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softlist · 10 months ago
Top PPC Campaign Management Services That Can Drive Sales
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achievex-tumbl · 3 years ago
“Strong customer relationships drive sales, sustainability and growth” - By Tom Cates
Customer is the most important part for any organization, regardless of what kind of industry you are in or what kind of product you are offering to them.
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shopifyshoguns-blog · 6 years ago
Ten eCommerce trends that will drive sales this 2019 - ShopifyShoguns
In North America, 15% of all specialty retail sales will soon be accounted for by e-commerce (23% of all retail sales are held in China), with digital influences accounting for almost 60% of total retail sales. Mobile-driven e-commerce, with sales up over 55% a year, has grown in 2018 by 16% to $500 trillion in North America.
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The way we interact, find, and buy (and return) goods is now a 24/7 cycle not only in retail but also in B2B, where integration into e-commerce is the first priority. The shopper’s journey both online and physical is now merged, thanks to an emphasis on Omnichannel capability.
The top 10 trends that will further fuel eCommerce growth for the year 2019 are Also Read: 6 must have Shopify plugins to increase your eCommerce sales
1. Consumers are becoming more and more conscientious Consumer interest in their purchases ‘ environmental and ethical scope, including online purchases and the “actual or obscured” implications and cost of e-commerce-and consumerism, in general, is increasing. The customers are rewarding retailers who strike a chord with the belief structure right from sustainability to appropriate packaging.
Brands and sellers, both large and small, use digital technology to appeal to consumer values–and customer values and principles are evermore influenced when making purchasing choices. This eCommerce trend is going to hold sway for years to come.
2. End of e-commerce returns E-Commerce returns are 2-4 times higher than in mom and pop retail, and the expectations of customers for generous refund policies are a sore point for retailers.
Returns in 2017 reached $400 billion (approximately 1 month equivalent of all US retail sales) and increased 53 percent since 2015. Generous policy returns have been in use for long to increase conversions by reducing customer insecurity. However, growth in eCommerce, free transport and free returns have created a dangerous side effect–the cost of return management. The margins are highly affected by return handling and packaging, say 44% of retailers.
In 2018, Amazon in a bid to reverse this dangerous eCommerce trend announced that it would introduce a permanent ban to “serial returners” who are accustomed to return the majority of their purchases. The same is said by 61% of retailers if they had the means for better tracking returns and serial returners.
In 2019, a number of retail initiatives will be underway, ranging from more sophisticated or conditional return policies to incentives for collecting items, to prevent the unsustainable rate at which returns grow.
3. Get Ready For The Sales Tax The tax-free party has ended for traders and consumers, who are to be charged with regional sales tax in 2019, regardless of where the trader is present.
More than half the countries in the US adopted an online sales tax or will do so in 2019 in the months following South Dakota vs. Wayfair. Traders and solution providers are discussing eCommerce taxation and reporting initiatives at a rapid rate.
eCommerce retailers both B2C and B2B must assess the tax on which customers, regions, products and more, and then to calculate and charge a sales tax on their online sales on a state-specific basis (and on products/price specific) in order to save their margins from going for a toss.
Tax rates are subject to varying eligibility and application criteria in different states and jurisdictions. Tax rates will depend on what is sold and possibly on which jurisdiction consumers are located.
4. Make Way For PWA’s PWAs are evolving on how eCommerce and mobile apps live together. It’s a website, it’s an app–no, it’s both. The Progressive Web app, a variant of sites and Apps, which combine upsides and eliminates constraints, will finally start to transition brands and retailers from websites and apps to a new standard.
PWA creates quick, convincing mobile experiences, which resemble the achievements of brands and retailers with a native app — and can be discovered and made available via the mobile internet to all. Your mobile site is an app and you don’t need to market your app.
Not content with the simple sale of traffic and leads, social networks seek to bridge the e-commerce gap by letting users shop without leaving the platform.
5. Social Media Purchases Will Become The Norm Social purchases are already standard in China, where 55% of social app users report purchasing goods or services directly via social applications.
Private messaging services are also anticipated to become transactional, which are increasingly popular. WhatsApp, Snapchat and Facebook Messenger display trillions of commitment numbers and this is a trend where eCommerce retailers should be sure as not to miss.
6. Get Ready To Meet Your New Co-Worker The AI, Employee Today retailers carry between two and ten times as many SKU’s as they did 10 years ago –all of which are only available online if the product’s content (product pictures, video, descriptions, sizes, attributes, and supplementary products) are supported.
Even the biggest retailers strive to produce product content quickly enough to market their selection properly.
The core of eCommerce is product content. eCommerce retailers should start optimizing product finding and selection capabilities by giving detailed product information and critical product-specific characteristics in combination with semantic search.
Retailers are required to keep and supply images and videos, catalog descriptions, names, metadata category-specific information (e.g. foodstuff nutrition information), stock availability, matrices (e.g. size ranges), brand/company logos, ratings and reviews of products, rating information, and advertising information for all physical SKUs. The acquisition of this information from suppliers is a timely task that requires different methods and a large degree of manual work.
The creation, optimization, classification, translation, and syndication of product contents that have become a necessary component in conjunction with consumer demand for additional product information will be increasingly automated by AI-based solutions. In short, the retailers with more (and better) product information gain the customer.
7. QR Codes Are Back With A Vengeance Anyone with a smart phone can now detect QR codes by using their camera and digest product descriptions and price and other major product data.
When users recognize a QR code (usually less than a second) on their device, a prompt is displayed on their screen, with the option that a link leads the user to the desired place. This addresses the challenge for brand manufacturers when it is impossible to display all relevant product information with limited space on the packaging–while offering opportunities to establish a direct brand-to-consumer relationship.
Apple and Google eliminated the primary hurdle to the use and adoption of Q R code by making QR-code detection a native component of iOS and Android: it depends on apps that read QR-codes.
In addition to adding a realistic dimension to the everyday life of every mobile customer, the QR Code also provides consumers and businesses with the opportunity to deal with showrooming as a new channel for product discovery and customer acquisition-shopping in-store before completing online purchases at a visited retail outlet or at a competition company.
8. Everyone Is Trying To Beat Amazon While Aiming To Become The Next Amazon More than $1 trillion worth of goods is sold in the world’s 18 biggest markets. Analysts predict that the global online retail market will account for 40 percent by 2020. Marketplaces–once efficiently operated–are expected to increase customer loyalty, increase average order values and build confidence. Significant traffic retailers will add market place capabilities, capture new income through sales commissions and test product and category interests before the SKUs are directly sourced.
Integrating third-party marketplace like Amazon, eBay, Rakuten, and Alibaba to an existing eCommerce website is another way of gaining a ready-made customer base and increase sales piggybacking on them.
Regardless of whether they are fighting Amazon, eBay, and others in their own game or entering the market, retailers are broadening their reach by integrating the marketplace model in their digital trade toolkit. Why fight the goliaths when you can befriend them.
9. Shop While You Drive Almost half of America’s 135 million commuters are using their smartphone to find the nearest gas station, order and pay for coffee, take-outs, food, parking, and more. Altogether 77 percent of passengers who drive online* are engaged in some type of trade.
Once trade in the car was integrated, as many as 83% of ALL of the passengers would trade in the car. GPs, Google maps and Waze technologies (for example) help advertisers understand where they go and where the most often they go, similar to SEO, which helps advertisers seek and social media reveal what they like,
The on-car eCommerce is one of the main drivers of local road traffic, from the search for the voice to the GPS and music/podcast apps, because “auto-mobile conversion” is possible with the contextual publicity and driver-friendly interfaces.
80% of mobile users are looking for a local company by using voice search engines, 50% of which are likely to visit the store within one day, and approximately 18% of the local searches convert into a sale within 24 hours.
Are you eCommerce brand ready for the next gen road shoppers?
10. More Focus On Product Content The content of products is at the heart of e-commerce and a key to the consistent experience in the omnichannel. In addition to the physical products, product information (images, specifications, attributes, etc.) is now as important. –Digital consumers can’t discover, investigate, compare, or make an informed buying decision without product information.
Digital marketers will go a step further towards improving product content syndication with brands and retailers finally begin to optimize and invest in product content.
Syndication gives the most comprehensive and relevant experience in shopping and purchasing on various channels.
Syndication of product content means content that is automatically moved from a centralized point to several sites and channels, enhancing its reach and visibility while ensuring consistency. Brands and manufacturers are unifying their content to improve brand awareness by delivering consistent SEO optimized product information to increase conversions.
Conclusion Shopify Shoguns is an agency that has worked closely with eCommerce brands all over the world both B2B and B2C. We understand the nuances and finer workings around the eCommerce retail industry.
If you are looking to up your ante and drive more conversion to your eCommerce brand then check out our services at www.shopifyshoguns.com or drop us a mail at [email protected]
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mymoneyuniverse · 7 years ago
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kaaudubon · 8 years ago
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Dahil kailangan kong bumenta, si Lucky Charm ay aking isinama😍😍😍 #salesdrive #parasaekonomiya #parasapamilya #parasautang
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ultimateentrepreneur · 3 years ago
The Cost of Compromise: Six Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Lower Your Standards When Hiring Salespeople
The Cost of Compromise: Six Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Lower Your Standards When Hiring Salespeople
by Dr. Christopher Croner, principal at SalesDrive and coauthor of “Never Hire a Bad Salesperson Again: Selecting Candidates Who Are Absolutely Driven to Succeed” As the economy (finally) heats up, hiring managers are desperately trying to fill sales openings. Faced with stiff competition for a small pool of applicants, you might be tempted to compromise on the quality of new hires. It’s easy to…
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bieber-is-myguy · 4 years ago
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petcareawareness · 7 years ago
This is a surprisingly well-written article about catios, considering the source (always double-check the potential toxicity of plants, though).
- Grump
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autoring · 6 years ago
Automobilový průmysl čeká jedna z největších změn od vzniku první výrobní linky. Tvrdí to Tim McDonough z americké společnosti Unity Technologies, která tvoří platformy pro počítačové hry, ale své nástroje také ochotně poskytuje výrobcům aut. Výsledky této spolupráce od základu změní celou řadu oborů – od projektování až po prodej aut.
Ačkoli oddělení věnující se motorismu vzniklo v Unity Technologies teprve loni v květnu, spolupráce s automobilovými značkami trvá už déle než tři roky. Unity Technologies má rozhodně co nabídnout. Její 3D platformu využívá mnoho špičkových her pro počítače, herní konzole i mobilní zařízení. Unity intenzivně investuje do rozvoje rozšířené i virtuální reality, přičemž obě technologie nacházejí široké uplatnění rovněž v automobilovém průmyslu.
Vývoj autonomního řízení
Potenciálu produktů Unity si už všimli největší producenti automobilů, včetně Toyoty, Lexusu, Volkswagenu, Audi či Volva. “V Toyotě využíváme Unity Technologies pro vývoj nástrojů virtuální a rozšířené reality, abychom zvýšili efektivitu a kvalitu projektování stylistiky a technických prvků ve vozech, ale i při školení zaměstnanců,” říká Koichi Kayano, projektový manažer z oddělení Operation Improvement Department Toyoty.
Řešení vytvořená Unity umožňují i vývoj virtuálního prostředí pro autonomní vozy a testování jejich fungování, aniž by musely vyjíždět na skutečné silnice. Využití virtuální reality také výrobcům aut umožňuje proškolit zaměstnance továren a mechaniky. Díky brýlím pro virtuální realitu se noví zaměstnanci naučí složit nebo opravit virtuální automobil, tedy aniž by blokovali servis nebo výrobní linku, navíc v bezpečných podmínkách a bez generování dalších, zbytečných nákladů.
Virtuální Lexus
První auto, na kterém se zkoušel také marketingový potenciál nástrojů a virtuální reality Unity, byl Lexus LC 500. 3D model v plné velikosti, jenž vytvořila agentura Team One, zahrnoval dokonce i pohonnou soustavu, podvozek i ty nejmenší detaily sportovního Lexusu, například spoje dílů karoserie, odstíny laku, barvy a texturu čalounění. Navíc s možností barvu laku, čalounění interiéru nebo vzor poklic změnit, a samozřejmě šlo i usednout dovnitř virtuálního vozu. „V automobilovém průmyslu pracuji 15 let a po tom, co jsem viděl za poslední půlrok, jsem dospěl k přesvědčení, že přichází revoluce,“ řekl tehdy David Telfer, National Manager oddělení Digital and Social v Lexusu. „Model Unity skutečně změnil naše myšlení o marketingu,“ dodal.
Loni vznikl také konfigurátor nového crossoveru značky Lexus, modelu UX. Umožňuje zobrazit auto na ulici, změnit barvu laku nebo verzi výbavy, a dokonce si i vyzkoušet fungování některých prvků uvnitř vozu, včetně třeba centrálního displeje. Konfigurátor je vybaven také analytickými nástroji, které sledují chování uživatelů.
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Benefity pro zákazníky
Využití virtuální reality v konfigurátorech automobilů je stále populárnější. Firma Rewind ve spolupráci s HP a Intelem vytvořila 3D program Salesdrive, který umožňuje v reálném čase zformovat virtuální model nového vozu v plné velikosti. Prodejce může auto popisovat zákazníkům a současně přidávat prvky výbavy, například úchyty na kolo. Díky Salesdrive lze vidět třeba i to, kolik místa v kufru zabere kočárek nebo jak vypadají zadní sedadla s dětskou autosedačkou.
Řešení dodaná Unity odstartovala revoluci také v projektování automobilů. „Díky síle technologie real time 3D, čili samé podstaty toho, co je Unity, mohou automobiloví designéři tvořit rychlostí myšlenky. Měnit, upravovat své modely a tyto změny vidět v reálném čase,“ popisuje Clive Downie, Chief Marketing Officer Unity Technologies. Díky platformě si navíc inženýři mohou také ověřit, jak uvidí interiér vozu jeho uživatelé. Projektant může navrhnout vůz, nasadit si brýle na sledování virtuální reality a potom auto obejít kolem dokola nebo usednout na sedadlo řidiče.
“Kdysi vypadal proces takhle: původní nápad, série skic, a tak dále až po finální vůz. Nyní se vše odehrává v jediném momentu. Přibližujeme se k ideální situaci, kdy budeme moci Unity použít k vytvoření auta od začátku do konce,“ dodává Beau Cameron, Immersive Reality Studio Lead v Team One.
Příspěvek Revoluce v automobilovém průmyslu? Přichází díky počítačovým hrám pochází z auto-mania.cz
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miamijobsource · 7 years ago
Sales Consultant
Bringyour entrepreneurial spirit to work, As a SALESCONSULTANT , you will roll up your sleeves and put your extraordinary salesdrive to work, taking BATH FITTER’s game-changing home improvement retailnetwork beyond the $350 million mark. Benefits/Com Read the full post: : Sales Consultant
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thesaleswhisperer · 7 years ago
Christopher Croner Founded The DriveTest® So You Can Hire Right
Finds the "hunters"
The DriveTest®, three non-teachable attributes = Drive
Need for achievement.
"A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon." - Napoleon Bonaparte
Win customers over to their point of view
Optimism (resiliency)
Drive is the easiest to fake in an interview and the most difficult to accurately rate
Assessment + interview questions
What makes a great sales person?
Organizational skills
5 keys in  
Conscientiousness: achievement orientation
Nature vs Nurture
Parents must hold their kids accountable
The cost of an under-performer can impact you negatively to the tune of 6-figures easily
His tests are just $200 so you can afford it, even if you're just starting out
Bigger companies need to streamline their interview process
He gives "forced choice" questions
Needs to also be a fit culturally
If they are low on need for achievement and competitiveness then their optimism can kill your company
Strong need for achievement helps balance them from being a bull in a China shop
Gut feel is still important. There must be chemistry.
Smart sales people will study how to interview and they'll take over the interview
This is like "Consumer Reports" for reviewing your candidates
You can teach people how to do a demo and connect with people
You must have the culture to manage the sales hunters
Look for candidates with external motivators like a mortgage and car payments
Check out The Sales Podcast's latest episode
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johnalexwood · 7 years ago
@SilverCloudH @jasoncherkis @JeffYoung @CitizenCohn @UHS_Madison @dailycardinal All advice leads to #psychmeds no doubt... #SalesDrive
All advice leads to #psychmeds no doubt... #SalesDrive
— johnalexwood (@johnalexwood) November 15, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/johnalexwood November 15, 2017 at 06:06PM via IFTTT
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cbezio · 7 years ago
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isthisasalescall-blog · 9 years ago
First, you jump off the cliff, then you build your wings on the way down
Ray Bradbury
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ultimateentrepreneur · 3 years ago
Need A Sales Superstar? Five Tips To Help You Hire For Drive
Need A Sales Superstar? Five Tips To Help You Hire For Drive
by Dr. Christopher Croner, principal at SalesDrive and coauthor of “Never Hire a Bad Salesperson Again: Selecting Candidates Who Are Absolutely Driven to Succeed” Identifying, attracting, and hiring high-achieving salespeople requires patience and discipline, especially given the current talent shortage. It may be tempting to fill an empty role (and save yourself time and work) by hiring someone…
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bieber-is-myguy · 4 years ago
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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