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Small correction by our astute observer. Sinbane/Hatescale/Hordeculler/Kruule/Santern has not been a PCU member for a number of years now, though it is true he maintains largely the same set of opinions your average PCU "old guard" member has. We have made several posts about him and his utterly myopic navel gazing approach to RP and the Argent Dawn community as a whole.
He is the sunk-cost-fallacysaurus given corpulent moribund form, everything he touches turns to rot and blight because he simply cannot stand not being "the main character" at all times. A truly hateful, bigoted elitist who has become so infatuated by his own ego he has destroyed all means by which he can enjoy himself on this game and yet will still routinely spend hundreds of dollars per month in micro-transactions.
Frankly, we pity him. And we know fine well he will be malding and screaming that he has been mentioned here yet again as he is a frequent reader of this blog.
So all we can say to that is...
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thoughtsonargentdawn · 3 months
On the matter of "Faction Conflict" in roleplay.
Hello good readers one and all, it has been a bit of time. I have for the most part been simply busy RPing or generally engaging with that strange realm called 'real life'. I was given a drop about the latest weirdposting thread courtesy of Hatescale/Dargeus/Santern regarding his effusive praise, or some may say delusion, for Faction Conflict RP, or WarRP I suppose you could call it.
RP PvP has always been contentious on Argent Dawn, going as far back as the fabled on and off conflicts between the 'North' Rpers and whatever brand of Undead or Blood Elf roleplayers were present. It has been a source of more drama and discourse rather than actual character development and narrative storytelling. Don't let anyone otherwise tell you. It can be a fun distraction and has been the source of many hilarious memes over the long years of Argent Dawn's existence but it cannot seriously be considered on the same level as normal RP.
I noticed that some friends of mine have pointed out that WarRP is no better than other forms of roleplay that don't really fit with the setting. We're talking on the level of Witcher RP, GoT RP, Boardwalk Empire RP. That is certainly the case these days. The lore is an ever evolving and changing - for better or worse- thing. The era of BIG WAR has passed with Legion and BFA.
But there are a handful of groups - you know who I mean - who are adamant on remaining locked into this clown fiesta of an RP mode. Usually I am of the opinion as those who may have read previous posts I've made, that there's a balance to strike between anything goes and grounded in the setting. Lets not kid ourselves that the primary pursuers of RP PvP are after a power trip rather than actual RP interaction, the mechanics behind it entirely gear towards your standard toxic pvp bros who think that the only meaningful interaction is /duel. Why not settle your differences in Counterstrike? A far more balanced game mechanically.
Even that alone isn't truly the issue, strange players can do strange things as long as they're not infringing on anyone else as far as I care. What truly is the problem is that they elevate their - type - of RP as the sole and only true arbiter of RP, the litmus test for self-awareness, to quote Santern himself.
Had this been in Legion or BFA, sure I'd say WarRP has a place but it's time has long passed. It really started during WoD when the lack of actual expansion relevant material that players could engage in forced players to 'write' their own 'lore'. The results being that many lazy roleplayers got hooked on the quick fix of RP PvP campaigns and did no upkeep on their own guilds, only thriving from one campaign to the other and even recruiting non-roleplayers to make sure that they 'won' their fights.
So by all means engage in your WarRP, but you're no better than the 'Darkshire RPers' - whatever that is meant to mean - or any other niche community.
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angekeet · 8 years
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Some think it is vain but if u anything like me and hate the sight of sight of the scale this is the only way to track progress..... #kinigirlsa #faceofkinigirl #jennalimerick #kinisa #kinimamma #transformation #fitmamma #goals #focused #fitness #strength #trackingprogress #takethepic #hatescales (at Off The Grid Athletic)
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I've seen Hatescale/Hordeculler/Kruule/Santern stand around Lion's Rest in Stormwind on his warlock Sinbane. He stands there for up to 6 hours a day, clicking his writing toy every 5 minutes to keep it up, never going AFK. I ask you, how can your TRP contain such a vast list of people you ignore yet you seem so desperate to be approached? Are you too shy to approach others?
The inner machinations of his mind are an enigma.
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Surprised that your team has not said anything about the negativity thread on the forums. With Jeyce, Crazymon, Hatescale and Amdusias doing everything from gay bashing & open transphobia to spreading bile and hate messages about other people. Seems like that would be a thing you would be interested in covering since it is on the same level as the PCU antics.
Equating every washed up and boring former roleplayer on the same level as PCU negates the uniquely damaging presence the PCU has had on our server. Of all these names only Hatescale is one that we're aware of at least that has persistently engaged in the same caliber of PCU level harassment and hate towards other players on the server.
There are plenty of far-right chuds swimming around on the Argent Dawn forums, though we would hope our readers would have the good sense to avoid their dog-whistling fascist calling thread.
Who calls a thread the 'negativity thread' anyway? Just call them for what they are. Weird.
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Won't even read Hatescale's latest thread. The people liking it and posting in it says more than enough.
The usual para-fashy gang mixed with usual rightoid talking heads waxing lyrical about the 'good old days' when the lore of the franchise has moved past the black and white factional divides. But to these people still living in 2014 the only war that matters is the factional war.
Really as we see it, by all means indulge in your jingoistic war rp escapism, don't attempt to justify it as being any better than other setting aberrant rp. That is just hypocrisy.
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The Freeguard
I draw your attention to <The freeguard> a new guild advertising on the realm forum. Deems Obahar and Hatescale have concocted, once again, another between the lines, grey slider scale guild of folks to do meaninglessly shady or brutal crap. And considering Orcbane = Hatescale/Warhost, I dare say it'll be a hyper aggressive and ultimately unwelcome addition to the community, a mighty callback to PCU high (dismal) standards.
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