#SS Charlemagne
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suddenly obsessed with the idea that charle moves like a stop motion character and im making it canon
#` ooc || move bitch im 𝙂𝘼𝙔 `#` 🜏 someday we'll find our rainbow connection || charlemagne. `#( im thinking more laik.a styled- maybe she was more rankin ba/ss when she was younger )#( JHBJDSF )#( it just makes sense bc shes a bjd )
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Members of the 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne the French volunteer corps preforming at an award ceremony
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Did any Vichy French units fight alongside the Nazis during Overlord?
The severely-limited Armistice Army was disbanded in 1942 during Fall Anton, after the Allies landed in French Algeria. So there was no official Vichy French army to fight alongside the Nazis. There were French volunteers for the SS such as the Charlemagne Legion, who were some of the final holdouts in the Battle of Berlin. There were other French people that volunteered for the Wehrmacht. There were a few French conscripts from German-speaking parts of Alsace-Lorraine, the Malgré-nous. But official Vichy France army units ceased to exist in November 1942.
Thanks for the question, Cle-Guy.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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Waffen-Grenadier-Brigade der SS "Charlemagne"
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Oberjunker “Prinz” Serge Protopopoff, born in Paris from Russians parents who escaped Russia and the bolshevik revolution, he fought during the battle of Berlin with the French SS Division Charlemagne, Protopopoff destroyed five enemy tanks in the battle, and was killed in April or May 1945.
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Des troupes au sol en Ukraine ? Pas question: l’OTAN, l’Allemagne et la Pologne recadrent Macron
«Ce qui a été convenu dès le début entre nous et les uns avec les autres vaut également pour l'avenir», a rectifié le chancelier Scholz.
«A savoir qu'il n'y aura pas de soldats sur le sol ukrainien envoyés par des Etats européens ou des Etats de l'OTAN.»
«Il n'est pas prévu de stationner des troupes de combat de l'OTAN en Ukraine», a aussi rétropédalé (https://apnews.com/) le secrétaire de l’OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg.
Et pour compléter le tout, la porte-parole russe Maria Zakharova a ajouté (https://t.me/MariaVladimirovnaZakharova/7162):
«Emmanuel, avez-vous décidé de monter une division SS Charlemagne (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/33e_division_SS_Charlemagne) II (*Charlemagne deux) pour défendre le bunker de Zelensky?»
Je voudrais vous rappeler qu'il y a à peine un mois, le ministre français des Affaires étrangères avait nié l'implication de Paris dans le recrutement de mercenaires pour le régime de Kiev et avait qualifié des preuves directes de «propagande russe grossière».
*En français dans le texte.
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In the real world Charlemagne imposed capital punishment for witch-hunters. 0785 AD, Council of Paderborn. Look it up.
He imposed this penalty because Saxon pagans had regular massacres over witchcraft accusations.
Congratulations on being exactly the opposite of correct. And, by the way, repeating a narrative popularized by Heinrich Himmler, head of the Nazi SS.
This is just a reminder of how Christianity became so popular today.*
During the reign of Charlemagne, women were impaled on sharpened poles put in the vagina.
Slowly, over days, the pole would travel the length of the body through the organs, causing tremendous pain, simply because a woman was found collecting herbs in the forest. She was labelled a witch.
Their screams could be heard for days as an example to those who would not accept the foreign faith. Christianity became so popular because of sheer terror of what would happen if it wasn't accepted
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Events 10.9 (before 1920)
768 – Carloman I and Charlemagne are crowned kings of the Franks. 1238 – James I of Aragon founds the Kingdom of Valencia. 1410 – The first known mention of the Prague astronomical clock. 1446 – The Hangul alphabet is published in Korea. 1594 – Troops of the Portuguese Empire are defeated on Sri Lanka, bringing an end to the Campaign of Danture. 1604 – Kepler's Supernova is the most recent supernova to be observed within the Milky Way. 1635 – Roger Williams is banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony after religious and policy disagreements. 1701 – The Collegiate School of Connecticut (later renamed Yale University) is chartered in Old Saybrook. 1708 – Peter the Great defeats the Swedes at the Battle of Lesnaya. 1740 – Dutch colonists and Javanese natives begin a massacre of the ethnic Chinese population in Batavia, eventually killing at least 10,000. 1760 – Seven Years' War: Russian and Austrian troops briefly occupy Berlin. 1790 – A severe earthquake in northern Algeria causes severe damage and a tsunami in the Mediterranean Sea and kills three thousand. 1799 – HMS Lutine sinks with the loss of 240 men and a cargo worth £1,200,000. 1804 – Hobart, capital of Tasmania, is founded. 1806 – Prussia begins the War of the Fourth Coalition against France. 1812 – War of 1812: In a naval engagement on Lake Erie, American forces capture two British ships: HMS Detroit and HMS Caledonia. 1820 – Guayaquil declares independence from Spain. 1825 – Restauration arrives in New York Harbor from Norway, the first organized immigration from Norway to the United States. 1831 – Ioannis Kapodistrias, the first head of state of independent Greece, is assassinated. 1834 – Opening of the Dublin and Kingstown Railway, the first public railway on the island of Ireland. 1847 – Slavery is abolished in the Swedish colony of Saint Barthélemy. 1861 – American Civil War: Union troops repel a Confederate attempt to capture Fort Pickens at the Battle of Santa Rosa Island. 1864 – American Civil War: Union cavalrymen defeat Confederate forces at Toms Brook, Virginia. 1873 – A meeting at the U.S. Naval Academy establishes the U.S. Naval Institute. 1874 – The Universal Postal Union is created by the Treaty of Bern. 1900 – The Cook Islands become a territory of the United Kingdom. 1911 – An accidental bomb explosion triggers the Wuchang Uprising against the Qing dynasty, beginning the Xinhai Revolution. 1913 – The steamship SS Volturno catches fire in the mid-Atlantic. 1914 – World War I: The Siege of Antwerp comes to an end. 1918 – The Finnish Parliament offers to Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse the throne of a short-lived Kingdom of Finland. 1919 – The Cincinnati Reds win the World Series, resulting in the Black Sox Scandal.
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441) Parti Nationaliste Français; PNF, French Nationalist Party, Francuska Partia Nacjonalistyczna - skrajnie prawicowy neofaszystowski ruch polityczny założony w 1983 roku przez byłych członków Front National (FN), w tym byłych członków Waffen-SS, takich jak Pierre Bousquet, Jean Castrillo i Henri Simon wokół magazynu Militant. Nieaktywny po początku lat 90., został reaktywowany w 2015 r. Po rozwiązaniu przez władze francuskie ruchu néo-petainistycznego L'Œuvre Française w 2013 r. Jego obecnym rzecznikiem jest skrajnie prawicowy bojownik Yvan Benedetti. Organizacja została założona w grudniu 1983 roku przez Pierre'a Bousqueta, Jeana Castrillo, Henri Simona (trzech z nich było byłymi członkami Waffen-SS Charlemagne), Pierre'a Pauty'ego, André Delaporte'a, Patrice'a Chabaille'a i Alaina Renault. Wszyscy z wyjątkiem Simona byli byłymi członkami Frontu Narodowego (FN), którzy odłączyli się od partii w 1980 r. po tym, jak odrzucili ją jako „zbyt konserwatywną” i „zbyt syjonistyczną” po śmierci François Duprata w 1978 r. Sam przywódca FN, Jean-Marie Le Pen, był postrzegany jako marionetka Żydów, a wschodzący członek FN Jean-Pierre Stirbois oskarżony o potajemne bycie Żydem. Alain de La Tocnaye, który brał udział w ataku terrorystycznym Petit-Clamart na ówczesnego prezydenta Francji Charlesa de Gaulle'a, był także członkiem-założycielem partii. Pauty był liderem i pierwszym prezesem Parti Nationaliste Français (PNF). Ich celem było „zorganizowanie francuskich nacjonalistów i legalne rozpowszechnianie ich doktryny”, ale rasistowska ideologia „białej Europy od Brestu po Władywostok” nie przekonała opinii publicznej. Dwa lata po założeniu Partii Nacjonalistycznej w czerwcu 1985 r. grupa radykałów oddzieliła się od PNF, tworząc Francuską i Europejską Partię Nacjonalistyczną (PNFE), której członkowie brali udział w kilku atakach terrorystycznych pod koniec lat 80. która zastąpiła PNF jako główną grupę neonazistowską we Francji aż do własnego rozwiązania w 1999 r. Od początku lat 90. PNF osłabiło odejście jej lidera Pierre'a Pauty'ego, który wstąpił do FN w 1992 roku, oraz śmierć Pierre'a Bousqueta w 1991 roku. W czerwcu 1995 r. Pauty uzyskała 26,2% głosów w wyborach samorządowych w Saint-Denis w Seine-Saint-Denis. W międzyczasie organizacja stała się nieaktywna, ocalał tylko jej magazyn Militant. W tym okresie partia liczyła nie więcej niż 100 bojowników. Po rozwiązaniu L'Œuvre Française w 2013 r. jej prezes Yvan Benedetti wraz z André Gandillonem, redaktorem naczelnym Militant, reaktywowali Francuską Partię Nacjonalistyczną jako nowy początek zakazanego stowarzyszenia. We wrześniu 2015 roku Benedetti został jej rzecznikiem i wezwał wszystkich członków L'Œuvre do wstąpienia do PNF. W 2022 roku rzecznik partii Yvan Benedetti bezskutecznie próbował kandydować w wyborach prezydenckich we Francji w 2022 roku. Od 2016 roku na czele partii stoi 15-osobowe prezydium, w skład którego wchodzą Jean-François Simon (przewodniczący), André Gandillon (sekretarz generalny), Éric Leroy (skarbnik) i Yvan Benedetti (rzecznik). Castrillo był członkiem prezydium od 1983 r. do śmierci w 2012 r.
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what is your opinion on Charlemagne
and yes this is an SS question
I don't have an opinion on Charlemagne
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Frenchmen make good Nazis
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Fils d'une famille bourgeoise, il passe son bac en 1926. Il apprend à piloter et effectuera une vingtaine de vols avant un atterrissage en catastrophe à la suite d'une panne de carburant. Passionné par la moto, il abandonne alors ses études pour se consacrer à cette passion : Dunkerque-Perpignan en moins de 24 heures, rallye de Monte-Carlo, raid Paris-Athènes, traversée de l'Atlas marocain, etc.. Il découvre l'alpinisme et s'illustre dans les années 1930 par des expéditions en montagne et en Laponie. Il devient l'un des responsables des Auberges de la jeunesse en France. En 1936 il entre au cabinet de Léo Lagrange, sous-secrétaire d'État aux Sports dans le gouvernement du Front populaire. Séduit par l'Allemagne lors d'un voyage effectué en 1929, ce sympathisant socialiste, journaliste à La Dépêche du Midi et à Sciences et voyages, se tourne vers le national-socialisme.
Durant l'Occupation, Marc Augier dirige le mouvement Jeunes pour l'Europe nouvelle et devient rédacteur en chef de La Gerbe, hebdomadaire collaborationniste dont le directeur de publication est Alphonse de Châteaubriant. Intégrant le Bureau politique du Parti populaire français (PPF) de Jacques Doriot, il suivra la Légion des volontaires français contre le bolchevisme (LVF), en juillet 1942. Après avoir été blessé, il retourne en 1944 auprès de la Waffen-SS française sur le front de l'est, en tant que correspondant de presse attitré. À la fin de la guerre, il est également responsable de la publication de Devenir, organe officiel de la Division Charlemagne. En avril 1945, il est en Italie. Il est condamné à mort par contumace le 15 octobre 1948.
Clandestin après 1945, il publie sous le pseudonyme de M-A de Saint-Loup un roman, Face Nord qui remporte un beau succès en France. Il part pour l'Argentine. Il y est un temps instructeur dans l'armée et publie un roman, La Nuit commence au Cap Horn, qui devait lui valoir le prix Goncourt, mais son identité fut révélée par Le Figaro Littéraire ; parmi les jurés de ce prix,, seule Colette ne rétractera pas son vote à la suite de la polémique. Revenu en France après huit ans d'exil il se constitue prisonnier en 1953. Son procès devant le tribunal militaire condamné à deux ans de prison, il sera aussitôt gracié par l'amnistie. Saint-Loup poursuit une carrière d'écrivain et de journaliste. Son œuvre est marquée par la recherche de l'aventure et du dépassement de soi ainsi que par l'hostilité à la philosophie chrétienne. Il se fait aussi le chantre des « patries charnelles » en publiant divers romans consacrés aux mouvements régionalistes et à la survie de l'homme en milieu sauvage.
Pensées pour ce grand écrivain.
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Additional information : Marine Le Pen's party doesn't only have a history of antisemitism, it was funded in part by a SS at the beginning.
Yes I will take any occasion to remind everyone. It was. Funded. By. A. SS. Of the Charlemagne division.
And on the radio I heard people who claimed to be Jewish praising her for her stance.
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Christian de la Mazière, giovanissimo giornalista della Collaborazione, volontario nella "Charlemagne" negli ultimi combattimenti sul fronte orientale, nel dopoguerra impresario nel jet set del cinema internazionale in Costa Azzurra, amante di Juliette Greco e Dalida: le sue memorie inedite in italiano, ora in prevendita per Italia Storica Edizioni storico-militari a 24,00 Euro spedizione tracciabile inclusa!
OFFERTA VALIDA SINO AL 16 GENNAIO, libro in uscita subito dopo!
Pagamento diretto via Paypal (indicate sempre l'indirizzo spedizione, grazie!) al link qui https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ITALIASTORICA/24
O mandateci pure una mail a [email protected] per pagamenti IBAN e conto corrente postale!
«Credevo di aver preso congedo dal mio passato, ma un mattino mi ha ritrovato. Stavano preparando un film sul periodo dell’Occupazione, quei famigerati anni difficili che la Storia aveva tanto semplificato. La Resistenza e la Collaborazione, i puri e i maledetti: questa dicotomia era una cosa normale dal giorno in cui la fine della guerra ci aveva rivelato, in tutto il suo orrore, la realtà del na71smo. Ma i francesi, scossi dagli eventi che il futuro non aveva ancora sanzionato, che avevano dovuto prendere una decisione nella confusione dei tempi, che la vita giorno dopo giorno già mobilitava solo per sopravvivere, quei francesi, come si erano comportati? La verità diventava improvvisamente innumerevole e dolorosa, e bisognava decifrarla attraverso il Dolore e la Pietà, come il film, nel titolo, enunciava. La verità aveva cento volti, e io ne incarnavo solo uno.Quindi chi ero io per dover testimoniare? Un ex militare delle Wa//en §§, uno scampato della divisione francese “Charlemagne” che nella primavera del 1945 era andata a farsi massacrare tra le nevi della Pomerania. Da allora, più di vent’anni erano trascorsi. Avevo a poco a poco rioccupato un posto nella vita».
Christian de La Mazière, Il sognatore con l'elmetto.
Formato 13x20, brossura, 374 pagg., Italia Storica edizioni Genova, 2022.
#Collaborazionismo#collaboration#collabos#dalida#delamaziere#christian de la maziere#Louis-Ferdinand Céline#celine#books#bookstagram#paris#france#berlin#berlin 1945#war#ww2#Waffen SS#charlemagne#ss charlemagne#juliette greco#film#movie#cannes#latest movie news
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• 33rd Waffen Division SS Charlemagne
The 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne (1st French) or Charlemagne Regiment are collective names used for units of French volunteers in the Wehrmacht and later Waffen-SS during World War II. An estimated 7,340 to 11,000 men served in the unit at its peak in 1944. The unit's members participated in the final days of the Battle in Berlin in the area of the Führerbunker and were among the last Axis forces to surrender.
The unit was formed in 1944, combining troops serving in other French units of the German armed forces, as well as from the paramilitary Franc-Garde of the Milice. The original French unit in the German Army was the Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism or (LFV). The LVF was also known by its official German designation, the 638th Infantry Regiment. The LVF was mainly recruited from Pro-Fascist Frenchmen and elements among French prisoners of war. The LVF received 13,400 applicants, but many were weeded out and 5,800 were placed on the rolls. The LVF while in France wore a French army style khaki uniform and on their collar was their battalion number below an inverted chevron or the LVF emblem.
Outside France they wore the standard German Army uniform with only a shield on the right upper arm with the colors of the French flag with the word France or LVF to distinguish it. By October 1941, there were two battalions of 2,271 men which had 181 officers and an additional staff of 35 German officers. They fought near Moscow in November 1941 as part of the 7th Infantry Division. The LVF lost half their numbers in action or through frost-bite. In 1942, the men were assigned to rear-security operations in the Byelorussian SSR. At the same time, another unit was formed in France, La Légion Tricolore (Tricolor Regiment) but this unit was absorbed into the LVF six months later. The LVF operated in Ukraine during this period. In early 1944, the unit again took part in rear-security operations. In June 1944, following the collapse of Army Group Centre's front during the Red Army's summer offensive, the LVF was attached to the 4th SS Police Regiment.
A new recruiting drive in Vichy France attracted 3,000 applicants, mostly members of collaborationist militia (Milice) and university students. The official requirements were that the recruit had to be "free of Jewish blood" and between 20 and 25 years old. This formation, known as the 8th SS Volunteer Sturmbrigade France, was led by a former Foreign Legionnaire SS-Obersturmbannführer Paul Marie Gamory-Dubourdeau. In September 1944, a new unit, the Waffen-Grenadier-Brigade der SS Charlemagne, was formed out of the remnants of the LVF and French Sturmbrigade, both of which were disbanded. Joining them were French collaborators fleeing the Allied advance in the west, as well as Frenchmen from the German Navy, the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK), the Organisation Todt and the detested Milice security police.
In February 1945, the unit was officially upgraded to a division and renamed to SS Division Charlemagne. At this time it had a strength of 7,340 men. The division was sent to fight the Red Army in Poland, but on February 25th it was attacked at Hammerstein in Pomerania, by troops of the Soviet 1st Belorussian Front. The Soviet forces split the French force into three pockets. One group was destroyed by Soviet artillery and a second group tried fighting its way back westward, but by March 17th all had been captured or killed in action.
By early April 1945, SS-Brigadeführer Gustav Krukenberg commanded only about 700 men organized into a single infantry regiment with two battalions. and one heavy support battalion without equipment. He released about 400 men to serve in a construction battalion; the remainder, numbering about 350, had chosen to go to Berlin. On April 23rd the Reich Chancellery in Berlin ordered Krukenberg to proceed to the capital with his men, who were reorganized as Assault Battalion (Sturmbataillon) Charlemagne. Between 320 and 330 French troops arrived in Berlin on April 24th after a long detour to avoid advance columns of the Red Army. The SS men noted that the first night in Berlin was unnaturally quiet. On April 25th, Krukenberg was appointed the commander of (Berlin) Defence Sector C which included SS Division Nordland, whose previous commander, Joachim Ziegler, was relieved of his command earlier the same day.
The Frenchmen walked from West to East Berlin, to a brewery near the Hermannplatz. Here fighting began, with Hitler Youth firing Panzerfausts at Soviet tanks belonging to advance guards near the Tempelhof Airport. Supported by Tiger II tanks and the 11th SS Panzer Battalion, men of Charlemagne took part in a counterattack on the morning of 26 April in Neukölln. The counterattack ran into an ambush by Soviet troops using a captured German Panther tank. The regiment lost half of the available troops in Neukölln on the first day. It later defended Neukölln's Town Hall. Given that Neukölln was heavily penetrated by Soviet combat groups, Krukenberg prepared fallback positions for Sector C defenders around Hermannplatz. The Soviet advance into Berlin followed a pattern of massive shelling followed by assaults using house-clearing battle groups of about 80 men in each, with tank escorts and close artillery support. On April 27th, the remnants of Nordland were pushed back into the central government district.
On April 28th, the Red Army started a full-scale offensive into the central sector. Charlemagne was in the center of the battle zone around the Reich Chancellery. The Soviets forces drove what was left of the battalion back to the vicinity of the Reich Aviation Ministry in the central government district. After Hitler's suicide on April 30th, the unit's men were part of the last defenders in the area of the bunker complex. By the evening, the French SS men had destroyed another 21 Soviet tanks. On the night of May 1st, Krukenberg told the men that were left to split up into small groups and attempt to break-out. Reduced to approximately thirty troops, most French SS men surrendered near the Potsdamer rail station to the Red Army. Some French SS men surrendered to the British, yet several officers men were sent to the Soviet Union to face trails. Most of the rest the remaining men who made it to France were apprehended and sent to Allied prisons and camps.
#long post#second world war#military history#wwii#world war 2#world war ii#french#french history#german history#waffen ss#military#battle of berlin#charlemagne
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