thoughtsonargentdawn · 3 months
On the matter of "Faction Conflict" in roleplay.
Hello good readers one and all, it has been a bit of time. I have for the most part been simply busy RPing or generally engaging with that strange realm called 'real life'. I was given a drop about the latest weirdposting thread courtesy of Hatescale/Dargeus/Santern regarding his effusive praise, or some may say delusion, for Faction Conflict RP, or WarRP I suppose you could call it.
RP PvP has always been contentious on Argent Dawn, going as far back as the fabled on and off conflicts between the 'North' Rpers and whatever brand of Undead or Blood Elf roleplayers were present. It has been a source of more drama and discourse rather than actual character development and narrative storytelling. Don't let anyone otherwise tell you. It can be a fun distraction and has been the source of many hilarious memes over the long years of Argent Dawn's existence but it cannot seriously be considered on the same level as normal RP.
I noticed that some friends of mine have pointed out that WarRP is no better than other forms of roleplay that don't really fit with the setting. We're talking on the level of Witcher RP, GoT RP, Boardwalk Empire RP. That is certainly the case these days. The lore is an ever evolving and changing - for better or worse- thing. The era of BIG WAR has passed with Legion and BFA.
But there are a handful of groups - you know who I mean - who are adamant on remaining locked into this clown fiesta of an RP mode. Usually I am of the opinion as those who may have read previous posts I've made, that there's a balance to strike between anything goes and grounded in the setting. Lets not kid ourselves that the primary pursuers of RP PvP are after a power trip rather than actual RP interaction, the mechanics behind it entirely gear towards your standard toxic pvp bros who think that the only meaningful interaction is /duel. Why not settle your differences in Counterstrike? A far more balanced game mechanically.
Even that alone isn't truly the issue, strange players can do strange things as long as they're not infringing on anyone else as far as I care. What truly is the problem is that they elevate their - type - of RP as the sole and only true arbiter of RP, the litmus test for self-awareness, to quote Santern himself.
Had this been in Legion or BFA, sure I'd say WarRP has a place but it's time has long passed. It really started during WoD when the lack of actual expansion relevant material that players could engage in forced players to 'write' their own 'lore'. The results being that many lazy roleplayers got hooked on the quick fix of RP PvP campaigns and did no upkeep on their own guilds, only thriving from one campaign to the other and even recruiting non-roleplayers to make sure that they 'won' their fights.
So by all means engage in your WarRP, but you're no better than the 'Darkshire RPers' - whatever that is meant to mean - or any other niche community.
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Small correction by our astute observer. Sinbane/Hatescale/Hordeculler/Kruule/Santern has not been a PCU member for a number of years now, though it is true he maintains largely the same set of opinions your average PCU "old guard" member has. We have made several posts about him and his utterly myopic navel gazing approach to RP and the Argent Dawn community as a whole.
He is the sunk-cost-fallacysaurus given corpulent moribund form, everything he touches turns to rot and blight because he simply cannot stand not being "the main character" at all times. A truly hateful, bigoted elitist who has become so infatuated by his own ego he has destroyed all means by which he can enjoy himself on this game and yet will still routinely spend hundreds of dollars per month in micro-transactions.
Frankly, we pity him. And we know fine well he will be malding and screaming that he has been mentioned here yet again as he is a frequent reader of this blog.
So all we can say to that is...
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mr-imagin8ion · 1 year
Mixed Breeds comics 1995
Here's the first full year of "Mixed Breeds". Tip for reading if you think it is small: Ctrl-plus sign is your friend. Ctrl-plus sign makes the website zoom in.
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In "Fitz for Sleep", Fitz decides to hibernate. In "Fly Me to the Moon", Bearl and Muffin go to the moon to see what happens if you howl at it there.
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In "Mouse Whole", the duo is shrunk to fit in the hole of a mouse they've been spying on.
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In "Spring Like a Bird", Bearl and Muffin meet the birds and watch them bring color back to spring. (Debut of Morty, Mattie, and Postnie.)
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In "You Only Live Ninefold", Muffin loses her first life, so Bearl and her second life help get her buried. In "Eventually", Bearl and Muffin investigate what all their friends are doing on their lawn at once. (Debut of Brunswick, Winnie, and Columbia.)
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In "The Lobster House Rules", the duo are babysat by the mayor of their town. (Debut of Baugo.)
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In "Muffin 4-5789", Muffin swallows a telephone on accident but gains its powers.
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In the very special storyline "Purradise Lost", the duo becomes lost in nature, which eventually leads to them revolutionizing a magic place full of frogs.
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In "Scare-D-Cats", the duo explores a haunted house and meets the bat running it; and in "House of Tease", the duo makes up a strategy for defense against the squirrels.
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In "Brunswick Returns: The Rise of Brunswick", Brunswick returns but is mad that Muffin's a cat. In "In Dog Years", the duo becomes old when they mess with dog years; and in "St. Kitts and Dogs", the birds migrate to St. Kitts and Nevis.
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In "Santernity", chaos ensues when the duo causes two Santa Clauses to meet.
Original strips: January 1995, February 1995, March 1995, April 1995, May 1995, June 1995, July 1995, August 1995, September 1995, October 1995, November 1995, December 1995
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Wednesday 6 November 1839
8 5/..
12 35/..
fine but dull morning F59 ¾° on my table now at 8 57/.. and then had Grotza till 9 25/.. = 28 minutes .:. dressing = 1 23/.. hour! too much by 23 minutes – at the grammar in Reiffs’ dictionary till breakfast at 9 40/.. to 10 35/.. = 55 minutes at breakfast! times like distances are long here – Letter from Mr. Parker dated 21 October containing copy of Booths’ (manquée) of 10 August – Just read the letter over with A- before breakfast and talked it over afterwards doing little else till now 12 50/.. – had a man about an hour ago with silks (maikoff – sent by princess Radivill [Radziwill]) – [Persiennes] at 2/50 l’archine, and 5/50 for [Sarsinets] narrowish = 20 archines for a dress – and
white satins (also made about 20 versts from Moscow) at 15/. per archine – the man said 15 archines of satin for a dress – as princess Radivill [Radziwill] said last night cannot go to a fête in black or grey (mourning and ½ ditto) – must go in colours – the 1st balle des nobles here will be 6 December (O.S.?) the emperors’ birthday – must go in white all white for this is a sort of signifying that one is in mourning at other times – a person in mourning for their own mother must put it off on this occasion – if we did not choose to dress, might go into the balcon around the room, and look down upon the people – but we should be hot, and it would not be comfortable – and there (in the balcon) one could not be in black or grey – compliments came before breakfast and the princess would be glad to see us to dinner today at 4 – compliments back and would be happy to wait upon her – ‘tis now one p.m. and R +1 1/2°= F33° - then wrote ‘Mrs. Lister presents her compliments to Mr. Marc, and will be glad to see him tomorrow evening – Howards’ hotel – Wednesday morning – (25 October)’ – Directed it to ‘Monsieur A. Marc Esquire, etc. etc. etc.’ out about 1 ½ to the boulevard – found it wet and raining small rain and damp .:. did not alight, but drove round the boulevard turning to our right, and returning to the Tverskoi [Tverskoj] (our walk-boulevard) and thus home at 2 40/60 – then walked about (dining room and passage) at home till 3 – dressed – at 4 went to the princess Radivill [Radziwill]  - her mother princess Rousoff, there taking a whet of caviar cheese, before dinner – the prince R- had sent for the marchand with stuff for A-‘s cloak and at her instigation (advice) for my robe de chambre – 10 ½ archines for me + 4 ½ for A- = 15 archines at 5/50 per archine – this settled, we sat down to dinner about 4 ¼? Russian soup – patés – veal (a shoulder?) but done so [?] we helped ourselves (handed round) with a spoon – then came roast pig partly cut up (but I had to cut myself a smaller piece) with a little gelinotte (cut up into legs and wings etc.) on the same dish – then the 2 little glass dishes of preserve were handed round and lunel wine as liqueur, and we got up from table – 1st Madera – then Medoc – then Laffitte (Bordeaux) 2/50 and 3/50 the bottle and a bottle of santerne a bottle at each corner of the table – the princess opposite her mother to whom I gave my arm, as desired in going out, and the princess R- led out A- coffee – note from prince Galitzin to ask me to dinner at 4 tomorrow brought in just as A- and I were coming away for ½ hour about 6 ½ - being to return afterwards to tea – the ladies dress very much here – princess R-  very good about telling it – must have a toque, or one feather, or something, or flowers in my head – princess R- would have sent for toques to her apartment for us to look at tomorrow but her mother put this off – saying it would be of no use – we had best go ourselves – the mother had mentioned our going to the ball des marchands on Sunday next as a sight worth seeing – people of all nations there  - and then said the bals des nobles would not begin till the emperors 6 December O.S. – as a sight, I said much obliged and would go to the bal des marchands next Sunday – it is en face – but now (7 50/..) on 2nd thoughts, why should we go? better at home  
on coming upstairs wrote in answer and sent by prince Galitzins’ servant who waited, the following answer ‘Madame Lister présente ses complimens au Prince Gatizin [Galitzin], et elle se fera grand plaisir de diner chez lui demain à quatre heures – Mercredi – 25 Octobre – au Général, le Prince Galitzin, gouverneur général militaire, de la ville de Moscou, etc. etc. etc.  had just written so far at 8 3/60 Princess R- sent to say tea was ready – we went immediately at 8 5/.. and staid till 9 50/.. – her father and her other 2 sisters there and the husband of the young sister count Cuthaiof or some such name – he talked much against our going to the Urals – could not go in a vossok – must go en traineau – 30° to 35° of cold – might be robbed – to be very sure of our professor poor little de R- Recommended an Englishman, a Mr. Bell – damp drizzling small rainy dirty day – the 1st of this kind we have had F61 ½° now at 12 ½ tonight
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The Moon setting over ESO La Silla Observatory one day after the Total Solar Eclipse. Mars and Mercury are also visible in the picture. credit: Alexandre Santerne
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This image shows the Sun through various phases of the total solar eclipse visible over ESO's La Silla Observatory on 2 July 2019. It was taken using an H-alpha filter. The eclipse lasted roughly two and a half hours, with almost two minutes of totality at 20:39 UT, and was visible across a narrow band of Chile and Argentina. To celebrate this rare event ESO invited 1000 people, including dignitaries, school children, the media, researchers, and the general public, to come to the Observatory to watch the eclipse from this unique location.
Credit: A. Santerne (Aix-Marseille University/LAM)/ESO
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guardianmag · 3 years
For The First Time, a Rare Tatooine-Like Exoplanet Has Been Detected Orbiting around two Stars at once
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christian-cardoso · 6 years
Descubren un gemelo de Mercurio a 340 años luz
Descubren un gemelo de Mercurio a 340 años luz
Rodrigo Díaz participó del hallazgo de este nuevo planeta que podría ayudar a comprender la formación de Mercurio, un caso particular para los científicos que se preguntan sobre su composición. Los resultados fueron publicados en la revista Nature Astronomy. Un  equipo internacional liderado desde el Laboratorio de Astrofísica de Marsella (CNRS, Francia) descubrió que el planeta K2 229 b, a 340…
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tellytantra · 4 years
Introduction A sweet day with a fresh start in kolkata. a street with big houses. As we enter a house that has fantastic wood work. We see a lady of about 45-50 sitting in the big red sofa and rummaging through newspaper suddenly there is a shrill scream from a room calling out “Shurmista” the lady hurries to the room. A granny with jabmala asking her to bring ganga jal to purify the idol. She gets busy there. Meanwhile we see a gentleman who acts as though used to it gets with work stressed. There is a compelete silent, a soft veena sound starts playing as we enter the room we see a girl still in pajamas with a high pony playing veena. Her eyes is seeing other direction towards bed. A rocking guitar tears its sound from the cover a girl in her night pant stands on the bed playing her. her face is shown a chubby face cute with a dimple with short hair tied telling ” ragini you won waking me up” now face of ragini is shown a very pretty face smiling wide after her success politely replies ” swara neither of us won u were already wake but lazy. For a bit mix swaragini needed to make ur laziness go”. both girls start giggling. They turn around giggling they see the time is 6:30. They can’t be late today as it is so special. They hurry to get ready. At same time somewhere a smoky with vrooming and loud cheers are coming. We see a guy with perfect10/10 balance wheeling. He crosses the finish line completing 250 meters. He takes off his helmet arriving with a smooth halt. His face so handsome that anyone can fall for him, his grey eyes expressing his happiness with a wide smile. A person from crowd hugs him and tells “wow sanskar you won my bet”. Sanskar appalled replies not again laksh. Laksh sanskar’s brother bit short than him but as handsome as latter. Laksh and Sanskar eyes clash in anger showing their rivalry. Laksh’s watch beeps saving from a disaster there it’s 6:45 and they better be at home in 15 minutes. Laksh takes on the bike with sanskar behind him they speed up to home. The girls ready by now perfectly. Ragini in plain neon pink chudi(like the one swara wore while proving sans innocent )with black santern border with black design in upper dress with black legins and black duppata. Swara on other side in blue long skirt and orange top both plain. They wore less makeup which made them look more pretty. It’s 7:00 now they proceed down. Other side sanskar and laksh thanking omi for his bike. Omi their friend and neighbor. They jump to their house and climb pump to their room. We maheshwari family durgaprasad asking to wake sanskar and laksh as it is big day for them to two ladies. These ladies are sujata and annapurna they obey and go towards their son’s room…. Anon  Swaragini New (Fan Fiction Chapter 2 – First Meet) Sanskar and laksh are on their way to academy in car. They get stuck in a long traffic jam. Out of all wagonr ,swift ,duster or whatever car their red audi drove by laksh shone bright as new infact it’s new gifted by dp. A laughing voice of two girls is heard, the two wheeler of them glides smoothy through the traffic. Swara drives it. Swaragini have two vehicles a blue and other pink. They opted blue today. Though they are rich they find hapiness in two wheeler and their father want their hapiness. SR’s vehicle comes to halt because of the driver infront of them. Well it is red car buuuuut it’s swift. They are just beside sanlak car. Swara and ragini see the splendid audi but don’t see the owner as windows were closed.they jawdrop seeing it. There horn sound from signalling them to move. The traffic starts moving soon enough they remain oblivious to each other. They proceed in their path.—————–Swaragini reach the academy as well as sanlak. Swaragini are scared tensed of the day whether they will get admission, if got how they will reveal to their father about wish. As they walk a firm body hits both of them from behind which makes swara fall down and all things also fall out while ragini’s shall gets stuck to his watch which pulls ragini with him. Ragini asks the person to stop with her temper rising but the doesn’t hear her and goes on. She notices he is on phone and goes forward turns him and takes his phone from his hand and turns it off. Ragini eyes him directly it is sanskar but she doesn’t know it. She yells at him can’t he hear her call him out. She firmly takes his hand which is tied with her dupatta she unties it. And her eyes him with anger and asks him if he is blind can’t see who is walking in front and pushed her sister and continuous to vent her anger. Sanskar moves a step forward which makes ragini fall back but sanskar holds her wrist at right time. A weird eye lock follows he pulls her up gently it makes her frinches fall on her covering half of it. Sanskar brushes her behind ear it makes her nerve rise and eye lock continuous . Ragini eyes shocked feeling something makes her see deep through his grey she feels it is deep to find secrets. Ragini regains her conscious and asks how could he touch her but before she starts all over again she sees her lips covered by his hand and other hand with a finger on his lips asking her shush. Her eyes blinks fast shocked. He leaves her shocked. She remembers swara had fell down and goes there and sees her standing bit shocked. She asks what happened is she alright. Swara glimpses back to the happening few minutes before. Swara has fallen down, she notices her elbow bleeding a bit but forgets it the moment she sees her things scattered around. She starts collecting everything and realises her admission form was missing. She starts searching it bending her head looking down. She hits something that hurts so much she sees laksh in front but she doesn’t know him. She apologize to him and asks if he had seen her admission form. He doesn’t respond anything. She frantically waves her in front of his face “hello!!”. Laksh takes a admission form from his coat and asks if it’s her form. She hyper seeing it and jumps around happily and gives quick hug but soon apologize again for hugging him. She notices his smile turning curious. He takes out a hankie and ties around her elbow and asks to do first aid. He leaves immediately. She is shocked the way he reacted genuinely. Ragini shakes her which makes swara to come to present. Ragini notices her wound and takes to office.
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Halégoi Josette et Santerne Rachel : Une vie de zinc.
Halégoi Josette et Santerne Rachel : Une vie de zinc.
La préface de Vincent de Gaulejac – professeur de sociologie à l’Université Paris 7 – Denis Diderot – donne le la :
Citant Bernard Frank (les rues de ma vie), une ville sans bistrots, c’est une ville sans rencontres.
Les bars – créateurs de lien social –  cristallisent une façon de ‘faire société’.
Le bar est un des socles institutionnels de la société qui – sans prétention ni formalisme –…
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ca-se-passe-la-haut · 6 years
Découverte d'une planète de la taille de la Terre entièrement métallique
K2-229b est une des trois planètes qui ont été découvertes en orbite autour de l'étoile naine K2-229. Cette planète est surprenante : de la taille de la Terre, elle possède la densité de Mercure montrant qu'elle serait entièrement métallique. 
K2-229, aussi appelée EPIC 228801451 est une étoile banale de 0,84 masses solaires située à 339 années-lumière. K2-229b, comme son nom l'indique est la plus proche des trois planètes de l'étoile. Mais ces trois planètes sont toutes très proches de K2-229. Si elles étaient en orbite autour du Soleil, elles seraient toutes les trois à l'intérieur de l'orbite de Mercure... Alexandre Santerne (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, Aix-Marseille Université) et ses collaborateurs ont mesuré non seulement les distances des trois planètes mais aussi leur période de rotation, leur masse et leur diamètre. Ils ont pour cela mesuré les variations de vitesse radiale de l'étoile. 
K2-229b possède donc un rayon de 1,2 fois celui de la Terre, mais sa masse est évaluée par les astrophysiciens à 2,6 fois la masse de la Terre. Il suffit de calculer le volume et de diviser la masse par sa valeur pour trouver une valeur de densité impressionnante : 8,9 ± 2,1 kg/m3, du même ordre que celle de Mercure.
Mais K2-229b est bien pire que Mercure en termes de proximité de son étoile et de température. Elle est si proche de son étoile qu'elle tourne autour en seulement 14 heures ! Sa distance à son étoile n'est que de 0,012 unités astronomiques, soit à peine 1,8 millions de kilomètres. Quant à sa température, celle de son hémisphère qui doit faire continuellement face à l'étoile, elle atteint 2300 K... (alors que la température de l'étoile est de 5185 K).
Vu ces conditions très chaudes, les chercheurs pensent que le manteau de l'hémisphère du côté jour doit s'être complètement volatilisé pour former une vapeur de silicates. Ils déduisent la composition de K2-229b en trouvant un ratio Fe/Si d'environ 0,8, ce qui signifierait la présence d'un cœur de fer correspondant à 26% de la masse, surmonté par une couche de silicium pour le reste de sa masse.
Une hypothèse qui est avancée par les astrophysiciens pour expliquer l'origine de cette planète métallique très dense est une érosion de son atmosphère par l'intense vent solaire et les éruptions de son étoile qu'elle subit continuellement. Une autre possibilité serait que K2-229b se soit formée après un gros impact de deux corps plus gros il y a plusieurs milliards d'années, d'après les chercheurs.
La découverte de cette planète aux caractéristiques peu communes laisse donc présager que les planètes métalliques comme Mercure ne seraient pas si rares. En découvrir d'autres spécimens semblables pourra assurément nous aider à comprendre l'origine de la diversité des planètes de notre système solaire.
An Earth-sized exoplanet with a Mercury-like composition'
Nature Astronomy (26 march 2018)
Vue d'artiste d'une exoplanète tellurique (M. Kornmesser / ESO) 
via https://ift.tt/2GmwUVm
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The forums...
Speaking as someone who used to be a moderator for forums and games: man, 90% of the "regulars" in the forums would be slapped with a straight up ban if Blizzard had any type of moderation there.
All of these "haha funny snarky" remarks are off-topic and shouldn't be posted. Most of the oneliners or weird copypastas are downright spam and would be slapped with a silence. Try to post these things in any type of forum and you will be instantly banned or atleast restricted from posting. https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/sanlayn-not-a-race-confirmed-i-want-an-apology/475071 Pretend to be a moderator to uphold rules of the forums and think to yourself how often you would slap someone with a ban. The first 10 posts following the OP alone would receive a silence for a week for non-sense replies, being off-topic, being a troll or downright spam.
Out of the (currently) 318 replies, I am convinced, 90% are non sense and shouldn't be made.
These people can be lucky that Blizzard doesn't give a hoot about moderation.
Blizzard used to have moderation but now that moderation has been outsourced to the community!
We agree, a good amount of mostly any posts on the AD forums, especially by the 10k trout squad are completely meaningless in value or worth.
Most threads made that are not explicitly guild threads are almost immediately derailed by the terminally online brigades, pcu posters or just pcu socks. The first group so they can continue to farm likes and 'forum trust' because their actual lives are hollow and have little going in them and the latter two in order to keep the official forums 'cleansed' so that their bump squadrons can mindlessly keep the remaining PCU recruitment threads at the top.
We have two former community moderators (from outside of the Warcraft franchise) and they have repeatedly stated the same general points as you have said.
Thankfully from just the editor team here alone we can launch a metaphoric thermonuclear war upon any post we deem inappropriate as the five core editors are more than enough to bury any posts that require removal.
It's just there is so much nonsense that we can't really be bothered to do Blizzard's job for them. But please do direct DMs to us for posts you'd like to see 'ashed' (to use Warscale/Santern's term).
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Toxicity and a complete lack of self awareness are what define Warscale(formerly Hatewing), Dargeus(formerly Santern), Hordeculler, Kruule, Sept, Pompeious, Dalaken, Folktale and likely many many more endless armies of alts.
This is one who was raging incessantly about "altposters" when he himself has been altposting since the start of the forums. Why? As our contributor stated, its pretty easy - take a look through his post history. You can do so here even after he inevitably runs away and hides again after we shine the light on his cockroach like behaviour.
Warscale/Dargeus has had a long history of being a putrid individual on Argent Dawn and we have featured him more than once before. This is a person who has been kicked out of the PCU, which in itself is rather impressive but it seems even the depravity of the PCU officers doesn't quite extend to, shall we say politely, pregnancy fetish RP.
We inevitably look forward to his screaming ragefest that will come from this, perhaps if you didn't react so predictably we wouldn't need to highlight your puerile behavior.
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I've seen Hatescale/Hordeculler/Kruule/Santern stand around Lion's Rest in Stormwind on his warlock Sinbane. He stands there for up to 6 hours a day, clicking his writing toy every 5 minutes to keep it up, never going AFK. I ask you, how can your TRP contain such a vast list of people you ignore yet you seem so desperate to be approached? Are you too shy to approach others?
The inner machinations of his mind are an enigma.
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Valteryl, obsessive forum-poster, is a notorious misogynist and sees no problem with calling women whores, slags etc. I used to be in the same guild as him on Horde side years ago (he was on an alt) and he spoke with such a fake sense of cringe macho regarding women and his "many sexual escapades" it gave me secondhand embarassment. For someone who is apparently such a chad you'd think he would have less than 700ish posts on a gaming forum. Something isn't adding up.
Valteryl/Erulas/Aeilmar/Andelir/Lonnel is a rather noxious individual with a long and storied history of being a textbook case of "internet tough guy" while being actually an incredibly fragile heterosexual white cis male.
Of course he has more posts than 700, as he has a bit of a chameleon syndrome going on, much like Santern/Kruule/Hordeculler/Dargeus. A constant need for validation but also constant fear their bad takes are going to be linked back to their already infamous personality.
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Absolutely howling at Santern/Dargeus/Hordeculler suddenly deleting himself from the entire server. Guy needed calling out for years but i guess he had been a bit of a slippery worm.
I love how the PCU and their goon friends bang on about coad not affecting them at all but hook, line and sinker right here. If you're so innocent Santern why are you paying for your 37th race change this year already?
I guess people can only put up with the same spin the wheel of "morally grey fel users" "reformed penal brigade" and "weirdly racist alliance extremist" rp on the same loop for the last twelve years.
It's rather obvious how we bother some of the more sensitive individuals within the PCU, each time we post exposing content we always get an amusing increase in racist abuse thrown out our way on our channels.
That Dargeus has shown his true nature as a hypocrite and banished himself once more into the shadow realm until he thinks he can't be detected any more is no surprise. You are likely very correct there are a lot of players tired with his type of repeating "War Crimes" RP he puts out every year or so.
It's hilarious he created a blacklist but doesn't like it when he's called out on it.
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