#Samantha Wedding
erwinsvow · 15 days
i keep thinking about soap and how he’s such a damsel in distress kinda guy and you just happen to be at some random bar at the same time as him—you’re a little too drunk to find your friends but sober enough to know that there’s a guy who won’t leave you alone, who keeps following you around. you finally end up smushed up near the counter trying to turn around so this guy can’t see you, desperately waving down the bartender because maybe he can help? when the stranger pulls up right behind you again.
lucky for you, soap is there. and he’s never seen you before but it takes him all of two seconds to realize you want to be left alone—or even further, that you’re scared. you’re all jittery, eyes big and concerned, trying to politely—why are you still being polite? he briefly thinks—tell some drunk asshole that you’re not interested. and then you lock eyes with him for a second. and well, you don’t have to ask, he just takes care of it for you. the guy is out and away within minutes, choking out an apology while soap bends his arm behind his back. and then soap turns to you, with such pretty eyes and such a pretty smile, saying something with a thick accent that you can barely understand in your hazy state—you hear the word bonnie in there somewhere.
and you think you just fell in love.
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pandora-possum · 2 months
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Some NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN photos from Jack and Sam’s wedding in season 3 episode “Points of View” they are from an episode of Dial the Gate on YouTube and edited by some users on Twitter!!! Love these photos
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Samantha Carter from Stargate SG-1
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omgthatdress · 2 years
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Samantha’s Bridesmaid dress was released to go with Samantha: An American Girl Holiday and oh my god it is just..... it is just probably the ugliest dress that AG has ever made. Every single thing about it, from the wide-brimmed veiled hat to the lilac polyester says ugly 1970s bridesmaid rather than elegant Edwardian.
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It’s so ugly it’s actually kind of camp and I love it for that. Like that is what Trixie would wear to Katya’s wedding.
ANYWAY, here are some actual Edwardian bridesmaids:
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(The Met Museum, designer Jeanne Paquin)
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(The Met Museum)
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dozydawn · 10 months
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Modern Bride, 1986.
Model: Samantha Mead.
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sseureki · 2 years
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Olivia and Grace both knowing she was talking about her son 😭
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sassysophiabush · 1 year
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garbagequeer · 11 months
a little life is like if sex and the city was crazy tragic. also gay. and jb is the samantha of the group... just something i could post
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Uncle Gard and Cornelia’s wedding was less than a week away. Samantha and Grandmary had traveled to New York City and were staying at the Pitt family’s elegant townhouse. After just three days, Samantha had become good friends with Cornelia’s younger sisters Agnes and Agatha. The twins were almost exactly her age, and a lot of fun to be around.
Samantha hid behind the curtains in the bedroom and was joined by Agatha. As they huddled together, Agatha’s hair tickled Samantha’s face, and they burst into giggles. As soon as Agnes came into the room, she found their hiding spot. Last to find was the youngest Pitt sister, Alice. But at three years old she was very predictable, and the twins knew that she would be in the sewing room.
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Cornelia invited the girls into her bedroom. They were thrilled to see three pink dresses on the bed. Mrs. Pitt voiced concern about having such young bridesmaids, but Cornelia was sure that they would behave well. Samantha was grateful that Grandmary agreed with Cornelia.
The wedding gown hung in Cornelia’s wardrobe. The girls admired it, but their attention was drawn to the veil that Cornelia held out to them. Agnes asked if she would be allowed to wear the veil at her own wedding, and Cornelia assured her that all of the girls were welcome to it. Samantha thanked her, but shyly explained that she already had a veil, which she had inherited upon her mother’s death. It sat in a box in the attic at Mount Bedford. Cornelia sensed how awkward Samantha felt, and told her that she was lucky to have such a special gift to remember her mother by.
The girls spent the rest of the day playing as brides, cutting up some old curtains to wear as veils and skirts. Alice joined them, but was disappointed that they didn’t have enough material to make her a flowy skirt. Samantha felt bad for the little girl and promised that they would find a better costume for her the following day.
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On the day of the wedding, the girls busied themselves in getting their skin and hair ready for the ceremony, but made good on their promise to Alice and started a game of hide-and-seek. However, before they could find her, the they got called to check out their bouquets, and the game was quickly forgotten.
It was now five hours until the wedding, but time stood still as Alice strode downstairs draped head-to-toe in tattered fabric. Once it sunk in that she was wearing Cornelia’s veil, the silence turned to chaos. Sensing that she had done something wrong, Alice burst into tears. Grandmary sent the older girls to their bedroom so the adults could sort out the mess.
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The girls felt terrible. No one had blamed them, but they felt like it was their fault. If they had known that Cornelia put the veil in the sewing room, they would never have started the game of hide-and-seek. Alice always hid in there, and she desperately wanted a bride costume.
The veil was beyond repair and there wasn’t time to purchase a new one. But Samantha realized that they didn’t need a new veil when an old one would do.
Finding Uncle Gard in the study, Samantha explained her idea. Uncle Gard was doubtful that they could drive to Mount Bedford and back in time for the wedding, but agreed that they had no choice but to try.
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Though they drove fast, it felt like the longest car ride Samantha had ever been on. As soon as Uncle Gard pulled up to the house, she dashed out and sprinted to the attic.
Knowing what to look for, it didn’t take Samantha very long to find the right box. The scent of roses petals drifted up, and it felt as if Lydia Parkington was giving her blessing to Cornelia.
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They made it back to the city half an hour before the wedding was due to begin. As Mrs. Pitt pounced on Uncle Gard, Samantha ran up to Cornelia’s room. The woman was sitting on her bed in distress, but brightened up when Samantha gave her the box. Cornelia was honored that Samantha would share the veil with her, and they quickly finished getting ready for the ceremony.
In front of their family and friends, Samantha, Agnes and Agatha stood proudly in their pink dresses as Uncle Gard and Aunt Cornelia repeated their vows. No one could imagine three happier bridesmaids.
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
This girl wasn't invited because Meghan was more interested in inviting celebs than family members - "Meghan appeared to dodge any personal responsibility for the decision not to invite Ashleigh, instead blaming ‘guidance’ from royal aides."
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
The British media giving Samantha Markle attention and more chances to keep trashing Meghan really shows where their priorities lie, given Meghan’s and Harry’s documentary literally exposed her as the piece of shit person Samantha is whose willing to sell Meghan out and trash her constantly if it means attention and even though Samantha’s own daughter appeared in the documentary, exposing her mother as a abusive parent who led to her daughters being taken away and raised by grandparents, the British media just want to quickly trash Meghan and therefore, will just keep bringing Meghan’s toxic piece of shit sister on to keep doing that.  
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shaadiwish · 1 year
Here Are Pin-Worthy Pictures Of Sobhita Dhulipala Being The Chicest Bridesmaid For Sister Samantha’s Wedding. Stay Tuned To ShaadiWish For Latest Trends.
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bombateazer · 2 years
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apegobush · 2 years
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More some photos of Sophia on Samantha’s wedding in Italy - October 04, 2022 💐👰🏼‍♀️🤍
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dozydawn · 10 months
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Modern Bride, 1986.
Models: Samantha Mead and Stephanie Romanov.
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soovermyself · 2 years
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