felixir · 2 days
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FELIX ♡ BST Hyde Park, Lollapalooza Chicago | Ep.2 docuseries
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stayalix · 2 months
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dandelions-143 · 2 months
Secrets 3
You can find parts 1&2 along with more below
Hyunjin Masterlist
All Member Masterlist
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~Thank you for the pics @seungminindabuilding 💕
Pairings: Non- Idol Hyunjin x Plus size/Mid size fem!reader
Word Count: 1947k
Warnings: - 18+ONLY, Emotional abuse, Verbal abuse, Fatphobia, Manipulation, Physical intimidation, Toxic relationships, Anger issues, Forced physical contact
Summary: In an emotionally charged confrontation, Y/n discovers that her boyfriend has deceived her once again. Despite Hyunjin's desperate attempts to explain and apologize, Y/n leaves him, feeling betrayed and humiliated. Hyunjin, realizing the gravity of his actions too late, is left devastated and unsure of how to make amends.
A/N: Another crossover. Chans gf that is mentioned in this is Y/n from Do It For Me. I hope you enjoy! Also… this one was hard to write… but Hyunjin will redeem himself!! Promise!!
When no one answered you at first, you became even more uncomfortable. “Changbin... what is she talking about?” Your words came out rushed, almost urgent. Your skin tingled, and you suddenly felt extremely overheated. Changbin couldn’t meet your eyes; he was looking anywhere but at you.
Your eyes shifted from Changbin to Han, who was looking at you with sad, almost sympathetic eyes. “Just tell me...” your voice cracked slightly. You knew whatever you were about to hear was not going to be good.
Mi Cha happily volunteered to answer for you. She leaned forward, that smug smile still on her face. You watched as she put her hand up to her mouth as if she was telling you some dirty secret. “Well, that day Changbin and Hyunjin saw you for the first time...” she paused dramatically, glancing back at Changbin, who was now looking out the window. “They made a bet to see who could get your number first. Then once Jinnie won that bet...” She giggled like she was telling a dirty joke. “There was a bet made to see how long it would take to get you in bed. Jinnie had never been with a... fat girl before. He just wanted to see what it was like.”
You felt your eyes sting with salty tears, threatening to spill over. The entire room seemed to shrink around you. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears, feel it beating through your chest. Your sad eyes moved back to Han, then to Changbin. “How much?” you simply asked.
A few tears fell from your shiny, sad eyes. “Y/n, it’s not—” Changbin started, but you cut him off. “How much!” You raised your voice, forcing the large man to look at you across the table. Mi Cha pressed her lips together, watching this all unfold, her smile on full display. Changbin ran a hand through his wavy black hair. “The bet was for just a couple hundred bucks,” he finally mumbled, his eyes looking back down at the table.
In that moment, you wanted to break down. You wanted to cry and scream at Mi Cha, Changbin, Han, but most of all, Hyunjin, for ruining this seemingly perfect night. Why couldn’t you just be happy with the man you loved? Why does he always have to do such disruptive things? “Finally back, that line was extremely long. I almost went into the women’s bathroom because it was taking so long,” Hyunjin said as he scooted back into the booth beside you, putting his arm over your tense shoulders.
He seemed oblivious at first, but his words slowly died down as he began to look around the table. Han was staring at him with those big eyes. To be honest, the guy looked terrified. Hyunjin noticed Changbin couldn’t look at him or anyone for that matter, and Mi Cha... well, she was the only one smiling. She almost seemed elated.
He felt his throat closing up and his palms growing clammy as he turned his head to you. His confused eyes met yours. Your red-rimmed, teary eyes. It was ironic seeing them this way because they were even more beautiful than usual. Radiant in the dim lighting of the bar. “Y/n, what’s the matter?” he asked, his large hand instinctively going up to your cheek to caress it, but you smacked it away. “Don’t touch me.” The anger in your tone made Hyunjin immediately tense up.
His head snapped to Mi Cha, “What did you do?” he asked her, but before Mi Cha could open her mouth, you spoke up. “It’s what YOU did, Hyunjin. Fooling me yet again. I’m worth a few hundred, huh?” You slammed four hundreds onto the table in front of him. “Here. For your troubles. Now get the fuck out of my way. I’m leaving.” Your voice was low and even, which made him even more panicked because you were obviously serious.
“Y/n, please listen to me.” Hyunjin softly put his hands on your shoulders to keep you in place but also to not cause a scene. You shoved his arms away from you, causing the three sitting across the table to slowly begin to get up. “Let me go, Hyunjin!” You weren’t quite yelling, but you raised your voice loud enough for some of the people in the bar to take notice. “Hey man, just let her go,” Han spoke up, tapping Hyunjin on the shoulder.
Hyunjin turned around long enough to pin Han with an angry glare, “Stay the fuck out of this!” But when Hyunjin turned back towards you, he was met with a cold drink being thrown in his face. An audible gasp was heard from not only Hyunjin and his friends but from people sitting nearby. This made Hyunjin finally get up to let you out.
You didn’t say anything else to him. You grabbed your small bag, took a little step towards Mi Cha, and said, “Since you seem to be so desperate for my boyfriend, you can have him. He’s too much to deal with.” You glanced at Hyunjin, who was wiping his face off. “You two would be perfect together.” Then you stormed off, ordering an Uber to take you home.
You hadn’t gotten too far outside the bar when Hyunjin's hand grabbed your arm, forcing you to spin around. He pulled you into him, “Don’t do this. Please, just let me explain.” He was begging you but had yet to say sorry for what he had done. “Let you explain!” You were yelling now. “Explain that you made a bet to fuck a fat girl!” Hyunjin's jaw tensed, and what hurt the most is that he wasn’t denying any of it. “I hope it was good because you won’t ever get to experience it again. Not with me at least.” You pushed away from him just as Changbin, Han, and Mi Cha came outside.
You turned and began walking towards the end of the parking lot to wait for your Uber. You could hear the guys trying to calm Hyunjin down, who was cursing and throwing a tantrum at this point. You didn’t look back. You didn’t want to see him like that... you didn’t want to see him at all at this point. As you were passing the last row of cars, you were pushed up against one of them.
Hyunjin had you pinned against one of the cars, his arms wrapped around you holding you tight. His lips tried to kiss you, but you kept moving your head, trying to fight him off. He was way too strong for you. “Please, y/n, I fucking need you. Don’t leave me again.” Tears were streaming down his face. You could feel how wet his cheeks were as he tried his best to capture your lips. “No! You ruined it all!” That’s when Hyunjin's anger got the best of him, and he slammed his fist down next to you on the hood of the car.
This made you go still, your eyes wide and a bit terrified. Then there were hands on Hyunjin. Changbin and Han were pulling him off of you. You didn’t know what to think. He had ruined you, and yet you hated to see him in pain. Hyunjin scared you as well. In that moment, he didn’t physically hurt you, but it was enough to make you genuinely scared for a second. As your Uber pulled up, you straightened your clothes and said, “Hyunjin, you need help. I’m done.” And as much as it pained you, you got in your Uber and left him there.
The ride home was a blur. You stared out of the window, trying to make sense of everything that had just happened. Every tear that fell felt like a piece of your heart breaking away.
You couldn't help but replay the events in your mind, each memory cutting deeper than the last. The betrayal, the humiliation, and the anger mixed into a cocktail of emotions that left you feeling numb. By the time you reached home, you were exhausted, both physically and emotionally.
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Chan was sitting on his couch, his feisty girlfriend whom he had just begun to settle into domestic bliss with was in the kitchen fixing dinner. When Hyunjin, Han, Changbin, and Mi Cha burst through the front door. “Well just come in... no need to knock,” Chan muttered to himself as he laid his phone down next to him on the couch cushions.
He watched Hyunjin turn around, stopping Mi Cha before she could get any further into Chan's house. “Yah know if you weren’t a woman I would have beat—” Hyunjin started, but Chan raised his voice. “Hey hey! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Hyunjin took a step back before looking over at Chan, his face twisted up in a mix of anger and pain. “Just get the bitch out of here. I don’t want her anywhere near me.”
“I just thought she needed to know! You can’t blame me for telling the truth!” Her high-pitched voice made Chan’s girlfriend step into the living room, her curious eyes glancing around the room. “You should go home, Mi Cha. You’ve done enough damage.” Han nodded towards her, trying to usher her out of the door. “No, I want to make sure Hyunjin's okay!” Mi Cha screeched at Han.
Chan's tattooed girlfriend was annoyed now. She huffed and wiped her hands on her apron and made her way over to the annoying girl. “My best friend will be fine. Now you should leave before I get pissed off.” Chan's girl forcefully shoved Mi Cha out the door, causing her to stumble a bit before the door was shut in her face.
Chan crossed his arms and pinned all three men down with the coldest glare he could. “Now tell me what the fuck is going on.” Hyunjin couldn’t sit still while Han and Changbin explained exactly what went down earlier at the bar. Hyunjin only glanced over at Chan as he paced the room when the mention of the bet came up.
Hyunjin didn’t want to hear any more, so he made the decision to go to you. To make you sit and listen to him. Chan's girlfriend caught his hand before he made his way out of the door completely. He looked back at his best friend and his eyes softened. She tilted her head to the side and gave his hand a tight squeeze. “I know this is the last thing you want to hear right now, but you should give her some time. Maybe even give yourself some time?” It came out as a question, but he knew. He knew that he was fucked up, that he was the reason for your hurt. He just had no clue as to how to make it right again.
That’s when Chan stepped up and put his arms around his girl, “You know she’s not wrong. It wouldn’t hurt to give it at least a few days. So you can cool off. Think about how to talk to her.” Hyunjin licked his lips and looked outside; it had begun to rain and he let out a defeated breath. “Fine... can I stay here tonight? I know if I go home I’ll be more than tempted to go to her.” Chan nodded and welcomed him back inside his home.
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That next morning after all the drama, you felt physically ill. All you wanted was to disappear with your broken heart, so that’s what you decided to do. You called your mother, who was more than elated to have you back home. You made arrangements with your university to switch to online courses. You weren’t completely moving, but you needed to be away from this place for a while. To be away from Hyunjin... how else were you going to get over him?
It took about a day to pack up everything you wanted and needed. Your mother sent a car to pick you up. You didn’t tell her exactly what happened, but you did tell her that you were single now and homesick. In the process of deciding to leave, packing, and changing your courses to online, you also decided to block and delete Hyunjin's number. You needed to be cleansed of him.
You watched as the town you had grown to love faded away on your way out of town. You looked down at your lap, a single tear falling from your left eye.
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Later that same day, Hyunjin made his way up the steps to your front door. He was oddly nervous, praying and hoping you would be willing to listen to him. He hadn’t called you this entire time either, trying to give you as much space as possible.
Hyunjin knocked on your door softly at first and stepped back to wait.
So he knocked again, a bit louder this time.
Still nothing.
He began to panic a little bit after his knocks turned into bangs and you had yet to answer your door. So he got out his phone and called you, but he couldn’t get through. He tried multiple times. “What the fuck...” he mumbled to himself. Just as he began to bang on your door once again, the door across the hall opened. “Hey, young man!” an elderly lady called to Hyunjin.
Hyunjin's wild, worried eyes shifted to her. “That girl left this morning. She told me she was going home for a while. So could you please stop all that noise?” She didn’t let Hyunjin apologize; she simply turned around and stepped back into her apartment, slamming her door shut.
“She’s gone...” he said to himself and sank to the floor. His chest tightening, a sense of loss and panic he had never experienced before in his life. He never thought you would actually leave. Hyunjin always assumed you would be there... for him. You made him better... “FUCK!” He yelled out, his hands pulling at his hair. What was he going to do now? He didn’t even know how to find you...
Thank you for all your support! I appreciate any and all interactions with my works! 💕
@cashtonsbetch @hearts-444lix @moonchild9350 @moonndustx @katsukis1wife @hyunjinhoexxx @ihrtlino @breezy-simp @vixensss @yaorzu-blog @tirena1 @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor @chuuyaobsessed @doohnut @babigriin @lovecb97 @kpflyn @rylea08 @sheerfreesia007 @tsunderelino @myflowercloud @143hyunes @luvyblossom @shecheatedwithme @antisocialties @akaligogrrr @nicoleparadis @thisaintredwine @rose-w-00-d @jisuperboard @hveanlyanqelic
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agentstovring · 8 months
Some Stays: "Lee Minho doesn't speak a word of English; he is lost and scared at all times. If you ask him about tour dates in America, he will start violently shaking and needs to be swaddled like a baby. Never hand him a can of Coke without translating the logo, he will NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS."
Other Stays: "Lee Minho is fluent in English but hides it in case he needs to spy on foreign powers. He has two middle names, and they're "Merriam" and "Webster". He personally invented the English language when he was 6 years old, but chooses not to speak it because the Latin alphabet tastes bad."
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skzfairyyydreamz · 5 months
POV: Bf!Skz Didn’t tell you they were attending the Met Gala
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Genre: Smau, text post, Bf!skz
Warnings: cussing, suggested kms joke, Spoiler: seungmin is a blabber mouth! 😂
a/n: this was not planned ahead at all! i know seungmin spoiled a few days ago but i seen felix’s instagram story and i spontaneously got this idea an hour ago and i tried my best to cook this up at the speed of light so i hope you enjoy this silly little story. reblogs and comments are so appreciated 🫶🏼 taglist and requests are open
© Skzfairyyydreamz - Plagiarism is a crime. Do not repost, alter, translate or copy without my consent.
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taglist: @hanniemylovelyquokka @milknhoneyracha @tinyelfperson @jiisungllvr @turtledove824 @simpracha @imastraykidsfan @laylasbunbunny @armystay89 @eclipsemina
buy me a coffee?
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souplix · 4 months
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Welcome to the 2024 STAYblr Census!
Hi STAY!! I'm Sam, and I love data. That's why Punkie (@thnx4thefish) and I wanted to conduct a census! If you're a fan of Stray Kids this is for you! Click anywhere in this sentence to get started! The questionnaire shouldn't take you longer than 5-10 minutes, and I'm not collecting any email addresses (the option is so we only get 1 response per person!)
I'll be closing this form on June 2nd, in two weeks. Then we'll be compiling the data and posting the demographics, on top of some silly data points. If you have any questions, feel free to jump into my ask box!
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booksndpoetry · 5 months
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Morning Coffee
A Hyunjin Drabble
A/N: Americano is a type of coffee, yes?
WC: 480 words
Characters: Hyunjin X Fem Reader
Genre: Fluff
Triggers/Warnings: The characters are morning people, and one of them dislikes coffee; you have been warned.
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The both of you wake when the outside world is still half-asleep, early enough to hear the chirping of birds and the rare quiet of the sleepy city.
You throw open the curtains, rub your eyes and stretch, with your head falling back on his stomach as you lose the battle to sleep, plopping down on the soft sheets of the bed.
He just chuckles and pinches your cheek, and he gets up offering you, his hand.
You accept it and he pulls you up, and you feel like your day is complete even if the sun is just rising. 
You open the balcony door and step into the space, clad in a white nightgown. He follows in after, the ceramic mug, the one with cartoon splotches of pink blue and pastel that you gifted him last year, with freshly brewed coffee in one hand. Steam rises from the drink, warming the air around the two of you. 
He wraps his right hand around your waist and the left holds the mug. You lean into him, basking in the morning light. 
You don't drink coffee, as you're not a fan of its caffeine content. Truly, you can’t stand the scent of it and you absolutely detest its taste. 
However, despite this fact, Hyunjin always offers you a sip every morning before he takes his first gulp. As if it's some unspoken agreement that says,
 'Hey, I love you. Therefore, I will not have anything for myself without offering it to you first.'
You think it's endearing, the way he wants you to be included in that little habit too.
Just for that, you take a sip sometimes, like today, and make sure to grimace dramatically, exaggerating the bitter relish and complaining about how no one should technically like coffee and he laughs. 
 He laughs like he's seven and you're his best friend and you've just told him that Santa isn't real. He definitely doesn't believe you, but he loves you enough to play along and nod, even as residual, brown rings form along the inner diameters of the cup and the sun shines brighter in the sky and the world around you slowly comes back to life. 
He leans on your shoulders for a little while more, gaining strength to go about his day, as you do the same. 
He gives you one last kiss before you go, presses it tenderly onto your amaranth lips and your heart for safekeeping until he can give you one more when he sees you again, and you feel your opinion crumble.
No, you don't like coffee, especially not in the morning.
Because it's too bitter, and caffeine never leaves your bloodstream even if you drink it only once.
But you love the taste of it when it's smeared on your lips by his, the acrid drink suddenly the sweetest thing in the world. 
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© booksndpoetry 2024. All rights reserved. Please do not plagiarise, translate, repost or steal my works in any way. All idols used in this piece are just inspiration to characters. They do not reflect the real people in any way.
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callmehyungoppaokay · 2 months
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Bangchan's mighty biceps- appreciation post
Those guns got that drip!
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felixir · 1 day
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"That's my little brother, Felix."
CHANLIX ♡ BST Hyde Park, Lollapalooza Chicago | Ep.1 docuseries
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stayblrofficial · 11 days
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🎉 Hey STAYs! 🎉 Join Stayblr, the ultimate Stray Kids community! 💫 We're a growing family of fans, and we’re so close to hitting 1,000 members—and planning a special event to celebrate! 🥳
Come chat, share, and vibe with other STAYs! 💖
(Reblog this post to spread the word and help us reach more fans! Let's make this place even more fun together!)
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stayalix · 2 months
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lixielovess · 2 months
for stays on Tumblr: if @/goharting(gimmeurtmi) or if @/stuckonspidey DM's you claiming they're pro -palestine do not respond and block her immediately.
go to @mixtape-timeout 's post for more info on what she did!!
back in june @/gimmeurtmi was exposed by a zionist as you can see on this and this . shes claiming that mixtape is bullying her "because she's Israeli and jewish." calling mixtape racist and antisemitic, which is entirely not true. you can see that on their blog there is alot of posts about the Jewish community advocating for palestinians and mixtape is jewish aswell. and gimmeurtmi dm'ed me on their personal account named stuckonspidey after i commented on how dissapointed i was of her and shes saying how "mixtapes post was just bullying, she's being nothing but antisemitic and racist." as you can see from my screenshots
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though i apologized, mixtape informed me on how shes trying to manipulate me by saying shes pro palestine (which she isnt). if you checked mixtapes post there were multiple indicators on gimmeurtmis blog on how shes a zionist. im not making this post to be hateful but to inform anyone who gimmeurtmi did dm, cause im probably not the only one she tried contacting, if she did it once surely she'll do it again.
keep in mind that her saying what mixtape is being antisemitic is WRONG. once again, mixtape is jewish and mixtape has a bunch of posts about the people of the jewish community supporting the souls that are currently suffering in Palestine.
again im not doing this to be hateful but to spread awareness, so please reblog as much as you can so people know that if they contacted by her, they'll know she's only doing it for her own image.
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dandelions-143 · 2 months
Girls written by Hyunjin
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For other members: MASTERLIST
For only Hyunjin: Hyunjin’s Masterlist
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skzfairyyydreamz · 4 months
lil request and it's only anon cause i discovered i CAN'T change the blog when sending asks and i'd cringe if i sen wit my main lmaao.
well, all that i see is pure coquette white cute baby girl header but what about like a nasty perv alt reader x skz? drabble, hc, oneshot.. i don't care i'm starving <ot8 pls> - skzbahng
Big Talk 💬
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minors DNI! minors DNI! minors DNI! minors DNI! minors DNI!
Genre: Smau, text post, Bf!Seungmin, NFSW (18+), pervy bratty needy fem!reader, humor/crack
Warnings: NSFW minors DO NOT interact, cussing , filthy disgusting text dialogue and an ungodly amount of teasing!
A/n: hii hii anon!! i honestly don’t know why i took so long to post this bc i finished this so long ago 😭 please please forgive me! i haven’t written a spicy smau in forever bc last time i did i had to start a whole new blog 😴😭 but i hope you enjoy! and that this feeds you well 😭 (also i choose to do a smau instead of a drabble or hc cuz i think smau’s are just kinda my specialty since i write them more than anything else) this dialogue was inspired by seungmin and jeongin’s car live they did back in march. Feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated. 🫶🏼 Taglists and requests are open!
© Skzfairyyydreamz - Plagiarism is a crime. Do not repost, alter, translate or copy without my consent.
Chan | Lee Know | Changbin | Hyunjin | Han | Felix | Seungmin | I.N
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taglist: @hanniemylovelyquokka @milknhoneyracha @tinyelfperson @jiisungllvr @turtledove824 @laylasbunbunny @armystay89 @eclipsemina
buy me a coffee?
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skzmostlikely · 5 days
Follow for more skz polls~
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booksndpoetry · 3 months
Soft launch: Basketball Date
wc: 442 words
genre: fluff
pairing: basketball player! hyunjin X fem reader
entails: second date shenanigans, best friends to lovers, flustered mc
a/n: just a little something that was in my drafts, please let me know your thoughts on this :)
warnings: mentions of short height, apologies in advance; and my weak attempts at a joke (please tell me it's funny);
“I can't shoot, it's too high.” 
You squint at the rim, estimating the distance between the ball in your hands and the net. As if you can gauge anything from that. 
“You can do it, come on.” Hyunjin looks at you expectantly, legs widened in a receiving stance. When you don’t move, he straightens up and comes near you. 
Error. Not good for your heart. 
You try, you really do. But given how tall you are, it's a wonder how the ball flies halfway to the hoop in the air. 
You pout, "I'm bad at this."
Hyunjin chews his pink lips, which are swollen and glistening with the number of times he’d run his tongue over them. And no, you aren’t looking at his lips, they just happen to be in your direct line of sight. 
After a beat, he speaks.
"No, you're not." 
He comes to stand behind you, heat radiating off him.
"Do you trust me?" 
"To not throw me off a cliff? Yes. To not empty my bag of chips when I leave you alone for one minute? No." 
He doesn't bat an eye at your words, used to them.
Instead, he asks again, voice softer, "Do you trust me?"
You know your answer before he finishes his question. 
"I do"
Your words come out slightly breathless due to the proximity, and you curse under your breath. 
You’re hyperaware of his every movement, your skin burning with his gaze and the intensity of the sun. 
“Do it now, darling.”
He puts his hands on your hips and before you can comprehend it, he's lifting you up, up like a glass ballerina, until you're high enough to have a better chance at shooting a shot. You can think & feel nothing except his strong arms around yours, holding you tight and safe. 
You grip the ball with shaking hands and throw it in. The ball makes a clean transition and falls down the basket. 
You both let out cheers, and he slowly brings you down, as you attempt to compose your thoughts. His touch lingers on your hips, like his fingers are indented into your sides. You repress the urge to touch the spot his fingers had been seconds ago.  
"You're not bad at it. You just never had the right teammate."
He leaves you there in the middle of the ground and goes to get a water bottle, like he didn't just threaten to unleash a swarm of butterflies in your tummy. 
You hide a smile behind your hand, eyes taking in the high net again. 
Yeah, maybe you just never had the right teammate. 
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labels: @straykidsland
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© booksndpoetry 2024. All rights reserved. Please do not plagiarise, translate, repost or steal my works in any way. All idols used in this piece are just inspiration to characters. They do not reflect the real people in any way.
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