#Sari Village
onedaytripin · 5 months
One Day Chopta Local Sightseeing Trip - Best One Day Trip
If you are looking for a one day Chopta local sightseeing trip by cab, you can explore the natural wonders, the cultural heritage, and the wildlife of this place in a comfortable and convenient way. Chopta is a hill station in Uttarakhand, known for its scenic beauty and adventure opportunities. It is also the base for some of the most popular treks in the region, such as Tungnath, Chandrashila,…
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vestaignis · 3 months
Озеро Кара-Камыш в Кыргызстане. Lake Kara-Kamysh in Kyrgyzstan.
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На пути к заповеднику Сары-Челек можно наблюдать множество живописнейших мест- одно из них озеро Кара-Камыш. Оно было образовано в результате крупного обвала, запрудившего реку Кара-Суу. Озеро получило название «Кара-Камыш» - «черный камыш», но нередко его называют Кара-Суу или Кара-Суу-Башикель в честь реки, образовавшей водоем. Длина озера Кара-Камыш составляет 1,5 км, а ширина 500 м.
Приозерная природа богата растительностью, здесь встречаются изумрудно-зеленые пихты Семенова и голубые тянь-шаньские ели. Горные степи покрыты зарослями шиповника, жимолости, боярышника и барбариса. Благодаря благодатным природным условиям на левом берегу реки Кара-Суу разрослись орехоплодовые леса. А на окрестных поселках производят уникальный по своим вкусовым и полезным свойствам горный мед.
По дороге на озеро можно остановиться на водопаде Кара-Камыш. Огромные потоки воды, которые прорываются из озера в ущелье, а вокруг огромные вековые ели и пихты. Очень живописное место с отличной атмосферой.
On the way to the Sary-Chelek Nature Reserve, you can observe many picturesque places - one of them is Lake Kara-Kamysh. It was formed as a result of a large landslide that dammed the Kara-Suu River. The lake was named "Kara-Kamysh" - "black reed", but it is often called Kara-Suu or Kara-Suu-Bashikel in honor of the river that formed the reservoir. Kara-Kamysh Lake is 1.5 km long and 500 m wide. The lake-side nature is rich in vegetation, there are emerald-green Semenov firs and blue Tien Shan firs. The mountain steppes are covered with thickets of rosehip, honeysuckle, hawthorn and barberry. Due to the favorable natural conditions, nut-fruit forests have grown on the left bank of the Kara-Suu River. And in the surrounding villages, mountain honey is produced that is unique in its taste and beneficial properties. On the way to the lake, you can stop at the Kara-Kamysh waterfall. Huge streams of water that break out of the lake into the gorge, and around there are huge century-old fir trees and fir trees. A very picturesque place with a great atmosphere.
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Источник: https://t.me/+n72xRF1rSh81YmVi, /www.baibol.kg/ru/tourism-in-kyrgyzstan/attractions/lake-kara-kamysh, biaprom.ru/снг/kyrgyzstan/ozero-kara-kamysh/, //www.plantarium.ru/page/landscape/id/76590.html
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songs-of-the-east · 9 months
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“A grandmother and her grandson in the family home in Sari Bash, a village in the Crimean steppe where Tatars were given virtually worthless land. The village is a former prison camp with very poor infrastructure.”
Photographed by Carolyn Drake in Crimea, Ukraine. 2006.
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elenamegan14 · 9 months
Yandere One Piece - Irish/Nordic Fae Folk Myth X F!Reader - Prologue
It's a spooky season, and I have yet to see any Yandere One Piece reader fics based on Slavic myths and legends! Blame me for being too invested in Bramble: the Mountain King game.
Once, there was a childless couple who lived in a quaint village. Although the village is rich in tradition and harvest, it was also a fearsome place. Not far from them lies a great forest called the Grand Line, a home of every fae folks, each more astounding and nightmarish than man had ever known. 
But that was where our story began. 
One night, on a full moon during a winter’s eve, the couple is visited by a frail, old woman. They immediately brought her in, warmed her, and fed her. When all is done, she transforms into a beautiful fairy. A member of the fairy monarchy, Rogue. 
To thank the couple, Rogue rewarded them with something they had yearned for years: a child. And so, on the first day of Spring, a healthy baby girl was born. 
Alas, even the fairy world has it;s own rules, and the rule is crueler than the rules of mankind. A baby who is granted life by the fairy must be returned back by the ripe age of thirteen. Rogue did not want her work to go to waste, so she told the couple that they must move the child away from the village, never to enter any fairy rings at any cost, and give their child a pair of special earrings made of iron to protect them. 
Thus, the family evaded the pursuit of the fae folks beyond the age of thirteen. In retaliation, the fae folks began to terrorize the villagers - they would not stop to torment them until the child was given to them. Furious at the fleeing family for putting them into this bedlam, the villagers set up a trap to return the child back to the Grand Line. 
Eighteen years have passed, and the child grew up in the Kingdom of Goa. With each passing day, the blessings from Rogue had made the child cunning, wise, and attractive. The child was a curious oddity amongst her peers, but there was one person who despised her existence more so than the others. 
Sarie is the daughter of a notorious monarchy in the Goa Kingdom. Although she has everything in the palm of her hand, she is wicked jealous of the child’s charm and beauty. Her opportunity stuck when a vengeful villager asked her to cooperate to rid of the child’s existence in the mortal world. 
Soon after, Sarie begged her fiancee, Sterry, to arrange a special trip only for his classmates, the child included, straight to the child’s original village. Sterry and his cohorts lured the child to the edge of the forest, right before the entrance of Grand Line. Once there, Sarie threw her scarf into the middle of the fairy ring and asked the child to pick it up for her. 
The child is confused. Why should she follow such a petty instruction? Also, the child pleaded that she was not supposed to enter the fairy ring at any cost. However, Sterry and their classmates loudly demanded her to do so. 
When the child reluctantly tried to enter the fairy ring, Sterry once again ordered the child to take off the child’s iron earrings for Sarie. She tried to refuse but Sterry warned her that if she disobeyed, he would make sure that she became the enemy of Goa. 
The child had always wanted to be accepted by Sterry and Sarie - she did not understand what she had done wrong to receive his ire. The child also knew that Sarie and Sterry’s family had more power than her family did. She hastily took off her earrings and gave them to Sarie. With a heavy heart, she entered the fairy ring. 
Sterry and Sarie’s deception became light once she turned around inside the fairy ring, only to find herself alone in a strange forest. She ran back and forth, calling for her classmates. 
None answered. 
Alone, terrified, and confused, the child trekked into the woods of Grand Line on her own, in hoping to find her way home… not knowing that she had fulfilled her promise…
And break the village’s curse. 
You are wandering around the fogged oath, unable to see what's beyond. Suddenly, you heard footsteps. Behind you, in front of you, everywhere! You barely have a moment's rest when a mischievous-looking human-like creature appears before your very eyes. Shrieking, you fall back behind, astounded by what you see.
"Shishishi! Did I scare you?" The creature grinned hugely, enhancing his unique shaggy features with a stitched scar underneath his left eye.
Monkey D. Luffy, the Pookah, has arrived. Next
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mahi-wayy · 1 month
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 | ᴄʜɪᴛᴛɪ ʙᴀʙᴜ
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ : Chittibabu x Fem!Oc
ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ : Rangasthalam
ʟᴇɴɢᴛʜ : 2k
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴs : Chittibabu being the adorable dork he is, fluff for once, mention of a physical fight, did I mention chittibabu being a goof?
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ : 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 chittibabu was just a little lovesick.
A/n : enjoy the fluff and cutness while you can bcz I am working on a ram one-shot next and it will not be pretty.
Chitti babu was NOT in love, he really wasn't okay. He was just curious, nothing else at all, people were talking nonsense.
That was what was running in his head all the time these days, the absolute denial of any feeling towards the new resident of his village.
Who is he talking about? Vedika Iyer.
She came to the village four weeks ago, along with his brother. At first the whole village thought Kumar babu got married, his mother almost had a heart attack and proceeded to faint quite literally, his sister was amused.
It took his brother hours to explain to all of them that she was just a colleague, someone who works with him, she had nowhere else to go so he brought him along with him.
Kashi is still suspicious about the whole thing but other than the that everyone believed him, mostly.
Now coming to the second question, how was Vedika? She was an anomaly to the whole village. She wasn't shy per say, she was educated as much as his brother which was a very unusual thing for a woman, she loved learning and teaching. Chitti was sure he had seen her teaching the kids something or the other on multiple occasions.
Other than that, she was what he liked to call a sweet red chilli. He will elaborate okay, Vedika was a polite lady, she spoke softly yet firmly with a certain rhythm, she was always helping the ladies around even if she had to learn the task first.
But she is an absolute monster when it comes to her opinions or taking stand for what she thinks is right. He still remembers, a week ago, one of the young boys coming crying to him and his brother, they thought some other guy had beaten him but it was actually Vedika who had thrashed him with a staff in the middle of the market.
When asked why she did that, she said the boy was messing with the girl's clothes when they bathed and she had even politely asked him not to but when he didn't listen she just grabbed the nearest thing and beat it into him.
I mean it was not surprising coming from a woman who ran away from her house because she wanted to study. 
But the point stayed Chitti just admired her as a person, he was NOT in love.
“Aye!!! Chittibabu, she is coming!!” 
The yell brought him out of his thoughts and he propped himself off his elbows before turning his head to the left and indeed there she was walking towards him in all her glory.
Wrapped in a blue sari and yellow blouse, her kamarband moving along with the sway of her smooth and soft to look waist, her mouth biting on the sugarcane before she tore a piece easily, sucking up the sweetness while the other hand swung her waist length, garland decorated, braid in circular motion. 
Yeah okay maybe he liked her a little bit, just a little.
He asks once she stops in front of him, he hasn't even realised when he has sat up straight, the woman just looks at him before spitting out the piece of sugarcane to her left.
He has to physically remind himself to breathe when her feet come to rest on his thigh, the sound of her anklets clearer than anything he has ever managed to hear and the sugarcane stick pressed against his chest as she leaned closer.
“Your brother says you like me, the village says you don't and your mother says we should get married anyway. What is this confusion huh? I don't mind it, you're quite lovable.”
She speaks in a reasonable volume, one he could catch but also speaks slowly just in case he had to lip read what she just said, she was sweet like that.
But back to the point, he really wishes mother earth would open and swallow him whole. Does she have to be this direct? and what's with the position? It's not good for his heart rate.
“I don't, my brother says anything, I don't like anyone.”
It was true. He was NOT in love with her, for lord sakes.
“So you don't like me? At all?”
The woman steps back and lets the sugarcane drop from her hand, making him fumble with it before he manages to grab it just before it falls to the ground, his gaze lifts up only to stop at her waist. 
This was a trap. This was a very clear trap and he knew it but no matter what curse he yelled at himself he just couldn't tear his eyes off the tan skin decorated with that silver chain, he was just grateful his hands were full and under his control right now.
Her voice brings him out of his trance and he straightens up clearing his throat.
“Yeah yeah, I don't like anyone. Not even you.”
She turns away, her pallu brushing over his face in the process, walking off like nothing happened. 
Vedika Iyer really was an anomaly and Chittibabu was going crazing because of the said anomaly.
No seriously, Chitti was very suspicious of him losing his mind because no matter what he tries he just can't shake her off his mind, especially the conversation they had that day.
Nothing was wrong with her, the woman was chill as ever, helping people, chatting with his brother, roaming in the fields while learning about them and occasionally throwing a smile his way.
What was wrong was the fact that he has started looking forward to those occasional smiles, going as far as to step in her way for it hence the suspicion of losing his mind.
But he was Chittibabu, what was he if not stubborn as a damn bull. So he too vowed not to even be in a ten metre radius of her, let alone waiting for her smiles. 
It was working fine, he was a little restless but that was because of the heat not because he wasn't seeing Vedika.
He was proud of himself for not seeing the woman for two days straight when he entered his house and it was getting decorated, what's this now?
“Amma!! What's going on??” He asked, taking a glass of water and drinking while his mother continued tying the garland.
“Preparing for the marriage.”
His words were jumbled as he drank his second glass of water, it was hot today, he needed hydration.
He ended up spitting the water out, so much for hydration, nevermind that he thinks he misheard again.
He heard right, he cannot not hear that volume, he definitely heard right. Moving to the next question.
“With whom?”
“With my anna.” Annie said, taking the glass from him.
It can't be him because no one has even mentioned the topic to him so, not him then who…Kumar babu!? his brother. There was no way either of the parties were agreeing to this for very obvious reasons, nope not happening.
“I was so surpised when she said yes in the first time.”
He could hear his own heart in his ears and his chest hurts, was this a heart attack. Not the time for this to be honest, he needs to get to that girl right now. He half hears-half ignores the calls of his mother, stomping his way to the fields.
This was ridiculous, the girl talks about marriage to him, calls him lovable, winks at him, smiles at him but says yes to marry his brother.
He is calling bullshit.
It takes him thirty minutes before he finds her and it irks him because while he was sweating and panting like an animal she was asleep under the shed of a big tree. 
Her red pallu covered her face, her skirt rising a little up revealing her anklet clad feets which dangled off the cot slightly, his eyes stopped at her waist, like always. Since she has used the pallu to cover her face, there was more skin visible than normal and he seriously was contemplating his existence before he remembered why he came here in the first place.
Without a moment of hesitation he glides his colossal, rough from work palms on the soft, warm skin of her waist before pinching her.
It gets him the desired reaction of her jolting awake startled, her pallu falls off her shoulder in the haste, her hair open falling forward cowering some of her blouse clad chest but not much of it and Chitti is once again left to rethink the existence of the world.
“Chitti!? What are you doing?”
Her voice guides his mind back to sensibility and he pushes her physically to make space for himself to sit down.
“Did you say I am quite lovable or did you not?”
“Did you or did you not?” 
“I did…”
He can feel his eye twitching from the irritation rising in him.
“Did you or did you not say, you won't mind us being married?” 
“Where is this coming from?” 
He pinches her again making her yelp, he concludes he loves the sound.
“I did, I did say that.”
Chittibabu was really done with this nonsense, he folded his legs under him and leaned forward, invading her personal space.
“Then explain to me why my mother and sister are preparing for your and my brother's wedding!?”
The woman blinked at him twice and he kind of had the urge to kiss her. 
“What rubbish!? Why would I marry a man I consider a brother, what are you saying!?”
“What I heard!! Annie says you're all ready for the arrangement.”
The female frowns for a minute before face-palming and chuckling out loud.
“You're adorable, you know that?” 
That melts him faster than Chitti would admit and he backs away, choosing to set this perfectly fine moustache. 
However two soft lips press against his cheek in an audible and firm smack, his body freezes and the soul exits it.
What the ever loving fuck-
He hears a familiar giggle and pulls back his soul to his body and stands up with a jolt, to face the girl giggling at his state.
“Y…you're laughing!? what is this nonsense!?” 
He has no idea what he is even saying at this point, all he knows Vedika has kissed him and he was very close to death thanks to it.
“I did say yes for the marriage…”
“What the- you just kissed me!?”
“Let me finish you goof, I said yes to marriage with Annie's anna but Kumar isn't the only anna she has no? you're also her brother right??”
“What- you mean- I-”
He sits back down in shock of his own ridiculousness, her arms coming to wrap around him sideways, her chin resting on his shoulder.
“Umm hmm I proposed marriage, you mother and brother accepted it. I am not going to stay unmarried for my whole life because the man I love is a little slow.”
He nods his head in agreement before his brain crashes again, his soul stays in his body this time thankfully.
“Love? You love me!?”
“You think I talk about marriage to every other guy?” 
He shakes his head aggressively making her laugh out loud again, a soft chuckle leaves his mouth too as he turns his gaze away to hide the flushing cheeks.
Chitti feels her leaning closer, thinking he has missed something she just said he turns to ask her to repeat it only for a pair of lips to collide with his own.
His eyes widen, so does her as they pull back within seconds, for a solid minute they just stare at each other before she covers her mouth, looking away smiling. 
A blush graces his cheeks too, this time darker as he rubs the nape of his neck. Vedika looks back at him, raising her brows in a question he recognizes easily, he looks first left, then right before slipping a arm around her waist, her hands coming to cup his bearded handsome face before their lips meet again. This time with the intention of being on one another for a while.
He smiles in the lip lock and finally gives in. 
Chittibabu was not in love, he was sick in Vedika's love at this point. 
taglist : @warnermeadowsgirl @mayakimayahai @voidsteffy @vijayasena [let me know if you wanna be tagged!!]
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fursasaida · 7 months
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Tumblr won't turn the URL into a link card for whatever reason, so, here's a Washington Post article about Israel using white phosphorus in Lebanon. Some key points here, full text under the cut:
White phosphorus is technically legal when used to obscure military activities and at a distance from civilians. In this case it was directly targeted at homes in Dheira, a village near the Lebanese border with Israel. 4 homes were incinerated and 9 people injured in this particular attack on 10/16. Residents have been displaced.
Amnesty International has called for this to be treated as a war crime.
The white phosphorus munitions are US-made according to unnamed weapons experts, Amnesty International, and the Post itself. They appear to have been manufactured in 1989 and 1992. The Biden administration claims not to have included white phosphorus in arms transfers to Israel since 10/7.
The IDF claims these were used to create obscuring smoke and not to target civilians; they possess safer munitions that would do the same thing without contaminating bodies, soil, and buildings, but did not use those.
A part that deserves highlighting in full: "Israeli forces continued to shell the town with white phosphorus munitions for hours, residents said, trapping them in their homes until they could escape around 7 a.m. the next morning. Residents now refer to the attack as the 'black night.' Most fled the town when the shelling stopped, returning during a week-long pause in fighting and leaving again when it resumed. Uday Abu Sari, a 29-year-old farmer, said in an interview that he was trapped in his home for five hours during the shelling and was unable to breathe because of the smoke. He suffered respiratory problems for days after the attack. 'Emergency services told us to put something that was soaked in water on our faces, which helped a bit. I couldn’t see my finger in front of my face,' he said. 'The whole village became white.'"
"White phosphorus fell onto several homes and ignited fires, incinerating furniture and stripping appliances to scorched metal. Remnants of the sticky, black chemical littered the ground 40 days after the attack and combusted when residents kicked at it."
US officials, as usual, expressed "concern" and an intention to "learn more," which of course means nothing.
As a reminder, this is not a unique attack on Lebanese soil since the slaughter started. "Israel has used the munition more than 60 times in Lebanon’s border areas in the past two months, according to data collected by ACLED, a group that monitors war zones. Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati said on Dec. 2 that Israel’s use of the munition has 'killed civilians and produced irreversible damage to more than 5 million square meters of forests and farmland, in addition to damaging thousands of olive trees.'"
By William Christou, Alex Horton and Meg Kelly
Updated December 11, 2023 at 3:48 p.m. EST | Published December 11, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EST
DHEIRA, Lebanon — Israel used U.S.-supplied white phosphorus munitions in an October attack in southern Lebanon that injured at least nine civilians in what a rights group says should be investigated as a war crime, according to a Washington Post analysis of shell fragments found in a small village.
A journalist working for The Post found remnants of three 155-millimeter artillery rounds fired into Dheira, near the border of Israel, which incinerated at least four homes, residents said. The rounds, which eject felt wedges saturated with white phosphorous that burns at high temperatures, produce billowing smoke to obscure troop movements as it falls haphazardly over a wide area. Its contents can stick to skin, causing potentially fatal burns and respiratory damage, and its use near civilian areas could be prohibited under international humanitarian law.
Of the nine injured in Israel’s attack on Dheira, at least three were hospitalized, one for days.
Lot production codes found on the shells match the nomenclature used by the U.S. military to categorize domestically produced munitions, which show they were made by ammunition depots in Louisiana and Arkansas in 1989 and 1992. The light green color and other markings — like “WP” printed on one of the remnants — are consistent with white phosphorous rounds, according to arms experts.
The M825 smoke rounds, fired from 155mm howitzers, have legitimate use on the battlefield, including signaling friendly troops, marking targets and producing white smoke that conceals soldiers from the eyes of enemy forces. The rounds are not intended for use as incendiary weapons.
The weapons are part of billions of dollars in U.S. military arms that flow to Israel every year, which has fueled Israel’s war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip, launched after the militants attacked on Oct. 7. At least 17,700 people, many of them civilians, have been killed since the Israeli operation began, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.
Following publication of this story, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said Monday the administration is “concerned” about the use of white phosphorous munitions and that they would be “asking questions to try to learn a bit more.”
Tensions along Lebanon’s southern border between Israeli forces and Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed militia, have boiled over from a simmer to near-daily exchanges of fire in the weeks since Oct. 7.
Dheira, a town of 2,000, has become a focal point for fighting. Just across the border from an Israeli radar tower, it has been used as a staging ground for Hezbollah’s attacks against Israel. At least 94 people have been killed on the Lebanese side of the border since tensions escalated, according to data released on Dec. 5 by the Health Ministry — 82 have been militants, according to Hezbollah. In addition, at least 11 Israelis have been killed, most of them soldiers.
Photos and videos verified by Amnesty International and reviewed by The Post show the characteristic ribbons of white phosphorus smoke falling over Dheira on Oct. 16.
Israeli forces continued to shell the town with white phosphorus munitions for hours, residents said, trapping them in their homes until they could escape around 7 a.m. the next morning. Residents now refer to the attack as the “black night.”
Most fled the town when the shelling stopped, returning during a week-long pause in fighting and leaving again when it resumed.
Uday Abu Sari, a 29-year-old farmer, said in an interview that he was trapped in his home for five hours during the shelling and was unable to breathe because of the smoke. He suffered respiratory problems for days after the attack.
“Emergency services told us to put something that was soaked in water on our faces, which helped a bit. I couldn’t see my finger in front of my face,” he said. “The whole village became white.”
White phosphorus ignites when in contact with oxygen and burns at temperatures up to 1,500 degrees, which can cause severe injuries. The chemicals left in the body can damage to internal organs, sometimes fatally, according to a Human Rights Watch report.
It is unclear why the Israeli military fired the rounds into the evening, as smoke would have little practical use at night and there were no Israeli troops on the Lebanese side of the border to mask with smokescreens. Residents speculated that the phosphorus was meant to displace them from the village and to clear the way for future Israeli military activity in the area.
In a statement, the Israel Defense Forces wrote that white phosphorous shells launched by Israel are used to create smokescreens, not for targeting or causing fires. It said its use of the weapon “complies and goes beyond the requirements of international law.”
Israeli forces possess safer alternatives, such as M150 artillery rounds, which produce screening smoke without the use of white phosphorous.
The U.S. origin of the shells was verified by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. The same manufacturing codes also appear on white phosphorus shells lined up next to Israeli artillery by the city of Sderot, near the Gaza Strip, in an Oct. 9 photo.
The United States is under an obligation to track the behavior of its partners and allies who receive its assistance in order to comply with U.S. law, humanitarian law experts said. The use of white phosphorus smoke is permitted if used for legitimate military operations, but like other weapons, its misuse can violate laws of armed conflict. Rights groups have warned its use should be restricted around civilians because fire and smoke can be spread to populated areas.
“The fact that U.S.-produced white phosphorus is being used by Israel in south Lebanon should be of great concern to U.S. officials,” Tirana Hassan, the executive director of Human Rights Watch, wrote in an email. “[Congress] should take reports of Israel’s use of white phosphorus seriously enough to reassess U.S. military aid to Israel.”
The United States is not conducting real-time assessments of Israel’s adherence to the laws of war, Biden administration officials said.
“Anytime that we provide items like white phosphorous to another military, it is with a full expectation that it’ll be used in keeping with...legitimate purposes and in keeping with the law of armed conflict,” Kirby said.
It is unclear when the United States delivered the munitions to Israel. The U.S. has not provided white phosphorous munitions to Israel since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters Monday.
“When it comes to our relationship with Israel, we’ll continue to communicate to them the importance of mitigating civilian harm,” Ryder said, adding that the department could not yet verify the weapons were from U.S. stocks.
White phosphorus fell onto several homes and ignited fires, incinerating furniture and stripping appliances to scorched metal. Remnants of the sticky, black chemical littered the ground 40 days after the attack and combusted when residents kicked at it.
In 2009, Human Rights Watch documented Israel’s use of U.S.-made white phosphorus munitions in violation of international law in its 22-day offensive in Gaza. At least one of the shells found by The Post in Dheira was from the same batch of white phosphorus used by Israel in 2009, according to lot production codes.
In 2013, the Israeli military pledged to stop using white phosphorus on the battlefield, saying it would transition to gas-based smoke shells.
Israel has used the munition more than 60 times in Lebanon’s border areas in the past two months, according to data collected by ACLED, a group that monitors war zones. Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati said on Dec. 2 that Israel’s use of the munition has “killed civilians and produced irreversible damage to more than 5 million square meters of forests and farmland, in addition to damaging thousands of olive trees.”
Tyler Pager aboard Air Force One, Missy Ryan in Washington and Mohamad El Chamaa in Beirut contributed to this report.
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Round 4, Match 11: Optimus Prime vs. Bell-Mère
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Submitted kids:
Optimus Prime: Bumblebee, then depending on continuity, Cliffjumper, Smokescreen, Arcee, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, the Aerialbots, Sari Sumdac, Jack Darby, Miko Nakadai, Raf Esquivel, Spike Witwicky, and possibly others
Bell-Mère: Nami and Nojiko
Propaganda under the cut!
Optimus Prime:
2. “Optimus is not only a dad, he is a dad in the middle of a war!!
A war that killed his world and that is now targeting other worlds
He has all that weight on him and that doesn't stop him from being a caring dad to his men”
“She left the Navy to be their mom after she found them. Nojiko was holding Nami but they aren't related biologically. Bell-Mere was not well off economically but always did her best to make sure they would eat and feel loved. Because it wasn't an official adoption, the family was not recorded as such in the village records. This would have been very helpful when Arlong came to extort "tribute" based on a household's population, however she 1-failed to kill him and 2-would not deny she had two daughters when confronted about the discrepancy. Thus either her or the two girls were covered by the savings... I think you can guess what happened.”
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gabs-magical-abs · 2 months
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soon-palestine · 3 months
Seventy-five years ago, Zionist militias tore through Palestinian villages, massacring the villagers and expelling those who remained alive, to clear the way for the creation of the state of Israel. An estimated 15,000 Palestinians were killed and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other parts of Palestine or neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba – “the catastrophe”.
On April 9, 1948, just weeks before the creation of the State of Israel, members of the Irgun and Stern Gang Zionist militias attacked the village of Deir Yassin, killing at least 107 Palestinians. According to testimonies from the perpetrators and surviving victims, many of the people slaughtered – from those who were tied to trees and burned to death to those lined up against a wall and shot by submachine guns – were women, children and the elderly. As news of the atrocities spread, thousands fled their villages in fear. Eventually, some 700,000 Palestinians would flee or be forcibly displaced at the outset of Israel’s creation, making the massacre a decisive moment in Palestinian history.
According to a 1948 report filed by the British delegation to the United Nations, the killing of “some 250 Arabs, men, women and children, took place in circumstances of great savagery”. “Women and children were stripped, lined up, photographed, and then slaughtered by automatic firing and survivors have told of even more incredible bestialities,” the report said. “Those who were taken prisoners were treated with degrading brutality.” Israeli historian Benny Morris said the militias “ransacked unscrupulously, stole money and jewels from the survivors and burned the bodies. Even dismemberment and rape occurred.” The number of dead is disputed but ranges from 100 to 250. A representative of the Red Cross who entered Deir Yassin on April 11 reported seeing the bodies of some 150 people heaped haphazardly in a cave, while around 50 were amassed in a separate location.
Prominent Jewish intellectual Martin Buber wrote at the time that such events had been “infamous”. “In Deir Yassin hundreds of innocent men, women and children were massacred,” he said. “Let the village remain uninhabited for the time being, and let its desolation be a terrible and tragic symbol of war, and a warning to our people that no practical military needs may ever justify such acts of murder.” Morris noted that “Deir Yassin had a profound demographic and political effect: It was followed by mass flight of Arabs from their locales.” News of the massacre spread panic among the Palestinians, prompting hundreds of thousands to flee. Four nearby villages were next: Qalunya, Saris, Beit Surik and Biddu. Deir Yassin was no mistake, according to Israeli historian Ilan Pappé.
“Depopulating Palestine was not a consequential war event, but a carefully planned strategy, otherwise known as Plan Dalet, which was authorised by [Israeli leader David] Ben-Gurion in March 1948,” Pappé wrote. “Operation Nachshon was, in fact, the first step in the plan.” The massacre unleashed a cycle of violence and counterviolence that has been the pattern since. Jewish forces have regarded any Palestinian village as an enemy military base, which has paved way for the blurred distinction between massacring civilians and killing combatants, according to the historian.
Israeli historians and Israeli society have been able to admit to the massacre in Deir Yassin by attributing it to the right-wing group Irgun, but have covered up or denied other massacres – notably the one in Tantura in 1948 – carried out by the Haganah, the main Jewish militia from which the current-day Israeli military has evolved.
Despite this shift of blame, leading human rights organisations like Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International have labelled Israel itself an apartheid state. “We reached this determination based on our documentation of an overarching government policy to maintain the domination by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians,” HRW said in 2021. “As recognition grows that these crimes are being committed, the failure to recognize that reality requires burying your head deeper and deeper into the sand,” it added. “Today, apartheid is not a hypothetical or future scenario.”
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desi-lgbt-fest · 1 year
what I'll think about for a while is queer people of my family who weren't out to anyone like I am but who never married
the oldest brother of a few generations back who stalled his younger brother's marriage because he never married because that damn friend of his is such a bad influence
one of my great - grandmothers who took a vow to never marry and to serve god who lived in the temple with another woman
some great - grandparent who wore a sari once and got kicked out of the village for it
how many of these people exist who I don't know about?
quite a lot
this is all for them
Everytime I hear stories of queer people from the past who lived life on their own terms, not having the resources and support that we do, but still looking around and realising that, they're not like others but that's fine, they'll go on, they'll still choose their own path, throwing away the shackles of society that were far more rigid, I
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meenawrites · 8 months
Cho Yeong and So-I – Narrative Foils
So I was thinking about this a lot yesterday but ended up just going to bed. I hope I can do my thoughts from last night justice.
What I think is really interesting is that the writers have subtly made a comparison throughout the show between Cho Yeong and So-I. They are each other's foils.
Now here me out.
Cho Yeong and So-i have both been handed terrible lots in life. We know a lot more about Cho Yeong's than So-i's (cause duh she's the main character), but we know enough about So-i's background to surmise what her upbringing was like for the most part.
There's no mention of So-i's parents by her EVER while every other character has mentioned their parent or parents at least once, leading us to believe that So-i may never have known her parents and is most likely an orphan from an age younger than Yeong.
We also know that she's from Sari Village, same as Mudeok, which from the flashbacks we see, doesn't look like a very nice place to live or a place inhabited by very well-off people. Her only close relation in Sari Village was Mudeok/Jin Buyeon, which I think is very telling of how she interacts with people. She doesn't form deep connections with people because she's focused on self-preservation. She doesn't become close to anyone in case she has to betray or con them to survive. Since she's no one's top priority, she's made herself her own at whatever cost. This attitude is super prevalent when she's going through all the steps to become Jin Buyeon, especially the scene where Jin Mu is launching shards of pottery at her and she refuses to even flinch, even when there's one like millimeters from her eye. She's got that grit of survival that goes beyond anything most people are capable of, I would say.
She has been a swindler/thief for years to survive, and again has no notable connections aside from Mudeok/Jin Buyeon.
This girl is well and truly on her own.
We can parallel this to Cho Yeong/Naksu. Naksu was orphaned at a young age as well, and has gone through hell to survive. She grew up basically entirely alone in Danhyangeok, raised herself, and trained herself to be ruthless all so that she could survive and even possibly get her revenge. She cast away all niceties and gentleness she may have had so that she can be strong enough to take care of herself. She too was her own top priority no matter what happens.
Cho Yeong also only had one notable connection while growing up, and that was Seo Yul. Seo Yul was her one friend in her teenage years that she was able to make, that she was able to be kind and gentle with because she couldn't afford to be like that with anyone else.
Where Yeong and So-i differ is this:
So-i, growing up through great hardship and having to rely entirely on herself to survive cast away all moral beliefs and principles in order to stay alive. She doesn't hesitate to kill who she needs to to survive, and even goes so far as to try to kill Mudeok not once but TWICE just to stay alive and stay Jin Buyeon. She has basically discarded most of her humanity in consideration of 'me, me, me, I have to stay alive'. Even later in season 2, she runs a gambling den and can be seen willingly torturing people and lowkey getting a kick out of it with no qualms. Even further, she was prepared to just send off Jin Buyeon/Naksu to Jin Mu with no worries, even going so far as to lock her in a room with knock-out gas. A bit crazy and heartless if you ask me.
Cho Yeong/Naksu however has NOT done that. As much as she has a reputation as a dangerous assassin who makes heads roll wherever she goes, we're told firstly that Naksu was known to never have harmed civilians or innocents. Additionally, when she found out that Yul was from the Seo family, one of the families behind the 'murder' of her father, she 1000% could have killed him or harmed him in some way. She could have justified it to herself under the guise of revenge, but she didn't. She pushes him away and basically lets him go with nothing more than a broken heart. Because she knows despite all the hurt that Yul is not to blame for what happened to her dad, that he is innocent in all that, and that he has been ineffably kind to her.
Furthermore, we have multiple instances in season 1 where Mudeok thinks about just killing Jang Uk and getting rid of him. She thinks she can do it, or at least she tries to convince herself. But every time she has a chance to or it would actually BENEFIT her own survival –like when that mage Gil-ju was like bring him to me or else I'll have you killed–she can't bring herself to do it. She even protects him quite a bit. We see her kindness as well in the way that she reassures Seo Yul many times, despite the very real risk that it could blow her cover, that she - Naksu - was okay in Danhyangeok, that it wasn't too rough for her even though she's under no obligation to.
The real climax for Naksu was when she was stuck in the ice stone with Jang Uk, Seo Yul, and the others. She could get all her powers back, shift souls with ANYONE she wanted at the drop of a hat, if she just let them all die. Should be simple for a cut-throat assassin right? She keeps telling herself she'll do it, trying to convince herself really. But she keeps stalling. She serves the crown prince and those goons that call themselves mages, she goes into the kitchen and decides to make Jang Uk the noodles that he loves, she tries to give the prince some honey cookies to lessen the guilt that she admits is consuming her with the thought of forsaking them all just for her own power. And in the end, she can't do it. She's been kidding herself. She goes crazy when she thought that Jang Uk died, and sets her sword aside not just for Jang Uk (though yeah she could never kill him we know that) but for all the people trapped in the barrier with her that are largely innocent (except So-i), that she cares about, and that she cannot justify to herself killing just for her own power gain.
This is why Cho Yeong/Naksu is great as a character and truly strong. She had a hard life yeah, and that skewed her morals, definitely. But she has not forsaken kindness or humanity like So-i did in the face of hardship. She tries to be all unfeeling and ruthless, but even back when she didn't even know Jang Uk that well, like when the soul-shifting detector dog (I forgot what it's called, my bad) had its sights set on her, she told him to step away from her, basically to protect himself and abandon her, which is totally contrary to the ruthless persona she tries to put on.
While So-i has abandoned any morals or principles EXCEPT when it comes to Seo Yul, Naksu hasn't. She is still capable of being kind and putting others before herself. How many times has she told Uk that if it comes down to it he should abandon her and protect himself?
Even in Season 2 when she finally remembers who she is, she puts Uk first and is ready to sacrifice her own happiness to do the right thing.
In this way, So-i and Cho Yeong are each other's narrative foils, both exemplifying the path and choices one can make in the face of hardship. You don't just become a bad person in the face of hardship, you choose to. And that's what is being shown to us.
I mean you can argue that Naksu ended up having more good people around her than So-i did, but also not really. So-i had Mudeok at a time when Naksu had nobody. Did So-i get in with the wrong people when she came to Daeho? Absolutely, but she also had more control over the situation than someone in her position would and was unnecessarily cruel at times.
Holding onto your morals/humanity in the face of adversity IS a choice, and that's what the comparison of So-i and Cho Yeong demonstrates.
I have more to say about So-i but that will be it's own post. I just wanted to put this out there before words failed me completely.
Let me know your thoughts!
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firagafury · 2 months
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tansu-bomb · 1 year
Regarding Jin BuYeon’s physical fitness
1. She died in her mother’s womb (suggesting inherent fetal health issues)
2. She was revived (most-likely) hours after her death via the ice-stone during which time there’ll be body functionality loss.
3. Heo Yeom looks at MuDeok/JinBuYeon and wonders if he has treated her. This suggests she must’ve have been a sick child that needed physician support during her initial years.
4. She is blind and has likely never participated in any fitness regimen. Therefore, she doesn’t have strong enough limbs to climb over bridges or run while carrying weights, etc.
5. She nearly drowned and then lived for 10 years with an old lady in Sari village and likely didn’t have top quality nutrition as she would’ve if she lived at Jinyowon.
6. Her body petrified and got revived 3 years ago. Though she is fully functional, I bet the petrification/reversal likely took further toll on her body.
All of the above makes picking up or mastering mage/martial arts skills for Cho Yeong a huge chore. And why would she need them now that she has divine powers plus her husband who is Hwansu-level mage. 😁
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fashionbooksmilano · 3 months
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Contemporary Indian Fashion
Edited by Federico Rocca
Damiani, Bologna 2009, 208 pagine, 225 color plates, 24x31,5cm, ISBN 9788862081009
euro 50,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Looks at the world of Indian fashion, exploring the work of such designers as Fightercock, Kavita Bharthia, and Gayatri Khanna and discusses the innovative techniques being used for textiles, sculptural draping, and pattern cutting.
Indian haute couture is conquering catwalks worldwide. For many, Indian fashion conjures multi-colored saris and gold embroidery, but the designers featured in this volume are turning that cliché on its head by creating global styles without losing sight of tradition. This book documents the scene, with an in-depth look at designers as diverse as Fightercock (a collaboration between Abhishek Gupta and Nandita Basu, who claim on one of their t-shirts that "The Revolution must wear Fightercock"), AtpuG varuaG (who won Breakthrough Designer of the Year at the MTV and Zoom Style Awards in 2006) and Kavita Bharthia (who is known for both Indian and Western styles, impeccably finished on handlooms, which incorporate cottons and silks, scarves, stoles and knits). Other featured designers include Gayatri Khanna, Anamika Khanna, Small Shop, Anuj Sharma, Ashish N Soni, Ayesha Depala, CUE, Deepika Govind, Drashta Sarvaiya, Falguni & Shane Peacock, Manish Arora, Nachiket Barve, Namrata Joshipura, Nimita Rathod, Nitin Bal Chauhan, Prashant Verma, Rajesh Pratap Singh, Ranna Gill, My Village, Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Savio Jon, Shantanu & Nikhil, Shantanu Goenka, Swapnil Shinde, Varun Bahl, Wendell Rodricks and Bounipun. Contemporary Indian Fashion offers a host of experimental techniques for textiles, pattern cutting and sculptural draping, as well as the mixing of natural and synthetic fibers and unlikely juxtapositions such as jersey or chiffon with leather.
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kopimoss · 1 year
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Sarys for @potionio 's Guild Amakiir
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Name: Sarys Euphori (chaotic neutral) Prns: She/they Class: Druid, multiclass rogue! Sarys has got into many tussle and drunken fights over recent years, being kicked out of village after village for her 'bad luck' and looking for the next coin- what they really need is a team or family to give them something to stand for... and stop swaying. Likes: potion experimenting, small animal (rats, ferrets etc) Dislikes: uptight people, ranged fighting (boring) Favourite spell/move: Primal savagery
download 😈
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heoneyology · 2 years
unpopular alchemy of souls opinion and rant but the original buyeon/mudeok is selfish and being selfish until the bitter end. I always thought it was kind of just... fucked up how she literally trapped naksu/yeong in her body during the alchemy of souls and kept her there - even during season one at one point going so far as to mock naksu/yeong about it being her body she was using during their brief internal communication when naksu/yeong was confused. it was at that point I got the sense that she was selfish like her mother, as much as others and those from sari village saw her as kind and selfless... she had that streak.
in the end, it’s buyeon/mudeok’s soul that died in her own body. pretty sure she took over the body again when lady jin was choking her, which allowed for jin mu to control naksu/yeong and allowed for the body to petrify - because there were no longer two souls in one body coexisting and one of them was no longer a powerful priestess that could protect both of them. and naksu/yeong’s soul was the one that survived, in a petrified body. essentially living but dead. so master lee heals her and the body and soul must coexist again, so the body takes on the appearance of the soul currently inhabiting it. and now you tell me he goes through all that fucking trouble only to say that if she regains her powers and her memories the body will kick the soul out???? he really only saved her long enough to restore the divine powers so she can save daeho, knowing she’d die??? just another powerful person that fucking used her? like why the fuck can’t naksu/yeong catch a fucking break for once. she didn’t ask to be sucked into buyeon/mudeok’s body and forcefully trapped there. she didn’t ask to be healed after being petrified. she didn’t ask for her family to be slaughtered and to become a pawn for jin mu to use in the form of an assassin. and now she’s going to lose her body? a body that others forced her soul to survive in all because it was lady jin’s daughter’s original body??? like????? this girl hasn’t had a fucking choice or break in anything, ever. I’m so tired.
and I know master lee hinted at this. that the body and soul must coexist. but I’m really just fucking hoping at this point that naksu/yeong’s soul is powerful enough to overtake being pushed out of this body. you all fucking forced her into it saying her soul and energy was the one that was clinging to life because she’s so powerful. so I hope she comes and slaps you all in the face. including master lee, who also has a hand in all of this.
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