ask-drcyanide · 7 months
"Fabricator, I told you not to touch anything."
"Oh please, it was just a small tube with your weird concoction"
"First of all, it's Paraquat, and second of all, I mixed it with acid, so now that it spilled, it's a big problem."
"Well, it's not my fault your lab is a huge mess."
"Sigh, I'll get it later. It's not like im responsible for any lab destruction.."
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ask-drcyanide · 7 months
Its the goober Cyanide's birthday tomorrow!
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ask-drcyanide · 8 months
“May I please draw your OC?”
Reblog this message if you encourage anyone that wants to draw your OC to do so.  No need to ask for permission in advance.
Go for it.  Draw my OC.  If you want, I’ll even give you reference posts.  Go to town on it.
You are welcome to draw my OC and surprise me with the result.  Seriously.  In fact, I encourage it.  I will proudly display whatever it is you submit to me regarding my OC.  There is a chance that I will squeal about it for several days.
Even if you feel you aren’t good at whatever artistic adventure it is you do, please feel free to submit it to me.  I want to see what you have done.
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ask-drcyanide · 8 months
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Real ♡
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ask-drcyanide · 8 months
Well, I might have to make an entirely new gadget because he broke the gadget right after he changed to human...
[Cyanide looks at Blue, trying but failing to eat his own hand..]
...and he doesn't seem to listen to me even though he has a better understanding of what humans say... maybe he'll listen to you? He seemed to listen to you fine before
[Agent Cyanide peeks her head in Drummer's office, she seems a bit anxious]
Uh, hey, Drummer! Would you mind uh- helping me for a second...?
[a sigh as she gets up from her desk]
what happened and what did you do?
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ask-drcyanide · 8 months
[Drummer looks behind and it looks like a tall male human with a huge oversized hoodie on, the random persons hair is blue?]
Yyyyup. That's blue... the bird somehow accidentally shot himself with a ray I was tinkering with, and uh- now he's human. The only thing he's got down is breathing standing still- and somehow bear hugging..
[Agent Cyanide peeks her head in Drummer's office, she seems a bit anxious]
Uh, hey, Drummer! Would you mind uh- helping me for a second...?
[a sigh as she gets up from her desk]
what happened and what did you do?
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ask-drcyanide · 8 months
Uh well-
[Drumner feel someone come up behind her and bear hug her super tight]
[Agent Cyanide peeks her head in Drummer's office, she seems a bit anxious]
Uh, hey, Drummer! Would you mind uh- helping me for a second...?
[a sigh as she gets up from her desk]
what happened and what did you do?
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ask-drcyanide · 8 months
Uhhh, well, I wouldn't have called you here it was a normal blue freak-out, uhhh, say, are you fine with excessive hugging?
[Agent Cyanide peeks her head in Drummer's office, she seems a bit anxious]
Uh, hey, Drummer! Would you mind uh- helping me for a second...?
[a sigh as she gets up from her desk]
what happened and what did you do?
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ask-drcyanide · 8 months
[Drummer and Cyanide walk to Cyanide's office, with Cyanide in a rush. When Cyanide opens the door her normally neat-ish lab is in a mess]
ugh I knew I shouldn't have left Blue alone...
[Agent Cyanide peeks her head in Drummer's office, she seems a bit anxious]
Uh, hey, Drummer! Would you mind uh- helping me for a second...?
[a sigh as she gets up from her desk]
what happened and what did you do?
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ask-drcyanide · 8 months
Hm? Oh, uhhhh, nothing?
[Cyanide gives a nervous smile]
[Cyanide and Drummer hear a loud thud from Cyanides office]
[Agent Cyanide peeks her head in Drummer's office, she seems a bit anxious]
Uh, hey, Drummer! Would you mind uh- helping me for a second...?
[a sigh as she gets up from her desk]
what happened and what did you do?
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ask-drcyanide · 8 months
There a little mail that read: “where do you get you chemicals? I want to mess with them (don’t worry, I know what I’m doing with them, probably) there is also a very convenient return address that says it’s from agent sugar
[Cyanide reads the note and chuckles]
Heh..wow, I guess Zoraxis really isn't taking the security part seriously... well I guess there's no harm in answering this.
[Before Cyanide starts writing she thinks for a second]
Wait, where do i get my poison? Well, Zor supplies me, but I don't know where they get it... But I do get some poison from some animals...I don't think it would be a good idea to send a posion dart frog to the agency..
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ask-drcyanide · 8 months
Good news! @ask-drcyanide is officially off hiatus! [Not agent floor or handler clairé tho yet]
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ask-drcyanide · 9 months
On Hiatus
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ask-drcyanide · 9 months
[Cyanide rolls her eyes]
No, I didn't. It's not like she just walked right in front of me! It's not my problem that Zoraxis HQ's security is horrid.
[A note slips through your mail slot, followed by the sound of rapidly retreating footsteps.]
[The note reads as follows:]
“Zoraxis is lying to you. Get out while you still can. For your own safety.”
-Signed, Dr. Prism
[Cyanide reads the note, and sighs]
Ha, I couldn't even if I wanted to. It's not like you had someone at the agency who was threatened to be killed if you tried to leave Zoraxis...
Wait, if this is actually from Prism, how did she get here?
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ask-drcyanide · 9 months
[A note slips through your mail slot, followed by the sound of rapidly retreating footsteps.]
[The note reads as follows:]
“Zoraxis is lying to you. Get out while you still can. For your own safety.”
-Signed, Dr. Prism
[Cyanide reads the note, and sighs]
Ha, I couldn't even if I wanted to. It's not like you had someone at the agency who was threatened to be killed if you tried to leave Zoraxis...
Wait, if this is actually from Prism, how did she get here?
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ask-drcyanide · 9 months
Well, Solaris did say that if i glitch, that means if we don't do something soon, I will most likely be glitched out of existence. We need to find felix and fast.
[Someone who looks like an agent wanders into your office, knocking on the door]
This should be her office.. it looks a bit different, though... agent Drum- wait, you're not agent Drummer?
[Hold up..the "agent" looks EXACTLY like Dr. Cyanide??]
… who’s drummer? And who are you? Name’s buggy….
[she sits there staring at Cyanide with a confused look]
[Patrick is glaring at her meanwhile]
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ask-drcyanide · 9 months
Probably not-
[Out of the blue Cyanide's hand glitches]
[Someone who looks like an agent wanders into your office, knocking on the door]
This should be her office.. it looks a bit different, though... agent Drum- wait, you're not agent Drummer?
[Hold up..the "agent" looks EXACTLY like Dr. Cyanide??]
… who’s drummer? And who are you? Name’s buggy….
[she sits there staring at Cyanide with a confused look]
[Patrick is glaring at her meanwhile]
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