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In the In-Between
The first semester was very busy, especially with the short-term intern from Germany I was tasked to oversee aside from teaching work.
However, by the grace of God, not only was I able to supervise the intern well, but I was also able to the extra admin load after one of the staff had to leave for the mission field.
Two of our students graduated recently, Calvin in December, and Seajin in June. Calvin is now back in South Africa and doing well with his college work, and Seajin is getting ready to go back with her family to their mission in Turkiye, where she will continue to prepare for university admissions in the us.
Ruth went back to Senegal as her family continues god's mission there.
Seyoon and He yoon are now in the Philippines to start their new mission in Cebu.
I didn't want to say much in this update; rather I wanted you to hear updates of the school from the students themselves. I was blessed to oversee the newspaper club, and am beyond excited to share to you the wonderful newsletter we prepared. Some of things included share the students' honest opinions, so it is refreshing to see how the new generation thinks.
Summer classes are open! I opened summer classes to help students prepare for the next semester. The music teachers are also meeting with the students so that their progress in their chosen instruments will continue during the break. Please pray that the students will continue to give their best this summer, while still being able to enjoy their vacation.
Please pray for financial support. The average cost of living in Korea KRW 1,600,000 (around $1,400). Since majority of the students' tuition go to administration fees, it has barely been able to give KRW 500,000 to each staff in the recent years.
Pray for my visa situation. In order to extend my visa, I have opted to start a consulting business. I need to plan out this business and be able to earn KRW 2,000,000 a month (including support raised) in order to extend my visa.
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예수님에게 눈을 돌려라
지금 뭔가 큰일을 위해 기도하고 계십니까? 기도에 대한 긍정적인 결과를 기대하고 계십니까? 이전 편지에서, 저는 비자 문제와 세종으로의 학교 이전 문제에 대한 기도를 부탁드렸습니다. 저의 미래에 대한 기대는 무척이나 컸었고, 그 기대가 수년간의 간절한 기도에 대한 응답으로 이어지기를 바랐습니다.
기쁜 소식과 승리에 대해서만 말씀드리고 싶었지만, 저희의 뜻대로 일이 진행되지는 않았습니다.
- 저는 거주비자를 받지 못했고, - 새 학교 건물의 기부자께서는 기부를 포기하셨습니다.
그러나 하나님의 말씀은 저의 일을 계속해 나가야 한다는 것을 일깨워 주고,
주님께서는 결코 실패하시지 않을 것이라는 사실을 믿게 합니다. 그렇기에 제가 슬퍼하는 동안에도 제겐 희망이 있습니다. 저의 시선을 예수님께로 돌리고, 그분의 손에 모든 것을 맡기겠습니다.
한 유명한 찬양에 이런 가사가 있습니다. "내가 보지 못할 때에도, 당신은 일하십니다... 절대 멈추지 않으시죠." (Way Maker). 하나님은 여전히 SCIS를 위해 끊임없이 일하고 계신다고 믿습 니다. 저는 그분이 어떻게 일하시는지 보기를 열망함으로 기다리면서 끊임없이 감사와 찬양을 올려 드릴 것입니다.
우리 모두 주님께로 시선을 돌리고 그분을 찬양하며 기뻐합시다!
Praise Items
저희는 학교의 모든 학생들이 그들의 목표를 성취하기 위해 열심히 노력하고, 또 어떤 학생 들은 기대 이상을 해냄으로써 인정을 받는다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 저희는 그들을 격려하 위해, 매달 교육적이고 재미있는 견학을 기획합니다.
지난달에 전주 동물원에 가서 동물들에 대해 많은 것을 배웠고, 다음달에는 한국창조과학회 를 방문할 예정입니다.
저희는 저희 학생들이 클럽활동을 통해 다양한 분야에서 성장할 수 있도록 시간을 내어주신 자원봉사자님들에 대하여 하나님께 감사드립니다. 김 선교사님께서는 스포츠 클럽을 맡고 계시고, 새로운 자원봉사자분께서는 동영상 편집 클럽의 성인반을 가르치겠다고 제안하셨습니다. 이에 학생들은 모두 기대하고 있으며,
저 또한 그들의 노력에 대한 결과물들을 볼 생각에 몹시 설렙니다!
메릿 세일
그것이 하나님의 성격적 특색을 보여주는 것이든 학업의 특출함에 관한 것이든, 학생들은 매달 말마다 작은 장신구, 장난감 또는 학용품을 사기 위해 사용할 수 있는 '메릿'를 받고 있습니다.
이로 인해 학교생활에 재미가 더해지게 되었다고 생각합니다.
저는 학생들이 그들의 친구들을 축복하기 위해 자발적으로 그들의 메릿을 나누는 것을 목격할 수 있는 축복을 받았습니다. 주님, 이 형재애가 그들 안에서 더욱 자라나게 해주세요.
Prayer Items
4월 21일에 저는 출입국관리사무소로부터 비자 신청서를 수정하라는 권고를 받았습니다.
해당 직원은 서류 누락으로 인해 거주 비자 신청이 거부될 수 있기 때문에 이전 (구직)비자를 연장하는 것이 좋다고 추천했습니다. 저는 이 직원을 통해 하나님께로부터 은혜를 받았다고 생각하며, 주님께 감사드립니다. 오는 9월에 비자 연장이나 다른 비자를 신청하는 것과 관련하여 지혜가 생기기를 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
2년 전 건강검진을 받았을 때, 제 갑상선에서 작은 양성 결절이 발견되었습니다. 지난달에 다시 검사를 받았을 때, 결절이 크게 자란 것이 확인되어 의사 선생님은 제게 큰 병원에서 검사를 받으라 하셨고
바로 다음 주에 병원 예���을 잡았습니다.
큰 문제가 아니기를 바라고, 결과가 나온 후에 무엇을 해야 할지 알 수 있도록 지혜를 허락해 주시기를 기도 부탁드립니다.
6월 이후 세종시로 이전하는 계획 때문에 현 위치의 계약이 종료될 예정이었지만, 그 계획이 취소되었기 때문에 저희가 계속 이곳에 머물 수 있도록 계약이 연장되어야 할 것입니다. 그러기 위해서는 학교측에서 건물 임대 보증금으로 약 1억 원을 모아야 합니다.
이를 위해 저희를 도와주실 분들에 대한 기도 부탁드립니다.
저희 학교뿐만 아니라 각 교사는 주로 하나님으로부터의 공급에 따라 후원자를 통해 지원받고 있습니다. 저희가 선교사, 목사님 자녀들과 다른 학생들을 위해 사역을 지속할 수 있도록 후원해 주실 수 있는 분들이 더해지기를 계속 기도하고 있습니다.
너는 마음을 굳게 먹고 용기를 가지고 이 일에 착수하여라. 조금이라도 두려워하거나 위축되어서는 안 된다. 나의 하나님 여호와께서는 네가 성전 공사를 다 마칠 때까지 너와 함께하시고 너를 버리지 않으실 것이다.
역대상 28장 20절
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All Things New in 2019
I praise God for the new students, new curriculum, and the new opportunities to serve our MKs.
Please continue to pray for Sejong Global School, our church activities this weekend, and the short term team coming from the Philippines in October.
Also, please include my Korean Proficiency Exam on October 19-20.

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I recorded this video two weeks ago but I haven't been able to post it until now because I became terribly sick after that. Anyway, here it is now! Please remember us in prayer:
1. New school year in SGS! Praying for female students to join us.
2. Summer with my family as they fly me to America.
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New Seasons
Spring is coming! And so many things are up ahead!
Praise God for the strength and joy during the whole move! Praise God as well for everyone who helped!
Please pray for this whole new academic year. Pray as well for my visa extension, that I will be able to gather all the necessary documents needed, and that it will be approved with no problems.
Hoping to hear from you!
Click here to like us on Facebook!
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Quick look at 2017 and Looking Ahead in 2018
Praise God for His faithfulness, His vision, His continuous provision, His community of believers.
Please pray for transitions as we go to Daejeon next month. May we see God at work in the students, and through the school.
Pray as well for my transfer to another school in the fall semester, and finding a local church.
Thank you for being in this journey!
Your Love is Deep (with I Could Sing of Your Love)
Sung by Jacqueline Rosete and Bokyu Kim (Guitar)
Click here to update your information. Thanks!
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Please click on the link to view! Please post in the comments below the highlight/s of your 2015! Rejoice! I say it again, Rejoice! Praise God for the year that was, and the year that is to come!
#2015#year summary#year#summary#usa#thailand#vietnam#singapore#philippines#family#wedding#internationalstudents
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Merry Christmas!

I dare not miss this opportunity to greet you with this sweet message. It is indeed merry, beyond what joy can ever mean, that Christ has come!
If you have not felt it, or heard it from me, I simply love Christmas! I’m very bad with gifts and of expressing gratitude, but in spite of these, excitement still overpowers whatever anxiety the season usually brings me.
Why do I love Christmas?
Better picture
An honest picture ofmy family would not be that of van Gogh. It could pass as a work by a third grader I guess. Each of us try to paint it a little better every year but there’s always a lot more room for improvement. A great thing about Christmas is it reminds me that there is hope for this picture.
Hope that it would finally be made of the right material and that we’ll let the great painter do His work in it. Hope that we would someday have a Christmas that is not a celebration of decorations and food (although those are still welcome), rather a celebration of Christ in each of us. Hope that the painter always loves this painting, however it might look like.

More opportunities
A lot of people celebrate this holiday, even if they don’t understand what it’s really about. It’s an opportunity for me to invite friends and family to Cantatas, to Christmas service, to Christmas parties hosted by Christians, or even to a friend’s house to experience a Christian Christmas celebration. Each one a great opportunity for them to hear why Christmas is such a great celebration: Emmanuel!
This year, my sister’s friend who is a pilot is in Tokyo. I took this opportunity to invite him to a Christmas eve service in a Japanese church. I’m certain they can somehow accommodate him, and I am hopeful that Christmas will have a new meaning for him.
Always a New Song
I simply love singing, and however old the carols might be, they always ignite a new spark in my heart every year as I sing them. Singing them over and over again is a daily reminder of the Christ, the promises in the Messiah, and the glory of God.Part of the popular carol, O Holy Night, goes:
The thrill of hope
A weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks
A new and glorious morn!
The next line is but a fitting response to this wonderful fact. Jesus is the given hope that is celebrated on Christmas. The Messiah is come, he reigns and is glorious. Let us fall on our knees before the King and Lord of all.
As you celebrate Christmas this year with family and friends, sing carols, and read the Word, may your heart be filled with joy and thanksgiving for the love God has been showing us. Remember Christ, and I am sure you too will have a thrill of hope in your heart
Christ became human flesh and lived among us.
We saw His shining-greatness.
This greatness is given only to a much-loved Son from His Father.
He was full of loving-favor and truth. (John 1:14)

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those three months
I started METC pretty much thinking I'm good enough to go and serve where God will take me. METC was where I would be challenging the stuff I had for the work he had for me in the future, or so I thought. I am humbled by the different ways God shook that pride in me, and is causing me to change. I am still being changed; METC is just a first step and let me tell you why:
In METC I got to meet people from 3 different countries (that really big country, South Korea and Thailand) who were there to be equipped for their mission. Among them, it was to my surprise that the 7 'kids' from South Korea, fresh and out of High School, would be used by God the most in teaching me about His heart for Himself, and His people.
I looked at these students as innocent, fragile sheep who knew nothing of the reality that they were about to face. They had grown up mostly in the shelter of their mission organization so, for me, although they knew of the world's harshness, they had no idea how cruel it really is. These fragile kids have left the comforts of that shelter to serve God as missionaries to a foreign campus, to be the light of the Gospel there. My thoughts about it? They're crazy. They need a reality check.
But the truth is, I was the one who needed a reality check. In our Bible study of Matthew 10, God reminded me of how Jesus sent out His disciples "as sheep among wolves". He knew very well what the twelve were to face: persecution, rejection, death knocking at their door; yet He sent them with His blessing, "be wise as serpents but innocent as doves." I dared question God's ability to use the innocence of the seven for His work? And there I was thinking that I had known so much of the world and therefore would know better. But God is not calling me to know the world, rather to know Him and be changed in Him so He can use me. I had relied on what I would be capable of doing, rather than His much greater capacity of using my weakness that His strength might be imminent in me.
They were innocent, yes, but they are able to gain wisdom for the circumstances that are coming their way from their crazy devotion to the Word. I always thought that King David was a rare case when he wrote down "as the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longs after Thee". No human these days would be able to honestly express that (I doubted anyone that said he did). But when some of them expressed this desperation in their own words, desiring to spend more time for meditation other than the morning Bible reading we had, it made me question myself and my devotion, my longing for God. Surely as the Word says, they, who delight in the Laws of the Lord and meditate on the Word day and night, are blessed: they shall bear fruit in season, and will have leaves that do not wither. That is the prayer I have for myself.
They were crazy: crazy in love with God and His Word. This causes them to just go out in obedience and share this amazing love they've got. And the best part? I'm going crazy for Him as well: I want be able to go out there and be used by Him.
He's slowly breaking down my walls of pride and independence so I can be free and utterly crazy for Him: wanting to be with Him, spend time with Him, have more of Him in my life (and vice versa). Lately, I've been panting for His streams of water. For that thirst to be quenched by His Word and His presence is a euphoric feeling.
I want that experience every day, especially as I serve Him: a daily dependence on Him. I don't want to pretend I can do things on my own because I can't. I want to draw out from His streams of living water the energy, joy and love that I need and would love to share. I want to serve Him with a crazy kind of love, because He is 'crazy' enough to love me first.
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A Long Way Home

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For Good
A song from my recently loved musical is ringing in my head as I recount the days and anticipate what is to come. The song features two friends, Galinda and Elpheba, and how they have been so changed by each other by simply being friends.
It started the day before leaving for Singapore (so I could come back here and stay for 30 more days). Suddenly a friend messaged be and offered their place for me to stay at while in Singapore. This just made me start praying for the people God has been blessing me with.
There are the friends, new and old, whom I got to meet up with while I was in Singapore. For some reason, it was so refreshing to simply chat with them, even if it was our first time hanging out! It is such comfort simply being in fellowship with God’s people. ^^
There are also times when I just have to stop and praise God for placing people at such opportune times, especially those times of desperation. I recently found myself in such a situation, and a friend was there to listen. God is just so amazing and awe-inspiring in the people he brings!
But what is really similar to the background of the song is the thankfulness for friends who may only be there for a little while in life, but change us forever. That’s what is so amazing about the people I am getting to know here. Each one has shared the story of God’s work in his/her life, which rarely leaves one unmoved. It makes me giddy thinking how He will use them for His work among the unreached.
“It may well be that we will never meet again in this lifetime… so much of me is made of what I learned from [them], [they’ll] be with me, like a hand print in my heart.”
– For Good, Wicked
It is a privilege to be serving here however short this program may be. Please pray as we come to an end of this training:
Pray for the students – that they would be encouraged to strive even harder, and that they would have a strong grasp of the language. May they also grow to appreciate the family that they have found in this place.
Pray for the teachers and staff – that we would be creative in teaching, and continue to remember that God is the one at work in everything we are doing. It is really grace that enables us to do everything within a day! Pray for us whose visas will be processed two weeks from now so they can extend their stay. Mine was granted a little over a week ago. Hallelujah!
Pray for the Vietnam trip I will have after this – I have been asked to go there to observe their ministry and see what the Lord is doing there, and consider it. This is a vision trip, a journey of prayer seeking God’s direction.
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Unpacking in Thailand

Sah wah dee kah!
In my earlier travels, the least important task for me was to unpack. But, I recently learned that unpacking is a key element in settling down. So now it’s top priority. While I was unpacking, everything just began to sink in: I’m kind of on my own here; I think I did an insignificant amount of preparation; I had no idea what exactly I was getting into; I’d be staying here for three months; home is far away; and, I am really scared.
I found myself crying that first night. I was begging God to wake me up from this dream and give me more time to prepare. But at the end of the prayer, I surrendered my helplessness to God and begged him to work through all the feelings I had that I might see more of His power in my life.
God is good to remind me of how I got here: friends who encouraged me to come, prayer warriors cheerfully willing to partner with me, and the overwhelming support my family has been giving me. And even as I am here, he takes away all the anxiety by filling me with joy: from the early morning prayers, to the smiles and laughter I hear in and out of class.
As this second week with them starts, I see God is just beginning to show His mighty deeds to every one of us. These days, I have been more expectant in what surprises God has in store. I need not grumble for I know and I can see that God is doing great things.
This Mission English Training Course (METC) is such a wonderful venue for the students, and even us teachers, to learn about culture, the Bible, and language. The best part of it for me is seeing that half of them are just about to enter university and are excited to be used by God in their respective campuses. I should not forget to mention that these are schools in Buddhist nations! (If you want to pray for them, please contact me so I can also share their prayer concerns with you)

Some of the students. I wasn’t able to give them time to smile.
As we meditated on how the disciples immediately left everything when Jesus called on them to follow Him, I asked myself, “what would my response be whenever God calls me?” My prayer is that I would be able to leave everything and follow Him. It will never be easy, but He will be the one supplying me with everything I need. It’s pretty much like what I am experiencing now. Amazing grace indeed!
All for His glory!
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I hope you'll pray with me.
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Waiting on God

Half a year has gone by since I was able to write, and I can say so little yet so much has happened. I guess that's the feeling one gets when waiting.
I say little because after six months, I'm still here waiting. While doing so, prayer became my strong companion. I needed to constantly be on my knees because the future is a blur. I needed to pray because I did not know what to do while waiting. I needed to pray because waiting has been the toughest task for me.
As I Wait…
God has been faithful in these prayers. One way is that He allowed me to participate in the ministry to international students in my alma mater. He blessed us with so many students this academic year! There is even a student from an M country that was baptized! (Rejoice with the angels! Luke 15:10)
Another way God has filled my days is through more opportunities to sing. Aside from Faith Gospel Singers (FGS), I joined the choir of the Asian Institute of Liturgy and Music (AILM). One of my new choir mates even invited me to join his conducting recital this month! It has been such a joy singing with these groups, and being able to minister to them one way or another.
Lastly, as some of you may have seen on Facebook, I was able to spend Christmas with my family. It was such a relaxing time with them, and I loved the cold! It never bothered me anyway.
Listening in the Silence
Waiting for me is rarely a pleasant thing since it comes with much anxiety and uncertainty, and these were definitely present in the last six months. Still, God's seeming silence on my Korea trip came with all these blessings, even the blessings of growth from certain heartaches. He keeps on teaching me that He is still in control of all things as He whispers in my ear, "I know all the plans that I have for you… (Jeremiah 29:11)" How comforting it is as well to be reminded that, "in all things [He] works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)"
And so when someone finally asked me, "What if it’s not Korea?” my response and prayer was and still is that, by His grace, he has been glorified in my waiting. Maybe His plan was to teach me His ways, His heart, in this time of waiting in order to prepare me for something else. Or maybe, just maybe, Korea is still farther down the timeline. What pleases Him is submission and obedience, and so I will say, “Let not my will but His be done.”
Off to Another Land
A little after He put this peace in my heart, He opened another opportunity for me: to teach English in WEC. This will bring me to Chiang Mai for 3 months. I have less than two weeks to prepare, so I desperately ask for your prayers and blessings.
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Wishing I was Already Home
I wrote this on the night of the 23rd of September as we were on our way back to Manila from Tagaytay. I was reminded of this in one of our sessions with international students because they asked me where home is for me.
After almost a month, I still can't find a fitting answer.
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he brews, we sip

My friend from work invited me to have Bible Study with her once a week. Since asked me to decide on the book we'd be studying, and I chose Hebrews.
As of writing, we have tackled up to the fourth chapter of the book. I am admittedly easily overcome by emotions, but I have never been consistently moved by the Word to the point of tears, each time we study it. So, this note is simply to declare the awesome goodness and faithfulness of God in His Word. I invite the reader of this to read, if not reread, the book. May you be blessed! "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account." (Hebrews 4:12-13, English Standard Version)
Photo taken from: Mission Community Church website
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Love Letters in August

The love I found in Christ is exactly what encouraged me to write and express myself to my parents this month. . I honestly did not know where to start - and all the more how I would end- but one thing is certain: I wanted them to know how loved I am because of them, and how I love them so much. Throughout my life, the latter is rarely uttered. I shared with my parents how I praise God for using them to train me in the way that I should go, and always being so loving in everything that has happened in my life.
I didn’t expect a response from the letter, so I was caught off-guard when my mom said it made her cry. What was more important for me was she declared that she would support me with everything I’d be doing for the rest of her life. My prayer is that as she supports me, in prayer and in patience, she would be able to see God’s hand at work in my life and in hers.
How about you? When was the last time you wrote a love letter to a really special person in your life? J
I invite you to send some love letters, in a form of prayers, to God. And, would you include me in those letters?
Praise God for He has been embracing me with His truth in times of waiting.
Praise God because He reminds me that everything is in His hands (my visa, my finances, my preparations, and my relationships), and all I really need to do is trust.
Ask God to continually meet us and remind us of His love. And for me to manifest it more and more to the people I am and will be ministering to.
I have recommitted myself to international student ministry while I am still here. Praise God for the joy of being able to serve Him in this way.
Finally, I praise God because of your dedication to pray for me. You are God’s reminder of His faithfulness in each day. Please do share how I can pray for you.
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