#Seasmoke and adam
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goldensunflowe-r · 8 months ago
Rhaenyra spitting fire, angry that someone claimed Seasmoke: WHAT DO YOU WANT?!
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Adam freaked out and confused: All I wanted was to go fishing.
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targaryensource · 8 months ago
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 2.07 - "The Red Sowing"
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thestarlightforge · 8 months ago
I love how Seasmoke’s making no moves to hurt Rhaenyra, despite him toasting that white guy she served him before. She & Syrax pulled up on that beach like “Oh hi, step-mom, hi sis. U wanted me to have guy :)) i found guy :))” he’s precious fr
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letthefairyinyoufly · 8 months ago
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herstotaste · 8 months ago
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HOTD just set this bitch off tonight whew
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cjbolan · 8 months ago
Calling it now: Addam of Hull is gonna take his brother Alyn on a joyride with Seasmoke
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batsandflowers · 8 months ago
Valaryian Racism showing BABY
Not the lowborn MONGREL
Haha fuck that Jace kid and all those fucks
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dreamfyredarling · 4 months ago
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“Addam of Hull is a bastard son of Lord Corlys Velaryon and the rider of the dragon Seasmoke. He previously worked as a shipwright for the Velaryon fleet. Later while foraging for crabs and clams on the beaches of Driftmark, Addam witnesses the dragon Seasmoke flying overhead”
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 8 months ago
For the jace and baela scene, reader could be a Tyrell or dornish? I saw that you liked them. I want her to be light and sweet and compassionate, but able to hold jace’s character.
When I saw this scene in the leaks, I had to re-write it...and add the cuteness the show did not
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Jacaerys had not been present when Rhaenyra's great plan turned into a carnage. His hatred for the dragonseeds was so strong you fear he would have taken a small pleasure watching them burn. 
A shiver ran down your back at the images. 
You thought it was cruel of the Queen to block the doors when Vermithor blazed fire on the dragonseeds who tried to get inside. But you understood Rhaenyra’s decision. There were other dragons on the island. Wild ones. These people all had a drop of Valyrian blood in them. They could claim one of the wild dragons...and turn on her — as Jacaerys feared. 
By eliminating them, it lessened the chances of someone claiming a wild dragon and using it against her.
After a bearded man named Hugh finally claimed Vermithor, you went looking for your betrothed. He was not outside with Vermax, nor in his chambers. 
Noticing the frown on your brows and your pacing in the corridors, a guard informed you that he saw the prince heading to the library hours ago. You thanked him, and found Jacaerys sitting at a table with a hoard of books around him. He must have come here when he saw the dragonseeds arriving on Dragonstone. 
From your angle, you could see a pout on his lips as he rested his head on his fist. His back was to you, so he didn’t see you come in. 
‘��It does not befit a prince to pout.’’ Your tone was teasing and light, contrasting to his sulking.
‘’I’m not pouting,’’ Jacaerys denied, not moving. 
You took the stack of books from the chair next to his and set it on the table so you could sit on the chair. ‘’What would you call it, then?’’ You raised a brow and poked his pushed out lips.
It usually put his pouting to an end, but his face stayed icy. ‘’I’m reading,’’ he said, turning the page of the book before him. 
‘’While your mother waits?’’ 
He ignored your question, still upset and bitter about the bastard dragonseeds.
A part of you understood Rhaenyra's desire for wanting riders for the two unclaimed dragons. She never thought it would be possible, but Adam of Hull proved to her that the Valyrian blood in bastards was strong enough to claim Seasmoke. Having more dragons on her side will benefit her against the Greens and Vhagar.
But another was aching for Jacaerys. He was made fun of all his childhood for his non-Valyrian features, and these bastards were praised for succeeding in claiming a dragon. 
‘’You’re angry,’’ you stated, rubbing his back in an attempt to sooth him. 
You’ve been comforting him a lot lately, but nothing you knew seemed to work today. 
Jacaerys finally turned to look at you, his eyes hard from his anger. ‘’Aren’t you?’’ 
You released a breath. ‘’I don’t see what good it would do.’’
‘’They are insults to us. To what makes us Targaryen. If any common lout can ride a dragon, then—’’ 
‘’That does not make you common!’’ 
In the year and half you had known Jacaerys, it was striking to you that he had nothing of a common-born. He was raised as royalty, and educated like a prince — an heir. He was well-behaved, silver tongued, and the son of Queen Rhaenyra. He carried her royal blood. 
He glanced at you again, then turned away to stare at the table. ‘’You know what I am…’’ 
‘’I don’t care,’’ you said truly. 
In Dorne, bastards were not looked down upon the way they are in the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. But they did not inherit from their parents the same as their legitimate children. They were acknowledged, cared after, but never allowed to claim a crown or title that had not been given to them. 
‘’You are the crown prince,’’ you continued, ‘’the son of the rightful Queen, and here you are sulking because you believe that if not for the dragon, or the trappings of your station, that you are nothing.’’ You took Jacaerys’ hand in yours, chuckling lightly. ‘’Do you believe you are the first noble heir who was not sired by his noble father? Such is the way of the world, Jace, and in resenting it, you only diminish yourself.’’
Jacaerys leaned his head back on the chair, still pouting. ‘’Easy enough to say. I’ve heard the whispers the whole of my life.’’ You could hear the deep rooted trauma and scars in his voice. 
‘’Then prove to them that you are worthy. Get up and take your place by your mother’s side. You and she had your differences lately, but she’ll never replace you by one of them. No one can replace a mother's first son.’’ 
He was silent for a few moments, staring at the ceiling of the dark library, and took in your words. No one can replace a mother's first son. She had him when she herself was a child. There was no one she loved more than him. 
Jacaerys turned to face you, his eyes softening. Your reassurances made him see reason. He was still upset, but he found comfort in your words. 
He gripped your hand, and pulled you close. Closeness was his way of finding comfort. When you were settled upon his lap, his hands went to your hips, holding you against him. 
Even then, you noticed he was still pouting. You thought the gesture was utterly cute, but you wouldn’t tell him that. 
You gently tilted his head to look at you and leaned down to kiss him. ‘’No more pouting.’’
House of the dragon taglist: @khaleesihavilliard @domoron  @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios @lover-of-helios  @shine101 @tanyaherondale @mikariell95 @serrendiipty @lantsovheiress @gilliananderfuckme @shine101 @tetgod @clayzayden @memeorydotcom @tnu-ree @futuregws @blackravena @winxschester @mysteriouslydelightfulchaos @xxlaynaxx @secretsthathauntus @pilarxxxaguayo @emmavan39 @stargaryenx @erylilly @bbblackmamba @rainedrop97 @dreamer087 @gothicgay14 @ashlatano7567 @superkittywonderland @justaproudslytherpuff @evesolstice @buckysmainhxe @padfootsvixen @scarletmeii @evesolstice @dkathl @kaywsworld @tetgod @padfootsvixen @domoron   @weird-addiction @angeliod @xjennyx2 @adaydreamaway08  @mymultiveres  @secretsthathauntus  @puffycreamcakes @thirsty4nonlivingmen @naty-1001 @katiepie67 @moshpot24x @hc-geralt-23 @lovelynerdytraveler @saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10 @tabloidteen @timetoten @deekaag @wondxrgurl @aerangi @strmborns @astridyoo15 @daemonslittlebitch @queenbeestuffs @severewobblerlightdragon @agentstarkid @msliz @vane1999-blog @fairyfolkloresposts @todaywasafairytale07 @otomaniac @zgzgzh @thebeardedmoon @golden-library @kikyrizuki @hnslchw @camy85 @winxschester @armstrongscommentsection @withfireandbl00d @randomstory56 @JudgmentDays-Girl @darylandbethfanforever9 @darylandbethfanforever9 @aegonswife @dakotapaigelove @jays-bullshit @blublock404 @Icefyre19 @paulilvsremus @mfedits @aemondwhoresworld @angrybirdxx @YarianyIrizarry @frutiloopslupin @minedofmoria @aleemendoza2425-blog @quinquinquincy @Rosey1981 @maria-reads-everything @eddieslut69 @barnes70stark @baybaybear @prettyduckling22 @Briefwinnerpersonaturtle @darlingcharling-blog @deliaseastar @Wolfgirl-205 @visenyareads @Nanaldy @Lovelywiseprincess @not-neverland06 @newtmyhusb @mikimimic
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novaursa · 6 months ago
Keep up the good work! I admire how consistent you are with all of your requests. Please know to always take your time and rest in-between. I know receiving requests can seem overwhelming but there’s no rush! Take as much time as you need, we all enjoy your writing :)
here’s my request !! baela x velaryon bastard!male!reader. reader can be the youngest brother of adam and alyn. he’s much more of a follower to his brothers, especially alyn, whose life is revolved around ships and the sea. adam always encourages him to go adventures with him. he may have been present when seasmoke claims adam. he saw it from afar and quickly rushes back home to tell alyn of the news. but no matter how excited he was, alyn warns his youngest brother of the danger and responsibility their brother now has to face.
it can skip to the day rhaenyra meets the dragon seeds. where reader requests to meet adam on Dragonstone as he hasn’t visited home in a few days. once he’s inside and in the main hall, waiting, he sees baela lingering and spying on him. he meekly greets her and awkwardly tries to make small talk to make her feel more comfortable and to let her know he is not an intruder. baela enjoys his quirkiness and later on may even brings herself to talk to him again once reader finishes catching up with adam. baela brings up how his casual yet innocent personality brings a sort of light and ease to her. since the war, she’s been very stressed. but yet meeting him, she finds his prescence comforting and desire to chat more. he leaves with a promise that he would come back and next time spend alittle more time with her!!
Of Fire and Salt
Requests are closed!
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- Summary: You go to Dragonstone to find your brother, but instead you meet somebody else.
- Pairing: male!reader/Baela Targaryen
- Rating: Mild 13+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne @oxymakestheworldgoround @literaturedog
- A/N: Thank you, dear anon, for your kind words. You made my day much brighter. ❤️
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You stand at the base of Dragonstone, your heart pounding in your chest as the wind howls around you, carrying the scent of the sea with it. The waves crash against the cliffs below, but your thoughts are elsewhere—on your brother, Addam. He hasn't visited home in days, and you can’t help but worry. It’s always like this when he’s away, ever since Seasmoke claimed him. You'd seen it happen from afar, the moment your brother became a dragonrider. You’d rushed back home, heart bursting with excitement, but Alyn had been more tempered, reminding you of the dangers and responsibilities that now weighed on Addam’s shoulders.
Still, you want to see him, to talk with him—like you always do. Alyn is the steady rock, the voice of reason, but Addam… Addam is your escape. He's the one who encourages you to follow him on wild adventures, the one who teases you about always lingering in his shadow. You can’t help it. It feels safe there.
The heavy wooden doors creak as you step inside Dragonstone’s Great Hall, the sound echoing through the empty space. You’ve been here before, but it never fails to intimidate you. You’re not like the others who roam these halls—no, you’re a Velaryon bastard, the youngest brother to Addam and Alyn, always in their wake.
Your eyes scan the room, waiting for Addam to appear, but instead, they catch a glimpse of movement in the shadows. A girl, her purple eyes wide with curiosity, lingers by the pillars, watching you closely. It takes you a moment to realize who she is—Baela Targaryen, Daemon’s daughter.
You freeze for a moment, unsure of how to react. You’re not an intruder, but in a place like this, you always feel like one. Nervously, you give her a meek smile, your voice faltering as you try to break the silence.
“H-Hello,” you stammer, shuffling your feet awkwardly. “I—I’m just here to see my brother, Addam. I hope I’m not… intruding.”
Baela doesn’t answer immediately, her gaze still fixed on you, and you feel your palms begin to sweat. You’re not great with small talk, especially with someone like her. But she doesn’t seem hostile—just curious.
“I’ve been waiting for him,” you add hastily, trying to make her feel more at ease. “I mean… Addam. He hasn’t been home for a while, and I… wanted to check on him.”
Finally, Baela steps forward, her expression softening as a small smile tugs at the corner of her lips. “You don’t seem like much of an intruder,” she says, her voice light with amusement. “More like someone who's lost.”
You let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of your neck. “I guess you could say that. Dragonstone’s… a bit overwhelming.”
Baela raises an eyebrow, studying you for a moment before responding. “It can be,” she admits. “But you… you don’t seem overwhelmed. Not in the way most people are.”
You blink, taken aback by her words. No one’s ever said something like that to you before. “I—uh, thanks? I try to stay… you know, casual. Don’t want to upset anyone.”
Baela chuckles softly, the sound almost foreign in the tense air of the castle. “You’re different,” she says, her tone thoughtful. “In a good way.”
Before you can respond, the doors to the hall creak open again, and you turn to see Addam striding in, his presence filling the space with ease. Relief washes over you as you quickly excuse yourself from Baela’s company to greet your brother. You catch up with him, sharing stories of home and the recent adventures you’ve missed. But even as you talk, your mind keeps drifting back to Baela, her quiet presence lingering in your thoughts.
After you finish your conversation with Addam, you make your way back toward the entrance, only to find Baela waiting for you near the stairs. She smiles when she sees you, her earlier curiosity replaced with something softer.
“I enjoyed our little chat,” she says, her voice quieter now, almost hesitant. “It’s been… nice. Since the war started, everything’s been tense. I haven’t had a moment to just… talk. But with you, it feels easy.”
You shift on your feet, feeling the warmth of her words seep into you. “I’m glad,” you reply, your voice soft. “I’m not… very good at all this. But I’m happy to talk more, next time.”
Baela’s smile widens, a flicker of something unspoken passing between the two of you. “Next time, then,” she agrees. “I’ll hold you to that.”
You nod, offering her one last awkward smile before turning to leave. As you step outside into the cold wind, the weight of the Great Hall falls away, and you find yourself already looking forward to the next time you can come back—perhaps not just for Addam, but for Baela too.
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goldensunflowe-r · 8 months ago
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Laenor loca come here! I want to tell you something! You should have seen who they tried to set me up! Fuc*ing white boy!!! But I tricked them AND it was HILARIOUS!!
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lchufflepuffcorn · 2 months ago
The Aftermath
Laenor Velaryon x Reader
Note: Hi! It's me (again). This time I've brought you Laenor!! And a bit of Laena, too.
Dragon!Hybrid Masterlist
Part One : Courting
Warning: None, children having crushes. Mild reaction to the thought of a mate bond being rejected.
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“Nest?” You question before thinking better of it. And immediately, you can feel the warmth of embarrassment flood over your body when Leanor’s face started to decompose. 
“Our nest. Aren’t… didn’t you- We’re courting!�� He finally manages to say, stuttering over his words. 
And right then and there, you knew that this was something way bigger than you’d ever thought it was. 
To say that Laenor was distraught by your lack of knowledge about dragonkin behaviour was an understatement. He’d spent the rest of the day shoving books and other documents about his kind into your arms so you could use your three months apart learning about it. He was adamant that you absolutely had to read them. 
His panic, you didn’t realize, was only to cover for the despair he and Seasmoke were feeling at the thought that maybe you’d reject him. When you left, the very next morning, he could barely wave your boat goodbye before crying into Laena’s arms. Shoulders racked with violent sobs and hiccuped laments of his probable abandonment of the mate he’d spent years trying to woo. 
His father was of no help. He wasn’t dragonkin; his allegiance was to the Sea™, and the Sea™ is ruled by itself only. 
“Laenor, darling.” She called from outside of his room, now wrecked by the bouts of folly that overtook him and his dragon spirit. 
The boy was lying facedown on his bed, dry tear marks on his cheeks still; his tail was curled around him like an arm protecting his insides, raw from the emotions. And his wings were draped like curtains over himself to keep the outside world out. Laenor didn’t answer his mother’s call, but she entered the room nonetheless. It’s Seasmoke that growls when she sits on the bed, too close to him for his current condition. 
“My love, I cannot help if I don’t know what ails you.” She tells him softly. Rhaenys wants to run her hands in her son's hair, to somehow relieve him from this depression he’s sunk into, but she knows better than to touch a hurting dragon. 
The boy gazed over his arms at his mother. His eyes red and bloodshot from his tears and lack of sleep. He’d look like an idol of gods long forgotten if Rhaenys didn’t find the sight of her only son so distressed; it’s heart-wrenching. “I’ve made a fool of myself.” He whines to her. 
Rhaenys can only melt at the thought. Her son, barely out of his childhood years, already thinks himself mateless, rejected. She can only imagine the war of emotion that must battle inside of his head. “My love…” She coos sweetly, leaning closer, without touching him. “They weren’t in the know. No one was made a fool.” She reassures him to the best of her abilities.
But Laenor’s gaze clouds with something akin to fury, and she’s forced to lean back as a snarl escapes him. “You don’t know. They looked horrified. And they’ve gone now, perhaps forever!” He rages, tearing another of his pillows to shreds with the taloned fingers he now has. Seasmoke is closer to control than Laenor is, Rhaenys realizes. It’s her turn to snarl. 
“They’ve not reached their destination yet; five days is a short time, and Ravens take longer.” She reminds him. Her words seem to rattle Laenor to a semblance of calmness again, and he recoils into the mess of feathers and furs that stands for his bed. 
“They were probably very surprised. Humans are not as sensible to their emotions as we are.” Rhaenys reminds the boy, running a hand through his hair finally. He simply sighs, nuzzling into his arms again. 
It’s two weeks after your departure that Laenor receives a letter from you. He’s nervous and shakes as he considers if he should open and read it or not. His stomach clenches uncomfortably inside of him, and cold sweat runs down his spine as if his life were being threatened. 
“Let me see.” Huffs Laena, taking the letters from him before Laenor could react. Under her breath, she insults him in some kind of way their parents would punish as she unsealed the paper. With your words, she finds a very small branch with leaves that make it seem like its from an olive tree. 
Laena giggles, and Laenor leaps from his seat to get the letter (and the branch) away from her. His heart’s beating into his ears, drowning out every other sound. Once he manages to get your letter away from his sister’s claws, his eyes are drawn to the elegant, yet still hesitant, calligraphy that he recognizes as yours. 
‘Dear Laenor,’ you write.
‘I must apologize for the way my last visit ended. It was not my intention to make you feel the way you did. I was simply surprised by your last revelation. I find now that it was not the best way to communicate it as such. I have not yet read the documents you’ve lent me, but the various titles and notes I saw whilst skimming through them make me believe it shall be very educational.’
“What are they saying?” Laena pesters him, trying unsuccessfully to read your words over his shoulders. 
“Stop it!” He warns her. 
‘You’ll be pleased to know that father expects to send me back to your side; the matters for which he wanted me home seem to have already been resolved. A raven came from King's Landing, apparently, but nobody wants to tell me what it was about or who sent it. Do you know about such a thing? Isn’t your cousin the princess? I forget myself.’
“What are they saying?” Laena pestered him again, her hands now holding Laenor still as she reads to the best of her abilities the letter in his hand. 
“Will you? It’s my correspondence!” He growls at her, wings morphing out of thin air to appear bigger than he is, trying to intimidate his older sister to back off. She responds by shifting the older, bigger wings of Vhagar out too. They glare at each other for a moment before Corlys enters the room; his face shows no emotion, except maybe annoyance, at their childish fights. 
“Do not destroy this place; your lady mother is quite fond of its decorations.” He tells them, before sitting down at the place he claimed at the head of said table. Both children retract their wings, and Laenor then flees to his room to read the rest of your words in peace. 
His heart now finally at peace and hopeful for when you'll be back again.
Taglist : @lady-dragon-rider
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allovesthings · 9 months ago
I think the implications is that Laenor is dead, right ? For real this time ? because Seasmoke is about to be claimed by Adam.
And Rhaenyra will be the only one who knows...
That will have to be incredibly isolating.I'm so sad for her.
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judasalicent · 7 months ago
disclaimer: i don't actually think rhaenyra and alicent's deaths will be faked in hotd
wait wait wait wait… so laenor fakes his death… supposedly being burnt alive… then runs away on a boat across the narrow sea with his gay lover… fleeing a war of dragons… i don’t see the writers faking alicent/rhaenyra’s deaths in hotd, but exploring laenor’s part in the larger context of the story introduces some interesting ideas. by s2, it seems laenor has died (or travelled too far and severed the psychic link he had with seasmoke lol). his involvement in the story is seemingly over, meaning we can consider what his role meant in the larger scheme of things.
as of s2, the only impact laenor has had on the story, post-“death,” is addam/the sowing, but laenor’s departure obviously references alicent and rhaenyra; the escape closely resembles rhaenyra’s dialogue in the godswood in s1ep1 and the story of nymeria on the torn book page. i think there is a clear connection between these ideas. laenor and qarl’s escape could be foreshadowing an escape attempt by rhaenyra and alicent. also, if laenor has truly died, his “death” would also be foreshadowing rhaenyra’s actual death via dragonfire.
but, and i truly believe this to be super unlikely, laenor and qarl’s escape attempt was a success, and rhaenyra and alicent’s deaths will be faked. i keep thinking of grrm’s “butterflies,” and while one of those is certainly nettles, ryan changing the way a dragon bonds to its master would definitely piss grrm off. the idea behind this change could be that laenor’s connection to seasmoke was severed, not because he died, but because he abandoned the dragon/the idea of targaryenism/the violence of the war, and in doing so, he lost access to this part of himself, and seasmoke sought out a new rider.
another thing that makes me wonder about a faked deaths is septanyra. in f&b, the only instance of alicent explicitly interacting with a septa is on her death bed. by s2ep3, rhaenyra knows that she can sneak into the city as a septa, and in f&b, alicent is alone with a septa in her final hours. obviously septanyra could also just be setting up alicent dying of fever and hallucinating rhaenyra, but it could also be a part of an escape plan: alicent feigning illness in order to sneak away.
i don’t really like the idea of faked deaths; i think it would be more meaningful if rhaenyra and alicent’s love is forgotten to history, remembered only by them, a tragedy, etc., but a faked death ending is fun to think about theoretically lol. i just think laenor’s escape and its, in my opinion, obvious connection to alicent and rhaenyra’s old (and current) dream is interesting.
idk if we should really trust grrm’s threat of “butterflies” considering the maelor stuff was so unserious, but he made it out like there were “worse things to come” ahaha. messing with dragon bonding would definitely make him mad, and rhaenyra/alicent not dying would also piss him off. he’s really adamant about the disinherited women part of the dance, and i don’t think he’d appreciate the story being turned into one of gay liberation. too bad for him though, because regardless of whether or not rhaenyra and alicent’s deaths are faked, i’m 80% sure this will end as a story about gay liberation ahahaha.
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iris-sistibly · 8 months ago
The Targ Talk: House of the Dragon S2
Episode 6 commentary
The way Alicent is surprised that Aemond is also treating her like shit, and her acting like as if she doesn't recognize Aemond anymore, I mean girl...
Show Alicent was manipulated by her father into thinking that Rhaenyra would kill her sons, and I think the reason why she believed him was not only because it was Rhaenyra who exposed Otto and convinced her father to remove that leech from his seat (in exchange of her marrying Laenor), but also because Rhaenyra lied about Daemon not touching her (again, I don't think Rhaenyra trusted her enough to confess about what happened in the brothel and after that because she knew that Alicent is a puppet of her father). In Alicent's perception, if Rhaenyra could do all those things, then what are the chances of her not going as far as getting rid of her half-brothers so no one could challenge her claim to the throne right? So she instilled in her sons' minds about Rhaenyra killing them once she sits on the iron throne, hence their fucked up relationship with their sister (and nephews).
Book version is more straight to the point though, Alicent was so adamant at putting Aegon to the throne that she has taught her own children to hate Rhaenyra and their sons because they were their rivals (apart from Rhaenyra of course). Either way, book or show version, Alicent was still part if not the reason why her sons ended up this way. Slut-shaming Rhaenyra, allowing them to call their sister the whore of Dragonstone, making them feel like they are far more superior because they were born males and has more right to the throne was something she herself taught them. Funny thing is, just like everyone else pointed out, she thought she was exempted from their misogynistic bullshit.
Helaena once again getting dragged into this whole mess was painful to watch. This wouldn't have happened had Alicent agreed to marry her to Jace instead of Aegon, fanfictions and delusions aside, let's face it--Jacaerys would have treated Helaena way better than Aegon ever did. But you know what hurts more? Alicent acting like she cares for Helaena the most yet she allowed this to happen to her.
Aemond Targaryen finally showing his true colors (aka his book version). He has grown cockier since becoming the Prince Regent, but his arrogance will lead him to his demise.
Now that Aegon knows that his life is in danger in the hands of his own brother and enlists the help of Larys, I'm kinda hoping that he'll plot some sort of revenge towards Aemond, and the fight between the brothers would be the key to the greens' downfall.
I am hoping to see a more feisty version of Helaena, the scene where she faced Aemond for the first time since becoming Prince Regent gave me a spark of hope that the writers would give something better for Helaena, some sort of character development that will help her to finally stand up for herself (and her daughter). Also I want to see her riding Dreamfyre even just once.
Seasmoke choosing his rider will always be badass. I agree with what other fans pointed out that he's most likely the father of Dany's dragons since he looks more similar to them compared to Syrax. At least Seasmoke and Syrax were able to do something Leanor and Rhaenyra never did.
Speaking of dragons, it was indeed a crazy idea for Rhaenyra to heed Jace's advice, but with a big-ass grumpy old dragon on the opposing side, they're gonna be needing more dragons. Syrax and Caraxes would have stood a chance against Vhagar considering that Sunfyre is severely injured, Tessarion and Daeron are still MIA. Putting Helaena and Dreamfyre in the battlefield is out of the question/non-negotiable. But because, the Haunting of Harrenhal starring Daemon is like a whole-ass season long, Rhaenyra is still at a disadvantage. She is a dragonrider, but she obviously can't command all of the other dragons. Daenerys was able to do that to all three of her dragons because she wasn't just a dragonrider, she was their mother. Rhaenyra isn't. Having more dragonriders would increase her chances to win the battle, but if Rhaenyra carefully weighs her pros and cons, she'd do something to ensure that none of the dragonseeds would betray her. But then again, if you've read Fire & Blood, you know what happened.
Never underestimate the power of the smallfolk, that is why Otto wanted to get them to the greens' side by using the death of Jaehaerys to paint Rhaenyra as the bad person. But one thing that old prick didn't realize was that he needed to do much more than just earn their sympathy. Having Mysaria on Rhaenyra's side, someone who has lived the life, knows the struggles, and knows exactly what the people need gave Rhaenyra the advantage. By giving them something the greens never did, she successfully provoked the ire of the people towards the usurpers and get their support. The kissing scene between Rhaenyra and Mysaria to me doesn't feel romantic (at least not for now). Though I have to say that the latter is exactly who the queen needs at this point, someone that Daemon should have been for her.
Nice to see Paddy Considine make a cameo in the show. We all know that the Viserys is the person that Daemon loves the most, but the truth is, I expected more action and more thrilling scenes from Daemon this season. Matt Smith didn't lie when he said that we're gonna see a weaker Daemon but I feel like the Haunting of Harrenhal feels...dragging. Maybe I'm not just used to Daemon not committing war crimes but ngl I was expecting him to get his shit together this episode.
Joffrey telling Rhaena that he wants his mother and the scene with the baby dragon are just making my chest tight (knowing what will happen to him and all of the dragons).
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