#scroldie weekend
justaboot · 1 year
What if I didn’t work on my WIPs. What if I posted art from them instead and let them sit in my docs for another 8 months
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bunny-lovers · 6 months
Ice Flower and Coin from my ask game! Have a great day! :D
Hope you & your f/os have a wonderful weekend & thank you for the ask! 😊 @goodmorningawfulbye @kaijus-love-zone @scroldie @urbodymytemple @wonkasgirl @sealpaws @whispywoodland
Super Mushroom - Is there a height difference between you and your F/O?
Nope, Rumi & I are the same height!
Fire Flower - What does your F/O think of flower shops? Have they ever given you a flower (or a bouquet) as a gift?
She doesn't mind flower shops. Oh yes, she has given me a flower & a bouquet as a gift.
Super Star - In what ways have your F/Os made you feel special?
She's cooks one of my favorite meals, compliments me, gives me small gifts, gives me a big hug when I get home from work, gives me a phone call or text me & tells me how much she loves me.
1-UP Mushroom - Has your F/O ever saved you from dangerous situations?
Yes, she has saved me from dangerous situations.
Super Horn - What music do you and your F/O listen to when it’s just the two of you?
We both like to listen to pop & dance music.
Ice Flower - If you and your F/O are out playing in the snow, who’s more likely to make a snowman? Do you make the snowmen look like each other?
We both would want to make a snowman. Yes, we try to make them look like each other.
Coin - Has your F/O spoiled you? If so, what did they do?
Yes, she has & she gives me gifts, bakes one of my favorite chocolate desserts & when she & I are at the mall, she buys me what I've been eyeing on.
Star Bits - Time for some fluff with sweets! Do you and your F/O feed each other?
Yes, we do feed each other!
Boo Mushroom - Who’s more likely to get scared in abandoned areas?
That would be me!
Shine Sprite - Go to the beach or to an amusement park?
Go to the beach!
Gold Mushroom - Shopping time! What do you and your F/O end up buying?
I bought a few active tops, leggings, a new yoga mat & some milk chocolates. Rumi bought a few active tops, new pair of dumbbells, a cook book & a fluffy blanket.
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goldiejake11 · 3 years
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source:  goldiejake11
Wooo!  How lucky for me that I tackled this prompt in the last few days. It’s a two-fer for both Scroldie week(end) and Valentine’s day.  Late as usual of course.  RL conspired pretty hard to make sure I didn’t get it in on time even for Valentine’s day buuuuut stick it RL!  Here it is!
Scrooge hates wasting money on flowers and chocolate and Goldie has been texting him some pretty interesting things all day just to make him blush and squirm.  Pretty sure these guys will figure out some other way to celebrate tho that they both will enjoy.  
Hope you like it
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khionkhrayon · 4 years
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"Scrooge and Goldie sitting in a tree..."
So here's young Scrooge and Goldie sitting in a tree. Not K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Just having a candy break while on a field trip.
Ive been watching animes lately and I kinda like their sailor uniforms. So I tried it with the ducks. I think it suits not just Donald, but this couple as well.
Its supposed to be for Scroldie Weekend Day 01: AU. But guess I have a trouble following the directions. Im either too early or late. 😫 But as the saying goes, better late than never. 😅
Happy Scroldie Weekend Everyone!
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lettheladylead · 4 years
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And finally, here are the prompts! They’re vague and easy to work with so have fun and interpret them however you’d like. You can make anything you want - art, fics, vids, edits, gifs, playlists, whatever - and just tag it #scroldie so we can all check it out!! Can’t wait to see what you guys make :D
6/19: AU 6/20: Family 6/21: Klondike 6/22: Dance
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After six long months of absence, I’m back with a new chapter of Fortune Favors the Gold. At last!
And, because she’s bloody fantastic, @koizumi-marichan is of course also here with some chapter art. I LOVE IT 😍😍😬 and I hope you do too!
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Please enjoy this chapter of canoodling in the Klondike. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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givashel · 4 years
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Another one!! O.O
Scroldie wedding with their hatched egg, she received the name Florentine, from the previous picture :3
I'm, again, really proud of this one xD
Till next time....?
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ness345 · 4 years
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Eh one more post for Scroldie weekend, why not :) 
I just couldn’t get this song out of my head. I also now love the idea that at some point in the past Scrooge and Goldie totally had a trapeze routine (whether choreographed or impromptu is anyone’s guess!)
Any Greatest Showman fans out there?
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waveypedia · 4 years
Scroldie Week Day 1 - AU (Duck Crossing AU)
Scrooge McDuck had always risen with the sun. Whether it be in his ancestral home of Scotland, his longtime residence of Duckburg, or his current home - the formerly-deserted island of New Horizons. His daily life had wavered and changed many times over the years, but this one routine remained the same.
Sometimes, Scrooge would be joined on his early risings by one of the island’s residents - most frequently his honorary niece Webby, the island’s Resident Representative. She loved to be awake at odd hours, solving an adventurous mystery or tracking an elusive bug. Or his nephew Donald, when he was on shore leave (or fell off his boat and got stranded on the beach), whose insomnia meant he knew the night well. Dewey, like Webby, loved to be awake at night just for the fun of it - although Scrooge had implemented a 10pm curfew on his nephews’ store so they would be well-rested and have a clear head for the next day of business.
While Scrooge loved the company of his family, blood or not, he preferred it most of all when he was alone. He would watch the sun rise slowly over New Horizons and revel in his successful business and daily adventures on his island with his family. Island life, despite its token serenity, could be quite hectic sometimes, and Scrooge took great comfort in those rare moments of peace in the liminal sunrise space. He was safe and happy and successful, and so was his family. Aside from adventure and money, what more could a duck need in life?
(That was a lie. There would always be more in life for Scrooge to discover, and he would never be fully at peace. But sometimes, it was nice to push those lingering doubts away.)
This morning was just like one of Scrooge’s picturesque favorites - he sat, alone and peaceful, on a bench overlooking the beach. The waves crashed rhythmically against the shore, humming with the promise of fish and treasure and adventure. Scrooge drummed his fingers impatiently against his fishing rod, but otherwise simply waited for the fish to bite his superior bait. While he waited, he watched the sun rise and the sky burst in a symphony of beautiful colors that would have Webby and Huey painting one of these days.
The slight breeze and the rustle of leaves and early-morning bugs, as well as the waves, were the only sounds penetrating the serene morning air. Scrooge leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes for a fleeting moment, content in his moment of peace and quiet before the hustle and bustle of island life.
Then a loud ship’s horn honked, shattering Scrooge’s picturesque morning into a thousand pieces.
Scrooge groaned and frustratedly ripped his fishing pole from the water, probably traumatizing some poor random fish, and stuffed it ungracefully in his pocket. He snatched his cane from the ground and stomped in the direction of the ungodly noise, muttering angrily under his breath. “Blasted boats, blasted sailors, blasted- RUINING MY MORNING-“
Sailors. It better not be Donald and his Navy crew again. Scrooge’s fists trembled with anger, ready to give them a piece of his mind, nephew and his friends or no. Fethry and Gladstone, his other seafaring family, wouldn’t fare any better (definitely worse, in Gladstone’s case).
Webby, likely roused from her sleep by the horn, sprinted in the direction of the shops (probably to see the boys). She paused as Scrooge passed, but didn’t cross him as he stormed towards the culprit of the sound.
Scrooge slowed his pace to a brisk walk as he passed his workplace. His hired assistant, Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, rushed up to his side. Scrooge glowered at him, but evidently it was not enough.
“Yes?” He kept his tone clipped and as free of his anger as he could manage.
Fenton tapped his fingertips together nervously. “Remember the person you had me issue a warning about over the morning announcements a couple days ago? The, ah, dangerous one?”
Fury washed over Scrooge as the pieces clicked into place. He nodded once, curt and sharp, and stormed off to the secret beach.
The sight that awaited him was just what Scrooge expected, but that in no way made it welcome.
“Hooty-hoo, Scroogey!!!”
A small boat, flying a telltale gold flag, had docked on Scrooge’s beach. Annoying, although he was significantly less concerned about the boat than its inhabitant.
Goldie O’Gilt, his old business partner. And current rival.
She beamed smugly at him from the deck of the boat, radiating barely veiled triumph. “Nice to see you too, old man!”
“Goldie,” Scrooge groaned, dragging a hand down his face in frustration. This was going to be a long day.
He allowed his beak to curve slightly into the smallest of smiles. “It’s good to know you haven’t been arrested again.”
“Awww,” Goldie replied, dramatically placing a hand over her heart. “It almost sounds like you care about me, Moneybags.”
I do, Scrooge whispered internally, but his pride refused to let him admit it. “What do you want with my island?” he asked instead, rough and sharp as always.
That was the key to dealing with Goldie. Stay tough and guard your heart. It kept the pair in their precarious game with each other, dancing around their feelings, both staunchly refusing to be the first to break and confess.
(She cared too.)
“Who’s this, Uncle Scrooge?” Dewey, loud and boisterous, had probably been investigating the mysterious disturbance to the island’s serene morning peace, and the cryptic stranger that brought it. He stared up at his uncle with wide, curious eyes.
“I’m just here to sell some pretty art, Scroogey,” Goldie called before Scrooge could reply - probably on purpose, to shape Dewey’s first impression of her. “I’m sure those kids of yours would appreciate some quality art pieces. Difficult to find, too!”
Scrooge growled. “Where did you steal them from?”
Goldie waved a hand breezily, dismissively. “Oh, hon, not all of them are stolen,” she responded, faking hurt. “I can’t believe you would assume I would steal art!”
Scrooge rolled his eyes. “Oh come now, Goldie. Forgeries, then?”
Huey perked up and hefted his Junior Woodchuck Guidebook from where he, Louie, Webby, Lena, and Boyd were crouched behind a bush nearby. “I can evaluate them, Uncle Scrooge!”
Scrooge didn’t miss the way Louie’s eyes lit up at the idea of selling forgeries or stolen art. Best to nip that one in the bud. “Good, Huey. That’s part of your job, in case someone donates Goldie’s art to the museum.”
Goldie huffed and slipped off her boat. “Whatever. You have my word that all my art is one hundred percent real. And a lady would never go back on her word, now would she?”
Louie and Webby ran after her, eyes shining as the latter peppered her with enthusiastic questions and the former watched closely. Lena, Huey, and Boyd took the opportunity to join Dewey and Scrooge at the crest of the secret beach as they watched the trio leave skeptically.
Dewey tugged gently on Scrooge’s sleeve, grabbing his uncle’s attention. “You never answered my question. Who is she?” Scrooge noticed Huey flipping open his Junior Woodchuck Guidebook, pen posed carefully to add a new entry.
“That’s Goldie O’Gilt, lad,” he replied gruffly, turning on his heel to follow Goldie and the rest of his kids back to the plaza. “My old business partner.”
The kids lit up with a barrage of boisterous questions, but Scrooge answered them on autopilot. He was too immersed in thinking about Goldie. What her re-emergence would mean for him. For them.
They had seen each other briefly in the years since Scrooge stormed angrily out of Goldie’s business. He wanted to make his money square, even if it landed him destitute. He was an honest man.
Unfortunately, it had forever soiled things between them, ruining opportunities and pathways Scrooge never would have thought to mourn before he left.
But now…
Maybe now, with his successful business, and Goldie so desperate she’d come to leech off of it, maybe he could mend the bridge.
He’d just have to make sure she didn’t scam any of his residents first.
happy scroldie weekend!! this ended up having a little more worldbuilding than scroldie but whatever, i honestly forgot about it so i wrote this today haha. it’s not the best quality sorry
duck crossing au comes from the delpad discord!! it’s such a cool au, and Scrooge and Goldie fit Nook and Redd so well!! i had fun exploring some of the other roles too. i don’t think Fenton fits Isabelle that well in job description, but their personalities are the closest match.
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Hello all you lovelies out there! Welcome to Scroldie Weekend!
Scroldie Weekend: Day 1 - AU
The Phantomess of the Opera!
——————————————————————— (Sorry for the long story I just couldn’t help myself. 😊)
This AU Goldie is the famous opera ghost in Paris. Tales of the opera ghost had traveled through out the world and Scrooge McDuck being who is, he’d never pass up an adventure! So he traveled to Paris, behind a dressing room mirror Goldie saw him and with her lovely singing voice she brought him down to her realm. She showed him her world and what it means for her to be the opera ghost. He was so fascinated with her that when she was playing the piano with her back turned he wanted to see what was behind the mask. He pulled it off! Before he could see her scarred face, she slapped him in the face and claimed that those who see her face will never see the light again. Scrooge quickly apologized to the Phantomess, he gave her the mask back and they came to deal, She would let him go if he didn’t tell anyone she was down there and he would leave her be if he could come visit her. So everyday when the cast had gone to bed, he’d sneak down to the opera basement and they would meet up. Over time both fell in love with eachother.
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twisted-lassie · 4 years
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I'm a day late but...
So here's my Hogwarts!Scroldie AU.
Scrooge McDuck is an intelligent student. He was the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, prefect, top student, smarter than the Smarties, tougher than the toughies, etc...
Goldie O'Gilt is one of Slytherin's most cunning students in history. She is smooth and can get away with most things. A flirt, beauty, Pureblood, and an O'Gilt, she's a lot.
Both are rivals since the day they met on the platform. They knew it from their eyes. Scrooge was studious as Goldie never cared more the less. She sat next to him when it came to assigned seating and they can't stand each other. They loathed it and it was strange. Yet, it had perks.
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All I'm saying is that even tho it was extremely late, the other day I finished off all my prompts for Scroldie weekend. I'm really proud of them and kinds like em?? I feel like I couldve done better on some of them but go off hun 🙄
Anyways yeah, these are here if u wanna read em, yall know how much I love scroldie periodt
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peachhoneii · 4 years
A paid vacation to an uncharted island doesn't go as planned, but with the help of an old friend named Tom, maybe Scrooge can set right some wrongs.
(They don't. It's up to Redd and Goldie, but don't tell them that.)
Scroldie Weekend 2020 Day 1: AU
“I’m sure you could if you had some fun,” Foghorn chortled, slapping his large stomach, “and besides, I say besides, everyone’s having a good time. Why, I saw your gal not too long ago heading off with Redd -,”
“What,” they said in shocking unison. Surprised at their own reactions, they shared cautious glances before returning to Foghorn.
Scrooge cleared his throat, “What do you mean Redd and Goldie were seen together?” He had to repeat the question carefully as to not confuse himself more than he already was.
Taken off guard, Foghorn eyed them suspiciously. “I saw ‘em near the boat,” he answered, then squared them down, “what ya’ think they’re up to?”
“No good,” Tom said flatly. “I can’t believe I…”
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goldiejake11 · 4 years
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source: goldiejake11
Ahhhhh.......Scroldie weekend....I shall miss you most of all.........
I love these two so much they deserve a happy forever together!
This has been SO much fun guys and I have loved seeing all of the prime Scroldie content!  Let’s make every weekend Scroldie weekend!
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astrodances · 4 years
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You kiss while you’re dancing - it’s continental, it’s continental
Scroldie Weekend 2020: Day 4 - Dance
Woo-oo! I finished this year’s Scroldie Weekend! :D Thank you @lettheladylead​ for putting it together!
For Dance, I took inspiration from The Gay Divorcee. (I’ve been watching a lot of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies lately hehe.) This kiss/dance comes from the big “The Continental” scene. And Scrooge and Goldie, being the world travelers that they are, are very continental. ;)
Full-color art + reference pic under the cut!
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lettheladylead · 4 years
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scroldie weekend || klondike
i struggled to find something to do for today so i came up with this scenario. shes gonna put on a...........................private show
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