olberic · 2 years
had to deal with a client so unbearable this morning i had to book a boardroom and go in and turn the lights off and lie down on the floor. blood pressure through the roof today
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jtargaryen18 · 2 years
His Inheritance ~ Chapter 26 Preview
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I'm hoping to get this out this weekend but I'm volunteering so I can't make that promise. But very soon...
Warnings: Sexual references, references to violence
Dark dreams pulled Steve from sleep. It was 3:37 AM according to his phone.
With a sigh, he pulled himself out of bed, propping his pillow behind his wife’s back in his place. She was sound asleep and that had him smiling. The night before in the bath had been delicious. He had her again later in bed.
She’d need to sleep in after that.
So much raw emotion welled up in his chest as he watched her. His wife took up a lot of room when she slept, sprawling over the bed at night. Over him. He loved it, especially now that she mostly slept nude as he did. She was beautiful, her radiance and confidence growing by the day.
As he got dressed, he kept stealing glances at her. She’d brought a hell of a lot more than just status into his life. His wife challenged him. She challenged everyone. As delicate as she appeared now, asleep in his bed, she was formidable as a lioness, especially when defending those she cared about.
Steve couldn’t wait to have children with her. How fierce would their sons be? Hell, his daughters would be fierce too. He hoped they looked like her.
Making his way downstairs, thoughts of the family he wanted faded like dreams as he reached his study, returning to reality. Wincing in the light when he flicked it on, he saw the office was just as neat and sterile as it had ever been. Steve always had strict rules about who was allowed in his study, just like his father had.
Those rules didn’t apply to his wife, he realized, who came and went from his center of business as she damn well pleased.
Those memories he loved. Holding her in his chair, spanking her over the desk. Twice. That last one had led to him just taking her like a beast on that refined wooden surface. It had him stirring just thinking about it. Steve wanted more memories like that.
He wanted more.
What would it be like to see toys littering the floor one day? Or to have little drawings left for him on his desk?
With a deep sigh, he sank heavily into his chair.
Ever since his wife had entered his life, she’d blurred the lines between his personal life and business. Steve walked a fine line between frustration and ecstasy the entire time with her, his need for her so often consuming his thoughts.
In the meantime, everything he thought he had control of was unraveling.
Barnes was coming for him, swiftly and methodically, and he needed to deal with that before he lost respect and credibility in that dark world. The fact that his rival was getting away with hitting his turf made Steve look weak, incompetent. Barnes striking his home, his family’s home, demanded a harsh answer. His leadership of the families would be defined by the decision he made here.
But Steve also needed to protect his family. And hadn’t he done a poor job of that lately? His sister had been severely beaten by her husband and before that Clint had been shot. Hansen’s attack on their home left Belova and Dyson both laid up.
And his enemies seemed as obsessed with his wife as he was. If Hansen had gotten his hands on her…
Barnes had more than adequately demonstrated that no one was beyond his reach.
That had to change.
Steve had tried to be diplomatic in calling the meeting with the other family leaders. He wouldn’t make that mistake again. Why was he trying to win the other families over when at least one of them was gunning for his?
“Up early, boss?” Luca looked in, making Steve realize he didn’t even remember to close the door.
Steve nodded.
The portly cook walked just inside the office door. It was the only time of the day he ever saw the man in a pristine white apron.
“Your father used to do the same thing. Couldn’t sleep the night before. He’d just get up and get started. Always admired that about him.”
Steve snorted. “Probably never found himself in a situation this fucked up.”
“Sure he did,” Luca told him. “Someone challenged him, he hit them hard and he hit them fast. That’s all. No mercy. No regrets.”
Luca made it sound so easy.
“You got a new consigliere yet?” Luca asked.
Steve nodded. “I’m going with Murdock.”
Luca nodded his approval. “Good choice. We’ll see what he’s made of these next few weeks.”
That was an understatement.
“I’m calling a meeting this evening,” Steve told him. “If I remember right Dyson’s going to get medical tests this morning?”
“That’s right,” the cook said. “Him and Belova both. They should be back from the hospital by this afternoon. We sending Scott with them?”
Steve shook his head. “I’ll be here all day. Send Neal.”
Luca nodded, closing the door behind him on the way out of the office.
Steve would spend some time getting his thoughts together. Then, with his crew, they’d decide how best to deal with Barnes.
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bi-bard · 2 years
Taylor Swift Songs That Would Describe Relationships with the Murder Husbands [Pt. 3 - Midnights Edition] - Will Graham & Hannibal Lecter Preference [NBC's Hannibal]
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Title: Taylor Swift Songs That Would Describe Relationships with the Murder Husbands [Pt. 3 - Midnights Edition]
Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter
Word Count: 3,394 words
Warning(s): cheating, imprisonment, burnout
Author's Note: I've redone this four times. (However, High Infidelity was in all four versions)
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Will Graham:
High Infidelity
Do you really want to know where I was April 29th? Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
--Third Person--
It all kept going through Will's mind in flashes. Like lightning strikes. Just as blinding.
He could still feel the touches and kisses. He could hear every word and sound. He never knew how vivid his memories could be until he was truly haunted by them.
He wondered if (Y/n) was in the same state.
Lying in their bed at home, watching the movie of their night together. He wondered how they felt when they thought about it. Did they experience the same mix of guilt and longing that he did? Or maybe they were still angry at him.
(Y/n) and Will had a history that went back even further than his history with Hannibal.
The two of them had become everything to each other. (Y/n) had been with Will through everything. They stayed by his side when he got arrested, when he got locked away in his head, and everything in between. In his mind, they became a beacon. A sign of safety that may never be matched again.
Everyone else could see that too.
They saw the way that the pair of them looked at each other. It was easy to see how Will seemed to relax just a bit. How (Y/n)'s entire face just softened when they saw him.
Which is why it was more than shocking when Will left (Y/n) behind after Hannibal was arrested. He left town suddenly, leaving (Y/n) in the Wolf Trap house with a few dogs. No one knew why.
(Y/n) refused to go into detail about it. Instead, they would shake their head and say that it was for the best.
And then, Will came back.
After three years, the pair were meeting again in Jack Crawford's office.
Will kissed (Y/n) first. Back at the old house in Wolf Trap.
(Y/n) saw the wedding band on his finger. They just couldn't bring themself to care about it.
The rest of that night was contained to the blur of images. They ran through Will's head like images on a projector.
He wasn't sure how long he had spent lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling before he reached for the phone.
His body was moving faster than his mind was.
"Hey," Molly's voice almost caught him off-guard. "How you doing out there?"
"As well as expected," Will replied quietly.
"I see," she mumbled. "But you're doing some good, right?"
"Yeah," he sighed. "I hope so."
He didn't see it, but he could assume her eyebrows furrowed. "What's going on, Will?"
He closed his eyes. Every word, every thought was stuck in his throat. He couldn't think of something to say. He knew what he needed to say. What needed to be explained. He just couldn't.
In a way, Molly already knew.
She knew all too well about (Y/n) and their importance. Will still held onto the gifts they gave him. His hesitance to tell stories about them was sign enough to Molly that the wounds were all too fresh for him to discuss.
She couldn't find a way to be upset with them before then.
She only knew of the kind person that tried to keep the man she loved safe. She couldn't punish someone for being in love. She could only punish the actions that a person acted on. And even then, she found herself terrifyingly understanding.
"Did..." she didn't want to ask, but she knew that she needed the answer. "Did something happen with (Y/n)?"
Will's breath got stuck just as the words had mere moments before. "Yes."
Her eyes closed. "Did you sleep with them?"
She bit her lip and looked down. She was truly angrier with Will than she was with (Y/n).
She could've screamed at him. She had every right to do so. Will was expecting her to. Almost hoping that she would. Granted, he wasn't quite sure why. Maybe it was just in the hopes of knowing where he stood after it all.
But she didn't.
Molly stayed silent for a while, letting all of it sink in and settle under the surface of her skin.
"I'm sorry."
Will's words were a whisper. A desperate, overwhelmed, scared whisper.
He heard a sigh before Molly spoke, "I know."
It was just as quiet but sounded emotionless.
There wasn't another word spoken before the line went dead.
Will closed his eyes.
Nothing left to do now but deal with the feelings he still held for (Y/n).
I should not be left to my own devices They come with prices and vices I end up in crisis
If you had told me years ago that I would be visiting the man I loved in prison, then I would have scoffed at you.
If you had told me that I would find myself being constantly "confronted" (harassed) by the same "journalist" every day for God knows how long, then I would've questioned what the hell I had done to warrant such attention.
But here I was. Doing both.
Visiting Will was both the best and worst time of my week.
The best because I got to see the man I loved. The worst because it was in a hospital for the criminally insane.
I found myself sitting on a chair across from Will. He was in a cage. Locked away like a damn zoo animal.
I wanted nothing more than to walk closer. Just to touch his hand or press a kiss to his knuckles. But I couldn't do that because of the guard watching over us.
"I heard that you've been seeing a lot of Freddie Lounds," he said.
I nodded. "She got our address from somewhere. Don't know who would've known our address and willingly given it to her."
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault."
"It is," he corrected. "I'm the one being accused of murder, yet you're the one getting harassed. It's my fault that this is happening to you."
I shook my head.
"You're getting harassed and insulted. You have to come here just to see me. It's not fair to you. I have managed to drag you through hell without ever meaning to."
"I don't think so," I shrugged. He sighed. "You wanna know who I blame?"
He raised an eyebrow at me.
"I blame whoever decided to set you up in the first place," I said. "As far as the harassment, that's Freddie's fault. Not yours. You can't control how disrespectful some people can be."
He didn't respond.
"I love you, Will," I continued. "I love you so much that I sometimes can't even comprehend it. I am not going anywhere. I am staying right here with you. Through every moment of it. Got it?"
He slowly nodded.
I relaxed into my seat a bit.
"I love you too," he added after a moment.
I grinned. "I know."
I saw the start of a grin forming on his lips.
It brought me a sense of hope.
One way or another, we were both going to get through this.
What if I told you none of it was accidental And the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me I laid the groundwork and then just like clockwork The dominoes cascaded in a line What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
There was something about watching Will do his work that was absolutely fascinating.
He could look at a single room and tell you what happened within the last twenty-four hours. I found all of it incredibly impressive. Granted, it also made me feel guilty watching his mind go to a place that he clearly didn't want it to.
We had been in the lecture hall that he taught in. He was looking over crime scene photos and mentioned that I could stay if I wanted to.
"What do you think," he asked, looking at me.
Oh. That. That's why he told me that I could stay.
I looked over the photos.
Will was standing right next to me. So close that I could've sworn that I felt his breath hitting me.
I frowned at the images. It's not like I actually knew what I was talking about.
"I... I don't know," I muttered. "I can't make sense of any of it."
"Well, that's because this killer is working very hard to make us see a message when there very well may not be one."
"Oh," I mumbled, not looking away from the images. I wanted to see what he did.
"Are you alright?"
I looked over to see his eyebrows furrowed. He genuinely thought that I was able to do half of what his mind could do. He was diving into the darkest corners of a person's mind and coming back with a jewel.
I was frantically flailing my limbs in the hopes of not drowning and revealing that I couldn't swim.
I nodded.
"Are you sure," he pushed. I offered another nod. "You are not as good at hiding your emotions as you think you are."
"Don't be an asshole," I muttered.
He chuckled, shaking his head a bit. "Don't lie to me."
I took a deep breath, scanning his face for a moment.
"I have been for a while," I confessed.
"Excuse me," he raised an eyebrow at me.
"I... don't understand an ounce of the stuff you've been telling me about," I explained. "I've been doing a lot of reading and listening to your lectures when I can. I don't actually know a lot about any of this."
Will's arms crossed over his chest. "Why?"
"It sounds really stupid," I replied. "I liked you."
He didn't respond.
"I... I liked you, so I thought that the best way to get your attention was to try to relate to you with some of this stuff," I continued. "Not that I'm trying to trivialize what you do. I understand that what you do causes you pain and I want nothing more than to be able to help with that.
"And I'm sorry for lying to you. I just... I wanted to get to know you. Properly. I thought you were intriguing and clever and sarcastic as all hell and handsome. I was just trying to get you to let me in. Let me spend some time with you."
I barely noticed Will's gaze shifting as I spoke.
"And, not to brag, but it did work," I motioned around me. "I'd... I'd like to think that my company isn't a complete annoyance if you let me sit and listen to your theories and deductions. If it hadn't had some benefit, then I wouldn't have done it."
I stopped myself at long last. It was like the pause button on the remote was stuck. I just hadn't been able to stop talking until I had gotten all of that out.
"Will," I said. "I'm sorry."
"I'm not... I'm not upset," he explained. "A little shocked, maybe, but not upset."
"Oh," I muttered. "That's good."
He nodded.
I watched him step even closer to me. My heart rate spiked up. My palms were becoming sweaty. I was certain that my pupil had devoured most of my iris as I looked at him. His eyes seemed to focus on every other part of me.
His nervousness wasn't clear until he moved.
He was hesitant. Like he was ready to back away at any time. Whenever I showed an ounce of discomfort. I stayed where I was, letting him decide what happened next.
His lips found mine carefully. I had never kissed someone that treated me so much like glass.
I kissed him back just as gently.
His hands slowly moved to cup the sides of my face. Kissing him back seemed to unlock something. His hesitance fell away. He kissed me more passionately. I grinned into the kiss.
I leaned back a few moments later, feeling like if I didn't stop kissing him, then I never would.
Will tried to follow my lips, making me laugh quietly as I pushed him back by his chest.
I think it's safe to say that my plan had been a success.
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Hannibal Lecter:
It only feels this raw right now Lost in the labyrinth of my mind Break up, break free, break through, break down You would break your back to make me break a smile
Hannibal's house was overwhelming.
It almost felt like a museum of sorts. Like if I touched anything, an alarm would sound, and I would be escorted off of the premises.
The dinners he crafted were no different. He treated every plate like a canvas. It felt like a crime to cut into any of it.
I was always so grateful for the invitations that he offered me.
It was a privilege to get to sit across from him and have such casual conversation.
I always assumed that I was the only one who had something to be grateful for. He always seemed so in control of what was going on. He guided the conversation. The dinners were in his domain. He seemed to know every detail of the night long before he decided that I would be the one he was sharing it with.
One night, Hannibal showed me that I may have been wrong.
"I must say," he started, "I have often found it difficult to form genuine connections with people. But with you, it feels like I have no choice other than to allow one to form."
I chuckled. "I hope that's a good thing. I wouldn't want you to feel like I'm twisting your arm."
"Not at all," he explained. "'It is simply difficult for me to find space to hide from you. It feels more natural to let you see every part of me."
I grinned. "I hope you know that the feeling is mutual."
He smiled back at me.
"May I ask what inspired that confession," I asked as I reached for the glass of wine in front of me.
There was a pause as he watched me take a sip before returning the glass to the place it belonged.
"I found myself thinking about it in between appointments today," he finally replied. "I have yet to find myself looking forward to dinner with others in the same way I look forward to dinner with you."
"I'm flattered. I thought I was alone in terms of anticipation."
His grin seemed amused. "Perhaps our next dinner should be under different circumstances."
I hummed. "Well, Hannibal, it sounds like you're suggesting a date."
"And if I were?"
He looked away from me as he asked. For just a moment, he seemed nervous. Like some part of him thought that I would be able to say no to him.
"I would be happy to accept," I said.
He looked at me again. "Well then, I'll be sure to make something truly special for the occasion."
I bit the inside of my cheek nervously.
And just like that, everything had changed.
I want to brainwash you into loving me forever I want to transport you to somewhere the culture's clever Confess my truth in swooping, sloping, cursive letters
I had no better word to describe that night than fairytale.
Hannibal and I were in the midst of building our new lives. This meant a new home, new names, whole careers to rebuild. Everything was different. The only constant was each other.
Part of Hannibal's path to gaining respect from the people he needed to respect him was going to fancy events.
As he led me into a grand hall full of people in fancy suits and dresses, all conversing and drinking and dancing, I found myself overwhelmed.
I stood off to the side, deciding to entertain the view from the large windows along the wall.
Hannibal walked over to me, touching my back in an act of comfort. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "It's all just... more than I'm used to."
"I see," he replied. "Would you like to leave?"
"No, no," I said. "It's okay. I just need to adjust."
Hannibal reached over and grabbed my hand. I watched as he pulled it up to his lips, pressing a kiss on the knuckles.
"This all feels too good to be real," I mumbled as he did. He tilted his head at me, lowering my hand again. "The grand party and the fancy people. Being in a place like this. Being here with you. It all feels like some romantic movie."
"But you're happy," he asked.
I moved my free hand to cup the side of his face. "Yes. You have always made me very happy. You are the reason this all feels like such a dream."
His grin grew before he turned his head to place a kiss on my palm.
As we stood by the window, in this space between the beautiful city and the grand party, I decided that there was absolutely no place I would rather be other than right by his side.
Sweet Nothing
Industry disrupters and soul deconstructors And smooth-talking hucksters Out glad-handing each other And the voices that implore "You should be doing more" To you I can admit That I'm just too soft for all of it
I never ignored Hannibal when he greeted me.
Every time I came home, he would be tucked away in the kitchen. I would hear him call "Welcome home" and I would reply with some kind of greeting before saying that I was going to change before dinner.
He must've known that something was wrong from the moment that I didn't reply to his greeting.
I simply went upstairs silently and changed my clothes.
I came back down to the kitchen a little while later.
I wonder how exhausted I looked to him. I would like to think that I hid it well from everyone else, but with him, I never could. I never felt like I needed to. He had this air of comfort and safety to him. One that pulled down my walls before I could fight it.
I sat in the armchair in the corner in silence. I watched him work.
"Would you like to discuss what happened today," he asked, looking at me.
I shook my head, eyes still fixed on his cooking.
I heard him sigh and place the knife down. "(Y/n)..."
I finally let my eyes meet his.
"You can talk to me about whatever is bothering you," he explained. "Hiding your thoughts and true feelings in a relationship can lead to a very unhealthy pattern of behavior. One that I don't wish to see you partake in."
I didn't speak up for a moment.
"Darling, talk to me, please. I would like to know what is wrong so I can think of some way to fix it."
I felt the tears building up in my eyes. I looked down at my hands again.
"It's been a long day," I forced a chuckle, hoping to make it seem like I simply overreacting.
I heard the water run as he cleaned off his hands. He was still drying them as he made his way to me. I looked up at the sound of his footsteps. He knelt in front of me. His hands touched mine.
"I am just so tired," I said, feeling a few tears fall. "I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for," he insisted.
He leaned forward to press a kiss to my forehead.
"Burnout, while unpleasant, is becoming very common," he continued. "I will help you through it. I promise."
I nodded.
"I hope you know that there are no circumstances in which you would need to keep this from me."
I nodded again. "I know."
He leaned in and kissed my lips gently. Just enough to put my mind in a state of calmness. Enough to allow my eyes to close and my shoulders to relax.
"I love you," I mumbled as he pulled away.
"I love you too," he explained. "More than I believe words could describe."
I smiled a bit at him.
How lucky I was to have someone that made me feel as safe as he did.
Author's Note: That gif of Will was a choice and it was a choice that I made very carefully.
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cheolism · 1 year
congrats on 3k!!! 🎉🍾 for create a story how abooouuut woozi? 3 random words: ink, scandalous, taste. go crazy!
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 join my 3k celebration!!
: ̗̀➛ warning for reader having a mother. this takes place sometime before modern day, let your imagination run wild as to when exactly!!
the room was dim, the sun having set hours ago. only jihoon and his desk were lit, the dancing flame of his candle making the shadows of his face waltz. his black hair was pulled from his face, though small strands framed it, hanging as he kept his head ducked.
you sighed, entering his office fully. the general lifted his head, dark eyes flicking to you. he then went to the time candles across the room, swearing. "i didn't mean --"
you laughed softly, going to him. you rounded jihoon's desk, resting your hand on your fiance's arm. you squeezed. "lose track of time again, general lee?"
jihoon sighed, setting down his pen. ink stained his hands, marking his pale fingers. "it was an urgent letter," he expalined, voice muffled as he brought his hands to his face. "i set it out already, but then i just --"
"lost track," you finished. you hummed, bringing your hands to his and lift them from his face. "let me look at you, jihoonie."
he blushed; even in the dim candlelight you could see how his face reddened. jihoon had dark shadows beneath his eyes, weariness seeping into his face. "what're you looking at?"
you grinned, cupping his face in your hands. "my future husband," you returned, thumb swiping over his lip. his face continued to turn red. you were powerless to ignore it, pressing your lips to the apple of his cheek.
he shouted out your name, eyes wide. "stop! that's -- that's scandalous! we're not married yet, we'll get in trouble!"
you laughed loudly. then you were setting yourself on his lap, ignoring his protest for propriety. "lee jihoon," you cackled, looping your arms around his neck. "you're a high ranking general. i'm the daughter of one. everyone in this household answers to you. i'm sure they'll overlook a few kisses if we tell them to~"
jihoon grabbed your hands, bringing them between the two of you, creating space. "what if your mother asks?"
you giggled. quickly you darted forward, pressing a kiss to his chin. "and what if she does?" you ignored his squawk of indignation. "what will you say, hm? fiercesome general lee, the emperor's favorite official? will you simper and beg before my mother for forgiveness, apologizing for kissing her dearest child when we aren't yet married?"
jihoon blushed some more, pouting. "you're horrid," he mumbled. "absolutely ridiculous."
another loud laugh began to bubble out of you but was quickly silenced by jihoon. he pressed his mouth to yours, insistent. shock hit you like a lightning strike, rendering you useless, pliant under his clever lips.
jihoon kissed you fiercely, as if he was punishing you for your silliness. his tongue found its way into your mouth, exploring. you were helpless to him, weak to his hands as they grasped your waist and to the taste of his mouth.
when he pulled away, it was with a smirk. jihoon laughed as you lurched into him, burying your face into his neck to hide. he looped his arms around you, holding you. "not so cocky now, are you?"
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cheerfullycatholic · 2 years
Where is the phrase "Queen of Heaven" in the Bible?
If you're referring specifically to Mary as Queen of Heaven, I don't believe she's ever blatantly called that in the Bible. That belief is a long one to explain, I found an article that does so way better than I could, but instead of just linking it I thought I'd copy and paste it so you don't have to leave the website.
Mary’s title as “Queen of Heaven and Earth” is a great scandal to many non-Catholic Christians. After all, the Bible doesn’t mention anything about there being a queen in God’s kingdom. All this royal attention Catholics give to Mary—whether it’s singing “Hail, holy queen enthroned above” or portraying Mary in statues and paintings with a crown on her head—seems to many non-Catholics to detract from the royalty of Christ, who alone is King of Kings. Besides, how could Mary be a queen, since she is not the wife of the Jesus but only his mother?
One biblical theme sheds light on these questions and serves as a key for unlocking the mystery of Mary’s queenship: the Old Testament tradition of the “queen mother” in the Davidic kingdom.
In the monarchy of King David, as well as in other ancient kingdoms of the Near East, the mother of the ruling king held an important office in the royal court and played a key part in the process of dynastic succession. In fact, the king’s mother ruled as queen, not his wife.
The great pre-eminence of the king’s mother may seem odd from our modern Western perspective, in which we think of a queen as being the wife of a king. However, recall that most ancient Near-Eastern kings practiced polygamy. King Solomon had seven hundred wives (1 Kgs. 11:3)—imagine the chaos in the royal court if all seven hundred were awarded the queenship! But since each king had only one mother, one can see the practical wisdom in bestowing the queenship upon her.
A number of Old Testament passages reflect the important role of the queen mother in the Davidic kingdom. For example, almost every time the narrative of 1 and 2 Kings introduces a new monarch in Judah, it mentions the king’s mother as well, showing the mother’s intimate involvement in her royal son’s reign. Similarly, the queen mother is listed among the members of the royal court whom king Jehoiachin surrendered to the king of Babylon in 2 Kings 24:12.
Her royal office is also described by the prophet Jeremiah, who tells how the queen mother possessed a throne and a crown, symbolic of her position of authority in the kingdom: “Say to the king and the queen mother: ‘Take a lowly seat, for your beautiful crown has come down from your head. . . . Lift up your eyes and see those who come from the north. Where is the flock that was given you, your beautiful flock?’” (Jer. 13:18, 20). It is significant that God directed this oracle about the upcoming fall of Judah to both the king and his mother. Addressing both king and queen mother, Jeremiah portrays her as sharing in her son’s rule over the kingdom.
Probably the clearest example of the queen mother’s role is that of Bathsheba, wife of David and mother of Solomon. Scholars have noted the excellence of Bathsheba’s position in the kingdom once she became queen mother during Solomon’s rule. Compare the humble attitude of Bathsheba as spouse of King David (1 Kgs. 1:16–17, 31) with her majestic dignity as mother of the next king, Solomon (1 Kgs. 2:19–20). As spouse of the king, Bathsheba bows with her face to the ground and does obeisance to her husband, David, upon entering his royal chamber. In striking contrast, after her son Solomon assumed the throne and she became queen mother, Bathsheba receives a glorious reception upon meeting with her royal son:
“So Bathsheba went to King Solomon, to speak to him on behalf of Adonijah. And the king rose to meet her, and bowed down to her; then he sat on his throne and had a seat brought for the king’s mother; and she sat on his right. Then she said, ‘I have one small request to make of you; do not refuse me.’ And the king said to her, ‘Make your request, my mother; for I will not refuse you’” (1 Kgs. 2:19–20).
This account reveals the sovereign prerogatives of the queen mother. Note how the king rises and bows as she enters. Bathsheba’s seat at the king’s right hand has the greatest significance. In the Bible, the right hand is the place of ultimate honor. This is seen in particular in the messianic Psalm 110 (“Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool”). In fact, many New Testament passages refer to the right-hand imagery of Psalm 110 to show Christ’s divinity and his reign with the Father over the whole universe (e.g., Hebrews 1:13). Thus, the queen mother sitting at the king’s right hand symbolizes her sharing in the king’s royal authority and illustrates how she holds the most important position in the kingdom, second only to the king.
This passage regarding Bathsheba also shows how the queen mother served as an advocate for the people, carrying petitions to the king. In 1 Kings 2:17, Adonijah asks Bathsheba to take a petition for him to King Solomon. He says to her: “Pray ask King Solomon—he will not refuse you—to give me Abishag the Shunammite as my wife” (1 Kgs. 2:17). It is clear that Adonijah recognizes the queen mother’s position of influence over the king, so he confidently turns to Bathsheba as an intercessor for his request.
A few Old Testament prophecies incorporate the queen mother tradition when telling of the future Messiah. One example is Isaiah 7:14, which originated during a time of dynastic crisis in Judah when Syria and Israel were threatening Jerusalem and plotting to overthrow King Ahaz. God offers Ahaz a sign that the kingdom will continue: “Hear then, O house of David! Is it too little for you to weary men, that you weary my God also? Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel” (Isa. 7:13–14).
On one level, this passage points to the next king (Hezekiah) as a pledge that the Davidic dynasty will continue despite the threats of invading armies. At the same time, the royal son who is to be named “Emmanuel” points to the future messianic king (cf., Isa. 9:6–7, 11:1–2). This is why the New Testament says Jesus fulfills this prophecy from Isaiah (Matt. 1:23).
For our purposes we should note how this prophecy links the mother to her royal son. Since the oracle is addressed specifically to the Davidic household and concerns the continuation of the dynasty, the young woman bearing forth the royal son would be understood as a queen mother. This has implications for our understanding of Mary. Since the mother of the king always ruled as queen mother, we should expect to find the mother of the messianic king playing the role of the true queen mother in the everlasting Kingdom of God.
With this Old Testament background, we can now more clearly see how the New Testament portrays Mary in light of the queen mother tradition.
The Gospel of Matthew has often been called the “Gospel of the Kingdom.” Matthew emphasizes that Jesus is “the Son of David,” who is the true King of the Jews establishing the “Kingdom of Heaven.” With all this kingly imagery, it should not be surprising to find queen mother themes as well.
Right away, Matthew shows explicitly how the infant Jesus is the “Emmanuel” child as prophesied in Isaiah 7:14 (Matt. 1:23). As we saw above, this prophecy links the royal messianic child with his queen mother. Further, Matthew singles out the intimate relationship between the mother and her royal son by using the phrase “the child and his mother” five times in the first two chapters, recalling the close association between queen mother and royal son as described in the Books of Kings. Just as the queen mother was constantly mentioned alongside the Judean kings in 1 and 2 Kings, so Mary is frequently mentioned alongside her royal son, Jesus, in Matthew’s infancy narrative (Matt. 1:18; 2:11, 13, 14, 20, 21).
We find Mary portrayed against the background of Davidic kingdom motifs in Luke’s Gospel as well, especially in his accounts of the Annunciation and Visitation. First, the angel Gabriel is said to appear to a virgin betrothed to a man “of the house of David” (1:27). Then the angel tells Mary, “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there will be no end” (Luke 1:31–33).
Hear the strong Davidic overtones describing Mary and her royal son: a woman from the house of David giving birth to a son who will be the new king whose reign will never end. With echoes from the queen mother tradition of the Davidic kingdom and the mother-son prophecy of Isaiah 7:14, we can conclude that Mary is being given the vocation of queen mother.
Mary’s royal office is made even more explicit in Luke’s account of the Visitation. Elizabeth greets Mary with the title “the mother of my Lord” (Luke 1:43). This title is charged with great queenly significance. In the royal court language of the ancient NearEast, the title “Mother of my Lord” was used to address the queen mother of the reigning king (who himself was addressed as “my Lord”; cf., 2 Sam. 24:21). Thus with this title Elizabeth is recognizing the great dignity of Mary’s role as the royal mother of the king, Jesus.
Finally, Mary’s queenship can be seen in the great vision described in Revelation 12: “And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; she was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery” (Rev. 12:1–2). Who is this newborn child? He is described as the messianic king exercising his dominion. In verse 5, the author of Revelation chose the messianic Psalm 2 to describe how this child will “rule all the nations with a rod of iron” (Rev. 12:5, Ps. 2:9). This royal son is taken up to heaven to sit on a throne (Rev. 12:5), and he ushers in the kingdom of God by defeating the devil: “Now the kingdom of our God has come, for the accuser has been throne down” (12:10). Certainly, this newborn child is the royal Messiah, King Jesus.
In this light it is clear who this woman is who gave birth to the messiah: It is Mary. Some people have interpreted this woman in Revelation 12 as merely a symbol either for the Old Testament people of Israel or for the New Testament Church and therefore have concluded that the woman cannot be an individual (i.e., Mary). However, this “either-or” proposition is foreign to the biblical worldview, in which individuals often symbolically represent collective groups. For instance, Adam represented all humanity (Rom. 5:19), and Jacob stood for all of Israel (Ps. 44:4). Given this biblical notion called “corporate personality,” the woman in Revelation 12 should be understood as both an individual (Mary) and a symbol for the people of God.
But for our purposes, once we see that this woman is Mary, the mother of Jesus, it is important to note how she is portrayed as queen in this passage. Her royal office is hinted at by the imagery of the sun, moon, and twelve stars, which recalls the Old Testament story of Joseph’s dream in which the sun, moon, and stars bow down before him, symbolizing his future authority (Gen. 37:9–11). Her queenship is made even clearer by the crown of twelve stars on her head. Just like the queen mother in Jeremiah 13:18, here Mary is wearing a crown, symbolizing her royal office in the kingdom of heaven. In sum, Revelation 12 portrays Mary as the new queen mother in the Kingdom of God, sharing in her son’s rule over the universe.
We have seen how the Old Testament queen mother tradition serves as an important background for understanding Mary’s royal office. Indeed, the New Testament portrays Mary as the queen mother par excellence. Thus, prayers, hymns, and art giving honor to Mary’s queenship are most fitting biblical responses for Christians. In honoring her as queen mother we do not take anything away from Christ’s glory, but rather we exalt him even more by recognizing the great work he has done in her and through her.
Understanding Mary as queen mother sheds light on her important intercessory role in the Christian life. Just like the queen mother of the Davidic kingdom, Mary serves as advocate for the people in the Kingdom of God today. Thus, we should approach our queen mother with confidence, knowing that she carries our petitions to her royal son and that he responds to her as Solomon did to Bathsheba: “I will never refuse you.”
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forensicated · 3 months
03x06 - What Are Little Boys Are Made Of?
Robin Frank is at a local school for a police initiative where he is marking the bikes of children with their postcodes in a way that cannot be removed. He shouts a paper boy over and offers to do his bike there and then. The boy seems very nervous and takes a few seconds before he gives his postcode.
Alec tells June that a £200 trophy that they'd spent the previous day looking for has been found in a cupboard where the owners wife had put it 'out the way' "She should do the same with her husband." June laughs. Nick runs down the corridor and into CAD telling them 'he's coming, and he's got the paper with him!' Alec arrives right behind him (too soon given how far Nick was ahead of him when he ran off.) An angry Brownlow enters CID looking for Brian Kite who hasn't yet arrived. Ken tells Alec there's a 999 call coming in from the yard. "Probably wants to buy a car." Alec sniggers. "It's a bus actually..." Ken adds innocently, making Alec giggle even more.
A 9 year old boy has thrown a milk bottle at a bus which caused it to make an emergency stop and injure people. A man who's wife was injured goes to strike the boy, stopped by Taffy who tells him not to make the situation worse and to go to his wife.
Ted interrupts Tom and Dinesh's custody stocktake and tries to get Tom to sign a prisoner out for interview. Tom can't help as the prisoner needs 8 hours to rest so can't be let out until 9.45am. Ted is in court at 10 on another case and can't wait that long but Tom will not move. "Why should that bastard get 8 hours? I've only had 3!" His prisoner is also due a review at 12pm - when Ted still won't be back! He'll be gone if Brownlow doesn't agree for an extension.
Brownlow is in his office moaning at the local paper for not having 'checked with the officer concerned' and warns them he'll be writing to the editor about it. Ted knocks to ask him to extend the prisoners time in custody but he's too busy to speak to him. Kite arrives behind him and is ordered inside. Charles' car has been listed in the classifieds. "Your car sir? I didn't realise you were selling it." "I'm not. Some cheeky bastard has put my car in there as a piss take!" he snaps. "I had six phone calls last night and three before breakfast! You find that amusing? Somebody in this nick does!" Brian scoffs and says that he expects discipline and professionalism from the men. "I mean they haven't even asked a sensible price."
Taffy takes the boy who threw the bottle at the bus home and explains to his mother what happened. She refuses to let him in the house and says she's had enough and he's more trouble than her other six kids put together. She says he should lock him up.
At the front desk, 2 boys hand in a big black bag of electricity saving stamps that they saw a man throw in a canal. They agree to stay and give a report about it to CID.
Mike says he can't interview Ted's prisoner because he doesn't know anything about it as its not his case. Jim offers to 'have a bash' and Ted just stares at him before turning back. "Tom Penny actually enjoys it, that's what really gets up my nose!" Mike tells him he might not be long in court but the magistrate Ted has is known to be long winded. His girlfriend, Maggie, rings and asks if he's booked the restaurant for them. He tells her he has before hanging up. "Shit! What time to restaurants open?" "Proper ones? A while yet." Mike smirks. Ted asks Mike, "The Sloane Ranger of East One." to book a nice restaurant for that night at 8pm. "It'll be a pleasure Ted. What are you celebrating?" "The anniversary of our first bunk up!" Mike looks stunned for a second before turning to look at Jim. "Ever think you'll celebrate yours, Jim?" "Sorry?" "Nothing...." Jim goes down to speak to the lads who brought the stamps in.
Taffy walks the child back to school and they bump into Robin who asks him if they're there for postcoding. "Hardly. Don't even want this one back." Taffy sighs, offering the kid a sweet as he takes him into the building.
The stamps have a total value of just under £133,000 once counted. The boys reckon there's another 2 sacks that were thrown into the canal and have given a description of the men who did it and the vehicle they drove off in. Roy doesn't buy it because the boys were night fishing and it's a lot to have seen clearly at 5am. Jim says it's not pitch black at that time (it is if you go by when it aired - 26th October! - rather than when it was filmed) Jim doesn't think they're lying but Roy tells him not to take everything at face value. He asks him to ask Reg if there's any forgery intelligence about at the moment and to ask the teen's parents to come in. He also says he'll speak to Charles about a frogman in the canal.
Ted asks Charles to authorise further extension to custody because he has to go to court and if he's sent out on bail then they'll likely not get him again. Charles suggests asking Roy to interview him but Ted says that it's his case and the others don't know enough to get the 'crafty bastard' on the hook. Without any charges pending, Charles refuses to extend the custody. He'll be released before Ted gets back.
In the canteen, uniform discuss the advert for Brownlow's car. Nick assures them Brownlow can't prove it was any of them who placed it. Part of the fun is that Brownlow has no sense of humour, so there'd be no point in doing it otherwise. Reg cheers them all up by asking them how they feel about Hepatitis B and that there's a thousand ways they could catch it! Nick is called from the table by Alec. "Alright, who grassed?" he drawls "... Chief Super?" "No, Bob Cryer. He's got a job for you." Alec says before grinning.
Bob wants a prisoner collected from another station and tells Nick to take June with him after Nick suggests using his own car because of the lack of police vehicles free. Brian corners Bob and asks if he thinks Nick placed the article in the paper. Bob just looks at Brian with a 'Seriously?' expression before returning to his duties.
Robin is giving a lesson in a school about unsafe places to play. At the back of the class the child who Taffy bought in is being comforted by a teacher. Close up it's obvious that he's neglected and is filthy. Taffy goes up to speak to the headteacher and passes on a message from Youth And Communities about a new anti-drugs campaign. He refuses to allow them in 'no access, no brain washing, no spying'. He insists, clearly against police presence from the off.
Nick takes June a 'quick' way to the other station. He pulls into a Makro for a bit of shopping to collect booze for a party at his flat that night. June isn't happy and stays in the car to wait for him. Nick tries to run a red light at some roadworks and June shouts at him to stop only for the car behind to crash into them and crush his boot. Nick won't wait for the mans details when he gets out and apologises and insists he must go. When they get to the flat Nick cannot open the boot and insists he needs something heavy to do so. Whilst he's off getting a sledge hammer June manages to open it without any fuss. Several bottles are already broken and have leaked all over the boot. June drops the first box she's given, breaking even more bottles. To add insult to injury, the boot now will not stay closed!
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Bob attends the house of a young lad who is considering entering the police force with his father rather annoyed because he'd wanted him to go into the army like him. What makes it worse for the father is that his son wants to join the Essex police and move out of home rather than stay and join the MET.
Roy speaks to Jim who updates him that they've found two more sacks of stamps and the machine that makes them. There's a multimillion pound forgery racket on their hands as it ties in with other discoveries. Unfortunately it must be sent up to the yard to be dealt with. Roy 'consoles' Jim by sending him back to the station to deal with a little old lady who has been conned out of a fiver.
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Jim is very adorable with the elderly lady who seems confused as to whether she was scammed or not. The money was her cigarette money and some children called looking for their mouse and distracted her. When she went to get it a little later it had gone and they'd been the only ones in the house.
Yorkie attends an address and tells them they've found a bike with their postcode. The couple are confused as they haven't lost one and their neighbours are all elderly. Viv later tells him the bike has been reported stolen by a man who has never had the bike postcoded.
Before he can deal with it, they're called to a children's home to deal with a boy who keeps going missing on a regular basis. Social Services want to move him to a secure unit to stop it but Jake does not want to go. Yorkie tries to speak to the home manager and tells him that he can only prevent a breach of the peace. Jake snaps that he's got no problems and doesn't need to go to a 'bleedin' prison!' The manager explains that he brought a knife into the home and that they now need to get him more help. Yorkie offers to attend the new home and play snooker with him once a week and Jake swears at him.
Jim is still sulking that he's lost out on millions of pounds worth of forgeries. Dashers snaps that their job is petty theft, vandals, muggers and perverts and it's what the public care about.
Nick arrives a little late and roughly £200 down that June warns he won't get back from his mileage claim. She snaps at him to stop calling her 'Ackers' and says he's frightened because he can't handle women. The boot has been tied down to stop it opening by itself.
Taffy loses his temper at having to wait for Jake to make his mind up so forces the boy to stand and marches him out the home with his arms locked behind his back. Yorkie is not happy as it upsets the other children in the home and has undone months of work gaining their trust. Taffy snaps he should have been taught a different way to behave when he was 3 and that it's too late now for him to change. Returning to Sun Hill, Taffy gets cut up and tries to order the car over. The woman driver parks outside a house, ignoring him at first before telling him to clear off and refusing a breath test. Taffy tries to arrest her and she falls over. Later Bob arrives to test her himself. Her breath test is positive but she's adamant she only had two glasses of sherry. She panics that she's going to lose her license as she's a GP.
Ted runs back into the station after court to get his prisoner out as he's still on the custody board. He's 53 minutes late, the man was let go. He goes to hit Tom but Dinesh arrives in time. Ted pushes him away and stalks off upstairs.
Yorkie goes from the home to call in at the little old lady who had been conned by the children. He finds she hadn't locked her front door whilst at the station and that she must have left her kitchen taps on cos her kitchen has flooded. He sighs and starts to clear it up.
Bob returns as Nick does and shouts at him for being late. He claims that he's late because they were in a hit and run. He says he doesn't have his details because a 'child ran in front the car' which caused him to break and that the mileage is high because they took some wrong turnings through June's navigation. Bob tells him he's only getting the 20 miles round trip that it took. As Bob and Nick turn to go in, Charles is seen looking at the back of Nick's car. "Had a bash, Shaw? What a pity...." he murmurs, not hiding his smirk.
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Viv calls Yorkie and updates him that the suspected children who conned the old lady have been spotted. Yorkie tells the old dear to lock the door and he'll return later to finish cleaning up. He meets up with Jim and Dashers to catch the kids. They manage to grab two of them with Jim exacting a perfect rugby tackle to take his down. Yorkie has more of a run with his tiny one though - involving a slide that he gets stuck in for a few seconds before he runs back up the stairs again. Poor Yorkie is exhausted and the kid gets away - taunting him by waiting for him each time he stopped!
Bob wants to see if there's anything they can do for the doctor who was drunk driving but Brian won't hear of it and says it has to be followed to the letter of the law. Bob says he can think of a dozen cases off the top of his head where that isn't the case but Kite says they owe it to the men to back their judgement.
The children's parents are proving hard to track down so a teacher from the school is coming in to be their appropriate adult. Kite bollocks both boys who aren't exactly bothered. "Do I make myself clear?" "No." shrugs the eldest one who says they did it for fun. The boys father arrives and instantly hugs the youngest and shouts at Brian that they're only kids and didn't need dragging into the station.
Dashers has only managed to get Ted into a cheap Chinese restaurant, recommending the stewed carton prunes.
At the front desk, the paperboy who Robin spoke to that morning and marked the bike for is brought in by his dad - the male half of the couple that told Yorkie they hadn't lost a bike. He gets his son to tell Dinesh that he stole the bike to do his paper round on and that's why it was postcoded to them and the father asks for someone in authority to give him a right good rollocking. At the same time, the father of the two boys is shouting at Brian for daring to discipline his boys in the same way! "If you look at my boys again, I'll have you, you wanker!" Dinesh smiles. "Inspector Kite can see you now, sir."
Bob calls Nick through to speak to a man who'd had a bit of a shunt earlier and that it had been sent through to Sun Hill to deal with. On the front desk is his 'hit and run' driver who tried to swap details with him before Nick drove off...! Nick tries to pretend he doesn't know him before he realises he's dropped a proper clanger...!
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neobubz · 3 years
Please DO NOT repost my work. If you see my work elsewhere then it was stolen. I only post my stories on here. Also, do not translate my work either. Please notify me if you see my stories on other sites. Thank you in advance!
If you see 18+ or (M) that means MATURE READERS ONLY. If you are not 18+ DO NOT INTERACT. I repeat, DO NOT INTERACT WITH THOSE STORIES
Quiet Down
pairing: fem reader x renjun x haechan
Synopsis: Twice a year the company any you work for holds a retreat. This year’s retreat is at a beautiful lakefront. Pulling names out of a hat to find who your designated partner and roommate will be you’re shocked to see a familiar yet unfamiliar name, Huang Renjun. Known as the quiet new guy at the office you’re already planning to spend the long weekend in bed, but when his best friend Haechan strikes up a conversation with you things take a dramatic turn for the better.
Tension Release (M)
**ongoing story**
Pairings: fem reader x husband x jeno
Synopsis: Ever since you saw your husband Matthew, you knew he was the love of your life. Spending five years of married life together has you feeling amazing highs but insufferable lows. As of late, you’ve hit rock bottom. When your friend Roz’s cousin Jeno moves into town you find yourself feeling happier than ever, but at what cost?
Short Stories (2+ parts)
Unexpected Development (M)
**3 part Story**
Pairing: fem reader x jeno
Synopsis: The group long weekend trips are something you look forward to each time. Staying at cabins at the lakefront, in the woods, at a ski resort — anywhere that let you hang out with your best friends was amazing. Well, at least until tonight. After a huge fight ensues you find yourself bunking with Jeno an unusual match up. Finding yourself both nervous and yet comfortable you settle down when strange noises has you waking up to find something shocking.
Puppy Love (M)
**2 Part Story**
Pairing: fem reader x jeno
Synopsis: Ever since you were little you’ve hated hybrids. They only brought trouble and a painful memory. So it was a shocker to find out the club your friend wanted to have her bachelorette party at was at a hybrid club! You nearly hit the roof! Uncomfortable, you manage to become acquainted with a tiger hybrid by the name of Mark who introduces you to everyone, but it’s a wolf hybrid by the name of Jeno that takes your breathe away in more ways then one.
One Shot
Art Class (Fluff)
Pairing: fem reader x renjun
Synopsis: Art wasn’t your forte. So signing up for an art class was an unusual choice for you, but your best friend in the whole entire world, Huang Renjun, made it a million times more enjoyable. Working on your art projects you find yourself thinking over what Renjun really means to you.
Prey (M)
Pairing: fem reader x jaemin
Synopsis: On your way to surprise your parents for Christmas you end up in the care of a very sweet and kind man, Jaemin. Finding yourself falling for him as the days go you start to wonder what being in a relationship with him would truly be like. However, a dark day has Jaemin showing another side of himself. The question is, are you ready for the game of a lifetime?
The Tutor (M)
Preview **coming soon**
Pairing: fem reader (student) x johnny (tutor)
Tit for Tat (M)
**coming soon*
Pairing: fem reader x haechan
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Now and for eternity| Lucifer Morningstar x reader
Fandom: Lucifer ( netflix)
Request:” Can you write an imagine where Lucifer’s wife is like this well known social light that owns her own luxury fashion brand and she starts receiving gifts from an obsessed secret admirer and Lucifer is unknowingly being targeted by the secret admirer who is trying to kill Lucifer in order to get the reader and Lucifer thinks it’s his father trying to ‘strike’ him down for some unknown reason until Chloe point out someone that correlates with the readers secret admirer and Lucifer’s attacker. Feeling some type away about it Lucifer decides to taunt the secret admirer by upping the PDA and romantic gestures getting a kick out in it much to Chloe’s dismay. And once the secret admirer is caught Lucifer rubs it in their face that the reader is his for now and all of eternity before showing the secret admirer his true face. ”
Genre: fluff? I guess
Warnings:death threats, stalking, attempted murder
It wasn’t unusual to receive gifts and flowers at your office. After all, with the job you worked and the wealthy people you collaborated with, the presents simply represented one of the many perks of being a designer. Except, one friday morning, while examining a particularly beautiful bouquet of pink lilies, you noticed the little card that came with it
“I know they are some of your favorite - <3 “
Usually, work associates would leave a name. Some way for you to know that they value your work and are thinking of you (and maybe to flatter you into giving them a discount), but there was no name on this card, just a tiny heart in a glittery, pink gel pen. Pink lilies were, indeed, your favorite.
You brought the flowers home and told your husband, Lucifer, all about the mysterious gift. You had talked to your secretary and even she didn’t know where the flowers came from, since no one came to drop off lilies that morning. You presumed the sender must have simply forgotten to sign the card, and perhaps your secretary had forgotten about them, with the busy morning she’d had. You and Lucifer had a laugh, imagining the shy and anxious intern that was probably assigned the job, and the scolding they’ll get when their boss finds out about their mistake.
The next morning, a box of your favorite chocolates were waiting for you on your desk. There wasn’t any note, just the same heart, written in the same glitter pen. You dismissed it as a weird coincidence and moved on to working on your designs.
Without you knowing, this also happened to be the first time Lucifer would be faced with a very interesting note. As he was getting ready to leave the police station, he noticed a piece of yellow paper, stuck to his windshield
“Back off of Y/N. Consider this your first and last warning” no signature. Anyone in Lucifer’s place would have lost their shit, but he paid it no mind. He was the devil after all! If anyone wants to take his precious Y/N away from him, well, they can try. It would make things all the more fun. He folded the paper and stuffed it in his pocket before heading home.
The couple shared Y/N’s chocolates that night, talking about who this person might be. Lucifer wasn’t as amused as he had been the night before, if anything he was rather concerned but he didn’t want to say anything about the note to Y/N, because she would freak out. 
Nothing really happened for the next week. Anonymous gifts stopped showing up at Y/N’s office, Lucifer didn’t get any more notes and things were falling back in their place, until the day right after Y/N’s latest photoshoot went public and viral. It was all to promote her upcoming clothing line. As soon as she walked into the office the next day, she spotted a red, velvet box, the size of a notebook, in the middle of her desk. On top of it, a note written in the same glittery pink as the other gifts
“Congratulations on your new line. Those photos are gorgeous - J.P. <3”
Inside the box was a gorgeous diamond necklace, looking like it was worth millions. If you hadn’t been concerned about the sudden apparition of all these gifts so far, you sure were now. You immediately called your husband to tell him about the mysterious jewelry, but he didn’t pick up. Unbeknown to you, he was busy ranting to detective Decker.
“I mean, not to be dramatic, detective, but the situation does feel like it’s spiralling out of control. Death threats, sure, those come every other weekend, kind of like fanmail, y’know? But actual gun shots fired at my head, well, that’s where I draw the line.” he ended with a giggle. Lucifer was leaning on Decker’s desk as she was examining the bullet casings Lucifer had brought her from his apparent ‘attempted assasination’
“Where did this happen again?” she said, not taking her eyes off of her work
“Right by that coffee shop ms. Lopez always talks about. I may have lost a bet to her the other day and have to get her coffee for the rest of the week, so I was just exiting the shop when a masked man in a dark blue BMW zoomed by, pointing his gun at me and shooting blindly. I mean, that is the most basic attemp at murder I have ever witnessed. At least make it interesting!”
“Lucifer, if someone is out for your life, it’s serious business”
“Why would it be? It’s not like I can actually die, detective! Plus, it’s probably not that deep anyways. Just, dear old dad coming after me again for no particular reason. Very characteristic of him.”
“ You’re getting ahead of yourself. Whoever sent this wants you and Y/N apart, why would your dad want that?”
“Because he’s a prick who disagrees with everything and anything that makes me happy?” Lucifer concludes with an innocent smile “And, of course, Y/N being moral, our marriage goes against the heavenly rules of the almighty, so he’s trying to break us apart, but worry not detective! Me and Y/N are stronger and more in love than ever. My father will simply have to accept that. Nothing will break us apart” he said, puffing his chest out with confidence
“That’s good to hear Lucifer, but I still think we should stay open to different possibilities”
“Oh, come on detective, that would be a waste of our time. I know my father better than anyone, believe me when I tell you this is his hand and no one else's. Case closed! Now, let’s move to the next one! Chop chop detective, murders won’t solve themselves!” Lucifer said, marching out of the precinct. Chloe rolled her eyes at her partner, before hiding the bullets and the note in her desk and going after him.
Although it didn’t bother you, you couldn’t help but notice how much more touchy Lucifer had been with you, ever since the necklace incident. He needed to touch you at all times: when you were out for coffee, at lunch, at the station, in your office, in Lux. His hand was always either around your waist or tangled in yours. You felt sort of bad, thinking he must be a little insecure with this secret admirer being after you at all times, but you wanted him to know that you loved him more than anything and that no matter what, you would never leave him for a faceless man, no matter how many pearls and chocolates he bribes you with. And so, you decided to play along with him, giving him as much attention as you could. Your visits at the station almost doubled, you always cleared your schedule to make time for him and even decided to start work later in  the day than usual, so you could spend more time with him in the morning. 
One afternoon, as you were enjoying your time with Decker and Lucifer during their lunch time, one of the notes from your secret admirer slipped out of your pocket. You didn’t realise it until Chloe picked it up
“Oh, I was going to throw that out”
“Where’s this from?” she asked, studying the note
“Just one of this week's gifts” you confessed awkwardly. Without a second thought, the detective reached for her drawer, pulling out another note from inside and inspecting them side by side. Eventually, she placed them both in front of Lucifer
“Notice something interesting about the writing?”
“They are remarkably similar…”
“More like identical”
“What is that?” you asked, looking at the unknown note. Your heart sank as you read it
“I’ll explain everything at home dear, I swear” Lucifer said
“You’ve received death threats because of me?”
“I’ll tell you everything at home, I promise”
“You have initials…” Decker noticed
“Yeah, ever since my photoshoot, they’re present on every package”
“What floor is your office on again?”
“5th, why?”
“How can someone enter your office every morning without anyone, not even your secretary noticing, and exit just as mysteriously?” “Unless he found a different way in” Lucifer replied
“My window” you realise “You can step out directly onto the emergency staircase from there”
“He knew when to sneak in without being seen, so he must have known your schedule like the back of his hand. Who could know?”
“The only people who know it are my secretary and Lucifer”
“A stalker?” your husband suggested
“Maybe” Decker turned quickly to her computer “I’m going to check any business owners around that neighbourhood who could have had a close shot of when you enter and exit your studio, see if any initially match the ones on the notes. We’ll go from there” 
You thanked Chloe for the help and went home with Lucifer, who spent the entire car ride explaining the note to you and the events of the previous days. You were angry at him for keeping all of it away from you, but ultimately happy that he was safe. You spent the night drinking wine and rewatching all of your comfort movies, to calm your nerves.
You decided to try working from home for the next couple of days, too scared by the idea of a stranger following your every move. It was a challenging process but Lucifer did his best in helping you get accustomed to this new routine. His homemade meals could not compare to anything you would eat while in a meeting with your business associates. Plus, the company was much more delightful.
Chloe texted you, almost a week later, to come down to the station as quickly as possible. They had found the guy. You hopped into your car and when you finally arrived, Lucifer was waiting for you outside
“They found him?” 
“Yes dear, they did”
“Well, as it turns out he lived in the apartment building next door. His living room window had a great view of everything happening in your office. We’ve found a week’s worth of gifts he was planning to deliver. It’s him for sure” 
“Thank you” you whispered before collapsing into Lucifer’s arms and hugging him tight
“It’s alright lovely. It’s over now. Let’s go see how the detective is handling it. I think they’re in the interrogation room now.”
From behind the glass, you watched the man that threatened your marriage and your husband's life, confess to everything. Admit to stalking you, in order to learn your schedule. Break into your office and open fire on Lucifer. More than enough to get him behind bars for a long time. Decker and Lucifer got up and were ready to leave, but your husband requested a couple of minutes alone with the man. The detective agreed, cautioning him to not do something stupid, before leaving them alone. Lucifer turned on his heels to face the man in handcuffs and you could instantly tell he was furious
“Truly an honorable try. Y/N is one of a kind, you were right about that, the only detail you missed is that, you see, she’s taken. By me” the mischievous smile on his face let you know that he was up to no good “Our bond is indestructible and it’s really laughable to think that you’ve risked so much to tear us apart when you didn’t stand a chance to begin with” Lucifer leaned over the table, now his back was facing you “Me and Y/N are, and forever will be, together. There is nothing you or anyone else can do to change that. She is mine and I am hers, now and for eternity” as his little speech came to an end, you noticed the man in handcuffs go pale with terror. He began shaking in his chair, screaming incoherently about the devil. Even tho you hadn’t see what your husband did, you could tell by the man’s reaction. You laughed to yourself, not even mad that Lucifer had used his devil face against this man. You would have done the same if you had the option.
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egcdeath · 4 years
opposites attract
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pairing: steve rogers x villain!reader
summary: based off of the lyrics:
“you and i are two oceans apart
we're on earth to break each others hearts
in two, and it's hard
with you, when i'm too far
from you, i look at the stars,
do you?”
from ‘ferrari’ by the neighbourhood
warnings: injuries, sparring, mention of blood and bruises, angst, fluff, and banter
word count: 3.7k
a/n: i am a simple woman. i think of a hurt/comfort concept and am morally obligated to write it. (this is a repost from the other day so if you saw it before, no you didn’t)
if you’d like to be added to my taglist, click here! as always, comments and reblogs are always appreciated <3
Thick, cushioned, cream colored walls. You supposed this was an upgrade from your last room, with its harsh and reflective steel. Every time you made an appearance here, it seemed there was a new, yet futile, attempt to keep you contained.
As you studied the pillowy surface, you drummed your fingers on the wooden table that your hands were currently strapped down to, and secretly hoped for your captor to rear his head, even if he was peeking through the double-sided mirror to your left.
Your mind proved itself to be a powerful thing, as the door ahead of you opened, and none other than Captain America stepped in, looking valiant and proud as ever.
“Good afternoon, Captain,” you greeted.
“Flux,” he said in a matter of faculty tone, nodding his head at you before pulling the chair in front of you aside and sitting down.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” you asked, as if you hadn’t been tussling with him in the streets less than an hour ago.
“Y’know, just our biweekly catch up,” he shrugged, playing along.
“Can I suggest coffee for our next meeting?”
Steve scoffed, but you almost swore that if you squinted, you could see him blush. “Enough of that,”  he mumbled before opening a yellow folder and turning it to face you. “You ready to tell me about him?” Steve asked, pointing to a printed photo of Brock Rumlow.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, Captain,” you responded, looking up and batting your lashes at the man. This routine was like clockwork for you two. Fight a little, get yourself caught after a moment of weakness, and end up in an interrogation room.
“Don’t play dumb with me Flux,” he warned in a snarl, wrapping his fingers against your wrist and making you yelp. That was definitely going to leave a mark.
“Ouch, Captain. You’re being rough today, even for you.”
“I’m always rough with you,” he insisted, raising a brow as he loosened his hold on you.
“You’re being rougher than usual, that’s what I just said,” you furrowed your own brows at him. “Something on your mind?
“You’re stalling,” Steve stated while squinting at you.
“I would never do something like that, Cap,” you closed your eyes and visualized the outside of the building. “Does it have anything to do with those accords?”
You opened an eye quick enough to catch a glimpse of his jaw ticking, “I didn’t mean to strike a chord. Oh my gosh, ‘a chord’, accord. I really didn’t even mean to do that.”
You opened your other eye to get a clear view of him glaring at you. “Okay, sorry, I’ll be out of your hair in a moment,” you gave Steve a sly wink.
He stood up from the chair in a dramatic fashion, leaning down to get right in your face. “No. You won’t. Tell me everything you know about Rumlow.”
“Cap,” you pouted mockingly. “You’re not very good at this. Really makes a gal wonder why they keep sending you in to interrogate me, when you don’t seem to get much out of me.”
He grit his teeth while looking down at you, your eye contact both intense and passionate.
“If it makes you feel any better,” you began, looking away at a plain wall in an attempt to focus a bit more on leaving, “I genuinely know nothing about him.”
Steve gave you a humorless look, and your eyes naturally flitted back to him, “really,” he said drily.
“Really,” you confirmed. “We don’t really work in that whole chemical warfare field. Especially with a guy like Rumlow? He’s bad news. Did you really think that all ‘villains’,” you made air quotations on the table. “Know the intimate details of each other’s lives and plans?”
“Hmm,” Steve hummed aloud as he moved back, seemingly convinced.
“I was serious when I said that I’m leaving, though. You and I both have better things to do. But please tell Wanda that she did a good job for me, okay? I mean, civilian deaths are never pretty, but I genuinely would miss having you around.”
“I hate how you talk so much, but literally say nothing,” he huffed.
“I’m not gonna take that personal, ‘cause I know you don’t really mean that,” you sighed softly and looked away to visualize the outside of the building. “Hopefully the next time I see you won’t be UN sanctioned. Farewell, Captain.”
With those words, you were gone.
For the next few days of your life, you hadn’t stopped receiving an earful at the Brooklyn base. Mainly from your teammates, who seemed to never let things go, and were the nastiest gossips you’d ever met. Currently, rumor had it that Cecelia, your boss, was preparing to have a strong word with you.
You cracked your knuckles anxiously as you followed a teammate, Amelia, down into the sparring facility, as an attempt to calm your mind before whatever bad news was broken to you.
You passively listened to the TV in the corner of the room while wrapping your knuckles in preparation of getting your ass beat, and listened to the rapid fire reports from hours earlier in the day, but mainly tuned into the fight between the Avengers at the Leipzig airport.
“Have you heard?” Amelia questioned, tying up her lengthy hair as she sauntered onto the mat.
“No, tell me more,” you followed suit on the mat, rising onto the ball of your foot to the heel of your foot in an alternating rhythmic bounce.
“I guess some of it is that UN thing, but it’s probably because of the Winter Soldier,” Amelia bounced similarly to you before charging forward and throwing a left hook at you.
“No way! I thought that guy just disappeared after that S.H.I.E.L.D shit,” you dodged the swing, and went to knee her. “I swear, I asked Steve about it once.”
Amelia rolled her eyes at you, and caught your knee, pushing you down to the ground in the process. “You’re obsessed with him.”
“I think it’s mutual. And you said you’d go easy on me,” you whined, grabbing her extended hand and pulling yourself back up.
“You’re delusional, and that’s why Cec is pissed with you. In fact, Cecelia was so mad, that she couldn’t even form the words to tell you. At least, that’s what she told Naomi.”
“Why, though? It’s not like I haven’t been caught by him a million times already.”
“That’s the problem, though. What happens when they decide to send someone else in to talk to you? And they start waterboarding you, or some shit? All the sudden the Avengers know everything about us?”
“Well that wouldn’t happen, because I would leave,” you shrugged after blocking a few punches.
“I hope you’re getting all your aloof-ness out now, because Cecelia is not gonna put up with this attitude.”
You huffed, and marched over to get a sip of water, dramatically squirting it in your mouth before heading back to the sparring mat.
“Just let me enjoy this while I can, okay? I know how to protect myself,” you swung your fist in an uppercut, and Amelia maneuvered herself out of the way.
“Well, I was just reading something before this. Apparently your boy is a fugitive of the law now. It almost looks like your time is already up,” Amelia commented, delivering a stiff jab to you at the same time that you crouched.
Hearing this news, you froze up, and the punch landed right on your nose, an unsatisfying crack reverberating in your ears.
“Y/N, you alright?” She asked, approaching you as you reached a hand up assess the damage, and pulled away an extremely bloody hand.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you mumbled letting her lead you off of the mats and to the connected bathroom, so you could get a better look at yourself.
You were dizzy with pain, and you pressed your hand to your nose, willing it to heal. Though not your most frequently used ability, it certainly assisted some of the pain. You squeezed your face in a cringe as your bone rearranged itself.
“Is he in jail?” you asked, watching her face screw up in the mirror.
“You’re not really- you are a lost cause,” Amelia scoffed.
“You could be a little nicer to the person whose nose you just broke.”
“You’re fixing your own nose! You’re fine, okay?” she exasperatedly brought her palm up to her forehead. “I’m gonna go take a shower. Be ready to talk to Cecelia as soon as you leave this room. A word of advice? Don’t mention your work husband unless she mentions it first, okay?”
Amelia set a hand on your back and pat it, “good luck with her. If you need a sofa to crash on after this, my place is always free.”
You shook your head at yourself as she left, your own personal healing already fixing most of the damage. As you hopped into your own shower stall, you couldn’t help but question just how bad this confrontation was truly going to be.
You walked into Cecelia’s office after receiving a text message from her assistant, inviting you to meet with her.
You were handed a disposable cup filled with piping hot coffee as you entered, and Cecelia beckoned you to sit down in front of her. You obliged, nervously rubbing your hands on your pants as you sat.
“Y/N,” she began in a sigh, “what has gotten into you lately?”
“Nothing, just-“ the older woman put an open hand out, prompting you to stop.
“No, Y/N. You’ve let Rogers become your biggest blind spot. You let him catch you off guard and capture you nearly every single time you go out on the field! I’m starting to think that you want him to catch you.”
“What if I do?” you shrugged, feigning indifference.
“It’s not a ‘what if’ anymore, dear,” Cecelia took a deep breath. “Especially after what happened in San Francisco.”
“I- Cec, you told me that you wouldn’t bring up California anymore!” you huffed and shook your head. “It’s not even like it’s a problem. They haven’t once received intel from me,” you added.
“Something tells me that you won’t be having the same interrogator for a while at least. We were gonna take you out of the field before this whole Avengers fiasco, but I think it’s time for you to just take a break as a whole.”
“So you’re firing me?” you huffed, “great.”
“No, you are taking a break. We can get you set up in the Prague safe house, and everything.”
You weakly threw up your hands and looked away from Cecelia, not even being able to bear looking at her for the moment. What a great day you were having.
You sulked the whole way up to your apartment, and reached in your jacket’s pocket with sluggish speed. It was as if you couldn’t catch a break today, which was all you seemed to be able to think about while grabbing your key.
You looked up at the door, and noticed something slightly off. The door was just the slightest bit ajar, as if it was deliberately cracked for you to see. Someone was inside. Waiting for you. You held in your groan as you came to this conclusion.
You really couldn’t catch a break.
Despite your better judgement, you devised a quick plan in your mind. You could probably protect yourself, right? You closed your eyes in a blink, and imagined your kitchen. The plasticky tiles on the floor, the dent in your countertop from dropping a mug, the wooden cupboards that you’d quickly fallen in love with. The next moment, you were standing in your kitchen, right next to your silverware.
As quiet as you could possibly manage to be, you slipped your sharpest and largest knife from its home in a wooden block, and defensively in front of you. Creeping out of the kitchen and into your hallway, you examined area by area for any sign of intrusion, pointing your knife with every turn.
After finding nothing and no one, at the end of the hallway you turned, walking back down and stopping in front of your living room after noticing a few dark stains on your carpet.
You took a deep breath before walking into the open space, the pit in your stomach growing at the thought of what it was that you were about to find.
With a few timid steps, you found a shirtless Steve Rogers, sat on your couch, head lolled back, eyes squeezed shut in pain as he released shallow breaths and attempted to apply pressure to a wound. With one look at him, you yelped and involuntarily found yourself back in the hallway outside of the room, your fear strong enough to force you into teleportation.
“Funny seeing you here,” Steve began, and you stalked back into the room, your steps slightly less fearful as you stepped over his discarded tactical gear.
“Steve?” You whispered, setting the knife on a random bookshelf before kneeling down on the floor next to him. You had a plethora of questions, but you couldn’t decide what was the most important. “I- Are… What happened?”
He shrugged weakly.
“Okay, well how badly are you hurt?” You questioned apprehensively.
“Pretty badly,” he responded.
You nodded slowly while you attempted to process the entire situation. You couldn’t tell if this was a scene from your wettest dream, or worst nightmare. “I’ll be right back,” you muttered, leaving the room to grab some water to help you speed up your healing process.
As you reentered your living room, you set down the bowl of water and squatted down next to Steve once again. Dipping your hands in the liquid, and placing them on an open head wound, you found it appropriate to question him.
“Steve,” you began, watching the forehead laceration quickly shrink into a small scar. “Why are you here?”
“I had nowhere else to go,” he put plainly.
“A hospital, maybe?” you added, pushing away the hand that was currently holding down a rather bloody wound on his upper arm, and exchanging it for your own.
“Something tells me that a hospital isn’t the best place for a guy of my legal status to be at right now,” he countered while you halted your attempt to reduce the size of the wound, cracking your stiff knuckles in preparation for the final push of closing the abrasion. “Besides, this isn’t the first time we’ve done something like this before. You remember S-“
“San Francisco. Right,” you cut Steve off, and brushed off the previous comment. “This is gonna hurt a little,” you warned. before setting your fingers down, and putting an obscene amount of pressure on the bicep wound.
Steve grit his teeth so hard that you swore you could hear it. His muscles clenched as you resumed your attempt to soothe the sore.
“Hey, look at me,” you used your free hand, and gently pushed his cheek so that he was looking at you. “If I distract you, it’ll hurt a lot less. Trust me.”
He seemed to agree with you, and took in a deep breath while the corner of his eye twitched.
“How did you even find my apartment?” you asked, using your pinky to tilt his chin up, and force his view away from the cut.
“It wasn’t that hard, I mean, we’ve been tracking you and that ‘financial firm’ you work in for years,” he spoke through clenched teeth.
“You sure it’s not because you like to keep a personal tab on me?”
“No! Why would I…?”
“Because if all the Avengers knew where me and my teammates reside, we’d all be locked up already.”
“Fine, maybe I pulled a few strings. It’s just because I think you’re the biggest threat to the general public.”
“Really? The woman with the least destructive powers of all of us, not the one with super strength? Or the one who could manipulate elements? Or even, I don’t know, the person leading us?” you chuckled a bit at the poor excuse.
Steve rolled his eyes fondly, but you could clearly see the soft flush on his face.
“It’s okay, Steve. We all have our favorite coworkers.”
“We aren’t coworkers, though.”
“It seems like you’re gonna need all the allies that you can come across. Don’t get picky with me now,” you tutted, finalizing your work on his peck, and leaving behind a small, pink scar.
You let out a breath of exhaustion as you pulled your hand away, and pointlessly shook out your wrists.
“You alright?” Steve questioned, adjusting himself a bit on the sofa and grunting at the rather simple task.
“Fine. What else needs attention?”
He gestured to the light bruising on his ribs that only seemed to be getting darker by the moment.
“We should take a break first, though. You seem tired.”
“I told you that I’m perfectly fine,” you countered, setting one hand on your chest, and pointing a lazy finger at Steve, “you’re the one that needs a break.”
Steve grabbed your finger and gently pushed it down, “I don’t really, but maybe we should take a break.” He gave you a kind smile, and your heart fluttered. Even bartered and bloody, Steve managed to make you feel like a schoolgirl with a crush.
“Well, any great Captain America plans to get yourself out of this mess?” you leaned against the sofa, and twisted your torso slightly so that you could get a good look at your visitor.
“Nope, not yet,” Steve pursed his lips slightly. “Any input from the lady who seems to get out of every rock and hard place she finds herself in?”
You snickered, and shook your head at this, “not at the moment. But you have me on speed dial, right? I can get back to you when I think of something,” you joked with a wink.
“I would laugh, but I’m honestly a little nervous that my lung might pop if I do.”
“Oh fuck, Steve,” you scooted away from him so you could be closer to the bowl of water once again. “Why did we take a break? You need urgent medical attention.”
“You needed a moment.”
You shook your head and frowned, catching the inside of your bottom lip between your teeth, “don’t do that again.”
You dunked both of your hands in the water, then turned back around and set your damp hands on the bruising on Steve’s ribs, closing your eyes in concentration as you addressed the damage.
Steve howled out in pain, making you flinch as a result. With the hand doing less work, you blindly pat around in a search for something to shove into his mouth and dampen the noises he was currently making. Eventually settling on a blanket, you shoved the fabric deep into his mouth.
“Sorry,” you uttered while the muted noise of his pain rang through your ears, “neighbors.”
The task wasn’t the easiest for you either, healing what seemed like such a large break or fracture following several other injuries was depleting your energy quickly. Your arms and hands trembled as you began to watch the splotchy yellow mark begin to blend into the rest of Steve’s skin, and you were becoming more and more light headed by the second.
Feeling somewhat satisfied with your work, you pulled your shaky hands away, and leaned away from Steve’s body before losing your balance, and falling back onto your plush floor.
Steve yanked the blanket from his mouth, sticking out his tongue for a second as he attempted to pull a spare string from his mouth. He sat up rapidly, and looked down at you with raised brows, and big, frightened eyes.
“Y/N?” he asked breathily, still exhausted from his own exertion, “you still with me?”
Your chest rose and fell slowly, and you were silent for a moment before responding, “I just need a minute.”
Steve relaxed back into the sofa with the knowledge that you were at least still conscious, and waited a few beats before he spoke again, “thanks,” was all that he managed to utter.
The two of you sat there in an extremely loud silence, the only other noise being your nearly synchronized panting.
“I’m gonna go shower,” you announced after what felt like hours on your floor. You slowly rose, and dragged yourself to the bathroom in your bedroom. Hitting the shower valve, then sitting atop your countertop you let the suite fill with steam, reflecting on your bizarre day, but most of all, your interaction with Steve.
You let yourself dwell on this while you stood in the shower, forehead pressed against the warm tile as you considered the implications of every word shared between the two of you, and how you’d let this tiny crush get so far ahead of you. Maybe it really was a good idea to take some time away from New York. You were so deep in your own thoughts that you failed to catch onto the sound of the floorboard that loudly creaked in your living room, or the soft click of your front door opening and closing.
Changing into some more comfortable clothing, you exited the bathroom, and ultimately your own room ready to offer up your shower to Steve, and possibly even talk about your feelings in a serious manner with him. Yet, by the time you arrived at the couch that had held him just a half hour ago, it was vacant. In fact, your whole apartment was vacant. You’d checked three whole times.
Ending your fruitless search on your balcony, you settled down into the single plastic beach chair that you kept outdoors, and draped the blanket from your sofa that had previously been in Steve’s mouth around your shoulders. The chill of the night air contributed to the sting of your eyes when they welled up, and you told yourself that it was silly to ever think that this, you and him, could ever happen in the first place.
Gazing up at the stars, you cursed yourself for being so naive. For letting yourself fall so fast, and so hard for someone you knew so out of reach. The stars seemed to mock you, in all of their billions of years of knowledge.
Yet, part of you was comforted by the knowledge that Steve could be viewing the same constellations as you.
a/n: listen. i feel like these idiots have a lot of potential so if you want me to write any more of them i am totally down!
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nevermindirah · 3 years
Dorothy Freeman facts
By facts I of course mean headcanons, because Nile's mom doesn't get a first name in canon (or even confirmation that her last name is Freeman). All we know about her is the picture on Nile's phone lock screen (which is Kiki Layne's real-life mom and brother!) and a few lines that Nile tells Andy about her. I’ve been collecting my Dorothy headcanons for a while now to eventually make a post, and @mprosperossprite​‘s excellent post giving non-Americans context for what it means that Nile is from the South Side of Chicago prompted me to go ahead and share this. Disclaimer that I’m white and I will absolutely make corrections if it’s pointed out that I’ve caused harm with any of this.
So here have some fun facts about the version of Mama Freeman who lives in my head rent-free:
Her family and growing up:
she was born in the mid-'60s and named after Dorothy Dandridge
I can’t decide whether she was born in Chicago or moved there later on (maybe with Nile’s dad?) and when in the waves of the Great Migration her family left the South
she came of age in the "post"-Civil Rights movement and went to college in the mid-80s when a lot of what are now the foundational classics of Black feminism were being written
she was a young adult when Anita Hill risked so much to report that a Supreme Court nominee had sexually harassed her, and as a result she HATES Joe Biden
Marriage and babies:
she met Nile's father — I can’t decide how they met and I have two competing headcanons for his name, either Gideon for the hefty Biblical masculinity vibes (Giddy for short among family, that man loved to laugh) or Carl, which started out as a shitty Carl’s Jr burger chain joke that turns out to be perfect (it means free man!), and @knoepfchen​ used it in the sequel to if you do take a thief where Carl is alive!! — and Dorothy was a little skeptical of his near-religious devotion to the military but he was really hot and really devoted to her and they made it work
she's a little pissed that she was right but it's unbearable if she thinks about it too often
it's going to be a long, long time before she can look back on pictures of Baby Nile stomping around the house in her dad's combat boots (this is a Gina Prince Bythewood headcanon, whyyyyyyyy can I not find a link to where she said this)
she named their second baby Indus, Indy for short (this is nearly as established fanon in Book of Nile circles as how much Booker loves eating pussy, and Indy Freeman as a young adult is portrayed by either Aldis Hodge or John Boyega I don’t make the rules)
Dorothy did some office jobs but nothing really grabbed her, and she was probably gonna have to move for her husband's career, so she decided on teaching — high school humanities
she’s been active in CTU (one of the strongest teacher’s unions in the US) her whole career and one year she was on the bargaining committee and her babies know damn well never to trust a boss, not even one who says all the right things — if she ever finds out the way Nile said "like Quynh?" when Andy promised to protect her, she will lose her mind with pride
(Nile was 18 and freshly graduated from high school in 2012 when CTU went on strike for the first time in a generation and she brought her mom snacks on the picket line)
one of her very favorite things is getting her students to laugh despite themselves at her "oh my GOD you're so EMBARRASSING" old-people jokes
she's one of those teachers who can get 30+ teenagers to go dead silent with judicious application of body language
she's known to occasionally go easy on grading subjective things like essays when she knows students are having a particularly rough time at home, but the second she gets the feeling they're taking advantage and not trying their best that shit is over and they better mind their Ps & Qs
she's the kind of person who says old-people shit like that
she gives her students assignments like "help 5 neighbors register to vote" and "write a compare/contrast table about the candidates in this local election" and "research 5 different ways you could get grant money to do X" and other practical civic-minded shit
standardized testing is her supervillain origin story, just kidding it’s Rahm Emanuel, why the fuck did Obama trust that asshole
After her husband died:
she would have lost her goddamn mind if it weren't for her church friends after her husband died, people from the church raised money so they could make ends meet while his pension paperwork was taking forever, church friends watched Indy so Nile could go out for the soccer team, etc etc
she sold her and her late husband's house and moved to a 3-bedroom co-op unit when Nile started high school, it's more affordable and it meant she didn't have to worry about household repairs in the same way, she can use a wrench if she needs to but she doesn't have time and it just makes her grief flare up (co-op housing has a long history in Chicago and other US cities (like Washington DC where I live) as a way for Black people to access decent, affordable housing in the face of entrenched discrimination)
the move meant putting a longer commute between her and church, but she didn't even bother looking for a church closer to their new home, she loaded the kids into the car on the weekends, parking is hell in their new neighborhood but it's worth giving up a hard-won parking spot to not have to wait so long for the L on Sunday mornings
Indy lived with her through college and he was gearing up to get his own place when Nile died, Dorothy was planning to move into a one-bedroom in the co-op building because she doesn't need so much space anymore, Indy took a day off from his new job (not so new anymore, her baby's so grown!) to help her sort things to donate when those dress-uniform Marines came to their door
part of her wishes she could've been home more and not had to rely on Nile so much for help with Indy, but he's turned out such a kind young man, and he's a much better cook than his sister is (was, oh God — no wait, is! she’s alive! what do you mean you’ve been alive all this time??)
some of the girls from church are encouraging her to check out this social dancing thing, nobody's pressuring her to date but there's definitely been some ribbing, and with Indy out of the house... maybe? probably not, but maybe
Her feelings and beliefs and likes and dislikes:
she's an absolute badass and also she's a soft human woman with lots of feelings
she's very, very traditional in some ways, and part of her mixed feelings about Nile following in her dad's footsteps is gender stuff, she's proud of her daughter and would never stand in the way of what Nile wants to do with her life, and if Nile came home and told her she's a lesbian she would never reject her, but if Nile came home and told her she's bisexual maybe she can just try focusing on men? “I love you sweetheart and I want you to be happy I just know how hard it is already for us in this world” type shit
she has been on team natural hair basically her entire life and one of the worst fights she and Nile ever had was over Nile wanting to straighten her hair as a pre-teen
Indy takes more after her and Nile takes more after their dad, she's so proud of both of them, but Dorothy's activism was mostly wearing her natural hair to work and daring bosses to give her shit, Indy's out there marching in the streets like her parents had and she WORRIES
she teases Indy for going to so many protests like he's using it as an excuse to meet girls, but she WORRIES
when she turns 60, she gets box braids with streaks of dark purple, subtle enough that it's still work-appropriate but it makes her smile, she may be old now but damnit she’s still pretty!
she loves Grey's Anatomy and Star Trek and she watched Bridgerton all in one day
she has a dirty-old-lady celebrity crush on Chris Hemsworth
if she's ever masturbated thinking about Donna Summer, well, that's nobody's business but her own (do non-Americans know about the queen of disco??)
If you want to read fic featuring Dorothy:
I won't have to leave alone, 1000 words, Nile has a nightmare and decides to go tell her family she's immortal
I See Your Eyes Seek a Distant Shore, 65k, Nile adjusts to immortality and does a lot of soul searching about what it means to "do what we think is right", Booker goes to grad school for trauma studies, the working title of this fic was Booker Reads Edward Said and Gloria Anzaldúa and Goes Down on Nile and the final product has an annotated bibliography in the author's notes if you’re into that kind of thing, a lot of my Dorothy Freeman headcanons were born of my process writing this
Gather round the table, we'll give you a treat, 2279 words, college AU, Nile brings her Jewish boyfriend home for Christmas
a contribution I made to Shitty Old Guard Deaths: (Booker, USA, 2025, cause of death: a mother’s righteous wrath)
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(Un)Fortunate Misunderstanding
Warnings: noncon sexual acts (spanking, blow job)
This is dark!Andy Barber and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your intentions are misunderstood as you struggle to comprehend those of another.
This is for @candy-and-writing​‘s 1000 Follower Challenge, I got “Get the fuck out.” + Andy Barber
Note: Okey dokey, more Andy. I’m sorry, I can’t stop but I promise I’ll be mixing it up soon. I have 4 days of camping starting Monday to do nothing but think!
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Laurie answered the door. You weren’t even sure she heard you knock as she seemed in a rush to get out the door. She smiled and stopped before she could crash into you.
“So sorry about that.” She said sweetly. “I was just running out to get Jacob.”
“He’s not home yet?” You asked.
“Shoot, I thought I messaged you. He’s staying late tonight for tryouts. I told him I’d pick him up.”
“Oh, well how long will that be?” You fiddled with the strap of your bag. 
You’d taken the bus all the way there and it wasn’t worth it to go all the way back to campus. While your tutoring gig gave you a little extra cash, it didn’t exactly leave you flush. You smiled awkwardly at Laurie.
“I’m sorry, I’ll just--”
“No, no, it’s my fault. I should have called.” She touched your arm gently. “Come in. You can hang out here. We won’t be more than an hour. He got out early from his last period so he could try out.”
“Okay, I’m sorry, Laurie.”
“Don’t worry about it,” She held the door open and beckoned you in. “You know where everything is. Water in the fridge and some snacks if you like.”
“It’s okay, I’ll do some studying while I wait.” You said.
“Alright,” She stood in the door as she watched you slip out of your shoes. “I’ll try not to be too long. Again, I’m so sorry.”
“That’s alright, Mrs. Barber. Really.” You assured her.
She nodded and carried on out the door. You listened for her car and went to sit at the dining table where you usually did your lessons with Jacob. You sat and pulled out your textbook and turned to the little post-it you’d placed to mark your page.
It didn’t take long to finish the assigned chapter you already started on the bus. You took out your phone and checked your school email and then the few pointless social media notifications that clustered along the upper margin. You set your phone face down and stood. All morning in classes sitting at a desk, then the bus ride over; you were stiff and restless.
You wandered into the living room and paced around. You stopped at the wall of pictures along the far wall; family vacations, birthday parties, Christmases. The Barbers were the idyllic suburban clan. You looked down at the long console table, fresh white tulips stood over the rippled brim of the vase. Beside it, a small mother of pearl tray with an assortment of rings and a single necklace with a large opal stone.
You lifted the chain and admired the clouded streaks of colour. It was pretty. You turned and went to the slatted mirrors hung along the next wall. You held up the chain as if you were wearing it and admired it against the collar of your wool sweater. 
“You know, I got that for Laurie for her birthday and she hasn’t worn it once.” Andy’s voice made you wince. 
You looked over at him and lowered the necklace. You went back to the table and dropped it back with the rings. You turned back to him and wilted under his steady gaze. It was the first time you’d seen him look so stern. He was usually smiling and telling dad jokes.
“It’s very pretty.” You said as you made to head back to the kitchen. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
“Came through the back. Laurie left the gate open again.” He moved into you path. “It is a nice necklace. I wouldn’t blame you for wanting it.”
“Well, I was just looking,” You said as you stopped. “I shouldn’t have touched though.”
“No? You sure you didn’t wanna put it on? Maybe tuck in under your shirt?” He ventured. “No one would know the difference. Well, not until it was too late.”
“Mr. Barber, I wouldn’t--”
“I was a college student once. It’s tight. Hard to scrape by.” His lips curved slightly. A dark grin. “Never stole though.”
“Really, I would never do that.” You tried to side step him and he moved with you.
“She wouldn’t notice, I’d just expect you to ask before taking.”
“You know, Mr. Barber, I don’t appreciate the accusation. I was just looking.” You insisted. 
“Sure.” His jaw twitched as his grin fell. “You know, I don’t like to be the bad guy but I don’t stand for liars.”
“I am not lying.” You huffed and brushed past him. “You can tell Laurie I left. Or maybe share your theory and tell her you fired me. I won’t be accused of being a thief.”
You went to the table and shoved your textbook into your bag and snatched your phone up. Andy was right there when you turned back. He grabbed your phone and pulled on your bag until it slipped down to your elbow.
“Fire you? Three strikes. I’ll allow you this one but… there has to be punishment.”
You pulled on your bag but he was stronger than you. Very strong.
“Give me my phone, I’m going.” You hissed.
“Come on, we both know you need this job.” He taunted. “You walk out and there’s no coming back, you know that.”
“I wasn’t stealing.” You reached for your phone and he raised it over his head. “Mr. Barber, give me my phone.”
He flung it away and tore your bag from your grasp. His hand went to your arm and he spun you around. You hit the table as he shoved you forward.
“All you have to do is admit it.” He snarled.
“Let me go,” You tried to shake him off as he clung to you. “I didn’t do anything. Mr. Barber, stop! What are you doing?”
“Put your hands on the table.” He ordered.
“I don’t understand. Mr. Barber, this isn’t you-- I didn’t--”
“I see the way you come in here, looking around, like you’re casing the place.” He tutted. “Now you put those hands on the table or I’ll call the police.”
“I didn’t do anything--”
“I won’t say it again. If you won’t confess then you’ll just have to learn the hard way.” He pushed on your shoulder and you slapped your hands onto the table to keep from bending entirely. “So, hands flat.”
He withdrew his hand and you heard a buckle. You turned to look at him as he undid his belt.
“Keep your hands on the table.” He barked. 
You pressed your hands flat and turned to stare at the far wall. You listened to the glide of leather from his belt loops and you bit down. You shivered as he moved behind you. He grabbed the back of your jeans and tore them down roughly just below your ass. You reached to pull them back up and he slapped your hand with his belt.
“Move those hands again and I’ll break a finger.” He growled. “Now,” He folded the belt and rested it against your ass, “Count.”
He raised the belt and brought it down. You cried out and your nails dug into the table cloth.
“That’s one,” He said. “Say it.”
“One,” You said through clenched teeth. He lashed you again and you nearly shouted “two.”
“You gotta keep it down,” He warned. “We don’t want everyone knowing you’re a thief.”
“Mr. Barb--”
He whipped you a third time and you gulped before you forced out ‘three’. Then four, five, six. All the way to ten until your legs were ready to collapse. Your ass was so raw you were certain it was bleeding.
He stopped. At last. He hooked his fingers in the loops of your jeans and pulled them back up. You turned to him with a pained hiss as he slid his belt back into place. He buckled it as he tilted his head at your confused distress.
“So, you still innocent?” He asked.
“I didn’t--” You rasped.
“I’m a lawyer. I know a liar when I see one.” He said.
A car door sounded and then another. Voices rose, familiar and footsteps neared the front door. Andy bent to grab your bag and dropped it on one of the chairs around the table. You found your phone face down and your heart sank at the cracked screen. You couldn’t afford a new one.
“I’ll give you a ride home,” He offered as the front door opened. “We can talk then.”
He went through to the living room and you edged forward to watch him through the doorway. He kissed Laurie and patted Jacob on the shoulder. He was back to the Andy Barber you knew. The smiling, laughing father and husband. The family man with a heart of gold.
You whimpered as you sat at the table and lit up your phone. It worked but the screen was a mess. It would have to do for now. You weren’t sure how long you’d have this job.
Your lesson that night seemed to go on forever. Jacob was disinterested in Arthur Miller’s commentary on McCarthyism and Andy made sure to pop in a few times to ‘check on you’. Laurie had excused herself to her office, as she usually did, but her husband seemed almost paranoid about your presence.
You packed up after and said goodbye to Jacob. He was just happy to be done and quickly pulled out his phone as he left you. You followed him out to the living room and were relieved to find it empty. You slid into your shoes and dipped through the door. You’d catch the bus and send an email to Laurie in the morning. You would find a new job.
“Hey,” The door opened again as Andy called after you, keys jingling as he descended the porch steps. “I said I’d drive you home.”
“I have a bus pass.” You kept on.
“It’s dark.” He caught up to you and latched onto your bag, pulling you back. “And we’re not done talking.”
“I told you I didn’t do it,” You ripped your bag away from him. “And then you assaulted me.”
“I punished you. I will again if you keep lying.” He sneered.
“How many times do I have to say it? You walked in on my playing with a necklace. That’s hardly stealing.” You argued.
“A few more minutes, I’m sure…” He grabbed your elbow and turned you round the back of the car. “Get in.” You dug your heels in and he jerked you forward. “Keep fighting. It’s fun.”
He opened the car door and you were barely able to duck your head as he shoved you inside. He slammed the door and nearly caught your fingers. He got in on the other side and shoved the keys in the ignition. The engine whirred to life and he pulled out abruptly.
“So…” He said.
“So…” You echoed. “I already--”
“Deny, deny, deny. You’re digging the hole deeper and deeper.” He growled. “Confess, apologise, and we’re done. You keep your job and maybe I’ll have some peace of mind that you have a degree of honesty.”
You were quiet. You weren’t quite sure why he was so adamant. Why he was so convinced that you were going to steal that necklace. You’d given him no reason to distrust you. He’d always been friendly, kind, and hospitable. It just didn’t make sense.
“I’m waiting.” He said.
“You can let me out here.” You leaned into the door.
“All you have to do is tell the truth.” He coaxed. “Look, I get it. You’re young, you want nice things.”
You shook your head and sniffed. You stared out the window angrily. “Yeah, so? I wouldn’t just take them.”
“I see the way you look at Laurie. You admire her; envy her. You want what she has.” He continued. “The clothes, the jewelry, the house…” He paused and planted his elbow on the console. “Me.”
“Wh-what?” You sputtered. “Are you serious? Mr. Barber, that’s ridiculous.”
“Is it? I’m older but I’m not haggard,” He said. “Neither of us can deny, I’m a pretty decent catch.”
“Please stop so I can get out.” You pleaded.
“It’s cute. A little crush.” His hand slid off the console and crept along your leg. “I got a bit of one myself.”
“Mr. Barber.” His hand stretched over your thigh and he squeezed. “Andy!”
He stopped and you jolted forward against the seatbelt. You peeked out the window. It was your building. You grabbed your bag and undid your belt as you pushed his hand away. You opened the door then froze.
“How do you know where I live?” You looked back at him. “I didn’t tell you.”
“It saved in the GPS when Laurie drove you,” He said smoothly.
“She drove her car.” You climbed out entirely. “I quit.”
You slammed the door and raced away from the car. Your ass was still sore and you winced as your panties rubbed against the tender skin. You swept inside the lobby of the building and let yourself in the heavy metal door. You climbed the stairs to your floor as tears pricked at your eyes. 
You closed yourself into your room and dropped your bag. You held your head in your hands and tried not to scream. How could a perfectly normal day go so wrong?
You took out your phone and felt the screen. Ugh, you should have put a protector on it. Always pressing your luck. You set it on your small desk and sat on your narrow single bed. You’d wake up tomorrow and start again. The only thing that would be different was the Barbers. They’d be easy enough to forget about. You had classes and you were sure there was some other job you could find in between.
Well, the welts on your ass might remind you of the day’s shit show.
Three loud knocks shook your door. You flinched and stood. You crossed the room and opened the door, just a crack. It was Andy and he looked as agitated as before.
“How did you get up here?” You leaned on the door as his hand rested on the other side.
“Let me in.” He demanded. “We aren’t done.”
“No,” You pushed the door closed but it didn’t click. He flung it open and you stumbled back. “Get the fuck out.”
“When I’m done here.” He said calmly as he shut the door. He turned the lock decisively. “Promise.”
“I’ll scream.” You threatened. “I’ll call campus security.”
“You won’t.” He stormed forward and grabbed you. “What you’re going to do is get down on your knees and make up for your sticky fingers with that pretty little mouth.”
“Mr. Barber,” Your voice rose. “Get--”
He clapped his hand over your mouth before you could shout. He walked you backwards until you were against the wall. He pinned you there and leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“You see what happens, little girl. I’ll tell Laurie about what you did then I’ll tell her you tricked me into coming up here and then turned on me when I refused you. The cops will eat it up, too. I got a few friends on the force. Friends of the family, even.”
You blinked at him and your eyes swam with tears. The sheer anger in his face was terrifying. The unyielding strength in hands was more so.
“So, are you going to be good?” He snarled. “Show me I can trust you?”
You stared at him then nodded. He slowly dropped his hand and smirked as he backed away. Again, his hands went to his belt. You closed your eyes and braced yourself. This couldn’t be real. It couldn’t.
He unzipped his pants. You heard it. You couldn’t look at him as you dropped to your knees. The thin carpet did little to pad your descent. 
He stood over you and stepped closer. Your vision cleared and you were staring at his cock. His hand wrapped around it as he stroked himself. He reached out to pet your cheek.
“No time to waste,” He hummed. “I gotta be home before Laurie gets worried.”
“Please, don’t say her name.” You begged.
“I won’t say much once you get started.”
You lowered your lashes. You reticently licked your licks and got closer. You grasped him as his hand fell away. You exhaled with a shudder and closed your eyes completely.
You licked his tip and he groaned. The sound made you shiver. His other hand slipped behind your head as he urged you on. You opened wider as he met your throat and you gagged. He eased off but pushed back in until he slid down your throat. You felt even more like retching.
“Oh, ho,” He uttered. “Wow, I never thought-- you’re such a sweet little thing, I didn’t expect--”
He puffed as he rocked into your mouth. The sloppy noises filled your ears and floated through the room. You gripped the top of his pants, the leather of his belt against your palm as he sped up.
You let out breathless groans around him and he clutched your head tighter with a hand on either side. You struggled to get air as he guided you up and down his length.
“Oh god, here it comes.” He growled. “Here it--”
He pulled out of your mouth and held your head with one hand as he stroked himself. Your eyes fluttered as he came across your face, streaks of semen from forehead to chin. 
He pressed his thumb along your lips and pushed a string of his salty cum into your mouth. He sighed as he gazed down at you.
“You see what happens when you touch what isn’t yours?” He purred. “I’ll see you on Wednesday. Jacob’s unit test is the next day.” He pulled his hand away as his cum cooled on your skin. “Don’t be late.”
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anightflower · 4 years
Come and Find Me
Chapter Two: Paint It Black
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Hello Loves! Just to let everyone know, my chapters go from flashbacks to present day! Thank you all for sticking with me and I am sorry this chapter is posted a bit late! 
Spencer Reid x Reader 
Warnings: Mentions of Gore, violence, swearing
Read Chapter One Here 
He had spent several hours outside your window, trying to figure out the next phase of his plan. But once the Doctor had arrived and swept you into his arms, he had decided to go home. Not back to his apartment, that was the place he resided. His home was a place nobody could know about. 
It was a place for only him and his mentor Drew. 
He walked into the kitchen to find Drew cleaning up his knives. “Hey little brother, out with your girl again?” Drew asked with a mischievous smile. 
Little brother was Drew’s nickname for the boy, they weren’t blood-related, but being 7 years younger than Drew, he had taken the boy under his wing.
“Yeah, until her stupid fucking doctor came.” the boy replied. 
“Don’t worry about the Doctor, your time will come.” Drew reassured. “Come, sit, I just finished up making dinner.” 
The boy sat down, pushing aside Drew’s papers so he had space to eat.
“Ah, ah,ah, you’re going to want to look at those. Those papers contain all the fun things you need to know. I’m not teaching you all of this for nothing huh?” Drew smiles, placing the papers back in front of the boy, alongside a bowl of stew.
“Do you really think this will work?” The boy asked, glancing over Drew’s explicitly written notes.
“Don’t worry little brother, this whole thing is trial and error.” Drew reassured. “Don’t be intimidated I’ve had this whole thing planned for a while and she won’t be the first, she can be our finale-” Drew was interrupted by a scream. He rolled his eyes. “Goddamnit, this bitch just never shuts up. I wanted to surprise you with her, but now she spoiled it.” 
The boy gave Drew a curious look. Drew chuckled. “Come on little brother I will show you.” Drew led the boy down to their basement. “After she’s gone, I’ll soundproof the basement better. I just needed an idea of how loud these whores will scream.”
The color drained from the boy’s face as his gaze fell on the woman. She was tied to Drew’s metal table, she looked like one of the frogs that the Boy had to set up for dissection for Professor Irving’s class, except she was very much alive, and slightly bloodied. 
“Meet trial number one little brother, she looks quite like your girl huh? I think all of em’ should just so you can be prepared for your finale with her.” Drew turned to the Boy. “Surprise.”
“How long has she been missing?” the Boy asked, panicked. How could Drew not warn him? “Relax, like I said she’s trial one. Just a corner whore, no one will even notice she is gone. The next one will be the real challenge, I want to find one exactly like your girl and I already found her, this one we will just pump and dump. Did you get those chemicals from your professor like I asked?” 
The Boy nodded “It all in my backpack.” The Boy couldn’t drag his eyes away from the girl on the table. Yes she had your hair and eye color, but she was a hideous thing compared to you. A mere whore could never compare to you. “If she’s a whore I don’t want to touch her. I’ll try the next one.”
Drew huffed. “Fine, you only have to watch this time virgin boy. But next time, I expect you to be hands on. I’m not doing all this work for nothing.”
The Boy’s face was emotionless the whole time he watched Drew, even when the blood spurted, even when the girl looked at him, pleading for help. Even when she stopped breathing and the chemicals he brought were used to melt her flesh. 
The Boy felt nothing.
There was an extra flounce to your step as you made your way to your favorite cafe. Maybe it was because you had successfully hired a few new employees to help your company flourish, maybe it was because one of them had already settled a new deal in Ohio, or maybe it was because you knew Spencer was coming back from a case today. 
Hell, you had just had a fantastic day and you needed to update Ava and grab your favorite mocha latte to top it off. And maybe it was your 4th coffee of the day, but so what?
Your face lit up even more when you saw Ava. “Hello my darling best friend.” You said causing Ava to grin. 
“Hey there babe, what’s got you so preppy today?” Ava asked. 
“Well, let’s see; I hired 3 new employees who already are fantastic, one of which already booked us a design job in Ohio. Oh and my superhero hot boyfriend is coming home from a case tonight.” You grinned.
Ava rolled her eyes. “I still can’t believe you told him I call him that. I wanted to dissolve into the floor and simultaneously kick your ass.” She laughed. “As for the new employees, are any of them hot? Single? Oh and Ohio is good I guess.” 
You giggled. “Well Thomas is incredibly handsome, but I am afraid his soon to be husband might want to have a word with you if you try anything. As for the other two, Aiyla and May, I think you’ll find them stunning and single.” 
Ava wiggled her eyebrows. “Don’t tempt me girl, you know I swing both ways. Anyway, grab a seat, I’ll grab your coffee and bring it out to you. I get off early today so we can actually talk to each other rather than me hopping back and forth between the counter. James gets to hold down the fort with Emma and the newbie Jane today.”
“Well, maybe Jane will help him get out of his shell.” You hoped. Ava shrugged. 
“Maybe, anyway, Ohio?” Ava questioned.
 “Oh! Yes. My new minions are sketching our designs as we speak. The company is called Ohio technological, a very original name yes-” You said as Ava snorted. “But they’re trying to create an office space like Google, however I am going to one up that and add my own spin to it. Also your girl has a fantastic budget from this company and I am being paid bank!” You squealed.
Ava squealed with you, grabbing your hands and squeezing them tight. “(Y/N) that’s fantastic! I am so proud of you girl, you’ve been working so hard on this and I am so glad it’s all working out.” 
“There is one downside though.” You said with a sigh. “I have to get my plans to them by next week and once they approve of them, I have to head to Ohio for three weeks. After that I will just have Thomas overlook the project and tie up any loose ends. Either him or I will have to fly down and check in on the progress every couple weeks until then.”
 “Could be worse though.” Ava shrugged.
“That’s true, but Spencer and I have been dating for almost 3 months and half the time we can’t see each other. I’m worried that the distance will ruin us.” You confessed.
 Ava's face went completely serious and she grabbed your arm gently. “(Y/N, I have never seen a boy more in love with you. You have never seemed happier in your life. You two will make it work I promise. You’re both so in love it makes me sick.” You snorted out a laugh and Ava smirked.
 “Like I said, if he has a brother-” 
“AVA.” You groaned.
The boy burst through the door, startling Drew. 
“Yo, what the fuck man?” Drew hissed. 
“She’s leaving. Fuck, fuck, fuck Drew. She’s leaving.” The Boy slammed the door shut, he leaned against it and slid down, hiding his face in his hands. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey little bro, take a breath, what happened?” Drew came over and pushed the boy’s hands away from his face.
“She’s leaving me Drew. For three weeks! She’s going to Ohio for THREE WEEKS. 21 days, almost a month! I won’t see her and when I do she will probably be with that goddamn doctor! What do I do?” The boy cried. 
“That fucking whore, it’s like she knows she’s making you suffer. She’s probably reveling in it. Don’t worry. While she’s gone, we will perfect our craft and get you ready. Then when she comes back you’ll strike.” 
Drew reassured the Boy, pulling him in for a hug.The Boy pulled away, dragging an arm across his tearful eyes. 
“You promise?” 
“I swear it.” Drew growled. 
Present Day
“Garcia what did you find?” Reid asked, pleading that it would be a reliable lead. 
“Something that you won’t really like Reid.” Garcia said seriously, her usually bouncy personality was flat. “Something about your gift irked me, I couldn’t put my finger on it at first, but then I remembered; the Curtis case.” 
Spencer’s heart fell into his stomach. The Curtis case had happened a few months after Spencer had started dating you. It had happened right here in Quantico, which terrified Spencer, especially since you fell perfectly under the unsubs victimology; 20-30 year old females with (Y/C/H) and (Y/E/C), successful middle class women who lived alone for one reason or another. You had luckily been out of town for a business trip at the time, working on an office design for a company in Ohio. 
Spencer remembered a phone call he had with you one night during the case. He had called you after finding yet another dead victim, raped and torn to pieces, whore scribbled all over their wall in their blood. It had made him sick, because all he could picture was you in their place.
It was late when he called you, but he had just needed to hear your voice and know you were okay. “Hi baby, are you alright?” Your voice was sleepy, but concerned, you had kept up with the news and had heard about the horrible murders going on while you were gone.
 “Not really, but I just needed to hear your voice. There’s a sick selfish part of me that is so glad that you aren’t here (Y/N). All of these girls look so much like you-” Spencer paused, you could hear the tears in his voice. “I just am so glad you are safe, I don’t think I could focus as well on this case if I knew you could possibly be in danger.”
 “Aw Spencer, I am so sorry baby. You aren’t sick or selfish for wanting me to be safe, everyone focuses on the safety of those they love, it’s only human. I know you are going to catch this guy, you are the most brilliant man and agent I have ever met. Just don’t tell your team I said that, I don’t want a bad reputation before they even meet me.” You teased, trying to lighten his dark mood.
 It had worked slightly as you heard him let out a small laugh followed by a sniffle. “Listen Spence, I can stay here a bit longer if it will help you focus, but when I come home I am taking self-defense classes and such. I want you to have a sane mind knowing that your girlfriend actually can handle herself. I honestly think it will help me keep sane too, after hearing everything about this case.” 
Spencer paused and thought for a second, part of him wanted you as far away as possible, while the other part just wanted you in his arms. “I appreciate you considering me, but I want the ultimate decision to be made by you Princess, I trust your judgement and I don’t want you living your life based on my fear.” 
You breath caught in your throat at the sentiment. “I love you Spencer Reid.” 
“I love you more (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” A true smile beamed across his face, you guys had never said that to one another before and it meant just as much over the phone as it would in person.
Spencer flashed back to the present. “Andrew Curtis is in jail right now with three life sentences, how could this have anything to do with his case?”
 Garcia cringed a bit, “His calling card.” The words hit Spencer like a ton of bricks, how could he have not seen it before?
The gift box, the red bow, the eyes scratched out of the picture, that was exactly what Curtis had sent to his victims before they were attacked by him. Most of the women had thought it was a prank, a way to scare them into submission, they were incredibly wrong.
“So what could it be, a copycat?” Emily asked.
 “That is a possibility, they are using the exact same delivery company Andrew Curtis used, I found this on the security footage.” Garcia pulled up an image of a man wearing a uniform; it was a hideous orange color with the words “Swiftly Delivered” on it, khaki shorts, and white tennis shoes. 
“You think the company would have shut down or at least redesigned their hideous uniform after all the association with Curtis.” Emily mumbled.
“Well, I think in this case it’s lucky they didn’t, that way we could easily find the connection.” JJ said.
 “How could something like that have gotten cleared by security?” Rossi wondered aloud. “You think someone would have possibly recognized it, the case is still pretty fresh.” 
“Well, the box had no threat, no weapons, they must have just scanned it and sent it through. Alyssa was the one who brought it up with the rest of the mail. She said nothing seemed off about it when she brought it up, she just thought it was someone who was sweet on our pretty boy.” Morgan explained.
“Everyone is just so invested in my love life that we miss obvious clues.” Spencer growled frustrated.
“Well, at least we have a lead.” Hotch interrupted. “JJ, Morgan, I need you guys to head over to Swiftly Delivered. Ask them about their past customers and see if they can remember our unsub. Emily, you and Reid head over to (Y/N)’s apartment and see if you can find anything. Rossi and I are going over to talk to Curtis.”
“Hotch, I need to talk to Curtis.” Reid protested. “If he knows anything about (Y/N)-”
“No Reid. You know (Y/N)’s apartment better than anyone. You will notice if anything is wrong.” Hotch explained sternly.
“Hotch-” Reid argued. 
“No. I don’t trust Curtis, he seemed too interested during his original case. If he knows something, I can’t have him getting under your skin. Reid’s head fell in defeat. “But-” Reid’s head shot back up. “If you guys finish before us. Meet us at the prison.” Hotch ordered. 
Hope filled Reid’s eyes.
@andiebeaword @haylaansmi @parkastoria @possessedjoker @amronsparty @generaltheoristexpert @sierraraeck @coniumalces @tamedbyafox @anotherr-fine-mess @adoregin @rainsong01 @canyonnmoonn  @mggshoe @boxofsparklingmuses @richardpapensmuse @deanlenaz​ @rainsong01 @goldentournesol @annesauriol @itsametaphorbriansblog @secretpickleprofessordean @shameleswhorehourstm @stepsofthefbi​ @iifloweringnightsii
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dying-artist-yes · 3 years
A Temporary Parting
So my friends decided to do nice things for me and I have decided to do nice things back. I will be doing these for 6 characters and this is the first character; Remi. Let’s gooooo.
Mum, I’m sorry for how this starts off. I promise it gets fluffier later okay? @alyssoujo​
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How long had it been since she’d left him? Since God had so cruelly torn his beloved away from him? Lucifer still remembered it clearly as if it had happened yesterday. He remembered it often. He would replay it over and over until she returned. He had been in his office, working away at the latest stack of paperwork dropped onto him. With Barbatos gone, he and Diavolo were having to cover for him as well and so, their normal paperwork was doubled. He had been frustrated and irritated for at least 3 days now. Not primarily because of work but because he had an argument with Remi. Yes, they’ve bickered before but it was just that; bickering. Never had she raised her voice with him like that. Through their pact, he knew she had regretted it almost immediately but not once did she call in the 3 days that had followed. He hadn’t reached out to her for the first few hours, thinking they both needed time to cool off so they could talk about what had just happened and reconcile but a message never came from her. He sent her so very many but she didn’t even see them. He grew frustrated, thinking she was ignoring him still due to their argument and stopped texting and attempting to call her after a while of being ignored. He just concluded that when she’d had enough of ignoring him, she’d call him. Yet that never came. It had been 3 days and not so much as a peep from her. She hadn’t even been online in the past 3 days. This made Lucifer worried but, of course, he was basically bound to his desk until he finished working. That’s part of what had been frustrating him; his inability to check up on his wife and see if she was alright. To be able to see for himself that she was just ignoring him longer than usual because he had been insensitive towards her two male friends.  Seems he need not wait any longer. He could feel a tug, a very strong one, pulling on the back of his right hand, where his pact mark with Remi rested. ‘Finally...’ He thought to himself with a soft sigh before responding to the summon, expecting to be hugged by his wife or something of the sort but what greeted him made his entire world come crashing down. He was in a dark room he didn’t recognize, far from Paris as far as he could tell. When he first appeared, Lucifer’s thoughts were ‘Why would she come to a place like this?’ His question was answered all too soon as the moment he looked in front of him, he was greeted by the dying form of his wife.  “REMI!”  Panicked took ahold of him as he picked up her bloodied form, cradling her in his arms. He muttered every healing spell he knew, anything that could keep his wife from leaving him. She was sickly pale, a hole in the middle of her chest as though someone had ripped something out, and had been soaking in a pool of her own blood. “H-Hang on...! You will be fine...!” His voice broke as he said this but he didn’t care. All he cared about was making sure she would see the light of day. That his light wouldn’t leave his side. Why was she here? Who did this? All these questions ran through his head but were brought to a halt when he felt his wife’s cold hand on his cheek.  “Luci...fer... It’s... too late...” Came her weak voice and his eyes widened as he heard her words. Why didn’t he check sooner? Why didn’t he keep trying to reach out to her? He could’ve gone to Paris to visit her. He should’ve gone to talk to her. “I... am sor...ry... I...” She was struggling just to speak and Lucifer shook his head, letting the tears fall as he gently brought her head up to press his forehead against hers. “Shhh... I should be the one who’s sorry... I should have come to check on you... I should have come to you...” He mumbled as the tears kept falling. Remi weakly tried to wipe them away as she shook her head to the best of her abilities. “I... should ha...ve... summon...ed... y-you... sooner...” She got out weakly and with every breath she took, Lucifer could feel more life leave her. She was dying in his arms and he was helpless just as he had been the past 3 times. She was slipping out of his grasp and he couldn’t do anything. He was too late to save the woman he loved above all else. The woman who became his world. “Remi please... D-Don’t leave me too... Please...” He was begging. He wouldn’t do this but if it meant she lived, he would beg anyone, even his Father he despised above all else. He couldn’t lose her too. He couldn’t lose her like he had lost Lilith.  “I-I’m... sorry... about... our argu...ment... I-I was... too harsh... I-I had... so much... to tell... you...” She too was crying now as her death approached her. “P-Please... G-Grant this one wish... of mine...” She said weakly as Lucifer looked at her desperately. The tears wouldn’t stop it no matter how much he wanted them to and once again he found himself cursing his pride. Had he just reached out to her when he felt her regret and sorrow, perhaps this could have been avoided. “What... What is it dearest wife...?” He got out weakly. “P-Please... F-Find me again... I-I know... i-it is sel...fish... b-but... p-please... wait for... me... a-and f-find me... l-like you promised...” She said, whimpering quietly as more tears flowed down her cheeks. “Of course... You forget who you have for a husband... You are mine for all eternity, just as I am yours... So no matter how long it takes, I will find you once again... I will find you as many times as needed... We shall be together in every life given to you...” He said softly, placing her hand against his cheek.  She gave him a weak yet fond smile as she weakly caressed his cheek. He leaned into her cold touch. “Thank.. you... I love you...” She said, barely above a whisper before she fell limp. It took him a moment to register that she had truly left him. However... “This is just a temporary parting... I will ensure it...” He said softly as he held her lifeless body in his arms. He had remained like this for a while until Diavolo had appeared behind him. Upon seeing his friend grieving like this, the prince’s heart broke. “Lucifer...” “I am fine Diavolo.” He said as he stood up with Remi in his arms. Even in death, she looked serene and beautiful to him. Even if she had been torn away from him in this life, he’d ensure no one could do so in the next. 
He sighed, opening his eyes. He remembered the concerned looks his brothers had given him. He remembered throwing himself into work. Even if he knew she would return somehow, it still hurt. There was still a hole in his heart. He still felt incomplete. He would read her letters. He would look at the small figurine she had gotten him. Listen to the song she’d made for him. Everything she’d given him, he would look over because they were little parts of her he still had with himself.  Of course, he hadn’t forgotten the promise he’d made with her. He’d spent the last 600 years searching for her but to no avail. What was Father doing with her soul for the past 600 years? Keeping it hostage? He let out a frustrated sigh and hid his face in his hands. He needed tea. He needed to calm down so he could focus on work again. However, before he could even get up to brew the tea, the doors to his office burst open to reveal everyone’s favorite neighborhood angel; Simeon. 
Lucifer pulled his face out of his hands and normally would have glared at him for barging in like this but he noticed the urgent look on his face. He raised a brow in a questioning manner and the angel just took a moment to catch his breath. “I... I have something. For you.” Simeon got out in between his many pants. Lucifer didn’t quite understand what could warrant this reaction out of the normally calm and collected Simeon but he nodded and gestured for Simeon to bring whatever it was he had found. Simeon gestured for a Little D to come in and Lucifer’s eyes widened. “Is that...” “A bouquet of blue roses? Yes. Someone left it at the Angel’s Halo along with a letter addressed to you.” Simeon said as he searched through his pockets before pulling out a baby blue envelope from his pocket.
Lucifer swiftly took the letter but was very careful in opening it. The first thing he saw had almost made him feel as though his breath had been caught in his throat. It was a picture. A picture of a young woman smiling with a bouquet of blue and red roses. Straight black hair, unlike her previously half and half black on the left and white on the right hair, and straight bangs. It was still waist length, just less wavy. Her skin tone was more towards porcelain now than pale ivory but the one thing that hadn’t been altered about her, left untouched completely, were her eyes. Her striking blue eyes he remembered peering into only to see love and adoration for himself. The eyes that would shine whenever they saw him. The eyes that belonged to his wife. 
There were various pictures like this. About 10. Whoever took the pictures seems close with her. He then pulled out the letter and opened it to read the contents of it. The letter read;
“Hello Lucifer,
It has been 600 years since you’ve seen the lovely young lady in the picture, yes? Well~ She was finally reborn~ She’s a lovely young demon born in Canada. I made sure her parents named her Remi so you don’t have to get used to another name. You would think that being reborn would mean she has no memories of her past life and yet your influence has not left her in the slightest.
Every birthday she has had the past... what? 121 years now? she has only asked for one thing; blue roses. The gift you got her on her birthday all those years ago. I am certain if you go check, those are blooming again. Each and every blue rose she has received, she cherishes with her life until it wilts. She is also very fond of the color red and the color blue. Hm... I wonder why? She’s also very fond of making spicy food and warm desserts despite not liking them. Once again, I wonder why? Oh! And also, she has turned down everyone that’s ever tried to hit on her. She threatens them with a description of a man that matches yours. When I asked her where she got it from, she said she dreamt of this person and even if she was not sure whether or not he was real, the love she saw in this person’s eyes made her feel whole and so if needed, she’d spend her entire life looking for him. She’ll only accept you.
Anyways. You are probably curious as to why you haven’t bee able to find her if she’s been alive for 121 years now. Well, that would be because of your Father. Well, more Michael really. He has made sure every time you’ve come across her, she didn’t see you and you didn’t see her. I really don’t understand why but it is what it is.
I, however, do no take orders from Michael so while he is kept busy, I am ensuring you find Remi. Her memories are not gone. God did not keep her soul for 479 years for no reason. She spent all that time bargaining to keep her memories. To be born anything but a human so she would not have to leave your side again. After much insistence, He allowed it on the condition that she would only remember once reunited with you. Apparently Michael had a problem with that. Since I’m the one doing it though, he can suck it because he can’t punish me. 
She is currently visiting England, London to be specific, the last picture I sent is proof of that. That’s why I sent the bouquet of blue roses to Simeon with this letter because I knew he’d get it to you. 
Come and get your wife before Michael sticks his nose in where it doesn’t belong again.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. “Simeon-” “I’m ready to accommodate you Lucifer. You helped me when I needed to find Celes, this is the least I can do to repay that debt.” He said with a soft smile before opening his arms up. “Hug?” “... Just this once.” Lucifer said with a soft sigh before getting up and hugging Simeon, who happily hugged back. He’d finally be reunited with her again. He’d make sure she stayed this time. “Let us get going... I’ve made her wait long enough.” He said, pulling away from the hug as Simeon grinned and nodded. The two of them made their way to the human world so the Avatar of Pride’s bride could return to him, so she could return home.
Despite his many protests, Simeon insisted Lucifer stay with him and Celestina. In a way, he was glad Simeon was so stubborn. It was nice to be surrounded by Simeon’s sunny family. Before, it hurt to be around anyone’s family because all he could see was Remi but now... with her about to return, rather than seeing their family as a fleeting dream, he saw it as something he would make a reality. He would not allow anything to get in-between them this time, especially not Michael. So looking at Simeon’s sunny family and playing with his kids... it reminded him of what he will soon have.
While Simeon oversaw his kids taking care of the Angel’s Halo, Lucifer would go to scour London in order to find Remi. She was close, he could feel it. As he made his way around, a garden caught his eye. It reminded him of the garden outside of the Mausoleum where he would lay down on her lap while she ran her fingers through his hair as Cerberus played with one of his many toys. The last memory he had of that was after she’d returned from her human world trip. She noticed he had been stressed so she took him to see Cerberus. Then, when they reached the park, she had him lay his head down on her lap while she ran her fingers through his hair and sang for him.
He inhaled as he closed his eyes, remembering that scene. ‘We can make many more this time.’ He thought to himself before opening his eyes again. He was just about to continue walking when he heard soft singing coming from the garden he had previously thought empty. 
“... A ring on my finger and a promise of eternity...~ The one promise I refuse to fail to keep...~”
‘That’s...’ He recognized those lyrics. He quickly rushed into the garden and frantically looked around for the source of the singing. That’s when he saw her by the fountain in the middle of the garden, looking down at her lap which had a sketchbook on it.
“Every moment I spend with you~ My heart hammers away~ Screaming at me “Never let him go!” Oh I know, I know~ The kind of happiness I have with him~ No other could compare~ I love you I love you I love you~” “I love you~ I love you~ I love you so~”
Remi looked up from her sketchbook and towards the person who completed the chorus to the song and blinked when she saw him. She stood up, sketchbook in hand, and started walking towards him. Lucifer, in return, started walking towards her and met her at about halfway. “You’re... real, right?” Were the first words from her. Even her voice was the same. “Yes, I am real.” He responded with a smirk. “Would you like to check should you not believe me?” He asked with a raised brow. Remi hesitantly placed a hand on his cheek and immediately winced, placing her hand on her temple as she wobbled a little. Lucifer immediately wrapped his arm around her waist to steady her. “Remi...! Are you alright...?” He asked, worry settling in. Maybe he shouldn’t have come in contact with her. What if he accidentally triggered something that would end her life? What if- 
“I-I’m fine... M-My dearest Avatar of Pride...” She said smiling up at him through the pain. Lucifer could feel relief wash over him and for the first time in 600 years, he felt happy. “Just... remembering things... I would hate to not have any memories of you...” She said, leaning into his arms and resting her head against his chest. “You’re home now...” He said softly as he rubbed soothing circles on her back. “Yes... I’m home again...
... You found me.”
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juduseye · 3 years
Hello, can I persuade you to tell me more about Doc and Castle's daughters? Who brought up first the idea of adopting? Did they get the kids as babies/toddlers, or adopted slightly older kids? Which one of them brings out pictures of the kids at any occasion he can? And anything else you wanna share, please *puppy eyes*
Omg I hope you are prepared for an essay. I’m jk but thanks for the question!! I would absolutely love to tell you some more about Doc and Castle’s daughters!
I always imagine that once Doc retires from rainbow, he doesn’t really retire and goes on to work with Doctors Without Borders and other groups where he can continue to help people within his expertise. So he ends up going to Haiti for a couple weeks after a major hurricane hits to help give people affected medical treatment. While he was there he meets a native woman named Ginette who works rescue missions with her husband and they become really good friends and Castle is just so glad that Doc has found friends and people who can look out for him. Disaster strikes just a week and some days later when Ginette, her husband, and their rescued passengers are capsized and drug under the flood water by a strong hidden current and ultimately drowned. This absolutely devastates Doc and he can barely stand to go to work some days and Castle tries his best from hundreds of miles away to help him through it. One day at work, patching up some of the survivors who were just brought in, he meets a young girl (she couldnt be over 4 years old) who has an ear infection. After her initial visit one of the nurses who works with him laments that the poor girl is Ginette’s orphaned daughter and they are currently looking for relatives to take her in with no luck. So over the next couple weeks, Doc tries his hardest to befriend the little girl (who he learns is named Renee) and to get her ear infection solved. Of course, Castle is taken through this journey with him over phone calls and face times. They meet over face time and Castle is just so sad that this sweet, super shy little girl is left on her own.
One day, about 3 weeks after Doc first met Renee, a nurse comes to his office to speak to Renee (he sort of unofficially took charge of her during the day since he was helping treat her ear infection and the two of them formed a small bond) and said she has someone she might want to see. From the doorway a slightly older girl (7 years old or so) steps out and Renee jumps into her arms. The girl is Naomi who was taken to a separate medical camp for treatment and they just now found her to unite the two.
Doc ends up staying in Haiti for a couple weeks longer than he intended, monitoring the girls and continuing his medical work. He still calls Castle often, their calls starting to get more and more filled with stories about the girls. Naomi is very very shy and working through her trauma in a different way than the younger Renee but they both have so much life and Doc just sings their praises. Castle is the first to mention it, asks very slowly during a comfortable silence over the phone if maybe they could look into becoming a new family of four. Doc is almost taken back, he hadn’t thought of that but once he thinks about it over night he really begins to see his life with the four of them. He asks around and the legals who are in charge of the girls case admit they hadn’t found any relatives alive or of mental soundness to take care of the girls and were getting ready to put them in a foster home. Doc asks if he could perhaps adopt the two and this takes him down a long long hole of all the legality and extra stuff he has to do to make it happen. Of course he has a talk with Renee and Naomi about the situation asking if they would be okay with living with him and getting their consent before going through with the adoption cases. Castle is taken through the entire process with him and it’s very long.
Ultimately, they finally get to take their new daughters home and live like a happy little family with some ups and downs but they have never been happier. Doc always brags about his daughters, how smart and tough and resilient and loving they are. He definitely shows them off at meetings and at reunions, Thermite thinks they are just the most amazing girls in the world. Castle never misses one of their events (Doc sometimes has to with work but he always watches the recording afterwards) and is number one involved dad who definitely did daddy daughter ballet with Renee and picks Naomi up so she can slam dunk basketballs in their drive way.
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If You Love Someone, Let Them Go: Part 7
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Summary: Since starting with SVU, Sonny hadn’t kept much terribly close to the chest. The squad knew about his family, growing up on Staten Island, the classes at Fordam. What was hidden was why he didn’t date. Sonny Carisi was also separated from his childhood sweetheart, a separation neither ever took to divorce. They had the same haunts. They’d grown up neighbors. Their paths crossed every few months, and divorce talks would turn into reminiscing would turn into a night spent together, sometimes sex sometimes just talking until the early morning. It always ended with one of them waking up alone however. How will that change when the squad finds out?
Pairings: Sonny Carisi x Original Character
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
May 2015
“Dominick, where’s the box with my shoes?” Victoria called, stepping over the piles in the apartment they’d consolidated into over the last month and a half. Both their leases were ending, so they decided to go ahead and overlap their leases with a new place for a month. They needed to start fresh, and neither of them wanted to do that in the solitary spaces they’d inhabited without the other. She was nervous now, however, because Olivia had extended Carisi’s invitation to celebrate Noah’s adoption to her as well. It struck her that she was the only SVU spouse, so it might just be the group that spent every day and lots of long nights together and her, someone suddenly thrust into their world. That meant she was exceptionally nervous as she got ready; meeting them on their turf felt more serious than being at Bella’s wedding. Everyone had dispersed within hours there.
“Kitchen counter. Got mixed up for the pots and pans in our room somehow,” he called, and she could tell he was brushing his teeth. She stepped over the not yet assembled shelves she’d gotten, digging each chunky heel from the cardboard box. The wedding heels had been hard on her because the brides wanted stilettos. These she could walk in all day, and she liked reaching Sonny’s shoulder. She went to the bathroom, leaning on the door frame as she watched him style his hair, the tip of his tongue between his front teeth. He caught her eye on the mirror, and his mouth shifted to a grin as he shot her a wink.
“Lookin’ hot, Mrs. Carisi.”
“Why thank you,” she grinned, striking a playful pose. “You look pretty hot yourself.”
“You just like these shirts on me.”
“And your ass in those khakis.” 
She felt triumphant as his cheeks turned pink, grabbing her purse and fixing her lipstick. Soon enough, they were knocking on Olivia’s door, and Sonny pressed a kiss by her ear. 
“You’ll be fine,” he whispered, straightening up as Olivia opened the door.
“Carisi, Victoria, come on in,” she smiled, and Victoria couldn’t help but grin at the sight of the little boy on her hip, putting the gift bag on the counter. 
“It’s so great to see you again. We brought a present for you two. Wine for mama and a toy for Noah.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“It’s a celebration,” she smiled, and Sonny watched fondly as Victoria made faces at Noah, who squealed with delight. 
“Carisi,” Barba nodded, scotch in hand as the detective opened a beer. “Things seem to be good?”
“Yeah. We’re unpacking the new place.”
“I’m sure it’s a delight.”
“Tor’s back home. Of course it is.”
“Can I give you one piece of advice, if you still want to be an attorney?”
“If you’re going to say ‘don’t’ again-”
“I’m feeling sentimental on this, the celebration of Noah’s adoption.”
“Go on then.”
“You’ve expressed an interest in the DA’s office. Prosecution. It’s all the pain from SVU, plus you have to be the bad guy and demand proof. You’ve hated my guts more than a few times, no?”
“Don’t fuck up again. You’ll need that anchor. I have had two opportunities. One ended up with the friend. The other I drove away trying to keep secrets and seem tough.”
“Liv rat me out?”
“On accident at the wedding. But only because she knew I’d understand. Being able to talk to her will be what keeps you sane during some of those trials.”
“You know, cousin Tony is a real good listener and seemed real into you.”
“He is quite the listener and is quite into me. Now, shut up before you ruin my good mood.”
“There’s the Barba I’m used to.” A roll of the attorney’s eyes told him whatever sentimentality he was going to be at the receiving end of was over, and Sonny felt confident that when he asked to shadow him later, Barba wouldn’t be as put out as he pretended. When he looked back to Olivia, Victoria was chatting happily with a glass of wine in hand. He was excited he still got to make an introduction between Fin and Victoria. It was nice to be able to say This is my wife, Victoria without having to eventually explain they didn’t live together. When he heard a knock, he moved to her side, anticipating his entrance. Once he’d greeted Olivia and Noah, Sonny was pleased with the look on his face. As the detective who’d been there the longest, Sonny found himself caring what Fin thought, and Fin seemed to be forming his opinion.
“Fin! I want ya t’meet my wife, Victoria,” he said happily, arm slung over her shoulder. She extended a hand, which Fin shook gladly.
“It’s nice to meet you! I’ve heard so much!”
“Nice to meet you too. Your husband ain’t shut up about you in weeks. Once he started-”
“He’s pretty sappy?”
“So you been putting up with him a decade?”
“I mean technically my whole life. We grew up next door to each other.”
“I hear I gotta come to a bakery in Brooklyn now.”
“Oh yeah. You got any favorites? Tell me, and I’ll send a preview with Dom next week.”
“I’m pretty traditional.”
“You want brownies, cookies, or cake?”
“Deal. Sonny’ll have you a batch Monday.”
“I like her, Carisi,” Fin said, clapping a hand on the younger detective’s shoulder before going to get his drink and greet Barba.
“It’s not fair. You can make cookies and everyone instantly likes you.”
“You seen your goofy grin? You don’t even have to talk to be likable.”
She was rewarded with a kiss to the temple and the aforementioned grin. Soon enough, Amaro and Rollins were there, and Barba poured the pricey champagne he’d brought to toast. Everyone finally got comfortable after that, Sonny settled on the arm of the couch beside Victoria, and Noah was teetering around the coffee table. Victoria was happy to babble to him, and he could see she felt proud when Noah decided to climb onto her lap. God, she was going to be a good mom if they ever stabilized. Couples therapy would start soon. They’d always said when he finished school, and that would actually be happening the next year. Maybe if they were doing well they could have their own baby. All of his sisters were pregnant or already had kids, and fatherhood had been Sonny’s dream.
 As Noah leaned into Victoria, he looked up at Sonny, who was happy to wave down at him. It seemed Lucy liked getting a break to talk to the adults, and he could see the look on Olivia’s face watching Noah. She liked seeing the boy bond with the family she’d made through work. He probably owed a lot of the growth that got him Victoria back to her. The squad was a family with Olivia as their matriarch, and he’d felt safe enough to verbalize his feelings in the first days with her team, when he still had the moustache Victoria had recently informed him really was awful when he tried to defend it. 
“I can take him if you need me to, Victoria. He’s out,” she said from her spot beside Barba. 
“It’s fine. He’s so cuddly.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yeah. Long as Sonny doesn’t mind getting me a glass of wine.”
“On it, doll,” he grinned, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Victoria had always loved when their nieces fell asleep on her like this when they were babies. Mia had been the first one, and they took to each other quickly, even if Victoria had been the neighbor kid at the time. They hadn’t broached kids again, and frankly she was afraid of the prospect, but she’d wanted to have kids with Sonny since they got married. Logically, she knew they had to wait until the time was right. Originally, that was just when he finished school, but now they had to play it by ear again. Either way, she was going to savor the smell of baby as Noah slept with his cheek pressed against her shoulder. She wasn’t as good at the play as Sonny was; every child he encountered bonded with him easily, something that had to be helpful in his job. Victoria was good at cuddling and nurturing though. When the first members of the team trickled out, she settled Noah in his mother’s arms and gave her the best hug she could. 
“Thanks for including me. I’m so happy for you, Olivia.”
“Thanks for coming. Noah loves you. Mind being added to the babysitter list?”
“I am honored.” Sonny led her out, hand on the small of her back and a crooked smile plastered across his face. Everyone loved her, like he knew they would. How could someone not? It was near dinner, so without checking, he led the way to a sushi bar near Olivia’s. As he guided her in, she looked up at him with her brow furrowed.
“Dinner date?” He was proud to see her cheeks turn pink.
“I’d like that. You been spoiling me lately.”
“I just been acting like I should. You been pretty damn good to me too.”
“Wanna get saki?”
“Are trying to get me drunk?”
“You only have to go in tomorrow if there’s an emergency.”
“Saki it is.” 
“I was thinking I might plan us a trip in November.”
“Yeah? Could be fun.”
“Any place you wanna go? You’ll be who we’re celebrating.”
“Oh?” he asked, brow lifted as he smiled at her. 
“Dirty thirty.” 
“Dirty thirty? Really Tor?”
“It’ll be fun.”
“I was thinking about New Orleans next year. Could be fun near the holidays instead. Do something bigger for our anniversary.”
“I like the way you think. Plus, July is hot as hell. I’ll tell you the dates when I know.”
“I can’t wait. I’m glad we’ll be together over the holidays.”
“I’m glad we’ll be together on our anniversary. We missed two.”
“One,” he said, puzzled before he winced. “Wait no, you’re right. I was being a bad husband.”
“Nah, you weren’t doing well,” she assured him, hand on his thigh. 
“Ninth, we’re staying here. Tenth, we’re going big.”
“Deal. I love you, Tor.”
“And I love you.”
“You were real good with Noah.”
“He’s such a cuddly boy.”
“I told Lieu I gotta hang out with him sometimes. The girl gene runs real strong with the Carisis. Four nieces, no nephews? And then non Carisi niece on her way from Rollins.”
“Only two have been born. Mom thought I was going to be a boy.”
“True. Fingers crossed. Or maybe we’ll have a boy.”
“I ain’t saying tomorrow. I’m just saying therapy is going good, we’re doing good, couples therapy is soon, and I bet we have a kid in before I’m forty.” She laughed, kissing him softly. “I think it’ll be sooner than that. Maybe in like three?”
“Even better. I can’t wait to feel our baby kick one day. Know they’re there. It’ll happen when we’re ready. Not a minute sooner. God’s got a plan.” 
“We just gotta be careful, okay? I want to try to not get pregnant for a while.”
“I know, Tor.”
“Don’t get testy. I wanna make sure we’re ready.”
“I know. Just- seeing you with Noah and Jessie? Set off the ‘I want kids’ bell stronger than last time.”
“Me too. Every time I see you hold the kids.”
“We gotta baby sit more to tide me over.”
“I got a feeling I’ll be getting calls from Liv. You make that clear to Amanda. Then soon enough? Gina’s almost due. Then Bella.”
“True,” he smiled softly. “If we wait they get to be the only Carisi baby that year. Even more attention.”
“You’ll spoil them rotten.”
“That’s my job.”
“We get the day tomorrow, unless somethin’ happens.”
“We do. I gotta go to the bakery for a couple hours at least to help train the newest hire. Margy picked good, but they’re taking weekends for me.”
“I’m really excited about that. I think it’ll be good now that it’s an option.”
“Me too. We both get to be in case of emergency for the most part.”
“Yeah. Liv will rotate all of us taking a Saturday.”
“I guess I’ll just have to find somebody’s baby to play with,” she teased, poking his side and he grinned. 
“Y’know, I think we ought to start practicin’ when we go home, doll.”
“Read my mind, Sonny.”
Tag List: @cycat4077​ @fear-less-write-more​
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peakyxtommy · 4 years
The Midnight Hour
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Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Angst, Fluff, & Death (Minor) Word count: 3.5K Summary: There’s a hit on the Shelby Mansion, while Tommy is away. Reader heads off with Rival Gang Leader.                                                  
A/N: Felt inspired by S4 Ep.1. Gang leader is made up. Enjoy!
It was another late and quiet night in the Shelby household. You were rocking an upset Charles back to sleep in your arms (due to teething), but enjoying the comfort he brought you while your husband was away in London expanding the business.
You haven’t seen him in almost a week and were used to going longer than this but on nights like these it made you miss and long for him more than usual. Feeling the weight of not knowing if you were going to see him again. The dangers of being a part of this world, but you chose this life. It was like a switch you had to flip on and off in your head sometimes.
You trusted Tommy with yours and Charlie’s life. He would try to call at some point in the evening just to say goodnight to you and Charlie, say I love you, to you both. You couldn’t stop thinking of your phone call with Tommy earlier in the evening, - after 3 days of not hearing from him -, of him checking in with you and the fondness in his voice as you made him laugh about Charlie trying peach jello for the first time. His voice comforted you that he was going to be coming back home in two days to spend time with you both.
The rocking chair squeaks against the floor as you make your way to the crib to place Charles down for the night giving him a small peck on the forehead. The door shuts behind you as you trail down the stairs to make a quick tea before bed.
It was pretty dark on the way down except for on the way to the kitchen you hear voices and notice the light on, wondering who was awake, thinking one of the maids was up. As you get closer to the kitchen you hear a loud crash, followed by a small scream and yelling going on in the kitchen. It was about to be your worst nightmare made true.
“Where is Mrs. Shelby?” You heard the gruff voice shout. You pace lightly across the floor just to where you can have a sneak peek into the kitchen being kept unseen.
“I don’t know.” The voice cries out and you realize it to be Margaret, one of the maids you have hired on since you have lived here. You assess the situation, of three men, all in the kitchen, all with loaded guns. One of the men you recognize to be one of the cooks, you hired recently named Matteo. Margaret has a bloody lip and is silently crying.
“Really? You don’t know.” Matteo lets out a chuckle, before turning to his other two friends, “Lads, you hear this. She says she doesn’t know. Which is funny because she works for them day and night. She knows this woman's whole routine.” He mocks, before he turns around slapping her hard in the face, the force bringing her down to her knees.
They all just laugh as she groans in pain. As she turns her head toward the door she catches a glimpse of you. Her eyes plead with fear and worry; you just put a finger to your mouth to tell her to keep quiet. Finding a way to tell her to trust you silently by looking in her eyes. She slowly lifts her face back up to look at the men and spits at their feet. Gaining back their attention quickly.
“You think that’s funny eh?” He slowly takes out his gun pointing it right in her face, forcing a loud scream to leave her mouth.
“If you don’t tell me where she is right now, we’re going to kidnap the little boy and kill you instead of her.” Matteo grips her chin forcing her to look him in the eyes.
“No, no, please don’t do this. Please don’t kill me.” You hear her pleads but it’s too late. The shot fires as you see your maid bleeding out on your kitchen floor. Your hand comes to your mouth as you swallow the lump in your throat and hold back the tears as you feel sick to your stomach.
That’s when you knew you had to form a plan, quick on the fly. Your mind raced a mile a minute because as much as Tommy prepared you and how prepared you knew you should be for a day like this you never imagined it would take place this late in the evening and with your infant son sleeping upstairs.
You start on foot to your husband’s office where you know he keeps the guns. Locked up on this side of the house only. You wished you would have turned more lights on the way down because halfway there you bump into a table knocking down a glass vase.
You stop dead in your tracks for what felt like a long minute but really a mere few seconds, hearing a shuffle and more loud sounds going on in the kitchen. You began sprinting to the office shutting the door behind you, pretty loudly. You flipped on the switch and as you approached the desk your hands began shaking as you tried to remember where the key was kept to unlock the cabinet you needed to open to save the day.
Throwing papers everywhere and moving a small lamp you finally found the key. You heard footsteps approaching down the hall. You open the big cabinet first taking down one of the submachine guns and put the clip in place. As soon as you shut the cabinet you heard a loud teasing knock on the door, followed by shaking on the knobs.
As you make your way to hide on the long side of the desk, you place the key on the desk. You had to flip the switch of your brain on to survival mode because you knew after this moment; it was going to be life or death. The struggle was going to happen.
You had to stay alive and you kept reminding yourself you were strong. That you needed to be strong for Charlie, you needed to see your little boy again and you weren’t going to let anything happen to him. Your thoughts were cut short at the first rounds of gunshots going through the door. You held your position cramped under the desk, as you heard the footsteps enter the room. Trying to distinguish how many men were in the room.
“Mrs. Shelby, we know you’re in here. We don’t want to hurt you, we just want to talk.” You remained silent deciding to see what the next move would be.
“We have your maid, she’s unharmed. She’s still alive, but if you don’t listen we will have her killed.” You hear the second voice and decide to remain silent, not falling for the lie.
The next round of gunshots flew around in the office flinging above the desk and ricocheting off the glass windows until the first clips were empty. That’s when you knew it was time to strike.
“We have all night darling, we know your husband isn’t home.” You watch as he snaps in his clip making his way closer to the side of the desk you were on. That’s when you take the first shot into his kneecap and then the torso, letting a few clips go off watching as he falls to the ground. As the partner begins shooting rounds and you go back to hide behind the end table, knowing you had to get out of there.
It’s silent for a moment as you decide to get yourself back to the center of the desk trying to avoid the glass as much as possible, knowing your blood was going to be all over this floor, as the small shards were making their way into your soft skin. You slightly peek over the desk and begin to start shooting in his direction, noticing him hiding behind a chair on the right side of the room.
You stop firing to bring yourself closer to the right side of the desk, hearing him coming in your direction as you stand swiftly clicking him in the throat with a bullet. His gun drops to the ground and you stand over as he grasps for his final breath of air.
Two men down, one more to go. You could do this. You are fucking Shelby.
As you exit the office you are still on high alert. You notice the living room light to be on and check the hall before deciding it was clear to go. Before you enter the living room you feel a warm hand wrap around your nose and mouth, a body pulling yours into theirs. The shock causes you to drop your gun as you begin struggling, trying to fight the person off to no avail.
You enter the living room seeing Marco Lucchese, rival gang leader sitting on the couch, legs cross with his hands folded together on his knee. You only knew his name and what he looked like, due to a family meeting you sat in a few months ago.
“Looks like we get to finally meet Mrs. Shelby.” He smirks at you as you find yourself forced to sit down on the couch across from him, by the third man you saw in the kitchen.
“Yes, we do. I wouldn’t say your men were so lucky.”
“Those two were collateral damage. I guess I can say the same about your maid.” His shoulders shrug as you feel the barrel of his partner’s against the side of your head.
“What do you want?” You question as he hadn’t killed you yet and you didn’t understand why.  
“For you to get me a drink and then we can talk.” He points toward the drink set on the lounge table across the room.
“I have nothing to say to you. Drinks are for guests and I didn’t invite you into my home, so get your own fucking drink!” Your voice raises, feeling the heat radiate throughout your body.
“I see your husband likes them feisty. He’s trained you well, but not well enough.” He chuckles as you feel his partner, grab your arm forcibly, signaling you to stand to your feet.
“I am not moving. Get your own drink!” You hiss, remaining still.
“I thought your husband would teach you to have manners. I don’t think your son would appreciate his mother mouthing off.” You remain silent because you knew he was trying to get under your skin.
“So I suggest you get my drink.” His accomplice squeezes your arm as you stand to your feet. The gun staying pointed at you as you get the drink. You can feel his eyes piercing through your body, as you were only in your nightgown. When you hand it to him, he forces you down on your knees in front of him.
“Thank you Mrs. Shelby.” He sips his scotch as his right hand caresses your face.
“How would Thomas Shelby feel about his wife sleeping with another man?” His breath breezes across your face.
“You wouldn’t make it to see daylight if that happened.” You spit, as you feel the harsh sting upon your cheek.
“I think I would.” He gulps the rest of his drink down, placing it on the table behind you before standing to his feet. You watch as he makes eye contact with the guy still holding the gun pointed toward you.
“What about the message?” You shout as he leaves the room chuckling, your heart stuck in your throat.
“You are the message, love.” The third guy whispers in your ear. It’s moments later when the gun goes off. - Thomas Shelby, OBE, the man with a plan. It was a long week in London as he figured out his new strategy and expanded his booming business. He spent the evening crunching numbers and having meetings with men in high places, trying to seal the next deal.
When he threw himself into work, it was a way to put a block in his mind, to distance himself. He knew his family was his weakness but you and his child made him vulnerable, made this business vulnerable.
He missed you and Charlie. He enjoyed the call he spent with you earlier in the evening, of your musings over your son. From eating jello to growing his first couple of teeth. He could hear the happiness in your voice. He could tell you were worried too, but didn’t press it, because you usually were when he was gone this long.  
He returned back to the hotel around 12am and went straight to sleep knowing he was going to have a long day ahead of him. It wasn’t until a quarter after 4am when he got the phone call that knocked all the air out his lungs.
“Thomas, you need to come home right now. There’s been a hit on your home.” Polly speaks rushed.
“By who?” 
“Marco Lucchese.”
“Is (Y/N) and Charlie okay?” He shouts, slamming his fist on the dresser.
“Yes, they’re at my house. She’s been hurt but will be fine. They’re sleeping now. There’s a bullet with your name on it waiting for you.”  
“Alright, I’m on my way. Tell me the rest when I get in.” He hangs up the phone.
“Fuck!” He screams out loud throwing the phone against the floor. He hurriedly grabs his things, gets in his car, and floors his foot on the pedal to get home. - Everything felt like a blur. The night kept playing back in your mind like a fragmented movie. It was on a loop over and over. It wasn’t making sense as to why you were alive when you should have been dead.
The sound of the gun still ringing in your ears. It took you a moment before you realized what had happened. He fired a blank pistol. He was gone before you could even think of getting yourself off the ground due to sobbing uncontrollably and the ache in your temple.
When your eyes open, you see the sunlight streaming through the blinds and the sight of your husband smoking by the window with a grim expression as he stares outside.
“Back so soon? Guess, I know how to get your attention.” You speak watching his trance break, eyes focused on you, as your elbows sink into the mattress to lift your body up against the headboard, trying to ignore the ache in your head.
“Always have my attention, love. How’re you feeling?” He sighs, stubbing out the rest of his smoke, coming toward you. You can notice the bags under his eyes, showing how hard he’s been working himself, but also the slight redness in them.
“Head hurts, legs are achy. Feel like a bloody rag doll.” He passes you the glass of water on the nightstand and some aspirin.
“Should be dead.” He growls, cold blue eyes meeting yours as he towers over you.
“How bad do I look, for someone who should be dead?” You scoot over, making room for him to sit on the bed, which he accepts.
“Not good, not good at all.” His hand holds your chin, turning to look at the bruise on your cheek and his brows furrowing when he sees the wound on your temple.
“Well, you should have seen the other guys. I removed half the problem.” You removed his hand from your chin, taking it to hold into your hand into his to squeeze. His face is unamused at your teasing comment, knowing he’s had enough of your unnecessary banter. You knew him well, knew the guilt was eating him up, but he wouldn’t say it.
“Shouldn’t have had this problem to begin with in the first place. You shouldn’t have gotten hurt.” He removes your hand from yours, as he stands back up, turning his back against you.
“I know and I did get hurt, but will be okay. It was handled well.”
“At the expense of almost dying, killing two people, and watching our maid die!”  His voice raises as his hands shake, balling into white-knuckling fists. You remain silent letting him get it all out as he paces shoulders raising and breath becoming labored.
“What if he killed you? What if that bullet wasn’t a blank? What if something fucking happened to Charlie?” He lashes out fist colliding with the wall making you wince.
“I should’ve been home, should’ve checked those hiring papers more thoroughly. Should’ve had people watching the house.” He tilts his head back, pinching the bridge of his nose, as the tears threaten to leave his eyes.  
“Tom stop! Look at me!” You yell, as he takes a moment to compose himself.
“Come sit please.” You plead as he takes his previous spot on the bed. You take his hands in yours holding them. You sit in silence for a few minutes, staring at your hands in his as your mind feels like it’s on overdrive. When you’re finally ready to speak, you bring your eyes to his red stained ones, taking in his straight face.
“I know you always have our best interest in mind. I know that you will do everything in your power to keep us safe. I trust this everyday and trusted it in my gut last night. He just wanted to get under your skin, used us to do it. If I had to go through this ordeal again, even to take a bullet for you, I would. I love you, we’re in this together.
I know what I signed up for when I agreed to marry you and you taught me how to defend myself. You’re a great husband and father. Don’t you doubt that. We’re both okay, everything is going to be okay.” You thumbs pad softly against his cheeks as his eyes are closed soaking in your gentle touch and words of assurance.  
“Get off your soapbox.” You see the small smile grace his lips as he pulls you in gently to his chest. Your head resting in the crook of his neck, listening to his heartbeat, as his finger card through his hair. Finding comfort in his scent and warmness of his body holding yours, after not being in them for almost a week.
“You shouldn’t be taking bullets for me. I won’t allow it. This won’t be happening again. Going to put a bullet straight through his head and anyone else who comes two feet near either of you. I’m glad you’re both safe, couldn’t stomach the thought of losing either one of you. I’d lose my fucking mind.” His breath is hot on your ear as he speaks in a deep hushed tone. Lips coming to press into the crown of your head.
“I love you so much. Such a good mum to our boy and put up with me. You’re my darling girl, the only one I need by me side.” His finger tilts your chin up as he gazes into your eyes with devotion. His lips come down to connect with yours slow and delicately enjoying this little moment to yourselves. When you both break apart for air, both your lips are swollen, and cheeks tinted.
“Do me a favor?” You whisper, fingers carding through his hair.
“Anything, what is it that you want.”
“For you to get our Charlie, I would like to see him please.” You grin as you untangle yourself from his embrace to lean yourself back against the headboard.
“That I can do. I’ll be back with our Charlie.” He disappears out the door and you’re left in the still quietness. You close your eyes glad you were able to have another day and more time with your husband and son. It was going to take some time for you to heal and get back to normal. For your mind to process the night and death of your maid. For you to not be even more worried than you were before about Tom’s and Charlie’s safety. How much more overprotective and stubborn your husband was going to be and on edge.
“Charlie, look who I found.” Your eyes open, pushing your thoughts to the back of your mind. Tommy grins his signature smile, pointing his finger at you, as he makes his way toward the bed. Your heart swoons at the sight of your son in his father’s arms, with his little stuffed black horse, cooing away to himself.  
“Look at my sweet boy.” You can feel the tears threatening to leave your eyes as you scoop him into your arms, pressing him into the warmth of your chest, lips pressing against the top of his head.
“Missed my sweet boy.” Your voice is thick with emotion as the wet tears roll down your cheeks. You hold him, rocking him gently for a few minutes, as Tom watched you both. Your eyes would dry a few minutes later, your husband’s hand fitting yours in his palm, holding tight. You both would spend the remainder of the morning playing with your son and laughing, just the three of you. In your own little safe haven, safe and sound for now.
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