#Scott Eastwood series
intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
Loving You Is A Ride
Pairing: Reader x Luke Collins (Scott Eastwood)
Warnings: None
Length: 2902 words
Summary: After getting your heart broken a family friend let’s you stay with them for a while, and you swear off of love. That is until you meet a handsome and charming cowboy named Luke Collins
Alright I was totally inspired by @cevansbaby-dove and @cutedisneygrl to write this since they posted about him! It’s unfortunate there not more fanfiction about this man cause he is just so gorgeous, and I’ve been obsessed with him for a very long time. I hope you all enjoy! Thank you guys so much! XOXO
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
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It's Friday night here at the local bar, and it's already packed full of people. Most of them wearing cowboy hats and girls wearing revealing outfits hoping to take someone home. If you weren't behind this bar you'd be one of those women.
Not that you were the kind of girl to do stuff like that, but your heart was covered in ice at this point. The last thing you wanted to feel was some type of emotion. It was like you had this wall around you, and you refused to let anyone break it down.
Your fiancé had been cheating on you, and you literally caught him in bed with another woman. Next thing you know you saw red and it ended with him getting a black eye and a couple scratches on his face and arms.
Of course you kicked his ass out of the apartment you two shared since it was in your name. Drinking away your sorrows as you wallowed in self pity. Ignoring every phone call and text you were receiving not in the mood to talk to people.
Things started to get so bad you literally locked yourself in your room barely leaving your bed as you laid there in the dark. Barely eating since your body was only craving something that could help numb the pain. Your mother came over and was shocked by what she walked into. She knew something had to be done to get you out of this funk.
Calling up a family friend telling her you needed to get away for the summer. Offering you a job to help her at the bar she owned, and a free place to stay at hers. You weren't going to pass up so you packed a lot of stuff and made yourself at home.
Telling her everything that happened, and she could tell you were hurting. Cassandra was the type of person that would help you out with anything, and do everything she could to make you feel better. Hoping that you working at the bar you would meet someone special with her blessing of course.
The music was blaring as you found yourself having to keep wiping down the counter top and refilling drinks. A couple young men attempting to flirt with you only to shot down none of them peaking your interest. Except one.
Feeling eyes staring at you almost as if he were zoning out. Looking behind you to make sure there wasn't anybody else he was looking at. His eyes still focused on you as you stood there awkwardly wondering if something was wrong with him.
As he was staring you took that time to really look at him. Noticing how faded his light blue flannel shirt was meaning he's either had it for a long time or it was cheap. It was loosely fitted around his thick arms which looked bigger than your head. His aura was just screaming cowboy even though he wasn't in uniform like everybody else.
"You alright there buddy?" Asking him as he snapped out of his day dreaming letting out a dry cough.
"Oh yeah sorry my brain just kind of stopped." Walking up to the bar as he looked away.
"Do that a lot?" You quipped at him making him crack a smile.
"Only when I'm in the presence of someone gorgeous." Showing off his straight white teeth making you roll your eyes. Here we go again.
"Wow I've never heard that one before." Your tone dripping with sarcasm but that just made him smile harder. "You must use that one a lot."
"Actually I've never really used that on a woman before." That was very doubtful giving how smooth he spoke it.
The man was incredibly handsome and you found yourself slightly drooling over him. His face was sweet and kind, like there was something warm there.
This man seemed like he had stories to tell and you found yourself wanting to know more about it even though you didn't know his name.
His dazzling blue eyes were drinking you in as you kept causally working but still focused on him. Feeling his eyes on you the whole time as you tried not to stumble or drop something. His eyes dropped down to your chest for a minute before snapping back up making sure he didn't get caught creeping.
"What's your name?" He raised an eyebrow at you leaning against the counter.
"Y/N." Flipping a rag over your shoulder as you placed a hand on your hip. "You got a name?"
"The names Luke Collins." You swear you've heard that name before.
"Your a bull rider aren't you?" Luke awkwardly coughing being caught.
"Yeah I am."
"I figured you were."
"How'd you figure that out anyway?" Looking around the bar waving your hand around to all the men and women in cowboy hats and boots making him laugh.
"This bar is filled with amateur bull riders I think I know the signs." You honestly didn't really know if these men were, but you just assumed since there was a rodeo arena just up the road.
"You got me there." He chuckled feeling sheepish suddenly around you.
"What made you get into riding?"
"Uh just something I wanted to do." He was getting a little uncomfortable.
"Was your father a bull rider or something?"
For a minute his smile faded away as he looked deep in thought. Part of you felt bad for being so pushy about it, but it was too late now to take it back. His eyes focused on the sticky counter top as his jaw clenched picturing his father that last night he was bull riding.
It's been so long since Luke has talked about this or even mentioned his father. It was still a sensitive subject for him, and even after all these years he still never got over him. No matter how hard he tried to let it go he simply couldn't loosen that grip he had.
"My father was a rider as well." Looking up at you to see your eyes staring at him now hearing that crack in his voice. "He died when I was thirteen years old."
"The bull threw him down on his head and he never recovered." He continued on as you nodded along feeling complete sympathy for him. "I wanted to continue his legacy."
Luke was trying to control his breathing not feeling like crying in a bar full of people. Especially not in front of you otherwise he would die of humiliation. Just like you he sometimes would bottle things up so much until he would explode.
He seemed so genuinely nice and down to earth. Feeling your whole being gravitating towards him, but knowing to still keep your hands up maintaining that distance. The last thing you wanted to happen was to get too close to this guy only to get your heart broken and stomped on.
"I'm so sorry." Looking down to see your hands gripped a towel so hard you felt your skin would burst. "It was wrong of me to ask."
"Are you kidding me?" He half heartedly chuckled making you look back up at him. "I'm glad someone asked instead of just assuming my story."
"Well I think it's incredibly sweet you are doing it for him." Smiling at him Luke returning it showing off his pearly white teeth.
For some reason you felt guilty flirting with him like this even though you were single, but your mind couldn't wrap around that just yet. Maybe this was too soon to be thinking about being with someone else.
There was a moment of silence between you two as you helped other patrons in the bar. Like stayed there waiting for you to finish which completely surprised you. Figuring he'd waltz off to find some pretty girl or his fellow riders to chat with.
"So you got someone waiting for you at home Luke." He awkwardly laughed scratching the back of his neck.
"Nope I don't." Quirking an eyebrow at him feeling like he was lying.
"I find that hard to believe." There was no way a man like him didn't have some gorgeous woman wrapped around his arm. "I bet she's gorgeous and just perfect."
"Well if you meet this woman can you tell me." He joked back making you roll your eyes at him.
"What about you?" Taking a sip of his beer asking you the same question that had you halting not wanting to discuss him. "You got somebody waiting for you?"
"Not anymore." A hint of sadness in your voice as you now avoided his eyes.
"I bet there are a million guys waiting in line just to get a chance with you." He was just being nice you thought to make you feel better and you cracked a weak smile at him.
"Afraid not." Getting back to your work completely avoiding him now feeling that brick wall get closer and closer to you.
"You probably just don't notice them is all."
His words were true countless guys flirted with you and tried to get your number, but it just went over your head.
It wasn't his fault he wouldn't have any idea about your past relationship. He would have no idea you were once engaged and completely happy.
Luke was simply asking you because you did, and he actually was genuinely curious. You were someone that Luke would go out with, and you were his type inside and out. There was something about you he wanted to get to know.
This guy felt like he stood a chance with you, and even though you two were flirting you kept a distance not wanting to lead him on or let him catch feelings.
"Hey Y/N hon can you go in the back and get some more cases of beer?" Cassandra's chirpy voice called making you turn your attention towards her.
"Yeah sure thing." Leaving the bar as she took over walking towards the back feeling like someone was watching you.
Grabbing one case you felt like you were strong enough to carry two. You were completely wrong as you struggled to carry the two boxes laughing to yourself at having no upper body strength. Your hands were starting to hurt as you tried to get a firm grip.
Luke noticed you had been gone for quite a few minutes so he decided to go make sure you were okay. Looking around to see you standing there knees slightly bent as you struggled getting the beer. Laughing to himself seeing that determined look on your face reminding him of himself.
"Need some help?"
His voice making you jump slightly as he jogged up to you grabbing the box on top your arms feeling less pressure.
"Jesus Christ you scared me." Turning to look at him laughing at the wide eyed look on your face. "I've got it."
"Doesn't seem like you do." He argued back smiling softly as he stacked another box in his hands with ease making you scoff.
"Show off." Mumbling under your breath as you followed him back to the bar.
Dropping the boxes off on the floor as Cassandra looked between you and Luke. A smile on her face as she smiled with a shake of her head knowing you bit off more than you could chew with the crates.
Underestimating how heavy those suckers were, and also you were as stubborn as a mule.
Luke walked back over to where he was standing as you got back to work. You could tell he was keeping his eye on you, and wanted to further your conversation. Cassandra could sense that too, and knowing her she was going to rub her hands and work her magic.
"Why don't you go on your break now?" Grabbing your hand as you looked around noticing the crowd wasn't going anywhere soon.
"Cass I can't leave you alone." Shaking your head as Luke beamed at the opportunity.
"Oh please this is nothing I can't handle." Giving Luke a quick wink as you looked away grabbing your purse underneath the counter top.
Cassandra knew exactly what she was doing, and she was good at doing it. She noticed the way Luke was watching you all night, and she hasn't seen you smile like that in such a long time. It was a familiar look that you got when you first met your ex fiancé.
Shooting Luke an apologetic look as you shrugged your shoulders giving him a wave as you shuffled through all the people. Giving a last turn back look you see Cassandra talking to Luke as he nods his head with a bow. Wondering what exactly they'd be talking about.
Luke quickly finishing his beer as he turned around to the doors you walked out of hoping you would still be in the parking lot.
Hearing a couple of his friends waving him over as he shook his head and kept walking towards the exit determined to catch you.
Looking around he spots you standing by a silver jeep leaning over the back seat messing with something. He also can't help but notice how your shirt was rising exposing your soft skin to his eyes.
Stopping his thoughts from getting any dirtier as he walked over to you standing there with his hands in his front pockets clearing his throat.
"Nice ride."
His sudden voice makes you jump turning around your back against the car as you placed a hand over your heart. He was really going to have to stop scaring you like this.
"Shit, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Trying to slow your heart rate down knowing it wasn't some killer stalking you.
"Sorry wasn't trying to scare you." Apologizing with a concerned smile as you crossed your arms across your chest.
"That's twice now you've snuck up on me." You teased. "Three strikes and you're out Luke ."
"I promise it won't happen again." Crossing a finger over his heart making you giggle.
"Let's hope not I'm still too young to have a heart attack." That made him laugh as he awkwardly stood directly in front of you now.
"So did you need something from me?" Looking around quickly then back to him asking him raising your eyebrows at him.
"Actually yeah there is something I wanted to ask you."
Luke was nervous and he didn't know why afraid that a beautiful woman like you would reject him so quickly it would make his head spin.
He figured someone like you flirted with guys like him when you worked to get bigger tips. Not being the type of guy to throw himself out there like that. Usually girls came up to him, and he never really had to work to get a girls attention.
"Yeah?" Having a feeling you knew exactly where this was going gulping so loudly you felt he heard it.
"I was wanting to ask if you wanted to hang out some time."
Your breath hitched as you thought how to let him down easily. Trying to find the right words but straining to speak once you saw how adorable he looked right now. He looked like some lost little puppy dog on the side of the road just waiting for someone to pet him.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt you to just give the guy a chance. It's been too damn long though since you've just hung out with a guy. Thankful he didn't use the term date meaning he wasn't exactly looking to move so quickly.
"Yeah sure why not." Your answer had him smiling from ear to ear making your cheeks feel like they were burning.
"I'm not that bad I promise." He joked as you smiled softly at him.
"I don't know about that I've heard about you bull riders." You mused fiddling with your car keys.
"The only rider you'd have to worry about is Jared Middleton."
Staring at him like he just grew two heads having no idea who he was even talking about noticing the confused look on your face. Something he didn't really want to get into already.
"That's for another time."
"I'm gonna hold you to that." Pointing a finger at him as he chuckled.
Exchanging your numbers as he put his name on your phone under handsome rider with the bull emoji making you laugh. Of course you put your name as 'that girl from the bar' snickering to yourself as you did it.
"I'll uhh text you." Motioning to his phone as you nodded opening the driver door.
"I look forward to it Luke." Watching him as he walked away back inside his figure disappearing into the crowd.
Your mind was telling you to just let him down easily and tell him you're not interested. Then again your heart was telling you to go for it. It was becoming all too confusing on what you should do. Knowing you can't be single for the rest of your life, and shut everyone that comes into your life out.
As you closed the door you sat there with your hands on the steering wheel. Staring straight ahead as you realized what you were about to get yourself into. This could either end good or completely horrible.
"Fuck." Whispering as your face hit the steering wheel.
Tag list for everything: @iam-laiya @rosie-posie08 @madzleigh01 @alwaysclassyeagle @mytbel0st @shanimallina87 @marvelstarker-mha98 @powellssugarbaby @lora21 @kmc1989 @cookielovesbook-akie @adaydreamaway08
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datcloudboi · 6 months
List of Films Turning 10 Years Old in 2024
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
American Sniper
Annie (the remake starring Jamie Foxx)
As Above, So Below
The Babadook (we stan a gay icon)
Batman: Assault on Arkham (a direct continuation of the Batman: Arkham games)
Big Eyes
Big Hero 6
Birdman (won the Best Picture Oscar for this year)
The Book of Life
The Boxtrolls
Boyhood (filmed over the course of 12 years)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead
Dear White People (the basis for the TV series on Netflix, and made by the same guy)
Dracula Untold (this was Universal’s second attempt at launching the Dark Universe)
The Drop (a crime drama starring Tom Hardy)
Edge of Tomorrow/Live Die Repeat
The Equalizer
Exodus: Gods and Kings (a biblical epic directed by Ridley Scott)
The Expendables 3
The Fault in Our Stars
Fury (the war movie with Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf)
Get on Up (the James Brown biopic starring Chadwick Boseman)
Godzilla (the 1st film in the MonsterVerse)
Gone Girl
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1
The Guest
Hercules (the one starring The Rock)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (did you guys know the working title for this movie was “The Hobbit: There and Back Again”?)
How to Train Your Dragon 2
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
If I Stay
The Imitation Game (the movie where Benedict Cumberbatch plays Alan Turing)
Inherent Vice
The Interview (the movie that almost caused World War 3)
Into the Woods
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
Jodorowsky's Dune (a documentary about the Dune movie that we never got)
Joe (one of Nic Cage's best movies)
John Wick (the 1st one)
Kill the Messenger
Left Behind (one of Nic Cage's worst movies)
The Lego Movie
Life After Beth
Lucy ((the “humans only use 10% of their brain” movie. Which has since been proven false. Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-people-only-use-10-percent-of-their-brains/ )
The Maze Runner
A Million Ways to Die in the Weset
Mr. Peabody and Sherman
Muppets Most Wanted
Need for Speed (Aaron Paul's first project after "Breaking Bad" ended)
Night of the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (the third one. Also one of Robin Williams’ last movies)
Noah (a biblical epic directed by Darren Aronofsky)
The Nut Job
Obvious Child
Oculus (one of the 1st projects from Mike Flanagan)
Penguins of Madagascar
The Purge: Anarchy
The Raid 2
RoboCop (the reboot that was actually decent)
Sharknado 2
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
Son of Batman
St. Vincent
The Taking of Deborah Logan
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the one produced by Michael Bay. It’s also the one where the Turtles look like aliens)
The Theory of Everything (the movie where Eddie Redmayne plays Stephen Hawking)
Third Person
300: Rise of an Empire
Transformers: Age of Extinction
22 Jump Street
Veronica Mars (the film continuation of the TV show)
A Walk Among the Tombstones
What If? (a rom-com starring Daniel Radcliffe)
What We Do in the Shadows (the film that was the basis for the TV show)
When Marnie Was There
X-Men: Days of Future Past
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borhapparker · 1 year
fast and furious series masterlist
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d i s c l a i m e r : i do not own the rights to the movie series "fast and furious", nor do i own the plot. all credits goes to the writers. the OC characters belong to me, adn the ideas for the scenes are crafted by me. inspiration is taken from the movies, but none are identical to the plot of the movies.
p a i r i n g : female!original character x sebastian stan , female!original character x lucas till , female!original character x ben hardy
w a r n i n g s : blood, violence, guns, street racing, death, mentions of sexual themes, languge, agnst, drinking, some fluff (MINOR DNI !!!)
s u m m a r y : street racing gives them a thrill they've enjoyed ever since they could remember, the adrenaline rush when they step on the gas pedal as the checkered flag drops. it was just her for a long time, till she found them. now, she has a team, an unstoppable one. one job seems worse than the last, yet they never stop. what happens when they face their biggest threat yet, a ghost from the past? a ghost from the past? will they push on towards the finish line or drift and crash into one another?
( message me to be added to the taglist! )
playlist for f+f series
Character Backstories
Chapter One: Racing in London (COMING SOON!)
Chapter Two: ??
Chapter Three: ??
Chapter Four: ??
Chapter Five: ??
Chapter Six: ??
t a g l i s t :
@domestic-void @spiderboywanab @broimjustvibin @peterprker @fanboy-tom @hollandroos @pbnjparker @boohooiamthefool @fanasiana
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @scottlava
Scott Campbell has illustrated numerous children’s books, including SKULLS!, Sleepy the Goodnight Buddy, and Zombie In Love. He was author/illustrator of the much-loved HUG MACHINE. He enjoyed a long career in video games, where he art directed the critically acclaimed game Psychonauts and Brutal Legend for Double Fine Productions. Great Showdowns is his ongoing online series. Scott’s work has appeared in galleries and publications around the world. You can see more of his work at ScottC.com.
Check out our interview with Scott below!
How did you get your start in art, and more specifically, with Great Showdowns?
I went to art school in San Francisco and have been painting, making comics, and designing video games ever since with Double Fine Productions. The Great Showdowns began at the first Crazy 4 Cult exhibition at Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles back in 2007, an exhibition of artwork inspired by the cult classics of cinema. The first 10 little paintings were intended to be snack-sized pieces for people to easily collect. They began with perhaps the most iconic of wild west showdowns from A Fistful of Dollars with Clint Eastwood. I pulled some of my favorite moments from films like Ghostbusters, Predator, Exorcist, and Planet of the Apes and placed them all in simple little dust-colored squares as if they were in the dirt streets of a wild west town. They began as good versus evil but grew to all kinds of showdowns between people and objects and often moments of great love between people. I started a tumblr for them a few years later, and I have been posting them ever since. We have published three Great Showdown books and have had 3 solo exhibitions along with worldwide scavenger hunts. There are over a thousand of them up on the site by now, and i do not plan on stopping any time soon.
Which 3 famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
I would like to gather Jim Henson, Walt Disney, and Richard Scarry together for dinner and chats. They have all created my favorite and most joyful worlds. I think we would have some of the most delightful chats.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
I love collage, but every time I try it, I get frustrated and just quit. Someday I will get into it when my kids are old enough to really mess around with various mediums. I plan to have boxes of textiles and magazines for them to just annihilate.
What does your work set up look like?
Oh, it’s just a table with an old mug for water and an old plate for my watercolors and not much else. I share a studio with a bunch of very inspiring people who make wonderful things, from fabricated creatures to VR experiences and films. I have probably the simplest little area in the space. I do have an old oak flat file that I love to look at.
Advice you would give to an aspiring creator?
The biggest thing I would push upon everyone would be to not fret about one’s visual style. The style will grow and present itself as you experiment with mediums and expose yourself to various cultural delights. Just have fun and try all kinds of things.
What is one interaction you had from a fan of yours that has stuck with you over the years?
I gave a game design presentation many years back on a game I had art directed at the time called Brutal Legend at a game conference in Leeds. The game followed a roadie to the age of metal in the land of metal, with demons and chrome volcanoes and hot rods growing from the ground, and rivers of happy and cheering fans. After the talk, I spoke with someone whose work I had seen in earlier portfolio reviews at the conference. She was very shy but incredibly talented. She came up to me after the talk feeling pretty emotional and inspired to the point of tears and sobbing. It was probably the most extreme reaction I have ever gotten from someone, and it touched me deep down in my guts. That’s why we make things! To bring on the tears!
From video games, to illustrations, and children's books, you've worked on many projects. What was the most challenging, yet rewarding one?
Video games take an enormous amount of work over a long period of time and rely on the skills and talent of many like-minded people. It is sometimes difficult to corral such an effort, but it is incredibly rewarding to see it all come together to create such epic worlds. That said, though, children’s books are very enjoyable in a cozy way. It’s just me right there working on a world and all the pressure is on me. I cannot rely on all the talented people around me to make it look great.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
I love perusing old fashion and film blogs and artists like Bob Jinx and Neil Sanders and collections like Its Colossal.
Thanks for stopping by, Scott! Be sure to check out the Great Showdowns over at @scottlava!
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ultrahpfan5blog · 1 year
Fast X is................ surprisingly not terrible
I watched Fast X this weekend, with a lot of apprehension. I am a fan of this franchise overall, having enjoyed almost all the movies to some extent or another, be it as a B movie guilty pleasure, point break rip off, or balls to walls bananas action movie. From Fast Five to Furious 7 is where the series peaked in my opinion. I think they managed to blend action, humor, and surprising amounts of heart. Since Paul Walker's demise though, the series has lot some of that heart. I think tilting far too much into Dom as a messiah of sorts who can pull of ridiculous superheroics. The Fate of the Furious was meh, but still had Johnson and Statham who provided a lot of the movie's best scenes. F9 is where the series came off the rails for me. I couldn't even enjoy it on a guilty pleasure level. So I was apprehensive about this film, but it turned out to be....... not bad.
Lets be clear, this isn't a good film. It isn't even really a complete film. Its either half a story or a third of a story, depending on whether this becomes a trilogy or not. But it tones down the action from jump the shark stuff of F9 to more palatable bonkers stuff from the previous 4 films. There is ridiculous mayhem in this movie, but not unpalatably so. The thing is that it is only part of a story. It isn't like Infinity War, which felt like a conclusive end to Thanos' mission. I genuinely feels abruptly cut on a big cliffhanger. There are like 4 separate story tracks that are happening simultaneously and there are cameos thrown in left, right, and center. Statham shows up for an abrupt action scene and then leaves, Helen Mirren shows up for one scene, Brie Larson has like 4 scenes total, Charlize Theron has like 3-4 scenes total. On top of that we have Alan Ritchson who joins the mix, with a returning cameo from Scott Eastwood. Jordana Brewster has like 1-2 scenes, and we also have Elena's sister inexplicably. So it is overwhelming and exhausting to keep track of all these characters, with the main cast also getting reduced screen time as a result. But the action sequences are great. I never got bored of the movie, which did happen with F9. And on top of that is Jason Momoa, who is the lifeblood of this film. He clearly knows the film he's in and he's playing to the gallery completely and he adds an additional boost of energy to the film. Thankfully, he has a fair amount of screen time and also has some genuine menace, beneath the theatrics. I'll be honest, at this point, Dom is probably my least favorite character. Vin Diesel plays him a bit too self-seriously and mumbles through his dialogue. He's better here than he was in the last 2 films, but he also has less screen time comparatively, due to the split focus. John Cena is surprisingly good here, this time wisely playing to his strengths. He is much more palatable as uncle goofball, who is a badass, then as the vengeful villain he was in the previous movie. The scenes with him and little B are pretty fun. They seemingly kill him off, but I hope he is alive. Given how Han and Giselle are inexplicably alive, I wouldn't it past Mr. Nobody to come out of nowhere and having saved him. The track with Han, Roman, Tej, and Ramsey kind of flounders around a bit because it literally only consists of them bickering and trying to get to a location. The stuff with Letty and Cipher is fairly fun. The fight scene between the two of them is a highlight of the movie.
Anyways, the performances are all on par. All the returning cast members know their individual roles quite well. Jason Momoa is a clear standout in the cast. Seeing Charlize Theron kick some ass in her brief role is pretty great. I do think this film overall raised my enthusiasm for the next film, but it is an overwhelming watch. It is definitely not going to convert anyone to a fan, but if anyone likes these movies, they will continue to enjoy this one. The mid credit scene, signaling Hobbs' return is pretty cool. Louis Letterier does a solid job with the action. A 6/10.
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cutedisneygrl · 6 months
This is list for all my stories/one shots.
Scott Eastwood
Sophia's Cowboy One Shot
Chirs Evans
DisneyWorld Trip (my dream but expanded)
The Hug One shot
The Surprise Trip One shot
The Rainy Day One shot
Twelve Days of Christmas Magic one shot
New Year's Kiss one shot
You're Not Alone (might become a mini series)
Love Online (On masterlist 2)
Andy Barber
Comforting Andy One shot
Steve Rogers
Home at Last
Dean Winchester
Soon to be together forever (written with @willowsages-blog)
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invisibleicewands · 4 months
The BBC’s new three-part drama The Way is Michael Sheen’s directorial debut. It has been nearly a decade in gestation, this story of civil unrest fermenting in Sheen’s Welsh home town of Port Talbot – cradle of militant unionism and symbol of working-class fury and pride. It has been created with writer James Graham (Brexit: The Uncivil War, Quiz, Sherwood) and – slightly more unusually, documentary auteur Adam Curtis.
The opening episode is something so different and fresh that even if you can’t say you’re actively enjoying it (though I was), the power and ambition of it all, the unashamed idiosyncrasy that permeates the direction, the allusiveness of the narrative and its slightly dreamlike (or nightmarish) off-kilter quality surely makes you sit up and take notice. It has a clear, accessible narrative at its heart, for sure, but the sensibility is rare and all its own.
It’s a tale of civil discontent, sparked by the death of a youngster in a vat of molten slag at the steelworks and his father’s self-immolation – in grief, in protest, in some unspeakable combination of the two – thereafter. The union blames management and decades of underinvestment. Management offers to reline a furnace, a sop to the emotion of the moment, rather than a recognition of needs. “We didn’t realise we were buying a mood,” says one of the new investors, with a combination of bafflement and frustration.
The unfurling of the unrest plays out for the viewer mostly through the long-established local Driscoll family. The late paterfamilias was a committed striker in the 80s, the failure of which terrible feat of suffering and endurance is largely blamed by the family for his death. His son Geoff (the stalwart Steffan Rhodri, last seen in the excellent Men Up at the end of last year) takes an approach to communicating with the bosses that is more pragmatic/conciliatory/weak/treacherous – delete according to political proclivities. He is separated from his wife and family for reasons that become clear over the succeeding episodes, as does the specific bad blood between his son, benzos addicts and petty dealer Owen (Callum Scott Howells), and his police officer daughter Thea (Sophie Melville).
As the internet is shut down within the town, tensions rise, curfews are imposed and riots between townsfolk and police start to break out. The Driscolls become the police – and the media – scapegoats for it all, and are eventually forced, along with Owen’s eastern European girlfriend, Anna (Maja Laskowska), to flee their home and their town.
Threaded through this growing but none-too-incredible – especially to a post-lockdown audience also being assailed with headlines about coming redundancies at Port Talbot’s Tata Steel (though business secretary Kemi Badenoch has extensive explanations about how government investment is actually saving the works) – dystopian landscape are, presumably thanks mostly to the Curtis influence, potent illustrative clips of real-life news and CCTV footage. Through them the sense of dislocation increases, while the themes of the drama only become more closely knit. From Graham – and, I’d posit, Sheen’s powerful sense of Welshness and all that means historically as well as currently – come the more mystical, ancient touches. The importance the town places on the works’ pilot light never going out; the sword made of the first steel forged in the town, long before modern industry got there; the red-hooded figure appearing and disappearing; Sheen as Geoff’s father’s ghost and/or manifestation of his conscience, pursuing him as they make their escape. And then, as the Cambrian borders become increasingly policed, there is (garbed in a costume somewhere between pastor, Clint Eastwood nemesis and Matthew Hopkins’ finest) the Welshfinder.
It is a bravura opening episode – powerful, confident, ambitious, confrontational and unexpected. It conjures precisely the feeling of a town on the edge, a tinderbox for the powder keg that is an increasingly divided Britain as a whole. Then it pushes things a little further and if you squint just a tiny bit, you could be looking at the future. Maybe even a blueprint, if you were so minded. It feels like a drama fully in the tradition of Bleasdale, Loach, Alan Clarke and Jimmy McGovern, and if it occasionally falls victim to the latter’s tendency to agitprop, that still leaves it head and shoulders above the usual fare.
It doesn’t quite meet the high bar it has set for itself over the remaining episodes. Although they gesture towards the issue of displaced persons and what is to be done with waves of desperate people, they become too much about the internal dynamics of the Driscolls and their family history to feel as innovative or thrilling as that which has gone before. But you can live off the first hour for quite some time to come.
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burins · 11 months
more JLI post dump! this'll be issues 6-10
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i know this reads different in 1987 but also i DO like it for dinah. also like of course she's friends with bruce
the rest of 6 is a lot of big-scale dr fate stuff which i know is DeMatteis' wheelhouse but which i also don't particularly care about.
7! we are now officially justice league international because the united nations choose to ratify the league. reagan is here! i warned you!
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the fact that clark has to talk to reagan regularly, in the course of superhero comics, is so much for me to contemplate.
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A) i think it's SO funny that bruce has a special earless cowl for going to space and wearing headphones. i realize this may just be an artistic mistake but i'm choosing to believe it's a deliberate costume choice
B) cold-war era comics!!!!!! really truly the geopolitics of superhero comics are fascinating to me. i have to do some digging to see what's been written on them
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i capped this whole panel but i really just want everyone to focus on beetle. this is how you know he's queer is that in each issue he invents a new, gayer way to sit
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ok in issue 8 the league are moving into their NY and Paris embassies. as you might expect. shenanigans ensue!!
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j'onn. ilu
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J'ONN!!! ILU!!!!!
unfortunately for the next few issues the scans they put into hoopla are preeeetty rough in terms of quality (and so are the scans on the other website i sometimes use) so some of the dialogue is a little hard to read.
batman seems to have punched guy into a personality transplant. instead of a miserable he-man reaganite he's become like, pollyanna. it's extremely funny and frankly, as much as i enjoy him being a heel, nice to read him not sounding like clint eastwood.
booster and beetle (at the paris embassy) go out to hit on women. #justbrothings. booster strikes out very very badly with a woman he later learns is their local liaison. whoops!!
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mister miracle crashes a helicopter through the NY building. also once again i love j'onn!!!!
we also learn about the (actually international) superteam the JLI are supplanting. sorry y'all. also very funny that we have this international superteam and then one year later we're going to get the wildly ill-fated new guardians. sometime i'll do a whole separate post on the new guardians except i don't really want to bc it would require me to reread that series,
everyone is being mindcontrolled by the manhunters! i will admit that i do NOT know the difference between these manhunters and j'onn's manhunter situation. i will presumably learn this at some point.
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guy is having a great time being personality-swapped and so am i
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it is also time for feminism jokes. alas.
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i DO love an ear joke though. more people should make fun of batman's ears they are objectively so so silly
we're also starting to get some good and ominous setup of a maxwell lord subplot. jli! it's not just jokes!
10: we're chasing the manhunters to space!
i'm learning so much about hawkman, a character i know nothing about. for instance. he is a cop???
also arisia is here. i have heard of her and her plotline. 😬 this issue comes out also several months before the writers finally let her and hal break up, but it's not a big plot point in the issue aside from one panel. uhhh csa/grooming cw if you go digging into that plotline? idk it's bad
cut to the manhunters BIRTHING CHAMBER?? this is explicitly how it's described. clark burns up the baby manhunters with his heat rays (fine! normal!) and the parent gets pissed and leaves.
i forgot to mention that this is the intro of gnort, who is a green lantern nepo baby.
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i love him.
cut back to earth, where scott and ted are having shenanigans!
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even editorial is bullying ted for his japes and jokes... he's my special little clown
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kwebtv · 2 months
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TV Guide  -  May 9 - 15, 1964
Victor Morrow (born Victor Morozoff; February 14, 1929 – July 23, 1982) Film and television actor. He came to prominence as one of the leads of the ABC drama series Combat! (1962–1967), which earned him an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Continued Performance by an Actor in a Series. Morrow continued acting up to his death during filming of Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983) when he and two child actors were killed by a stunt helicopter crash.
Morrow began appearing on television in the early 1950′s, guest starring on shows like The Millionaire, Matinee Theatre, Climax!, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Restless Gun, Trackdown, Richard Diamond, Private Detective, and Telephone Time.
Despite appearing in movies Morrow remained mostly a television actor, appearing in Naked City, Wichita Town, The Rifleman, The Lineup, Johnny Ringo, The Brothers Brannagan, The Law and Mr. Jones, The Lawless Years, The Barbara Stanwyck Show, General Electric Theatre, Target: The Corruptors, The Tall Man, Outlaws, Bonanza, Death Valley Days, Alcoa Premiere, Suspense, The Immortal, Dan August, Hawaii Five-O, Mannix, Sarge, McCloud, Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law and The Untouchables.
He was cast in the early Bonanza episode "The Avenger" as a mysterious figure known only as "Lassiter" – named after his town of origin – who arrives in Virginia City, and helps save Ben and Adam Cartwright from an unjust hanging, while eventually gunning down one sought-after man, revealing himself as the hunter of a lynch mob who killed his father; having so far killed about half the mob, he rides off into the night, in an episode that resembles the later Clint Eastwood film High Plains Drifter. Morrow later appeared in the third season Bonanza episode "The Tin Badge".  (Wikipedia)
Rick Jason (born Richard Jacobson; May 21, 1923 – October 16, 2000) Film and television actor most remembered for starring in the ABC television drama Combat! (1962–1967).
In the 1950′s Jason received offers for television series. He guest-starred on ABC's anthology series, The Pepsi-Cola Playhouse. In 1954, he played Joaquin Murietta, the notorious Mexican bandit of the California Gold Rush, in an episode of Jim Davis's syndicated western series Stories of the Century, the story of a railroad detective investigating crime in the American West. He appeared on the NBC interview program Here's Hollywood, in the Rawhide episodes "Incident of the Coyote Weed" and "Incident of the Valley in Shadow", and co-starred in 1969 in The Monk.
In 1960, he starred as insurance investigator Robin Scott in The Case of the Dangerous Robin, a syndicated American television series that lasted only one season. It was not renewed due to Jason's health issues, including back problems. In 1962, he began starring in the television series Combat! as Platoon Leader 2nd Lt. Gil Hanley, probably his most memorable role. In this series he shared the starring role in an alternating episode rotation, with Vic Morrow as Sgt. Chip Saunders, though in many episodes they both appeared. The show was a hit that lasted for 152 episodes in five seasons.  (Wikipedia)
The outlandish TV Spoof was the British Series, “The Avengers”, starring Patrick McNee and Honor Blackman.  
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alexlacquemanne · 7 months
Novembre MMXXIII "November Who"
Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965) de Gordon Flemyng avec Peter Cushing, Roy Castle, Jennie Linden, Roberta Tovey, Barrie Ingham, Michael Coles et Yvonne Antrobus
Ripoux contre ripoux (1990) de Claude Zidi avec Philippe Noiret, Thierry Lhermitte, Guy Marchand, Jean-Pierre Castaldi, Grace de Capitani, Line Renaud, Michel Aumont et Jean Benguigui
Coup de foudre et Conséquences (Fools Rush In) (1997) d'Andy Tennant avec Matthew Perry, Salma Hayek, Jon Tenney, Carlos Gómez, Tomás Milián, Siobhan Fallon et John Bennett Perry
Au-delà des grilles (Le mura di Malapaga) (1949) de René Clément avec Jean Gabin, Isa Miranda, Véra Talchi, Andrea Checchi, Robert Dalban et Ave Ninchi
Clemenceau, la force d'aimer (2023) de Lorraine Lévy avec Pierre Arditi, Emilie Caen, Elizabeth Bourgine, François Marthouret, Serge Riaboukine et Arthur Choisnet
L'Argent des autres (1978) de Christian de Chalonge avec Jean-Louis Trintignant, Catherine Deneuve, Laura et Michèle Kornbluh, Claude Brasseur, Michel Serrault, Gérard Séty et Jean Leuvrais
Mort sur la piste (2023) de Philippe Dajoux avec Jason Priestley, Eléonore Bernheim, Olivier Marchal, Roby Schinasi, Adèle Galloy et Olivia Courbis
Sylvia Scarlett (1935) de George Cukor avec Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, Brian Aherne, Edmund Gwenn, Nathalie Paley et Dennie Moore
La Cité sous la mer (City Beneath the Sea) (1953) de Budd Boetticher avec Robert Ryan, Mala Powers, Anthony Quinn, Suzan Ball, George Mathews, Karel Stepanek, Hilo Hattie et Lalo Rios
Second Tour (2023) de Albert Dupontel avec Cécile de France, Albert Dupontel, Nicolas Marié, Scali Delpeyrat, Jackie Berroyer, Christiane Millet, Philippe Uchan, Renaud Van Ruymbeke et Bouli Lanners
Seuls les anges ont des ailes (Only Angels Have Wings) (1939) de Howard Hawks avec Cary Grant, Jean Arthur, Richard Barthelmess, Rita Hayworth, Thomas Mitchell, Allyn Joslyn, Sig Ruman et Victor Kilian
Un pyjama pour deux (Lover Come Back) (1961) de Delbert Mann avec Rock Hudson, Doris Day, Tony Randall, Edie Adams, Jack Oakie, Jack Kruschen, Ann B. Davis : Millie et Joe Flynn
Le Couteau dans la plaie (1962) d'Anatole Litvak avec Sophia Loren, Anthony Perkins, Gig Young, Jean-Pierre Aumont, Régine, Yolande Turner, Tommy Norden, Mathilde Casadesus et Elina Labourdette
Garde à vue (1981) de Claude Miller avec Lino Ventura, Michel Serrault, Romy Schneider, Guy Marchand, Pierre Maguelon, Jean-Claude Penchenat et Elsa Lunghini
La Sanction (The Eiger Sanction) (1975) de Clint Eastwood avec Clint Eastwood, George Kennedy, Vonetta McGee, Jack Cassidy, Heidi Brühl, Thayer David, Reiner Schöne, Michael Grimm et Jean-Pierre Bernard
Deux Hommes dans la ville (1973) de José Giovanni avec Jean Gabin, Alain Delon, Michel Bouquet, Mimsy Farmer, Victor Lanoux, Ilaria Occhini, Guido Alberti, Cécile Vassort, Bernard Giraudeau et Christine Fabréga
JFK (1991) de Oliver Stone avec Kevin Costner, Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Oldman, Kevin Bacon, Laurie Metcalf, Jay O. Sanders, Michael Rooker, Sissy Spacek, Joe Pesci et Jack Lemmon
Le Juge et l'Assassin (1976) de Bertrand Tavernier avec Michel Galabru, Philippe Noiret, Isabelle Huppert, Jean-Claude Brialy, Renée Faure, Cécile Vassort, Yves Robert, Jean-Roger Caussimon et Jean Bretonnière
Le Fugitif (The Fugitive) (1993) d'Andrew Davis avec Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, Sela Ward, Julianne Moore, Joe Pantoliano, Andreas Katsulas, Jeroen Krabbé et L. Scott Caldwell
Un singe en hiver (1962) de Henri Verneuil avec Jean Gabin, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Suzanne Flon : Suzanne Quentin, Gabrielle Dorziat, Hella Petri, Marcelle Arnold, Charles Bouillaud et Anne-Marie Coffinet
Doctor Who (1996) de Geoffrey Sax avec Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Eric Roberts, Daphne Ashbrook, Yee Jee Tso, John Novak et Michael David Simms
Doctor Who Saison 19, 20 Series 1, 3, 11, 5, 4
Castrovalva - Four to Doomsday - Kinda - The Visitation - Black Orchid - Rose - La fin du monde - Des morts inassouvis - Earthshock - Time-Flight - Destination: Skaro - Ark of Infinity - La Famille de sang - Smith, la Montre et le Docteur - The Day of the Doctor - Snakedance - The Star Beast - The Ghost Monument - Le Colocataire - La Chute de Pompéi
Top Gear Saison 20
A l'abordage ! - Ils ont roulé sur l'eau - Mission Camping-Car
Brokenwood Saison 8, 5, 4, 3
Quatre incendies et un enterrement - Dix petits héritiers - Tu ne tueras point - Un Noël rouge
Affaires sensibles
Les étonnantes enquêtes du bureau des ovnis - 1975, l'année de la femme - Caravelle Ajaccio-Nice : un crash secret Défense ?
Coffre à Catch
#140 : "Elles répondaient au nom de Bella" (avec Max MK) - #141 : Qui sera le futur Mr Money in the Bank? - #142 : Y'a R les amis!! Y'a R ! - #143 : Tiffany prend les rennes et Finlay prend la Trique !
Happy Days Saison 4
De l'huile sur le feu - Remise des prix : première partie - Remise des prix : deuxième partie - Le Jour J est arrivé - Les Mauvais Garçons - Howard inventeur - Le Chien de Fonzie - Ralphy a de sacrés ennuis - Le Baptême de Fonzie
Downton Abbey Saison 4
La Succession - Lettre posthume - Faste et Renaissance - Le Prétendant - Rien n'est terminé - Une vraie surprise - Dernières Festivités
Professeur T Saison 1
Anatomie d'un souvenir - Un poisson nommé Walter - Règles d'or - L'amour d'une mère - Sophie sait tout - Le fils dévoué
The Crown Saison 6
Persona Non Grata - Deux photographies - Dis-Moi Oui - Onde de choc
Prom 10 : Doctor Who at the Proms (2010) avec Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill et Matt Smith
Taratata 30 (2023)
La symphonie des jeux vidéos aux Chorégies d'Orange (2021)
Doctor Who at the Proms (2013) avec Neve McIntosh, Dan Starkey, Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman, Carole Ann Ford, Peter Davison, Nicholas Briggs, Ben Foster et Murray Gold
Le vison voyageur (2023) de John Chapman et Ray Cooney avec Michel Fau, Sébastien Castro, Armelle, Nicole Calfan, Anne-Sophie Germanaz, Alexis Driollet, Delphine Beaulieu et Arnaud Pfeiffer
Doctor Who: A Celebration (2006) avec David Tennant, Murray Gold et Russell T Davies
Drôle De Genre (2023) de Jade-Rose Parker avec Victoria Abril, Lionnel Astier, Axel Huet et Jade-Rose Parker
Prom 13: Doctor Who Prom (2008) avec Freema Agyeman, Noel Clarke, Camille Coduri et Catherine Tate
Doctor Who le dixième docteur, Tome 1 : Les révolutions de la terreur de Elena Casagrande, Nick Abadzis et Arianna Florean
Les contes du vortex de Pepperpot x Friends (Pauline Cadart Serizel, Marie Valerio, Rémi Germain, Robin Brou, Manon Segur, Julien Cadart Serizel, Flavia Valerio et Gökan Martin)
Le docteur Who entre en scène de Terrance Dicks
Doctor Who le dixième docteur, Tome 3 : Les fontaines de l'éternité de Elena Casagrande et Nick Abadzis
Les Daleks de David Whitaker
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
Good & Evil - Anti-Heroes
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Welcome to Good & Evil: A Study of Heroes & Villains. I’m discussing different forms of heroic and villainous characters, different types of protagonists and antagonists, and providing examples of them each from various sources. Today, we’re discussing one of the more popular and well-known types of characters; one that straddles the fine line between good and evil. Today’s topic is…Anti-Heroes. Anti-Heroes are TYPICALLY described as protagonistic characters who basically do heroic things, but have many villainous traits, qualities, or methods. However, not ALL anti-heroes actually ARE protagonistic: they can be antagonists, too. This, I think, is where the confusion leads with people mistaking other kinds of characters as anti-heroes, or vice-versa. Like with nearly all these categories, it’s a fine line between what makes an anti-hero and what makes some other sorts, and it’s honestly not uncommon for characters to flip-flop between different roles. Ultimately, what establishes the anti-hero and separates them from others can be stated as this: they are usually characters doing ostensibly good things, but in an ostensibly bad way.
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Perhaps the quintessential anti-hero in movies is the title character of “Dirty Harry,” played by Clint Eastwood. Harry, at the start of the movie, is a police officer, and his great mission in the film is to capture a notorious serial killer. Neither of these are bad things, but what makes Harry the anti-hero is the extreme lengths he’ll go to in order to fulfill his job. In fact, his methods - which include physical torture - end up causing the killer to get out jail Scott Free, which inevitably causes Harry to resort to even more drastic measures to ensure his nemesis won’t walk the streets free to kill again. Right from the word go, Harry is shown to be a man with flaws and vices, and we only see more of them as the story goes on…but never once does he go so far as to become the villain of the story, himself. Still, we recognize he’s no hero. It’s not simply that he’s rude and crass, it’s that he’ll resort to methods that are not only illegal, but unethical. However, you can’t say the people he goes after don’t have it coming to them.
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Another great example of the anti-hero in movies, and one of the most popular and long-lasting, is James Bond. 007 seems to straddle the line between an anti-hero and a simple flawed hero constantly, but I think the balance tips closer to the former than the latter. Bond, on the surface, isn’t doing anything ESPECIALLY wrong: considering he’s working for his government, and his targets include world conquerors and destroyers, not to mention political traitors, master thieves, skilled assassins, and enemy spies…yeah, he’s not necessarily doing anything that would be seen as bad. But it’s the methods Bond uses, combined with his attitude, that makes him less squeaky-clean. Bond is a drinker, a chauvenist, and liberal with his Licence to Kill. While Bond’s attitude towards civilians and innocents seems to shift depending on who is playing him, various incarnations have shown him to be exceptionally ruthless in his work. We cheer Bond on because he has the heroic qualities we seek, but we also recognize he’s highly imperfect.
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One of the most recent examples I’ve fallen in love with is actually a reimagining of one of the greatest villains in English literature: Professor Moriarty in “Moriarty the Patriot.” This anime/manga series reinterprets the Napoleon of Crime, Sherlock Holmes’ arch-enemy, as a violent anti-hero who uses crime as a means to achieving a better world. He has no God complex to him, no desires to control or command; in fact, his grand plan ultimately includes his own self-destruction, and this has been intended for a long time. However, while the ends themselves are noble and good, and his sense of self-sacrifice is noteworthy, Moriarty himself is fully aware of the fact he’s NOT the good guy in his own story. He takes great pleasure in the crimes he commits, which involve NUMEROUS murders, and there are noticeable emotional disconnects between him and the world. He doesn’t seem to fully grasp the concept of friendship, and sees most people as pawns in his grand chess game, or puppets for him to manipulate. His reasons for wanting to sacrifice himself, it later turns out, aren’t as noble or as simple as one would expect, either. His goals are heroic, and he never strays into being a villain protagonist by falling too far from grace…but how much one should condone his actions is a constant question.
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In direct contrast, one of the oldest and more obscure anti-heroes in fiction, and another personal favorite of mine, is The Shadow. Originating in the golden days of radio and pulp magazines, and surviving into the modern day largely through comics (along with a few cinematic treatments, most of which are terrible), The Shadow is considered the father of the modern day superhero. He is the inspiration for characters like Batman, The Punisher, and more Alan Moore protagonists than you can shake a stick at. An expert on the Shadow (who shall remain nameless) has repeatedly stated that the character is NOT an anti-hero, once even referring to him as, if I recall correctly, “the most white hat objectivist hero there is.” I must respectfully disagree: an “Objectivist Hero” does not necessarily a pure and good Hero archetype make, for a start. And while it’s true the Shadow’s morality and methods within his own world are rarely questioned - at least in the early days of the character’s history - the Shadow HIMSELF fits the definition of the anti-hero perfectly. The Shadow is essentially a spirit of vengeance, who fights fire with fire: he tackles crime with crime, visits evil upon evil, sadistically and delightedly slaughtering his opponents. He not only does this through means of simply shooting them or physically breaking them, either, but will use psychological and even emotional warfare to ensure his enemies are felled. He pulls no punches, takes few chances, and the methods he uses to achieve his war on crime - mixed with his own checkered past - ultimately land him squarely in this area. The Shadow is the villain OF villains; to me, that sounds very much like an anti-hero.
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Speaking of comic book characters, and to round this whole thing off…when I started this analysis off, I mentioned that anti-heroes are tricky to classify partially because, while they’re TYPICALLY protagonistic figures, they CAN be antagonistic characters as well. This is usually because their methods or philosophies will, at times, clash with characters who are more pure-hearted (or, on rare occasions, because the protagonist is a villain protagonist, and the anti-hero antagonist is simply a little LESS evil). Usually, you can tell an anti-hero antagonist from other types of antagonists because they will usually side with the hero in the end, or even repeatedly, and because they will flip-flop between the two perspectives. This is most common in comic books, and I would argue the definitive example of this is DC’s Lobo. Lobo is a pretty nasty piece of work: he’s an intergalactic bounty hunter with a style and sensibility that is basically that of a stereotypical biker thug. He smokes, he drinks, he behaves outlandishly and crassly, and his morality mostly seems to center on what suits him most in the given situation. He has few friends and many foes. While Lobo has clashed with Superman and other DC heroes on many occasions, he has also been depicted as the star of his own series and taken other protagonistic roles. The reason for this is because, while Lobo is ultimately a slobbish creep, he does have his soft spots buried deep down, and he can be persuaded to do what’s right or good (though he won’t always do so for the best reasons). His morality is incredibly skewed, but even when he’s depicted as an antagonist, he’s never a straight up villain.
What do anti-heroes represent to readers and audiences? Well, that honestly depends on what the story they’re involved in is trying to get across. However, if there is a common theme with anti-heroes, it is the balance between the ends and the means, and how one can or cannot justify the other. Anti-Heroes do good things, but they don’t always do them in good ways or for good reasons. They typically seem to tell audiences that, sometimes, drastic measures have to be taken. As much as many of us like to idealize that good will be rewarded, evil will be punished, and there will be no complications between the two, life usually isn’t that easy: history has shown that many of the best things to happen in the world happened because of questionable decisions. As our societies constantly struggle with finding the border between what we want to have and what we must do to achieve it, anti-heroes represent most clearly that constant struggle. There’s a reason so many of these characters are crime-stoppers, because they most easily allow us to explore the dichotomy between what is just and good, and what is necessary. The same can be said for other types of characters…but that’s another story.
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nwemovie · 1 year
Fast X: Release date, trailer, cast, plot & more
he Fast & Furious franchise has become one of the biggest and most financially successful franchises of the 2000s.
Vin Diesel’s Dominic Toretto and his band of friends, family, and allies has proved to be a hit. With great cars and action sequences galore, Fast & Furious continues to raise the bar when it comes to its death defying action. The upcoming entry in the franchise, Fast X, will serve as the tenth film in the main series and eleventh when including the spin off film Hobbs & Shaw. Without further ado, here’s everything you need to know about Fast X ahead of its release.
 read another article : Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
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Star Cast of Fast X
The film stars Vin Diesel essaying the role of Dominic Toretto aka Dom, it also has names such as Charlize Theron, Helen Mirren, Jason Statham, John Cena, Rita Moreno, Brie Larson, and Jason Momoa in key roles.
Apart from this Michelle Rodriguez, Chris Bridges popularly known as Ludacris, Jordana Brewster, Nathalie Emmanuel, Sung Kang, Scott Eastwood, Michael Rooker, Helen Mirren, and Cardi B are among the supporting cast members.
Fast X's Release Date?
The first part of Fast X is currently scheduled to be released on May 19, 2023. The previous movie, F9, had one of the most successful theatrical runs of the pandemic period, so it stands to reason that we'll be seeing the upcoming film in theaters unless something really drastic happens. Fast X was originally scheduled to arrive in April 2021 but was postponed after F9 ran into a series of delays. It was then set for release on April 7, 2023, but has since been delayed again. There hasn't been any word on when Part 2 of the movie will be out, but we'll probably find out soon enough.
Does Fast X Have a Trailer? 
Set to a remixed version of The Notorious B.I.G's "Notorious Thugs," the official trailer for Fast X was released on February 10, 2023, ahead of Super Bowl LVII, and it's appropriately as big, bombastic, and bloated as the franchise itself. The nearly 4-minute long trailer introduces fans to several new characters, including Jason Momoa's villainous Dante, who happens to be the son of Hernan Reyes, the drug kingpin that Dom and his family faced off against in Fast Five. The trailer also introduces fans to Academy Award Winner and Hollywood legend Rita Moreno as Dom and Mia’s Abuelita Toretto and Academy Award Winner Brie Larson as Tess, who is presumably a new member of Dom's family. The trailer also revealed that John Cena's Jakob Toretto, who was the main villain in the previous entry, will now be working alongside his formerly estranged brother Dom. A shortened version of the trailer was also released during Super Bowl LVII, which you can see below.
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borhapparker · 1 year
fast and furious series revival!
so, a while back i teased a fast and furious series and started crafting it alongside @spiderboywanab , but we never got around to actually continuing the series as we got busy and life got in the way
since watching Fast X, i have decided i am revamping the series and am going to continue writing it as i am allowed time (: thankfully i am not taking any summer classes at the moment so i am able to focus on work and writing, so yes this summer, i will be making my comeback to writing !
if you are interested at all in this series, please let me know here and i will add you to the taglist! i am super pumped and excited for this series!
prologue/teaser has been pinned to my profile so take a look please! thank u!
tagging: @domestic-void @broimjustvibin @peterprker @fanboy-tom @hollandroos @pbnjparker @boohooiamthefool @fanasiana
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Movies watched in February, 2022
Twins (1988). Directed by Ivan Reitman
Rec 4 (2014). Directed by Jaume Balagueró
Easy Street (1917). Directed by Charlie Chaplin
The Gorilla (1939). Directed by Allan Dwan
Horrors of Spider Island (1960). Directed by Fritz Böttger
Spider Baby (1967). Directed by Jack Hill
Grandma's House (1988). Directed by Peter Rader
Dream Demon (1988). Directed by Harley Cokeliss
Goodfellas (1990). Directed by Martin Scorsese
Kill Bill: Volume 2 (2004). Directed by Quentin Tarantino
Deux hommes dans la ville (aka: "Two Men in Town"), (1973). Directed by José Giovanni
The Deer Hunter (1978). Directed by Michael Cimino
Area 407 (2012). Directed by Dale Fabrigar & Everette Wallin
Dead in Tombstone (2013). Directed by Roel Reiné
Johnny Mnemonic (1995). Directed by Robert Longo
The Horde (2009). Directed by Yannick Dahan & Benjamin Rocher
Hannibal (2001). Directed by Ridley Scott
Hannibal Rising (2007). Directed by Peter Webber
Body Armour (2007). Directed by Gerry Lively
Vanishing on 7th Street (2010). Directed by Brad Anderson
Gangsters, Guns and Zombies (2012). Directed by Matt Mitchell
The Carillon (2018). Directed by John Real
Isolerad (aka: "Corridor"), (2010). Directed by Johan Lundborg & Johan Storm
Public Enemies (2009). Directed by Michael Mann
Shock (1977). Directed by Mario Bava
La bambola di Satana (aka: "The Doll of Satan"), (1969). Directed by Ferruccio Casapinta
I tre volti della paura (aka: "Black Sabbath" - "The Three Faces of Fear"), (1963). Directed by Mario Bava
Hostel (2005). Directed by Eli Roth
Hostel: Part II (2007). Directed by Eli Roth
Tenebrae (1982). Directed by Dario Argento
Una farfalla con le ali insanguinate (aka: "The Bloodstained Butterfly"), (1971). Directed by Duccio Tessari
Hostel: Part III (2011). Directed by Scott Spiegel
Strangers on a Train (1951). Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
The Expendables (2010). Directed by Sylvester Stallone
Play Misty for Me (1971). Directed by Clint Eastwood
The Beguiled (1971). Directed by Don Siegel
The Way Back (2010). Directed by Peter Weir
Gemini Man (2019). Directed by Ang Lee
Fitzcarraldo (1982). Directed by Werner Herzog
Monster Man (2003). Directed by Michael Davis
Southbound (2015). Directed by R. Benjamin, M. Bettinelli-Olpin, etc.
Space Jam: A New Legacy (2021). Directed by Malcolm D. Lee
Moby Dick (1956). Directed by John Huston
The Blues Brothers (1980). Directed by John Landis
Kill Bill: Volume I (2003). Directed by Quentin Tarantino
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973). Directed by Norman Jewison
The Legend of Al, John & Jack (2002). Directed by A. Baglio, G. Poretti & G. Storti
Small Soldiers (1998). Directed by Joe Dante
Memento (2000). Directed by Christopher Nolan
Dead Silence (2007). Directed by James Wan
Mindhunters (2004). Directed by Renny Harlin
Drag Race Italia (2021)
Biography: WWE Legends (2021)
CHiPs (1977 - 1983)
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cleoenfaserum · 2 months
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Today I am going to present Scott Ritter's 3 favorite western movies, which is as good as any talking point. These movies are...
Though not to muy surprise, John Wayne's THE SEARCHER I must confess John Wayne is not a favorite of mine and I dislike how he comes across with this snug Irish gunslinger demeanor about him which rings totally false, but Scott pricked my ear. So I am going to take it upon myself to see it
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The Searchers is a 1956 American epic Western film directed by John Ford and written by Frank S. Nugent, based on the 1954 novel by Alan Le May. It is set during the Texas-Native American wars, and stars John Wayne as a middle-aged Civil War veteran who spends years looking for his abducted niece (Natalie Wood), accompanied by his adopted nephew (Jeffrey Hunter).
The film is considered a masterpiece and one of the greatest and most influential films ever made.
In 1989, The Searchers was deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" by the United States Library of Congress, and selected for preservation in its National Film Registry; it was one of the first 25 films selected for the registry. The Searchers - Wikipedia
955-2 https://ok.ru/video/2950102780629
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Unforgiven is a 1992 American Western film starring, directed, and produced by Clint Eastwood, and written by David Webb Peoples. The film tells the story of William Munny, an aging outlaw and killer who takes on one more job, years after he had turned to farming. The film co-stars Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, and Richard Harris.
The film won four Academy Awards: Best Picture and Best Director for Eastwood, Best Supporting Actor for Hackman, and Best Film Editing for Joel Cox. Eastwood was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance, but he lost to Al Pacino for Scent of a Woman. The film was the third Western to win Best Picture, following Cimarron (1931) and Dances with Wolves (1990). Eastwood dedicated the film to directors and mentors Sergio Leone and Don Siegel.
955-3 https://ok.ru/video/2790151490231
In 2004, Unforgiven was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". The film was remade into a 2013 Japanese film, also titled Unforgiven, which stars Ken Watanabe and changes the setting to the early Meiji era in Japan.
Eastwood has long asserted that the film would be his last traditional Western, concerned that any future projects would simply rehash previous plot lines or imitate someone else's work. Unforgiven - Wikipedia
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Open Range is a 2003 American Revisionist Western film directed and co-produced by Kevin Costner, written by Craig Storper, based on the novel The Open Range Men by Lauran Paine, starring Robert Duvall and Costner. Open Range (2003 film) - Wikipedia
A former gunslinger is forced to take up arms again when he and his cattle crew are threatened by a corrupt lawman.
955-5 https://ok.ru/video/4825469291048
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blogger360ncislarules · 4 months
Filmed in Nova Scotia, the 10-episode second season stars Morgan Kohan, Chad Michael Murray, and Scott Patterson, alongside Tom Jackson and Andrea Menard – – From the executive producers of VIRGIN RIVER, and adapted by executive producer and showrunner Roma Roth from the New York Times bestselling novels by Robyn Carr, Season 2 guest stars include Michelle Nolden, Cindy Sampson, Peter MacNeil, Joel Thomas Hynes, Jayne Eastwood, and Meghan Ory – – Season 1 of SULLIVAN’S CROSSING ranks as the most-watched Canadian drama of the 2022-23 broadcast season –
March 11, 2024
Tags: @CTV_PR, @CTV, @TheLede_CA, #SullivansCrossingTORONTO (March 11, 2024) – CTV announced today that Season 2 of hit original drama SULLIVAN’S CROSSING premieres Sunday, April 14 at a special time of 9 p.m. ET/PT on CTV, CTV.ca, and the CTV app. The series then moves into its regular Sundays at 8 p.m. ET/PT timeslot beginning April 21. From the team behind VIRGIN RIVER, and adapted by executive producer and showrunner Roma Roth from the New York Times bestselling novels by beloved author and Virgin River scribe Robyn Carr, SULLIVAN’S CROSSING stars Morgan Kohan (WHEN HOPE CALLS), alongside Chad Michael Murray (ONE TREE HILL), and Scott Patterson (GILMORE GIRLS).
Filmed in Nova Scotia, Season 2 consists of 10, one-hour episodes. Following the gripping conclusion of the first season, Season 2 of SULLIVAN’S CROSSING opens just hours after Dr. Maggie Sullivan (Kohan) has learned about her father’s stroke, and her life is once again thrown into turmoil. Choosing to delay her return to Boston to care for her father Sully (Patterson), Maggie finds herself back in Sullivan’s Crossing, where she must once again face her conflicted feelings about her father and address her growing attraction to Cal (Murray), as she struggles to come to terms with the realities of her pregnancy and the impact it may have on her career.
Returning for Season 2 alongside Morgan Kohan as Dr. Maggie Sullivan, Chad Michael Murray as Cal Jones, and Scott Patterson as Harry “Sully” Sullivan, are actor, singer and companion of the Order of Canada, Tom Jackson (CARDINAL) as Frank Cranebear; actor, singer, and songwriter, Andrea Menard (VELVET DEVIL) as Edna Cranebear; Amalia Williamson (BRIA MACK GETS A LIFE) as Lola Gunderson; Lindura (GHOSTS) as Sydney Shandon; Dakota Taylor (ZERO CHILL) as Rafe; Lauren Hammersley (VIRGIN RIVER) as Connie Boyle; Lynda Boyd (VIRGIN RIVER) as Phoebe Lancaster; Reid Price (THE SINNER) as Rob Shandon; Peter Outerbridge (DESIGNATED SURVIVOR) as Walter Lancaster; and Allan Hawco (JACK RYAN) as Andrew Mathews.
Joining the ensemble cast this season are Michelle Nolden (HEARTLAND) as salon owner Alysa Mackenzie, and Cindy Sampson (PRIVATE EYES) as Jane, a divorced mom with eyes for Rob. Peter MacNeil (MOONSHINE), Joel Thomas Hynes (LITTLE DOG), and Jayne Eastwood (WORKIN’ MOMS) also guest star in episodes this season, as well as Meghan Ory (CHESAPEAKE SHORES) in the role of Cal’s sister, Sedona.
On the Season 2 premiere of SULLIVAN’S CROSSING, “Guilt Trip” (Sunday, April 14 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CTV, CTV.ca, and the CTV app), a guilt ridden Maggie Sullivan (Morgan Kohan) returns to the Crossing to find Sully (Scott Patterson) in hospital struggling with the feeling that he’s forgotten something. Cal Jones (Chad Michael Murray) is confused when Maggie gives him the cold shoulder, unaware that Lola (Amalia Williamson) pocketed his goodbye letter. Sully connects with a new patient who is sharing his hospital room; Edna (Andrea Menard) and Frank (Tom Jackson) find themselves at odds for the first time in years; and Sydney (Lindura) and Rafe (Dakota Taylor) struggle to keep things platonic while living as roommates.
Exclusive videos are available throughout the season on @SullivansCrossingCTV’s social channels and on CTV.ca and the CTV app, providing viewers with an extension of the series with bonus digital content. Fans can also catch up on Season 1 of SULLIVAN’S CROSSING available on CTV.ca and the CTV app with no subscription or sign-in required, beginning March 26.
Season 1 of SULLIVAN’S CROSSING ranks as the most-watched Canadian drama of the 2022-23 broadcast season. The series made its U.S. premiere on The CW as part of their 2023 fall broadcast lineup, and also quickly became one of the network’s most-watched shows. Adapted by Showrunner Roma Roth from author Robyn Carr’s bestselling book series of the same name, SULLIVAN’S CROSSING is executive produced by Reel World Management’s Roma Roth and Christopher E. Perry in association with CTV and Fremantle. Author Robyn Carr is also an executive producer.
Directors for Season 2 are Cal Coons (REMEDY), Chris Grismer (QUANTUM LEAP), April Mullen (THE SPENCER SISTERS), Melanie Orr (CHILDREN RUIN EVERYTHING), and Shamim Sharif (SORT OF). The series is an interprovincial co-production with Nova Scotia based producer Ann Bernier and Ontario based producer Mark Gingras with the participation of Reel World Management, Canadian Media Fund, Bell Media, Nova Scotia Film & Television Production Incentive Fund, the Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit, the Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit, Bell Fund, and Screen Nova Scotia Content Creator Fund.
 SULLIVAN’S CROSSING is distributed internationally by Fremantle. Showrunner Roma Roth executive produces alongside Christopher. E. Perry with Ann Bernier and Mark Gingras producing. For Fremantle, Michela Di Mondo, Executive Vice President, Distribution and Sales, Canada, and Hilary Martin, Executive Producer, Global Drama are executive producing. For Bell Media, Rachel Goldstein-Couto is Head of Development; Rachel Ferguson is Production Executive, Original Programming; Sarah Fowlie is Head of Production, Original Programming; Carlyn Klebuc is General Manager, Original Programming; Pat DiVittorio is Vice-President, CTV and Specialty Programming. Justin Stockman is Vice-President, Content Development & Programming, Bell Media. Karine Moses is Senior Vice-President, Content Development & News, Bell Media and Vice Chair, Québec, Bell.
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