#Samuel Merino
jrlrc · 1 year
Lo doctor no quita lo pendejo
Ni lo arrastrado, cobarde, torpe, hablador, incongruente, simulador.
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Hay que perder la fe en los títulos académicos como indicadores y predictores de buen gobierno.
Monreal es doctor, o doctorado para ser más precisos, como en ciencias lo es Claudia Sheinbaum, alejada de la práctica de la ciencia por AMLO, quien no deja de ser licenciado, en “ciencias políticas”, pero no por eso es politólogo… Martí Batres y Samuel García también tienen algún doctorado. O más de uno… Andrés Lajous tiene uno con más valor específico que el de esos dos, pero no ha hecho más o mucho mejor que ellos como funcionario público. Genaro Lozano tiene licenciatura y maestría gringa y es un mediocre que ha dicho muchas tonterías; no sería mejor como político o funcionario. Pepe Merino tiene licenciatura, maestría y estudios de doctorado y se transformó en un porrista partidista y se atrevió a hacer aquello de la Ivermectina, por lo que cualquier universidad seria lo habría corrido… El doctor Gatell es doctor por doctorado, en Johns Hopkins, y también es el culpable -junto con el más famoso licenciado- por los casi 800 mil muertos en la pandemia. Ni qué decir de todos los propagandistas! “Gran”ejemplo: El Chapucero tiene título de economista del ITAM! Y no es más que un youtubero dedicado a decir estupideces en defensa del gobierno. Fox, Calderón y Peña Nieto, de otros partidos y todos presidentes necios y fracasados, también son “universitarios”…
Hay casos de gente con títulos que no es como ellos, pero hay muchos más que sí lo son. Si existen casos buenos y malos, muchos, en todos lados, en todos tiempos pero quizá más ahora, eso significa que tener título/no tenerlo no es la clave para tener buenos gobiernos. De hecho, ni siquiera es la clave para tener buena academia -ni es la causa suficiente ni es la causa necesaria de la construcción y avance del conocimiento.
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laedicion · 2 years
25 años de cárcel para sujetos que asesinaron a un hombre en Santa Tecla
Por: Lorena Mendoza / Cortesía FGR Santa Tecla, La Libertad. Dos pandilleros de la 18, identificados como José Rodolfo Martínez, alias “El Huevo” y Samuel Elías Méndez Merino, alias “El Chucho”, fueron condenados a 25 años de prisión por haber participado en el asesinato de Walter Oswaldo Castro Méndez. El hecho fue cometido en el mes de junio de 2018, en el cantón Álvarez, jurisdicción de…
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amiguiz · 2 years
Hay algo que me gustó harto del texto “Agua, modernización y una geografía de riego en la posrevolución”, de Francisco Javier Gómez Carpinteiro: que le otorga agencia (actancia, volición, whatever) a los personajes de la época. Abandona las fórmulas pasivas, impersonales y genéricas de los historiadores: “se acordó”, “se introdujo”, y habla de nombres y apellidos.
William O. Jenkins impulsó a grupos locales para que pidieran el fraccionamiento de haciendas. Juan Merino promovió la reforma agraria en su pueblo (...), después se alió con Jenkins para aceptar un reparto ejidal que no abarcara tierras de riego. Patrón Linares, el principal líder opuesto a Jenkins y Merino, también un viejo luchador zapatista, fue asesinado. Samuel Hernández, líder de los mariscaleños, se hizo cargo del manejo de la mina y logró acaparar con su gente los puestos políticos de San Martín Alchichica. Etcétera.
Lo que sí, es que este texto tiene muy poco de azucarero. Pero está bueno. El libro cada vez se desbalancea más, pero esto también puede resultar una ventaja, si lo que queremos es variedad vs monocultivo.
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praza-teatro · 4 years
En Marzo do 2014 nacía no Porriño a Sala Ingrávida.
Nunha vila que debe a súa tradición teatral e, máis aínda, grande parte da súa actividade cultural dos últimos 15 anos á Compañía Teatral Xerpo, non pasou inadvertido o anuncio do peche definitivo deste Espazo de Gravitación Artística que nos salvou a tantas de moitas fins de semana baleiras.
Cousa das redes sociais, dos mass media, a nova, por suposto, transcende, e son moitas as mensaxes de ánimo e agradecemento que, me consta, a equipa de Ingrávida, está a recibir con moita emoción e moita gratitude tamén.
Como amigo orgulloso de Irene e Álex e como admirador do traballo, a entrega e a coherencia coas que levaron adiante este proxecto durante todos estes anos, non podía permitir que a despedida fora menos pública que o seu nacemento (non digo “soada”, senón pública), e por iso agradezo a oportunidade de facer este pequeno repaso e de enviar a miña mensaxe.
Que a Ingrávida pecha está en boca de todas, como non podía ser doutro xeito, xa que somos moitas as que debemos moito a este espazo.
Algunhas falan con verdadeira tristura (a inmensa maioría), algunhas outras falan con menos tristura e máis indiferenza (a inmensa e insignificante minoría) e outras, coma min, facémolo cheas de alegría.
Estamos alegres porque Ingrávida pecha no pico máis alto de rendemento da súa historia.
Trala inesgotable adicación da equipa desta sala ata conseguir un público habitual e fiel, unha programación diversa na liña do teatro contemporáneo e, máis aínda, tralo seu labor como  Escola de Teatro que foi canteira para tantas futuras alumnas da ESAD de Galiza (alumnas que logo voltaron a presentar os seus proxectos), Irene Moreira e Alex Sobrino deciden que é a hora de voltar a mirada cara a outros horizontes.
E é que hai momentos na vida nos que unha pon na balanza o persoal e o profesional, as necesidades de verdade -as vitais- e as necesidades creadas. Hai momentos nas que unha ten a oportunidade de turrar cara adiante, coma sempre, con ánimo imbatible ou, pola contra (mais tamén con ánimo imbatible) parar un chisco, mirar dentro, mirar arredor, mirar máis aló e ir ao substancial. E decidir.
As que vivimos Ingrávida tan de preto que se converteu na nosa casa, en lugar de encontro, de nacemento de amores, e debates e algunha que outra borracheira de celebración e ledicia, celebramos esta nova etapa que comeza.
Botaremos en falta, o público,  poder gravitar cada venres e cada sábado.
As amigas imos aproveitar o feito de ter tempo de gozar da amizade e, sobre todo, de observar que a xente que queremos e admiramos pode seguir fazendo o que máis lle presta.
Hai seis anos, tamén, nacía coa Ingrávida o Grupo de Teatro Comunitario, A COMUNA, que seguirá a recoller historias para poñelas sobre o palco.
Seguirá, tamén, coa súa programación, O Cineclube Rebobina, que mudará de lugar de encontros para seguir sendo o único Cinema do Porriño.
¿Non son, estes, motivos máis que suficientes para estar ledas? Claro que o son.
Mais o que máis me aleda a min é este momento no que podo botar unha ollada a este pasado recente no que o Teatro e a Amizade, collidos da man, foron os piares da miña andaina por un camiño persoal agreste; botar unha ollada chea de agarimos de carne e óso que acompañaron o meu desenvolvemento tamén no profesional.
A vida é un “irevire” e eu, a trompadas coma sempre, rematei, cada vez, dando coas miñas pousadeiras no palco e nas butacas de Ingrávida.
Foi Ingrávida ese lugar no que sempre tiven onde caer morto. O lugar que me viu renacer de cada vez.
E como os lugares son as persoas que os conforman, eu boto unha ollada a Irene, a Álex, a Sonia (e a toda a familia da Ingrávida) e dígome: “Non, Ingrávida non pecha. O que pecha é unha etapa, un xeito de gravitar.
Ingrávida somos todas e, todas, seguimos moi abertas a todo o que veña.
Ingrávida é agora ese espazo que todas temos dentro e ao que poderemos retirarnos libres de gravidade porque, como di un cartaz que estivo moitos anos presente no número tres da rúa Pérez Leirós do Porriño, “aquí está permitido levitar””.
Amigas, sodes Maxia,
Samuel Merino
30 de xuño de 2020.
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(Coordinación e supervisión de Afonso Becerra de Becerreá)
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PSA “sexism”
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awardseason · 3 years
2022 BAFTA Awards — Winners
Best Film “Belfast” “Don’t Look Up” “Dune” “Licorice Pizza” “The Power of the Dog” — WINNER
Outstanding British Film “After Love” “Ali & Ava” “Belfast” — WINNER “Boiling Point” “Cyrano” “Everybody’s Talking About Jamie” “House of Gucci” “Last Night in Soho” “No Time to Die” “Passing”
Director “After Love” – Aleem Khan “Drive My Car” – Ryûsuke Hamaguchi “Happening” – Audrey Diwan “Licorice Pizza” – Paul Thomas Anderson “The Power of the Dog” – Jane Campion — WINNER “Titane” – Julia Ducournau
Leading Actress Lady Gaga – “House of Gucci” Alana Haim – “Licorice Pizza” Emilia Jones – “CODA” Renate Reinsve – “The Worst Person in the World” Joanna Scanlan – “After Love” — WINNER Tessa Thompson – “Passing”
Leading Actor Adeel Akhtar – “Ali & Ava” Mahershala Ali – “Swan Song” Benedict Cumberbatch – “The Power of the Dog” Leonardo DiCaprio – “Don’t Look Up” Stephen Graham – “Boiling Point” Will Smith – “King Richard” — WINNER
Supporting Actress Caitríona Balfe – “Belfast” Jessie Buckley – “The Lost Daughter” Ariana DeBose – “West Side Story” — WINNER Ann Dowd – “Mass” Aunjanue Ellis – “King Richard” Ruth Negga – “Passing”
Supporting Actor Mike Faist – “West Side Story” Ciarán Hinds – “Belfast” Troy Kotsur – “CODA” — WINNER Woody Norman – “C’mon C’mon” Jesse Plemons – “The Power of the Dog” Kodi Smit-McPhee – “The Power of the Dog”
Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer “After Love” – Aleem Khan (Writer/Director) “Boiling Point” – James Cummings (Writer), Hester Ruoff (Producer) [also written by Philip Barantini and Produced by Bart Ruspoli] “The Harder They Fall” – Jeymes Samuel (Writer/director) [also written by Boaz Yakin] — WINNER “Keyboard Fantasies” – Posy Dixon (Writer/Director), Liv Proctor (Producer) “Passing” – Rebecca Hall (Writer/Director)
Film Not in the English Language “Drive My Car” – Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, Teruhisa Yamamoto — WINNER “The Hand of God” – Paolo Sorrentino, Lorenzo Mieli “Parallel Mothers” – Pedro Almodóvar, Agustín Almodóvar “Petite Maman” – Céline Sciamma, Bénédicte Couvreur “The Worst Person in the World” – Joachim Trier, Thomas Robsahm
Documentary “Becoming Cousteau” – Liz Garbus, Dan Cogan “Cow” – Andrea Arnold, Kat Mansoor “Flee” – Jonas Poher Rasmussen. Monica Hellström “The Rescue” – Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin, John Battsek, P. J. Van Sandwijk “Summer of Soul (or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)” – Ahmir — WINNER “Questlove” Thompson, David Dinerstein, Robert Fyvolent, Joseph Patel
Animated Film “Encanto” – Jared Bush, Byron Howard, Yvett Merino, Clarke Spencer — WINNER “Flee” – Jonas Poher Rasmussen. Monica Hellström “Luca” – Enrico Casarosa, Andrea Warren “The Mitchells Vs the Machines” – Mike Rianda, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
Original Screenplay “Being the Ricardos” – Aaron Sorkin “Belfast” – Kenneth Branagh “Don’t Look Up” – Adam Mckay “King Richard” – Zach Baylin “Licorice Pizza” – Paul Thomas Anderson — WINNER
Adapted Screenplay “CODA” – Siân Heder — WINNER “Drive My Car” – Ryûsuke Hamaguchi “Dune” – Denis Villeneuve “The Lost Daughter” – Maggie Gyllenhaal “The Power of the Dog” – Jane Campion
Original Score “Being the Ricardos” – Daniel Pemberton “Don’t Look Up” – Nicholas Britell “Dune” – Hans Zimmer — WINNER “The French Dispatch” – Alexandre Desplat “The Power of the Dog” – Jonny Greenwood
Casting “Boiling Point” – Carolyn Mcleod “Dune” – Francine Maisler “The Hand of God” – Massimo Appolloni, Annamaria Sambucco “King Richard” – Rich Delia, Avy Kaufman “West Side Story” – Cindy Tolan — WINNER
Cinematography “Dune” – Greig Fraser — WINNER “Nightmare Alley” – Dan Laustsen “No Time to Die” – Linus Sandgren “The Power of the Dog” – Ari Wegner “The Tragedy of Macbeth” – Bruno Delbonnel
Editing “Belfast” – Úna Ní Dhonghaíle “Dune” – Joe Walker “Licorice Pizza” – Andy Jurgensen “No Time to Die” – Tom Cross, Elliot Graham — WINNER “Summer of Soul (or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)” – Joshua L. Pearson
Production Design “Cyrano” – Sarah Greenwood, Katie Spencer “Dune” – Patrice Vermette, Zsuzsanna Sipos — WINNER “The French Dispatch” – Adam Stockhausen, Rena Deangelo “Nightmare Alley” – Tamara Deverell, Shane Vieau “West Side Story” – Adam Stockhausen, Rena Deangelo
Costume Design “Cruella” – Jenny Beavan — WINNER “Cyrano” – Massimo Cantini Parrini “Dune” – Robert Morgan, Jacqueline West “The French Dispatch” – Milena Canonero “Nightmare Alley” – Luis Sequeira
Make Up & Hair “Cruella” – Nadia Stacey, Naomi Donne “Cyrano” – Alessandro Bertolazzi, Siân Miller “Dune” – Love Larson, Donald Mowat “The Eyes of Tammy Faye” – Linda Dowds, Stephanie Ingram, Justin Raleigh — WINNER “House of Gucci” – Frederic Aspiras, Jane Carboni, Giuliano Mariana, Sarah Nicole Tanno
Sound “Dune” – Mac Ruth, Mark Mangini, Doug Hemphill, Theo Green, Ron Bartlett — WINNER “Last Night in Soho” – Colin Nicolson, Julian Slater, Tim Cavagin, Dan Morgan “No Time to Die” – James Harrison, Simon Hayes, Paul Massey, Oliver Tarney, Mark Taylor “A Quiet Place Part II” – Erik Aadahl, Michael Barosky, Brandon Proctor, Ethan Van Der Ryn “West Side Story” – Brian Chumney, Tod Maitland, Andy Nelson, Gary Rydstrom
Special Visual Effects “Dune” – Brian Connor, Paul Lambert, Tristan Myles, Gerd Nefzer — WINNER “Free Guy” – Swen Gillberg, Brian Grill, Nikos Kalaitzidis, Daniel Sudick “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” – Aharon Bourland, Sheena Duggal, Pier Lefebvre, Alessandro Ongaro “The Matrix Resurrections” – Tom Debenham, Hew J Evans, Dan Glass, J. D. Schwaim “No Time to Die” – Mark Bokowski, Chris Corbould, Joel Green, Charlie Noble
British Short Animation “Affairs of the Art” – Joanna Quinn, Les Mills “Do Not Feed the Pigeons” – Jordi Morera — WINNER “Night of the Living Dread” – Ida Melum, Danielle Goff, Laura Jayne Tunbridge, Hannah Kelso
British Short Film “The Black Cop” – Cherish Oteka — WINNER “Femme” – Sam H. Freeman, Ng Choon Ping, Sam Ritzenberg, Hayley Williams “The Palace” – Jo Prichard “Stuffed” – Theo Rhys, Joss Holden-rea “Three Meetings of the Extraordinary Committee” – Michael Woodward, Max Barron, Daniel Wheldon
EE Rising Star Award (Voted for by the Public) Ariana Debose Harris Dickinson Lashana Lynch — WINNER Millicent Simmonds Kodi Smit-McPhee
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doubleattitude · 3 years
The Dance Awards, Orlando Florida 2021 Results
Best Dancer:
Mini Female
Top 20:
Kaylee Schwamb
Maya Steinfield
Georgia Beth Peters
Esme Chou
Diana Kouznetsova
Ariana Kovalevsky
Bella Rey D’Armas
Regan Gerena
Top 12:
Kensington Dressing
Denise Torres
Emely Carrillo
Braylynn Grizzaffi
Isabella Kouznetsova
Elizabeth Scott Lanier
Ellie Melchoir
Roxie Onellion
Ellary Day Szyndlar
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Carrigan Paylor
1st runner-up: Skylar Wong
Kya Massimino
Mini Male
Top 9:
Dylan Custodio
Philip Trescases
Ian Castenada
Liam Retseck
Mateo Perez
Brayden Winchell
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Blake Metcalf
1st runner-up: Santiago Sosa
Michael Cash Savio
Junior Female
Top 21:
Jazmine Raine Werner
Anya Inger
Alexandra Perez
Mary Jordan Clodfelter
Halle Hunt
Lena Garcia
Mya Tuaileva
Emme James Anderson.
Brooke Toro
Kamri Peterson
Top 11:
Maddie Ortega
Giselle Gandarilla
Stella Condie
Taylor Morrison
Daniela SanGiacomo
Aaliyah Dixon
Hayley Marshall
Top 4:
3rd runner-up: Angelina Elliott
2nd runner-up: Laci Stoico
1st runner-up: Gracyn French
Cameron Voorhees
Junior Male
Top 9:
Amir Shah
Bosco Wong
Lucas Pignotti
Gage Davis
Kylan Wright
Kaden Brown
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Nicholas Moreno
1st runner-up: Zachary Roy
Ian Stegeman
Teen Female
Top 20:
Zoe Ridge
Suvannah Hunter
Harlow Ganz
Ying Lei Pham
Whitney Tomes
Brooklyn Law
Camilla Cordoer
Natalya Toirac
Sophie Garcia
Top 11:
Destanye Diaz
Lindsey Weaver
Rachel Quiner
Isabella Lynch
Cydney Heard
Avery Lau
Arianna Quant
Rachel Loiselle
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Hailey Bills
1st runner-up: Keagan Capps
Dyllan Blackburn
Teen Male
Top 21:
Logan Speer
Phoenix Decker
Joshuah Rivera
Gavin Miele
Edon Hartzy
Jeremy Powalowski
Niko Nyman
Julian Smith
Sam Evans
Skai Llorente
Top 11:
Hayden Mucha
Braylon Browner
Garris Munoz
Colin Bendziewicz
Jesse Flaherty
Andres Jiminez
Anthony Dessables
Samuel Ek
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Xander Perone
1st runner-up: Sam Fine
Brady Farrar
Senior Female
Top 23:
Shane Higa
Amanda Taylor
Kiara Fina
Karisa Pluchino
Gionna D’Alessandro
Tyler Burden
Samantha Schmaling
Morgan Olschewski
Nanea Yu
Hallie Green
Bella Mills
Top 12:
Kaitlyn Linquist
Paloma Santos
Camila Schwarz
Chantel Le
Madi Autry
Madison Mazovec
Ruby Castro
Emma Cook
Cassidy Reigel
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Savannah Quiner
1st runner-up: Selena Hamilton
Kayla Mak
Senior Male
Top 24:
Jaylin Sanders
Parker Brudzinski
Dominic Keider
Zakk Fowler
Thomas Perkey
Christian Bottger
Brian Class
Oliver Morris
Cameron Stedman
Evan Hamilton
Ta’Nario Riggins
Kahly McCurdy
Caden Thephavong
Top 11:
Reginald Turner Jr
Caden Hunter
Franco LaGrega
Wesley Cloud
Jordan Apodaca
Artem Tikhonenko
John Chappell
Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Carter Williams
1st runner-up: Thiago Pacheco
Jaxon Willard
High Scores by Age:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
PeeWee Solo
1st: Lainey Hess-’Amayzing Mayzie’
1st: Amanda Carpenter-’Hey Daddy’
1st: Sophia Novo-’Red Hope’
1st: Ella Venerio-’Signals’
2nd: Stella Brinkerhoff-’Fly’
3rd: Ava Piedrahita-’I Am Free’
3rd: Penelope LeMieux-’I’d Rather Go Blind’
4th: Amaya Rodriguez-’Fly’
5th: Ava Wilkins-’Always Love You’
5th: Reese Braga-’Fallen Memory’
6th: AnnaCameron McGlohorn-’Dance Like Yo Daddy’
6th: Mikaela Florez-’Stop Go’
7th: Audrey Mikkelson-’Shake the Room’
7th: Navie Mees-’Sweet Child’
8th: Khylie Wilkerson-’Proud Mary’
9th: Addie Goodwin-’Cause I’m A Blonde’
9th: Charlotte Brayman-’Wonderful World’
10th: Brinley Evans-’Beauty and the Beast’
Mini Solo
1st: Kensington Dressing-’A Distant World’
1st: Kya Massimino-’System Activated’
2nd: Michael Cash Savio-’Interpretation of Mike’
3rd: Carrigan Paylor-’Orange Colored Sky’
4th: Lexus Natalie-’Alternate World’
4th: Regan Gerena-’My Boyfriend’s Back’
4th: Camila Giraldo-’Welcome to Miami’
5th: Isabella Kouznetsova-’Almost There’
5th: Ella Dobler-’Enter Now’
6th: Winter Eberts-’Hit the Road Jack’
6th: Ellerie Cox-’New Miss Rhythm’
6th: Mya Lanigan-’Roxy’
6th: Denise Torres-’Swan’
6th: Sophia Gil-’Sway’
6th: Jazmin Covos-’The Air’
7th: Dylan Custudio-’Discerning’
7th: Bella Rey D’Armas-’Extraction’
7th: Alyson Merino-’Internal’
7th: Emily Core-’Without Limits’
8th: Savy Luetchtefeld-’Beautiful Thing’
8th: Ashley Otano-’Dark Matter’
8th: Raegan Hess-’Intertwined’
9th: Camryn Studebaker-’Everything Fades’
9th: Diana Kouznetsova-’Rainbow’
9th: Jasmine Pando-’Strains’
10th: Santiago Sosa-’Becoming’
10th: Baker Barboza-’Boots’
10th: Milly Berry-’My Big French Boyfriend’
10th: Melody Cocina-’On The Hour’
10th: Ruby Arnold-’Ruby Blue’
10th: Lily Hackney-’Static’
Junior Solo
1st: Gracyn French-’A Character of Quiet’
1st: Cameron Voorhees-’Unplug’
2nd: Kylee Casares-’Lonely’
2nd: Laci Stoico-’Mein Herr’
3rd: Giselle Gandarilla-’All Human Beings’
3rd: Aaliyah Dixon-’That’s Life’
4th: Maddie Ortega-’Summetime’
5th: Zachary Roy-’Higher Ground’
6th: Hayley Marshall-’Ink’
7th: Alexandra Perez-’Valentine’
8th: Caitie Polis-’Fallen Angel’
8th: Daniela SanGiacomo-’Restless’
8th: Shayla Blair-’The Thing’
9th: Angelina Elliott-’Out’
10th: Kamri Peterson-’Broken Mirrors’
10th: Lena Garcia-’Falling Away From the Surface’
Teen Solo
1st: Brady Farrar-’The Apology’
2nd: Sam Fine-’Obsession’
3rd: Georgia Greene-’Alpha and Omega’
3rd: Dyllan Blackburn-’Indian Summer’
4th: Avery Lau-’From the Ashes’
5th: Isabella Tagle-’100 Times’
5th: Destanye Diaz-’My Own’
6th: Xander Perone-’Elijah’
6th: Garris Munoz-’Enlightenment’
6th: Rachel Leon-’Just the Two of Us’
6th: Kaitlyn Esquivel-’The Curse’
6th: Isabella Weidmann-’Where They Lay’
7th: Iliana Victor-’Drawn to You’
7th: Jordan Lassiter-’Hometown Glory’
7th: Antonia Gonzalez-’Like the Wind’
7th: Sophie Gracie-’Lost’
7th: Ava Miller-’Tarnished’
8th: Kaitlyn Ortega-’Ain’t No Sunshine’
8th: Ava Carroll-’Are You Sure’
8th: Harlow Ganz-’Breaking the Surface’
9th: Edon Hartzy-’Claire De Lune’
9th: Sam Hardin-’Crunk Driving’
9th: Sarah Georgiana-’Heartstrings’
10th: Angel DiMartino Palladino-’Disable Blocker’
10th: Ellen Grace Olansen-’Ghost’
10th: Hadley Snell-’Like This’
10th: Isabella Warfield-’To Be Continued’
10th: Samuel Ek-’Uncovered’
Senior Solo
1st: Jaxon Willard-’Female Energy’
2nd: Caden Hunter-’I Am Not the One’
2nd: Kayla Mak-’Tuesday’
2nd: Gionna D’Alessandro-’Wish You Were Here’
3rd: Thiago Pacheco-’Strange’
4th: Carter Williams-’Change is Everything’
5th: Selena Hamilton-’Black Car’
5th: Wesley Cloud-’Black Lake’
5th: Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl-’Darkness’
5th: Sophie Tosh-’Lumina’
6th: Melina Dalton-’Errors’
7th: Jaylin Sander-’Extraterrestrial Movement’
8th: Caitlyn Knowles-’Exhibition’
9th: John Chappell-’Through the Fog’
10th: Gabriella Garavelo Bortoleto-’Kitri’
10th: Javon Hunter-’OMG’
10th: Emma Cook-’Out of Line’
10th: Elle Tosh-’Safe’
PeeWee Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Town-’3 Blessings’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Fly Me to the Moon’
3rd: New Level Dance Company-’I’ll Be There’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Beats’
5th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’No More I Love Yous’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Yesterday’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Something’s Gotta Change’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Gallows’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Lumineuse’
5th: Dance Town-’Cola’
5th: Project 21-’I Am the Cute One’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Exiles’
2nd: Dance Town-’The Boy and the Snake’
3rd: Project 21-’A Match Made In Heaven’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’C’mon Talk’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Size’
5th: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Arms Around You’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Wake Me’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Home With You’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Not That News’
3rd: Dance Town-’No Weapon Formed Against Me Will Prosper’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Still Life’
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Center-’Cello Sonata’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Town-’This Time is Real’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’To The Moon’
3rd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Le Plat Pays’
4th: South Tulsa Dance Co-’I’m Coming Home’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Be Still My Heart’
PeeWee Group
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Bird’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Ooh La La’
2nd: New Level Dance Company-’I Need A Hero’
3rd: Dance Unlimited-’Fabulous’
4th: Dance Spectrum-’Mr. Sandman’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Shake Your Groove Thing’
Mini Group
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Impending Loss’
1st: Dance Town-’Together in Separation’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’The Awakening’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Undertow’
3rd: True Dance and Company-’Doors are Closing’
4th: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Fly’
4th: West Florida Dance Company-’Spice Girls’
5th: Dance Town-’Good Question’
Junior Group
1st: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’Another Time’
3rd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Cello Suite’
3rd: True Dance and Company-’Solitude’
4th: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
4th: Dance Town-’No Journey’s End’
5th: True Dance and Company-’Eyes Closed and Moving Forward’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex-’New World’
Teen Group
1st: Project 21-’GirlsGirlsGirls’
2nd: South Tulsa Dance Co-’I Love Movies’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’In Memoriam’
2nd: Westchester Dance Academy-’Now You’re Out of Sight’
2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Seven’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Softly, Heavy’
2nd: Westchester Dance Academy-’The Mist’
3rd: companyONE-’Her Blues’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Lost’
4th: Dance Town-’My Hypergraphia is Exploitable’
5th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Anything I Do’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Debut’
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Endless Falls’
Senior Group
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Fade’
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company-’Your Weight Is Not Mine to Carry’
2nd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’I Feel Pretty Perplexed’
3rd: Dance Town-’Kiss’
4th: Westchester Dance Academy-’Against the Dying of the Light’
4th: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’React’
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’WAIT’
PeeWee Line
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Dump Him’
2nd: Center Stage Performing  Arts Studio-’Let’s Get Loud’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Mr Piano Man’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Reflections’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Rainbow Brite’
3rd: Center Stage Performing  Arts Studio-’The Rose’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’ABC’
5th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Scooby Doo’
Mini Line
1st: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Scrapers’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Fergalicious’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’I Work 2020′
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Uptown Girls’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’The Moon’
5th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’I Don’t Speak French’
Junior Line
1st: Dance Town-’Create’
2nd: Dance Town-’Black Bird’
3rd: True Dance and Company-’Final Moments’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Girls’
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’For All We Know’
Teen Line
1st: Project 21-’Post That’
1st: companyONE-’The Whole Truth’
2nd: companyONE-’City Limits’
2nd: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Get Up’
3rd: The Artist Project-’Wanted: Dead or Alive’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Through Our Strength’
5th: Dance Town-’305′
5th: Dance Town-’Lord Have Mercy’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Mack the Knife’
Senior Line
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’After Dark’
2nd: Dance Town-’Now What’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Deep Fried Flavor’
4th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Maybe It’s Just Me’
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’Minus 61′
PeeWee Extended Line
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Flying Solo’
Mini Extended Line
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Wonderland’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Drumming’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’Dawn of Love’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Flykicks’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Time’
5th: Dance Town-’Disco’
5th: The Southern Strutt-’Yacht Club Cuties’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Sheffield School of the Dance-’New York City’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’The Gospel Truth’
3rd: Dance Town-’Cats’
3rd: Sheffield School of the Dance-’The Beat Drop’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Foot On the Gas’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’My Dearest Friend’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Aquatic’
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’You’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Could Look Away’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Weightless’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’The Wave’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’XR2′
4th: The Southern Strutt-’Pound Sterling’
5th: The Southern Strutt-’Beetlejuice’
5th: Dance Town-’Grown Woman’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Here Comes the Boom’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Kick It’
4th: Sheffield School of the Dance-’FUNK2K’
5th: Sheffield School of the Dance-’Symphony’
PeeWee Production
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Chewy Chewy’
Mini Production
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Swagger Jagger’
Junior Production
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Snitches and Rats’
Teen Production
1st: Dance Town-’Salsa’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Diamonds’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sexy Back’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’Papa Was A Rolling Stone’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’For Dodo’
5th: The Southern Strutt-’Book of Love’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Money’
Senior Production
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’No Bystanders’
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Catwalk’
2nd: Sheffield School of the Dance-’The Hollywood Wiz’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
PeeWee Jazz
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Ooh La La’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Chewy Chewy’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Dump Him’
3rd: Dance Unlimited-’Fabulous’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’Rainbow Brite’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Shake Your Groove Thing’
PeeWee Hip-Hop
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Scooby Doo’
2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Juice Break’
PeeWee Tap
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Mr Piano Man’
2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Mr. Sandman’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’ABC’
PeeWee Contemporary
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Flying Solo’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Bird’
PeeWee Lyrical
1st: New Level Dance Company-’I Need A Hero’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Reflections’
3rd: Center Stage Performing  Arts Studio-’The Rose’
4th: Studio Powers-’Big Love, Small Moments’
PeeWee Musical Theatre
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’New Girls In Town’
PeeWee Specialty
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Lets Get Loud’
PeeWee Acro
1st: Dance Spectrum-’Hot Hot Hot’
Mini Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’I Work 2020′
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Fergalicious’
3rd: Studio 61 Dance Company-’I Don’t Speak French’
4th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Kiss, Kiss’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’Ponytail’
5th: True Dance and Company-’Business of Love’
Mini Ballet
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Concerto in E Major’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Spanish Flair’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Flykicks’
1st: West Florida Dance Company-’Spice Girls’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Back at It’
3rd: Studio 61 Dance Company-’C-Breezy’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Mint Chocolate Chip’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Jump’
Mini Tap
1st: West Florida Dance Company-’Do Your Thing’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Splash N Go’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’As Good As It Gets’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Jitterbug’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Love Shack’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’A Train’
5th: Xplosive Dance Academy-’This Will Be’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Dance Town-’Together in Separation’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Impending Loss’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Undertow’
3rd: True Dance and Company-’Doors are Closing’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Dawn of Love’
5th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Time’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’The Awakening’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Drumming’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’The Moon’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Fly’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’I Believe’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Fly Me to the Moon’
5th: Westchester Dance Academy-’Fade to Silence’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Wonderland’
2nd: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Yacht Club Cuties’
4th: Carolina Collective Dance-’Legally Blonde’
4th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Don’t Rain on My Parade’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Forget About the Boy’
Mini Ballroom
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Swagger Jagger’
2nd: Dance Town-’Cafe Latino’
3rd: Dance Town-’Ballroom Babies’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Let’s Do It!’
Mini Specialty
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Scrapers’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Uptown Girls’
Mini Acro
1st: Evolution Dance Company-’Dream On’
2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Hoedown Throwdown’
Junior Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd: Dance Town-’Black Bird’
3rd: Sheffield School of the Dance-’New York City’
4th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Replicas’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’This Place About to Blow’
5th: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
Junior Ballet
1st: Dance Town-’Waltz’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Waltz of the Hour’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Violin Fantastique’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Going to School’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Springtime Waltz’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Sheffield School of the Dance-’The Beat Drop’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Snitches and Rats’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Foot On the Gas’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Dirty South’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Walk it Out’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Mr. Brown’
Junior Tap
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’My Dearest Friend’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Birds’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Sussudio’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Here Comes the Sun’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Art Official’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Crazy in Love’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Dance Town-’Create’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’Final Moments’
2nd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Cello Suite’
3rd: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
3rd: Dance Town-’No Journey’s End’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex-’New World’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Eyes Closed and Moving Forward’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Better Days Ahead’
Junior Lyrical
1st: True Dance and Company-’Another Time’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’Solitude’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’For All We Know’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’I Will Leave the Light On’
5th: True Dance and Company-’Almost Heaven’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: The Southern Strutt-’The Gospel Truth’
2nd: Dance Town-’Cats’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’First Day Frug’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Zero to Hero’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Fish are Friends Not Food’
Junior Ballroom
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Girls’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Salome’
Junior Specialty
1st: Dance Town-’Life is a Tango’
2nd: West Florida Dance Company-’Rama’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Spa’
3rd: West Florida Dance Company-’Bamboo Banga’
Junior Acro
1st: Xplosive Dance Academy-’Nocturnus’
Junior Improv
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Grey Achea (Shen)’
Teen Groups:
Teen Jazz
1st: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Anything I Do’
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Debut’
2nd: West Florida Dance Company-’Glass’
3rd: Middletown Dance Academy-’Make Your Body’
4th: Orlando International School of Dance-’Focus’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Delivered’
Teen Ballet
1st: Westchester Dance Academy-’The Mist’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Lost Light’
Teen Tap
1st: Dance Spectrum-’Seven’
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Softly, Heavy’
2nd: companyONE-’Her Blues’
3rd: Legacy Center for the Arts-’Ain’t No Mountain’
4th: West Florida Dance Company-’Sir Duke’
4th: Dance Spectrum-’Don’t Worry’
5th: True Dance and Company-’Requiem’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’GirlsGirlsGirls’
2nd: South Tulsa Dance Co-’I Love Movies’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Lost’
4th: Dance Town-’My Hypergraphia is Exploitable’
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Endless Falls’
Teen Lyrical
1st: True Dance and Company-’In Memoriam’
1st: Westchester Dance Academy-’Now You’re Out of Sight’
2nd: Thomas Dance Studio-’It’s Been A Year’
3rd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Then You Look At Me’
3rd: Orlando International School of Dance-’Grey’
4th: Patti Eisenhauer Dance Center-’The Face’
5th: Middletown Dance Academy-’Love Wins’
Teen Specialty
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Carbon Cycle’
2nd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Highest Flood’
3rd: Orlando International School of Dance-’I Won’t Complain’
Teen Acro
1st: The WHEREHOUSE-’Lime in the Coconut’
Teen Line, Extended Line, Production:
Teen Jazz
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sexy Back’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’XR2′
2nd: Project 21-’Post That’
3rd: companyONE-’City Limits’
4th: Dance Town-’305′
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Santa Maria’
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’One More Night’
Teen Ballet
1st: Dance Town-’Swan Lake’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sometimes When It Rains’
3rd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Apres Minuit’
3rd: Dance Town-’Snowflakes’
4th: Sheffield School of the Dance-’Faust’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Bataille’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: The Southern Strutt-’The Wave’
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
2nd: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Get Up’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’For Dodo’
3rd: The Artist Project-’Wanted: Dead or Alive’
4th: Dance Town-’Grown Woman’
5th: Dance Town-’Lord Have Mercy’
Teen Tap
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’House of Frug’
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Rock Your Body’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Hook’
3rd: Dance Spectrum-’Shining Star’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Gold Watch’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’You’
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Papa Was A Rolling Stone’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Could Look Away’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Weightless’
3rd: companyONE-’The Whole Truth’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Through Our Strength’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Still’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Aquatic’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Pound Sterling’
3rd: Westchester Dance Academy-’Things Left Behind’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Et Moi’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Young & Beautiful’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’We Choose’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Beetlejuice’
2nd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Mack the Knife’
3rd: companyONE-’Hot Honey Rag’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Groundhog Day’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Time Warp’
5th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’One’
Teen Ballroom
1st: Dance Town-’Salsa’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Diamonds’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’After Hour’
Teen Specialty
1st: West Florida Dance Company-’Money’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Book of Love’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Into the FUNknown’
3rd: Dance Town-’Paradise’
4th: Westchester Dance Academy-’DarkRoad’
5th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Born to be Alive’
Teen Acro
1st: Dance Spectrum-’I Just Wanna’
2nd: Studio Powers-’Area 51′
Senior Jazz
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Fade’
2nd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Maybe It’s Just Me’
3rd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Fade’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Kick It’
4th: Westchester Dance Academy-’Just What I Need’
5th: Dance Town-’I’ve Got You’
Senior Ballet
1st: Dance Town-’Stars and Stripes’
2nd: Sheffield School of the Dance-’Carmen’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Recomposed’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’No Bystanders’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Deep Fried Flavor’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Here Comes the Boom’
4th: The Artist Project-’Taking Over’
5th: Sheffield School of the Dance-’FUNK2K’
Senior Tap
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’I Feel Pretty Perplexed’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’What A Girl Wants’
3rd: West Florida Dance Company-’Come Together’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Layla’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’After Dark’
2nd: Dance Town-’Now What’
3rd: Vlad’s Dance Company-’Your Weight Is Not Mine to Carry’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Catwalk’
5th: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’React’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Westchester Dance Academy-’Against the Dying of the Light’
2nd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’How Do I Live’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’First Encounter’
4th: West Florida Dance Company-’Sweet Dreams’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Station’
Senior Musical Theatre
1st: Sheffield School of the Dance-’The Hollywood Wiz’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Too Darn Hot’
Senior Ballroom
1st: Dance Town-’KISS’
Senior Specialty
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
2nd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Moonlight Presto’
3rd: Dance Town-’RUN’
4th: The Dancer’s EDGE-’Think About You’
4th: The Artist Project-’Curious Creatures’
5th: Westchester Dance Academy-’Ne Me Quitte Pas’
Best Performance by Age:
The Southern Strutt-’Flying Solo’
Winner: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Swagger Jagger’
1st runner-up: The Southern Strutt-’Impending Loss’
2nd runner-up: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
3rd runner-up: Dance Town-’Together in Separation’
4th runner-up: Stars Dance Studio-’Scrapers’
Winner: Dance Town-’Create’
1st runner-up: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd runner-up: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Cello Suite’
3rd runner-up: The Southern Strutt-’The Gospel Truth’
4th runner-up: True Dance and Company-’Another Time’
5th runner-up: Sheffield School of the Dance-’New York City’
Winner: Project 21-’GirlsGirlsGirls’
1st runner-up: Westchester Dance Academy-’The Mist’
2nd runner-up: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Softly, Heavy’
3rd runner-up: True Dance and Company-’In Memoriam’
4th runner-up: South Tulsa Dance Co-’I Love Movies’
5th runner-up: Dance Spectrum-’Seven’
Line, Extended Line, Production:
Winner: Dance Town-’Salsa’
1st runner-up: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Diamonds’
2nd runner-up: Stars Dance Studio-’Papa Was A Rolling Stone’
3rd runner-up: companyONE-’The Whole Truth’
4th runner-up: Project 21-’Post That’
5th runner-up: Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
6th runner-up: The Southern Strutt-’XR2′
Winner: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’After Dark’
1st runner-up: Dance Town-’Now What’
2nd runner-up: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
3rd runner-up: Vlad’s Dance Company-’Your Weight Is Not Mine to Carry’
4th runner-up: Stars Dance Studio-’Catwalk’
Best Performance by Style/Division:
Best Hip-Hop
Rhythm Dance Centre-’Earthquake’
The Southern Strutt-’The Wave’
Best Tap
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’I Feel Pretty Perplexed’
Best Contemporary
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’After Dark’
Best Jazz
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sexy Back’
Best Ballroom
Dance Town-’Salsa’
Best Musical Theatre
The Southern Strutt-’Beetlejuice’
Best Ballet
Westchester Dance Academy-’The Mist’
Best Lyrical
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Aquatic’
Best Specialty
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
Best Acro
Dance Spectrum-’I Just Wanna’
Special Awards:
Westchester Dance Academy
Best Production
Dance Town-’Salsa’
Outstanding Achievement:
Mini/Junior Choreography
Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’ (Molly Long’
Teen/Senior Choreography
Dance Town-’Salsa’ (Manny and Lory Castro)
Costume Design
Rhythm Dance Center-’Recomposed’
Mini Technical
The Southern Strutt-’Impending Loss’
Junior Technical
Dance Town-’Create’
Teen Technical
Stars Dance Studio-’Papa Was A Rolling Stone’
Senior Technical
Westchester Dance Academy-’Against the Dying of the Light’
Best in Studio ($3000 per style):
Best Hip-Hop
Rhythm Dance Center
Best Tap,
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy
Best Contemporary
Dance Town
Best Jazz
Project 21
Best Ballroom
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Best Musical Theatre
The Southern Strutt
Best Lyrical
Westchester Dance Academy
People’s Choice ($250)
Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
15 notes · View notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Saturday 10 September 1836
6 ½
12 5
No kiss rainy morning and F45° at 7 20 wrote and sent by John letter to ‘Messrs. Myers and c° little stonegate York postpaid’ to say obliged by his letter and drawing - sorry he had not named price - wished to know ‘if any likelihood of getting me a 2nd hand thing or what price he would a newbody (head fast) or old but sufficiently good carriage wheels - out at 8 - Robert Mann + Matthew and Samuel Booth taking stuff of hall cellar out near the old cellar and Wood and Jack Green breaking stone (rubble) – Robert Schofield and Joseph Smith siding the wall against the road (between garden and road) that had fallen down 2 masons finished hall cellar up to the springers of the arch of the part taken out (about 6 yards long up to the wind) Robert M- and c° began this morning taking out the other part opening into the old cellar - and the joiners pulled all up above - removed the footman’s cupboard into the buttery - breakfast at 9 - Mr. Horner soon after 10 - A- and he sketched the ceiling of the upper buttery -  2 or 3 masons at the new coal-place - set up about 4 yards long of ragstone and flagged paved up to them - Mark Hepworth’s 2 one horse carts (himself here) and Frank contrived to get 3300 bricks this morning - Frank brought 1600 of them (with his 2 horses, and threw them down in the road at the top of the hill) of which 1600 he brought 800 home - Mark then brought lagging stone for the court from Little marsh quarry hole and Frank brought 3 pieces of rag from Hipperholme quarry for the coal-place and sided coping stone from out of the high road - had Mr. S. Washington about 11 - and Mr. Jubb at the same time - my aunt no better - very poorly - the sickness continues - stood in the cellar or over it all the day till the men went to dinner at 12 10 - then with A- we walked to the Conery - she gave Mary Booth a nice brown merinos gown for the winter - staid a few minutes with Matty Pollard - came in before 2 - sat a little with A- persuaded her to take a glass of wine and 2 or 3 biscuits - she having got a starving while sketching this morning by the draughts of air from the cellars - she rode off at 3 to Cliff Hill -  I then went to the wheel-race - ¼ hours very heavy shower 1st of rain than hail - took shelter in the cabin - then in the cellar again, and about till all the men were gone at 5 - the 2 masons had for the last hour been walling in the barn (for the new coach house) and then had Booth David - paid him the 1st bill for Hipperholme quarry began working on the 1st ultimo - it was merely an account of wages paid to the 3 men - £18.19.2 - said I must have a regular account of everything I had from the quarry and a regular valuation put upon it - I must keep a [D.r and C.r] account - calculates I shall save £40 on the wheel-race backings - they will be carted for ½ they would cost even from Turners’ - worth 2/. per yard (face measure) at the delf - one hose will bring ½ yard at a time and go eight times a day = 4 yards for 5/. carting carting 4 yards 5/. :.. at the delf ditto ditto 8/. 4 yards = 13/. ie. 4/3 per yard face-measure (i.e. face-measure of the wheel-race .:. every face-yard of wheel-race costs me 4/3. in backing - John Booth brought letter this morning from Dr. Grieves - charged double because ‘Dr. G-‘ thought proper to write on a ½ sheet in an envelope - very satisfactory character of the groom George Wood - till 6 20 wrote all but the first 2 ½ lines of today - dinner at 7 - coffee upstairs - ½ asleep on the sofa while A- did her French and afterwards till about 9 ½ - then sat in my aunt’s room till 10 25 in bed - did not speak - could not on account of bringing on sickness - but less of it today than yesterday Oddy thinks - she is very poorly - very heavy shower rain and afterwards of rain for ¼ hour about 3 - and showers afterwards - finish afternoon about 9 am till 3p.m. and then afterwards showers - A- just caught but not much wet in the heavy shower about 3pm. - F43° now at 10 ½ pm
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blogsteveclark12 · 3 years
How To Dress Sustainably (And Stylishly)
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No offence to Eco-fashion warriors, but hemp overshirts and wicker onesies are not a good look. We don’t much like rummaging through dumpsters in the name of freeganism, either. On the other hand, we’re not overly keen on the irreversible destruction of the planet just so we can keep up with the latest trends in #menswear. 
According to waste advisory body WRAP, more than 350,000 tonnes of clothes were sent to landfills in the UK alone in 2016. Dying garments to the season’s trending shade is the second biggest polluter of water globally, dumping dyes, inks, bleaches and minute fibres into the water cycle. And, according to The World Wide Fund for Nature, it can take up to a staggering 20,000 litres of water to produce just one T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Sobering stuff for next time you casually add to basket.
“Each morning when we wake up and get dressed, we can effect change,” says Orsola de Castro, co-founder of the Fashion Revolution organisation. “Just thinking, becoming more conscious, is a step in the right direction.” Thankfully, there are ways to remap your sartorial habits without going on an extreme menswear diet. Here’s how to (figuratively) turn your wardrobe green. Please dress responsibly, but stylishly.
Stop Wearing Plastic
“Over half of the clothes binned in the UK are plastic-based,” says Ian Samuels, commercial director of historic menswear brand E Tautz. “Our consumption is off the charts, and it can’t continue.”
Before buying a garment, check its label for polyester, acrylic or nylon – all of which are just fancy names for plastic. Where possible, stick to pieces made from pure natural fibres such as cotton, linen and wool – remembering those that are made from just one fabric will be easier to recycle.
One of the biggest leaps in sustainable manufacturing is Lyocell (sometimes called Tencel) – a relatively new fabric made from wood pulp that has minimal environmental impact and is fully biodegradable. It’s similar to cotton in that it’s lightweight and breathable, making it ideal for tees and shirts
Choose Looks That Are Trend-Proof
No man is an island, and staple pieces on their own aren’t going to be a silver bullet for your inner sartorial spendthrift. What you need to look out for are tried-and-tested outfit combinations that look cool but won’t date.
“Choosing good quality staple combinations is the key to having a sustainable wardrobe,” says men’s style writer George Nicholson. “Invest in outfits like a leather jacket, a quality white T-shirt and a pair of selvedge jeans, and you won’t need to replace the foundations of your wardrobe every year.”
Yes, the high street may be able to quickly knock up handsome wares that give you change from a tenner, but for the planet, the cost is way higher with CO2 emissions from the fast-fashion cycle expected to reach 60 per cent by 2030.
As well as staple pieces, staple colors should also be a point of focus. Neutrals and versatile shades of navy, black and grey offer up the most styling combinations – maximizing on the magic cost-per-wear formula.
Buy Fabrics That Are Hard-Wearing
If you’re going to buy clothes (and you’re here, so we’ll assume that you are), the easiest way to reduce your great, hulking human footprint is to take an interest in what they’re made from.
Beyond avoiding difficult-to-recycle fabric blends, the other thing you can do is shop for pieces that are hard-wearing. For example, a real leather jacket will set you back further than an imitation number, but the former will be trucking long after the latter has peeled and cracked beyond recognition.
Consider also the natural properties of fabrics. Merino wool, for example is anti-bacterial, so requires fewer washes after wear, which will in turn extend its shelf (or rather, wardrobe) life.
Buy Second-Hand 
It’s often said that the most sustainable clothing is already in your wardrobe, but sometimes it’s hanging up in somebody else’s, waiting to be re-sold.
Use second-hand and resale sites such as Depop (great for sportswear and all things nineties), Grailed (full of cult brands and rare finds) and Vestiare Collective (for authentic high-end designer pieces) to shop without guilt.
Keep a flexible tape measure to hand at home to size up garments you already own, so that you can compare them to items for sale.
You can also check out the thrift stores in Lebanon, TN if you want to buy pre- loved clothes.
Repair Your Old Clothes
The saying ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ holds real water in menswear. But so too should ‘If it’s broke, fix it.’
“Most of us don’t think about mending a pair of jeans that have ripped at the crotch, or a jacket sleeve that’s been nibbled at by moths, but it is worth it,” says Lucinda O’Connor, founder of Clothes Doctor.
Make acquaintance with your local seamstress or dry cleaner, or use an online service such as the Clothes Doctor which will collect your damaged clothes and return them as good as new.
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hagleyvault · 4 years
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All aboard for #MapMonday! This 1836 map of surveys made for the Delaware Rail Road shows the company’s planned railway branches to the towns of Lewes and Seaford.   
The Delaware Rail Road would become first major railroad in the state. It was the personal project of former U.S. Senator John M. Clayton, who proposed the railroad in 1836 to compete with a planned railroad in Maryland, which he worried would draw economic investment away from Delaware. While the state and investors were quick to support Clayton’s efforts, the Depression of 1837-1839 delayed the project. The company’s charter eventually lapsed, but was renewed in 1848. Construction began in 1852, and the railroad made its inaugural run on September 1, 1855.
This map is part of Hagley Library’s collection of Wright family papers (Accession 2575). The collection contains materials originating from the family of Samuel Gardiner Wright (1781-1845), the great-great-grandson of Joshua Wright, one of three brothers who emigrated from Yorkshire as part of the Quaker migration to West Jersey in 1677-1679.
Samuel Gardiner Wright married his distant cousin Sarah Wright (1787-1885) in 1805 and through her inherited a 300-acre farm at what was later known as Wrightsville, Monmouth County, N.J. Here he built a brick mansion that he called "Merino Hill" and pursued the life of a gentleman farmer, breeding Merino sheep and selling produce. Within a decade, he began to expand his operations, first by buying lands in the nearby Pine Barrens and selling cordwood to fuel the new steamboats that were appearing in New York waters. By 1817, he had established himself in Philadelphia as a general merchant, expanding his trade to the Mississippi Valley, Arkansas, and via the Santa Fe Trail with what was then Mexico.            
In the 1820s, Wright engaged in the iron industry, operating Delaware Furnace near Millsboro, Delaware, and Dover Furnace at what is now Lakehurst, N.J. Wright also engaged in land speculation, particularly in Otsego County, New York, near Quincy, Illinois, in connection with friends from the Trenton area, and in the Iron Mountain area of Missouri. The economic convulsions of 1837-1843 played havoc with most of Wright's enterprises, especially his iron furnaces and western land speculations, and he spent his last years trying to keep solvent, operating the farm at "Merino Hill" and operating a nearby country store.          
Wright was an Adams Republican and Whig and served in the New Jersey State Senate in 1830-1831. He was an unsuccessful Whig candidate for Congress in the 1840 "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too" campaign. He won election in 1844, but became ill and died before he could take his seat.                          
Samuel G. Wright's younger brother Joseph Wright (1785-1855) settled in Plymouth, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, and his son, Hendrick B. Wright (1808-1881) was a Congressman at the time of the Civil War and Reconstruction. Samuel G. Wright's widow lived on at "Merino Hill" for another forty years.
Of Samuel G. Wright's sons, the eldest, Gardiner Harrison Wright (1806-1886) was sent to manage Delaware Furnace, and he and his descendants remained in Delaware. His son, Custis Wise Wright (1840-1874) was Secretary of State of Delaware in the 1860s. Harrison Gardiner Wright (1810-1885) inherited "Merino Hill," and as his father's executor, was tasked with salvaging the Illinois and Missouri lands, which he also inherited. Harrison G. Wright managed the farm at "Merino Hill," which then passed to his descendants for another three generations.
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smerino-81-blog · 7 years
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keepwalkingmusic · 2 years
The Big Seven: The Arctic / Jalen Campbell / DatKid Smoove / Lone Lake / Osta Love / Anna Thompson / Samuel Joson
The Big Seven: The Arctic / Jalen Campbell / DatKid Smoove / Lone Lake / Osta Love / Anna Thompson / Samuel Joson
The Big Seven: The following tracks are a selection of those submitted to Keep Walking Music that definitely deserve more attention than Justin Bieber! By David Merino The Arctic – I Want It That Way (cover)Location: 🇨🇦 Release date: Apr 22, 2022 https://open.spotify.com/track/2AlPvEYsjeYbbZ9f9Gl6c8?si=583a48d4bd1f4ef0 Jalen Campbell – Tell MeLocation: 🇺🇸 Release date: May 2,…
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praza-teatro · 4 years
Hoxe quero falarvos de Alessandra García, creadora escénica, malagueña do Barrio do Bulto -que xa non existe- e da súa primeira peza longa en solitario: Mujer en cinta de correr sobre fondo negro.
Estou especialmente feliz de falar de Alessandra, hoxe, un día despóis de vela por vez primeira na Sala Ingrávida do Porriño e nove anos despóis de gozar do espectáculo de vela botar a voar convertida en decenas de globos vermellos no Festival de Artes Escénicas “Coiro de Pita”, ao que asistiu como actriz da Cía Bajotierra (Málaga) no espectáculo María por los Aires aló polo 2011.
Cun texto de creación propia, rico en matices, poético mais sinxelo e directo, cun discurso claro e unha mensaxe que non só nos convida a reflexionar senón que nos obriga a facelo; Alessandra consegue imprimir no patio de butacas un sorriso amplo e constante, unha gargallada que o vai cubrindo todo como unha pranta trepadora e que en ocasións se ve interrompida polo xesto desencaixado do público. O xesto de quen se decata de que está a rir de algo, en absoluto, irrisorio.
A este texto teatral, que ben podería ser un texto filosófico ou un tratado poético de socioloxía, hai que sumarlle (porque Alessandra sempre suma), un traballo actoral admirable, un talento natural pulido ao detalle durante anos de profesión e formación, un traballo físico que o complica todo para ela e todo o fai máis doado para nós, as espectadoras, que non podemos tirar ollo de enriba da actriz.
A peza está dirixida por ela mesma, coa axudantía de dirección da poeta Violeta Niebla que presentou tamén na nosa sala (a de todas) o seu segundo libro Compro oro.
Non son, todas estas cousas, os ingredientes perfectos para unha creación de calidade? Non haberá, detrás dela, tamén, un rigoroso e coidado traballo dramatúrxico? Claro que o hai.
E sabémolo porque en Mujer en cinta de correr… Alessandra non dá puntada sen fío, todas as pezas encaixan.
Ten, esta peza, a coherencia toda da súa creadora.
Non en van, estamos a falar dun traballo honesto, onde se amosa o “ego” (Alessandra, muller, artista, creativa-creadora, traballadora, reflexiva, poeta…) e o “alter ego” (“la merdellona”, a choni “barriobajera”) que, como ela mesma di na post-función, funciona como ferramenta, como código da súa mensaxe.
Porque Alessandra asume que “nuca será Sueca”. Alessandra é de barrio e, na escena, é todas as mulleres de barrio.
Alessandra é, entón, honesta consigo mesma e co público. Por iso non perde tempo na carreira dos segundóns que van á caza da xenialidade de outrxs para facer unha copia marabillosa do que outrxs fixeron primeiro. E a conclusión do público é que “menos mal, que  nin falla lle fai”.
A actriz sae a escena e lanza a sua primeira mensaxe, concisa e directa. Fai a súa declaración de intencións. Algo así como “estou aquí para dicir que xa vai sendo hora de que sexa a miña hora”.
Vemos a unha muller laranxa, igual de doce e ácida que a froita e igual de cálida que a cor.
Logo diríxese á cinta andadora, sobe nela e comeza a travesía: unha viaxe en bus, as rúas do barrio, conversas, “el válvula”, “el tripas”, “el follaviejas”.
A etimoloxía que se agocha detrás do chamado Sector Servizos.
“No soy Zara, no soy Pull…”
“Cuando caminas me cuentas tu dinero”
“Un autobús de un barrio rico nunca te lleva a un barrio pobre…”
“El camarero nunca hace huelga”.
Alessandra sae a escena.
O mundo do futuro, o da cultura, o das mulleres, camiña nunha cinta andadora que non leva a ningures, porque o mundo do futuro, o da cultura, o das mulleres, xa está aquí.
Alessandra gabea por unha corda que a leva a un teito, non de cristal, senón de cemento (entretemento). Un teito que só pode esnaquizar baixando de novo á terra.
Porque está na terra -e non no ceo- o mundo das mulleres. O mundo da cultura.
E para mostra, un botón.
O Porriño, 28 de xuño de 2020.
Feliz Orgullo, amigxs.
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NB: Se pensas e dis que desta miña ollada sobre Mujer en cinta de correr sobre fondo negronon entendes nada… só me queda responder como o faría Alessandra García nesta peza : “PIENSAAAAAA! PIENSA, MARICÓN!!
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Hoy quiero hablaros de Alessandra García, creadora malagueña del Barrio del Bulto -que ya no existe- y de su primera pieza larga en solitario: Mujer en cinta de correr sobre fondo negro.
Estoy especialmente feliz de hablar de Alessandra, hoy, un día después de haberla visto por vez primera en la Sala Ingrávida de O Porriño y nueve años después de gozar del espectáculo de verla echar a volar convertida en decenas de globos rojos en el Festival de Artes Escénicas “Coiro de Pita”, al que asistió como actriz de la Compañía Bajotierra (Málaga) en  el espectáculo María por los Aires, allá por 2011.
Con un texto de creación propia, rico en matices, poético pero sencillo y directo, con un discurso claro y un mensaje que no solo nos invita a reflexionar sino que nos obliga a hacerlo; Alessandra consigue imprimir en el patio de butacas una sonrisa amplia y constante, una carcajada que va cubriéndolo todo como una planta trepadora y que, en ocasiones, se ve interrumpida por el gesto desencajado del público. El gesto de quien se percata de que se está riendo de algo, en absoluto, irrisorio.
A este texto teatral, que bien podría ser un texto filosófico o un tratado poético de sociología, hay que sumarle (porque Alessandra siempre suma), un trabajo actoral admirable, un talento natural pulido al detalle durante años de profesión y formación, un trabajo físico que lo complica todo y todo lo hace más fácil para nosotras, las espectadoras, que no podemos apartar la mirada de la actriz.
Además, la pieza está dirigida por ella misma, con la ayudantía de dirección de la poeta Violeta Niebla que presentó también en nuestra sala (la de todas) su segundo libro “Compro oro”.
¿No son, todas estas cosas, los ingredientes perfectos para una creación de calidad? ¿No habrá, tras ella, también, un riguroso y cuidadotrabajo dramatúrgico?
Claro que lo hay.
Y lo sabemos porque en Mujer en cinta de correr… Alessandra no da puntada sin hilo, todas las piezas encajan.
Tiene, esta pieza, toda la coherencia de su creadora.
No en vano, estamos hablando de un trabajo honesto, donde se muestra el “ego” (Alessandra, mujer, artista, creativa-creadora, trabajadora, reflexiva, poeta…) y el “alter ego” (“la merdellona”, la choni barriobajera) que, como ella misma dice en la post-función, funciona como herramienta y como código de su mensaje.
Porque Alessandra asume que “nuca será Sueca”. Alessandra es de barrio y, en escena, es todas las mujeres de barrio.
Alessandra es, entonces, honesta consigo misma y con el público. Por eso no pierde tiempo en la carrera de los segundones que van a la caza de la genialidad de otrxs para hacer una copia maravillosa de lo que estos hicieron primero. Y la conclusión del público es que menos mal, que  ni falta le hace.
La actriz sale a escena y lanza su primer mensaje. Es concisa y directa. Hace su  declaración de intenciones. Algo así como “estoy aquí para decir que ya va siendo hora de que sea a mi hora”.
Vemos a una mujer naranja, igual de dulce y ácida que la fruta. Igual de cálida que el color.
Después se dirige a la cinta andadora, se sube en ella y empieza la travesía: un viaje en bus, las calles del barrio, conversaciones, “el válvula”, “el tripas”, “el follaviejas”.
La etimología que se esconde detrás del llamado Sector Servicios.
“No soy Zara, no soy Pull…”
“Cuando caminas me cuentas tu dinero”
“Un autobús de un barrio rico nunca te lleva a un barrio pobre…”
“El camarero nunca hace huelga”.
Alessandra sale a escena y el mundo del futuro, el de la cultura, el de las mujeres, camina sobre una cinta andadora que no lleva a ningún lado, porque el mundo del futuro, el de la cultura, el de las mujeres, ya está aquí.
Alessandra trepa por una cuerda que le lleva a un techo, no de cristal, sino de cemento (entretenimiento). Un techo que solo puede hacer añicos bajando de nuevo a la tierra.
Porque está en la tierra -y no en el cielo-, el mundo de las mujeres. El mundo de la cultura.
Y para muestra, un botón.
O Porriño, 28 de xuño de 2020.
Feliz Orgullo, amigxs.
NB: Si piensas y dices que de esta visión mía sobre “Mujer en cinta de correr sobre fondo negro” no entiendes nada, solo me queda responder como lo haría Alessandra García: “PIENSAAAAAA! PIENSA, MARICÓN!!
(Coordinación e supervisión de Afonso Becerra de Becerreá)
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awardseason · 3 years
2022 British Academy Film Awards — Nominees
Best Film “Belfast” “Don’t Look Up” “Dune” “Licorice Pizza” “The Power of the Dog”
Outstanding British Film “After Love” “Ali & Ava” “Belfast” “Boiling Point” “Cyrano” “Everybody’s Talking About Jamie” “House of Gucci” “Last Night in Soho” “No Time to Die” “Passing”
Director “After Love” – Aleem Khan “Drive My Car” – Ryûsuke Hamaguchi “Happening” – Audrey Diwan “Licorice Pizza” – Paul Thomas Anderson “The Power of the Dog” – Jane Campion “Titane” – Julia Ducournau
Leading Actress Lady Gaga – “House of Gucci” Alana Haim – “Licorice Pizza” Emilia Jones – “Coda” Renate Reinsve – “The Worst Person in the World” Joanna Scanlan – “After Love” Tessa Thompson – “Passing”
Leading Actor Adeel Akhtar – “Ali & Ava” Mahershala Ali – “Swan Song” Benedict Cumberbatch – “The Power of the Dog” Leonardo DiCaprio – “Don’t Look Up” Stephen Graham – “Boiling Point” Will Smith – “King Richard”
Supporting Actress Caitríona Balfe – “Belfast” Jessie Buckley – “The Lost Daughter” Ariana Debose – “West Side Story” Ann Dowd – “Mass” Aunjanue Ellis – “King Richard” Ruth Negga – “Passing”
Supporting Actor Mike Faist – “West Side Story” Ciarán Hinds – “Belfast” Troy Kotsur – “Coda” Woody Norman – “C’mon C’mon” Jesse Plemons – “The Power of the Dog” Kodi Smit-McPhee – “The Power of the Dog”
Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer “After Love” – Aleem Khan (Writer/Director) “Boiling Point” – James Cummings (Writer), Hester Ruoff (Producer) [also written by Philip Barantini and Produced by Bart Ruspoli] “The Harder They Fall” – Jeymes Samuel (Writer/director) [also written by Boaz Yakin] “Keyboard Fantasies” – Posy Dixon (Writer/Director), Liv Proctor (Producer) “Passing” – Rebecca Hall (Writer/Director)
Film Not in the English Language “Drive My Car” – Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, Teruhisa Yamamoto “The Hand of God” – Paolo Sorrentino, Lorenzo Mieli “Parallel Mothers” – Pedro Almodóvar, Agustín Almodóvar “Petite Maman” – Céline Sciamma, Bénédicte Couvreur “The Worst Person in the World” – Joachim Trier, Thomas Robsahm
Documentary “Becoming Cousteau” – Liz Garbus, Dan Cogan “Cow” – Andrea Arnold, Kat Mansoor “Flee” – Jonas Poher Rasmussen. Monica Hellström “The Rescue” – Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin, John Battsek, P. J. Van Sandwijk “Summer of Soul (or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)” – Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson, David Dinerstein, Robert Fyvolent, Joseph Patel
Animated Film “Encanto” – Jared Bush, Byron Howard, Yvett Merino, Clarke Spencer “Flee” – Jonas Poher Rasmussen. Monica Hellström “Luca” – Enrico Casarosa, Andrea Warren “The Mitchells Vs the Machines” – Mike Rianda, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
Original Screenplay “Being the Ricardos” – Aaron Sorkin “Belfast” – Kenneth Branagh “Don’t Look Up” – Adam Mckay “King Richard” – Zach Baylin “Licorice Pizza” – Paul Thomas Anderson
Adapted Screenplay “Coda” – Siân Heder “Drive My Car” – Ryûsuke Hamaguchi “Dune” – Denis Villeneuve “The Lost Daughter” – Maggie Gyllenhaal “The Power of the Dog” – Jane Campion
Original Score “Being the Ricardos” – Daniel Pemberton “Don’t Look Up” – Nicholas Britell “Dune” – Hans Zimmer “The French Dispatch” – Alexandre Desplat “The Power of the Dog” – Jonny Greenwood
Casting “Boiling Point” – Carolyn Mcleod “Dune” – Francine Maisler “The Hand of God” – Massimo Appolloni, Annamaria Sambucco “King Richard” – Rich Delia, Avy Kaufman “West Side Story” – Cindy Tolan
Cinematography “Dune” – Greig Fraser “Nightmare Alley” – Dan Laustsen “No Time to Die” – Linus Sandgren “The Power of the Dog” – Ari Wegner “The Tragedy of Macbeth” – Bruno Delbonnel
Editing “Belfast” – Úna Ní Dhonghaíle “Dune” – Joe Walker “Licorice Pizza” – Andy Jurgensen “No Time to Die” – Tom Cross, Elliot Graham “Summer of Soul (or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)” – Joshua L. Pearson
Production Design “Cyrano” – Sarah Greenwood, Katie Spencer “Dune” – Patrice Vermette, Zsuzsanna Sipos “The French Dispatch” – Adam Stockhausen, Rena Deangelo “Nightmare Alley” – Tamara Deverell, Shane Vieau “West Side Story” – Adam Stockhausen, Rena Deangelo
Costume Design “Cruella” – Jenny Beavan “Cyrano” – Massimo Cantini Parrini “Dune” – Robert Morgan, Jacqueline West “The French Dispatch” – Milena Canonero “Nightmare Alley” – Luis Sequeira
Make Up & Hair “Cruella” – Nadia Stacey, Naomi Donne “Cyrano” – Alessandro Bertolazzi, Siân Miller “Dune” – Love Larson, Donald Mowat “The Eyes of Tammy Faye” – Linda Dowds, Stephanie Ingram, Justin Raleigh “House of Gucci” – Frederic Aspiras, Jane Carboni, Giuliano Mariana, Sarah Nicole Tanno
Sound “Dune” – Mac Ruth, Mark Mangini, Doug Hemphill, Theo Green, Ron Bartlett “Last Night in Soho” – Colin Nicolson, Julian Slater, Tim Cavagin, Dan Morgan “No Time to Die” – James Harrison, Simon Hayes, Paul Massey, Oliver Tarney, Mark Taylor “A Quiet Place Part II” – Erik Aadahl, Michael Barosky, Brandon Proctor, Ethan Van Der Ryn “West Side Story” – Brian Chumney, Tod Maitland, Andy Nelson, Gary Rydstrom
Special Visual Effects “Dune” – Brian Connor, Paul Lambert, Tristan Myles, Gerd Nefzer “Free Guy” – Swen Gillberg, Brian Grill, Nikos Kalaitzidis, Daniel Sudick “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” – Aharon Bourland, Sheena Duggal, Pier Lefebvre, Alessandro Ongaro “The Matrix Resurrections” – Tom Debenham, Hew J Evans, Dan Glass, J. D. Schwaim “No Time to Die” – Mark Bokowski, Chris Corbould, Joel Green, Charlie Noble
British Short Animation “Affairs of the Art” – Joanna Quinn, Les Mills “Do Not Feed the Pigeons” – Jordi Morera “Night of the Living Dread” – Ida Melum, Danielle Goff, Laura Jayne Tunbridge, Hannah Kelso
British Short Film “The Black Cop” – Cherish Oteka “Femme” – Sam H. Freeman, Ng Choon Ping, Sam Ritzenberg, Hayley Williams “The Palace” – Jo Prichard “Stuffed” – Theo Rhys, Joss Holden-rea “Three Meetings of the Extraordinary Committee” – Michael Woodward, Max Barron, Daniel Wheldon
EE Rising Star Award (Voted for by the Public) Ariana Debose Harris Dickinson Lashana Lynch Millicent Simmonds Kodi Smit-McPhee
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doubleattitude · 4 years
NUVO Dance Convention, Orlando, FL: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
NUbie Solo
1st: Lainey Hess-’When She Came Back’
2nd: Mikaela Florez-’Go’
3rd: Macey Strickland-’Wind It Up’
4th: Andrew Gonzales-’Amen’
4th: Ava Piedrahita-’Somewhere’
5th: Aislyn Frazier-’Paint it Black’
5th: Emery Nichols-’Princess’
6th: Reese Braga-’Covergirl’
7th: Isabella Plotczyk-’Moving On’
8th: Emilie Forseth-’Clang Clang’
9th: Nathalie Alvarez-’Synthesis’
10th: Makayla Bell-’In Starlight’
Mini Solo
1st: Kya Massimino-’System Activated’
2nd: Michael Cash-’Rhythm’
3rd: Ashley Otano-’Dark Matter’
3rd: Milania Leone-’Starlight’
4th: Abigail Pucylowski-’Center of Time’
4th: Denise Torres-’Drag Shift’
4th: Ella Dobler-’Loeil’
4th: Renee Forseth-’Orange Colored Sky’
5th: Santiago Sosa-’Becoming’
6th: Lily Hackney-’Bird Gerhl’
7th: Maia Smyl-’Amazing Grace’
7th: Alyson Merino-’Internal’
7th: Zoe Flores-’Je Suis Malade’
7th: Kayra Jewell-’Voices’
8th: Isabella DiBenedetto-’Amen’
8th: Sophia Gil-’Film Credits’
9th: Riley Frey-’Nature Boy’
9th: Camryn Studebaker-’When Everything Fades’
9th: Sophia Fernandez-’Yegella Tezeta’
10th: Kate Gantenbein-’Dream A Little Dream’
10th: Alyessia Isabella Chiavatti-’Dreaming In Red’
10th: Brayden Winchell-’Far From Home’
10th: Sophia Sanguine-’Fergalicious’
10th: Aria Secall-’Heart Cry’
Junior Solo
1st: Jazmine Raine Werner-’Zoilus’
2nd: Daniela SanGiacomo-’Restless’
2nd: Giselle Gandarilla-’Slow Motion’
2nd: Jazlyn Quintero-’the deep end’
2nd: Adelyn Kolanz-’Transform’
3rd: Alexandra Perez-’Still’
3rd: Samantha Hernandez-’The Descent’
4th: Zachary Roy-’Higher Ground’
4th: Amyah Wallace-’The Poet Acts’
4th: Sophia Ortiz-’Turning then Dial’
5th: Camryn Blake-’Kitri Variation’
5th: Ava Leahey-’The White Light’
5th: Emery Honeycutt-’You’re Gonna Miss Me’
6th: Sophia Prochazka-’Greatest Love Of All’
6th: Ella Esquivel-’Still I Hope’
7th: ?
7th: Ava Sandstrom-’Ice Floe’
7th: Ally Reuter-’Stagma’
8th: Kelley Roberson-’Elephants’
8th: Emmeline Gerardi-’In The Middle of This Nowhere’
9th: Carmella Patterson-’Empowered’
9th: Ellie Harkins-’Saturn’
9th: Alayna Sanguine-’Silence’
10th: Natallia Vegas-’Fever’
10th: Isabella Bafer-’Reflections of a Mirror’
10th: Arrianna Francis-’Release’
10th: Piper Karpowich-’Soothing Blue’
Teen Solo
1st: Brady Farrar-’HEY’
2nd: Destanye Diaz-’Yearning’
3rd: Georgia Greene-’Alpha and Omega’
3rd: Ava Miller-’Tarnished’
4th: Xander Perone-’Moonlight’
5th: Brooklyn Law-’Super Organism’
6th: Carmen Beiner-’Dionysis’
6th: Kassidy Esquivel-’Time Lapse’
7th: Nia Townsend-’Crumbling’
7th: Tristan Plieth-’Maybe We’ll See’
7th: Payton McGuire-’Mr. Lonely’
7th: Bella Weisz-’Rekindle’
7th: Emmy Esquivel-’The Final Hour’
7th: Samuel Eck-’Uncovered’
8th: Anna-Katherine Risalvato-’Beautiful Sadness’
8th: Renee Bergeron-’Inside’
8th: Karly Cohen-’Letting Go’
8th: Leah Gonzalez-’Never Enough’
8th: Madelynn Bourgoing-’One’
9th: Tori Gordon-’Long Road’
9th: Amelie Finney-’Thinking About You’
10th: Sophia Cobo-’Cellophane’
10th: Peyton Ferreira-’Metamorphosis’
Senior Solo
1st: Ruby Castro-’For You’
2nd: Thiago Pacheco-’Existence’
3rd: Morgan Olschewske-’Continuum’
4th: Christian Bottger-’An Evening I Won’t Forget’
5th: Caelynn Stark-’The Final Curtain’
6th: Cameron Stedman-’An Evening I Will Not Forget’
6th: Kelly Sawyer-’Dreamer’
7th: Christina Oliveri-’Not Alone’
8th: Ally Pereira-’Daring to Love’
8th: Taylor Patterson-’River Lullaby’
9th: Ariel Banfalvy-’Adios’
9th: Morgan Lemler-’In The Embers’
9th: Cassandra Fertkowitz-’Start A War’
9th: Julia Dougherty-’Thinking of You’
10th: Tori Billings-’Breathe’
10th: Ana Perez Yudin-’Mindless Town’
10th: Landry Russell-’The Scarlet Letter’
NUbie Duo/Trio
1st: New Level Dance Company-’I’ll Be There’
2nd: Peaches Dance and Music Orlando-’Vogue’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: New Level Dance Company-’The Crumbling’
2nd: Kalon Dance Collective-’The Forest’
3rd: New Level Dance Company-’Confusing Happiness’
3rd: Nicole Cote School of Dance-’Mr. and Mrs. Frankenswing’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Universe-’Article 1′
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’In Between Spaces’
2nd: Kalon Dance Collective-’Old Days’
3rd: Ruby Dance Center-’Espejo’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Kalon Dance Collective-’For Those Who Patiently Endure’
2nd: Nicole Cote School of Dance-’Wicked’
3rd: Dance By Holly Rock-’Alone’
3rd: Kalon Dance Collective-’Black Ice’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Revolutions Dance Company-’Changing of the Tide’
2nd: New Level Dance Company-’Be A Lady’
3rd: Dance by Holly Rock-’Committed’
NUbie Group
1st: New Level Dance Company-’I Need A Hero’
2nd: Sam Smith School of Dance-’Lemonade Stand’
3rd: Sam Smith School of Dance-’DJ Shuffle’
Mini Group
1st: Dance Universe-’Stand’
2nd: Dance Universe-’Snowing’
3rd: Kalon Dance Collective-’Always on My Mind’
Junior Group
1st: Central Florida Dance Center-’Queen Bee’
2nd: Central Florida Dance Center-’No Excuses’
3rd: Central Florida Dance Center-’Set Sail’
Teen Group
1st: Kalon Dance Collective-’Attention or Regard’
2nd: Dance Universe-’Motions’
2nd: Dance Universe-’Wild Is The Wind’
3rd: Dance Universe-’Love Is A Wave’
3rd: Dance Universe-’Sweet Dreams’
Senior Group
1st: Revolutions Dance Company-’Crossing Over’
1st: Kalon Dance Collective-’She’s Got You’
2nd: Sa Smith School of Dance-’Get Ready’
2nd: Viera Dance Conservatory-’That’s So Missy’
2nd: Sam Smith School of Dance-’The Joker’
3rd: Sam Smith School of Dance-’Revolt’
Mini Line
1st: Kalon Dance Collective-’Into The Past’
2nd: Dance Universe-’The Gate’
3rd: Dance Universe-’Copacabana’
Junior Line
1st: Central Florida Dance Center-’Fix You’
2nd: Sam Smith School of Dance-’The Heist’
3rd: Sam Smith School of Dance-’Money Maker’
Teen Line
1st: Dance Universe-’Reciprocity’
2nd: Dance By Holly Rock-’Crazy’
3rd: Dance Universe-’Flack’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Dance Universe-’Little Soldiers’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Central Florida Dance Center-’All I Want’
2nd: Dance Universe-’In The Know’
3rd: Central Florida Dance Center-’Absolutely Fabulous’
High Scores by Performance Division:
NUbie Lyrical
New Level Dance Company-’I Need A Hero’
NUbie Jazz
Sam Smith School of Dance-’DJ Shuffle’
NUbie Tap
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Lemonade Stand’
Mini Jazz
Viera Dance Conservatory-’Do Your Thing’
Mini Musical Theatre
Dance Universe-’Copacabana’
Mini Lyrical
Dance Universe-’Snowing’
Mini Contemporary
Kalon Dance Collective-’Into The Past’
Mini Tap
Sam Smith School of Dance-’No Bad News’
Mini Ballet
Dance Universe-’Align’
Mini Hip-Hop
Dance Universe-’Little Soldiers’
Junior Specialty
Central Florida Dance Center-’Set Sail’
Junior Jazz
Central Florida Dance Center-’No Excuses’
Junior Musical Theatre
Central Florida Dance Center-’Queen Bee’
Junior Tap
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Carmen Sandiego’
Junior Contemporary
Central Florida Dance Center-’Fix You’
Junior Hip-Hop
Sam Smith School of Dance-’The Heist’
Teen Contemporary
Dance Universe-’Reciprocity’
Teen Jazz
Dance Universe-’Sweet Dreams’
Teen Hip-Hop
Dance Universe-’In The Know’
Teen Lyrical
Dance Universe-’Wild Is The Wind’
Teen Ballet
Dance Universe-’Motions’
Teen Musical Theatre
Dance Universe-’Le Jazz Hot’
Teen Specialty
Dance Universe-’Red Light Green Light’
Teen Acro
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Arabian Nights’
Teen Tap
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Drumline’
Senior Contemporary
Revolutions Dance Company-’Crossing Over’
Kalon Dance Collective-’She’s Got You’
Senior Hip-Hop
Sam Smith School of Dance-’The Joker’
Viera Dance Conservatory-’That’s So Missy’
Senior Tap
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Get Ready’
Senior Jazz
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Revolt’
Best NU Groups:
New Level Dance Company-’I Need A Hero’
Dance Universe-’Stand’
Kalon Dance Collective-’Into The Past’
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Carmen Sandiego’
Central Florida Dance Center-’Queen Bee’
Kalon Dance Collective-’Attention or Regard’
Dance Universe-’Reciprocity’
Central Florida Dance Center-’All I Want’
Dance By Holly Rock-’Crazy’
Revolutions Dance Company-’Crossing Over’
Viera Dance Conservatory-’That’s So Missy’
Kalon Dance Collective-’She’s Got You’
Sam Smith School of Dance-’The Joker’
12 notes · View notes