axellis-archv-2 · 11 months
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elfcollector · 2 years
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caracello · 1 year
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favorite things from duke's penthouse, btw ^.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
Angel Dust: "How dare anyone say I'm playin' favorites! I love all of my friends just the same- there's Cherri Bomb, Niffty, Husk, Charlie, Pentious, my baby Fat Nuggets, and..."
Vaggie: "How many teeth did you just break using their actual names."
Angel Dust: (squinting at smudged note on his hand)
Angel Dust: ".... Vaaaagina.... Vi...agra??"
Vaggie: "Aww how sweet, you actually tried writing it down and everything."
Angel Dust: "Anything for you. Vaggsoline."
Vaggie: "Thanks for that, uh..."
Vaggie: "Sorry. What was your name again?"
Angel Dust: "Oh har har toots very funny."
Angel Dust: "Not THAT funny though. Guys. Stop laughin'."
Angel Dust: "Sugar Tits? Tiny a Nif c'mon- Whiskers! For real she WASN'T that funny- Oi what kinda fearless leader laughs at her own friends like this!? Daddy Sad Snake save me- I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! Even the new guy?? She exiled ya boiz!"
Sir Pentious: "Yesss, well.... that wass a while ago, and sshe let them come back! And ssshe iss alssso rather amusssing!"
Vaggie: "To be fair it's probably also the stress from our impending fight for our lives or whatever."
Angel Dust: "That's not excuse for anyone actin' like you're in any way funnier than me, Vaggitales!"
Vaggie: "Do they even need an excuse."
Angel Dust: "Oh that's it, anyone of ya that laughs harder at HER lame joke that cashed in on MY amazing set up is coming OFF the door collage!"
Vaggie: "Great, so since I was never on there, I can laugh as hard as want huh?"
Angel Dust: "...."
Angel Dust: (spitefully draws a comical doodle of vaggie on his door)
Angel Dust: (glares and lifts an eraser)
Angel Dust: "I won't hesitate, bitch."
Charlie: "Um. Angel...?"
Husk: "Oh for fuck's sake."
Vaggie: "You doodled me in marker, fuck head."
Angel Dust: "Wh- FUCK!!!"
Vaggie: (smirking) "Hey, it's the thought that counts."
Angel Dust: "Someone get me a door unfucker thing! Niffty how do I get this shit lesbian off my door!?"
Niffty: "Blood sacrifice~"
Angel Dust: "Eww okay fine! Who's blood??"
Niffty: (holds up the pig fat nuggets) "Your first born child-"
Angel Dust: (snatches and hugs) "NO!!!!!"
Vaggie: (rolls eye) "I'll scrap it off with my spear, calm down."
Angel Dust: (shrieking and wrapping himself around pig) "MY BABY!"
Vaggie: "...the door. I'll scrap the marker off of the DOOR for you."
Angel Dust: "Ohhhh... Yeah. Yeah, you'd better!"
Charlie: "We can just paint over it, Angel Dust, don't worry" (whispering at vaggie) "He has your picture tacked up on the inside, labeled 'scary but safe question mark question mark', where you won't see. Like you have that one of him hidden under the group photo in the hotel photo album you're mak-"
Vaggie: "No Charlie don't-!"
Angel Dust: "Wait a sec- your scary sapphic is makin' a WHAT now?"
Charlie: "Oh it's so cuuuute!!! She's been working so hard on it- It's a...."
Vaggie: "It's a what. Sweetie."
Charlie: "......"
Charlie: "It's nothing worth sleeping on the couch over."
Angel Dust: "Uh huh."
Vaggie: (smooches gf's cheek) "Glad to hear it."
Charlie: (muttering) "It is worth it actually. It is very cute and worth it but I want my snuggles..."
Angel Dust: "She's sappy as well is sapphic, is what I'm hearin'. A photo album? Really toots? Well as the most photogenic fuck up in this place- obviously- I should be on the front cover."
Vaggie: "You're on enough covers already."
Angel Dust: "NOBODY LAUGH! I set that one up for ya too!"
Vaggie: "Sure you did."
Vaggie: "Riiiight."
Alastor: "......"
Alastor: "Oh my! I am positively CERTAIN that no one could have POSSIBLY ever FORGOTTEN about me, ha ha ha!"
Alastor: (grins so hard his teeth crack)
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murkystarlight · 4 months
Dreamzzz season2 spoilers pt. 4
(And my personal comments)
Episode 8
Now. I wanted to end it all here. But I thought I'd separate the final episode from the others and so that we would have 5 parts :) (I just like the numbers like that. Okay?)
The name of the episode has so much meaning- oh god...
The deer- 😭 how did it even end up there?? And Zoey saving it- the tightrope (how did it even end up in the cyber realm??)
"Stop! Stop! Shoo!"
You're supposed to be saving it- but I guess you have to be alive to do so (also, the sounds it makes when it nibbles on the rope- lol)
"It's easy to get scared when you're all alone" (awh-)
[Bird sounds]
"There you are! You know, I could've used your help with this"
Zian is just trying to give you a cool moment on screen. Be nice
"Jeez. Always thinking with your stomach"
That's why Zian is so adorable
Mrs. Castillo is such a nice woman. Wise and kind and... and... smart?
"Izzie, if I tell you a secret, promise not to freak out?"
"[Sqealing] Tell me what it is!"
She is already freaking out-...
"The anticipation is already killing me"
I lover her eyes. When they go all big and sparkly. So pretty. And cute
Zoey taking about her problems to Izzie is so- aughhhh sshe trusts her well enough And- and stuff! She's sharing stuff like this to her because she now is able to open up to them
"What happened? Did he apologize? Did he explain where he's been? Did he reveal a dark secret that he's been leading a double life this whole time and he couldn't tell you in order to keep you safe?"
Izzie our trustworthy ally of an anime watcher. She saw enough shows to know this. And she is... very right about it. I didn't notice this before... wow. She- she guessed his entire life
"I'm curious what lava feels like, but I'm not gonna go stick my hand in it"
Why not Zoey? Why not?
Izzie looks so happy for her-..
And Zoey's frown-
"What class is this for?
"It's not for class. It gives me an edge when I face Astrid in the trials. Without being able to Dream Craft, I don't stand a chance against her"
"But! I got to thinking about how you're dealing with your missing memories, so I figured I'd try something totally different too. Totally unexpected."
"Like-... studying?"
"Exactly! [Doing a small jump] She'll never see it coming!"
Logan studying! So he can look good in front of Astrid(or to beat her. Or-... feel better about himself?)!
"He knows you actually have to read those, right?"
"Logan, nobody wants to beat Royce's protégé more than I do,but I'll be honest, in this next round, you're going to be facing the most diabolical, most menacing, most insidious things you've ever seen"
"An alarm clock" with- a very serious voice
oh... wow. Okay
"Oh~! Squeal! It's so cute!" (Did she really say "sqeal"? Mood) "Look at those big, dreamy eyes!"
The clock is cute? No, you're cute! (...am I flirting with a lego? Y'know what forget it)
And Mateo and Cooper in the background- just staring at her blankly lol (the background is really interesting to look at in this season) and when they get told to stop Logan while he tried to catch the clock, Izzie's pose- it's so cute😍 and again, Mateo and Cooper just like- blank
The alarm clock went to 19 to 12 seconds a bit too fast...? I think
"Wah, wait. Why are you guys backing up? Is it my breath? Oh, nuts!"
The alarm wasn't a loud one. I guess it's just dream magic?
"If you and Mr. Oz are sort of the same, why do you stay here in the Dream World when he wakes up?" I was thinking the same thing! So many questions about Albert! Unsolved!!
We. Need. Answers!
"Isn't there a part of you that's always dreaming?" (But this doesn't satisfy all the questions I have)
So.... they're just training with all these random people being there with them?
Well unicorns! And Mateo's actually doing something! And Cooper- ...I thought you moved on from the vehicles (his face literally reads "yeah. I thought I did too. Why did I do that?")
Astrid has great neck movement(?). You think she can do the arm thing? Like the noodle arms or.. whatever you call it
"One may be able to conquer without being able to do it"
He read the books!! Hallelujah!
Zoey was here the whole time? I was honestly kinda surprised when I was the episode for the first time. What do you mean she was just standing there this whole time?
"This better not be BFF talk" what's bff talk? That thing exists?
Also, what does Izzie mean by "I won't ask about you dad again" again?? You mean- she just constantly kept asking about him? Trying to help Zoey? Ooh so nice
"We get to throw things at Logan"
"Oh man, there goes Cooper! This things gnarly"
The throwing-... and Cooper again. Why is he always the punching bag in the back? Poor guy... (also, if you wake up in a dream as an aware dreamer unexpectedly, or was forced, what's wrong with that? Can't you just... fall asleep again? Or... does some weird magic in the dream world stop you from doing that?)
Izzie, I thought you said you won't ask about her dad-
And do these kids really not know that they divorced or something? Or.. maybe something else happened? Idk
And-- Cooper's back? What- how does this work? Did he never wake up? Was it just a close call? If you can just fall back asleep, what about Mr. Oz??!
And Logan was literally under a couch. A darn couch
Logan being determined- and Astrid turning the alarm back on- she likes them. Shes not exactly a bully. More like a.... "it's TRUE I'm better than you. You have to be better than this" .....okay. that still sounds bad-
Zoey's aunt is- so kind
"Bro-ther.... you know those are poisonous for cats. Right?" And it's already going horribly
The pictures-
Is that red vines?
"Watching Astrid train seemed like a good idea, but man. I'm getting concerned"
"Yeah, I just feel worse now"
We've got these fella's
"Ohhhh~ pretty"
And her.
"Take it down!" *his eyes- look at his eyes in this scene
"What's your problem~ why you gotta ruin our target practice"
"Because that's my daughter!"
Woah- omg~ no wayyyy *shocked*
"I mean, I... I don't see a resemblance" -well of course not, you think he actually looks like a shadow??
"I had no choice. If the Nightmare king knew he would've use it against me!" Still has the same morals.... *sigh*
"Why do you think I kept letting her go?"
"To be honest, I just thought you were a lousy henchman" -I love you Susan, you beautiful nightmare thing
He admits it
"There~ he goes again"
Look at Zoey smiling! She was happy her dad was there in the dream
And the fact that he remembered that she likes licorice as a kid- it's so cute and sweet
Afraid of getting hurt-
Beau probably already has a lot of experience flying. But he was acting(?) like he was so excited and this was his first time-... and Zoey hugging him- awwww father-daughter moment
"Hey, dad. I got some like.. a contest.. or test.. or something come watch it!"
Definitely sounds legit(the only trap. It is legit)
Beau being like- oh... um.... castle what? Uh-... mr Oz? Uh... um....
Eating hotdogs- I swear to god Cooper, food doesn't have to become your whole new personality!
Snot-bug heh cute
Logan being the only one running- like Oh....kay
The flying pizza-
I like how Mateo fell and hit the clock, rolling down the stairs... just like how you wake up. Not me. I don't have an alarm
Izzie and Zian is friends for a reason
Yay! Go Takashi~ also, the way they said his name?
Also, the dreamling costume is like- adorable! But how did he pull that off? You mean no one thought it would be weird that a dreamling is that big?
But Beau trying to be there and support Zoey is nice. Like he does care
But Mr. Oz, really? You don't have to eat off of the floor! (And I just realized. In the 18 years ago episode, Albert said something like "keeping the kids dreaming" or.. whatnot. So... Beau and Hannaha are pretty young back then. At least younger than mr. Oz. So.... does that mean beau talking to mr. Oz this whole time was... on purpose? "I'm going to be rude to him now! Hehe" and... how did mr Oz know that the night hunter was one of his past teammates? And how did he not connect the dots of Beau being the night hunter? And-)
I love how Zoey gets her confidence after seeing her dad. Because she still thinks that he couldn't come. Which in her case would make her feel even better that he did come. That he's really trying to make a difference. Because Zoey still thinks that her dad has to do other stuff that night. But despite that he came to see her! That's what Zoey has on her mind. That's how Zoey is seeing this. Which makes it even more of a... important thing to her
Which is... pretty cute
So they know it's just a costume?
Astrid and Logan bonding- ahhhhh
You can only use dream crafting (but- but-)
"Why, you stuck up little- so and so!" I'm telling you. The only reason mr. Oz doesn't swear, is because he's around kids all the time
"I don't need the win. I already got everything I wanted today"
So- ah! My hearttt the blurry picture-
Beau nearly cleaning up the cardboard cut out
And the never witch! She was gone for a while! Good to see you again you very cool designed evil witch villain that will probably cause a lot of pain to the characters. Welcome!
Also- does the night hunter voice and the Beau voice just.... switch on and off? Is Beau just capable of doing that?
The never witches staff is beautiful
Beau really want the secret identity thing a secret
"What I want. Is the one thing called... Mateo"
Ewww pedo what's wrong with you?? (I'm sorry that was the only reaction I could think of- but it is similar to my first reaction... I think)
Don't worry people who haven't watched this thing yet! She is not pedo!(or... hopefully she isn't) she's just a normal witch that want the boy for dinner! She's going to be making soup or potion out of him
Episode 9
Susan and Snivel fighting again
They're literally siblings
"I've missed this" yeah. Me too
And Nova! You're back! (Maybe she was in the hospital for lack of sleep again)
And Sneak too! Your family misses you Sneak. Please go back to them! Or... bring your two families together?
"What's taking so long!" 😡 he angy. He pissed
So I guess he's only out in the waking world now since he... *cough* isn't much help in the dream world at the moment-
"A few corrupted gummy bears are no match for my daughter" he says it with so much pride.... is this... okay? He caused them. And he... uh... okay??
Sudan and Snivel getting the front row seats to watch the show- with popcorn (really, how is this the candy realm? Just call it 'random food people like realm' ...no. that's a horrible name. Don't use that)
They could get sawed?? By the lollipop trees? Limbs go *poof*??
Oh- nope. Never mind. Sorry guys. The witch is pedo. (Mateo is going on a date👍"you got a date with the never witch")
The nightmare horse/alicorn thing!!
Mateo grunting- 😂
Mateo worrying about z-blob more than himself who is tied up and alone with a witch. Also what spell is the never witch even using?
*dramatic entrance*
"Late to the party my dudes"
Awww.... too bad. I mean.. I guess it's good?
"You handled things just fine without us!"
"Don't sound so surprised"
Why does everyone keep saying stuff like "you said teamwork. But this doesn't look like teamwork to me" as if we're going to have a similar situation from the last season, in this seasons finale too(and the way everyone automatically thinks Mateo left to see Z-blob. Just imagine how many times he did that for them to think this way)
"Mateo left again? Ugh, for the love of-!"
"Maybe- seeing Z-blob will help him feel ready for the next trial"
He's a good friend. A good friend
"Wouldn't it be dope if all of you made the final three?"
He's gotten jolly. Look at him, so friggin adorable-
"I have an... um... errand to run"
"Wha- where is she-?! Does everyone just do what they want around here?"
"Yep, it's part of our charm"
She's so chill
Zian knows-
"Arrogance, selfishness, anger. I will harness your worst tendencies to fuel my spell"
And folks. Here we have it.
Arrogance, selfishness and anger
Mateo's little flaws
I really like the coloring in this show
Did he really break that wood thing prison that he couldn't break with slime? I guess it's pretty hard-
Oh, and falling again
Look! Zian's kind!
"What is this place?"
Creepy vine thing. But actually nothing big-
Here it is! The one... no. Not exactly one. The second! And... first clone? Madeo! He... really... ugh.. I don't know
Do the clones look like that only to us watching through the screen or do they actually look like that but the others don't care/think he changed his look by dream crafting?
"I'm the new top dog around here" he sounds like... Mateo. But with a lot of autotune(I don't know with the colors)
But did he really snarl? Like- dude... why??
"Greetings witch! Loved that soup. Spicy!" He ate the- his own- um... flesh and memory stew?
This part is great. I love it. It's so funny
Ticklish Mateo laughing. I wonder if he's ticklish or if the vine just has good skills
"Wait, how did you know I was here? And who's the weird dude?"
The night hunter making dad jokes
"I got nabbed by the night hunter-"
"What?! I will end him"
The night hunter: 😔
Also the night hunter:
"Whatever I can do to help, I will"
Then secretly when no one's watching 😒
Oh- so this is where the giant raven set comes from! That set looks amazing btw
Takahashi making flowers- why is he so cute? Why does he keep popping up? Why is he still here? Is he playing a part?
*super cool landing. Sling the giant pencil on shoulder. Grin. And make it evil*
"Um, are they like friends now?"
Yes. Yes they are. And they seem to be bonding very well. Good for them!
And my favorite(? I think so. Its definitely the funniest) part
"Dude, was your brother always so dreamy?" (Its always this line. Always. Ugh...... I like it though)
Cooper's just surprised. Like. Dude. What?!
And Logan's more like... 'she called him dreamy?' It seems like he's in love. But I'm no expert. It seems like a potential love line the creators are trying to make.... (and if it is... how does it work? Astrid is from Berlin. Right?)
[Intense music playing] lol
[All swooning] okay. What?
The hairflip- ahhhggahg
He's good at football now. Wow.... that is real improvement the never witch made on him 😌
The flowers again-
"Smooth!" No! Cooper! Not the time to be a supportive friend! Is he jealous? Or supportive? Or what?
"Ew, that's my brother. Gross!"
See? What did I say about those sibling bonds? It's great. (And what do you mean gross? Just grossing out that "Mateo" acting is like that. Or the fact that Cooper said "smooth")
"Dude, who are you?"
Izzie really-
"Your brother, sister"
Yeah- no. I'm pretty sure no one calls they're siblings "brother" and "sister" without a reason
"No, and I'm loving this new you!"
Wait- what? Iz? I thought you- wait. So... she was calling out Cooper for saying Mateo was being "smooth" with the flirting? And stuff??
"How'd you get over your Z-blob flunk?"
Yup. And we got Cooper. Either being the logical one as always, or just... continuing to be a supportive friend
"Oh~ this and that. No biggie"
Yeah- okay. Gotta agree tho. These clones are fun. Look at that personality! Whoo!
"Well whatever you did, it's good to have you back buddy"
Alright. Supportive friend it is. And- no. No he is... the opposite of back. He's not even the same guy-
(Also, can we wave a little flag for the dude? I feel like he having the identity crisis right now🏳️‍🌈)
Malicious smile.... ehhehe
Meanwhile. The real Mateo:
"So... Beau. Mind if I call you Beau?" (Another cliche one)
Beau: 😑🤨 (long speech)
"He would never hurt me"
He... already has....;;
Izzie was sad when her balloons were taken then her face brightens up once she sees that he gave it to Astrid. I think Izzie just doesn't mind what the hell happens to Mateo's relationship as long as he has one-
Also, new word learned!
No idea what that is
"Dude, Mateo's pencil spear's back to normal!"
Cooper. Again. Not the time to be a supportive friend! Logan is clearly pissed rn
"Wouldn't it be great if he wins the last trial?"
Coop- oh god. He is so stupidly in love- .....I think? It's a possibility
"Wasteful, but impressive"
Well. At least she saying the truth
He can play the electric guitar?? The rock music? Omggggg that's... just a complete new feature. How did no one know he's not real? Even if he looks the same to them. By now they should've noticed?
The dream crafted speaker has a cute sticker attached to it too.
"Loud! But I love it"
Oh no.... Astrid is into bad boys- no wonder she gets along with Logan-
Izzie~ love your confidence
Only three? Really? And fight for the leader? Why??!
"I still don't get why, we can't just take on the Never Witch together"
Me too Cooper. Me too.... at least you guys are smart enough to notice
"Royce is obsessed with this "return to the good ol' days" nonsense"
And Cooper nodding- ahh so friggin cute
"Always has been-"
An attack is a good thing? Apperantly.... wow....
"Oh. That's not a hill..."
Wait- Beau just used a dart?! Ooohhhh why has no one drawn this yet??
Again with the background characters that look the same (the blonde one will be.... Alicia)
"Get out of my way! Runt!"
"Wow. Mateo had become a real-"
I'm telling you. These are not coincidences. They have sweated but it's a kids show so they sensored it
"Hi, Astrid..."
So stupidly in love no.2
Izzie has the hammer thing! And it looks amazing-
Seriously, the way they say Takashi...
Oooh~ the nightmare king again~ and he really is a little-....icon now
"You were right to be suspicious of me"
"Ooh~ this is good"
It is Voldemort's little brother. Or sister. It really is getting good
I love that pose when Beau changes into his costume again- that pose- it... its hilarious-
"So you'll lock us up instead?"
"At least you'll be safe" him and his morals again-
And then Zoey throws the clock. At this moment I knew. This was going to come back as a bad thing. She's going to need that clock. That's what the season kept hinting at us too-
And look at how Mateo is comfort(?)ing her-
"Re~presenting Brooklyn, baby!" "Ha ha ha!"
It's not just me- he did get more hyped up (and did he just pick him up on his shoulders? He can do that?? Does logic work differently here or can he actually do that? I mean- he did it with such confidence and comfort like he's done that hundreds of times)
"Logan, my brother is acting super weird!"
"Yeah, he's just found his groove"
"No Logan! You don't get it. He sabotaged me to make the task force!"
😨omg no way-(but seriously. No way)
"Finally! I'm aching for some malice!"
Also, just noticed. While watching this now
His hair streak (Madeo) is yellow and red. And here, the red is definitely red. Like.. a more brighter and more standing out red
Philllllll nooooo!!!
What. A way. To end this. 👏👏👏
Previous part
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afreakingdork · 1 year
Weak Spot - Chapter 15
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Romance, Meet Cute, Villain Donatello, Cussing, Crushes, Xenophobia, Fear, Intimidation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Love, AFAB Reader, Vaginal Sex, Sex Rough, Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Teasing, Scent Kink, Sexual Tension, Breeding Kink, Slice of Life, POV Second Person, Reader-Insert
Synopsis:  Though it hadn't come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
Some light housekeeping so hopefully it's a little more clear what this fic is about! If you ever have notes for me, feel free to send them over!
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
They Were Roommates: Weather!
Phone Guy: Five day says we should be clear.
They Were Roommates: Schedules!
Sink: Open or requested off and granted!
They Were Roommates: Equipment!
Nervous Nell: Uuh, I’m ggonna drive up to see my parents and get their canoe! I’ll have to meet you there, but I’ll get a coooler and girlll stuff…
They Were Roommates: Food!
You: Car Beta will be hitting a store en route
They Were Roommates: Those unaccounted for!
Phone Guy: We got everybody except Travis.
They Were Roommates: You know what that means?!
Phone Guy: Lake day
You: Lake Day!
Sink: Lake Day!
Nervous Nell is typing…
They Were Roommates: Hey!
 Nervous Nell: Llake day, yup!
They Were Roommates: What is up with you?
 Nervous Nell: Sorry, lookin out my window. My gf said she was close like 20 mins ago...
Sink: No.
Nervous Nell: Huh?
Sink: No siggys at lake day!!
Phone Guy: We said no to making siggys a thing.
Sink: Ugh
Sink: No SiGnIfIcAnT oThErS at lake day.
Nervous Nell: Sshe gonna come up to my parents house though!
They Were Roommates: She ghosted you dude, move on.
Nervous Nell: Don’t say that!
They Were Roommates: Too late
They Were Roommates: Actually…
Nervous Nell: Yyeah?
They Were Roommates: I move to make an exception for Y/N’s boyfriend.
You: What?
Nervous Nell: Hhow come-?
Sink: We don’t do this! People break up too often and it ruins the memories.
Phone Guy: Just say photos. What is wrong with you?
You: Hey! This wasn’t my idea!
They Were Roommates: Did you all know Y/N had a crush on the Jolly Green Giant as a kid?
Nervous Nell, Sink, and Phone Guy are typing…
They Were Roommates: Help! Someone’s trying to break in! 
Phone Guy: Oh no
Phone Guy: Think of the collateral damage.
You: Why the hell would you say that?!
They Were Roommates: Because you didn’t deny it and now you’re freaking out so, guess what?
They Were Roommates: You played yourself!
Sink: jalfkhsdfads
Phone Guy: Archived*
Nervous Nell: Hhe’s a mutant, right?
You: Yeah
You: He is.
You: Is that a problem?
Nervous Nell: Iit’s fine! Uh I didn’t mean for that to saound bad!
They Were Roommates: I think what he means is he’s curious to meet one.
You: Donatello isn’t some experiment gone wrong. He’s not here for you to study. He’s a person.
Nervous Nell is typing…
Sink: While he digs his grave, what’s up with this double standard Cor? You’re the one who came up with the no sigs rule!
Phone Guy: That’s worse.
They Were Roommates: Founder’s rights.
You: Why are you doing this?
They Were Roommates: I think he’s gonna stick around. He needs a serious group vetting.
Sink: We’ll I’ll be damned. You’re willing to stake lake day on this?
They Were Roommates: I’m that serious. 
They Were Roommates: That’s the vote.
They Were Roommates: All in favor?
Sink: Hell alright
Phone Guy: I don’t care
Nervous Nell: I mean, yyeah. I’d like to meet him
You: It’s up to him.
They Were Roommates: He’ll say yes
They Were Roommates: Anyway, moving on!
They Were Roommates: Nell, what were you saying about your ex?
Nervous Nell is typing…
Standing outside of Donnie’s door, you pressed your palms into your eyes until they stung. You’d been buzzed up automatically by that digital check so he must have known you were out here. You could almost imagine him looking through the peephole and wondering why you were struggling. Not wanting to keep the figment waiting, you blew out an irritated breath and knocked.
There was a pause before the door opened which had you second guessing yourself.
You watched as Donnie left the thing open and wandered back inside.
“You okay?” You followed after him and closed the door behind you.
He held up a finger before it returned to his desk so he could type something out on his computer. It was the first time you’d seen the thing active. The many screens glowed purple and seemed to hold a multitude of windows. Trying to take in as much information as possible, you went to study a prominent list when the whole system shut off.
He turned to you. “Final preparations complete. You were saying?”
“You can always say no. Change your mind. We can spend the day together; just the two of us.”
His snout scrunched slightly. “I know you heard what I just annouced.”
“Yeah, I just…” You looked away and then back. Donnie was wearing a black, high-necked rash guard that perfectly concealed whatever was under those bandages of his. Below that he had a pair of surprisingly casual black board shorts with a purple band that matched his bandana.
“This is suitable attire.”
“That’s not what I’m…” You clicked your tongue. “My friends are a lot.”
“You’ve both told me and I’ve seen as much if your roommate is any indication.”
“I know…”
He folded his arms. “Is this an insinuation that I should decline?”
Your eyes shot to his face. “What? No!”
He shifted his weight to one hip. “Do you think I’ll demean you in some way?” 
“Of course not!”
“Then what is your concern?” He unfurled and closed the distance between you.
You looked down at your ragged shoes. “I…”
His feet shuffled into view and you caught the purple flip flops there.
“You look cute.”
“It’s hard to explain!” You brought your head up only to loll it back. “I’ve known most of these people for a decade at this point and they’re weird! They’re going to be watching you like a science experiment and I was sure you were gonna say no on principle when I asked you to come. Except…. You didn’t! You said yes and then we did all the crazy preparation and suddenly it’s day of and my idiot roommate is downstairs waiting in a car she borrowed through like five different connections and you’ve got on this adorable outfit and I just-!” You wound down and let your lids drop. “I want them to like you like I like you.”
You felt a hand on your shoulder.
You let its weight linger before you opened your eyes.
Donnie was waiting with what seemed like a patient gaze. “You misspoke. You certainly don’t want them to like me in the same way you do.”
You swatted at him.
He dodged easily by only moving his upper body while his feet stayed planted.
“Stop making light of my worries!”
“A logic query then?”
You frowned.
He went ahead anyway. “If they were to dislike me after today, would you stop seeing me?” 
“Would that effect your relationship with them?”
“No…” Your mouth curled up into one corner. “Well… they’d probably do that thing where you secretly hate your friend’s partner, but never tell them to their face cause they’re so deep in it so instead you always try to change the subject and talk about anything but-”
Narrowly missing biting your tongue you realized your folly. 
You’d insinuated Donatello was your partner.
Peaking at Donnie, he seemed to be processing your statement.
It was both happiness and discontent.
You both wanted to finally have a label, but also didn’t want to rush and ruin the one you could have.
“Sounds like a tiring exercise of moronic social convention.”
“I planned to elevate this by impressing them for your sake.”
You blinked.
“Eye for an eye, they will also be under my observation.”
He leaned into your space and you moved with him as if he shifted your gravity field. “For as much a chance that they look down on me, I can do the same with the company you keep. You should be more concerned with what will happen if I don’t find them to have your best interests in mind…” He trailed off and his arm lifted.
“You don’t get to decide that.” Against your words, you tipped to make yourself more accessible to him.
He arched a brow as if that were a challenge before straightening up. His extended arm came into view and he plopped a black sunhat on his head. A chin cord dangled down with a purple bauble landing just below his throat.
Your mouth crinkled at the sight.
“My bags by the door.” He rounded you and you burst out laughing.
“You look like you’re dressed for three different occasions!”
“Do you want to know my additional reasons for accepting?” He looked back at you caustically as you turned.
You fought back the giggles. “Of course.”
“I consider this a type of day off which is not something I indulge in.” He shouldered his bag. “To this end, my attire communicates such.”
You nodded and chewed on your lips to keep anything else from coming out.
He opened the door. “Conducting multiple studies, one such research includes the art of relaxation. Thus I am immune to your mockery.”
It was just absurd enough for you to momentarily forget your worries.
“All business on your vacation!” You tittered and headed out into the hall.
“A vacation is an extended period of recreation.” He corrected you before locking the door.
Something about the way he said it this time made it click for you. “You studied.”
“That was implied, yes.” 
“No.” You headed towards the elevator with him in tow. “You studied how to chill.”
He was quiet and when you glimpsed back at him he was staring at you as if he didn’t see the point in your reiteration.
“You’ve never had a day off?”
“Not by human standards.” He pressed the button. The elevator arrived quickly and you both boarded. “For most of my life I was not afforded the luxury. Hence, I don’t see the need. I either work or don’t.”
You watched him quietly out of the corner of your eye.
“That better not be pity.”
“It’s not.” You hummed as the bottom floor dinged. “I just got my assignment for today.”
He lingered where you stepped out.
“I’m gonna make sure you have the best break possible!”
At least, that’s what you meant to happen. You, however, had no control over your friends. Your roommate, as usual, was the worst of which. As soon as Donnie came close to the car, she split the two of you up. She had argued it had to do with his size and directed him to the front seat next to her. Taking the seat behind him, you watched in misery as she immediately began to quiz him. He seemingly took her questions in stride until she grew tired of his unflappable nature. As the vehicle made two more pick up stops, she switched to blasting music. Songs were sung in purposefully broken keys as you exited the city.
Donnie checked out somewhere along the way and stared out the window. In the backseat, one of your friends had found an old slot machine handheld game and had roped you into cracking its simple code. The music came down to a manageable volume and soon lax conversation matched the tone of the drive. The sun beamed in with a gentle warmth that carried early morning light. It also forboded the blistering turn that summer would take it. Chatter went on peacefully as you heard your roommate murmur to Donnie about an exit. He had his phone out and helped direct her. You tried not to gawk at how normal they suddenly seemed to one another. 
A turn off was eventually achieved and you passed through a station to park at a lake. Everyone made the mad scurry out of the vehicle to stretch they legs before rounding up to gather goods. Your roommate yelled on her phone as Nelson was nowhere to be seen. Her shouts summoned the secondary vehicle’s crew and your other group of friends came over from where they had parked on the far side of the lot. Introductions were exchanged before a flurry of things happened. You tried to keep track of Donnie, but your friends caught him and you in separate conversations. It lead to you, several people apart, heading down a path.  
The lake came into view and stretched out into separate sections. Ample spring rain meant the forest flanking it was lush and there were families already set up in small groups. Standing fisherman dotted one far off shore, while little kids splashed each other on a closer one. Your group commandeered a pavilion and stuff was strewn about as people claimed their spots. The casual nature of the yearly outing meant that everything ran on a relaxed familiarity.
“Where’s the cooler?!” One of your friends plopped what seemed like a dozen grocery bags on the metal table.
“Nels said he was close!” Your roommate grouched.
“Guess, we’ll start cooking just in case!” One of your more relaxed friends stood. He whipped out a pair of sunglasses that were hanging from his tank top and donned them. “Chemical time!”
Though he were at least four people away from you, you saw how Donnie perked up.
“Wanna join me?” It hadn’t seemed like your chill friend was paying attention, but he turned around o zero in on Donnie.
Donnie excused himself from whoever he was talking to and wound a path over to the man. “I’m intrigued by your word choice.”
“Then you’re gonna love what I’m about to cook up! You see, as a grill master, I’ve refined my process to a science-!” Your chill friend pointed towards a public grill stand with a roll of aluminum foil as his septer. He then lead the charge with it and Donnie followed with tight posture.
“Worried?” You heard a voice a little too close and soured.
“I wouldn’t be if you hadn’t interfered.” You turned towards your roommate.
“Relax, look at him.” She gestured with her chin and you turned to see Donnie nodding as your chill friend did something to the grill with a brush. “He’s not a kid. He’s doing fine on his own. In fact, the only way he could have bigger daddy energy was if he had a stupid blob of sunscreen on his nose.”
“Did someone say ‘daddy’?” A friend who was splayed out on top of the table looked over the edge of his glasses.
You stewed at the thought.
“Update your prescription, damn!” Your roommate pointed towards the grill.
The table friend hummed appreciatively. “I do love a man who can start a fire. Oh! And is good with tongs.”
“Can you not make tongs sexual?” Another friend on their phone didn’t even look up.
“Anything has an inherent eroticism if you use it right!” The table friend crawled over to the phone one and purred in their ear. They were promptly abandoned as the phone friend stood and walked away.
An obnoxious ringtone sounded.
“Nels!” Your roommate snatched your wrist without answering her phone.
“W-wait-!” You tried to look back at Donnie, but you were already being dragged out into the sun.
“Beta got the food, Alpha gets the stuff. That’s the deal!” Your roommate pulled harder.
She only allowed you to wrench yourself free once you fell in line. “I should at least tell Don I’ll be right back.”
“Ugh, stop! He’ll survive without you for two seconds!”
“I don’t get your deal.” You huffed and rubbed your wrist. “You want to vet him. You want nothing to do with him. You want to see how we interact. You keep splitting us up!”
“That’s the thing.” She rounded on you with a finger pointed at her forehead. “I’ve got the big brain here. You gotta keep ‘em guessing. You can’t be too obvious or they’ll catch on!”
“I literally told him that you were going to vet him.”
“And you think I didn’t account for that?” You roommate rolled her eyes away.
The parking lot and specifically Nelson’s car came into view.
“Look. Stop thinking about it and enjoy lake day. Everything else is my priority, not yours.” She jumped a few steps forward and shot you a smile before running full force at Nelson.
The man yelped and the two rounded the car twice before your roommate caught him with a noogie.
Hauling what teetered on camping equipment, the three of you eventually emptied Nelson’s car and returned to the group. Keen on canoeing, Nelson ran around making a checklist of who would go out as he proclaimed that only one person at a time was safe. Somehow you’d ended up third on the list before you’d even managed to make it over to Donnie. He was still at the grill which had been foiled up in a bizarre way.
“So if we move this part here, then we could actually smoke whatever meat we want!” Your chill friend shifted something with a spatula.
“A fascinating application of architecture.” Donnie hummed with a pack of hotdogs in hand.
“We got the cooler filled with ice.” You announced your arrival with the phrase you were told to pass along.
“Sweet.” Your chill friend bobbed his head. “I’m gonna go see what we got and set up a cooking schedule.” He held out his hand and Donnie passed him the hotdogs. “You got the fire, Colonel Dee?”
Donnie nodded easily and the man left.
You folded your hands behind your back to keep them from nervously fidgeting. “’Dee,’ huh?”
“That is the first time he’s used it.”
You nodded and fought against the creeping awkward air.
“You have a different question.”
“I’ve been told I’m worrying about you too much.” You grumbled and stepped away as a gust blew smoke in your direction.
Donnie moved in time and adjusted the foil which you now realized was protecting the flame from the wind.
“If you could give me some kind of answer…”
“You haven’t asked anything.”
“I guess… that’s right.” Your brows came together in frustration.
“Outward appearances haven’t indicated you were worried.”
You looked at him.
“So far I’ve recorded your catching up with friends, a multitude of inside jokes, and that you’ll soon be taken out on the water.”
On the nearby shore, Nelson pushed off the canoe with its first passenger on board.
“You heard all that?” You looked away and wondered why you couldn’t defeat this odd shyness.
“It’s your day off as well. You’re allowed to enjoy it.”
You were struggling with that concept. “But-?”
“Your friends have been tolerable. Kaleb, in particular.” Donnie nodded back to where your chill friend was laughing heartily at something. “I prefer to keep to myself, but just because I shun the company of others does not mean I don’t know how to keep it.”
You nodded.
What about all this was throwing you off?
“Though it hasn’t been without its challenges.”
“Oh?” An odd flicker in your chest reduced the load there.
Why did that make you feel better?
“On the walk up there were a few tone-deaf comments.”
“Microaggressions. It is a failing of society.”
“Should I talk to them?” You looked towards the pavilion and tried to pick out who had done it.  
Donnie shook his head. “I suppose one would be curious where my ears are.”
You blinked.
Donnie prodded something in the grill.
“Was that…?”
He glanced at you for a moment.
“I never actually asked so how did you know..?”
“I was not referring to you.” He raised up and looked down at you.
“It seemed like a call out!”
“’A guilty conscience needs to confess.’” He narrowed his gaze lethally.
You felt the weight of it and resisted squirming. “I just wondered where they were...” You trailed off but the oppressive stare pricked at your skin. “I’ve gotten close! I didn’t see anything so I was curious! I was waiting for a better time to ask!”
“Tympanum.” Donnie finally broke away to tend to the fire. “They’re in the same place.”
You repeated the word in your head several times in an effort to commit it to memory.
“Broadly speaking, you have my species. I’m surprised you haven’t looked anything up.”
That would have been a smarter thing to do.
You laughed nervously.
He shook his head at your hopeless case.
You fell into a comfortable silence and the wind carried on it the sounds of cheery conversation.
Out on the lake, Nelson paddled the boat in a curve towards the tree line.
You broke from where you were staring at the orange dot and turned back to see a friend waving a Frisbee at the pavilion.
“You game?!”
A confirmation ran to your lips before hesitation caught it.
Donnie gave a loud dramatic sigh that made you jump. “You’re being obnoxious.”
You gave him both a glower and a pout.
Through his irritation you saw a flicker of something else. You couldn’t place it as he descended upon you. The brim of his hat knocked your head before his lips pressed a quick kiss into your temple. He then dropped near your ear. “Go. Enough of this. I am enjoying myself whether you chose to believe so or not. I will signal you the moment that is not the case. Otherwise, I am going to continue to discuss engineering with Kaleb as he is already heading this way. Then I plan to run samples of the lake water.” He leaned back enough to monopolize your gaze. “Thorough enough?”
“You’ll have fun testing the lake water?” You bit back a brighter smile.
It had helped.
“Immensely.” He rose up and gave your back a gentle push.
“My man!” Your chill friend approached with open arms stuffed with packages. “Fire’s looking hot!” He then shifted his gaze to you. “Love this guy. Try to keep him around; I’d love to hang out again!”
“I’ll try…” You gave Donnie one last glance which he ignored.
Your chill friend set the bags down to rifle through them. “So, tell me more about this explosive compound you created?”
As you walked away you heard the faint sounds of Donnie infodumping. Smiling to yourself, you picked up to a jog where your Frisbee friend met you half way. The two of you chatted there before they reared back in a surprise throw. Running to catch it, a game picked up as a few other friends joined. The canoe returned and there was a trade off. You eventually headed back to the pavilion and ate chips while watching Donnie squat by the water’s edge. His existence seemed to spurn on a couple of your friends who tore their excess clothes off while mad dashing towards him. They splashed near him, but not close enough where he’d have gotten wet. He spoke to them when their heads resurfaced. They seemed to find whatever it was funny.
An ice cold soda touched your cheek and you screeched. Laughs were rounded and you eventually accepted the beverage. Bugs chorused the tittering and the sun gave a lazy hum. Eventually the canoe returned from its second journey and you were summoned by Nelson. You followed him out and saw that Donnie had his feet in the water. A few more of your friends had taken the plunge and were routinely yelling things. You and Donnie shared a glance as you boarded the canoe.
“Steady!” Nelson said more to himself before he pushed off and hopped in.
The light glistened off the water and you had to turn away.
“Mind if we go into the brush? I think I can open up a path!”
“Sure, I guess.” You resisted the urge to turn around just in case it upset the balance. You could feel the gentle rocking as Nelson paddled expertly. “How’ve you been?”
“Eh…” You sensed him shrug. “I got the official break-up notice yesterday.”
“I’m sorry…”
“Nah, Cor opened my eyes to it so I had warning.”
The shade of the trees loomed welcomingly nearby. You watched the way the water parted by the canoe’s bow. “You really liked her though. You were gonna introduce her to your parents. That sucks.”
“Yeah…” He pulled the paddle up and you glided for a moment. “This is helping.”
“Good.” You chanced back a smile. “When’s the last time you got out like this?”
“Too long!” He smiled back and thurst the paddle back into the lake for a hearty push. Overhead you broke through the trees and the shade gave a comfortable drop in temperature. “Since my parents are from the area, we used to do it all summer long. Since I moved to the city I haven’t been able to come out as much as I’d like.”
“That’s always the way.” You hummed and watched how the leaf litter floated on the surface until the bobbed ripples from the canoe disturbed them.
The two of you continued to chat as Nelson shared stories from his childhood. Eventually, you floated up to where a fallen tree blocked the path. Moving as if it were second nature, Nelson maneuvered the canoe right up beside it.
“Alright, let’s see!” He dug into the supplies stored in the stern and pulled out a small hatchet.
“Uh!?” You straightened anxiously.
He gave you a dumbfounded look. “This is standard equipment. Calm down! It’s for this exact purpose.” You watched as he then tied the canoe off to the log before raising the axe up high. He brought it down and started chopping away. “In case you get stuck!” He yelled over the loud slashing.
The canoe rocked and you held on as he hacked at the log. Eventually he neared the water with his cut and it started to splash algae sludge at you. “Nelson!”
He didn’t slow.
“UGH NELSON!!” You screamed as a blob of green landed on your arm.
“Huh?” He stopped the suddenly silence meant his voice was way too loud. “What was that? Oh, ew!”
“It’s getting all over me! Stop!”
“I’m almost through…” He raised the hatchet again.
“No!” You waved your hands. “I’m good!”
He frowned and started to undo the ropes. “I guess I’ll open up the path for the next rider.”
“Thanks.” You responded dryly.
“I made good progress though!” He stored the axe and then gathered up the paddle.
“I’m sure you did great.” You rolled your eyes.
He turned the canoe so it was facing the opposite direction and pushed off the log with an audible thump. Again, you studied the way the boat cleaved the otherwise still water. The sun poured overhead as you left the trees behind and you squinted at the pavilion. There was some sort of tag game happening there so you traced over to the water where people were floating lazily in comparison. A particularly hard to miss green man was absent. You held tightly to your seat to keep from rising up.
No matter where you searched, Donnie was nowhere to be seen. It cropped up nervous memories of the grocery store and you fidgeted to get your phone.
“Don’t drop it!” Nelson chirped behind you as if he were the pinnacle of help.
“Yeah, yeah.” You brushed him off and unlocked in. You had no new notification of mention. Frowning, you felt Nelson pull the paddle back before there was a soft bump to the canoe. “What… was that?” You held your phone close and tired to peer over the edge without moving much.
Nelson’s silence spoke odd volumes as the boat came to an abrupt halt. Looking around wildly, you found your captain sitting calmly with a smile on his face. Scowling, you looked back toward the water and caught two green hands holding the deck. Realization dawned on you as Donnie’s head surfaced.
“Hey!” You exclaimed and had to force yourself to stay put.
Donnie let go and swam towards to you. “Greetings.”
“What are you doing?” You chuckled and felt a grin way too big split your cheeks.
“Swimming.” He then disappeared back under the water. It was just murky enough along with his black clothing that he disappeared.
You rounded on Nelson. "You stopped. Is this an ambush?"
He held his hands up with the paddle in tow. "What!? No! It’s a reflex! You watch the water for threats and safety! I clocked him and the others near the beach so I saw when he dove. There were then signs that he was coming this way!"
You narrowed your gaze.
"Honest!" He then lowered the oar and seemed a little sheepish. "He's a turtle, right? Do you know what kind? He swims so well..."
You weren’t sure if that was something you were allowed to share. Before you could decide, you heard a little splash and looked over the other side of the canoe to find Donnie there. "I'm guessing the water tested good?"
"Passable" Donnie bobbed for a moment and then ducked again. You searched around curiously until you heard him somewhere behind Nelson. The canoe was set into motion and smoothly shot towards shore.
You disembarked and turned to address Donnie, but found him already floating out a ways.
“Now he could definitely get that log out of the way…” Nelson mumbled to himself before stepping right up to the water’s edge. “Uh! Donatello!”
Donnie easily changed position and looked over.
“Want to help me open a path!?” Nelson pointed to the trees.
“Not particularly.” Donnie responded plainly and disappeared under the water.
“Dead!” Your roommate cackled loudly. “Shot down twice in one week!”
“Not cool!” Nelson stormed towards the pavilion with the paddle in hand.
You heard ensuing chaos and, not wanting to participate, decided to walk the shore to your floating friends. “Hey!”
There was a three person chorus of recognition.
“How’s the water?”
“Amazing!” One of your friends floated up onto her back.
“Get your Olympic swimmer beau to give us rides!”
“He ignores us when we ask!”
You laughed. “Yeah, I doubt he’ll do that.”
“Get in! I bet he will if you’re around.”
“I’m not so sure.” You smiled more to yourself.
“Food’s ready!!!” Your chill friend’s voice interrupted with a boom.
There was splashing as everyone made a rush to get out of the water.
“Think about it, Y/N!” A wet hand made a pass at you that you dodged.
“Yeah, no!” You felt a presence behind you and turned to find Donnie watching casually. “Hi.”
“Are you going to greet me every time we’re separated for more than a few minutes?” He tilted his head and you watched a string of water bead down his chin.
You shot your gaze elsewhere.
Now was not the time.
He moved and you watched as he picked up a folded towel from where the sand slowly morphed to ill tended grass. You swallowed hard as he wiped himself off and the muscles in his arms bulged under the clingy wet rash guard as he did so. “Shall we?” He gave you a knowing grin.
“Y-yeah.” You shot past him towards the pavilion.
This strange bashful plague whenever you got close to him was wearing thin.
Joining the group, you were welcomed heartily with a saved seat for both you and Donnie. You were both placed center stage, but found, much to your relief, that you weren’t the pinnacle of conversation. You secretly adored the fact that they’d paired you off. It gave you a chance to absorb as much information about Donnie’s cook-out eating habits as you could between the pinballed talking points. The flow dictated the two of you were pulled in different directions as conversation divvied up.
You might have mourned the loss had Donnie not caught you hand under the table. It was just sly enough that no one took notice. You tried not to give it away to the friend you were talking with and mentally excused the red on your face to the sun. The group gorged and, with the moment of respite, grew sluggish from the many activities. The fractured parties shifted around to include others and Donnie politely excused himself. You watched idly as he drifted back to the water and disappeared into its depths.
You realized his highly aquatic comment had not been a fib.
Someone tugged at your sleeve and you realized you’d missed what they said. Mumbling apologies, you jumped back in until everyone digested and spread out. A small group decided to explore the far side of the lake and departed in an expedition to find walking sticks. Others had settled into mobile gaming at the table while Nelson picked up canoe rides again. You stood, just under the shade, and looked out at the water. Donnie was floating on his stomach adjacent to where some of your friends were lazing on the beach. You shifted awkwardly before shrugging out of your shirt. You set it with your stuff and removed your bottoms which covered the swimsuit you had underneath.
Looking back out, Donnie hadn’t moved and you sort of wish he’d seen the reveal. Shoving those disruptive feelings away with the others, you reminded yourself he’d seen you in far less. Departing, passing goodbyes chased you from those left at the pavilion. You strode up to beach before kicking your shoes off. You then toed into the water. “It’s warm…”
“Sun!” One of your friends mumbled drunkenly from where her feet were buried in the sand. “It’s so nice.”
“It cools off if you go out some.”
“Such a perfect day.”
You lingered with them in their sun bleached moment before you heard the gentle rustle of waves. Donnie’s form traveled smoothly over. “Are you getting in?”
“Thinking about it.”
He hummed and sank down until only his eyes were above the water. 
“Watching me?” You took a step forward bringing the water up to your ankles.
His chin rose to reveal his mouth. “Yes.”
You smiled and moved until the lake lapped at your knees.
He floated as close as you imagined he could with his height. “I’m logging this look to memory.”
You bit your lip. “I was hoping you’d notice.”  
“I always do.” He disappeared under the depths as soon as you looked up.
Smiling ruefully, you moved against the weight of the water until you dipped into its embrace. You then wadded out until you were able to comfortably stand up to your shoulders. Donnie hadn’t surfaced and you spun around causing ripples to cascade away from you. You hadn’t given it much thought until now, but it was clear he could breath underwater to an extent.
There was a tap to your leg and the weight of the touch had a signal to it that it wasn’t meant to be scary. You searched the water, but your movement had kicked up silt and made it opaque. A distinct hand found its way around your waist you and you looked towards that direction. It wasn’t until its twin joined that you realized he was behind you. You heard the water breach as he came up.
“I’m going to pull you.”
You nodded and your feet left the bottom of the lake. His arms encircled you until you were pulled into his plastron. Beneath you, you could feel the way his legs were keeping you both smoothly afloat.
“They’re watching…” You mumbled much quieter than you meant.
You actually hadn’t checked.
It wasn’t just your body that was swimming.
“I’ve done nothing inappropriate.” He disappeared from your back and you wished you hadn’t mentioned it. “Arms out.”
“They’ll come up with something…” You obeyed.
He gave the handhold on your waist a tight squeeze. “I don’t understand why your friends trigger this embarrassment in you. You are otherwise shameless.”
“N-Not true!” You turned to try and see him, but he ducked away.
“Kick, I’m going to let go.”
“Hey, I’m not done.” You heard a splash that said he dove and sighed. You kept yourself afloat and did a little circle to look where he’d just been. Below you, you felt a skim around your feet. Kicking out, your toes slid along his rash guard. Wondering how deep this part of the lake was, you gave up on searching with your eyes. Closing them, you waited with heightened sensitivity for him to return. He did so somewhere around your thigh and, from the graze, you could sort of tell that he had brushed against you with his snout. He then curled expertly around and did so to your other leg.
The light touches had filled your head with effervescence. He continued to swim around you in tight knit circles until his head breeched the surface around your front. Against the cool water, your cheeks burned and you sank down to put them out.
Why couldn’t you just enjoy this?
He’d handled the day with such ease.
Unaware, Donnie watched with a carefree expression and something about it registered in your brain.  
He wasn’t his usual restrained self.
At least, not the prior version; the one you’d met.
He’d held himself differently in front of your friends, but nowhere near how cold he’d initially been to you.
It made you self conscious.
Was it you?
He’d said a few things about acting and you weren’t sure why you’d originally been excluded from that if this is how he could be.
You’d technically won out in the end, but the victory currently felt hollow.
Returning your attention, Donnie relaxed nature seemed mocking. It was happy in a way you’d yet to see him. It contrasted the version of pacification that was brought up by sex or exhaustion. This version of Donnie was alert, but didn’t have the usual barriers up. He ducked down and from the streaks of water he swam away. It reminded you of a dolphin.
Startling, the water lapped at your ears and drowned out your concern.
He was being playful.
As if caught in the flow of a tide, the worry receded and what washed back up felt very silly.
Regardless of its origin, you were being gifted a unrestrained version of your partner.
This had been your plan for the day, even if you hadn’t been the one to set it into motion.
You could share your worries later, for now you were overcome with affection.
You swallowed the excited sound that rumbled in your throat. Swimming towards where he had gone, you felt him slide up beside you. He got ahold of you and took over steering. A noise of surprise weaseled its way out of you as you shot forward faster than you could imagine going alone. There was a polish to the way he swam that signified he was one with the water. Changing direction with little whiplash, he drove you both back to where you could stand before depositing you there. You then watched as the ripples seemed to indicate he traveled to the other side of the lake.
“See what we mean?”
You turned to the voice and found your friends had waded back in.
“Catch him at Sea World!”
“Wouldn’t that mean salt water? He’s a turtle. Isn’t that bump on his back a shell?”
“There are saltwater turtles.”
“Literally sea turtles.”
“Oh! Huh! That makes sense.”
“I’m glad he’s having a good time.” You softened and watched Donnie meet up with the group who had made their way to the other side of the lake.  
“Who wouldn’t? It’s a perfect day!”
“He’s a weird one, but in a good way.”
You nodded.
“Rich coming from you!”
“Hey! What do you mean!?”
“You know!”
One of your friends ambushed the other and dragged them down. It quickly devolved into a dunk and splash war with no clear winner. Eventually a failed game of Marco Pollo tried to catch its footing, but your chill friend approached with the cooler rolling behind him. He started floating drinks out to those in the water and that became a game in and of itself. Arguing and laughing ensued.
The sun tilted overhead and your fingers signaled the start of pruning. Twirling in the water, you found Donnie floating on his back and soaking up the rays. Even from here you could tell his face was utterly serene. Sharing a parting look with your friends, you swam over to him. He peaked only to seemingly confirm who it was before letting his eyes close again. You came up near his torso and studied the way his body moved with the current. “You float so well.”
Instead of opening his eyes, one of his brows came up in a way that signified he thought that was obvious.
“Yeah turtle, ha ha. It’s been the talk of the town. I meant on your back. You were floating the other way earlier.”
He gave a little understanding nod. “It is easier the other way, but as long as I adjust the air in my lungs and find a balance point, I can sustain any position.”
“The air on your lungs…” You thought it over as your arms swayed to keep you afloat. In doing so you watched Donnie gingerly bob and with his size and straight posture, he almost looked like a pool toy. “Will you stay up if I lean on you?”
He nodded languidly.
 Tempering your excitement, you swam closer and chose the flat of the plastron around his stomach. You were careful and he dipped as you threw your arms over him. He quickly righted and, with a little adjusting, you eventually came to fold your arms under your head. The dark color of his rash guard had absorbed the sun’s rays and made him a basking platform. Lulled by it, you closed your eyes.
In a pleasant way, you felt time tick by as the sun lapped at your back. Here and there you’d hear commotion from the beach, but nothing seemed pressing enough to move. You idly wondered how far you’d drifted when those thoughts seemed to simply trickle away. The gently rocking of the waves filled your ears and the warmth of the sun cradled your body. You weren’t sure if you completely drifted off when Donnie brushed a hand over your shoulder.
“Hm?” You couldn’t be bothered to make full words.
“We’re being waved over.”
“Tell them to hit snooze.”
He chuckled. “It’s your roommate.”
You sighed and pushed off your rock. You sank for a moment forgetting you needed to propel yourself. Darting back to the surface with a gasp, you watched your roommate laugh from the shore.
You played up your scowl so she could see it.
Regaining composure, she wiped an eye. “We’re heading back!! Let’s go, turtledoves!!”
You grumbled.
“Agreed.” Donnie swam around you. “However, if we leave now, we’ll just make it back to the city before dark.”
That didn’t seem right, the sun had only just barely tipped from overhead.
Squinting up, you found it had sank three quarters of the way through the sky. “How long have we been out here?”
Donnie hummed as if he didn’t care and there was something about that lackadaisical side to him that shot you through the heart.
“Why do you live in the city?”
He skimmed to your side in thought.
“You’re so much happier here.”
He slowed into a drift. “Work. Convenience. Mutant Epicenter. Take your pick.”
That third one had you tilting your head.
He ignored it and did a lap around you.
“It just seems like-”
He slowed, curious.
Clapping echoed from the shore. “Chop, chop! You’re going to do your part packing up! Don’t try to get out of it!”
You sighed.
He found your hand underwater and tugged you along slowly.
“We should come back here though.”
Donnie focused on swimming.
“Just us.”
He didn’t look back. “Not here.”
“Oh.” The shore was getting closer and closer.
In a smooth twirl, he pivoted to your side. “I can show you somewhere better.”
There was a veiled nature to his statement that said it meant a lot more than he was letting on.
“One day.” He seared a look into your eyes before resuming his tugboat position.
You tried to place it as the water lapped at your throat.
Was it that it hinted at a time frame?
Did the location itself hold some importance?
You had that and a million more questions by the time you reached the beach. Donnie grabbed you your towel before he got his. Even then, you struggled with the sand as you put your shoes back on. There was a metered chaos to the pavilion as everyone tried to rightfully gather what was theirs. Snacks were fought over and eventually goodbyes were had. Hugs promised a repeat next year and you parted to your respective vehicles while splitting the loads that would go inside them. Your roommate helped tie the canoe back onto Nelson’s car before she came around and pointedly shooed Donnie to the backseat.
She gave you an approving nod, which you took with a surprised blink. She then slipped around to the driver’s side. You timidly translated it to Donnie who had seen the display and, in a show that said his reserved demeanor was returning, stood stoic. Crawling into the car, the radio was turned down low and no one spoke as exhaustion crept in. Your third backseat companion fell asleep as soon as a long thoroughfare was hit and you slumped back to fight your own eyelid battle.
Donnie nudged you and you resisted falling into him as your hair was still wet. Not realizing that was his intention, he shifted to giving you a tug by slinging his arm around you. You tipped into him and looked up to find him staring out the car window.
“Why go back?” You kept your voice as low as possible both to mind the passengers and to keep the conversation just for his ears.
He didn’t look away. “There is more in the city now than what I listed previously.”
“Like what?”
You watched as he blinked slowly before turning to look down at you.
Your stomach flipped.
He seemed satisfied with your reaction and started to move his head back.
“You’re different.”
“How so?”
“Then when we met…” Exhaustion brought about loose lips, but not coherency. “With everyone… Were you just…?” You lowered your gaze to where his hat sat in his lap. “What’s real?”
You jostled as he snapped towards you.
When you didn’t look the arm around you folded at the elbow and a hand wrapped around your forehead. He then used that appendage to pull you back so you were forced to look up at him.
“This is real.”
His voice was too loud, too clear.
You could feel your roommate looking the rear-view mirror.
He wouldn’t want that kind of attention. “Donnie…”
“No.” His voice was again forceful. “I need you to know that.”
You nodded and he evaluated you harshly. “I’m sorry…”
“For what?” The weight of his hand lessened and his voice lowered.
“For doubting you.”
“Reassurance, as discussed, is ongoing and mutual.”
Your lids were growing heavier by the second. “Then why are you…?”
You weren’t sure you could finish the thought.
“You.” He whispered into your ear and the tone of his voice lulled your eyes closed. “You’re the answer.”
The orange hues through your lids danced as the last thing you saw before you drifted off.
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ask-the-raichu · 1 month
Gilden! The ship's a pretty lively place, surely there's somebody on board besides the lovely captain who has caught your eye in the relationship department by now? If so, who and why?
tthe ship's a pretty busy place if you ask mee mmarina's got me doing most of her dirty workk ii kid i like my workk mmostlyy ii wish there was more free timee bbut to answer your questionn
ii haven't really gotten close to anyonee ii just haven't really connectedd ii'm not used to being able to make connectionss ii don't know how to maintain themm ii'm sort of interested in a couple of peoplee ccastor's good at fighting how would he be as a pitchh ffearsi's a caring guy i bet he'd make a good moiraill sstilio is a great friend even if i've been terriblee ii bet he'd make a nice partner of any sortt bbutt iiif we're talkiing an interest that's more substantiall ii've spent a lot of time with ivayloo mmarina told me to initiallyy bbut i've come to care about her well enough on my ownn sshe's bite sized and cutee ii don't know if she's "caught my eye" as you phrased itt bbut i'm definitely looking at herr
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crisalidaseason · 10 months
Our readings
Armin is a haunted little guy, kinda traumatized, and you're a psychic that can't help find him cute
This was looong overdue, thank you so much for the patience!
Count: about 6,5k Content warnings: armin has a traumatic past, supernatural elements menitones, psychic female reader, psychic practices (based on a latinamerican context) reader uses she/her, I kinda inspired myself on a friend of mine for the psychic part (sshe was my research for best representation), sloooow buuuuurn, ya'll don't even hold hands, Armin is deeply stunted and traumatized, attempted humor, orignal character (Gael Zinitra, a friend of yours)
Armin - the first reading
“Thank you sir, have a nice day” Armin politely said to the customer.
The small town’s library was experiencing a slower pace than usual, the rain probably scaring any potential visitors. Armin did not mind much, he would be paid no matter how many books people borrowed or returned. Those days were a perfect opportunity for the boy to indulge in his own readings, diving into another interesting story with very few interruptions. Lately the blonde had been reading a thriller, The midnight palace. Despite his distaste for horror stories, Armin had to admit that this particular author knew how to balance supernatural with plausible explanations.
The pace was slow, but there were still interruptions. Armin closed his book immediately and went to the front desk. He quickly recognized the man in front of him, a familiar face Armin had seen enter the library quite often lately - and he always checked strange books, mostly inside the occultism umbrella. 
“The usual, Mr. Zinitra?” Armin asked, already fishing the keys from the drawer.
“Yes, but I also need to check some newspapers” The man said as he handed his library card to Armin.
While the blond opened the door of the archives to the man, the blonde took note of the usual jittery behavior he sported. Mr. Zinitra seemed nervous every single time he came into the library, as if he dreaded it.
“Just call me if you need, sir” Armin said after setting up the machine for the man to check the newspaper. 
As Armin returned to the front desk and entered the code to Mr. Zinitra’s card, Armin once again wondered why such an elegant man was reading so many strange books and documents. He seemed to be a sort of lawyer or businessman, and none of those careers really required knowledge on the occult, especially when the person seemed so uncomfortable with said content. Despite the wondering, the blond boy never indulged his curiosity, he had no interest in accidentally getting involved with occultists.
“Here, Armin” the man returned about an hour later.
Armin glanced at the titles of the books and archives briefly, he was reading about south american folklore, if the blond’s spanish did not fail him. After everything was checked, Mr. Zinitra left with a quick farewell. Armin had no other people come into the library for the rest of the afternoon, a blessing for his reading improvement. Closing was quiet, as usual, and the rain was less intense for the ones who needed to walk home. The night was colder than he enjoyed it, his fingers already suffering.  
Upon finally arriving at his modest, yet old, apartment complex, Armin greeted the night guard and climbed the two sets of stairs leading to the first floor. He was already struggling to unlock his door when he heard a commotion in the apartment next to his. Armin never had noisy neighbors, thankfully, and he wondered if the person was feeling well.
Should I knock on the door?
He pondered for a few minutes. The woman who lived beside Armin seemed to not share the place with anybody.
What if she hurt herself, or someone broke in?
He was not a courageous person in the slightest - a coward in all senses, who ran away from his own hometown - but he also would feel guilt destroy his mind later in the night.
“Miss?” he knocked on the door.
He waited, but no answer. Armin did not want to eavesdrop, but he approached the door and tried to perceive any noise inside. Dead silence.
“Miss? Are you alright? I heard noises and just wanted to check” he tried again “You don’t need to open the door, just say something if you need help”
Armin’s stomach started to fill with the familiar dread that enslaved him since childhood. His breathing became erratic as the silence persisted. With trembling hands, he opened his own door and quickly turned on the lights, blue eyes scanning the room. He checked the bathroom hesitantly, relieved to see it untouched and hiding nobody. His breath was still loud, but the warm and long bath helped ease his nerves, to the point he almost forgot what had happened. Once dressed and fed, he read more chapters of the book and eventually fell asleep.
You - the first reading
“There is no use in worrying about it” you said while Gael drove you home “I am sure of my instincts”
“I know” the tall man said “but is it necessary to go alone? What harm is there If I join you?”
You sighed, but still amused.
“Gael, you have a young wife and an even younger child at home. Need I say more?”
“Lia will understand, she worries about you as much as I do”
You watched as your friend drove attentively, the crease between his brows evidence of his concern.
“If I feel unsafe, I will call you”
“Promise me?”
You nodded, but the action did not help him relax any further. The older man was very paranoid about your consultations, always pessimistic about the safety of your job.
“Thank you for getting the books for me” you said “as always”
“It’s nothing” he replied “Although library duty is very difficult”
“It’s either this or ghost hunting” you mocked the nickname he gave to your consultations.
“It’s just…” he started “It’s not the task”
“It’s the librarian, isn’t it?” you said “Armin Arlert”
Your assistant nodded. Gael was almost like a sponge, absorbing people’s feelings. You had offered to teach him how to deal with it, but the man was never interested - and you were not one to force people to open up to their abilities. 
“He is deeply disturbed” he was whispering “I have to be careful not to touch him”
“If it’s too bad, I can go check the books on my own” you offered “I am familiar enough with the town at this point”
“No, no! It’s okay” Gael shook his head “It wears off as soon as I leave, I’m just telling you because I think he needs help”
“He won’t accept it” you said “He is a runner”
Gael sighed. You wondered if Armin reminded Gael of himself: the scholar and professor Mr. Zinitra, an intelligent yet terrified man. Terrified of what he saw, with no idea how to handle the hauntings. 
“Of course he is” he said, the first part more to himself “but your mother saved me, and I was a runner too”
You did not want to get involved with the librarian, you had a tendency of letting people come to you instead. Armin would seek you when he was ready. Just like Gael did when he could not handle the shadows anymore.
“I will try” you said once the car parked in the apartment complex you were renting “see you tomorrow for dinner, tell Lia I’ll bring dessert”
Zinitra nodded and waited for you to climb the stairs and enter your apartment. As soon as you entered, the white kitten woke up and stretched, meowing softly. You caressed him under the chin and kissed between his ears.
“Hello, Tino” you greeted. 
There was a black pen on the ground, along with some blank papers. The kitten had revenge over you being late again.
“I fed you before leaving, it should be enough for your belly to be full until tomorrow” you joked with the small animal.
The kitten was quietly sitting on your desk, tail moving smoothly from side to side, the bright blue eyes almost staring into your soul. Then, the little one turned his attention to the side, quickly, tail showing signs of alert. You paid attention to your surroundings, until a noise came through. An agonized cry echoed through the thin walls dividing the apartments.
“It’s the neighbor, Tino” you said “he must be having nightmares again”
Armin - alignment
He woke up in a cold sweat and most likely yelling. His hands went straight to his chest, trying to force his lungs to function by slamming his fists. Tears burned his face and he wanted to scream in rage.
He thought he was getting better. 
Stumbling, Armin left the bed and turned on the lights again, the small lampshade not enough to shun away his panic. The bathroom lights also went on as he drenched his face with water, eventually dampening the front of his shirt and the ground. He avoided looking in the mirror, heading straight for the towel and drying himself as best as he could. He did not want to return to bed, not in a million years, his only option was to return to an old habit of his. Wearing an extra hoodie, socks and house shoes, he went outside.
The air was colder than before, and Armin almost regretted his choice, the railing on the narrow corridor almost hurt when the blonde rested his hand against it. His thoughts were rapidly moving, bringing to the surface many memories he wanted to drown for years. The tears were still stinging his eyes, but did not spill anymore, he refused to cry over old fears. There was nothing beneficial in remembering what had happened, even if his nightmares enjoyed to torture his convictions. He wondered if seeing a doctor was necessary, maybe have the sleeping drugs prescribed again, even if it came with the strange numbness and exhausting sleep.
“Mr. Arlert?”
He almost jumped over the railing, holding a hand over his still frightened heart. He turned his attention to the voice, which belonged to his recent neighbor. She was wearing a thick robe, holding a small white and yellow striped cat.
“Are you feeling well? I heard you shouting” she said, her eyes were a shade he could not decipher under the low light of the corridor lamps.
“Uhm” he tried, but his throat was extremely dry and he had a coughing fit.
The woman quickly entered her apartment again, but leaving the door open - if Armin was not on the verge of disassociating, he would think she was crazy for that. She returned with a small canteen of what he assumed was water.
He drank from the canteen, draining it. He had not noticed how thirsty he was, and silently praised whoever invented drinking water. Armin returned her canteen, watching as she placed it on a nearby table. Her apartment door was wide open, but soon the woman turned and let go of the cat, closing the door in the process before the small animal could escape.
“I thought you had hurt yourself” she said, hugging her frame due to the cold.
“I-uh” he had a difficult time speaking, words not finding a way to his mouth “it’s nothing”
“That did not seem to be nothing” her eyes narrowed slightly.
“It is” he reinforced, stuttering “it was nothing”
He avoided looking at her, his blue eyes staring at the stained tiles of the hall instead.
“I also have them” she whispered “a warm cup of lemongrass tea helps sometimes”
He wanted to snort, but refrained from doing so. She did not deserve his bitterness over a problem she had no fault in.
“Tried it” he simply said “warm flavored water can only do so much”
She chuckled, nodding. Silence fell over them, but surprisingly it did not feel uncomfortable - apart from the cold.
“Do you want to come in?” She said “I can make that tea for you, even if it doesn’t do much”
Armin’s first response for her invitation would be negative. He had no interest in talking to anyone at the moment, he accepted his loneliness fully, but the blonde also did not want to return to his apartment or stay in the cold corridor.
“At least to warm you up” she offered.
He nodded and the woman opened the door carefully, holding the kitten and allowing Armin to enter her small home. It was much like his own - one room and a bathroom- but there were a few statues on the shelves and paintings on the walls. Armin himself had nothing in his home, despite living in the complex for far longer than his neighbor, he did not have a single piece of decor apart from piles of books.
“Make yourself comfortable” she said, already putting a kettle on the small stove in the corner.
The blond man looked around, he was not about to sit on her bed, choosing the chair near her crowded desk. He could not help but notice a familiar stamp on an open book, the library stamp. He decided not to comment on it, but he was curious, she was a remarkable sight, he would remember checking books for her.
You - target
Armin left shortly after drinking his tea, muttering a shy ‘thank you’ and quietly opening the door. You did not hear anything coming from his side of the wall, which meant he either slept peacefully or spent the rest of the night awake. The little kitten meowed again, ears picking up something that you did not. He jumped off the bed, sitting near the wall your apartment shared with Armin’s.
“It’s okay” you reassured, feeling tired and sad “nothing bad will happen to him, I made sure of that”
The kitten did not move, forsaking the warmth of the bed. You tried to have some sleep, but thoughts of a blond young man kept you awake for hours. Since your arrival to that town, you had never spoken to him much outside of hellos and good mornings, but it was enough for you to notice the aura of depression. Armin was surrounded by sadness and painful memories, even if he was good at hiding it.
When morning came, you woke up to the familiar opening and closing of Armin’s door, it had become your personal alarm clock at that point. Slightly opening your window curtains, you saw as the blond man left the building in a fast pace, probably chasing warmth to contrast with the cold air.
“There he goes” you said to nobody in particular “perhaps I should pay the library a visit sometime”
Armin - Channels
Sometimes Armin thought he had struck gold - at least in some aspects of life. Despite his nonexistent social circle and family issues, he at least had a stable job that he enjoyed. Armin had been working for over a year there, taking the position of the old librarian. It was a calm workplace, only the operational manager and the cleaning lady besides Armin. He could read books in between customers without being scolded, had a small kitchen and room that he could use whenever he wanted. No more noisy and crowded places, abusive bosses or frenetic customer service. 
Armin was, in some aspects, a lucky man. 
“I see you on thursday, Arlert!” said old manager “give me a call if you need anything”
“Of course, sir. Have a good day”
Armin was finally finishing the book, the final chapter done by the time his manager left the parking lot. The blond librarian stood up, sighed deeply and finally put the book back on its shelf. The ending was sad, quite tragic. He did not enjoy processing it while working, but that was a small disadvantage. 
“Good morning” a voice echoed through the library, startling Armin.
Armin quickly ran to the front desk and refrained from expressing surprise as he saw his neighbor there. She was clutching the handle of her bag, looking around the library uneasy.
“Good morning” he blurted “How may I help you?”
She was dressed elegantly, but still casual enough. Between her fingers was a small sheet of paper.
“Yes, I was looking for this book” she said, handing him the paper.
The beasts of the Amazon 
What an odd book to search for. He looked at the paper and the woman in front of him. Now that he could see her without the shade of his nightmare, Armin noticed that she was probably his age, she had very beautiful features and her eyes were observant. Whatever she wanted with a bestiary Armin would never guess properly, but people’s curiosities were none of his business.  
“I am not sure if we have this, but I’ll check for you. It might take a while, would you like a cup of coffee or some water?”
“No problem, I am not in a hurry. And the water is fine” she said. 
He went to the small room again and took a sealed water plastic bottle. She was sitting in a nearby armchair when Armin returned. As soon as his fingers brushed on hers, he felt a strange stinging sensation, as if he was shocked, it was not a painful sting but it startled him enough to drop the water bottle.
“I’m sorry, miss” he nervously said.
“It’s alright” she reassured him, retrieving the bottle from the floor “my hands are cold”
“It could be static too” he said “either way, I am sorry”
She waved her hands, asking him not to worry, but he could see her fingers trembling. He nodded, his face was still warm from the embarrassment. She was a very beautiful woman, and he was being a complete fool in front of her once again.
She must think I’m a disaster. He thought while searching for her book in the inventory, the computer taking ages to load the pages. He discreetly glanced at her from time to time, trying to comprehend their interaction a few days ago and her presence in the library. He had never seen her come to the library but he still remembered the books she had on her table, all of them had his stamp. Armin’s curiosity was eating him alive.
You - Channels
Your hand still stung where you touched him, but the images and sensations lasted even longer. It was overwhelming, not enough for you to see much, but Armin exhaled pain and fear, images of dark lit rooms and a young child crying filling your mind. You had to breathe deeply a few times, separate his feelings from yours, but it was not enough to ease your heart. Standing up, something urged you to walk between the bookshelves, your eyes were closed and your fingers danced along the book spines. 
You felt the need to stop, your eyes opened.
The midnight palace
The book was small and thin, with a beautiful cover. Your fingers were on the verge of touching it, but you knew better. Taking a glove from your purse and putting it on, you took the book from the shelf. It was full of his energy, he had probably read it recently and it would explain why you were drawn to it. You had to take it home. 
“ma’am?” Armin’s voice called. 
You quickly returned. He was standing behind the front desk, empty handed. You already knew he would not find the book, it was not in the inventory.
“I am afraid we don’t have it” he said.
You nodded, the thin book heavy on your gloved hand. Observing Armin, you felt this familiar sudden urge to cry and lay on the bed forever. 
“I know” you replied “but there’s no harm in asking, right?”
Armin was beyond confused and you almost smiled in amusement, but his tired eyes and sunken frame made you stop. He was drained, vitality lost somewhere. Would he accept your help if you offered? You feared he would fade away. 
“I might borrow this one” you said and handed him the book, making sure to not touch him this time.
You tried to keep your face neutral, as if your book of choice was a complete coincidence. Armin’s face betrayed him, blond brows frowning and eyes quickly darting between you and the book. He shook his head, as if trying to regain some sense.
“Alright ma’am” he said, entering the code “do you have a card?”
“I am quite new here, I did not have the opportunity to make one” you said.
Armin quickly offered to make one, asking a few questions regarding your identity. You watched as he filled up your information and stamped the card with the library’s symbol, putting the small square in a plastic case. His actions were skilled and used to the motions. Soon enough, he handed you the card. 
“All done and book checked in, how many days you’d like to keep it?”
“A week” you said “I have a busy schedule”
He nodded, finishing the protocol and handing you the book. Inquiring blue eyes lingering on you for longer than a librarian should.
Armin - Inquiring
He was not able to concentrate the entire day. All he could think about was how odd his encounter with his neighbor was. She seemed uneasy at first, then the strange shock between their fingers and, finally, she borrowed a book he had just read. Armin was not stupid, coincidences happen all the time, but Armin had his fair share of ‘non-coincidental’ happenings. 
Armin was suspicious, but he did not know why. 
He was trying to make sense of their interactions. She had invited Armin- a complete stranger - into her home for tea. She knew his name, and he had never spoken to her, he did not even know her name.  
“Good evening, boy” said the night guard.
Armin returned the greeting. The night guard was an older man, maybe entering his 50s, he had worked in the security of the complex since way before Armin moved in three years ago.
A question would not hurt, right?
“Sir, May I ask you a question?” Armin could not help himself.
The man nodded, his features were surprised that the recluse man from 207 spoke something other than greetings.
“Do you know my neighbor? The woman from 208”
The night guard was nervous all of a sudden, Armin felt even more uneasy.
“Why do you ask?”
Armin felt his face burn. He knew he would sound creepy.
“I was just wondering if she lived alone, I heard some noises a few days ago”
“I’m sorry” he said, shoulders rising and falling “All I know is that she is new in town and lives in Mr. Zinitra’s old apartment, but I don’t feel comfortable sharing her living situation” 
Mr. Zinitra. The strange man with the strange books, at least they had that in common. Armin nodded, he chose not to inquire much and proceeded to go home. 
You - second reading
“Remember” you said “basil and boldo bath, every Friday, from head to toe, remember to say the words I taught you”
The young woman nodded, kissing your hands.
“Thank you so much” she said “You’ve done wonders for all of us, send our regards to your husband”
You almost threw up but returned her smile. You had a strong headache forming and your shoulders were tense. 
“That was horrible!” Gael yelled as soon as you entered the car “I could feel ghostly spiders all over me”
“She sent her regards to my husband” you almost threw up again.
Your friend scoffed.
“First, ew. I am almost twice your age” he replied “Also, she can keep her regards. Everything coming from her is going to make me even more sick”
You smiled at his distaste, but he was right. That poor woman had so many people waiting for her downfall that being ill in her presence was inevitable.
“Are you sure you wanna go home?” he asked “You don’t seem well, Lia is a nurse, you know?”
“I don’t like leaving Tino alone” you replied.
“You can bring him, she would not mind the kitten”
“Thank you, Gael, but I really need to be home tonight. Intuition”
He did not insist, but you knew he was worried. Fatherhood had extended from his little boy to you. 
“There, you’re home” he said “I’m just a call away”
You nodded and watched as he left. You greeted the night guard as you headed to the apartment. Upon arriving at the hall, you noticed Armin sitting on a chair, right outside his wide open door. He was admiring the dark night, watching the treeline a few meters away from their building, the lights on his apartment were on, bathing the hall in a white hue. 
“Good evening” you greeted.
Armin snapped from his trance, focusing his eyes on you.
“Good evening” he said quietly.
He was holding a book, marking the page with his fingers.
“Middle of the night readings?” you asked.
“Uh” he said, looking down at the book “It distracts me”
Maybe he had another nightmare, but you refrained from asking him. Your hands instinctively went to the book in your bag, where his essence was clinging into it. Though his presence was already enough to set your nerves on fire, the overwhelming sadness knocking on your brain. You closed your eyes, breathing in and out
“Are you well?” he asked “you seem...ill”
You smiled bitterly, the headache was already setting in your brain. 
“I’m fine, I’ll take some medicine. Thank you for asking”
Armin was silent for a few minutes and you made no motion to walk past him. Instead, you set your eyes on the treeline Armin was watching a few moments ago.
“I’ll be here if you need anything” he said, the corner of his mouth lifting in a half smile.
You nodded, walking past him and entering your apartment. Unfortunately, you were slow enough that Tino sprinted out the door.
“Tino” you scolded. 
You dropped your bag and prepared yourself to chase after an energetic and vengeful kitten, but Armin was already holding the little one in his hands.
“He is a little runner” Armin smiled at the small cat in his arms “go back home, Tino”
You took the animal from Armin, careful not to brush your fingers in his. Once was enough for the day. 
“Thank you, Armin”
Armin - tormented
He spent the rest of the night reading outside. No noise came through her door, and he half wished you would join him. Armin was used to being lonely, but deep inside his mind he yearned for companionship, and there was something about his few interactions with the woman next door that left him wanting to talk over a warm cup of tea. 
I’m so fucking pathetic. 
He huffed again, closing the book in his hands and giving up. The night was extremely dark, only the lights from his home illuminating the dark hall. He had picked up the habit of reading in the hall in the last few days, the change in environment distracting his mind from the bed he was dreading to sleep in. The hammock inside his room became his permanent sleeping arrangement since the nightmares had turned worse with every passing night. He did not know why, but sleeping in a different place and reading outside until exhaustion was his only chance at some peace.
“Faces. Voices. Cries. Stupid boy with stupid lies” 
He was supposed to feel better. He had done everything. He ran from the beacon of his fears and traumas, he left everyone behind, he seeked medical help, took all the pills and never missed a therapy session.
Yet he was still broken. Deficient. 
You - connection
Sundays were your resting day. You worked six days a week, between readings, consultations, cleansing, sometimes even fighting for your life if a particular hex or entity was strong. It was an odd job and life, but you enjoyed it. Sundays were the days you would dedicate to your own cleansing, and also Tino’s. 
“Come on” you pleaded “it’s not that horrible”
You were burning onion peels and cinnamon, reciting your words. Tino was not pleased with the smoke.
“You’re supposed to filer evil things, this benefits you” you argued with the cat. 
Outside, you heard what seemed to be Armin opening his door. The window next to your door was open, only the nylon screen protecting the kitten from the outside world, and soon Armin’s head appeared there.
“Good morning, ma’am” 
“Oh, Hello, Mr. Arlert” you enthusiastically said.
Armin watched as you were swinging the censer inside your apartment.
“So that’s where the sunday morning burnt smell comes from” 
“Does it bother you?” you asked, feeling nervous. 
“Not really” he said “It’s not a bad smell, I just felt a little paranoid the first few times. Thought it was a fire or gas leaking”
You were relieved, you really did not want to resort to incenses, they were not nearly as powerful as smoking your space.
“Sorry, Arlert. I should have warned you, but…not everyone is open about what I do”
Armin did not seem to understand your words fully, his eyes were still curiously watching your censer. He rested his arms on the ledge of your window, being mindful of your pepper and rue plants. 
“What does it do?” he asked “the smoke”
“It wards off bad things” you simply explained, trying not to use words that might scare him.
“And does it…work?”
“It does, but it’s a constant thing. Like showering or brushing teeth” you continued. 
Armin seemed to think for a while. The situation was a little awkward, you were still inside your house and he was looking at you from the outside, through a screen window. 
“Could you perhaps teach me how to do it?” he shyly asked.
Your heart almost stopped. He was asking for help, even if he seemed reluctant. You kept a friendly expression.
“Of course”
Armin - caught
“Good morning Mr. ZInitra” Armin greeted the man.
“Armin” he greeted back, carefully giving the blonde a small pile of books “here, all of them on time. I hope’
Armin entered each code with his library registry.
“All good, sir. Will you check anything else?” 
“No, not today, but may I ask you a favor?” 
Armin nodded, trying not to show surprise. 
“I have some fliers from the university regarding important events. Would you mind if I put some in the library’s mural? We’ve been trying to reach the community to participate”
“Of course, do you want me to do it?” Armin offered.
“If it’s not a in issue, it would be very nice of you since I am a little late for my lectures”
He opened his briefcase and passed Armin a few fliers, putting them carefully on Armin’s table.
“Thank you very much, Arlert” 
The man disappeared as fast as he entered, only a few seconds until his car roared alive and left. Armin chuckled a little, what a strange man. Deciding to take the task out of his hands, the blonde took the fliers with the intention of hanging them on the mural, almost missing the small paper that slipped and fell at his feet. Upon inspecting what seemed to be a business card, he noticed something odd. 
Consultations, readings, cleansings
telephone number: (36) 175558
Address: Marigold street, 56, Rose complex, apartment 208
208. That was his neighbor’s home. He read the small text hundreds of times, afraid his brain might be deceiving him. Mister Zinitra left that, was he the psychic by any chance? It was his apartment after all, although Armin had never seen the man there in all these years the blonde lived there. 
Was it her? 
She was a little…eccentric. Not in a bad way, but their last interaction was proof that the woman had some practices Armin had never seen before. And she did know him by name, borrowed the exact same book he was reading barely minutes ago, arrived home at ungodly hours. It was not far-fetched to theorize that she was a psychic. 
Armin wondered if he needed antipsychotics, but decided to do something worse.
You - tormented
The book was sitting on your table, with you staring at it incessantly. 
“It’s just a book. Just a book” 
You were hesitant, for some unknown reason. You had dealt with worse situations, but there was something about reading into Armin that left you nervous. 
“Now or never” you said, finally grasping your fingers on the cover. 
You could feel the same depression and agony as before, a hint of his feelings while reading the book, some voices saying horrible things.
"stop it!"
"there is nothing here, nothing!"
"you’re a man, Armin, stop crying!"
"little freak afraid of the dark, little freak afraid of the dark"
You took your hands off, eyes closed tightly. Oh, poor Armin. You did not need to see much to understand what had happened, why he was a runner, why the constant persecution of depression. The man was a tormented child, fears shut down in front of disbelief. A lonely child dealing with sight beyond the average. You were about to pick up the book again, maybe try to read more into his feelings, but a knock interrupted.
“Just a moment” 
Armin - third reading
His palms were sweating. He had no idea why the sudden urge to talk to her, but it was too late to retreat.
“Just a moment” a muffled voice said inside. 
It took a few minutes until she opened the door, the kitten in her arms. 
“Oh” she said “Hi, Armin”
The blond did not say anything, just kept watching her and the little cat. 
“Is there anything you need?” she asked, brows expressing confusion.
Why was he there? Why?
“uh” he pathetically said “uhm, I-this-uh”
He sighed deeply, wishing he could restart his brain, or maybe his entire existence. 
“Deep breaths” she said “is anything wrong?”
“No, no” he blurted “uh, may I speak with you?” 
“Of course”
She motioned for him to enter her home - again, the woman had some self preservation issues. The apartment was the same as last time, but with the addition of some random toys on the ground.
“Sorry about the mess, this little kitten is a handful”
“No worries, I had a few cats as a kid, I get it” Armin replied. 
She finally put the kitten on the ground after closing the door, the small white creature quickly jumping on the bed to rest. 
“Tea?” she offered, but Armin declined “So, you wanted to speak”
Armin tried to breathe deeply. He could do this. Taking the card from his breast pocket, he finally spoke.
“A regular came into the library and dropped this, it is your address”
She took the small square in between her fingers, to which Armin stared at the soft skin for a little too long. 
“It’s…mine?” she simply admitted “a regular, you say?”
“Mister Zinitra”
Her face was not easy to read, but Armin could almost see a hint of annoyance cross her beautiful features. 
“Of course” she whispered.
Now or never, Armin. 
You - third reading
You were far from a regular person, your abilities were proof of that. Who were you to judge somebody’s actions? 
But Armin was a strangely stunted man, almost amusingly so. 
He sat there, in the only chair of your room, with the purpose of returning a business card that you were not even aware existed until that point. Gael had a lot of explanations to do. 
“Is it true?” Armin asked “what says on the card”
You nodded, trying to remain calm. He was a runner, and the last thing you wanted was for him to actually run. You had to play safe, make him feel safe. 
“Well” you started “I know this is difficult to believe, but..yes”
Armin was still very quiet, or perhaps that was his entire personality, and you were visualizing him sprinting through your door. 
“You knew my name” he affirmed.
“Of course I did” you chuckled.
“Is it because you’re...you know” he said, face  slightly uneasy.
You decided to tease him, putting a serious face and leaning as if you were going to tell him a secret.
“A psychic?” you whispered.
Armin’s eyes were so focused on yours, waiting for the answer, that you felt shivers. His blue eyes glowing under the full moon light, his blond hair like liquid silver. You wanted to drag that moment, admire his beauty for longer, but your serious face cracked and you laughed a little too loud.
“Your post office box is right beside mine, Arlert” you replied.
Armin stared at you for agonizing minutes, until he burst out laughing.
Armin - further
The weeks passed in a blur, but Armin felt less miserable than before. His nightmares were less intense and he could even sleep in his bed. The medication started to make his panic attacks less violent, his depression less debilitating. He felt lighter. His neighbor - he finally knew her name - taught him many other things he could do to clean his space. She had given him a censer, along with some dried leaves, and she would often offer him strange herbal teas in two liter bottles. 
“It’s for bathing, not drinking” she had said “you pour this all over your body, after showering and cleaning yourself thoroughly, and let it air dry”
He felt stupid while doing it alone in his bathroom because, deep inside his heart, he wanted to say that everything was stupid, that it did not work. That psychic woman could be a scammer, but she never once charged him for anything, it seemed that she was helping from the kindness of her heart. He did not want to believe it. Believe that someone was doing something for him, actually trying to protect and not…make him stop.
“Did you finish the book?” he asked once she entered the library.
“Yes, it was heartbreaking” she commented “you could have said something”
“Can’t you foresee if the book is going to be sad just by touching it?” Armin joked slightly.
She narrowed her eyes, but he could see the amusement in them.
“That’s not how it works, Arlert!” 
“But it works if you want to stalk what I was reading then” he replied back. 
She rolled her eyes, probably not impressed with him teasing her about how non coincidental it was the choice to read the midnight palace. He was quite terrified when she told him about that occasion, but it made sense when he remembered the odd behaviors of that encounter. It took Armin a while to be used to her abilities, or at least what she allowed him to know. 
“Arlert, just check the book” she smiled. 
He took the small book from her hands, this time the brushing of fingers did not cause any shock. 
“Can I ask you something, mister librarian?”
“Go ahead?” he said, still focusing on adjusting the book status in the system. 
“Join me for dinner?” 
The poor blond froze, looking at the computer screen. He abruptly straightened his posture, looking everywhere but her face. Why? For what reason? Was it a date? Did she like him like that (he had a little bit of a crush, just a little).
“You can say no, Armin. I won’t be upset-”
“No no- I mean” he sighed deeply “Yes, dinner is good. Yes”
He was so pathetic, of course he had to stutter.
“Can you choose the place? I am still new to the town” 
He nodded, still having trouble focusing his eyes on hers. Despite his nervousness, his heart was warm and his face even warmer. 
“I know a place” he confirmed.
Do you like history, folklore, archeology and mythology? Please consider following my side blog @thehistorianrants I'll be more than happy to interact with all of you! Kisses
Finally, I was able to post this! Unfortunately I was not able to post this on October due to many problems in my personal life, I've been struggling really hard and I am hoping that fanfic and my history rants can help restore my health. Thank for the people who are always here, supporting my content.
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knavestrolls · 1 year
"✄ Kore!!!! Kore!!!! ✄" -> Manic laughter? Oh great, it was Koi. "✄ Kore there's so many cute boys around here!!! And some pretty women!!!! Oh Kore, is this heaven...~? ✄"
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Sso many optionss! It'ss exhilarating, possitively wonderful. Have you found your next one then? I haven't yet... But I'm ssure I will ssoon. Sshe's waiting.
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nevermindtheweights · 2 years
That girl you said would have been my fourth
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I'm talking about Kancolle's Version of Prinz Eugen, of course. Though, I will admit, i do think Azur Lane's Version is very cute, she is also different.
the simple nature of a short blonde german girl whose very cute and charming is just good.
as I said to Shiki last night, i am very much surprised her and Bismarck have often been overlooked! Their designs are simple yet very good imo.
So yeah, sshe's someone i am considering adding eventually as I clearly need more chonky shorties and boat girls.
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dcwnrisen-aa · 2 years
¥ - Amanda for Sol
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Put ¥ in my ask and my muse will rate your muse on:
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Would they date them: yes | no
Favorite thing about them:  ❝ ━ I love how beautiful she is, especially on the inside. She's selfless and giving and kind. Sometimes she's playful and it's just so cute. How, even when sshe's the strongest person I know, she's also the most vulnerable and the fact that she lets me see that, because she knows she's safe with me. It's the best compliment. ❞
Least favorite thing about them: ❝ ━ She reminds me of Atlas, but I don't want the world on her shoulders. I want her to be able to take a break, the world will be there when she gets back to saving it. It caan last a few days without her breaking herself. I know it's ingrained but she deserves a vacation where I can spoil her endlessly, shamelessly.❞
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water-mellie-seeds · 2 years
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caracello · 2 years
this will have no context for u but it really showcases how kindhearted and loving Camilla is so heres a link to some cute artwork <3
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ihavealavalamp · 4 years
BLUEBEAR.... i care her 🥺
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lesbianpikachuu · 3 years
probably go to sleep soon im so sleeby shshdnfmng but still
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shrimpcolour · 5 years
in conclusion: i think im falling for my best friend
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