muzzlemouths · 1 year
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Those same hands which first touched so callously now frame you without hesitation. Consciousness is fleeting yet you are distinctly aware of the sharp nails cradling attentively at the base of your skull, and more still along the small of your back, keeping you near their embrace as the sky fades from your sight. How cruel, that your last, dying memory is to be held so gently in the arms of a stranger.
Open Water, Reckless Fishes is a Choose Your Own Adventure fic following your slow descent into madness and mystery at the hands of two strangely familiar eldritch beings.
It features art, music, and a plot which will have you questioning wrong from right. Your choices determine the outcome of this story, each having a unique reward and consequence that will eventually decide your fate, so choose wisely.
...If you're ready, you can start your adventure [here]
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virescent-v · 11 months
Hey, can I request #92 pls. Maybe with a little angst but I’m leaving it to you🩷
hi hi hi, so sorry this took like...two weeks. life, ya know?
it started as something, and im not sure this is the angst you were really looking for (that really isn't my area of expertise i should work on that lmfao) but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
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Definitely Not Friends
Word Count: 2.7k+
Prompt: “friends don’t do this kind of shit”
Warnings: It's smutty, ya'll, but not my "normal" kind of smut
The repetitive nature of your ongoing…tryst with Emily was getting under your skin. It had all started off so innocently; just some casual flirtation between coworkers. Nothing that Derek and Penelope haven’t been accused of over the years. But before you knew it, you were spending more alone time with Emily than any of your other coworkers. Late night talks on the phone, dinners after long cases to unwind, Friday night movie nights, the list goes on. 
At first, you didn’t think much of it. Just two coworkers who saw some terrible shit every day who got on well enough to lean on one another. 
But then Emily started pushing the envelope. 
A brush across your shoulders as she was passing by. A squeeze of your hand before getting out of the SUV to catch a killer. Eye contact that lasted just a little too long. A lip bite that made your breath catch. 
Innocent enough things that you convinced yourself you were just imagining them. 
But then one night after a gut wrenching case, she kissed you. 
She had driven you home from the airport after getting back from a two week case in Minnesota. It was well after midnight, you could barely keep your eyes open, and you couldn’t figure out if you wanted to spend the rest of the night crying, eating your feelings in ice cream, or sleeping for the next six days. 
She walked you to your door, nothing out of the usual. You looked at her before going inside to say goodbye, but she engulfed you in the best hug of your life. Her arms around you were strong. Supportive. You could feel your whole body melt into hers. 
You’ve never felt more safe. 
When you pulled back a little to look at her, your eyes caught and you tried to convey everything you couldn’t find the words for. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest. 
And then, she kissed you and she ran. 
You stood stupefied on your porch, watched her get back into the unmarked SUV before speeding off into the night. 
You didn’t talk to her for three days. 
At work, she acted like everything was normal. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to bring it up because you weren’t even sure what it was. Was it just a comfort thing? Did she have feelings for you? You couldn’t tell. Emily was so hard to read on a good day, let alone when your head was all over the place. 
A few days passed and it had seemed like everything went back to normal. You talked every day, had gone to a few meals together, and she came over for a movie night. 
Except this movie night was different, too. 
She was wearing a skimpier set of pajamas. A loose fitting tank top and the shortest pair of shorts you had ever seen. You knew for a fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra because her nipples were visible through the material. You weren’t sure how she hadn’t caught you staring. 
She sat closer to you on the couch than normal, too. Your sides were basically joined from shoulder to thigh. You could feel her warmth radiating from her to you, the nervous excitement making your body heat up even more in return. 
Again, you weren’t sure what was happening, but you were going to roll with it. The unknowing was thrilling in itself. 
Emily fell asleep halfway through whatever romcom you had put on, her head on your shoulder, her hand lazily resting on your thigh. 
You were too nervous to move, your breaths short as not to jostle her. 
You’re pretty sure you could die happy on this couch with Emily’s head resting on you. 
It was almost the end of the movie when Emily shuffled in her sleep, her head moving towards the crook of your neck, her hand traveling dangerously close to the apex of your thighs. You could feel the heat erupt through your body, your stomach starting to twist into knots. You knew you should probably wake her, get her into your guest bed, and go to sleep. But you were enjoying her being this close too much. 
You could feel her breath against the side of your neck, the little puffs of air almost tickling. She grunted in her sleep, her hand tightening around your thigh, her nose nuzzling against you as she let out a sexy little “mmhmm.” 
Your mind immediately went to the gutter and you could only imagine her making that sound as she ground her hips against yours in your bed. 
You pressed your thighs together to stop the zoom of arousal that shot through you. You barely suppressed the moan that wanted to tumble from your lips. 
You finally gained the courage to wake her and get her to the guest room. Sleepy Emily was one of your favorites; she turned almost incoherent and klutzy and it was maybe the cutest thing you’d ever seen. 
As you were pulling the sheets up around her, she all but dragged you into the bed with her. She got you settled under the covers and immediately cuddled into you, making you into the little spoon. Again, you could feel her breath on your neck, her hand lazily drawing patterns on your upper thigh and hip. 
You felt yourself freeze as she sleepily mumbled, “Stop overthinking it. Go to sleep.” 
You woke up the next morning and she was already gone. 
Your life with Emily continued on like this for a month. Little things would happen that would make you question your relationship to her and then she’d act as if nothing happened and that you two were just really good friends. 
It was making your mind spin, giving you a constant headache. 
You were almost fed up with the constant see-sawing, ready to talk to her about what was happening, when you two first fell into bed together. 
Another bad case, a late night out at the bar with everyone, and too many shots of tequila. 
You woke up the following morning with a pounding headache, a dry mouth, and fuzzy memories of the night before. All you could remember was the smell of her signature perfume, the feel of lips on skin, and sore muscles. 
You probably would’ve written it off, thought it was just your overactive imagination if it hadn’t been for the rather large bite mark on the inside of your thigh. 
You could feel your cheeks heating up in embarrassment, especially since the memories were still alluding you. You probably would’ve tried to write it off as a random hook up if it hadn’t been for the fact that Emily had woken up in bed beside you, an almost matching bite mark against her collarbone. 
This time, it was a little harder to write off what had happened. Especially since you were both naked. 
You could feel your mouth opening and closing like a fish, an almost panicked look in your eyes. 
Emily cleared her throat. “Wanna get breakfast?” 
You were never more appreciative and pissed for her nonchalant attitude. 
“Sure,” you said, a sudden burst of confidence hitting you as you got out of bed to head to the bathroom without worrying about covering up. 
You’re pretty sure you heard Emily gasp as you closed the bathroom door, a little victorious smirk playing at your lips. 
Again, you two never talked about what happened. 
It almost seemed like a game. How many days you two could go before stumbling into one of these moments together. 
You made it thirty-six hours without snuggling on the couch for a movie. 
You made it thirty-seven hours without Emily’s hand finding your thigh. 
You made it eighty-eight hours without her kissing you after a night out. 
You made it one hundred and fourteen hours before she was back in your bed. 
Except this time, you were both sober. 
You had almost gotten yourself killed. Not on purpose, just a run in with one of the many psychopaths you deal with at work. Wrong place, wrong time kind of thing. 
But after he’d been placed in cuffs, Emily had this absolutely feral look in her eyes. Uncaged. Like she was seconds away from combusting. 
She drove you home. Like always. But the entire ride was silent. 
You made it into your apartment, the door barely closed behind you before she exploded. “What the fuck were you thinking?” She shouted. 
It made you take a step back. She’d never raised her voice at you before. Emily was breathing heavily, her chest heaving, her fists clenched at her sides. 
You were sure you looked scared, befuddled, bewildered. You couldn’t even process quick enough to say anything before she continued. 
“You almost got yourself killed! He had you pinned to the fucking floor! There’s bruises along your arms from where he touched you!” At this point, you could see Emily almost vibrating with her anger. But you were fairly certain she wasn’t actually angry. At least you hoped not. 
“I can’t believe you would be so reckless to walk into a building alone! You knew what he was capable of! How sneaky he’s been! But you didn’t care!” Emily started pacing around the floor, her eyes wild, but focused on her hands, her fingers twisting around each other. 
You could feel your own misplaced anger starting to race through your veins. “I knew what I was doing! I had cleared the room! I don’t know how he got the jump on me, but how on earth is that my fucking fault, Emily? We split up, like we do to cover the premises, and I drew the short end of the stick!” You let out a breath. “Why are you blaming me? Blame him!” 
She spun around to face you, her nostrils flaring. “I am! But I’m also blaming you!” 
You rolled your eyes, tossed your hands up,” Why? What did I do? Why are you mad at me and yelling at me?” 
“Because you didn’t wait for me!”  
Your eyes caught Emily’s. Beneath the anger, beneath her guarded shell, you could see the fear in her eyes. The realization that something worse than a couple of bruises could have happened. 
You tried to open your mouth, say something, but before you could, Emily muttered a quick “fuck it” before crossing the room to you, crushing her lips to yours. 
Before you knew it, clothes were scattered along the hallway to your bedroom. 
Emily tossed you back onto the bed, her body quickly making its way between your thighs. You quickly wrapped your legs around her waist, dragging her closer to you, tangling your hands in her hair as you brought her down for another heated kiss. 
Emily broke away from you, trailing her lips down the side of your neck, quickly finding the spot behind your ear that made you moan out loud. She spent a considerable amount of time there, making sure to leave her mark before moving lower down your throat, kissing across your collarbones, and down between the valley between your breasts. 
She wasted no time wrapping her lips around your turgid peak, taking satisfaction in the way it made you fist the sheets below you in your hands. She made sure to give the same attention to the other nipple, her hand making sure to not leave the opposite one alone for long. 
Emily could spend hours giving your breasts the attention they deserved, but she was almost as impatient as you seemed to be, so she kept making her way down your body, finding the sweet spots that made you whimper or sigh, making note of them for later. 
You could feel how wet you were already, but with Emily between your legs, you couldn’t get any friction to help the ache that was building. 
“Em, please,” you whispered, almost embarrassed by how much you needed her. The build up from all of the times she was just a little too close, the lingering touches, and even the thought of the last time you two fell into bed together (even though you unfortunately don’t remember much of it). It was driving you crazy. 
“Don’t worry, baby, I’ve got you,” she smirked at you before swiping her tongue through your wetness. 
“Fuck,” you breathed out, your eyes rolling back a little, one of your hands shooting down to her hair to keep her there. 
Emily ate you out as if her life depended on it, as if she could spend the rest of her life between your legs. She took her time to explore every inch of you, figuring out what moves made you whine, which ones made your entire body shudder, and what made you grip her hair harder. 
It didn’t take long for you to climb towards the edge of your orgasm, but before you could fall over, Emily stopped and pulled away from you. 
The gasp, the outrage on your face almost made Emily laugh out loud. “I love being friends with you,” she snickered at you, a taunting glint in her eyes. 
“Friends don’t do this kind of shit,” you scoffed, flabbergasted at Emily’s ability, even with your juices all over her face, to ignore what was happening between you two. 
You could feel Emily pause, her body tight, afraid to move. She didn’t expect you to lash out, and she could tell you weren’t really happy with her, upset with her disregard of everything. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her hands finding purchase on your hips, her thumbs rubbing back and forth a little. “I never knew how to…address this,” she shrugged. 
You nearly laughed at how small she looked, unable to make eye contact with you. She didn’t have an issue with having her mouth on your pussy two minutes ago, but now she couldn’t look you in the eye. 
“A conversation would’ve been a good place to start, Em. You made me feel like I was going crazy.” 
Her eyes finally caught yours and you could instantly tell that she really did feel sorry. Feelings just weren’t her thing. Before she could apologize again, you cut her off, “We can talk about it after you finish fucking me, Emily.” 
You watched her demeanor transform to something hungrier, cockier, feral. “Yes ma’am,” she mockingly saluted before connecting her lips to yours again, trying to convey everything that she was feeling. 
Her hand traveled down from your hip, stilling at the apex of your thighs, silently asking for permission. You nodded against her, your lips still connected in a heated kiss. 
She teasingly stroked your warm, wet pussy with her hand, gathering your juices on her fingers. She pulled back from your kiss, watching your expression as she slowly thrusted two fingers inside of you. 
You tried to keep eye contact with her, but after the build up of all of the little moments between you, it felt so good to finally have her inside of you. Emily slowly built up to an almost punishing pace, something fast, and hard, and exactly what you needed. Her fingers curled at just the right angle to hit that spot inside of you that made your toes curl and your breath hitch. 
Emily’s other hand made contact with your straining clit, rubbing tight, little circles to match her thrusts. You could feel yourself rushing towards that edge again, a breath away from letting go. 
“Come on, pretty girl. Let go for me.” 
Your release hit you like a freight train, your back arching off of the bed, your mouth open in a silent scream. You felt your muscles tense, the euphoria washing through you, before letting go and relaxing as Emily fucked you through your orgasm. You tried to catch your shallow breath, a light sheen of sweat across your flushed skin, before looking at Emily, your hands starting to dance across her skin. 
Emily’s own hands caught yours, catching the questioning look in your eyes. She kissed both of your palms before tangling your fingers together. “Later, baby. We should talk first.” 
Those words would usually cause a rush of panic to course through your blood, but something about the way that Emily was looking at you put you at ease. 
You took a deep breath, smiling a little at her, kissing her hands in return. “Yeah, we should.” 
She smiled back. 
And she didn’t run.
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onskepa · 11 months
Hello, could i get a neteyam x human fem reader one? Neteyam and reader were together for a short amount of time and they didn't have time to cuddle or stay together. One day Neteyam comes at the lab to meet with reader and forgets how small she really is. She's a rly short girl, maybe 4'11 (148 cm) so she smaller than all the humans from the lab. He takes advantage of it and corners her to the wall knwoing she can't escape or manhandles her like a doll. OML I WANT A NETEYAM IN MY LIFE SO BAD
Sorry if this was already asked but i don't remember if i requested this. Like ik i requested this but don't remember who i requested. Thank you
Hellooooooooo~!! You're the first to ask for a short reader! Which is refreshing to see XD Anyways! Hope you enjoyed this one~!!
A little tug here, a little pull there
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The humans are very different from each other. Some are tall, others are shorter, some have facial hair, others have short hair, different skin tomes, different accents, etc.
How humans look like has always peaked the sully children's interest. Norm is a funny looking human, tall, lanky, scrawny, and very smart.
But there is one human that never fails to catch interest of neteyam. That is Hi'i. Neteyam and hi'i have known each other for almost their entire lives. Know each others secrets, habits, hobbies, likes, dislikes, evertthing.
But if there is anything that always gets neteyam by surprise, is just how small hi'i is.
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Comparing all the humans height together. hi'i is the last in line, as being the shortest of them all. And neteyam likes it. Its not secret to everyone that neteyam likes to tease hi'i about her height.
It doesnt help since all na'vi are very tall, so when hi'i is next to tuk. Hi'i is very baby. So neteyam cant help it! He enjoys carrying her around , can easily pick her up as she weight less than a leaf.
So when they began to officially date, oh Eywa did the teasing turn up 10X more.
So every time neteyam goes to the lab to see his little lover, he really means little lover. Standing at 4'10 ft tall. So small. So little. So cute.
As the son of the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik, he has many responsibilities to do and a face to uphold. So unfortunately he doesn't get to see his little lover as much as he liked. But if there is one benefit to it all. It is that he will be NOT be constantly surprised how small his little lover is. He forgets most of the time but enjoys being reminded.
Like right now. Standing before him was his cute, small, little lover. "I see you came with big anticipation" hi'i smiles as she tells him. He nods in agreement, "of course, whenever I have the chance, I will always come see you".
Both sat in hi'i bedroom floor, just spending some quality time by listening to music and talking about each others days. But one thing that is consistent, is neteyam having the need to touch hi'i everywhere.
"neteyam, I think you have my body mapped out by now" hi'i giggled as neteyam's hands roam on her legs. Gently kissing her on the cheek, neteyam replies "ma'yawntutsyip, even if I know every inch of your body, my hands will never be away from you. You are just too cute to not handle".
Every praise, every comment neteyam says, hi'i cant help but be a blushing mess. It will never get old no matter how many times he says it.
"still, at some point you will have to stop" hi'i says, that only made neteyam want to explore more. From her legs to her arms, neteyam buries his face at the crook of hi'i neck. She gently placed her hand on his cheek.
"I don't wanna..." hi'i giggles at his childish act. Was a cute sight to see him pout and be clingy. Not everyday he can act like his age or more childlike.
"neteyam, give me a moment I need to get something from another room" hi'i says as she tries to wiggle out of neteyam's grasp. "no, I want you to stay like this. Whatever it is, you can get it later".
Hi'i slightly groans. "No because then I will forget about it, I will be back, it will only take two minutes I promise". Finally out of his grasp, she makes her way to the door only for neteyam's shadow loom over her.
"its just two minutes, not very-EEP!" hi'i almost fell down when neteyam cornered her. Placing his two long arms beside her body as means to refrain her from escaping. His golden eyes narrowing down at her, smirking a bit, giving a glimpse to his sharp fangs.
Seeing his fangs always make hi'i go weak on the knees. One of her many weaknesses.
"If I said no, then it is no. Now come here, let me hold you" effortlessly, as though he is holding a kitten. Neteyam picks up hi'i in his arms and sits back down with her being cuddled. Hi'i doesn't say anything since she is too busy blushing red and her mind is a puddle.
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And that is it for this one! Hope you liked this one! Until next time! see ya!
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hi'i = small
yawntutsyip = little beloved
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pasukiyo · 2 years
Heyy I'd like to request a Eddie x Reader, where they are best friends and she is trying everything to bring him to making a move on her, but no matter how obvious she is (dressing a certain way, creating compromising situations, whatever you can think of) he just does not notice it bc he has forbidden himself to think of you this way, so he rationalises it all away
And eventually the reader thinks she has to accept his disinterest and feels embarrassed and maybe a little insecure and becomes more closed off. Eddie notices ofc and eventually manages to make her confess she was trying to get his attention all along.
You can decide about the ending, either just a fluffy confession, or smut, or both, I'd be happy about whatever🥰 thank you in advance if you decide to write it :))
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LET ME LOVE YOU eddie munson x f!reader — angst, smut 2949 words
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 she couldn’t tell whether eddie was just plain stupid, or acting oblivious on purpose. for weeks now, she’d been making advances on him, even going as far as wearing more revealing clothes around him, pressing herself almost embarrassingly close to him. she’d even taken to cropping the hellfire club shirt eddie gave her, wearing her shortest pair of jean shorts to school that day, making sure she sat right next to eddie at lunch that day.
 “henderson, wheeler,” eddie watched as the two freshman boys ambled their way to their seats across the table from them, her fingers subtly stroking up and down the middle of his thigh, pretending as though she didn’t notice as she sunk her teeth down into her sandwich. “where’s sinclair?”
 “oh, you know,” dustin waved him off. “guess the basketball team had a meeting or whatever, so he’s with his little ‘b-ball’ friends.” eddie glanced over to the basketball team table, and sure enough, there lucas sinclair sat, clearly feeling uncomfortable and out of place. lucas seemed to catch eddie’s gaze, making sure none of the basketball players, especially jason carver, were looking as he mouthed a ‘sorry.’ eddie turned away, glimpsing down to his lunch. “oh well, i’m sure he’ll join us tomorrow, right?” she shrugged, kicking his foot with hers. 
 “mmm, i’m not so sure,” he mumbled, gesturing over to the heap of blonde hair at the head of the table whom she could only pinpoint as none other than jason carver himself. “he won’t let that kid live it down if he sees him with me,” eddie shook his head. “jason’s head is so far up his ass, i bet he can see out of his own mouth.”
 the table erupted into a fit of sniggering at this, and she giggled behind her hand, taking this as her chance to shoulder him. eddie snuck a peek over at her, pinching his bottom lip with his teeth in hopes to suppress the crimson creeping up to his cheeks. “hey, why does she get a hellfire shirt?” she narrowed her eyes over at gareth who sat on the other side of eddie, his forefinger aimed at her. eddie glanced between him and her, his eyes lingering over her chest for a second too long, and she noticed. “what d’you mean?” eddie questioned behind a mouthful of his food. 
 gareth cocked an eyebrow, “i mean, she doesn’t even play dnd. she’s not even part of our club.” the corner of her lip curved up into a smirk and she placed her sandwich back down onto her lunch tray, pressing her palms down against eddie’s thigh before she leaned over his lap, his muscles tensing beneath her touch. although she couldn’t see his face, she was almost certain that he’d gone wide-eyed. “what’s wrong gareth? does the way i dress bother you?” 
 she watched as the boy’s eyes briefly dipped down to the hem of her shirt, a little uneven where her scissors had snipped. she chuckled and pushed down onto eddie’s thigh, slowly leaning away but letting her touch linger on his knee as she settled back down into her seat. she glimpsed over at eddie just as he cleared his throat and straightened his posture, taking a sip of his drink. “i gave her the shirt because she’s my friend, alright?” he finally spoke up, and the rest of the boys just nodded along, stealing glances at one another. “besides, it wouldn’t be hellfire club if we didn’t welcome all rejects.” she narrowed her eyes at him, and he turned towards her, tilting his head, “no offense.”
 she shrugged, it wasn't like he was wrong, anyways.
 the word rang through her ears, and she felt her body deflate, all the confidence she’d had just moments ago seemingly melting away. she suddenly felt self conscious, mostly of the clothes she was wearing, and the fact that she was wearing them to impress a boy. 
 she shouldn’t have to wear things like this for his attention, and if not even the clothes were enough for him to take the hint, the maybe he just wasn’t interested in her at all in that way. 
 she began to zone out, suddenly not interested in purposely stroking eddie’s thigh trying to get a reaction out of him, or in what he and the group were bickering about now. her mind began to race, thinking back on all the moves she’d made on him the past few weeks, on the measures she’d taken in hopes that he’d notice her. that was when she realized that all her attempts may as well have been in vain.
 it was clear to her now— eddie munson just really wasn’t that interested. 
 the bell sudden permeated the cafeteria, and she blinked, snapping out of the trance she’d fallen into before scooping up her tray, abruptly standing up from her seat. “hey, see you in chem?”
 she turned to see eddie walking behind her, and all of a sudden, she found it hard to even look him in the eyes. “uh, yeah, sure,” she shrugged, making haste for the trash cans at the front of the room, tossing her garbage in. she didn’t stay to hear whatever else he had to say, her embarrassment pooling in heat at her cheeks as she made her way to her next class.
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she hadn’t talked much to eddie the past couple of days, still coming to terms with the fact that she’d have to find a way to move on, to find a way to get rid of the feelings she’d harbored for him for so long. 
 it’d been a chore, trying to keep away from eddie for the past few days. they did everything together, he’d always give her a ride after school, they’d always hang out, pretty much spent the majority of their day together. convincing him that she had things to do after school was the hardest part— mostly because he knew she never had anything after school, so he knew that something was wrong.
 and he wasn’t taking that bullshit excuse today.
 she scanned the hallway for him as she shoveled all of her things into her bag, making haste for the exit as soon as she confirmed that it was clear. she pushed open the door to the school, rays of sunlight pummeling down onto her skin and into her eyes, her lids narrowing to keep it away. still, she did not see eddie munson, and she sighed with relief— another successful day without running into—
 “hey, need a ride?”
 she spoke too soon. 
 she tensed as she turned towards the source of the voice, and there he was, eddie munson in all of his leather jacket and ripped jean glory. her fingers tightened around the strap of her bag as she pressed her lips together, gathering her excuse onto the tip of her tongue. “i-uh, i actually have something to do, like.. right now,” she lied, her words sliding like moss between her teeth. god, she was such a terrible liar. “yeah so.. i’ll just, you know.. walk.”
 “nuh-uh-uh,” he shook his head, grabbing onto her forearm as she tried to slip past, throwing her head back and groaning when he pulled her back in front of him. “yeah, so, uh— that’s bullshit,” he said, point blank, “and you wanna know why? cause i’ve known you for, like, basically half your life and i know you’re not that busy.”
 her teeth gnawed at the flesh of the inside of her cheek. he knew her way too well.
 eddie grinned from ear to ear, dangling the keys to his van off of his pinky. “so? ride?”
 her shoulders deflated in defeat, heat surging to her cheeks. “fine.”
 she followed him to his van, and he opened the passenger side door for her, gesturing towards the seat like a gentleman in an old movie would. “milady,” he bowed, and she scowled, avoiding eye contact as she plopped down onto the seat. he pushed her door closed before making his way around the van, and she turned her head to instead gaze out of her window instead, her lips puffy with a pout. eddie shifted the van into drive, and soon, hawkins high school faded into the background, covered by the endless line of trees.
 she didn’t dare speak, intending to not even talk to him the entire ride, until of course he had to break the silence, cutting through the thick tension like a knife. “so, why’ve you been avoiding me?”
 she knew better than to think that he hadn’t noticed, but she still wasn’t prepared to give him an answer. she tried to play it off, crossing her arms over her chest and giving him a shrug. “i haven’t been avoiding you.”
 “that’s horse shit. you have been avoiding me.”
 she toyed her bottom lip with her teeth, her heart suddenly beginning to race. “i haven’t.”
 he rested his elbow on the center console, his opposite hand gripping the top of the steering wheel as he glanced over to where she sat. “you can’t even look at me right now and you wanna try and bullshit me like that?” she narrowed her eyes and in one swift motion, turned his way and met his stare, feeling like she’d melt into a pool of magma at his fiery gaze. “i.. haven’t been avoiding you,” she cursed herself mentally at how meek her voice sounded, digging her nails into the flesh of her arms as if to hold herself down. 
 eddie’s eyelids narrowed and made a sudden right turn, the van coming to a halt off the side of the road. “what the hell, eddie?”
 “did i do something? did i hurt your feelings? did i do something wrong?”
 she blinked, averting her gaze to her lap, her chest heaving as she tried to regain her composure. “eddie, what are you—“
 “you’re crying. i did do something, didn’t i?”
 she hadn’t even realized it until he pointed it out, the way her vision glossed over and the outskirts of her eyes burned with the sting of tears. she swatted at them, desperate to wipe the evidence away. “i’m not crying, i don’t know what you’re—“
 “just talk to me, please,” he pleaded, reaching over the console to rest his hand over hers, and she blinked, a droplet of a tear falling down right onto his skin. “you used to tell me everything, but i can hardly read you right now. i thought i knew you like the back of my own hand.”
 with his other hand, he reached to cradle her face, turning it to face his. a line of tears streamed down her face, free-falling down her cheeks and she didn’t even try and make the effort to wipe them away this time. something bubbled within her chest, and if she opened her mouth, she knew all too well she wouldn’t be able to keep it down.
 but she knew she had no other choice.
 “eddie, i—“ she began, her bottom lip wobbling as she leaned into his touch, shaking her head to stray away from it all in the same motion. “—i, i love you.” eddie blinked, but she didn’t dare try to meet his gaze. his hand fell limp in her lap and she pried her own away, resting them awkwardly on her other thigh. “god, i’ve loved you for so long and i thought.. i thought you’d like me too so i tried everything to make a move on you but you just never noticed so i thought i was making a fool out of myself and.. and..”
 eddie caught her breath with his mouth, his lips practically crashing against hers, and it took her mind a moment to even register what he was doing. he was kissing her, god, he was kissing her and it felt so good, felt so right, like it was just a dream. when he pulled away, he let his lips linger over hers, and she chased them, pressing another soft kiss into his warm, plush flesh. “eddie,” she whispered, wrapping her hand around his wrist as his fingers wove themselves through her hair, the heel of his palm warm against her cheek.
 “you weren’t making a fool out of yourself,” he finally murmured. “i knew.. i knew what you were doing but.. i..” he trailed off, and she peeled her eyelids back open, the pad of her thumb soothing over his wrist, encouraging him to go on. “..i was so.. scared. like, what if i was just misreading your signals and i ended up ruining what we had?” her breath hitched in her chest, and she gripped his wrist harder, as if she were afraid he’d slip away. “eddie..”
 “i had to literally forbid myself from you, because i was just so afraid that i’d hurt you.”
 her eyebrows knit together and with her opposite hand, she caressed the side of his face, her thumb grazing just below his bottom lip. “hurt me?” she shook her head. “you could never hurt me, eddie. not even in a million years.” he tilted his head against hers, his forehead hot against hers. “i’ve just.. i’ve never been in love like this before and.. i don’t know,” he shrugged. “i didn’t mean to make you feel that way, i just.. didn’t know what to do.”
 “hey.. look at me.”
 she mimicked what he had told her only minutes before, and slowly, his eyelids peeled open to reveal those soft, chocolate brown irises she’d grown to adore so much. her finger traced his jawline as she smiled, “i love you. and you just admitted that you love me too, right?” the lump in his throat visibly bobbed as he nodded, searching through her eyes for something he could hold onto. and he found it. “then just let me love you. and i’ll let you love me.”
 eddie couldn’t waste another moment not doing what he’d always dreamed of. his lips molded together with his, and it wasn’t long until he pulled her into his lap, their lips breaking apart only so that he could tug her shirt up and over her head before doing the same to his. their lips found each other again amidst the storm of pleasure and young love, his kisses trailing down her face to her jaw, sucking marks there as his palms kneaded her breasts over the lace of her bra.
 “oh, eddie,” she sighed, throwing her head back as she tangled her fingers through his mess of curly brown locks, anchoring herself with them. his lips found the top of her breasts, and she reached behind herself to unclasp her bra, hurriedly sliding them down her arms before tossing them to the passenger’s seat. eddie cursed beneath his breath at the sight of her chest, bare before him, wasting no time in collecting one of her erect nipples in his mouth, her whimpers permeating his van. “you’re so.. amazing,” eddie sighed, the windows beginning to fog to veil their lust away from the world.
 as his kisses passed the valley of her breasts and found her other nipple, his hands worked at the button of her jean shorts, and she managed to slide them along with her panties down her legs, kicking them off her ankles. she worked at his jeans, his cock springing free from the restraints of his boxers as she tugged his pants down just enough for his length to be uncovered. eddie let go of her nipple with a pop as her fingers wrapped around his length, teasing at the pink tip as his hands ventured down to her center, his digits coated with her slick as he rubbed at her swollen clit. “fuck, just like that, baby,” he panted as she stroked up and down his length, whining as he rubbed harder at her clit. 
 “eddie,” she mewled. “want it inside.” eddie thought he’d melt right then and there. he gripped at either of her hips with his big, sweaty palms, gently guiding her down his length, their sounds mixing together and emitting the perfect symphony. “shut, fuuuck, so tight,” he growled as she sunk further down his cock, her fingernails etching crescent moons into the skin of his shoulders. “god, eddie, you’re so.. so big.”
 he glanced up at her, and her eyes surged together with his, their gazes locking as they made love to one another, his hand slithering around to the back of her head and guiding her lips back to his— where they belonged. their kiss was sloppy, and his hand made its way back down to her hips, his grip like iron, her flesh on either side sure to bruise. 
 “i love you,” eddie whispered against her swollen lips, “i’m sorry.. i’m sorry it took me this long to say it.” she smiled against his lips, the saltiness of her tears mixed with their saliva. “it’s okay. i love you t—“
 suddenly, her elbow bumped against the stereo, and both of their eyelids snapped open as eddie’s loud and rather cacophonous metal music blasted through the speakers. eddie rushed and fumbled with the volume dial as he turned it down, and she panted, his cock still deep inside of her. laughter bubbled in her chest and she chuckled, her forehead resting against his. eddie laughed too, his fingernails soothing over her skin. “sorry,” he muttered, and she shook her head, rolling her head against his to press a kiss to his lips.
 “maybe we should continue at my place?” he asked, and she pursed her lips. 
 “..maybe for round two.”
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a/n; my first eddie fic! i feel kind of good about this one, so i’m hoping you all like it! sorry my fics have all been pretty angsty lately, i kind of like writing it the best that way lol
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Hi!can I ask a really short gn!MC(like 140/4'8) that can actually beat everyone's ass with the side characters?Thx!idk if your ask are open,if not ignore this
They sure are, thanks for sending this in! I’m assuming you mean the four dateables when you say side characters, but if not, feel free to send this in again, so I can rectify! These got long I’m sorry.
Also, these can be read as platonic or romantic. It’s ambiguous!
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They react to a really short MC that can kick ass
Genre: SFW, Crackish
Characters: Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, Simeon Ft. Luke
Pronouns: GN (You/Your | They/Them)
CW: | Swearing | Fights |
Requests are OPEN, guys!
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• When you first arrived to the Devildom, Diavolo didn't seem to take notice of your short stature — not a single comment. Focused on the excitement of welcoming a human to his realm, he greeted you with open arms, a large grin that could put the bright sun of your realm to shame, and boisterous laughter that filled the council room. Nothing out of character for the prince. He was, truly and solely, basking in the fact that his passion project was about to officially take place.
• It wasn't until one of the brothers present during your arrival — Asmodeus, if he recalled — cooed about your height that he truly took notice. When Diavolo fully examined your appearance... oh, oh.
• You were so tiny. All demons present in the room towered over you by quite a lot, even Asmodeus, despite being the shortest of the seven brothers. Honestly, Diavolo wondered if they had accidentally summoned a teenage human, going as far as to subtly lean towards Barbatos, asking if they had summoned the right human.
• But no, there had been no mistake, you were the human that had been picked for the program.
• As Lucifer took over, explaining the premises of the program, Diavolo’s grin didn’t falter, and he didn’t let it show in his posture or facial expression that his thoughts were running a mile a minute.
• Fear. Worry. Nervousness. Utter bafflement. The man nearly had an existential crisis on the spot.
• How?? How were you going to survive a full year down here? To Diavolo, you looked like a wee, fragile little thing. He was so worried that you’d be targeted by some of the rowdier demons. I mean, Beelzebub could make a midnight snack out of you under five seconds — Diavolo knew that the sixth-born wouldn’t, but still!
• Even though you were under the protection of the seven brothers, worry still ate him up. He would consistently check in with Lucifer, wanting to know how you were adjusting to the Devildom.
• Diavolo didn't know how to handle you at first, and it was quite comical to everyone around him. Should he bend or kneel to your level when talking to you? Should he talk softly, as if speaking to a frightened kitten??
• Nearly looked up 'How to talk to small human' online.
• Really, he was just afraid of frightening you. Diavolo knew just how stuffy and stiff others were around him due to his status, and he genuinely and wholeheartedly wanted you to feel comfortable around him. He was aware of how tall and broad he was, and how intimidating his power and title made him.
• And although he was relieved when he figured you weren't afraid of his presence and even enjoyed his company, he still acted as a worried mother hen. Keeping a watchful eye on you, analyzing every interaction you had with demons that weren't the brothers and keeping tabs on you by asking Lucifer for some reports, or directly checking in on you by text.
• With all of his stalking observations, of course Diavolo caught on to that one demon who looked at you hungrily. He could practically see them salivating at the thought of devouring your soul every time you walked by.
• The demon prince did not like that. Not one bit. Not only was this demon clearly having thoughts about harming a precious exchange student, but they were also thinking of harming someone who had grown to be personally precious to Diavolo himself.
• Luckily for the demon — and your safety — they had never actually been bold enough to attempt harming you, but still Diavolo remained vigilant.
• That luck ran out at one of Diavolo's many parties at the castle. It was a more casual party, and so demons of all social status were invited. Of course, you were there, accompanied by your seven friends and bodyguards closely trailing after you. However, there had been a point where you needed some fresh air to decompress from the crowd, and so, you sneaked away from the brothers, heading to a balcony.
• What you didn't notice that Diavolo had, was that the demon that had been stalking you at RAD was present at the party, and upon seeing you wander away from the party and the brothers, followed you to the balcony with a ravenous look in their eyes.
• And, oh no, that would not stand. With his face hardened and wings flared threateningly, Diavolo took quick and strong strides after the demon.
• He had made it to the balcony at the moment that the demon grabbed you by the waist, spinning you around and baring his fangs at you, muttering about how they 'finally had you where they wanted, and that you smelled absolutely divine.'
• Everything that happened afterwards was a blur; it all happened so fast. Your surprised expression contorted into a hardened glare before you gripped the demon's wrist, turned around as you flipped them over your shoulder in a fluid, effortless motion, and then dangled them in the air off the balcony.
• Diavolo was floored. He watched as the demon shrieked pleas and apologies, begging for you to spare their life, while you remained poised and silent. Eventually, you yanked them back up with enough force that had the demon falling to their knees as they panted from the frightful experience.
• When you noticed Diavolo's presence, you panicked. Bowing to him and spewing apologies about your 'inexcusable behaviour.' He had to raise his hand to stop your tangent, and he swore his heart melted when you looked at him with expectant, glossy eyes.
• It took Dia a while to get his bearings, but when he did, he crossed his arms and let out his signature, boisterous laughter; his once tense posture relaxing.
"Well now, that was most certainly unexpected. And here I was worried that your life would be in constant jeopardy down in the Devildom. Was I ever wrong? There is no need to apologize, you were acting in self-defence."
• The demon who had attempted to attack you tried to sneak away, but they were stopped by Diavolo's hand holding a harsh grip on their shoulder. Although his grin didn't falter, they could feel the sinister aura emitting from the prince.
"I believe that a little chat is in order, don't you think?"
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• Barbatos knew what to expect of you when you first came to the Devildom and was most likely the least surprised or affected by your height. Don't be mistaken, he did find you rather cute, looking all meek on the floor as your wide, hesitant eyes glanced at the various demons towering over you.
• And although the royal butler wore his usual nonchalant expression, he certainly felt a tinge of amusement as he watched Diavolo slowly have an internal meltdown, thinking you were a goner before the program even began.
• Barbatos found it funny because he knew.
• After all, he had been tasked with looking into parts of your past and future, gauging you as a person in order to make sure that you were a rightful pick for the program. Barbatos had seen your capabilities within various timelines. He knew that, despite appearances, you were a storm waiting to ravage villages, given the right circumstances.
• While others panicked about your well-being and wondered how long you were going to survive looking as weak as you did, Barbatos held absolutely no fear, for he knew that you would be just fine.
• But he didn't tell anyone. He didn't feel it to be necessary. After all, they would be finding out for themselves rather soon. And wouldn't it be so much more amusing to see Diavolo and the seven brother's faces when it did happen?
• Barbatos, being Diavolo's loyal butler, often listened to the prince rant about how worried sick he was about your safety. To which he would politely nod with a small smile as he tried his best to reassure him to the best of his abilities.
"Fear not, my lord. I'm quite certain that no harm will befall them. In fact, I am confident that they will be okay. Besides, under the protection of the brothers, the chances of them getting harmed are quite slim."
• Of course, although Barbatos knew you could stand your ground in a fight, he still looked after you from afar. He wouldn't let his knowledge of your skills get in the way of fulfilling his duties as one of the demons in charge of your safety. After all, demons were still rather strong and unpredictable creatures, were they not? Even lesser demons could hold their own against a professionally trained human, so yes, despite your strength, he didn't turn a blind eye when it came to your safety.
• When Barbatos caught wind of a classmate of yours harassing you, his ears perked as he kept a watchful eye.
• Barbatos could tell that your patience was wavering with the demon. What had started as petty name-calling had evolved into bumping their shoulder into yours in the hallways, as well as purposefully tripping you. Barbatos could see the way you attempted to restrain yourself, preferring to let Mammon tell off the offending demon while you practised breathing exercises to stay calm.
• Honestly, Barbatos had to tip his hat to your restraint. Many others would have snapped far earlier, should they have been in your shoes.
• But when you finally snapped, well, what a beautiful display that was!
• It happened in Diavolo's office, where he, the prince and Lucifer were holding a small meeting. Barbatos had just sat down after pouring cups of his famous tea when the door to Diavolo's office suddenly burst open. No, that's not accurate. The door had been completely knocked off of its hinges, with the wood bursting into shards under the sheer force of the blow.
• The sudden ruckus had Diavolo and Lucifer springing to their feet as they stared at the demon that lay on the ground, groaning in pain and nearly unconscious. In the doorway stood your form, in all of your 4'8 glory, looking absolutely livid. Behind you was a small crowd of passing demons who gaped at the scene, with Mammon's jaw nearly hitting the floor as he stared at you in wide-eyed disbelief.
• As Lucifer demanded answers from you, Barbatos calmly took a sip of his tea. He knew.
"Oh my! Shall I arrange for repairs right away, my lord? A nurse, perhaps?"
• Upon realizing what had happened, you immediately snapped out of your rage and began profusely apologizing for one, disrupting their meeting; two, busting the door, and three, getting into a fight with another student.
• Hey! In your defence, it was self-defence. You explained that this demon, who had been targeting you for weeks, had decided to grab you by the shoulders hard enough for his claws to draw blood. And so, you responded accordingly: a surprise uppercut to the chin, followed by a swift yet strong kick to the demon's midsection.
• At the revelation, Lucifer could only pinch the bridge of his nose, grey hairs visibly forming, while Diavolo... well, he calmly told you that although you should avoid bringing harm to fellow students, you were just defending yourself. Barbatos could hear the absolute bewilderment in the prince's voice.
• "I must say, (Y/N)," Barbatos said, "While catching a glimpse of your strength was intriguing, witnessing it with my own eyes is far more fascinating. But please, do come to us should you encounter another pest."
"You knew all along, Barbatos?!" Diavolo said.
• The butler could only offer a small, cheeky, close-eyed smile. Of course he knew.
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• Upon first meeting you at RAD, Solomon didn't have a strong opinion about your height. Of course, he took notice, but he merely glossed over it with a subtle quirk of his eyebrow after looking you up and down. Sure, you were a cute little human, but that was about as deep as his thoughts ran.
• From his perspective, why would your safety be in any kind of danger when you had the avatars and the royals to back you up? Should a problem ever arise, you always had someone trailing behind you, usually Mammon, and he had noticed Lucifer's watchful eye.
• So, no, Sol wasn't bothered by your height, nor was he concerned for you. At least, that was his opinion up until he got to know you better and you managed to earn yourself a soft spot in the sorcerer's heart.
• Don't get him wrong, even after you became close, Solomon still didn't fear for your well-being. After all, you now had one of the most powerful sorcerer added to your roster of bodyguards. No, that wasn't how his behaviour towards you had changed. Instead, your height had become the butt of all his teasing, as Solomon was definitely the type to lovingly bully his close friends.
• Solomon, that shady bastard, is an absolute menace. As a fellow human, he knew all the best 'short people' jokes in the book, and dear God, he would absolutely milk them. He truly revelled in the frustrated expressions you pulled at his continuous teasing. You looked about as threatening as a small child when you looked at him like that.
• "Solomon, could you please give me my DDD back," you said.
"Hm?" He said, pretending to be confused as he dangled the device above his head. "It's right there. Nothing is stopping you from taking it."
• He has bought you kid clothes before as a joke, but the joke was on him since you not only fit in them, but you also looked hecking adorable.
• "Hey, Solomon, I've got a question about this spell. See, this part right here is kinda confusing to me, and — hey! Are you even listening?"
With a confused expression, Solomon looked around the room. "Hm? I could have sworn I heard a voice..."
You sighed, shaking your head. "Oi, down here."
"Ah, (Y/N)! There you are! You're so small, I didn't even see you come into the room."
• Solomon sometimes pats your head and coos praises in a baby voice whenever you make progress with your magic, and he has definitely taken a liking to bending to your level to make eye contact when he speaks to you. He comes across as condescending, for sure, but you're at the point in your relationship where it's just a 'you and him' thing. If another attempted to do nearly half the things Solomon did on a near-daily basis, there would be hell to pay for the disrespect. 'I can bully you, but others can't,' type of guy.
• But despite it all, Solomon is smart. He knows your limits and boundaries and won't push, and he knows to read the room and wouldn't tease you if he knew you weren't in the best of moods.
• Unfortunately, not all demons in the Devildom had his smarts. Especially not this particular demon, who jumped at every opportunity which sorcerer wasn't by your side to pick at you. They were a demon that you had once been paired with for a spells project, and the bullying had begun then. You believed the catalyst had been when you pointed out a few mistakes in your partner's part of the work. After all, they were a lesser demon of pride.
• Cruel remarks about your species, picking apart your appearance, and even threatening harm on you since you 'looked so breakable.' But the coward would casually walk off with a shit-eating smirk plastered on their face whenever Solomon or one of the brothers walked in your direction.
• Solomon let you vent your frustrations to him about the pest, even offering to put a curse on them. Y'know, teach them a lesson or two. Or five. Who was counting?
• Eventually, you snapped, and Solomon had a front-row seat to the show.
• Class had ended, and as the classroom was clearing out, leaving behind only yourself, Solomon and the demon, the demon came up to you. Seemingly forgetting that Solomon was present at the back of the class, they began taunting you, which you chose to ignore. Not even gracing them with a glance, you acted as though they didn't exist, which most definitely shot an arrow through the demon's pride.
• When the demon held your wrist in a vice grip tight enough to leave a hand-shaped bruise, Solomon was ready to throw hands. However, it seemed as though you had beaten him to the punch.
• Solomon watched, utterly fascinated, as you reeled your unoccupied hand back, delivering a sucker punch that had Sol wincing for the poor soul on the receiving end.Then, in an astounding display, you lifted the demon above your shoulders as though they weighed nothing before slamming them into the ground. Adding salt to the wound, a swift kick to their ribs had a sickening crack resonating throughout the classroom.
• Well, colour him pleasantly surprised! And a little turned on, not gonna lie.
• Solomon followed you out of the class, stepping over the demon who was writhing in pain on the ground, but not without muttering a few words underneath his breath.
• "Now, where did such a little human such as yourself conjure up so much power? Absolutely fascinating, dear."
• Let's just say that Solomon was counting his blessings that you were on his side, and that he had never pushed you over the edge. In no way did he want to be on the receiving end of such a smackdown. But he'd be lying if he said that he didn't want to see this side of you again. For research purposes, of course.
• And that demon? Well, let's just say he was stuck in the bathroom with a rather violent stomach bug for a good week straight. Strange.
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• Sweet Simeon truly didn't want to underestimate you. He didn't want to offend you by doubting your capabilities, but... well, he just couldn't help it! You were such a sweet human with the purest of souls.
• A caregiver by nature, Simeon immediately worried about your safety. There was no doubt in his mind that your height, making you look as meek and fragile as it did, would make you a prime target for hungry demons looking for easy prey.
• Sure, you were taller than Luke was, but Luke had the saving grace of being an angel, therefore, not completely defenceless. You, on the other hand, were a human with no magical capabilities.
• He trusted that the brothers would keep you safe, but what if you were caught during a split-second where you were left unattended? That's all it would take for a demon to jump you.
• And so, you had gained yourself a guardian angel who silently yet aggressively fretted over you. If a brother couldn't accompany you to class, he happily fulfilled that role, even waiting for you to be safely seated before taking his leave. He constantly asked how you were doing, trying to subtly gauge whether you had gone through some troubling experiences. You did tell him anything negative, if you had, Simeon wasn't sure if he would take it up to Diavolo and Lucifer, or if he would confront the problem himself.
• Nevertheless, Simeon made sure that all demons knew that, not only were you under the protection of the avatars, but also a high-ranking angel. Considering angels could easily go toe to toe with demons, most seemed to get the memo, not glancing in your direction whenever Simeon hung with you.
• Of course, there was the occasional demon who seemed to think that the small human was fair game to harass. If Simeon ever caught wind of it, he'd help you defuse the situation peacefully, protectively standing in front of you as he cast a disappointed glance to the offending demon. Simeon had this sort of presence where one would shrivel in shame if the angel looked at them in disappointment.
• Thankfully, none had attempted to bring physical harm on you, and Simeon sincerely prayed that it would never happen. It was bad enough to him that you had to deal with the occasional insult, he'd never be able to forgive himself if the human he had grown so fond of got hurt while on his watch.
• Simeon was pretty stoked when Luke joined him on the '(Y/N) protection squad'. One more friend and bodyguard! Because despite being a small child, Luke was still an angel with holy abilities.
• Besides, Simeon thought that it was just so sweet, seeing Luke get all protective over you. The young angel seemed to see you as an older sibling, and that made Simeon's heart melt.
• In turn, you became quite protective of Luke yourself. Simeon didn't blame you, as he knew that the majority of humans had quite the instinct to keep children safe from harm.
• However, you tended to put yourself in harm's way for the sake of defending Luke's honour. Sure, you were only biting back with colourful insults whenever someone picked at Luke, but it definitely made Simeon's hair prematurely go grey. After all, some demons were quite easy to set off, and he didn't want you to accidentally start a fight.
• He cradled your hands into his, soothing your knuckles with delicate strokes of his thumbs.
"My dear, I very much appreciate you looking out for Luke, but you mustn't endanger yourself. Please, promise me to watch out for yourself. I don't know what I would do if something ever happened to you. And I'm sure Luke feels the same way."
• That pleading, worried look in Simeon's eyes broke you, and you didn't have the heart to argue with him.
• Things had settled down for a while after Simeon had a talk with you; you opted to reach out to him if you felt Luke was being treated unfairly instead of meddling. Which Simeon very much appreciated. You were still watching over Luke, but in a way that didn't compromise your safety. Everyone wins!
• Of course, just when things had settled down, you threw Simeon for a loop.
• It was the first time a demon had attempted to bring physical harm to Luke. Students were sidestepping as the poor, crying child ran at full force down the hallway as a lesser demon chased after him.
• Searching for a saving grace, Luke spotted you walking his way, and without thinking, he immediately darted behind you for security and comfort. You, being you, didn't ask questions as you saw the demon approaching. Your brain went, 'child in danger, must protect child.' And so, consequences be damned.
• Simeon was sprinting down the hall with all his might after hearing gossip which involved a demon chasing the young angel. He felt his heart stop as he saw both you and Luke standing in the demon's path, the latter not stopping in his chase, even with you standing protectively in front of Luke. To the demon, that was just an extra target, after all.
• But then, Simeon stopped dead in his tracks, staring wide-eyed and gasping as he saw your next move. With deadly precision, you had grabbed the demon's wrist, and with force he didn't know humans could even achieve, swung your arm behind you, effectively throwing the demon into the distance. There was a loud thud where the demon's body landed, followed by a pained grunt.
• Regaining his bearings, Simeon ran to you and Luke before the demon could get back up. He didn't think that he would. Those cracks sounded painful. He pulled you and Luke into an empty classroom, away from the public eye. While you were busy fussing over Luke, trying to comfort him and hush his tears, Simeon didn't know who to fuss over for a moment, still gobsmacked from what he had just witnessed.
• Eventually, he joined you in the Luke comfort squad. You both looked like a couple of worried parents after a close call with their child.
• "Haha. Forgive me, (Y/N). While I was busy worrying myself sick over you, you were perfectly capable of holding your own all along. I misjudged you; that was impressive. But please, never again, I nearly had a heart attack."
• When Luke had calmed down, he became your number one fan. Seriously, Simeon and Solomon would be hearing about it for the next month. Not that Simeon was any better; he'd be praising you for a lifetime.
• Don't judge a book by its cover, huh?
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Dirty, Dirty
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Frank Iero Fanfic/Smut
(Rough sex, Dacryphilia, Choking kink, Degradation Kink, Breeding Kink, Light BDSM, Brat taming, Face fucking, Light Praising, Overstimulation)
AN: the title is based off a song ALSO this just is slightly short but hey who's counting
You’ve been teasing your boyfriend Frank all day, just because you can. You’ve been bending down in front of him, sitting on his lap directly on his dick, touching or gripping his thigh. It was too much for him, he was growing impatient by the second, you were basically torturing him. You prance downstairs in the shortest skirt that you own, you see that he's sitting on the couch watching TV and you decide to sit next to him hugging his arm. His head turns towards you and he sees you curled up next to him, your skirt so dangerously high up your thigh, he finally says “I know what you’re doing baby, keep it up and see what happens.” you look up at him acting clueless “Well, I don’t know what you’re talking about..” He just looks back at the TV, he doesn’t believe you, nor is he giving you the benefit of the doubt. You look down and your hand snakes on his thigh traveling up, “Knock it out.” He says under his breath all you can do is softly grin as your hand tugs on his belt lightly. He huffs and he gets up grabbing onto your grab pulling you up “Hey!” You exclaim pouting as he shoots a glare at you as he drags you up to the bedroom where he sits on the bed and he pulls you closer dragging you down and across his lap so you’re on your stomach and your butt is in the air “You wanna act like a little whore? Fine.” He says in a low tone as he pulls up your skirt and he gives a harsh smack on your ass making you yelp and whine “Oww!” You whine and you receive another smack but this one is harder making you jump and yelp, close to a moan. “You think it’s fun teasing me all day.” Smack “Bending down in front of me” Smack “Being a fucking cock tease.” Smack! 
 The last smack is harsher than the last ones, you’re over his lap whining, as tears well up in your eyes “Aww, you gonna cry?” he mocks as his hand softly rubs your ass, you thought he gave you some type of redemption but he smacks your ass once again making you yelp “So mean..” you sniffle. You thought he was being so mean but god were you turned on by it, almost excited about what he had in store for you. He notices the wet spot on your panties “Look at that” he says and he huffs out a chuckle, filling you with embarrassment. He says “Cmon baby, get up and get on your knees for me.” you do as he says, looking up at him and you decide to try and unbuckle his belt but he swats your hand away “Did I tell you to do that?” He asks sternly, you shake your head “Speak up.” he says grabbing your face “I’ll ask you again, did I tell you to unbuckle my belt for me?” He asks “No.. I’m sorry, Sir” You say apologetically and he takes his hand off your cheeks. He then unbuckles his belt pulling them down, you can see the tent in his boxers you tug on the waistband “Please?..” You beg “Go ahead baby.” He says giving you permission, you pull his boxers down and his cock springs out. You basically drool as you grab your hand around his hard member stroking it slowly before taking him into your mouth, he lets out a sharp inhale and he bites his lip has you bob your head up and down gaining speed slowly “You look so fucking pretty with my cock in your mouth, baby” he moans softly as his fingers tangle in your hair as he pushes your head up and down making you go faster but also gag. He decides to thrust up into your mouth making you gag once more, he seems amused as he continues to fuck your mouth making your eyes water. His breathing gets heavier and his moans become more frequent but he pulls out of your mouth “Up.” He instructs you and you get up, your knees hurt making you wobbly get up he gets up and he pushes you onto the bed getting on top of you. He pulls down your soaked panties and he throws them onto the floor, he pulls his shirt off and he helps you take yours off. You aren’t wearing a bra so it was easier for him to get you fully nude, he takes off the last piece of clothing which is the skirt. He looks down at your naked body like a piece of candy “You look so pretty like this, under me, so vulnerable.” He purrs you can’t wait any longer “Please, Sir. I need your cock inside me.. Please” You whimper grabbing onto his hand “Look at you fucking begging like a pathetic whore for my cock.” he says and he spreads your legs further and he brings your legs up to your chest making you whimper softly. You feel him push his cock into you, not giving you anytime to adjust. He pounds in and out of you at an aggressive pace making you moan loudly, it hurts but it feels so fucking good. He pushes your legs down and you wrap them around his waist, he grabs your hips holding you up railing in and out, he’s handling you like a ragdoll doing whatever he wants to you “You love being used like the pathetic slut you are, hm?” He pants “Mmhyeah!” You moan out “Oh fuck, harder please..” You whimper and moan he fucks into you harder and faster “So fucking dirty.” He growls as his hand makes its way up to your neck squeezing lightly, all you feel is pure ecstasy as you feel yourself lightly shake “Oh fuck, please let me cum pleasepleaseplease!..” You gasp moaning, he angles up directly hitting your g-spot making you cum all over his cock in an instant, he doesn’t stop instead he keeps fucking you hard. You eyes roll back as you moan “Look at you, going fucking dumb over my cock, is that whats happening?” He 
asks and all you can do is moan and nod as you squirm, he holds your hips down to the mattress “Stay fucking still, dumb whore.” he pants as he bottoms out “Fuck baby.. You want me to cum in you, fill you up nice and good?” he asks and you nod moaning, a couple seconds later he moans out and you feel him cum in you, he rides out his orgasm he then pulls out. He plants soft kisses on your neck and he leaves little love bites behind “You did so good.. So, so good.” he purrs as you pant, he gets off of you and he cleans himself then you up. He lays down next to you “Was I too rough?” he asks worriedly, you giggle and you shake your head. 
You lay your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat as you fall asleep.
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jukipptx · 9 months
not smut, but suggestive??? just so you know 😉😘 this one is so me coded, it’s almost smut but as if your best friend was narrating to you her first experience ever??? ok here i go 🥶🥶🥶
ok so you’ve been dating renjun for almost a year now, it’s been like 9 months, so renjun was starting to get desperate to the point of crying, but he would neeeever tell you because he was afraid that you would be scared and run away and never talk to him ever again. but you oooobviously noticed, he was a man at the end of the day 🙄🙄🙄 so you could not only tell, but you could sometimes feel 😵‍💫 his desperation. you could tell on the way his kisses became more passionate, the way he was using his tongue 😋 the way he would hold the back of your neck with such need, the way he would pull you to his lap and 😵‍💫 move under you 😵‍💫 his breathing got all troubled and stuff, he even moaned on your lips once. it was so obvious renjun omg!!!! so at this point you were only waiting for him to break. you were sure he would sooner rather than later, but he just didn’t. he was strong for sure!!! so you started to take the matter into your own hands.
you invited him over to “watch a movie” laaaaate at night, you put on your shortest thinnest pajama shorts and some perfume before he arrived, looking the cutest he’s ever looked. you almost felt guilty because he looked so cozy and ready to sleep. when he arrived you were already waiting for him on the sofa with the popcorn, a blanket and everything, so you just signaled for him to sit next to you. he took off his shoes at the door and started waddling towards you 😭😭😭 (renjun i’m so sorry, i know you’re trying to act all cute and innocent, but)
“come sit baby.” you patted on the place next to you. and he did, he threw himself and rested his head on your shoulder. you wasted no time though…
“what are we watch-“ you kissed him to cut him off. he opened his eyes suuuuuper big, but eventually kissed you back. he also noticed that you were kissing him deeper that usual. “baby” he mumbled in between kisses. “baby, baby, stop.” he pushed you lightly, but you were not stopping. you wrapped your arms around his neck and started to slowly get on top of him. you pulled his hair slightly because you knew that would be enough to get him going. he sighed on your mouth and you couldn’t help but smile. “stop!!!!” he broke the kiss and threw his head back. he put the back of his hand in his forehead as if checking if he had a fever 🙄🙄🙄 and then fanned himself with his hand. “baby, you need to stop, i’m going crazy” he held onto your shoulders and shook you a little.
“you can go crazy.” You started kissing again and he moaned into your mouth. he held onto your waist, it seemed like he was about to give up, but there was still a little bit of shame inside him. he broke the kiss again and held your face with both of his hands.
“are you sure?” he whispered almost. his eyes still innocent but with so much desperation on them already.
you didn’t answer, you just shifted on top of him, trying to get comfortable, but that made his eyes twitch and close and he gulped and had to take a deep shaky breath. he was getting so horny omg 😫😫😫🙈🙈🙈 he held onto your waist to stop your movement.
“stop playing with me and answer. it’s not funny” he was trying to get so serious, but he couldn’t. you could see his chest rise and fall rapidly. his cheeks were this pretty shade of pink, his lips were all swollen and wet, and his hair was so messy already 😭
you didn’t answer, you just started kissing him again. he couldn’t stop gasping and trembling. gave him a little peck on the lips, then one on his jaw, just to tease him, then on his earlobe, and that’s when he couldn’t hold it anymore.
“i’ll take that one as a yes.” first thing he did was he removed your claw clip from your hair, then he took your face in his hands, this time more harshly, running them through your hair afterwards, and started kissing and biting and licking your mouth 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 he went to your neck next, but he regretted that so much because that’s when he actually went crazy omg 😳 it didn’t feel uncomfortable to you, it felt sooooo good, but the kisses on your neck made you shift and move and squirm on top of him, which you know… it gave him some sort of friction which he definitely needed. he was moaning more than you, and you thought “hmmm weird, i’m the one being kissed” but the evident bulge on his pants gave you the answer slalandmsoaoandbd 😫🥲🥶🥶🥶
so you stopped moving for the sake of innocence and love and respect, but you were surprised when he held onto your waist and moved upwards himself.
“don’t stop please” he whispered in your ear, he was almost whining. “you did this on purpose, didn’t you?” he was pulling on the waistband of your tiny shorts, desperately trying to put his hand inside. you took his hand and brought his fingers to your mouth because you kneeeeww what was about to happen so yeah. he threw his head back once again and closed his eyes tightly. you brought his head back just to make him watch you lick his lips. he then, in between gasps and shaky breaths, kissed your cheek so adorably???? like why???? you chuckled and then you let go of his fingers.
you got close to his ear, shifted once again on top of him making him groan, loudly this time because he couldn’t hold it in. “yeah, I did it in purpose.” he just gave you a cheeky smile before you know, going absolutely crazy maniac sexy starved frustrated mode.
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
Headcanons of the Riddlers please? Their s/o is feeling kinda flirty/and a bit bad😉. So what do they do? They decide to parade around the place in as little clothing as possible. Nothing immediately obvious like lingerie or kinky outfits. Maybe booty shorts or underwear and a croptop or a bralette. Something casual but still risqué. They just really want to tease Eddie. They also hope he’ll be able to take the damn hint and screw them, or at least make out.
A/N: hehehe not even gonna lie this is some shit I'd do. Something subtly, casual, not an obvious cry for attention but also like they'd know I'd only wear this kind of get up for one reason lmao.
Also sorry for the lack of posts lately, well into the new year and your girl experienced burnout whomp whomp (not to mention almost spiraled comparing myself rip) plus I've been trying to get back into drawing again so that's taken up some time too! I'm slowly getting back into it though…slowly but surely.
Trigger Warning: highly suggestive, touching, flirting, nothing entirely explicit
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Reader Trying to Get Different Riddler’s Attention
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
- It was a rare occurrence when you were allowed in Eddie's workshop. 
- It was even more rare for him to give you attention which is why you were down there in the first place.
- However, you had a plan for this visit. 
- You wore one of Edward's button up shirts that he hasn't fully "riddler-ed" yet, but it was dyed green with some question marks on it. 
- However it remained unbuttoned... 
- Ed rolled his eyes, already forgetting he let you down here, but when he turned to scold you about disturbing him-
- "What do you think you're wearing?!" 
- Ed's breathing increased, his brain working into overdrive. 
- How dare you distract him like this, how dare you come down so foolishly exposed…how dare you look so good…
- He stammered like a fish out of water
- He reminds you, but not without also dutifully removing your previous outfit. 
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler: 
- Oh, so you wanna kill him?
- You’re just scrolling through your phone on the couch.
- Waiting for him to come home from work. 
- You really don’t think you’re in anything too...obscene. 
- Just a tank top and underwear.
- However, you’re spooked by a loud thump by your front door. 
- You look up to see Edward silently blinking at you, after unceremoniously dropping his briefcase. 
- You stand up from the couch and walk over to him.
- He gets a good look at how slim fitting the tank is along with how your underwear slightly rolled up over your ass from being on the couch. 
- He acts like he’s seen a ghost or maybe something less ominous…an angel maybe?
- While he’s distracted…
- You take the chance to tiptoe over to him, wrap your arms around him and pull him into a gentle kiss.
- With hopes it’ll turn into something more.
Gotham Riddler: 
- Ed wasn’t sure what to expect when he got back to his apartment. 
- He didn’t expect you to be dancing around the living room and walk-in kitchen half naked though. 
- You were twirling and humming about to some song on the radio while cooking dinner. 
- Clearly, enjoying yourself, and very comfortably, he might add. 
- You were wearing your favorite (and his too) green off the shoulder pullover and the shortest sport shorts you owned. 
- Simultaneously, Ed is hanging his jacket and loosening his tie and watching you parade around.
- Perfectly unaware of his presence. 
- You practically jump out of your skin when he wraps his arms around you from behind. 
- You're terrified shriek turns into a giggle fit when you realize it’s just Ed. 
- However, he doesn’t let you turn around to properly greet him. 
- He’s too busy leaving kisses on your exposed skin and his hands slowly sliding up the sweater to touch more of your skin.
BTAS Riddler: 
- He's not stupid…
- Oblivious…ehh maybe. 
- I mean we all saw the giggle fit he became at the slightest flirtatious interaction.  
- Eddie's mind is racing with ideas, designs, and schemes 
- So it may take a minute or two…
- To see you walking around in an almost nude mesh bralette and green boxer shorts.
- You would notice that every time he returned back to his room, he lingered in the room you were in for longer and longer periods of time. 
- He may be oblivious but once he catches on, he's quick to act. 
- Before you know it you feel his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulls you into him. 
- It doesn't take long for him to start kissing along your exposed skin
- Making his way to kiss your lips.
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler: 
- I’m fairly certain he’d rather you wear next to nothing on a regular basis. 
- He’d consider you being more of a tease if you, ACTUALLY wore a proper shirt, sweatpants, something that actually covered you up. 
- However, one day you actually indulge him and his selfish if not slightly scummy desires. 
- The wee bastard had to do a double take. 
- However it doesn't take long for him to catch the hint. 
- Whether you're wearing short and revealing clothes. 
- Or something long and plain but nothing underneath. 
- He’ll notice and he'll take…ehh…appropriate inappropriate action?
Twojar Riddler:
- You teased him once that you’d look just as good in his shirt unbuttoned than he did. 
- Of course, being the egomaniac he is, he denied that claim
- (dummy didn't stop to think of how hot the idea was…dummy)
- Or he did and he wanted to trick you to try it out…that seems more on brand for this Ed. 
- You let the suggestion marinate for a while, hoping Ed will forget, so you can use it to get his attention again. 
- There you were in a signature white shirt, buttoned down extremely low like your partner. 
- You even went the extra mile and snatched a green suit jacket too. 
- Double take #2, he almost walks past you and to another room until he looks back at you. 
- He's chuckling as he slowly stalks his way over to you.
- Slowly hovers above you, removing his own shirt and jacket before attentively removing your own.
Gotham City Sirens Riddler: 
- Edward was locked up in office again, mulling over a case. 
- He hasn’t been home in days. He used to reach out to you, at least a phone call. 
- Now, you have no choice but to reach out yourself. 
- Of course, in public you were properly covered in a long trench coat. 
- When you get to the office however, you reveal to be wearing a lace green bralette and short booty shorts. 
- You didn’t knock on his door or anything you just hung out in his waiting room. 
- When Ed finally walked out he was shocked to see you lounging on the couch. He forgot he had given you a key…
- Ed was about to interrogate you, then he saw what you’re wearing
- You grinned as he scoffed. 
- Yet, when you got up to answer the question you knew he was going to ask
- Edward silently grabbed your hands and slowly walked you back into his private office. 
- You didn’t fail to notice he locked his door too…
Telltale Riddler: 
- He’s well aware what you’re trying to do. 
- Just so you know, it won’t work. 
- At least, that’s what he’ll tell you to deter him.
- While on the contrary, it’s having way more of an effect on him than he’ll ever care to admit. 
- The fact he tried to vocally discourage you shows he can’t even ignore you at this point. 
- You were just wearing an oversized t-shirt, with a few holes here and there. 
- Showing sneak peeks of your bare body underneath. 
- It was absolutely juvenile of you to parade around in that…
- Looks like he’s going to have to discipline you for trying to distract him…
Young Justice Riddler: 
- Oh, so you wanna kill him 2.0
- He can barely handle you when you wear a normal fitted shirt and jeans most days. 
- Let alone something even slightly more provocative. 
- Although, you don't see it that way. It's just an oversized green shirt and underwear…
- Yet whenever the shirt rolls up and shows more of legs
- Heaven forbid if it teases in showing your underwear too 
- He's a steaming, red faced dork, squirming around on the couch two cushions away from you. 
- You look over your phone and ask what's wrong. 
- Eddie tries to exclaim its nothing, nothing at all
- But the redness of his face and the tent in his pants say, it's DEFINITELY something.
Hush (DCAU) Riddler: 
- No one could build up his confidence as much as you do. 
- The fact you willingly wanna be with him and love him…even through all the ridicule he gets from both the good and the bad guys. 
- It's not hard to get his attention.
- However, there are days he's too wrapped up in his schemes or to be honest bummed down to even get out of bed. 
- Yet the one time he does get out of bed, he catches you wearing a crop top and sweats. 
- He shouldn't have reacted the way he did. 
- Honestly what you were wearing was perfectly normal…
- You’re so beautiful though…
- The fact you’re so comfortable with him, open with him, and that you love him. 
- Immediately forgetting what he was initially in the room for and made a beeline for you. 
- As you looked up to greet him, his lips landed over yours before you could say anything
- You have no idea what you did (ehh maybe you do) but you definitely make plans to do it again.
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heavenbarnes · 2 years
Cosmos, after that, I’m dying for Eddie trying to sneak peeks up your skirt
oh after the crop top one? yeah, i got you x
(nsfw under the cut)
Eddie Munson had an appreciation for the simple pleasures in life.
A good smoke after a long day. A cold beer in the thick heat. A successful DND campaign.
And his sweet girl in the shortest skirt you could imagine.
He swore the skirts weren’t even that short when they were folded in your drawers. He could tell, he spent a lot of time skimming through your drawers looking for- anything really.
There was something about the way you wore them. Sometimes you rolled the waistband, sometimes you hiked them up your hips.
Sometimes you just stood with a leg cocked or you bent to take a closer look at something and…
And Eddie could break a fucking bone with how hard his jaw tensed at the sight.
Eddie enjoyed simple pleasures but he didn’t enjoy fucking around when it came to you. He knew what he wanted he and knew he wanted it bad.
Bad enough to go to dirty yet great lengths to get what he wanted.
So when you were walking up the steps of the bleachers at the Hawkins Tiger’s game (the one you’d miraculously managed to drag Eddie to) with that pretty little white skirt draping over your thighs- Eddie let you go a few steps ahead of him.
And he tilted down just slightly as you climbed so he you see the seat of your panties as you lifted your foot to the next step and your thighs parted and fuuuuucking hell he was done for.
Sitting beside you on the bleachers, his hand came to grip on your knee before ever so slowly inching up closer to the hem of your skirt on your thigh. “Eddie, behave.”
“Not a chance, princess,” He muttered out the corner of his mouth, fingers still moving. “I seen what you’re hiding under this thing and I’m going fucking mental.”
Out in public he was bad but behind closed doors he was horrid. There wasn’t a thing you could wear that wouldn’t have him feeling you up like a fucking perv.
Laying back on his bed as you enjoyed each other’s quiet company, the book you had above your eyes was captivating your attention more than Eddie milling about his space.
You took slight notice of the way he slumped down onto the bed, head landing level with your hip. You continued to read, letting him trace the gentle patterns on your thigh with his finger tips.
He was humming, a random tune you’d heard before on his car radio. You didn’t even give him that much attention until you felt it. Book falling down on the bed beside you, you propped yourself on your elbows to glare at him.
“Eddie Munson, behave.”
Hair brushing the bare skin of your leg, his eyes snapped up to you like he’d been caught. Because he had, his fingers lifting up the loose fabric of your skirt to sneak a peek at where you were hottest.
A guilty grin cast over his face as his eyes darted back under for just a moment before he earned a light slap on the arm from you. “Okay, sorry, sorry!”
“You are such a fucking pervert!”
“Can you blame me? You’re not even wearing fucking panties!”
“And, I’m a fucking pervert so of course that’s going to make me act up.”
You let out a deep sigh before shaking your head, unable to stop the giddy smile that was spreading across your face. He was a fucking cornball but he was your fucking cornball at the end of the day.
His fingers were still holding up your skirt as his eyes couldn’t stop themselves from taking another look.
“If you’re going to spend all your time with your head up my skirt, you might as well be useful when you’re down there.”
Eddie didn’t take any convincing as he tugged your thighs around his head and dove under the pretty fabric.
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flyawaybooks · 1 year
shhh don't cry
cassmako Cinderella story, okay?
Euanthe is on the verge of death, Sokrates has betrayed the Apostolisian empire, and after Cassander, there's no heir to the throne. This simply will not do. The Apokine declares that it is time for their child to find a suitable spouse, and that there will be a royal ball open to all eligible citizens of the Golden Branch sector who can afford a transport to Apostolos and an outfit suitable for a royal event.
Mako is nobody. He's iteration 37 of an experiment gone mostly wrong. He's good at fogging, though, so the September institute has decided that he's their best shot at getting access to the inner secrets of the Apostolisian court. And, if it goes wrong? Well, there's more Makos where he came from.
Mako knows how to do this. Well. He did until about thirty seconds ago, when he crashed his Ring of Saturn directly into a finely-dressed Apostolisian and sent their bundle of dried squid-ink pasta and fresh vegetables tumbling to the streets.
"Seriously?" they snap at him. "Can you watch where you're going?"
Mako grins sheepishly and starts scrambling to help pick up the scattered ingredients.
"Sorry, got caught up with getting to my final destination as fast as possible, and I'm also a little lost. Guess I forgot to make sure the path was clear!" He hands over a bundle of formerly fresh basil, which is now decidedly squashed. "Uh, I don't suppose you happen to know where the Embassy is?"
The Apostolisian sighs. "Follow the market path past the next three crossings, and turn left at the fourth one. Keep going until you see the huge ostentatious building on the right, it's impossible to miss."
Mako finishes collecting a handful of what appear to be bright blue tomatoes and gives them back to the stranger. "Listen, I really appreciate it. And...yeah, sorry again, I got a bit carried away." He gives the Apostolisian a once-over, taking note of the well-pressed midnight blue tunic and slacks, the golden-brown skin, and the light dusting of teal scales scattered across their cheeks and over the backs of their hands. Their shoes look expensive, too. Upper class, then, or at least wealthy. Probably gonna be at the ball. "Hey, maybe I'll catch you at the big party this weekend, yeah? I'll save you a dance to make up for it!"
He reaches out a hand to shake the Apostolisian's, and then remembers that shaking hands with someone you haven't been introduced to is considered rude in Apostolisian society. He awkwardly pretends like he's fixing his hair and blushes a little bit, finally feeling the weight of his rapid-fire social failures. Great.
He's too focused on remembering the way he's supposed to be acting to notice the way the Apostolisian blanches at the mention of the party. Embarrassed and ready to make a speedy exit, he fires off one last, "Sorry!" before hopping back on the Ring and surfing away down the street.
Cassander now stands alone in the crowded market square with a bag of very rumpled groceries and a whole lot of questions about what just happened to them. But somewhere behind their initial surge of frustration, they find themself intrigued by this skinny, messy, clumsy guy who believes that he'll be attending the party. How did he get to Apostolos? He's clearly not a local. Dressed in a baggy pink hoodie and the shortest jean shorts they've ever seen, he also didn't seem to be a foreign dignitary. And yet he had asked for directions to the Embassy. What in the name of the Apokine was going on?
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year
I’ll bring takeout
Faith x reader, father lost boys x reader, Michael x reader
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“I’ll be back later” you inform a worried faith as you fuss over your outfit. You had worn your tightest top and shortest shorts to ensure you could lure back some prey
“I don’t want you to go” faith confesses as she bites her nails anxiously
“You say that every time” you chuckle out as you turn to face her. This was the third time you had gone out to bring back prey for the boys and each time faith got more anxious
“I should go with you” faith sighs out in an attempt to convince you
You simply shook your head and brought your hands to hold faiths face affectionately. You refused to bring faith into this. Not only because she could get hurt but you knew she wouldn’t be able to handle it. Bringing back prey needed a level of seduction and the feeling of disgust would enter you when a man’s eyes would take in your body with appreciation. You knew faith would hate every second of it as you did and you couldn’t put her through it.
“I’ll be fine” you reassured “one of my dads will be around somewhere so I won’t be put in danger”
David and the boys put down the rule that one of your fathers would be around to watch and make sure you weren’t put into a dangerous situation and that way the boy could also alert the rest when it was dinner time.
“I’m sorry” faith apologised “you wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for me”
“David would have had me doing this when I’m turned anyway” you sigh out “I’ve just started earlier is all”
Without realising, out of habit you kiss faiths cheek as a goodbye. You would usually do this with James and your brain was too distracted to separate the two. Faith blushed red while you excused yourself from the awkward situation.
Time to go fishing
“Well aren’t you a pretty one” a man approached you at your seat at the bar with a smirk “what are you doing here alone beautiful?”
You had been sat in the bar ‘rhythm kitchen’ for approximately half an hour before the man approached you. Paul was outside the bar waiting for you to come out, or to defend you. He hadn’t even smoked a joint like he usually would just in case something went wrong.
And now here you were, about to lure this man to his death with the fluttering of your lashes and a seductive stare.
“Looking for company” you giggle out falsely as you act more inebriated then you actually were “care to help me?”
“Anything for a pretty thing like you” the man smirked as he pulled his chair closer to yours. The man was mid thirties with a smug face. He was decent looking but still not your type, he probably wasn’t blonde enough for you.
“So mister” you lean close “are you here alone?”
The man laughed out as he hand goes to your thigh in what he must have thought was a sexy move, he just looked and felt creepy to you
“Why do you want me to yourself?” The man smirks out as his hand goes upwards, you subtly stop it by placing your hand on his
“Maybe” you giggle out
“Too bad” the man laughs out “I’m with them”
The man points behind you and you turn to see a group of five. Three women and two men. The women were all very attractive thirty something people with a mischievous looking blonde, a smirking brunette and a kind looking red head. The men were two brunettes who were smirking at their friend crudely.
“They seem to be interested in you” the man states with a crude smile and you just giggle
“I’m interested in them” you answer with face blush covering your face
The two of you walk over to the table and you sit with the girls and the blonde puts her arm around you.
“So young John” she teases “but yet you look so delicious”
You fake laugh, inside you felt disgusted. They all stared at you like wolves looked at a injured lamb. Little did they know you weren’t the one who was going to be hunted.
“So do you guys like to party?” You question with a grin smothering your face
“Definitely” the blonde answers as she sticks her tongue between her two fingers and shoots you a wink while the rest of the table laugh, you laugh along while you inwardly cringe.
“Well me and my friends are having a little party of our own tonight” you state seductively “maybe if I saw you guys, I could give you a tour of the bedrooms”
“And where is this party?” One of the men question with a smug look
“You know the point overlooking the bluff?” The table all nod “go there and I’ll meet you there in half an hour, I need to call my friends and let them know”
You give directions to the group and they all excitedly leave while you finish your drink before paying. As you leave you give Paul a nod of acknowledgment as he looks away while his bike plays up. As Paul is fixing his bike you felt yourself be yanked back by your shoulder as your face with a vaguely familiar face.
“I thought it was you” the boy snaps as he holds you by your shoulders “where the hell have you been”
“Do I know you” you question him annoyed at his need to grab you
“Know me? I got my ass beat defending you” he yells in your face “and now I see you back here trying to get yourself in danger again”
“Look man I don’t know who you are so let go” you push his arms away and stumble backwards at the force “now leave me alone”
“I’m just trying to make sure your okay kid” he confesses angrily “that blonde boy dragged you off and then I don’t see you for months afterwards”
“Blonde boy?” You say confused “you mean James”
“I didn’t catch his name” the man says sarcastically
“What’s your name?” You ask suspiciously, wondering if one of James’s weird friends was messing with you
“Micheal” he answers “do you seriously not remember me?”
“No” you answers annoyed
“I’m not surprised” Michael states with sarcasm in his voice “you were pretty drunk when I saw you, even took my jacket”
“That was you jacket?” You remember finding it under your bed and assuming it was one of your fathers
“Yes” Michael answered “I’d appreciate having it back soon by the way”
You rolled your eyes before another question entered your mind
“What did the blonde boy want?” You ask
“I have no idea” Michael just shrugs his shoulders “he just really wanted to talk to you and you refused”
Your confused mind tried to piece together this information before another idea popped into your head
“Can you do me a favour” you ask hopefully
“Was getting my ass beat not enough” Micheal answers sarcastically
“That boy works at the video store” you ignored Michaels hostility “can you ask him why he wanted to talk and come and tell”
“And when am I supposed to tell you” Michael questions annoyed
“I’ll be back here next month on the first” you say quickly as you notice Paul finishing up on your bike “come find me and tell me what he says”
“Why would I do that?” Michael says annoyed
“Because if you do then I’ll pay you” you say as you reach for your purse to show a wad of cash
“I don’t want your money” Michael shakes his head “I just want to make sure your okay”
“How about if you do me this favour, I’ll call you every few weeks to let you know I’m okay” you bargain, you didn’t know why this man cared so much but you were curious. Michael agrees and writes his number down on a piece of paper and you slip it into your pocket.
“Everything okay here (y/n)?” Paul appears behind you and you turn to him
“Yep fine” you lied “this guy just wanted directions to the video store”
“Uh huh” Paul says suspiciously as he eyes Michael up and down
“We should get home” you say as you grab his hand to drag him away “foods on its way”
Paul agrees and takes lead to his bike before gently helping you get on before getting on himself. You subtly turn your head to Michael and he gives you a nod as Paul drives away with you firmly attached to him.
“There you are” the blonde woman puts her arm around you shoulder “was beginning to think you’d stood us up”
“Never” you giggle out as you begin leading them into the cave, Paul had stayed back in case they tried to run “this way”
The group followed you as you lead them into the common area of the cave, you could feel your fathers lurking in the shadows
Some of the group sat but the blonde seemed to be feeling frisky as she grouped your hips and kissed up your neck while the rest of the group whooped and wolf whistled. You felt disgust and you only got relief from the invasion when David entered
“You did good sweetheart” he chuckles out as he lights his cigarette “your excused”
You quickly took off on the direction of your room when the girl pried her hand around your wrist and pulled you back. Dwayne came up behind her and yanked her away while hissing. The whole group looked on in fear.
As you left the boys looked at the group, their faces mirroring those of when the group had looked at you ln the bar. They all shivered as they realised the situation
“Now that the take outs here” David said with a smirk “dinner time boys”
You rushed to your room with tears running down your face as their screams reached you ears. When you entered your room you noticed that faith was already in bed.
You quickly changed and slipped into bed. Faith unconsciously turned to you and, as usual, put her head on your chest while your arms encircled her waist and you weeped into her arms
As you looked at the peaceful look on faiths face. You knew you’d sacrifice a hundred more people just to make sure she could remain blissfully unaware of the coldness of your situation. As long as she was happy, you were happy.
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 1 year
Okay so me and @ vie-138 & @ inhuman-horrors have talked abut blink being a Pyro!
@buncha-angry-kids-with-no-money and @lyssiebiird have got me on Jack, blink, skittery are besties causing trouble train.
Spot protective train
I need your thoughts on who and for how long has been to the refuge cuz I have thoughts!!
hi anon I fell asleep so sorry about that ANYWAYS HCS
pyro blink is so fun actually. constantly nicking lighters, running his fingers through the flames so all the littles think he’s fireproof. burning all the unsold newspapers at the end of the day one by one and making a whole comical ritual out of it to cheer up anyone who sold badly. he experiments constantly with what will and won’t burn, wee plasters everywhere and definitely patched clothes that are a teeny bit singed around the edges. that comforting smoke smell hanging off him (that’s nicer than race’s cigar smell)
bastard trio yes. jack comes up with all the little schemes and plots and is usually the one to bat his eyes and get them out of it with his sweet talking. blink is very good at getting where he shouldn’t be or having what he shouldn’t have and has perfected his innocent face. skittery is the sentry, kicking his feet and minding his own business while sending everyone in the exact wrong direction when they ask where the others are
spot is SO protective in a very quiet way. while jack is a loud, obvious protective, spot is subtle about it. littles getting shit from older kids? wordless look from across the room until they’re left alone. someone’s struggling to sell? they’ll magically find an extra coin or two, hotshot or mack around to help. scaring off scabs and making sure more food goes to those who need it most. spot’s protectiveness is shown entirely through actions and never in a way that draws attention to it but all the brooklyn newsies know it’s there. spot acts like they don’t give a damn but god help you if you mess with one of their newsies
ohhhh anon my refuge thoughts are something. so many of the newsies have been there for one stretch of time or another. sometimes weeks, others months but most of them know what it looks like inside. as for specific characters my thoughts of as follows:
oscar and morris - from 7 and 5 respectively to when they were both 12 (morris having been there two years longer). they were handed over as opposed to sentenced/caught in any way and have a lot of built up anger about it. they knew/saw a lot of newsies while they were there but don’t really made that connection
jack - constantly in and out for short stretches throughout his whole life. the longest was when he was 12 for over a year, the shortest only a fortnight at 14. he hasn’t been since he was 15 by the time canon rolls around because he’s sure going in there again would kill him, and is more determined than he’s ever been to avoid it. he got smarter after he escaped and realised the newsies needed him, so basically wised up
crutchie/y - only once and he won’t talk about it at all, trying to put on a brave face for the others so they don’t worry about him. it was the most difficult two weeks of his life, and he truly believed for a little while that he would die in there
finch - a very short stretch when he was 11 after running away. his parents reclaimed him before he scarpered again but made very sure to avoid it this time around, living on the streets/in parks instead
albert - has never been in himself, but visits the windows on a regular basis because of benji (uksies) at risk of being caught. it gets harder and harder for him too, as security increases with every escape but he’s determined
race - three months when he was 15. tried to escape but fractured his leg and suffered immensely for it, so even if it was a relatively short stretch it it definitely hurt him mentally
skittery - he was very young, only 4 with a group of kids to look out for him. when they left (he doesn’t know why) he was left on his own and struggled a lot to survive. was let out along with a few other less troublesome littles due to severe overcrowding when he was 9
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What did you think about the new season of black mirror? I have no one else to talk to about it sorry 🥺
Also too shy to send off anon
this is how i feel anon! please, come closer. (big spoiler-free)
shortest answer: i liked it.
less short answer: i really liked some, and the others were just fine. idk why people feel the need to shit all over them.
long answer:
im a huge fan of how it's less "uwu future tech is scawwy" and more modern social commentary. i know other people are all up in arms about that, but i personally like it. black mirror's tech-heavy episodes were good and i think they've done it enough! also people are scarier than tech in my opinion lbvs, so it's a welcome breath of fresh air to me. also loved how a lot of these were set back a few decades.
i was also watching some videos because i can never just be normal about something i like, and the director(s) have said that they literally do not want to be known as the "ooga boogy scary tech" show. so it makes sense that it's less of that this season.
this is more than you probably want, but im gonna do a episode breakdown, and if you wanna share what you thought of them too, i'd be more than happy to read!
Joan Is Awful: fine. the concept is pretty interesting and the twist is kinda cool, but to me it felt very "hey this is our opening episode and we're gonna stack it with celebrities, okay?" and that's fine. i just wasn't as pulled into it. it's my least favorite of the five, but i don't dislike it.
Loch Henry: probably my favorite. the scenery is soooooooo oh my god. it's gorgeous. so many beautiful shots. the acting was incredible and believable and i still think about these characters daily. this is one that i fell face-first into and immediately got swallowed up in. nothing else was happening in the world when i was watching this. the twist was heart-wrenching and the unfolding of it was so tense, with both davis and pia finding out, and pia being made to face it alone. in an unfamiliar place. i've seen people whining saying it was predictable, but couldn't be me. (am i.....perchance...stupid? 🤔) the ending shots are so heavy and made me scramble to stop the autoplay so i could just sit and think about it. HUGE fan. honestly had me reflecting on my true-crime consumption in a big way.
Beyond The Sea: close-second favorite. the concept was very good, and even though you could kinda predict certain things that would happen, it kept me on my toes in the final stretch/final decisions made by david. the romance lover in me was very interested in the whole 'falling in love with someone else in my husband's body' concept, despite the hemming and hawing from other viewers lol (am i.....perchance...stupid 🤔 cont.) the acting wasn't quite as believable for me personally as loch henry, but this is another one i keep thinking about.
Mazey Day: fine. i think people are shitting on this one just because they can. did i sit there with my hands out at the TV saying "huh? why? wait, are we really doing this?" during the twist? yeah, i sure did. but you know what? after thinking about it, it's very poetic. there's a raw catharsis to someone literally tearing the throat out of people who make their lives hell. you love to see it. final shot? i will admit, it got me. also hector kinda sucks but is unfortunately babygirl.
Demon 79: speaking of babygirls. nida <3. gaap <3. this is another one that was fine concept-wise. i understand it's technically under the Red Mirror studio, whatever the hell that means. but it was more about the characters to me than the concept. which is fine. the whole demons-or-delusions thing is a little touch and go for me, but i can understand why they would fall back onto that. also in my obsessive video watching later, there are a LOT of easter eggs regarding a future that black mirror's touched on in past episodes. so that's pretty cool. i dunno! thinking about nida and gaap often, but not because of the content. just because i think they're cool.
god damn this is way more than anyone needs. sorry but also not. i think i needed to do this lmao. if you or anyone reading this wants to share their thoughts on this season, my inbox is always open!
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444rockstargf · 3 months
thinking about pervert!jack thurlow being a whore for his little housewife...
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smutty jack thurlow drabbles below the cut...
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pervert!jack thurlow always insists on you wearing the shortest and tightest little dresses whenever you go out with him.
jack's eyes studied you as you walked out of your bedroom, wearing a long flowy yellow sundress and high-heeled boots, making you look a good girl instead of his good girl. he raised an eyebrow, looking you up and down. "I thought we agreed on the black dress, hun?" you pouted. "but jack, you know that thing barely covers my ass. all your friends will be looking at me!" you whined as he wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing his lips close to your ear. "and that's just the way I like it. now, go put something cuter on, 'kay?" he kisses you on the cheek, leaving you alone to get changed in peace.
pervert!jack thurlow who has cameras planted all over the house, their only purpose being to capture you in your most provocative moments.
with his computer propped onto his lap, he tightened his grip around his painfully erect cock, suppressing a groan that threatened to escape from his lips. you were right beside him in bed, fast asleep and completely oblivious to what he was doing. he had been snooping around earlier in the day, flipping through the footage that his cameras had picked up, none of them exciting him until he reached a clip of you working out, the video capturing you in the perfect angle. his balls slapped against the base of his hand as he pumped it, his teeth biting the soft skin of his lip as his leaky tip came into contact with the screen. he watched your sweaty skin glisten, your nipples poking through your sports bra and your leggings giving him a view of your soft ass and plush thighs. he swallowed a whimper as he smeared precum from his tip using his thumb, strings of saliva connecting his lips as he shot strings of cum onto the screen, indirectly on your body.
pervert!jack thurlow who fucks you over the kitchen counter, washing machine, bathroom sink, etc etc.
your back arched as jack dug his fingers just a little deeper into your throat, pulling your cum-stained white apron to the side as he pressed you against the counter. he drilled his cock into you, his hot moans hitting you right in the soul. "what a good wife you are... making me feel so good while you're working." he pushed your torso down onto the cold marble slab, turning you head to kiss you passionately and feed his moans into your mouth. with rounds of jack's cum pouring down your thighs, you were helpless to turn off the running tap, whistling kettle, and chiming washing machine as he fucked you on the kitchen sink.
pervert!jack thurlow who also happens to be a certified brat tamer, more than willing to put you in your place in any given situation.
your heels clicked against the polished floor as you guided jack through your favourite designer store, his arm wrapped around your waist as he scanned the prices of every item. you dragged him to a dark leather dress in the display, pointing at it to jack. "i want this one." his cheeks burned slightly at the vision of you wearing that short, provocative dress for him and him only. he looked at the price tag, sucking in a breath of air through his teeth as he shook his head. "sorry, baby. unless you've got around $500 to spare, i'm afraid this is out of our budget." you pouted, crossing your arm. "but you said i could get anything i wanted!" his eyes narrowed a little. "i'm not changing my mind, angel." you scoffed, muttering something under your breath and storming out of the store. before you got halfway out of the door, a firm hand grabbed you and pulled you back in, dragging you into an empty dressing room and pinning you to the wall with the hand grabbing your face. jack's eyes were angry blue slits as he spoke lowly. "don't think you can just storm away from me, sweetheart. the last thing i'm willing to tolerate is you acting like a fucking brat in public, you hear me?" you swallowed hard as his face inched closer to yours, nodding frantically. he hummed with slight satisfaction, taking your hand and walking you to the cashier, "now, what colour do you want the dress in?"
pervert!jack thurlow who cannot keep his hands off of you, especially in public.
jack's hand was glued to your ass as you pushed your shopping cart through the supermarket. you shot him a glare, making him raise an eyebrow. "jack, you're pulling up my dress." he tilted his head to the side, obviously not getting the memo. "and?" you rolled your eyes. "and you're making a fool of me and yourself in public. you wouldn't want anyone else seeing this, would you?" he snorts out a laugh, giving your ass a squeeze. "like I give a damn what other people think. if they wanna look, let 'em. i want all these people to know that this bombshell of a wife is all mine." he crouched down to give you a kiss on the neck, your heart racing in your chest as you proceeded with your shopping.
pervert!jack thurlow who has a colour-coded assortment of sextapes with you that he frequently jerks off to.
jack's favourite thing to do after a hard day at work was to find a tape of his perfect little wife being his good little whore, especially when you weren't around to satisfy him. red indicated bdsm. all the times he'd tied up all your sore limbs, spanked your ass until it was raw, and possessed your body with his own. orange was for roleplay: ranging from maid dresses to bunny ears and thigh-high socks to leather corsets, majority of your excitement was contained in the category. yellow represented all the times you and him never actually got to the part of fully undressing. dry humping through cum-saturated pieces of clothing, making out with each other's private parts through silk panties and boxers. green held footage of all the time you had dominated him. riding him to the point of painful overstimulation, transforming him into a whiny mess. blue was each time he had fucked you to the point of tears and past it. abusing your tiny hole until you were clinging to his bicep, holding on for dear life. he got a sick thrill from making you feel so helpless. purple was for whenever he wanted you to have all the fun, leaving himself to be the Thunder cameraman. videos of you fingering yourself and making a gooey mess of yourself, using a vibrator, and wishing that it was him touching you instead. last of all, pink. the best of them all. candids of you at random moments, bent over with a glimpse of your panties showing or clips of you getting dressed, dancing around the room and not giving a care because you knew you were all alone. alone for his eyes only, of course.
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author's note: ive been getting soo many requests for gabriel (gabriel, 2014) so I promise ill get smth out for him this weekend!
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justasecretwriter · 2 years
The Short Straw (Bucky x Y/N)
Title | The Short Straw
Summary | Bucky drinks an unknown substance which turns out to be sex pollen. The only problem is its strong enough to bring out the Winter Soldier, and he's got his eyes trained on Y/N.
Pairings | Bucky x Y/N, Winter Soldier x Y/N
Story Warnings/Tags | Cursing, Bullying (maybe), Verbal Fighting, Sex, Dubious Consent, Non-Consent (maybe), brain washing, the Winter Soldier
Author's Note | If you are sensitive to non-con, dub-con, or violence, please skip this story. If you're not, please enjoy, you filthy whore ;)
Also, sorry for so much Russian, I got carried away.
Words | 1,946
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This was a bad idea. This was such a bad idea.
After we'd found some unknown substances at a Hydra base, we'd been able to identify all but one of them. This one was a bright red, glittering dust. Sealed in a box with the words DO NOT OPEN on the front, it was a bad idea.
Tony's brilliant idea was that the only way to identify it was to open it. So, we were pulling straws for who got to be the lucky bastard. And as we all looked around, we realized Bucky was staring down at a short red straw. The shortest straw.
"No. Nope. Not a chance." Steve announced loudly, taking the straw away from him. "I'll do it."
"Nope," Tony said. "He pulled the short straw. He's gotta do it."
"What if it brings out the Winter Soldier, Tony? What then, huh?" Steve yelled angrily.
"He'll be contained anyway, so what's it matter?"
"What's it matter? Are you seriously that cruel?!" Steve shouted, and I started trying to help Nat get between them before it became physical.
"Boys! Boys!" Nat yelled, to no avail.
"He's a big boy, Steve. He doesn't need you to make decisions for him anymore."
"I volunteered, Tony, so what's the big deal?"
"You don't always get to play the hero, dumbass!" He screamed, and we finally got them apart.
"Quit it!" I cried. "You're acting like children."
"Where's Bucky?" Steve said suddenly, worry laced with his tongue as he spun around. We all looked around and gasped when we saw he was in the lab, already holding the container of neon red dust.
"Bucky, no!" Steve ran towards the lab doors, but he'd already locked them from the inside. Steve pounded on the door. "Bucky, stop!"
He opened the container, and everyone was quiet.
The dust bounded into the air quickly, surrounding Bucky's head, making him cough and swat at it wildly. Steve was still trying to get the door opened, and now, as Bucky was choking on the dust, I was pounding on it too.
It couldn't hurt Bucky. Not our Bucky.
And then the dust went away, and Bucky coughed a few more times before he seemed all right. Shaken up, but all right. He went to the fridge and drank some water before sitting down.
He looked at us and gave us a thumbs up.
"I feel fine." He said through the microphone on the wall, walking over to the door. "A little dizzy, but fine."
We all watched him as he walked around, fiddling with things to keep himself occupied, but he was right. He seemed fine. After a while, he took off his jacket.
The next to go was his boots. He also seemed to be drinking more water, making us tilt our heads.
"You all right, Buck?" I asked.
He nodded. "Just a little hot."
Tony walked over to a small panel on the wall, and his brows creased. "It's seventy-two in there pal, you should be cool as a cucumber."
Bucky fanned himself, pulling his hair up into a bun and wiping sweat off his forehead. He sat down, and we all watched.
Fuck, he was drenched in sweat.
"Yeah, I um, I don't feel so good, guys." He murmured as his eyes clouded over, and he grabbed the counter before hitting the floor.
I perked up quickly, trying again to get the door open.
"Bucky? Bucky!" I looked at the passcode panel. "Jarvis, let me in."
"I cannot do that, Ms. Y/L/N. He has entered the red code."
"Tony, what's the red code?" I asked as he cursed.
"It's the code we have for the building in case there's ever a chance of the Winter Soldier. If he's locked the lab down with that, we can't get in. And Jarvis can't override it."
"Well, we have to get in there. What if Bucky's hurt?!" I yelled, and then I heard Bucky groan and whipped around.
He was standing up slowly. Once he got to his feet, I gasped, recognizing the stance he took and the way his eyes darted around the room.
The Winter Soldier.
"No," Nat gasped.
"Bucky," I said into the intercom, and his eyes immediately looked to us. He took a defensive position, and I held out my hands. "It's okay, Bucky."
"Я не знаю Баки. (I don't know Bucky.)"
I took a deep breath, trying to think about how to get him back. I turned to Steve, knowing he wouldn't be happy with me after the stunt I had in mind.
"Trust me."
He immediately looked wary.
"What are you going to do?"
I turned back to Bucky.
"Тоска, ржавчина, печь, рассвет, семнадцать, доброкачественная, девятая, возвращение домой, одна, грузовой автомобиль."
(Those are the Winter Soldier's trigger words.)
Everyone around me gasped as Bucky's head bowed and his entire body relaxed.
"Я готов отвечить. (Ready to comply.)"
"I don't think the pollen is solely to bring him back to the Soldier," I said to Steve. "Or it would have been faster. I think it's for something else, but it also triggers the Soldier."
"So, we have to find out what it is," Tony murmured, and I nodded.
"Get back," I said to them, and thankfully for once, they listened.
"Впусти меня, солдат. (Let me in, Soldier.)"
"Y/N, no!" Nat said, but I pushed her back as Bucky punched in the code and allowed me in. He shut the door and put the code back in.
I gulped, almost scared to turn around and face him, though I knew he wouldn't hurt me since he was in command of me.
"Скажи мне, что ты чувствуешь. (Tell me what you feel.)"
"Головокружение, лихорадка, учащенное сердцебиение, сексуальные расстройства. (Dizziness, fever, heart palpitations, sexual frustration.)"
I raised a brow.
I heard Natasha translating for the rest of the team, and I turned around.
"Sex pollen?" Tony asked.
"Y/N, if that's the case, you have like ten minutes to get out of there," Bruce announced. "Before it fully sets in."
"Well, that depends," Tony said. "Most sex pollen only makes them want the one they love."
"She still has to get out," Steve announced, making my eyes go wide. "He's been in love with you forever."
"Fuck." Bruce cursed. "Get out of there, Y/N."
"No. I can't just leave him in here, not like this."
Suddenly, Bucky sat down, and that's when I knew he was in pain. He wouldn't have moved without a command. He was sweating again too.
"солдат? (Soldier?)" He looked up. "насколько все плохо? (How bad is it?)"
"тебе лучше уйти. (I think you should leave.)"
I shook my head.
"Мне нужен Баки обратно. (I need Bucky back.)"
He shook his head no.
He squirmed for a long time, pulling at his pants, and doubling over in pain. Bruce reminded me that once the serum took control, I wouldn't be able to stop him.
I sat in the corner and waited, dismissing the others. They left unwillingly, and I faced Bucky in the cold silence by myself.
"Я не буду осуждать тебя, ты же знаешь. (I won't judge you; you know.)"
He looked at me, holding his crouch tightly.
"И если нужно потрогать, я не буду смотреть. (And if you need to touch, I won't look.)"
"Вы должны уйти, пока у вас есть шанс. (You should leave while you've got a chance.)"
I shook my head and stood, coming close to him. He leaned away from me, whining, but let me touch his hair.
"солдат. (Soldier.) Позвольте мне позаботиться о вас. (Let me take care of you.)"
He didn't say anything but looked hesitant as I reached for his hands. He let me pull them away, revealing the painfully hard outline in his pants.
I looked at his face and started reaching for the buttons of his pants, but he stopped me and stood up and reached for the buttons of my shirt.
He began undoing them and pealed it off my shoulders, ever so gently, his face calm, almost bored, but his eyes ablaze.
He gulped as he stared at my cleavage, and I reached behind me to unclasp my bra. He made a throaty noise when it hit the floor. This time he didn't stop me when I pulled his shirt off.
His bare chest was beautiful, it always had been, but now it glistened with sweat. I ran my fingers down in between his abs and grinned when he shivered.
Glimpsing up at his face, he had his eyes closed and was nearly panting.
I kissed him, taking him by surprise, and wrapped my arms around his neck to grab his hair.
He moaned and was no longer that gentle giant he was just moments before. He grabbed my hips with bruise-inducing strength and hauled me onto the lab counter, pushing files and beakers to the floor, only smiling when they burst.
His fingers were quick to rip my pants off my hips, pulling the underwear with them in one rough motion.
He growled and started kissing my neck, biting along the way as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled his cock out.
He spread my legs fast. Thankfully, I was already wet from how rough he was with me because he wasted no time plunging himself into me. Making me scream his name into the air for all the tower to hear; my legs shook. Hopefully, they wouldn't think he was hurting me, because truthfully, I'd never felt more on cloud nine.
His hands gripped my hips, and I clawed into his back. I felt the blood underneath my fingertips but couldn't help it.
The way his dick felt inside of me was like nothing I'd ever felt before.
He growled into my ears, and it went straight to my pussy, making me clench around him, leading to more groans.
I bit into his shoulder to keep from screaming out again. It was no use. When I wrapped my legs around his waist, I was right back to shouting his name. The new position led to his tip hitting my cervix and his groin pressing against my clit, forming some holy trinity of pleasure.
"Harder!" I screamed, and he rammed into me, making my legs shake.
"Я рядом, красавица. (I'm close, beautiful.)"
I moaned and squeezed tighter, feeling that coil in my belly react to his words. I tried to hold it so that we could cum together, but when his thrusts became uncontrolled, the orgasm washed over me like holy water.
I shook and screamed, feeling like I was floating. Feeling the cum inside me, that was just the cherry on top of it all.
We lay there panting for a few minutes, and when I looked at his face, I realized the Soldier was gone, and I was holding onto Bucky.
"Yeah, it's me, doll."
He laid his forehead in the crook of my neck, and I smiled, hugging him tightly. I felt him grin.
"I love you, doll."
"I love you too, Buck."
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Kiri’s lil sis (or step sis?) thirsting after her big brother’s cool best friend Bakugo, always trying to join them going anywhere and sit next to bakugo/on his lap with kiri being so oblivious to your advances until one day you practically throw yourself at bakugo to hang out just one and one.. You get all dolled up only to find out jealous kiri finds out about your little date and has to show you how he’s manly enough for whatever you need, that your his
oh my god
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Kiri is fine to hang out with Bakugou, fine with calling him his friend, but seeing you tripping over yourself to try and gain Bakugou's approval? It makes his blood boil.
Especially since Kiri has heard Katsuki talk about girls when it's just the boys hanging out, how bakugou likes playing with 'em and what kind of rough, degrading shit he subjects them to. Kirishima is almost taken aback, but hey, to each their own.
Imagining Bakugou doing all that to his sweet little sister sickens him.
To find out that you went behind your older brother's back, batted your eyelashes and pushed your chest out while asking Katsuki if he would take you to get coffee, or food, or what-fucking-ever makes Kirishima grit his teeth and clench his fists.
Especially since he comes downstairs to see you primping in the mirror, with the shortest skirt you own barely covering your ass, nipples poking through the tiny, thin little crop top you're wearing.
"Where ya going?" He can't help but ask, eyes raking over you, a 'lil confused. He likes the view, but you shouldn't be dressed like that, it's inappropriate.
"I'm gonna go hang out with Katsuki." You're barely paying your brother any attention, making sure your makeup looks good enough, leaning forward to dab at your lipstick. Kirishima can't help but stare as your skirt rides up more, showing off a little glimpse of pale pink panties.
"No you aren't, not dressed like that." He decides quickly, a blush rising to his cheeks. He's not some doddling virgin, panties really aren't that revolutionary of a sight to him, but to see your panties, well-
"You're not dad, you can't tell me what to do." Your answer is so cheeky, so bratty, and Kirishima knows you're acting up, already trying to act older than you are so you'll look cool in Bakugou's eyes.
He's having none of it.
Two strides and he's grabbing you by your elbow, hand completely encompassing your little arm. Kiri likes the almost-frightened gasp that spills out of your mouth as he yanks you close, staring down at you with knitted brows.
"You aren't going anywhere near Katsuki, he's bad news for pretty girls like you. I'm not letting him put his hands on my little sister."
Wide eyes stare back at him. "Let me go, I'm not a little kid anymore!" You shake yourself out of his grip (only because he lets you) before you smooth out your outfit with a huff. "I know what I'm doing."
Kirishima frowns. "Do you? Really?" He's irritated now. You don't know what you're getting yourself into. You don't know how Bakugou's going to treat you, going to rough you up and make you cry, drop you off home afterwards and leave Kirishima to clean up the mess he's made of you.
"You're not going."
"I don't have to do what you say Kiri." You point out. "Just 'cause mom and dad aren't home doesn't mean you get to control me. Dad said it was fine when I asked him earlier."
Your brother huffs, moves behind you until his bulk is blocking the front door, your exit. "Dad barely knows who Bakugou is. I said you aren't going, and that's final."
"Kirishima-" You're angry, eyes blazing as you stare him down. "Get out of my way."
Look at you, trying to be all tough and bossy. Bakugou would destroy you, and Kirishima can't, won't have that happen.
"He's not gentle, y'know." The redhead starts off nonchalantly, propelling his body towards your with a few easy steps.
"He'll grab you like this-" A hand at your throat, squeezing too tight for your comfort and immediately you're scrabbling at his arm, wheezing for Kiri to stop. "And he'll just laugh when you do that."
"He'll bend you over the most convenient surface, see?" He's shoving you into the kitchen, making you stumble backwards before your brother spins you around, slams you over the counter. Your toes are barely touching the ground, head spinning from the rough treatment. What was Kiri - your sweet, goofy brother - doing?
"Probably'll make fun of what you're wearing. I mean seriously, are you trying to look like a slut?" Kirishima slaps your ass where it's exposed by your tiny skirt, and you yelp, trying to scramble away. But Kirishima easily grabs your waist, keeps you in place and kicks your legs apart before forcing himself between them.
"I can see your panties, and your breasts in this little getup. Bakugou doesn't like easy girls, thinks they deserve to get fucked real rough. You ready for that?" Kirishima doesn't bother with your skirt, it's so short it's not even in his way as he runs his fingers over your panties, snapping the waistband against your skin. You're so warm.
Then a hand pushes up your shirt until it's over your chest, and your tits are smushed against the counter as Kirishima presses you flat against it. "Y'know, he might not even prep you. A real gentleman would make sure you're ready first, maybe make you cum a few times before even think of getting inside you, but not Katsuki. He'll shove in dry, tear you up and make you bleed all over the place."
Fingers push the crotch of your panties to the side, and you're whining, crying into the counter now. Begging Kirishima to stop only makes him chuckle darkly, and suddenly you feel the heat of his crotch as he presses against you, grinds the bulge in his jeans against your core.
"Crying is only gonna make him treat you worse. You know he doesn't like crybabies. You gonna cry for him just like this when he splits you apart? You'll make him go soft sweetie."
It's only when you hear the sound of a zipper do you truly start to thrash, truly scared and cowed. "I get it, I get it! 'M sorry Kiri, I won't go, I won't!" You cry, legs kicking as you push up against his hand, trying to get off the counter where he has you pinned.
Kirishima lets out a noncommittal hum, enjoying the way your frantic movement is stimulating his cock where it's pressed to your cute little pussy. You're even starting to get a bit wet, darkening his jeans.
"Please! Let me go, I'll listen, I swear-" You beg, cries choking your throat.
It feels like forever until Kiri steps away from you, lets you push yourself off the cold counter and pull your shirt over your chest, push your panties back into place and tug down your skirt.
When you turn to look at him, Kirishima almost feels bad about your puffy eyes and the tears running down your face. Almost.
"C'mere-" Is all he offers instead of an apology, pulling you into a bone-crushing hug. He's still hard in his jeans.
"I just don't want to see you get hurt, that's all." Your brother explains, rubbing your shoulder as you sniffle against his chest. "Bakugou isn't boyfriend material, got it? Especially not for someone who hasn't even had their first kiss."
He can feel you nodding in understanding against him.
"I'll text him that you won't be coming, okay? Go upstairs and change. Maybe we can watch a movie or something." A pat to your head as you turn away from him, little hands wiping at the tears on your face as you start to walk away.
Kiri can still see your panties with every step you take, ass bouncing.
He's going to text Katsuki, tell him that you're completely off limits. Maybe later tonight he'll send the blonde a video to really cement that fact, you on your knees, sucking his cock. Or maybe a few different pictures of your cunt as he presses inside, a few more showing him teasing your clit with the head of his dick.
That'll get the message across, not only to Bakugou, but to you.
Kirishima's the only one that gets to touch you
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