#Say goodbye to Klaus
mangoshorthand · 10 months
“can’t you blink out of here?”
“plot convenience.”
"what do you mean, plot convenience?"
"You mean you don't know?"
He looked at you, genuinely shocked. The line between his eyebrows deepened as he realised you really were being honest with him.
"Five, you're scaring me."
He flopped down on top of a crate and studied his shoes for a moment.
"I thought everybody knew."
You shook your head, feeling the fear build and twist in your guts. He let out a long breath and looked up at you from tired, green eyes.
"None of this is real. None of it. This entire universe, everything about us is fiction. So I can't blink us out of here. The Author forbids it."
"What are you talking about?"
"I' sorry to tell you, but we're fictional characters. Notice how weird it was that we'd suddenly get locked in here? What the fuck are we even doing in the basement of a JC Penneys, right? Yeah, none of that was by chance. The Author planned it all."
"Five, this isn't funny."
"No. It isn't. We're perpetually trapped at the end of the pen of a sexually frustrated megalomaniac who retreats into the world of fiction as an escape from the fundamental disappointment of her own life." he said, like an asshole upon whom I shall have my revenge.
Five sighed again, knowing he had just secured himself a beating but squaring his shoulders nevertheless, taking control of the situation for the sake of others, despite his own despair. That's one of the things I like about him.
"We seem to be in a classic 'locked in' scenario right now," he said, "so I'd estimate there are roughly three roads we could go down."
He held up one finger on his right hand to illustrate.
"Number one: we have an argument, make up and come out of the experience knowing and respecting each other better. That is the best case scenario, but it's risky because it can also lead to scenario two-"
He lifted a second finger, grimly.
"The sexual tension ramps up, perhaps it's through the argument we started in scenerio one, or perhaps not but, essentially, before we escape we at least have to confess our love for one another, but almost certainly have hot sweaty sex.-"
"And Three: we're actually in the horror genre and one of us murders the other after a terrifying game of cat and mouse."
You stared at him, mouth agape. Hot sweaty sex? A game of cat and mouse? What on earth was happening here?
"I know this is hard to hear," he continued, "but you gotta accept it. It's easier for me, She has me drinking a lot as a coping mechanism for the terrible things She makes happen to me. It's bad writing but it does dull everything."
He looked down at his shoes again, considering how unwise it was to point out the clumsiness of My one-note attempts to portray dysfunctional coping mechanisms but, having already thoroughly incurred My wrath, found that he didn't care.
Looking at him warily, you ventured to comment once more.
"Five, are you...are you prescribed any meds?"
"The Author will decide, I have no control over Her. Now listen, I vote we just try to make one of the plots happen. It might get us out of here faster. I'll start by calling you a cunt and then you argue back, okay? It's the only way to appease The Author."
Partly to give yourself a break from this madness, you took your eyes off Five and looked slowly around the basement. Your eyes stopped on a particular item, hanging on the opposite wall. One that made everything fall into place.
You were locked in a basement with a trained killer suffering from psychotic delusions. And over there on the wall...?
Why, there was a fire axe of course.
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hellomagicalsouls · 6 months
✨Season Four: The Umbrella Academy✨
it's complete, it's all ready. august can't come fast enough🥳
🎬 That's a wrap baby 🎬
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are we all ready to say goodbye to our favourite dysfunctional family?
hopefully all your theories turn out as right and i hope everyone enjoys it!!
im very grateful for all the friends ive made through watching this show and to have something like that is incredible!!
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jazzellow · 1 month
I think the general consensus is that tua season 4 was pretty bad. Like they usually make weird plot choices in every season but in this season, it was all the choices lmao. I will say that I did think that ending with them all dying made sense, it’s just how they got there was like terribly constructed. They should have just focused, or at least put a heavier focus, on the Ben and Jenifer plot line. The rest of it just didn’t need to be there. It did not contribute to the bigger picture. Like, i felt like I was just waiting and waiting and waiting for the Klaus arc to actually effect the main plot, but it ended up just being just a Klaus thing. Like If we took that plot away, would it have effected the main storyline? That shit took up so much of the runtime and for what????????? Putting in filler plot when there’s only 6 episodes is so strange to me???????? Should have used that time for like five more dance sequences fr fr
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tulipisnadaxx · 2 years
“ One of you stands, walks to the door, and doesn't turn back. Even if their heart aches for just one more look, one more moment. ”
5x12. 5x13.
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existentialpeaches22 · 7 months
There is a part of me that is delighted that season 4 is coming out so late in the year - that way I can be in denial about tua ending for much longer.
On the other hand, I don’t know if I have the emotional bandwidth to handle another six months of anticipation. I may go insane.
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theseancekid · 2 years
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theconstantsidekick · 1 month
klaus got sober, finally got sober but was made a germaphobe. he was ridiculed for finally having his shit together but having weird coping mechanisms for it. then he was made to spiral again and then killed off. he got his life on track, was an exceptional uncle/second parent to his niece and then they made him sell his body for drugs and inevitably killed him off as a junkie.
luther, who was the leader, who was smart enough to be an astronaut could amount to nothing without his powers except from being a stripper. he had absolutely nothing and no one, even sloan was ripped away from him and then he, too was killed off. lonely and unaccomplished.
ben was brought back, finally alive, granted not the same ben but he wore the same face and he had a family who could annoy him into shape but he stayed a dick, became a apocalyptic monster and credited for the destruction of all the branching timelines, and died as a monster that he was so afraid of becoming.
alison got her happy life but couldn’t sustain it. her husband left her but at least she got to have claire and for that i can give credit but she remained codependent on klaus to be her passion project that made her feel better. she never learnt why that was not healthy and then died without her daughter.
diego had this beautiful life, a family that called him their own, three kids and wife who called him darling, and love and then he was made to fuck it all up because of some obsession with the CIA, in service of a romance between his wife and brother because the creator thought an old man needed some romance. he wasn’t even shown saying goodbye to his kids.
lila left behind her assassin ways, she stopped being batshit crazy and ultra suspicious to settle down with a man she genuinely and wholeheartedly loved and trusted, only to throw it all away because his younger (and yet much older) brother found her a timeline with strawberries. she was made to give up her kids, her family, her happy fucking life when all she ever wanted was to not be alone.
viktor got dealt the worst hand, always. he was abused vehemently by his father and ignored and relegated due to no fault of his own. he was made to feel ugly and broken and small but then he realised that his family loved him even if his father didn’t. he got a chance at being normal and he took it, only for it to be stripped away from him so that he could sacrifice his life for a world that was never kind to him. he was made to reconcile with his abusive father and then promptly erased out of existence.
five. my dearest boy, young man, old fool, five. he survived an apocalypse after another. fought tooth and nail to keep his family alive and well and dedicated his entire life to make sure of it. only for all his efforts to be made futile and his snark to be mellowed. he made it his life mission to keep the world safe and his family safe only for all that to be stripped away from his character and made into a lovesick fool who abandoned them during the final battle to mope about his brother’s wife not liking him back.
there were so many character assassinations this season, GoT writers would be proud of dear old steve.
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3njoythesil3nce · 1 month
Plot holes/crappy writing in TUA 4
• Five, the guy who spent 45 years in an apocalypse and went back specifically to save his siblings from the same fate, ended up betraying Diego with such lightness and unjustified hatred and almost left the whole family because he got rejected by Lila?
• Five and Lila together just because Five needed a love interest when up until a season ago they had a sibling dynamic and Lila was madly in love with Diego
• In the end they decide to sacrifice themselves to destroy the Marigold but then they all reincarnate as Marigold flowers? and there is literally half a bottle of Marigold left intact in Diego's van?
•why in the hell was Lila shooting laser from her eyes? where did that power come from?
• Luther regains his powers and gets his monkey body back even though it has NOTHING to do with his powers since he morphed into that after Reggie saved his life by injecting him with a serum in season one
• in the end, all the past villains are shown together in the correct timeline when they all should be from completely different times
• Five feels like a COMPLETELY different person, the decharacterization was unreal.
• Klaus' new powers are shown for a second and then for the rest of the season he's basically reduced to a prostitute, ruining all the anticipation of seeing his true strength that has been building up since season 2 and nullifying all of his self improvement
• why was Jennifer in a fucking squid?
• in the end how are the children alive if their parents never existed?
• Ben and Jennifer were completely USELESS. and they were supposed to be key characters of the season
• Abigail's storyline made NO sense at all, she was supposed to be one of the most important characters in the series since the foreshadowing of her presence starts in season 1 and then she is reduced to two scenes in which she basically goes "fuck you Reggie for destroying the world, now I'll destroy it too as punishment" ???
• when Five meets the other Fives in the diner he doesn't show any symptoms of Paradox Psychosis
• Ray and Sloane are cut out of the show with two lines without explaining anything
• Diego dies without saying goodbye to his children
• Jean and Gene barely have a role in the whole season
• Allison sacrificed everything and everyone for Claire and their relationship is reduced to 3 scenes?
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athenamikaelson · 4 months
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader!Soulmate x Elijah Mikaelson PART 4
Word Count- 3.1k
Warnings- Swearing, spoilers obi.
My fingers graze the texture of my history textbook. My eyes read through each line. Before I know it I’m at the end of the page, and yet I can’t recall a single sentence I had just “read.” I let out a loud sigh and closed the book, placing it back in place on my desk. Ever since the day I got kidnapped this has been a problem. Without being on edge, I can’t focus on school work, the people around me, or myself. Every time I walk by someone I instantly tense up to the idea of them being something supernatural. I know that Elena has told me everyone in town that she knows is a part of that world but she can’t possibly know when a complete stranger is. 
Worrying about who is supernatural isn’t the only thing that’s been plaguing my thoughts, either. All night I was tossing and turning with the thought of Elijah. Damon and Elena knew as much as I did about how he was still alive. Elena had told me that a vampire could be killed with a wooden stake, and yet it had only affected Elijah temporarily. 
“He’s going to destroy you.”
Kathrine’s words ring in my ears. Stefan had told me not to believe a word she says, but given that these people don’t seem to know what the hell is going on either, I’ve let her words get to me. The look of fear in her eyes at the thought strikes me to my core every time I think back to it. If a vampire that is magically locked up is afraid of this Elijah guy, then I sure as hell will be too. 
I jump slightly in shock as I hear knocking on my door, I untense when I hear my mother’s voice on the other side though. 
“Y/N, you have a friend here to see you,” I stand up and open my door to talk to her but freeze when I see Damon standing behind her. His lips curve up into a smirk and moves his fingers up and down in a wave as he stares at me.
“Your friend Damon here is so kind to drop in to check on you. I had no idea you were feeling under the weather.” 
I glance at my mother and fight the urge to roll my eyes. Although we look so much alike I couldn’t be more different from her. Where I actually take the time to listen to people and try to understand people my mother seems to only care about what benefits her. I’m not surprised at all that she hasn’t noticed my change in attitude these past few days since she never seemed to care before. 
She clears her throat at the silence she gets from me, “Well, I’ll let you talk. I have to be going anyways,” She turns to Damon who fakes a smile at her, “I have a work trip this weekend.”
“Work on the weekends, well that’s no fun,” Damon responds with a flirtatious tone that makes me want to gag. My mother on the other hand turns red.
“No worries, I always find a way to liven things up,” She leans closer to him, “Even though it would be more fun with some company.”
“Mom, you should be going now,” I interrupt before I throw up on both of them. 
My mother nods and says her goodbyes to both of us, mostly Damon, and walks back down the hallway. I let out a sigh of relief but then tense up when I realized that Damon had just entered my room.
“What are you doing here,” I watch as he looks around my small room. After my mother and father’s divorce, my mother wasn’t left with very much money so we had to make do with what we could scrounge up. After moving and divorce costs we left with a tiny 3 bedroom 1 bath single story home here in Mystic Falls. It looks like a shoe box compared to the other houses in this town, but I don’t really care since I plan to move away from here the second I graduate. 
“I need a favor,” Damon says to me as he picks up the stuffed frog I have on my bed and tosses it around in his hands. 
“What kind of favor?”
Damon places the frog back on my bed, “Well, after your and Elena’s little suicide excursion yesterday we’ve magically locked her in her house, and I need you Pukerella to go babysit.” 
I send him a glare at the nickname, “If Elena’s locked in her house why do you need me to babysit her?”
Damon rolls his shoulders and walks towards the door, “I don’t need you to do anything. I want you to go to Elena’s and let me know if she plans on calling the big bad vampire to come sacrifice her.” 
“So you want me to be your spy?”
Damon thinks at the question for a moment before shrugging his shoulders, “Ya, pretty much.”
I shake my head, “I’m not going to spy on my only friend.”
Damon lets out an annoyed groan and pinches the bridge of his nose as if this is the most annoying conversation he’s had, “Fine then you won’t be my spy, you’ll be the babysitter I hired for Elena. There happy? Now come on I got other stuff to do today other than arguing with you, people to go kill and stuff like that you know?”
Damon grabs me by my upper arm and practically drags me out of my room and down the hallway toward the front door. He ignores my yells of anger as he opens the door to his car and pretty much pushes me in. I huff as he speeds over to his side and starts the car.
“Oh and by the way,” I slowly turn my head to glare at him as he starts talking, “You might want to get some vervain for yourself and your family. It was too easy getting your mother to invite me into your quaint home.” 
“We could watch Pretty Woman?” Elena asks Jeremy and I as we sit on the couch. Jeremy lets out a loud groan at the question making Elena laugh.
“Guess not,” She flips through some more channels before she lets out a sound of excitement, “Oh! Grease!” Elena goes to play the movie but Jeremy snatches the remote from her hand.
“No way, not happening. I have seen that movie far too many times because of you and Mom. I’m going to decide.”
It takes Jeremy another 10 minutes to scroll through the channels deciding on a movie. Every time he picks one Elena disagrees and they start arguing over it until they start searching again. This has pretty much been what we’ve been doing for the whole hour in which I’ve been at the Gilbert residence. After Damon kicked me out of his car and drove off I’ve just been listening to the Gilbert siblings argue. It’s not that bad though. Jenna, Jeremy and Elena’s aunt, supplied us with snacks a bunch of snacks before she had to leave for something she had to go do.
I turn to the TV to see what Jeremy picked and cringe as I see the beginning credits for “The Human Centipede.”
Elena’s sound of disgust mirrors mine as she stands up, “This is no use. Y/N do you just want to go up to my room?” 
I glance at the TV again momentarily and nod my head, “Defiantly.”
“You’ve got to read this book I just got,” Elena jumps up from her spot on the floor next to me and goes to her bookshelf, “The romance in it is so steamy and the main male character in it is so hot!” She stops and blushes at what she just said.
“Don’t tell Stefan,” She points at me.
I laugh as I bring my fingers to my lips and pretend to lock them, “You’re secret is safe with me.”
Elena and I had been making small talk until I had mentioned that I liked reading, which caught her attention. She had told me she does too and we began talking about our favorite books and genres. To which we found out we’re both fans of romance, jumpstarting an hour-long discussion. 
Elena sits back down next to me and hands me her book. I strum through the pages.
“I’ll make sure to read it and let you know what I think.”
She nods and looks away as if in thought, “I can’t believe we didn’t become friends earlier. Why is that?” 
Her question has me stirring uncomfortably, “Honestly I’m not that surprised. I’m not that noticeable.” 
This comment has Elena furrowing her eyebrows and shaking her head, “You’re joking right,” At my look of confusion she continues, “Of course I noticed you. I mean when you come to a small town like this it’s hard not to be noticed but what I mean is that I always thought you were cool.”
I can feel my cheeks warm up at her compliment and I glance down at my fingers to hide it.
“You thought I was cool?”
“Ya of course,” She responds instantly, “You’ve got great style and you’ve got this mysterious aura about you. I just never approached you because I thought you didn’t like me.” 
Her confession has me looking up and frowning, “Why would you think that?”
She shrugs her shoulders, “You just kind of sometimes look like you don’t want to be approached by anyone. I just assumed. I’m sorry.”
I shake my head at her apology, “Don’t apologize! And no, I never hated you I always thought you were the cool one. I just think I have that look on my face all the time.”
Elena laughs and smiles at me, “OK, good.”
We’re about to start talking about books again when we hear the front door open.
“Jenna must be home,” Elena says as she stands up and reaches her hand down for me to grab. I grab it and pull myself up and we walk downstairs. 
We turn the corner and we both give each other a look as we see Jenna on the ground rummaging through some boxes. 
“Hey. What are you doing,” Elena questions her Aunt.
“Oh perfect timing,” She grabs a cardboard box and hands it to Elena, and then gives another to me.
“Whoa. Oh. What is this stuff?”
“Your mom’s files from the historical society. I got roped into helping Mrs. Lockwood,” Jenna grabs her box and stands up, “And by roped, I mean very excited to participate.”
I silently laugh as I try to balance the heavy box in my arms, the laughing stops though once Jenna closes the door and I lock eyes with the man who’s been haunting my every waking thought. 
“Hey, I’m Elijah.”
Elena and I stand there frozen as we watch Jenna interact with the vampire. 
“Elijah’s in town doing research on Mystic Falls,” She introduces us not knowing we’ve already had the displeasure of meeting. 
I freeze up and grip the box I’m holding tighter to my chest as Elijah walks closer to us. He quickly greets Elena, skating her hand before turning his full attention onto me. I’m visibly shaking right now and it only worsens as Elijah reaches his hands up and grabs the box from my hands. His fingers grazed mine for longer than needed. 
“Here let me take this,” He places the box back down and reaches his hand up to me in greeting. 
We both stand there looking at each other for what seems like forever as he waits for me to shake his hand.
“I don’t like being touched,” I blurt out. Elijah slowly lowers his hand and I might be mistaken but from the look on his face, he almost appeared saddened by that. 
Jenna joins us again telling Elijah that he can stay here and rummage through the boxes, to which he turns down. I try to find the wall behind Elena interesting to keep my line of sight away from the vampire, but I can still sense him staring at me. After another moment he tells Jenna he’s going to have someone pick up the boxes tomorrow and bids Jenna and Elena a farewell. I almost think he’s left us but when I look back over I find that Elijah has moved even closer and he gives me a warm smile and leans down.
“I hope to speak with you again soon, Miss Y/L/N.” My chest starts moving up and down rapidly, which he seems to have noticed, as I nod at his words. He doesn’t seem to get that I won’t be saying anything back to him because he stands there staring at my face. After what seems like a lifetime I watch as he moves by me towards the front door, but not before he lifts a finger and grazes the end of my sweater. 
I watch with bated breath as he shuts the door behind him. Elena doesn’t waste any time before dragging me up the stairs and banging on Jeremy’s door. As she goes to open the door I feel a hand grab my waist and pull me. My back hits something strong and I go to squeal but it comes out muffled as a hand moves over my mouth. I look up and freeze as I stare up at Elena to whom he motions to be quiet. I hear Jeremy open his door but I can’t focus on any of the words he’s saying as I watch Elijah’s face. I make note of the light stubble that runs across his jawline and the practically flawless skin he has. Lucky ass vampires. My staring must’ve caught his attention, as his dark brown eyes meet mine. Once again the corners of his lips turn upwards into a small smile as he watches me watch him. 
Jeremy walking by us catches my attention and Elijah drops the hand from my mouth, but not before leaning down, and what I could’ve sworn was sniffing my hair. Elena quickly grabs my hand and pulls me away from Elijah and for a second I almost feel annoyed at this. Clearly not as annoyed as Elijah though was lets out a snarl, making Elena go rigid. 
“What do you want?”
Elijah composes himself once, “I think it’s time we three at a little chat.”
“Forgive the intrusion. I mean your family no harm,” Elijah tells Elena as he walks around her room.
“Why did you kill those vampires when they tried to take me,” Elena questions him as she comes to sit down next to me on her bed. 
“Because I didn’t want you to be taken,” Elijah says confusing both Elena and I, “Klaus is the most feared and hated of the Originals but those who fear him are desperate for his approval. If word gets out that the doppelganger exists there’ll be a line of vampires eager to take you to him and I can’t have that.”
A cold feeling runs up and down my spine at the mention of Klaus. 
“Isn’t that exactly what you’re trying to do,” Elena questions him again. 
“Let’s just say that my goal is not to break the curse.”
My eyebrows furrow in confusion at the confession. Elijah looks at Elena and then brings his eyes towards me for a moment before turning back to Elena as she begins speaking. 
“So what is your goal?”
“Klaus’ obsessions have made in paranoid. He’s a recluse. He trusts only those in his immediate circle.”
“Like you?”
“Not anymore.”
“An old ass paranoid vampire, how much better could this be,” I whisper out loud to myself sarcastically. I look up and see Elijah looking at me with a small smirk on his face as he must’ve heard my comment. 
“You don’t know where he is do you,” Elena questions but he doesn’t turn his gaze away from me, “So you’re trying to use me to draw him out.” 
Elijah lets out a sigh as he turns his attention back towards my friend, “Well, to do that I need you to stay put and stop trying to get yourself killed.”
He gives her a smile and I have to stop myself from smiling at it. 
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
“Well, if I wasn’t being truthful, all your family would be dead and I’d be taking you to Klaus right now. Instead… I’m here and I’m prepared to offer you a deal.”
And the smile was instantly gone. 
This grabs Elena’s attention, “What kind of a deal?”
Elijah stands up and starts walking around, “Do nothing. Do nothing, live your life, stop fighting. And then, when the time is right, you and I shall draw Klaus out together and I shall make certain that your friends remain unharmed.”
“And then what?”
“Then I kill him.”
“Just like that?”
Elijah smirks at her, “Just like that. I’m a man of my word, Elena. I make a deal, I keep a deal.”
“How are you going to be able to keep everybody safe?”
“You know, I notice you have a friend, Bonnie, is it? She seems to possess the gift of magic. I have friends with similar gifts.”
“You know witches.” Elena nods her head to which I fight the urge to say “duh” to. This guy is oldddd, of course, he knows witches. 
“Together we can protect everybody that matters to you.” 
I watch silently as Elijah walks over to Elena and reaches his hand out for her to shake, “So do we have a deal?”
“As long as you keep my friends safe,” Elena looks over to me, “Y/N is one of those friends.” 
Elijah looks over to me and smirks, “Trust me deal or no deal. No one will be laying a finger on Y/N. That I give you my word on.”
I fidget under his intense stare.  
“I need you to do one more thing for me.”
Elijah turns back to face Elena with an incredulous look, “We’re negotiating now?”
Elena tells Elijah she’ll accept his deal if he gets his witches to free Stefan from some vampire tomb he’s been trapped in. Why has no one told me this yet? Elijah reluctantly agrees and they shake hands, cementing their deal. With one last glance toward me, Elijah nods his head and speeds away. 
Elena and I both let out shaking breaths as we stared at each other. 
“Any chance you want to spend the night,” Elena asks me hopefully with a sheepish look.
I nod my head quickly, “My mom is out of town and my brother’s at a sleepover. There’s no way in hell I’m going back to that empty house tonight.” 
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klausysworld · 1 year
Hi, I was wondering if you could write a one shot of klaus x reader. Where reader is apart of Elena’s group of friends but klaus’s mate and she’s made to choose between her friends or klaus and klaus doesn’t think she’ll choose him and tells her it’s ok but she surprised everyone and chooses klaus and betrays Elena for him
You can put as much angst as you want.
Thanks 😊
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A soulmate wasn’t something Klaus had been expecting when he came to Mystic falls to break his curse. And at first the idea was ridiculous to him and he saw it as a weakness.
But there was something about her that pulled him in. Deep down he knew that she was perfect for him, and he would do whatever he had to do that he could be perfect for her too.
Even if it meant not having her.
She wouldn’t choose him, he was sure of it. Not after everything he had done to those she considered family.
Time after time he had blown up her life and every time he could feel her disappointment as she looked from him to her friends, ultimately walking away from him each and every time.
And when it was time for him to leave and go to New Orleans, he didn’t believe it was worth asking her to come with him, he was so certain that she wouldn’t want to at all.
When she found out he was leaving, her heart and soul ached. She loved her friends, she did but she also knew that they would never love her as much as she did them. Elena would always come first, compared to Elena (which she frequently was) she was nothing.
She thought that maybe Klaus would have at least mentioned it to her instead of her finding out from an overjoyed Damon.
See they spoke fairly often, even if neither of them really noticed, whenever they were in the grill minutes would turn into hours. At the ball she had seen a painting of herself which Klaus instantly became embarrassed of and ushered her down the stairs.
She knew that he wanted her, why would he leave her behind? She wasn’t sure until he came to say goodbye.
“I’m sure you know by now that I’m leaving, I’m going to New Orleans…I uh…I’d ask you to come but I think we both know that wouldn’t happen so um..I wanted to give you some things” he whispered, his brows furrowed as he swallowed the lump in his throat. He was looking anywhere other than her eyes as he handed her a gift bag of sorts. “I wasn’t sure how to give it to you so um…” he let out a breath as she took it from him, her hand brushing his.
He fell quiet as she looked through the things before looking up at him in confusion “keys?”
“To my- your house” he murmured and her lips parted in surprise
“I know it’s a little much, you can sell it if you like…you can do whatever you like with it and anything you find inside. I’ve left my number on a card just incase you get a new phone and you ever need me for anything or if…well anything” he mumbled while showing her the card
He looked at her for a moment, she remained in a state of shock as she looked back at him.
Hesitantly he took a step closer to her, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. His face nuzzled her hair as he closed his eyes. She returned his hug until a throat clearing drew them both back to where they were.
Klaus moved away from her, a lingering kiss on her forehead before he disappeared from in front of her.
She hated every second he was gone.
She hated being in the grill and not being able to find him.
She hated that he wouldn’t randomly appear just to ask about her day.
She hated the way her friends spoke about him.
She hated how they blamed him for every little thing.
She hated how they called her crazy when she defended him
She hated how they hated him.
She hated that she loved him.
And not because she didn’t want to love him but because she wasn’t allowed to.
And it took her weeks to realise that the people who were supposed to be her family wouldn’t do this to her if they cared about her.
So after arguing for days, objects thrown and screams aimed at each other, she found herself in New Orleans.
She had knocked but he wasn’t in which should have told her to go away but she instead she managed to get inside and worked out which room was his.
She snooped as most people would and smiled at the array of paintings and sketches of herself. She saddened at the letters he had written to her but never sent.
Her fingers tapped along the edge of the book she had found in his room, not something she would have thought he’d read but still engaging.
Halfway in she heard the door slam downstairs and a range of angry voices before more doors were thrown open and closed. Heavy footsteps made their way up the stairs before he walked in.
His hands rubbed his eyes and pushed his hair back as he sighed. She put the book down and waited patiently for him to notice her in the room with him.
He kept his face in his hands for a moment longer making her frown and get up quietly, she silently pulled his wrists away from his face. His eyes locked on hers in an instant, his expression softening as he blinked in confusion.
“Bad day?” She asked gently and he breathed out a soft laugh as his arms circled her body. She smiled to herself as she pressed her forehead against his with a content sigh.
“What are you doing here?” He whispered though not in any way complaining
“I was hoping I could stay…if you’ll have me”
“Of course I’ll have you, you’ll stay as long as you’ll let me have you” he muttered, his nose just touching hers and their lips barely brushing each others.
“I think I’ll love you forever” she whispered and he felt a grin pill at his lips
“Then you can stay forever, for I will love you always”
And with that, their lips finally met.
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rebelumbrella46 · 1 month
Let’s just be honest—The Umbrella Academy was essentially cancelled after Season 3, but given the massive fandom, Netflix gave them the chance to wrap up the story with a final season. It’s similar to what happened with Shadowhunters—it was cancelled, but after the outcry from fans, they were given two more episodes to tie things up.
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For me, the first two seasons were masterpieces. They truly became my comfort show and introduced me to my comfort characters. This might sound cheesy, but it’s true—when the first season aired, I was going through a rough time in my life, and I held on to this show like my life depended on it. Season 2 arrived amidst the pandemic, and it was a light in the darkness for me as well. Even with the massive success of Season 2, I think Netflix hesitated to greenlight another season. I remember waiting for an announcement, and it felt like it took forever.
Season 3 was filmed during the pandemic, and if I recall correctly, Netflix cut the budget for visual effects. So, the season didn’t quite live up to the expectations set by Season 2. Regardless of its flaws, I enjoyed it, but I would have enjoyed it more if the writing hadn’t been so sloppy and, at times, cheesy.
But this last season? It feels like fanservice—and not even good fanservice. For example, the Lila and Five thing? The enhanced powers? The Jennifer Incident? All of it fell flat. Klaus’s storyline this season was basically what I wanted to see in Season 3, but it was delivered too late and added nothing meaningful to the plot.
But was the main plot really supposed to be about Jennifer? Who cares about introducing a new character in the final season instead of focusing on saying goodbye to the beloved main characters?
The subplots were boring. Klaus’s storyline was fanservice, but it felt like they just threw us a bone to appease years of fans asking for Klaus to get his comic powers. And it was insulting. Ben and Jennifer in love? Unrealistic and boring. The train station? Who came up with that cheap idea? I thought it would be a place built by Reggie, but there was no explanation at all.
The apocalypse no longer feels exciting or even important. There’s no sense of urgency anymore.
The family dynamics—the strongest part of this show—felt odd and weak. Pairing Viktor with Reginald was boring. Lila and Diego’s drama? Nonsense. And what was the point of Claire? I thought she would be the main conflict of the season, with everyone banding together to save a character we’ve known since Season 1, who has emotional ties to every Umbrella.
And where were the villains? To make it as interesting as Seasons 1 and 2, you need a great antagonist. Like Hazel and Cha-Cha, The Handler, Reginald, or even an antihero like the Sparrows, Harlan, or the Commission. Why not make Abigail the greatest threat? Or bring back some of the former villains?
What about resolving old family drama, so that if the show’s end was going to be the family sacrificing themselves, they could all go in peace?
Instead, they didn’t address Allison’s betrayal at all. They created a huge rift between Five and Diego. Nothing for Klaus and Ben. No Umbrella Ben. No Sloane. Why is Lila even here anymore? Why didn’t she just ditch out like Ray and leave Diego with the kids to be a single dad? That would’ve made more sense coming from Lila than from Ray, to be honest.
For me, the writers, producers, and directors knew this show was cancelled, so they didn’t even try anymore. For me, the ending of season 3 was meant to be the ending of the show.
I watched Game of Thrones after it ended, so I didn’t experience the same level of rage, disappointment, and betrayal that fans felt. But now, I do.
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calummss · 1 year
Bleeding into Nightfall | Klaus Mikaelson
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summary: life is gloomy and you’re tired of repetitive days that don’t get better. you say goodbye to the world forgetting about once person in paticular—niklaus mikaelson
pairing: fem! reader x klaus mikaelson
words: 3k
a/n: story of my life with the love of my life
tw: heavy descriptions of depression, suicide!!!
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Waking up every day was like waking up from the calm and facing the storm. Days bleeding into nightfall. Day after day starting to warp into each other, each day as listless as the day before. Mystic falls’ grey gloomy clouds constantly above your head as you managed to get out of bed. You kind of found common ground with autumn mornings. You enjoyed them more than any other morning but enjoy is a strong word for someone like you. Autumn mornings are dark that make it look like it was three in the morning. A time where nobody in this world expects a single thing from you. Just you alone existing in this world.
You brush your teeth.
Comb your hair.
Put on an outfit.
Make yourself look presentable so that nobody would be able to tell just how empty you felt. How draining it was getting ready when you could easily wear the same pair of clothes day and night. Forget about your appearance as you just try to pass the day.
Leaving the house you took one last look in the mirror with the same face you wish you could rip off, but instead you put on your best genuine smile that didn’t make you look like a manic sociopath and closed the door to make your way to school.
13 hours and 30 minutes to go.
Out of 24 hours you only feel okay for a couple. And it’s not even that you feel good, you just feel okay. You just try to get through the day. It’s been like this for a while. Time wailing past you, time wailing before you that has you trapped. You wake up. Go to school. Eat and sleep. Sometimes you don’t even eat or sleep. The easiest tasks seem impossible to complete. Why do you have to waste such a long amount of time? You’d be perfectly fine with only living eighteen years instead of eighty. You don’t do anything all day but you’re exhausted each time you lay down in bed, ready to shut your eyes. Still, you drag yourself through the day like cattle; unable to break free from what's holding you back.
The walk to school isn’t too long. Rustling leaves on trees, crunching of dead leaves that were kicked up into the air with each step you took, the thought of simply being a leaf on your mind as you barely noticed the person ahead.
‘I’m so sorry— Caroline…hi. I’m sorry,’ you lifted your head from the ground to see Caroline’s smile. ‘I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings,’
‘Yeah, I could tell.’ She gleamed, hooking her arm into yours as you continued walking the last blocks.
It was an okay walk. Your ears picking up different sounds of your surroundings as the mixture of sounds seemed to be blocking out your thoughts. It's too hard to concentrate on them.
‘Do you have anything planned for your outfit on Saturday?’ Caroline broke you from the chattering of your mind, hearing her voice bringing you back to the present.
You stared at her. Your eyes on her, your face hanging from your head as you stayed quiet, pressing your lips against each other as her smile turned to a frown.
‘Y/n, come on,’ she moaned, the sparkles in her eyes duplicating as she stared back at you. Her personality reminding you of the warmth of a fireplace on a cold evening. ‘It’s the school dance! It’s so important that we make these memories to look back on them when we’re old and wrinkly,’
‘I think I have enough memories.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I mean I just don’t really feel like going, that's all…’
‘Why not?’ She came to a halt, taking her arm from you so she could stand perfectly square of you, her arms folded in front of her chest as the wind blew her hair from the back.
‘I don’t know,’ you shrugged, ‘I just don’t want to go.’
‘Not even to please Klaus? I mean no offence—‘ (Caroline’s favourite way to start being offensive) ‘But no one knows what he sees in you. I mean he’s this grumpy old maniac that terrifies the vampire species and you’re just…you. A human with a normal life. A nice girl that just, in comparison to him, lives a boring life.’
‘I don’t know, Caroline,’ you huffed, picking up pace again, readjusting your school bag. Feet sluggishly bringing you forth. ‘He’s nice to me and he makes me forget certain aspects of my life but even for him I wouldn’t go.’
‘What’s wrong with you, Y/n?’ Caroline held you back again, stopping once more. ‘Are you okay? I’ve noticed that you seem off for a while now and I didn’t want to pry but I cannot hold myself back any longer. What happened? What is it that’s making you so glum all the time?’
‘I’m okay, Caroline,’ you half smiled, ‘I think I’d just rather go home and watch a movie or something.’
Caroline opened her mouth but before she could say another word you cut her off, ‘And before you offer yourself as my sleepover company, I think I’d rather be alone.’ You started walking again, the school doors only a few minutes away. ‘Besides, I know you want to be a good friend by wanting to come over but you and I both know that deep down you hoped I would say no because you want to go to the dance, and that is fine. Make those memories, Caroline! Your life has so many blank pages left to fill and I don’t want to hold you back! Go and have fun.’
Caroline immediately pulled you into a hug. Her perfume hitting your nostrils as you placed your arms around her, a quick smile forming on your lips.
‘Come on now,’ you took hold of her arm, ‘We need to get there on time otherwise Rick will have us doing detention the rest of the week.’
‘Do you think he dislikes us?’
‘No, I actually think it’s his way of showing that he cares,’ you let out a giggle that infected Caroline as you walked onto the school premises just as the bell rang for first period.
School was the same every day. Go to class. Pay attention. Write down notes. Stare outside of the window, the teacher’s voice fading into silence as your mind powered through to absent you from life.
Everyone seems so content with life? Why can’t I? What is there to be happy about?
‘Miss Jacobs, the action is here. Not outside.’ Mrs. Clark said, snapping your head to the front of the class. ‘If my class is boring you’re welcome to go outside.’
‘I’m sorry,’ you cleared your throat, sitting up straight. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Now, where was I?’
10 hours to go.
When the school bell rang for the last time, you started to clear your table and cram all your stuff into your bag, people pushing past you as everyone tried to leave. Out in the hall you quickly waved Caroline, Elena and Bonnie goodbye, ready to go home and sit in silence.
Plugging in your headphones you slowly started to walk home, music blasting through your ears and you tried to block out any sound from the world.
Trees and cars passed you, barely anyone on the pavement. You kept walking when you noticed a person in the distance; dressed in dark colours, stance confident and a face you could recognise from a mile away.
‘Hi.’ You gave him your best smile, not too much, not too little.
‘I hear there’s a school dance this saturday,’ he accompanied you towards your home. ‘I was hoping that I could ask you to the dance.’
‘I’m actually not going.’
‘Don’t feel like going, that’s all.’ You shared a quick glance.
His pupils dilated, eyebrows drawn together, the skin between them wrinkled. ‘Are you okay, Y/n.’ He gently grabbed a hold of your upper arm, the frequent blinking of his eyes telling you that you made him worry.
‘I’m fine,’ you chuckled, your crooked smile paired with dull, sparkless eyes not in your favour.
‘Don’t give me that bullshit.’
‘Klaus, please. I’m not in a mood to argue right now.’
‘Arguing?’ His eyebrows drew his eyebrows even closer. ‘We’re just talking.’
‘Look, Klaus.’ You stopped in your tracks, allowing yourself to stare up at his face. Lips plush, eyes squinted as his focus was on you. ‘I see that you want to go to the dance with me and if I were up to it I would, but I would just rather go home. Watch a movie. Be alone. Get away from all this,’ you sighed.
‘Okay.’ You breathed, ‘See you around, okay?’ You got on your tiptoes to place a quick kiss on his cheek before walking home.
‘Yeah, see you around.’ Klaus mumbled as you were already out of earshot, leaving him confused as to what was happening to you.
6 hours to go.
When you arrived home you went straight upstairs. Throwing your bag into a corner of your room as you wasted no time to change into more comfortable clothes like your lounging outfit (a pyjama). Down the stairs you walked into the kitchen, taking a bag of doritos and a bar of chocolate from the cupboard, a glass of water to wash down the junk and placed them onto the coffee table. Snatching a blanket from the living room trunk, you made yourself comfortable and put on the TV, ready to watch the Big Bang Theory and waste your time.
‘Y/h honey,’ your mother’s heels sounded through the living room. ‘It’s date night so we’ll be home quite late.’
‘Make sure to get some healthy carbs and protein in you too, okay darling?’
‘Yeah, mom. Have fun.’ You said, your eyes haven’t left the screen.
‘See you later.’
The door closed. Silence swept the house. Your TV the only thing that sounded within the walls. Sighing, you took a row of chocolate and let out a half-sounded giggle as you continued watching TV.
1 hour left to go.
8:50pm; it was time to go upstairs. You put away the stuff you used, made sure the windows and doors were locked and the lights turned off. The floorboard creaked with every step you took. Going into your bedroom you halted in front of your dresser, picking up the framed family portrait that you took on a trip to the family cabin on christmas day.
Your lips started pressing together, your fingers on the back of the frame scraping against the wood as a blink of your eyes let the first two tears roll down your cheek. Your heart twisted, aching with every shaky breath you took, a sting of melancholy growing inside your throat.
4 minutes to go.
You placed it back on the dresser, taking another glance at your room before taking off to the bathroom where you closed the door and took a long look in the mirror: messed up hair, red puffy eyes that blinked uncontrollably, the face of a person you never got to know.
Wiping away your tears you opened the cabinet and grabbed the packet of razors you purchased just last week in preparation for tonight.
Taking a deep breath you climbed into the bathtub, letting your back fall against the wall, a new surge of emptiness growing as you realised that you were going to be utterly alone when you went.
The cold metal pierced into your soft skin like fresh butter. The warmth of your blood no longer flowing like it normally did but instead poured onto your skin. Quiet drips spilling into the bathtub, staining your clothes on the way. Once your blood started spilling you didn’t feel any great pain, it hurt, but it was manageable. You hoped it wouldn’t, however seeing all the blood that was streaming from your cut, made your heart start to beat at immense speed.
Then the sweating started to begin. Your body was damp, head to toe and toe to head. You thought back on the days you went running. Every time you finished you’d have the same, wet, and uncomfortable sweat sitting on your skin, soaking into your clothes. A deeply unpleasant feeling started to make itself noticeable, heart pounding in your chest, throbbing with pain, but there was nothing you could do. Neither did you want to. You wanted nothing more than to disappear from the earth’s surface. You didn’t need to be here. Trapped with nowhere to go. No one would miss you. You barely had anyone but yourself and that was all you needed. Even in death you felt comforted by your own thoughts. A very strong headache, accompanied by a loud, white noise ringing almost made you regret your decision. The room spun like crazy before your vision started fading out; the ringing got louder as darkness came for you…
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Klaus made his way to your house. He didn’t like the way you were acting before you left. Your behaviour hasn’t left his mind since you last spoke. He turned into your driveway and jogged up the stairs, ringing the bell to hope that you would open up to him. To let him make you feel better. To let you know that he would do anything to see you happy.
But you never answered.
‘Y/n, open the door.’ Klaus raised his voice, his fist hitting against the door.
No answer.
‘Y/n!’ He slammed the door again.
Still, nothing.
Klaus focused his hearing to see if you were home when he suddenly heard shallow breaths; breaths he knew belonged to you. Without wasting another second Klaus kicked down the door, his vampire speed taking him to the location of decreased breaths. Almost taking the bathroom door off its hinges, Klaus found you sitting in the tub; red staining your body, head hanging sideways.
‘Y/N!’ He bellowed, falling to his knees, his arms hooking under your lump torso, pulling you out of the tub. The lack of tension in your body making his heart fall into an empty pit.
‘No, no, no, no, no,’ Klaus’ hands grabbed the sides of your face, twisting and turning. Hoping that your eyes would flatter open and greet him with a smile. A smile he held dear to his heart. But they stayed closed, his eyes getting blurrier the longer he fought.
‘Don’t you die on me!’ Klaus bit into his wrists, placing it on your lips, letting the blood flow into your system, his shaking arm staining your lower half of your face red. ‘You do not get to die! Wake up! Wake up…’
You stayed still. Just as lifeless as before you weighed Klaus’ body to the ground, his tears falling to your chest, pulling you close as his heart ached greater than it ever had. His reason to be good went without saying goodbye, leaving him to be alone like he had been for hundreds of centuries.
Klaus has heard thousands of heartbeats stop. Seen thousands of bodies covered in blood. Thousands of dead people. He didn’t know why it was so hard to see you there when he had been through this a million times. He felt empty. Everything about you came crashing down, his hope for hearing you say his name draining into nothingness. Klaus’ breathing grew louder, his chest feeling like it was being filled with water, the same water that spilled from his lashes, staring down at someone he always put first; forever wishing he hadn’t let you go home by yourself that afternoon.
Suddenly your body jolted forwards, gasping for air. Eyes wide as you took a large gulp of air, your chest rising and falling.
‘Y/n?’ Klaus whispered, his hands back on your face. ‘Y/n, y/n, talk to me.’
You coughed in response, droopy eyes making it hard to see your surroundings, blurry vision fading into one big blob of colour.
‘Y/n, say something please…’
‘Klaus,’ you whispered so quietly, lips barely parting as you spoke.
‘Can you hear me?’
‘Yes, what— what happened?’
‘What happened, Y/n?’ Klaus’ voice increased in volume.’You almost died on me!’ His tone shook.
‘Am— Am I a vampire?’ You started to come back to your old self. Your vision clearing up, your ears no longer feeling like a tunnel.
‘No, my blood just healed you.’ He caressed your head, softly stroking your hair.
‘Why did you save me?’
‘Why?’ A frown painted his lip, ‘I care about you, Y/n! So much. You don’t deserve to die. How could you leave me without saying goodbye?’
‘I didn’t want to say goodbye to you Klaus because if I would’ve looked at your face and said those words, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. It would’ve made leaving so much harder.’
‘Look at me,’ his thumb swiped across your cheek, ‘this is the face of someone who will never let you die or get hurt,’
Your heart clenched as you looked at him, tears pooling at your lower lash line. ‘Klaus—‘
‘Please promise me to not leave without saying goodbye first,’
‘You have to promise, Y/n…’
‘What makes you think I don’t want to die anymore, Klaus?’
Klaus stared back at you; empty eyes, no thoughts to be said out loud.
‘Promise me to not kill yourself, seriously? What makes you think I won’t try to do this again? I love you Klaus, I do, but my love is not bigger than my will to live.’
‘Y/n, stop talking…’
‘Why? Because you thought I’d thank you for saving me? I didn’t want to be saved, Nik! I never wanted to. All I wanted was for all of this shit to go away and you brought me back to this shit.’
‘Y/n, please,’
‘I said leave!’
Tears started streaming down your face, ‘Fuck you, Nik.’ And you stood up to go to your room.
Klaus stayed over the next several days. Sleeping against your closed door as he tried to patch things back up. But it was your decision to make a change, and your decision to forgive him.
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s1xthirty · 27 days
EVERYTHING IS FINE! | The Good Place AU with Ben Hargreeves
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Summary : After saving Viktor from ending the world and finally left for the afterlife, Ben found himself in ‘The Good Place’
A/n : it’s still a work in progress!! If some of you have been here long enough, then you know how long i’ve been abandoning this idea, but it’s here!!! I’m still in dilemma whether if i should pair him with an OC or make it X Fem!Reader. Tell me what you think of the story!! I’m up for discussion.
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"Can I ask you a weird favor?"
"Can you hug me as I go?" Ben asked one more favor before leaving. "It's been a long time since—"
Without waiting for Ben to finish his word, Viktor immediately wrapped his arms around Ben. He hadn't been hugged in such a long time, he forgot how nice hugs are.
"Tell Klaus something for me, will you?"
Seventeen years ago Ben Hargreeves died and saw a light, they told him to walk through it but he never did. He wasn't ready. It was too soon, but now—here in his brother’s arms, he is not scared anymore. He finally got to say goodbye and leave for good this time.
The transition to the afterlife didn't feel painful at all, Ben casually opened his eyes as if he had just blinked—except he doesn't recognize the room he's in. The first thing he saw was a clean white wall facing him with a big text that says 'Welcome! Everything is fine.' in green. He finds that somehow very comforting, so he sighed in relief.
As Ben tries to recall his memory of how he got here, a man comes out of the door beside the room. "Ben, come on in."
Ben stood up from the couch he didn't know he was sitting on and entered the beige-colored room. The man gestured his hand for Ben to sit down on the chair in front of his desk.
"Hi, Ben. I'm Michael, how are you today?" The man before him asked.
"I'm great." Ben answered. "Um, I'm sorry, where am i?"
"So, you, Ben Hargreeves, are dead." said Michael. "Your life on Earth has ended, and you are now in the next phase of your existence in the universe."
"Oh," Ben breathed out an unexpected sigh of relief. Hearing his name and death being in the same sentence somehow wasn't a big surprise for him. He knows he's been dead for quite some time now, but this time he actually took a step forward and left the world of the living for good.
"You're in the good place."
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fivesmannequinwife · 21 days
I hate how reggie was so easily left out the hook. His last escene is him peacefully accepting death along with his wife, as they watch together the destruction around them and he calmly accepts he was wrong, and that's it. He dies after living many happy years with his wife in a big nice house and being filthy rich. He got to have his love interest the whole damn season even if the show didn't make much emphasis on jt. And sure, Abigail had her issues with Reggie, but Reggie didn't know this so we can assume he thought he was having a perfect marriage. He lived HAPPILY in this universe, no struggle at all, no difficulties at all, with his love interest, and calmly accepted death by her side.
How could he have a better ending than the Brellies?
Five and Diego died hating each other.
Diego died after just finding out he had been cheated on by his wife with his 18-yo-looking brother that's actually a fucking senior citizen. He had just had to say goodbye to his children forever.
Luther had to die never having found his wife, being stuck as a mediocre stripper, with his body disfigured, and being the butt of the joke the whole season. He never got the family he evidently wanted to have with Sloane.
Klaus died a drug addict after bekng sober for so long. He was trafficked as SAed, buried alive, and all for a plot that had basically no impact on the main story. He never got to see Dave again.
Ben died a monster, even though we knew that Ben, at least Og timeline Ben, felt like a monster because of his powers and always hated using them. He died having separated from the Brellies, and being a crypto criminal for some fucking reason.
Five died never achiving his only goal of stopping the apocalypse, hating Diego, (who btw was the ONE sinling he shook and tried to wake up when he found his body in S1), and heartbroken. He never got to save his family.
Lila died with unresolved issues with Diego and Five, torn between the two, away from her children.
Allison never got to be happy with her whole family and died with a stranded career and away from her child that she missed for 3 whole seasons.
Viktor died with commitment issues, never having seen Sissy again, still pretty away from his siblings.
And they all died thinking that they were a mistake and everything would be better without them. They all died with so much tension still. They all died full of sadness and missing people.
And sure, it's not HIM, really, but the fact that he admits throughout the season that he would have done the same things don't help at all.
I hate it so much. Why should he have the best ending? Why...?
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fictionandescapism · 1 month
Reasons why TUA S4 is not canon to me
(spoilers obviously)
You're telling me that Lila held on to her resentment for so long in her marriage without saying a word?? She would have told Diego a long long time ago about the behaviour that was bothering her.
She does make fun of him sure, but never in front of people and she definitely doesn't allow other people to make fun of him ( remember when she called Ben a shitty little squid because he was mean to her boyfriend) so honestly what was up with all those fat jokes???
I've seen other people mention this too but like despite having three children, it really seemed like they only cared about Grace, I never even knew they had twins till it was actually mentioned on screen.
The five and Lila thing was just so weird??? Like I get the whole only people on the planet thing but honestly there was zero romantic chemistry between them ever and now suddenly because they're alone, they're hooking up?? Not to mention, later five acts like he's in love with her??? Like what was that??? He was literally acting like a lovestruck teenager which he never did even when he was stuck in an actual teenage hormonal body.
Again this has been mentioned before by other fans but like five's deal has always been about protecting his family and now he's just chill with leaving them behind and starting a life with Lila?? He's always butted heads with Diego but there was never a doubt that he genuinely cared about him like he cared about all his siblings and now he's ready to fight him over a girl??? You're telling me that makes sense?
Not to mention neither of them looked particularly remorseful about what they had done. Even towards the end, none of this actually got resolved, the insane love triangle still existed, at some point it felt like Lila was never in love with her husband at all, Diego never actually said goodbye to his kids, Claire and Allison were the only ones who got some kind of closure, Klaus was on bizzare side quests the entire time, the whole plot of luther and Diego finding out the CIA boss was involved also kind of didn't really matter in the end?? Like it was some half ass attempt to make them relevant to the plot, even him deciding that he would rather spend time with his kids didn't matter because he lost them like idk three hours later? Don't even get me started on the numerous glaring plot holes in that ending because I wouldn't even know where to begin.
TUA S4 was truly character assassination at it's finest.
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amournoir · 1 year
Hi gorgeous, could you do a second part of Shadows of Doubt where reader is pregnant with Hope and spending time with Hayley who's a good friend of hers. Elijah and Rebekah realize they were being assholes because she's exactly what their brother needed, Klaus misses her and wants her back, though once he finds out about her pregnancy everything gets more angsty, as he blames his siblings for it, believing yn had moved on not knowing the child was his and etc. They get back together at the end, with a lot of fluff and etc.
𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐭 ┄ 𝐢𝐢
pairing: niklaus mikaelson x f!reader
count: 1.5k
warning: slight angst + fluff
author’s note: after several requests and messages, here’s part 2 of shadows of doubt (here’s part 1). i hope you enjoy it like you guys did the first one! 🫶🏽
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It had been weeks since I last cried and almost four months since I last saw him. It was the most painful thing I had ever done but I knew it had to happen, there was no need to make the situation more difficult. I walked away. No goodbye or anything. I wasn’t going to let his siblings have the satisfaction of seeing me ‘weak’ as they often told me.
The gentle breeze rustled the leaves as I sat in the courtyard of my home, my fingers unconsciously tracing the subtle curve of my belly. The soft flutter of life within me was a constant reminder of the precious gift growing inside. It had been a whirlwind of emotions since that day— the day I had found out I was pregnant with her. She wasn’t planned but she’d be wanted, if not by him then me, she was my miracle…my hope.
In the months I had spent away from him and his family, I had met people. Amongst them was a woman called Hayley, she had become my closest confidante and friend. She sat beside me, her gaze understanding and supportive. “How are you feeling, Y/N?” she asked softly.
I smiled, the love and excitement for the life within me radiating through my words. “It's strange, but in a beautiful way. I feel this little one moving, and it's like she's already a part of me.”
Hayley's eyes softened, and she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “You're going to be an amazing mother, Y/N.”
As I looked around the courtyard, memories of him flooded my mind. His charming smile, his passionate love, and the painful distance that had grown between us. I couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking about me, if he ever missed the moments we had shared. Little did I know, he was wrestling with his own demons, haunted by the realization that he had let go of something precious. Elijah and Rebekah, his once-disapproving siblings, had opened his eyes to the truth— that my absence had left a void in his life.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Klaus stood outside the balcony, his heart heavy with regret. The memories of time spent together played like a filmstrip in his mind, each moment a painful reminder of what he had lost. He swirled the glass in his hand around, mindlessly watching it.
Elijah approached the open balcony doors and stood still, his voice gentle but firm. “Niklaus, we’d like for you to hear us out. You can’t go on like this anymore brother.”
Klaus was silent for a while then with a huff he said, “Very well, say your piece.”
“We were wrong. I apologize for the part I played in hurting Y/N. You need to go to her.”
His back was still turned, facing the city in front of him. His jaw clenched and unclenched, his voice sounding venomous. “You do not tell me what I need Elijah.”
“Then tell me what I can do.” Elijah removed his hand from his pocket, waving it in front of him.
“What I needed you to. I needed you to stand by me and support us…you made me choose.” His voice cracked at that last sentence as he spun around to face his older brother.
Elijah's expression softened, his concern for his brother evident. “It's not too late, Niklaus. Reach out to her, before it truly is.”
“This was your doing! You and Rebekah!”
“We’re sorry for doubting her Nik, alright? Is that what you want to hear?” Rebekah yelled back at her brother. She had been silently watching and listening from the door.
“What I wanted was her and you drove her away!” He throws his glass of liquor across the room, the bottle following quickly behind.
Rebekah flinched and shut her eyes as she whispered, “Nik we’re sorry.”
“Go to her brother. We will not fail you again.” Elijah extended his hand out to him and Klaus gave it a firm shake. With a nod, they reached a silent agreement.
Without a word, Klaus left to his room to think it over. He knew he could never gain her trust again after letting her go so easily. He often used his art room to conjure up his master plans but not this time. In a few hours he had decided and that was how he found himself standing outside my door, his heart pounding as he raised his hand to knock. He hesitated, the weight of his emotions holding him back. The door swung open, and there I stood, the sight of him taking my breath away. For a moment, time seemed to stand still, and the unspoken words hung heavy in the air.
“Y/N,” he finally said, his voice a mix of longing and regret.
“Klaus,” I replied softly, my heart racing.
“I missed you love,” he admitted, his voice vulnerable. His hand reached out to me, gently placing it on my cheek.
I looked into his eyes, the depth of his emotions mirrored mine. “I missed you too, Klaus. But things are different now.”
The silence between us spoke volumes, a symphony of emotions that echoed the pain of our separation and the hope for a second chance. As our gazes held, a sense of understanding passed between us. I wanted nothing more than to stand there and take it all in, take in the sight of him. Call it weakness or strength but in that moment I needed to be honest so I revealed the truth.
“I'm pregnant,” I whispered, tears welling in my eyes.
Klaus's expression shifted from surprise to confusion, and then to anger. “You moved on so quickly?” he snapped, his voice laced with bitterness. He pulled back as though my touch burned him.
I shook my head, the tears spilling over. Desperately, I took a step forward to be closer once more, “No, it’s yours. Our child, Nik.”
He couldn’t believe it and I wouldn’t blame him, he didn’t know. Ten years ago I triggered my curse and quickly learned a few things, one of them being scent. A witch that was a family friend offered to hide it as a way to thank me for saving her children. From that day onwards, I could smell other wolves but none knew my scent which hid me from supernaturals alike. Klaus never knew, I would have told him one day but after realizing I’d never gain his siblings' trust and the constant doubts from him, I kept my secret.
Still even with my revelation, he was partially in the dark. If I had any chance of convincing him, I needed to tell him the entire truth. I placed one hand over my abdomen and looked at him, tears falling freely. I knew in the silence he’d hear it. Time seemed to have slowed in that moment as I saw his face morph into different stages of understanding.
The realization hit him like a tidal wave, his anger giving way to shock and disbelief. “What?”
I took a step closer, my hand gently caressing my belly. “Hope. She's ours, Nik.”
“How?” His voice was small, almost child-like, though his gaze remained on my abdomen.
With my free hand, I reached down for his and placed it on the side of my head. I wanted him to know everything, I wanted him to trust me fully which is why I let him inside my mind. “See for yourself.”
Moments later tears glistened in his eyes as he looked at me, his heart torn between regret and joy. “I can't believe I doubted you,” he whispered.
As he reached out to touch my belly, his fingers gentle against my skin, I felt a rush of emotions—love, forgiveness, and the chance for a future together. This was all I had wanted. Right here, I had all that I could ever ask for and I’d be damned if I let it go without a fight. He was my home.
“Love I'm truly sorry. I don’t deserve you,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
I smiled through my tears, feeling the weight of the past lifting from my shoulders. “Klaus, we have a chance to start again—for Hope and for us.”
“You don’t like it? We can pick something else.” I quickly said, worried I had already done something wrong.
He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on my forehead then looked down at my belly. “No, I love it.” His fingers moved around in slow circles and I could feel her inside me as she pressed closer to him. “Hope Althea Mikaelson.”
I let out a soft gasp, immediately looking up at him. “Althea?”
“She’ll take after her mother, it’s only right she has your name as well.” He lifted my hand with his free one and kissed the knuckles, adding “I vow to never leave either of you. We will be a family sweetheart.”
And in that moment, as one hand rested against his growing daughter and the other on me, I knew that the shadows of doubt that had once clouded our hearts were finally dissipating. As we embraced, a sense of utter completeness settled over us, a promise of love and a future that would forever be intertwined. I was back home and soon our greatest Hope would join us.
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