#Sand Dollar Cove Cottages
siriusleee · 1 year
Like Blood on Iron | Part 7
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Historical Executioner AU Summary: The executioner has always been an enigma to you - drawing you in. His sword drawing a line in the dirt as he made his way to the village center, and leaving back to his cottage on the outskirts of town. However, your curiosity can't stop the future your family has planned for you.
A/N: Two in a week? Who am I? I wrote most of this today, and should have just waited until my regularly scheduled days to post, but I couldn't.
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You would recognize his silhouette in a hurricane. Wet hair plastered to your forehead and rain dripping in your eyes doesn't disturb the image of him waiting for you down the now mud swamped road. You push your hood off of your head, trying to let him know to come to you, to come speak to you, but instead he turns and disappears into the narrow alleys between the small shops and houses. 
You should go inside; you can tell from the twitch of the curtains that someone is watching you - watched Jonathan kiss you on the cheek and walk off. You know whoever it is: Mother, Father, Maggie - they're waiting for you to come inside from the stinking rain that's pelting your skin. They're crowded around the window wondering why you won't move. 
You run after him, slipping and sliding in the mud that clings to your skin and coats you in a thin sheen. You can barely make out the edge of his cloak whipping around corners in a seemingly nonsense pattern, always too far away from you for you to catch up. It's not until you emerge at the edge of the village, overlooking the cove that you realize where he's gone. 
You slide down the rocks, scraping your shins, your palms, the back of your thighs against the rough rocks as the rain makes them too slick to catch a grip on. Blood mixing with the rain and the mud, you crash into the sand, dress torn to shreds. Just another to end up shoved in the back of the closet where questions can't reach it. 
Simon's a black mass against the dark sand, a tornado in his own right as the wind pulls his cloak away from his body, whipping it into terrifying shapes - the monster the rest of the village thinks he is. The mask is gone, for the first time you see him bare outside of the safety of his own home. The cross scar shines pale against the rest of his skin, the moon still bright enough through the clouds to illuminate him. 
"Simon!" Your voice is carried away from you by the wind. You don't know if he hears you or knows that you'd follow as he turns toward you. 
He doesn't reach out to you, the reflex you've gotten so used to him showing around you as you come to a stop beside him, your own cloak pulling painfully against you in the wind. 
"Shouldn't you be inside?"
He speaks so low you're not sure if you actually hear him. 
"You don't need to be out here in this; you're getting married soon. You don't want to be sick."
His words are like a kick in the stomach - not just the what he's said, but the way he speaks to you. Even from the first time here on the beach, he'd never spoken so flat - so empty to you. There had always been something so uniquely Simon in his voice. But now - this is how he must speak to those knelt down in front of him, waiting for his sword to swing. How he must have sounded to Uncle Henry when he knelt down to whisper to him. 
"Simon it wasn't - it was just a kiss on the cheek. It wasn't anything important."
"It should have been more."
The feeling of it all: his words, the cloak tugging at your neck, the rain and mud sticking to your skin, the burning in your palms, it's too much.
"What did you say?"
Simon doesn't look at you as he speaks, his hands held tightly behind his back, eyes watching the waves that crash heavy on the horizon. 
"He's going to be your husband. You should have been sneaking off with him - you should have followed him. It's the right thing."
His skin is ice cold where you grab him on the arm, none of his usual warmth bleeding through the dark fabric of his shirt.
"Simon, please don't say that. I don't want -"
"Go home."
Simon doesn't shake your arm free, doesn't shove you away, but he might as well with the look in his eyes when he finally looks at you. Bright eyes unusually dark, the circles underneath them nearly black. 
"Why do you keep coming back? There is so much more for you elsewhere."
You can't breathe, you have to clutch his arm to keep yourself grounded or you think you might let the rain wash you out into the sea. He grabs you, hands warm while the rest of him is freezing. 
"We can dream all we want, but I've got nothing for you but a shack in the woods and a life full of being shunned."
"Better that with you than anything with anyone else."
He's heaving beneath your touch, trying to keep himself from unraveling everything that he's packed so small inside. He doesn't want to speak what he's thinking of: you can see it written in the corners of his eyes, in the wrinkles of worry you're not sure you've ever seen before. 
"You say that now. But what about when you want a family?" His voice is pained at the thought. 
"You are my family."
"This life isn't enough for you, even if you refuse to see it yourself," his grip on you turns bruising - harder than he's ever held you, even when you begged for harder. "I will not be responsible for seeing you suffer in the coming years because you thought you loved me. You told me you wanted to leave and travel - I can't do that with you here."
"I do love you."
You're begging; you will get on your knees to beg if it makes him stop talking to you like this, to stop holding you like he's never going to get the chance to do it ever again. But there's iron in his eyes, and your blood on his skin, and you know that this is it. 
He doesn't have to tell you he loves you - not like when he whispered it into your skin or when he would braid your hair into tangles in the early mornings. It rolls off of him as he pushes you back, mouth capturing yours. He tastes like the rain and something bitter, something you've never tasted on him before. 
You trip over a divot in the sand, but Simon catches you, pulling you up so that your legs wrap around his waist. He walks the two of you back until you're sheltered by the rocks that form the ledge above. 
The rocks dig into your back, but you don't feel them as Simon hitches up your skirts around you. This time it's different - there is no gentleness in the way he takes you; not like all the other times before. The rain covers the two of you, and you know this is the last time. The last time you'll taste him or feel the thick calluses of his fingers on the back of your thigh. 
And when the two of you cross the ending together, he doesn't pull out to spill himself anywhere but inside of you. He pushes you harder against the rocks, keeping himself buried inside of you until he can't stay any longer. 
You can feel the scratches on your back stinging from the rain, and you hope they never stop - one of the last reminders of Simon you know you're ever going to get. 
He doesn't kiss you when he settles you onto the ground, doesn't kiss you as he straightens the tattered and torn edges of your skirt back down, fingers chaste against the soaked and ruined fabric. He doesn't speak as he holds your face in his hands, thumbs brushing the water from your cheeks and you don't know if it's rain or tears, but you're sure he does. 
You don't know if it's the rain or the sorrow that stops your feet from working, but Simon, strong as he always has been, carries you home on his back - a caricature of all the times you've been in his arms before. His boot kicking against the front door is thunderous on the darkened street. 
Father doesn't ask what's happened when he swings the door open and finds Simon sliding you off of his shoulders; he doesn't ask why your knees buckle or why Mother rushes forward to grab you from Simon, her own hand lingers on Simon's a moment to long before Father whispers a 'thank you' and let's the door slam shut. 
You know by the way her hands cradle you that Mother knows what happened out there in the storm. She doesn't let Father touch you, instead pushing him away and calling for Maggie to help carry you up the stairs. Your mother, always so fastidious about cleanliness and the whiteness of the linens, strips you down to your underdress and tucks you into bed, mud and all, burrowing herself beside you, fingers doing their best to push away the fever that threatens to build at your temple.
"I'm sorry."
I'm sorry.
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You're sick for two weeks, fever burning through your skin. You think at times that the blankets around you must be turning into ash. The people beside your bed flicker in and out: Maggie rearranging the sheets around you, Lily pressing a cold washcloth to your forehead. Jonathan reading something in a book to you, his voice rumbling through the house. 
Mother bathing you gently, fingers brushing through your hair, working the tangles out with a comb. 
It's Jonathan at your side when you wake, a book in his hands and his boots tapping heavily on the floor beneath him. The sound shoots straight through your skull.
"Will you stop that?"   
His hand probes at your temple, fingers taking your temperature. You don't even have it in you to push him off, to tell him to go away. The chair someone placed beside your bed creaks under his weight as he slips off of it, book landing heavily on the floor. He drops to his knees beside you so, eyes scanning your face for any sign of the fever coming back.
"How'd you feel?"
He speaks to you like you're a wounded animal, soft and low. Like you'll run at any moment. but there's nowhere to run this time.
"Like I was trampled by a horse."
His chuckle, just a short breath from his nose, washes over the ache in your muscles. 
"I thought you were when I saw you laying here the first time."
He slides his hand beneath the blankets to grab yours, and you let him, welcoming the warmth and roughness against your still frozen skin.
"Did I sleep through our wedding?"
"Unfortunately not. There's still six days for you to be rid of me."
You can't help the hot tears that start to flow from you - Jonathan doesn't ask why as he brushes them away, pulling himself into bed beside you and letting you turn the front of his shirt dark with your own tears. 
"I know love. I'm sorry."
But his warmth isn't enough - isn't a replacement for what you're wishing for.
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The dress is beautiful, you think as Maggie's fingers lace the back up gently. In the three weeks you were sick you'd lost so much weight that the stays have to be pulled tighter to form the fabric around yourself than originally intended. You want to apologize to her; this should have been her dress - she is the one who wants to get married. The weight of your disappointment grows heavier as Lily works around Maggie, her fingers pinning your hair up deftly with Grandma's pins. 
You don't recognize yourself when they step away; the white of the dress sparkling back at you in the wavy mirror, blurring your features as you furiously try to blink back the tears that threaten to ruin the entire thing. 
Jonathan had been there every day you'd been sick, but it wasn't the same. You'd wanted to ask him if the dark shroud was outside, if he was there at all. But you couldn't do it. Couldn't bring yourself to know if he wasn't there. 
"It's going to be alright," Maggie soothes, fingers running down the fabric of your shoulders. "And you'll still be close - Jonathan asked Father if Lily and I could come stay with you for a while after the two of you return from your trip."
"I'm not sure my husband would appreciate sharing a bed with the three of us."
Maggie's distorted reflection smiles weakly at you in the mirror; you clasp her hand tightly, hoping the sweat doesn't stain the delicate white fabric. 
A heavy knock reverberates through the house - you feel it shake the floorboards beneath you. 
"I'll get it," Lily says, slipping out of the door, heavy dress swishing around her ankles. You think of her asking you to tighten her dress, of the way she'd smiled at the boy in the market. Soon you'll be getting her ready for her own wedding, and you wonder if she'll consider it a death sentence like you or look forward to it like Maggie. 
Her voice is muffled; you try to focus on it as Maggie ducks beneath your bilious skirts to help you slide your shoes on. You teeter on one foot, and she grabs your calf to try to help you from falling. Lily's feet patter up the steps, and she trips through the door, skirt catching on a snag on the floor.
"There's-" she's breathless from rushing up the stairs, "there's someone here to see you."
You know who it is by the way she stumbles over the word 'somebody'. 
Maggie's warm hand finishes the lacing on your shoe before she emerges from the cloud of skirts around you, hair disheveled. Lily's still staring at you, the thread of her dress connecting her to the floor, to the house you once so desperately tried to escape from. 
Your heart squeezes in your chest; you grip the lace at your wrist hard enough you can feel some of the threads snapping. 
You know it's a horrible idea: to see him now. But you push past Maggie and Lilly, tripping on the skirt as you do your best to keep your balance flying down their stairs. The feeling of him courses through your veins as your feet hit the main landing; but the entryway is empty. Your stomach sinks; he must have left, must have -
"You look beautiful."
Simon stares at you from the kitchen doorway; hands clasped behind his back. He's devoid of his usual mask; pale skin exposed to the world. His eyes are dark, the skin around them gaunt and sleep deprived. You long to reach out and grab him, but you keep your hands to yourself. He looks so much like he did that night in the cove. The scratches against your back have healed up, but you can still feel them pulsing just below the surface. 
"What are you doing here?" You ask, trying and failing to keep your voice steady. 
"I wanted to see you again before I couldn't again."
A thousand wild thoughts course through you: this wouldn't have to end the two of you. You could still see each other, in secret; you would do anything to keep him, but you know what his answer to it would be. How he would shake his head, and tell you it's impossible. 
And you know that, despite however you may feel, Jonathan doesn't deserve that level of cruelty, not after nursing you back to life for the past three weeks, not after kneeling at your bedside and brushing away tears he knew didn't belong to him. 
"Why today? You could have come to see me days ago."
"I wanted a glimpse into a different life."
It's not sadness that flows through you; the fever burnt that out of you weeks ago. Now it's anger like you've never felt: the anger that you know takes over Mother when she smashes things against the wall in her and Father's room. The anger that takes her over when she makes the walls rattle in her wake. 
"This is cruel, and you know it."
Simon has the good graces to not meet your eyes as he shifts, boots covered in a thick layer of dust. 
"I know."
"I thought you wanted me to forget you."
In the distance the church bell tolls, timing the hour. The minutes to your wedding tick down, waiting for the sun to fully set before Father comes to get you to escort you there. And Simon in front of you wears down whatever resolve that you had to get yourself there.
"I think I'm too selfish for that."
"I wish you were."
He chews on the inside of his cheek, and you know if you were to kiss him right now, you'd taste the iron of his blood. 
"I would still run away with you, if you asked right now."
"We've got nowhere to run to."
"That doesn't bother me."
A sharp staccato of a knock on the door breaks the spell between the two of you. You linger, waiting for Simon to say something else, but the knocking increases, pulling you away from him. 
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Simon takes advantage of you walking away to try to slip out the backdoor. The small courtyard is covered in leaves, they crunch heavily beneath his booted feet. The sound of the door opening back up behind him pulls his attention away from the path home. 
He doesn't turn to look back, but he cowardly hopes it's your voice that calls out to him from the doorway. But it's not.
"You're just going to run away? You're not even going to fight for her?"
Maggie stares at him from the shut doorway, all acerbic and sharp edges - the opposite of you. Simon feels like the look in eyes is enough to set him on fire from shame. 
"She deserves better than me; better than a life on the run."
"Who are you to decide what my sister deserves?"
She walks quickly, heels sharp against the cobblestones. Simon thinks she's going to hit him. He would deserve it; he can tell by the way her fingers curl that it would hurt. 
"My sister," Maggie says, nearly whispering at him in the biting air, "could do worse than Jonathan. I had to beg my father and mother to not marry her off to some of the men they had in mind. But she deserves more than just being someone's wife for the rest of her life."
She cuts Simon off sharply when he tries to speak.
"My sister would run to the farthest edges of the earth to be with you - to see the world with you."
She leaves him there, the wind cutting through him, slamming the door shut hard enough behind her to rattle the windows and the wood. 
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tag list: @silverianni, @milfs4lifee, @koi-feish, @shirabeastly, @pookie90, @ghostlythot, @hearts4sky, @crystallizedtime, @the-worlds-tempest, @myconglomerateromance, @elena-ph, @chaoticgoblindev, @pipocfamily, @canadianmilkbag, @caspertheassholeghost, @2512121morningstar, @glitterypirateduck, @elli0t3r, @clairdelunelove, @captainprice4life, @generaldestinychild, @crowsjourney, @c0pernicus, @wistfullyhypomanic, @arbesa-mind, @ray-rook, @daisyfrubies, @september-22-1996
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mythofstarlilly · 2 years
100+ Inspo Words and Ideas
Snow Leopard
Red Panda
Koi Fish
Puffer Fish
Snake Plant
Wllow Tree
Cherry Blossom
Jade Plant
Wild Flowers
Rubber Plant
Oak Tree
Palm Tree
Rattle Snake Plant
Bow and Arrow
Trash Can
Chess Piece
Hot Air Ballon
Sand Dollar
Tea Pot
Tea Cup
Neon Sign
Snow Globe
Hour Glass
Stained Glass
Watering Can
​Stuffed Animal
Cotton Candy
Ice Cream
Hot Cocoa
Star Fruit
Dragon Fruit
Gummy Bear
Iced Tea
Hiking Trail
Flower Field
Famous Structure
Faris Wheel
Book Store
Arch Way
Lamp Post
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Harbourside Bahamas’ Beach Cottage with Golf Cart Rentals
Harbourside Rentals offers vacation rentals in some of the most desirable areas on Spanish Wells and Eleuthera. You can choose luxury 2-BR Sand Dollar beach vacation cottage in the heart of charming villages, providing you with easy access to local amenities. If you have ever dreamt of a getaway in paradise, the islands of Spanish Wells and Eleuthera in the Bahamas are destinations you simply can't overlook. With their white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and a tranquil atmosphere that invites relaxation and exploration, these islands are a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. To make your stay even more enjoyable, Harbourside Rentals offers a wide range of vacation propertieson these beautiful islands, allowing you to immerse yourself in the local culture and truly experience the magic of this tropical paradise. When it comes to finding the perfect place to stay on Spanish Wells or Eleuthera, Harbourside Rentals has you covered.
All apartments provided by Harbourside Rentals are well-maintained and equipped with modern amenities including boat rental & golf cart rental. Thus, with Harbourside Bahamas you can enjoy the luxury comfort in vacation rentals as well as can unwind the island at your own pace with Spanish Wells golf cart rentals available. You can expect comfortable furnishing, fully equipped kitchen, and everything you need to make your stay feel like a home away from home. Spanish Wells is one of the most charming and picturesque landscape in the Bahamas. Located just off the coast of North Eleuthera, Spanish Wells is a quaint fishing village known for its friendly locals and stunning beaches. It's an excellent choice for those looking for a peaceful and authentic Bahamian experience. Spanish Wells apartment rentals by owner on the other hand offer ideal retreat venues for all age of travelers, perfect to unwind lush landscapes, hidden coves, and historic sites in the island. The selection of vacation homes caters to various preferences and group sizes, ensuring that you have a comfortable and enjoyable stay.  
With Harbourside Rentals you can tailor your Bahamian vacation to your preferences. Spend your days relaxing on the beach, exploring the local culture and cuisine, or embarking on exciting adventures such as snorkeling, boating, or hiking. One of the highlight feature in Harbourside Bahamas is it also facilitate golf cart rental and boat rental, thus it becomes more convenient for guest to explore the vacation in style and class. The vacation rentals with boat give you direct access to explore sea at your own pace. One of the standout features of Harbourside Rentals Bahamas is its direct access to the beach.
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compumiral · 2 years
Te hapu coastal cottages
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If less than 20 days’ notice is given, our policy is that if we are able to replace your booking, we will refund your deposit.įrom the 23rd of December until the 31st of January the notice period is of 30 days prior to your arrival date. Cancellation PolicyĬancellations up to 20 days prior to your arrival date incur no fee. The remaining balance should be charged/received 5 days prior to your arrival date. Please note your booking is not confirmed until we have successfully charged your credit card. For your information a merchant fee of 2.95%+0.45 cents applies. Please note a deposit value of 50% of the total amount of your booking will be taken from the credit card provided. If evidence that dogs entered the cottages are found a cleaning surcharge fee will apply. Removal of all dog faeces from around the cottages and surrounding garden (a shovel is provided). Dogs are strictly not allowed inside the accommodations, they should be tied up at night and on a lead or in behind when out walking. Provide a vet’s certificate confirming dogs have been dosed for sheep measles no less than four days prior to your arrival. Dogs are permitted at Te Hapu outside lambing and calving periods, please check. Pets by prior arrangement only - $ 20.00 per dog/horse per stay. Please let us know if you require linen (sheets and bath towels), the rate is $20 /person /per stay or would like to bring your own.Įverything else you need will be provided, apart from your food! Included in the tariff are: duvets, blankets, pillows and pillow cases, tea towels, dish cloths, hand towels, bath mat and oven cloth. If you would like to have any day visitors this needs to be discussed prior to your arrival. Suggested activities at Te Hapu, including our elevated and coastal walks, focus on exploring this stunning landscape of pasture, bush, naturally sculpture rock formations, coast and ocean.Īllow Te Hapu to work its magic on you as it has done on us since 1978. We are happy to cater for various sized groups – singles, couples, extended families. Guests are comfortably accommodated in our self-contained, fully equipped Cottage, charming Chalet (both nestled in gardens with expansive landscape and ever changing sea views), and the unique Shearing Shed Retreat with it's popular outside bath.Īll cottages are 10 minutes’ walk or drive through the farm to a variety of private, easily accessed mostly white sand beaches, cosy sheltered coves, a maze, a labyrinth, blowholes and an incredibly luxuriant low tide rock shelf. Three holiday cottages are available on our family farm, which is situated on a nationally acknowledged Outstanding Natural Landscape area. Te Hapu (the family), a Place to Experience Situated on a thousand acre coastal sheep and cattle farm, bounded by Kahurangi National Park and Golden Bay's Tasman Sea coast, South Island, New Zealand. Private Holiday Accommodation Cottages in Golden Bay, New Zealand. Move the mouse over the price for inclusions, occupancy and minimum stay Winter Special Chalet - 5 nights or more Photos Details Winter Special Shearing Shed Retreat - 5 nights or more Photos Details Winter Special Cottage - 5 nights or more Photos Details Shearing Shed Retreat Standard Photos Details Prices will be charged in New Zealand Dollars
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greysdrug · 2 years
Te hapu coastal cottages
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If less than 20 days’ notice is given, our policy is that if we are able to replace your booking, we will refund your deposit.įrom the 23rd of December until the 31st of January the notice period is of 30 days prior to your arrival date. Kebijakan PembatalanĬancellations up to 20 days prior to your arrival date incur no fee. The remaining balance should be charged/received 5 days prior to your arrival date. Please note your booking is not confirmed until we have successfully charged your credit card. For your information a merchant fee of 2.95%+0.45 cents applies. Please note a deposit value of 50% of the total amount of your booking will be taken from the credit card provided. If evidence that dogs entered the cottages are found a cleaning surcharge fee will apply. Removal of all dog faeces from around the cottages and surrounding garden (a shovel is provided). Dogs are strictly not allowed inside the accommodations, they should be tied up at night and on a lead or in behind when out walking. Provide a vet’s certificate confirming dogs have been dosed for sheep measles no less than four days prior to your arrival. Dogs are permitted at Te Hapu outside lambing and calving periods, please check. Pets by prior arrangement only - $ 20.00 per dog/horse per stay. Please let us know if you require linen (sheets and bath towels), the rate is $20 /person /per stay or would like to bring your own.Įverything else you need will be provided, apart from your food! Included in the tariff are: duvets, blankets, pillows and pillow cases, tea towels, dish cloths, hand towels, bath mat and oven cloth. If you would like to have any day visitors this needs to be discussed prior to your arrival. Suggested activities at Te Hapu, including our elevated and coastal walks, focus on exploring this stunning landscape of pasture, bush, naturally sculpture rock formations, coast and ocean.Īllow Te Hapu to work its magic on you as it has done on us since 1978. We are happy to cater for various sized groups – singles, couples, extended families. Guests are comfortably accommodated in our self-contained, fully equipped Cottage, charming Chalet (both nestled in gardens with expansive landscape and ever changing sea views), and the unique Shearing Shed Retreat with it's popular outside bath.Īll cottages are 10 minutes’ walk or drive through the farm to a variety of private, easily accessed mostly white sand beaches, cosy sheltered coves, a maze, a labyrinth, blowholes and an incredibly luxuriant low tide rock shelf. Three holiday cottages are available on our family farm, which is situated on a nationally acknowledged Outstanding Natural Landscape area. Te Hapu (the family), a Place to Experience Situated on a thousand acre coastal sheep and cattle farm, bounded by Kahurangi National Park and Golden Bay's Tasman Sea coast, South Island, New Zealand. Private Holiday Accommodation Cottages in Golden Bay, New Zealand. Gerakkan mouse di atas harga untuk mengetahui apa saja yang termasuk, tingkat hunian dan minimal tinggal Winter Special Chalet - 5 nights or more Foto Rincian Winter Special Shearing Shed Retreat - 5 nights or more Foto Rincian Winter Special Cottage - 5 nights or more Foto Rincian Shearing Shed Retreat Standard Foto Rincian Harga akan dikenakan dalam New Zealand Dollars
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The Bahamas is full of surprises for its guests. It has something for everyone of all ages. Find abaco cottage rentals by owner. Enjoy beachfront family vacation rentals by owner in Casuarina point. Feel free to reach Sand Dollar Cove Cottages.
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Get ready to #enjoy a #fabulous #vacation in #sand ##dollar cove #cottages. They are #located in the midst of thick jungle, from where you can #view different varieties of #wildlife. You can #rent any of them per your #choice and #budget.
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The T/C is our 450 square foot #Efficiency/Studio unit at #SandDollar_Cove #Cottages. The unit has a #Queen size Murphy Bed (very comfortable) and a complete #Kitchen with all your #appliances and #utensils. https://www.vacationcaribbeanrentals.com/south-abaco-condo-vacation-rental/82845
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adventures-or-death · 4 years
Before going crazy from three months of carona quarantining, we booked a hotel, packed up the dog and drove four hours to San Diego for some beach time. It was our safest choice and San Diego is really cool. Here’s how it went!
We arrived at the hotel near check-in time. The hotel staff took all of the necessary Carona precautions. The place was empty and I felt totally safe.
After checking in, we disinfected our room by wiping down all surfaces with anti-bacterial wipes and sprayed anti bacterial mist over everything. I tore off the comforter and stored it in the closet and sprayed down the sheets. The hotel had a new policy where they will not clean your room unless you requested it. We opted out and cleaned up after ourselves, made our own bed and took out our own trash for the entire week. I don’t like people in my hotel room under normal circumstances so this didn’t bother me at all.
Before setting out to explore, we checked the news and the city of San Diego was in an all out war with the police due to the George Floyd protests. The beach towns looked clear so we planned our five night trip around beach activities.
The weather for the week looked decent. San Diego goes through what they call “June Gloom”, which means most of the June and the summer months are cloudy. We lucked out because we had two days of full sun (I got sun burned the first day) and five days of partly sunny skies. It didn’t matter to us. We were happy to be in new surroundings and at the beach!
Hers is a list of places we visited. Every day was spent walking on the beach and taking in the beautiful sights of San Diego.
Dog Beach
A beach for dogs and humans! We let our dog run around for a long time while we watched the tide go. No matter where you are it’s always fun to watch dogs play. I call Dog Beach the happiest place on earth!
Pacific Beach Pier & Cottages
The first time we visited San Diego we checked out Pacific beach and really liked the location. Parking wasn’t hard to find and there are miles of beach to walk in either direction. If you’re not into walking on the sand, you can walk the concrete path that runs parallel to the beach with all the skateboarders, bike riders and rollerbladers.
There are tons of shops and eateries here, but they were empty due to the virus. It wasn’t anything like we experienced the last time we visited, but it was nice because it felt like the place was ours.
La Jolla Tide Pools
It’s best to go when the tide is almost out, or even all the way out so you can explore all of the tide pools. You can spend hours looking in to each tide pool big and small. They’re so clear and full of life!
Children’s Pool/Beach
Children’s Pool Beach was a super fun stop on our trip. It’s a man made cove originally built for kids to swim away from the big powerful ocean waves. Unfortunately for the kids, the seals thought it was a great spot too and they took over half the beach to sunbathe and give birth to their babies. People still swim here, but need to keep their distance. We loved watching them play in the shallow water and wobble around on the sand.
The Cave Store
This is a store with a secret! The place looks like a regular store front when you walk up and in to it, but towards the back there is an entryway to a secret cave. Go through the small door and walk down 140+ tiny steps through a tunnel to that opens up to a beautiful cave. Watch your head!
The cave was dug over a hundred years ago and was used to smuggle alcohol and drugs during the prohibition era. The sounds alone are worth the visit.
The store portion is closed right now because of Carona, but the cave is open. Call ahead and make a reservation. The cost is $10.00 per person and your group can stay in the cave area for 1/2 hour.
Cabrillo National Park& Minument ($20 per car, but worth every penny)
The gift store is closed due to Carona, but the rest of the park is open. The views of San Diego here are jaw dropping.
Before buying your pass into the park, take a drive through the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery. There was hardly anyone there when we went and it was stunning.
Point Loma Tide Pool
Located within the Cabrillo National Park.
If you’re here during low tide, you can climb down the cliffs to the rocky beach below for some exploring. There are also hiking paths on the cliffside to explore too.
Coronado Beach
This is where I found sand dollars for days. This is a long stretch of beautiful beach. It’s a long each too so there is plenty of room to keep yo yourself here.
While you’re here, check out Hotel Coronado (Built in the 1800s!)
A huge old victorian hotel built in the 1800s that a majority of the presidents and royalty have stayed at. We walked by it on the beach, but didn’t go in to check it out.
Mission Beach
A laid back neighborhood whose namesake sands attract surfers, sunbathers and volleyball players. A paved path curls around Mission Bay, which is a popular spot for water sports. Belmont Amusement Park (Closed due to Carona) has a small wooden rollercoaster in it that was built in the 1920’s. There are also cafe’s and eateries here as well.
Gaslamp Quarter
This cool section of the city is 16 blocks of historical buildings, shops and restaurants of all kinds!)
The protesting quieted down so we went to dinner here on our last night. We were one of two couples that dined inside. It felt weird, but everyone wore masks and everything was wiped down.
Gaslamp Quarter is usually jam packed with people, but it was super quiet when we were there, and a majority of the restaurants were open for business. Take out or dine-in.
Torrey Pines Glider Port
2800 Torrey Pines Scenic Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037
Watch paraglider take off and land off of steep cliffs over the ocean. This was really cool to watch!
Sunset Cliffs Natural Park
Ladera St. San Diego, CA
Nature Cliffs overlooking the Pacific ocean. This is great place to watch the sunset! You might see the occasional cliff diver or two.
Here are a few photos I took while running around for the week. I wish I was able to capture more but I was too busy having fun. I’m already looking forward to our next trip back to to beautiful beach towns of San Diego.
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emmamiri8 · 5 years
Tips for Creating a Beach Themed Room| Children's Bedroom Furniture
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Who doesn't love the shoreline? The unimportant idea of an extended length of brilliant sand, the calming sound of the waves, and all that outside air is sufficient to dissolve away your pressure and imbue your general existence with harmony and serenity. 
Luckily, you don't need to burn through a large number of dollars on elite land so as to experience beachfront living. Rather, you can bring the light, breezy, easygoing feel of a seafront bungalow to your home with the expansion of some nautical-propelled Broyhill furniture and extras. Here are a couple of tips to enable you "to go seaside" as you make a shoreline themed room: 
Fill the space with brilliant and happy hues. Your principle shading palette should comprise of tints that can be found in plenitude at the shoreline, including blues, greens, whites, tans, and yellows. Utilize these shades generously in your paint plan and enriching highlights. 
Stick to light-shaded woods and regular surfaces. Go for the well-worn look of driftwood by choosing light hues for your decorations. The washed pine found in our Vaughan Bassett Cottage Collection or the endured oak included in a portion of our Glen Cove pieces is ideal instances of this. 
Tie the room together with a lot of nautical adornments. To finish the shoreline look, brighten the stay with nautical frill. A few things to consider incorporate seashells, starfish, opening mirrors, a ship guiding wheel clock for the divider, telescopes, compasses, globes, beacons, tropical fish prints, and obviously a sound machine to reproduce those waves. 
These tips will put you well while in transit to carrying the shoreline to your home paying little respect to where you live. 
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Selecting furniture for a child's room is energizing for both the parent and the tyke. Numerous furniture producers have some expertise in children's room sets that stand the trial of time. Putting resources into an appealing and strong room set that will fill the children's needs now and later on requires cautious ideas and arranging. An intensive review of each piece to ensure that there are no sharp edges will give true serenity. Additionally, check the drawer's check whether they open effectively and give enough space to attire and capacity. When picking furniture, remember that the most strong children's room sets are made of strong wood. 
Plan for the Future 
Pick a children's room set that is multifunctional and develops with the requirements of the youngster. Think about an arrangement that will fit the format of the room. Capacity drawers, receptacles, and shelves can house squishy toys and toys when the youngster is youthful, and reading material and electronic hardware as the tyke becomes more seasoned. When you buy children's furniture pieces from a built-up furniture maker, you regularly have the alternative of including pieces that match the set sometime in the future. 
Settle on a Look 
Before picking pieces a room accumulation, it is a smart thought to choose a search for the room that suits your child's character. For a young lady who adores pink and ornaments, an accumulation like Jessica McClintock Romance by Lea Furniture is perfect. The rich cherry completion and sleigh bed styling from Coaster Furnitures Louise Philippe accumulation are ideal for a young men room, while a vaporous waterfront look from producers like Legacy Classic Furniture gives a casual, shoreline house feeling for the two young men and young ladies. 
Bed Styles 
Youngsters love to rest at the highest point of a space or loft. The upside of a space bed is that the lower region underneath can be structured as a comfortable play or study space. Some lofts have the capacity for apparel or toys. A conventional twin estimated bed with a headboard and footboard can turn into the point of convergence of a room. Some twin beds include advantageous capacity drawers underneath. 
Picking the Pieces 
Children's room set accumulations frequently accompany indistinguishable choices from grown-up room furniture, and makers may offer many more decisions. A run of the mill room set will give a dresser, a bed, a bureau, and a nightstand. A few groupings offer additional things like a PC work area and seat, vanity and seat, a shelf and a cubby. Adornments like mirrors may likewise be accessible. When settling on your decisions, make sure to consider what the kid will require as the individual develops.
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sanddollarcove-blog · 5 years
Craving a luxurious vacation? Get ready to set out for the Bahamas. It is awaiting you with open arms. It has everything superb including climatic conditions and accommodations. To book a luxury vacation cottage rental in the Bahamas, feel free to contact Sand Dollar Cove Cottages. It is 100% reliable vacation rental service provider that will take away your renal hassles and you will be comfortable enjoying a vacation to your heart’s content.
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kazakerswrites-blog · 6 years
Take the Pledge to Preserve and Protect Hawai’i.
I love Hawai’i. It's a place where I feel free. My son and I learned to surf with Titus Kinimaka's school in Hanalei Bay on Kaua'i. I had my honeymoon on Hawai'i. I became entranced by the Kilauea volcano. (This was when the eruptions were minor in from 2008 - 2016.  Now the road I drove on  surrounded by lava fields created by previous eruptions is gone!) I learned it was ok to be a "Haole". I learned to respect the coral reefs. I met many aunties and uncles. I climbed Diamondhead. I stayed in a cottage on the ocean at the Pacific Missile Range at Barking Sands on Kaua'i, AND for the first time saw the Milky Way as clearly as you are reading this now. (It's a remote military installation. We are a retired military family with some spectacular perks.) I stood waist deep in a cove outside my rented cottage in Kaneohe Bay on Oahu surrounded by sea turtles while the rain came down and a  double rainbow appeared over my head. I snorkeled with sea turtles the size of large dining tables in Poipu. . (They followed me, I did NOT follow them because that is illegal and upsets nature's balance.) I ate the most delicious macadamia nuts I've ever experienced. AND butter mochi... ...and avocados the size of my head (for ONE dollar!). I visited the most spectacular farmer's market I have ever experienced in Hilo on The Big Island.  There was quite a bit of produce I had NEVER seen before.  I did my best to at least TRY most of it. (One in particular smelled like dirty feet, Yes, that is known as Durian, and it's an acquired taste, to say the least.) ​ The list goes on and on and on. I will do what it takes to help keep Hawai'i's integrity. If you have been to Hawaii I'm SURE you know exactly what I mean. If you have not been to Hawaii, my hope is some day that you see it. Regardless, no-one whether they have visited the islands or traveled there from their living room can ignore its splendor. There is NO PLACE like it. I have taken the PONO PLEDGE to keep its culture, environment, ocean, land, residents and wildlife intact, safe and thriving. Take this beautiful, heartfelt pledge with me! * I pledge to be pono (righteous) on the island of Hawai‘i. * I will mindfully seek wonder, but not wander where I do not belong. * I will not defy death for breathtaking photos, or venture beyond safety. * I will mālama (care for) land and sea, and admire wildlife only from afar. * Molten lava will mesmerize me, but I will not disrupt its flow. * I will not take what is not mine, leaving lava rocks and sand as originally found. * I will heed ocean conditions, never turning my back to the Pacific. * When rain falls ma uka (inland), I will remain high above ground, out of rivers and streams. * I will embrace the island’s aloha spirit, as it embraces me. * Lawe i ka maʻalea i kūʻonoʻono. “Take Wisdom and Make it Deep.” Click below to officially join millions of individuals who believe Hawai'i is worth preserving. ​ https://www.ponopledge.com/ As always thanks for reading. ​
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gerrygoodmanblog · 6 years
Best Day Trips around Orange County CA
Coming up with an all-embracing list containing some of the best day trips around Orange County CA is really difficult since there are simply way too many places that are great in their own way. Here are some of Orange County’s hidden gems and must-visit places.
Since there are numerous beautiful beaches around the region, let’s focus first on some of the beach spots of the region –
Laguna Beach
With almost seven miles of stunning coastline, the first thing that catches the visitor’s eyes upon arriving in Laguna Beach is the 1930’s beach attendant tower that looks over the sand and water-related events at the main beach. For people who aren’t that interested in getting a sunbath, there are countless public art galleries, as well as the Laguna Art Exhibition hall.
When visiting the beach, tourists must make sure that they visit the Treasure Island Park in Laguna Beach, one of the most stunning parks in Orange County. Considered to be one of the top picks out of all the Orange County tourist attractions, the park has a paved pathway which runs laterally towards the top of the hill, offering astonishing sights of the Pacific Ocean and the seashore underneath. Going to see Treasure Island Park is almost like going inside a pretty picture postcard.
Salt Creek Beach
Situated under the celebrated Ritz Carlton Hotel in South Orange County, Salt Creek Beach and has been a beloved spot for surfers since the 60s. Nowadays the surfers are joined by guests from the close by 5-star resorts of the Ritz Carlton and Saint Regis. This place is so posh, even the best realtor in Orange County CA will have difficulty in finding a market-price property, however, the diversity in terms of tourists who visit Salt Creek Beach, gives the place a really homely feeling.
Newport Dunes Resort
The Newport Dunes Resort is the place located right opposite of the multi-billion-dollar beach-front houses that mark the unique coastline of Orange County’s Pacific Shore Highway, the Dunes is a fantastic place to stay, especially for families.
San Clemente Beach Trail
The San Clemente Beach Trail treads along the shorelines of North Beach up to the Calafia Beach – a spot famous for its cool cafes and restaurants. This spot is also ideal for hiking, jogging, cycling and for dog owners to take their dogs on a run along the beautiful coast. For early risers, this beach trail could be one of the best day trips around Orange County CA.
Crystal Cove State Park
Crystal Cove State Park boasts one of the most gorgeous beaches in South California. Attracting tourists to have some of the best day trips around Orange County CA, Crystal Cove State Park has around three miles of unspoiled beach in addition to 2000 acres of park-space, making it ideal for picnics. The key point of entrance is the Crystal Cove Historic District – a place famous for its beach cottages that date back to 1920.
Other Attractions in Orange County
Apart from beach attractions, Orange County CA also has a lot of cultural spots to offer, one of them being –
The City of Orange 1920s (Old Town District)
The City of Orange was built in the 1920s in the Old Town District. Rich with heritage and history, this place is now deemed by tourists as one of the ideal destinations for a languid weekend day trip. The Old Town Orange offers one of the finest examples of a joyful landscape in Orange County CA, being home to some of the best antique stores, sidewalk restaurants, and stunning fountains.
About Gerry Goodman Real Estate Services
Since its inauguration, Gerry Goodman Real Estate Services has positively supported home buyers and sellers in the dream tourist place Orange County CA fulfilling their real estate needs. Widely regarded and respected as the best in the trade for over 25 years, Gerry Goodman is presently operating in Orange County CA, in the cities Anaheim, Anaheim Hills, Yorba Linda, Newport Beach, Dana Point, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Tustin, and Aliso Viejo.
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islesboro, maine 
my alarm went off at 6 am. i sighed and rolled over. clearly, i’m not a morning person. i crawled out of bed, threw on a sweatshirt over my pajamas and slipped into a pair of rubber boots, and i proceeded to slowly walk down the stairs of the beach cottage. while half asleep, i gazed out into the little cove on spragues beach. the water was crystal clear. not a stitch of wind. the air felt cool and refreshing. the tide had crept out much farther than the usual, thanks to the full moon. and then there stood, bent over in the water, my grampy. he beat me out there. 
my grampy is a man with few words, yet, he always seems be busy doing something. hunting for clams, quahogs, lobsters and mackerel. working on projects around the camp. building houses. always busy with his hands. he has a long history with spragues beach. long ago, when living beside the ocean wasn’t popular-my great grandfather and his brother acquired some land surrounding spagues beach for next to nothing. soon after, they opened and ran a fishery, about a quarter mile from the summer cottage (which at the time, was a one story camp covered in black tar paper). my grampy, as child, spent countless summer days on spragues beach. occasionally, while living with his mother in belfast, maine, my grampy would row a tiny boat across the penobscot bay over to spragues beach. oh the stories he’s told me! my grampy grew up, married and had a handful of children. my mom was one of those children and she grew up playing on spragues beach. following my mom, i spent many summers of my childhood on spragues beach. currently now, i enjoy sitting back and watching my own children running along spragues beach. hunting for treasures, skipping rocks, drinking out of the spring water spigot and swimming in the ice cold atlantic. so many generations of memories there!
with my rolleiflex in tow, and a fresh roll of delta 3200 nestled inside, i slowly made my way over the rocky beach down to the shoreline. i wanted to be closer when i created this shot, but my boots only went up to just below my knees. i crept out slowly, as far as i could and i instantly felt the frigid atlantic on the inside of my not-so-insulated rubber boots. i metered the light for my scene. honestly, i don’t even think grampy knew i was there when i took this shot!  he’s lost most of his hearing and isn’t a big fan of his hearing aids, so secretly, i was glad he was unaware of my presence, because those are usually my best shots. i peered through my view finder and began to focus the scene. in the rolleiflex world, everything is opposite. you move to the right, the image moves to left. it took me months to get used to composing and manually focusing with the rolleiflex. once i composed and focused, i waited. and waited. and waited. finally, i chose what i thought, was the most perfect moment and i clicked the 70 year old shutter. after i photographed the scene, i safely tucked my rolleiflex back into it’s case and walked back into the atlantic. i went quahogging with my grampy. on that quiet. calm. cool morning. no words were said between us. he pulled up a quahog every few minutes, i was lucky to get three during the entire time i was down there. instead, i collected old pieces of soda bottles, sea glass, giant crabs, millions of black furry sand dollars and hermit crabs. 
i manually developed this roll in my darkroom. i also printed this image with an enlarger and developer, fixer and stop bath. this photograph was made with lots of love. it truly is my most prized possession. i hope one day, to pass this down to my children. and my children tell their children about the story behind this image. about their grandma and great great grampy. 
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