pixelreblags · 2 years
Hello darlings! I’ve set up camp at @justcaytlin. Come say hi~
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pixelreblags · 2 years
i feel like i say this all the time, but as your friendly neighborhood creative writing instructor i’d just like to remind you, especially if you’re feeling stuck, that writing is the process of thought, not the product of thought. although cognitively we *can* think a sentence and write it down, or think a sentence and say it out loud, more often we write and speak to conjure the thoughts themselves.
that’s why i believe in the shitty first draft. often, but not always, you have to put all your ideas on a page to even figure out what you’re trying to write, who your characters are, what their lives are about, all the nitty gritty stuff you can’t expect yourself to figure out right away. and then, once all your thoughts are out and they’re right in front of you for you to look at, you write the thing again knowing what’s what. in other words, you have to sketch before you can paint.
if you can accept this, fully internalize the knowledge that you will be writing the thing at least twice, writing that shitty first draft isn’t hard at all. you know you’re mostly going to get it wrong, and that’s okay, because later you’ll get it right.
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pixelreblags · 4 years
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Working on page 243 today! (at Lynnwood, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIi9qR3Lntq/?igshid=welu18u1524k
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pixelreblags · 7 years
Hey, I dont have eatin’ money so I’m taking one-to-two $100 full body/full colour d&d (or oc) commission if anyone is interested! Anthros are ok. Must be through PayPal. Will throw in a bonus +2 expressions!
Email me at [email protected]
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pixelreblags · 7 years
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Just saw this on Twitter. An awesome idea for players who are stuck and for DMs to foster more involvement from your party in the world. @probablynpcrpgideas
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pixelreblags · 7 years
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a very quick more stylized, visual representation of my thought process!
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pixelreblags · 7 years
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new art! an ode to winter.
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pixelreblags · 7 years
Minimum Wage should be indexed to 2% of a city’s median rent.
And here’s why:
Housing costs are the single biggest financial burden facing Americans today.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development define being cost-burdened as spending more than a third of your income on rent. By that definition, over half of the households in this country are cost-burdened. Source
If we want people to be able to afford to live in cities and not get priced out, we have to make a two pronged approach. One is to build houses towards all incomes and price ranges, not just luxury condos. And the other is a robust wage floor so people can actually afford to live.
Fight for 15 is doing an amazing job and I love them, but we have to realize that is quite a few places, $15/hr still isn’t enough to live on.
Which is where the 2% comes in. It allows a minimum wage that is flexible with regards to the costs of living.
And it wasn’t plucked out of thin air either:
Rent should be a third of a persons income, or to restate the equation: income should be three times a person’s rent.
And since a full time job is 8 hrs a day / 40 hrs a week / 160 hrs a month.
So when you do the math, the ideal hourly minimum wage as a percentage of rent works out to around 1.875%, which for ease of calculation is 2%.
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pixelreblags · 7 years
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Lemme tell y’all about this app called PictureThis
It’s a plant identifier, you take a picture of a plant and the app will automatically identify it for you! All of the plants you put in the app upload to a feed (it’s like a social media) so if the app can’t identify it for some reason, people in the community can!
There’s also a map that shows the plants you and other people have found, and on your profile, it keeps a log of how many plants you’ve collected!
I just really love this app and i think it’ll be really useful for us witches! 💞✨🔮
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pixelreblags · 7 years
Griffin: Wow, I can’t believe I spent three years and over 70 episodes carefully weaving a beautiful tapestry of narrative that was lighthearted and funny but also beautifully touching and inspirational while wrangling my dickhead family into line and also doing all the editing and music composition. I hope you all understand that I need to take a vacation so we’re gonna do some mini-arcs for a while so I can have a break from DMing :) :) :)
Griffin, literally four (4) episodes later: Alright give me my fucking podcast back I thought of season 2
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pixelreblags · 7 years
Work in IT, got this in the mail today.
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pixelreblags · 7 years
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So I heard Witchblr loves meme magick (I mean it’s easy, fun and hey at worst, your reblog doesn’t happen). Well I’m to offer something a bit more fun. Here’s The Luck Dragon, an egregore I made with a friend of mine, to help us find and be drawn towards the lost monies that people drop or no longer want. Lucky Dragon also brings an abundance of luck as a side effect of the money. Now I could just say reblog and get your free luck (which Lucky doesn’t mind doing) or you could take an extra step and have it become an entity to work with and gain further wealth/luck. The Catch: Lucky was designed based on memetics and financial growth. What this means is, if you make an alter (a bowl/home for your dragon and it’s loot) buy your own Lucky Dragon (whatever in your mind the lucky dragon looks like, it’s a shapeshifter, btw), and make it a daily effort to empty all your change into the bowl and to follow your gut instinct if you sense loose change. Not only this but after you feel up the bowl completely, use that money to buy a bigger bowl or a bigger statue for itself, I mean it did do half the work. With your old dragon and/or bowl, you can either keep it or give it to someone else, which sorta acts like a memetic ponzi scheme, the more people you show the more you feed the egregore known as The Lucky Dragon. So, it’s up to you, If you want a simple one time luck spell, like+reblog but if you want a slower but longer amounts of luck and wealth flow, get your own dragon and make sure to feed it and let it’s money be spent on any magickal or necessary life needs.  Final Note: Make sure you don’t hoard the money. Money and luck is a living entity that needs to be free and moving. This is why I suggest buying a bigger statue/home for the dragon. I also use this money to help out friends or people who may need it. Also you can use the bowl itself to charge any coins you need, making you carry “tokens of luck” at all times. It can be invoked to get rid of clumsiness or any bad luck as well as to find money. I have even evoked it when I went to a casino and gained a profit of $40 (made $60 but spent $20 on alcohol).  To make money, involves spending money. This means that money is an entity which lives through movement, the Luck Dragon acts as that entity to help you begin that journey and go beyond it. It gives you a place to save small amounts of money, but also a place to start investing.  The Euros in the picture is my first steps into the Forex Market, which I’ve been holding off for a while now;  but Lucky kicked my ass into gear and I went and bought some. Hopefully this may be the beginning of a new adventure in my life, but with that being said, I hope this will help you all with your financial goals.
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pixelreblags · 7 years
Hi! I’m Matt Wilde, an old man from the North of England who has worked in visual effects, lighting, and rendering for games since the last century. Most recently, I worked on Variable State’s Virginia. Previously I was responsible for blood, magic, and urine in games as diverse as The Lord of The Rings Aragorn’s Quest (magic/blood), The House of the Dead: Overkill (blood/urine), and Dancing with the Stars: The Official Game (all of the above). Now I’m contributing VFX and rendering to In the Valley of Gods at Campo Santo.
Putting together our announcement trailer provided plenty of challenges, but one thing I spent a fair chunk of time on didn’t actually make the final cut: a scene where Zora and Rashida wade through an ancient flooded passageway.
The starting point was this thumbnail sketch from art director Claire Hummel:
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To bring the scene to life, we’d need nice-looking water, which wouldn’t be convincing if it didn’t react to the motion of the characters and surrounding geometry. A game that does this well is Resident Evil 7 (especially if you’re a fan of floating corpses, like I am).
To this end, graphics programmer Pete Demoreuille (who apparently does exist even though he doesn’t have a Twitter profile) created a GPU-based simulation using a “shallow-water” approximation. It’s a little more accurate than traditional video game techniques, as it accounts for the water’s depth and computes its horizontal velocity along with height. For collision with the characters and the world, a “signed distance field” can be precomputed for the static environment, and characters are added in per-frame by attaching primitives (capsules, in this case) to bones in their rigs. Got it?
The end result is a number of dynamic textures which are fed into the shader for the water surface’s height, normal, velocity, and distance from a blocking object. Timo Kellomäki’s work on water simulation in games is a great reference.
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With these at my disposal, I set about making an actual shader, starting with a simple flow mapping texture—the flowing determined by the simulation. The output is brightened depending on factors like surface normal and velocity. The below was captured right out of the Unity editor and was immediately fun to play with. Imagine the capsule is a rubber duck, like I did. For about a week.
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I gradually built this into a more watery-looking shader with the addition of normal mapping, depth-based transparency, caustic lighting effects, and probably some other things.
By this time the passage scene contained some first pass environment modelling and character animation, so I could try the shader out in situ. But first, Claire produced this handy style guide broken down into layers.
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Isolating each element of the material was really useful in getting the final combined effect to work as we hoped it would. This is how it looked with the breakdown recreated in the shader:
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If you’ve worked with Unity shaders, you may appreciate that getting shadows to project onto a translucent surface is quite challenging. But I think it was worth the effort to enable the subtly visible geometry under the surface, fogged and blurred by depth.
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With the characters and colliders added, the scene was as complete as it was ever going to get. The environment, character models and animation would all be updated in time, and I had plans to add particle splashes, water dripping from the ceiling, and a way to allow the characters to appear to get dynamically wet. But then, the devastating news.
The shot had been cut from the trailer.
Not one to take this kind of thing badly, I quickly brushed it off and it was really no more than a few months and a Balinese yoga retreat later and I was eagerly anticipating my next challenge. Dust motes? Oh no that’s great. Bring it on. I love dust.
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pixelreblags · 7 years
tv shows with time travel organizations/bureaus/police/agencies/whatever should have a department with instead of a tech genius eating candy, it’s a harried seamstress or fashion designer who is like
“1450 italy? does it look like I have the time to dye you wool? nO. YOU’RE GOING TO THE 1980s”
and throws shoulder pads at the hapless time agent
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pixelreblags · 7 years
those “monkey brain/human brain” posts except the monkey brain is presented as the rational one
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pixelreblags · 7 years
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LandArt by James Brunt
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pixelreblags · 7 years
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Tfw you sucking fuck at keeping a convo going
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