#Sally jackson mom of the fucking ETERNITY
festus-eats-tabasco · 9 months
the scene when percy burns the blue jelly bean and speaks to sally was gorgeous and heartbreaking and perfect btw. “this isn’t that call.” just being so proud of making friends and needing to tell his mom I’m— their relationship is being portrayed perfectly, I could not ask for better
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bbyannabeth · 3 years
hello hello, i just posted this fic right now.
below the cut is an alternate ending to the fic because i hate writing angst and i needed some serotonin. but please read the fic before reading the alt. ending<3
Getting to the Underworld was a lot easier when she had a child of Hades as her friend. Nico shadow traveled with her to his father’s palace, leaving them right outside the doors. “Thank you,” she said, staring up at the doors.
“No problem. You sure you want me to leave, though?” he asked. Annabeth nodded.
“I’ll be fine,” she said. She had Mrs. O’Leary’s whistle in her pocket. Technically that was Percy’s possession, but the hellhound had always loved her too so she hoped it would still work.
“Okay,” Nico said quietly, somewhat awkward. “See you later, then.”
“Bye,” she replied, and then she was alone. Taking one heavy breath, Annabeth pushed through the doors of the palace.  “Lord Hades!” she yelled, walking in.
He materialized in front of her. “What a nice surprise,” he said, his voice flat. “I love screaming children bursting into my home.”
“My apologies, my Lord. You know why I’m here, though.”
“I do,” Hades said. “But I can’t help you.”
He started to walk away but Annabeth followed. “Yes, you can!” she protested. “Percy saved the Gods, he saved you. He’s the only reason Camp Halfblood accepts Nico. He deserves a better life than what he got.”
“He… he made his choices,” he said, though he didn’t sound confident. It reminded her of what her mother said. Annabeth thought that was bullshit. He made his choices based on the circumstances. He would’ve never willingly chosen this life to begin with, none of them would.
“Do it to spite Zeus, then,” she tried. “This eternal feud with your brothers – this would piss them off pretty good!”
Hades stopped, like he was considering it. The silence grew longer and Annabeth was almost worried she’d crossed some line. But then he turned.
She blinked. “Okay?” she asked.
Hades nodded. “You make good points. He saved us and he’s befriended Nico, I do appreciate those things,” he said. He grinned, a sight that sent shivers up her spine. His smile had an unintentional (or at least she hoped it was unintentional) evil to it that she didn’t like. “And it would be very satisfying to anger my brothers.”
Annabeth was stunned. This has been her entire goal but she was shocked it had actually worked. After what happened on Olympus, she had expected to walk out of there empty-handed.
“Th-thank you, Lord Hades,” she stuttered. “I can’t thank you enough. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
He nodded once before flicking his wrist. In a cloud of dark smoke, Percy appeared in the room with them. He was translucent but other than that, he looked just as he had before. Hades held up a hand to stop her from rushing forward. “You’ll walk right through him,” he said with a dark chuckle.
Percy stared at her, disoriented. Hades flicked his wrist again and Percy jolted, his body becoming solid again. Annabeth looked at Hades, who then rolled his eyes. “Go ahead.”
Annabeth launched forward, tackling Percy in a hug. He was still confused but his arms tightened around her. “Oh my Gods,” she mumbled. “I got you. You’re safe.”
“Annabeth?” he whispered, starting to regain his senses. She stepped back to cup his face.
“Yeah, Perce. It’s me. You’re safe.”
“I don’t,” he trailed off, blinking at Hades. “You brought me back?”
“Your girlfriend was very insistent,” he replied with a shrug. Annabeth almost laughed. Percy blinked again.
“Thank you, Lord Hades,” he stuttered. “Thank you so much.”
The God nodded. “If you die again, you’re on your own,” he said with a smile. Another twisted-looking one that made Annabeth shiver.
She hugged Percy close again and they heard Hades sigh. “Okay, you guys are gross,” he said. It almost sounded like he was… teasing them? Annabeth laughed quietly, her cheeks flushing as she stepped back.
“Thank you again, my Lord,” she said. “We’re indebted to you.”
“Considering it a favor,” he replied. “Now get out of here.”
His wrists flicked and Annabeth was suddenly enveloped in darkness. Her eyes fluttered open, and she and Percy were standing at the New York entrance to the Underworld. With a delirious laugh, she tackled him in another hug. One that sent them sprawling into the grass. “Oh my fucking Gods,” she said, pulling him as close as she could.
“Annabeth,” he murmured, digging his face into her neck. She pulled back enough to cup his face.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I’m so, so sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry,” he replied, staring up at her in awe. “You got me out, Beth.”
“I know,” she said. Her emotions started to creep back up her throat and suddenly she was crying again. “But still. You- you died. That-“
“Wasn’t your fault,” he said, cutting her off. “It’s okay. I’m okay.”
Annabeth pressed her forehead to his. “I couldn’t do this life without you. I didn’t want to.”
“I know,” he whispered. “I’m right here.”
Annabeth sniffled and nodded before standing up, pulling him with her. “We should go see your mom,” she said. Percy’s eyes widened and something in him broke.
“Yeah,” he agreed. They walked there and she told him everything that had happened the past week or so. Getting out of Tartarus, defeating Gaia, visiting Sally, and then storming Olympus. He listened silently, their hands locked between them. Part of her was afraid to let go, as though this were some dream and he’d vanish if she released him.
They were stepping into the elevator, going up to the fourth floor, when Percy let out a quiet breath. “Why am I nervous?” he whispered. “It’s my mom.”
“You haven’t seen her in months, Perce,” Annabeth replied gently. “It’ll be okay.”
“Did you visit her much while I was… gone?” he asked. Annabeth nodded.
“At least once a week before our quest,” she said, a small smile gracing her features. She and Sally had gotten extremely close over the course of Percy’s disappearance. “I even slept in your bed a few nights because I had accidentally ended up staying later than I meant.”
He laughed quietly and dropped her hand to wrap his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. “Thank you,” he whispered. “You probably helped her so much.”
“She helped me,” Annabeth replied. In those months, seeing Sally had kept Annabeth from slipping away entirely. Sally made sure she stayed fed and well. If it hadn’t been for her, Annabeth would’ve withered away.
“I love you.”
Annabeth smiled and as the doors opened, she quickly tilted her head up to kiss him softly. “I love you, too.”
She took his hand again and they walked through the halls. Stopping in front of the door, Annabeth looked up at him. He lifted his hand, paused for just a brief second, and then knocked on the door. Annabeth held his other hand tight as they waited.
The door opened and then Sally Jackson was in front of them. Her hair was in a loose bun and her eyes were red. She stared at Percy, who was crying again. Honestly, Annabeth felt a bit like crying herself. “Mom,” he whispered, his voice cracking.
In an instant, their arms were wrapped around each other. It was a little funny now that Percy was taller, but that didn’t stop Annabeth from tearing up.
“My baby,” Sally murmured. “I love you so much, oh Gods.”
Annabeth saw Percy’s shoulders shake with silent sobs. Sally’s eyes opened just for a second, but she caught sight of Annabeth and regained enough sense to pull away. “Come inside, let’s get out of the hall.”
They were ushered inside and Percy was being wrapped up in another tight hug. Annabeth excused herself quietly, trailing down to the bathroom to wipe her tears away. She was so overwhelmed with emotion and she wanted to give them a moment alone.
When she returned, they had seemingly just broken apart. Sally turned that warm, loving gaze on Annabeth now and swept her up a hug. “I’m so glad you’re safe,” she said, and Annabeth melted. And then, much quieter, Sally whispered, “Thank you.”
Annabeth nodded and hugged her tighter. She caught Percy’s eye over Sally’s shoulder and he smiled at her. His mother had always loved Annabeth, but it must’ve been interesting to see how much closer they had gotten over the last year. Sally pulled away and looked at both of them.
“Well,” she said, huffing out a disbelieving laugh as she wiped her tears. “We should order some pizza and talk. Paul will be home in about an hour.”
They sat in the living room, Annabeth tucked into Percy’s side and she told Sally about what happened on Olympus and in the Underworld. She looked impressed at Annabeth’s determination. “Well,” Sally said with a gentle laugh. “At least I know I can count on you to take care of him.”
Annabeth wanted to cry. She had always been the one who was supposed to take care of Percy, and yet she had let him die. Instead of crying, because Gods, was she tired of it, she lifted her eyes to Percy. He was already looking back at her.
“Yeah, someone has to,” she said softly. Percy kissed her head.
“I’m glad it’s you, then,” he whispered.
Just then, the door opened and Percy tensed. “Honey?” Paul called out and Sally smiled.
“In the living room.”
“Did you end up…” he trailed off when he entered the room and his eyes landed on Percy. His bag, filled with school papers and his laptop, fell to the ground. “P-Percy?”
In a flash, Percy was off the couch and pulled into another hug. He and Paul had always been decently close, with maybe a hint of natural awkwardness settled between them. After being gone for so long, though, any residual tension had disappeared and they both seemed perfectly comfortable in a hug.
When Paul finally pulled back, he looked at Percy, then Annabeth, then Sally. “I don’t… understand.”
Sally laughed gently. Her mood had improved greatly since they had gotten to the apartment, for obvious reasons. “Come sit,” she said.
Halfway through retelling the story, the pizza got there and Sally brought it into the living room for all of them to dig into. Afterward, Paul nodded slowly. “This was definitely an interesting family to marry into.”
Annabeth laughed quietly and leaned further into Percy. She only had the stomach capacity for a single slice of pizza right now, despite not eating nearly enough the past few months. In a moment of bravery, she tilted her head up to brush her lips against his ear. “Good thing I’m already used to how crazy this family can be.”
His eyes snapped to hers and she smiled slowly. She remembered what he’d said about New Rome, how demigods could grow up, get married and start families. She wanted that with him and she wanted to be sure he knew that. Judging by the way he kissed her, in full view of his parents, she was fairly confident that he knew.
They stayed there on the couches for a while, catching up. Conversation rarely ceased and Annabeth smiled more in those couple hours than she had in the last six months. It was only about 8:30 when Percy had yawned for the millionth time. “Tired?” she asked gently.
He nodded, leaning against. She looked at Sally. “This one is about to pass out on me,” Annabeth said, nudging Percy who hummed. “We’re gonna head to bed.”
“Okay,” Sally said before getting up with them and wrapping Percy in another hug. Annabeth heard her whisper, “I’m glad you’re home,” to Percy.
“Me too,” he replied before pulling back. Sally didn’t hesitate to hug Annabeth again.
“I love you guys,” she said when she released Annabeth.
“Love you,” Annabeth said softly, smiling. Percy echoed the same sentiment, taking her hand and leading her down the hall.
Once they were safely in his room, he quietly locked the door and turned to her. “You know, if this demigod stuff doesn’t work out for me, I could be an actor.”
Annabeth raised her eyebrows. “Why’s that?”
His hands slipped under her hoodie, finding her waist and he pulled her closer. “I’m not tired,” he murmured, brushing his lips against hers. “I just missed you.”
“While I was right next to you?”
“Mhm,” he hummed. “I missed kissing you. Thought I’d have to wait a long time to be able to do that again. And now I’m back, and we’ve barely gotten to do any kissing.”
Annabeth couldn’t help the way her lips twitched upwards. “You would’ve waited that long to kiss me again?” she asked softly.
“I’d wait a million lifetimes if it meant I got to kiss you again,” he replied, his voice devoid of teasing. Finally, he was done with talking and he leaned down to press his lips to hers. Annabeth’s arms snaked up around his neck and she pulled him closer. Walking her backward towards the bed, he muttered against her lips, “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too,” she replied.
Annabeth hadn’t realized how much she’d missed the simple act of kissing him until now. All she wanted to do was get wrapped up in his touch, which wasn’t wise with his parents being down the hall.
For once, however, she decided as she pulled him into the bed with her, wisdom could wait.
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abrieenthusiast · 6 years
Best parts of the lighting thief musical (yes i saw it, it was magical)
until the show started, there was lighting and thunder sound effects. it was kinda scary for my friend
so in the front is a giant blue banner with the logo and in percy’s entrance, everyone pulled it apart
percy just..falls into the front of the stage in his entrance
the tiny sphinx
the very VERY quick transitions with the wings
AND the swordd
percy just CHOKING UP when he finds out he got expelled
they actually got blue marshmellow
grOvER! ur a FURRy!! whATS goOING ONn??!!!
another terrible day is..amazing
DONT CRY CHRIS when he finds out that his mom died
JORREL MADE A BE MORE CHILL REFERENCE ON PURPOSE (he said so at the stage door) HE SAID “cm0n percy, lemme show the amphitheater, the CAFETORIUM.”
put you in your place as a whole
how can clarisse hit those darn NOTES THO
“All hail percy jackson, supreme lord of the bathroom.”
everyone not knowing what to do when chiron says “remeber my lecture, he ate his children”
Lukes shakey voice when he says “chIRON wiNS”
percy being too excited when he finds out that his dad is posiden and everyone else is just in terror
Mr. D just wants to turn Percy into a dolphin
“no sons of hades” WELLLL.....
“no DAUGHTERS OF ZEUS” cue a few girls going “awww”
“and my mom turned her into a mdfaosdhfiod(drinks water)” “a what” “She means a monster” “GROVER”
My Grand Plan as a whole
“hERmes exPrESS shiIpIng, by PeRcY jAcksoN and AnnABETH CHASE.”
“The gods will think we’re impertenent” “oh we ARE impertenent”
“we are TOTALLY killing this quest. SAY IT.” “we are   totally killInngthis quest...” pause... “Guys we GOT THIS-
“why my brother and i arrived just yesterday. may first. 1939″ BIANCA IS THAT YOU
REMEMBER THALIA enter complete silence’
“mom i cant go to the movies im on a quest..”
Annabeth comforting levels: 100000000
did she say ETERNITY
“its like my feet aren’t connected to my brain” “well tell ur brain to dO SOMETHING”
like,, the FISH SAUCE
wierdest family reunion ever
“thats my dad..” “thATS ur dad (uwu activate” its okay sally we know you love him
Every squirrel in the northeast is out for him
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crazyunlikeyou · 7 years
Head cannons about Sally Jackson - because she deserves everything
Percy and Annabeth visit their parents together after the war. It takes them, like, 10 hours until they can go back to CHB to see Chiron. At the end they decide it’s time their mortal parents met.
Following week, Sally Jackson and Frederick Chase meet and eat blue cookies. Frederick is awkward at first but it’s hard to be awkward with how lovely Sally is. 
At the end they get along extremely well because they both ship percabeth and hate the gods for what they have done to their children
Sally gives him the recipe of her blue cookies because he loves them
Frederick shows Sally about his mortal-bronze guns and stuff
Sally absolutely LOVING THEM
Frederick giving some weapons to Sally since neither annabeth nor percy use guns
Sally hosting the biggest half-blood get togethers after that
Like all of the seven + reyna+ nico and their loved ones come to these get together and of course some monster decides to show up at this half-blood smelling house
It’s an unfortunate decision, really
The kids can hardly pull their weapons out before Sally shoots off the monster from the window, sending it directly to tartarus
Sally being even a bigger bad ass than she was before
Sally being the lovely-protective-badass mom to half bloods in general since most of them don’t have a living mortal parent anyway
No one touches her children
Especially Percy and Annabeth (because they are only 18 and they LITERALLY have been through hell already, what more do you want goddamnit)
She yells at Chiron when he tries to send one of her younglings to a dangerous mission - she can’t stop most of them, since they are half bloods and that’s what they do, but she’s always there when they come back home bruised
She becomes a volunteer counselor at CHB. Gods aren’t thrilled but the last time they tried to intervene this, everyone at CHB turned against them and it was absolutely terrifying
Percy alone was enough to scare them with his anger when it came to his loved ones not like they would confess that
So they (unwillingly) let her be the Mom to both CHB and Roman camp
Everyone at CHB and Roman camp secretly believing in Sally to protect and empower them more than they believe in Gods - but no one says a word about it, thinking it is only what they feel personally
Everyone calling her Aunt Sally
Except for Annabeth
She calls her Mom 
(which drives Athena up the fucking Olympus honestly)
The next time Rachel doubles over and starts to speak with her Delphi voice, Sally is right there at the Big House and hears it all
It’s exceptionally hard not to hear when its about her son and daughter
They hear Rachel start with “Mortal lovers of hell and back/Breathe their final attack...” as Percy and Annabeth reach to hold each other. Sally drops the batch of blue cookies in her hands. She can’t listen the rest of the prophecy very carefully, grasping only small bits and pieces of her kids’ future. She hears something about a collision between the dead and living and a few more things. She recovers from the initial shock and moves towards her kids as Rachel says the last words of the prophecy. 
Sally Jackson: rage (“Goddamnit just leave them alone!”)
Percy and Annabeth literally nopes out on the prophecy with full on support from Sally
They lock themselves in Poseidon Cabin and refuse to come out. Sally is the only one who can walk in and out of Cabin 3.
No one can make Percy and Annabeth go on the quest prophecy tells them to go
Whenever someone tries to talk them, whether it is a charmspeaking Aphrodite kid or Chiron, they meet with Sally’s fury and everyone learns that Percy’s fearsomeness and cold glares aren’t inherited from Poseidon.
At some point, Gods decide to pull Annabeth and Percy out of that cabin themselves so they pay a visit to CHB in their human sizes
Of course, they make an agreement to limit their powers in CHB areas to not cause another war between each other so they only appear in front of Big House and walk towards Cabin 3
Cue Sally’s intervention
Poseidon can’t even knock on the Cabin 3′s door before they hear Sally Jackson’s fury
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?”
A silence fall on the camp. That’s the first time anyone (including Percy) hears Sally curse. Half bloods thank her (not the gods, they already lost faith in them at this point) for not being in the line of fire of her rage. Even gods seem startled at her poisonous tone. She isn’t mad, no, she is outraged. She isn’t even yelling, but her whisper-like tone is way more terrifying.
“Don’t intervene, Mortal. This isn’t your business.” 
Somehow even Zeus’ voice was less booming than usual.
“You dare come closer to that cabin or so help me, it will take some time until you can even face each other and not be afraid each other’s looks.”
“Sally, please-”
“I stand with what I say Poseidon. Leave them alone. They did more than enough already.”
“We don’t have enough time for this nonsense. Get this woman out of my face so we can get Perseus and Annabeth-”
Sally Jackson slaps the shit out of the god of gods’ face
Shock falls over camp as well as silence
Zeus is too shocked to be angry
All of the gods are too shocked to even move
Percy is too shocked to laugh at Zeus’ expression
That’s probably Zeus’ first bitch slap something that was well deserved for the last few centuries, really
Hera is the first one to find her voice and she starts to shriek. She starts to curse Sally with her limited power when Sally walks over to her.
“You dare come back to get my kids? After everything you have done the last time? You do not belong here. Leave.”
The tension increases as the unused power makes sizzling noises in he air. “You filthy mortal, talking to us like that-”
Sally pulls out her celestial bronze gun and points it at here’s face. Several half bloods gasp. Poseidon tries to calm her down before someone hurts her with a curse. “Sally, love-”
“Shut up, love.”
Hera gives a sarcastic laugh. “A mortal weapon now? You really must be an idiot.”
Cue the plumbing system right next to Hera bursting out as a pair of green eyes glare at her behind the cabin’s windows.
“You really must be asking for trouble, especially with that little thing you are holding.” Hera says disgustedly.
“You know what, I actually am asking for it. What will you do now, kidnap me? Been through that. Kill me? Then pray on Hades’s soul ‘cause he will be dealing with me for an eternity. Take my son away? Have been living with that for the last six years. I’m done to the core. Enough. Is. Enough.”
Sally fires the gun and Hera actually its shot. Not expecting the hit, she panics and disappears with a shriek.
(She’ll probably get her ugly face fixed in a few minutes but who cares, at least she left)
Zeus and Ares turn at her, ready to kill when half bloods fill the space behind Sally in a protective stance. Percy and Annabeth are also out but they look more shocked than ready for an attack.
The Gods can’t leave a mortal without a touch after her rudeness, even if she has the whole bunch of heroes behind her.
So a -certain- lightning bolt strikes from the clear sky on Sally, as many screams are heard in the camp. Percy watches helplessly as her mother gets zapped with the lightning he returned to Zeus years ago.
When the lightning ends, it is only expected to find Sally’s lifeless body on the ground. A lightning isn’t something a mortal body can survive.
Yet, Sally is still standing.
“That was the absolute opposite of what I told you to do.” says Sally, her voice echoing around the camp. “You are not welcome here.” She says as her blue eyes shine in the lightning’s color.
At that point no one expects to see Percy’s mortal mom to hover in air and send the same lightning bolt towards the gods from her palm. (But it is already a hell of a day, so everyone just chooses to be happy that Sally is still alive.)
Sally hits the gods with the lightning bolt, making them disappear one by one until only Zeus is left
Sally’s handprint can still be seen on his face
“You will make sure that prophecy is changed.”
“That’s not-”
“If you are able to make a mortal an immortal god when you need, then you can change what hasn’t happened yet. You will leave these kids alone and leave. Now.” 
The lightning makes a last strike as Zeus disappears.
Chaos in the camp ensures as questions rise out in the crowd. “Mom?”“How the hell did Auntie Sally do that?” “Aunt Sally, are you a half blood?” “Bloody hell man, a god’s and a half blood’s child would explain Percy’s power.” “Damn, an here I thought I could win in a thumb fight with him.” “Is she a god now?”
Sally is also confused on what she did but she is glad that the gods left her kids alone.
Chiron makes an announcement at the end to clarify Sally’s situation, explaining that she was the new magical guardian of the camp since everyone believed in her to protect them. She became half mortal, meaning she would age and eventually die-but her soul was bound in the camp to protect the kids.
Sally Jackson being lovely-protective-badass mom forever
Sally Jackson man
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canarhys · 8 years
Valdangelo Headcanons
Making this because I love all of you who helped me get to about 100 followers!
Also I’m Valdangelo trash.
Tumblr media
they got together after about - oh I dunno - TEN THOUSAND CENTURIES
jk just about seven years
they’re huge nerds
they play mythomagic together and go against each other in video games - especially in overwatch
and they talk about superheroes - 90% of the time about who would win: batman vs iron man
its so cute, and everyone teases them about it
don’t forget how they’re small and scrawny
you’ll just see lil’ leo sleepin in nico’s lap while nico looks like he’s cuddling a teddy bear and you’ll start squealing
but they’re also REALLY scary
like, oh ma gawd, you piss em off, it’s like awakening Satan from his eternal slumber
fucking hell will reign down and all you can do is run
nico can control the dead and literally becomes shadows and leo can summon fire and his intellect is smarter than most grown-ups - the tag team that can fucking murder you
gay and bi jokes
“bi, nico!” “nice to see you togay too, valdez”
they listen to emo music 24/7
like nico’s always hearing My Chemical Romance and Leo is in love with Fall Out Boy
but they are little when compared to the best - Panic! at the Disco
oh and they also watch some strange shit
not that kind of strange shit - get your mind outta the gutter - I’m talking about mystery/creepy/horror shit
like they are legit pining for destiel
also they are IN LOVE WITH VOLTRON
most of the camp make jokes about how klance is the upgraded version of them and theyre like “wait? we’re a tv trope now???”
they love dancing and singing together
like at the campfire nico is strumming the guitar and singing ed sheeran songs while leo is dancing like a fucking god and it’s beautiful
death jokes
lots of unhealthy death jokes
“nico, you look like death.” “I AM DEATH”
“leo, if you go in there, you’ll die!” “eh, been there, done that”
they usually make art together - leo with machines and nico with painting/sketches
everyone’s so jelly of their skills because that is not humanly possible wtf
nico gets along with hephaestus well because theyre both lonely souls and kinda understand each other
leo at first yells at hades because “WHY THE FUCK HAVE YOU NEVER HELPED YOUR SON YOU UNGRATEFUL-” 
and hades immediately likes him because leo really loves nico and wants to protect him and he’s a feisty little child
so he‘s chill with them
plus leo makes a lot of puns that nico hates and hades LOVES puns so…
persephone takes a lot of liking to leo
one time she kidnapped him for a kind of bonding time and nico got so jelly he went down to the underworld and kidnapped leo back
sadly leo refused to take off his flower crown
nico’s the dominant one in the relationship
no comment
they both protect hazel with their FUCKING LIVES; you mess with her you be dealing with two badass gremlins
but lets move to some angsty shit
they talk about everything together - what projects leo’s doing, what happened on a quest nico was given from his dad, so and so
they never keep a secret from each other
but from time to time bad memories come up and they talk to each other about it
dreams, Maria and Bianca, Esperanza, their times in Tartarus (WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF LEO SACRIFICED HIMSELF AND ENDED UP IN TARTARUS FUCK ME UP HOLY SHIT), and everything that has affected them during their horrible lives
they cry a lot but mostly just when they let it all out to each other
they hug and kiss and maybe have some comfort sex to help each other feel better
it’s really sweet
the two of them try their best to support one another
they whisper sweet nothings to each other at night, know when to give each other some space, after they fight they both try to apologize no matter who was at fault, but they mostly just talk about…everything
and after several years of being together, nico proposes to leo on the mast of the former Argo ||, the ship that brought them together
no pun intended
So, here are my Valdangelo headcanons.
Thank you! I love you all!
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