#Sebastián Alvarez
Tagged by @natures-marvel
Name a song for every alphabet of your url.
Uff, this is gonna be long, use this as a song rec (looking at you @natures-marvel I'm sure there's stuff in here you'll like) because I'm only gonna use bangers (with links and everything so you have no excuse not to listen to them):
D: Duel of the Fates from Star Wars
E: Esta Vida by Jorge Celedón and Jimmy Zambrano
L: Latinoamérica by Calle 13 (this is by now a Latin American Hymn)
I: Immigrants (We Get the Job Done) from The Hamilton Mixtape by Lin Manuel Miranda and a bunch of people but especially my loves Residente from Calle 13 and Riz Ahmed.
R: Robarte un Beso by the King himself Carlos Vives and Sebastián Yatra
I: Ilegal by Cultura Profetica
O: Oso Perezoso by, one of the best Costarican bands ever, Cocofunka
U: Una Vaina Loca by Fuego and El Potro Alvarez
S: Sólo le pido a Dios (any version is good but I quite like this one) by Mercedes Sosa
A: A Dios le pido by Juanes
N: Nace un Borracho by Christian Nodal
D: De Música Ligera by (one of the best bands to ever come out of Latin America) Soda Stereo
S: Suele Suceder by Cocofunka
L: La Tortura by Shakira and Alejandro Sanz
I: Intención by (Costarican band) Un Rojo Reggae Band and Néstor Ramljak
G: Gira el Mundo by (Costarican band) Percance
H: Hasta la Raíz by Natalia Lafourcade
T: This is Not America by Residente and Ibeyi (This one has a very important message that everyone should pay attention to)
L: La Maraca by (Costarican band) Sonámbulo Psicotropical
Y: Yo Perreo Sola by Bad Bunny
M: Me Voy by Julieta Venegas
U: Un Beso y Una Flor by Nino Bravo
R: Rompe by Daddy Yankee
D: Devuélveme a mi Chica by Hombres G
E: El Mono y la Culebra by Señor Loop
R: Reggaetón Lento by CNCO
O: Ojitos Lindos by Bad Bunny and Bomba Estéreo
U: Uff Mi Amor by Lauty Gram
S: Suavemente by Elvis Crespo
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bamudaba · 2 years
Los 25+25 mejores discos de Argentina 2022
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Apple Music https://music.apple.com/jp/playlist/los-50-2-mejores-discos-de-argentina-2022/pl.u-xrNbdTpKkMy4 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5KnJ8ZQdjXAXjfkBmMxV5U?si=e2d2061c025e48f1
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Babeblade / Llorar en un baño público
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Bandalos Chinos / El Big Blue
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Carlos Aguirre / Va siendo tiempo
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Carlos Aguirre & Juan Quintero / Abrazo (En Vivo)
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Clara Cava / Azul Es Donde Siempre Estoy
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Delfina Mancardo / OCTANTE
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Don Olimpio / Vengo
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Eugenio Reynal / La Estrategia del Fuego
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Fabrizio Colombo / Celedonio
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GULI / Si No Hubiera Mañana
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Ine Güemes / Ya No Me Pesa la Campera
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Isla Mujeres / Correr Adentro
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Juan Fermín Ferraris / Jogo
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Lara91k / Como Antes
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Manu Pozzi / Venado
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Martín Sued & Orquestra Assintomática / Igual Estamos Acá
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Mi Amigo Invencible / Isla de Oro
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Nina del Río / What I Loved About You Es Lo Que Amo De Mi
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Pablo Murgier / Gare Du Sud
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Sebastián Macchi / Melodía Baldía
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(sic)Trio / Jerga
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Sinesis Duo / Hojas Y Rutas Nuevas
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Sofi Alvarez / Contraluz es un estado de ánimo
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Babasónicos / Trinchera Avanzada
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Barrio Lindo & Ignus / Espuma De Mar
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Chancha Vía Circuito / La Estrella
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Cítrico / Sentimental
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Federico Arreseygor / Jardinería para Principiantes
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Femi / Lonely Fans - EP
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Gabriela Beltramino / El Camello, el León y el Niño
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Hernán Jacinto / Hope
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Ignacio Amil / Pared Primavera - EP
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Juan Pedro Dolce / La Orquesta Arquetípica (Lado A) - EP
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La Valenti / R Chop
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Lautaro Feldman / Cabeza de Termo - EP
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Lucia Boffo / NOMADE
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Lucio Gagliardo / La Unión
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Mai Pedro / LUJO - EP
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Manuela de las Casas / Halare
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Melina Moguilevsky / Huecos
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Minino Garay / Speaking Tango
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Mogue / Parcialmente nublado
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Natalia Spiner / Axis
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Orquesta Sin Fin / Nuevas Canciones Argentinas
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Pablo Ablanedo Octet / Chistreza
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Roxana Amed / UNÁNIME
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Vic Bang / Burung
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Weste / Wish Wish
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makairodonx · 9 months
Las Brujas de San Sebastián
Somewhere in the middle of a little town that stood behind the jagged, green peaks of the Cordobas Mountains, there lived four young witches who led very wild and interesting lives. And while witches in other towns could be tried by the inquisition for what they did and forced to renounce their ways, Angelica, Gabriella, Isabella and Maria continued to secretly keep witchcraft alive in the town of San Sebastian...Without the authorities themselves knowing it.
Seventeen-year-old Angelica saw that a husband had asked her to help him deal with his unfaithful wife. "I will give you this bag of powder," she said to the husband, "And I want you to mix it into the cup of hot chocolate that your wife drinks every morning. Only then will she truly remain faithful to you."
Afterwards, Angelica turned herself into a black vulture and flew out of the window and straight over the reddish-orange-tiled roofs of the houses and shops.
"I'm back!" She said to her fellow witches as she reverted to human form upon landing at the tall, beige-painted house of her three sisters.
"Did you just help Mauricio Alvarez secure the fidelity of his unfaithful wife, Angelica?" Sixteen-year-old Gabriella asked her.
"Yes I have, Gabriella," Angelica replied. "I gave that poor man a special bag of powder for him to mix into the chocolate drink of his unfaithful wife so that she may no longer part ways with him. And were you, Isabella and Maria doing anything else while I was alone?"
"Yes we did, Angelica." Said Gabriella. "I have just used my crystal ball of divination to help Esmeralda de Salamanca see into the future of her children, so that she will guide them away from sinful acts in adulthood."
"I have just used my magic mirror to help a poor man his beloved a dog which he had lost for nine, whole weeks," Sixteen-year-old Isabella added.
"And I have just gave one of my best potions to Luisa Martinez for her abusive husband to drink," Said Fifteen-year-old Maria, "So that he will no longer torment her under his iron will."
"Very well indeed," Said Gabriella. "Now it looks like we've finally been finished with our community errands for the day."
"But I also think that it is very important for us to not expose any our magical practices to the rest of the town." Said Isabella.
"Of course so, Isabella..." Maria said, "For we should always remember what our parents and grandparents did for our community before they were all sadly caught by the Inquisitors and forced to give up the noble examples they once set four our fellow San Sebastianos and San Sebastianas..." Maria said.
And as the sun set over the peaks of the Cordobas Mountains, the four witches gathered in a dark room of their house and lit a few candles in a circle to honor the founders of their great families as they solemnly closed their eyes and whispered prayer-like lamentations of their passing, which heralded a time in which witchcraft was no longer becoming a tradition that was passed down from mothers and fathers to their daughters or sons.
The sisters Angelica and Gabriella both came from the House of Osorio, whose chief patriarch was Brujo Alfonso, and the sisters Isabella and Maria came from the House of Posada, whose chief matriarch Bruja Rafaela happened to be the firstborn daughter of Pedro Posada and Ernesta Osorio. Six hundred years earlier, and twenty years after Alfonso was born from the marriage between Ignacio Osorio and Luisa Posada, Alfonso's sister married one of the two younger brothers of the Bruja Rafaela. Together they started off the Posada Family that Gabriella and Isabella came from. Brujo Alfonso was esteemed throughout San Sebastian for his skills in using herbs and roots to heal all kinds of illnesses or sicknesses, and Bruja Rafaela was equally famous for her carefully-concoted potions, powders, and spells, which were all used to help out the townsfolk deal solve everyday problems they faced throughout their lives. But as the Inquisitors grew very powerful with the help of a class of faithless doctor-priests who loathed the widespread presence of the supernatual, they used a complex system of propaganda to dissuade the townsfolk from seeking the services of the brujos and brujas, who were regularly persecuted and fined as the doctor-priests took over the cultural and social life of the town with the use of their crooked and twisted medicines and sermons. But nevertheless, the witches of the Osorio and Posada families retreated into their small, dimly-lit shops among the walls of taller buildings, anf from there they secretly taught most of the life-skills of witchcraft to their children and grandchildren, especially as soon as San Sebastian's populace tore itself into two opposing camps consisting of those who saw witchcraft as a societal menace that had to be eradicated and those who saw it as a special asset to fixing societal problems that were far beyond the scope or reach of any ordinary human being.
"Good afternoon, little witches," Pablo, the house-guardian, stepped in ten minutes later with his four friends. Like most of the duendes that dwell in the lands surrounding the Cordobas Mountains, they had long, poitned ears, stood less than three feet tall, and wore dark brown gowns with long, drooping sleeves and a tall, pointed hats for nightime outings.
"Are you offering your prayers to the deceased members of your families?" Pablo asked the four witches.
"Yes we are, Pablo..." Angelica said to him after she and her fellow withces finished off their prayer to carry on the legacies of their persecuted forebears. "Ever since the long-gone days of Brujo Alfonso and Bruja Rafaela, our great-grandparents, grandparents and parents have all had to face the iron will of the Inqusition as they strugged hard to keep the flame of witchcraft flickering in this town..."
"And now we four children are all that is left of our two great witchcraft-practicing families, the Osorios and the Posadas..." Maria said with a tear dropping from her right eye.
"Perhaps you can find some suitable husbands on your own and have children with them," Said one of Pablo's fellow Duendes, "So that you'll all be able to continue the Osorio and Posada lines..."
"Of course we could, some day,” Said Gabriella, “But only once we're fully mature enough to marry, though…”
“I see.” The Duende replied.
"But oh, how sad..." Pablo sobbed. "How sad it was that you all have happened to be quite young enough to remember the loss of your parents and grandparents to the iron cuffs and wicked chains of the Inquisition...and its mobs of witch-hating supporters who care for none of the magic that is still left in this world..."
The poor duende, much to the dismay of his fellow Duendes, soon broke into an emotional fit of crying and sobbing that made him look like a small, nasal-voiced, pig-faced man in the eyes of the four witches, who all happened to be quite amused by his seemigly-hilarious antics.
"Would you please stop crying like this, Pablo?" Angelica said. "It's really making us laugh since you look both cute and funny at the same time when you do so!"
"And we can still hopefully thank our parents and grandparents for extensively training us to use our gifts to serve the community before they were ultimately forced to give up the practice of witchcraft forever..." Said Isabella.
Pablo quickly stopped sobbing, stood up and got back to his senses. "Now that sounds like good news, then..." He remarked at Iasbella's words. "Good news that the practice of witchcraft will still live on in the town of San Sesbastian..."
"Unless we all happen to be truly careful enough to hide from the clutches of the Inquisition." Gabriella added.
"That's right," Said Pablo. "And you should remember also that my fellow Duendes and I are all doing our best to take good care of you four witches in the abscence of your beloved parents and grandparents..."
"For we've all been helping you wash the dishes, clean your rooms and clothes, and prepare breakfast and coffee, lunch, and supper, each and every morning, noon, and evening!" Said one of Pablo's fellow Duendes.
"And that's why you can always count on us duendes as your loving, caring, family, even though we're small and frightening enough to scare off the big folk!" Said another one.
"How wonderful indeed, our little duendes," Maria smiled.
"And after all," Said Angelica, "it was you and your fellow Duendes, Pablo, who've kept us safe and secure in this Casa Osorio-Posada...ever since we've lost our parents and grandparents to the Inquisition when were were just about ten or eleven, too..."
The belated witch bent down on her knees to pick up Pablo in her arms, stood up to hug him dearly like a mother hugging her infant child, and stooped down to put him back onto the ground with the other four duendes.
"Now let's go outside and enjoy this night without the Inquisitorial authorities knowing it, shall we?" Said Gabriella.
"Of course we can!" Said Pablo.
Upon stepping out of their house, Angelica, Gabriella, Isabella, Maria, and their five little duende guardians all saw that some of the other duendes were hopping or waddling out onto the dimply-lit cobblestone streets that straddled the shops and houses in their dark robes, asking the human residents to lend them their nightime services. But things didn't turn the way the Duendes themselves expected.
"It's just...worriesome..." One of the duendes said to the four witches with tears rolling from his cheeks. "We're simply just asking the men and women of this town to kindly let us enter their shops and taverns...And all we've got are screams of terror and people running away from us...as if we're all just horrible monsters who simply don't have a place in this world!"
"Oh, don't worry, Little Camilio," Gabriella said to the duende. "You and your fellow duendes do have a place amongst us four witches..."
"Since we've always been taken care of by the caring Pablo and his four merry friends!" Isabella continued.
"And for now," Maria said to Little Camilio, "you can just hang out with other duendes, if you want!" Angelica smiled.
"All right, then..." The duende smiled and waddled off into the distance in search of other duendes to hang out with.
"So..." Isabella said as she looked up at the peak of a tall, imposing mountain that stood outside the town and saw a few yellow lights flickering from a cave below, "shall we go to the Cave of Mount Zumbatoca for our aquelarre with the Duendes? For it looks like they, after all those years of continually being treated like stray dogs by our town's human residents and shunned from all forms of town life, have been waiting for us to come and celebrate this special Friday night with them..."
"Of course you can!" Pablo cried. "And be sure to meet me and my fellow duendes at Mount Zumatoca!"
"Sure we will, Pablo!" Angelica smiled at Pablo and his fellow duendes hopped off into the darkness and vanished into thin air.
And thus the four witches brought out their broomsticks, hopped on them one by one, and flew off to the Aquelarre that was being held at the cave on Mount Zumbatoca to spend the night with the duendes and the vampire bats. And there before the blazing fire whose flames glowed ever brightly against the stone walls of the cave, which were painted with magic symbols of beasts, glyphs and men that only brujos and brujas understood, the Osorio and Posada sisters drank drinking-gourds of mate, ate an asado, danced and sang with the little pointy-eared imps and bats, and showcased some of their animal transformations. Angelica took the form of a black vulture, Gabriella took the form of a Coati, Isabella took the form of a dog with long legs and pointed ears, and Maria took the form of a jaguar with bright, amber eyes, much to the joy and amusement of the duendes themselves. And the Aquellare went on through the night.
On the following morning, the four witches were carrying out their daily errands to serve the townsfolk as usual, until at last their supernatural activities soon caught the attention of a suspicious man named Pablo Ortiz. The man reported the witches over to the Inquisitors, who were prowling the main square, the streets and the alleys in search of anything or any practices that could easily be labelied as "supernatural or having a distinctively supernatral nature."
"Look!" Yelled the inquisitor. "Witches! Arrest them!"
The Inquisitional authorites chased the four girls here and there in the streets of the bustling town, until they suddenly took to the air in the shape of black vultures and flew across the heads of the townsfolk.
"Catch these four witches before they escape this town!" Pablo Ortiz cried.
The inquisitors rushed forward, stood in the middle of the plaza, and aimed their crossbows at the four witches, who were all circling high up over the rooftops of the houses and shops, and shot at them with a volley of arrows that struck their wings and cause them to plummet to the cobblestone-tiled ground, whereupon the four witches reverted to their human forms and stood in the middle of the marketplace with all of San Sebastian's residents gathered around them in a huge ring that was teeming with dozens of bewildered, perplexed faces.
"It's the witches," Pablo Ortiz cried with the Inquisitors running beside him. "IT'S THE WITCHES! IT'S THE WITCHES! We've caught them all!"
"Bring them to the office of the Inquisition so that they'll be forced to renounce witchcraft forever!" Cried the Commander of the Inquisitors to his henchmen as they all started to close in on the Osorio and Posada sisters.
But just as the heavily-armored men were about to catch the four witches with their handcuffs, Angelica quickly rose up and shot a flaming ball of purple light from her left hand at the face of one of the inquisitors, who was knocked away in an instant.
"You are not going to tread on us so easily like this..." She growled. "Not when we've all got the knowledge and skills of our parents and grandparents on our side!"
With these words the four witches unleased their magic spells upon the ten heavily-armed Inquisitors as they rushed forward to attack them with their weapons. Angelica shot a ball of flaming purple light from her hands which knocked out two of the Inquisitors, Gabriella used a spinning gesture of her hands that caused the crossbows to explode in the Inquisitors' hands, Isabella shot a bright ball of green flame from her fingers that knocked out three more of the Inquisitors, and Maria used a sweeping motion of her left arm to unleash a blazing half-ring of fire at the attackers and transformed five of the Inquisitors into helpless toads with a snap of her fingers, while the Osorio sisters levitated the remaining five fifteen feet up into the air with an upward gesture of their arms and started to choke them with closing motions of their palms.
"No, no, no, no, no!" Cried Pablo. "Don't do this to the Inquisitors, please!"
We'll continue to tourture all these poor men with our magic spells," Angelica said coldly to him, "Unless you give up wour wicked ways and remember what our great families, the Osorios and the Posadas, once did four our community 700 years ago..."
"At a time when Brujo Alfonso and Bruja Rafela used their mastery of la Brujeria to tend to the problems faced by each and every resident of this amazing, glorious town!" Gabriella continued.
"So what do you now think of destroying the legacies of the Osorio and Posada Families?" Maria added. "A legacy from our town's once-magical past that has to be honored to this day?"
"And who will be there to tend to the everyday needs and problems faced by our fellow San Sebastianos and San Sebastianas?" Said Isabella.
"Only you can do so..."Pablo Ortiz sobbed with a few tears rolling down from his face. "Only you and your fellow witches can use your magic spells to find solutions to societal problems that are far beyond the scope of being solved by persons like me...And I shall never, ever try to discourage you all from pursuing this time-honored trade of yours ever again...And without the help of your magical services, San Sebastian may never again be the wholesome, welcoming and problem-free place that it had once been 700 years..."
"Now that, Pablo Ortiz," Angelica said, "is what we'd want to hear from someone who has just tried to attack the magical knowledge passed down to us by our caring, loving forebears and is now seeking to find out the errors of his ways..."
Isabella and her witches proceeded to unbind the ten Inquisitors from their magical control with a single lowering motion of their hands.
"So please remember, Don Pablo," Angelica said to Pablo, "That it was Brujo Alfonso Osorio and Bruja Rafaela Posada who once told our great-grandparents, grandparents and parents that our practice of witchcraft is not to be used to inflict harm upon others, unless they happen to be comitting crimes, but to serve the memebers of our esteemed community."
"And therefore," Said Maria, "it is important for you now to let us honor the legacies of the Osorio and Posada families by allowing us to continue the work that they and their forebears have done to serve our community."
"For sure, then..." Said Pablo Ortiz, "If that happens to be the will of you and your fellow witches..."
Afterwards, the Alcalde of San Sebastian disbanded the Office of the Inquisition, stripped the faithless Doctor-Priests of much of their former authority and finally allowed Angelica, Gabriella, Isabella and Maria to freely keep on the esteemed work of their forebears without ever having to deal with the Inquisition, and San Sebastian's residents also came to gradually tolerate the presence of the witches and their duende familiars and openly embrace them as a major part of the town's supernatural history and cultural and social life. And with the blessing of the generous Alcalde on their side, the four witches all continued to use the practice of la brujeria they've inherited from their magical Osorio and Posada forebears to serve the community as usual.
Angelica Osorio saw that Dona Frida been bitten in the right arm by a rabid, stray dog that she accidentally fed. "Can I use my expertise in herbal medicine to treat this wound for you?" She asked the young woman. "For I do know the right kind of herb to be used for curing animal bites like these..."
"Sure you can, Bruja Angelica!" Said the Dona.
The witch soon found a particular herb that she had happened to freshly pluck from the verdant slopes of the Cordobas Mountains, squeezed it and pressed it onto the site of the dog bite.
"Now I feel much better, Bruja Angelica," Dona Maia said to her, "And I thank you most dearly for this miraculous act of healing!"
"You're welcome, Dona Maria!" Angelica said to her.
"My lover has not been kind and faithful to me these days," A man told Gabriella Posada the next day. "And now she's trying to separate with me!"
"Don't worry, Senor Fernando," Gabriella Osorio said to the man as she handed him a magic potion that was bottled up in a wooden drinking gourd. "Please take this green lemon-grape potion which I have personally brewed from my own caldera if you will, and give it to your wife for her to drink. That way will she never, ever try to part ways with you."
"Thanks a lot, Bruja Gabriella!" Senor Fernando said to her. "The advide of you and your fellow witches is most welcome when it comes to facing problems like this!"
"You're welcome, Fernando!" The witch smiled.
"Come into my office if you will, Miguel de Tordesillas," Isabella Posada beckoned a man to her dark room, and I shall show you where your lost cat really is..."
Isabella lit up a few candles around her crystal ball, spoke a soft incantation which caused a dark blue cloud to swirl inside it, and encouraged Miguel to look into the ball, which surely soon showed that the man's beloved cat was sitting and eating grilled meats outside of someone's restaurant.
"Oh, thank you very much, Bruja Isabella!" Miguel said to the witch. "Thank you for showing me that my cat Tico is at Mauricio's Asado Bar!"
"You're very welcome, Senor Miguel!" Isabella smiled.
"My husband Pedro always cusses at beats me and my children upon returning home in a drunken state from the bar late every night," Dona Stefana told Maria Posada at her office the following day, "And there is nothing I can do to stop him!"
"Do not worry, Dona Stefana," Maria told the woman. "I shall give you this bag of powder made of dried fruits, grasshoppers and fireweed, and I want you to mix it into the cup of coffee that your husband takes every morning. And then, your husband will surely return to being the loving, caring family man that he once was..."
"Oh, for sure, Bruja Maria!" Dona Stefana after Maria handed her the bag of magic powder. "And thank you for finding the right soultion for my husband's reckless behavior!"
"You're truly welcome, Dona Stefana!" Maria said.
And in addition to those simple, everyday deeds of theirs, the Osorio and Posada sisters also used their Duende and vampire bat familiars to police the town every night and punish those who committed any serious crimes, or to help the four witches carry out some of their magical tasks day and night.
So somewhere in the middle of a little town that stood behind the jagged, green peaks of the Cordobas Mountains, there lived four young witches who led very wild and interesting lives. And while witches in other towns could be tried by the inquisition for what they did and forced to renounce their ways, Angelica, Gabriella, Isabella and Maria have all continued to keep the practice of witchcraft alive...in the magical town of San Sebastian.
0 notes
knario47 · 11 months
Nuestro querido Pablo Deluca nos trae un gran documento sobre la imposición colonial española contra los aborígenes Guanches y Canariis, obligados a llevar sus nombres, sus costumbres y su cruel religión la del muñeco de palo clavado en la cruz.
Pablo Deluca
ALGUNOS NOMBRES Y APELLIDOS HISPANOS IMPUESTOS A GUANCHES/AS Y GRANCANARIOS/AS (Documentos de escribanía de Tenerife, s. XVI y principios del s. XVII, A. Carracedo Hernández, 2017, ULL). (foto: Dto. escribanía, J.Manuel Valladares)
(*) = Martin Buendía, ejecutor de Tinguaro en San Roque, noviembre 1495 (A. Rumeu de Armas, 2006).
Pedro de Adeje, Antonio Afonso (El Rosario, 1562), Juana de Aguiar (La Palma, Fuerteventura, 1602), Rodrigo Albarez (Alvarez)(canario), Diego Albarez, Antonio Albertos (Icod, Güimar, hijo de Juan de Candelaria, rey de Güimar, 1573), Juan Alonso (Masca), Sebastián Alonso, Diego de Armas, Ibone de Armas (canario, Taoro), Alonso de Arocha (canario), Juan Asencio (Masca), Cristoval Baute, Andrés de Betancur, Diego de Betancur, Alonso de Bonilla, Pedro Bueno(1529, hermano de Gaspar Hernández y Elvira Hernández, mujer de Juan Romano), Ana de Cabrera (Lanzarote,1586), Alonso Cabrera, Pedro Camacho (canario,1566,Los Realejos), Anna de Cartaya (canaria), Benito Castellano, Hernando de las Casas (canario), Antón de la Cierra (Sierra) (canario), Sebastián de la Cierra (esposo de María Lopes), Alonso de Córdova (canario), Martin Cosme (canario, 1516), Catalina Dafra (hija de Guillén Dafra, nieto de Don Diego Gadarfía, último rey de Lanzarote), Juan Dara (canario, 1528, Los Realejos), Pedro Delgado (canario), Agustin Delgado (1502), Diego Delgado (canario), Juan Delgado Benza, Juan Delgado (canario), Catalina Diaz (Taoro), Alonso Dias y Cartaya (canario), Antonio Dias (canario, Acentejo), Antón Dominguez(1607), Diego Donis (1516), Juan Doramas (canario), Juan Gago (canario,1535), Juan Galban (Galván), Francisco Galván (Acentejo), Pedro García (canario, Acentejo), Rodrigo García (canario, 1516), Catalina Gaspar (Güimar), Alonso González (La Orotava), María González (La Guancha), Mencia Gomes (Gómez), Rodrigo Guillén(Güimar), Diego Guillén, María Guillén, Andrés de Güimar, Pedro Hernández (1556), Diego Hernández, Juana Hernández Carujama, Alonso Hernández Guanche (1528, La Orotava), Miguel de las Hijas (1528, Bco. Hondo de Candelaria), Pedro Izquierdo (canario, 1516, La Matanza, junto al Barranco del Ahorcado), Diego de León, Hernando de León, Andrés de Llarena, María de Lugo (1515, Tijoco, Adeje), Pedro Luis (canario, 1517, Abona; Montaña Atamaimo, en Icod), Diego Luis Ibaute, María de Lugo (Buenavista), Costanza y Pedro Magdaleno (canarios, Güimar), Diego Mancanafio (canario), Gonzalo Maninidra (canario), Pablo Martín Buendía (*) (canario, primo de Cristóbal Delgado. Se le otorgó tierras en Orotava, Daute e Icod en 1502 y 1503: Datas nº 367-26, 913, 926. La Data 754, sin fecha, alude a su muerte violenta en tierras de Daute, que pudo ser a partir de agosto de 1517, en que aún era vivo: Data 1.161, E.
Serra Ràfols,1978), Pedro Mejía Gomero (1558, Cardonal de Tejina), Alonso Mendes (Taoro), Juan de Mena (Los Realejos, Chasna, 1614), Pedro de Mena (Abona, 1557, 1580), Catalina Mendes (canaria, Teno), Juan de Mesa (1589), Simón de Morales( esposo de Margarita Hernández, 1598, Taganana), Hernando Moreno (canario), Fernando Navarro(1562), Pablo Navarro (testó en 1592), Pedro Ochoa y su mujer María Hernández (1556, Candelaria), Luis de Ochoa (1634,La Victoria de Acentejo), Juana Pérez (Lanzarote, 1586), Alonso Pérez (canario), Hernán Pérez (nieto del rey de Adeje), Rodrigo Pestano (canario, 1516), Diego del Pino (Taoro), Juan Prieto (canario), Antonio Ramirez (esposo, segundas nupcias, de Maria Lopes), Juan Ramos (canario), Pablo Riso (Rijo o Rixo) (padre de Angel Riso, 1546),Gonzalo Rodriguez (1516), Miguel Ruiz (1551), Juan de Rivero (La Palma, Fuerteventura, 1602), Andrés Sánchez (canario), Juan Sánchez (canario), Martin Sánchez, Hernando Tacoronte, Juan de Tegueste (padre e hijo, menceyes), Juan de la Torre, María de Torres (canaria,1524, Arafo), María Vello (Bello), Juan de Vera (María de Vera, su hija, mujer de Alonso Pérez (Abona, 1556), Pedro Viscaíno, Juan Ximenez (canario, 1521), Diego Ximenez, Juan de Ycod (Juan Martin, “rey” de Icod, casado con Catalina Machado, vivía en un lugar llamado Artaos en 16-3-1503; testó en 1529). Algunos guanches de Güimar y La Orotava que participaron en el Pleito contra el Cabildo de Tenerife por llevar en andas a la Virgen de Candelaria en los años 1600 y 1601: Juan de Riverol, Cristoval de Palanzuelos, Juan de la Cierra (Sierra), Agustin Hernández, Juan Hernández, Domingo Hernández, Alonso Pérez...
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Estimado Pablo, no dispongo del enlace de tú publicación, pidiéndote disculpa y un saludo cordial.
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ballesterajedrez · 1 year
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Felicitaciones Sebastián Toranzo, ganador del cuarto abierto Semi Rápido del CAVB de septiembre con puntaje ideal de 6 / 6 Pts.. Fue escoltado por Leonardo Alvarez con 5 Pts. y Santiago Guagliardi con 4.5 Pts., en segundo y tercer lugar respectivamente.
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elchaqueno · 1 year
Tras 16 días de búsqueda de Sebastián Marset la Policía secuestra armas y vehículos
La Policía Boliviana realizó 64 allanamientos dentro de la búsqueda de Sebastián Marset, narcotraficante uruguayo que se fugó hace 16 días. Las operaciones lograron secuestrar 21 inmuebles, 76 vehículos, 19 armas de fuego, 40.000 bolivianos en efectivo y 420.000 dólares en efectivo, 23 celulares y 301 gramos de marihuana. El comandante Alvarez Griffiths indicó que el resultado de los operativos…
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atletasudando · 1 year
Uruguay vivió otra edición de su Nacional
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Fuente: CAU Con la  presencia de la mayoría de sus principales valores y un nivel parejo en casi todas las especialidades, Uruguay celebró su Campeonato Nacional, este 22 y 23 de abril. La campeona sudamericana de los 800 metros, Déborah Rodríguez, logró esta distancia en 2:12.21 y también estuvo la medallista del Mundial Junior en jabalina, Manuela Rotundo, quien se lució con 52.50, en una prueba donde María Mello logró 43.25. Martina Coronato mantuvo su predominio en velocidad con 12.06 en los 100 metros, seguida por Milagros Rodríguez con 12.31, y ambas integraron la posta corta del Defensor Sporting (junto a Millie Díaz y  Martina Bonaudi) que cronometró 47.98. Díaz, por su parte, sumó títulos en los 100 metros vallas (15.02) y en su especialidad del salto triple (12.21). Lorena Aires fue la ganadora del duelo del salto en alto con 1.70, cinco centímetros más que la juvenil Silvana Gil. Jimena Biglieri (11:20.84 en la prueba de 3.000 con obstáculos) y Luciana Acosta (47.24 en martillo) también estuvieron entre las vencedoras. Entre los hombres, Eduardo Gregorio se adueñó de los 1.500 metros (4:00.85), seguido por el juvenil Gonzalo Gervasini (4:02.01) y también logró los 5.000 en 14:36.79. Los hermanos Rodríguez ocuparon los primeros lugares en 10 mil, con Bruno adelante en 31:47.75 y Matías como escolta en 32:28.34. La mejor marca técnica del sector masculino correspondió nuevamente a Lautaro Techera, aproximándose a su récord nacional de jabalina ya que tiró 69.99 metros. Facundo Santos con 10.88 en 100, Juan Pedro Alvarez con 21.81 en 200 y Matías González con 48.88 en 400 fueron los mejores en velocidad. Y otros valores destacados: Jairo Moreira con 1:53.88 en 800, Mauro Pons con 2.00 en salto en alto, Bruno Yoset con 7.14 en largo, Nicolás Mondelli con 14.25 en bala, Rodolfo Casanova con 44.20 en disco y Sebastián Alza con 50.66 en martillo. Read the full article
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jukeboxcwb · 2 years
Com homenagem a Gal Costa e Rita Lee, confira os vencedores do Grammy Latino
Cerimônia aconteceu hoje, em Las Vegas. Brasileiros foram destaque durante a premiação
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Foto: Getty Images
O Grammy Latino 2022 aconteceu nesta quinta-feira (17), e contou com a presença de Anitta na apresentação, junto de Luis Fonsi, Thalia e Laura Pausini.
Apesar de a cerimônia principal iniciar às 22h, algumas categorias foram anunciadas na pré-cerimônia, que teve início durante a tarde.
Nela, foram anunciados os vencedores de categorias em língua portuguesa, ou\ seja, Ludmilla, Liniker, Marisa Monte, Erasmo Carlos, Bala Desejo e Chitãozinho & Xororó foram alguns dos brasileiros que receberam prêmios na pré-cerimônia.
Gal Costa, que morreu no último dia 09 de novembro, e Rita Lee foram as homenageadas da noite. Anitta ficou responsável pela homenagem à Gal, interpretando “Chuva de Prata”. Já Rita foi a homenageada no Lifetime Achievement Award, em reconhecimento pelo conjunto da obra. Durante a premiação, a trajetória da artista foi recontada em imagens.
A cerimônia foi realizada no Michelob ULTRA Arena, no Mandalay Bay, em Las Vegas, nos EUA.
Confira os vencedores:
Gravação do Ano
"Pa Mis Muchachas" - Christina Aguilera, Becky G, Nicki Nicole Featuring Nathy Peluso
"Castillos de Arena" - Pablo Alborán
"Envolver" - Anitta
"Pa'lla Voy" - Marc Anthony
"Ojitos Lindos" - Bad Bunny & Bomba Estereo
"Pegao" - Camilo
"Tocarte" - Jorge Drexler & C. Tangana (vencedor)
"Provenza" - Karol G
"Vale La Pena" - Juan Luis Guerra
"La Fama" - Rosalía Featuring The Weeknd
"Te Felicito" - Shakira & Rauw Alejandro
"Baloncito Viejo" - Carlos Vives & Camilo
Álbum do Ano
"Aguilera" - Christina Aguilera
"Pa'lla Voy" - Marc Anthony
"Un Verano Sin Ti" - Bad Bunny
"Deja" - Bomba Estéreo
"Tinta Y Tiempo" - Jorge Drexler
"Ya No Somos A No Somos Los Mismos "- Elsa Y Elmar
"Viajante" - Fonseca
"Motomami" (Digital Album) - Rosalía (vencedor)
"Sanz" - Alejandro Sanz
"Dharma" - Sebastian Yatra
Canção do Ano
"A Veces Bien Y A Veces Mal" - Daddy Yankee, Rauw Alejandro & Nile Rodgers
""Agua - Daddy Yankee, Rauw Alejandro & Nile Rodgers
"Algo Es Mejor" - Mon Laferte
"Baloncito Viejo" - Carlos Vives & Camilo
"Besos En La Frente" - Fonseca
"Encontrarme" - Carla Morrison
"Hentai" - Rosalía
"Índigo" - Camilo & Evaluna Montaner
"Pa Mis Muchachas" - Christina Aguilera, Nicki Nicole, Becky G Featuring Nathy Peluso
"Provenza" - Karol G
"Tacones Rojos" - Sebastián Yatra
"Tocarte" - Jorge Drexler & C. Tangana (vencedor)
Melhor Artista Revelação
Angela Alvarez (vencedora - empate)
Sofía Campos
Cande Y Paulo
Silvana Estrada (vencedora - empate)
Pol Granch
Yahritza Y Su Esencia
Nicole Zignago
Melhor Álbum Pop Vocal
"Ya No Somos Los Mismos" - Elsa Y Elmar
"Amor Que Merecemos" - Kany García
"Clichés" - Jesse & Joy
"El Renacimiento" - Carla Morrison
"Dharma" - Sebastian Yatra (vencedor)
Melhor Álbum Pop Vocal Tradicional
"Aguilera" - Christina Aguilera
"Viajante" - Fonseca
"Filarmónico 20 Años" - Marta Gómez
"La Vida" - Kurt
"Frecuencia" - Sin Bandera
Melhor Canção Pop
"Baloncito Viejo" - Carlos Vives & Camilo
"Besos En La Frente" - Fonseca
"Índigo" - Camilo & Evaluna Montaner
"La Guerrilla De La Concordia" - Jorge Drexler (vencedor - empate)
"Tacones Rojos" - Sebastián Yatra (vencedor - empate)
Melhor Fusão/Interpretação Urbana
"Pa Mis Muchachas" - Christina Aguilera, Nicki Nicole, Becky G Featuring Nathy Peluso
"Santo" - Christina Aguilera & Ozuna
"Volví" - Aventura, Bad Bunny
"Titi Me Pregunto" - Bad Bunny (Vencedor)
"This Is Not America" - Residente Featuring Ibeyi
Melhor Interpretação Reggaeton
"Desesperados" - Rauw Alejandro & Chencho Corleone
"Envolver" - Anitta
"Yonaguni" - Bad Bunny
"Nicky Jam: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 41" - Bizarrap & Nicky Jam
"Lo Siento Bb:/" - Tainy, Bad Bunny & Julieta Venegas
Melhor Álbum de Música "Urban"
"Respira" - Akapellah
"Trap Cake Vol. 2" - Rauw Alejandro
"Los Favoritos 2.5" - Arcangel
"Un Verano Sin Ti" - Bad Bunny (vencedor)
"Animal" - Maria Becerra
Melhor Canção "Urban"
"Desesperados" - Rauw Alejandro & Chencho Corleone
"Lo Siento Bb:/" - Tainy, Bad Bunny & Julieta Venegas
"Mamiii" - Becky G & Karol G
"Ojos Rojos" - Nicky Jam
"Titi Me Pregunto" - Bad Bunny (vencedor)
Melhor Canção Rap/Hip Hop
"Amor" - Akapellah
"Dance Crip" - Trueno
"De Museo" - Bad Bunny (vencedor)
"El Gran Robo, Pt.2" - Lito Mc Cassidy, Daddy Yankee
"Freestyle 15" - Farina
Melhor Álbum Instrumental
"Back To 4" - C4 Trío
"Gerry Weil Sinfónico" - Gerry Weil & Orquesta Sinfónica Simón Bolívar
"Ofrenda" - Grupo Raíces De Venezuela
"Maxixe Samba Groove" - Hamilton De Holanda (Vencedor)
"Ella" - Daniela Padrón & Glenda Del E
Melhor Álbum de Música Cristã (Língua Portuguesa)
"Antes Da Terapia" - Asaph
"O Samba E O Amor" - Antonio Cirilo
"Epifania" - Clovis
"És Tudo" - Bruna Karla
"Laboratório Do Groove" - Eli Soares (vencedor)
Melhor Álbum de Pop Contemporâneo em Língua Portuguesa
"Sim Sim Sim" - Bala Desejo (vencedor)
"Pra Gente Acordar" - Gilsons
"Pirata" - Jão
"De Primeira" - Marina Sena
"Doce 22" - Luísa Sonza
Melhor Álbum de Rock ou de Música Alternativa em Língua Portuguesa
"Qvvjfa?" - Baco Exu Do Blues
"O Futuro Pertence À... Jovem Guarda" - Erasmo Carlos (vencedor)
"Sobre Viver" - Criolo
"Memórias (De Onde Eu Nunca Fui)" - Lagum
"Delta Estácio Blues" - Juçara Marçal
Melhor Álbum de Samba/Pagode
"Bons Ventos" - Nego Alvaro
"Mistura Homogênea" - Martinho Da Vila
"Desengaiola" - Alfredo Del-Penho, João Cavalcanti, Moyseis Marques E Pedro Miranda
"Numanice #2" - Ludmilla (vencedor)
""Céu Lilás - Péricles
Melhor Álbum de Música Popular Brasileira
"Pomares" - Chico Chico
"Síntese Do Lance" - João Donato E Jards Macalé
"Indigo Borboleta Anil" - Liniker (vencedor)
"Nu Com A Minha Música" - Ney Matogrosso
"Portas" - Marisa Monte
"Meu Coco" - Caetano Veloso
Melhor Álbum de Música Sertaneja
"Chitãozinho & Xororó Legado" - Chitãozinho & Xororó (Vencedor)
"Agropoc" - Gabeu
"Expectativa X Realidade" - Matheus & Kauan
"Patroas 35%" - Marília Mendonça, Maiara & Maraísa
"Natural" - Lauana Prado
Melhor Álbum de Música de Raízes em Língua Portuguesa
"Afrocanto Das Nações" - Mateus Aleluia
"Na Estrada - Ao Vivo" - Banda Pau E Corda Featuring Quinteto Violado
"Remelexo Bom" - Luiz Caldas
"Belo Chico" - Targino Gondim, Nilton Freittas, Roberto Malvezzi
"Senhora Das Folhas" - Áurea Martins
"Oríki" - Iara Rennó
"Senhora Estrada" - Alceu Valença (vencedor)
Melhor Canção em Língua Portuguesa
"Baby 95" - Liniker
"Idiota - Jão
"Me Corte Na Boca Do Céu A Morte Não Pede Perdão" - Criolo Featuring Milton Nascimento
"Meu Coco" - Caetano Veloso
"Por Supuesto" - Marina Sena
"Vento Sardo" - Marisa Monte Featuring Jorge Drexler
Melhor Álbum de Rock
"Mojigata" - Marilina Bertoldi
"Unas Vacaciones Raras" - Él Mató A Un Policía Motorizado (Vencedor)
"Cada Vez Cadáver" - Fito Y Fitipaldis
"1021" - La Gusana Ciega
"Rpdf" - Wiplash
Melhor Canção de Rock
"Día Mil" - Eruca Sativa
"Esperando Una Señal" - Bunbury
"Finisterre" - Vetusta Morla
"Lo Mejor De Nuestras Vidas" - Fito Paez (vencedor)
"No Olvidamos" - Molotov
"Que Se Mejoren" - Wos
Melhor Álbum Pop/Rock
"Trinchera" - Babasónicos
"Monstruos" - Bruses
"La Dirección" - Conociendo Rusia
"Los Años Salvajes" - Fito Paez (Vencedor)
"Cable A Tierra" - Vetusta Morla
Melhor Canção Pop/Rock
"Arrancarmelo" - Wos
"Babel" - Carlos Vives & Fito Páez
"Bye Bye" - Babasónicos
"Disfraz" - Conociendo Rusia
"Qué Voy A Hacer Conmigo???" - Elsa Y Elmar Y Bruses
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slusheeduck · 6 years
Grace Note
Part 4 - 2004
               Sebastián huffed as he adjusted the empty boxes in his arms. Today was the day, he decided, that they were going to get rid of all the bottles that kept piling up in Ruy’s apartment. He was pretty sure there were still some there from the first party he’d gone to, over a year ago. He’d brought it up for a while now, but Ruy had always waved him off with an easy smile and a ”Later, later, Seba.”
               Well, enough. Sebastián knew landlords well enough to know that even someone like Rodrigo Rivera was susceptible to being kicked out, and none of his other friends would give him the kick he needed to clean up.
               He reached the teal-sided house, propping up his boxes against his hipbone as he reached for the doorknob. He shut his eyes and hoped the knob would be stuck, then groaned as it turned easily.
“Ruy!” he called as he walked in. “You need to lock your door!”
               Normally, he’d get a call of “What, is someone going to murder me?” in reply, but nothing came. Sebastián frowned as he walked in and set the boxes down. Was Ruy out? Maybe he was taking Caprice out; she wasn’t settled in the main room like she normally was. He puffed as he looked around.
               “Ruy?” he called. “Oye, are you in here somewhere?”
               No answer. Sebastián puffed again, taking off his hat to push his hair back before he pulled it back on. The idiot probably didn’t have keys on him, and despite Ruy’s constant protests, he didn’t feel comfortable leaving the door unlocked. Well, he’d probably be back soon enough. And…well, there was a beautiful grand piano that Ruy had said he could use anytime.
               He made his way over to it, cleaning off a few scattered thank you notes and loose pages of sheet music. As he was about to sit down, though, he heard a loud whinny from the backyard.
               Another whinny, and, as Sebastián got closer to the sliding glass door, he heard a few mumbles through it. He quickly slid the door open, catching sight of Ruy stumbling his way to Caprice.
               “Shh, shhhhhhhh, Preese. ‘Sgood. Ssssoy bueno.”
               Caprice let out a concerned-sounding nicker, then whistled as she caught sight of Sebastián. Ruy leaned heavily against her, then gave a vacant smile as he turned.
               “Seeeeeba!” he sang, pushing himself away from Caprice and drifting over to him. “Seeebasebaseba, mi chico favorititito!” He stumbled forward, dropping his glass to clutch at Sebastián, to keep from falling to the ground. “Whoops.”
               “Dios, you reek of tequila,” Sebastián said, trying to pull him up. He looked around with a frown. “Has anyone been over? Were you—” He was stopped by Ruy clapping a hand over his mouth.
               “Shhh. Sh sh sh. Doesn’t…don’t worry about that.” He looked up at him with unfocused eyes. “Whyyyy d’you worry so much anyway? You shouldn’ worry. None’a my friends should worry.” Ruy pulled himself up a bit, grinning at Sebastián. “Y’know what? I’m…I’m’na throw a party tonight. A big one. Then you can stop worrying.”
               Sebastián grimaced. This definitely wasn’t normal-drunk Ruy he was looking at. This was even worse than post-obligatory-family-party drunk. He hoisted him up to stand straight, then kept a hold on his shoulders as he swayed and almost fell over. “Rodrigo, I need…”
               “Dooooon’t call me Rodriiiigo. She’s the only one who makes it sound nice,” he argued, waving vaguely past Sebastián’s shoulder before he frowned at him. “Yooou make it sound like I’m in trouble.”
               Sebastián fought the urge to roll his eyes, instead snapping to get Ruy to look at him. “Fine. Ruy. Tell me what happened.”
               “Nothing happened.”
               “Mentira. You’re a wreck.”
               Ruy pushed himself away with a frustrated noise. “I’m not! I’m fffine!” He backed away from Sebastián, skull lifted and eyes shut. “IIIIIII am completely and totally FI—”
               Caprice whinnied frantically as Ruy fell back into the pool, and Sebastián lunged forward, looking over the edge with wide eyes. Maybe the dip would sober him up enough to…why wasn’t he resurfacing? All he could see was a dark, still shape in the water.
               For a half a second, Sebastián completely forgot they were dead, and he automatically plunged into the water after Ruy. Gripping his bony arms, of course, was enough of a reminder, but Ruy still wasn’t moving even while Seba pulled him back to the surface. He couldn’t…the final death didn’t work like that, right?
               “Ruy? Ruy!”
               Ruy finally let in a strangled gasp, eyes flying open and staring straight up. “I can’t…I can’t move…” He rasped.
               “Yes, you can! Mirame, mirame, Ruy!” It was a little difficult while he was trying to keep them both above the water, but Sebastián managed to grab Ruy’s chin and pull his head down to look at him. “Look at me. We’re dead. You’re fine now, you can’t get hurt.”
               Ruy’s breathing was still ragged, his eyes still wide and terrified, and Sebastián pulled his hand away to snap at him.
               “Look at me. You’re okay. You’re okay, Ruy.”
               Finally, Ruy’s eyes locked on Sebastián’s. He blinked a few times, then looked up as Caprice whinnied at them again. He swallowed hard, legs now kicking to keep himself afloat, then looked over at Sebastián miserably before he swam to the edge of the pool. Sebastián’s jaw tightened, and he grabbed his hat as it floated by before following him.
               This definitely prompted a talk.
               The sound rang out through the apartment as Sebastián nearly slammed the cup of coffee in front of Ruy. He set his hands on his hipbones as he watched Ruy stare down at the cup. The dip in the pool had sobered him up quite a bit, and now he looked…wilted—shoulders hunched, eyes glassy, hair still dripping onto the papers on the table. Sebastián honestly wanted to just cheer him up, but…he got the feeling that wasn’t what he needed.
               “Drink that,” he said, voice a little harsher than he meant it to be. “I need you to be sober before we talk about this.”
               “Do we have to talk about it?” Ruy asked in a small voice, still staring at the coffee. Sebastián rubbed one of his temples with a sigh.
               “Yes. We do. Because I have never seen you that bad…”
               “You haven’t known me very long.”
               “And I don’t want to see you that bad ever again.”
               Ruy’s gaze finally broke from the coffee cup, and he looked up at Sebastián with wide, surprised eyes. He swallowed hard, then picked up the cup and took a sip. He grimaced and screwed his eyes shut before he huffed a breath through his nasal cavity and mumbled something against the cup rim. Sebastián sat down across from him and leaned forward.
               “What was that?”
               Ruy kept his eyes closed, hands gripping the cup so hard they were shaking. He let out a long, slow breath.
               “My…ex visited last night.”
               Sebastián blinked, then rested his arms against the table. “Bianca?”
               Sebastián shrugged. “I dunno. I still see her sometimes and she’s…got that ex vibe whenever you get brought up.”
               Ruy puffed out a sound that was almost a laugh, shaking his head. “No, no. Bianca is a completely different story.” He tapped out a small tune against the mug. “Actually, yeah, let’s talk about Bianca.”
               A pained grimace crossed Ruy’s face, and he looked up at Sebastián with wide brown eyes. “Please, Sebastián. Just give me a minute.”
               Sebastián. He was pretty sure Ruy hadn’t called him by his full name since his freakout a year ago; it must be serious. He sat back with a sigh, arms crossed. “All right. Tell me about Bianca.”
                 Ruy took a long sip of coffee. “I met her kinda the same way I met you. Got really drunk, think I played a few things for her—if I remember right, she was kinda shell-shocked about being dead, and I’m not gonna lie, I really liked showing off for freshies back then. Got their minds off things, y’know?” Told her to visit whenever, and she did.” He rubbed his face. “And I was an idiot. I should’ve seen the signs. I spent so much time with her—even more than you and I did at first—because she was…” He shrugged. “She was sweet? She said everything I did was amazing? And it was just…dios mio, it’s so nice to hear that, you know?”
               Sebastián frowned. “You said you hated people talking about you like that.”
               “I hate people talking about my music like that. Telling me how amazing my garbage work is, telling me what a genius I am with my concertos, all that. But talking about me like I was something amazing? I don’t get that very often.” He rubbed his eyes with a sigh. “And then she came in one day asking ‘What are we?’ And I just…I couldn’t answer her. So she left. And I did what I do best and tried to run from that. I talked to new people, threw myself into new music…did everything I could to avoid her.”
               “No wonder she thinks you target freshies,” Sebastián said before he could stop himself. He clamped his mouth shut, but Ruy shook his head.
               “No, you’re right.” He cradled his skull in his hand as he sighed. “And I still don’t know what I wanted. But no matter what, it would’ve ended badly.” He shut his eyes, pressing the heel of his palm against his brow ridge. “She’s not her.”
               “And…her is the ex.”
               Ruy nodded. He opened his mouth, then shut his jaw with a sharp click as he grimaced again. “I can’t…” he whispered. “I can’t tell you about her. Not today.”
               Sebastián gave a soft sigh before leaning forward. “Tell me something. Tell me what got you to that state.”
               “What if she comes again, Ruy? What if I’m not there to fish you out of the pool?”
               “It won’t be like this if she comes again. I just…” Ruy swallowed hard, eyes glistening as he finally opened them. “She has a kid, Seba. Probably has grandkids,” he said quietly, voice breaking. “Her hair’s gray now. She lived. And…and I should be happy about that, but…” He shrugged helplessly and started to turn to get up. Sebastián lunged across the table to grab his arm.
               “No. You’re staying sober for the rest of the day,” he said firmly, then softened his voice as he asked, “Why aren’t you happy about it?”
               Ruy stared hard at the table, obviously trying hard not to blink. Eventually, he did, and two tears dripped to the table.
               “She did it all without me,” he whispered. “Because I wasn’t good enough.”
               Sebastián sucked in a breath.  O…kay. This was harder than the other breakups he’d walked friends through…which weren’t very many. What did he do? “No, I’m sure you were fine,” sounded so fake, but anything else would sound like he was agreeing that Ruy wasn’t good enough. And…well, maybe he wasn’t. Maybe he’d fallen apart…kind of like he was doing right now.
               But friends didn’t say that. Friends help make their friends be better. And he wanted to do that, but…well, he didn’t have the answer for that now. So, instead, he got to his feet. Ruy looked up at him as he did, tears still pooled in the bottom of his sockets, then swallowed hard.
               “I’m right, ar—”
               “Hey, shut up.” Sebastián walked over to the piano, gathering up the papers on the keys and setting them aside as neatly as he could. “Maybe you are. I dunno. I didn’t know you back then. But I’m already tired of you being a sadsack about stuff you can’t change.” He sat down at the piano and glanced over his shoulder. “I’m sorry you had such a bad visit with her. Break-ups suck.”
               Ruy puffed out another almost-laugh, wiping at his eyes. “They do, don’t they?”
               “So we’re not gonna think about her anymore. Not for the rest of the day, at least.” He cracked his knuckles. “Escucha. This was supposed to be your birthday present.”
               “I’d need a birthday for th—”
               “Shut up, Ruy, everyone knows it’s June 12th. Escucha.” Before Ruy could get another word in, Seba started to play, smiling a bit as he heard Ruy’s gasp.
               “Is this…?”
               “You’re covering Selena?”
               “Yeah, and you better love it. It physically hurts me to play this.”
               It was like seeing a dead man come back to life…metaphorically. There was still an edge that said that Ruy wasn’t quite better, but…well, the most they could do right now was pretend. That was…kinda what friends did. And to be honest, that kind of friend was what Ruy needed, at least right now. No empty praises, no urging to be better. Just someone to spend some time with him and shake off a night he obviously wanted to forget.
               Maybe one day he’d be able to help Ruy get past the worst of…this. But there was all the time in the world to figure that out. For now…well, it took a pretty great friend to compose a Selena medley, didn’t it?
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sodascherrycola · 3 years
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Full Name: Maria Rosalina Natalia Madrigal (nee Alvarez) DOB: January 4th 1904 DOD: December 15th 1996 (92 years old)
Parents: Oscar and Marisol Alvarez Siblings: None S/O: Bruno Madrigal Married: May 11th 1922 (18 years old) Hometown: Encanto, Colombia Nicknames: Marie, Ria Job: Stay at home Mom Personality Traits: Giving, Stubborn, Determined, and Loving
Children: Sebastián Oscar Pedro Madrigal (24, 1928) Catalina Gabriela Alma Madrigal (31, 1935) Mariposa Marisol Valeria Madrigal (36, 1940) Miguel Valentino Mateo Madrigal (36, 1940) Carlos Emmanuel Roberto Madrigal (36, 1940)
Sebastián - Time Manipulation Catalina - Element Manipulation Mariposa - Mind Manipulation Miguel - Pathokinesis Carlos - Death/Spirit Manipulation
Appearance: Wavy Brown Hair Brown Eyes Tan skin with a little bit of freckles Dresses very traditionally considering the times
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crosscountryrally · 3 years
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Kuba Przygonski gana la segunda etapa del Hail Rally, Nasser Al-Attiyah sigue al frente en la general
El piloto polaco Kuba Przygonski fue el más veloz en un día de 314 kilómetros de dunas en el Hail Rally en Arabia Saudita. Przygonski superó a Nasser Al-Attiyah por 1 minuto y 9 segundos con lo que se acerca en la general, pero se mantiene en la tercera posición mientras que Al-Attiyah sigue comandando con una sólida ventaja de 7 minutos y 11 segundos sobre Denis Krotov.  El qatarí sigue sumando puntos que lo acercan a conseguir su quinto Mundial de Cross Country FIA.
Przygonski queda tercero a 7 minutos y 13 segundos de Al-Attiyah en lo que es un potente duelo con Krotov por la segunda posición entre ambos pilotos de X-Raid y que pilotan un MINI JCW Buggy. En un terreno muy favorable para los 4x2, los MINI JCW Buggy siguen bien fuertes en la clasificación general.
Sebastián Halpern ha ganado un lugar en la general subiendo a la P4 a 19 minutos de Al-Attiyah. Lucio Álvarez ha escalado también, ubicándose P6 en la general, pero las esperanzas de conseguir el título del Mundial de Cross Country FIA se alejan con el paso de las etapas. Lucio está a 24 minutos de la punta.
Laia Sanz tuvo un día mucho más difícil hoy y terminó P12 a 48 minutos de los punteros. La catalana cae al P12 en la clasificación general luego de un par de errores durante la especial, pero sigue sumando kilómetros en su aprendizaje del MINI All4Racing y junto al navegante Maurizio Gerini.
Mañana se disputará una etapa de 249 kilómetros cronometrados cuando ya hemos superado la mitad de este Hail Rally.
Clasificación General (Etapa 2 de 4)
1. Nasser Al-Attiyah (QAT) Toyota Gazoo Hilux 7hr 04min 18sec 2. Denis Krotov (RUS) MINI JCW Buggy 7hr 11min 29sec 3. Kuba Przygonski (POL) Mini JCW Buggy   7hr 11min 32sec 4. Sebastien Halpern (ARG) MINI JCW Buggy  7hr 23min 35sec 5. Vladimir Vasilyev (RUS) BMW X5  7hr 24min 06sec 6. Lucio Alvarez (ARG) Toyota Hilux Overdrive  7hr 28min 46sec 7. Michal Goczal Can-Am Maverick (T4) 7hr 38min 35sec 8. Marek Goczal (POL)  Can-Am Maverick (T4) 7hr 48min 54sec 9. Ievgen Kovalevych (UKR)  Can-Am Maverick (T4) 7hr 49min 59sec 10. Miroslav Zapletal (CZE) Ford F-150 Evo  7hr 58min 35sec
Imágenes: 1) Red Bull Content Pool 2) Facebook Mathieu Baumel
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goalhofer · 3 years
2020 Olympics Colombia Roster
Diego Pinzón (Bogotá)
Jorge Ruiz (Bogotá)
Jeison Suárez (Bogotá)
Éider Arévalo (Pitalito)
Bernardo Baloyes (Isla Fuerte)
Iván González (Bogotá)
José Montaña (Bogotá)
Anthony Zambrano (Maicao)
Jhon Perlaza (Cali)
Carlos San Martín (Villavicencio)
Carlos Lemos (Bogotá)
Diego Palomeque (Apartadó)
Jhon Solís (Cali)
Jhon Castañeda (Bogotá)
Manuel Soto (Bogotá)
Raúl Pedroza (Barranquilla)
Mauricio Ortega (Apartadó)
Sandra Arenas (Pereira)
Sandra Galvis (Ch��a)
Angie Orjuela (Bogotá)
Melissa Blough (Carrollton, Texas)
Yeseida Carrillo (Chía)
Caterine Ibargüen (Apartadó)
Yosiris Urritia (Apartadó)
María Murillo (Bogotá)
Evelis Aguilar (Bogotá)
Sebastián Morales (Medellín)
Daniel Restrepo (Bogotá)
Sebastián Villa (Coomeva)
Saskia Van Erven (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Jefferson Ochoa (Bogotá)
Andrea Ramírez (Bogotá)
Julián Horta (Bogotá)
Óscar Tigreros (Valle Del Cauca)
Carlos Izquierdo (San Carlos De Bariloche, Argentina)
Daniel Pineda (Pereira)
Valentina Acosta (Pereira)
Jorge Murillo (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida)
Estefanía Álvarez (Bogotá)
Mónica Arango (Bogotá)
Isabella Arcila (Cali)
Yuberjen Martínez (Turbo)
Ceiber Ávila (San Pedro De Urabá)
Jorge Vivas (Apartadó)
Cristian Salcedo (Tunja)
Ingrit Valencia (Morales)
Yeni Arias (Roldanillo)
Jhoan Chaves (Bogotá)
Sergio Higuita (Medellín)
Nairo Quintana (Cómbita)
Rigoberto Urán (Urrao)
Kevin Quintero (Palmira)
Vincent Pelluard (Joué-Lès-Tours, France)
Carlos Ramírez (Medellín)
Paula Patiño (La Ceja)
Mariana Pajón (Medellín)
Roberto Terán (Bogotá)
Juan Muñoz (Bogotá)
María Uribe (Bucaramanga)
Ángel Hernández (Medellín)
Luz Alvarez (Valle Del Cauca)
Bernardo Tobar (Cali)
Luis González (Bogotá)
Daniel Galán (Bogotá)
Juan Cabal (Ciudad Panama, Panama)
Robert Farah (Bogotá)
María Osorio (San José De Cúcuta)
Luis Mosquera (Yumbo)
Brayan Rodallegas (Bogotá)
Mercedes Pérez (Santa Marta)
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baby-love-miki · 3 years
Johnny Depp attends the Donostia Award photo all during the 69th San Sebastián Film Festival at Kursaal,
San Sebastian,Spain.📸Carlos Alvarez
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01sentencereviews · 5 years
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top 25, by release date:
Halloween II [Director’s Cut] (2010, Rob Zombie)
Black Swan (2010, Darren Aronofsky)
4:44 Last Day on Earth (2011, Abel Ferrara)
It’s Such a Beautiful Day (2012, Don Hertzfeldt)*
Frances Ha (2012, Noah Baumbach)
Spring Breakers (2012, Harmony Korine)
The Bling Ring (2013, Sofia Coppola)*
Stranger by the Lake (2013, Alain Guiraudie)
Under the Skin (2013, Jonathan Glazer)
Maps to the Stars (2014, David Cronenberg)*
Unfriended (2014, Levan Gabriadze)
88:88 (2015, Isiah Medina)*
Happy Hour (2015, Ryūsuke Hamaguchi)*
Personal Shopper (2016, Olivier Assayas)*
Elle (2016, Paul Verhoeven)
Moonlight (2016, Barry Jenkins)*
The OA, TV Series (2016, 2019; Brit Marling + Zal Batmanglij)
24 Frames (2017, Abbas Kiarostami)*
Twin Peaks: The Return (2017, David Lynch)*
Assassination Nation (2018, Sam Levinson)
An Elephant Sitting Still (2018, Hu Bo)
“Beychella - Coachella Live Stream” (2018, Beyoncé Knowles-Carter)*
Vox Lux (2018, Brady Corbet)
“Fleabag” @ Soho Playhouse Theater (2019, Vicky Jones)
“The Irishman” @ Belasco Theatre (2019, Martin Scorsese)
+++, in alphabetical order:
“Adele - Hello” (2015, Xavier Dolan)
American Honey (2016, Andrea Arnold)
Annihilation (2018, Alex Garland)
The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story (2018; Scott Alexander + Larry Karaszewski + Brad Falchuk + Nina Jacobson + Ryan Murphy + and Brad Simpson)
Big Little Lies, Season 1 (2017, Jean-Marc Vallée)
Blade Runner 2049 (2017, Denis Villeneuve)
Boyhood (2014, Richard Linklater)
Breaking and Entering (2017, Kelley Dong)
Call Me by Your Name (2017, Luca Guadagnino)
Cameraperson (2016, Kirsten Johnson)
Carol (2015, Todd Haynes)
Certain Women (2016, Kelly Reichardt)
Citzenfour (2014, Laura Poitras)
Climax (2018, Gaspar Noé)
Cosmopolis (2012, David Cronenberg)
End of the Century (2019, Lucio Castro)
Everybody Wants Some!! (2016, Richard Linklater)
First Reformed (2017, Paul Schrader)
The Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo, Web series (2016, Brian Jordan Alvarez)
The Girlfriend Experience, TV Series (2016-17; Lodge Kerrigan + Amy Seimetz)
Girlhood (2014, Céline Sciamma)
Girls, TV Series (2012-2017; Lena Dunham)
God’s Own Country (2017, Francis Lee)
Gone Girl (2014, David Fincher)
"Grimes - Oblivion" (2012, Emily Kai Bock + Claire Boucher)
Heaven Is Still Far Away (2016, Ryūsuke Hamaguchi)
High Life (2018, Claire Denis)
Holy Motors (2012, Leos Carax)
The House That Jack Built (2018, Lars von Trier)
If Beale Street Could Talk (2018, Barry Jenkins)
In Chris Marker’s Studio (2011, Agnès Varda)
Interstellar (2014, Christopher Nolan)
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013, Ethan Coen + Joel Coen)
"Kelela - Frontline" (2018, Claudia Matè + Kelela + Mischa Notcutt)
The Knick, TV Series (2014-15; Jack Amiel + Michael Begler)
Knife+Heart (2018, Yann Gonzalez)
Lady Bird (2017, Greta Gerwig)
“Lady Gaga - Telephone ft. Beyoncé” (2010, Jonas Åkerlund)
The Leftovers, TV Series (2014-15, 2017; Damon Lindelof + Tom Perrotta)
Lemonade (2016, Kahlil Joseph + Beyoncé Knowles-Carter)
The Love Witch (2016, Anna Biller)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015, George Miller)
Magic Mike XXL (2015, Gregory Jacobs)
Margaret (2011, Kenneth Lonergan)
Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011, Sean Durkin)
The Master (2012, Paul Thomas Anderson)
Melancholia (2011, Lars von Trier)
Mistress America (2015, Noah Baumbach)
mother! (2017, Darren Aronofsky)
Mountains May Depart (2015, Jia Zhangke)
“My First Film” @ Metrograph (2018, Zia Anger)
Nasty Baby (2015, Sebastián Silva)
Neon Bull (2015, Gabriel Mascaro)
The Neon Demon (2016, Nicolas Winding Refn)
No Home Movie (2015, Chantal Akerman)
Nocturama (2016, Bertrand Bonello)
The Ornithologist (2016, João Pedro Rodrigues)
Pain and Glory (2019, Pedro Almodóvar)
Palo Alto (2013, Gia Coppola)
Paterson (2016, Jim Jarmusch)
Phantom Thread (2017, Paul Thomas Anderson)
Post Tenebras Lux (2012, Carlos Reygadas)
The Real Housewives of New York City, TV Series (2008-present; Andy Cohen + Megan Estrada + Pam Healey + Lisa Shannon)
“Robyn ‘Call Your Girlfriend’ Official Video” (2011, Max Vitali)
RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars, Season 2 (2016; RuPaul)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010, Edgar Wright)
Shoplifters (2018, Hirokazu Kore-eda)
The Social Network (2010, David Fincher)
A Star Is Born (2018, Bradley Cooper)
"Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer (Official)" (2015)
Stray Dogs (2013, Tsai Ming-liang)
Sucker Punch (2011, Zack Snyder)
Support the Girls (2018, Andrew Bujalski)
Tangerine (2015, Sean Baker)
The Tree of Life (2011, Terrence Malick)
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010, Apichatpong Weerasethakul)
Under the Silver Lake (2018, David Robert Mitchell)
World of Tomorrow (2015, Don Hertzfeldt) 
World of Tomorrow Episode 2: The Burden of Other People’s Thoughts (2018, Don Hertzfeldt)
Young Adult (2011, Jason Reitman)
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ballesterajedrez · 2 years
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Felicitaciones Sebastián Toranzo, ganador del cuarto Semi Rápido Sabatino del mes de octubre con 6 / 7 Pts.. Alejandro Schemper y Leonardo Alvarez, ambos con 5 Pts., finalizaron en segundo y tercer lugar respectivamente.
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tinglingpeter · 4 years
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AUSTIN STOWELL | Colossal photocall at the 64th San Sebastián International Film Festival, Sept. 19, 2016 (ph. Carlos Alvarez/Getty)
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