#Samuel Marty
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89 I 2024. ATUNCI CÂND UN CREȘTIN NU POATE ÎNVINGE ÎNTUNERICUL [ Luca 9.46–47 I Proverbe 11.14] 29 Martie 2024
89 I 2024. ATUNCI CÂND UN CREȘTIN NU POATE ÎNVINGE ÎNTUNERICUL I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Luca 9 : 46 – 47 I Proverbe 11 : 14 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 29 Martie 2024 I Atunci când un creștin nu poate învinge întunericul. Când credinciosul sincer ori nu poate învinge ori chiar este înfrânt în lupta cu puterile întunericului (care i-au atacat viața), el trebuie să vadă unde a…
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#1 Samuel 17.55#1 Samuel 8.1-9#29 Martie 2024#89 I 2024. ATUNCI CAND UN CRESTIN NU POATE INVINGE INTUNERICUL#biruinta vine prin marele număr de sfetnici#Cand un credincios este infrant in lupta cu puterile intunericului el trebuie sa vada unde a gresit in relatia lui cu Dumnezeu#cintre dintre ei ar fi cel mai mare#Goliat#Isus le-a cunoscut gândul inimii#le-a venit in gand#Luca 9.46–47#Proverbe 11.14
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Events In The History And Of The Life Of Elvis Presley Today On The 22nd Of October In 1976.
On this date The 22nd Of October in 1976 Elvis Presley performed a sold out show at the Assembly Hall In Champaign Illinois. rare live candid photo's here of Elvis Presley wearing the egyptian jumpsuit and the matching belt taken and captured here by ep fan and ep photographer Bob Heis who witnessed this show and performance and concert as he was at this Elvis Presley concert.
Elvis Presley Set and Song List From This Show Concert
See See Rider (‘Ma’ Rainey & Her Georgia Jazz Band cover)
I’ve Got a Woman (Ray Charles cover)
Love Me (Willy and Ruth cover)
If You Love Me (Let Me Know) (Olivia Newton‐John cover)
You Gave Me a Mountain (Marty Robbins cover)
Jailhouse Rock
Love Me Tender
All Shook Up
(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear
Don’t Be Cruel
And I Love You So(Don McLean cover)
Fever (Eddie Cooley cover)
America the Beautiful (Samuel Augustus Ward cover)
Polk Salad Annie (Tony Joe White cover)
Early Morning Rain (Gordon Lightfoot cover)
What’d I Say (Ray Charles cover)
Johnny B. Goode (Chuck Berry cover)
Love Letters (Dick Haymes cover)
School Days (Chuck Berry cover)
Hurt (Roy Hamilton cover)
Hound Dog (Big Mama Thornton cover)
Little Darlin’ (The Gladiolas cover)
Heartbreak Hotel
Can’t Help Falling in Love
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Captain America briefly considers running for President of the United States in Captain America 250#, cover date October, 1980. However, he ultimately decides against officially running. What if 26#, cover date April, 1981, would go on to explore what could have happened if Captain had decided to run after all. The issue also introduced Agent Zimmer, the MLA, Congressman Gundersen, Samuel T Underwood, Charlie, Harv, Marty, and Edna Crosley created by Roger Stern, Don Perlin, Roger McKenzie, Jim Shooter, John Byrne, and Ed Hannigan. ("Cap for President!", Captain America 250#, Marvel Comic Event)
#nerds yearbook#real life event#comic book#marvel#marvel comics#october#1980#captain america#what if#roger stern#don perlin#roger mckenzie#jim shooter#john byrne#ed hannigan#mike w barr#herb trimpe#president of the united states#steve rogers#agent zimmer#josh cooper#mike farrel#bernadette rosenthal#nick fury#dum dum dugan#the mla#terrorists#congressman gundersen#samuel t underwood#charlie
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I would like to think that if Sun and Moon were human that they’d have normal names with Sun and Moon being their stage names, so I present Samuel and Martin or Sam and Artie for short. Other nicknames including Sammy, Sunny, Sundrop and Sunrise for Sun and Marty, Moonie, Moondrop and Moonrise for Moon. Obviously the boys would have their own bodies and would likely be twins.
This was just a little idea I had while working on the concepts for my circus AU that I’m putting together. Maybe if people are interested enough I’ll drop their circus skills once I finish getting them sorted out into something more than nearly unreadable scrawl in my notebooks.
Reblogs are always appreciated as they help more people to find my posts!
#fnaf daycare fandom#daycare attendant fnaf#fnaf daycare au#dca fnaf#daycare attendant#the daycare attendant#dca fandom#dca community#DCA moon#DCA sun#sundrop#moondrop#fnaf sun#fnaf moon#fnaf sun and moon#daycare attendant moon#daycare attendant sun
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Czas zmienić historię...
“Back to the Future” Adelphi Theatre
Muzyka: Alan Silvestri
Słowa: Glen Ballard
Libretto: Bob Gale
Reżyseria: John Rando
Choreografia: Chris Bailey
Scenografia: Tim Hatley, Finn Ross
Kostiumy: Tim Hatley
Występują: Vasco Emauz, Cory English, Talia Palamathanan, Lee Ormsby, Sarah Goggin, Orlando Gibbs, Alex Runicles, Talia Palamathanan, C.J. Borger, Patricia Wilkins, Adam Margilewski, Liam McHugh, Helen Gulston, Alexander Day, Alexandra Wright, Anna Murray, Billie Bowman, Bryan Mottram, Connor Lewis, Ella Beaumont, Ellis Kirk, Grace Swaby-Moore, Gracie Caine, Kofi Aidoo-Appiah, Louis Quinn, Matthew Ives, Samuel Nicolas, Sia Dauda, Zachkiel Smith
Fani kultowego “Powrotu do przyszłości” latami czekali na powrót swojej ukochanej serii. Doczekali się jej w 2020 roku (choć trochę innego niż się spodziewano), gdy w Manchesterze odbyła się premiera musicalu opartego na pierwszym filmie. Rok później spektakl przeniósł się do Adelphi Theatre w Londynie, gdzie będzie go można obejrzeć co najmniej do kwietnia 2025 roku.
Musical pozostaje wierny filmowemu oryginałowi, wprowadzając jednak kosmetyczne zmiany. Poznajemy Marty’ego McFly (Vasco Emauz), zwyczajnego chłopaka z lat osiemdziesiątych, który kocha grać na gitarze, jeździć na deskorolce i spędzać czas ze swoją dziewczyną Jennifer (Talia Palamathanan). W wolnych chwilach pomaga też szalonemu wynalazcy, Dokowi (Lee Ormsby). Najnowszy projekt - maszyna czasu zbudowana z samochodu DeLorean - ściąga na nich kłopoty i by ratować Doka, Marty wsiada do auta i przez przypadek trafia nie do szpitala, lecz do 1955 roku. Tam musi doprowadzić do pierwszego pocałunku swoich rodziców, nieśmiałego George’a (Orlando Gibbs) i pewnej siebie Lorraine (Sarah Goggin), jednocześnie unikając szkolnego łobuza Biffa (Alex Runicles) i jego kumpli.
Niekłamaną zaletą londyńskiej realizacji jest Vasco Emauz wcielający się Marty’ego. Pełen energii, charyzmatyczny aktor podbija serca publiczności samym pojawieniem się na scenie. Zjawiskowo radzi sobie zarówno ze scenami komediowymi jak i melancholijnymi, a jego relacja z Dokiem raz bawi, raz wzrusza.
Gdyby nie wpis w programie nikt by się nie zorientował, że Lee Ormsby nie jest głównym odtwórcą roli Doka. Aktor ma świetne wyczucie komediowe i idealnie oddaje to pozytywne szaleństwo typowe dla tej postaci. Potrafi jednak też złapać za serce, choćby w przepięknej balladzie “For The Dreamers”.
Sarah Goggin odgrywa tak naprawdę trzy role: młodą Lorraine i jej dwie dorosłe wersje. Jako nastolatka nie da sobie w kaszę dmuchać i jest gotowa walczyć o to czego pragnie. Dorosła Lorraine z początku musicalu to sfrustrowana alkoholiczka, zaś pod koniec spektaklu prezentuje się jako kompetentna bizneswoman, a Goggin sprawnie pokazuje różnice między nimi.
Orlando Gibbs podchodzi do roli George’a nieco inaczej. W jego wykonaniu dorosły George zachowuje się dokładnie tak samo jak jego młoda wersja. Przez większość spektaklu Gibbs przyjmuje charakterystyczny, przerysowany manieryzm, gra postawą i moduluje głos. Tym ciekawiej wypada piosenka “Put Your Mind To It” podczas, której subtelnie zmienia zachowanie, by ostatecznie skończyć spektakl jako pewny siebie człowiek sukcesu.
Alex Runicles jako Biff świetnie sprawdza się jako śliski typ, który uważa się za lepszego od innych. Ze sceny na scenę robi się coraz bardziej odpychający, sprawiając, że moment, gdy zostaje pokonany przynosi widzom ogromną satysfakcję. To rola pozbawiona większych niuansów, ale aktor odgrywa ją najlepiej jak to możliwe.
Niestety, jeszcze mniej ma w spektaklu do zrobienia Talia Palamathanan jako Jennifer. Pojawia się na zaledwie kilka scen, w których wypada uroczo i dziewczęco, pozostawiając po sobie pewien niedosyt. Musical rozwinął za to rolę burmistrza Goldie Wilsona, a C.J. Borger ma do zaśpiewania świetny gospelowy utwór “Gotta Start Somewhere”, w którym może się pokazać jako prawdziwy showman.
Nie sposób też nie wspomnieć o prawdziwym bohaterze spektaklu: DeLoreanie. Musical używa perfekcyjnej, choć odrobinę zmniejszonej repliki auta i na dodatek daje mu głos, który śmiertelnie poważnym tonem wprowadza kilka fenomenalnych żartów. To prawdziwa gratka dla fanów.
Choreografia Chrisa Baileya czerpie garściami z klasyki musicalu. Zobaczymy więc słynne jazzowe dłonie, a nawet pełen układ kabaretowy rodem z połowy zeszłego stulecia. Znajdą się też nawiązania do innych musicali, na przykład do piosenki “Summer Nights” z dziejącego się w podobnych czasach Grease, czy do tak częstych w klasykach teatru muzycznego sekwencji sennych. Będzie też niesamowicie widowiskowo, ale w przypadku tego tytułu to rozumie samo przez się.
Adelphi Theatre powzięło liczne kroki, by wprowadzić widza w świat “Powrotu do Przyszłości od momentu sprawdzenia biletu. Westybul przerobiono na hol kina z epoki, a idąc na swoje miejsce słyszy się nerwowe tykanie zegara. Zachwycają też aktywne przed spektaklem lampy ledowe rozmieszczone na balkonach i motywy elektroniczne widoczne na spuszczonej kurtynie.
Scenografia Tima Hatley’a i Finna Rossa stanowi idealne połączenie tradycji z nowoczesnością. Ogromne ekrany multimedialne są tylko tłem dla klasycznych elementów scenografii, z których zbudowano dom Doka, dom rodziny McFly, sypialnię Lorraine czy diner. Spektakl po prawdzie uprościł lub nawet usunął niektóre wątki, by ograniczyć zmiany lokacji, ale ich ilość i tak robi wrażenie.
Jeśli chodzi o kostiumy, to nie mogło oczywiście zabraknąć ikonicznego fartucha czy bezrękawnika. Zarówno Marty jak i Dok wyglądają niczym żywcem wyjęci z filmu. Tim Hatley zaprojektował też dwa zestawy kostiumów dla reszty obsady, każdy osadzony w innych czasach, tak by po podróży DeLoreanem, Marty mógł wkroczyć w całkiem nowy świat. Stroje odzwierciedlają też charakter postaci, więc cała rodzina Marty’ego zaprezentuje się zupełnie inaczej na początku i pod koniec spektaklu.
Oglądając filmowy “Powrót do przyszłości” w 2024 roku można śmiało stwierdzić, że efekty specjalnie wcale się nie zestarzały. Z przyjemnością stwierdzam, że w musicalu perfekcyjnie je odwzorowano, a na scenie robią jeszcze większe wrażenie. To niesamowite, ile udało się osiągnąć używając efektów praktycznych, z naprawdę minimalnym użyciem ekranów multimedialnych.
Twórcy musicalu dysponują prawami do piosenek wykorzystanych w filmie i nie boją się ich używać. Towarzyszą im utwory napisane specjalnie do wersji scenicznej przez Alana Silvestri. Znajdą się pośród nich piosenki tak chwytliwe, że ciężko się ich pozbyć z głowy (“It Works”), ale i melancholijne szlagiery (“For The Dreamers”). Co ważne muzyka różni się zależnie od czasu akcji, rozdzielając wątki i postaci z lat 50tych i 80tych.
Jak już wspominałam wersja sceniczna nie mogła się obyć bez zmian w scenariuszu. Część pomniejszych scen wycięto (planowana wycieczka Marty’ego i Jennifer, którą udaremniła kraksa samochodu), a inne połączono ze sobą (dwie interakcje George’a i Lorraine, w szkole i w restauracji zmieniły się w jedną), zapewne po to by ograniczyć zmiany scenografii. Warto też wspomnieć o pięknej, dodanej scenie, w której Marty uczy swojego ojca jak się zachowywać, co bardzo ładnie rozwija ich relację.
Pojawiło się też kilka ledwie zauważalnych zmian w tekście. Na przykład Lorraine odwiedzając Marty’ego u Doka wyznaje, że wydedukowała, gdzie można go znaleźć na podstawie poprzedniej rozmowy, zamiast przyznać, że go śledziła. W zdecydowanej większości takie poprawki działają na korzyść spektaklu. Z zasady jednak wersja sceniczna zachowuje ducha oryginału. Fani znajdą w nim też całą masę ikonicznych cytatów, które nieodmiennie wywołują euforię na widowni. Niestety, pozostawienie ich w spektaklu zabiera miejsce piosenkom, których czasem po prostu brakuje.
“Back to the Future: The Musical” nadrabia jednak dowcipem. Trzeba przyznać, że jest naprawdę zabawnie, zarówno jeśli chodzi o humor sytuacyjny, jak i językowy. Pojawia się też specjalny żart specjalnie dla zagorzałych fanów filmu. Po prawdzie twórcy mogli sobie darować prujące się spodnie, a powtarzający się gag z tancerzy pojawiających się znikąd, gdy tylko Dok zaczyna śpiewać może irytować, ale to naprawdę detale.
Podsumowując, “Back to the Future” to spektakl niesamowicie widowiskowy, pełen świetnie przygotowanych efektów specjalnych. Ale technologia to nie wszystko. Musical sprawnie oddaje treść i ducha filmu, a soundtrack naprawdę łatwo pokochać. Wcale bym się nie zdziwiła gdybyśmy wkrótce doczekali się polskiej adaptacji, bo ten musical to czysty samograj. Polecam każdemu, zarówno fanom filmów, jak i tym, którzy nigdy ich nie widzieli. Dobra zabawa gwarantowana.
Ale to tylko moja opinia, a ja nie jestem obiektywna.
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any mw counterparts?
there's soooooo many counterpart options that you can go with ! i'll leave some under the read more for you to make it easier.
riverdale: betty cooper, veronica lodge, archie andrews, cheryl blossom, jason blossom, reggie mantle, midge klump, kevin keller, polly cooper, toni topaz, jughead jones, moose mason, and josie mccoy.
pretty little liars: aria montgomery, spencer hastings, emily fields, alison dilaurentis, maya st germain, mona vanderwaal, mike montgomery, caleb rivers, noel kahn, and toby cavanaugh.
teen wolf: lydia martin, scott mccall, allison argent, malia tate, derek hale, isaac lahey, liam dunbar, cora hale, theo raeken, kira yukimura, jackson whittemore, and erica reyes.
clueless: dionne davenport, amber mariens, murray duvall, travis birkenstock, christian stovitz, summer bonet and elton tiscia.
charmed: prue halliwell, phoebe halliwell, piper halliwell and paige matthews.
all american: olivia baker, layla keating, asher adams, patience, simone hicks, thea mays, jj parker, damon sims, jordan spencer, spencer james, and jaymee.
greys anatomy: lexi grey, arizona robbins, atticus lincoln, derek shephard, addison montgomery, callie torres, alex karev, and april kepner.
bridgerton: francesca bridgerton, penelope featherington, daphne bridgerton, simon basset, kate sharma and colin bridgerton.
sex and the city: carrie bradshaw, miranda hobbs and charlotte york.
twilight: bella swan, alice cullen, carlisle cullen, esme cullen, emmett cullen, and jacob black.
friends: ross geller, joey tribbiani, chandler bing, monica geller, mike hannigan and janice litman.
the vampire diaries: elena gilbert, katherine pierce, stefan salvatore, caroline forbes, bonnie bennett, enzo st john, hayley marshall, klaus mikaelson, elijah mikaelson and rebekah mikaelson.
pitch perfect: beca mitchell, chloe beale, aubrey posen, lilly onakuramara, cynthia rose, and stacie conrad.
the summer i turned pretty: belly conklin, conrad fisher, jeremiah fisher, steven conklin, taylor jewel, and cam cameron.
shadowhunters: clary fray, simon lewis, isabelle lightwood, jace herondale, alec lightwood, and magnus bane.
gossip girl: blair waldorf, serena van der woodsen, georgina sparks, nate archibald, and dan humphrey.
scream: sidney prescott, tatum riley, kirby reed, tara carpenter, sam carpenter, gale weathers, dewey riley, randy meeks and casey becker.
gilmore girls: logan huntzberger, lane kim, dave rygalski, paris geller, lorelai gilmore, tristan dugray, luke danes, dean forester, emily gilmore, richard gilmore, sookie st james, and kirk gleason.
the notebook: allie hamilton and noah calhoun.
interview with a vampire: louis de point du lac, lestat de lioncourt, estelle, santiago, armand, samuel barclay, and grace de point du lac.
a cinderella story: austin ames and sam montgomery.
10 things i hate about you: kat stratford, cameron james, joey donner, and bianca stratford.
grease: sandy olson, danny zuko, betty rizzo, marty, jan, frenchy, doody, putzie, sunny, chacha and kenickie.
dirty dancing: frances 'baby' houseman.
heathers: heather chandler, heather mcnamara, heather duke, and veronica sawyer.
scooby doo: velma dinkley, daphne blake, shaggy rogers, and fred jones.
powerpuff girls: bubbles, blossom, and buttercup.
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Intro Post!
Heyo! My name is Emmet/LunieLoon! Welcome to my blog! :>
This is mostly a place to scream about my ocs, but I'll reblog other posts as well!
Basic Stuff to know:
● Pronouns: He/They
● 22
●YouTube , Twitter , Website
● Autistic, possibly with a side of ADHD (Various other things too, if you wanna know just ask :P)
● OCs and Infodumps are common here! Please ask if you have any questions! (Please I love talking about them XD)
Fandom Account: @tinycatlady
More details on OC storylines under the cut!
Storylines/Characters are divided into 2 groups! Lunieverse and The Sideline Continuity!
Lunieverse is divided into 10 main stories:
● SpaceAges 1: The story of a prince and an alien becoming friends after being washed out to sea together. It's also the story of family secrets being revealed and dealing with the consequences of them.
Main Characters: Stephenson Ken Royden and Spacey Cosmos
Supporting characters: Jackson Royden, Morgan Creek, Starlet Cosmos, and Comet Cosmos
Side Characters: Kingsley Royden, Harriet Creek, Juniper Creek, Lillypad Creek, Rosebud Creek
[Master Post Here]
● Color Coded: The story of a guy finding his own path in life instead of following the ones set out for him. Also the story of him and his friends adopting a kid from a dumpster and finding a secret library?? All while in high school.
Main Character: Blu Ponds
Supporting Characters: Glinda Lights, Petey Silvers, Alexander Ponds, Petal Thorns
[Master Post Coming Soon!]
● SpaceAges 2: The story of an alien taking a prince to his home planet to visit his sisters and show him how he used to live. Also the story of them realizing the societal structure they have is kinda messed up and advocating for changes to make a good life accessible to everyone.
Main Characters: Spacey Cosmos, Stephenson Ken Royden, Starlet Cosmos
Supporting Characters: Comet Cosmos, Howard Y'Doin?, Adorelle Curtsey, Delilah Fourpoints, Edwin Gilden
[Master Post Here]
● Let's Get Lost: The story of a college dropout who's best friend finally convinced them to run away with him. Friends to Lovers who build a new life for themselves away from their hometown.
Main Characters: Regio Corona, Lyall-Dean Kedves
[Master Post Coming Soon!]
● S.H.I.P. Kids: The story of a newly-turned immortal teenager trying to get the other immortal teenagers she's with to enjoy life again. Also the story of the oldest immortal there learning to like humanity again after all he's seen.
Main Character: Bea Lex
Supporting Characters: Salley Feist, Samuel Lex, Marty Libros, Betty Libros
Side Characters: Vance Armor, Zak Armor, Kyle Clementine, Ben Feist, Blaise Burns, Pheobe Davis
[Master Post Coming Soon!]
● SpaceAges 3: The story of a prince and an alien getting ready for their wedding. Also the story of them rallying people together to save humanity from extinction.
Main Characters: Stephenson Ken Royden, Spacey Cosmos
Supporting Characters: Jackson Brian Royden, Morgan Creek, Royden Allen Cosmos, Comet Cosmos, Starlet Cosmos, Kingsley Royden, Harriet Creek, Juniper Creek, Lillypad Creek, Rosebud Creek
Side Characters: Bea Lex, Salley Feist, Samuel Lex, Marty Libros, Blu Ponds, Glinda Lights, Petey Silvers, Alexander Ponds, Sunny Ponds
[Master Post Here]
● Pixelville: The story of a guy who's haunted by the ghosts of his ancestors trying to warn the world of impending doom. Also the story of the same guy being invited to the biggest content creator house ever because everyone thinks his videos is a very detailed ARG.
Main Character: Perplex Jones
Supporting Characters: Mimi James, Todd Tussle, Skylar Routina, A.K. Williams, Robert Jones, Rob Jones, and Robbie Jones
Side Characters: Sandra Boxx, Peter Carro, Alexis Caro, Charlie Carro, Lukas Liqueur.
[Master Post Coming Soon!]
● Red Velvet Cheesecake: The story of a disillusioned intern trying to move up the corporate ladder. Also the story of them reconnecting with their childhood best friend and getting swept up into a world of spies and conspiracy.
Main Character: Velvet Estrella
Supporting Characters: Charles Edam Chezboi, Lukas Liqueur, Flora P.W.
Side Characters: Luke Stonedge, Anne Sity, Daisy Duro, Ophelia Gemm, Stanley Rufus.
[Master Post Coming Soon!]
● Squad Of Lovers: The story of 4 young adults learning how to be functional adults and exploring unconventional paths after highschool graduation. Also the story of them searching for normalcy as tensions rise between the different planets in the solar system.
Main Characters: Mea Mine, Jerry Jar, Amelia Ace, Devin Dran
Side Characters: Aiden Arg, Miranda Dand
[Master Post Coming Soon!]
● Detainment Institute for Super Powered Youth: The story of a guy with time powers being thrown into a detainment unit on his 17th birthday. Also the story of him learning to trust people, and realize that his future is his own to create.
Main Character: March Calendar
Supporting Characters: Ener Gee, Faith Trutelle, Connie Miller, Agil Tyler, Speedi Zip
[Master Post Coming Soon!]
The Sideline Continuity is separated by casts of Characters!
I Am My Own Downfall!: The story of a guy named Louie who keeps finding alternate dimension versions of himself in his closet.
Golden Oath: The story of a fallen god finding refuge with other outcasts outside a small village
Harmony's Edge: The story of a violin player being transported to a world where music = magical powers
As Different As...: The story of two people who had nothing in common finding out they have god-like powers and having to work with each other to keep the balance of the world in check.
Mutiny Collectables: The story of a band of pirates searching for rare items that correspond to their special interests.
The Bridge: A mad scientist and his lover keep popping in at the right moments. They know more than they let on. Who are they? Why are they here?
Sideline is more of a concept/for fun project of mine- so updates on their stories will be sporadic and most likely will be in different media formats! The one thing to remember with it though: it is always in chronological order.
And that should cover it for now! Hope you peeps like my blog :>
#introduction#lunierambles#pinned post#pinned intro#lunieloon#oc blog#welcome to my blog#original chatacter
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Birthdays 10.12
Beer Birthdays
Janet Fletcher (1956)
Luc De Raedemaeker (1971)
Neriah Davis; St. Pauli Girl 2001 (1972)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Aleister Crowley; English occultist (1875)
Deborah Foreman; actor (1962)
Hugh Jackman; actor (1968)
Sean Patrick Flannery; actor (1965)
Ralph Vaughan Williams; English composer (1872)
Famous Birthdays
Jane Sherwood Ace; comedian (1900)
Susan Anton; actor (1950)
Matsuo Basho; Japanese poet (1644)
Kirk Cameron; actor (1970)
Alice Childress; writer (1920)
Art Clokely; animator (1921)
Emily Deschanel; actor (1976)
Paul Engle; writer (1908)
Dick Gregory; comedian (1932)
Samuel Elmer Imes; chemist, physicist (1883)
Jane Krakowski; actor (1968)
Martie Maguire; country singer (1969)
Samuel "Sam" Moore; pop singer (1935)
Jean Nidetch; Weight Watchers founder (1923)
Luciano Pavarotti; Italian singer (1935)
Grigory Potemkin; Russian general, politician (1791)
Jane Siberry; singer (1955)
Joe Simon; comic book artist (1913)
Todd Snider; country singer (1966)
Elmer Ambrose Sperry; inventor (1860)
Michalle Trachtenberg; actor (1985)
George Williams; YMCA founder (1821)
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as you guys know, jade is freaking pregnant with their fouth child, and spoiler: its a boy, and i wanted to name him like i named his siblings:
amanda because mindy sounds like minty to me
theodore because theo sounds like teal to me
samuel because sam sounds (a bit) like cyan to me
The forth i was going to name him martin, because the way marty is spelled reminds me of minty too
But now i kinda want to name him luca, because i am watching the movie and tell me if this cute little bean doesn't look very green-blue-turquise for you
#luca is my baby#i now nobody cares about why i name my sims the way i do#but i really like names#its a quirck i have idk#if it interests anyone here it is#alien talks
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The Cast of the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise Part 1
Aloha everybody, sorry for the delay because i was starting part 1 of the storyline of the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise & i'll be starting part 2 soon. But the movies that i be sticking & start doing the Extended Cut is the fifth & sixth installments of the films. So here is part 1 of the cast of the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise.
Synopsis: Twenty-Five years since the murders that shocked the quiet town of Woodsboro, a new killer dons the Ghostface mask & targets a group of teenagers who is linked of the killings to resurrect the town's deadly past.
Scream (2022) (Extended Cut) Cast:
Neve Campbell as Sidney Prescott
Courtney Cox as Gale Weathers
David Arquette as Dewey Riley
Marley Shelton as Judy Hicks
Melissa Barrera as Sam Carpenter
Jenna Ortega as Tara Carpenter
Mason Gooding as Chad Meeks-Martin
Jasmin Savoy Brown as Mindy Meeks-Martin
Mikey Madison as Amber Freeman
Dylan Minnette as Wes Hicks
Sonia Ammar as Liv McKenzie
Kyle Gallner as Vince Schneider
Jack Quaid as Richie Kirsch
Daniel Sharman as Kurt Parker
Skeet Ulrich as Billy Loomis
Jack Roberts (me) as Terrence William "Terry" Watkins
Chosen Jacobs as Lawrence James "Larry" Watkins
Meg Donnelly as Lexi Hicks
Olivia Scott Welch as Wendy Hicks
Jacob Bertrand as William "Will" Hicks
Jackson Brundage as Frederick "Fred" Hicks
Emily Rudd as Carrie Tatum Riley-Weathers
Isabelle Fuhrman as Rebecca "Becca" Bishop
Braeden Lemasters as Matthew Bishop
Ysa Penarejo as Miranda Rodriguez
Joshua Bassett as Connor "Cash" Conway
Joey King as Yvonne Conway
Deja Monique Cruz as Laura "Lori" Sanchez
Yvette Monreal as Lorraine "Lynn" Sanchez
Cameron Gellman as Trent McCoy
Ryan Lee as Marty McCreary
Ross Lynch as Ronald "Rory" Williams
Samantha Boscarino as Elaine Williams
Jade Pettyjohn as Graceland "Grace" Prescott
Emily Meade as Elena Connors
Sophia Lillis as Grace-Lynn "Gracie" Moore
Kathryn Newton as Kathleen "Kathy" Williamson
Julia Rehwald as Katherine "Katie" Jones
Anjelica Bette Fellini as Dorothy Johnson
Bailee Madison as Riley Johnson
Stella Maeve as Nicole Kennedy
Lewis Pullman as Richard Jackson
Melissa Collazo as Isabella "Izzy" Yales
Hayden Byerly as Damian "Dame" Yales
Akiel Julien as Malik Hubar
Karan Brar as Craig Karbar
Odessa A'zion as Susan Winters
Violett Beane as Eleanor "Ellie" Winters
Madison Davenport as Gabrielle "Gabby" Stafford
Talitha Eliana Bateman as Yolanda Preston
Gabriel Bateman as Philip "Phil" Preston
Megan Stott as Kimberly "Kim" Watson
Charlie Plummer as Samuel Jonathan "Sam" Kincaid
Katherine Langford as Jennifer Annie "Jenny" Kincaid
Rachel Zegler as Emily Jones
Annalise Basso as Andrea Lewis
Jodelle Ferland as Joanna Thompson
Rachel Fox as Angela Stewart
Mackenzie Foy as Luna Stewart
Jimmy Bennett as Andrew "Andy" Anderson
Mickeey Nguyen as Sylvester Bradford
Alycia Debnam-Carey as Iris Morris
Jaeden Martell as Landon Andrews
Chester Tam as Officer Vinson
Reggie Conquest as Ferney, a Woodsboro police officer
Heather Matarazzo as Martha Meeks
Jennifer Lopez as Rachel Morris
Roger L. Jackson as the voice of Ghostface
There's more of the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise to come.
So Stay Tuned.
#scream 2022#scream franchise#scream vi#scream original character#scream fandom#scream fanfic#fictional characters#scream movies#justice for melissa barrera#sam carpenter#tara carpenter#chad meeks martin#mindy meeks martin#amber freeman#wes hicks#richie kirsch#liv mckenzie#melissa barrera#jenna ortega#mason gooding#jasmin savoy brown#mikey madison#dylan minnette#jack quaid#sonia ammar#Spotify
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88 I 2024. SĂ BEAU PAHARUL AMAR AL ALEGERILOR MELE GREȘITE [1 Samuel 17.1-2] 28 Martie 2024
88 I 2024. SĂ BEAU PAHARUL AMAR AL ALEGERILOR MELE GREȘITE I Podcast I Pasaj Biblic : I Samuel 17 : 1 – 2 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 28 Martie 2024 I Să beau paharul amar al urmărilor alegerilor mele greșite, ca sorbind amarul, pe viitor să nu mai fac așa ceva. Înțelept este omul care învață din greșeli și care își bea și paharul amar al urmărilor alegerilor lui greșite. El are…
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#1 Samuel 17.1-2#28 Martie 2024#88 I 2024. SA BEAU PAHARUL AMAR AL ALEGERILOR MELE GRESITE#David şi Goliat#Dumnezeu#filistenii#Intelept este omul care invata din greseli si care isi bea si paharul amar al urmarilor alegerilor lui gresite#lumea are probleme#nu adu lumea in casa ta#provocat lupta#razboi neconventional
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Rewatching In the Beginning
Welcome to “‘1.21 Gigawatts!’ ‘You are my density!’”: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s4e3: In the Beginning.
Cas sends Dean back in time to meet his parents and his grandparents and to witness the moment when the Yellow-Eyed Demon sinks his claws into Mary. Dean decides to try to kill YED so that he and Sam can have a normal childhood, but, of course, that doesn’t work out. We also find out that Cas likes watching Dean when he’s sleeping. But they’re just friends. Uh-huh.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
[and we begin:]
ngggggg Cas
his LIPS
I mean, honestly
tsk, Sammy, sneaking out while Dean is sleeping
oh Sammy, sneaking out
aw, Dean, get under the covers, baby
"Hello, Dean"
“hello, Dean”
no Dean, he only likes to watch YOU sleep
Marty McFly vibes
the little nods are SO GOOD
oh look, young John takes care of strangers better than Dad!John will take care of his own kids
I love that it takes Dean a minute
probably because based on the furniture in any house of anyone he's every liked, it still is the 70s
omg yes, and all the motels
I love the screaming angel wings title card
me too!
we’ve moved into the seizure-inducing era of the openings
LOL yep
Cas’s HAIR
"well bend it back!"
I would LOVE to have that van
though I would take the Impala first
of course
Dean Van Halen haaaahahahaha
"been any cattle mutilations in town lately?"
I love him
smooth, Dean
oh yes. super smooth, super subtle
omg Dean in a mirthmobile I LOVE IT
I love Mary's shirt
"I'm going to hell. again."
that’s hilarious because I was just thinking in the last scene, “Is John…attracted to Dean here?"
oh look, Dean’s now been abused by both parents
"are you a hunter?" poor Dean. just upending his WHOLE life
"we're practically family"
"clearly not enough"
"Samuel and... Deanna?"
omg, I don’t think I caught that the first time around
I LOVE that Mary named her firstborn son after her MOTHER
omg Dean's face
"the web of information you have assembled"
OMG I forgot they both showed up separately in priest outfits!
"Father Chaney" haaaahahahaha
he looks SO GOOD in that suit
and I want Mary’s coat
dun dun DUN
that is SO MUCH fruit salad for four people
“who, where, and when” “why?” HAHAHA
you do not, Dean
"what's he like?" oh, Dean
his FACE
yeah, Mary, outsiders can’t break in
him trying to make her not get killed in the future I CANNOT
"Sam is not looking for you" OOOOF
"oh, I care"
he’ll feel guilty about it always of course
of course
god Dean's green eyes
right?! He looks SO GOOD in this episode
man, I LOVE when he lays it all out for someone and then lowers his gun
Samuel, you deserve everything you get, you putz
is bobby the ONLY father figure who ever tells Dean he's proud of him or similar when he's NOT possessed by a demon?
omg right?!
Dean is SUS
aaaaaand now he gets to be assaulted by his grandfather. this boy needs so much therapy
oooh Angry Dean Thrown Against a Wall
the way this is almost sexual
yeah it’s...weird
god Dean's ANGER
Jensen kills this
he does
oh Mary, you dummy
also, why does she not remember?
the Dean stuff gets wiped, but she should remember the demon deal?
you don't just forget that?
O.M.G. the way Cas and Dean look at each other there
the look on Dean’s face
"destiny can't be changed, Dean"
they way this becomes the theme of the whole SHOW
I love it
then why say “you have to stop it” Cas?!
so he would try, I guess?
oh wait it was a reference to Sam I guess
I guess
but it’s still bad writing
I feel like sometimes Cas wakes Dean up in the night now to apologize for doing this to him
i mean, it's so CRUEL. it definitely plagues Cas
yeah, it feels like the writing there is supposed to make you go "oh! i see" and instead you just go "eh?"
yep. I think we’re supposed to think it’s clever in hindsight, but instead it’s just slipshod and clumbsy
wow, that b does not belong in there
#watchingspnagain#watchingspnagain 4x03#spn#supernatural#spn meta#spn spoilers#spn 4x03#watchingspnagain acting#watchingspnagain boy king of hell#watchingspnagain dean and assault#watchingspnagain dean sleeping#watchingspnagain john#watchingspnagain mary#watchingspnagain outsiders#watchingspnagain setdec#watchingspnagain time travel#watchingspnagain whose story?
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The final film of the devisive Star Wars prequel trilogy was released on May 19, 2005. Of the first 6 Star Wars movies, Revenge of the Sith was the first Star Wars movie to be rated PG-13. It was also the first Star Wars film to not recieve a nomination of Best Visual Effects. The original cut of the movie tied directly to the end of the Genndy Tartakovsky animated Clone Wars (2003 - 2005) shorts and showed Shaak Ti (Orli Shoshan) being executed after failing to protect Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). The animated shorts also introduced General Grievous (Matthew Wood) and explained why he had respratory problems. The title was simular to the original title of episode 6 Revenge of the Jedi (1983), which was turned to Return of the Jedi as Lucas felt revenge was not a Jedi trait. The title was changed late enough that it altered the title of Vengeance of Khan (1982) to Wrath of Khan as Star Trek producers felt Vengeance sounded too close to Revenge. Lucas finally worked in a Wookie planet battle that was originally in the script for episode 3 Star Wars A New Hope (1977) and reworked as Ewoks in Return of the Jedi. Originally, George Lucas planned to write and direct the first movie and then story and executive produce episodes 2 and 3, like he did with 5 and 6, but after the panning the first prequel got, he wrote and directed 2 and 3 himself. The movie had the key points of ending The Clone Wars, turning Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen and James Earl Jones) into Darth Vader, the fall of the Jedi and the Republic, the creation of the Empire, the revelation of the Emperor and his disfiguration, the duel between Vader and Obi Wan (Ewan McGregor) that disfigured him, the death of Padme (Natalie Portman), the birth of Luke Skywalker (Aidan Barton) and Princess Leia Organa (also Aidan Barton), Luke's adoption by Owen (Joel Edgerton) and Beru Lars (Bonnie Piesse), Leia's adoption by Bail (Jimmy Smits) and Breha (Rebecca Jackson Mendoza) Organa, Yoda's (Frank Oz) exile to Degobah and Obi Wan to Tatooine, and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) getting his memory wiped. The movie introduced the planets Utapau, Mygeeto, Felucia, Saleucami, Kashyyk (though technically this first appeared in the Star Wars Holiday Special - 1978), and Mustafar. Action also took place on established planets Coruscant, Naboo, and Tatooine. Noteable deaths in the movie were Count Dooku (Christopher Lee), General Grievous, Padme, Agen Kolar (Tux Akindoyeni), Saesee Tiin(Kenji Oates), Kit Fitso (Ben Cooke), Mace Windu (Samuel L Jackson), Boga, Ki-Adi-Mundi (Silas Carson), Aayla Secura (Amy Allen), Plo Koon (Matt Sloan), Stass Allie (Nina Fallon), Zett Jukassa (Jett Lucas), Whie Malreaux (Coinneach Alexander), Bene (Olivia McCallum), Cin Dralling (Nick Gillard), Nank Tun, Passel Argente (Marty Wetherill), Po Nudo (Paul Nicholson), Poggle the Lesser (Richard Stride), Rune Haako (Jerome Blake), Rute Gunnay (Colin Ware), Nute Gunray (Silas Carson), Tikkes , Cat Miin, Shu Mai, San Hill, and Wat Tambor (Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood). Characters that continued on to the original trilogy were Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, the Emperor, Yoda, C-3PO, Tarkin (Wayne Pygram), R2-D2 (Kenny Baker), Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), Owen and Beru Lars, Mon Mothma (Genevieve O'Reilly), Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa. Critically, Revenge of the Sith is often called the best of the prequel trilogy and was the highest domestic grossing film in year release of 2005. ("Revenge of the Sith", Star Wars Movie Event)
#nerds yearbook#real life event#sci fi movies#may#2005#sw#star wars#george lucas#john ostrander#jan duursema#revenge of the sith#star wars iii#hayden christensen#anakin skywalker#natalie portman#padme amidala#ewan mcgregor#obi wan kenobi#samuel l jackson#mace windu#ian mcdiarmid#palpatine#the emperor#darth sidious#jimmy smits#bail organa#frank oz#yoda#anthony daniels#c 3po
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Warning! This story contains a graphic image.
[Buckingsim Palace, Buckingsimshire]
??: [coughing]
King George: [coughing continues]
King George: [gasps]
King George: [spits]
King George: [washing hands]
Samuel Connelly [Equerry]: HRH The Duke of Kent.
Prince Louis: (bowing) Your Majesty.
King George: ‘Marty!’
Prince Louis: “You and mom are the only people who still call me Marty!”
King George: As we should! How are you? I wasn't expecting to see your request for an audience. I always have time for you! Is everything okay? Come sit down.
Prince Louis: The time has come. Anna is ready to move out of Kently. Right now, she receives roughly §300k a year from the duchy, as a junior working royal that would cover her own place and security.
King George: This sounds like a matter for Kent Office, unless you’re looking at a royal residence but what’s vacant is either far too big or far too small for Anna and the kids.
Prince Louis: Well (pauses) Anna and Lara talked and have come up with an option that we believe would benefit the palace, Kent Office and the newly formed Boykins Office!
King George: (chuckling) If Lara is involved, I can only imagine what this proposal is.
Prince Louis: As you know, Lara has openly expressed her hatred for moving to Kently after being promised Broderick. I don't blame her but I understand the financial upkeep. Lara and Anna are proposing they both move to Royal Lodge. I think it’s a great idea also and wanted to make a formal request.
King George: That’s actually not a bad idea, Louis!
Prince Louis: Plus, Royal Lodge is on palace grounds so that would eliminate the need for hiring additional security for either. This would also allow Anna the privacy of life she needs to focus on the children. Lara and Anthony would also be closer to the palace to continue royal duties, as new Senior Royals.
King George: It sounds like you have thought this through.
Prince Louis: They could each occupy two of the three vacant townhomes. Kent Office would cover Anna’s expenses from the duchy.
King George: Great! I will get the process started but consider Anna’s move there approved.
Prince Louis: Thank you, Your Majesty.
King George: Lara requested an audience with me later today. I assume she will be seeking approval for Boykins Office to move to Royal Lodge instead of Kently.
Prince Louis: (gasp) Oh! How was your trip to San Myshuno? I thought you would have called me as soon as you returned!
King George: I got home after midnight, but (excited) there was a hidden wall in the basement of that church! It revealed a door to a room that had this weird fountain on the wall and a treasure chest!
Prince Louis: No way!!
King George: It was all Will! He deciphered Isabella’s diary and discovered the hidden wall.
Prince Louis: Well, what was inside the chest? Was it the Amulet of Amethyst?
King George: Even better! A handwritten note from Isabella herself! It was as if time stopped. She was clearly smart! She knew someone would come looking for the amulet so her letter was a riddle that only her descendants would be able to decipher! The riddle said the treasure never left home. So, the amulet is hidden, I think, at one of the royal residences! We have to find it, Marty!
Prince Louis: Don't kill yourself trying to find this amulet, brother! You still have a kingdom to rule. Kate and I can’t continue filling in for your engagements much longer without the public beginning to speculate. Find the amulet or let it go. You’re still not strong enough from heart surgery to keep going this hard, and you look even thinner!
King George: I’m fine. We’re close to finding it. You should stay for lunch. I’m sure mom would love to see you!
Prince Louis: I don't have time. I’m flying to Camp Conrad tomorrow for a two-day military base tour; another engagement of yours the palace asked me to take. Also, mom spent last week with me, while you were gone.
King George: That’s right! Thank you, Marty. I’ve neglected everyone, these last few weeks, Rowena too. I have some making up to do with her so we may get away for a few days. You and I should catch up more when I get back. There’s something about the Amulet I need to share with you.
Prince Louis: When you and Rowena get back, we’ll have more time.
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From one of my clinic preceptors:
Dr. Marty Samuels, who was the head of neurology at Brigham and Women's for many years, and is probably one of the very best neurologists in Boston (close to retirement age, probably, and practically a concert classical pianist) encourages us to keep the assessment of "dizziness" relatively simple and feels the complaint can be divided into 4 basic types:
Vertigo (a true subjective sensation of motion outside, usually spinning, but also pitching or rolling)
Syncope and near-syncope ("I feel like I might faint, or I have fainted")
Proprioception ("I feel like I might fall, cannot tell where my feet are, often feel unsteady walking inside from the garage"), Gait and balance problems.
Anxiety: Sensation of anxiety, generalized or even panic, is often described as "dizziness" for lack of a better description. This may be between 40-60% of all cases of dizziness.
We should avoid "telling the patient what their dizziness is" by using Rogerian interviewing techniques allowing and encouraging the patient to describe what they experience.
Usually allowing the patient asked to describe, with prompts, exactly what they experience, can guide therapy.
How long that the spells last? How frequent are they? What brings them on, what gives you relief?
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