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sluonline · 3 years ago
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Industry and Education Partnership
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sluonline · 5 years ago
Four Ways to Enjoy Homecoming from Afar
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This weekend, thousands of students, alumni, staff, faculty, family and friends will gather at Saint Louis University’s campus for Homecoming Weekend 2019. The homecoming festivities will begin on Friday, September 27 and will go until Sunday, September 29.
As excited as we are to host such a great weekend, we also want all of our out-of-state students and alumni to feel just as much a part of this weekend’s festivities. We’ve come up with a list of ways to enjoy homecoming from afar:
1) Make sure to check our Facebook and Twitter pages all weekend for photos and updates of what’s going on. Don’t forget to check out SLU’s official Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for photos and updates as well.
2) Visit the Billiken Athletics website for stats and scores of the volleyball and soccer games, as well as links to the live-streams. Friday, September 27 5:00 PM - Women’s Volleyball vs. Dayton 7:30 PM - Billiken Madness Saturday, September 28 7:30 PM - Men’s Soccer vs. Rhode Island Sunday, September 29 1:00 PM - Women’s Soccer vs. Dayton
3) Share your photos with us in your SLU gear for a chance to be re-posted on our social media. Make sure to tag us and to use the hashtag #SLUOnline.
4) Participate in our #SLUOnline Homecoming giveaway. We will be giving away SLU’s official 2019 Homecoming and Family Weekend t-shirt to one lucky winner. All you have to do is follow the rules of this particular Twitter and/or Facebook post to enter. Winner will be announced on Monday, September 30th.
We look forward to a weekend full of SLU pride, whether you’re near or far. For a full schedule of homecoming activities, click here.
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sluonline · 5 years ago
A Plan to Finish
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As the new school year approaches, students are once again excited to get one step closer to earning their degree. At the School for Professional Studies (SPS), most of our students are working adults who have their own families, full-time careers, and other responsibilities. The online nature of SPS allows these students to earn their degree at their own pace.
Meet SPS student, Tim Major. Tim has been pursuing his degree at SPS for the past 13 years. 
When Tim first started taking classes at SPS, most of them were offered on campus, which he enjoyed. As SPS made the transition from on-campus classes to online classes, Tim was concerned it wouldn’t be the best fit for him. In addition to making that transition, he experienced some financial burdens along the way. He also took a step back from his education to concentrate on his family while his daughters were going through high school and college. 
“I was at a point where I was about to give up on my education, but Sharon Spicer (Academic Coach at SPS) listened to me and encouraged me. She let me express myself and my frustration and she was there to be a comfort to me. From that point on, I was determined to complete what I had started.”
In addition to the phenomenal support he received from his academic coach, Tim also acquired valuable experience from the courses he’s taken to apply at his job at Edward Jones. “I’m starting to implement what I’ve learned in my degree program at my job. As a result, the head of our department has witnessed my growth.”
Not only is Tim hoping to graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in General Studies this December, but he will also become the first person in his family to have every member of his immediate family earn a college degree. 
It’s never too late to earn your degree. In addition to pursuing his degree, Tim also prioritizes his family, his career, and his church. In the words of Tim, “If you put your mind to it you can do it. And once you put your mind to it, you will be faced with obstacles, but regardless of circumstances there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Never give up. Chase your dreams and watch them turn into reality.” 
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sluonline · 6 years ago
Stay Motivated This Summer
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Summer is in full swing. Well, not technically because the summer solstice doesn’t happen until June 21st this year, but if you live in St. Louis then you know that it’s already felt like summer for weeks now. One word: HUMIDITY. 
While many students are on summer break, deservedly so after a long school year, we’ve got our summer 1 term in session here at SLU Online. We are so proud of all of our summer students who are trading park days for homework days and game nights for study nights. 
We know it isn’t always easy to feel motivated to do school work when the whether outside is perfect, so here are a few tips to help you stay motivated this summer:
1) Create a School Schedule and You Schedule- It’s important to stay on top of your school work. But it’s equally important to spend time with your kids, enjoy the fresh air, watch a Blues game, or host your regular 4th of July BBQ. Set aside time each week for your homework and studying so that you can also make time to enjoy everything that summer brings. Pro tip: planners are awesome.
2) Regularly Check In- Your academic coaches are available all summer long to help you with questions about your courses, enrolling, graduation, etc. Your professors are happy to answer any course-specific questions you may have or help guide you through a lesson. If you need assistance, we are here for you. Email [email protected] or call (314) 977-2330 today. 
3) Get Outside- It’s not getting any cooler. Seriously. Whether you enjoy swimming, long walks in the park, cycling, playing Wiffle ball with your family, or just posting up somewhere with your hammock, get out there and soak up some Vitamin D (and don’t forget your SPF). Exercising and spending time outdoors is good for the soul. I know this from experience, but these guys have some real concrete proof. Check it out here. 
4) Set a Goal, and Then Remind Yourself of That Goal- Set a goal for yourself this summer. Your goal could be short-term or long-term. You could have 1 of them or 10 of them. Whether you want to achieve a 4.0 for your summer term or you want to graduate next spring, setting a goal will help keep your priorities in check. Once your goal is set, make sure to constantly remind yourself of that goal. Ways to do this: • Set an alarm on your phone every Monday with the title of your goal • Tell your goal to your significant other and ask him/her to remind you each week • Publish a blog with weekly updates on how you’re achieving your goal, even if you share it with no one else • Write your goal down on your refrigerator, in your planner, on your hand, on your mirror, etc. To our SLU Online summer students-- You’ve got this! We know you can do it. If you’ve got any tips on how you stay motivated to do school work during the summer, drop a comment on our Facebook page. Remember, our summer 2 term starts Monday, June 17. Happy summer!
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sluonline · 6 years ago
Meet SPS Student - Jason Wilson
In honor of #NonTradWeek coming to a close, we would like to highlight one of #SLUOnline’s very own students, Jason Wilson.
Jason is currently pursuing a B.S. in Security and Strategic Intelligence with the School for Professional Studies. He will be graduating in May of 2019, a milestone that he has been working incredibly hard to achieve over the last few years. Aside from being an honor roll student and excellent learner, Jason is also a father and has been working in law enforcement for 26 years. Talk about a well-rounded individual!
Jason is looking to pursue a career in the Intelligence community once he graduates and says that pursuing his degree will help him achieve that. When asked about what motivates him to keep working so hard, given all of the many responsibilities he has on his plate, his answer is “I like to lead by example. I’d like my kids to know how important education is. It motivates them to see that I come home from work and do homework. I go my hardest to get the highest grade on every assignment.” Well, he is definitely leading by example!
SPS would like to congratulate Jason on all of his hard work. We are thrilled to watch him walk across that stage in May. 
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sluonline · 3 years ago
Saint Louis University Celebrates Nontraditional Student Week        November 8-12, 2021
The School for Professional Studies (SPS) will be celebrating Nontraditional Student Week November 8-12, 2021, honoring and recognizing students who have made great sacrifices to accomplish their educational goals in a nontraditional way.
Nontraditional Student Week, or #NonTradWeek for social media, was created to celebrate the successes many people have made to tirelessly achieve their dreams and accomplishments, often times in the midst of working full-time jobs and juggling family responsibilities.
“We are very proud of our students and the sacrifices they make to achieve their educational goals,” says Troy Hargrove, Associate Dean at SPS. “To be able to celebrate their success stories as part of nontraditional student week gives us the opportunity to share their incredible accomplishments, achievements and goals with the wider University, and allows students to reflect on their educational journey.”
SPS will continue to celebrate the special week via its social media platform.
“Our staff had the great idea to celebrate our past and current students on our Facebook and Twitter profiles,” said Justin Smith, Student Engagement Manager. “Giving these individuals a platform on digital media helps our audience recognize that nontraditional students have incredible motivation and passion to complete their education, and that’s worth recognizing.”
The week will involve special contests for current students with giveaways such as SLU T-shirts, and sweaters all being featured on SLU Online’s Facebook and Twitter pages.
Social media will also feature current students, faculty and staff.
What: Nontraditional Student Week
When: November 8-12, 2021
Where: SLU Online Facebook and Twitter pages
For more information, please contact:
Justin M. Smith, Student Engagement Manager
Email: [email protected]; Phone: 314-977-2334
#SPS #SLUOnline #SchoolForProfessionalStudies #STL #SaintLouisUniversity #OnlineDegree #NonTrad #NonTradEducation #NonTradWeek #NonTradStudents
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