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uttarakhandtoursblog · 7 months ago
Destinations: Rishikesh, Chandrabadni, Chamba-Surkanda Devi, Dhanaulti, Kunjapuri
Duration: 4 Days
Experience: Trekking and Hiking
Take a train to Rishikesh and rest at Muni Ki Reti. Enjoy an overnight stay at the Tourist Rest house and explore the city which is often dubbed as the gateway to the Char Dham pilgrimages in Uttarakhand.
Enjoy the scenic drive to Chandrabadni while traveling through the green environs of Devprayag with a packed lunch. Trek your way to the Chandrabadni temple and enjoy the all-embracing mystique of the Himalayan Range. Trek your way back to the city and enjoy an overnight stay at the camp.DAY
After waking up, set off to Kaddukhal packed with a hearty lunch. Upon reaching, you can explore the city before embarking upon a 3 km trek to Surkanda Devi. As you reach the top, you will be elated with the sight of nature at its finest. In the evening, trek back to Kaddukhal. Enjoy a 7km drive to Dhanaulti for an overnight stay.DAY
Wake up and enjoy the hidden gems of Dhanaulti before driving to Hindolakhal. The 64 kms drive is filled with breathtaking views and the serene beauty of the Himalayas. Spend some time wandering in the lush green surroundings before heading for Kunjapuri with a packed lunch. Trek your way to the Kunjapuri temple and soak in the view of the beautiful Himalayan peaks. In the afternoon, head back to Rishikesh where the tour concludes.
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lutpi-addarul-mai · 2 years ago
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"A restaurant with a traditional Sundanese concept located in the Waduk Darma area." (Saung Karuhun)
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arowizards · 11 days ago
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mediapromoter · 1 month ago
IWO Bogor Raya Gelar Jurnalis Mancing, Brodin : Ajang Silaturahmi dan Penyegaran Pasca Pilkada 2024
Bogor, Mediapromoter.id  – Sebuah momen unik tersaji di Saung Muara, Cibinong, saat 30 jurnalis dari berbagai media di Bogor berkumpul dalam acara “Jurnalis Mancing”. Tidak sekadar lomba, kegiatan ini juga menjadi ajang silaturahmi sekaligus penyegaran setelah para awak media sibuk meliput berbagai peristiwa, termasuk perhelatan Pilkada 2024. Acara dibuka langsung oleh Anggota DPRD Provinsi Jawa…
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rasiooid · 1 month ago
Resmikan Saung Inflasi, Pemkab Bogor Punya Lima Kios Pangan Murah di Lima Kecamatan
  RASIOO.id – Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Bogor meresmikan Saung Inflasi di Dinas Ketahanan Pangan (DKP) dengan dua program unggulan. “Pertama mengadakan kios pangan, kedua urban farming,” kata Pj Bupati Bogor, Bachril Bakri, Kamis 28 November 2024. Bachril menyebut, peresmian itu juga sekaligus meresmikan lima kios pangan di lima Kecamatan. Pertama di Kecamatan Cibinong, Ciampea, Dramaga,…
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aczissleepytwin · 9 months ago
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this is the face of a sweet little boy who was very brave and polite at the vet despie this beeing not only his first visit but also the first ever car ride dont let his feral street cats ancestry fool you all he wants are cuddles
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gazebo1-2-3 · 10 months ago
BERGARANSI, WA 081325890945 Saung Rangka Baja Ringan Yogyakrta
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BERGARANSI, WA 081325890945 Saung Rangka Baja Ringan Yogyakrta
Gazebo Baja Ringan kami: desain detail, kuat, elegan. Cocok untuk berbagai keperluan outdoor. Ubah ruang terbuka Anda menjadi tempat rekreasi keluarga anda! Hubungi kami di WA: 0813 2589 0945 atau kunjungi dwikaryateknik.com.
Saung Rangka Baja Ringan Yogyakrta
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conandaily2022 · 1 year ago
Miss Universe Myanmar 2023 predictions: Rosa Tinggaw Ji San, Dee, Saung Hay Hman
The Miss Universe Myanmar 2023 coronation ceremony will be held at the Novotal Hotel Max Yangon in Yangon, Myanmar on September 14, 2023. It is the 10th edition of the national beauty pageant that selects Myanmar’s Miss Universe candidate. On October 1, 2022, Zar Li Moe of Bhamo was crowned Miss Universe Myanmar 2022 at the Grand Ballroom of Novotel Hotel in Yangon. The respective first, second,…
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anyataylorjoys · 1 year ago
don’t know if I hate you or wanna date you
put you in a body bag instead of my bed
I don’t wanna like you, I just wanna tie you up
and keep you in a cage and watch you sleep for ages
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hsuhaohsuhaohsuhao · 22 days ago
I like that saung welcome to the juuuuungal
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bayoubashsims · 8 months ago
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Some more pics of the eatery, this time at daytime with fish aquariums for the fresh fish and the extra large saung at the back for events.
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komunitaspuanberaksara · 8 months ago
Hujan Bukan Penyampai Pesan
Katamu berdoa saat hujan bisa mengubah harapan menjadi kenyataan. Namun, ternyata apa yang aku inginkan tidak sama dengan keinginan-Nya. Takdir selalu serahasia itu ya? Tidak pernah terterka oleh akal manusia. Seandainya hujan dapat memberitahuku tentang takdir, aku tidak akan berharap sesuatu yang memang bukan untukku.
Saung Teduh, 05 Mei 2024
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nattaphum · 1 year ago
Man Suang Press Conference [08/08/2023]
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Interviewed: Pond (Exec Producer and CEO of BOC, Nat (Director), Mile, Apo, Tong, Bas, and Kru Ning (Script Writer and Acting Coach).
Q. What is Man Suang and how did it start?
Pond: Man = human, Suang = heaven; together heaven x human such as entertainment complex. Man Suang represents an entertainment complex where anyone can be anything. People chosen to be in Man Saung are carefully selected. Within the equality in Man Suang, it also represents the landscape of the real world. The Man Suang production is really brought together by people's love of art and the dream to create great production and quality work that also at times does not match the budget or traditional work culture. But the crew and everyone really have the same the dream and is willing to do what it takes to make Man Suang on the scale, goal, and vision we have.
Q: Why did this project require 3 directors?
Nat: i knew about KPTS and Kru Ning as an academic working on project that is being appreciated by the mass. And knowing Pond, who has the same goal, as a director, my role is to facilitate the process as it should be done on this scale.
Kru Ning: i works with Kru Bua on the script making. We both played a role in chosing the actors and actresses who will be in the film despite the actors' busy schedule. The challenge is bringing out the potential of all actors.
Pond: having three directors i was often told that it would’ve been a problem, but i’ve been through it on KPTS already. The three directors worked because we all respect each other. I represent the newer generation, Nat represents the experienced director, Kru Ning also represents the knowledgeable person. The key to successful work is that the younger is respectful and the seniors are not egotistic.
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Q: Why choose this time period (between Rama III and Rama IV) as the setting?
Nat: This is the period where foreign powers start coming into the kingdom and has a rich history.
Q: What do you expect from this film seeing the anticipation?
Nat: i didn't expect this much reception, but also i believe we’ve done our best to meet the expectations. Thai period film is something not everyone would choose to do, but we gave it all.
Kru Ning: i expect that this film will inspire the new generation of film makers to also create period films or pick up pieces of history as their work.
Mile, Apo, Tong and Bas introduce their characters
Mile: I play Chat as a person caring for others. He came to Man Saung because of something that happened in his life. He's the 'leather man' the person who works on leather for drum. Meet different kinds of people, the very good and very bad.
Apo: I play Khem. I believe that in any generation or anywhere there’s who wants to step up and grow in their work, like Khem. He is a peasant that wants to have a better life, so he wants to use the dance that he likes as a stepping stone. Something made him enter Man Suang. For me, with any kind of role, I will believe in the role and the character. What is difficult, is imagining the character within the constraints of the time period. What he can and cannot do in that time period/culture. And the dance was a challenge. I told myself that I can do it since the mental training merges with the physical training to practice and learn the dance.
Tong: I play 'Hong'. The challenge of the role is also imagining the character in the time period and what the character can or cannot express. Even though in Man Suang you can be anything, there's still things you cannot be or tabooed. But we are lucky to have a great team who helps us. The script was redone multiple times.
Bas: I play Wan, who is best buddies with Khem, like we go anywhere together. I'm also a peasant, so the character background is at the lowest social ladder. Even the smallest mistake means death.
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Q: How does working on KPTS influenced your work on Man Suang?
Apo: Going to events overseas, in France, in events with A-listers is kinda a private event. So going to closed events, where people live as the elite as their normal life helps me understand how it's like being Man Suang. Imagine myself as a small person going into private world of elites.
Mile: Starting of with KPTS makes me feel this big fulfilling energy when seeing fans or people who just started watching KPTS. Such show opened me up to opportunities of intertwining social culture issues, and Man Suang is doing the same. KPTS is a BL in a small group, but Man Suang will open up to more people.
Q: Let’s talk about the production standard that Man Suang set.
Pond: It's something I'm really proud of where we have set hours, everyone on set is treated equally in things like catering. Sometimes it becomes over budget but everyone on set is treated equally. Equality is something that we can easily talk but difficult make happen, but they tried it on this set, and it works. I want to make it the standard.
Q: Let’s talk about the support from the Ministry of Culture. Pushing Thai soft power.
Pond: i want to start with thanking Srichand because they represent Thai culture as well. Thanks to Srichand for collaborating and supporting us. Man Suang has a distinct culture footprint and Thainess that the ministry should support. So proud to be selected and that tax payers' money are being used to support Thai people work and art.
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Interview with Ohm Cocktail
Both Pond and Ohm know the 28 Orchestra Band and they reached out to Ohm saying Pond has a project. Ohm likes historical stuff and was excited about the work. After knowing the overall scope of the project, and seeing the anticipation it was quite challenging, he hoped the idea will come to him, until he got the original script. But the script doesn't have the plot so it's hard to understand the story. He couldn’t understand the emotions until he saw the teaser. The overall theme is about going into a location hiding your identity in order to find something, that is an intriguing plot and good substance for the song writing.
Translation provided by mileapo_sp 💜
[mileapo’s cut with eng subs here]
+ bonus:
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bttrflyblu · 9 months ago
When Oud meets Saung | Yangon, Myanmar
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bersuara · 8 months ago
Kemarin malam, temanku dan doinya mengajak aku ke pantai. Bayangkan, jam 7 malam mereka mengajak, jam setengah 8 malam kami berangkat.
Jarak tempuh dari kosan ke pantai anyer kurang lebih 1 jam perjalanan, melewati jalan pintas yang cukup gelap karena sekelilingnya banyak pepohonan besar dan bukit. Tetapi, karena sepanjang jalan kami bertiga banyak mengobrol, jadi membuat perjalanan kami tidak terlalu horor dan membosankan.
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Aku seperti anak keduanya, sesekali menengahi perdebatan mereka berdua. Karena doinya temanku umurnya lebih tua diantara aku dan temanku, jadi sepanjang obrolan, aku lebih banyak mendapat insight dari dia. Ya meskipun kebanyakan aku yang diroasring sih perihal kemampuanku yang ngga mau aku expose. Keduanya adalah pemerhati, aku cukup terharu hahaha.
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Sesampainya di pantai jam setengah 9 malam, kondisinya sepi tapi masih ada beberapa warung yang buka. Jadi, kami bertiga memutuskan untuk membeli pop mie dan es, lalu dinikmati di saung sambil mendengar suara ombak.
Suasana pantai sangat sepi dan cukup gelap. Aku dan temanku sesekali mengambil foto sambil menikmati pasir dan ombak.
Temanku dan doinya melanjutkan foto-foto, sedang aku kembali duduk di saung dan melanjutkan memakan pop mie.
Jam 11 kita memutuskan untuk pulang. Namun, perjalanan pulang melewati rute yang berbeda. Aku bilang, rute pulang harus di jalan yang ramai karena ada kejadian yang membuatku cukup merinding ketika di pantai tadi. Rute pulang melewati kota Cilegon, karena rute jalannya cukup ramai dikelilingi pabrik.
Jam 12 kami sampai di kosan. Alhamdulillah sekali sampai kosan dengan selamat.
Aku tahu kenapa temanku tiba-tiba mengajakku ke pantai, karena dia ingin membuatku keluar mencari angin. Ya seperti refreshing setelah melewati banyak hal beberapa bulan ini. Baiknya temanku disambut dengan baiknya pacarnya. Aaaaa aku jadi terharu, karena masih ada orang yang memperhatikan dan memperdulikanku.
- 16 Mei 2024
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sveniasphotos · 8 years ago
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Ngwe Saung, Myanmar, September 2016
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