#Sal and Oz are real TO ME
bruciemilf · 19 hours
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So I watched Penguin
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Actor AU
Ruby:*looking at cameraman* You know in the show how we ham up the fact Blake likes fish? Well actually.... *points behind her*
Blake:*stuffing down sushi roll*.....What?
Ruby:Absolutely nothing changes. That sushi bar is her playground.
Nora:Aye cuz, you ready for your big scene!?
Penny:*getting face painted* Time to die! Wooo!
Nora:Woooo! *whispers* she’ll be back. Ssssshhh!
Blake:Now most people might think Yang and Adam would cause some friction offset with all drama in the show. *looks at food bar*
Adam and Yang: *dancing while eating doughnuts*
Blake:*snickering* They are the biggest clowns here. Ruby, come get your sibling before they choke!
Ruby:Real or fake one!?
Weiss:*balancing on chair* Boom! Told ya I could do it. All balance baby.
Yang:This her fifth attempt. Please tell me we got the second one on film?
Weiss:So Blake, What is wro-aaah! *smacks against the door.*
Yang:*wiping her tears* God that was hilarious. Her body just went wham!
Weiss:Shut up!
Weiss:Psssst! Look at this bitch over here. Practicing for his debut.
Whitley:*reading his lines*......!? *flips her off*
Weiss:*smiles* He’s gonna do great.
Whitley:Imma steal all your light. *smiles* They’ll make me the new ‘W’ for RWBY.
Weiss:Brothers, I tell ya. I don’t know if he’s more annoying on or off set. Got a whole ass trailer with his name on it. Such a diva. I’m so proud.
Ruby:I just wanna say I’m the greatest sister ever. I got connections and influence so... *points to set*
Coco:*winks* Surprise!
Ruby:I got her a small part. Got siblings all up through this set.
Adam: *chilling on a roof* I actually earned my part!
Ruby:Somehow! “PerFect! SeT THe ChARgeS!” What kind of line delivery!? Hahaha!
Coco: “YaNG! IS tHat yOu!?”
Adam: “YAng!? Yaaaaaaaannnnnng!”
Ruby:*red* Shut up!! That was my first read and I was younger!!!
Weiss:Your mom kidnapped me!?
Yang:You kidnapped her!?
Raven:And proms tomorrow!? Yes I kidnapped her! I’m a god damn bandit!
Yang:*keeping it together* Y...You fiend! How could...hehe. H-How.....
Raven:*snickering* You...you good?
Yang:Why prom!?
Raven:I don’t know!?
Vernal:*activley laughing*
Pyrrha: You know I asked my girlfriend is she ever misses me on set. *smiles* Smart ass said if I did then you’d be alive.
Cinder:*barges in* Am I wrong though!?
Emerald:You just can’t go to Vacou! Cinder-
Mercury:Forget about her. You’re backing the wrong horse here. She doesn’t care! See ya around Em. *kisses her and walks away*
Emerald:......*looks at camera, then the hall* Di..he didn’t realize..?
Tyrian:I don’t think he has!
Mercury:*walking back* Did I just kiss you?
Emerald:*holding laughter* Took you long enough! It’s only been what fans wanted forever! Eight volumes Mr.
Mercury:*face palming* My bad everyone.
Tyrian:I was just stunned! I thought I missed part of the script! Couples, focus man! I know you love your girlfriend but I need ya too hate her a bit right now!
Emerald:*laughing* Please put this in features!
Salem:*controlling grimm*
Oscar and Neo: *flossing off camera*
Salem:....Fuck *smiles* Damn you two! Let me be serious!
Ren:You cheated your way into Beacon!
Jaune:And you cheated on Nora!
Jaune:WITH ME!
Ren:IT WAS ONE TIME! *hits bike* I WAS SO AFRAID, AND YOU WERE SO WARM!!!! *tears up*
Yang:*Amazed and confused* And the plot thickens!!!
Oscar:James, you need to calm down. Now I know you miss Oz-
Ironwood:I miss no one. *shoots Oscar* No one.
Ozpin:*off screen* Nooooooooo!
Oscar:I’m not upset you left. I’m upset you came back.
Ozpin:Fine I’ll go get some milk and cigarettes. Shit, wanna be alone so much.
Oscar:Oh my god hehe...d-dad no! Wait! Haha c-come back! What do I tell mom!?
Jaune:And that was the last time Ozpin ever showed up.
Cinder: You know I hope I get another fight scene with you Jaune.
Jaune:Why’s that?
Cinder:You know, took your partner’s heart and rearranged your crush’s guts. *smiles* Jealous?
Nora:My lord...
Jaune:This is who I deal with off set. Cinder unchained. Witty as hell.
Penny: *dancing with Oscar*
Nora:You know...starting to think my cousin wasn’t excited to comeback for me. Fine, I’m not salty. I bet Cardin would love to come back. Get the whole family up in here.
Soldiers:*aiming guns*
Ironwood:Making progress? *strokes beard*
Watts:*strokes mustache*.........Yeah.
Watts:......Huh? Oh are we filming!?
Ironwood:Oh my-yes! Haha! For like a minute.
Watts:My bad, zoned out.
Ironwood:Man is just stroking his mustache out of character as guns are pointed at him! *nudges him*
Watts:I..I got nothing. *face palms*
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I’ve been wanting to try my hand at writing more seriously for a while so here’s how the Salem Oscar meeting might go
Oscar awoke in a bed one made from stone sheets and blankets had been layered over it to presumably make it comfortable He was confused the last thing he remembered was sitting on the hover bike with ren no that wasn’t right there was something else ren yelled for some reason ren never yells but Oscar couldn’t quite remember why he decided to sit up as soon as he did waves of pain shot throughout his body the room was dimly lit and he could almost make out someone standing in the dark he almost calls out to it but Ozpin interrups
We need to leave I’m not sure where we are but I can tell she’s close
Do you mean sal-
Yes now can you stand
Oscar can tell he was afraid he didn’t even want to speak of her
Oscar attempts to stand but what he hears stops him dead
“No stay she says too”
The voice falters like someone not sure how to say a word they just learned or a shy child talking in front of people they don’t know
He looks to the figure it takes a step forward silently and comes into the light as soon as he sees it he recoils back remembering exactly what happened he stares at it his mind couldn’t come up with words to describe it but Ozpin knew exactly what to call it a monstrosity Oscar stared at the creature it had no eyes and so many teeth Oscar hadn’t had too many encounters with Grimm but he knew they did not talk was this someone’s semblance maybe emeralds trying to scare him where was he was he captured were the others all right his mind began to race with the possibility’s
Calm down you if that is a Grimm it may attack if you don’t control yourself and I don’t feel long memory on our belt
“Yes yes the cane where was it” Oscar thought he reached for his belt it wasn’t there he could feel the fear coming from Ozpin at that fact
“She will be here soon”
The voice emanating from the Grimms teeth saturated mouth spoke once again
Oscar could feel oz start to panic the fear of Salem was one they both shared
Oscar suddenly felt more calm when others panicked he always did manage to feel more at ease because if they were panicking too that means the threats real and he can do something about it so he decided to speak
“Where am I”
The Grimm stayed silent
He heard the creek of a door light shone throughout the room blinding Oscar he strained his eyes he recognized her by her figure alone and was relieved it was cinder
“Get up she wants to talk to you” her voice was cold but behind it he could feel the furry he shakily got up from the bed when he did he noticed his coat was gone and over his arm was a bandage that rapped several times around it “hurry up she doesn’t like to be kept waiting” Oscar shuffler tworads cinder keeping an eye on the Grimm he couldn’t decide who he was more afraid of the Grimm or cinder but he knew who probably would kill him if he turned his back and that was cinder so he decided to go with her
She led him down a long hall way decorated with black lamps so everything was so dim you couldn’t really see anything but all you could make out where figures and shadows but compared to the light of the room he was in before it was almost blinding his whole body hurt so maybe that was why his eyes hurt too his body telling him that whatever he did to end up in this much pain to never do it again and he got the message loud and clear they reach a set of double doors cinder opens them and he follows the room was beautiful in a strange sort of way it’s architecture looked natural and unnatural at the same time but what he was more concerned with was the woman siting at the end of the long table in the middle of the room cinder led him closer and closer he could almost hear the fear coming from Ozpin his desire to run away and hide grew by the second they were only a few feet from her now he could see her face clearly now and her expression took him back it wasn’t one anger or malice more like pitty cinder pulled out the chair next too Salem and said “sit” so he did he could hear cinder walk behind him and leave now alone with the woman he could feel his hands staring to shake he grabbed his left with his right to try to make them stop but for some reason he could not look away from her ozpin had gone silent now oscar could feel noting from him
“You don’t have to be afraid child”
Her voice was sweet it almost reminded him of the one his aunt would use when he was little and he was afraid
“I am not going to hurt you If you give me what I want”
“A-and what do you want”
“How do I use the lamp I know you know and please don’t try and lie”
Oscar stayed silent he knew she had the lamp but knowing and being told it by her are two very different things
“Your probably wondering what do you get out of this I’ll tell you I can separate you and ozma so that you can be your own person”
What she said can’t be true Ozpin said they were one now that there souls were bound together
“You seem suprised he might not of known that he can be separated from his host but he can he’s done it with the maidens so why couldn’t it be done with him right now he’s probably telling you I’m lying or that I’m tricking you but I’m not I am no lier”
“He hasn’t told me anything he’s quiet now”
She leans back in her throne “that doesn’t surprise me he always was a coward hiding in the body of a child doesn’t come as a surprise to me anymore tho It does break my heart that he would do that take someone’s whole life away”
“But he doesn’t get to choose”
“No he doesn’t but he does get to choose what to do once he’s bonded he could stay quiet and not ruin people’s lives but he chooses to do so and I’m sorry that he chose to do that to you my offer isn’t a lie I can separate you from him you could be free to live your life again I’ve been told you were a farmer with an aunt don’t you want to go back to her she must be worried did you tell her where you were going when you left leave a note perhaps”
“I-I left a note”
He doesn’t know why he told here that there was no point in telling her that but he for some reason felt so relaxed around her even tho he was scared moments before all the fear he feels is coming from oz
“Now that just isn’t fair is it she took care of you when your parents passed and you just left without even a goodbye”
“How did you know that”
“Oh watts knows a lot about computers and after we found out who you were I decided to have him do a little research find out who you were before Ozma”
Oscar could feel the fear returning if they knew he his aunt was they could find her have they hurt her maybe worse
“Did you did you hurt her”
“No we haven’t laid a finger on her but we have been watching her she’s struggling without you she’s getting up in years and can’t do a lot of the field work on her own if you were separated you could go back you could go back to growing food and living a simple life a happy life and I’ll even have someone take you there with enough lien to last a life time and we will never bother you again”
What happens if I refuse your offer
“I may have to use more drastic means than polite conversation”
Can I have some time to think
“Yes of course child”
Her voice dripped in sweetness he felt as tho it could be a front but desperately wanted it to be true he wanted her to be the Salem oz remembered the woman so fierce in combat she scared him at times but the same one who was so soft after the battle the one who held him as he wept for the old world after there second meeting the one who held there children in her arms with the brightest smile the woman who’s sass knew no limits and her love even less he felt the sadness from Ozpin and tears began to well up in his eyes he looked down at his hands away from her for the first time sense sitting down
“It’s ok if you want to cry child”
Oscar couldn’t hold the tears and let them fall holding back the sobs she places a hand on his shoulder he feels as though he should be afraid and pull alway but he doesn’t
“I understand it is hard having so much responsibility thrust upon you at such a young age it must be hard being away from everything you know on top of that”
Oscar not only couldn’t hold back the sobs but didn’t want too anymore the woman Ozpin had told him was the ultimate evil was patting him on the shoulder and telling him it’s ok the woman so many of his past lives had dreamt of holding in there arms the woman who was wronged by the gods for loving someone and not wanting to be alone this was the first time he had let himself cry in a long time
“I’m sorry the gods wronged you This way I know how it feels I promise you never asked for this”
I hate him too he didn’t let me say goodbye to her because she would try and stop us
“It’s ok let it out then we can talk more”
That’s the end it was supposed to be way longer but I lost half of it and honestly couldn’t be fucked to rewrite it all so sorry this was my first public work and honestly I know it’s not great just trying to toss an idea around that what if Salem is kind to Oscar when they meet
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waystobuild-blog · 6 years
RWBY- Shopping Daze
I didn’t expect to upload anything else this week, but this is an idea I had for a while and just decided to go with it. So, I hope you enjoy this.
Think of this as like a RWBY chibi sketch. It’s jokey and funny.
Oscar Pine sighed as he looked at the clothing store before him.
“Really, shopping?” Oscar asked aloud.
“Of course.” Ozpin answered within his mind. “You truly are a real huntsman now so of course you’re going to need some new threads to go with it.”
“Oh, is that not what the kids are saying these days? What about duds?”
“Um… no.”
“Well no matter. The point is clothes make the man and with our triumph back at Haven Academy, you’re definitely deserving of some new clothes.”
“If you say so…”
Quickly, they went into the clothing store and picked out a few outfits that both of them insisted on.
Soon, they were in the fitting room and began trying on outfits.
The first one was one that Ozpin insisted on. It was a dark suit with a green scarf that sat nicely around his neck along with tiny glasses that rested on his nose.
“There. Don’t you look dashing, Oscar?” A triumphant Ozpin asked.
Oscar sighed. “This is just what you wore in your last life…”
“What…? Really?” Ozpin so obviously lied.
“No, it isn’t.”
“I’ve seen pictures of you!”
“Well… how did this happen?”
“You know for someone who lies so much, you’re bad at it.”
“Oh fine. Let’s tryone of the others.”
Now Oscar was dressed in even worse farm clothes complete with overalls, a dirtied shirt and was even barefoot.
Oscar put his hands on his hips with a smile.
“Now this is what I’m talking about!”
“You must be joking.”
“What? This is great.”
“No, it really isn’t.”
“Sure it is! Cousin Joseph wore this stuff all the time and he was the coolest guy back on the farm!”
“Yes, sure. But out here you look like rubbish. Please change.”
“Aw… come on.”
“You’re barefoot. We could trip over Jaune’s self-esteem and die like this.”
Oscar sighed, but complied.
They tried on the next outfit and Oscar had to lift up the hole in the helmet so he could see.
“Why not, Oscar?”
“There is nothing fashionable about this.”
“but I wore it all the time back in the middle ages.”
“Yeah? Well no one does now.”
“So where does someone find a green suit of armor in the middle of a Hot Topic?!”
This time, Oscar had a nearly identical version of Ruby’s old outfit only opting to go with long black pants instead of a skirt.
“Oh, this is pathetic.” Ozpin deadpanned.
“What’s wrong with this?”
“It screams desperation.”
“No, it doesn’t…”
“Sure. Ruby is just a friend who I happen to admire and wanted to show that.”
“This is not the way and please, my presence makes your silly crush rather awkward and undesirable.”
“You’ve been through your teens hundreds of times. Isn’t that all weird high school romances?”
“Alright, what do you suppose we do then?”
“How about we pick something out we agree on and hope for the best.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
So the two did just that, eventually deciding on an outfit that they could both at least tolerate.
When they got to the checkout counter, the shopkeeper asked them an important question. “Do you always talk to yourself when you’re changing?”
“Perfect.” Ozpin practically grinned. “Tell this old hag to watch his mouth and know who he is-”
“Yeah…” Oscar sighed, cutting him off. “Sometimes I can be pretty annoying when no one asked me to speak!”
“Right…” The shopkeeper nodded. “anyway, that’ll be eighty Lien.”
“I don’t have any money…” He whispered.
“hm… true.” Ozpin noted. “Not to worry, I have this.”
“Oscar, I told you that my cane holds a special place in my heart, correct?”
“Yeah, you told Ruby that it’s not a relic.”
“It’s even better than a relic. Please, turn the handle to the right three times, left four and right twice.”
Oscar did so and when he did, the glass on top of the cane popped open to which a radiant golden light streamed out, forcing everyone to cover their eyes.
When the light finally cleared and they could look again, Oscar’s eyes widened in shock, surprise and delight at what he saw.
Hovering just a little bit above the exposed glass was a solid gold credit card as an angelic harmony sang from nowhere in particular thanks to the incredible musical stylings of Jeff Williams.
“Wow…” Oscar gaped.
“Mr. Pine, as my new host, I bestow upon you the single most powerful item in the world of Remnant: My credit card. It is armed with poorly misplaced trust, government funds, the Beacon Academy tuition fees and however much Ironwood thinks he donates towards the fight against Salem but is actually just my hot cocoa account. I drink a lot of expensive, exotic hot chocolate.”
“It’s beautiful… C-can I touch it?”
“It is yours now.”
Smiling, Oscar took the card and happily swiped.
~Shopping Daze~
Back at Beacon, Salem’s crew was absolutely bored. Ever since the Battle of Haven Academy and the loss of the relic, they hadn’t really had anything to do.
For this reason, that’s how Emerald was still crying in her chair, Arthur was fiddling around with his custom scroll, Salem was glaring into her crystal ball and the rest of the guys were playing Go Fish.
“So…” Mercury asked. “Got any twos, Tyrian?”
Tyrian, who was hiding his face behind his cards slowly looked up from them revealing a great big Cheshire grin on his face. He let out a little chuckle. “Hehehe… do I have any twos? Ohohoho… Do I have any twos he asks me. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA…”
And with that, the chuckles slowly rose to cackles and then great guffaws.
“Shut up!” Mercury shouted. “We’ve been doing this for two hours and every single time you make any sort of play you just keep doing that! You know what, I quit! You and Hazel have fun playing!”
At that, Mercury got up and stormed off to the head of the table where Salem was still glaring angrily at the silver ball.
“Yo, what’s up, Sal?”
“First, do not call me that, insect.”
Mercury sheepishly held his hands up in defense.
“Second of all, I am trying to find Ozpin’s crew. The Grimm between Haven and Atlas haven’t spotted them yet and I am growing frustrated.”
“Maybe they’re on a train.”
“Don’t be stupid, the story’s much more fun if they go on foot.”
“Whatever.” Mercury rolled his eyes.
He then poked the crystal ball, to which Salem hissed. “Don’t touch that!”
“You got any movies on this thing? I’m think of watching The Room…”  
Salem was about to snap at him only for the crystal ball to let out a loud alarm in the room.
Salem, pushed Mercury away and nearly, broke the ball getting herself up close and personal with it. “Ozpin just used his credit card! Finally! Hazel, go and get the Grimm Ozpin is-”
She looked only to see a cartoonish puff of smoke and cards scattered around the ground where he used to be.
“Yeah, he left the moment you said Oz.” Mercury quipped.
~Shopping Daze~
Oscar came out of the store carrying shopping bags (one of which had a few boxes of expensive chocolate, hot chocolate mix and milk curtesy of General James Ironwood), eating a triple scoop and whistling a happy tune. This was actually a pretty great day now that he had Ozpin’s dirty secret money. Nothing could go wrong.
He looked up from his cone only to drop it at what he saw. A mess of Grimm of ridiculous shapes and sizes stood in a circle outside of the shopping mall and sitting atop a dragon Grimm was none other than, Hazel freshly dusted and ready to be a hypocritical child murderer.
“What the fu-“
“Oh yeah… I forgot Salem had tabs on that card.”
“Now you tell me?” Oscar asked as he threw aside the shopping bags and pulled out his cane.
“No worries, you’re a true huntsman now. We’ll take them on, together!”
And with that, Oscar ran into the fray.
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srflowerbakery · 3 years
🤓 Big deals! Only at $29.99 Hurry. Moist , Decadent, & Delicious Vegan, Gluten Free Carrot Cake with or without Walnuts. All Natural, Fresh Carrots with Real Essential Oils. Egg, Dairy & Soy Free. (NUT FREE OPTION AVAILABLE - WITHOUT GLAZE) It will satisfy all sweet tooth's and the Icing is incredible (Vegan's will not be disappointed). Ingredients NO WALNUTS: Organic Brown Rice Flour, Organic Sorghum Flour, Organic Cane Sugar , Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Carrots, Baking Soda, Xanthan Gum, Pink Himalayan Salt, Tapioca Flour, Potato Starch, Psyllium Husk Fiber, Cinnamon Bark, Ginger, Clove essential oils. Ingredient WITH WALNUTS- Organic Brown Rice Flour, Organic Sorghum Flour, Organic Cane Sugar , Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Carrots, Organic Walnuts, Baking Soda, Xanthan Gum, Pink Himalayan Salt, Tapioca Flour, Potato Starch, Psyllium Husk Fiber, Cinnamon Bark, Ginger, Clove essential oils. Icing WITH WALNUTS: Organic Cashews, Organic Sugar, Expeller Pressed Olive Oil & Avocado Oil, Filtered Water, Organic Oat Milk, Organic Coconut Cream, Natural Vanilla, Sea Salt. Icing WITH OUT WALNUTS: Organic Cane Sugar, Expeller Pressed Olive Oil & Avocado Oil, Filtered Water, Organic Oat Milk, Organic Coconut Cream, Natural Vanilla, Sea Salt. 2 - 6 oz. Bundt cakes sealed for freshness or 2- 9 oz. Loaf sealed for freshness Ingredient label provided Macros- contact me or see listening Lasts FRESH 1 - 2 weeks in Refrigerator and Freeze up to 3 months. Perfect gift- send to option available 🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕 Bee Well Bakery LLC is NOW PREORDERING for Upcoming Holidays, Weddings, Corporate Events, Catering !! **ORDERS are MADE FRESH- Please allow 1-3 days in addition to shipping days. Bee Well Bakery LLC [email protected] Facebook: Sally Wheeler https://www.etsy.com/shop/SallysEssentialOils https://beewellbakery.company.site https://www.facebook.com/groups/www.beewellbakeryvipclub https://www.facebook.com/beewellbakery Pinterest – Bee Well Bakery #sal...
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goivonne-blog · 6 years
“¡Cómo pierdo 10 libras en 7 días con esta dieta de la sopa de repollo alias dieta militar!” ¡Mírame hacer esta sopa de repollo de principio a fin!
Voy a ir a Disneyland la próxima semana y decidí que no quería llevarme un blusón ancho encima, especialmente porque tengo una linda camiseta ajustada que quiero ponerme, pero me veo tan… L !!
Cuando necesito bajar mi barriga o 10 libras rápidamente me miro 2 dietas que nunca me decepcionan: mi dieta de batido verde y mi nuevo amor, la dieta de sopa de repollo ¡¡de 7 días!!
He aquí por qué adoro la dieta de la sopa de repollo:
¡¡FUNCIONA!! No es ciencia. Reduzca sus calorías, azúcar no saludable, almidones, por un período de tiempo mientras bebe mucha agua y perderá peso rápidamente.
¡¡ES RÁPIDO!! En la mañana del octavo día, la escala es siempre 7-10 libras más ligera.  Mi ropa me queda diferente, y mi tripa normalmente hinchada es plana. ¡¡Me encanta!!!
¡¡HAGO TRAMPA!! He descubierto que puedo engañar un poco con esta dieta. He colado un panecillo unas cuantas veces. También he usado algunos condimentos para condimentar las cosas.
¡Ideal para pre-dietas!  Esta dieta es GRANDE para el comienzo de una dieta real / plan de alimentación. Ya sabes, uno en el que comes una variedad de alimentos saludables y un equilibrio decente de calorías. A veces sólo se necesita un impulso, una limpieza, un aumento de la confianza en la balanza. ¡Esta dieta lo hace!
Sé que algunas personas Odian este tipo de dietas rápidas, ¡pero me encantan! Funcionan bien para mí y el peso se mantiene mientras coma una dieta balanceada. Si vuelves a comer azúcares y carbohidratos malos de inmediato, vas a volver a subir de peso rápidamente.
Tranquilízate.  Principalmente uso esta dieta para perder peso rápidamente durante un evento, la semana antes del Día de Acción de Gracias o para iniciar mi dieta de primavera antes de la temporada de trajes de baño.
¡Como siempre, consulte a un médico antes de reducir sus calorías de esta manera!
Bueno, hablemos de la dieta de la sopa de repollo de 7 días. Es una vieja dieta que ha existido durante AÑOS y ha sido revisada una y otra vez. Es probable que encuentre varias versiones diferentes en línea.
Últimamente, estas dietas de 7 días se han vuelto populares. Hasta el Dr. Oz tiene uno. Lo leí por primera vez en un blog con el que me tropecé y pensé en intentarlo, aunque no esperaba mucho.  ¡Ahora estoy enganchado!
NUNCA pensé que me gustaría esta sopa de repollo, ¡pero es tan buena!
En la dieta de 7 días, usted sigue un plan de alimentación específico todos los días. Junto con comer estos alimentos, se le permite comer sopa de repollo o sopa milagrosa para bajar de peso o sopa milagrosa para vigilar el peso (tantos nombres para esta sopa.) siempre que lo desee.
Esta regla de la sopa ilimitada es lo que me llevó a la dieta de la sopa de repollo de 7 días. Me encanta poder comer esta sopa en cantidades ilimitadas. Odio tener hambre, y no seguiré ninguna dieta si tengo hambre. Punto. No olvide que DEBE beber ocho vasos de agua al día. Mis resultados varían si disminuyo en el agua, pero de 7 a 10 libras es lo que normalmente pierdo.
Ahora sobre esta sopa de col de la pérdida del peso (sopa de la maravilla), la mayoría de los Website que ofrecen esta dieta dicen que usted debe hervir las verduras en agua, uh… ¡no señora! Siempre he usado caldo de pollo o caldo de verduras con tomates enlatados sazonados, y nunca ha impedido mi pérdida de peso.
De NINGUNA MANERA estaría comiendo esta sopa todos los días si la preparara con agua.  ¡Qué asco!  A lo largo de la dieta, también uso sal (muy ligeramente), pimienta, muchas hierbas y condimentos, aceite de oliva y un poco de mantequilla en el día de la patata.
También agrego saborizantes de 0-5 calorías a mi agua para asegurarme de que entre toda mi agua si es necesario. Estos cambios nunca han afectado mis resultados.
Mira hacer esta receta de sopa de col para adelgazar (sopa milagrosa) ¡de principio a fin!
(Actualización: Ahora añado té desintoxicante con un chorrito de limón fresco a mis mañanas. WOW es todo lo que puedo decir! ¡Inténtalo! Yo uso Total Tea pero cualquier té de desintoxicación funcionará)
(¡No olvides beber agua todos los días y comer la sopa de repollo todo lo que quieras!)
Día 1 – Hoy no comas nada más que fruta (excepto plátanos) y toda la sopa de col dietética que quiera. Usted debe tratar de consumir las frutas con menor contenido de azúcar como manzanas, arándanos, etc.
Me gusta comer manzanas al horno con canela por la mañana, una gran ensalada de frutas y sopa de repollo para el almuerzo, y sopa de repollo y una ensalada de melón para la cena.
Consigue tu dosis crujiente con frutos secos.  Aperitivo de frutas durante todo el día. Las piñas y uvas congeladas son deliciosas. Además, la mezcla de sandía congelada hace que sea refrescante y natural. Hoy no fue tan malo como esperaba.
Día 2 – No coma nada más que vegetales (excepto maíz u otros vegetales con almidón). Sin embargo, usted puede comenzar el día con una patata asada (rústica o dulce). ¡TE ENCANTARÁ tener esta patata asada, créeme! ¡Nunca pensé que estaría tan feliz de comer una patata al horno por la mañana! Yo prefiero una batata.
Para el desayuno, corté mi batata en dados, espolvoreada con un poco de aceite de oliva y canela y la asé en el horno junto con algunos pimientos y cebollas.
Para el almuerzo, hago la sopa de col, y una ensalada espolvoreada con sal, pimienta y aceite de oliva. Es bastante bueno.
Para la cena, hago coliflor de arroz cubierta con un sofrito de calabacín, zanahorias asadas y pimientos morrones con salsa de soja ligera (trampa). Picoteo espinacas fritas horneadas. Hoy estuvo bien.
Día 3 – Hoy en día usted come frutas y verduras (excepto plátanos, maíz y otras verduras con almidón) ¡Hoy tampoco te dan patatas, es una mi****! Sólo hago una repetición del primer y segundo día para mis comidas.
Día 4 – Hoy en día sólo se comen plátanos y leche/yogurt. Este día es el MEJOR. Lo odio. Puedes tomar plátanos y leche o yogur sin azúcar. Boooooo, ¡pero hagámoslo lo mejor posible!
Para el desayuno, hago un batido de plátano hecho con plátanos, leche de almendras y yogur griego.
Para almorzar, tomo sopa de repollo.
Para la cena, hago otro batido de plátano grande y más sopa de repollo. Hago helado de plátano, congelando rebanadas de plátano y luego mezclándolas. También como patatas fritas secas de plátano. No es tan difícil de un día, muy aburrido y si odias las bananas, lo siento por ti.
Día 5- Hoy en día se comen sólo tomates (6-8) y proteínas como pescado, pavo y pollo. ¡No tuve ningún problema con este día ya que me encanta la carne y estaba feliz de conseguirla!
Hice hamburguesas de salchicha de pavo para el desayuno cubiertas con tomates.
Para el almuerzo, comí pollo a la parrilla cubierto con tomates sazonados con sal, albahaca, pimienta y sopa de repollo.
Para la cena, tenía más sopa maravillosa, pero le agregué salchicha de pavo para el desayuno y más tomates. Muy abundante Me cansé de la sopa en este día. ¡¡Ugh!!
Día 6 – Hoy son proteínas y verduras – A diferencia de ayer se pueden comer otras verduras además de los tomates.
Comí salchicha de pavo y verduras asadas en el desayuno.
Comí un stir-fry con pollo y vegetales para almorzar, tan bueno.
Comí spaghetti squash con salsa de tomate y pavo molido para cenar.
La calabaza espagueti está fuera de los límites (con almidón), ¡pero tenía que tenerla! ¡Hoy fue el mejor! No comí sopa de repollo hoy. Estaba sintiendo por el repollo.
Día 7 – Hoy son sólo frutas, verduras y jugos. ¡¡¡Booo!!!!!! Odié el día de hoy. Quería más carne. Gracias a Dios que es el último día. La báscula dice que esta mañana peso 7 libras menos, así que fue genial verlo. Me siento limpio por dentro. Pero hoy tengo hambre, ¡súper hambre!
Para el desayuno, hago un enorme batido de frutas y verduras con espinacas, manzanas, naranjas, uvas y agua. ¡Fue tan divino y dulce! Me mantuvo lleno hasta que llegó la hora de almorzar.
Para el almuerzo, hago una ensalada grande, sopa de repollo y granizado de sandía.
Para cenar, hago otro sofrito de coliflor con verduras asadas. Picoteo manzanas de canela horneadas y melón.
Día 8 – ¡¡10 libras menos esta mañana y puedo verlo!! El vientre es bonito y plano, y mi cara se ve mucho más delgada. No está contento de que mi trasero parezca más pequeño. ¡Ni yo tampoco! Mis dedos son más delgados, y mi anillo de boda encaja diferente.
Hoy me paseé con la comida y lo haré durante la próxima semana mientras estoy de vacaciones. No hay alimentos azucarados ni carbohidratos malos.
Continúo con una dieta llena de frutas, verduras y carnes magras. Incorporo huevos, avena y pasta y pan de grano entero, miel y stevia como edulcorante. Mi consumo de calorías ahora está en su nivel recomendado para una pérdida de peso saludable con ejercicio. ¡¡ME SIENTO GENIAL!!
¡No estropees tus hermosos resultados!!
(Siempre hable con su médico ANTES de comenzar una dieta baja en calorías como ésta).
Aquí hay algunas preguntas frecuentes sobre la dieta de la sopa de repollo de 7 días
No como lo que me recomiendan. ¿Puedo sustituirlo por otros alimentos? No lo sé porque sólo he reemplazado el agua de la sopa de col por caldo de pollo. Aparte de eso, sigo el plan con algunos trucos aquí y allá. Sólo hay una manera de averiguarlo, ¡pruébalo y verás!  ¡Y asegúrate de volver y hacernos saber a todos cómo ha ido!
Me encantaron mis resultados, ¿puedo hacer esto más allá de siete días? No es recomendable. Su cuerpo comenzará a aferrarse al peso si usted reduce sus calorías en exceso durante un período prolongado. Usted tendrá mejores resultados de pérdida de peso si completa esta dieta y luego comienza con una dieta balanceada y saludable para su tamaño mientras elimina los carbohidratos malos y los azúcares refinados.
¿Puedo hacer ejercicio con esta dieta? No se recomienda.  Sus calorías son mínimas en la dieta de la sopa de col. No haga ejercicio durante los siete días mientras esté en este plan o unos días después. Comuníquese con su médico antes y después de comenzar esta dieta si necesita ayuda para determinar cuál es el mejor plan para usted.
Me siento tan cansado de esta dieta, ¿ayuda? Esta dieta puede no ser para usted, especialmente si sus días son de alta energía. La dieta de la sopa de repollo tiene pocas calorías. Coma tanta sopa de repollo como quiera para mantener su resistencia y beba mucha agua.  Si empiezo a sentirme perezoso, hago trampa y me tomo una batata al horno, un batido de proteínas o un zumo.
Recuperé todo mi peso poco después de completar esta dieta. Las dietas de 7 días trabajan para eliminar principalmente el peso del agua, por lo que los resultados son tan rápidos. Asegúrese de seguir bebiendo mucha agua después de la dieta. Si usted deja de tomar agua, su cuerpo comenzará a retener líquidos nuevamente.
Mantenga el ritmo después de la dieta y coma porciones pequeñas y frecuentes de frutas, verduras y proteínas. Sin azúcares refinados ni carbohidratos malos. No te atiborres tampoco. Comience con un plan de alimentación o estilo de vida equilibrado que apoye la pérdida de peso normal junto con el ejercicio. Las dietas de 7 días son principalmente buenas para la limpieza, la pérdida rápida de peso con agua y el aumento de la pre-dieta.
SOPA DIETÉTICA PARA ADELGAZAR EN 7 DÍAS (Dieta de sopa de repollo)
½ cabeza de col, picada
1 taza de apio, cortado en cubos
1 taza de cebolla blanca o amarilla, cortada en cubos
1 taza de zanahorias, cortadas en cubos
1 pimiento verde, cortado en cubitos
2-3 dientes de ajo, picados
4 tazas de caldo de pollo
14 oz. lata de albahaca, orégano, tomates picados al ajo
1 cucharadita de orégano
1 cucharadita de albahaca
½ cucharadita de hojuelas de pimiento rojo
algunos batidos de pimienta negra
½ cucharadita de sal (opcional)
Caliente 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva en una olla grande a fuego medio.
Agregue el apio, las cebollas, los pimientos y las zanahorias.
Saltee hasta que estén ligeramente tiernos.
Agregue el ajo.
Vierta el caldo de pollo.
Agregue los tomates y el repollo.
Lleve a ebullición y luego reduzca el fuego.
Cocine hasta que el repollo esté tierno.
Agregue el orégano, la albahaca, las hojuelas de pimiento rojo, la pimienta negra y la sal (si la usa).
Pruebe el caldo y ajuste la sazón si es necesario.
¡Servir y disfrutar!
Alégrese añadiendo muchas especias, hierbas y una variedad de verduras.
Esta receta de sopa de repollo hace suficiente para unos 3 días.
Se conserva bien en la nevera durante unos 3 días.
La entrada Dieta de la Sopa de repollo (7 días para perder peso) se publicó primero en Cubaneando con Mario.
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gokinjeespot · 7 years
off the rack #1190
Monday, November 27, 2017
 Snow in Ottawa made for a classic 2017 Grey Cup game where the Toronto Argonauts overcame the elements and a superior Calgary Stampeders team in the first half to win the CFL Championship last night with a supreme effort in the second half. The half time show with Shania Twain was more suited for Las Vegas than Canada's capital. A Canada Goose parka and mukluks would have looked better. It's not a lot of snow but just enough so that I should get out there and clean off the driveway so it will all melt tomorrow when the temperature goes above freezing.
 Silver Sable #36 - Christa Faust (writer) Paulo Siqueira & Jose Luis (pencils) Cam Smith, Terry Pallot & Paulo Siqueira (inks) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). I liked the art in this one-shot a lot but the story is too comic booky for me. The injuries Silver sustains and yet can find a way to win in the end stretched my suspension of disbelief to the breaking point. I rate this higher than Shang-Chi but not by much.
 The Demon: Hell is Earth #1 - Andrew Constant (writer) Brad Walker (pencils) Andrew Hennessy (inks) Chris Sotomayor (colours) Tom Napolitano (letters). Jason Blood is back on the racks and where he goes so does the Demon Etrigan. This new 6-part story is pretty straightforward. Someone is trying to open a portal to Hell and things won't be good if that happens. One of my favourite things about the Demon is his speaking in rhymes. I was surprised that he doesn't all the time but I'm glad for that too. It makes the poetry much more special. I am looking forward to the bad guy appearing.
 Star Wars #39 - Kieron Gillen (writer) Salvador Larroca (art) Guru-eFX (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The Ashes of Jedha part 2. There's a bit of tension between the local partisans and Leia's group of rebels but trust is established and it's time to thwart the Empire again. Can you believe the next Star Wars movie a just a few weeks away?
 Doomsday Clock #1 - Geoff Johns (writer) Gary Frank (art) Brad Anderson (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). I read the original Watchmen 12-issue story as they hit the racks in 1986-1987 and was fascinated by the story that Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons told. I rarely read a comic book story more than once but I did read the trade paperback collection of the Watchmen before the movie hit the theatres in 2009. The characters that Alan Moore created were new and interesting and the story drew me in. now DC has brought the Watchmen back in this new 12-issue story and I am curious to see what Geoff Johns intends to do with them. I'm not sure what universe this story takes place in because here we have Clark Kent and Lois Lane appearing so that makes me more invested in the story. This issue starts off as a sequel to the Watchmen and ends with Clark having a dream. I was a bit confused by the goings on but I really like Gary Frank's art and will most likely follow this story to its conclusion.
 Spider-Man Deadpool #24 - Robbie Thompson (writer) Chris Bachalo (pencils & colours) Tim Townsend, Wayne Faucher, Al Vey, Victor Olazaba & John Livesay (inks) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Arms Race continues with the two buddies tracking down Fakepool in Tabula Rasa. Huh? Not to worry, the captions explain everything. This place is weird and perfect for Chris's art. We find out who the real villain is and I was surprised.
 Imaginary Fiends #1 - Tim Seeley (writer) Stephen Molnar (art) Quinton Winter (colours) Carlos M. Mangual (letters). I haven't read anything by Tim Seeley in a while and the rest of the creative team is new to me but they did a fine job of starting this new Vertigo title off with nice art and creepy crawlies. Here we meet Melba Li a young woman with special sight. The story starts off with the murder of a girl and we discover how Melba is connected to it. She's a great character and her sidekick is really cool. It's kind of like X-Files with scary monsters. I liked this a lot.
 Punisher: The Platoon #3 - Garth Ennis (writer) Goran Parlov (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) Rob Steen (letters). I wondered where Frank got all the weapons he uses in his war on crime and now I know.
 Action Comics #992 - Dan Jurgens (story) Rob Williams (script) Will Conrad (art) Hi-Fi (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Superman is still stumped by the mystery of Mr. Oz/Jor-El and his quest for answers leads him to the Flash's treadmill. It's time to time travel. I shouldn't be surprised that the next issue will guest star another time traveler but this one might make the story fun to read.
 Detective Comics #969 - James Tynion IV (writer) Joe Bennett (pencils) Sal Regla (inks) Jason Wright (colours) Sal Cipriano (letters). There's a new mayor in Gotham City and he is not happy about this team that Batman has put together. The good guys have other worries on the horizon though as a team of bad guys gets ready to cause chaos in the city. This book is going to get crowded soon.
 All-New Wolverine #27 - Tom Taylor (writer) Juann Cabal (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Orphans of X part 3. Super hero comic books require a suspension of disbelief but it sure helps when a writer puts in the effort to make sense of the fantastic. Tom Taylor does that well. Daken's actions make sense. The bad guys and their threat makes sense. This adds immensely to my enjoyment of this story. Add in beautiful art that makes me linger on every page and I'm in fanboy heaven. This is my favourite X-book right now.
 Invincible Iron Man #594 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Stefano Caselli & Alex Maleev (art) Israel Silva & Alex Maleev (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The Search for Tony Stark part 2. The Infamous Iron Man/Doctor Doom guest stars and his pages are drawn by Alex Maleev. I am assuming that Brian Michael Bendis will finish this story before he leaves Marvel and Tony will again be the Invincible Iron Man. I really hope Ironheart gets her own book with Stefano Caselli doing the art. If that's the case I will read the first issue regardless of who they get to write it.
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gokinjeespot · 7 years
off the rack #1182
Monday, October 2, 2017
 We spent a lovely evening and overnight stay at the Opinicon Resort (https://www.opinicon.com/). We highly recommend the scenic drive to Chaffeys Lock. The staff there are very welcoming and the food in their dining room is good old fashioned home cooked yumminess. Thanks to Fiona McKean for making our stay extra special.
 Wonder Woman #31 - James Robinson (writer) Carlo Pagulayan (pencils) Sean Parsons, Jason Paz & Scott Hanna (inks) Romulo Fajardo Jr. (colours) Saida Temofonte (letters). "Children of the Gods" starts here. Diana finds out about a relative's untimely demise but the real shocker is who killed him. The villains are new to me but Kirby fans will be clapping with glee.
 Archie #24 - Mark Waid (writer) Audrey Mok (art) Kelly Fitzpatrick (colours) Jack Morelli (letters). This sure isn't your Mom's Archie Gang. The consequences of the accident continue to affect everyone and in a more realistic way than the old days. This is why I continue to read this book.
 Marvel Legacy #1 - Jason Aaron (writer) Esad Ribic with Steve McNiven (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) Chris Samnee; Russell Dauterman; Alex Maleev; Ed McGuinness; Stuart Immonen & Wade von Grawbadger; Pepe Larraz; Jim Cheung; Daniel Acuna; Greg Land & Jay Leisten; Mike Deodato Jr.; David Marquez (additional art) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This is the big book that hit the racks this week. It's a good place to start if you're a Marvel Zombie because it tweaks a lot of major characters and gets you ready for the changes on the horizon for those folks. This did not make me care enough to find out more about Ghost Rider and Starbrand who figure prominently, but it was nice seeing them again. I'm jazzed about two returning franchises but I'll wait and see how the creative teams handle them when their books hit the racks. One thing I've learned from 50 years of reading comic books is that the more things change, the more they stay the same. I'm all for change as much as the next fan but as long as there are good stories to read, I don't care how different they make the characters, I'll still read their stories. I had a lot of fun playing name that artists while flipping through these pages.
 Batman: The Murder Machine #1 - Frank Tieri & James Tynion IV (writers) Riccardo Federici (art) Rain Beredo (colours) Tom Napolitano (letters). There's a panel during the fight between Cyborg and this killer Batman that shocked the shirt out of me. It's a graphic indication of just how dark these Dark Knights are. These new villains continue to interest me.
 Saga #47 - Brian K. Vaughn (writer) Fiona Staples (art) Fonografiks (letters). A new villain is introduced as we get a glimpse into The Will's past. I thought he was dead.
 Generations: Sam Wilson Captain America & Steve Rogers Captain America #1 - Nick Spencer (writer) Paul Renaud (art) Laura Martin (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). I used to be a big fan of Captain America and the Falcon but their stories didn't thrill me much after a while so I stopped reading their books. When Steve passed on the shield to Sam I gave it another shot but still wasn't swayed to follow their adventures regularly. The whole Secret Empire thing turned me off Captain America completely but this book made me curious to see where both these heroes are going to go from here on out. I'll give Falcon a look see next month and then Captain America #695 a try in November.
 Action Comics #988 - Dan Jurgens (writer) Ryan Sook (art) Hi-Fi (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). You can jump on board this title right here as everything is explained about Superman's current situation so you can follow the new Oz Effect story with ease. I like the twist that reunites Kal-El with a surprise relative.
 Generations: Miles Morales Spider-Man & Pater Parker Spider-Man #1 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Ramon Perez (art) Msassyk (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Miles meets Peter right after the Amazing Spider-Man has his most harrowing adventure. It was my favourite Spider-Man story of all time and still is. Seeing that cover with Spider-Man pinned under all that wreckage and the water pouring down can trigger the feelings I had when I read that comic book for the first time. I remember cheering when he finally struggled free. This issue may not make you a Spider-Man fan but it does show you what the character is all about. Power, responsibility and family.
 Batman #31 - Tom King (writer) Mikel Janin (art) June Chung (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). I don't know if Bruce and Selina are going to get married after "The War of Jokes & Riddles" but if they do I hope Batman makes practical shoes for Catwoman. High heels might be stylish but I can't imagine they're much help climbing up the outside of a sky scraper. The last joke made me laugh out loud but it took me a while to get it. I love Joker's deadpan delivery.
 Detective Comics #965 - James Tynion IV (writer) Eddy Barrows (pencils) Eber Ferreira (inks) Adriano Lucas (colours) Sal Cipriano (letters). Meanwhile, let's catch up with Tim Drake, wherever he is. This mysterious Mr. Oz guy is no longer a mystery if you read Action Comics. What is a mystery is what the fork is going on at the end there.
 Mighty Thor #23 - Jason Aaron (writer) Valerio Schiti (art) Rain Beredo (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). War Thor and Mighty Thor go at it pretty good here with no clear cut winner. I like that Unworthy Thor shows up in this issue too. I was disappointed that Russell Dauterman's name wasn't on the cover but Valerio Schiti did not disappoint me. He is an awesome artist in his own right.
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