#Scrooge and Goldie sneaking in
aaandbackstabbed · 2 months
Goldie and Scrooge, sneaking back in at 2am
Hortense, turns in swivel chair: care to tell me where you two were?
Goldie: we were with Mathilda.
Mathilda, also turns in her swivel chair: you wanna try that again?
Scrooge: we were with 22?
22, turns in swivel chair: guess agai-
Mathilda: hortense! HELP I CANT STOP THE CHAIR!
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Group D, Round 1, Poll 6:
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Propaganda under the cut
Darth Revan
Savior. Hero. Conqueror. Villain. They managed to steal half of the republics fleet. Make their own empire. Get kidnapped and brainwashed to forget their identity, and still manage to be the most powerful person in the galaxy.
Gaslight: 1) Rallied many young jedi knights to their cause in Mandalorian Wars which made them disregard council's worries that there are something even more sinister on the horizon. They all save for an Exile either died or fall to the dark side. 2) Gaslighted ancient tribal amphibians to let them pass in the temple to destroy Star Forge while actually planning to use it themselves. 3) Jedi mind trick. Just jedi mind trick. 4) Laughed so hard at his personal killer robot describing his best friend with "meatbag" (and Malak being greatly upset by it) that decided to programm said assassin droid to refer to all organics as "meatbag". Gatekeep: 1) Closer to the end of Mandalorian Wars become much more pragmatic and ruthless locating those Republic (allied!) forces and jedi who weren't loyal to him enough near an orbit of Malachor so when Mass Shadow Generator was activated it wiped both Mandalorian and Republic ships simultaneously leaving Revan's fleet mostly unscathed and other too destroyed/suffering heavy losses. Well not so much for wiped more like crashed on the surface of planet destroying it with it's inhabitants too. 2) Didn't tell anyone about Star Maps and Star Forge (except for best friend Malak with whom they discovered it) - almost omnipotent shipyard capable of creating countless ships/droids/whatever needed for war effort. Girlboss: 1) The ultimate reason Republic didn't fall to Mandalorian neocrusaders. 2) Survived (albeit with Bastila's help) a heavy cannon strike on the flagship's bridge. 3) Were cool even with total amnesia, then remembered who they were and depending on player killed their ex-apprentice and reclaimed the mantle of the dark lord or stopped the maniacal tyrant of ex-bestfriend and became the Prodigal Knight.
Goldie O'Glit
She manipulates children, uses the fact scrooge has a crush on her to her advantage, and regularly schemes to get stuff (such as sneaking into a child's birthday party for money)
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belphegor1982 · 2 months
Top 5 OTPs (Shows, movies, books etc) and why. GO!
The thing is that I rarely ship romantically. Like, at all. There's a small number of ships that I'll always ship (and/or have been for decades) and the rest is tiers of "yeah, that's nice" to "eh, apathetic" to notps. So... I guess?? In vaguely order of current rotation in my brain, kebab-style??
Pike Trickfoot/Scanlan Shorthalt (Critical Role, Vox Machina campaign/The Legend of Vox Machina) My heart, my soul, my liver. I love them with a determination inversely proportional to the small place they seem to have in the fandom. It's a relationship that evolves over time (slow burn? do you slow burn?) because the individuals evolve over time. Character development first, relationship development second! And there's hesitation, and Fucking Up, and so much love and hand-holding/taking before both seriously consider the other as a romantic partner/equal (as opposed to on a pedestal). Also they're pure chaos separately as well as together and I respect that.
Evelyn Carnahan/Rick O'Connell (The Mummy films) Speaking of chaos! And love! And respect and growth! I've loved them since 1999 and even more since 2001's The Mummy Returns gave us battle marrieds who support each other and clearly can't keep their hands off each other. They perfectly complement one another, they build up each other's strength, they have inside jokes, and they love one another so much they constantly annoy their brother(-in-law) and kid. Those films are my comfort food. Also very pretty and nice/fun to draw.
Reginald Jeeves/Bertram Wooster (P. G. Wodehouse's Jeeves short stories/Jeeves & Wooster) We're leaving canon and entering fanon and what a fanon, ladies and gentlefolk. Over 100 years old and in love with rapier wit, art deco, and smart men and their (not quite) idiots. The thing with this ship is that it should be entirely unbalanced: Bertie is Jeeves' employer and above him in social status. Bertie should have all the power, and Jeeves none. But Wodehouse excels at showing us how much that isn't true, because Jeeves is very, very smart, and Bertie, while the smartest of his social circle (...yes, really) and as pure of heart as he is dumb of ass, relies on him 100% (and is basically the Jack Black pointing meme. He loves his manservant SO MUCH). I love a loveable idiot with a dose of self-awareness and self-esteem issues and an unflappable brain going "...ah. yes. unfortunately that is my idiot."
Chel/Tulio/Miguel (The Road to El Dorado) Come on, I HAD to sneak in an OT3 :3 I shipped them before I even really knew what shipping was. I love me an OT3, and this is a perfect example. You start with a dreamer with Determination (all open heart and sunshine) and an insecure flamboyant conman who is very good at lying (especially to himself) who would die for each other a thousand times, and you add a jaded cynic stifled by her environment who sleeps with (and catches feelings for) one and gets on well with the other and BAM, perfect recipe! Because Tulio and Miguel are ride or die for each other and I don't see that changing with Chel in the picture! ANYWAY. Love them and only want good for them.
Scrooge McDuck/"Glittering" Goldie O'Gilt (Carl Barks and Don Rosa Disney Ducks comics) Ooooh them. I have a soft spot for asshole pairings, and they deliver. Reading The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (and other comics) really bring into focus all the might have beens and the missed opportunities either by way of fate or one or both of them being dumbasses. They can't live with each other, they are 100% incompatible, but also they carry each other's heart and they will probably never love anyone else That way. Will they get a happy ending? I don't know! Do I want them to? I have no idea!! I just love them in a "Le Tourbillon" (the French song) way: people who find each other, lose sight of each other, find each other again, and the whole cycle starts once more. Sometimes it's not about having, it's about wanting and yearning and reminiscing <3
Thank you for the opportunity to ramble, dear anon 💜
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 1 year
Goldie and Penumbra?
Ohhhh this is a fun one bestie. As far as I know they don't know each other in canon so there was a lot of room to play with that dynamic.
Send me asks pairing two of the Ducktales good guys and I will write a short fic with them interacting. Not for Ships. Based on this post.
Fic Below:
Family dinner. They'd been inviting her for months since the end of the "last" adventure, but this was the first time Goldie had actually caved. It would be nice to see Sharpie again. And Scrooge…
She wasn't counting on seeing someone she just completely didn't recognize. Someone lurking in the shadows, staring at Della, ready to pounce.
Well, two could play that game.
Goldie slipped into the shadows, planning on sneaking up on the invader.
She had really thought she was stealthy, but the second she was right behind the stranger the other woman spun around and pinned Goldie to the wall.
"Who are you?" They snapped in unison.
"A friend of the family," Goldie said through gritted teeth, noticing for the first time just how strange this stranger was.
"So am I," the alien shot back.
"Funny, they never mentioned being friends with space invaders."
"Or with petty thieves," the other countered.
"I am not a petty thief," Goldie said, genuinely offended. "I'm a professional con artist. And I'm here by invitation of Scrooge McDuck."
"And I'm here by invitation of Della Duck."
"Prove it."
"You first."
"Why were you planning on sneaking up on Della if she invited you?"
"I was planning on surprising her. Why were you lurking in the shadows behind me?"
"To stop you from hurting my family."
"Oh, yeah, I'm the one who's going to hurt the family. You're a self-proclaimed con artist."
Even though she was still pinned to the wall, Goldie was pretty sure she could take this lady in a fight. She was just about to test her theory when another voice broke through the tension.
"Goldie, Penumbra, are you done? Dinner started ages ago." Louie was the only one who'd noticed the two bickering women.
Goldie and Penumbra exchanged a look and relented, accepting for the time being that maybe they were both extended parts of the same insane family. But they kept an eye on each other for the rest of the night.
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lettheladylead · 3 years
I wonder if Goldie could succeed at sneaking into Scrooge's money bin
She absolutely could and has and shall continue to do so
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The Gift of Fic
Hello, everyone! Back in March, DuckTales ended. I know, it already seems so long ago. I’m not sure how active the fandom is anymore, but @theofficialkai517 and I thought it would be fun to do something nice for DuckTales at the end of the year. So… we’re doing a fic exchange!
Here’s the deal: From November 1st to November 30th, signups will be open to join the fic exchange. You will be asked to provide a Tumblr username, your pen name on fanfiction sites you use, and at least two prompt ideas for whoever draws your name to choose from. You can also offer a third prompt idea, to give your fic exchange writer an extra idea to consider.
The prompt ideas can be vague (fluff with Huey and Violet), or a bit more specific (Goldie sneaks Scrooge’s wallet into her purse during a visit).
There will also be a section asking what you are okay with writing (certain characters, relationships, and/or genres), and what you are not okay with writing (certain characters, relationships, and/or triggers).
Signups will close immediately after the 30th, at which point Kai and I will send out fic exchange assignments. You will then have until December 31st to write a fic with one of the three prompts given to you. If you will somehow be late with the fic, you will have until January 10th to post.
In terms of length, we ask that your fic have a minimum of 1,000 words.
So, ready to have your own adventure with the Duck Family and give someone the greatest treasure of all? Sign up today!
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kaderp · 3 years
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BASICALLY this is gonna be a collection of bullshit me and @blackfliesinbluesugar have come up with and drawn
It starts with Goldie still living in Ireland at 17-19 and Scrooge from ages 18-20 staying in Scotland. And long story short they're dumbasses as teens. Cliche forbidden romance type stuff. Goldie's dad has shot people in the foot for trying to mess around with Goldie or just even talk to her for too long. So the only logical explanation they have is make Scrooge hide in the barn when he visits.
Basically Scrooge chills in the barn for a while cause Goldie's the only one that ever really goes in there because she's in charge of all the chores there. Which is where the context of this post is from
After the first time they fooled around Goldie was like 'oh crap what if I got pregnant D:' and told her mom she's going through a phase of flowey/big dresses when in reality she's trying to hide a potential baby bump. Now her mom doesn't care because she's too caught up in the fact that Goldie is finally 'acting like a lady.'
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So eventually because they never put together that 'hey, if we keeping doing this we're gonna end up with a baby', Goldie does end up pregnant. And because her dad is a dick and a 'I catch you with my daughter then you die' type of shotgun dad, Goldie is freaking tf out.
About a month after she finds out she's pregnant, the O'Gilt's (well mostly just Goldie and her mom lol) get invited to a fancy dinner and Scrooge is really wanting to see Goldie again. So what better way to see her than to travel to Ireland, steal a uniform, and sneak into said dinner party as a busboy. Problem is he can't risk Goldie's dad seeing him again so he tries to slick back his whiskers
But while Scrooge is running around, he eventually spots Goldie across the room. Now he's never seen her in anything fancy, usually just the flannel and green work skirt. And he just about dies 😭
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By now she has a bit of a baby bump she's had to hide so she normally goes for high waisted dresses that immediately flow out.
Anyways, as Scrooge is putting on the uniform he realizes he has absolutely no idea how to actually be a busboy. He doesn't know the first thing about dining and stuff so he's just like AAAAAAA
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As they both see each other, Scrooge gives a dorky grin and Goldie smiles before realizing he snuck in. Right when Scrooge goes to see her he gets dumped with a bunch of dishes he has to set. Goldie sees him struggling to figure out how to set a table and he just gives her a nervous grin while she's like 'oh you beautiful dumbass -_-'
She's turning red cause she's trying so hard not to burst out in laughter as Scrooge slips and a bunch of silverware falls on him
He's getting yelled at by the director but he's just giving Goldie a goofy grin from across the room.
Her parents: remember to be calm and not make a scene no matter wh-
Goldie watching Scrooge trip on the tablecloth: BWAHAHA
But as the dinner progresses, Goldie remembers Scrooge doesn't even know she's pregnant. So she keeps trying to tell him but they both constantly get pulled away to do other things.
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Towards the end of dinner Scrooge gets a free moment and realizes then that 'holy shit I actually like really love her!' So he darts to wherever she is and is struggling to get it out cause he doesn't know how much time he has left. He eventually spits it out and tells Goldie he loves her and is immediately called away. Scrooge takes her hands and quickly kisses her cheek before running to wherever the director is calling him from.
Goldie is shocked and stays still for a moment but by the time the shock wears off she realizes Scrooge is already long gone and they don't see each other again. And now Goldie's like 'crap crap crap, he said he loves me and I didn't even tell him I'm pregnant.'
They aren't able to communicate for a while cause Goldie's so focused on trying to keep her family pleased while still hiding her baby bump, and Scrooge keeps getting sidetracked and forgetting to write. (You can't tell me that isn't something he'd do because he kept getting distracted in the life and times when coming back home). He has her address, and he has started a letter, and even his family knows about her. 3ish months pass of no communications until one night Goldie starts contractions.
She darts to the barn after the first contraction and realizes she has to do this alone. A letter takes a day to get to Scrooge and going to Scotland herself would take closer to 7 hours. At that point it would be safer to not move.
It's like 3am by the time she lays and the egg ends up being pretty small. The entire time Goldie was just getting sicker and sicker. She ends up too weak to even hide the egg and has a high fever. She seriously thinks she's not gonna make it for the first night she can barely stay conscious.
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The next morning she has just enough strength to lazily hide the egg in the hay and sluggishly make her way back to the main house. Her parents are already up and she explains she started feeling iffy while doing chores and collapses.
Because her parents aren't completely heartless and she still is their daughter, her parents' main focus shifts to trying to nurse her back to health. They assume she fell with a bad flu and don't know she had spent all night laying an egg.
During this time she writes to Scrooge telling him to get over here asap, it's an emergency.
Goldie's parents take over her chores in the barn and the moment they said that Goldie went into panic mode again. During a lunch break she climbs through her window and runs to the barn to hide the egg better. She does, and she successfully makes it back to her room but collapses again and sleeps until the next day.
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Scrooge arrives 3 days after she lays and now she's really panicking. She's still weak and sick, and her parents are coming closer and closer to finding the egg. Scrooge when he sees her is genuinely freaking out. Not only for the future and that he now has an egg, but because Goldie did it by herself in a dirty barn. She's still a little loopy even though it's been a few days and Scrooge just feels heart broken that he wasn't there to help. He starts going on a tangent about how she could have died but Goldie just kisses him to get him to stop blabbering.
Scrooge helps her clean up a bit cause even with her parents looking after her, she's still a mess. But as he's washing her and the egg up, they hear fighting from the main house. Her parents realized she wasn't in her bed. She starts crying and tells Scrooge he needs to run home asap because if her dad finds out he'll most definitely kill him and/or the baby.
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(This was the first doodle for the au before deciding on an exact age/place/look so don't mind the sloppiness)
Scrooge escapes right as her dad comes in. She pulls the excuse of she thought she felt well enough to do chores.
Scrooge rn is running like a madman back to Scotland. He went from chilling with his family to being a father who's child needs to be kept secret within a day.
By the time Scrooge gets back home it's the middle of the night and is ngl feeling pretty overwhelmed. He tells Downy that he messed up and she's just like ??? So Scrooge holds up the egg and Downy just purses her lips like 'ah'
The next morning Scrooge explains to his family what happened and doesn't leave out any detail. Fergus and Downy obviously have mixed feelings. Scrooge is barely 19 yet he already has a kid??? But in the end they realize they can't change what's happened and focus on helping Scrooge protect this child.
Once the baby hatched, all mixed feelings from Downy erased and she just went into 'this is my grandbaby and no one will touch her' mood.
Scrooge and Goldie kept in contact from the moment Goldie gave away the egg. Because of the little incident of Goldie 'trying to do chores while sick,' she was put under close monitoring for the next few months and couldn't visit each other. After constant writing back and forth, they find a date to meet up half way between Scotland and Ireland so Goldie can meet her baby. They try to decide on baby names through the letter but they can't agree on anything. Goldie finds out that Scrooge moved out of his small Glasgow home and into McDuck Castle. He gives her the new location on the map as well.
The first time Scrooge tries to sneak out with the baby Fergus is just standing right outside with his brow arched and Scrooge starts freaking out.
Before Scrooge can apologize for trying to sneak out, Fergus just asks if Scrooge would like him to go with.
Scrooge is a little shocked but can't talk with the frog in his throat and just nods. Along the way Scrooge explains how he and Goldie have been trying to find the right time to sneak out for weeks because it was so hard for Goldie to get free time. She was sent to go across country to get supplies and uses that opportunity to go meet up with Scrooge and the baby again.
Fergus just nods and continues.
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When they do see Goldie, she almost breaks down at the sight that the baby survived and is being raised in a good house hold and can't stop holding her. The baby is about 3 months old by now. They finally agreed on a name and she ended up being named Maryanne. (Yes Jelly and I chose that because it means Star of the Sea)
She has to give the baby back to Scrooge cause stupid teenage and still getting over pregnancy hormones are getting the better of her and she starts full on sobbing as she sits on the ground. Scrooge freezes cause he's like aaaaaa what do I dooooo while still holding the baby.
But Fergus crouches down to her and asks if she wants a hug. All Goldie can say is 'uh huh' and he just wraps himself around her. She hugs back and Fergus rocks back and forth until Goldie's calmed down.
'I'm sorry I pulled your son into the mess. I-I was just so scared that my papa w-would kill one of us that I didn't know what else to do.'
Fergus pulls her away so he can actually look at her. And part of him feels that tinge of fear and sadness that the two teens had experienced. He grabs onto her shoulders which causes Goldie to look up at him.
'While I dinnae agree what you two did was right. Ah'm proud of you. Because what you did, finding the will to give up a child for their own safety, took a lotta strength there, lass.' And before she can react, Fergus pulls her in again and let's it sink in.
Scrooge is still holding the baby but now he's sitting down and bouncing the cooing baby on his knee while watching the scene unfold.
Over the course of the next few months, Goldie visits as much as possible and she grows closer to the family and Scrooge every time. On the times she can't visit, Fergus accompanies Scrooge in order to protect them from Goldie's dad. She's had a few close calls with her dad, but nothing too serious
After those events, Goldie practically moves in with the McDucks and they work on raising Maryanne. However like in the Rosa series, they're still experiencing tax trouble and Scrooge says he's gonna have to go to South Africa. The baby is about 2 by now and Scrooge is almost 21, while Goldie is about 19 and a half.
(This next section was an accident but basically it started as jotting down ideas but turned into a fic after I said it would take 20 seconds to write but turned into 2 hours fjdbfndn)
Scrooge is torn between whether or not to go until Goldie says she'll go with him. And because she's stubborn, no one objects. So the three travel across the world together. Maryanne practically grows up on the sea and all of those adventures where Goldie is present in the DT17 Rewriting History book happen.
On adventures they trade off tying the baby to their backs until she's old enough to not need to anymore. Although for the more dangerous ones, one of them stays behind.
But because they weren't married and had a kid in their teens, they were generally looked down upon. It got to the point where they just started saying they were married in order to avoid conflict with others. And after a while they actually forgot they weren't in fact married
'Huh, I forgot we're not actually married.' 'WAIT WE'RE NOT???'
'We're married' 'Oh ok, can i see your marriage records?' '... oh right'
But some old lady or old guy either way starts criticizing Goldie for being a young mother and they just deck the shit outta them and run. Or Goldie fighting someone with baby tied to her back.
Maryanne grows up to be an ocean cartographer and leads sailing expeditions and that's all we have for her. Also she has super blue eyes lol
That's basically almost all of the things we have for this au lol
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astrodances · 3 years
Is it possible to get an excerpt of Thief Scrooge pickpocketing wallets? Or even Goldie pickpocketing wallets?
Oh, I don't have any excerpts of them pickpocketing for the AU (although oddly enough the non-AU WIP that I've been not working on since pretty much the finale features pickpocketing, in a very small, special way, but anyway...). What I wrote in my last answer was all on the fly, so I could do that here, too, for a quick scene (and hopefully to get my writing going again). No guarantee though that this will ever show up in a future fic - consider it a standalone unless proven otherwise. ;P Also, this probably isn't exactly what you're asking for in terms of them pickpocketing, but of all the ideas from my last answer, this was the one that excited me the most.
Anywho, hope you enjoy!
*** I guess I should say this is rated teen and up for kissing and some suggestive physical affection? Yeah. ***
Also I'm putting in a "read more" for the aforementioned rating and because this actually got away from me a little bit with the length.
Scrooge couldn't stop grinning.
Sure, the feeling of exhilaration wasn't as strong as the first time he'd done it and his conscience was still waving a tattered red flag in the back of his mind ("Both will subside with experience," Goldie had assured him), but he was proud of how far he'd come.
"Did ye see me?" he asked his partner as they navigated the cacti and brush of the desert back to their current hideout camp, the sun providing just enough light for them to get back in time to make a fire. They were far enough away from town now to not have to keep an eye over their shoulders for any potential accusers.
"Oh, I saw. Way to go, tiger," Goldie answered, a small grin of her own forming, her hands tucked into her vest pockets.
She really was impressed.
They'd been leaving the local saloon after a quick bite and a listen for any chatter of potential targets, and as a pair of cowboys strolled in, Scrooge had given them a tip of the hat. But only Goldie saw the way his other hand kept low and gently "brushed" the pockets of the nearest cowboy's duster, without so much as disturbing the dust.
It'd been his smoothest pickpocketing to date, as if all their lessons had finally clicked into place for him.
They'd make a thief of him yet, but not quite yet.
If only Scrooge knew that his prize, a roll of dollar bills secured by a black string, which he'd been so eager to flash at her as soon as they'd reach the edge of town, now laid tucked into the secret inner pocket of Goldie's vest, courtesy of the master's nimble hands themselves.
And if only Goldie knew that Scrooge knew what she'd done.
He knew he still had a lot to learn about thievery, especially to catch up to her level, but sometimes he wished that she would just let him enjoy his victory with no need to prove himself further by stealing his prize from her again, for once.
But if that's the way she wanted it? Fine. He never could resist a challenge, especially from her.
The maze of cacti continued, and Scrooge used that as an excuse to walk closer to Goldie, to avoid one of the prickly plants and to reach his hand out to the left pocket of her pants for his first guess, making sure to keep a half-step behind her.
Just as he was about to make his move though, Goldie took an extra quick step forward, causing him to stumble behind her. He caught his footing, and shot a glance her way. She kept walking as if nothing happened, save for the telltale smirk playing on her beak.
Oh, she knew that he knew, and she was enjoying every second of it.
In the silence of the desert, the sound of their footsteps was impossible to miss. The second that she heard Scrooge begin to follow after her again, her pace quickened, but she otherwise remained unchanged in her stance or her path.
He caught up to her easily, and Goldie nearly shrieked with laughter when she felt his hand brush against her back. But at the last second, she stepped to the left and kept going, and Scrooge came face-to-face with a cactus arm that would've blinded him had he not had the reflexes he did. He spun out and away from it, letting out a very startled swear in Gaelic, and took a moment to reassure himself of his wellbeing.
"You're gonna have to do more than that to find it this time!" Goldie called out to him, her voice laced with playful innuendo, the challenge now well-defined.
She had nearly ten yards on him now, but the moment he took off running, a growl rumbling in the back of his throat, so did she.
The chase carried on almost all the way to their camp.
Goldie was nearly in the clear, too, but in the waning remnants of daylight, coupled with her growing desire to declare herself the victor and finally get some rest around the fire, she erred. Her boot slipped on a rock that she thought was stable enough to use as a stepping stone over a wild hedge of desert flora, and instead of leaping over it all and thus finding a shortcut, Goldie found herself falling face-first towards a very spiny barrel cactus.
She shut her eyes in anticipation, adrenaline rushing through her heart as she entered free-fall, hoping that her hands might at least break her fall a bit. She'd rather deal with a couple of wrist injuries rather than a face-full of cactus needles.
At this point, she'd rather have just let Scrooge keep his stupid money.
Inches away from agony, Goldie felt a yank jolt through her system, causing her to yelp and open her eyes to see just how close she really was to the cactus (way, way too close). A second later, and she felt her shaking form being pulled back by the scruff of her vest into strong, enveloping arms on stable ground.
"Oh, how the mighty have fallen," Scrooge teased, and despite herself, Goldie snorted at the joke. "You okay?" he whispered, and after a hesitant, but affirming nod, he added, "Good."
Still, neither made a move to leave the embrace, and after a moment, Goldie's eyelids fluttered closed when she felt Scrooge peppering kisses down the side of her neck. She could get used to this...
So distracted as she was that she failed to notice Scrooge's roaming hands sneaking past the buttons of her vest and into her not-so-secret pocket until his arm suddenly wasn't there to hold her anymore and she realized, belatedly, that he'd known.
Even as she turned around in his remaining arm and tried desperately to grab the other that was now out of reach (whether she wanted it back for the stolen money or the warmth more, she wasn't sure), Goldie couldn't stop the quip on her beak. "You think you're so clever, don't you?"
Scrooge managed a shrug, holding her that much tighter while maintaining that frustratingly cute grin of his. "What can I say? I have a great teacher."
In the span of another kiss, the money disappeared from view, and Goldie found two arms holding her close once again.
All in all, he was learning his lessons very well.
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P sure i haven't posted before, but i had a canon divergence/fic concept a month back of Scrooge dying (in particular killing himself, if you want to make this as depressing as possible, but any way works) during The Shadow War in the s1 finale, and Louie sneaking out at night after the funeral to join Goldie in trying to find a way to bring him back, and s2 and s3 would end up being their duo adventures in that pursuit
Here's some arts i did on the concept
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And yes I'm sure they do find a way to bring him back eventually and Scroldie get to kiss, no worries xD
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Carl Barks: Back to the Klondike Review: Blinkus of the Thinkus
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Welcome one and all! If your a longtime reader of this blog, you know I love a good birthday celebration, having started with my first year reviewing animation last year with Donald’s and deciding to do Mickey and Scrooge’s later that year. But since I misseda  LOT of disney birthdays, and found several Non-disney birthdays and anniversaries I just gotta celebrate, this year i’m making it up and style and have a whole calender set up to tack these big milestones to the wall. So over the year expect tributes to the greats of disney, looney tunes, and mgm both behind and in front of the scenes, as well as to various shows I like. It’s gonna be a good time. 
So to start us off, it’s only fitting my first duck birthday since Scrooge, is for the love of his life and the stealer of his wallet, Glittering Goldie O Gilt! And I felt the best way to celebrate this storied day was to go back to her very FIRST apperance, one of earliest Scrooge headlined comics and a forever fan faviorite, Back to the Klondike!
But before we get into that, a little history on our gal in gold. Goldie was created for this story by comics god, the late great Carl Barks. Barks ended up just using her once, which is a shame but understandable as he probably only thought of her for that one adventure. While some characters like Gyro ended up being used again and again he probably just didn’t have any more stories in mind for her and figured Scrooge would return to her one day or he wouldn’t, but it wasn’t up to him.  Fans however loved the character, her feisty dynamic with scrooge, and the fact she brought out his good side, so naturally other writers would bring her back. In paticular Barks Superfan Don Rosa cemented her as the love of his life and wrote several more stories with her, fleshing out their backstory and saying that at least in his personal canon, Scrooge retired to spend his final years with her. And while his fanboy was clearly showing, and that can end nasitly just ask Dan “Hates Wally West because he’s not barry allen” DiDio, glad he’s gone.. Rosa’s work with goldie is an example of what happens when it’s done right. Less DiDio or Bendis and more Al Ewing. Using the continuity and what’s there to build on a character who deserved better.. to me that’s one of the BEST things you can do in comics and Rosa’s work is proof of that, ironing out the.. questionable elements we’ll get to and leaving the gold in.  So Rosa’s work combined with Ducktales not only adapting this story but bringing Goldie back a few times after that has elevated the character to a storied and permenat part of the duck canon, with her excellent heavily revamped Reboot counterpart currently carrying the torch with the help of the wonderful Allison Janey, perfect casting there. So with a legacy of gold behind her, let’s take a look at where it’s started and see if it still glitters after all these years under the cut. 
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We begin our story at the Money Bin. Scrooge has been counting his money.. but has already forgotten, and forgot where he put the slip he wrote the number on and even forgets who Donald is when he shows up until Donald, while having some fun with him as Scrooge is trying to phone him while he’s right there. As for how he got into the most secure place in the bin.. the story actually answers that both worringly and hilariously: Scrooge left the door unlocked.  Naturally he’s not happy about this and Donald states the simple solution: Go see a doctor something’s CLEARLY very wrong, and the fact this could possibly be something like Demntia is VERY bad for someone who runs a zillion dollar company. Scrooge of course scoffs at “wasting his precious money” But Donald not only points out the obvious, that two bucks now saves him from having someone rob EVERYTHING, but Scrooge’s attempt to tie a string around his finger.. instead triggers a trap. And this entire sequence is decent with some good gags.. it’s just hampered a bit by making light of something that’s kinda bad. Not old people forgetting things.. but an old person with a disease as we find out forgetting things. Not helping is I laughed at first at the gags.. till I remembered a kind, old, friend of the family who had it and forgot me entirely by the end. So yeah, not the worst gags and the boxing glove and donald bits aren’t terrible, but it hurts now my brain’s made that connection. 
Our heroes head to the doctor’s office where Scrooge is diagnosed with... 
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That.. might be the best name for a fictional illness i’ve ever heard in my life.. just inching out “Brain Cloud” and “Whale Cancer”. Still not the most SENSITIVE gag.. but it was the 50′s and mental issues weren’t given a lot of respect. IT’s why the above sequence and this whole part of the plot dosen’t scuttle things: It’s not the most repsectful.. but it wasn’t a time where these things were givne proper respect, treatment or knowledge, so barks wasn’t being an insentive douche on purpose, he just didn’t know. It dosen’t make it 100% okay btu it dosen’t wreck the story like say his blatant racist caractures in Voodoo Hoodoo. Seriously that’s.. not okay, and given he’s the kind of guy who researched locations he used, unlike with mental illness i expect BETTER of him than most men at the time. Still respect the guy, but it dosen’t mean i’ll overlook the fact he made some pretty bad mistakes. Same way while I love and miss Stan Lee I won’t ignore his blatant sexisim or racisim towards Chinese and Vitamise people. You CAN like a creator even if their work has some questionable and unjustifable elements, times do change and people do mamke mistakes when their young. It just depends on exactly WHAT they did or wrote that makes that distinctoin.  So on that bombshell, Scrooge is given medication after a needle gag. He needs to take his pills every 12 hours. It’s then he starts to remember something, mubling abotu skagway, goldie and dawson and telling Donald to get the boys, their going to Alaska! Once they get on the boat Scrooge explains: he remembered thanks to the medcince he left a stash of gold nuggets there from his prospecting days.. and part of why this story ended up being one of the single most important to Scrooge’s character. While it establishes some character traits, something I dind’t realize till wikipedia pointed it out, it also establishes Scrooge’s days as a prospector. While other things made him what he was and got him to that point as Don Rosa would later flesh out, it was his days in the yukon that, for better or worse defined who he is now and shaped him into the man he is today: Tough, fair, badass as all hell, mean as the devil and richer than god.  This time would be used a lot to set up stories, which made sense as it was the cleast and most agreed upon part of his past by all writers, and him at his abosltuely peak physically and mentally and the gold rush motif of the time perfectly fits someone defined by being rich. It’s also honestly nice that the Yukon is used, as Canada sometimes gets lost in the shuffle wise and hell until reading life and times I gneuinely had no idea what the Yukon was or where Calvin was headed when he and hobbes ran away from home. 
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Scrooge also first mentions Goldie and while clearly remembering her fondly.. goes into a rant about her howing him a thousand dollars which has compounded to a billion the second the boys catch on he was sweet on her with Donald assuming he’s just not a good person. But this is really just setting up another vital part of his character and the other thing: his heart. Before he’d been show as a pretty heartless, greedy asshole. While the previous story, Only a Poor Old Man, had softened him up a bit, this is the first to show that beneath the pile of greed and mean lurks a decent human being. Just don’t tell anyone or he’ll throw his money at you.. then tell you to bring it back to him. It’s what makes the character who he is: he’s cruel, onrey and selfish.. but he CAN care when the chips are down and can do the right thing.. as we’ll see later. 
God I love the little poems Bill Watterson would put in the books. I didn’t as much as a kid, but god I do now. Anyways before our heroes can get going Yukon Ho, they stop in Skagway for suplies before heading out, Scrooge softing at taking a plane as “Soft” and him and the nephews hiking a week.. before running into the same flying service again, and finding out Scrooge OWNS it and forgot, because being scrooge he forgot to take his meds. Something I can relate to and i’m not proud of as staying on them is important to my well being. Seriously always take your meds. Unless their not working for you then talk with your doctor to get new ones. 
So we arrive in Dawson, as our heroes will have to walk rest of the day Scrooge takes the boys to the Black Jack Ballroom, which used to be a hot spot and was where he met Goldie for the first time. After another covering for his reminscing with greedy bollocks, he tells the boys the story.. one that was cut from the original printing despite introducing goldie and something the editors dind’t bother to tell carl till they berated him over trying to sneak a blackjack saloon and a kidnapping in there... and to them, or their long dead skeletons probably, I say. 
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Yeah not wanting that in a kids story, while bollocks, tha’ts their perogative.. not having him send in replacement pages to keep story flow.. is dickish and underestimates kids intellegence as Don Rosa, while loving the story felt something was off till he saw the missing pages years later thanks to a fellow fan. So yeah kids, and adults, into the work noticed. Nice job. Again I can’t BLAME them for not wanting Scrooge to be a kidnapper as we’ll see and Don Rosa had to massage the hell out of that, but I can blame them for not caring enough to fix the obvious hole int he story. Though it’s now complete and unabriged and has been since the 80′s so there's that. 
So in a nutshell Scrooge came to town for a coffee, and while the bartender ignored him he didn’t once he plunked down his goose egg nugget, what made his fortune and one of Scrooge’s most treasured possessions. It’s here we meet Goldie. 
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Yup.. just in case you thought her being a thief and greedy as hell was a new thing, and I kinda forgot how much, she dirves for the nugget, has Coffee with scrooge.. and drugs it, but makes the mistake of NOT clearing town, so Scrooge fights his way through the ballroom to her, gets the nugget back, forces her to sign the money for the iou he spent.. and then uh.. kindaps her to force her to work on his claim for 50 cents to try and teach her how to work honestly. 
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Yeahhhh as I said Don Rosa tried his best to fix this , and did so in his final story, which we’ll get to some day, revealing Goldie had a shot gun on her the whole time and was going along entirely to find out where Scrooge’s claim was. That.. actually makes more sense with the character and is far less horrifying and Scrooge finds this out fairly quick, so them forming an attraction out of this becomes 100% more plausable. So yeah good on Don Rosa for fixing the implications here. I may give out on him from time to time.. but he is a genuinely talented writer and did what a good comic book writer in an established continuity should do: update elements so they aren’t so... eugguuhhh after they become horrifingly outdated. And look YES she did do horrible shit to him.. but you still can’t kidnap someone over that. just put her in jail. What was any of that. 
Anyways Scrooge HAS been taking his medicine, and proves it by showing the boys his pills and the next day they head to Scrooge’s old claim.. only someone’s living there and using it, and his old cabin.. and a shot gun. Yeah so they aren’t getting through in the day what about the night.. well they get attacked by Blackjack, who turns out to be owned by the claim jumper.. and is also you know a bear> And Donald left his back in new quackmore so their outmatched. 
So outgunned and outplanned, if not outnumbered or outmanned, our heroes make a camp fire and whiel Donald again suggests the obvious, call the police.. Scrooge can’t. He didn’t pay taxes on the claim so he’s technically jumping his own claim and techincally she has a right to it. So techncially.. Scrooge is the bad guy here as he left the money here, didn’t pay his taxes and didn’t ever come back for it. Still beats trying to terrify your nephews or deny orphans a train because your an asshole buffet. 
So the next morning Scrooge dosen’t want to rush her because “We Daren’t Get Rough with an old woman”. Two things.. 1... think before you put images in my head scrooge.. brrrrrrrrr. I mean Goldie. is not in the best shape in thie story as you’ll see and neither are you. In the reboot sure you two kept up a lot better but here.
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And it’s not even an old people thing. Ann Margret was still fine so fine by the time of Grumpy Old Men, not to get creepy jut to prove i’m not being ageist. For a still alive example Keith David is also still a smokeshow at the tender age of 64. So yeah, not an age thing just not these paticular old people. 
But they need a plan so the boy suggest luring the bear into a trap with honey. Donald and Scrooge build the cage while the boys.. find the jar of honey. 
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Regardless since the boys won’t do it for what Scrooge pays and neither will donald Scrooge goes to lure the bear with the honey. Once that’s done, and Scrooge is being covered with honey and licked by a bear...
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So while he washes that off, the boys come up with another plan: they run around back while Donald makes noise to draw Goldie’s fire, with that being Dewey’s plan to meet her since he’s figured this out already. But Goldie has a backup plan and when she figures out they disabled Blackjack unleashes mosquitos... ugh. Having been stung like hornets about 50 times in animal crossing I feel you boys. So while Scrooge and Donald run off naked... troy if you will. 
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Thank you Troy, the boys confront Goldie who reveals her identity... and that she’s broke, her dance hall having failed with the rush and this claim being all she has.. and her suspecting scrooge woudl gladly take it. The boys vow not to tell scrooge.. but he’s on his way so they kinda have to and he primps to go visit and Donald starts to see through his BS about collecting the debt. Sure enough despite being taken aback by her putting on her old dress , he takes her for all she has and is.. genuinely suprised as she thought she’d have more and she’d actually changed since the old days, donating her profits to orphans from mining disasters. Scrooge.. is clearly rattled by this. Whiel it turns out to my shock he was clealry after the money, though givne who we’re dealing with I shoudln’t of been really, he still cares and still realizes he’s being kind of a dick. So he challengers her to a gold digging race, and if she wins the claim is hers and any gold she finds.. and naturally, while he seemingly puts her soemwhere where there isn’t she finds the claim and Scrooge bemoans not taking his pill.. but while the boys boo him for it, Goldie who fondly waves them off and Donald know better: Donald points out he counted the pills this morning.. and recently. SCrooge DID take one today... he’s just has his cane shoved firmly up his ass with pride so he coudln’t ADMIT he was wrong and instead simply staged that whole thing with the full knowledge Goldie would win. It, again, sets up one of his defniing traits; how he keeps people at arms length. How he’s just so proud and full of himself he can’t bear to admit anything resembling weakness.. but WILl find a way to do the right thing without that or forgoe it as a last resort. He may project being a stingy cretionus old man.. because he is.. but he’s got a heart as big as that nugget.. it’s just locked tight in it’s own bin... his body is complicated and weird that way Final Thoughts:
This story is a classic with a decent setup, great backstory for scrooge, and a great guest character and unquestionable impact on the character. However.. it does have it’s problem; As Don Rosa, who as i’ll remind you is both a huge barks fanboy and huge scoldie shipper, himself pointed out he wrote his final story, and had planned to for years ENTIRELY because this one never quite explains how Scrooge and Goldie went from old enmies to lovers.It did lead to one of his best stories and one of the first I read post life and times so, props to that. And of course as I pointed out some things have just.. not aged well, especially the kidnapping so their relationship kinda comes off like stockholm syndrom as a result of both of these. 
That being said.. warts and all.. it’s still a really damn good story and a good one to try if your intrested in barks work or where Goldie came from: it has adventure, some really good jokes and if you can get past the dated bits the plot is solid. And while it goes without saying i’ll say it anyway Barks art is goregous as always ESPECIALLY in the flashback sequence. Overall not the best AGED Scrooge story, though not the worst either see Voodoo Hoodoo, good god, but defintely a classic for a reason.  If you liked this review, follow me for more, and for more duck content as I still have more of the three cablleros to work through, another chapter of life and times coming up this week befor ewe break again for feburary, and some other fun stuff. Until the next rainbow, it’s been a pleasure. 
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aaandbackstabbed · 9 months
Scrooge: how long have you been standing there
Goldie: way longer than you’d like
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esepoimipullula · 4 years
Hello and merry Christmas! Now imagine the Twelfth Doctor/River Song “It's like loving the stars themselves. You don't expect a sunset to admire you back.” scene but it’s Goldie who’s been captured by some villain trying to use her as bait to lure Scrooge into a trap and she’s currently insisting Scrooge won’t put himself in danger just to save her without knowing that Scrooge is already sneaking around inside the villain’s lair, planning how to get them both out.
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Hello all you lovelies out there! Welcome to Scroldie Weekend!
Scroldie Weekend: Day 1 - AU
The Phantomess of the Opera!
——————————————————————— (Sorry for the long story I just couldn’t help myself. 😊)
This AU Goldie is the famous opera ghost in Paris. Tales of the opera ghost had traveled through out the world and Scrooge McDuck being who is, he’d never pass up an adventure! So he traveled to Paris, behind a dressing room mirror Goldie saw him and with her lovely singing voice she brought him down to her realm. She showed him her world and what it means for her to be the opera ghost. He was so fascinated with her that when she was playing the piano with her back turned he wanted to see what was behind the mask. He pulled it off! Before he could see her scarred face, she slapped him in the face and claimed that those who see her face will never see the light again. Scrooge quickly apologized to the Phantomess, he gave her the mask back and they came to deal, She would let him go if he didn’t tell anyone she was down there and he would leave her be if he could come visit her. So everyday when the cast had gone to bed, he’d sneak down to the opera basement and they would meet up. Over time both fell in love with eachother.
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lettheladylead · 2 years
running in circles
chapter twenty-eight: and I wonder if I ever cross your mind summary: Goldie has a bad day. warnings: references to sex, nothing explicit wordcount: 3681 playlist (will be updated as chapters are posted): shorturl.at/bfBCQ ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33776632/chapters/94721941
here’s chapter twenty-eight!! text will also be included in this post for those of you that don’t use ao3:
Birka, Sweden July 1st, 1958 2:24 PM (local time)
She’d been spending a lot of time with Scrooge ever since she returned from her interdimensional traveling. It was nice, but it was also kind of weird. And sometimes she really needed to just…go out by herself and remember what it was like to be alive on her own.
For too long, being on her own sent her back to when she was trapped. But now she could do it and feel like herself again.
And she was traveling around the world on her own - sometimes she’d buy plane tickets, sometimes she’d sneak into the cargo hold. Sometimes she’d find her way onto a cruise, sometimes she’d get captured by pirates. It didn’t really matter to her. Her hotels were thriving and she could be gone for months at a time without a problem. So she traveled aimlessly, collecting any treasures she’d hear about on the way and ship them back to Dawson or Seattle or whichever Blackjack Hotel was closest.
Having her own specially designated free room in every one of her hotels made life so much easier. Maybe someday she’d share that fact with Scrooge.
But Scrooge was…busy. She’d barely seen him since their second wedding. After his purchase of a volcano that was not filled with diamonds, he’d still managed to find a way to make a profit off the gemstones that were there to make up for the wasted time and effort. But then he went back to work like he’d never done before.
According to him, he was closer than ever before to becoming the richest duck in the world. He wanted to focus and make sure he got there sooner rather than later.
So…yeah. She hadn’t spoken to him in almost a year.
Ten months without seeing Scrooge wasn’t that long, they’d certainly been separated for longer. But she still felt this annoying headache behind her eyes when she went on a particularly successful adventure on her own. A little headache that wondered if Scrooge would’ve made her trip more fun, or if he would’ve been impressed by her adventuring skills.
And her skills on this particular adventure were especially impressive. She'd scaled down into a deep crevasse, barely any light to guide her down, and then fought past several Viking ghosts to get her hands on their treasure!
It probably wouldn’t be the most profitable treasure she'd ever nabbed, but it was certainly noteworthy. If she looked into opening a Blackjack Hotel in Sweden, perhaps it would be good to display in the lobby.
Reluctantly, Goldie did what she knew was the smart thing and didn't open the treasure while she was still several hundred feet below the surface.
She shoved the large treasure chest into her magical bottomless bag and made her way back up top.
It only took a few hours - going up was much harder than coming down - but once her hands and feet touched grass again, Goldie was more than excited to see her prize.
She removed the chest from her bag and quickly went to work on the lock, picking it with an expert ease.
The treasure would probably include Viking gold and silver, not to mention the country had a lot of carnelian stones. She could only imagine the beautiful, intricate designs the ancient Vikings had carved into their gemstones.
With an excited sigh, Goldie finally opened up the chest.
In an instant, she was hit with a powerful, awful smell, and then suddenly everything went black.
At seventeen years old, Archibald Duckworth could say with reasonable certainty that his life was not going in the direction he’d expected as a kid.
His father died just before he and his twin brother were born, and his mother only a few years later. He was lucky enough that his father’s brother and sister were able to take care of them for as long as they could.
His mother’s brother, Uncle Albert, was a butler for one of the richest men in the world. His father’s sister, Aunt Bianca, was an au pair working for a wealthy family in England. So he and his brother ended up spending a decent amount of their childhoods in London.
Though Jasper didn’t feel the same way, it was always Archie’s plan that he’d start an apprenticeship when he was old enough. Around the age of seventeen, Duckworth moved away from his aunt and brother and into the mansion of the second richest man in the world so he could learn to become a proper butler like his uncle. The idea of spending the rest of his life as a butler was…weird, but also comforting. He’d always have a nice place to stay and he wouldn’t have to worry about the small stuff. Who could say no to something like that after the childhood he’d had?
Mr. Scrooge McDuck had been welcoming but uninterested in his arrival, a little frustrated at the idea of hiring someone new, but Uncle Albert insisted based on his own age. He was nearing sixty and wouldn’t be able to keep up with Scrooge forever.
Archie thought that was a little weird. Scrooge McDuck was clearly much older than his uncle, so it seemed more likely that he’d die first. For a while, he wondered if his uncle was sick and didn’t want to tell him.
Then one day only a few months later, Mr. McDuck came home looking younger than he did before, and immediately told his two butlers about the youth-restoring treasure he’d recently found. That was the day Archie realized that Scrooge McDuck had no plans to ever die. If he took this job, he’d probably live and work in this same mansion until he took his final breath.
Well…his bed was comfortable and the kitchen was huge, so that didn’t sound so bad.
Still, working for Scrooge McDuck came with a unique set of challenges. The man was prone to mood swings, occasionally violent ones that involved him knocking things off of desks and shelves. He also loved to track mud into the mansion when he returned from a treasure hunt, not paying any attention to where he walked. His home contained hundreds of rooms, and they all needed to be checked at least once a week to make sure there were no magical instruments of torture or Beagle Boys attempting to attack Scrooge in his sleep or spiders thinking they could take up space without paying rent (an actual quote from Mr. McDuck that Archie didn’t know how to react to).
His family was another odd part of the deal - though Archie had never met Scrooge’s parents, he knew they were magically still alive. And his sisters were, too. They were very Scottish and very close and he appreciated their closeness since he never had that with his aunt and uncle or even with his brother. His relatives were kind to look out for him, but they weren’t exactly warm and cuddly.
Still, with all the strangeness in Scrooge McDuck’s life, there was nothing that could’ve prepared Archie for Goldie O’Gilt.
Uncle Albert explained who she was long before they ever met.
“She’s strikingly beautiful with green eyes and blonde hair,” Uncle Albert had said. “And there’s no possible way to know how Mr. McDuck will react to seeing her.”
“Is she his…girlfriend?”
“Yes, but also no. I wouldn’t attempt to label them. Just don’t get in between them and you’ll be fine. And always knock on doors when she’s around.”
“...yes, sir.”
Since he’d never had a girlfriend or a boyfriend of his own, Archie didn’t know if it was appropriate for him to criticize Mr. McDuck’s very odd-sounding relationship with his girlfriend-rival-wife (apparently they’d been married, but not really, but actually yes it was real, but it wasn’t). But still, he didn’t think it sounded very healthy. Based on his uncle’s descriptions, it sounded like she was just using Mr. McDuck for sex and for his money and assets.
But it wasn’t his place to comment, so he didn’t.
Until July 2nd, 1958. Archie found himself unable to sleep and was wandering the halls of McDuck Manor. Scrooge was on a trip on the other side of the country so he and Uncle Albert had just been cleaning and cooking for themselves the past few days. It was really, really nice. Mr. McDuck wasn’t a lot of work, especially since he spent most of his time out of the house, but it was nice to not have to wait on anyone.
It was around three in the morning when there was a knock on the front door.
Archie glanced at the door curiously - if it was Mr. McDuck returning early, he would’ve just let himself in. If it was a criminal, they also would’ve just let themselves in. So…who could it be?
Hesitantly, he reached for the door and opened it up, fully prepared for something weird or dangerous to be on the other side. And to a certain degree, he was correct. But she didn’t seem particularly dangerous at that moment.
“...can I help you?” Archie asked, glad that the lights on the porch turned on automatically when someone opened the door.
Goldie O’Gilt stood there, wobbling significantly. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were dirty and torn up and her eyes were noticeably unable to focus.
If Archie had to guess, he would say she was completely intoxicated.
“Who’re you?” Goldie asked, a laughable slur to her voice.
“I’m, um…” He paused, considering how much personal information he was comfortable sharing with this woman. “You can call me Duckworth. I work for Mr. McDuck.”
Goldie stared at him for a minute and then let out a laugh, which quickly turned into a cough. “You’re not a duck.”
Archie grimaced at the sound of her cough and tried to figure out what he should do with her. With a slight hint of sadistic curiosity, he decided to ask a question he already knew the answer to. “So, uh…you’re Mrs. McDuck, right?”
Her reaction was louder than he expected - at the sound of that name, Goldie burst out laughing and fell to her knees when she was no longer able to hold herself up. “Mrs. McDuck…ha, HA! Oh, God, my stomach…” She was laughing and slurring and her hair was falling all around her face. “I need to…I need to see Scrooge. Where is he? Wake him up.”
He cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Mr. McDuck isn’t here right now.”
“Of course he’s not -” Goldie started, but she cut herself off with some dry heaving. “He’s never around when I…when I need him to be.”
Archie glanced behind him, happy to see that his uncle had awoken to find out what was going on. He shrugged at the more experienced man, hoping he’d have a solution to this problem.
Quackmore rubbed a hand against his forehead before walking over. “Miss O’Gilt, hello. Why don’t we get you inside, hm?”
“Quackmore! There’s a famil…familia…familiar face,” Goldie mumbled.
The two dogs grabbed her arms to pull her inside - Quackmore closing the door behind them with his foot. They started towards the living room, knowing full well there was no way they’d be getting her up the stairs in her current condition.
“Where’re you taking me?” Goldie asked with a slur, her head drooping back. “I wanna see Scrooge!”
Quackmore sighed as they made it to the living room. “Mr. McDuck is on a trip. He’ll be back in the morning.”
“I don’t wanna wait that long!” she grumbled, falling onto the couch with a thud.
The butler and butler-in-training glanced at each other awkwardly, before turning away from Goldie so they could whisper without any chance of her listening in.
“What do we do?” Archie asked quickly. “Is this...normal?”
“No, this is not normal,” Quackmore answered, looking back at Goldie who was breathing heavily and had her eyes closed. “I’m going to call Mr. McDuck at his hotel and hopefully he can come back early.”
“Really?” Archie looked surprised. “I thought he…well, I didn’t think he’d want to cut his trip short. Even for her.”
“Not if she was here to steal something, but…this is different.” Quackmore didn’t know everything about their relationship, though he’d learned a lot over the years and passed the knowledge onto his nephew. But he’d never seen Goldie in such a state. “I can’t imagine what she’s been through that led to…this.”
Archie nodded. “I’ll watch over her while you make the call.”
Quackmore nodded in return. “Excellent, thank you. I shouldn’t be long.”
As his uncle left the room, Archie looked back at Goldie and wondered if she was actually asleep or just so drunk that she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. "Miss O'Gilt…?"
"Mm," she mumbled.
 "Why did you come here?"
Goldie slowly opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling. She stayed quiet for a few moments, then turned to look directly at him. "Wanna...I wanna see Scroogey."
Archie rolled his eyes, feeling protective of his employer. "Are you just going to steal from him again?"
She got uncomfortably quiet and they both stared at each other awkwardly. After about ten seconds, Goldie pulled herself up and tried to sit up straight. "Why did you...call me Mrs. McDuck?"
"Excuse me?"
"Did he...tell you to?" Goldie mumbled, getting more unintelligible by the second. "Or were you just...guessin'?"
He took a deep breath, hoping that his curiosity earlier didn't lead to him being yelled at. But he figured he could be honest with this completely intoxicated woman. "I wondered how you would react to it."
Goldie took a few seconds to soak in his response before letting out a hollow laugh. She brought up a hand to wipe at tears that weren't there and lifted her knees so she could lean against her legs. "It's stupid, y'know?"
Archie stood still, though he was intimidated by her more than he wanted to be. "What is?" He half expected her to insult him or Mr. McDuck.
"...all of this," she grumbled, falling onto her back again. "I don't know why I'm here. He won't even want to see me."
Archie raised an eyebrow, surprised by her confession.
"Or maybe he will. I never know if he's really mad or pretend mad and I-" Goldie cut herself off with a coughing fit. "...I don't blame him. I don't...I don't make it easy."
He thought about responding, but wasn't really sure what to say.
Goldie looked at him again. "You've been working here for a long time, Quackmore."
Archie pouted. He didn't really look like his uncle at all, but he supposed in her state of mind it didn't make much of a difference.
"Does he talk about me?"
"Frequently. Especially after one of your adventures."
Goldie breathed out a quick laugh and shook her head. "No, I mean...does he ever talk about me...happily?"
His eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Like...like he misses me?" Goldie's cheeks were an even brighter red as she spoke, eyes closed in embarrassment. "Or wishes I was here?"
Archie shuffled his feet, unsure of how to respond. In his limited time working for Mr. McDuck, he had heard the older man talk about his love wistfully. But not near as often as he complained about her. Still, he wasn't sure if that information was private...just because he heard Mr. McDuck talking didn't mean it was his place to share.
Before he could respond, however, the actual Quackmore returned and Archie could just tuck Miss O'Gilt's insecurities into the back of his mind in case the information would ever become useful to him.
"Mr. McDuck is on his way back," Uncle Albert said quietly. "Is she asleep?"
"I don't…" Archie started, but he was cut off by the sound of snoring coming from the couch. "Yes she is."
Uncle Albert loosened his limbs and rubbed the back of his neck. Clearly he was tired of trying to be so stiff and professional. "It's so stressful."
"She seems stress-inducing."
"No, not...well, yes, but…" The older man walked towards a shelf and grabbed an old tartan blanket. "Mr. McDuck tends to get anxious when it comes to...Goldie. He spent a decade thinking she was dead, so it's understandable, but I wish he wouldn't get so wound up."
Archie found this interesting, especially considering how wound up Miss O'Gilt seemed to be about Mr. McDuck. If he had to guess, it sounded like they were at an awkward stage in their relationship where both thought they cared more about them than each other.
If he was being perfectly honest with himself, it sounded like quite the entertaining soap opera.
"Will she be alright here?"
Uncle Albert nodded. "Mr. McDuck will move her if he wants, but he'll be at least five or six hours. She seems comfortable enough."
Archie looked at her again. "If you say so."
"Just grab some aspirin and water and leave it next to her. The only thing worse than a drunk Goldie O'Gilt is a hungover Goldie O'Gilt."
Scrooge's heart was hurting.
He'd returned home in record time after hearing that Goldie was an intoxicated mess on his couch, begging to talk to him. He couldn't imagine what had happened, but he was so worried that he couldn't spend another minute in New Stork.
He'd spent the entire plane ride being anxious and distracted, thinking about all the reasons she might have had to do such a thing to herself. Was it an anniversary of something bad? She never told him about the bad things in her life, but Scrooge assumed most of her family and old friends were dead. But then why would she come to his home? Did it have something to do with them? Their relationship?
He racked his brain for hours, trying to think of why July 1st or 2nd could be significant.
Nothing. He came up with absolutely nothing.
Once he arrived home, Scrooge rushed to the living room and felt a shiver run down his spine at the sight of Goldie sprawled on the couch. She looked dirty and haggard and tired and he wanted to know why. He wanted to be able to comfort her somehow.
But he also didn't want to wake her. So Scrooge took a seat on the edge of the couch and watched her sleep, gently tugging some strands of hair out of her face.
Even like this, she was still so beautiful. But it hurt him to know he couldn't help with whatever had her so shaken. If it was demons from the past, all he'd be able to offer is a hug. But if it was someone in the present who was torturing her, Scrooge could really do something about it. He could help.
Scrooge sighed quietly, thinking about how Goldie was too prideful to ever ask for his help. She'd tell him he was being sexist and deal with it herself, probably.
He didn't care what she thought. He'd help her anyway.
Scrooge looked around the room to make sure no one was watching, then leaned down and placed a very gentle kiss on the side of her head. He then sat up, stretched his shoulders, and picked Goldie up bridal-style to carry her upstairs.
It was two hours later when Goldie woke up, a rampaging headache and sore throat the only things stopping her from opening her eyes.
She could feel the fluffy mattress underneath and immediately recognized it as Scrooge's. But she had no memory of coming to Scrooge's home. With an internal sigh, Goldie painfully but silently opened her eyes to figure out what time it was.
It wasn't dark. Well, that didn't tell her much.
She turned her head to look at the bedside table next to her. She could see water and medicine and a clock that said it was about ten in the morning. She turned again to see Scrooge sleeping soundly next to her. Why the hell was he still asleep so late?
Not wanting to wake him up, Goldie scooted out of the bed as sneakily as possible. She needed a bathroom. She felt hungover. But she hadn't been drinking, so...why?
As she walked towards the bathroom, she tried to figure out why she was missing time from her memories. She'd always prided herself on being sharp so it was concerning. Where was she yesterday?
Scandinavia. Norway? No, Sweden.
She arrived at the bathroom and saw her face in the mirror, immediately cringing. And not her usual God-damn-I-look-old cringe, but she looked beat up and sore and her hair was an absolute mess. She must've been on an adventure of some sort.
The Viking treasure came back to mind and suddenly all the pieces fell into place. She remembered opening the treasure and being hit with a powerful, disgusting smell. Then...nothing.
And the treasure wasn't in her hands anymore. Either she dropped it in her intoxicated state, or someone took it from her.
Briefly she wondered if Scrooge would've, but he was always hypersensitive about her when she was drunk. Probably had nothing to do with it.
With a shake of her head (that she immediately regretted), Goldie dropped the thoughts and decided to take a shower and leave. She wasn't sure why she was in Scrooge's home, but she didn't need to stay any longer.
Archie watched silently as he saw Mr. McDuck's golden-haired lover leaving the Manor, wearing some of Mr. McDuck's clothes. She probably thought her old clothes were done for, but he'd enjoy fixing them back up.
He looked down at the coffee in his hands and thought about all the things he’d witnessed over the past few hours. Mr. McDuck and Miss O'Gilt were certainly a lot more interesting than he'd given them credit for.
As Uncle Albert told him before, they definitely seemed like a mess. But he couldn't deny that he was a little excited to see their relationship progress for however long he worked there.
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- Birka is often regarded as Sweden's oldest town. It was a big Viking trading center
- Duckworth has a twin brother named Jasper, as mentioned in a DT87 comic - Duckworth and Quackmore and not related to each other in regular canon because they've never existed in the same canon before. So now they're uncle and nephew. It's fine
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peggydoodles · 5 years
Louie can’t sleep that night, which he assumes is normal. He usually can’t fall asleep when he’s upset. He’d usually go to Uncle Donald, but he wasn’t home and well, he’s not sure about Mom yet. 
So he sneaks out of his room and checks Scrooge’s office, which is surprisingly empty for this time of night. The duckling crept along on tiptoes, keeping away from squeaking floorboards until he reached his great uncle’s bedroom. There was only one light on, one of those tiny lights you could clip onto your book. 
It’s rare to see Scrooge relaxed, but he was sitting in his arm chair with his feet kicked up on an ottoman, gently turning the pages of a book. 
“Uncle Scrooge?” Louie piped up, and his uncle turned to see him.
“Oh, Louie. C’mon in, lad.” He says, gesturing over. “Couldn’t sleep, huh?” Scrooge sets the book aside, but keeps the light on so he can see his nephew. He waits until Louie is standing in front of him to hold out his arms. “Want tae’ come up?”
It doesn’t need a verbal answer, as Louie carefully climbs up the chair and into his uncle’s arms, there he curls up and tries to keep down his little sniffles. It shouldn’t bother him as much. He should’ve known better than to trust someone like her.
“Ah think it’s funny.” Scrooge said, interrupting the child’s thoughts.
“What is?”
“What about her?” He grumbled, pressing his face into Scrooge’s chest.
“Well, Ah think it’s funny that she does all these terrible things to protect herself. She doesn’t want to let anyone intae’ her life because she’s afraid she’ll get hurt. She wants everythin’ tae’ be easy, but that’s not how life works.” Scrooge said softly.
“And what? That’s supposed to be funny?”
“No, no. Ah think it’s funny that she leaves every time so she doesn’t get hurt, but she ends up leaving hurt people behind her.”
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astrodances · 4 years
**SLIGHT SPOILERS for “The Fight for Castle McDuck!” ahead!**
Because writing Goldie and Louie texting is so much fun.
Yet Another Secret of Clan McDuck!
Goldie both loves and hates room service.
She loves the anticipation of knowing that a nice, hot meal that she didn’t have to make herself can and will arrive at any minute, ready for her to dig into after a long day of going after her next mark. But at the same time...she hates the actual waiting.
Still, it gives her time to freshen up, relax a bit. Maybe get a movie started on the TV, or text a certain green...nephew.
Only a week ago now, Goldie found out from her sources (while heading down to the Underworld to get a certain fallen wreath) that Louie had been at The Spice-A-Torium in Instanbull the week before that, facing off against Rockerduck himself, with the help of yet another kid to add to the family list (how many did that make now?). Of course, Goldie had texted him right after hearing that to see how he fared (she knew things could get spicy at those dealings), but what she didn’t tell him is that her source had said that Louie had used her as a reference in a couple of side deals, calling her “Aunt Goldie,” and that now, people were identifying him as “O’Gilt’s nephew.”
She really should’ve reminded him not to throw out ties that casually, that people could use it against him, or even her, but...they both have reputations that protect them (and if not, well, they’d be messing with the wrong aunt then). And, if she’s being honest with herself...she likes the way “O’Gilt’s nephew” sounds.
Not that she’s going to tell him that anytime soon.
Goldie sinks into her room’s couch, her phone already out and opened to her texts, and wills her heart to ignore that increasingly-familiar familial warmth bubbling up once again. Scrooge and the kids are staying in Dismal Downs for a couple of days, and it’s bad enough that she’s planning on sneaking into McDuck Manor before they get back not to steal something, but to surprise Scrooge and Louie when they get there.
But that doesn’t mean her heart has to make a big deal out of it.
Goldie: How’s the castle, kid?
It’s getting close to midnight in Scotland, so Goldie won’t be surprised if she doesn’t hear from Louie until tomorrow on the half-chance he’s already asleep. She drops her phone to her side and picks up her water bottle from the end table, taking sip after sip.
After a minute, her phone buzzes with a message, then another, making her smile more than she has any right to.
Sharpie: Cold as ever. And y’know, we found some magical bagpipes, saved them from some bad guys, and had some statues of our ancestors come to life. Typical day. 😝
Sharpie: Also we met our Aunt Matilda.
Goldie smiles again, this time though over Scrooge’s sister. She’s met her exactly twice, both times by circumstance (her past self would never have let her get close enough to Scrooge to willingly want to meet his family), but each time ended up being a riot as Matilda would tease Scrooge for having a girlfriend, thus helping her give him hell (yet another trait of her past self). Looking back between those meetings and the first night she met the triplets, Goldie now knows exactly where the boys get their teasing gene from.
Goldie: I like her. Give her my regards.
Goldie looks up and finally takes stock of what’s on TV. Whatever channel she put it on has delved into a new movie, some comedy from the forties. She can live with it, so she turns her attention to the time on her phone just as a new message comes in.
Any minute now. Food.
But for now, she’s looking at a selfie of Louie with Matilda leaning over his shoulder, waving at the camera. They’re surrounded by bits of concrete and other debris, with their sleeves rolled up and their clothes covered in dust, and Goldie can just make out the back of Scrooge’s broadcloth coat in the background as he lifts something onto a pedestal of some sort.
Sharpie: She’s right here. She says hi!
Goldie grins and nods silently at her phone, happy to see both of them looking well, but surprised at how...awake everyone seems to be in the castle at their hour.
Goldie: Hi Matilda!
Goldie: Also: did a twister take a wrong turn in Glasgow?
Sharpie: Right. The statues? They kinda made a mess of things, so we have to fix them. There was...a lot of fighting here tonight.
She doesn’t press it, not now. She’s about to eat, and everyone there seems to be happy for now. Luckily for her, Louie saves her from having to think of something to say in response.
Sharpie: Wait, oh man, hang on.
Goldie does as told, watching with renewed interest as a few seconds pass before those three little typing bubbles pop up. Briefly, she considers that the statues have come back to life.
After more than a minute of on-again/off-again bubbles, she finds herself getting interested in the movie and drinking her water again. Just as she takes a long sip, a new text chimes in.
Sharpie: Aunt Matilda wants me to ask you, how are things in Goldieburg?
Goldie does a spit take, her water spraying out into the room and all over her phone screen. Whatever brain cells she has left are used to automatically wipe her screen across her sleeve to dry it, because she’s otherwise occupied with her face heating up and Louie’s last word echoing through her head.
Matilda’s teasing. It must be her teasing, though...Goldieburg...is definitely a new one. One she can’t even begin to imagine the origins of, though she suspects that Scrooge’s face is probably just as red as hers right now. She also suspects that another fight is starting up, and judging by the fact that Louie was able to send his last text, she’d wager that Matilda is winning.
A knock on her door draws Goldie’s attention away from her phone, but does little to calm the growing turmoil within her. Of course her food would arrive at this moment. She spares a final gawk at her phone before getting up and throwing it to the couch cushions.
It takes all remaining ounces of her self-control for Goldie to ignore the bellboy’s questioning stares at her frenzied appearance as he pushes her room service table into the room, pops open the wine for her, and tells her that she can call the front desk at anytime for them to come get the table when she’s done. She doesn’t know how much she actually tips him, but judging by the wide, bubbly grin that replaces his stare as he rushes out, her mind was far from her wallet when she opened it.
Food. Also far from her mind, for now.
Goldie snatches up her phone as soon as the door is locked again, hoping that there’ll be some explanation waiting for her.
It’s not that she’s embarrassed by the teasing - heaven knows that she’ll be the first to tease Scrooge, for any number of reasons - but this one seems so...personal. So specific. She supposed she should be flattered to affect Scrooge so much that he came up with this, whatever the circumstances. And perhaps that’s it - maybe it’s not the shock of the...uniqueness of “Goldieburg,” but rather it’s that stupid schoolgirl-crush-like warmth creeping through her veins at the idea of Scrooge getting flustered about her around his family, of him telling them about her - however involuntarily or distractedly, it seems - in a way other than a cautionary warning.
That, and Louie knows about it. Somehow, she has the feeling that this is going to be so much worse than him - any of the kids, really - calling her “aunt.”
There are notifications for seven new texts and a photo.
Sharpie: Uncle Scrooge says for you to totally read that last text and to definitely bring it up next time you see him
Sharpie: And that Goldieburg is his favorite place in the whole wide world
Sharpie: and that I should stop texting if I wanna stay in the will
Sharpie: wait what??
Goldie notices a time jump between the last text and the next.
Sharpie: Good news, I’m still in the will, thanks to Aunt Matilda.
A picture follows, of Matilda holding Scrooge back with one arm looped under his shoulder and the other holding him in a headlock. There’s a dead-seriousness in Matilda’s eyes but otherwise she looks like she just won the sibling battle to end all sibling battles. Scrooge, meanwhile, is redder than his coat, missing his hat, and looks ready to break Louie’s phone, even though there’s no way in hell he’s getting out of his current predicament, especially considering that an emu is holding one of his legs in its beak. Still, the photo seems to have been taken from a safe distance away.
(Goldie will have to ask about the emu later, when things aren’t so....chaotic.)
Sharpie: Sooooo...does this make you the mayor of Goldieburg? Or is Scrooge the mayor and you’re the leading citizen? 😂
Sharpie: Oh! Apparently there’s a Goldiesota, too!
Goldie is now very certain that she is on fire, especially with that penultimate text. It seems that she and Scrooge are both definite victims of teasing here now. She buries her head into her free hand and rubs it down her face, pausing to type out the only response she can manage right now.
Goldie: I no longer like Matilda.
Louie’s response is immediate.
Sharpie: Awww
Sharpie: But she likes you! In fact, she says she would *love* to live in Goldieburg.
Sharpie: I would, too! I can just imagine it - cons and schemes widespread, with no laws getting in the way. Infinite gold that holds its value. It’d be paradise!
Sharpie: Though I’m sure Uncle Scrooge has something different in mind.
Sharpie: Wait ew. No. Nevermind.
Sharpie: But you know what I mean.
Sharpie: 💛💛💛💛💛
Goldie rolls her eyes, and takes a deep breath. Suddenly her appetite is back, and the movie seems very captivating. She needs a distraction right now, anything to quell the butterflies. She may be warming up to the idea of family, but right now, she feels like she’s being pulled straight into the heart of the castle across the ocean, and that’s a little too much.
So she throws her phone on silent and wanders over to the room service table, taking a swig of wine straight from the bottle before lifting the tray cover on the center plate to see the juiciest-looking steak one could ever hope for, still steaming.
Culinary bliss.
By the time she finishes eating, Goldie is certain that all of Castle McDuck is asleep, or that they should be. She saw enough debris in those pictures, they’ll need the rest to finish cleaning up tomorrow. So she dares to turn her phone face-up again and take it off silent mode.
Handfuls of texts from multiple people, and several missed calls.
She delves into those from Scrooge first. As much as she doesn’t want to talk to him yet about all this - and she’s sure he feels the same way - if he tried to reach out to her, then she knows he’s going to at least provide the basic facts, without any teasing. An anchor point for her to refer to in her other texts.
Sourdough: Don’t listen to any of them, the hellions! I swear it’s not what you think. Whatever it is you’re thinking.
Sourdough: We can talk this over if you want, dear. Whenever you want.
Sourdough: Or not talk it over. I personally would like to forget Matilda ever opened her big dumb mouth.
Sourdough: Correction. Matilda does “not have a big dumb mouth and tell her that I am the best sister you could ever hope for, or I’ll serve Emu-tilda her breakfast in your hat.”
That text earns a particularly amused snicker from Goldie. She can just imagine the giant bird she saw in the picture earlier staring Scrooge down as he typed that.
Sourdough: Look, can I call you?
Goldie surmises the missed calls from Scrooge happened here.
Sourdough: Never mind. We’ll catch up after this trip. When I’m *not* surrounded by these...troublemakers. Good night, love.
The butterflies have moved from Goldie’s stomach to her heart, and an entirely new anticipation fills her with excitement. If she was a schoolgirl in this situation, she imagines this would be like having to wait over the weekend to talk to her crush on the playground on Monday. Never mind the fact that she’s not even trying to figure out how to get out of this, at least not yet, she realizes belatedly.
There’s one more text from Scrooge, sent after a time jump.
Sourdough: Do NOT believe anything you hear about Clan McScrooge!
Goldie has to stifle a laugh at that, and guesses that she’ll definitely be seeing more of “Clan McScrooge” in her other text messages. But first...
Goldie: Good night, Scroogey. 😘
She’s so tempted to send “Scroogey McScroogey,” but between that and “Goldieburg,” she really shouldn’t tempt fate when they’re all each other has in a boat surrounded by teasing family.
It takes all of five seconds for Scrooge to send back a response, one that’s so simple but enough to tune out the night’s noise for a few moments.
Sourdough: ❤️
She imagines him fumbling to put his phone back on his nightstand next to some big ornate medieval-style bed, his mind already luring him back to a deep sleep. Never mind the whole “Goldieburg” thing, it sounds like he already had an exhausting night between the fighting and the statues and the bagpipes. And the emu.
As she swipes back to see her conversations, Goldie immediately notices an unknown number with a few texts waiting for her. After reading the first one, she makes a contact for it.
Emu-tilda: Goldie! This is Matilda, Scrooge’s favorite sister.
Emu-tilda: Louie gave me your phone number to help make sure you’re okay.
Okay? Goldie pauses, a wave of uninvited guilt washing over her, and she fights every instinct to immediately switch to Louie’s texts. Instead, she wills herself to read through Matilda’s, if at a faster speed.
Emu-tilda: I’m sorry about Goldieburg and all. When I saw that it was you that Louie was talking to, I wanted to get under Scroogey’s skin a bit, so I told the bairns a tale from ages ago.
Emu-tilda: I’m sure Scrooge will fill you in, and if not, I’ll be more than happy to.
Goldie makes a mental note of the offer, and of the ensuing picture of a smiling, somewhat frazzled-looking Matilda with her arm wrapped around her emu, posing for the camera. She’ll respond to her texts later, but for now, she switches to her conversation with Louie, having to scroll back up to where he left off.
Sharpie: An update: Uncle Scrooge got out of the headlock, and is now chasing Aunt Matilda on her emu around the room.
Sharpie: Matilda’s on the emu, that is. Scrooge can’t catch his breath.
Sharpie: Oh! Now they’re in the hallways!
Sharpie: And Scrooge has a sword from the wall.
Sharpie: He’s totally defending your honor.
A blurry picture follows of Scrooge from behind, wielding a sword as he runs after his sister, a scowl clear on the visible side of his face. Goldie saves the photo - she can definitely use this later.
Sharpie: Wait no, now the emu has the sword!
Another picture, this one much more stable, follows again. Indeed, the emu has  somehow gotten ahold of Scrooge’s sword and is now chasing him through some sort of dining hall. Matilda herself even looks surprised and worried as she clutches at the feathers on the bird’s back.
Another keeper for the camera roll, if only for the sheer hilarity of it all.
Sharpie: Ok, Great-Grandma Downy is awesome. She totally just yanked the sword right out of the emu’s mouth while she was still running. Emu’s confined to Matilda’s room for the rest of the night. We’re all having some hot chocolate around a fire.
Sharpie: So, all’s well that end’s well.
There’s another time jump before the last batch of texts.
Sharpie: Right...?
Sharpie: Aunt Goldie?
Sharpie: You’re not mad about all this, are you? We’re all sorry for teasing you and Uncle Scrooge, and I know he didn’t mean anything bad by Goldieburg.
Sharpie: Are you ok?
Judging from the next few texts, Goldie guesses that this is when the missed calls from Louie came in.
Sharpie: I’m guessing you’re busy. At least, I hope so.
Sharpie: Again, it was all just some family teasing. Y’know how it is.
Sharpie: If it makes you feel any better, you can bring up Clan McScrooge the next time you talk to him.
Sharpie: Goldie?
Goldie blinks up from her phone, overwhelmed by the growing panic radiating from the texts and the guilt rekindled in herself. The idea of Louie, let alone anyone in Scrooge’s family, being this worried about her, even if there’s no actual cause for it, makes it hard to swallow and she finds herself quickly reaching for her water, chugging down the last third of it.
Y’know how it is.
She can’t say that she does. Her own family was never this close, never bounced back this easily after fights. They never...cared like this.
Maybe her heart’s right in making a big deal out of this.
After a few deep breaths, Goldie finally answers Louie.
Goldie: I’m ok, Sharpie. Was just eating dinner, had my phone on silent. Didn’t mean to scare you.
She’s very much surprised and totally-not-touched when he immediately texts back. He should definitely be asleep at this point.
Sharpie: Oh good. So, you’re not mad?
Goldie: Mad? No. Curious about the emu? Most definitely.
Sharpie: 😂😂 Understandable.
Goldie: You should be in bed though.
Sharpie: Oh I am! Couldn’t sleep yet though.
Goldie: Uh-huh. Love you too. Now go to sleep.
Sharpie: 🥰😴💛
Goldie: 💚
Not even half an hour ago, Goldie would have sworn off her impending trip to McDuck Manor in the name of not wanting to face Scrooge after the revelation of Goldieburg. But now the trip is back on, and she can’t deny to herself that she’s eager to see the ones she cares about.
That, and pay a visit to Scrooge McScrooge, mayor of Goldieburg.
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