#Save Ben Solo
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diminished-comet · 10 months ago
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Kylo watching and waiting impatiently for Rey's pod to arrive on the Finaliser.
Deleted scene from The Last Jedi (2017)
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It's hilarious to me that the articles I've seen about Driver coming back to Star Wars have all been "Adam Driver says he won't return to play Kylo Ren". Like, no shit, Sherlock, Kylo Ren died in TROS when Rey stabbed him with his own lightsaber. Kylo Ren is dead. Now start asking the real question which is, "Is Adam Driver returning to play Ben Solo?".
Update: I feel the need to add to this that while I was aware that Kelly Marie Tran got treated like shit by people, I only recently learned that people were awful to Adam's wife as well (and by recently, I mean I found this out after I originally made this post). Not cool. While I really want him to return as Ben Solo, I completely understand if he has no interest in returning out of a desire to protect his wife and kids.
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missgeneralreylo · 1 year ago
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Part 4 Reylo creation from AI
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poopsiekitten · 4 months ago
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Darkness rises and light to meet it. Jedi Ben Solo/Dark Rey or Kylo Ren/Rey Nobody?
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iiamendless · 7 days ago
NEW VIDEO || Rey & Ben Solo - Stand By Me 💙🦋✨.
It’s been 3 months since my last upload but a whole year since my last reylo video. I hope this was worth the wait for my dedicated subscribers, it’s short but sweet and I appreciate the support 🥹.
please like, comment & sub 💙
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curlytheintrovert · 2 years ago
I just still CANNOT get over the last few minutes of Ben Solo in TROS. It’s criminal.
How everything about his character is just shifted. The moment he runs into that first camera shot—sees Rey’s x-wing and takes off—you can feel the change instantly. His body movements are so unfettered and human in comparison to Kylo: his run, his jumps, even his voice is changed. I mean the first and last thing we hear him say is LITTERALLY a humorous: “Ow.” (which still makes me laugh to this day) But by far my favorite is how much he acts like his dad…the swagger, the emotiveness as he fights and the confidence. It’s so god damn heart warming.
I live for that adorable little shrug when he gets his saber from Rey. ITS MORE HAN ENERGY THEN I CAN STAND. But also the little gotta-pace-myself breath he lets out as a knight slashes the saber behind his back wrecks me too. Like he’s almost trying to remember how to fight the way he used to as a Jedi. But seeing Ben fight with such skill and freedom kinda makes me choke up—we know just what it took to get him there. You just feel so happy for him!
But then it all comes crashing down.😭
Before I go any further though…WHY THE HELL DID ADAM DRIVER NOT WIN AN AWARD FOR THIS MOVIE?! I mean, my god this man can act. When Ben pulls himself out of the pit the Emperor threw him into, he doesn’t say one word—his body movements and facial expressions do all the work. The way he falls to the floor in pain, and every step is torture leaves little to the imagination what he’s going through.
But what truly TRULY won’t leave my head is how he reacts to seeing Rey dead in his arms. The way he just inhales this devastating, searing sob…you viscerally understand how much he loves her—and always has. Like you could hear that his world had been taken away. It also destroys me how Ben physically cannot handle the sight of her lifeless eyes. The way he rocks back and forth hysterically trying his best not to break down makes me cry every time. I’m sorry but that is PEAK romance for me, even more then their kiss. It simultaneously confirmed for me that they were taking the romance angle with this couple.
Then the way Ben looks at Rey when she’s revived is so emotional, you can hear his inner monologue from his eyes alone. Is this real? Did you really come back me? But I don’t know if you feel the same way I do. And when he does get confirmation and Rey says his name and kisses him you see just how ready he is—he pulls her tight to him so fast. Then they had to give us THE BEST SMILE OF ALL TIME IN STAR WARS, followed by the most heart warming little laugh, like he’s so happy—he’s finally accepted and loved by someone…aaaand then they take him away from us a second later. It’s something I will never forgive, dang it! You can’t make a character go through so much, redeem himself, be the coolest character possible, then destroy him. It’s just not right. All this talk and theories of the new movies is opening this wound wide open for me! Ben Solo and Adam Driver deserved so much more than this!
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eagna-eilis · 1 year ago
ScreenRant have been posting a fair bit about Kylo lately, which is interesting considering the region SW Twitters also have been doing so.
I really hope we're starting to see DLF priming us for our boy to come back.
I want to believe.
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state-of-longing · 1 year ago
ben solo:
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kylowanderer · 2 years ago
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Two of my favorite photos surfaced from Celebration 🥺💙🦋
Kylo is crossguard_cosplay
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midgardianqueenreturns · 2 years ago
Over the last couple months I’ve seen antis say stuff like “The Reylo/Kylo fandom is mostly dead”, “Nobody cares about Kylo anymore”, and “Everyone dislikes Reylo now”. The past few days sure proved them wrong, especially since Kylo Ren wasn’t even mentioned in the movie announcement yet you have so, so many Kylo fans and/or Reylo shippers begging for his return. So much for a dead fandom lol.
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standard-muse · 2 years ago
The news of Star Wars episode 10 brings a lot of mixed reactions. For some, it brings apprehension and dread, for others excitement and hope. At best, the general consensus appears to be curiosity. It is quite a shock to find out we’ll be returning to that era of Star Wars which has been completely avoided since Rise of Skywalker was released in 2019. That era in the Star Wars canon that was quickly swept under the rug as Lucasfilm and Disney desperately distracted audiences with a cute little baby Yoda, hoping people would never mention it again. Returning feels surreal. Like watching footage of divers visiting the wreckage of the Titanic.
Here are my thoughts on the news of a new sequel movie and the potential and fear that comes with it.
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diminished-comet · 2 years ago
Mandalorian chapter 4 concept art
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Is that our young Ben and Rey?!
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Life Hack
If you stop TROS when Ben smiles, he doesn't die.
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missgeneralreylo · 1 year ago
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It’s late I know but I hope everyone of my family Reylo was a great new year!
Like I said before, I love the AI Reylo and I want to give you the version of the new year party.
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poopsiekitten · 4 months ago
Powerful light, powerful darkness. A dyad in the force.
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iiamendless · 2 years ago
NEW VIDEO || Ben Solo | Official Trailer | Disney+ [ahsoka trailer style]
since the release of the new ahsoka trailer, I became inspired to make a new Ben trailer due to my last one being a success (thank you btw 🥰) so I hope everyone enjoys!
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