. "I don't care," he declared. "She can be her or not, I don't care."
You turned to face Copia, your eyes seeking an explanation for his unexpected reaction.
"I love you," he said with unwavering sincerity, his eyes reflecting deep emotion. "I don't care if you are a past lover of mine, I don't care if you are Eleanora. The only thing I care about is that I found you and you found me. Whether you are her or not, it doesn't matter because I fell in love with you long before I ever saw that drawing."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you whispered, "I... I love you too..."
Copia held your head gently, drawing his face close to yours, and captured your lips in a passionate kiss. You closed your eyes and clutched his shoulders tightly, savoring the intensity of the moment. His other hand caressed your lower back, and you willingly surrendered to the sensations coursing through you.
A sudden cough from one of the brothers interrupted your passionate moment, causing you and Copia to break the kiss abruptly. You turned your face towards the brothers, feeling your cheeks flush a deep shade of red. With a somewhat embarrassed smile, you gently pulled away from Copia, taking a moment to discreetly adjust your disheveled clothes, his hands still resting on your waist.
"I'm sorry," you apologized, your embarrassment evident in your tone and flushed cheeks.
Primo got closer to you and reached out and gently squeezed your hand to reassure you. "No need to apologize," he said with a soft smile.
As Secondo reached for your other hand and pressed a kiss on the back of it, you turned your face toward him, a hint of fear in your gaze. The tallest of the brothers had an imposing presence, and something about what you had observed upon entering the room had unsettled you.
Secondo noticed the unease in your eyes and quickly withdrew his hand, his demeanor softening. "I apologize if I startled you," he said with a more reassuring smile. "I can be a bit... intense sometimes, sì?"
"It's okay, I... I'm fine," you reassured them with a gentle smile.
Terzo grinned mischievously. "Good to know you're not afraid of us, especially after our little 'accident' together."
You responded with a serious tone, setting the record straight, "We didn't have any 'accident' together. It was just you thinking you could take advantage of me."
Secondo chuckled, giving Terzo an amused look. He released your hand and placed it on Terzo's shoulder, teasing, "It's the first time I've seen you fail in your prey, fratello."
"Shut up, cretino," Terzo retorted, brushing Secondo's hand off his shoulder with a playful scowl.
"Just one thing isn't quite clear," you began.
"What's on your mind, bella?" Primo inquired.
"Why are we here? I mean, this is the same place where the ball was held last week. What brings the three of you here? Also I didn't think this was a real house with bedrooms and everything."
"Oh, piccola," Terzo chimed in with a laugh. "That ball was ours."
"You see, it's our property, the three of us," Terzo explained further. "We occasionally need new places to reside, and we own properties around the world. This happens to be one of them. And what better opportunity to meet some... sustenance."
"For some reason, this modern age enjoys events like those," Primo added. "So we often host them to invite people into our homes, and then, well, we indulge."
"So I could have become dinner..." you remarked, a hint of playful unease in your voice.
"And what a delicious meal you would have been," Secondo replied with a mischievous grin, his words laced with dark humor.
Copia, who had been quietly observing the conversation, couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at Secondo's flirtatious remark. His grip around your waist tightened, and a possessive look flashed in his eyes.
"Secondo," Copia said, his tone tinged with a hint of jealousy, "Let's not make her uncomfortable with such talk."
Secondo chuckled lightly. "She's already aware of who we are; I don't think she's that uncomfortable with the vampire talk anymore."
Copia clarified with a meaningful look, "I'm not talking about the vampire talk, fratello."
Secondo's eyes widened in understanding, and he let out a knowing chuckle. "Ah, capisco cosa intendi ora," he said with a sly grin. "You're worried about me stealing your donna away?"
Copia's jealousy was palpable, but he attempted to maintain a composed facade. "Io apprezzo la tua autostima, Secondo."
Terzo's laughter erupted loudly, filling the room, and he playfully slapped Secondo's shoulder. Secondo, clearly irritated by his brother's antics, turned his face towards Terzo, his brows furrowing in annoyance. Copia couldn't suppress a knowing smirk, while Primo simply sighed, shaking his head in a resigned manner.
"We should leave the two of them alone now," Primo suggested, placing his hand on both Terzo and Secondo's shoulders.
"Does that mean we can go back to my home?" you inquired.
"No," Primo insisted, "I insist that both of you stay here, bella. It's been years since we've had the chance to see our fratello, so we'd like you to be our guests, and Copia, you should stay as well."
You nodded in understanding. "Ah, I see. That's... fine, I suppose."
"Perfetto!" Primo exclaimed with enthusiasm. "You two can have this room for the night."
You nodded with a gentle smile, your eyes following the three brothers as they turned their backs and began walking toward the door, signaling their departure. However, just as they were about to exit, Secondo abruptly stopped and turned back, fixing his gaze on Copia.
"Fratello," Secondo called out to him. "Do you forgive us?"
Copia sighed deeply, his emotions a tumultuous whirlwind. "I wish I could stay angry with you three, but I'm overjoyed to see you all alive. I admit that I need more time to process everything, but for now, my heart is filled with happiness knowing that I still have my family."
"We are relieved to know you are still among us," Primo said.
"I'm relieved to be around you three again," Copia remarked.
"I have just one more question, Copia," Secondo began.
"What is it, Secondo?" Copia inquired.
"A human? Again?" Secondo teased, crossing his arms with a knowing smile.
Copia nodded solemnly, not uttering a word.
"You know the consequences of it, sì?" Secondo continued, a hint of warning in his voice.
"What consequences?" you asked concerned.
"Bene," Secondo began, "first, you will not live forever. You are not eternal like us, even though we age very slowly. You are not like us. Also, he will always be fighting against the desire to taste your blood..."
Copia's gaze never wavered from Secondo. "Va bene," he assured. "It's worth it. This time, I'm going to do everything right."
"Questo non è il nostro problema, Secondo," Primo interjected, placing his hand on Secondo's shoulder and turning him away from you and Copia.
The three brothers exited the bedroom, with Terzo closing the door behind him, leaving you and Copia in a moment of intimate solitude. The silence that followed was charged with a palpable energy, the unspoken understanding of the weighty matters that had been alluded to.
Copia's hand cupped your face, his thumb gently stroking your cheek as you turned to him with a warm smile. "So you love me, eh?" Copia teased, his voice filled with affection.
You couldn't help but giggle in response. "Oh! Are you going to tease me about it now?"
Copia's expression softened as he pressed a gentle peck on your lips. "No, amore, I just didn't expect you would say it back," he admitted softly. "I thought... You didn't feel it the way I did."
"I thought you didn't feel this way about me..." you confessed, your voice carrying a note of relief as you saw Copia's gentle smile in response.
Copia leaned in to capture your lips in a kiss, but before the moment could fully unfold, a knock on the door interrupted your connection. Copia let out a frustrated hum and reluctantly took a step away from you, making his way toward the door. Copia reached the door and opened it to reveal Primo, who had returned, wearing a more serious expression than before.
"Perdona l'interruzione," Primo began, his tone shifting from urgency to a more casual one. "I came to ask if you would like to join us for a meal, fratello."
"A meal?" you asked innocently.
"Fratello, I think that now is not the best time for it," Copia responded, a sense of reluctance in his voice, withdrawing his hands from your face.
"Are you sure?" Primo pressed, a hint of concern in his tone.
"Sì, sì," Copia affirmed, his tone firm.
"Bene," Primo nodded. "I'll let you two rest for now."
As Primo left, you exchanged smiles. Once the door was closed, you turned your attention to Copia, who began removing his gloves. He moved gracefully towards the bed, leaving the gloves resting on the mattress.
You moved to the bed, sitting on its edge, your body turned towards Copia as you fixed your gaze upon him. "Copia, are you sure you don't need to eat?" you inquired, your concern evident.
"I'm pretty sure, cara," he assured you, turning his body towards you.
"It's okay for me if you do need to eat, I wouldn't mind at all," you said with sincerity.
"Cara, trust me, I'm fine," Copia reiterated, his tone gentle yet resolute.
"Okay then..." you replied, a hint of anticipation in your voice. "Well, I guess we will spend our evening here, then?"
"Sì, probably. Is it okay with you?" Copia asked.
"Yes, a house with vampires doesn't bother me anymore," you responded, your tone light.
"Oh, are you not afraid of the vampires anymore?" Copia teased, taking a step closer to you.
"If they all look like you, I'm not afraid of any of them," you retorted, a mischievous glint in your eyes as you bit your lower lip.
"Are you saying I'm not intimidating enough?" Copia teased back, running his hands through your thighs, taking his place between them.
You shook your head, watching him approach you slowly. "I don't think you are intimidating, not at all."
Copia closed the distance between you two, his hands firmly gripping your hips as he pulled you to him in a swift and powerful motion, causing your body to collide against his.
"So you're not afraid of what I could do to you?" he murmured, his voice low and suggestive.
"Should I be afraid of what you could do to me?" you responded, your own voice equally suggestive, as the tension between you both grew palpable.
"Perhaps you should, considering I am a vampire," he replied.
"Oh, and are you a formidable vampire, Copia?" you inquired, your hands gliding across your chest.
Copia's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as he moved closer, closing the distance between your faces.
"Cara mia," he purred, "I can be as dangerous as you think I can be," his voice took on a deeper, seductive tone.
You could feel the heat rising between you, your bodies nearly touching, and the room seemed to pulse with a magnetic energy that neither of you could resist. Copia's fingers traced a slow, teasing path along your thigh, sending shivers down your spine.
"Tell me," he continued in a sultry whisper, "how dangerous do you want me to be, cara?"
Your breath caught in your throat as desire coursed through your veins. Your hands moved to rest on his shoulders, and you leaned in, your lips dangerously close to his ear.
"As dangerous as you can be," you murmured, your voice dripping with desire.
"And how much enticing do you want me to be, cara?" he whispered, his voice husky.
You smiled wickedly, biting your lower lip. "As much as you want to be," you responded.
Copia's eyes widened slightly as you spoke, inhaling sharply, his hands moving up to grasp your waist, pulling you into his embrace. His lips met yours in a passionate kiss, his tongue sliding into your mouth, dancing with your, exploring every inch of it. The kiss was fiery and intense, he moaned softly and you pressed your body against his, grinding yourself against him. His hand slid down, cupping your ass, pulling you tighter against him.
You broke the kiss, breathing heavily as your fingers deftly unbuttoned his jacket. "I want you Copia, I really want you," you said, gasping for air.
"Do you, cara?" he asked, his voice low and dark.
"More than anything," you replied, your body trembling with desire.
"I really want you too," he murmured.
You blushed, your heart pounding in your chest. Your eyes were shining with desire as you gently reclined on the bed, watching him removing his jacket. Copia crawled on top of you, moving slowly, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.
"Wait," you said resting your hands on his shoulders. "What about your brothers?" you asked, concern evident in your voice.
"They are not here, cara," he replied, his voice low and husky. "So we don't have to worry about them. They are very busy, so is just you and me now."
You bit your lower lip, your hand slipping down to cup his crotch. "So let's make ourselves very busy now."
Copia's eyes darkened as you squeezed his hardness. "So eager, cara," he remarked with a chuckle.
He bent forward and kissed you softly, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth. His tongue flicked out and teased with the tip of it. You parted your lips allowing his tongue to slide inside your mouth, moaning softly, pressing your body against him. His hands slid up and down your body, until he slid his fingers under your pants. You gasped as they found your wetness.
You were already soaked, and he knew exactly where to touch you now. He stroke you through your panties, and you could feel your juices flowing freely. Your breath caught in your throat as his fingers stoked through your flesh, dipping into your heat, and pressing into your clit. Your legs shook, and you pushed against him, grinding yourself against his hand.
His lips left yours and traveled slowly down your neck, licking and sucking gently. He nipped at your neck, then sucked your earlobe between his sharp teeth.
"Oh... Copia," you whispered in a gasp. "Yes..."
"Yes? What is 'yes,' cara?" he asked, drawing closer to your ear.
"Yes, fuck me."
Copia felt a shiver racing down his spine at your words. He let out a low growl and moved his head to meet your gaze. His eyes sparkled with desire and lust as they bore into yours. He pulled away from you, and you whimpered, disappointed.
"Say it again," he urged.
"Fuck me, Copia," you said, leaning in, brushing your lips on his. "I can't wait any longer. Fuck me right here, right now."
"Amore," he said, his voice thick with desire. "I want to see every inch of you, per favore."
You nodded, and Copia smoothly moved from atop you to the bed, sitting with his back against the headboard. You then stood in front of him, anticipation coursing through your veins, quickly shedding your clothes. He watched you, his eyes devouring you. You could feel his gaze burning through you, and you trembled at the thought of how much he wanted you. It wasn't impossible to not feel like a goddess standing before him, and you love it. You approached the bed, and he gently grasped your hand. You climbed onto the bed, kneeling in front of him.
"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire..." he paused, his voice filled with a dark and mysterious allure. "Very long existence," with a slow, deliberate grace, he leaned in closer, his lips hovering just inches from your neck. "You make my centuries of existence worth every moment," he whispered, his breath cool against your skin.
Your heart raced as his words sent shivers down your spine. "You made the years of my existence worth every moment," you replied, your voice trembling slightly.
He chuckled softly, his fangs glistening in the dim light. "I've seen countless wonders in my time, but none compare to you."
With a newfound sense of desire and urgency, your hands moved to his chest, gently but firmly guiding him back towards the headboard of the bed. Your fingers danced along the buttons of his shirt, deftly undoing them one by one, revealing the contours of his body beneath. His shirt hung open on his body, your eyes roamed over his bare chest, taking in every sinuous line and the cool, smooth skin that seemed to beckon your touch. You couldn't help but bite your lower lip in anticipation.
You lowered yourself, gently placing kisses on his chest. His hand found its way to your head, fingers entwining in your hair. Your eyes closed as you lavished each inch of his chest with kisses. Continuing downward, your lips trailed to his stomach, leaving a trail of moist kisses in their wake. Your hands, meanwhile, explored his thighs with gentle caresses.
"Cara mia," he moaned softly.
"Hush," you whispered, placing a finger to his lips. "Allow me to compensate you for this morning, Copia."
He chuckled softly, and you continued your descent, placing a tender kiss along his happy trail, moving down to his bulge, where a gentle kiss left him whimpering in delight. You unzipped his pants, reaching inside. You wrapped your hand around his hardness and squeezed it gently, feeling it pulse in your hand. You looked at him, pulling his member out of his pants. His hardness sprang free and you gasped at its size.
"Mmm, amore," he purred. "It's been so long since someone touched me like this."
"Don't worry, Copia. We'll ensure the wait is well rewarded," you murmured, a sly grin playing on your lips.
You wrapped your lips around the tip, tasting him. He groaned, his eyes closing. You smiled at him, then wrapped your lips on the tip again, running the tongue over it. His hand tightened in your hair, and you moaned around him. You heard him groaning again, and you slipped his member deeper into your mouth. You bobbed up and down, sucking him hard. You crossed your legs and gently rubbed them together.
"Merda! Cara, per favore, have mercy of me," he growled. "Cazzo, amore, this is..." he was cut off by his own passionate moan.
You felt his body tense and head him grunting as he held you close. You increased your pace, bobbing your head up and down on his shaft, sucking hard. He tasted so good, and you moaned around him once again. He cried out, thrusting his hips upward. You continued to suck, but slowed your movements, going with your hand to hold his member, stroking it. His breathing became ragged, and you locked your gaze with his.
"Amore, if you continue like this... I... I won't be able... to control myself," he gasped, squeezing his eyes shut tightly.
You ignored his warn and continued to suck him, your hand stroking his length. You felt his member swell in your mouth, and you quickened your pace. He cried out, and you removed your mouth seeing his body shaking and his load shooting. He shuddered, finally opening his eyes, grinning at you. You lowered your head licking him clean, and then, pulled back, licking your lips.
"Mi... Mi dispiace... I didn't intend for it to happen so quickly," he gasped.
You chuckled softly, gently holding his face in your hands. "Don't worry, Copia. I'm happy it happened quickly; it means it was great, didn't it?"
"It was amazing, amore mio," he replied with a wicked smile. "Now come here."
He pushed you back and held your hips, guiding you onto your back. You spread your legs wide, eager for him. He moved between them, and you sighed as you felt his length sliding between your folds. He pressed himself into you, and you moaned. As you gazed into his eyes, recognizing the uncertainty in his eyes, you nodded and then looked down, watching him slide into you. You whimpered as he filled you completely, stretching you. He leaned over you, his hands on either side of your head.
"Cazzo, you're so tight," he said, his voice rough. "So hot."
He leaned in kissing you deeply, his tongue plunging into your mouth. He began moving slowly, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He broke the kiss and looked into your eyes, his face contorted with pleasure.
"Are you ready?" he whispered.
You nodded and he began to move inside of you, slow and easy. You closed your eyes feeling him moving within you. You sighed happily as you felt yourself melting beneath him. You opened your eyes and watched him, reveling in the sight of him taking you. Your hands instinctively moved to his face, cradling it gently.
"Ah... Copia," you sighed. That feels so good, you feel so good, you can go... faster if you want."
"Merda, amore, you take my cock so well, you're so hot and wet," he groaned. "You feel so good, cazzo, you are amazing!"
Copia picked up speed, pounding into you. You arched your back and moaned. You reached up and grabbed his hips, pulling him into you harder. He growled and moved faster, his strokes becoming harder, slamming his hips against yours.
"Yes, yes, yes! Like th... Copi-Ah! Ah! Please, don't stop, fuck me," you moaned biting your lower lip.
He leaned down and kissed you, his tongue darting into your mouth. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him down to kiss you harder. You moaned on his lips and he broke the kiss. He gazed down at you, but his demeanor had shifted noticeably. His eyes appeared darker, his lips slightly parted, as if he were in some kind of trance. His movements continued, but his hungry gaze focused solely on you, prompting you to furrow your brows with concern.
"C-Copia? What's wrong?" you asked, your worry evident.
Copia remained unresponsive, his thrust growing more intense. The intoxicating sensation was undeniable, but the apprehension about his expression gnawed at you. You gently released your arms from around his neck and reached for his face, leaning in to plant a tender kiss on his lips.
"Copia," you whispered softly. "What's happening?"
Suddenly, he stopped moving, and the intensity in his expression melted away. He shook his head and straightened up, withdrawing from you. He sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard panting heavily. You sat on the bed in front of him, tilting your head to the side as you regarded him with deep concern etched across your face.
"Copia..." you called out to him, your voice filled with concern.
"Your heat is overwhelming," he admitted, his breath ragged. "It's driving me wild, making me crave you more and more, and it's making me yearn to taste you."
"Then bite me," you implored, resting a hand on his thigh.
"No, cara, I can't bear to hurt you," he protested.
"Copia, you won't hurt me," you assured him. "You would never hurt me. Please, I can't stand to see you like this. If you want to bite me, just do it."
"Are you absolutely sure?" he asked, seeking confirmation.
"I am," you replied firmly. "Please, don't torture yourself any longer."
As Copia hesitated, his dark eyes locked onto yours, searching for any sign of doubt or fear. He leaned in closer, his lips grazing your neck as he whispered, "I promise, amore, I'll be gentle."
With those words, he bared his fangs and slowly sank them into your neck. A sharp gasp escaped your lips as a mixture of pleasure and pain coursed through your body. Copia's arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him as he drank from you, his movements careful and controlled. The sensation was unlike anything you had ever experienced before. Copia's instincts kicked in, and he drank just enough to satisfy his hunger without causing you any harm. As he continued, your world began to blur. Copia gently withdrew his fangs from your neck, his lips pressing a soft, lingering kiss on the puncture wounds.
"You're as sweet as your appearance," he whispered, his words barely audible. "Did I cause you any pain?"
He held you close, his cool skin pressing against yours, and the rhythm of his undead heart throbbed against your chest. Your hand found its way to his hair, your fingers gently caressing his scalp.
"Just a slight discomfort, but it's alright. It wasn't too painful," you whispered in response.
Copia's eyes softened as he continued to hold you close, his fingers tracing gentle patterns along your back. "Mi dispiace for any pain, amore," he murmured, his voice filled with remorse. "I tried to be as gentle as I could."
You leaned in and placed a tender kiss on his lips, reassuring him. "It's alright, Copia. I knew what I was getting into, and I would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant helping you."
His grateful smile persisted, and he withdrew his fangs completely. Gently, he lowered you onto the bed, his body hovering above yours. "Did I ruin the mood?" he whispered, his voice filled with desire.
You shook your head with a soft chuckle. "Not at all, Copia, not even a little."
His longing eyes met yours, and he confessed, "I want to continue, but I'm afraid I'll get that urge to bite you again."
You ran your fingers through his hair, reassuring him with a passionate gaze. "If you ever feel that way, don't stop, Copia. Just bite me."
With a mischievous grin, Copia leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss. He crawled on top of you, straddling your hips. He reached down and guided himself into you once more. Your body arched beneath him. He reached down, and grabbed your ankles, lifting your legs up and spreading them wide. You moaned and arched your hips up, rocking your hips against him. Copia moved slowly, building up speed. You felt him grow harder inside of you, and you tightened around him.
He broke the kiss and growled. With forceful intensity, he thrust into you, increasing the tempo and pressure. His body descended, bringing his face closer to your neck. His teeth nipped at your neck, and you moaned, your nails digging into his back.
"Ah, Copia, it's ok, bite me," you moaned softly. "Bite me, take me as yours in every way."
This time, he didn't stop his movements. Copia grabbed your waist and opened his mouth wider. With a feral hunger, he bit your neck even harder. You could feel his sharp fangs eagerly sinking into your skin, his vampire nature fully unleashed. The sensation sent shivers down your spine as you realized the depth of his desire. His lips brushed against your skin, and you couldn't help but be both captivated and apprehensive.
"Oh! Oh! C-Oh! Copia..." you closed your eyes, as you cried out.
The initial sharp pain gradually transformed into a strange, euphoric pleasure that left you breathless. His lips and tongue worked in tandem, both soothing and electrifying the wound. You could sense the intoxication in his movements, the hunger and the power that coursed through his veins. His grip on your body tightened as he indulged in the life essence that flowed from your throat.
His grip on your waist tightened, and you felt his body tremble with a mixture of pleasure and restraint. He pulled his lips away from your neck, and his gaze met yours. You noticed that his mouth still bore traces of your blood. You extended your hand toward his lips, using your thumb to wipe away the stains. He responded with a smile and planted a gentle kiss on your thumb.
"Merda!" he exclaimed. "You're incredible in every aspect. Your blood is exquisite, your pussy is delicious, your lips are intoxicating, and the way you take my cock feels incredible."
His words sent shivers through your body, causing you to clench around him as a loud moan escaped your lips. You hastily covered your mouth with your hands. Copia couldn't help but chuckle as he withdrew from you, eliciting a sigh from your lips.
"We can make some noise, but let's not get too carried away, sì?" he remarked with a playful tone.
Gripping your waist firmly, he spun you around and positioned you on all fours, his member rubbing against your clit. He slid back into you, and you gasped. He began to move faster, slamming into you. He reached around and rubbed your clit, his other hand grabbing your hips.
"I-I'm sorry," you stammered in embarrassment. "I didn't mean to..."
"Don't worry, amore," he reassured you, his grin widening. "Your moans are like music to my ears, but I'd prefer to keep that symphony just for me," he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
He pumped into you faster, his length hitting deep inside of you, his fingers digging into your hips. He kept increasing his speed and you were about to come. The feeling of him inside you mixed with his fingers on your clit was to much to handle. He rubbed faste, and you screamed, your orgasm ripping through you. You came harder than you ever had before, your walls squeezing around his member.
"Fuck, Copia! A-Ah! I'm coming, I'm coming," you whined.
Copia slowed down his pace as you spammed around all his length. He slammed into you again, coming inside you, filling you up with shots of his loads. "Ah, cazzo, amore, sei così perfetta! You made me cum so good on your pussy," he grunted and you felt his hot seed fill you.
He removed his finger from your clit, bringing it to his mouth, licking it. Painting heavily, he slowly pulled out of you. You could feel his seed dripping out of you and you bit your bottom lip, closing your eyes. You collapsed onto the bed, your breath heavy and your body still tingling from the intensity.
Copia lay beside you, and you snuggled up against him, seeking his comforting presence. A contented sigh escaped your lips as he tenderly kissed your forehead. In the silence that followed, your fingers absentmindedly traced patterns on his chest, their gentle caresses a soothing distraction.
What had just transpired was undoubtedly the most incredible sexual experience of your life, and you felt an undeniable urge to continue, but a sudden weakness had washed over you. Perhaps it was because Copia had consumed your blood, which didn't trouble you in the slightest, but it did raise questions about the future. Would every encounter be like this? Would you always feel this drain afterward?
Secondo's words echoed in your mind once more, reminding you of the stark differences between you and Copia. He was immortal, and you were not. Your relationship with him had an expiration date, a fact you had been trying to push aside. It wasn't the time to dwell on such thoughts, not after experiencing one of the most extraordinary moments of your life, but these intrusive thoughts seemed impossible to escape.
"Amore?" he called for you, a furrow forming on his brow. "Is everything okie dokie?"
"Huh? Me? Yes, I'm okay, Copia," you replied, your fingers nervously tracing patterns on his chest.
"You seem distracted, was it not to your liking?" he inquired, his eyes searching your face for any sign of unease. "Are you feeling sick? weak?"
"No, I mean- Yes, it was incredible, Copia, don't worry," you chuckled softly, your gaze finally meeting his. "I'm fine, I'm not sick, I'm completely fine."
"So what is it?" He took a gentle step closer, his hand reaching out to caress your cheek. "Do you want to talk about something, cara mia?"
"I... There's something on my mind," you began, your voice laden with uncertainty.
Copia looked at you with a loving and patient expression. "What is on your mind, amore? Tell me."
You took a deep breath before continuing, "I was thinking about what Secondo said about us being different, how we are not... equal."
Copia's expression remained soft and understanding. "Oh, amore, this doesn't bother me at all."
"I know, but, Copia," you sighed, your voice heavy with emotion. "I'll grow old, and life will pass, and I'll die at a certain age, and... I... We will not be together forever, and you will always be around, but I'm not eternal."
Copia listened intently as you voiced your fears and concerns, his love for you evident in his eyes.
You continued, your voice trembling slightly, "I would be glad to spend your limited life by your side, but I can't deny that seeing you... watching you live on while I'm gone would hurt me. I don't... want to think about me leaving you," you confessed.
Copia's gaze never left yours as he spoke reassuringly, "But you wouldn't be leaving me, amore. That would be just the consequences of a human life."
"But what if I don't want to face the consequences of my human life?" you questioned, your voice barely above a whisper.
Copia leaned in closer, his eyes filled with love and understanding. "What do you mean, cara mia?"
You hesitated, struggling to find the words to express your deepest desires. "What if I want to have eternal life by your side, Copia? I just love you so much, I... I can't bear the thought of growing older every day, knowing that I won't be with you in the afterlife."
Copia's gaze held yours, and he spoke with a tenderness that left no room for doubt, "Amore, am I understanding what you are saying?"
"I'm not entirely sure yet, Copia," you replied, your uncertainty still evident. "Because, I don't know if I would be prepared for this lifestyle."
Copia reached out, gently caressing your cheek with his thumb, his eyes filled with love and devotion. "You wouldn't have to worry about it, cara," he assured you. "I would be by your side all the time. Taking care of you, being with you, loving you."
Your heart swelled at his words, and you felt a rush of emotions. "Would you?" you asked, seeking confirmation.
"Sì, amore mio, forever and ever," Copia affirmed, his voice filled with sincerity. He shifted his position, moving on top of you, his eyes locking onto yours with unwavering affection. "So what do you say, cara?" he asked tenderly. "Do you want the eternal life by my side?"
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Buongiorno, dormigliona - Good morning, sleepyhead.
Mi dispiace, amore - I'm sorry, love.
Sì - Yes.
Cara - Dear.
Molto bene - Very well.
Miei fratelli - My brothers.
Fratello! Sei venuto! - Brother! You came!
Cosa sto facendo qui - What am I doing here?
Da quando sei diventato così brontolone? - Since when did you become so grumpy?
Non preoccuparti, fratello - Don't worry, brother.
Ti abbiamo appena sentito mancare - We just missed you.
Piccolina - Little one.
I nostri fratelli - Our brothers.
Non posso credere che tu sia veramente qui - I can't believe you're really here.
E hai portato uno spuntino con te - And you brought a snack with you.
Lei non è uno spuntino - She is not a snack.
Cretino - Idiot.
Mio fratello, sei davvero venuto - My brother, you really came.
Cosa hai fatto? - What have you done?
Fai attenzione, piccola angela - Be careful, little angel.
Lasciala andare - Let her go.
Non lo dirò di nuovo - I won't say it again.
Capito - Got it.
Qualsiasi cosa tu voglia, fratello - Whatever you want, brother.
Per favore - Please.
Ci dispiace profondamente - We are deeply sorry.
Fratello - Brother.
Ti amo così tanto, amore - I love you so much, my love.
Vieni con me, fratello - Come with me, brother.
Capisco cosa intendi ora - I see what you mean now.
Donna - Woman.
Io apprezzo la tua autostima - I appreciate your self-esteem.
Bella - Beautiful.
Perfetto - Perfect.
Bene - Well.
Va bene - It's fine.
Questo non è il nostro problema - This is not our problem.
Perdona l'interruzione - Forgive the interruption.
Merda - Shit.
Cazzo - Fuck.
Mi dispiace - I'm sorry.
Sei così perfetta - You're so perfect.
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lgcmanager · 1 month
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in a world where the realms of the mundane and the divine intertwine, lies GYESEUNG —a vast, mystical land where the echoes of ancient legends resonate through every corner. here, the skies shimmer with ethereal light, and the very essence of the earth pulses with the vitality of ancient energies. the air is thick with the aroma of blooming spirit herbs and the distant hum of arcane forces.
in GYESEUNG, cultivation is the ultimate pursuit. practitioners seek to harness the primordial Qi, the life force that permeates all existence, to transcend their mortal limits and ascend to divine heights. cultivators follow various paths, from the noble Sword Masters and mystical Alchemists to the enigmatic Shadow Assassins and formidable Beast Tamers.
the heavens above are ruled by celestial deities and immortal beings, each presiding over various aspects of existence. these gods and goddesses are venerated and their favor sought, for their blessings can alter the course of a cultivator’s destiny.
ancient ruins and forgotten temples dot the landscape, holding secrets of bygone eras. Legendary artifacts and mystical scrolls await those brave enough to uncover them, promising immense power and enlightenment to those who prove worthy.
GYESUNG is a world in constant flux, where the balance of power, the rise and fall of empires, and the shifting allegiances among the great sects and factions are ever-changing. heroes rise, destinies intertwine, and the eternal dance between light and darkness continues, shaping the world in an endless cycle of creation and destruction.
in the current era five great sects dominate the martial world: the FIERY FIST SECT, home of those with fire affinity and renown for its fist, finger, and kicks based martial arts; the IMMORTAL BLADE PALACE, home of those with metal affinity and renown for its sword arts, especially the jian and dao; the UNBREAKABLE PEAK SCHOOL, home of those with earth affinity and renown for its spear and staff arts; the ENCHANTED WAVES SANCTUM, home of those with water affinity and renown for its music and arts based martial arts; and, last but not least, the SHADOW WOODS SECT home of those with wood affinity and renown for its exotic weapons arts, such as bows, fans, and flying daggers.
as you step into this realm of boundless wonder and peril, remember that every choice you make echoes through the annals of history. your journey in GYESEUNG awaits, filled with challenges and triumphs, where legends are born and myths come to life. What will be YOUR LEGACY ?
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whorediaries-09 · 8 months
born to die
pairing- cultleader!sirius black x reader warning(s)- mentions of murder, gore, dark themes. (let me know if i should add more) a/n- inspiration from a novel i'm writing!
ps- i'll only do a part two if people want to. this fic is not everyone's cup of tea, so i'll leave it be at this. i just wanted to tease the idea. :) let me know your thoughts though!
the slut club
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choose your last words, this is the last time 'cause you and I, we were born to die
secrets were whispered ear to ear, scrolls of parchments with inked prophecies and lores were trapped under the facade of an unassuming bookstore. the cloaks of secrets unveiled a monthly ritual under pale moonlight, blood stained clothes and gashed wounds. it was an enigmatic society, with brilliant minds who were thirsty for esoteric knowledge and truths, known as the crimson harbringers. only those who unraveled the mysteries, could have initiated the cult's existence, which contained a collection of ancient texts, manuscripts and artifacts, some of which were considered to possess unimaginable powers.
this clandestine organization's helm, simply called 'the voice' was a figure of mythic proportions, who was believed to possess the ability to lull one with their voice, enchanting them under their spell, alluding to the capacity of manipulation and control over those in their circle. rumor had it, they could foresee the future, decode prophecies hidden within the time-worn parchments of manuscripts. the visions into fate and destiny were considered to be the cult's most cruelly and closely guarded secrets, the key to unlocking the universe's ultimate secret.
the chairs would scratch against the wood, creating an echo that would dull out the emptiness of the chair at the end of the high end oak table. the dim candlelight flickers over the masks of anonymity they wore. it was an eerie trepidation that crept under your skin, as you searched sat, squirming within the unfamiliar environment. but it was a mission, to end the rumors of the witches, to demolish the fear felt because of your kind.
there was a sense of shifting, a new tension in the air as the creaking floorboards announced the arrival of the helm named as the 'the voice'. he lifted his hand, rubbing his index finger against his thumb. the candlelight, the candle flame burning out with a wisp of smoke. hotness creeps on your face, as the mask of anonymity melted away. the silence within the darkness was eerie, heavy shrouded breathes echo across the room, oozing respect for the speaker.
'we meet again,' he says. the rumors about his voice weren't whispered tales. it tingled under your skin, with a feeling that made you loose your rational thoughts, clogged your head. it was as if his voice was gifted by secrets of bellowing winds, the rain and the whooshing of the trees.
'we have gathered here to discuss a recent prophecy our members have discovered. it contains a lore about aftermaths of the saints, who discovered the existence of witches.'
a collective gasp stunned the gathering.
'it speaks how witches tortured them into insanity, brutally murdering them. it explores the spectrum of tortures, where we discover how hard it is for human beings like us to exist, within the clutches of the wizards, and how painfully cruel they are,'
you sunk your nails into the skin of your toes. while what his lips spit out hurt your heart, your brain was too fogged to understand him, to fight the control he had over you, just by his words. you bit your lip, a feeling of anger overcame you as you fought your internal battle.
if you had to end these stereotypes, you had to sit there and listen. you had to understand the perspective of the other side who thought of your kind as dangerous. you had to curate a new vision for them, to fight against them.
'we have to destroy them, remove their very existence. suck their souls and rip them apart! ruin them like how they've been ruining us all these years! we have to show them how it feels to live with fear, and breath bloodshed every breathing moment into their lives.'
'if we really torture them, then what's the difference between them and us?' you speak. the room is dark, silent, but you know pairs of eyes are searching for you, some even staring at you. you realize no one dares to cut him off while he speaks, or maybe his influence is too empowering. either ways, the silence is scary when it envelopes you. he doesn't speak further, and you're not sure whether he simply doesn't care or he simply doesn't want to.
'i'm in authority. your minds have been shaped solely by me, and just me. you're not supposed to blaster out your opinions, upon mine, do you understand fellow member? or do i have to end your fate with destiny?' he breathed. you could hear his gritted teeth. 'meeting dismissed.' he ended, as the candleflame burned back to life again. you never saw his face, the mask framing his face again. it was different than what the others, including you were wearing. you sensed it was his way of standing out, of being different.
the distant echo of your footsteps reverberated through the empty streets. each turn towards your house crowded you into the labyrinth of shadows, of a fear that burned within your heart. you felt someone, but it was too quiet. all you could hear was your own footsteps against gravel.
while you could've disapparated, you wanted to walk to your house. you wanted to feel the cold air slashing through your skin while you let your thoughts consume you, rot your brain. it wasn't a fruitful try, but it was something. to begin with. to work with.
you murmured against your breathe, unlocking your door. the door clicked open.
'so you are a witch,'
the similar voice crawled behind you. before you could scream, you were pushed into your own house, the doors closing on it's own accord. you were trapped inside your own home, with your wand pointed at you.
dark eyes stormed into you, as he moved closer, with you taking your steps backwards. you were trapped against the wall and his chest. you gulped,
'you can't do anything with that wand.'
he provided you a lop-sided smile in response. brushing long strands of raven hair away from his face, he whispered,
'you're not sure about that sweetheart are you? i can do wonders with this wand. what makes you think i'm not a wizard?'
you splutter on you words,
'b-but you-'
his hands wrap around your throat, mocking you,
'b-but you-. it's a ploy you stupid bitch. it's a prophecy i've predicted. it's a ploy to get the wizards and witches rule over the muggles. you don't know the things i've gone through to get here! kill my friends. and oh it was just the beginning,'
you tried to breathe against the constriction, but he hardened the hold on your neck.
'i'll tell you a tale. it's so enthralling, you'd love it. you'd love to hear how i ripped out hearts, enjoyed as the blood stained my fingers. you'd love to hear how tearfully i could make them beg before they lost the hope of life in their eyes, and i'd love to chop them up, fed them to the wolves. i'll tell you all of them, make you slice through them.'
his dark eyes were all you remembered before the world blacked out.
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book--brackets · 2 months
Codebearers by The Miller Brothers (2008-2010)
After one of his infamous pranks backfires, Hunter unexpectedly finds himself in possession of an ancient book and key. Little does he know the mysterious book is a gateway to Solandria, a supernatural realm held captive by the Shadow. In Solandria, Hunter joins forces with the Codebearers, a band of highly trained warriors who form the Resistance to the Shadow. But before he can complete his training in the ways of the Code of Life, Hunter is sent on a mission far more dangerous than he ever bargained for. Now with his life in peril and the future of Solandria hanging in the balance, Hunter is headed for a showdown with the Shadow and a battle to save his soul from a fate worse than death! Is Hunters knowledge of the Code deep enough to uncover the secret of the Shadow, or will the truth be more than he can bear?
Merovingen Nights by C. J. Cherryh (1985-1991)
Merovin, the world the C. J. Cherryh built, a low-tech, inhospitable planet where the human survivors of a colony nearly destroyed by an enigmatic alien menace still dwell, salvaging what they can, while awaiting the return of the alien menace or rediscovery by the Terrans who abandoned them in that long-ago terror.
And in Merovingen, the fantastic canal city, where the wealthy and powerful reside in the highest towers, and beggars, spies, thieves and boaters like Altair Jones ply the highly polluted interlacing waterways below, intrigue, thievery and revolution are the very breath of life. And now with the Festival of Scouring approaching, C. J. Cherryh has invited some of today's finest writers into Merovignen, to weave together this tale of Festival Moon, a time of mystery and murder, of power games both high and low, a Festival after which this world will never be quite the same again...
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Nearra does not know who she is or where she lives, but she does know one thing: someone wants her dead. Her only hope lies leagues away, in an ancient temple, where healing clerics may be able to restore her memory.
A helpful young ranger, a failed warrior, a sneaky elf, and a kender wizard offer to accompany Nearra on her journey. She soon learns her newfound friends have secrets of their own. As goblins, an angry minotaur, and a vicious green dragon attempt to stop them at every turn, friendships are tested and all of if may come to ruin from the one Nearra trusts the most.
Creature Court by Tansy Rayner Roberts (2010-2018)
A war is being fought in the skies over the city of Aufleur. No one sees the battles. No one knows how close they come to destruction every time the sun sets.
During daylight, all is well, but when nox falls and the sky turns bright, someone has to step up and lead the Creature Court into battle.
Twelve years ago, Garnet kissed Velody and stole her magic. Five years ago, he betrayed Ashiol, and took his powers by force. But now the Creature Court is at a crossroads … they need a Power and Majesty who won’t give up or lose themselves in madness …
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Welland was less than a slave. Slaves are human, and he was wolf, allowed to assume human form only when it suited the sorceress Daria.
Daria kept an army of changelings — mostly wolf but some lynx or weasel, a bear or two, and at least one rat. She used them to hunt and kill. And sometimes to pretend to be human, so she could pretend to be a lady.
Weiland hated the lie almost as much as he hated the truth. Then he met a burglar, a thief named Shile, who offered to help him steal what he had never owned. His own troubled soul...
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Long ago, long before Sylver the weasel was born, the humans all left Welkin. Now life for a weasel—under the heavy paw of the vicious stoat rulers—is pretty miserable (unless you happen to be a weasel who likes living in a hovel and toiling all hours for the benefit of the stoats).
It's certainly not enough for Sylver. Or for his small band of outlaws, both jacks and jills. but slingshots and darts can only do so much against heavily-armed stoats and life as an outlaw has a fairly limited future (probably a painful one, too). That's when Sylver comes up with his plan—a heroic plan that could destroy the stoats' reign of power for ever. He will find the humans, and bring them back to Welkin! And the first step is to follow up a clue from the past—a clue that lies in a place known as Thunder Oak...
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All seventeen-year-old Quill wants is a break from the family business. Flowers, plants, the generations-old garden. What he wouldn’t give for a taste of the outside world. Normalcy. But his mom won’t let him out of the house, telling him he’s just not ready…
All because he’s a dryad. Well, not just any dryad, but a male dryad—the first ever. And unlike everyone else in his family, he hasn’t a lick of magic. Just a shock of green hair, matching green eyes, and a growing frustration that there’s an entire world out there waiting to be discovered. Until the night when the outside world—specifically his new neighbor—discovers him.
Liam Watson lives in a culture filled with electronics, mobile devices, and social media—where there is no magic or even the belief in it. And as much as Quill finds Liam irritating (he’s so cute it’s annoying), he can’t help himself.
Now Quill’s getting a taste of the outside world and of Liam…and he wants more. But all is not well in this magical, urban garden, and someone—or something—is changing the very essence of it.
And wherever Quill goes, the danger grows…
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Deep in the heart of a mist-shrouded island, an impossible secret is about to be discovered.
Twig is used to feeling unwanted. Sent to live on a pony ranch for "troubled" girls on a misty, haunted island, Twig is about to discover the impossible — someone who needs her. Jolted awake from a bad dream, Twig follows the desperate whinny of a terrified horse out to the stables. There in the straw is a bleating little scrap of moonbeam. A silver-white filly with cloven hooves and a tiny, spiraling horn.
A baby unicorn.
Now Twig knows what secret is hiding in the island's mist: the last free unicorn herd. And a mysterious boy named Ben who insists that this impossible creature is now Twig's to care for. That she needs Twig's love and protection. Because there's something out there in the deep, dense shadows that's hunting for them...
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Cato is the only true half-human, half-ghost hybrid in existence. He's powerful and unique with two divine powers instead of one.
The United States government believes he is the key to developing a devastating weapon that will give humankind an advantage when war inevitably erupts between the Human Realm and Avilésor, the Ghost Realm.
After being an unwilling test subject in Project Alpha for two years, Cato and the rest of his "lab-family" survive a transport accident to find themselves stranded and powerless in the middle of the wilderness. Hunted every step of the way by ghostly Shadow Guards with supernatural abilities and human Agents desperate to recapture their prisoners, the eight young fugitives are drawn to Cato's hometown where the Rip between Realms connects the worlds.
Cato wants nothing to do with his past, but as his enemies close in, he realizes he's willing to do anything to protect his lab-family . . .
. . . even kidnap the daughter of a ghost hunter and make a dangerous deal to become a mercenary.
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Faerieland. It's like a reflection of your world... a warped reflection. And Jack has just stumbled right into it - with a whole lot of trouble on his tail. Trolls, goblins, ogres and giants ... all after one thing. But Jack's got no clue what. He needs some allies, like now. A wizard maybe. Or a High Fairy. Someone who can do serious magic. Someone who can help him get home. Anyone. Just not a dreamy young boggart named Spiggot...
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sora-sunshne · 3 months
Arin Leaving Ninja Au
I want to create an alternate universe (AU) based on Arin's departure from the ninja group to join Ras's Group. In this AU, I plan to incorporate additional details such as Cinder's backstory and Jordan's backstory, as well as explore the possibility of Arin meeting Cinder at a young age. The storyline will focus on the reasons behind Arin's departure, his subsequent journey, and his eventual encounter with Cinder, leading to his decision to train under him and join Ras's Group. I also hope to develop subplots featuring Arin, Cinder, and possibly Sora, each with their own season of the story. The majority of the narrative will be presented from Arin's perspective, with occasional shifts to Cinder or Sora's points of view.
World building
The world building will be similar to Dragon Rising, but some aspects have been changed or added to when Arin goes on his journeys. In addition, new groups, organizations, and characters will be introduced. There will also be more information about Cinder's realm before he came to Ninjago.
• The Lycus Tribe || The Lycus Tribe is a secretive faction whose members conceal their identities behind intimidating wolf masks. They are known to be apprentices of the elusive Forbidden Five, though their ultimate ambition is to seize control of the Merge Realm. Their controversial tactics have earned them widespread animosity and many adversaries, particularly the Ninja. Currently, the tribe is under the leadership of Lord Ras, and there are whispers that Jay Walker, a former Ninja, holds a prominent position as his right-hand man. Furthermore, there has been a rise in new recruits, and among them, a prominent figure who is always seen at the side of the enigmatic master of smoke, Cinder.
•The Ninja || A group that was forgotten now has risen up again. They are protecting the new lands, but they are having a hard time since many distrust them. Not all members are not there anymore. Now with the blue ninja and old students have joined The Lycus Tribe. Things have been hard.
((More to coming soon))
(The First Part is mainly a summary of the Backstory of Cinder and Jordana, while the rest will be sorted into Acts for Arin’s story plot. I might add in the middle of them, the plot))
Cinter’s Backstory
This story will tell how Cinder became the Element of Smoke. Or even the most wanted men in Ninjago. As his story begins when he was a young boy in a world that was horrible to Elements master. But small Cinder who went by another name, never seems to not care since he is not an element. Or that is what he thought, so everything changed, when he turned 18 on the day of Merge his life changed forever. His old life is gone and now it starts as you learn the true story of Cinder, the element master of Somke. 
Cinder and Arin's First Meeting
What if Cinder had already met Arin, when he was a young boy, way before Arin met Sora or even the Ninja. How did these two completely opposite people meet one fateful, how did these change their lives forever? Well, you just have to find out. 
The Reason Why (Ana), Sora I wish to be like her, written by Jordana (Her backstory)
I writing these notebook or diaries, because I wanted to
Tell me what, I never liked Sora. Why she ruined everything for me, why why ... .in the end, why I couldn’t be like her. 
The Main Plot 
The Acts || Are the main plot that Act will focus on more.
Subplot || This is just a small subplot tied to the main Act but sometimes just small things. That will happen between the acts.
Arc One  
Act One || The  Beginning of Doubt
Arc One takes place four months after the final battle of Blood Moon. The Events that lead up to Arin’s leaving. Many things will go on while training with Ninja. Outside of Ninja with people, and trying to find his parents. One day, he heard something from other, mainly older ninja, about what they says. Make him question his worth on the team. It leads to misunderstandings, as well as his mental health. So one fateful, during the food fair, once again. He went to sell his pie again, but alone this time. He wanted to see if he had more info. Also, clear his head. That is when he meets him again. 
Subplot (1) || Meeting Cinder Again
The plot is that Arin would meet Cinder not knowing who he is again. At first but when he realized it was Cinder. He would freak out, but Cinder would stop. As he would say all he wants is pie. He would learn something about Arin. Then soon it would end the day, with Cinder saying that he grew the last time he saw him. Then disappear, with Arin looking confused. Since food fair last for two weeks, Arin would meet up with Cinder a lot during these.  
Subplot (2) || Cinder’s stalker era (called by Jordana)
The plot is mainly the moment after final battle with Blood Moon, Cinder start watching Arin a lot. Mainly his daily life, while watching the boy. Soon to the point with him meeting Arin one on one during the food fair. This will also fuel his desire to want Arin to join them, as he is listening to Arin complain about his life. 
Act Two ||  The  Downfall  
Act Two, is mainly based on the truth of what happened with Sora and Arin. There will be a lead-up to it since it is more on Arin’s mind being either Manipulation by Cinder or that what Arin thinks. Also with Sora's mind finally thinking, should she tell him. Now it has become more serious since Arin now started to avoid everyone and now disappearing more. Coming late, now ninja and others are noticing it. When asked, Arin would say that he was busy with spending time with someone. 
Subplot (1) || Meeting Between Cinder and Arin
These might be a couple of short flashbacks or a couple of the meetings between Cinder and Arin. This only happens because Cinder just wants to eat the pie that Arin makes. Since Cinder would admit, Arin’s pie is his favorite. So ya, mainly the two talking about their problem. Arin even gets advice, and even sometimes, Cinder shows care. Arin thought he want info about the ninja but nope, all Cinder care about was Arin’s life and Pie. Soon, Arin kind of sees Cinder as an Older brother or an annoying one. 
Subplot (2) || Lloyd and Arin’s relationship falling apart
It talks a little more about Arin starting to distrust Lloyed most of the time. He is not listening to him or even going to him for stuff. Now with Lloyd trying to talk with him or even ask what he is doing. But no matter what, their relationship begins to fall apart. So it happens when Arin asks Lloyd if he could leave the team (Cinder’s idea kind of). So he could focus on finding his parents, but of course, Lloyd tried to convince him to stay. So he does. 
Subplot (3) || Cinder begins to care more about Arin
Now to Cinder’s POV, with him now beginning to care more about Arin. He is listening to kids more and more. He kind of feels bad for the kid, mainly. He soon cares about Arin when he talks more and more and gives him comfort sometimes. He would even at some point tell Arin to just leave and go on his own journey. So ya did it hurt and hate the Ninja when Arin chose to stay all because they needed him. Soon he will be the one who finds out about the video. In the end, he will not tell Arin, sometimes he wishes, that he did. Because he never wanted Arin to find out by himself. 
Subplot (4) || Sora  finally tells someone the truth  (but the wrong person)
Sora will tell someone that there will be one person she trusts as an adult. That would be Lloyd, soon enough, it was one of those meetings where Arin did not come home again. These are a few days after Arin asks to leave. Lloyd is having trouble and asks other ninjas for help. Of course, that is when Sora comes in with Wyldfire, who finally convinces her to tell the truth. She did tell everyone what she did. Everyone, even Nya and Lloyd, is upset by this. They tell her that she told Arin, and she shook her head. But before they all could tell that it was wrong and should tell Arin right now. That is when the door slams open to reveal who seems furious and upset. He held up a phone which was showing a video. Which made Sora regret keeping these a secret. 
That is it, you only get two acts. 
Characters Bio
The Leader of The Lycus Tribes
He is not important until later in when Arin joins the team. But he will trust and almost care for Arin since he sees himself in him. But his role will be important when another character comes later. 
The Mage of The Lycus Tribes
He was having a hard time with the aftermath. But has been training hard, as her relationship with Cinder actually becomes better when Arin comes. She treats Arin like a brother, as there will be an act with more of her backstory, that will further her relationship with Arin and Cinder.  More on her in a later Act, only appears in the beginning mainly, Cinder’s POV. 
The General of The Lycus Tribes
He becomes very important, as he is the one who takes in Arin to be his Apprentice. He becomes more involved in Arin’s life. He is kind of an older brother and caregiver to Arin. This does cause some complications, since soon, Cinder will be attached to Arin, and sometimes fear the day. Arin would leave him and become more enraged with Ninja. He also becomes more protective and caring of Arin and soon Jordana. 
The Apprentice of Cinder
I will talk a little more about Arin personally and behavior after he joins Wolf Tribes. But take these, Arin will be more emotional and less trusting, with mainly trusting only Cinder for the most part, because he is learning more about Cinder during his journey. His relationship with Ninja will worsen mainly with Sora. But more reasons will be explained in later acts, mainly during his journey act. 
Note: Well then that is it, I hope you all enjoy these, I hope have some feedback and also idea for what to do with Au. Maybe a name for it. Also there is reason why.
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