#Science Behind Vermicomposting
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bharatvarsh22 · 1 year ago
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Are you tired of throwing away your kitchen scraps and yard waste, only to see them end up in a landfill? What if I told you there was a magical solution that could transform your waste into nutrient-rich compost for your garden, all with the help of some slimy little creatures? That’s right, we’re talking about the magic of vermicomposting – the process of using worms to break down organic waste into a rich soil amendment. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of vermicomposting, how to set up your own worm bin, and tips for maintaining a healthy worm population. Get ready to discover the power of these little composting champions and transform your waste into a garden oasis!
Vermicomposting: What is it?
In vermicomposting, worms are used to compost. It is an efficient way to reduce kitchen and yard waste while providing a nutrient-rich additive for your garden.
The process is simple and does not require a lot of space. It only takes a composting bin, bedding material, and worms to get started. The worms will compost the organic matter once it has been broken down.
Composting worms are different from earthworms in your garden. They are specially adapted to eating organic matter and are very efficient at breaking it down.
Vermicomposting has many benefits, including reducing waste, improving your garden, and reducing your carbon footprint. If you want to reduce your waste and help the environment, vermicomposting is a great option!
The Benefits of Vermicomposting
Vermicomposting has clear benefits, and the practice is easy to implement. The worms will do the work of breaking down the organic matter into nutrient-rich, dark compost. This compost can then be used to fertilize plants in your garden. It is an efficient way to reduce waste while providing essential nutrients for your garden.
The benefits of vermicomposting extend beyond reducing waste and enhancing garden health. In addition to producing less waste, vermicomposting reduces the amount of methane released into the atmosphere. It has also been found that vermicomposting increases the number of beneficial microbes in soil, which helps plants absorb nutrients more effectively.
As a result of vermicomposting, toxins such as fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are eliminated from the environment. Degrading organic matter also reduces carbon dioxide emissions and global warming. Moreover, plants are able to grow better as the soil becomes more resistant to erosion.
Overall, vermicomposting can play an important role in fighting climate change and reducing pollution. By recycling kitchen and yard waste, you can create nutrient-rich compost that has the potential to revolutionize your garden and help the environment.
Read More: https://bharatvarshnaturefarms.com/the-magic-of-vermicomposting-how-worms-can-transform-your-garden-and-reduce-waste/
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theoldmagoobaddee · 2 years ago
Needs of the crop plant:
The crop plant's leaves need carbon dioxide, above ground, for photosynthesis.
However, many growers do not know that oxygen is needed below ground by the roots of the plant, for the leaves to be supported by the roots oxygen intake. The only way to increase oxygen below the ground is:
a) VermiCompost which is compost that is mixed with the humble earthworm. This worm species function and presence is what elevates underground oxygen levels.
b) for indoor, soilless growing, oxygen pipes that feed plants with constant oxygen are necessary.
I read and read and reread many articles and realised a few things:
1. We need to rethink agriculture, from the very beginning. We have habits and rituals and beliefs that are contrary to science and the results of studies and yet, we continue with these bio-averse habits and I'm not referring to traditional African beliefs.
2. What a crop plant needs above ground and below ground is a very different set of componants.
3. We need to remove as much paving, pavements, tar roads and other materials that cause an increase in soil and atmosphere temperatures. Obviously, we use tar, bricks, concrete and asphalt for their durability, strength and ability to hold heavy weights passing and not crack, break or give in to those heavy weights. However, we need to decide what is more of a priority and decide how we can employ future renovations to lessen this effect on global temperatures caused by that heat-emanating block of hot stuff next to soil which takes a bake as a result. Elevating highways, putting an organic grout into smaller blocks of stone, concrete etc. and even coming up with new, sustainable and strong building materials that are not such high heat conductives. Cutting up block into smaller pieces as well a ensuring that we have healthy oxygenated soil beneath can also work. Blowing up large rock formations that are not held in any regard by indigenous people will also help to lower desert-like temperatures. Then, GROUNDCOVER, GROUNDCOVER, GROUNDCOVER!!!
4. We need all businesses and households to have serviced, VermiBins into which all organic food waste will be thrown. Berlin in employees will service Bins until a reasonable amount has become VermiCompost and remove that Compost. VermiCompost will then be transported after soil acidity and composition has been gauged and treated to conform to standards decided upon as compost that has not had time to dry out is so acidic burns the roots of plants and is more harmful than anything. VermiCompost will be transported to most needy sites and mixed into agricultural grounds, which will replace chemical fertilizers (which leave behind Nitrate crystals that are another heat conductor underground and are 300 times more toxic than carbon dioxide) and will bring oxygen and life back into the dead soils of food-growing areas on our continent.
5. Trefoil needs to be planted along all highways and rural roads as this fast-growing groundcovering lucerne is a favourite amongst grazing cattle. It also fights parasites, internally and externally and is therefore a medicinal feed for livestock. Trefoil also reduces bloating and aids in digestion. This bloating is as a result of the wrong plants being grazed with waxy leaves like bushes. These plants are grazed because there is mo groundcover to graze. As these wrong leaves are digested, they give off methane, which is released into the atmosphere as cow farts, which due to the methane content is a large contributor to Global Warming.
6. Farmers or food growers tend to only allow a particular crop in the crop field. They also use pesticides/insecticides that tend to kill ALL Insects, even the helpful ones that assist with pollination because YES! even crop plant need the pollinating symbiotic relationship with insects. Evolution's adaptations of plants, Insects, birds and animals depend on the relationship a crop plant has with other plants, Insects and birds and even small animals to adapt and therefore survive and thrive. For example, if another plant is present and its leaves are taking up space in the path of the sun's rays and the crop plant is not soaking in enough sun, it will adapt by growing longer, more splayed leaves that grow higher up on the crop plant. Or when a certain small animal chews up the crop plant's fruits, the crop plant may adapt by growing thorns or another deterrent or the crop plant may fruit higher up on the stalk making it impossible for said small animal to eat the fruits of the crop plant. Either way, competition in nature is good as it causes adaptations. As for insecticides/pesticides, researchers at a UK University are working on a drone that identifies a specific parasite on a specific plant and sprays only that plant with that particular insecticide. I think the only reason crop plants have survived with no insects around, is because dark workers who touch one plant, get pollen stuck between the ridges of their fingerprints and then pass it on to the next plant.
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annieboltonworld · 4 years ago
Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources
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An Over View of Organic Farming in Indian Agricultural System
Authored by N Tensingh Baliah
Now-a-days, organic farming practices are gaining importance as farmers have realized the benefits of organic farming in terms of soil fertility, soil health and sustainable productivity. Farmers are well aware with the use of organic liquid manures in organic farming. These organic manures play a key role in promoting growth and providing immunity to plant system. The principle of organic cultivation is attracting the farmers' world over due to its various advantages over modern agricultural practices. Essentially, it is a farming system which supports and strengthens biological processes without recourse to inorganic remedies such as chemicals or genetically modified organisms. Furthermost, the organic agriculture is more productive and highly sustainable one.
Keywords: Modern Agriculture; Organic Farming; Organic Manures and Crop Response
Green Revolution (GR) technologies are known to have enhanced agricultural production and productivity. The technologies greatly helped to address the food security of India, farmers using these technologies have to depend upon the purchased inputs. The small farmers, who by cash flow definition are short of cash, are therefore found to lag behind large farmers in the adoption of technologies. The manufactures of fertilizers and pesticides, the two major inputs of GR technologies, need fossil fuels and/or expensive energy, and are associated with serious environmental and health problems [1]. Modern agricultural farming practices, along with irrational use of chemical inputs over the past four decades have resulted in not only loss of natural habitat balance and soil health but have also caused many hazards like soil erosion, decreased groundwater level, soil salinization, pollution due to fertilizers and pesticides, genetic erosion, ill effects on environment, reduced food quality and increased the cost of cultivation, rendering the farmer poorer year by year [2].
In India, cropping system involves the usage of inorganic and organic fertilizers to improve soil health and soil fertility. However, the mismanagement and excessive use of inorganic fertilizers creates problems in soil fertility and the environment. Hence, a widespread need has arisen to go in for organic farming and cultivation. The efficiency of sole organic inputs in nutrient management was studied through the use of different types of organic manures. Organic farming is a productive system, which reduces or avoids entirely the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, growth regulators and other agricultural chemicals. The system relies on crop rotation, organic manure and biofertilizers for nutrient supply, biopesticides and biocontrol for pest and disease control and innovative crop husbandry practices for maintaining soil productivity.
Organic Farming
Organic farming is an approach to producing food products that is intended to overcome the negative impacts of the Green Revolution on soil, air, water, landscape, and humans worldwide. Organic farming methods are continuously being developed by farmers, scientists and concerned people all over the world. A central element of the organic farming approach is the efficient use of on-farm and local resources such as farmyard manure, indirect crop protection and local seeds. It pursues a course of promoting the powers of self-regulation and resistance which plants and animals possess naturally [3].
Organic farming is not based exclusively on short term economics, but also considers ecological concepts. It utilizes appropriate technology and appropriate traditional farming methods. This form of farming can also be called sustainable form of farming or sustainable agriculture. The principles of this method are: organize the production of crops and livestock and the management of farm resources so that they harmonize rather than conflict with natural system; use and develop appropriate technologies based upon an understanding of biological systems; achieve and maintain soil fertility for optimum production by relying primarily on renewable resources; use diversification to pursue optimum production use for optimum nutritional value of staple food; use decentralized structures for processing, distributing and marketing of products; strive for equitable relationship between those who work and live on the land and maintain and preserve wildlife and their habitats [4,5].
Nature Of Organic Manures/Fertilizers
Compost is one of the less concentrated organic manures, but it is extremely valuable in adding extra body to soils especially the sandy ones. Compost can also help to lighten heavy clay soils. The application of organic manure helps in increasing the organic matter content of the soil, in maintaining soil natural productivity [6]. According to the application of organic manures not only produced the highest and sustainable crop yield, but also improved the soil fertility and productivity of land [7]. A combination of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients might be helpful to obtain a good economic return with good soil health for the subsequent crop yield [8,9]. Bulky organic manures contain small percentage of nutrients and they are applied in large quantities. Farmyard manure (FYM), compost and green manure are the most important and widely used bulky organic manures. Use of bulky organic manures have several advantages: they supply plant nutrients including micronutrients; improve soil physical properties like structure, water holding capacity; increase the availability of nutrients; plant parasitic nematodes and fungi are controlled to some extent by altering the balance of microorganisms in the soil.
The bulk density, total porosity and aggregate stability of surface soil improve by the hugger organic matter levels of the organic farming soil. It is an excellent organic fertilizer is concentrated source of nitrogen and other essential nutrients. It has direct effect on plant growth. It has high K and C:N ratio values and wood ash had high K and C:N ratio [10]. Earthworms can serve as tools to facilitate several functions. They serve as "nature's plowman" and form nature's gift to produce good humans, which is the most precious material to fulfill the nutritional needs of crops. The utilization of vermicompost results in several benefits to farmers, industries, environment and overall national economy They are finely-divided mature peat-like materials with a high porosity, aeration, drainage and water-holding capacity and microbial activity which are stabilized by interactions between earthworms and microorganisms in a non-thermophilic process. Vermicompost treated soils have lower pH and increased levels of organic matter, primary nutrients and soluble salts.
Vermi compost is rich in N, P, K, Ca, Mg and vermicompost when used improve the water holding capacity. Supplementing N through inorganic sources, thus play a vital role in increasing the yield of the crop [11]. Neem cake consists of neem seed along with natural nutrients which is required for the growth of plants. Every part of tree i.e. leaves, flowers, fruits, bark, seed are utilized as a pesticides, insecticides, medicine, diabetic food, mosquito repellant. It is potentially one of most valuable and least exploited of all tropical trees. It has adequate quantity of NPK in organic form for plant growth. Being totally botanical product it contains 100% natural NPK content and other essential micro nutrients [12,13]. Wood ash is a residual material produced during the conversion of biomass to electrical energy by wood-burning power plants.
It is obtained from the combustion of wood. It can be related to fly ash since fly ash is obtained from coal, which is a fossilized wood An estimated 1.5 to 3.0 million dry tons of It is generated annually in the United States with 90% of the ash being land filled. Land spreading is an alternative disposal method which is 33%- 66% less costly than land filling due to the drastic rise of prices for commercial fertilizers, the search for alternative fertilizer resources becomes increasingly important [14]. The reutilization of residues from bio energy processes for plant nutrition is an important factor to save fertilizers and to realize nutrient cycling in agriculture [15]. The ashes remaining from combustion of biomass are the oldest man-produced mineral fertilizers in the world. They contain nearly all nutrients except of nitrogen (N) and can help to improve plant nutrition regarding phosphorus (P), the fertilizer effect of biomass ashes and the solubility of P in ashes are evaluated differently.
Crop Response to Organic Manures
Vermi compost: Vermi compost was found to be richer on P, K, Ca and Mg and enrichment of trace elements like Fe, Cu, and Mn. The application of vermicompost to plant resulted in increased root length and shoots length and plant biomass. The application of nitrogen through urea and vermicompost significantly increased the nitrogen and protein content in okra fruit over control. The number of fruits per plant, fruit length and fruit yield increased significantly due to application of 100 % N (90 kg/ ha) through urea and vermicompost over control. Vermicompost has been used in flowering plants like balsam, zinnia, celosia and marigold; Vegetable crops like tomato, carrot, and brinjal and fruit crops such as grape and banana [16,17]. Earthworm casts promote root initiation and root biomass and increase root percentage. Earthworm casts have hormone- like effect, influencing the development and precociousness of plants. Vermicomposted larval litter significantly increased the length and weight of shoot and root, shoot: root ratio and N, P, K uptake. Application of recommended doses of NPK fertilizers, earthworm and cow dung has much significantly increased the chlorophyll and protein contents of mulberry leaves. Rice grown on worm casts produced higher shoot fresh weight and dry weight and showed higher nutrient uptake, lower fertilizer response than rice grown on surface soils [18].
The application of vermin compost had a significant effect on root and fruit weight of tomatoes. In 100 % vermicompost treatment, fruit, shoot, and root weights were three, five, and nine times, respectively more than control. Where vermicompost was applied at 5 t/ ha or at 10 t/ ha, increased shoot weight and leaf area of pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L) compared to inorganic fertilizers [19]. The application of vermicompost 3 t/ h to chickpea improved dry matter accumulation, grain yield, and grain protein content in chickpea, soil nitrogen and phosphorus and bacterial count, dry fodder yield of succeeding maize (Zea mays L) and total nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by the ropping system over vermicompost [20] and increased the vegetative growth and yield of Hibiscus esculentus [21].
Farmyard Manure (FYM): Farm yard manure is an important source of plant nutrients. It is composed of dung, urine of bedding and straws. Application of FYM at 10 t/ha and poultry manure at 5 t/ha significantly increased number of branches per plant, leaf area index and dry weight per plant. The fresh and dry weight per plant was higher in the vermicompost and FYM treated tomato. The highest protein content in okra fruit was recorded with application of N (90 kg/ ha) through FYM, vermicompost, poultry manure and urea over control [22,23]. The application of 100 per cent RDF and FYM at 20 t/ ha significantly increased growth attributes viz. plant height at harvest, number of branches per plant, leaf area and chlorophyll content in okra [24].
The effect of organic manures on yield characters was significantly superior over inorganic fertilizer in brinjal. The maximum fruit yield was obtained with the treatment of FYM + vermicompost. The total potato (Solanum tuberosum L) tubers yield was significantly higher with the application ofvermicompost and FYM [25]. The results indicated that the farmyard manure and higher doses of potassium proved best to increase the yield of potatoes. Organic manures such as cow dung, poultry manure and crop residues were used as alternatives for the inorganic fertilizers but no conclusive results were obtained to ascertain which among these organic sources of nutrition gave a higher yield of tomato [26,27]. Application of farm yard manure, which contained both mineral and organic N, was used to improve soil fertility and rice yield [28]. A good response of potatoes was observed in shape of increased yield with the application of potash fertilizers alone and even better with combined application of FYM. Response of potato was very clearly observed with increased levels of potassium supply along with organic manures [29,30]. The plant height, number of branches, leaf area, and total dry matter production in various plant parts of chilli recorded significantly higher values with combined application of NPK + FYM as compared to NPK alone [31].
Neem Cake: Neem cake is rich in plant nutrients and in addition to that it contains alkaloids like Nimbin and Nimbidin, which have nitification inhibiting properties and release N slowly. The improved yield is due to neem cake application in brinjal. It is gaining popularity because it is environmental friendly and also the compounds found in it help to increase the nitrogen and phosphorous content in the soil. It is rich in sulphur, potassium, calcium, nitrogen, etc [32]. It is used to manufacture high quality organic or natural manure, which does not have any aftermaths on plants, soil and other living organisms. The application of 25% nitrogen through neem cake and 75% through poultry manure was found superior in the enhancement of the growth, yield and quality parameters of bitter gourd. The application of nutrients like neem cake, different nitrogen levels, and biofertilizers has a significant and vital effect on yield and quality attributes of chilli [33] and asserts the highest dry weight of root, dry weight of rhizome per plant and total dry matter yield from neem cake applied at 2.0 t/ha in turmeric [34].
Wood Ash: Wood ash increases soil pH and thus enhances the growth of neutrophilic microorganisms [35]. The higher pH increases the fraction of DOC which is the main resource for microbial growth [36]. Sludges are efficient N fertilizers, and thus the combination with wood ash should have increased plant growth as has been shown for corn [37] for poultry litter ash. An increase of extractable soil P after application of alfalfa stems ash. The positive effects of ashes on soil texture, aeration, water holding capacity and cation exchange capacity [38]. The application of ash promotes plant growth only if there is no N limitation. The high content of Ca, K and Mg in wood ash results in an immediate neutralization acid soils upon application. The ability of ashes to increase soil pH by oxides, hydroxides and carbonates of K, Mg and Ca is an advantage for the treatment of acidic soils [39].
It was found that increased in pod yield of okra with application of wood ash up to 8 t/ha. The burning of Sesbenia wood and incorporation of the ash into soil increased grain yield of maize markedly, while the application of ash young maize plants had significantly increased the yield of maize [40,41]. The yield of vegetable crops and nutrient content were improved by wood ash [42] and reduced acidity and increased cation availability in soils amended with wood ash [43]. There was great potential of reducing fertilizer and lime bills in maize production of an acidic soil by replacing it with application of wood-ash, since it helps to increase soil pH, available cations and yield.
Organic farming system in India is not new and is being followed from ancient time. It is a method of farming system which primarily aimed at cultivating the land and raising crops in such a way, as to keep the soil alive and in good health by use of organic wastes (crop, animal and farm wastes, aquatic wastes) and other biological materials along with beneficial microbes (biofertilizers) to release nutrients to crops for increased sustainable production in an eco friendly pollution free environment. With the increase in population our compulsion would be not only to stabilize agricultural production but to increase it further in sustainable manner. The scientists have realized that the 'Green Revolution' with high input use has reached a plateau and is now sustained with diminishing return of falling dividends. Thus, a natural balance needs to be maintained at all cost for existence of life and property. The obvious choice for that would be more relevant in the present era, when these agrochemicals which are produced from fossil fuel and are not renewable and are diminishing in availability. It may also cost heavily on our foreign exchange in future.
For more articles in Open Access Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/ijesnr/index.php
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doocare · 5 years ago
Sustainable Uses of Animal Waste and Eco-Friendly Ways to Dispose of Them
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Our planet is going through a phase where it needs us humans to awaken to the fact that the old ways of doing things are simply not working. Whether we talk about climate change or depleting natural resources, there is a race towards sustainability. How can we find ways to help the planet by reducing waste and reusing things that we would have generally discarded? These are the questions that have to lead some of the greatest minds of our times to come up with newer and smarter ways to reuse and recycle.
One of the steps taken is to make smart uses of animal waste. Animal manure for centuries has been considered valuable resources in different countries across the world. In some countries, cow dung is used as fuel in cooking. Responsible handling of animal manure is necessary for the safety of the environment, air, and soil quality.
Some Smart Ways of Managing Animal Waste
We all have read about biogas when we were in school in our science classes. But a practical creation of biogas in various biogas plants requires the use of animal waste, mainly livestock waste. Apart from animal manure, other components used in making biogas are biodegradable substances from our trash like rotten fruits, eggshells, vegetable skins, etc.
Biogas is a clean form of fuel and is also renewable which is what makes it great. It solves two problems. One is to find an eco-friendly method of disposing of garbage and animal waste and other is coming up with a renewable form of energy.
You would not normally think that animal waste would be used in compost as in fact many sources would tell you not to use it. However, there are people that use their pet, mainly their dog’s poop in compost. Dog waste generally contains dangerous pathogens that do not belong anywhere near anybody’s food garden. Then how exactly are they used?
There are products like dog poop compost bins that can help you do just that. They keep your dog poop way from all other compost products and keep the stink away as well. This keeps the harmful pathogens of dog poop from going into the environment and polluting it.
When earthworms eat organic matter, they excrete small pellets that are called vermicompost. This vermicompost contains all the required nutrients for plants to grow in a completely healthy and natural way without the need of any chemical-based fertilizers.
There are many that are now integrating both the methods of composting and vermicomposting. The reason behind this was the long process time of composting. Integration with vermicomposting speeds up the process.
Bio-degradable Bags
This is an eco-friendly method of disposing of your pet’s waste. However, it is important that you choose poop bags from companies that have the documented backing to show that their bags are actually bio-degradable. Pet owners would have to be careful about this and do some research on their own in this matter.
If you do indeed choose the right bag, it can go a long way in helping the environment and reducing the impact of plastic on our planet in the long run. It always advised never to handle dog waste with bare hands. Always use gloves and bags or call a   pet waste removal company to deal with it.
I know this one sounds too simple and rudimentary compared to the other methods on this post. When it comes to your cat or dog’s waste, it contains dangerous pathogens that should not come into contact with human beings as well as should stay away from the groundwater supply.
Since dog poop is an organic substance, burying it underground is makes sense as you are returning those biological properties back to the ground. However, there are a few things that need to be considered while doing this.
We must make sure the groundwater level is low enough so that the waste does not seep into the groundwater.
Use a biodegradable bag to bury the poop in as non-biodegradable ones made of plastic do not decompose and remain in their place underground forever. This is bad for the soil.
The above are just some of the ways animal waste can be utilized as well as disposed of so that it is not a burden upon the environment. As time goes on, we await the discovery or invention of new methods to reduce and reuse waste material whether organic or inorganic to help our planet sustain its entire population of living organisms.
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nofomoartworld · 7 years ago
Dust Bloom. Can we put a price on the services that urban flowers provide?
Alexandra Regan Toland, Dust Bloom, 2016
Alexandra Regan Toland, Dust Bloom, 2016
Every plant, no matter how humble and small, performs a series of services for us. Some are obvious: plants provide us with food, remedies and raw materials. Other services they offer tend to be overlooked. They help filter water and cool the air, they create buffers against natural disasters, prevent soil erosion, provide shelter for animals. They also perform all sort of ‘cultural services’ for us: they can act as an uplifting background for our sport activities, become tourism destinations or inspire art, mental well-being and spiritual experiences. All of us, human and non-human alike, benefit from the presence of plants around us.
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) focuses on “making nature’s values visible” to decision-makers. The aim of the initiative is to demonstrate the values of ecosystems and biodiversity in economic terms but also to lay bare the costs of political inaction.
What might sounds like a cold and utilitarian approach is actually an invaluable concept that could spur us into appreciating, valuing and protecting plants and the ecosystems they are part of.
Artist and urban planner Alexandra Toland worked with experts in environmental microbiology, urban soils, and of course urban ecosystem services to explore the ability of flowers to help filter atmospheric particulate matter (PM.) These ‘dusts’ can come from natural sources such as pollen but also from industrial and vehicular emissions and tire abrasion. Their presence in the environment has been linked to cardiovascular, respiratory and other health problems, especially in cities where there is relatively more pollution and less vegetation to filter it.
The filtering capacity of flowers is a neglected area of research, compared to leaves. However, the complex, three-dimensional structures of flowers make them valuable allies when it comes to regulating air quality by removing pollutants from the atmosphere. Toland’s project Dust Blooms juxtaposes the beauty and function of urban flora using a synthesis of artistic and scientific methods to create awareness about the every-day importance of ecosystem services in cities.
Dust Blooms started as field work, with the artist collecting the dust from wild flowers growing at the edges of heavily trafficked streets in Berlin. She then analyzed the samples to determine the type and amount of dust particles that covered the surface of petals.
The next step of her work consisted in visualizing her research. First, through botanical engravings that “graft” together elements of historical botanical illustrations from over 30 authors. These engravings were made from the very street dust collected on site. She also used all sort of everyday consumer goods (plastic dental brush sticks, microfiber wipes, polycarbonate screws, plastic clay, glitter, and granular resins) to create small sculptures based on the micro-morphological features of the Dandelion family. The synthetic plants are displayed “as glorified bricolage of the Anthropocene” on a flower bed while actual atmospheric dust levels are measured with Arduino-powered instruments.
Dust Blooms received an honorary mention at Ars Electronica this year. I got a chance to talk to Alexandra Regan Toland while she was busy preparing her show in Linz, editing a book about the challenges and creative possibilities of soil protection in the age of the Anthropocene, and tending to her many duties as a beekeeper, vermicomposter, forager, forester, and mother.
Alexandra Regan Toland, Dust Bloom, 2016
Hi Alexandra! While reading the webpage for the project, i was struck by this sentence: “Flowering plants provide a host of ecosystem services in cities, such as climate regulation, the source of nectar and pollen for insects, and the purification of air, water, and soil.” I had no idea that plants were also seen as service providers. Somehow i find it a bit sad to see how we need to instrumentalize nature in order to recognise its value. Could you tell us about the importance of these ‘ecosystem services’ in urban contexts? 
I agree with your critique of the Ecosystem Services (ESS) paradigm but I recognize that it can be an effective way of protecting nature compared with other environmental protection strategies, especially in cities where there isn’t much nature to begin with. In our quest to design and build more sustainable cities, there has been a lot of research on urban ESS as a way of establishing indicators and standards. I see it as my job as an artist to visualize the ideas behind ESS but also to point out obvious ironies and contradictions. For instance, the fate of many medicinal herbs growing along roadsides seems to complicate the neat categories of ESS. These medicinal plants could theoretically be used for healing teas and tonics (a health-providing “service”) but are so filthy you would never want to pick them in the first place. So, it is somewhat ironic that age-old healing herbs like Plantain, St. John’s Wort, Yarrow, and Dandelion end up being healthful after all because they minimize atmospheric dust by cleaning the air of tiny noxious particles with their leaves and petals and holding the soil together with their roots. And they’re pretty to look at, poking up between fields of weathered asphalt and concrete, so their presence has a positive psychological effect too.
Alexandra Regan Toland, Dust Bloom, 2016
How important is it for a plant to be recognised as a ‘service provider’?

We all – humans and non-humans – have roles and identities in the cosmopolitan order of the city. A plant can be my service provider (as in the filtration service I emphasize in DUST BLOOMS), my neighbour (as in the trees that line my street), my friend (as in the potted plant on my desk), my enemy (as in the allergy-causing summer grasses down the street).
I guess I like to think of ESS as more of a form of community work than instrumentalization. If we choose to see and value urban flora for their civic services – for making the world a better place simply by being there doing their filtering/cooling/sheltering/healing thing – then we might do our service to them in return by protecting biodiversity and open green spaces in cities.
Maybe the ESS paradigm is simply a projection of our own social democratic expectations of civil society to provide basic needs – a world in which all members of society are encouraged and expected to participate in some small way for the well-being of the greater community. So, plants and soil and animals and insects provide services to us while we can and should provide services to them. I’m not entirely sure that ESS can provide the right rules on how those services can be fairly valued and implemented, particularly on the human side, but it is an interesting policy strategy to consider.
Alexandra Regan Toland, Dust Bloom, view of the exhibition Lasst Blumen Sprechen – Artificial Nature from 1960, at Museum Schloß Moyland, 2016
Alexandra Regan Toland, Dust Bloom, view of the exhibition Lasst Blumen Sprechen – Artificial Nature from 1960, at Museum Schloß Moyland, 2016
Alexandra Regan Toland, Dust Bloom, view of the exhibition Lasst Blumen Sprechen – Artificial Nature from 1960, at Museum Schloß Moyland, 2016

Could you tell us about the way plants are filtering atmospheric particulate matter (PM)? How do they perform this task? How much of a contribution can they really make to the purification of the air? Which types of PM do they manage to clean up effectively?

The easiest way to think about dust filtration by plants is to imagine millions of living combs and brushes lining the street. The air passes through layers of undulating biomass that captures everything from larger debris such as weathered bits of trash and dead leaves to tiny diesel particles in the PM fraction. The type and source of dust is pretty easy to recognize under a microscope: pollen and fungal spores are geometric; grains of sand are usually smooth and translucent; soot and tire abrasion detritus is opaque black and edgy looking. All of these particles can get caught in the surface features of trees, bushes, and low-growing herbaceous plants. If you look closely at these surfaces you will notice that some are smooth, but many are hairy, scaly, pocked, wrinkled, folded, furrowed, spiky, or sticky, and these features can be densely or widely packed. So, different plants filter in different ways with different levels of filtration effectivity. Depending on the height, habitus, size and surface morphology of leaves and flowering parts, as well as the distance from the pollution source and pollution intensity, AND the position of neighboring buildings, which can act like canyons or wind tunnels, there can be very different filtering scenarios going on. The time of year is also important to consider, as trees in northern cities lose their leaves in winter. This is incidentally the time of highest levels of atmospheric dust. So, there is unfortunately no straight answer to the “how much” question, but it does make sense to plant as many trees and bushes along busy roads and to allow knee-high wild undergrowth to develop as a buffer between streets and sidewalks, where the pollution from exhaust is actually being churned out.
Alexandra Regan Toland, Dust Bloom, 2016

Beyond its artistic qualities, Dust Bloom seems to have made a valuable contribution to the knowledge related to the function of urban flora. How did you divide or distribute art and science in your project? Was the research process conducted strictly following scientific protocols?

I learned about the role of plants as atmospheric filters from colleagues in my PhD research program at the TU-Berlin‘s Institute of Ecology back in 2010. I was fascinated by the idea of living dust filters and knew I wanted to collaborate with the lead researcher, Ina Säumel, at some point on an art-science project. When Museum Schloß Moyland invited me to make a new series of botanical sculptures for a show on artificial nature they were preparing, I decided to explore concepts of plant morphology through sculpture and approached Ina with the idea of flower filtration, because up to that point no one had studied the filtration potential of flowers.
I didn’t really divide the “science” and “art” parts of the project because I saw it as an opportunity to delve into the phenomenon using several different methods: sculptural prototyping; historical analysis presented as a series of engravings; microscopic analysis of flower morphology and dust types; cartographic analysis and site survey; direct measurement using Arduino-powered dust sensors; and photographic documentation of different scales of observation.
All parts of the project were trial and error. There were scientific protocols for microscopic analysis, artistic protocols for mixing engraving pigments, and programming protocols for the dust filter. But there were a lot of “mistakes” that led to new discoveries and new questions as well. For example, according to the protocol we developed for the measuring campaign, we weren’t supposed to collect flowers within 72 hours of a rainstorm. In the end, as we were pressed for time and still hadn’t found any flowering St. Johns Wort, we picked some specimens after a rain shower anyway, fully expecting that all the dust had washed away. We were surprised to discover that some particles were still there embedded in the tissue, leading to new questions about how plants physiologically and perhaps genetically change based on their exposure to dust… Then, in the studio, I had been working with a much higher concentration of dust to medium, but after going away for a weekend I realized that the mixture would foul after a few days so ended up completely changing my pigment recipe. (The pigment is stable when it dries on the printed page.) In the end, knowledge creation, whether it’s relegated to the sciences or the arts, is a result of trial and error and methodological triangulation, meaning as social scientist W.L Neuman says, “we take multiple measures of the same phenomena and build on the principle that we learn more by observing from multiple perspectives than by looking from only a single perspective”.
Alexandra Regan Toland, Dust Bloom, 2016
The honorary mention at ars electronica is a sign that the artistic community responds with enthusiasm to your work but did you receive some feedback, opinions and remarks from the scientific community as well?

Other than a few presentations at the University, we haven’t published any papers for scientific journals yet, but would like to do so. To be accepted as sound science, the methods and measuring procedures must be clear but there must also be enough data to conduct statistical analysis. By the time the exhibition was set up in June, we didn’t have enough data from our measuring campaign and decided to continue the campaign and just exhibit the field and lab protocols so people could follow the process. We presented a research log with the one full data set we did have (dandelion), and detailed “character profiles” for each species. The field data from the dust filters was also incomplete, so we just showed how it worked in the museum. So, the project is most definitely still a work in progress.
In general, though, the resonance from the environmental science community has been very positive and encouraging. I think a lot of scientists are willing to work with artists, it’s just tricky to find funding and figure out ways of integrating artists into already running teaching and research programs. Also, the time and space constraints of an exhibition can limit the kind of work that can be done. It’s important that if a project identifies as art-science it has to work as both. Showing the methods and shortcomings and open questions of any research project is good practice. But those things can easily get obscured by the aesthetics of exhibitions.
Alexandra Regan Toland, Dust Bloom, 2016
Alexandra Regan Toland, Dust Bloom, 2016
Alexandra Regan Toland, Dust Bloom, 2016
Why did you chose the dandelion as the hero of the project?

The dandelion is a special flower. There is something magical about the achenial seeds with their hairy pappus ‘wings,’ the milky, straw-like hollowness of the stem, and the curly bronze phyllary leaves at the base. The dandelion is a ‘model species,’ widely referenced in ecological research because of its highly adaptive morphological and genetic properties. Dandelions can adjust their size, shape, and metabolic properties to better deal with stress factors such as being grazed in rural locations, or dealing with pollution in urban ones. Its super adaptability makes the dandelion a so-called “super-species” – a complex group of species so closely related that, taxonomically, they are nearly impossible to tell apart. To model the dandelion is to honor 30 million years of subtle shape shifting through sculptural research. For me, the dandelion is also a symbol of graceful diaspora, which I think is comforting for many people around the world, including myself, who find themselves for better or for worse far away from “home.” The idea that the dandelion can spread wide and far and physically adapt to its new settings is inspiring and poignant. I collected the first flower samples with my daughter along the former East-West border in Berlin. Only a generation ago these seeds might have been the only organisms to parachute across the Oberbaum Bridge, where today thousands of cars speed over without a second thought leaving trails of dust behind them.
The research process involved a measuring campaign to examine dust from the flowers of several species at several locations in Berlin. What did you learn during this stage of the research?
Together with urban ecology students at the Technical University of Berlin, under the direction of professors Gerd Wessolek, Ina Säumel, and myself, a measuring campaign was carried out to examine dust from surfaces of flowers at multiple locations in the city from April to June 2016. Based on existing dust filtration data from Ina’s previous work, historical relevance found in old medicinals, a site analysis and knowledge of blooming periods, and of course aesthetic interest, we narrowed down our selection to the following plants: Achillea millefolium (common yarrow), Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort), Chelidonium majus (greater calendine), Geranium robertianum (Red Robin), Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s Wort), Plantago major (broadleaf plantain), Taraxacum officinale (common dandelion). Ten flowers per species were picked from major roadways in Berlin with an average daily traffic rate of more than 50,000 motorized vehicles. Five petals were then examined from each flower. Using light microscopy, it was possible to quantitatively estimate the surface area of a flower and qualitatively describe the morphological characteristics of individual flowers, as well as determine the type and amount of dust particles captured on petal surfaces. Each step of the process was documented in a series of photographs and field and lab reports.
I think the most important thing we learned in this process was the limitations of our own human capacity for work. Ina and I are both moms, juggling work and family life. We didn’t have as many students as we were hoping to attract with the project, so the burden of measurement fell on two people who had their own busy schedules at the university. It was really difficult to locate all target species in the determined 50,000 plus areas at exactly the right distance from the road, and exactly right time of peak flowering. We were also weather dependent. We had to collect our specimens during days with no rainfall, get them to the lab before wilting in the summer heat, and then not damage the delicate petals in the process of arranging them under the microscope. In the end, we had enough materials to exhibit by June, but realized as the exhibition came around that the measuring campaign was far from over.

I was very intrigued by the ‘representation’ chapter of the work. Your botanical engravings depict the evolution of graphic representation of weedy species over 350 years. How has the representation evolved over the years? Is it a question of the techniques used to draw the plants or is it because the plants themselves have changed their aspect?

Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison wrote a wonderful book called Objectivity (2007, Zone Books) that follows the history of visual representation and the changing relationships between scientists and illustrators over the course of several centuries. They discuss how botanists have relied on the help of artists right up until the present. “As long as botanists insisted on figures that represented the characteristic form of a species or even genus, photographs and other mechanical images of individual plants in all their particularity would have little appeal. Truth-to-nature spoke louder in this case than mechanical objectivity” (p109). However, there is a great deal of difference in the representations of these “true types” over time.
The plants have stayed the same, while our interest in them, as well as our technical means of representation continues to change. While pictures in medicinal herbals once included roots and underground plant parts, which were of great value to physicians and apothecaries, later illustrative works practically excluded the representation of roots to focus on flowering and fruiting parts, as they were thought to be more essential to taxonomic systems from Linnaeus (1707-1778) onwards.
As European colonial explorers ‘discovered’ a seemingly infinite amount of new plant species, it was botanical artists such as Claude Aubriet (1665-1742) and Georg Dionysius Ehret (1708-1770), who were instrumental in establishing their economic value in finely illustrated identification manuals known as Flora – in the documentation of new cash crops in colonial contexts; for the scientific advancement of botanical theory; and for the growing interest in horticulture in the gardens of affluent patrons. Ironically, the chosen species for DUST BLOOMS have appeared as prized medicinal herbs in herbals such as William Woodville’s Medical Botany (1792-1793), as well as appearing as villainous weeds in Emil Korsmo’s Anatomy of Weeds (1954). What was once a benefit to the physician became over time a costly detriment to the agronomist. These changes in representational focus inspired me to do a mash-up of different historical periods. If you look closely, you can see the pixelated rendering of the bit-map needed to make the engraving plates, as well as the inclusion of little insects flying around with brushes and q-tips. So, the historical illusion is broken. In a way, the engravings are a kind of digital grafting, akin to the grafting of economically valuable fruit and nut trees, but for weeds, which are valuable in their own way in the ESS context.
Alexandra Regan Toland, Dust Bloom, 2016

How important was it for you to use “anthropocene’ materials in the artworks?
There is a lot of critique on the legitimacy of the “Anthropocene” – as a term, a field of research, a moment in time, a social order, and as an epistemology. I don’t want to get into that debate here, but I will say that it was important for me to reflect Anthropocene ideas, such as the ESS paradigm and the problem of air pollution, in the very materials I was using for the artworks. Early on I knew I wanted to use street dust as a pigment in some way. The chemical composition of the street dust is unique to our times and adds a contemporary layer to the historical engravings. The materials used in the botanical models are also sourced from the very world they seek to understand. Characteristic inventions of our present society, like plastic dental brush-sticks, microfiber cleaning wipes, polycarbonate screws, plastic clay, and aquarium tubing, are fused together as material bricolage of the Anthropocene. What in other contexts is used to clean, decorate, or hold things together can be repurposed to represent environmental phenomena. Imagine all the R&D that led to Swiffer wipes to keep our homes dust-free. Well, we can similarly imagine the evolutionary R&D that went into the morphology of flowering plants, and they are out there cleaning for free! There has been a lot of R&D in the fields of biomimicry and geomimicry, looking to natural patterns and processes for solutions to human problems. The classic example is George de Mestral’s invention of Velcro based on the hooked burrs of the Burdock plant. I was trying to echo that process in reverse, by using human inventions to model nature as it appears in a very humanly altered state.
Thanks Alex!
Related story: Eulogy for the weeds. An interview with Ellie Irons.
from We Make Money Not Art http://ift.tt/2x5mDer via IFTTT
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businesspromote-blog · 8 years ago
How to Start Agriculture Business
Do you want to start agriculture business? If yes then you are on right place.
Now a day agriculture business has many branches. You can start your own business in any of these branches. There are many areas you can start your business. Some of the areas are listed as under.
·        Fruits and Vegetables Exports:
As all know the main products of the agriculture is vegetables and fruits. So, you can start your export business buy selling vegetables and fruits.
Best Website for Agriculture Business promotion
·        Vermicompost – Organic Fertilizer Production:
Vermicompost is the product or process of composting utilizing various species of worms to create a mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste, bedding materials, and vermicast.
·        Organic Farm Green House:
Now a day organic farming is one of the best choices to start agriculture business. By using green house technology, you can start organic farming.
·        Poultry Farming:
Poultry farming includes the activity of raising various types of domestic birds commercially for the purpose of meat, eggs and feather production. The most common and widely raised poultry birds are chicken.
·        Hydroponic Retail Store:
 Hydroponics is a new plantation technology that has been increasing in demands over the past decades as a soil free way of plantation both for commercial and home use. 
·        Bee Keeping:
With increasing the awareness about the health, the honey became one of the most demanding products. So, you can start bee keeping business and start making good profit.
·        Botanical Pesticide Production:
The botanical pesticide is one of the most profitable agriculture business ideas. It is an essential and mandatory product for organic farming. The demand for this product is increasing highly.
·        Flour Milling:
Flour milling business is the demanding now days. So, you can establish your own brand and start flour producing business.  
·        Soya Beans Processing:
Soya beans can use in many ways like getting milk, soya sauce, soya flour etc. So, you can establish soya beans processing factory and start selling soya products.
·        Spice Processing:
 Good quality processed spice has very good demand. Processing and packaging methods are not very complex. So, this is the opportunity for you to start agriculture business in spice processing.
·        Tea Farming:
 Tea is one of the best products which are exported in abroad. Many countries have not the suitable atmosphere to farm tea. Very few counties can produce the tea. So if you are from Asia this agriculture business is waiting for you.
·        Certified Seed Production:
Seed is a basic agricultural input and it is an embryo, embedded in the food storage tissue. Seeds with good germination capacity and seed vigor are considered as quality seeds. Quality seed production which follows efficient certification procedures plays a major role in the increase of food production.
·        Soil Testing :
If you have knowledge about the soil and you know the science behind it, congratulations this agriculture business is for you only. Soil testing agronomically sound, beneficial and environmentally responsive tool used for monitoring the nutrient as well as making precise fertilizer recommendations for various crops and cropping sequences ensuring no damage to the environment.
·        Agriculture Consulting:
If you know more than a normal person about the agriculture, you can be the consultant and start your agriculture consulting agency.
·        Agro-Farming Blogging:
It is the business where you can share information about the farming and other agriculture related topics. As you know “sharing is carrying” you can start agro-farming blogging.
So, these are some agriculture related area where you can start agriculture business.
Now, select the area and start working on it and you has bright future ahead you.
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daffodilsschool-blog · 8 years ago
1. For the successful functioning of this ICSE School In Bangalore, the Management is aware that the perceptions and beliefs of the teachers about the school are important factors that affect the teaching/learning systems established in the school. An Orientation Course before the start of the school’s academic year is provided wherein the teachers are made familiar with the resources and facilities that are available in the school which they can access and use.
2. The Council for the Indian Certificate School Examinations is committed to serving the children through high quality educational endeavours, empowering them to contribute towards a humane, just and pluralistic society.
The junior classes of the School have well designed curriculum with a harmonious blend of academics, sports and co-curricular activities. Some of the salient features are:
Qualified, well trained and caring staff: student teacher ratio at 25:1.
Learner friendly environment with value based & child centered curriculum.
A rich Co-curricular Activities package like Cultural Fests, Literary Fests, Art related contests, Quizzes based on different genres.
Friday morning assembly programme presented by Junior Wing students to showcase their innate abilities.
Activity Clubs during school hours, provide an opportunity for the students to pursue a hobby of their choice. The Clubs are Western Dance, Karate, Taekwondo, Chess and Guitar.
Use of smart board based & state of art digital infrastructure for teaching & assessment.
Grading evaluation system to minimize the academic pressure.
Integrated Life Skills sensitization programme, yoga& art/craft curriculum to provide value based education.
Worksheets to reinforce the concepts discussed.
Class libraries & e-books.
Field trips, class picnics with themes chosen from the academic curriculum.
Online sharing of portions with details of activities & teaching methodologies
Music, dance, cubs/bulbuls and well designed physical education programmes integrated in to the time table.
I-pad in education a tool to assist teachers to customize pedagogy & reduce load of bags.
Internal\external professional development programmes for teachers.
3.The academic year is divided into two terms i.e. June to October-Term I and November to March –Term II . Each term includes two unit tests and one term exam with a series of class tests conducted regularly. Project planning is being taught at the beginning of the year and students will work on one major project per subject per term/year appropriate to their level. They are assessed by the respective subject teachers. Grade X has an additional paper- Socially Useful and Productive Work (SUPW) and they are assessed both internally and externally. Periodic spot assessments are made to monitor the individual progress of the child. A unique evaluation structure has been put in place to offer feedback on each student's strengths and weaknesses in key curriculum areas.
4. Experiential learning is emphasised through making models of kaleidoscopes, poster making on movement in plants, scrap booking on the role of chemistry in our lives, creating HTML documents, making PowerPoint presentations on a renowned author or preparing a picture glossary in subjects like History/civics and geography. Science and Social Science Projects include vermicomposting, terrace farming, setting up of a weather station (Stevenson's Screen) Field Trips are an integral part of the learning process
5. The curriculum is theme based and across subjects. At the Middle School level there is a lot of emphasis on hands-on learning using applicable waste materials and other teaching aids.
6. Communicative skills are developed through Conversation Practice, Role play, Journaling, Presentations etc.
7. Comprehension is enhanced by means of a specialized reading program that has been put in place.
8. We organise professional talks by industry personnel & parents to enhance the student's understanding on various topics.     This helps students get a first-hand view of the subject and understand the intricacies behind it.
9. Our curriculum framework is flexible and activity-based, which aids in strengthening the students' essential understanding over the years.
10. Inculcation of Life Skills is being done innovatively using 'School Cinema', a learning module on life skills, values and attitudes, developed through research and taught using short films and thought provoking workbooks
11. General Knowledge skills are honed via Spell Bee, Quiz sessions and Just a Minute along with the assistance of Gaptopedia, a monthly magazine for students.
12. A few of our unique programmes implemented at the senior level include:
The Literary Challengers' Club
Remedial Teaching Classes
Mentor System
Smart Boards, Use of I-pads and Technology aided education
Fact : Daffodils Is Known Amongst The Good ICSE Schools In Bangalore
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bharatvarsh22 · 1 year ago
Tumblr media
Are you tired of throwing away your kitchen scraps and yard waste, only to see them end up in a landfill? What if I told you there was a magical solution that could transform your waste into nutrient-rich compost for your garden, all with the help of some slimy little creatures? That’s right, we’re talking about the magic of vermicomposting – the process of using worms to break down organic waste into a rich soil amendment. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of vermicomposting, how to set up your own worm bin, and tips for maintaining a healthy worm population. Get ready to discover the power of these little composting champions and transform your waste into a garden oasis!
Read More: https://bharatvarshnaturefarms.com/the-magic-of-vermicomposting-how-worms-can-transform-your-garden-and-reduce-waste/
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