#Sarah Mazzetti
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saulcastillo · 1 year ago
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⩔ Aún nos quedan pendientes algunos resúmenes de 2023, como estas dos páginas del New York Times en las que tratan de analizar cómo fue el año que dejamos atrás hace tan solo unos días.
A la izquierda, Taylor Maggiacomo trata de definir 2023 a través de diez gráficos, en los que son protagonistas la inflación, el conflicto entre Israel y Gaza o el imparable auge de la inteligencia artificial. A la derecha, el diario recopila las mejores curiosidades que cada día publica en su sección inicial de 'Facts', con las curiosas ilustraciones de Sarah Mazzetti.
» The New York Times, del 31 de diciembre de 2023 y 2 de enero de 2024.
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jamieroxxartist · 1 year ago
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It's about the Stupidest thing ever! This Culture War & Talk of Civil War…
You know the last time we had a civil war, the issue was a bunch of folks wanting to OWN and Exploit other people. That was incredibly idiotic and pretty bad. However, now folks are 'Hold my Beer': Because this time up it really boils down (potentially) to Aunt Karen and Uncle Chad being squeamish over someone's preferred pronouns; What church someone goes to; What neighborhood someone can buy a house in; What happens in someone else's bedroom; Who is going to pick the Vegetables (that no one else wants to pick) and body autonomy.
"In political science, a culture war is a type of cultural conflict between different social groups who struggle to politically impose their own ideology (beliefs, virtues, practices) upon their society.
In political usage, the term culture war is a metaphor for "hot-button" politics about values and ideologies, realized with intentionally adversarial social narratives meant to provoke political polarization among the mainstream of society over economic matters of public policy and of consumption. As practical politics, a culture war is about social policy wedge issues that are based on abstract arguments about values, morality, and lifestyle meant to provoke political cleavage in a multicultural society"
All of this is happening at the same time that 99% of the population is walking around with a computer in their pocket that gives them access to all of human history and experience.
I have never seen such an asinine thing! I don't know if this whole thing is just Stupid as much as it is Lazy! Them and Their is the hill where these folks are making their stand?
(image by: © Sarah Mazzetti https://sarahmazzetti.com )
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antonio-velardo · 1 year ago
Antonio Velardo shares: 72 of Our Favorite Facts of 2023 by Times Insider Staff and Sarah Mazzetti
By Times Insider Staff and Sarah Mazzetti Each day, Times Insider editors scour the newspaper for the most interesting facts to appear in articles. Tidbits about Cookie Monster, the ‘Sodfather’ and leaf blowers surprised, enlightened and entertained us this year. Published: December 30, 2023 at 01:00PM from NYT Times Insider https://ift.tt/Qxp9oJg via IFTTT
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fashionluxuryinfo · 2 years ago
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Sarah Mazzetti. Elsa, Morandi e l’Uovoverde A cura di Canicola In collaborazione con Settore Musei Civici Bologna | Casa Morandi | MAMbo – Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna Con il patrocinio di Regione Emilia-Romagna e Comune di Bologna Con il contributo di Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna Nell’ambito di BOOM! Crescere nei libri e Bologna Children’s Book Fair Settore Musei Civici Bologna | Casa Morandi e Dipartimento educativo MAMbo 6 marzo – 30 aprile 2023 Opening: domenica 5 marzo 2023 h 18.00, Casa Morandi https://www.fashionluxury.info/it/
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steelsant · 2 years ago
Importance of Socialization
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(Art by Sarah Mazzetti)
The importance to socializing children cannot be understated. Socialization is one of the fundamental things that parents and caregivers are able to provide children, as it teaches them to interact with society in a meaningful way by being part of a group and taking on shared values, behaviors and beliefs of that group. It also teaches children the best ways to handle different situations, how to process and feel emotions, manage stress, resolve conflicts and to fit in by communicating with others in their surroundings.
Diana Baumrind, a developmental psychologist, has concluded through her research that there are three distinct parenting styles. Each different style of parenting has different effects on the child’s behavior, which can often be identified by specific characteristics. Each style also has its own degree of responsiveness, which is the extent to which parents are sensitive to their child’s needs and demandingness, which is the amount of control parents put on their children in an attempt to determine their behavior.
The three styles are permissive, authoritarian, and authoritative. Parent’s who are permissive provide the necessary support but exercise little control over their children. Parent’s who use the authoritarian style of parenting often use low amounts of support with coercive attempts at control. The most successful style of parenting, according to research is the authoritative style of parenting, which is the “best of both worlds” combining the needed warmth and support, which moderate discipline, based on requests and explanations rather than strictly force or punishment. The different styles of parenting are an important starting point in understanding socialization, but it is not the only determining factor as socialization, as socialization involves intersectionality, the combining of several elements from each families’ lives to determine the final outcome of how the family socializes their children.  
As discussed in the book “Public and Private Families: An Introduction”, race and ethnicity are one of the intersections in determining what socialization may look like to a particular family versus another family. For example, in African American communities, parents are somewhat more likely to use physical punishment than white parents, but this does not correlate to African American children suffering behavior problems in their teenage years as is the case with European American children, nor did it affect how the African American children viewed their mothers who had spanked them, as it did for European American children.
Also discussed in “Public and Private Families: An Introduction”, social class is also an important element to analyze when discussing socialization of children. It has been found that middle-class parents tend to emphasize autonomy and self-direction when socializing their children, which means that they are attempting to enhance their children’s talents and opinions, where, the parents of low- and working-class families often tend to emphasize obedience and conformity for their children, which indicated that the class to which you belong can also have a stark impact on how you socialize your children. Things as simple as the gender of the child or the family’s religion can also play a part in how the family determines to socialize the child.  
This post is a call to parent’s to be aware of not only how you socialize your children, but also why you are socializing them in that way and to socialize them in a way that is going to benefit them in the future. Most parent’s want their children to grow up and lead a better life than they themselves did and socializing your children in a way that is going to provide them with the best set of tools to participate in that culture, is one of the best things that you can do to set them on the path to a better life.  
Public and Private Families, An Introduction, 9th Edition, by Andrew J. Cherlin. McGraw Hill, Publishers.   ISBN: 9781260240825.
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deadassdiaspore · 2 years ago
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Kamasi Washington and Thundercat.
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papaverouge · 5 years ago
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Our fears, Sarah Mazzetti 
Sarah Mazzetti è nata a Bologna nel 1985. Lavora come illustratrice a livello internazionale per clienti come il New York Times, Il New Yorker, l’MIT Technology Review, Feltrinelli, Die Zeit e molti altri. Ha ricevuto diversi premi per il suo lavoro, fra cui una Golden Medal della Society of Illustrators di NY, il premio Golden Pen of Belgrade e uno YCN Award. Ha disegnato storie a fumetti brevi per Linus Magazine, Kus!, Il Sole 24 Ore. Oltre a lavorare freelance insegna Illustrazione allo IED di Milano e co-cura l’etichetta di autoproduzioni Teiera.
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pixel-pinda · 5 years ago
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eucanthos · 5 years ago
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Sarah Mazzetti   (b. 1985)
HI-NITE-BYE Animation for Fuochi Fatui Festival - Feltre, Sept 2012 -artist’s site
Sarah is a freelance illustrator from Milan and Bologna, Italy who is quite active in the creative scene: she co-curates Teiera (an “illustration and comics independent label”), teaches workshops, gives talks, collaborates on books, and participates in exhibitions. -Design Work Life blog
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bldgwlf · 5 years ago
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Illustration by Sarah Mazzetti.
See more: https://bldgwlf.com/sarah-mazzetti-3/
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sbuzelli · 6 years ago
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PLANSPONSOR December 2018/January 2019 part 2 Artist links below.
Hye Jin Chung // portfolio | instagram | twitter
Lily Padula // portfolio | instagram | twitter
Jon Han // portfolio | instagram | twitter
Peter Ryan // portfolio | twitter
Sarah Mazzetti // portfolio | instagram | twitter
Haleigh Mun // portfolio | instagram
Sam D’Orazio // portfolio | instagram | twitter
Dadu Shin // portfolio | instagram | twitter
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odainsan · 6 years ago
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Sarah Mazzetti - The New Yorker Dergisi için İllüstrasyon
“Evren hareketi alkışlar.” Anonim
Bir domino serisini aylarca planlayabilir, en doğru aralığı bulabilir, en güzel renkleri seçebilir, taşların dizilimini sonsuza kadar uzatabilirsiniz. Aklınızda defalarca tekrarlayabilir, mükemmel gösteriyi zihninizde izleyebilirsiniz. Ancak ne yaparsanız yapın, o ilk dominoyu itmedikçe gösteri başlamayacaktır.
Mükemmeli arayan, gözeten ve yaş aldıkça hep daha iyisinin olabileceğine inanan insanlar olarak en iyi dizimi hayal etmekte ustalaştık. Ancak gösteriyi başlatmaya ne kadar cesaretimiz var? Başlattığımız şeyi izlerken yüreğimizin ağzımızdan gezmesi; her an bir şey olacak da duracakmış gibi düşündüğümüz kaygılar ne kadar gerçekler? Kendimize anlattığımız, zihnimizde döndürdüğümüz felaket senaryoları bizi somut yaşamda ketliyor* mu?
Her adımını ilmek ilmek planladığınız gösteri için ellerinizi şıklatın; o ilk adımı atın. Belki arada duraklayacak, belki istediğiniz hızda ilerlemeyecek. Yine de arada bir yaşamın basit bir tesadüfünün sizi getirebileceği yerleri deneyimleyeceksiniz, bir anda ivmelenen hız başınızı döndürecek. O her neyse planladığınız o an gelecek. İşte o anın seyir keyfine kendinizi bırakmanın tadı paha biçilemez.
Alkışınız bol olsun.
Sevgiyle kalın.
Küçük bir not: Netflix’te Brené Brown’un Cesaret Çağrısı konuşmasını izlemenizi “şiddetle” tavsiye ediyorum.
* Uyaran var olduğu halde başlayan bir süreci durdurma ya da başlamasını önleme. (Bunun nedeninin, çekingenliğe yol açan sinirsel bir durum olduğu sanılmaktadır.)
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queerographies · 3 years ago
Questioni di un certo genere AA. VV.
Questioni di un certo genere è il secondo numero di Cose, spiegate bene, la rivista di carta del Post realizzata in collaborazione con Iperborea.
Fiocco azzurro o fiocco rosa: tutte le persone vengono divise tra due gruppi alla nascita, o ancora prima, in base alla forma dei propri genitali vista in un’ecografia. Le cose però non sono mai così semplici e concluse, e per capirle meglio abbiamo cominciato a distinguere sessi e attrazioni sessuali prima, e identità di genere poi. Insieme a queste distinzioni sono arrivate nuove parole – come…
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austrianillustration · 5 years ago
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Plansponsor Magazine from top to bottom and left to right:
Democratic-Retirement-Plans:Harry Campbell. Lifetime-Income:Sarah Mazzetti. The Case for a Process:Brad Holland. Best in Class DC Providers:Byron Eggenschwiler. A Changed Perspective:Wesley Allsbrook. Climate-Change-Fiduciary:Brian Stauffer.
a.d.:SooJin Buzelli
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elegieenbleu · 7 years ago
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Illustration pour le New York Times - The New Old Age column _ http://sarahmazzetti.com
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mittechnologyreviewdesign · 8 years ago
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Companies Plan Tests of “Optogenetic Goggles” to Restore Sight
(Read the full story here / Illustration by Sarah Mazzetti)
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