#Saphira inheritance cycle
Something I would love to see in subsequent World of Eragon books is Murtagh riding Saphira. Even better they go on a mission together.
Had this idea (not sure how feasible it is) that Murtagh’s mission to expose and defeat the Draumars takes him to Farthen Dur. Saphira firmly advises that she be the one to take him. She has the better rapport with the Dwarves and can use that to protect Murtagh, and if Thorn begins to feel claustrophobic, there isn’t easy access to the open sky and the dwarves could get hurt in his haste to break for open air.
Murtagh agrees for Thorn’s sake and safety
There’s reluctant agreement from Thorn plus a subconscious thought that he is not good enough for his rider but it’s decided nonetheless.
Murtagh is obviously nervous as they approach Farthen Dur. Not to mention a bit guarded from Saphira. The journey through the Beor’s is like a journey down memory lane. They speak of their journey, they speak of the first major moral disagreement between him and Eragon. Safira gives her input, Eragon was young and very set in his moral code. But she does agree that if Torkenbrand had fought, the results would’ve been the same. Murtagh notes that she doesn’t condemn his actions, she accepts them far easier than Eragon did, and she seems to understand his mindset better. (like Thorn, she notes that Murtagh seems to be part dragon. She is quite pleased with this little tidbit of revelation of Murtagh‘s character. Murtagh can feel her approval, it briefly helps his mood.)
Throughout their flying, she explains how Eragon sees Murtagh and acknowledges that the opposite nature of their upbringings do cause a rift of understanding in their relationship.
He faces Orik for the first time in a long time. (not many ideas for this part.) Later Orik tells him that he will never forgive him for killing Hrothgar but as long as he is king he will allow Murtagh and Thorn to keep their lives as thanks for their part in helping Eragon defeat Galbatorix.
The grudge is something that Murtagh expected and accepts with grace as well as heaviness in his heart. However, Orik’s decree that their lives are secure under his kingship surprises him.
During their visit Murtagh and Saphira stand in the very place Eragon and Arya stood when the Twins’ ambush happened.
Murtagh: That’s where it all went wrong.
Saphira makes a regretful sound and moves her head towards him in an approximation of a hug.
Saphira: I am so sorry, Murtagh. Our best chance to save you from Galbatorix would have been right here. I flew as fast as I could but I was too late. Arya went to look for you in the tunnels but when she found your bloody clothes and couldn’t see you by scrying she assumed the worst and us along with her. We failed you, and you and Thorn have suffered greatly for our failure.
Murtagh: (touching Saphira’s jaw) Thank you. But you were supposed to think I was dead. The twins told Galbatorix’s spy master Yarek that I was here. Yarek was the one who made the plans for my abduction and told the twins what to do.
Saphira: you told Eragon our first night here that you didn’t want the Empire to know where you were. Bringing you here endangered you and sealed your fate. Exactly what you were trying to avoid.
Murtagh: True. (he reminisces about his first time in Farthen Dur. He would not have met Nasuada if he hadn’t come. Would not have experienced her surprising kindness, and in a way Ajihad’s kindness. He was treated far better than he ever expected to be by those two.)
Saphira also brings him to the star sapphire. She explains how she fixed it using the collective emotions of the dwarves present, as well as her own admiration for the construction of Tronjheim and overall craftsmanship of the dwarves. She tells him how angry and heartbroken they were at her for destroying it in the first place. How they forgave her after she had made amends. She gives him a realistic hope for forgiveness his own debts. Opening himself up and sharing his experience, allowing other people to connect with him, will go along way in redeeming himself. He’s unsure sharing such painful raw parts of himself. Saphira assures him that he can show as much as he’s comfortable with, but should also show enough to cure ignorance.
After a moment he states his own forgiveness of her for not flying fast enough to save him, and for not being able to march on Uru’baen sooner to help save him and Thorn. Another approximation of a hug with her head and neck, while he hugs a section of her neck.
Because it wouldn’t be a true World of Eragon segment without some sort of fight turning everything sideways, some sort of conflict happens. Orik and Murtagh each have moments where they protect each other. 
Murtagh explains his mental situation and decision to kill Hrothgar. Orik gets a level closure. He still feels utterly betrayed, and will not forgive him but he thanks Murtagh for his explanation all the same.
Murtagh asks Orik for permission to go to Ajihad’s tomb and Hrothgar‘s tomb to pay his respects. 
Orik grants it.
In front of Hrothgar’s tomb, Murtagh considers making a dwarven rite of respect as a member of an enemy clan would make to a fallen rival dwarven leader. Saphira encourages him saying would probably be a good idea and would go a long way in making amends with Durgrimst Ingeitum. She calls it his own Star Sapphire. Murtagh is a reluctant at the political spectacle of it and how it will make him look (unsure if he wants to make himself vulnerable in this way). He didn’t join Hrothgar’s enemy willingly. But he still slew him under Galbatorix’s thumb, and more or less in Galbatorix’s name. Saphira tells him to think on it a little more, and to follow through when he’s ready.
He makes a promise that he will return with Thorn so they can pay their respects together.
In front of Ajihad’s tomb, he weeps. Regretful and devastated that he couldn’t save the man who spared his life and gave him a chance to prove himself. Regretful and utterly ashamed of what he did to Ajihad’s daughter. Knowing full well that Ajihad would never let him in the same hallway, or even in the same wing as Nasuada after her torture if he was still alive. Any chance however slim or imagined he has with her now would be near non-existent. (Murtagh later wonders if Nasuada had a part to play in Ajihad giving him the chance that he did. It breaks his heart even further that the kindness of these two has been returned with torment and failure to protect them). Saphira gives him a moment alone with his tears before reminding him of her presence. She gives wisdom and insight into Ajihad’s character and gives an honest assessment of the possibility of a relationship between him and Nasuada. Given their reputations and political positions it has a very slim chance of working out. She’s careful not to give him false hope for the future, but alludes to the fact that Arya and Eragon’s relationship seemed to not work out, and yet they are on good strong terms.
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isvoc · 1 year
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Another Bookwyrm! This time it's everyone's favourite big, blue sister! Saphira from Inheritance Cycle 💙
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yombur · 8 months
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eragon & saphira
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satorugojjo · 1 year
if you ever feel like your character names aren’t original or cool enough, just remember that Christopher Paolini named his dragon rider protagonist Eragon - which is just dragon spelled with an E
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poppy-bindery · 10 months
Eragon: *finds a ominous stone in the woods and everybody thinks said stone cursed and bad luck*
Stone: *sqeaks & wiggles in the middel of the night*
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Eragon: *goes straight back to bed like the cold blooded savage he is*
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glbtrx · 4 months
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uluthrek · 4 months
inheritance cycle modern au in which all of the dragons are horses which makes eragon the underdog horse girl, saphira the underdog girl horse and brom the disgruntled and disillusioned horse trainer who doesn’t believe in the validity of this sport until he sees the ✨bond✨ eragon has with his horse saphira who is still as blue as she is in canon (don’t ask that‘s just how it works, if you question this, i‘ll track your ip).
and galbatorix is the aggressively eastern european horse girl dad who had some sort of hip injury that brought his eventing career to an abrupt end and now he must vicariously live through his protégé, murtagh, lest he kills himself. and thorn is the very expensive horse galbatorix bought for wish fulfillment purposes and murtagh and thorn are so horribly traumatized by all the stress and pressure of defeating little kids at the pony finals that they ✨bond✨.
oromis and glaedr are their direct opponents and galbatorix nancy kerrigan‘s them (oromis dies like he does canonically because honestly, hunters be like that) so murtagh can get his ribbon. and then there‘s the big final competition and eragon, underdog wonder magic horse girl, goes toe to toe with murtagh, tortured champion to be, and they have this epic horse battle (an 80cm clear round but the atmosphere is very intense) and eragon loses. but then brom delivers this epic speech about idk man like success and passion and whatnot and then he dies which gives eragon the final push to defeat murtagh but OH NO, thorn is HURT from being OVERWORKED and murtagh has an epic horse peril breakdown and tearfully tells galbatorix he‘ll withdraw.
so galbatorix goes „fuck the kid“ and gets shruikan (the very bad very big black warmblood stallion that shows up in every horse girl movie) to best eragon HIMSELF (but not before locking nasuada, the animal rights activist that murtagh has struck up a tentative romance with, in a porta-potty). and then him and eragon compete and it‘s INTENSE (meanwhile, roran and katrina have a sub plot about capturing a flock of runaway ducks that is constantly being cut to during that climactic scene) and shit is looking DISMAL for poor eragon until a vision of brom and also his dead mother, because this is a proper horse girl movie and not some bibi und tina bullshit, and that gives him the strength to defeat galbatorix.
and then he wins and thorn doesn’t die and someone frees nasuada from the porta-potty and she gets to punch galbatorix in the face. and fírnen (who is a horse but also still green) emerges during the post credit scene and meets arya and sets up a cash grabby amazon prime spinoff series and roran and katrina successfully capture the ducks and everyone is happy and there is no more horse peril.
the whole thing takes place in exactly one horse show afternoon. it makes such perfect sense actually you can fit everyone in. nar garzvog‘s at the grill and makes hot dogs. islanzadi does nothing but drink cheap wine and bitch from the sidelines. angela mans the beverage stall and tells everyone who wants to listen (or doesn’t) that toads don’t exist. solembum is the raccoon on her shoulder who violates all fda guidelines by simply existing. orrin is nasuada‘s bitter ex boyfriend who pretended to be vegan for years so she‘d like him only to be dumped for murtagh and his emo swagger in a heartbeat. orik is a shetland pony.
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inheritance-cycles · 1 month
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Eragon & Saphira || Inheritance cycle
The wing is a little fucky but I gave up 😂
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thexgrayxlady · 8 months
Saphira: Nobody is good enough for my rider.
Thorn: *sets up and runs Murtagh's grindr behind his back*
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mattizard · 10 months
One of my fav things from the first Eragon book:
When Eragon sees the Urgal footprint and tells Saphira to get Brom to safety and she just grabs Brom and presses him against her with her wings without telling him why and won't let him go before Eragon tells her to. That's just peak "Eragon and Saphira share one (1) braincell and she didn't have it at that time". Also I wanna know what went on in Broms head. One moment he's making a campfire, the next moment his son's dragon snatches him up and won't let him go.
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baelpenrose · 3 months
This cannonically happens in Eldest
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Saphira: You are a difficult man Murtagh, son of Selena and Morzan. But you are not undesirable.
Had this idea that this dialogue takes place near Carvahall, or after a tense encounter with the dwarves or elves. They are either with Thorn and Eragon, or they are alone. Either way, Saphira says this to comfort him. To remind him that there are souls that want him in their life. That, despite his difficult personality and his past, people still desire him.
It surprises Murtagh to hear this from his half-brother’s dragon. From his perspective, they barely know each other, but Saphira remembers how happy the two young men were when they traveled together. She remembers how Murtagh saved them from the Ra’zac, saved Eragon from Gil’ead, and spared them on the Burning Plains.
She thinks back on her conversations with Thorn regarding his rider. How Murtagh regrets what he’s done to the point of frequent nightmares and frequent burdening. How Thorn admires Murtagh’s desire to help and protect others. His strength of mind and spirit and self; his perseverance. His ability to be kind and show loving care, despite carrying his own deep wounds.
Murtagh, for his part takes her words to heart. Thorn may come in and remind him that he chose Murtagh and does not want another person as his rider. But if they are alone, Murtagh remembers Tornac, then Thorn. His mother, and Nasuada. Uvek and Eragon. Possibly Alín and Silna.
Murtagh hugs Saphira in thanks.
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mothdoly · 5 months
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favorite inheritance cycle characters and how i pictured them when i read the books with 12
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magicandmundane · 10 months
Murtagh: Yeah, sure, my stupid kid brother is the leader of the Riders. But am I going to acknowledge that? F*ck no. I hate authority, and I am not giving him that ego boost. Now let’s go hunt down this witch and her cult.
Meanwhile, Eragon: *gets nervous when someone says he’s in charge* *literally could not sleep in a bed because Vrael used to sleep there* *turns down positions of authority almost every chance he gets* *is just a goofy little guy who would like to see his big bro every once in a while*
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tired-fandom-ndn · 2 months
I wonder if Saphira misses the days when she was small enough to curl up in Eragon's arms or rest on his shoulders, when he would carry her through the forest and teach her the names of the plants and animals, when there were no battles and no war and no fear, just the warmth and safety of his arms. . . . . .
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murtagh-thorn · 2 months
Posting to the Inheritance Cycle fandom like
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