#Scalding Sands Fireworks event
twstchaos · 2 years
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I canNOT believe that I had this all edited and did not post it.
The gremlin strikes again...and gets scolded again.
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egophiliac · 2 months
As someone who hasn’t played the twst game very long I just got into it. I wanted to know about events? Like do some not come back? For example do the Masquerade, Port, Beanfest, Ghost bride, starsending events. Do those come back? I hear people say how they missed their chance to get this great card like as if it won’t ever come back and then someone on Reddit will say something like “Oh beanfest happened twice on the JP server” so which events have gotten reruns so far? I would ask about more recent ones like the Easter one but idk if it’s too recent to know if get rerun or if they clarify that it won’t come back? I was really sad to find out about the Silk outfits I missed out on when they visit the scalding sands. I also was really sad to find out i missed out on the anniversary cards because I didn’t play the game yet. I wish they would add the anniversary cards to the store at least…I want to be apart of the celebration :’)
I was looking in the shop and saw all the different groovy items you need to groovify event cards and this question just came to me so I had the urge to ask someone…
welcome to Twst! 🎉 it is a bit confusing to jump right into, especially because. they're not always consistent. :') it sounds like you're probably playing on Eng, which I'm less familiar with, but I'll try based on what I know! (I also don't always remember everything, so somebody please correct me if I get something wrong!)
first, I do recommend the Twst wiki.gg, which seems to stay pretty up-to-date on events for both the Eng and JP versions! it's a great resource for when you want to see if/when an event ran or rerun. in general, I believe that the Eng version only does reruns that have already happened in JP, so if JP has a rerun that hasn't happened yet in Eng, they should get it too eventually! on the other hand, I don't think either version has ever rerun an event more than once. :( BUT this doesn't mean you're entirely out of luck, because:
anniversary events (March for JP, January for Eng) will usually offer a chance to get both an older event SSR and an older birthday SSR in the shop, via buying a special item with exchange currency (which you get by doing pulls on the anniversary gacha, I think you need to do 100-150 pulls for enough currency to buy the item to exchange for an SSR). only SSRs though, and you're limited to one each (one birthday, one event). so if there's an SSR you REALLY want and it's already had its rerun, it's probably worth planning to save up some keys for!
as for actual reruns, they seem to come in a few different flavors:
straight-up rerun, no changes or extra cards
unchanged event story, with a new SSR of a character who wasn't in the story (e.g. Applepom Jamil)
slightly rewritten event story that includes a new SSR (e.g. Ghost Marriage, they don't seem to do this anymore though)
completely new event story that acts as either a sequel or alternate-universe version of the original (e.g. Beans Day part 2, Fairy Gala IF) (though this is pretty rare and might actually count as a separate event, rather than a rerun?)
Master Chef/Culinary Crucible events have never gotten reruns (though they might start now that we've finally gotten through all the characters in JP, time will tell). birthday and Halloween events will also rerun the previous version in addition to the new one -- for instance, Eng should be getting a Glorious Masquerade rerun this year, followed by the new (Playful Land) Halloween event. and a birthday campaign will, in addition to the new card, have a separate pickup for the previous year's birthday card.
for the specific ones you mentioned -- I think Beanfest, Ghost Bride, Fireworks, and Starsending have already rerun in Eng, so those most likely will not be rerun again (at least not anytime soon). Masquerade should be coming back for you guys this Halloween, and Portfest JUST got its rerun in JP, so that should be coming too sometime in the future! (no new SSR though, alas, I was really hoping for a little marching band sailor boy Leona. 😔) the Easter event is the White Rabbit Fest, right? that one hasn't gotten a rerun in JP yet either, so it's still on the table!
all that said, it's entirely possible they'll change the rules at some point and start doing more reruns/chances to get older event cards, especially since the game's been going on for a few years now and some cards haven't been available for a pretty long time! there's only one card that they said was for-realsies limited-time-only and wouldn't ever be available again -- Platinum Grim, since he was to celebrate the 100th anniversary -- so. there's always a little bit of hope for everything else. :D (fairy gala Ortho PLEASE COME BACK SOB)
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kings-roar · 5 months
credit card: prologue
summary: Yuu gets invited on their first journey to one of their schoolmates’ hometowns! But with the meager allowance given by that stingy headmage, they don’t think they have enough to cover the travel. Luckily for them, they’re dating a super rich (and surprisingly generous) boyfriend. notes: this is part one of my series: credit card! details/warnings: gender-neutral pronouns, yuu instead of y/n, adult!yuu, established relationship, leoyuu, follows EN server
ao3 link: xxx
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It was on a lazy Friday evening in the botanical gardens when Yuu was approached by an energetic ball of energy, otherwise known as Kalim Al-Asim, and his childhood companion Jamil. Yuu looks up just as Kalim barrels into them with a hug. They laugh as Jamil begins to scold Kalim, reminding the latter to be aware of boundaries, something that is hardly in the young heir’s vocabulary.
“How can I help you, Kalim?” The prefect moves their homework to the side as they reciprocate the second year’s hug.
“We’re going on a trip!” he exclaims excitedly. Yuu tilts their head to the side.
“Oh? Well, congrats! I hope you have fun.”
“What are you talking about? You’re coming with us!”
‘… Huh?’
“Kalim,” Jamil’s voice sounds tired as he places a hand on his classmate’s shoulder. “You can’t just tell someone they’re going somewhere. You have to ask them first.”
“Oh, right! Well, Yuu, do you wanna come home with us?”
Jamil smacks a hand to his forehead as Yuu continues to become more and more confused. What does he mean, “come home with us”? Is Crowley kicking them out of the campus? Did Grim do something whilst with the Heartslabyul duo? Yuu thought they could trust those two, but maybe they were wrong.”
“It’s nothing like that,” Jamil explains with a tired sigh. “Kalim and I are heading back home, to the Scalding Sands, for the Yasamina River Fireworks Fest.”
“And since you’re from another world, I’d love to show you my hometown, Yuu!” Kalim adds with a beaming smile. “We got six VIP seats, so you and Grim can both tag along! Oh, maybe I should hit up the guys from my Pop Music club too!”
“Wait a minute, you are one of the organizers of the event, Kalim, and as your attendant, I will also be at your side. Inviting Grim and Yuu last minute is one thing, but adding even MORE people whilst we’re busy is too much.”
“It’ll be fine, Jamil! The more the merrier, as they say. Besides, They can take care of their own, right?” Kalim looks towards Yuu with shining, puppy-dog eyes.
“Um, sure.” they nod hesitantly. “But what about the cost? As you can probably guess, Crowley isn’t really on the generous side…”
“Well, the seats for the festival are covered by your tickets. The street food is pretty cheap though! Maybe you could ask the headmage to lend you some more money?”
“Eh, I doubt he’d agree. Grim is also a really big eater.”
Suddenly, a figure jumps down from the tree Yuu was leaning against. The Scarabia duo jumps in surprise, whilst the prefect merely smiled. The figure, ignoring his two underclassmen, ruffles Yuu’s head lightly before sitting down beside them. His long tail curls around Yuu’s wrist as he yawns.
“Hey, Leona-senpai!” Kalim’s the first to recover from the unexpected guest. “Can’t believe I didn’t notice you up in that tree.”
“‘Course you didn’t,” the beastman smirks. “An herbivore like you would never be able to detect a beastman like me.” The comment doesn’t hold much malice in it, if any, and Kalim continues as if nothing happened.
“Well, anyway, were you able to hear everything? Do you wanna come with us?”
“What? Leona-senpai is a classmate of ours! Besides, it would be rude not to invite him after hearing us invite Yuu and Grim.”
Leona yawns again as he nestles himself closer to his favourite human, who also happens to be his partner. His eyes are only half open, a sign that he’s just about ready to fall asleep once again.
“A trip to the Scalding Sands? I’ll pass; not a huge fan of large crowds. But if you wanna go, Yuu…” He stares into his lover’s eyes, waiting for a response. The prefect gives it a thought before answering.
“Hm, well I would like to go, since the festival is a once-a-year event. After all, who knows if I’ll be here to experience it again.”
Leona ignores the twinge in his heart at the thought of his favourite herbivore leaving his side, opting instead to reach into his pocket. He takes out a leather wallet, opening it with one hand and expertly fishing out a thin object. The prince places it gently into Yuu’s hand and quickly tucks away his wallet.
“There, now you can enjoy yourself without worrying. Just don’t let that little weasel see it. He might think this means he can spend on whatever without thinking.”
Yuu’s eyes widen as they unfurl their hand, their gaze falling on a shiny black credit card embellished with gold printed words. LEONA KINGSCHOLAR bedazzles the front, and a shiny crown emblem is stamped at the end of his name. The name of some unknown bank, as well as other details, dot the rest of the card. They flip it over and over, studying it carefully to make sure it’s real. Kalim and Jamil’s faces are also aghast as they recognize the card.
“WOAH!” Kalim gasps. “Is that a black card?! I have one too!”
From the sounds of Kalim’s voice, a black card seems exceptionally rare. Perhaps only the rich and royalty could own one. Either way, Yuu remained quite shocked at the mere fact that Leona trusted them enough to loan them his card. After all, he’s a prince! If Yuu ended up misplacing the card, and it got into the wrong hands, then who knows what could happen to THE prince of Sunset Savanna if his royal funds were taken.
“See? You’re all set now. Now hurry up and leave. You’re digging into my date time.”
“All you’re doing is sleeping…” Jamil mumbles, though it still reaches the beastman’s ears. “Whatever. Let’s go, Kalim. Because of you, I have to rearrange a bunch of things.”
“I’ll pass the news onto Grim for ya, Yuu! Be sure to be at the Mirror in the morning!” Kalim waves to the prefect and beastman as he’s dragged off by Jamil.
Once they’re gone, Leona gently brings Yuu closer to him, nuzzling his face into the crook of their neck. The prefect smiles and softly begins to brush their fingers through the prince’s brown locks, eliciting a pleased noise from the back of his throat.
“Thanks for trusting me with your card, Leona. I’ll be sure to keep it safe and use it wisely.”
“‘s all good,” Leona’s words come out slurred, the familiar and comforting scent of the gardens and his love lulling him back into dreamland. “Just want you to enjoy yourself.”
Leona finally falls asleep, and Yuu joins him once they’ve packed all their things. Trying to do homework now would be futile, it seems. The two peacefully slumber in each other’s embrace for the next hour or so, until Grim and Ruggie came to bring them back to their dorms for curfew.
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I wonder what the Senate's opinion on Sebek, his family, Silver, and (maybe) Yuu are? If they're still alive that is. Considering how crappy and holier than thou they act, I'm assuming not very nice things.
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The senate are implied to still be alive; they were previously mentioned as far back as the Scalding Sands fireworks event. In it, Malleus mentions how the Briar Valley advisors (ie the senate) would be against him going outside of the castle and how he’s typically kept inside. (My god, can you imagine how they’d be fuming if they found out Malleus was THIS close to Lilia chaperoning their prince on a trip to a foreign land??) I assume it is the same senators as the ones we see in the latest update; the attitude is similar.
They seem to be very conservative and unyielding people, so I’d imagine they don’t think highly of anyone that isn’t a fairy of the upper class. (In book 7, they keep indirectly stressing the importance of blood and status by insulting Lilia’s unknown past and his being a “bat” daring to touch a “noble dragon”.) Certainly they wouldn’t look upon a dubious human adopted by the disgraced, “cowardly” ex-General Vanrouge favorably. Maybe that’s partly why Lilia never took Silver to the capital city, knowing that Silver would be rejected by the nobles residing there. The senate would probably despise Silver even more if they knew about his true origins as the Dawn Knight’s son.) And Sebek? Doesn’t matter that his grandpa was a war hero, they’re likely a part of the Briar Valley population that discouraged his parents from marrying (which appears to be a prevailing sentiment in this country). You can pretty much forget about Yuu too, the senate wouldn’t be happy to see a regular ass human (also of dubious origins) waltzing around on the palace grounds, especially if they’re holding Tamago-sama or calling Malleus Tsunotaro/Hornton 💀
xbjsvwjzgeknwkwh It seems like the TWST fandom has collectively made the senate members public enemy #1 since the update dropped… Eat your heart out, Mrs. Rosehearts 🥀
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yuurei20 · 3 months
(Continuation of a request for Twst-world happenings and weather)
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Twst Holidays
Interestingly, we have an example of a real-world Japan holiday being referenced by name in Twst! During the Wish Upon a Star event the prefect comments that the school’s Starsending activities sound strikingly similar to Tanabata, though none of the characters react.  
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I do not believe that we have heard of anything concerning Falena and Cheka’s birthdays, though in Leona’s flashback we hear about an unnamed ceremony where Falena presented Cheka to the kingdom as their future king.
(This scene is sometimes referenced as proof that Falena is already king of Sunset Savanna, but he is not! He is still first prince. This is a not-insignificant part of Leona's turmoil, as it is technically not too late for him to be chosen in favor of his brother and he is grappling with resigning to the inevitable and his fear of giving up (re:novel))
Malleus’ birthday has been confirmed to be a national holiday in Briar Valley!
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We have also heard about many of the festivals held throughout the various countries:
-> The Queendom of Rose’s White Rabbit Fes is a recent tradition, started 16 years ago.
-> Craneport’s Port fest is an annual festival held to commemorate the construction of the port and has been held for decades, though waning in popularity.
-> Harveston’s Mount Moln Sledathon is an annual festival.
-> The Yasamina River Fireworks Fest is a festival organized by the Scalding Sands’ most prominent families.
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-> The Fairy Gala is a festival that fairies hold to usher in spring, but it is “no mere celebration of fairy fashion,” and an interruption of the festival can result in the entire world being caught in eternal winter.
-> Beanfest is “a traditional Twist Wonderland event,” not just a school activity.
-> Halloween is “one of the biggest events in Twisted Wonderland.”
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Concerning weather: it seems that each dorm exists in an independent dimension, and it might be possible that these dimensions are maybe kept weather-controlled? :> Kalim says that “Scarabia’s usually warm year-round!”
Curious things happen to the temperatures during Fairy Gala, which might be hinting at how hot and/or cold those dorms usually are? Octavinelle becomes “unbearably hot,” so it is possible that it is usually cold (as would make sense for a dorm under the water).
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Scarabia usually gets chilly at night, according to Kalim, but during Fairy Gala the dorm is buried in snow in contrast to its usual desert temperatures.
Ignihyde becomes extremely warm, so maybe it is usually kept at a cool temperature? (Which would also make sense, considering all their electronics).
Heartslabyul also becomes very warm, so it is possible that the dorm’s usual temperature is cooler? While Epel complains that Pomefiore has become extremely dry, so maybe that dimension usually has high humidity.
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Lilia says that Diasomnia stays cool because there is little sunlight and that it might not be hospitable for someone like Kalim, who is used to warmer climates.
Crowley’s office becomes freezing cold during the gala, possibly insinuating that it is usually kept warm? Ramshackle Dorm is the opposite, becoming “hot as a desert.”
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While dorm-dimensions may be weather controlled, it would seem the weather on the main campus is not! As you say there is the rain at Ramshackle during the prologue (also emphasized in the novel), and it rains again on campus in Book 7, but as that is Malleus-rain I am not sure it counts?
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There is also forecasted “thunderstorms and torrential rain” being a plot point in the Wish Upon a Star event, and snow can be seen around Ramshackle and the Main Street of campus during Book 4.
And that is what I was able to find! :> Hope this helps!
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oya-oya-okay · 4 months
Hmmm...I know this wouldn't go in drawing but I want to ask. What does Snake's, Finny's, and Soma's most and least favorite events like Soma might like the Fireworks event?
Its okay!!💕💕 Actually, I think they would like every event, but I tried to pay attention to some..!!
Soma🌞: favorite - Scalding Sands' Al'ab Nariya, Sunsent Savanna's Tamashina-Mina
least favorite - Vargas CAMP, Ghost Marriage
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Finny🐥: favorite - Happy Beans Day, Vargas CAMP
least favorite - none (HE HAS FUN AT EVERY EVENT)
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Snake🐍: favorite - Halloween (He can easily carry snakes with him), least favorite - Stage in Playful Land (Perhaps this causes him anxiety, at least sadness🥺)
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viperwhispered · 3 months
*barges in like a maniac* THE DAY that school let's out and I am greeted with this! And now I'm THINKING!
So we've discussed before Jamil letting it all out and storming out but all the endings are super angsty cause Scarabia angst is the best angst in all of Twisted Wonderland. I have come suggesting an alternate ending since Jamil deserves to be happy:
After the break ends, Jamil finally picks up Najma's calls and she puts it on speaker. Jamil proceeds like this: he's sorry for yelling and storming out but not for what he said. As soon as he graduates he is flying off the see the world like he's always wanted and there's nothing they can do to stop him. Eventually he'll get a permanent job and settle somewhere nice where he isn't stuck at the mercy of the local tyrants. There is no working for the Asims and no servitude. This is happening whether they like it or not and the Vipers can just accept it and move on or he will never speak to his parents ever again and only Najma gets to meet any of his future children. Then he hangs up.
You'd think Jamil would be nervous while this is happening, but no. Why? Cause he just spent the best vacation of his life living in domestic bliss with his lover and now he's determined to make it last the rest of his life. It also come with the extra promise of "my children will not be slaves".
Another reason he's so confident is because he's eavesdropped on Kalim's secret meetings with Riddle where they study the laws of the Scalding Sands for legal support for Jamil's freedom.
I'd imagine Jamil's parents would be quite conflicted. However, the second they start leaning towards disowning him Najma flips out asking wtf is wrong with them and that if they disown Jamil for daring to have boundaries/a life outside of Kalim then they might as well disown her too.
So now the Vipers are really screwed cause there's no point in enforcing the time honored tradition on endentured servitude when you have no kids to sell into slavery. So the parents are quiet for now.
Also doesn't help that, when this whole fiasco started, Kalim loudly declared that Jamil was getting the whole vacation off and dared anyone to argue with him. Fortunately, Malleus had taught Kalim how to perfect a poison detection spell, so there weren't any worries about the food.
Najma had gotten really curious over Jamil's secret lover and, when a school event happened, she pounced. Honestly, it was pretty easy finding her in-law since they were wearing Jamil's hair tie. Of course, great minds think alike and fools rarely differ so now Najma is also platonically head over heels with Jamil's s/o. So now the poor reader is stuck in a tug of war between siblings.
So now the Vipers are stuck with their daughter going on and on about how the person they blame for "corrupting" Jamil is the most wonderful being who ever graced Twisted Wonderland. The awkwardness gets even worse when Najma starts nagging Jamil to just bring them over for the next fireworks festival.
So the Vipers agree to at least meet the famed charmer and Jamil responds by laying down the law: 1.There is to be no insulting or passive aggressiveness, be it directly or behind their back, towards my beloved. 2.There is to be no hostility whatsoever towards my dearest. 3.My future spouse shall be sleeping in my room. 4.My heart and soul will be treated just as well as any other guest. 5.If any of these rules are violated, don't expect me to talk to you until after I graduate.
So d-day roles around and the Vipers are forced to welcome the "homewrecker" into their home. Najma just tackles the reader the second they open the door and starts the tug of war with Jamil. With this visit, the Vipers are now cursing under their breaths because 1.Jamil and the reader might as well already be married 2.Najma adores the reader 3.They're a damn good in-law to have (*insert good personality trait here*, does chores, is supportive, etc). They're are now fully aware that no way in hell they were winning this and either have no legacy to speak of or they admit defeat.
They admit defeat.
What's Kalim doing while this goes down? He's given Jamil official orders to "be a good host" and invited friends over to have a week long slumber party. While Jamil battles his parents, Kalim is living it up with Malleus, Lilia, Trey, and Cater and everyone is just having a blast. Best part is that Malleus makes for an excellent assassin deterrent and anyone caught trying gets struck by lightning.
Nikki bonus: The thing about "x reader" fics is that we never get any in-law drama and it's arguably some of funniest shit ever. So let me ramble on about Jamil's encounters with the Deshna Bhavsar.
So some backstory: Nikki's grandparents has trouble conceiving, so they raised Deshna to possibly inherit their taleem (mud wrestling school). Even after Nikki's uncle was born, Deshna still kept on wrestling and could take down fully grown men twice her weight at 18. So Deshna goes to nursing school, but instead of going straight to work she decides to accept an arranged marriage proposal from Nikki's father who was the son of an old acquaintance of her grandfather who had gotten very rich. Now Nikki's bio dad was fine, but he was also a complete wimp who did nothing against his brother who was an abusive ass. Deshna took none of it but none of her in-laws ever supported her. When she realized she was pregnant, she had a major moment of clarity and she divorced her spineless husband. This caused everyone but her immediate family to disown her and she immigrated to Canada. Deshna started off working as the caretaker for an elderly man named Nicholas, who would go on to give some massive support and be the person Nikki was named after. Deshna got her nursing license and proceeded to devote everything into raising Nikki. When Nikki started experiencing their genders during puberty, this woman put herself in therapy and educated herself so her child would never fell abandoned. Deshna does resent the gods the gods she spent her whole life devoted to for putting her child through living hell at least one a week, but she knows Nikki is very stubborn and does her best to support them.
So Jamil is essentially facing off someone who's won the "Mom of the century" award 12 consecutive times and could fold him like a lawn chair if her ever so much as thought about disrespecting her child.
Deshna is a woman who is far too intelligent and observant for her own good and has neither the patient nor the tolerance for anyone's bullshit. So Jamil's flattery and masking will not fly with her. If you want a reference for what Deshna's attitude is like check out Sindhu Vee, this is woman I modeled Deshna after.
Nikki has been upfront about their relationship with Jamil since the beginning, so Deshna has heard everything from the overblot to the arguments over Kalim to "he's a hot asshole and I want to kiss his smug face". Like any good parent, Deshna has already come up with 101 reasons why Jamil is not good enough and is also dreading a repeat of Nikki's previous relationships.
So Nikki and Jamil get together and Deshna is shocked they lasted more than a week and have had almost no issues. Cut to one month later and they're still together and Deshna's like "ok bring him over I gotta see what's so special".
Nikki warns him that no masking will work with their mother but habits are hard to break. Long story short, Deshna baits him into an hour long debate which Jamil loses spectacularly (makes sense since he's never won a debate against Nikki either).
Deshna's conclusion: He's entertaining enough to argue with, lets see how this goes.
Jamil's conclusion: Mother in law or not, I will find a way to destroy this woman.
Nikki’s conclusion: This went much better than expected.
So now Nikki's kidnapping Jamil to hang out every weekend and Deshna has gotten to now Jamil so much better. Point is, Deshna is now bragging whenever possible about the absolute gold mine she has for a son in law. How could she not? He's smart, resourceful, got top grades at a top school, he cooks well, he cleans well, he loves her child, he knows how condoms work, he respects her child, ambitious, has powerful connections, etc.
Eventually, Jamil opens up about his home life and Deshna's response is to assure him that his parents suck anyways and that "Jamil Bhavsar" sounds so much better than Jamil Viper. Ngl tho no way in hell is Deshna letting this good of a catch slip through her fingers nor is she letting her child be turned into a slave.
Fun fact: in Bengali families, it is very common for family members to call you anything but your name. These nicknames are called Dhak names.
So, Deshna tends to call Nikki "Noni" and playfully refers to Jamil as "Daini" (which I've been told is the Bangla word for witch).
It certainly is not easy, putting up such boundaries with one’s parents, but I certainly would love for Jamil to be in such a position to do it with confidence, if it is something that needs to be done.
Hasdfs Najma spotting reader from the hair tie, tho. (Maybe I should’ve indeed sat down with this ask before doing the anything goes story prompt, since I didn’t even see this part but I love the idea. I mean, it’s not exactly inconspicuous, now is it?)
It is so sweet to think of Najma getting along with Jamil’s s/o, too. Plus, then there’s the potential of teaming up with Najma to tease Jamil, which, of course you gotta (I may or may not be the target of this with my partner and sibling irl, so, you know, definitely can see it happening).
Plus I’m sure Najma would also very purposefully be talking reader up to her parents, to try to convince them that they should just let it happen.
I do wonder, though… Surely Jamil should be laying down some rules regarding the treatment towards himself, too, not just s/o? (Basically, silly snek man, don’t just be protective of reader, consider yourself too, if you need to.) But perhaps that’s a matter for another time, once he himself gets a clearer idea of how he does (or doesn’t) want to proceed with his parents in general.
Oh boy though if it wouldn’t be nerve-wrecking to enter the Viper household in these circumstances (I’d be so ready to fight and throw punches for Jamil, ngl). Though now I’m also thinking of reader being extra sugary sweet, like southern US backhanded compliment style… Or just kill them with kindness in general, even while gritting one’s teeth.
Hasdfs I love Kalim’s slumber party tho. I can definitely imagine all sorts of hijinks, I mean with Lilia there too, of more or less “accidentally” dispatching any problems.
Deshna sure is an absolute badass and I want only the best for her.
Also those conclusions after the first meeting hasdfsdf I love these. What a dynamic.
(Also re: in-law drama, I have made up parents for the reader before so you know, can happen, but yeah, only something I’ve done in a longfic and not something you see that often.)
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crystallizsch · 5 months
Hello Ian! ♡
Here's a Jamiyuu fic for you! I apologize if it's not the best, I wrote it in like ten minutes since I'm currently at work lol
(Also I apologize if the formatting ends up messed up, as I'm sending this using Tumblr mobile!)
I hope you enjoy! ♡
The fireworks lit up the sky as everyone stood there watching. It was a gorgeous sight, laughter filling the air as color burst into the night. Jamil turns to Yuusha, the smile on his face falling as he froze. Her face was as bright as the fireworks, eyes shining as she looked towards the sky. She held Grim in her arms, the cat shaped monster watching the scene in awe.
Yuusha turned to Jamil after a moment, feeling his gaze. One of her brow's rose as she looked at his face, amused, "What?"
Jamil stood there, his gaze never wavering as a small smile comes to his face.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Yuusha looks back towards the sky as another firework bursts into the night.
"It really is"
Jamil's eyes remain glued to Yuusha for a moment before he turns back to the sky, standing a little bit closer.
You really are beautiful, Jamil thinks, Najma watching them a few feet away.
She couldn't resist getting a bit closer, waiting until she was right next to him before nudging him in his side, giving him a knowing look.
He does his best to ignore her, nudging her back as she laughs, his face heating up.
Maybe next time, he'll tell Yuusha what he thinks. For now though, he'll just stand there and watch ♡
Thank you! ♡
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anyways i've actually had been imagining scenarios for the scalding sands event and hghsdfksdkljrk
this one in particular is just going to live rent free in my head for a bit they're so gdsfhlksd
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therosefrontier · 7 months
TWST Family Lore: Heartslabyul Part 2
Continued from Heartslabyul part 1, because I forgot doing the whole dorm at once would make this huge... Again, spoiler warning for JP server content! But there isn't anything too story-specific for the events here.
Cater Diamond
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And now, following our freshmen duo and their positive relationship with their families, we get to move on to Cater! Whose relationship with them is, uh, mixed at best? Anyways, we have mention of his father and mother, and he has two older sisters of unknown exact age, as well. His father is a banker for a large company, and we learn that because of his job, the family moved frequently, about once every two years, to branches all around the world (Halloween vignette). Cater's homeland is stated in his profile to be the Shaftlands, so that's probably where his family is from and it might be where they are living currently, but he seems to have lived in other countries, as well. This alone appears to have had a negative impact on Cater…with him moving so often, he felt that he was never able to make meaningful connections with anyone, so he stopped trying, instead going for quantity over quality. We also get a little story in Silver's Halloween vignette, when he remembers finally meeting a friend at school only to find out right afterwards that they were going to be moving in a month. He mentions in his birthday boy vignette as well that he "never knew" when they were going to move again, and given the one-month thing, it seems normal that it was on pretty short notice. He talks about this impact on him to his Pop Music clubmates in his Halloween vignette, saying that he met many people from around the world, but the common thread was that "I would always leave, and they would always stay."
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(image credit: NightCrow)
Cater talks about his situation in a positive light, saying that it was better that he had all these connections through Magicam and could just socialize casually, on his own terms, but at the end of the vignette, the story goes a little different. Cater watches Lilia have a very family-like moment with the rest of the Diasomnia crew and feels a sense of isolation and maybe jealousy...earlier, Lilia told him he was wise for acting as he did, but Cater sees this and feels that Lilia cannot know the way he feels, because he does have these kinds of bonds, which Cater thinks he can never truly have.
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But Cater's relationship with loneliness is, again, is a whole essay in itself! Back to Cater's family!
He talks some about his sisters in his birthday boy vignette, in which he describes how he felt pressed in between the two of them (seemed described a little differently in official vs. fan translations? As the official has him saying "give a guy some space" whereas the original may have been more along the lines of 'squished between them', to reference Mystery Shop), and also, how they'd give him a bunch of "cute" things as a birthday present which was more on lines of what they liked than what he liked. But, he does say that they're better about it now and will actually ask him what he wants. He also assures they didn't mean anything by it.
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(translation by Otome Ayui!)
But of course, there's more! Multiple other mentions of his sisters seem to involve them asking him to do stuff...
Will do things like go shopping and leave him with the bags, or get a random craving for ice cream and ask him to go get it (birthday jacket vignette). Cater says they can be "pretty demanding," but he amends this story by saying that they will also treat him to stuff while they're out, like pocket money, food, or clothes.
Asked him for a Scalding Sands body scrub that had been "all over Magicam" since he was there for Fireworks Fest (Silk Adorned voicelines)
Cater would cook for them, making pancakes from a store-bought mix (although this might not have been a request; he could have just wanted to) (Apprentice Chef vignette)
At the start of book 4 (chapter 3), when everyone is going home for winter break, Cater says that "going home is kind of a drag for me, too," talking of how he knows his sisters will "run me ragged," so he makes a weak bid to go to Trey's house instead. When Trey lightheartedly counters that his family would put him to work too, Cater backs out of the idea.
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Cater's not wanting to go home slides its way in a couple of other mentions, too... in his dorm uniform voicelines, he asks the MC if they're homesick and gets the question thrown back at him, to which he says that he isn't, citing his "annoying" older sisters as the cause. In slight contrast, in his New Year's voicelines, he says that it’s “not too bad to work during the holiday seasons once in a while” because “sure, it’s fun to go back home, but it eventually gets boring.” So this time, it's just 'boring' and not a family issue, but honestly, with Cater, the shifting story doesn't feel out of place. And definitely, it's up for interpretation...he doesn't seem to hate his sisters, but he doesn't really want to be with them, either.
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Now, back to the birthday boy vignette! We get another little story, the reason why Cater doesn't like sweets so much: his mother and older sisters got really into making homemade sweets all the time, and they would feed them to him until he was sick of them. Even if he didn't want any, he felt like he had to eat it because they'd be sad if he didn't.
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And then, there's his lab vignette... Cater describes the relationship his family as a whole has with "cute" things: “in the Diamond household, everything's judged by one simple question: ‘But is it cute?’ Day in and day out, no matter what I did, if it wasn't cute, it didn't cut the mustard! Drawings, handicrafts, store-bought sweets, you name it!” And thus, the instinct to make it cute was "burned" into Cater's brain.
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So, you could say that "trendiness" runs in the family. But also, this does...raise some questions, I'd think? Again, it really is up for interpretation, but Cater specifically saying "no matter what I did" seems to suggest that he felt like the stuff he bought and things he did, including his own drawings and crafts, would be dismissed if they weren't "cute." Like the reason the instinct is burned into him is because that's what he had to do to earn attention. It also feels a little telling that this is the Cater-tries-to-hide-his-sadness vignette, in which one of the mandrakes he grows in the lab, which are supposed to reflect on the mage growing them, turns out gloomy, and he tries hard to deny that this means anything. But as for what all this says about his relationship to his family...I'd guess that perhaps, he feels a little invisible with them. It's not like he doesn't care about them, or that they don't care about him, necessarily (neglect but not on purpose?), but he doesn't seem to feel like his own wants are ever really seen, and the disconnect is to the point that home is not really a place he wants to be. Maybe, one day, he'll open up more about this, but with Cater, I don't think it'll come easy. But who knows...
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And now, Trey's family! He lives with his father and mother, and he has two younger siblings, a sister and brother. His sister is four years younger than him (platinum vignette), but we don't now how old his brother is. His parents run a patisserie bearing their name: Clover Patisserie. They are bakers, and likewise, Trey grew up learning how to cook from them, and in his apprentice chef vignette, he seems to imply that his siblings know their way around the kitchen, too. Also, we do have canon[?] designs for Trey's parents! We get art in the appendix of the last volume of the Heartslabyul manga:
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(thanks to Honeyworks on Twitter for the image!)
The illustration is credited to Yana Toboso, whose notes, as run through Google Translate (I do not know Japanese...), describes Trey's mom as an "active woman with short cut, tall" and his dad as having "mild droopy eyes." In this appendix, we also get ages for Trey, Chenya, and Riddle at the time of the incident (that is, the big backstory as seen in book 1 of Trey inviting Riddle to try a tart at the patisserie but then they lose track of time and Riddle gets caught...that whole thing...). Trey is almost ten, Chenya is nine, and Riddle is eight, which seems to suggest that this happened in fall, in between Trey and Riddle's birthdays (Riddle on 8/24 and Trey on 10/25). Trey describes the event in more detail in his dorm vignette: he says that Riddle's mom "stormed" into his house and lectured his "whole entire family for five hours straight." (which is an insane amount of time...how did she come up with that many things to say!?) Also, to clarify, there seems to be a serious translation discrepancy with this? Because in the official English Trey says that it was his parents who lectured him for that time, but that doesn't even make sense in context... The quote I used is pulled from Mystery Shop's translation, and YuuRei has a good post on this, too. Anyways, the scene is also referenced in chapter 17 of the manga with Trey's flashback:
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Which is...quite devastating, but anyways! As far as I can see, we don't really have much indication of what Trey's parents felt about all of this, but in the manga at least, they appear to be pretty stressed...maybe even cowed by Rosehearts's laying into them like that, and who can blame them?
But, moving aside to happier times! Continuing with Trey's parents, we get a little mention of what they were like as teachers through his apprentice chef vignette. Trey is doing the Culinary Crucible to better learn how to teach cooking to his dormmates, and he comes to a realization: his parents would watch him cook, but sometimes, they wouldn't correct him when he did something wrong until after he failed, because that way, through failure, he would remember, and he would learn. That was what Trey was not doing with his dormmates: he would always step in to fix things rather than let them have that experience.
Trey also talks of his really beginning cooking days in his platinum vignette: when he was four, he helped his parents bake a fairy cake after his sister was born, which they ate with family and neighbors, that being a Queendom of Roses tradition. Trey says that looking back at the pictures, the cake was pretty terrible, but he was excited about helping and thought the cake tasted great at the time, and all the adults complimented him on it, too. After that day, he would join his parents in the kitchen to help bake cakes, although he said he really just made a mess of flour and probably was a "huge bother" for his parents. That said, from the sounds of it, it seems implied that they were pretty patient with him, though?
Trey gives a different food-related story in his birthday boy vignette: his favorite food is candied violets, and he had one for the first time when he was "really young," before he started elementary school. He was amazed at the idea of flowers being edible, and his parents tell him that he "drove them nuts" via repeatedly trying to eat random flowers and weeds after that. Trey has no memory of this. But he does remember snacking on violets at home that were meant for cakes and his parents getting on his case about it. Eventually, they started setting some aside from him, and now, they send some to him at school in the occasional care package.
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(image credit: NightCrow)
Trey also mentions his parents in one of his Silk Adorned card voicelines, saying that they love trying out new ingredients, and that perhaps, they should take a family trip to the Scalding Sands one day. Also, in both his birthday jacket vignette and his outdoor wear voicelines, he mentions that he's gone on camping trips with his family before, during summer vacation.
In Trey's Halloween vignette, we get a little story involving all of his family: he once tried half-rimmed glasses similar to the shape Azul wears, to mixed results. His mother and little sister said that they didn't like the glasses because they made him look "angry," and his dad and little brother said that he looked cool in them... because the glasses made him look like a "movie villain." Therefore, Trey rejected the glasses. He has also considered getting contacts, but similarly, his sister says he looks "sinister" without them.
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(image credit: Songstress Studios)
Trey has several mentions of his siblings: they seem to have spent a lot of time together growing up, although also, it seems Trey did a lot of looking after them and taking care of them, too.
It was Trey's "job" to make sure his younger siblings brushed their teeth properly, as them being exposed to sweets so much via the patisserie made it a necessity (school uniform vignette)
Trey would make his siblings' costumes for Halloween. He says he's "not great" at it, but he can sew basic things (Halloween voicelines)
Trey would bake his siblings' cakes for their birthdays (birthday boy voicelines). He also mentions in Ace's school uniform vignette that his siblings would often "pester" him to bake for them, and he says in his birthday boy vignette that he would usually cook dinners for the family back at home, since his parents were busy with the patisserie. His brother and sister would ask for his hamburger steak all the time.
Trey helps his siblings with their homework when he's home (Winter Break Calendar 2023)
Trey and his siblings would often play with fireworks together (Silk Adorned vignette)
Once, Trey took his little brother to a Spelldrive game to fulfill his Starsending wish (Starsending voicelines)
In one of his labwear voicelines, Trey says "you all remind me of my younger siblings. They're always running around and giving me a hard time.” So, it does seem that they certainly tire him out. Again, going back to book 4, chapter 3, as mentioned in Cater's part, Trey responds to Cater's request by saying he's welcome to come to his house, but his family would run him "just as ragged." (but, if he was serious about that, that would suggest that Trey knew that his parents wouldn't mind Cater coming over!) It appears that, with the patisserie family business, it can be an 'all hands on deck' kind of affair, with Trey at least helping out with running things. There's also a little mention in Ace's school uniform vignette, in which Trey says that he's used to carrying heavy things because of shopping for ingredients for the patisserie.
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Which is all rather interesting to me, really… both Trey and Cater describe their family as 'running them ragged' in some way and relying on them to do stuff, but with very different tones. For Trey, the 'older brother' instincts are so ingrained in him that he doesn't seem to think twice about it much of the time, such as we see in his school uniform vignette, in which he acts on those same instincts with his peers, Ace and Deuce, in insuring that their teeth are clean, and Deuce notes that he has that "kind older brother" vibe and has a "knack for looking after everyone." Which is interesting in that Trey doesn't really seem to be trying to volunteer for everything, and he certainly isn't trying to stand out, but he will take on everything in pursuit of keeping this ship running smoothly, all the same.
That said, he does seem to have a very positive relationship with his family! Although their busy lives might have led to a bit of a he-raised-his-siblings kind of dynamic. Trey seems to be usually very relaxed when talking about them, thinking back on the stories with a kind of fondness. We don't quite have too much to go on yet when it comes to actually deducing the personalities of his siblings as individuals, but from the general mentions, they do seem quite energetic, for sure! And perhaps, much like so much of the Heartslabyul dorm, will instinctively rely on Trey without a second thought...
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And now, last on the Heartslabyul roster...Riddle. The ever-infamous family of Riddle. A lot of what we know comes from Book 1 of the main story: he's an only child, and both of his parents are medical mages—famous ones, too. Trey says that where they're from, everyone knew their names. Riddle's father is mentioned, but we hear little of his involvement in Riddle's life—the main player on this stage is his mother, who rigorously trained Riddle up to follow in her steps.
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In chapter 18 of book 1, Trey first describes what it was like for Riddle: his mother mapped out his schedule to the minute, "from the moment Riddle woke up to when his head hit the pillow at the end of the night," and in the flashback sequence in chapter 25, Riddle describes it in much the same way: "my day was planned, down to the minute." Riddle's mom tailor-made an education program for him and appears to have implemented it herself, and Riddle, in an effort to please his parents, followed every rule they made. He became a prodigy, mastering his signature spell by age ten.
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Riddle's mom was very strict with his diet, as well—she kept to very healthy foods, limited Riddle to under 600 calories per meal, and absconded sugar entirely. And thus comes the point of conflict...in the story, Riddle, who was eight at the time, was invited by Trey and Chenya to come outside to play during his one hour of independent study time (in which he was supposed to be studying alone in his room), and then, he started playing with them in secret every day, and it became his favorite part of his day. Then, one day, Trey invites Riddle to try a tart at the patisserie, and they lose track of time...and then, Riddle's mother finds him. She was furious, both at his skipping independent study time and his eating a "mountain of sugar." And then, as mentioned in Trey's section, she goes on to lecture Trey's family for five whole hours.
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In this scene with Riddle and his mom, Riddle tries hard to apologize, but she cuts him off, telling him to be quiet, and then forbidding him with playing with Trey and Chenya ever again, and also taking away his independent study time in favor of keeping closer watch on him. In Trey's dorm uniform vignette, he describes Riddle's mom as being "impossible to deal with once she flew off the handle." And so, Riddle was left to just strive to follow the rules she set down, believing that she must be right, for "she was the most accomplished mother in the city, and therefore, the most correct," and he didn't want to lose anything, not again... He also quotes her in chapter 22, saying that "a man who cannot follow rules is a man who cannot achieve anything."
In book 4, chapter 3, we see that Riddle is feeling some dread over going back home for the winter break, but he also does resolve to try to talk to his mother, not that he's confident she will listen. We don't have any mention of how that talk actually went.
Interestingly enough, we don't seem to have that many mentions from Riddle about his family outside of the main story in his voicelines and vignettes, compared to some of the others. He does talk some about his upbringing in his birthday boy vignette: his parents both raised him to take up the mantle and be a medical mage like them one day, which he describes as being a "highly demanding profession." He said that they would tell him over and over "When you grow up, you'll be just like us, Riddle!" Before NRC, Riddle never questioned this path for him, but now, he says that he has developed some interest in law, so he may actually pursue that instead.
In one of his suitor suit voicelines, Riddle mentions that wearing this makes him think of the parties he used to attend with his parents. He also gives a mention in his halloween vignette that his mother taught him social dancing, so it seems like the three of them did go to formal social functions from time to time.
He also mentions his parents in another suitor suit voiceline, talking about how he reads that the Queen of Hearts had an amicable marriage, and he wishes he could share that secret to his parents, which would suggest that their marriage is not doing that great, actually.
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Anyhow, social functions aside, it seems like Riddle probably has not had any "real" vacations with his family, or just fun gatherings/outings in general. In one of his Masquerade voicelines, he says "I'm not very accustomed to festivals...especially not ones in other countries. It's difficult to know how to participate and have fun.” And this comes up a lot, it seems, in the 'Lost in the Book' Stitch event, where Riddle is quite unfamiliar with the concept of a vacation at the beach. In one of his beachwear voicelines, he says “Having dinner with everyone while gazing at a sunset on the beach like this… This must be what it means to go on vacation. This is the first time I’ve experienced anything like this.” (Mystery Shop's translation)
In book 6, we get another brief mention of Riddle's mother: upon being invited by Ortho and Idia to play video games to pass the time, Riddle says that his mother told him that video games are "addictive and can hurt academic performance." They had neither a gaming console nor a TV at home. Riddle hasn't read much, if any, fiction aside from classic literature either, from the looks of it. It comes up in the second Halloween event, Spectral Soiree: Ruggie and Ortho, whom Riddle is traveling with, get excited over the prospect of this being like a treasure hunt, with so many tropes coming to life, and they quickly find out that Riddle is wholly unfamiliar with what they are talking about. He says that he has "no exposure" to comic books and video games like the rest of them.
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He then goes on to say that he is missing out on absolutely nothing, has read many things, and was reading medical dictionaries by the time he was "Ortho's age." Whether that Ortho's real or perceived age is unclear, as literally, he might be about six? I think Idia finished building him when he was twelve? But Riddle may not know that—obviously, Ortho being what he is gives him a great kickstart in mental development, besides being given memories of the original Ortho, so as far as perceived age goes, he's akin to the freshmen. But saying all that to say! I also wouldn't be surprised if Riddle really was being handed a medical dictionary at age six, honestly.
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So, in a general sense, you could conclude that Riddle has a great unfamiliarity with the concept of "fun," which gives a bit of a picture as to his parents and his mother specifically. It was as if everything had to have some sense of necessity; it wasn't enough for something to just be enjoyable. Riddle was put to a strict standard of performance, and in turn, he expects the same of others, in a way he seems to have to take some effort to unlearn. In his dorm vignette, for instance, we see him helping Cater, who was struggling in his practical magic class, with his studying. At first, he makes this insanely long study guide (300 pages), and he gets annoyed when Cater says that this is far too much for him to read, because this is exactly what he is used to doing, thinking that if you don't want to do something, you should just force yourself to (which I imagine is the philosophy his own childhood education took). But then, after a talk with Trey, he realizes that he can't expect everyone to learn like he does, so instead, he makes a plan to teach Cater through pictures and Magicam hashtags so that he could remember them, and it works! And then he goes right back to giving Cater a bunch of textbooks at the end, but hey, it's a start :)
That said, Riddle's development is easily a whole essay on its own! The takeaway here with his parents is that both of them put a lot of expectations on him and are probably very success-driven themselves. In a way, it 'worked' for them, because they are very successful and famous, but their general happiness may be another story. Again, we get little of Riddle's dad specifically except that his relationship with his mom is not great, but with his mom, we get the impression that she is just...very high-strung and obsessive? Her rigorous training of Riddle goes beyond just wanting him to have a good education—she obsesses over his progress in a way that seems to invoke that if anything goes in a way other than what she envisions, Riddle would be hopelessly failed. It's "care" in the worst kind of way... I think that she really does believe that everything she does is for him and his wellbeing, but doing things like that, it becomes a whole lot about herself too, I'd think. Riddle is an extension of her, and therefore, he must be perfect. We know little of what she is like outside of her relationship with Riddle, but it doesn't seem hard to believe that she would have some measure of that strictness and my-way-is-the-only-way attitude with everyone else in her life, although it may be comparatively muted, as it is with some people who will treat their children with a special kind of possessiveness, even if only subconsciously. I do wonder if anyone else ever got the equivalent of the five-hour tirade she gave to the Clover family, but of course, that's all speculation. The silver lining is that it didn't work for Riddle like she wanted it to...he's still his own person, and after he finally came to the point of admitting, at the end of book 1, that he was wrong, and that by extension, the things his mother did to him were wrong (although not so outright), he has become in a better position to grow and move on, although unfortunately, he still has to go back home at the end of the day, and his mom has not changed. It could be a difficult road for a long time yet... but still, I like to think that Riddle is on a better path now, and that, if he ever does become a parent one day, he'll be a better one than his own parents were.
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hello, there! Firstly, congrats on making 1,600 Followers!👍 I'd like prompt 🐶 with Leona, Azul and Jamil and fem! reader, please? Thanks!
Hi, thank you for the ask!
Follower event: Leona, Azul, Jamil with "Everybody loves somebody sometime, everybody falls in love somehow. Something in your kiss just told me my sometime is now"
Dang, was he always a romantic? He thought he hated how his brother would be all sweet around his wife but it was starting to make sense for some reason. Whenever Leona was around you, he almost felt himself soften. He would pull you closer to him or at least lean on you. He would often imagine himself kissing you or things like that, but of course these were just his thoughts
He didn't think he really was in love, maybe he was just going on the dates with you because he wanted to see what it was like. But he was in an emotional battle almost everyday with how he felt around you. Finally, deciding to settle things once and for all, he decided to figure out how he would feel after he kissed you
It was a nice night out and you two were sitting together on his bed. You were talking to him about your world while he was getting ready to sleep. "Hey, herbivore, come closer for a moment," he said. You looked at him, puzzled but leaning closer. That was how you got your first kiss from him.
Turns out, he actually really liked it, maybe he wasn't dreaming he liked you after all. He pulled back for a second before sneaking another kiss on your cheek. "W-what was that about!" you punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Ah don't worry about it, just wanted to see you blush," he teased. Of course he was blushing too though
He was so nervous. You two had gone on a date and it was so nice. He was finally going to ask if you wanted to make it official and he had prepared all of the words that would be used to make you his girlfriend. However, all of his preparations would fail him because you were a step ahead
Telling him that you had a gift for him, you told him to close his eyes and to keep perfectly still. "This won't be funny if you scare me," he said while closing his eyes. "Don't worry, you'll like it," you smiled. Then, without another word, you kissed him
His eyes opened and widened when he saw you brushing your lips on his. Azul's heart was racing and he felt like he was going to faint. Was this what love felt like? He felt light-headed but full of energy at the same time, it was strange but so good
After the two seconds of your gift, you asked him how he felt but he wasn't sure how to put it into words and so just nodded. But it was true, he really loved you, and this was the moment that truly confirmed everything for him
If there was anyone in the school that was the worst at dealing with emotions, it had to be Jamil. He was great at denying himself of being true to himself, mainly because of his own background of working as a servant. But you seemed to be changing him, or at least that was what most people thought. He felt like he loved you but what if he was fooling himself?
You followed him when he went back to the Scalding Sands for the fireworks. It was fun trip, and you even got to meet his little sister! It was Najma who actually convinced you to try and kiss him during the fireworks and yeah it was a good idea
Jamil was done with the dance and had joined you as one of the audience members when his work was finished. "How is it?" he asked, sitting down next to you. "It's beautiful, like you of course," you smiled at him, making him blush lightly and look away. "Hey, look at me," you tapped his shoulder to catch his attention. "What is it-" before he could finish his sentence he had gotten a kiss from you
It made his heart race, it was the confirmation he needed to realize yeah he really liked you. But it was all at the cost of his face turning red and him making an awkward gasp when you pulled away after the one second peck-on-the-lips. "Ah! Are you alright?!" you weren't sure if you scared him, and he just sat there dumbfounded. "Wow..." that was all he could muster. "...I didn't think the fireworks could resemble what's going on inside my heart but here I am," he sighed. You smiled at him and leaned on his shoulder
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ladyazurith · 4 months
Cater and Malleus friendship fic set during the Scalding Sands fireworks event.
Friendship, true friendship, had always been a mystery to Cater Diamond, but when Jamil tells the story of a magical melon that can bind friends together forever, Cater believes it's real. His hope turns to tears in the middle of the night when he thinks he's alone on his balcony. A foolish idea given his room is right next to Malleus Draconia. In the end, maybe the melon wasn't so fake after all.
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twstchaos · 2 years
Day 132 of my daily visitor post, ehehe!!!
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Hornton with straight sugar for my sugar high needs!!!
Welcome back again for the seventh time to Ramshackle, Malleus~
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This is the face of a man planning a double homicide.
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twiwoncrackpopcorn · 1 year
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ツイステ Twisted Wonderland EVENT at Scalding Sands “Firelit Skies” RERUN with new SSR Vil Schoenheit
same storyline,
R Trey and SR Cater as Free Event Cards playing the Story (duplicates at Sam’s Shop), don’t forget to accumulate Fireworks to level up their Spells,
SR Malleus and SSR Jamil on the original Banner,
SSR Vil on a new separate banner,
Sam will have the Event Backgrounds available,
Vil “Yasamina Silk” will not have a Personal Story / Vignette = instead you get card-exclusive GuestRoom Furniture.
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13thfairytale · 1 year
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i have not read scalding sands fireworks event but this was her in it right
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mobblespsycho100 · 1 year
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Vil doodle because his new card drove me nuts
[ID: A digital doodle of Vil Schoenheit from his torso up, wearing the yasamina silk outfit from the Scalding Sand’s Al'ab Nariya event. He has his hair in a small braid. He is smiling and has his hand up to the side. The background is a simple night sky with pink fireworks. /End ID]
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zvezdacito · 2 years
Random TWST worldbuilding rewrite idea
I think it would've been cool if the Scalding Sands event had utilized more of the Cave of Wonders lore from the original movie as insp.
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I'll elaborate on the idea I thought of in the images and text below ⬇️
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-Maybe the Scalding Sands got its name from the sands of its deserts being magical and having an aggravated fierceness because of that, In my brain the magic sands kinda have the movement of unpredictable rocky ocean waves
-And that's why its a common semi-magic natural phenomenon in the Scalding Sands that in the danger desert zones outside the City there are just these sinkholes/gaps that can appear out of nowhere
-and it basically leads to the underground cave thing (the Cave of Wonders reference) but it's usually very unstable and collapses before ppl can get out
-So exploring is not advised and that's why researchers haven't found much on its cause and the full extent of what happens inside yet
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-Maybe kalim's ancestors who helped found and stabilize the city were the only known people in recorded history who were able to successfully navigate past these 'caves'/get out when they were trapped inside
-Back to where the canon event starts Kalim Jamil and co. go to the city first but then Malleus wanders off to the desert area and they GPS follow him there, but then the sand suddenly sinks in and they get trapped in a Cave of Wonder where they find a bunch of like rare magic gems in there and stuff
-Because Kalim knows his ancestor supposedly survived this situation according to legend, it increases their hopes that they might make it out too
-Although exact record of how he made it out is lost, maybe he left something behind passed down to his family for generations that serves as a clue or guide to how
-The stakes are the gang have to get back to the surface in time for the fireworks launching ceremony, and before the sands shift too much and crush them to death underneath it (reference to Aladdin cave chase where he has to escape it being overrun by lava and stuff)
Ok that's it so far its still kinda unpolished cause this is kinda just the first things I thought of
For this to happen they need to cut on a lot of the details in kalim inviting everyone and them touring the town so rip to those crumbs but overall I think this is kind of a cooler concept for an event😭
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-Like idk but I wished the worldbuilding of Twisted Wonderland felt more whimsical and magical for real since it's all based off Disney movies there is so much potential😭😭😭
-Currently they are underutilizing the source material in that regard so bad TWSTLand is literally just simplified earth and that's frankly kinda lame😭 Yuu might as well not have been isekaid to it at this point
-(Also I think they should've saved a city with its main thing being flowers for somewhere in the Queendom of Roses than the NBC city (I know its for those fire lilies plot point but whatever they could've found some other way for Rollo to attempt genocide on mages)
-Like I personally think NBC city should just be like twst Vatican tho idk what religions TWSTland residents have)
That's all I think. Thank you for reading
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