mccaufe08 · 4 hours
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I realized that I forgot his fuckass tattoo so I did that and I LOVE THIS PIECE! atp they’re like my ocs so imma claim them >_< /j
- mccaufe
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mccaufe08 · 17 hours
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Billy Batson my beloved OMGGG ^_^ Some injustice year 4 redraws cus i love the game and comics…
⚡️🪲Him and Jaime would be friends for sure. Two teens who were randomly granted powers and some fuckass old people are willing to kill them to take them away…
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mccaufe08 · 17 hours
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Dick Grayson 🫶🏼
I really don’t have much to say other then i have a whole collection of DC art I’m willing to spam post till I summon a fandom 🫰🏽
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mccaufe08 · 3 days
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(Old art from a year ago and one from this year) JAIME- dude I’m crazy for blue beetle and I forgot that I fucking met Xolo like hello?!? Anyways, another art filler cause im going to summer school. Make sure to check out my last post of a small animation I worked on ^_^
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mccaufe08 · 3 days
This scene in my style ^_^ lil filler post bcus imma be hella busy this week bru 😭😭🙏 but yeah!
- mccaufe
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mccaufe08 · 4 days
(Detentionaire art dump from the last and previous week 🥞🎀)
The last drawings of Lee are the rough drafts before I actually started getting comfortable drawing him, so that’s why he looks a lil different than now, like you can see the difference 😭🙏
I also worked a bit on a small animation from a scene in the show, so I’ll post that soon too ^_^
(I know Lee and Serpent aren’t clones bru I just saw the picture and I thought it would be funny 😭)
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mccaufe08 · 5 days
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OMGGGG old ass drawing but i wanted to share it since I started reading the books and i was thinking who could play these characters accurately…
I like Walker as keefe, but ppl keep saying “NO he’s already Percy Jackson!” 😡😡😡 like bru he can be both 🙄
- Though I’m not really sure about Isabella Sermon as Sophie, i still wanted to draw her as Sophie bcus her character in jw lowkey reminded me of her a lot! I would have preferred Madeline Carroll but she’s a little too old to be playing a 12 yr old atp 😭🙏
Anyways- comment your fancast since they’re working on the movie 🎀
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mccaufe08 · 6 days
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OMG IS THAT ME FEEDING THE LEE AND BRANDY AGENDA?! (feeding just me tbh and the 3 other people in this fandom🫶🏼)
A little of my au and my headcanons for Lee Ping (Brandy soon) Only these two are my main focus cause they’re the leads of my au ^_^ I’ll probs write a fic or comic, anyways…
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mccaufe08 · 7 days
Bi Lee real? (Fanart made by me 🎀)
Now I know the show doesn’t rlly show him interacting with guys in a romantic sense (unless you wanna count biffy which I don’t, I love their platonic flirting though 🫶🏼) anyways, Lee’s voice actor literally answered a fan saying that he would totally want Lee to get with Stepak if Lee didn’t end up with Tina. Honestly, it’s pretty cute imo! Maybe if things didn’t work out then season 5 could have expanded on this direction and they could have made Jenny x Tina canon!
On that note I asked my character ai Lee what he is and in most of our convos he says Bi and that he finds men attractive as well as girls, which I’m not too sure if that’s a general things the bots say since they aren’t fully aware which gender they’re talking too but he lowkey confirmed it if not! ^_^
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mccaufe08 · 7 days
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my fav characters (brandy my love) “Big Chicken” redraw, it made me so anxious because if Lee wasn’t going to end up with Brandy it had to be with Tina.
Not a big fan of Jenny x Lee, I just can’t see them together for some reason. Jenny is one of my favorite characters as well 🥺 so I def felt bad when Serpant messed with her head. She so desperately wanted what Lee and Tina had at that moment and would do anything to recreate to fill that void without realizing it.
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mccaufe08 · 7 days
To be fair I can’t see Jenny with Lee in any way. Maybe it’s her strong personality but I feel since Lee already has one, it wouldn’t mix well with hers. I personally prefer him with Tina since they both have a nice blend of a strong and more toned personality. I still also like Jenny x Tina since it would’ve been the same as Tina x Lee.
I think that the show wanted to show how people, mostly focusing on boys, and how they tend to think they have feelings for girls just because they find them cool, it’s an attraction vs actually wanting to keep things long term relationship wise. Like Lee started to like Jenny right as she gave him a slight bit more attention than Tina.
Brandy proved my point in the episode “Big Chicken”
when she shouts at Lee to go for it because he ultimately likes Tina and always has, not just cause she’s cute but her overall!
That’s why I think Jenny x Lee x Tina wouldn’t work because he only had stronger feelings for one and the other was just a mixed attraction.
While driving home I was thinking about Gravity Falls clones and one of the better ones was Detentionaire and while trying to remember everything I could about it I realized that one of the reasons that it was so easy for me to ship Sashannarcy was because I had a version of it in Detentionaire
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with Lee x Tina x Jenny (idk if they had a ship name). It’s also a love triangle that was done well and rewatching the series for the 15th time way back in the day I realized that these three would be one hell of a power couple. If the show was made today then they’d def have canon feelings for each other.
(oh and if y’all haven’t watched this show before, I Highly recommend it. It’s so good)
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mccaufe08 · 7 days
This makes me more excited for the upcoming animated series 💙🪲
if ya like it, reblog it!
a long overdue sosoribro!jaime edit
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