#Scarlie (ER AU)
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ER AU meme, Scarlie: “Do you want to dance it out?”
“No, Charlie, I don’t want to dance it out! Just because Jordan’s dad wore the same bike jacket as me at the daycare’s Valentine’s Day party and it suited him better because I accidentally ordered mine a size too big, doesn’t mean I need to dance things out. Okay?”
Scotia takes a huff of a breath, casting an offended glance at the jacket in question draped over his couch. He’s paused for a moment before he looks back to Charlie with another huff. “Okay. Maybe. I want to dance it out.”
He takes two strides to close the space between himself and the man of his dreams, pressing their chests together and dropping his arms around Charlie’s hips. Stealing a peck from Charlie, Scotia asks with a pout in his voice, “You still think I’m the hottest dad in school, right?”
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I affectionately blame @mega-punani for the brain-rot from their UT One Piece AU:
Name: Scarlet (Preferred Nicknames: Scar, Scarly)
Biological Sex: Female
Gender Identity: Demigirl
Pronouns: She/They
Romantic/Sexual Identity: Demiromantic Demisexual
Occupation/Education: Doctorate in Medicine and Doctorate in Toxicology; Is fully educated in Monster Medical Practices
More about Her (Including my sloppy reference doodles of her) under the read more:
Species: Mermaid, Type: Lionfish (posing as a Human)
Age: 30 (she keeps her tail split)
Body: Mainly Pale Skin, it has a sun-kissed tan that she applies proper amount of high spf sunscreen onto; 5 feet 1 inch or 1.55 meters tall; sturdy, curvy but chubby body- the body fat is athletic fat, she’s proportionate, and she’s much stronger than she looks (like she could carry full barrels no problem and able to break human bones with barely any effort, she’s holding back her strength constantly); her nails and hair can act as poison spines if she wills it; she has a soft, round, baby-faced… er, face, but has a long, jagged scar on the right side of her face that runs from her forehead, down her eye- her right eye being partially blind from said injury- and ends at just barely past the corner of her mouth.
Clothing: Collared White Shirt with pearl-like iridescent coloring, sleeves have a ruffle that cascades from the elbow to about the wrist; Dark Brown or Dark Grey loose fitting- but not too baggy- pants to hide her split tail, multi-belt things that hold multiple Sea Prism Stone lined bags/pouches that hold money, medical supplies, regular supplies, poisons, and personal items that she holds dearly; Fingerless Gloves to hide her webbed fingers; Black practical boots to comfortably walk/run/move in as well as hide her tail fin in them; a Sea Prism Stone lined strap that goes across her torso for carrying her weapons, more poisons and medicines, and more medical supplies.
Hair: Long, Scarlet with off-white stripes; resembles lionfish spines/fins; almost always has her hair in two braids.

Eyes: Really Dark Brown, almost looking Black.

Likes: Sweet foods, Savory foods, Salty foods, Food in general (a bit of a glutton; neutral on sour and spicy foods), Music, Singing, Dancing, Helping People, Healing People, Honesty, Genuine Emotions/Vulnerability, Swimming (duh), Tinkering/Inventing, Searching for stuff underwater/Treasure Hunting, Poetry, Harmless Jokes/Puns/Harmless Pranks/Humor overall ("Laughter is the best medicine"), a good story, good company, a good drink/good booze, good weed (uses it both recreationally and medically)("Do you smoke?" "Smoke what~?" >:3c), Fancy/Pretty Jewelry/Clothes (never has the money for them).

Personality: Kind, sweet, and caring, but a bit bitter, cynical, and jaded; a worrywart and can mother-hen a bit; can fluctuate between the patience of a saint and ‘I’m so DONE with Y’ALL’ at whiplash-inducing speeds; has trust issues; if you over-exaggerate and/or are a drama-queen about an injury/illness/etc, she’ll tell you ‘walk it off and shut up’ but she can/will carry/drag you to the med-bay if you’re injured/ill/etc but try to get out of it (examples: “I’m fine” “it’s just a scratch” “I’ll rest when I’m dead”); has a strong desire to help/heal those around her and wants to become one of the best doctors in the world; god help you if you get her angry, but it takes a while to get her there; is mostly honest, but knows when to lie/not give out information/etc; anxious, but hides it well (lots of internal panicked screaming); has a good sense of humor: various jokes/puns, including medical ones, fish jokes/puns post reveal.
Weapon(s): 13.5 inch Tactical Bowie Knife with a serrated edge, a Harpoon with a rope attached to the one end and a detachable/replaceable tip, and one long range/sniper dart gun and one short range/pistol dart gun (both dart guns use pressurized air/air pressure to fire the darts).
Dislikes: Bitter foods- especially olives, Liars/Disingenuous People/Disingenuous interactions (knows that lying/manipulation is sometimes needed but still doesn't like it), crappy booze, how expensive medical supplies can be, creepy perverts who hit on her/still hit on her even though she's made her disinterest obvious, racists/bigots/prejudice people, the Marines/World Government as a whole.

Fighting:Merfolk Blade/Combat Knife Fighting Style, Merfolk Spear/Trident/Harpoon Fighting Style, Minor Pole-arm Fighting Style, Dart Guns- short and long range- are more for support and/or a last resort, Black Belt in Merfolk Martial Arts, Black Belt in Merfolk Water Combat Arts.
Hobbies: Art/Drawing/Painting, Tinkering/Inventing, Dancing, Singing, Drumming, Gardening/Growing Plants, Creative Writing, Treasure Hunting, Writing Music/Songs.
Other Skills: Cooking/Baking (Good at it), Nutritional Planning (Really Good at it), Minor Navigational Skills (better at sea), Minor Shipwright Skills, Minor Meteorology Skills (better at sea), Minor Building/Mechanical Skills, Tinkering/Inventing (Good at it), Singing (Amazingly Good at it; Like, She’s been mistaken for a Siren and- if she decided to change careers- could very easily become a famous singer), Fishing/Hunting (Amazing at it), Lying/Manipulation (Slightly Above Average), Genuine Flirting (Is Okay at it), Art/Drawing/Painting (Good at it; never has enough funds for good quality supplies- always got the cheap stuff), Poetry (Above Average), Dancing (Great at it), Gardening/Growing Plants (Good at it), Drum Instruments/Drumming (Really Good at it).
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