#Secret santa Lilly
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neonmice · 3 months ago
Halli Hallo Hallöchen,
ich bims wieder: der kleine Weihnachtswichtel! :3
Ich fand es sehr interessant deine Antworten zu lesen und mal eine andere Meinung zum JCU und den Charakteren zu hören. Unter meinen Freunden bin ich so ziemlich die Einzige, die Julien Bam Videos intensiv schaut und ich kann die auch nicht 24/7 volllabern XD (tu ich eh, aber egal)
Bunny Bars ist schon echt ein geiler Song. Würde sogar behaupten, er ist mein Lieblingssong von den Wächtern mit Opus Dens! Tut uns leid ist einfach generell mein Lieblingslied von MiM und auch der Aqua song.
Ey, aber der erste Osterhasen song ist schon ein Banger! XD hab den erst neulich wieder für mich entdeckt und ich liebe einfach die lyrics „...selbst die Bravo will mich auf dem Poster haben…“ – keine Ahnung warum, aber ich finde diese Line einfach übelst funny XD
Bei dem Song habe ich mich aber auch immer verhört. Es ist ja „Meine Eier ausgeblasen und die Neider außer Atem“ … ich habe immer anstatt „Neider“ „Weiber“ verstanden und war immer nur so: ooooooooookay o.o. Ja, keine Ahnung, bin aber froh, dass das mir irgendwann mal auch aufgefallen ist XD
Ich bin mir aber ziemlich sicher, dass in Akt 6 ein gemeinsamer Song mit den ganzen Wächtern, oder generell allen Hauptcharakteren kommt. Wäre ein echt schöner Abschluss für das Hauptvideo und Juliens YouTube Karriere! (vielleicht machen die Wächter gegen Eos so ein Rap Battle-, wäre schon lustig so XD)
Nochmal zu deinem Geschenk :3 Hast du vielleicht ein paar hc oder sowas, die du vielleicht in dein Geschenk miteinfließen lassen möchtest? Ich finde hc und fan theorien zu einer Story oder Charakteren immer interessant! Im Moment lässt mich meine kreative Ader auch ein bisschen im Stich und ich hab noch nicht eine wirklich krasse/gute Idee, für was ich dir machen könnte… ;w; Vielleicht inspiriert mich ja irgendwas dann!
Uuuuuuuuund ich habe weitere Fragen vorbereitet! Du kannst dich schonmal darauf einstellen, dass ich dich eventuell bis Weihnachten über das JCU ausfragen werde, aber mich interessiert es halt echt, was andere denken und was sie meinen, wie die Story ausgehen wird!
Wer glaubst du ist der Fremde? (Ich weiß, gefühlt halb Insta und Tumblr sind sich da schon einig, aber vielleicht hast du ja andere Ideen oder Theorien? Ich persönlich würde es feiern, wenn es Rewi ist (wird wahrscheinlich nicht passieren, aber ich finde Rewi verdient im letzten Akt einen krassen Auftritt :‘) Vielleicht entpuppt er sich als finaler Endgegner, gegen den alle Wächter (+Eos) zusammen kämpfen müssen!)
Im Sandmann SpinOff hat man in der einen Rückblende ihn als Baby gesehen (war schon ein bisschen weird aber egal) – was glaubst du hat es damit auf sich? Könnte es irgendwas anspielen, was erst in Akt 6 aufgeklärt wird?
Uuuuuuuund ich merke, dass mir die Fragen ausgehen, tja…. War wohl doch nix mit Fragen bis Weihnachten (liegt wahrscheinlich daran, dass ich übelst müde bin ;w; - Klaus knechtet einen schon hart). Wobei, noch eine habe ich noch: denkst du Fips kann kochen? Ich meine in seinem SpinOff hat man nur gesehen, wie er Ramen Nudeln in sich reinstopft (wenn er sie mal nicht fallen lässt)  und seine Küche sah jetzt auch nicht so aus, als hätte er sich andere Sachen gekocht… Mein persönlicher hc ist, dass Klaus nur Weihnachtsgebäck machen kann wie Kekse oder Stollen, wenn er irgendetwas anderes versucht zu kochen, fängt es sofort Feuer; Rhun kocht wie ein 5-Sterne-Koch (ich meine er hat ein Hotel, irgendjemand muss sich ja um das Essen kümmern!) Außerdem wäre ihm Zahnpflege sehr wichtig, weswegen er nur gesundes Essen machen würde (OMG ICH SEHS VOR MIR WIE  SEINE BRÜDER IHN BESUCHEN KOMMEN UND ER IHNEN ZUM ABENDESSEN NUR GEMÜSE HINKLATSCHT UND FIPS UND ZEKE FANGEN ZU HEULEN AN HAHAAHAHAH!!!) und ja Zeke lässt du am besten nicht in die nähe einer Küche, irgendwas würde explodieren lol. (okay, was war das für ein Ausflug in einen hc XD sorry, ich bin einfach müde ;w;)
Nun denn, ist ein bisschen lang geworden, aber was solls. Vielleicht habe ich dir einen kreativen Denkanstoß gegeben (wer weiß). Bis Weihnachten ist ja noch ein bisschen Zeit!
Dein Weihnachtswichtel Lilly
(P.S. Die (2) Fragen gehen jetzt mehr in den Theorien- und Spekulationenbereich (Spekulatius lol), hoffe das ist nicht so schlimm :))
Hiya :D
Das mit den Freunden kann ich gut verstehen hab ja zum Glück nen Discord, um mich auszutoben würd dir den Link geben, aber ich glaub, das würd deine Identität etwas beeinträchtigen
Vielleicht mal @tricogarfield @rhuns-zahnseide oder @xoomiewatch anschreiben damit die dir den Link zusende ohne das ich gleich weiß, wer du bist :)
Der Großteil der Songs im JCU is schon echt geil, Bunny bars my beloved <333
Ich liebe die Bravo Line auch so sehr, hatte tatsächlich mal ein paar fanart wips für genau das, aber die rotten im "unfertig" Ordner wahrscheinlich für alle Ewigkeit ngl
Omg das man die Line komplett verschieden falschhören kann und es trotzdem noch iwi Sinn ergibt is ja mal witzig (now imagine beide Hörfehler auf einmal "Habe Eier aus geblasen und die Weiber außer Atem" obwohl ich glaub, das würd nicht mehr so viel Sinn machen lol)
Akt 6 is so ein Mysterium tbh so viel könnte passieren, aber auch so vieles nicht. Ich wünsch mir halt fr ein Happy End sonst kann ich das alles nicht mehr (aber Rap battel zwischen den Wächtern wär schon mies geil so julien/bulien style)
HC boah da hab ich einiges, mal sehen wie viel ich aus dem stand auf die kette kriege, hoffentlich werd ich nicht zu sehr auf Fips fokussieren (Favoriten am I rite?):
Gay Fips (hab ich ja schon erwähnt aber naja) er gibt einfach diese krampfhaft straight auszusehen zu wollen Vibes ab iykwim
persönlich mag ich es auch zu glauben das Fips echt nicht glücklich ist mit seiner momentanen Situation als Eos Marionette und sich lautstark drüber beschweren würd (wenn er denn könnte that is)
Ich hab auch die kleine (noch auszuarbeitende) AU von ghost!Fips aka bei Fips Wiederbelebung kam einmal sein Körper unter Eos Kontrolle zurück und Fips Geist der Eos nun heimsucht und so richtig auf die Eier geht, das ist der einzige post, den ich dazu bisher gemacht hab, aber ich hab so ein paar Pläne
Ich bin vollends davon überzeugt das Dark einen softspot für Fips hat, idk why aber einfach vibes
Klaus Vater Figur 100%
Minty, Nr. 17 und das Osterlamm haben girlnights zusammen
Ich mag auch sehr das Trans!Fips headcanon das rumgeht (is nich so als würd ich die größte Fic davon beta lesen nein nein) I relate to him too much tbh
yep das wars erstmal Tach war lang, Hirn ist Matsch
Ich hab kein Problem damit gelöchert zu werden, also immer her mit den Fragen!
uff der Fremde, hab ehrlich gesagt die Theorie, dass er Rewi sein soll noch nicht gesehen, aber die glaub ich auch einfach nicht, weil Rewis auftritt, im JCU zwar extremst überfällig ist, aber der Fremde einfach eine zu seriöse Rolle wäre als das sie die zum running Gag der ganzen Serie geben würden Die Theorie mit Tinos Vater find ich persönlich noch am glaubwürdigsten, aber die überlappt ja mit der "Er ist Rewi weil Rewi Tinos Vater ist" Theorie (insofern die noch aktuell ist, idk ich pass nicht allzu sehr auf die Theorien ecke des fandoms auf) was ja auch nochmal dafür spricht das Rewi nicht der Fremde sein kann, wenn er Tonis Vater ist, ich mein, der Fremde wohnt, soweit ich weiß, nicht in 'nem Mammut oder der A.N.U.S 7 yk generell wäre Rewi als der Fremde oder der Fremde als Tinos Vater zu kompliziert um das in nur einem Video zu bringen yk, besonders weil Tinos sidequest ja auch nur ein Gag ist, wenn mans mal genau nimmt also ja ich glaub der Fremde hat weder mit Rewi noch mit Tino was zutun und Rewi wird, wenn überhaupt als Tinos Vater auftreten oder sonst irgendein Cameo (würd mich nicht wundern, wenn der stirbt tbh) gibt ja auch noch die beiden Ideen, das es entweder ein Rezo Klon oder Curly sein könnten, welche auch recht interessant sind, auch wenn ich sie nicht glaube tbh Wenn ich ehrlich bin, wärs mir am liebsten das der Fremde einfach der Fremde bleibt und nicht auf Krampf nen Charakter reveal haben muss, er ist einfach ein Dude aus der Zukunft und gut is hätte aber auch nichts gegen wen er irgendwer ist, allerdings müsste das Team sich wirklich Mühe geben, dass es gut wird
Ich hab die Reaktion noch nicht gesehen, aber mir wurde zugetragen das der Shot anscheinend wichtig sein soll. Persönlich dachte ich mir das wär nur irgendeine Meta Referenz gewesen, die ich nicht kannte und mir war die wirklich egal, bissl lustig, aber mehr auch nich. Weswegen ich auch nicht kapiert hab, warum alle da so abfahren und das es jetzt anscheinend wichtig ist is für mich etwas schade, weil es etwas von Zekes randomness weg nimmt, wenn das einfach die Wahrheit war und nicht Fake wie die Backstory Shots von ähnlichen Charakteren wie Deadpool (von dem er ja inspiriert ist) die einem oft Scheiße erzählen, über wo sie wirklich herkommen fänd ich einfach etwas enttäuschend idk
(Klaus der Bastard) *ahem* ne Fips kann so nicht Kochen, obwohl, er kann Eier Kochen, aber bei etwas komplizierter als "brate das und das und fertig" würd er wahrscheinlich verzweifeln, 2-5 schritte und mehr nicht! Das die alle basic koch Skills haben würd ich mal vermuten, aber entweder sehr eingerostet oder nur simple Sachen wurden von denen behalten. Ich glaub der einzige, der die Veranlagung hat wirklich gut Kochen zu lernen wäre Eos. Nur so ein Gefühl. Außer Zeke, der darf nich in hundert Meter Radius von ner Microwelle ohne das er was in Brand steckt
Persönlich denk ich ja gern drüber nach, wie sich Charaktere auf nem gemeinsame Minecraft Server verhalten würden hab ich beim JCU zwar noch nicht gemacht, aber der Gedanke ist da ngl
(P.S. alles supi mit den Fragen, ich bin da sehr gechillt :] )
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scibblebops · 2 months ago
I’ve been itching to write something again for CRASH, and the new episode kinda gave me the kickstart energy for it,
So I present a Christmas fic!
The title is pretty self explanatory, so I shan’t need say nothing more.
There’ll hopefully be 8 chapters, and I really hope you enjoy!!
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metallica-jk · 7 months ago
Time to talk ab Games Untold!!!
i kinda wanted to talk ab the objects on the cover
Im guessing that all the roses kinda mean love or smth idk someone search it up bc im not bothered.
the sword is probably Gray
Ive also realised that theres Calla Lillies on the cover of the book...Lyra???
Theres a compass which i think might b Hannah or Toby bc obviously Toby travelled undercover if yk what i mean
theres the coin that i think is from prague?? like czech republic kinda money lmao
thats to represent that night in prague thing
There r also pearls but idk what that might b...
Now ab the story things that will b in the book
That night in Prague is ab Jameson and Avery and how Jameson got the riddle thing ab Alice (i think)
The same Backwards as Forward is defo ab Hannah and Toby. Maybe ab how they met? or how they fell in love?
Five times Xander tackled someone (and one time he didnt) - i think thats kinda self explanatory.
The cowboy and the Goth NASH AND LIBBY AHHHHH
One Hawthorne night Might b the 911 message that Gray missed or idk
What happens in the treehouse could be the extra chapter where nash has to eat his hat or whatever and they play truth or dare
S3cr3t S@nt@ is secret santa...probably like a crazy ahh Hawthorne version lmao
and finally, Pain at the right gun - Lyra?
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atl4-s · 2 months ago
Secret Santa Wichtelgeschenk!!!
Frohe Weihnachten @tricogarfield 🎄
Es hat wirklich viel Spaß gemacht, das Geschenk für dich zu gestalten (auch wenn ich anfangs Probleme bei der Ideensammlung gehabt habe XD) und mit dir über die Vorweihnachtszeit zu schreiben und sich über das JCU auszutauschen hat mich echt gefreut! ^^
Ich hoffe mein Geschenk gefällt dir, ich habe so gut wie es geht und wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe, deine Jerky hc miteinzubauen und ich denke, es ist mir ganz gut gelungen!
Tumblr media
Alsooo, was hinter diesem Bild steckt: Snaggles Plan ist es ja, die Menschheit in Ratten zu verwandeln, aber was wenn er selbst in eine Ratte verwandelt wird und nun Jerkys Haustier ist?!
Und warum schwarz-weiß? Ich fand es sah schön aus ;w;
Jedenfalls, ich hoffe es gefällt dir und ich habe noch mehr geplant, aber ich hatte einfach keine Zeit mehr, das fertigzustellen... aber ich werde das auf jeden Fall noch fertigstellen und dir zukommen lassen!
Frohe Weihnachten ^^
Dein Wichtel Lilly oder auch Atlas <3
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alldancersaretalented · 8 months ago
Project 21 Solo Comp Results Season 9
Nuvo Meadowlands (September 29-October 1, 2024)
Junior Solos:
6th: Bristyn Scifres (Ode To The Blue)
7th: Berkeley Scifres (Interrogation Room)
Jump Las Vegas (October 20-22, 2023)
Mini Solos:
4th: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Junior Solos:
3rd: Berkeley Scifres (L.O.V.E.)
4th: Bristyn Scifres (Little Secrets)
5th: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
7th: Madelyn Nasu (This Will Be)
7th: Leilani Lawlor (Cold Hearted Snake)
Teen Solos:
1st: Gracyn French (Sillhouetted in Sunshine)
5th: Stella Eberts (Nebula)
5th: Richie Granese (Black Sea)
10th: Lilly Barajas (Bone Marrow Stem)
10th: Ally Choi (Echo)
Senior Solos:
3rd: Avery Reyes (I Dare You)
3rd: Sammi Chung (The Silent Word)
4th: Lexi Blanchard (Fame)
Nuvo Tulsa (October 27-29, 2023)
Senior Solos:
4th: Kami Couch (Red Desert)
5th: Katie Couch (NERA)
24Seven San Diego (October 27-29, 2023)
Mini Solos:
5th: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
6th: Aliya Yen (All That Jazz)
Junior Solos:
4th: Berkeley Scifres (L.O.V.E.)
5th: Bristyn Scifres (Little Secrets)
5th: Sara Von Rotz (Absolute Final Goodbye)
5th: Kira Lieberman (Awakening)
6th: Madelyn Nasu (This Will Be)
6th: Ellie Anbarden (Somebody Help Me)
7th: Leilani Lawlor (Cold Hearted Snake)
10th: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
Teen Solos:
2nd: Gracyn French (Silhouetted In Sunshine)
3rd: Brooklyn Ladia (Sing It Back)
4th: Richie Granese (Black Sea)
5th: Ally Choi (Echo)
8th: Dillon Barron (Moon Song)
8th: Lilly Barajas (Bone Marrow Stem)
8th: Stella Eberts (Nebula)
9th: Brooklyn Lieberman (The Clock)
10th: Brielle Lieberman (Happiness)
Senior Solos:
2nd: Sammi Chung (The Silent Word)
YAGP San Diego (November 2024)
Pre-Competitive, Contemporary
3rd: Aliya Yen (Matrix)
Pre-Competitive, Classical
Didn't Place: Aliya Yen (Kitri Act III Don Quixote)
Didn't Place: Aliya Yen (Coppelia)
24Seven Chicago (November 3-5, 2023)
Teen Solos:
3rd: Gracyn French (Paul Is Dying)
Radix Anaheim (December 8-10,2024)
Mini Solos:
7th: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Junior Solos:
5th: Sara Von Rotz (Absolute Final Goodbye)
10th: Leilani Lawlor (Cold Hearted Snake)
Teen Solos:
2nd: Gracyn French (Paul Is Dying)
5th: Richie Granese (Black Sea)
7th: Brooklyn Ladia (Sing It Back)
Didn't Place: Stella Eberts (Nebula)
Senior Solos:
2nd: Sammi Chung (The Silent Word)
24Seven Provo (January 18-20, 2024)
Teen Solos:
5th: Brooklyn Ladia (Sing It Back)
NYCDA Vancouver (January 19-21, 2024)
Junior Solos:
16th: Sara Von Rotz (Light Surrounds)
Nuvo Los Angeles (January 19-21, 2024)
Junior Solos:
4th: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
5th: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
7th: Kira Lieberman (Awakening)
9th: Bristyn Scifres (Perderse)
Teen Solos:
2nd: Brielle Lieberman (Going Under)
3rd: Gracyn French (Pale Blue Sun)
4th: Ally Choi (Let's Fall)
7th: Richie Granese (The Way You Take Up Space)
Didn't Place: Brooklyn Lieberman (More Than One Time)
Senior Solos:
7th: Lexi Blanchard (Catching Smoke)
Nuvo Santa Clara (February 9-11, 2024)
Mini Solos:
1st: Aliya Yen (Before It Ends)
3rd: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Junior Solos:
3rd: Sara Von Rotz (Light Surrounds)
4th: Regan Gerena (Heartburn)
Teen Solos:
3rd: Gracyn French (Pale Blue Sun)
5th: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
7th: Makeila Bartlett (Liquid Slow)
7th: Richie Granese (The Way You Take Up Space)
10th: Lilly Barajas (Falling Inwards)
10th: Brielle Lieberman (Going Under)
Senior Solos:
4th: Loila Rhee (Rework)
6th: Kami Couch (Volant)
6th: Sammi Chung (In One Ear)
8th: Avery Reyes (Tell Me Why)
10th: Katie Couch (Winding And Unwinding)
Didn't Place: Kenzie Couch (Siren)
Didn't Place: Lexi Blanchard (Fame)
KAR Redondo Beach (February 16-18, 2024)
Top Elite Solo 9-11:
4th: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Top Elite Solo 12-14:
2nd: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
Elite Miss Junior Dance:
2nd Runner-Up: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Elite Miss Teen Dance:
1st: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
Cece Chung: Elite Solo NYC All Stars, Elite Solo HDE All Stars
Chloe Mirabal: Elite Solo NYC All Stars, Elite Solo HDE All Stars
Seven Detroit (February 16-18, 2024)
Senior Solos:
5th: Kami Couch (Volant)
5th: Katie Couch (Winding And Unwinding)
6th: Kenzie Couch (Siren)
NYCDA Las Vegas (February 23-25, 2024)
Teen Solos:
15th: Ally Choi (Let's Fall)
YAGP San Diego (February)
Pre-Competitive, Contemporary
Didn't Place (Higher): Aliya Yen (Before It Ends)
Pre-Competitive, Classical
Top 12: Aliya Yen (Kitri Act III Don Quixote)
Top 12: Aliya Yen (Graduation Ball)
NYCDA Santa Clara (March 1-3, 2024)
Mini Solos:
3rd: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Junior Solos:
2nd: Ellie Anbarden (Somebody Help Me)
3rd: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
4th: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
10th: Kira Lieberman (Awakening)
13th: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
Teen Solos:
3rd: Gracyn French (Paul Is Dying)
6th: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
14th: Airi Dela Ccruz (To Build A Home)
17th: Makeila Bartlett (Red Shadow)
19th: Dillon Barron (Beneath The Surface)
Senior Solos:
3rd: Sammi Chung (In One Ear)
4th: Kami Couch (Volant)
7th: Loila Rhee (Rework)
9th: Lexi Blanchard (Fame)
11th: Katie Couch (Winding And Unwinding)
15th: Kenzie Couch (Siren)
Radix Dallas (March 8-10, 2024)
Junior Solos:
3rd: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
4th: Regan Gerena (Heartburn)
Teen Solos:
3rd: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
NYCDA Tulsa (March 8-10, 2024)
Teen Solos:
14th: Richie Granese (Black Sea)
Adrenaline Los Angeles (March 8-10, 2024)
Mini Solos:
3rd: Cece Chung (Move)
24Seven Anaheim (March 22-24, 2024)
Mini Solos:
1st: Aliya Yen (Mink, Schmink)
Junior Solos:
1st: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
1st: Sara Von Rotz (Champagne Taste)
1st: Ellie Anbarden (Somebody Help Me)
3rd: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
3rd Regan Gerena (Heartburn)
Teen Solos
3rd: Gracyn French (El Tango De Roxanne)
4th: Richie Granese (Black Sea)
4th: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
10th: Leighton Werner (Back To Black)
Senior Solos:
3rd: Avery Reyes (Tell Me Why)
5th: Lexie Blanchard (Fame)
5th: Sammi Chung (In One Ear)
6th: Katie Couch (Winding And Unwinding)
6th: Kami Couch (Volant)
7th: Loila Rhee (Rework)
7th: Kenzie Couch (Siren)
Ultra Mesa (April 5-7, 2024)
Top Ultra Competitive 12-14 Solos:
9th: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
24Seven Bellevue (April 5-7, 2024)
Mini Solos:
7th: Delaney Anbarden (Hollyrock)
Junior Solos:
4th: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
Showcase Only Solo: Sara Von Rotz (Champagne Taste)
Showcase Only Solo: Ellie Anbarden (Somebody Help Me)
24Seven Glendale (April 19-21, 2024)
Mini Solos:
6th: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Junior Solos:
1st: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
2nd: Leilani Lawlor (Take Note)
6th: Regan Gerena (Over The Rainbow)
7th: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
Teen Solos:
1st: Richie Granese (Nothing More Simple)
2nd: Brooklyn Ladia (The Middle Is The End)
2nd: Gracyn French (El Tango De Roxanne)
2nd: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
6th: Dillon Barron (Beneath The Surface)
Senior Solos:
2nd: Lexi Blanchard (Clay Pigeons)
3rd: Kami Couch (Volant)
3rd: Katie Couch (Winding And Unwinding)
4th: Loila Rhee (Rework)
4th: Kenzie Couch (Siren)
5th: Sammi Chung (The Silent Word)
5th: Avery Reyes (I Dare You)
Nuvo Westminster (April 26-28, 2024)
Junior Solos:
Didn't Place: Kira Lieberman (Awakening)
Teen Solos:
Brielle Lieberman (Going Under)
24Seven Houston (April 26-28, 2024)
Junior Solos:
1st: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
NYCDA Provo (April 25-27, 2024)
Junior Solos:
8th: Sara Von Rotz (Champagne Taste)
NYCDA Lake Geneva (April 26-28, 2024)
Teen Solos:
4th: Ally Choi (Echo)
Nuvo Provo (May 2-4, 2024)
Junior Solos:
4th: Ellie Anbarden (Somebody Help Me)
9th: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
24Seven Dallas (May 3-5, 2024)
Senior Solos:
6th: Lexi Blanchard (Clay Pigeons)
KAR Exclusive Long Beach (May 4-5, 2024)
Miss Elite Teen Dance
2nd Runner-Up: Leighton Werner (Back To Black)
Jump Honolulu (May 10-12, 2024)
Junior Solos:
2nd: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
2nd: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
3rd: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
5th: Kira Lieberman (Awakening)
6th: Sara Von Rotz (Champagne Taste)
Teen Solos:
1st: Richie Granese (Black See)
5th: Lilly Barajas (All I Wanted)
6th: Makeila Bartlett (Red Shadow)
6th: Dillon Barron (Beneath The Surface)
6th: Ally Choi (Let's Fall)
NYCDA Phoenix (May 10-12, 2024)
Mini Solos:
2nd: Aliya Yen (Before It Ends)
Junior Solos:
4th: Regan Gerena
Teen Solos:
2nd: Brooklyn Ladia (The Middle Is The End)
14th: Leighton Werner (Back To Black)
NYCDA Meadowlands (May 10-12, 2024)
Mini Solos:
didn't place: Olivia Armstrong (About That Walk)
Radix Portland (May 10-12, 2024)
Junior Solos:
2nd: Chloe Mirabal (Woman)
24Seven Orlando (May 10-12, 2024)
Teen Solos:
didn't place: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
KAR Long Beach (May 17-19, 2024)
Top Elite Solo 12-14
1st: Airi Dela Cruz (To Build A Home)
Airi Dela Cruz: Elite Ultimate Performance, Elite Solo HDE All Stars
Nuvo Phoenix (May 17-19, 2024)
Junior Solos:
3rd: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
6th: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
Teen Solos:
5th: Gracyn French (Paul Is Dying)
Gravit8 Orange County (May 30-June 2, 2024)
Elite Teen Solos:
2nd: Sara Von Rotz (The Calling)
KAR Riverside (May 31-June 2, 2024)
Top Elite Solo 12-14
2nd: Ally Choi (Let's Fall)
Top Elite Solo 15-19:
1st: Gracyn French (El Tango De Roxanne)
Placed with other solo: Gracyn French (Paul Is Dying)
Placed with other solo: Gracyn French (Pale Blue Sun)
Elite Miss Teen Dance
1st Runner-Up: Ally Choi (Let's Fall)
Elite Miss Dance
1st: Gracyn French (El Tango De Roxanne)
Gracyn French: Elite Solo HDE All Stars, Elite Ultimate Performance
Ally Choi: Elite Solo HDE All Stars, Elite Ultimate Performance
Ultra Ontario (June 6-9, 2024)
Top Ultra Competitive Solo 12-14
4th: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
19th: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
Ultra Competitive Teen Icon of the Year
Finalist: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
Starbound Upland (June 7-9, 2024)
Junior Elite Solos:
1st: Aliya Yen (Before It Ends)
2nd: Aliya Yen (Mink, Schmink)
KAR Nationals Las Vegas (June 30-July 7, 2024)
Top Elite Solo 15-19:
3rd: Gracyn French (Chemtrails Over The Country Club)
Gracyn French: Elite Ultimate Performance
TDA Orlando (July 6-13, 2024)
Mini Female BDs:
Top 10: Aliya Yen (Before It Ends)
Didn't Place: Cece Chung (Copacobana)
Junior Finals Solos:
4th: Regan Gerena (The Hollows)
Junior Female BDs:
Winner: Regan Gerena (That's Life)
Top 10: Berkeley Scifres (Cornet Man)
Top 10: Bristyn Scifres (It Cannot Be)
Top 10: Sara Von Rotz (Champagne Taste)
Didn't Place: Olivia Armstrong (When I Go)
Didn't Place: Leilani Lawlor (Taking Note)
Didn't Place: Kira Lieberman (Awakening)
Teen Finals Solos:
1st: Gracyn French (El Tango De Roxanne)
Didn't Place: Brooklyn Ladia (Sing It Back)
Didn't Place: Leighton Werner (Drag Me Down)
Didn't Place: Lilly Barajas (All I Wanted)
Didn't Place: Stella Eberts (Bloom)
Didn't Place: Brielle Lieberman (Happiness)
Teen Female BDs:
2nd Runner-Up: Gracyn French (Chemtrails Over The Country Club)
Top 20: Brooklyn Ladia (The Middle Is The End)
Didn't Place: Leighton Werner (Back To Black)
Didn't Place: Lilly Barajas (Falling Inwards)
Didn't Place: Stella Eberts (Nothing More Simple)
Didn't Place: Brielle Lieberman (Going Under)
Senior Finals Solos:
Didn't Place: Sammi Chung (In One Ear)
Didn't Place: Lexi Blanchard (Fame)
Senior Female BDs:
Top 10: Sammi Chung (The Silent Word)
Top 20: Lexi Blanchard (Clay Pigeons)
Non-Stop Dancer Winners (24Seven):
Aliya Yen (Mini): San Diego
Ellie Anbarden (Junior): Anaheim
Regan Gerena (Junior): San Diego)
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Anaheim
Savanna Musman (Junior): Anaheim
Madelyn Nasu (Junior): Glendale
Bristyn Scifres (Junior): San Diego
Berkeley Scifres (Junior): San Diego
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): San Diego
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Glendale
Dillon Barron (Teen): Glendale
Ally Choi (Teen): Glendale
Stella Eberts (Teen): San Diego
Gracyn French (Teen): San Diego
Richie Granese (Teen): Glendale
Mady Kim (Teen): Anaheim
Brooklyn Ladia (Teen): San Diego
Leighton Werner (Teen): Anaheim
Lexi Blanchard (Senior): Glendale
Katie Couch (Senior): Anaheim
Kami Couch (Senior): Anaheim
Kenzie Couch (Senior): Detroit
Avery Reyes (Senior): Anaheim
Non-Stop Dancer Runner-Ups (24Seven):
Delaney Anbarden (Mini): Anaheim, Bellevue, Glendale
Cece Chung (Mini): San Diego, Anaheim, Glendale
Ellie Anbarden (Junior): San Diego
Olivia Armstrong (Junior): Anaheim
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): San Diego
Kira Lieberman (Junior): San Diego, Glendale
Chloe Mirabal (Junior): San Diego, Anaheim, Glendale
Madelyn Nasu (Junior): San Diego, Anaheim
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Anaheim
Dillon Barron (Teen): San Diego, Anaheim
Makeila Bartlett (Teen): Anaheim, Glendale
Ally Choi (Teen): San Diego, Anaheim
Airi Dela Cruz (Teen): Anaheim, Glendale
Richie Granese (Teen): San Diego, Anaheim
Brielle Lieberman (Teen): San Diego
Brooklyn Lieberman (Teen): San Diego, Anaheim, Glendale
Lexi Blanchard (Senior): Anaheim
Sammi Chung (Senior): San Diego
Katie Couch (Senior): Detroit
Kami Couch (Senior): Detroit
Loila Rhee (Senior): Anaheim, Glendale
High Five in Jazz (24Seven):
Lilly Barajas (Teen): San Diego
Brielle Lieberman (Teen): Anaheim, Glendale
Brooklyn Safford (Teen): Anaheim
High Five in Hip-Hop (24Seven):
Cali Cassidy (Teen): Anaheim
High Five in Ballroom (24Seven):
Olivia Armstrong (Junior): Glendale
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Bellevue
Jump VIPs (Jump):
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Honolulu
Berkeley Scifres (Junior): Las Vegas
Bristyn Scifres (Junior): Las Vegas
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): Honolulu
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Honolulu
Gracyn French (Teen): Las Vegas
Lexi Blanchard (Senior): Las Vegas
Jump VIP Runner-Ups (Jump):
Cece Chung (Mini): Las Vegas
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Las Vegas
Kira Lieberman (Junior): Honolulu
Chloe Mirabal (Junior): Las Vegas
Madelyn Nasu (Junior): Las Vegas
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Las Vegas
Dillon Barron (Teen): Honolulu
Makeila Bartlett (Teen): Honolulu
Ally Choi (Teen): Las Vegas, Honolulu
Stella Eberts (Teen): Las Vegas
Richie Granese (Teen): Las Vegas, Honolulu
Sammi Chung (Senior): Las Vegas
Avery Reyes (Senior): Las Vegas
BreakOut Artists (Nuvo):
Aliya Yen (Mini): Santa Clara
Ellie Anbarden (Junior): Provo
Regan Gerena (Junior): Santa Clara
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Santa Clara
Kira Lieberman (Junior): Santa Clara
Chloe Mirabal (Junior): Santa Clara
Bristyn Scifres (Junior): Meadowlands
Berkeley Scifres (Junior): Meadowlands
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): Santa Clara
Stella Eberts (Teen): Santa Clara
Gracyn French (Teen): Los Angeles
Brielle Lieberman (Teen): Westminster
Lexi Blanchard (Senior): Los Angeles
Kami Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Avery Reyes (Senior): Santa Clara
BreakOut Artist Runner-Ups (Nuvo):
Delaney Anbarden (Mini): Santa Clara
Ellie Anbarden (Junior): Santa Clara
Olivia Armstrong (Junior): Santa Clara
Regan Gerena (Junior): Los Angeles
Savanna Musman (Junior): Los Angeles, Santa Clara
Madelyn Nasu (Junior): Santa Clara
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Los Angeles
Dillon Barron (Teen): Santa Clara
Makeila Bartlett (Teen): Santa Clara
Ally Choi (Teen): Los Angeles, Santa Clara
Airi Dela Cruz (Teen): Santa Clara
Stella Eberts (Teen): Los Angeles
Richie Granese (Teen): Los Angeles, Santa Clara
Mady Kim (Teen): Santa Clara
Brooklyn Ladia (Teen): Santa Clara
Brooklyn Lieberman (Teen): Santa Clara
Brielle Lieberman (Teen): Los Angeles, Santa Clara
Brooklyn Safford (Teen): Santa Clara
Sammi Chung (Senior): Santa Clara
Kenzie Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Katie Couch (Senior): Tulsa, Santa Clara
Kami Couch (Senior): Tulsa
Loila Rhee (Senior): Santa Clara
StandOut in Jazz & Contemporary (Nuvo):
Cece Chung (Mini): Santa Clara
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Santa Clara
Dillon Barron (Teen): Los Angeles
Kira Lieberman (Teen): Los Angeles
StandOut in Ballet (Nuvo):
Brooklyn Lieberman (Teen): Los Angeles
StandOut in Hip-Hop (Nuvo):
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Los Angeles
Kira Lieberman (Junior): Westminster
Die Hard Dancer (Nuvo):
Cece Chung (Mini): Santa Clara
Protégés (Radix):
Regan Gerena (Junior): Anaheim
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Dallas
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): Anaheim
Gracyn French (Teen): Anaheim
Richie Granese (Teen): Anaheim
Protègè Runner-Ups (Radix):
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Anaheim
Chloe Mirabal (Junior): Portland
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Anaheim
Ally Choi (Teen): Anaheim
Stella Eberts (Teen): Anaheim, Dallas
Brooklyn Ladia (Teen): Anaheim
Outstanding Dancers (NYCDA):
Aliya Yen (Mini): Santa Clara
Outstanding Dancer Runner-Ups (NYCDA):
Cece Chung (Mini): Santa Clara
Ellie Anbarden (Junior): Santa Clara
Regan Gerena (Junior): Santa Clara
Leilani Lawlor (Junior): Santa Clara
Kira Lieberman (Junior): Santa Clara
Chloe Mirabal (Junior): Santa Clara
Savanna Musman (Junior): Santa Clara
Berkeley Scifres (Junior): Santa Clara
Bristyn Scifres (Junior): Santa Clara
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): Vancouver
Lilly Barajas (Teen): Santa Clara
Dillon Barron (Teen): Santa Clara
Ally Choi (Teen): Las Vegas
Airi Dela Cruz (Teen): Santa Clara
Stella Eberts (Teen): Santa Clara
Gracyn French (Teen): Santa Clara
Richie Granese (Teen): Santa Clara
Brooklyn Ladia (Teen): Santa Clara
Lexi Blanchard (Senior): Santa Clara
Sammi Chung (Senior): Santa Clara
Kami Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Katie Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Kenzie Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Avery Reyes (Senior): Santa Clara
Hip-Hop Scholarship (NYCDA):
Regan Gerena (Junior): Santa Clara
Savanna Musman (Junior): Santa Clara
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): Santa Clara
Kami Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Tap Scholarship (NYCDA):
Bristyn Scifres (Junior): Santa Clara
Winter Contemporary Intensive Award (NYCDA):
Kami Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Katie Couch (Senior): Santa Clara
Steps Summer Study NYC Intensive Scholarship (NYCDA):
Sammi Chung (Senior): Santa Clara
Avery Reyes (Senior): Santa Clara
Steps Academy Program Summer Intensive Scholarship (NYCDA):
Regan Gerena (Junior): Santa Clara
Chloe Mirabal (Junior): Santa Clara
Berkeley Scifres (Junior): Santa Clara
Sara Von Rotz (Junior): Santa Clara
Ally Choi (Teen): Santa Clara
Gracyn French (Teen): Santa Clara
Ballet Hispanico ChoreoLaB Scholarship (NYCDA):
Avery Reyes (Senior): Santa Clara
Intensive Standout Award (NYCDA):
Makeila Bartlett (Teen): Santa Clara
Brooklyn Lieberman (Teen): Santa Clara
Leighton Werner (Teen): Santa Clara
Rising Star (NYCDA):
Richie Granese (Teen): Tulsa
Hubbard Street Dance Chicago Teen Summer Intensive (NYCDA):
Richie Granese (Teen): Tulsa
Peridance Global Summer Dance Intensive Scholarship (NYCDA):
Richie Granese (Teen): Tulsa
Ultra Solo/Duet/Trio Scholarship (KAR):
Airi Dela Cruz (12-14): Long Beach
Gracyn French (15-19): Riverside
20 notes · View notes
picturespurple-68 · 1 year ago
Rusame/Amerus Secret Santa 2023 Gift
This is my secret santa gift for @vodkanburgers
I'm not really used to writing fluff so I hope you like it!
Summary: Cardverse au, Alfred is away on business and sends Ivan a few gifts to keep him company in his absence.
Rating: Teen (mostly sfw but the ending is suggestive)
To Ivan, Alfred was many things: a loud mouth with a lack of impulse control, a gifted magic wielder praised far too much throughout his land, and, just like himself, a grown child forced into the role of ruler much too soon. At least, as neighbors, they found they could confide in each other what few living could understand. Their circumstances had led to a deep kinship between the two, and that kinship had recently found itself evolving into a courtship (with the approval of their queens and aces of course). However, the little differences in how their kingdoms go about "dating" (as Alfred would call it), has led to a few instances of rendering Ivan more flustered than he’s ever been in his life.
Within the Spadian kingdom, gift giving is seen as the most celebrated of gestures because to them, it shows just how much someone really knows about those they love and to give them the things they want without ever having to ask. Truthfully, Ivan saw it more as an excuse to flaunt one's wealth and to monetize some of the most inane things, however he couldn't deny the giddiness he felt whenever another one of Alfred’s presents showed up at his castle's steps.
That's why, with Alfred out on a trip to the Diamonds’ kingdom for the next several weeks, Ivan wasn't surprised when he found the first gift of many placed neatly on his bed with a deep indigo envelope sat next to it.
Gift #1
"To my dearest,
Ivan, I hope in my absence I fill your thoughts just as much as you fill mine. In times like this I wished I had had a memento of yours to keep at my side, but I guess that’s why hindsight is 20/20. That’s why I've taken the liberty of capturing a photo more special than any ever made just for you.
With love,
P.S. Don’t be afraid to take a closer look at it~"
The note was sappy, more so than usual. Ivan wondered if maybe the dramatics of the over emotional Diamonds’ people had rubbed off on the Spadian in such a short amount of time.
The accompanied box was thin and carefully wrapped in a golden ribbon that Ivan didn't hesitate to open. What he saw inside was a silver, ornately metal frame of tiny vines and flora that held behind glass a picture of Alfred. The glowing smile he always wore displayed prominently as he was captured mid wave to the camera. It was adorable.
Pulled in closer as told, he ran a gentle thumb down his framed face and a second later almost dropped the thing when Alfred moved. His hand was actually now waving at him and his smile transformed into an open silent laugh. When his movements slowed, he gave a smooth wink and mouthed something to the viewer before it suddenly reset to its original still image. In fascination at this new feat, Ivan watched it loop the same thing over and over until he was able to read the words on Alfred’s lips, “I love you”.
Only a few weeks had passed when a second package and letter was delivered straight to Ivan. He didn’t hesitate to rush to his chambers and open both items in private.
Gift #2
"To my dearest,
Ivan, in the short amount of time I've been here, Francis has asked me just about every question about the two of us (and obviously taking too much glee in watching me squirm). His doting “big brother” behavior reminds me of Arthur and it’s a wonder how they seemingly can’t find a middle ground like us to remain civil.
Aside from him, I've been enjoying my time with Diamond's newest royal Queen Lillie. She's almost as young as we were when called and has honestly been a real breath of fresh air among the stuffy coots in their court. In our free time she’s even begun teaching me knitting, like you love to do, and I’ve made you something special.
With love,
P.S. I'm still a bit rusty, so if you really really really love me, you won't judge my work too harshly!"
That last part brought out a chuckle from him. This box now was bigger than the first one and as he lifted the lid, a look of confusion crossed his face. Inside was a "folded" mass of red fabric made of a thin yarn material. Picking the item up didn't really help as the shape revealed itself to be something like a…shawl, but the knitted threads were too spaced out to be of proper use in the cold. It seems he wanted to make Ivan something like a scarf, just as he’s done in the past for Alfred.
While not the best work, the thought definitely still counted. It even made his heart beat and brought him joy when he could smell a faint trace of the sharp cologne the young man loved to smother himself in. He knew just where to put this gift.
Gently, he folded up the fabric and placed it on his bedside table as a new piece of decor. Now it would make a lovely scene for Ivan to wake up to while it sat right next to his specially framed photo of Alfred’s goofy mug.
With only a week left before his return, Ivan was surprised when another gift was announced for him. It was the weightiest of all three packages and he was hungry with curiosity to open the, strangely, beige colored box.
Gift #3
“To my dearest,
Ivan, being without you has left me longing for you day, and especially night. I’ve missed holding you, I’ve missed sharing a bed with you, and I’ve missed touching the most intimate parts of your body. As soon as I’m able to see you again, I want to cover your face in the biggest, sloppiest kisses I can make and keep you in my company until we’re nagged enough to go back to our duties.
I know how flustered you usually get after reading your sisters’ romance novels and I can only dream of how you are now. If that is the case, please be sure you’re alone when you open your present. It took quite a bit of trial and error, but the final product is totally worth it. Just about one week left!
With love,
P.S. Hopefully you think of me every time you use it.”
The contents of his letter stayed rooted in his mind like a weed in his greenhouse. From the things he referred to, Ivan had an idea of what could be in that box and waited until after dinner to rush off to his room.
On his bed sat the box. With jittery hands, he opened it to find a royal purple satin bag closed by a simple drawstring. By holding the bag Ivan could make out the shape of something cylindrical and when he pulled it out, he saw it was white with a cap to screw off. Removing it revealed– Oh.
A flesh colored inside greeted his eyes and his face flush harder than he’s ever felt since Alfred first confessed to him. He quickly re-capped the thing and sat in embarrassed silence with the object held in his lap. Questions swirled through his head of why, when, and how, but another one dominated them all.
What does it feel like?
Ivan knew when the man got back he was going to be hounded about if he got his gifts and how much did he like them. Curiosity burned inside and it only made sense to use his gift like how Alfred intended it. Just thinking about how happy he’ll be to see him again is all it really took for Ivan to give in and un-cap the device. The two other presents on his bedside table will be of great use tonight, tomorrow, and every night until he’ll get to physically hold Alfred again.
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sunnydaleherald · 5 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, September 27th
Doyle: So, you got everyone figured out, huh? Cordelia: Not everyone. I mean you I don’t get. Doyle: Me? Cordelia: Yeah, I mean, what’s with those vision things of yours? Doyle: They’re messages I get, you know from the higher powers, whoever they may be. You know, it’s my gift! Cordelia: If that was my gift, I’d return it. I mean you get those headaches, and you do this bleh thing with your face.
~~Lonely Hearts~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Stranger At My Fireside by vampbrat (Spike/Drusilla, E)
Lovers To Friends by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, T)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion, Chapter 343 by madimpossibledreamer (Ensemble, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure crossover, T)
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Aegis, Chapter 19 by dogbertcarroll, Narsil (Xander, multiple crossovers, T)
Season 1, Episode 12: Play it Again, Chapter 4 (complete!) by Emcee (Connor, Andrew, Lorne, T)
Buffyy the Vampire Slayer: A Bad Weeks Sleep, Chapters 1-4 (complete!) by Muhabba (Buffy/multiple characters, E, warning: rape/non-con)
Buffy sequel series, Chapter 1 by DarkReeper87 (Scoobies, G)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2, Chapter 1-3 (complete!) by demolition18 (Buffy movie sequel, T)
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Into Thin Air, Chapter 5 by Leighroyal (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Neighbor's Point of View, Chapter 134 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, PG)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2], Chapter 53 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lost in Desolation, Chapter 11 (complete!) by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Mysterious Destinies, Chapter 11 by EnchantedWillow (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Troubling Deaf Heaven, Chapter 6 by JuneCurry (Buffy/Spike, R)
Unholy Matrimony, Chapter 6 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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A White Knight Amongst The Stars, Chapter 2 by Cdog (Xander, Stargate crossover, FR21)
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Perception, Chapter 5 by flootzavut (Buffy/Spike, G)
Enchanted Dawn, Chapter 3 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Buffy/Spike by novivi (worksafe)
Artwork: School Hard Buffy & Spike by smoochiekissies (worksafe)
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Fanvid: BTVS|| All I know So Far by Lottie
Fanvid: spike & buffy - skyfall by Giulia Wonderwall
Fanvid: Buffy & Spike ~ These Beautiful Things by Dacy Toxic
Fanvid: buffy & angel; the word 'love' by lostlcve
Fanvid: Buffy Summers - Bird Set Free - w/ Angel, Riley & Spike by MissNikkie
Fanvid: "I'm Not Yours Anymore" - Buffy, Angel & Spike by MissNikkie
Fanvid: Buffy Summers ~ Sit Still, Look Pretty by MissNikkie
Fanvid: Angel and Buffy Tribute circa 2001 by Jeffrey Bailey
Fanvid: Buffy Summers - Small Town Girl by juliaroxs241 (vidder also posted several other vids)
Fanvid: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 3 Opening Credits (Charmed Style) by Rotten Lemonade
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike - I’m gonna love you like I’m gonna lose you by Naki-a Littlejohn
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Video: Bring on the Night-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Video: S4E06: Wild at Heart by One Girl in All the World
Video: Buffy 2.17 Passion by Jen Katz and Ryan Something
Video: Granny REVIEWS BTVS 1.1 by grannyandthegeek
Podcast: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 1 Episode 7 - Angel Audio-only by Sh*t 90s Shows Taught Me
Podcast: Potential S7 E12 Buffy and the Art of Story by Lisa M. Lilly
Podcast: Slayer Talk 56: Earshot by Massive Late Fee
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Podcast: Buffy S7E11: Showtime by Booze & Buffy
Podcast: Episode 128: Older and Far Away by Myth Taken: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast
Podcast: Buffy 2.18 Killed by Death by Once More: A Rewatch Podcast
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Fic Rec: Wallflower by Girlytek (Buffy/Spike, R) recced by flowspuffy
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A quick vid rec for my fellow Buffy fans by educatedinyellow
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Dawn centric fanfic recommendations by Wickie_Stan_8764
[Community Announcements]
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2024 Schedule and Rules by Buffyverse Secret Santa
2024 Nomination Guidelines by Buffyverse Secret Santa
LONELY PROMPTS WEEK :: 27 SEPTEMBER § DAY 5 by comment_fic
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Buffyverse Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2024 by buffyversesecretsantaex
[Fandom Discussions]
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what if the vampire invitation thing where vampires can’t enter a home only applies for actually trying to enter? by confusedguytoo
Wesley and Fred dating by oveliagirlhaditright
could you imagine a season five of angel if they wrote it like it was the last season? by figsandfandoms
cordy and connor sleeping together is probably the worst and the most interesting thing in season 4 by all-seeing-ifer
my cordy thoughts by all-seeing-ifer
POLL: Who is the better whumpee? Spike Angel by just-a-little-whump
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What if Angel had shut down Wolfram&Hart by redskinsguy
Does anybody have a favourite [AtS] line that sticks out in their mind? by bettysketty97
SpikexFred is a top tier platonic relationship by DevilManRay
Buffy Slayer Popup in Chicago review by Boollish
Angel to buffy is like the last Airbender to legend of Korra [a downgrade] by Lil-Hall
What misconceptions did you have about the show before you watched it? by p-u-n-k_girl
spike and dru remain iconic No_Performance223
Does anyone else wait to re-watch Buffy during October?? by PlanetHunter23
Buffy on Tubi by SoapNugget2005
What movie do you think Buffy and Angel watched in Enemies? by ucwhaticthick
Why are some people so opposed to living in a fantasy world? by notsosprite
How dangerous is the average Vampire? by Technical-Web6152
Hairstyles and an anime influence? by Artistic-Computer140
Does Glory have any redeeming qualities whatsoever? by AndrewHeard
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Video: 10 Strongest Buffy the Vampire Slayer Demons, Ranked by Zeliard
Video: 10 Easter Eggs You Might've MISSED In Buffy! by Weirdly Beloved
Video: 🧛🏼‍♀️Buffy Season 3: Things nobody talks about 🤨 by Crysta Grim
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lightning-chicken · 1 year ago
master post
hi! my name’s key, and welcome to my blog! pull up a chair, take a seat, and enjoy the stuff i’ve written on ao3 and my theories.
my tags:
key’s conversations - posts made by me
key’s fics - my fics/stuff related to my fics
key’s aus - my aus/stuff related to my aus
keyalysis - analysis/theory posts i’ve made
opening the lockbox - asks that i answer
“___ tag!” - tags for mutuals
fic list:
(note: i’m more than happy to see fanart/playlists/recommendations/podfics etc based on my stuff - but if you do please tag me so i can see it! do not, under any circumstance, repost my work or feed it to an ai.)
(edit 11/07/2024: due to concerns about not scraping, my fics are now only available to registered ao3 users.)
Putting the Puzzle Pieces Back Together
chapters: 2/6 || words: 32.5k
a jay-centric fic about his experiences post-merge. includes amnesia, secret agencies, the limits of lightning, and rats.
Unfamiliar, Familiar Dances
chapters: 1/1 || words: 1.6k
based off of my digital reflections au. nya notices that jay’s been acting strange recently.
ERROR: Battery Low
chapters: 1/1 || words: 4.7k
based off of my digital reflections au, and written for ninjatober 2023. jay didn’t think things would end like this, and neither did unigami.
Current Runs Thicker Than Water
chapters: 1/1 || words: 2.4k
written for @/sharksandjays’s 300 followers challenge. jay (sometimes, maybe) hears voices.
Thin Ice Breaks Easily
chapters: 1/1 || words: 2.2k
lloyd and zane’s fight in s11 ends a little… differently. secret santa 2023 gift for @/mmangaboi!
What Lies Beneath Mountains
chapters: 1/1 || words: <1k
a short fic based on the deleted scene at the end of s13 where cole gets a statue next to lilly.
chapters: 1/1 || words: <1k
a short fic where time finally catches up to lloyd, and he’s ready for it.
D is for Don’t Drop Kick Metal Helmets Unless You’re Wearing Shoes
chapters: 1/1 || words: 2.9k
a nya-centric fic about her experiences as the accomplished samurai x, featuring an eventful conversation between her and cole.
au list:
digital reflections au - ssrj is a clone of jay, and the real jay is abandoned in prime empire.
nya + nyad “came back wrong” seabound au
last updated: 11/07/2024
15 notes · View notes
loganslowdown4 · 2 years ago
Extras & Headcanons 2023
That’s The Tea Logan Photo
Zapp Brannigan/Roman Meme
Twin Snakes/Janus Candy
Zodiac Meme Logan/Remus
Logince Meme
Double Trouble/Janus She-ra Comparison
Old Thomas Pics
Maybe New Janus & Remus Sketch Coming?
Never Ending List feat. Janus
One Ticket To Barbie feat. Logan
Turn Down Music feat. Virgil
I’m Sick feat. Roman
Thomas Channel Header July 2023
They Returned Me Logince Meme
Farmer Thomas Photos 🍆
Roman 🎧
Those Hero Shots (Redux)
Sound Off Sanders Sides
Patton and Janus Tropes I Love
How Logan Feels Love (Canon)
Patton Flips Off
Logan’ sLow down
Thomas Pic 2020
Logan Missing Poster
Young Wholesome Headshots
Sweeney Todd Casting (Aug 2023)
Theories In A Cafe (Ft. Deceit)
Anime Opening Logince Stuff
Talyn’s Coffee Order (from patreon livestream)
Over The Garden Wall Comic/Sides Detail
Logince Drabble (based on my quote)
Sanders Sides Stills w/Eye Colours
A Lil Logince Youtooz (Sep/23)
Crofters The Musical Appreciation Post
Accidental Renaissance Painting (DnD Slide Short)
SaSi Draw Your Squad of Accidental Renaissance
‘JUST Good Friends’ Stills
Getting Choked Up Over ‘JUST Good Friends’
2022 Calendar Art SaSi (& RWR Crack Theory)
Logince in SaSi Kids Cereal Mini Youtooz
Me As Quil Logince
Pre-Fanders Quil (Only SaSi Kids Cereal Mini Youtooz Plush)
Sweeney Todd Father/Daughter Selfie (Oct /23)
Green Screen BTS Shots from Anime Opening (Patreon Oct /23)
Daily Remus/Astrology Bot
Janus & Logan Created The Devils Plan (Netflix)
Patton Silly Meme
Nico’s 3rd Birthday (Oct 10/23)
Mini Plush Logince Moment
Sanders Sides + Text Posts Part 5
Logince Green Screen Junk
R&P Fan Cast
Sanders Sides + Text Posts Part 6
Sanders Sides + Text Posts Part 7
LNTAO 5th Anniversary
1st Anniversary Of Into The Unknown
Duality of Man Oct 2023
Equally Stupid Royality
Lee Calls BS
Roman Heels
Logan’s Birthday Message 2023
November Meme (Mean Months)
Inside Out 2 Anxiety
My Roommate Is Hades B99 Meme
Logan Pics Different Looks
Dreamy Thomas (floral shirt 2020)
Janus Shirt (Literally Don’t Care)
Fandom Ranking Tumblr 2023
Happy 4th Kill In The Blank/Detective Sanders
Scott Pilgrim Meme
When Logan Is Roman’s Secret Santa (Nov 23 Patreon Livestream)
Helios/Janus Lore Olympus Vol 5
Spamb0t Meme
Ncuti Sides
Sanders Sides All The Extras 4
What’s Going On In My Head Meme
Cool Dad Far Side Mug (Short)
The Smile The Reason Meme (Logince)
Mindpalace Lilly’s Birthday Dec 19
The Smile/ The Reason (platonic anxceit)
I’m Featured Fander/Perfect Gift Reaction Video
Lego Fortnite Livestream Shoutout Dec 2023
Janus Hoodie (yellow skull flowers)
Incorrect Quotes Meme
New Banner 2024
Just Minding Your Own Business meme
Surrounded By Idiots (Logan Book)
Back To The Grind (WTIT Meme)
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cosmiclove-heavenstruck · 3 months ago
hi lilly its your Maisie secret Santa!
how are you? What's this month like for you?
hi omg i just now got a bunch of your messages in my inbox!
i'm good, thanks! this month is a bit stressful because there's some birthdays coming up right before christmas and all, but i've got some days off around the holidays so i'm excited for that :)
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neonmice · 3 months ago
das mit den Augen kann ich verstehen. Ich schiebe auch immer Panik, wenn ich irgendwas mit Spritzen oder Verletzungen sehe, wir sitzen also irgendwie im selben Boot. XD
Fips ist auch einer meiner Lieblinge (eigentlich liebe ich alle Charaktere aus dem JCU aber; egal ;w;) und er hat wirklich ein besseres Schicksal verdient! Ich hoffe in Akt 6 wird er wieder gut und die Brüder kommen wieder alle zusammen. Gibt es vielleicht irgendwas bestimmtes, was du dir mit Fips wünschen würdest? Wenn dir nichts einfällt, gib mir einfach eine Richtung an, wie das Geschenk werden soll: wholesome/ angst, irgendwie sowas.
Falls es dir nach noch nichts strebt (weil sich so ein Geschenk/Idee auszusuchen kann schon lange dauern) können wir ja noch ein bissel warten und ich frag dich einfach über das JCU aus, um das Geschenk so persönlich wie es geht zu machen! :D
Also hier ein paar Fragen:
Warum genau ist Fips eigentlich dein Lieblingscharakter (er ist schon ein Süßi, aber ich würde gerne mehr wissen)
Hast du eine Lieblingsszene/Zitat aus dem JCU, was dir so im Kopf stecken geblieben ist?
Gibt es etwas, was du unbedingt in Akt 6 sehen wollen würdest?  (z.B. dass Fips wieder „normal“ wird oder dass Captain Jerky endlich mal Rose ehrlich nimmt)
Was ist dein Lieblingssong aus dem kompletten JCU, also Songs aus der Bohne bis jetzt?
Wenn du nicht willst oder keine Antwort weißt, musst du natürlich nicht alle meiner Fragen beantworten! :D
Dein Geschenk wird dann entweder eine Fanfiction oder Fanart (oder vielleicht auch beides, wenn ich Bock drauf habe 0.0)
Schreib mir zurück, wann du kannst!
Dein kleiner Weihnachtswichtel Lilly
(P.S. Glasfaser gibt’s hier keins… Klaus hat das ganze Geld für das Motorrad fürs Musikvideo ausgegeben ;w; )
Halli Hallo
Ja, zum Glück machen mir Spritzen und Blut nicht zu viel aus, aber alles, was weiter ins Gore Territorium kommt da wird mit ganz schnell übel, weird das ich Body Horror (im abstrakten) dann aber doch wieder sehr faszinierend finde lol
Ich hoffe so sehr, dass der wieder gut wird, aber wie die Story bisher ausschaut, bin ich sehr überzeugt, dass es passiert, man kann nur hoffen :]
Wünschen würd ich mir momentan konkret noch nicht, aber ich sitz momentan auch übelst im kreativen Loch (meine ganzen Fanfics LEIDEN) also mal schauen was wird, würd mir aber schon was fluffiges wünschen, vllt etwas mit ihm und sich verlieben aller der queer Fips Agenda, die ich sehr supporte (he so me fr)
(Ich fühl mich auch immer so übelst weird mir was Bestimmtes zu wünschen idk, meine Freunde werden an Geschenktagen verrückt mit mir ;_;)
Fragen sind immer willkommen :D Ich glaub mit nem richtigen Anstoß könnt ich ein paar Seiten labern, is halt immer schwer da selbst irgendwo anzufangen yk
boah, weiß gar nicht mehr, war glaub das erste Video, was mich wirklich in die Story reingezogen hat, vorher war ich immer nur im groben Orbit von Ju und man hat hin und wieder mal ein Video geguckt, aber weil ich größten teils in der englischen Sphäre unterwegs bin war da nie viel Interesse, bis halt der verdammte Osterhase vor meinen Augen abgestochen wurde lol Und dann gings besonders bei seiner Wiederbelebung so richtig los, was kann ich sagen, ich hab nen softspot für wieder belebte Charaktere. Kinda spezifisch, aber es gibt überragend viel von denen lol. Und ab dann hab ich da nicht mehr allzu viel zu sagen, dass Fips mein kleiner Liebling wurde
2. "Du hälst mich für nen Pascha, doch dein Lamm nasch ich weg ohhh~" -- chriskind -- is eine meiner Favoriten, aber bei solchen Fragen löscht mein Hirn ganz gerne mal alle meine Erinnerungen lmao (Honorary mention is eine misshörte Lyrik vom ersten Osterhasen song wo das ganze Gay Fips HC seinen Ursprung findet: "Habe Eier ausgeblasen und die Neider außer Atem" [Er sagt eigentlich: "Meine Eier ausgeblasen und die Neider außer Atem" Was etwas weniger Funny ist, aber genau so Gay wenn du mich fragst]) Das ganze JCU ist sehr qouteable tbh, is echt nice
3. FIPS VERDAMMTE REDEMTION I WANT IT SO BAD, und das die Brüder zusammen singen, ja ich will ein quarted wo alle Stimmen Ju sind I NEED IT Das die "so schnell kanns gehen" Line nochmal wichtig wird für Fips Rettung, weil WIE GEIL WÄR DAS?! und natürlich ein Happy End, ich kann das nicht, wenn die sich am Ende nicht mindestens minimal besser vertragen (Eos ausgeschlossen, I have Fanfic plans intended just vor him and having to apologize so bad I DONT LIKE HIM RIGHT NOW)
4. Surprise Surprise: Bunny Bars, dicht gefolgt von tut uns leid und wie auch immer der von Joon in Drag hieß, cool und fresh ist auch noch weit oben dabei und alle von Klaus, und natürlich auch die anderen Wächter Songs (außer Zekes neuer, mag denn nich so)
oopsa alle Fragen beantwortet hehe ;P
Ich freu mich schon, überarbeite dich nur bloß nicht, ihr Wichtel müsst ja schon genug schuften ;]
(P.S. Was ein Depp istg, müsst Nr.17 anstiften ihn eins überzubraten sonst wird das ja nie was -_-)
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year ago
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Release: October 30, 2017
Nights are getting shorter now
Hot chocolate fills the air and Christmas cheer does too
Picking out your Christmas tree, so lovely
The joy this time it brings to you
Santa's coming to town
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
Santa's coming to town
Sing it to the deer in the sky
Sing it as they jingle, jingle, jingle tonight
Sing it to the moon, set it free
You're the angel on the top of my tree
Sing it to the spirit above
Sing your heart out with all of your love
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Oh, Santa's coming for us
Send your letters off to Santa, baby
Tell him all your secret wishes too
Send your letters off to Santa, baby
Hoping all your wildest dreams come true
Santa's coming to town
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
Santa's coming to town
Sing it to the deer in the sky
Sing it as they jingle, jingle, jingle tonight
Sing it to the moon, set it free
You're the angel on the top of my tree
Sing it to the spirit above
Sing your heart out with all of your love
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Oh, Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming to town
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
Santa's coming to town
Santa's coming to town
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
Greg Kurstin / Sia Furler
"Santa's Coming for Us" is a song written by Sia and Greg Kurstin and released on October 30, 2017 as the lead single from Sia's eighth studio album and first holiday album, Everyday Is Christmas.
Sia wrote "Santa's Coming for Us" with her longtime collaborator Greg Kurstin, who also produced the song. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Kurstin said that writing the song "took me back to the time when we were studying jazz chord changes," referring to Sia's early career.
The music video for "Santa's Coming for Us" was released on November 22, 2017 and features Kristen Bell hosting a Christmas party. Guests include Dax Shepard as husband, JB Smoove as Santa Claus, Susan Lucci and Henry Winkler as grandparents, and Sophia Lillis, Wyatt Oleff and Caleb McLaughlin as children.
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daemour · 1 year ago
CODN SS! ❄️❄️❄️❄️
I actually love calla lilies and I know it's cliche, but I adore roses-both the scent and the flower.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday and I'll see you on the other side of the secret santa event! Looking forward to getting to know you outside the anons!
Oooh calla lillies are so pretty!! And i actually have two rosebushes out my house---one deep pink and one light pink. Have a wonderful holiday and can't wait to meet you out of anons soon!!
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indyfilmlibrary · 2 years ago
Secret Santa (2022) – 4 stars
With Secret Santa, we're doing Christmas in July - and it's surprisingly good. #germany #shortfilm #LGBTQ+ #review #christmas
Director: Charif Ounis Writers: Charif Ounis, Luca Jonas Müller & Lilly Weiss Cast: Luca Jonas Müller & Lilly Weiss Running time: 4mins Independent art is usually at its worst when it decides to try and ape mainstream content generation. Many of the themes they will try to mash into a tiny, underfunded work are already woefully out of step with the lived experience of most audiences – and…
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magiaburst · 2 years ago
🦢 What’s your favorite episode?
Good question. I really don't want to answer on bias here, but it just so happens that the debut episode of someone certain also had other content that was fun. In that case, probably Raven Princess.
Who’s your favorite character?
That's a very difficult question. Even if I would say the answer, I don't think it would be right. I just can't seem to overcome this obstacle of a question, even if I tried the hardest.
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:O where did she come from
Who has the best character design?
Definitely Tutu and Kraehe. I'd also give Dark/Raven Mytho and Siegfried some props.
Which character would be your bestie?
I'd probably get super well along with Pique and Lillie. Not because I resonate magical fairy ballerina protagonist vibes, but because they are a level of chaotic I could deal with.
I'd probaly also get along with Rue... at least in the beginning.
What moment gets you in your feels?
There's really no moment that emotionally destroyed me, but I did have to sit down and re-think my life choices after the end of the series.
Lovey dovey, zura! Do you have any ships?
Ruetho. Yes, I'm simple.
Favorite song used in the show?
Gymnopedie, No. 1. Followed by whatever track plays in the Once Upon A Time-part of the show.
Do you prefer the opening or the closing?
I honestly don't care much about the ending. I can vibe with Morning Grace though.
Which heart shard tugs on your heart strings?
This better not be a ploy to steal my emotions and put me into a story. Curiosity, maybe? I am VERY curious about things.
How did you feel about the ending?
They totally could have turned Ahiru human permanently, but I guess it would contradict with the message of being yourself. Taking that in mind, I think the ending was good. It wrapped things up nicely. And in terms of a sequel, Nocturnal-Impala and TomoyoIchijouji got us covered with their respective works.
What kind of official merch would you die for?
Ahiru's pendant and a raven plush. Not from the demon, but from the generic red eyed ravens flying around.
How long have you been a fan/how did it happen?
I guess it's because of a former friend who introduced the anime to me, telling me to watch it. I did a half-hearted watch back then but forgot most of the anime and 2018 did become a trainwreck. Fast forward to later 2018, when I found a discord server that got me more into the show (and this was also the moment where I got back into roleplaying, I don't think I ever would have gotten back to it without this server. And yes, this was also the time where Lucy and Selene were developed.) and come early 2020, I rewatched it and alongside it came a newfound appreciation. Trust me, I did think about "what if I ever get over the show at one point and that's that", but you will never get over this. Even if you do, you will come back. Always be drawn back like a marionette on a string.
I blame Drosselmeyer.
How do you participate in the fandom?
I rarely write about the show, but I think my most participation comes from RPing my OCs. And Secret Santas, not getting bored of those.
Unpopular opinions that might get you killed?
Dark Mytho > Siegfried. I enjoy this dramatic effer for some reason.
I don't know why I have most appreciation for the raven side of things.
Any fan theories/headcanons you believe in?
Not sure if I have any. I'd probably have to get back to this one later.
How would you feel about a remake/reboot?
If they keep the story intact and keep the fairy tale vibes, as well provide a german dub...I'd be fine with it!
Princess Tutu Ask Game
🦢 What’s your favorite episode?
🥀 Who’s your favorite character?
🩰 Who has the best character design?
💌 Which character would be your bestie?
☕️ What moment gets you in your feels?
🥁 Lovey dovey, zura! Do you have any ships?
🎼 Favorite song used in the show?
🏰 Do you prefer the opening or the closing?
❤️‍🩹 Which heart shard tugs on your heart strings?
🕰 How did you feel about the ending?
⚰️ What kind of official merch would you die for?
⏳ How long have you been a fan/how did it happen?
🪶 How do you participate in the fandom?
🗡 Unpopular opinions that might get you killed?
📝 Any fan theories/headcanons you believe in?
⚙️ How would you feel about a remake/reboot?
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dramaism · 2 years ago
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🎁 KDRAMA SECRET SANTA 2022 — for Lilly @bareums ❤️
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