#Santa Quetzalcoatl
randomstranger27 · 2 years
You all know how Van Gogh says she'll "remake it all" during her NP? Spoiler alert: she wasn't goghking.
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(For context: I put F/GO back on my phone for holiday traveling, and it doesn't know what to do with her NP. Also, it didn't change back on it's own--I had to use her NP again to fix it).
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Pesadilla Navidad (part 5)
(Part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
Rex, Nota, and Quetz found themselves in the singularity that had popped up. "This is kinda nightmarish!" Nota stated upon their arrival.
Suddenly Da Vinci got into contact with the three. "Hey you three! I see the rayshift went well! But it seems we have to rayshift one more thing to the cousins!"
Rex and Nota were a bit confused at that. "What are you going to rayshift to us?" Rex asked.
Suddenly out of nowhere in a flash of light, a whole Sleigh with what looked to be Raptors attached came in in front of them! "It's your Santa Sleigh!" Coyolxauhqui said out of nowhere on the communicator.
"You got a Santa Sleigh pulled by Tzitzimitl???" Quetz asked in shock.
"Now's not the time!" Nota exclaimed back. "We've got Santas to Save" as she entered the Sleigh.
The trio were no airborne with a decent view of the landscape around them. "Da Vinci! Can you tell where the other Santas are?!" Quetz asked on the communicator.
"I can see Artoria Alter's saint graph over by what looks to be a river?" Da Vinci answered.
"Any river in a place like this can't be good!" Nota said as she directed the Sleigh towards the location.
By the aforementioned river, Artoria Alter, who seems to be missing Excalibur Morgan, is seen avoiding the attacks of a mysterious faceless being with what seems to be a very large Staff. The staff wielding would sometimes stab their weapon into a small portal, and a corresponding giant blade would come out of a larger portal near Artoria Alter.
The crew land on the other side of the river. "Alter! We're here!" Nota shouts towards the currently in peril Rider.
"Finally!" The annoyed Rider yelled out. "I've been avoiding this daft cunt's stupid attacks for too bloody long!"
The being turns towards the group and starts to attack them too. Launching powerful Magical attacks in an attempt to kill the group.
"Okay, time to test our new Santa powers!" Nota yelled out.
"Wait what?!" Alter questioned.
"Don't worry about it!" Rex said. Suddenly in his hands, he managed to summon a Jade green staff in the shape of a tuning fork. "Oh shit!"
"Isn't that Chalchiuhtlicue's?!" Quetz questioned.
"Maybe!" Rex says, he waves the staff towards the enemy, and a torrent of water rises from below them.
"Okay my turn!" Nota yells out. Leaping into the air, she pulls out a huge Macuahuitl, imbued with lightning. "Oh holy shit!" Immediately she slams it against the enemy and combined with the water already there, zaps them to hell!
"That was Tlaloc's weapon!" Quetz pointed out.
Nota's zap seemed to do the job thankfully. The enemy is destroyed, only to reveal Alter's weapon: Excalibur Morgan.
"Finally!" She takes her sword back. "Been annoying not being able to use this. Not that I'm dependent on it, but she was so overwhelming it was hard to do much more then avoid her attacks."
Da Vinci contacted the group again. "Oh good! You got Alter! We've got Santa Lily's location! If you could hurry it over, and save her too!"
"Not a moment's rest, huh?" Nota comments.
"To the sleigh!" Rex exclaims. The group, now one member bigger, run to the cousins' sleigh.
"Are those bloody dinosaurs attached to the sleigh?!" Alter asks when she sees the Tzitzimitl.
"Don't worry too much about it." Nota tell the original Santa servant.
The Sleigh rises into the air, flying towards the next location. "Santa Lily seems to be stuck in a deep crevice past the large mountains east of your location!" Da Vinci tells the group.
"She's likely also under unarmed and under attack." Alter tell the group.
"Do you know who's the cause of this singularity?" Quetz asked Alter.
"Oh I've seen them! And they seem to be a big fan of yours!" She tells Quetz.
"Wait wha-" Quetz was starting to say before being interrupted.
"There she is!" Nota yells out, seeing Santa Lily in the crevice.
The group lands in the crevice, seeing Santa Lily trying to avoid attacks from another faceless being. This one in a large cloak, creating seemingly eldritch minions to attack the smaller Santa.
"Ok this is pretty familiar" Nota commented on the appearance of the enemies.
The small enemies immediately also converge on the group as they entered. Alter and Quetz start to fight off the enemies. "Amor! Nota! We'll hold them off! You fight their boss!" Quetz yelled to the cousins.
"We'll do our best, corazon!" Rex yells back.
The two run towards the faceless enemy. All of a sudden, Nota's hands grow huge obsidian blade claws. Meanwhile, Rex's mouth started to leak a dark black void like energy. Both were confused, but tried to adapt to these interesting abilities.
Rex blasts the enemy with the void energy, like a dragon blasting flames. Nota meanwhile, slashes at them with her newfound claws. She manages to pierce right through their chest, killing them. The enemy falls apart, to reveal Santa Lily's spear.
Meanwhile, with the others the enemies they were fighting off also fall apart. "Yay! Reindeer saved us!" Santa Lily cheered.
"Not reindeer anymore." Alter told her. "Their true Santas now."
She gasps at this revelation. "Wow! Masters are Santas too!"
Da Vinci comes on the communicator once again. "Sorry to interrupt, but there's still two more Santas to save!" She explains, urgently. "Altera is in the forest towards the south end of the singularity!" She tells them.
The group runs back to the Sleigh, Lily also surprised by the dinosaurs attached to it. "Are those the new reindeer?! I think I proffered when you two were the reindeer." She tells the cousins.
"Sorry about that! But these guys work really well!" Rex tells her.
They get onto the sleigh and head towards Altera's location. Quetz then took the time to bring back the subject about who's responsible for the singularity. "So you were saying, Alter? Something about whoever is doing this being a fan of mine?!" She asks.
"For some reason, they claim that you alone are the true Santa servant!" Alter explains.
"Yeah!" Lily adds in. "Even when any of us tried to explain it changes every year, she still claimed it's only ever been you!"
"Why would they say that?" Quetz questions. "That doesn't make any sense!"
"I see Altera!" Nota exclaims, pointing down from where they were.
Down in a forest, they see Altera being assaulted by a warrior looking being, wielding what is definitely Altera's own sword against her.
Altera is mostly managing to avoid it's attacks, before getting unlucky and tripping. "Ow!" Falling defenseless.
As the warrior being raises the sword to attack, before it gets blocked by Excalibur Morgan. "You're not getting to her, ya daft bastard!" Alter yells out.
Alter is able to hold back the warrior with her sword. "Lily! Now!" Alter yells out.
Suddenly Lily leaps out from behind the warrior, stabbing the warrior with her spear! "Take that!"
The warrior tries to attack Lily, but she turns and runs and calls out "Miss Sun! Your turn!"
Suddenly a huge fireball hits the warrior from behind once again. "Over here, Pendejo!" Quetz yells out.
Then underneath the warrior, the ground shakes and suddenly a huge stone pillar bursts out and launches the warrior into the air. "Ha!" Nota yells out. "Your turn primo!"
Then Rex leaps into the air, with a Caiman tail, slapping the warrior down into the ground with it.
With the warrior on the ground, Altera runs and takes back her weapon. Before stabbing it into the warrior's heart.
"Finally! I didn't think I could keep up anymore." Altera says. "Thank you all for coming to my aid!"
"No problem, Altera!" Rex tells her.
Altera then notices the cousins' outfits. "Oh? Are you two Santa this year?" She asks.
The two were a bit taken aback by how casual she is about it. "Oh! Uh yeah!" Nota said. "We are this Year's Santa."
"Oh that's fun! I wish you the best in completing the job this year!" She tells the pair.
"Thank you, Altera!" Rex says. "That means a lot."
The communicator comes on once again. "We're at the home stretch everyone! I've got Nightingale's location! She's in a desert at the most northern part of the singularity!" Da Vinci explains to the group.
"To the sleigh!" Nota yells out.
The group runs back towards the sleigh. Getting inside and flying towards the sky to get to Nightingale. "Oh what fun Reindeer you two have!" Altera exclaims. "I was wondering who would be your reindeer, since you're normally the reindeer."
As they flew towards the final rescue, Quetz has more questions for the Santas. "Altera! What have you seen of the one responsible for this?! What Alter and Lily have told me so far is confusing!" She questions.
"Oh yes! For some reason she'll only recognize you as Santa!" She mentions.
"But why?! I don't understand!" Quetz responds.
"Hmmm" Altera starts to ponder, staring at Quetz's eyes.
"Uh… Altera?" She questions.
Altera then looked at Rex, lifting his hat off his head for a little bit. "Altera? What are you doing?" He questions.
"She had hair kind of like master Rex's and eyes like yours." Altera tells Quetz.
"Oh really?" Rex asks.
"I see the desert!" Nota calls out.
The group looks down, and witnesses Nightingale in the desert, down on all fours, Clearly weak. "Nightingale!!!" The group yells out.
They land in the desert, and see a haunting figure riding atop a steed of their own. Towering over Nightingale, but not outright attacking her. She's seen coughing, and wheezing. Probably the weakest the group has ever seen a servant.
"She's filled with curses!" Quetz notices.
"But she's still alive! All those curses, I would've figured she'd expire by now." Altera states.
"It might be keeping her alive to curse, but we'll handle it!" Nota says.
As they run towards the haunting rider, the phantom rides towards them aswell, holding a deadly looking spear. Suddenly, most of the team starts coughing and wheezing too. Quetz is mostly resisting, and the cousins seem decent aswell.
"What's going on?!" Nota asks.
"The rider's very presence must be afflicting us with curses!" Quetz says. "I've got good resistance, and you two must have it too!"
"So how do we stop it?!" Rex questions.
"I've noticed you two have the abilities of some other gods, maybe you have healing powers too?!" Quetz asks.
The two have a realization.
"Tlazolteotl!" Rex says.
"Mayahuel!" Nota remarks.
The two are able to heal the group with healing mists coming from their hands. It not only reinvigorates the group, but now has the Rider feeling weak. "It has the opposite effect on them!" Nota exclaims.
"Good!" Alter yells. "Now I can kill it!"
She then prepares her weapon. "EXCALIBUR, MORGAN!!!!!"
The wave of energy destroys the rider, and reveals Nightingale's umbrella gun. She picks it back up, as she starts to feel much better. "Thank you, you all. You have my gratitude." She says to the group. But then she looks at the cousins with a not so happy look. "You two! You are the ones who took the Santa Grail! I told you it'd be too dangerous for humans to be Santa!"
The two were definitely guilty and didn't deny it. "We know! And we're sorry! But we really wanted to be Santa, and were tired of being just the reindeer!" Nota tries to explain.
"It's still not right how we went about it, and what some of our 'helpers' did definitely wasn't what we had in mind but that doesn't excuse what's happened and we're sorry." Rex also adds.
Nightingale sighs before telling them. "Well you two are apologetic enough. And seem to be handling things well, so for now it's fine. Besides, we still have to deal with the singularity.
Suddenly the very earth shakes and a loud yell echoes out throughout the entirety of the singularity.
The communicator comes in one more time. "Everyone! The big boss is here! She seems to be at the very center of this singularity mess!" Da Vinci tells everyone.
"Well that should be easy enough!" Quetz states.
The group gets on the sleigh, heading towards the center. "What an interesting sleigh" Nightingale adds.
"Nightingale! Can you tell me anything you may know about the one causing this?!" Quetz questions.
"I think I actually know why she's doing this." Nightingale tells her. "But I think it's best you see for yourself."
As they reach the center, a shadowy arena is seen. "I think that's our destination!" Rex says.
They land the sleigh right inside the arena, all getting out. Ready to face whoever comes.
Suddenly, as the earth shakes a mountainous figure rises, mostly covered in shadows but with some parts revealed. Blood red skeletal arms, a half-skull face, obsidian black hair that matched Rex's. Jade green eyes like Quetz's, a huge hammer in her hands, and behind her rose out two ginormous wings! She stood more then 10 stories tall, seeming ready to attack the group.
As everyone prepares to attack, and the figure raises her hammer in the air, she seems to take a second look at everyone and seems shocked! "W-wait! Why are you two here?!" She says in a surprisingly normal sounding voice.
Everyone seems surprised to hear her say that. "W-wait! Who do you mean?" Rex asks.
Suddenly the figures shrinks down into a much smaller form. Now looking like a normal human girl in a hoodie, glasses and her same hair and green eyes. "M-mama! Papa!" She says out loud!
Almost everyone is surprised to hear her say that! But Rex and Quetz specifically kinda piece it together. "D-do you mean us?" Quetz asks, while motioning towards both her and Rex.
The girl nods, while walking closer towards them. Tho seeming nervous the whole time. "I was mad at the people trying to steal your role as Santa, mama."
Quetz walks up to the young girl. "Tell me your name, Mija." She says.
"M-Maria" She answers.
"Maria, why do you think I'm the only Santa?" Quetz asks her apparent daughter.
"Well, growing up, it was always you giving us our presents! Every year on Christmas me and Ed would get the nicest presents from you as Santa!" She tells her mother.
"Ed? Is that your brother?" Rex asks.
"Ah! Yes! Eduardo." Mari tells her father.
"Makes sense that's his name." Rex says.
"Oh, well Mija. That maybe the case in the future, but here in Chaldea I only did it one time. Others have come before and after me! They're not stealing the role at all! Even this year, your father and aunt have the role! Would you attack them for doing that?" Quetz explains to her daughter.
Maria was surprised to hear that. "You're Santa too, Papa?" She asks.
"Si! But like your mother says, just this year. Then someone else will be Santa." He explains. "No one's stealing it from anyone."
Maria felt shame, and lowered her head when she heard that. "S-sorry I did this." She told them. "I hadn't known…"
The two parents went and hugged their daughter. "Aw, it's okay dear!" Quetz says.
"This is a big misunderstanding, but everyone males mistakes!" Rex tells her. "This was…. Quite a big one, but so long as you know better now."
"But you should probably at least apologize to the ones you attacked." Quetz tells her.
She walks towards the other Santas. "I don't expect you guys to forgive me. What I did was way too far. But I felt, betrayed, somewhat. In my time some of you are like family, so when I assumed you guys took the role of Santa… it felt like a great betrayal." She tells the group.
"I didn't know it was a role passed to others. And what I did was far more cruel then I should've been doing." She continues. "I'm sorry for what you all went through. I shouldn't have done any of that"
"Well, I understand that feeling of betrayal." Alter tells her. "To think close family would do such a thing, must've hurt."
"And I don't think you were thinking right either." Altera adds. "You seemed far more angry then you are now."
"It's ok, sun daughter!" Lily says. "My sister does a lot of scary things too! It's not that bad for us servants!"
"And I think you can help make up for it, if you did something for us." Nightingale tells her.
"What would that be?!" Maria asks.
The group of Santas motion towards the cousins behind her. She then looks back towards her aunt, and father.
"Can you help me and your father deliver presents for the holiday?" Nota asks.
Maria's eyes lit up! "I'd love to!!!" She yells out!
"Well let's get on the Sleigh together!" Rex tells her.
Maria excitedly runs into the sleigh, with her parents and the rest of the group joining in too.
"Ready?!" Rex asks his daughter, as he gives her his Santa hat.
"READY!!!" She answers back.
"Here we go!!!" Nota says, as she gets the sleigh going!
As they fly through the night, the singularity falls apart, as they fly to deliver presents to everybody on this Christmas night!
A/N: and we're done!!! Hope you all liked the Christmas story! Hopefully the end was satisfying!!!
@madillhethen @hikikomuridesuuu @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @hasarjunadoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @littleminxthings @syracusemoon
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fate-pride-order · 2 years
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Gay/Rainbow pride flag color-picked from Quetzalcoatl (Samba/Santa)!
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lastofthemessengers · 2 years
Happy holidays
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The contenders have been chosen! A whopping 256 characters have been sent to me. Brackets will take awhile to be made but the tournament will start when I'm ready.
Achilles Agravain Altera Altera the Santa Amakusa Shirou Amor Anastasia Andromeda Anne Bonny & Mary Read Antonio Salieri Aoko Aozaki Arash Archimedes Arcueid Arjuna Arjuna Alter Artoria Artoria Alter Artoria Caster Artoria Lancer Artoria Lancer Alter Asclepius Ashiya Douman Asterios Astolfo Asvatthaman Atalanta Atalanta Alter Angra Mainyu Avicebron Baobhan Sith Barghest Bartholomew Roberts Bazett BB Bedivere Beowulf Bhima Billy the Kid Blackbeard Boudica Bradamante Britomart Byrnhild Caenis Calamity Jane Carmilla Ceil Circe Charlemagne Charlotte Corday Chen Gong Chevalier d'Eon Cleopatra Constantine XI Cu Cu (Alter) Cu (Caster) David Daybit Demon King Nobunaga Diarmuid Dioscuri Dobrynya Nikitich Dorothea Coyett Durga Duryodhana Dust of Osiris Edmond Dantes Emiya Enkidu Ereshkigal Europa Fergus mac Roich Fionn mac Cumhaill Fiore Forvedge First Hassan Florence Nightingale Francesca Prelati Francis Drake Fujimaru Ritsuka Fuma Kotaro Gareth Gawain Georgios Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Caster Goetia Goredolf Gorgon Hassan of Serenity Hassan of the Hundred Faces Hildr Hector Henry Jekyll & Hyde Hephaestion Hercules Hippolyta Huang Feihu Huyan Zhuo Ibuki Douji Iskandar Ishtar Ivan the Terrible Izumo no Okuni Jacques de Molay Jacques de Molay Foreigner Jalter Jason Jeanne d'Arc Jinako Carigiri Jing Ke Kadoc Kama Karna Kato Danzo Katsushika Hokusai Kiara Kiichi Hogen Kijyo Koyo Kintoki Kirei Kiritsugu Kirschtaria Wodime Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg Kishinami Hakuno Koyanskaya Kriemhild Kukulkan Lanling Wang Leonardo da Vinci Leysritt Locusta Luviagelita Edelfelt Mandricardo Mash Mata Hari Medea Medusa Meltryllis Mephistopheles Merlin Merlin Prototype Mikiya Kokutou Miss Crane Miyamoto Musashi Miyamoto Iori Mordred Mori Nagayoshi Moriarty (Archer) Moriarty (Ruler) Mozart Muniere Murasaki Shikibu Mysterious Heroine XX Nagkura Shinpachi Neco Arc Nero Nezha Noah Noel Aizome Night of Wallachia Nitocris Nitocris Alter Nrvnqsr Chaos Oberon Oda Kippoushi Oda Nobunaga Odysseus Okada Izo Okita Souji Ortlinde Osakabehime Ozymandias Passionlip Patxi Penthesilea Percival Perseus Phantom of the Opera Proto Arthur Ptolemy Qin Liangyu Queen Himiko Queen Medb Queen of Sheba Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl Samba Raikou Rama Richard the Lionheart Riesbyfe Stridberg Rin Tohsaka Roa Robin Hood Romani Saber (Fate/Samurai Remnant) Saint Martha Saito Hajime Sakamoto Ryouma and Oryo Salome Sasaki Kojiro Scandinavia Peperoncino Scathach Scheherazade Sei Shonagon Semiramis Shakespeare Sherlock Holmes Shi Huang Di Shiki Tohno Shiki Ryougi Shirou Emiya Shuten Douji Sieg Siegfried Sigurd Sisigou Kairi Skadi Souichirou Kuzuki Spartacus Suse Ritsuka Suzuka Gozen Taiga Fujimura Taigong Wang Taira-no-Kagekiyo Takao Dayu Takasugi Shinsaku Takechi Zuizan Tamamo Cat Tamamo no Mae Tenochtitlan Theseus Thrud Tiamat Tomoe Gozen Touko Aozaki Tristan Ushiwakamaru Van Gogh Vlad III Vlov Arkhangel Vritra Watanabe-no-Tsuna Waver Xiang Yu Xuanzang Sanzang Yamanami Keisuke Yan Qing Yang Guifei Yu Mei-ren Yui Shousetsu Zenobia Zeus
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fromthedust · 10 months
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Tlahcuiloh (Nahua artist) - Zacatecoloti - Florentine Codex - Book 11 (Earthly Things) - folio 46v
Tlahcuiloh (Nahua artist) - Tecolotl - Florentine Codex - Book 11 (Earthly Things) -folio 46v
Tlahcuiloh (Nahua artist) - Break up of Coapetlatl - Florentine Codex - Book 11 (Earthly Things - Folio 84v
Tlahcuiloh (Nahua artist) - Quetzalcoatl - Florentine Codex-Book 11 (Earthly Things) - Folio 89v
The Florentine Codex is a singular manuscript created by Franciscan friar Bernardino de Sahagún and a group of Nahua elders, authors, and artists. Written in parallel columns of Nahuatl and Spanish texts and hand painted with nearly 2,500 images, the encyclopedic codex is widely regarded as the most reliable source of information about Mexica culture, the Aztec Empire, and the conquest of Mexico. Upon completion in 1577 at the Imperial Colegio de la Santa Cruz in Tlatelolco (today Mexico City), the manuscript was sent to Europe where it entered the Medici family’s library in Florence.
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waheelawhisperer · 9 months
What are some "Horny on main" F/GO Servant designs that don't really bother you, and why?
This is actually kind of a difficult question to answer for a couple of reasons: first, I don't really pay attention to FGO anymore, and second because there are just so many FGO Servant designs and so many of them are so horny that it's kind of hard to narrow it down. For the purposes of this question, I'll be ignoring stuff like Scathach/Medusa/the majority of the swimsuit Servants that are just "attractive woman (or occasionally man) in clothes sexier than a burlap sack" and focusing on the designs that are horny horny.
Barghest: The guy drawing Barghest knew exactly what he wanted and set out to make it happen and it rules, except for the part where he forgot to give her the arms she deserves
Queen Medb (more in terms of personality): It's relatively true to her legend (and if anything somewhat understated)
Kiara: It's kind of her thing
Artoria Pendragon Maid Alter: Her design is hella horny but also so ridiculous it wraps back around to being funny, and the fact that it's Saber Alter just makes it infinitely better.
Francis Drake: They didn't have to give El Draque huge boobs and a titty window, but they did, and it rules.
Summer Suzuka Gozen: She's, like... damn.
Queen of Sheba: she is very fluffy and I want to touch her ears.
Irisviel: I will never not laugh at her final Ascension.
Both Koyanskayas: This woman idolizes Hugh Hefner it's so fucking funny she's such a goon
Mata Hari: I mean... she's a stripper.
Summer Musashi's design is so ridiculous I love it
Artoria Ruler was made specifically for me
Santa Samba Quetzalcoatl is so silly I can't help but love it
I love Avenger Kama and her burning bush
They did not need to go as hard as they did with Gorgon but I love them for it please choke me with your tail mommy
I will begrudgingly add Minamoto no Raikou to this list because I like her as a character and as a unit and I think the fundamental idea of her design is solid, I just wish Raita ever bothered drawing women that looked like actual people instead of blowup dolls
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zeravmeta · 1 year
Top 5 Fate blorbos NOT including Limbo.
this one made me laugh bc like, yeah limbo is my special little princess but also he is one of my many special little princesses, like i love limbo but im not The Limbo Guy, if that makes sense (i have many guys)
That said there are simply too many fate blorbos i have and no easy way to list them in a perfectly objective top 5, so I shall do something fun instead, listing them in tiers. As expected, the list expands as it goes on (not every servant listed obvs)
5. Characters who I am passively aware of. This is for characters who are somewhat relevant enough for me to like. think about
Gilles Saber, Caesar, Paris Hektor, Circe, Lu Bu, Spartacus, Eric Bloodaxe
4. Characters who I have a light inclination towards. Maybe they were useful for farming or I read their profiles and was satisfied
Jason, Billy The Kid, Oda Nobukatsu, , Tristan, William Tell, Medusa Lily, Janta Lily, Tawaru, Achilles, Wu Zetian, Cleopatra, Darius III, Kiyohime
3. Characters who I just like. I look at them and go "its the guy :)"
Senji Muramasa, Fergus, Robin Hood, Leonidas, Enkidu, Nezha, Anne-Bonny & Mary Read, Bartholomew Roberts, Red Hare, Scheherazade, Anastasia, Kyokutei Bakin, Charles-Henri Sanson, Assassin Emiya/Kerry, Ushiwakamaru, Gray, Huyan Zhuo, Penthesilea, Kijyo Koyo, Asterios
2. Characters who I love. This one is a substantial jump upwards in quality and they only have like 1-2 things missing (to me) that prevent them from being numero uno
Altera, Bedivere, Okita, Beni Enma, Sigurd, Saito Hajime, Artemis-Orion, Emiya, Atalante, Baobhan Sith, Cu Chulainn, Romulus (and Quirinus), Caenis, Vritra, Melusine, Boudica, Marie Antionette, Mandricardo, Habetrot, Dobrynya Nikitich, Hans Christian Andersen, Mata Hari, Charlotte Corday, Katou Danzo, Koyanskaya of the Light, Tezcatlipoca, Sen no Rikyu, Kriemhild, Koyanskaya of Darkness
My special little princesses. Play this song while reading
Mash Kyrielight number one forever, saber classes artoria pendragon nero claudius siegfried void shiki miyamoto musashi ibuki douji barghest archer classes david arjuna oda nobunaga artoria pendragon archer swimsuit james moriarty tomoe gozen calamity jane nightingale santa sei shounagon zenobia lancer class scathach artoria pendragon lancer artoria pendragon lancer alter brynhildr tamamo no mae lancer minamoto no raikou lancer swimsuit ereshikigal elizabeth bathory rider class medusa francis drake artoria pendragon santa alter astolfo sakata kintoki rider quetzalcoatl artoria pendragon rider alter swimsuit leonardo da vinci rider murasaki shikubu rider swimsuit caster class mephistopheles cu chulainn caster tamamo no mae nursery rhyme helena blavatsky xuanzang sazang nero claudius swimsuit nitocris leonardo da vinci shuten douji caster ascelpius chen gong artoria caster assassin class phantom of the opera jack the ripper mysterious heroine x ryougi shiki assassin shuten douji scathach assassin first hassan nitocris assassin osakabehime okada izo yu mei-ren kama berserker class sakata kintoki vlad III caligula tamamo cat nightingale cu chulainn alter minamoto no raikou mysterious heroine x alter hijikata toshizo atalante alter jeanne d'arc alter berserker swimsuit xiang yu arjuna alter mori nagayoshi salome miyamoto musashi swimsuit brynhildr swimsuit morgan sei shounagon swimsuit ibuki douji swimsuit ruler class jeanne d'arc saint martha swimsuit sherlock holmes qin shi huang quetzalcoatl samba santa artoria pendragon swimsuit ruler himiko leonardo da vinci swimsuit james moriarty lily iyo avenger class edmond dantes jeanne d'arc alter angra mainyu gorgon antonio salieri demon king oda nobunaga space ishtar kama avenger swimsuit nitocris alter alter ego class meltryllis passionlip sessyoin kiara okita souji alter ashiya douman xu fu larva tiamat mooncancer class bb bb summer sessyoin kiara swimsuit archetype earth foreigner class abigail williams katsushika hokusai mysterious heroine xx voyager van gogh mysterious idol x alter kukulkan pretender class oberon beast class draco nero
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torihakaraublog · 9 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer "Happy ⭐️ Holidays!" Pop Quiz pt.1
My thoughts on part one of the 2023 Christmas holiday event.
Okay so first off I have to talk about the sprite outfits. They are split into 2 types; Santa's (??) (The brothers) and reindeer (everyone else). Personally I think all the 'Santa' ones are kinda meh, prob cause some of the brothers colours are not holiday colours. The reindeer ones are adorable and fit the holiday spirit great, except Luke's. Luke's is just kinda lacking, they could have taken him out of his beret just this once. Solomon's is my favorite! It looks so comfy.
It felt like there was alot going on with this event so I probably missed some things.
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Event starts off with the announcement of a holiday decorating competition to win the Krampus Star which grants a single wish. Probably my least favorite Christmas activity to do in a group lol but it's a good premise.
This turned into a hallmark movie real quick 🤣
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Levi you good here?? Lmao
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I'm just casually forced to help every one, then who ever wins I have to approve their wish. Please everyone is gonna wish for the same thing (spend Christmas with me) and I'll end up spending it with everyone anyways...
Now things start getting weird. Everyone is fighting and Barbatos figures out its a rare moon cycle that released an Dark Demon Santa (I started laughing here).
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Collecting things with everyone was kinda cute. An adorable momment between Lucifer and Beel that solidified my HC that Lucifer can't say no to picking up Beel tho hes too heavy xD Also liked that Mammon got to show a bit of his responsible older brother side! <3
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The spell takes over everyone and Raphael is told to break up the fights for some reason tho he has a short fuse himself.
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Then somehow everyone decides not to fight and it works?? Christmas spirit??
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I was basically shaking in my boots at learning Diavolo absorbing the DDS's power was the only plan and if it goes bad the Devildom would be left without a ruler for some time. Like this is SERIOUS serious! (And also makes the plot super intresting :0)
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So glad they included a conversation between Diavolo and Lucifer (tho it would have been better if I wasen't there). Diavolo gave Lucifer the new start he and his brothers needed and I know if something happened to Diavolo, Lucifer would blame himself. This conversation was needed so he could know where he stood in relation to the problem/solution if I'm making any sense.
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I think I'm gonna piss myself (sorry for the crude language lol)! THANK YOU BUT GIVE IT TO BARBATOS NOT ME.
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The context for this image is Solomon beginning to understand Christmas spirit :3
Foods Mentioned
Mushy Shroom (in cave??)
Quetzalcoatl Brain Sandwich (cafeteria, apparently Bel's fave)
Quetzalcoatl Brain Pudding (cafeteria)
pudding and sandwich are mixed later on.
I'm assuming in the next part of the event we are gonna have to find the DDS 🤔
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praisedbesophia · 1 year
Part of me still wonder what the hell is it with non-Latine white Norse Heathens / Pagans and their fetishism of Mexican culture. Idk how to explain this to them but my culture has fuck all to do with Heathenry. Santa Muerte has nothing to do with Hel. Día de Muertos did not originate from Álfablót. Limpia con huevo is not part of seidr. Quetzalcoatl isn't Thor (No, I do not understand that one either).
Gringos needs to understand that being neighbors with Mexico / living on stolen Mexican lands doesn't give them unrestricted access to our culture. As for white Europeans — because I've seen this shit from them too, though not as frequently as with gringos — they don't even have the "Mexico is our neighbor" excuse
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So I took a nap earlier and woke up a few minutes ago, but apparently Tiamat is coming to mobile (after being in Arcade) and there's gonna be a new way to obtain old welfares (the first batch is Caster Shuten, Rider Kintoki, and Ruler/Santa Quetzalcoatl(!)), starting April 2nd.
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Mictlanmas: The War to save Christmas!
Nexo stood before the group, in what looked to be her own Santa outfit. It was dark blue in color, with a gray trim, and black highlights. The outfit generally looked tattered and damaged but still mostly put together.
“I really should've known you were the real mastermind.” Mari said to Nexo.
“Honestly, it's funny that you didn't from the start. But yes! I was the one behind everything! I'm the one who manipulated everyone into coming against you!” Nexo elaborated.
“Why?! What's your goal here?” Kuku questioned.
“...Honestly, mostly out of spite.” Nexo said.
“Que?!” Ququ asked.
“When I found out Mari was gonna be Santa, I wanted to ruin everything and take it myself!” Nexo explained. “It's so much fun too, Honestly! Now I'm ready to finish this!”
Nexo raises the grail into the air and suddenly a whirlwind of snow envelops the area, and everyone is suddenly transported to an icy cavern.
As the group looked around, they finally found everyone who's been teleported away.
“There they are!” Xolotl called out.
Everyone was now encased in ice, not only every enemy but also Quetzalcoatl and Rex too.
“Yes, I thought it was finally time to take full control. Manipulation was one thing, but things work better with absolute control. Unfortunately your father and Quetzal have proven resilient, but the rest should do!” Nexo told the group.
As that happened, everyone except Rex and Quetz broke out of the ice and were facing the group to fight.
Mari fought against Camazotz, Xolotl fought Molay and her reformed beast, Ququ and Kuku took on the twins. Eli didn't last, since her singing hurt Zotz too much, and he took her out himself.
“Ah hell, wasn't expecting infighting.” Nexo commented towards Zotz knocking Eli out.
Eventually the heroes picked off their enemies one by one, until none were left but the mastermind herself.
“So, four against one, eh?” Nexo commented. “But, let's not!” She said as she raised her grail and another snowy whirlwind overtook her and Mari. Now it was just them, in snow covered ruins of pyramids.
“Gotta say, spite is both a really annoying motivation to go against me, but also somewhat fresh generally.” Mari said to Nexo.
“Thanks, but let's finish this shall we?” Nexo said.
Then the two both transformed into their true divine forms. Giant monsters with gnashing teeth, a multitude of tendrils, all while wielding deadly weapons.
First Nexo swung her blade, then Mari blocked and responded with her hammer. As the battle raged on, the very earth shook and the skies raged. Both goddesses summoned spectral familiars of their preferred avian, Mari with crows and Nexo with owls. This continued on with spectral soldiers, monsters and so on.
The result was a full scale war on the winter wasteland that they all found themselves at.
Eventually, Mari knocked Nexo's blade out of her hands, then took her down with a blow to the head.
“That's enough trying to take Christmas for yourself, Nexo.” Mari said as she stood over her enemy. “I'll be taking that grail now.” Before one final blow, and Nexo started to fade away.
“One fucking day, I'll get the better of you.” Nexo said, right as she was gone.
“Not today, tho.” Mari said.
Maria turned back to normal, and took the grail.
As she took it, light enveloped everything. Suddenly the singularity was gone, and everyone was back home.
“Woo! I solved a Christmas singularity!” Mari cheered.
Then suddenly she was tackle-hugged by Quetzalcoatl.
“You did it Mija! I'm so proud of you!” Quetz said.
“Congratulations! You did amazing!” Rex told her.
Now that the catastrophe was avoided, it was time for Mari to fulfill her Christmas duties and deliver presents to all the good servants and staff of Chaldea! Everyone found such great joy this Christmas season, even those who didn't originally enjoy it got a nice smile out of it on this day.
Even the villain herself, Nexo, got something nice.
Not only a new scarf for the cold, but a kiss under the mistletoe from the Santa herself.
Twas one of the best Christmases Chaldea knew that night. And Maria herself was satisfied that she could follow in her mother's footsteps and be a good santa for everyone.
And as she finished her flight, she let out one last cheer "Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good night!"
And that's the finale! Hope you guys liked it! Sorry it took so damn long to get it out. But hopefully now that it is, you will all have enjoyed it. I know I enjoyed writing it. Hope you all had a good holiday season.
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dailyfatefigures · 2 years
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Fate/Grand Order Official Christmas - Quetzalcoatl Santa - Accessory Case, Christmas Cards, Acrylic Stand, Face Towel and Acrylic Keychain by DELiGHTWORKS Inc.
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She's gold now
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On the one hand, I know Quetzalcoatl should probably be speaking something like Nahuatl, not Spanish. But on the other hand, *Feliz Navidad Intensifies*
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thelreads · 2 years
I mean.... If you want fate psychic damage...I can give you fate psychic damage....
1. Calamity Jane, magical space cowgirl cheerleader.
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2. Mary Poppins Florence Nightingale, Pioneer of modern nursing. Santa version.
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3. Don Quixote Doflamingo [the dwarf] and Sancho, icons of Spanish Literature and a prime example why old people need supervision.
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4. Quetzalcoatl, Aztec Feathered Serpent and Goddess of chocolate and Lucha.
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5. Christopher Columbus. I have nothing good to say about him except that he gets shot everytime he's involved in the story.
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6. Mephistopheles, demon of the Faust play and psychopathic explodo-murder clown. Shares a voice actor with Hans Cristian Anderson and DIO from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
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7. Sei Shounagon, Japanese Heian[c. 1000 AD]-era author of the novel The Pillow Book.
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8. Lu Bu....'s horse, Red Hare. Ironically a rare example of the reverse genderbend.
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9. Fairy Knight Gawain. Not to be confused to regular Gawain.
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10. The artist Vincent Van Gogh and whatever the fuck happened to them.
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Look, if you have a psychopathic explodo-murder demon clown and not have them be played by Dio's VA, whats the fucking point?
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