mrsoharaa · 5 days
oh god oh god ohhh goddd, imagine getting a bit chilly in the brisk breeze of autumn and your loving, attentive bf, Suguru just easily wraps you up into his long, cozy coat and nuzzles over your head and embraces you close to him. emanating his radiant body heat, keeping you nice and warm...with head kisses!!!
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Hello pooo!!! I dunno how to put it in words but your works just makes my heart go swoooon!! Thank you so much for your pieces 🥹
I see that we can request too po and I’d just like to put down “chemtrails over the country club” by lana del rey- specifically the lines “you’re in the wind, i’m in the water; nobody’s son, nobody’s daughter” for makisig or maliksi please!!! Angsst BUT fluff at the end 🙏🏻
((Anon, why would u do dis to us?! huhuhu. I'm a lana del rey gurlie and Chemtrails over the country club is very personal for meee))
Disclaimer: I do not own Makisig. Full Credit goes to HC - @ask-emilz-de-philz. Please check out their blog for amazing art and the wonderful world of Planet Puto. All involved characters are adults.
Genre: Angst with fluff(if u squint well enough. char lang, fluff to.)
TW: Ano...medyo masakit to bhie, yung umpisa lang naman. yun na yung warning HAHAHA.
((Let me know kung rebisco na ba ako at kung sumosobra na ba ako HAHAHA))
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"...we should run away, Makisig." You whispered underneath your breath as you softly stroked his hair while he peacefully lays his head on your lap. You looked up at the star-clad skies, wondering if you two can have a very different life right now if you were to leave everything behind and run away.
"Run away from what, my love?" He slowly opened his eyes to look into yours before gently taking your hand and tenderly kissing your palm. You shuddered from the sensation and oh, how you'd love to just pull him close and kiss those lips for an ounce of comfort.
"From everything."
You whispered as tears started to fill your eyes. Your lips quivered as you tried to held back your sobs.
"ANDDD... CUT! Y/n, you're not supposed to cry yet! Let's take a two hour break before retaking that scene."
Makisig stared at you with wide eyes as he breaks character. You quickly wiped away your tears and stood up before walking towards your own team, leaving him without a single word.
You wouldn't admit it, but you can feel your heart breaking with every step that you take. As soon as you entered your own tent, you broke down in tears as you ran into your manager's arms.
How cruel can fate be?
Five years ago
...those were Makisig's exact words five years ago while he held you in his arms, begging you to leave it all behind with him- the cameras, the fame, the undying expectations of the people around you and you had the nerve to reject his idea and leave him for the sake of your dreams.
You were a very famous actress that time, while Makisig's career was just starting and all he can get are mostly small modelling gigs. Oh, how the tables have turned- you are now the one struggling to keep your career afloat while Makisig jumps from project to project.
Atleast he's living a better life since you two broke up. That's what you always tell yourself.
Your whole body shook from how much you were crying as you buried your face into your manager's shoulders to stifle your sobs. All throughout your career, your manager has been the only one to stick with you through ups and downs- treating you like the little sister she's never had.
"I can't do this. I can't, please." You heaved as you tried your best to say the words out loud. This was the one project meant to save your career from falling into shambles.
"Shhh. It's okay sweet girl. I know how you feel right now, but we can't back out from this, can we?"
You slowly nodded as you let your tears silently fall. Leaving this project was always out of the question and you knew it. You were lucky enough that your manager has been long time friends with one of the Makisig's handlers that she was able to arrange for this project as a last resort to save you from being out of jobs.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n. I know how hard it must be."
No one knows how hard it is...
To be around Makisig is like stabbing yourself in the heart over and over again.
Hearing his voice...
Feeling his touch...
To have him look at you the way he does- like you were the most important person in the whole world.
To have him call your name as if it's the sweetest word that's to ever grace his mouth.
It took everything of your whole being to get ahold of yourself and not breakdown around him.
The things you would give if only you can go back in time and just take his hand and run away to a far away place where no one else knows the two of you. You clutched your chest at you revel at the idea of what could've been before shutting your eyes close- falling asleep after crying.
In your dreams, Makisig held you tight as he kissed away your tears, saying, "Why is my lovely Y/n is crying again? It makes me want to cry also." as he peppers your face with tiny kisses while he tickles you gently until you stop crying and start to giggle.
That's how it's supposed to be...
But you- you have to ruin it all and hurt that one person who deserved nothing but all the good things in the world.
"Y'know, if this life troubles you...then we should just run away, Y/n." Makisig smiled as he held you.
This. why does this have to play on your dreams over and over again.
He held your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. "Let's run away from everything, y/n."
You nodded, and smiled. "Let's do that, Makisig."
Atleast you can do things right in your dreams. Atleast you wouldn't do the single thing you'll regret for your whole life in this dream.
You will not break his heart again-
Without second thoughts, Makisig grabbed your hand tight before making a run for it, storming past the whole production crew and outside the set.
Your eyes widen upon realizing what's happening.
"Thought my Y/n will reject me for the second time." Makisig softly chuckled, still running away while holding unto you.
"W- wait! I'm not dreaming?!"
"No, my love. Your manager called me in when you fell asleep crying."
Hearing him calling you 'my love' once again instantly tugged in your heart. No cameras, no audiences- just the two of you and he calls you his love. You breathe in as you tried to keep yourself from crying once more.
"And I'm not dreaming when you were holding me and kissing my tears away?" You softly said, your voice shaking and cracking from too much emotion.
"You're not." Makisig smiled as he stopped running before pulling you into an embrace, letting you bury your face into his chest.
Oh, how this feels like home.
"Y/n. Please run away with me?"
"I will, Makisig. I will."
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willowser · 4 months
ohmegawsh willow if i may ask!!!! for bakuwill 🥺 (it was so hard not asking everything 😭😭)
🏁 if not at the same time, who started pining first? how long until it became mutual (if ever)?
🫂 what's one significant moment of physical contact you had during the pining stage?
💘 (if applicable) what moment made them realize they were in love with you?
hello selly bean !!!! tysm for asking !!! 🥹🌱✨️ this was the ask that made me realize i have not figured out my self-ship lore so please excuse me as i stumble to put it all together LOL
🏁 if not at the same time, who started pining first ? how long until it became mutual (if ever) ?
oh i definitely was pining first LOL ofc i knew who he was when i started working at the agency clinic and i absolutely told myself that i did not even care about him and then i took one look and SWOOOONED skghshg i wouldn't say that's when i started pining though....it probably happened a few weeks in, i would say, as i tried to stave off my crush as long as i could LOL
it took probably a good 6+ months, i think, for katsuki to start pining as well...he's very careful about his feelings and even if he enjoyed getting to see me at the clinic, he was trying to put it out of his mind as soon as he checked out ! so it did take a few months before he couldn't do that any more :3
🫂 what's one significant moment of physical contact you had during the pining stage ?
to be fair, we would have had a lot of physical contact just due to the nature of my job but !!! a significant moment is probably the first time it became...too casual ?? i'm walking him out after bandaging up the side of his face and we're standing there ending our small talk, and i reach up to make sure the edges of his bandage are secure against his sticky skin and he just 🥹 lets me 🥹 doesn't even register, doesn't say anything about it, nor does he say anything about me wetting a towel to wipe down a few spots of blood and dirt and soot still on his face 🥹
💘 (if applicable) what moment made them realize they were in love with you ?
HMMM. at the point of our relationship that this happens, which we are not yet dating, i think—katsuki has done so much on his own. just like, every day things; packing his own lunch and making his own dinner, washing his clothes, stitching up tears in his hero costume, cleaning his house, taking care of his car, etc. and i also think he really appreciates acts of service as a love language (as well as words of affirmation, but i'm still shy atp hehe), and i think one thing about katsuki admitting to himself, like, that he is in love, is that he has to feel comfortable with the idea of me in his life permanently.
once he feels like okay, this fits, this works, then that is when he realizes it, and so i think it's an accumulation of me doing odd little things that could make his life easier ? like he forgets his mask in the clinic so i take it home and wash it, or i am getting coffee in the morning and order a tea for him too, or i buy those little handwarmers and keep them in my office for him for the wintertime when i know he's struggling to keep up his body temperature. stuff like that !! and it's probably just like, me ordering an extra plate of something for him at lunch, that omits something he doesn't like and adds another layer of spice, that it just falls into place for him 🥹
pining stage ask game !
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goth-emrys · 1 year
Dear Diary~
Met the ✨️CUTEST✨️ BOY in the market today. He had no idea who I was and tried to sass me?! SWOOOON 🥵. But of course I will not let him know that 💅💅
Im gonna patrol the market again and possibly run into him!! SQUEEE 💗
Will update asap. 😌
Arthur 💞
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sanicsmut · 2 years
Swooooning over your last Fenn HC ask!! they were so good. Do you have anything on Lyris? She’s one of my favorites. Maybe even anything on Fennorian and Lyris’ friendship?
Okay so !!!
Lyris, my friend Lyris !!
• I like how we get clues on the character's taste and personnalities in game, even outside of dialogue
• Lyris for example, she likes music !! :o Which would be surprising for most people, because she's a tough woman, but she has her sensibility like anyone
• I like to imagine that it's sometimes Sai who braid her hair
• I had a thought that he taught her how to but, she's a nord and nords often knows how to, part of their culture you know
• Sad part, she still has bad thought about her time in coldharbour, and Sai being captive. Who wouldn't. But she's trying her best to have a new life after the whole vestige thing. Whatever happened, if she survived (which she did in my save because my second choice of who to sacrifice was Varen, the first being Abnur Tharn, even tho I kinda like this old grumpy man.) I like to think she did as she said she wanted to : traveled around the world. She deserves it.
• With Fenn ?
• At first she was doubtful, he's a vampire after all
• But after he showed her she could trust him, they became friends, like really friends
• She liked that he could be calm but also show how excited he was about his interests !!
• And he liked that she actually overcame her ideas of vampires and tried to know him
• Did I mention Fen is actually a good cook ? I don't know if it's canon or just something I imagined, but I like this idea. So I throw it here. Yes even if it's supposed to be about Lyris, freak it, I said it
• He would show her around "vampire territory" if those things even exists in TES
• Like, places where it's not really safe to go if you're not a vampire
• And she's with Fenn, so she's mostly safe (and she knows how to fight, but it's always better to avoid conflict)
• I'm pretty sure it's canon she's good friends with the Vestige
• She often wonders if they're fine after the whole Mannimarco/Molag Bal fiasco
• If she actually get some news from them, wether a letter or just hearing about them in a tavern or something, her day gets instantly better
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
rewarding myself for sending emails with some thots.
alright bestie, I also agree that bigger guys are the things I go for, because of that protection feeling (but also they tend to be warmer to my always cold self), in fact my crush on aemond is low key an anomaly and it's definitely due to the whole morally ambiguous vibe.
but I am not there to blabber about my (terrible) tastes in fictional men, but I wanted to say that:
1) oh yeah, the idea of riding his thigh is definitely good because I feel like babe would be like 'we are going to be married, we can do stuff. even all the way', but you are a bit worried about it and are like 'what about this?' (he might also attempt 'to go only the tip pls').
it's safe to say that now he is looking even further to your first night and definitely showed you off to aemond the day after as he brought you to the training grounds to see him train. listen, he might not enjoy the swordplay as his brother, but sign him up to impress the ladies! also bonus if he overpowers aemond in some ways because of his body and he is like that annoying sibling going like 'say that you surrender!' while aemond is just like '... I just wanted to have a nice day'.
2) I just wished to say that yeah, his weight and chubbiness might entail that some positions in sex might not be done, anymore, which makes him sad for two minutes before he realized that you can now explore other options and he is like the apt pupil for these things, always trying new ways and having fun in general. just as long as you reward him with honey cakes right off your hands (or tits, he isn't picky)
thotty thoughts with you are my favourite 💖✨
listen we can both agree our taste in men are diverse but worrisome 🤭
omg yesssss! Aegon would definitely try to convince you he’ll be super duper careful with only just the tip in, saying he’ll pull out immediately if he feels himself on the verge of exploding 🥵 you probably only let him closer towards the wedding night!!!
oh yeah, he’d definitely overpower Aemond when he can!! Aemond’s speed is unmatched but once Aegon gets him into a hold it’s game over, there’s no point fighting 😫 *consider me swoooon*
fuck yes, he’s so upset he can’t perform some of his all time fave positions nor can he go on for long (needing breaks in between each round) but he loves seeing you WORK !!! the way your body adjusts and is flexible to cater for his larger body. how small you are against him & now that he can easily pin you down, I- 😫🥵🥵
I need Aegon pinning me down, holding me against my wrists over my head, with cakes and sweets all over my bare tits, as he eats and sucks off me !!!!
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castlebyersafterdark · 2 months
love all your musical choices! ive seen the kids in america idea a lot, and i have a similar response to it that i do with boys dont cry and the smiths actually
its so new wave upbeat and jingly jangly (musically at least). it just doesnt feel deep or important enough for the tragedy of this tale, unless they remix it. it either needs to be heavier and more epic, massively more fun and inspiring, or truly dark. but it sort of teeters on the edge of something, almost off-key and off kilter. maybe thats why you like it! each to their own.
for example, with the cure, just like heaven played over mike learning guitar/thinking about will is so much more emotional than the strangeness of boys don't cry imo. i wonder what im missing because i wish i could connect with those songs like other bylers seem to!
I think that's a good point with Kids in America - I love the song a lot and it really is such a vibe for the Party, but I'd hope it was used appropriately. Now, I'm no music expert or composer, so I'm not sure how they'd do it, but people much smarter with musical vision could probably do a pared down arrangement of it that could be a bit more dramatic but still cool. There's a lot of moments in Stranger Things that can lean into pure 80s cheese but that's the charm sometimes! Evocative of those era films. Love that. When appropriate though. It's honestly tough to pinpoint song choices for season five based on the themes like I have no idea how the plot is gonna play out, (well, I have my theories but I don't know the plot will be filmed is the distinction). I feel like with it being a lot similar to s1/2, maybe less on the nose needle drops actually? I have to look back at the sound tracks there, but the later seasons feel like they had longer lists of songs used per season if that makes sense. I'll have to look back at everything.
And def an unpopular opinion around the Byler fandom but I don't love the song Boys Don't Cry. I definitely only listened to the Cure after getting into the fandom, and I really like them, but they have so many better songs? Just Like Heaven is so good. And ooooh Mike playing it for Will??? That is so sweet, I love that a lot. Mike softly singing will the line "I'll run away with you" ughh swoooon.
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buckyhoney · 2 years
𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: soft!mando makes my heart swoooon- but please be kind to me in terms of terminology with the ships, star wars universe, etc. im still learning and im bound to get things wrong!- so please be kind <3
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: din djarin x reader
𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬/𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤/𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 & 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐥𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝! 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐃𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭/𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬!
𝟏𝟖+ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
*its not necessarily smut, but i added the warning bc of nudity and suggestive actions/comments
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+, soft!mando, loopholes for the helmet, kinda funky timeline, established relationship, i changed the prompt a smidge, suggestive comments/actions, making out, nude, unedited
“no more kisses! i need to get ready for work." + din djarin
The room was pitch black, and all you could hear were soft snores, small beeps, and the occasional murmurs from the crest.
This morning, he is leaving to collect a bounty. He'd be gone at least two weeks, so he thought it'd be best to have you stay with Grogu on Sorgan- instead of flying around potentially putting either of you in danger.
Since the last time they were in the village, it has been peaceful. You liked the idea of being stationary for a little bit. Grogu would be able to play with the other children while you helped out around the village.
He didn't like being away from the two of you for longer than a week. Din had grown used to having you him and waking up with you- and he didn’t get much sleep when you weren’t with him. It worried him that something could happen when he is away from either of you.
He held you tightly against his chest. Your eyes fluttered open when you heard the small coos from the other pod. Attempting to sit up, Din only pulls you tighter.
"He's awake; I gotta go check on him." Your soft voice is muffled into his chest.
"He's fine." The raspy voice mumbles then kisses your hair.
The pod is dark, and you can only see the outline of his face. You could tell by the silhouette that his hair had grown out longer than he usually liked. You placed your palm on the sides of his face, feeling his jawline and the stubble pricking your skin. You liked the unkept look.
His hand slid up your naked back, pressing his lips to your forehead. Looking up at the blank face, your lips find his. From your back, his hand roamed down over the curve of your ass. You hook your leg over his bare legs, smirking against his lips. Din's hand continued down to the back of your thigh and back up to your back. Your nipples harden as his warmed hand glides over your cool skin.
Playing with the strands of hair on the back of his neck, you're lazily moving your lips in sync with his. You hear more coos and clinking of the walls of Grogu pod; he is hitting the wall with his metal ball. Din had caved and allowed him to sleep with it- this is his punishment.
"I should get him," Mumbling against his lips, Din groans:
"He has the toy."
Another clink.
Chuckling, you pull his body closer while laying flat on your back. Din now hovers over you, still not breaking the kiss. He wanted to soak up all the time he had with you before he left, getting in two weeks' worth of kisses and touches before he was going to be alone.
"No more kisses! I have to go get your son!" Giggling, you give him one last peck before reaching over to the shelf and grabbing your shirt.
Din groaned, handing you your pants.
"I'll be right back, then you can do whatever you want with me," You whisper before kissing his cheek.
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nolan-sims · 2 years
With the recent negativity in the community, I figured we could use some uplifting. So I’m asking simblr to pick a blog or two, (or more if you want) and say why they inspire you, or what you admire about them. Or simply.. Why you think they’re cool. Whatever your heart desires. Let’s just spread some good. :) ❤️
Hey anon! This is such a cute idea. So here goes, these are some of the blogs that inspire me ✨ (in no particular order):
@magnolianfarewell makes such beautifully detailed, aesthetic posts and CC. Everything always looks so clean and dreamy~ and I always get excited whenever she shares something new! Her Simblreen items are all permanent fixtures in my game.
@trillyke easily has the cleanest texture work I've ever seen. I'm such a dork when it comes to a good texture, and Trillyke delivers. Just, wow. Not to mention she can bring such a wide variety of styles and fashion to life! And the cherry on top? She's such a kind person and I always look forward to seeing her on my dash/timeline.
@crypticsim makes such beautiful makeup I just swoooon. I sort all of my CC into folders by creator, and his is definitely bursting at the seams haha. Everything he makes is so well made and works on literally any Sim. It's a real treat! I'm so glad to have such a stellar makeup CC creator in this community.
@ratboysims has such entertaining gameplay, amazing poses, and CC. I've never been much of a storyteller myself, so the fact that he can create engaging stories that star such relatable Sims (to the point where they feel like real people) is wonderful. He definitely keeps the storyteller side of Simblr going.
@pictureamoebae has the best vibes. Their reshade presets and resources have been so helpful to so many people. They truly go above and beyond to help others and to be an active participant in this community, no matter what may be going on. I'm always happy to see them pop up on my dash.
@oatberrytea Simblr's favorite grandma! (the little granny icon makes me smile haha) But in all seriousness, I just really enjoy their presence in this community. They're always so kind, encouraging, and supportive of others. Not to mention, their gameplay? An actual dream. All of their Sims and builds are so beautiful. I just adore them.
I could sit here and list folks all day long, but I'll stop myself here! Definitely go check these people out and show them some love. It goes without saying: but if you aren't on this list, do not feel excluded. I love each and every one of you and what you bring to this community! Stay creative, friends 💗
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darlingkay · 3 years
ikemen opinions 8/?
its me, just like i said i would, here's my review for isaac newton's route <3. per usual, spoilers are under the cut.
*disclaimer*  : please keep in mind that these are my personal opinions which will of course differ from others!! i’d also like to disclose that i do in fact pay to play, but i only pay for that i deem worth it. i don’t spend money on events or for chapter tickets. previous post: hideyoshi toyotomi otome opinions list: masterlist
character: isaac newton (ikemen vampire)
route: romantic
rating: 10/10
overall thoughts: i love this route so much. honestly i don't know what was drawing me to isaac, but i just had to try his route for myself. i didn't know anything prior or had much exposure to him aside from the prolouge and boy howdy i am in love with him and he is now easily a top 5. one day i'll probably make a post about my top 5 otome boys and why some day. but anyways, isaac made me feel the same way i did when i played ieyasu, but even better, which is hard because y'all know how bad i simp for ieyasu. they're definitely cousins across the ikemen universe.
where to begin, my loves?
i can honestly say that i loved everything about isaac's route. it starts off so dramatic and his character development is fan-fucking-tastic. I also love the main conflict about him being abberant. it's so interesting and also leads to one one of my favorite scenes heh. i loved watching isaac grow to trust himself and trust that mc isn't afraid of him.
the scene where he starts schooling the Sorbornne students is so good and I love the music that plays, its just so cute to see him open up and show off how smart he is
his tender moments with mc are so good, they make me so haooy because i was genuinely so invested in his plot and the immense sadness that plagued his life. it was nice to see that he could learn to trust and trust to be loved in return.
i like the way dazai interacts with mc. and i love saint-germain's involvement as well. one of my favorite things in any romance is when it's so obvious to other people that two people are in love. i think it helps show how strong their attraction and bond are which make their connection all the more special and unique. this was so introspective, but i stand by it.
mmmmm the scene where isaac is overcome with love and bites the mc and she calls him her aberrant lover and isn't afraid of him and god it's just so hot honestly. i hate that it leads to so much quiet and tension between isaac and mc, but the growth that comes from it is so worth it. it's also just mmm steamy
this is probably dorky but i love the letter that isaac writes. i've always wanted to be in love with someone who would send me love letters so this is easily one of my favorite functions of the game series. i love the letter where he admits that he bit mc out of love, and i especially love the way that he signs his letters, makes me swoooon. the last letter you receive for the romantic route ends with "your most loving servant, isaac" and that shit made my heart flutter because what the fuck he's so in love.
omg omg omg in the romantic route dazai calls mc his wife and then the student's at sorbornne ask if they're married and isaac says that he hopes to be soon and !!! first of all so cute that isaac is so proudly in love and not afraid to share that love. i also just love that because the mention of marriage is just so sweet. that's probably the most basic trait i have, i love the idea of marriage so much.
ummm i honestly don't think i had anything critical that i didn't like about this route. i loved so much about isaac.
like i geneuinely liked so many aspects about it.
actually i do have one complaint. i didn't love how the situation with robert hooke went down. not that it was bad or anything, i just feel like maybe the writing could have been a little better. like him being the reason that isaac was expelled made sense, but i didn't love that it was basically like "i fought with with you and accused you of plagiarism because i liked your wit!!!" i just don't think that part made much sense
fuck shakspeare
i also hated that the royal society took isaac's work and robert just like,,,, let it stay like that because of his own reputation? that's a petty complaint though so maybe just ignore it.
favorite memory: hmmmmm, this is a tough one. but honestly it's probably 'theorem: that i wish i never had to leave' or 'postulate: that i will never leave you'. theorem is so goo because it's so sweet how much isaac has grown and is clearly in love and wants to protect mc and cares so much about her happiness and well-being. a good caught in the rain trop never hurts anyone too. postulate is just so warm and happy and so romantic. everything about isaac's route makes me happy. also can we appreciate the incorporation of mathematic terms into the titles of his premium stories??? such a nice touch on cybird's end.
my favorite letter: all of isaac's letters are pretty good honestly, but the way his romantic route letter 'i will make you happy' just hits so good. he talks about how mc changed him for the better and he finally knows what it's like to love and be loved in return.
"you pushed past the doors of my heart and communicated with me.
and you loved me.
thank you, i love you too."
and the signature??? yeah game fucking over, i want to marry him.
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charlieweasleyy · 3 years
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WTN WEEK 2021 → day seven (episode seven) Hiiii friends so I decided to talk about things that bring me comfort and for me the thing that brings me the biggest comfort is the friends I've made on this board. I spend my time talking to these four basically allllll day long. If you can guess by the graphic above on who is who, but they have become some of my best friends so *drum roll* please and let me tell you about the people i consider to be my f.r.i.e.n.d.s.
MY LOBSTER Apparently, I am someone who when they find someone they mate for life. When I latched onto Elle I latched on and didn't (lol won't) let go. Like when I say she is my person I mean it with every fiber of my being. She is the soulmate. My wife. My lobster. She is like that perfect pair of sweatpants that you know are dependable and can count on and you don't want to let go of. She's like the television show that you need to put on because you've had a bad day. She's the first person I call when disaster happens. When I am having a bad day she is the first person I want to talk to and 10/10 she can say something to make it better.
We laugh until we cry and she likes to yell at me... but 9/10 I do deserve it. So, it is valid. If you see me flirting with her on the server (no you didn't) it's mostly because I can't help myself. So... just divert your eyes. It's very cliche to say that your life has changed after meeting someone, but that's what it has done. I am a better person for her, I'm more mindful, more open, and I don't think there isn't a person on this board who wouldn't say that Elle hasn't changed them for the better. It is who she is. She leaves you with something to think about, she challenges you. She pushes you. She has a heart for those who are misrepresented and misunderstood. I swear if Elle had her own talk show I'd listen to it every day. The girl is *passionate* and that is one thing I can't help but love about her. She is passionate about diversity, about the people on this board, I have watched her struggle with some hard decisions this year and how it has affected her mentally, but she also rises from the ashes because she has to. I have watched her countless times put this site above her own needs. I have watched her struggle. I have watched her doubt (herself and her future) and I have watched her wonder if she is doing the right thing. I have watched her feel remorse and pain and I'm telling you if you do not think Elle cares about WTN and everyone on this board then you've not seen her struggle the way that I've seen her struggle. It's probably why I'm so damn protective of her, but I don't regret a single second of it.
Okay, I've spent this whole time talking about how great Elle is but I've not spoken about the writing. I've run out of room... her writing is amazing, she is the one person I can respond to no matter what day I'm having and no matter what ship it is. I love all of our threads and I'm always so happy and excited to see an elle reply in my alerts waiting to be read and responded to! I find it hard to wrap them because they are just so good! If I have a day where I don't feel like doing replies good chance I'll still pull up an Elle reply because it normally makes my day better 99.99999% of the time. The .1% doesn't exist, but it's including the slight possibility of error and the fact Elle will have something to refute that claim with.
THE GIRL I'D MOVE FURNITURE WITH I don't think there is anyone else I want around my side to do some of the heavy lifting and I don't mean that in the physical sense, but in the writing sense and the mental sense too (tho I don't need to see Kae in real life to know that she's strong). You know that saying about people who struggle in silence. I think that describes Kae because sometimes it's like using a crowbar in getting her to open up and to TALK. It is one of the most frustrating things. It's kind of like a treasure box when you have the box sitting right in front of you and it is impossible to open. Okay, half the battle was finding it. You have the map in front of you and when you finally find it, it is STILL locked. That's Kae. It was quite the struggle in getting her to be open to more plots like I knew where to find and how to find her, but actually getting to Kae felt impossible even though I had all of the directions in front of me. But once you put in the time and effort to get to know her.... like *really* know her, it's like discovering treasure. Not only is she one of the most dependable writers (like I said she will carry the heavyweight in all of her threads), but she is one of the best writers! I love reading her threads even if I'm not in them, they always leave me on the edge of my seat and that characterization *chef's kiss*. MAKES JOKES WITH BC HUMOR IS BAE Oh you know the one who tells the jokes when they are uncomfortable. It is a friends reference and the only one I could think of when I thought of Aria. She makes me laugh. She probably makes me laugh more than anyone especially during WTNWeek because of these videos. When I say read something in an Aria voice I mean it! She isn't really that awkward!! But I'm sure she'll say differently so YOLO. Aria doesn't know a stranger, she pops into your DMs and suddenly it's like you have known her all of your life. We have not known one another as long as I have known Kae and Elle, but she fits in so well. Her writing is beautiful and I love how she is in my DMs daily with inspiration for our ships. I started out with zero Aria ship and Aria made two new characters just to have ships with me and I love her for that. I can gush about how amazing she is because she is one of those people who will provide you comfort. If she knows you are having a bad day, she will send you something to make you smile and she'll remind you that she loves you. And I can't even tell you how having those videos during WTNWeek has made my days a little bit better! If I'm feeling frustrated or sad I just turn one on and it has made my day ten times better. It's funny how she is young, but she is kind of my teacher. She sends me videos to help me when I don't understand something and I am SORRY Aria because you've had to send a lot of videos lately, but I don't think the staff could have made a better decision in asking Aria to hop on board. She is always so helpful and the thing is -- she *wants* to help. She wants to pitch in. She always puts her best foot forward and I love that. And cand we talk about those posting and organization skills #swoooon MY SMELLY CAT In reality I am probably singing this song to Jasmine, but I feel like you'd join in sooo here we go. I wanna preface and say I am not calling Bela a smelly cat! But she speaks in references I don't understand sometimes and sometimes she talks about these weird noises she makes so I think this description is perfect for her. Bela came into WTN and I normally have trust issues BUT I trusted my gut and Prudy is one of my favorite characters on the board. We have been trying to get her cousin on board for as long as I can remember. Prudy deserves all of the good things so I really wanted Bela to stay on board. I threw her practically everything I could think of and I am so glad I did because it has allowed us to get close over the years.
Bela and I have created some fun dynamics over the years between readie being the superior of them all, but we also created dynamics that I never expected to create like Manny, Sieun, and Dylya. They have come to be some of my FAVORITE pairings. It's kinda funny we often joke about how we only have one ship on the board, but it feel like we have a billion. Bela always enjoys sending me music, it's like when she knows I need some writing music, and that's part of the ways she fits into my comfort. Bela is a listener. She listens and she is one of those people who are easy to talk to. I enjoy sharing headcanons and future headcanons and character ideas that we won't create but would like to! I like that she is open and she is honest with me - if she is having a bad day then she'll let me know. But I also think we've talked so much that I can just tell.We are comfortable with one another and I absolutely LOVE it.
I know confetti has been going on for a while, but there are not many people you write with and write WELL with but I have found multiple people I LOVE writing with and I absolutely LOVE talking to. I have found my person (lol more like loml), my partner-in-crime (like if I'm going to go to jail I need her in my corner), my cheerleader (and child), and my ship in the night (lol, we gotta be on at the right time and at the right time to talk).
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luminousbravery · 4 years
Hey how about Dave finding out that his S/O is actually a pretty good rapper? Like maybe they don't seem to enjoy rap all that much or something of the sort?
It's funny bc I was just talking abt an idea like this earlier! Here you go,
💿 Listen, he was already gushing oretty hard over you.
💿 So when he hears you rap?
💿 Talk about SWOOOON!
💿 This boy has like...heart eyes. A big stupid smile on his face.
💿 He's like "rose did you hear that yn can *rap*"
💿 Karkat and Rose tease him about being such a lovey dovey guy but he's proud of it.
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ask-the-party-god · 4 years
Ask The Party God - Timeline
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hi hi! as i mentioned earlier, i wanted to talk about my specific timeline so you guys are more or less aware of my situation when sending asks! thats me up there! the best doggy girl around ;o
as far as i am aware, theres not much of a difference between mine and... other timelines as far as the game goes! we beat sburb, we arrived to earth-c, we settled down, you know! the usual! i have my tower on a nice island, but its so far away from everything i barely go there, its... lonely!
i have a smaller house in the troll kingdom though! its a bit on the outskirts and like ten minutes away from dave and karkats, but i still crash at theirs or roses or roxys or johns way more often... X) its pretty standard all things considered, but i do have a bit of a basement lab to mess around with some side-projects of mine!
that aside... lets see...
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thats john! my lovely ecto-bro! :D hes been a bit down in the dumps for a while so i try to cheer him up and keep him company <3 he lives in the outskirts of the human kingdom bordering with the consort kingdom, in a little mixed village... recently hes started to grow his hair out a bit too! i swear its just laziness so he doesnt have to take care of that messy mane, but i do think itd look cuter longer sooo...
he doesn’t... do much, which is why i have been trying to cheer him up and be around lately! he’s a bit more active at least and talks with the others, but i do wanna encourage him more >:/
5/8/20 edit: thats june egbert, my adorable ecto-sis whom i adore so so so so very much!!! weve been hanging out a bunch since her latest birthday!
shes been doing a lot better! more energetic, more open about the things that worry her... i only wish her the best of the best for the future, and im sure well be having lots of fun together from now on! :D
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of course theres dave and karkat!!! they live together in the troll kingdom and have the moooost adorable domestic life i have ever seen, swoooon~ that being said theyre two awkward bottoms that couldnt realize their feelings even if they wrote a heartfelt love letter to each other and read it aloud, soooo its a... work in progress! i have tried nudging things along but thats an even worker in progresser, whoops
they also dont do much other than laze about most of the time, but dave has some creative side-projects with music and art that he shows me from time to time!
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rose and kanaya maryam-lalonde!!! two absolutely lovely ladies whom i looove very very much! ;o their place is at the carapace kingdom, but kanaya spends a good deal of time in the brooding caverns as the matriarch of the troll race! i helped them install a transportalizer to speed things up so they have more time for each other, if you catch my drift ;)
about a year ago or so, rose got really sick for a short while, but she recovered and has been her usual lovely self since! since that scare though, they have been considering the idea of expanding their family! they could adopt of course, but they wanna try other stuff first! i occasionally help kanaya at the caverns with ectobiology machinery trying to find a way to properly mix troll and human genes, but its not exactly... easy
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those are jane and jasprose! janes technically my mom but ive always seen her as a sort of cousin! we dont chat much but shes not bad! jasproses... well, you know! a wild kitty girl that knows how to have fun, hehehe, i hang out with her far more than my doggy alignment would have you know! ;o
a while back jane seemed pretty serious about running for office, and maybe because rose was in a bad spot or something, but jasprose started to pop up more and more often in public, and specifically messi around with jane? eventually she seemed to just lose interest in politics entirely and, while they havent said anything officially, i heard the cheshire cutie pops over by janes way too often to be just friendly visits ;o
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roxy and callie!!! both of them came as non-binary around the same time, probably after talking it out for a while! hehe, rox has got that strider style going, and callie has been wearing their old wig more often in public! roxy and i have been messing around with their old lab equipment trying to give callie a fun surprise, but as it turns out messing around with basic biology with tech made to be used by 13 years old requires a looooot of tinkering... maybe some time?
i love them a bunch! theyre not really together i dont think so? but im pretty sure theyre more than just good friends that live together! im pretty sure callies still experimenting with identity and labels so, i wont pry really!
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two cool dudes~ jake and dirk are nice, dirks a bit shy but ive gotten him to open up about robotics and we talk from time to time! jakes pretty much like jane, i pretty much see him as my cousin! we go hiking around from time to time in the weekends im not busy doing other stuff! :B
dirk got really concerned about rose when she had her episode, but dave helped him keep his cool about whatever was going down, and they hang out about once a month or so! also i was never sure whether dirk and jake USED to be dating or are STILL dating or whatever but, hey, much like with rox and callie, im not gonna pry!
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tereziiiii :( shes away from earth-c plundering the corpse of paradox space! we barely see her but we keep in contact and send her supplies out into the furthest ring!
we worried for a bit that she was focusing too much on vriska and harming herself being out there, we kind of made it work in the end! some of our other friends are still out there and theres the possibility of finding some weird remnant of a timeline or something, so she keeps watch in case she can guide someone still living or trapped back to safety... and in the meantime she keeps watch for vriska, too, of course- ugh, i sorta just wish she got back already, im sure her being around would also encourage john to be more active! but as long as shes safe...
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davepeta!!! the coolest cat around B) ive not... seen them in person since our little encounter near the green sun, but, terezi bumped into them a while back and sent a selfie! i dunno what theyre doing out there, but they mentioned about popping by earth-c eventually, sooooo, weve been holding onto a welcome celebration for a few months now!
and i think thats all? uuuh, if i can think of anything else i will add it, and you guys can ask me anything that wasnt clear or to elaborate on other stuff! hope this gives all of you a better picture of whats been going on in my life! :p
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smitten-miqitten · 5 years
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Ok, so this one's gonna be fun :3
First impressions: Believe it or not, I didn't really think anything of Cid originally. Partially due to speeding through ARR and Heavensward, and the fact a good chunk of his early characterization happens in dungeons who's cutscenes, prior to msq roulette changes, you were basically required to skip. I also hated his og English voice actor (idk why I didn't just switch to jp) with a passion, the dude was cringey as hell with his delivery. He was a non entity at best, annoyance at worst. I also didn't do any raids til I caught up in Stormblood, so I missed a lot there.
Impression now: Idk if you all can tell, but I kinda adore Cid. It wasn't until I got the confidence to start doing the various raids that I really began to notice "Hey, this dude is actually really fuckin cool. How'd I miss that?". So, in true Smitten Miqitten fashion, I went nuts trying to learn more about the character, rewatching old cutscenes and even checking out 1.0's story. Turns out he's basically a WoL counterpart, with super smarts rather than super Hydelyn blessing. I mean, you know how great it is when Haurchefant comes to rescue you from the Vanu? It even better when Cid swoops in to save you both from both Vanu and Bismarck. Swoooon. By the time I got halfway through Omega, I had a ship.
Favorite moment: Honestly, I love in Castrum when he's like "I won't be able to help you, you're on your own", then shows up five minutes later because he got bored/antsy. Then proceeds to set off alarms by blasting through a wall because he was too lazy to take the long way around. He's just as much a chaotic moron as the WoL, and I love when they get to work together like that. Same with the final bit in Omega where they're both in interdimesional space and he's telling off the giant murder robot man/lady in charge of it. Absolute genius idiot. Calling Gaius a manchild is also an amazing moment.
Idea for a story: I'd like to see a Cid & Gaius reunion where Gaius gets decked. Or where Gaius learns about Emet Selch being his favorite emperor and Cid just gets to laugh at him.
Unpopular opinion: This isn't because of my ship, and I don't judge anyone for liking this, but I haaaate the Cid/Nero ship. It just doesn't strike me as remotely healthy, and while everyone seems to have latched onto people taking the piss and bullying Cid as just a dynamic, people seem to forget how self assured and strong Cid is. He would never be able to tolerate someone constantly undermining him, even as a joke, in an intimate, personal, romantic setting. He is constantly shown being very annoyed or upset by Nero's behavior, and not in a tsundere way. He's a grown ass man with a few hangups and lot of actual self esteem.
Favorite relationship: A tie between the Ironworks crew and the WoL in general. He takes care of them and they all take care of him and it's heartwarming.
Favorite headcannon: That his name is actually Cidolfus. I'm a huge FF12 nerd, and Dr.Cid is my absolute favorite Cid in the series, so it just makes me like FF14's Cid even more.
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harrieatthemet · 6 years
but just imagine taking a bath with harry AND your little 3 yr old bubby i think i would explode from pure sweetness
nooooo bc it’d be his favorite part of the day ):
he’d leave the house early, sleepy and grumpy because he knows he’s got a long day laid out ahead of him. And angel baby is still sleeping, so he didn’t get to have the usual morning breakfast date like they usually would before he parted for work and she parted for school. 
and his day is as long as he assumed it to be, meetings and recordings and anything his team could squeeze in between. like he just doesn’t wanna be cooped up in a conference room or in a studio anymore, he wants to be home with you and his bubba and just fucking unwind. 
so when he finally gets the OK to leave he’s practically skipping out of there, b lining it for his car so he can get home. 
but he’s gotta be quick about it because it’s so much later than he had anticipated and, he knows the nighttime routine, knows that soon angel baby will be tucked away in her bed to sleep for then night and he’ll be robbed of a pre bedtime snuggle and a little quality time with his lil ANGEL!!!!
so imagine his fACE WHEN HE GETS HOME and he can hear the water running in the master bath. And he’s skipping steps to get up there as fast as he can, because even if he’s been snuffed of bath time with angel baby, bath time with you would be just as enjoyable, if not (; more so (;
“Oh,” he beams, “y’up still, bub?”
and her smiLE is IDENTICAL TO HIS, DIMPLES AND all and maybe she’s got those little baby teeth poking out in her lil toothy smile and she’s got a little ducky robe on, waiting to hop in the tub. He’s all giddy too because, oh my god, she’s so fuckin cute and he’s happy he caught her at the best time of day: BATH TIME.
“Wanna join us, daddy?” you’d coo and he’s swoOOoning because YES!!!! HE FUCKIN DOES!!!and his smile doubles in size once he’s planted in the bath, vertical from his giggly munchkin, who’s splashing water around like a vigilante but he doesn’t mind because she’s having a blast and that’s all that matters. 
she’s resting her back up against the front of you, while you lazily scrub her hair with that little baby shampoo that smeLLS so good. and she’s mesmerized by all the bubbles, and even the few tub toys she dragged in with her. and her squeal makes him want to DIE OF CUTENESS 
“silly!” she’d cackle, as harry pretended he had NoOooOoO idea he had a long beard of bubbles stuck to his face.
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thedenofravenpuff · 5 years
Student Council - Episode Reaction
It’s dat time again! And again, still seeing more spoilers all around from the early releases I haven’t found access to myself. So I’ll just stick to the American schedule still and keep ignore the spoilers. Not their fault they get excited about stuff I can’t access yet.
Anyways, I can say I have no idea what this episode holds except it apparently is another Starlight/Trixie teamup, so I got that going for it. Let’s get started then!
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Aargh, there be    S  P  O  I  L  E  R  S    in them woods!
Starts out great for the shippers, I must say.
Magic pager.
Didn’t Trixie usually only have one highlight bubble in her eye? Anyways, bad date, yikes.
Aggro tea slurp. You gone done it, Starlight. Yer sleeping outside the wagon tonight!
Themesong *Ding!*
Starlight, that’s not what open door policy means, some meetings and counseling sessions should be more private than that.
Little did Trixie realize, or care, that pony suffered severe social anxiety and crippling depression and that was the one time he had gathered enough courage to make the first, much needed cry for help and let the mask of being okay slip away. He soon left the school of friendship as his mental condition worsened without daring to try ask for help again.
Yikes, awkward. 
I like Trixie in this episode so far, she has really come far in changing her super self centered attitude around. She still speak in third person and still focuses on herself and ego a lot, but also shows more engagement with others. As her complaints now ain’t just about her feeling neglected by Starlight, but feeling Starlight are neglecting their other friends too. Having Trixie being the voice of reason is quite fun.
Aww, Rose.
Ahahaehehehh... her little smile when Gallus shows the damage to his book. Oh gosh his face. Wonder what kind of book that was.
Changeling identity crisis. At this point we only need to hear or see Sandbar showing up for counseling and we’ll have a complete set.
Ohoho, dramatic.
Damn. I know she meant to make a statement for Trixie, but that came off as harsh. But also understandable, she’s tired, stressed and been bothered by Silverstream in particularly all day. Tho with the old meme of Swettiebelle being a dictionary, I could have seen it fit sending her to that filly for synonyms.
Yaay... mud briar got speaking lines again..
Oooh! Cutest Sea Hippogriff Pony is back!!
oh... oooh....
Yeah, Trixie. Really?
Aww, Mud Briar tries to better his social skills.
Oooh Maud XD
Oh Trixie XDD
Sooo... it safe to enter the forest again without eminent tentacle rape despite the Elements and Tree still broke? Or was the Tree House enough to fix the Tree and its ability to hold back the forest?
I’m unsure about how much smiling and facial expressions they are giving Mud Briar this episode. Weren’t the whole purpose with his existence to be exactly like Maud or did the writers make the changes because people complained that type of pairing of characters being the exact same was dumb?
Okay, as little as I like Mud Briar, Maud going “You complete me” was very adorable.
Didn’t they say the cockatrice lives in solitude? Oh, Starlight just said that too. Guess it’s a plot point.
For how rarely we see him do much with his magic, that beam was pretty cool.
Dat does gotta be terrifying. You can’t dare to look, but you can hear them get closer and closer, all around you.
Dat was rad.
Awww, Sunburst’s jump and scream.
Yeah, Maud’s line about Mud Briar turned to stone does not shock or surprise me one bit. I like him better this way too.
Magic sanctum!
I’m expecting an edit of this episode showing all scenes of them saying cockatrice but with -atrice edited out.
Heh, hunk.
... I... Starlight... You ran there because you Saw the Treehouse in the distance. Why... why do you now act like you just NOW realize it’s there and might be where Silverstream would go? I... Urgh, nevermind.
Awww, happy chickensnake noises.
Heh. “Swoooon...”
Silversteam finally getting it.
I mean... Maud canonically eats rock. Her whole family does. I’m only worried about how sharp and jagged it is.
Cute episode. The morale was as expected, but it had enough twists and turns to not be all predictable and had a lot of cute scenes and moments with all the characters, as well as action and drama. I really liked it. Shows growths and changes in characters as well as little moments of flaws and not just all being better than ever. Especially Trixie’s character growth shows in this one, with how she put more importance on others now too and shows more awareness to other things than just her own tiny bubble.
The jokes were funny, the character interactions great. Even enjoyed Mud Briar for whatever that’s worth. And seeing this group hang out more as established friends is great!
My only gripe is we were never given a reason for why Edith for whatever reason looked that different from all the other cockatrices.
Still a very cute and fun episode, I really enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading!
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