#Sally williams creepypasta
yvezwiebel · 4 months
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Take your hands off ten and two, you’re gonna need ‘em to pray.
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evie2001 · 3 months
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clayteland · 6 months
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And the full paper...
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vampzgraveyard · 13 days
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Tea party!
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distrixtz · 12 days
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Kinda ass but I like how I drew the dress so I'm posting I am fuckingnexhausted
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yazthebansheek · 1 month
Sally Williams art + Headcanons :33
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Art by me, OmniElle :3
She is actually about 65 rn :)
She doesn’t like slenderman that much, and LJ actually brought her to the mansion
She is possibly the most powerful creepypasta
her teddy bear is alive and nice to her
her favorite color is pink
It took her a while to actually start trusting Eyeless jack, but she eventually got comfortable with him and they are like father and daughter now!!!! ^^
Jeff and Ben are her (best) older brothers!!!
Nina is her best older sister :3 and will do anything to protect her.
she kills and tortures adults who hurt teens/kids like herself and makes their lives horrible and unbearable because killing them isn’t enough :p (inspo by someone 4 that hc)
her bffs are Laughing Jack, Puppeteer, Jason ttm, Candy Pop, Lulu, luring Lyra, and some more people :333
she is very trustworthy
she has night terrors a lot and will go to Ben, Jeff, or even EJ’s room and ask to sleep with them because she’s scared :( poor baby
EJ is one of her parent figures, but Jane and Mary are her two mother figures!!!!! lesbian power!!!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
she knows every single swear word known to man and that’s because of Jeff, Ben, LJ, and Zero.
Thats all 4 now!
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mangotr0n · 5 months
omg creepypasta hc’s
‼️ trigger warnings for obvious things like blood and light gore
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tic-toc-clock77 · 4 months
how old is everyone n your AU just curious
As of 2024, each character is
Slenderman; 100+ (??/??/????)- Slenderman has been alive for well over 100 years, same as Zalgo
Jeff the killer; 32 years old (20/09/1992)- in dwellers, his story takes place when he is 17 in 2009
Homicidal Liu- 30 years old (06/11/1994)- In Dwellers, Liu's story takes place in 2009 a month after Jeff's
Nina the Killer- 27 years old (07/03/1995)- Nina's story takes place when she is 14 years old, 6 months after Jeff's
Jane the Killer- 40 years old (17/10/1984)- Jane's story takes place in 2009 when she was 25, a week after Jeff's.
Eyeless Jack- 35 years old (25/02/1989)-Jack's story takes place in 2010 when he was 21, a year after Jeff's
Lucile "Lulu"- 15 years old bodily/27 years mentally (31/10/1995)-Was cursed by Zalgo with immorality at age 15 in 2010, same month that Jack was sacrificed
Sally Williams- 10 years old/mentality does not change like Lulu's. (25/12/1960)-Body is found by Slenderman in 2012
BEN drowned- 14 years old (10/10/1997)-BEN was killed by the cult leader in 2011 then found by Slenderman
Natalie "Clockwork" Ouellette- 28 years old (03/11/1996)- Story takes place in 2013 when she is 17
"Ticci" Toby Rogers- 28 years old (11/04/1996)- Story takes place when he is 17 years old in 2013
Tim "Masky" Wright- Assumed 30-40s (??/??/????)- Tim suffers from amnesia, he can't recollect a lot of information
Brian "Hoodie" Thomas- Assumed 30-40s (??/??/????)- he has not disclosed this information to the Slenderman yet
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artistmediocore · 4 months
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But yeah my version of her story
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jenny-toons · 6 months
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TW: Blood, some guts hanging, and trypophobia. Uncensored version is under the [Keep Reading].
I always considered Mr. Death something that latched onto her ghost, so I thought it'd be cool to have it be her protector of sorts. They're both stuck in these haunted woods, filled with ghosts and other wicked creatures. So they spend their days tormenting some of the crueler things lurking around.
These are the usual four fiends Sally likes chasing around the woods.
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Here's the uncensored version and the references!
I'll definitely post more ideas with her and the other ghosts in the haunted forest. That'll also include some sketches from my drawing books!
Hope you enjoy!
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insomniac-shado · 6 months
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Creeps as autism
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yvezwiebel · 25 days
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If I was god, I’d make everybody bow to me!
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clockypastaa · 8 months
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Everytime I hear this audio, I always think of Sally. Idk. She was a young girl, who was purest thing In the world
Then boom. All is destroyed by one person. I love Sally a lot. Shes my comfort character
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clayteland · 6 months
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= Creepypastas x Marble Hornets QnA =
Characters you can ask questions:
Marble Hornets:
Alex Kralie
Slenderman/The operator (I will explain this later.)
Ticci Toby
Kate the chaser
Mother (Oc)
Doll (Oc)
Jeff the killer
Jane "the killer"
Nina "the killer"
Eyeless Jack
Sally Williams
You can ask whatever you want. But exceptions:
NSFW (double meaning is OK if you want to joke with the creepypastas, but don't explicitly ask to fuck them because I'm not drawing something like that.)
Don't try to steal my art. Or well try, but still, what's the point? Get a life.
Politics. Do I have to explain?
"This blog will obviously contain blood, maybe some sensible topics, many swear words, and surely some sexual themes (traumas)."
=Ask open=
=Any questions DM me=
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creepylittlelady · 7 months
Not having a fun time right now, so,
Whoever’s listening,
PLEASE reblog or respond or dm me cute or fluffy Creepypasta headcanons, I desperately need some comfort right now.
Funny how a fandom about edgy serial killers is my comfort media
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crumpet099 · 9 months
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teehees its the sillies
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