weirdcat1213 · 1 year
chap 1:
-happy days and everything is going to shit...yeap thats trigun
-i just noticed they have separated rooms and that makes me sad for some reason
-i love to see that rem was nice to everyone but was also getting annoyed by that guy, shes not perfect and I LOVE HER
-ngl, im not sure if the other guys did something
-its so cool to see the scientists joking around for a bit but then getting to see them in silence cuz IT IS a weird situation to be in. you are alone in space and something happened "on its own"..... It makes the situation more serious
-it hasnt even been that expanded in 98 (im sorry for the spoiler ig) or stampede (YET), but rem is so funny. shes more than a living saint and im glad we get to see more of her here. shes the only mom ever
-also i thought knives *fixed* the thing, i forgot he caused it lmao
-arent they adorable? :3 pls dont touch them :3
-"it could end in disaster" you dont say....you dont say....
-BABY KNIVES WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU (ik what happened to him)
-"if you can love someone with all your heart then its alright".........im gonna take so time to think about that cuz....yeah, i guess thats true isnt it?
-oh that doesnt age wel...not even story wise but life wise....if we could only talk with each other
-ok so...is that a fucking ghost? and if it is, did she really appear when knives's faith in humanity was at its peak? really :c?
-great....scientific....discovery.....you say......... so the scientists were ready for another tesla situation....
-pls no pls no pls no. you teach her how to speak and then you do that shit. stop
-by looking at the pictures and descriptions we can say that the scans began on her 13th day of life (multiple scans as the chapter mentions), and 87 DAYS LATER they started to ask themselves if that was correct to do from a moral standpoint...87 days. and just after they started to question themselves she started dying. just 10 days later...fuck
-"we have no desire to rest" WHAT ABOUT YOUR "SUBJECT" THO ASSHOLES
-its never not gonna make me sick how they killed a child in 100 days. thats all it took.
-ajjjj :c im fucking sick
chap 2:
-same vash same
-ily rem but no, thats too fucked up to forgive
-knives, my poor baby :c
-"i wish i could cut myself from everything too" oh mood, i mean what
-ok but rem trying to pick vash up and he refusing has to be so fucking heartbreaking for rem cuz thats her fucking child no matter what
-imagine your child who loved you so much rejecting you like that. i would literally shatter
-"you can continue the experiments with us" vash stfu i swear. catch me actually crying over that line btw im not ok
-INTERESTING how rem says she felt powerless (and i get why) but during the whole thing the crew had so much power over her life
-it fucks me up this is a one year old trying to die of starvation. yeah he looks older and etc etc but hes still less than 2 years old. life is pain. why nightow.
-also idk if im interpreting the panel right but i think he *was* going to eat but saw rem in his room so he stopped
-or are those different days? idk
-alright, today you are eating you sick son of a bitch :]
-the panel being blurry on purpose, 10/10
-hes sitting the same way rem did- oh im ending it all
-i feel kinda weird saying this but i just fucking love that story: the metaphor, how she tells it. it really feels like a parent trying to teach a kid something. its sad but feels comfy. i could literally read/listen to her telling that story of the train in her dreams over and over
-[pause for crying]
-its "separated ways" cuz that talk with rem lowkey divided rem i think. knives would be way different if he had heard what rem said. damn it why did he had to faint
chap 3
-"king of loneliness" pls i want to stop crying
-i know he didnt block the memory, i feel it
-yey creepy knives is here....yeyyy....
-amazing transition btw, gives me the yibbies every time
-why he looks so cool while being creepy stop it knives stop it
-idk if im understanding it right, but i think knives did the thing he did in the first chapter but for all ships. it comes full circle
-god i hate when hes right
-im sad to say he looks beautiful and epic. also for the life of me i could not say if that plant agreed with him or not
-yknow what i think she didnt agree to that
-age of chaos wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D
[i took a one day break cuz the volume made me too sad BUT IM BACK BABY]
chap 4
-yeah ig my baby has been to so many funerals if you think about it
-wolfwood: you dont wanna mess with this guy he will break you
the guy in question: :c
-aw his cute little and stupid face :3
-i love to see vash having a good time :') god he needed that
-oh man we're getting sad again
-also yes they take those people who did whatever they did but the bartender is also taking vash in, even the demons get to drink there huh, nice
-why tf is this guy so wise, why is he saying what vash (kinda) needs to hear? amazing, im devastated
-wait so the feathers or whatever hurt??? because of the face he made. SO DOES IT HURT???? NO :C
-knives can you not-
-the final panel its so cute and then there's the fucking speech bubble that says "dumbass" its true tho xd
chap 5
-NOT THE FUCKING FEATHER i dont want to go there
-he looks so tired :c
-oh shit i forgot about that panel of his face wth
-"the last thing i want to do is be a burden to him" STFU WOLFWOOD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
-"youre the one who needs to be careful" I WILL CHEW GLASS
-elendira ily sm
-thank you wolfwood for saying trans rights lmao
-oh no his glasses :c
-ah fuck hes awake noooooooooooo
chap 6
-dont you bring tesla into this >:[
-idk whats happening but KILL HIM
-*sigh* i hate when knives is right
-DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT AFTER STAMPEDE MF :C "if they come for us lets just run as fast as we can" YOU ARE MAKING IT SO HARD TO READ THIS MAN
-also yey he regained his eye :3
-:cccccccccccccccccccccc im so happy that talk was in stampede
-also yeah vash hates knives with a burning passion but EVEN THEN he still was willing to give him a chance and live together with him, i cant do this anymore really
-im picturing legato kind of jumping in his metal handbag to move around as if he was in a sleeping bag cuz i think thats way funnier lmao
-:cccccccccc vash pls
-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :c his armmmm
-oh geesus oh god no OH HELL NO
-ohhhhh i see. look at legato being useful lmao /J
well that was certainly a volume
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the-tiktok-rogue · 9 months
Deputation: a Tim Wright fic
trigger warning for suicidal ideation etc
Tim had woke up from another fit, Jessica was on the floor bleeding, and he had a knife in his hand, he ran to his car and drove as far as he could, all the way to rosswood park.
In the car park he turned off the camera and used his laptop to upload entry 87, then he opened the car door, and got the gun he bought that day out of the boot of his car, locking his car up, he walked into the woods, all the way to the tunnel.
He thought of everyone he lost, everything he lost, his job, his friends, his house…Jay…as he held the gun to his temple, he cried tears, ready to pull the trigger when…
A hand tapped his shoulder, who else could be out here? he was alone, wasn’t he? he heard an icelandic choir singing in the background….where was that coming from, as he turned around, he saw a skull faced figure stood in front of him.
Of all the things he thought he’d see today, this wasn’t one of them.
“w-who are you? why did you stop me.”
“I contain many” the skull faced man spoke, the choir stopping now.
“I have some souls who want to speak to you through me.” they said gently
the skull faced mask came off and Jays face appeared
“JAY?!” Tim gasped and cried
“Tim if my death meant anything to you, please don’t kill yourself” Jay said begging Tim to stay alive.
“But it was my fault. if I hadn’t lied about the tape-“
“You did that to protect me.” Jay interrupted
“Being in here with the other souls has given me clarity, you never wanted to hurt me, you lied to be kind.”
Tim sobbed looking down at his gun again “but if you’re not here, what’s the point in being alive, I already lost so much…”
Jay smiled “you have yourself don’t you? you win against Alex, that’s worth celebrating enough, besides, i’m not the only one who wants to talk to you.”
the face shifted and changed like a fleshy pool until Brian’s face appeared
“I know why you killed me Tim and I don’t blame you.”
“Brian…you were my best friend…i’m so sorry.”
Brian laughed “Tim if you knew it was me in the hoody you wouldn’t have killed me, I know it, it was the heat of the moment and we all act out with the sickness.”
“How can you be so forgiving when I literally killed you?!” Tim screamed echoing into the tunnel.
Brian breathed in a tranquil breath “because i’m no longer sick, being in this skull faced container has given me serenity, peace I haven’t felt in years, you can find that in life, with a fresh start.”
“what about the tall faceless man, that’s still gonna be out there.”
Brian smiled “we’ll take care of that, you get to live your life, make new friends, start fresh, you’ve done it before you can do it again.”
“I don’t know…” Tim said hesitantly
Brian spoke again “tell you what, let’s take it up to a vote, a deputation. who here thinks Tim should live.”
Jays face appeared “I do.”
The bearded person spoke “I do, I never got a chance to choose.”
seth and sarah’s faces spoke “we do.”
Alex’s face appeared and snarled “I don’t. he deserves to die after spreading the virus to us all”
Tim jumped at the appearence of Alex.
Skully put their skull faced mask on now
“I do, now Tim, it’s time for you to choose, life or death, which is it?”
Tim felt clarity for the first time ever in his entire life, he took the bullets out of his gun and threw it away.
“I choose life.” he said calmly.
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
So much fic seems to miss how different things were in the 80s compared to now (also seem to forget how long ago stranger things is set... like season 1 is set 40 years ago this year.)
One thing I notice it a lot in is the talking about video/ the setting with Steve and Robin working at family video and just how home media worked.
First part of it, you can always tell when someone only grew up with dvd/ bluray/ video on demand. Because VHS did not have home menus, scene selection, or an additional features menu. You put the tape in and the only options were play, pause, fast forward or rewind. And when people write DVD instead of VHS for what family video offer. Like that format did not come out until the mid 90's and didn't overtake VHS until the early-mid 2000's, which lead to the monstrosities that were the combo DVD/VHS player. (I even saw one fic where Steve and Robin had to rewind returned DVD's. That is just not how it works.)
A lot of the time I think people don't understand is how new accessible home video/ home media was. Like when Steve and Robin start at family video, VHS was less than a decade old. Home video that was accessible and available to the masses only really came about with Betamax in 75 and VHS in 76. And because of that it was expensive, which is why rental stores were such a big thing. In the mid 80's a normal single-tape VHS could easily cost $80-$90, which is the equivalent of over $200. When Back To The Future was released on VHS in 86 it cost $80. So when its written that someone (often Eddie) has rented the same movie a few times, and they have Steve or Robin say that it would be cheaper to buy a copy, it just doesn't make sense.
Then its the time between theatrical release and home release. It could easily be a year between theatrical release and VHS release (Using BTTF again, theatrical release date was July 3rd 1985, VHS release was May 22nd 1986. So nearly 11 months.) And film companies didn't just release their entire back catalogue onto VHS right away. They looked at what was in demand. (Disney didn't finish releasing their "classics" onto VHS until well into the 90's). The one I see people getting wrong the most in fic is The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Now I could see Robin and Eddie loving Rocky Horror, but they probably weren't all that aware of it. It was released in 75, but it wasn't available on VHS until 87 in the UK, and 1990 in the US, and it wasn't broadcast on TV until 93. Yes, there were midnight screenings in a lot of cities, but it was rated R, and they just might not have heard of it. (Sorry, but Rocky Horror is my other hyperfixation/ special interest and I could talk about it for hours on end). But, yeah, unless they'd managed to get hold of a bootleg copy, they probably hadn't seen it.
Sorry for the long ask, but this is just something that bugs me a little, because it would take just a few seconds to google it to find out if what they've written actually makes sense with the time it's set.
i read a fic that mentioned they were all watching a dvd and i literally stopped reading the fic. it just totally took me out of it.
obviously if you’re younger you won’t know as much about vhs, but it’s not that hard to find out (also, someone had to rewind dvds??? come on man, never having actually seen a vhs, sure. but have these people never watched a dvd??)
$80? that’s so expensive! i had no idea! i do love how you know so much about this tho lmao
people focus on the rocky horror picture show too much. i think it’s the only queer media they know from around the 80s, and while it’s fun, i really don’t think robin/steve/eddie would’ve known much about it, and if they did watch it, would probably be post st canon.
don’t worry about long asks! small things like that bug me too lol, especially because they’re so small it would take two seconds to look it up! but i guess if you’ve never really experienced 80s shit, you don’t even know you have to look stuff up.
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steele-soulmate · 8 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 564, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death, abandoned baby
WORDS: 1152
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“Hihi Sammi- whadup?” I greeted my baby sister with a happy chirp upon answering the call to my cell phone.
“Hello, is this Mary Claire Bradley?”
“It’s Ratajczyk now, but who is this?” I asked, rolling away from an impromptu snuggle session with my beefcake of a husband, freeing his enormous kraken from my womanly cavern of wonders.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. My name is Dr. Charles Lamb and I am Samantha Heart’s primary care physician. Is now a bad time?”
“Nope.” I popped the P dramatically. “Now, please answer my question.”
“Samantha had been complaining of migraines for the past six years that she had been under my care. Today I ran an MRI, and I found a sizable mass in the mid upper right side cortex of her brain. You are listed as her primary contact in case she is unable to make any decisions for herself.”
A pit formed in the pit of my tummy. Sammi had always complained of head pains, ever since we were very small.
“How long has it been in her head?” I literally felt like I was going to puke.
“It’s hard to say for certain. But surgery to remove it would kill her for certain. I would like to put her on a newly released drug. It’s main purpose is to keep the blood pressure at a more reasonable level, but it’s also used in making tumors shrink in on oneself.”
I turned around and looked up at Peter, standing before me in his handsome naked glory with his dick hanging between his thighs, still partway inflated.
“It’s Sammi, she has a tumor in her head,” I whimpered as he took my cell phone from my hand and welcomed me in for a tearful hug.
As he spoke to the doctor, a sudden wave of depression and worry sunk ugly claws deep into my chest, making it difficult to breathe.
“Hey hey hey there now, sweetheart,” Peter murmured, dropping to a knee to gently cradle the side of my face in one of his massive hands. “Can you breathe with me now?”
In, two, three, four…
Hold, two, three, four…
Out, two, three, four…
“Let’s get dressed, yeah?” Peter told me. “I can drop you off at Sammi’s apartment for you to grab some of her stuff while I go to the hospital and pick her up. I can call Josh and we can pick him up on the way and he can drive Sammi’s car back over here for her, okay?”
“Yeah, sure, alright,” I sniffled as he set me on the bed, doing a quick check in with me before helping me into fresh panties and sweatpants, tugging one of his t-shirts onto me. I flailed as my head popped out of the neck hole, practically swimming in the large garment as I watched Peter hastily don boxers, sweatpants and a too small band T-shirt that clung to his muscles.
“I’ll call Isabelle on our way, okay sweetheart?” he told me. “You just go and get ready for our little road trip/”
Forty minutes later, Peter was pulling up to Josh’s house, where the grizzled man jumped into the passenger seat at once, rolling the window down to wave at his wife, who was standing up on the porch.
“So, what kind of car does Sammi drive?” Josh asked as he clicked his seatbelt into the lock.
“She drives an ’87 Volkswagen bus, affectionally nicknamed the great Pumpkinmobile,” I answered at once, sitting directly behind Peter as he carefully maneuvered the family automobile through the thick traffic. “Jackie has done most of the modifications on it, like making it Bluetooth compatible, swapping out for comfier seats and adding more space into the back for all of our faire crap.”
“Ah, okay.” I couldn’t see his face, but I knew that he could guess at how worried I was as Peter pulled up to Sammi’s apartment complex.
I got out and hurried inside, taking out the key that my baby sister had entrusted me with to open the door to her unit.
I hurried deeper inside after locking the door behind me, stopping by the coat closet and grabbing two duffle bags, which I carried with me into her bedroom, where I began to pack clothes and underthings. I frowned at the outlandish amount of sexy thongs and lacy lingerie that she had neatly stashed in one of four drawers. I was quick and decisive as I packed things for her before going into Baby Noah’s bedroom.
I smiled at the sweet circus theming, packing up clothes and a few plush toys for the little man, grabbing a folded blankie that was on his bed.
I did a quick once over as I went through the apartment, taking note of the little cactus standing on the counter of her bathroom. I gave it a little bit of water before turning to text Peter.
I went back into Baby Noah’s room and grabbed a random pair of baby tennis shoes, stuffing them into his little duffle bag.
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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austempered · 6 years
It’s so predictable, it’s almost sad, really.
They haven’t spoken in weeks and Bakugo straight up avoids direct eye contact- gives a mix between an angry and haughty toss of his head and scowls at the wall whenever Tetsu glances through the doorway leading to the 1-A classroom. Kendo gives a gentle tug to the sleeve of his summer school uniform, looking concerned that the taller student is beginning to single-mindedly focus on the other homeroom almost as much as Neito does. He laughs it off and continues down the hall, gives a wave in parting as they split up- Itsuka having been assigned to drop off their tests at the faculty office. 
While he’s at his shoe locker, he pauses and wonders if he should just go back and drag the blonde onto the roof again, like he had the first time. Even the memory of... that had him grimacing in lingering embarrassment, that stupid scrap of paper having kickstarted whatever was between them now. If there was anything at all, anymore.
He tells Monoma he’s gotta stay behind after all, tossing his school bag over his shoulder as he jogs back in the direction of the Hero Course wing of the building. Luckily, he manages to spot Bakugo trying to slip away- His presence causing the blonde to turn and walk in the opposite direction. 
Good, then he won’t see it coming.
Striding up behind the other boy, he firmly grips onto the crook of his arm and hauls him out the side door facing the courtyard that connected them to the General Ed and Business Course buildings. Tetsu makes sure to get them both out of eyesight, away from most of the windows where prying eyes could see, because if anything- It looks like he’s dragging Katsuki off to have a brawl on U.A. grounds.
“We need to talk,” he states simply enough, releasing Bakugo’s arm for the time being and dropping his bag to the ground.
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Day 87: Personality Swap
"Gentleman! That is enough," McGonagall snapped and the fist that Harry had been throwing at Malfoy's face came to a screeching halt. "Get off of the floor, both of you."
Malfoy shoved Harry off of him and climbed to his feet, wiping a bit of blood from his nose. Harry winced as he used his sore wrist to push himself to his feet as well, just noticing that one of the lenses in his glasses was chipped.
"My office," she said. "Immediately."
She started off with the air of someone who knew they had complete control, an army captain perhaps, and Harry was powerless to do anything but follow. He may have killed Voldemort but that didn't mean he wasn't still terrified of her wrath.
"Right," she said, once they arrived at her office, "sit."
They did, Harry pointedly refused to look over at Malfoy.
"Enough is enough, gentlemen. How many fights have I broken up this month alone?" she asked.
It was a rhetorical question but Harry knew it had been seven (and that wasn't counting the ones she hadn't broken up).
She sighed and took off her glasses, rubbing her eyes wearily. "I know the past year was harder on the both of you than it was on many other students. I won't pretend to understand your feelings and I won't try to tell you how to process and heal, but this can't continue."
Harry looked down at his hands, concentrating very hard on his thumbnail to try and counteract the way the world felt like it was shrinking in on him.
(Read more below the cut)
"So let's talk about it," she said reasonably.
Harry and Malfoy both groaned simultaneously, "But Professor-"
"No buts," she said cutting him off. "Mr. Potter, you go first. What is bothering you so about Mr. Malfoy?"
"I don't know," he grumbled, glaring down at his finger. "He's just," he trailed off uncertainly.
After a moment of silence she turned to the other boy. "Mr. Malfoy, same question."
"Honestly?" he said.
"That would be a refreshing change of pace," she replied.
"He's such an arrogant arse. Like, yes, you defeated the Dark Lord; great. Thanks so much and all, but can you stop rubbing it in everyone's faces all the time. We bloody know."
"I don't rub it in anyone's face!" Harry exploded because honestly, if everyone could just forget about it that would be preferable.
"Mr. Potter," she interrupted, "Would you like another chance at answering?"
Apparently the fire filling his veins would, "You were literally a death eater!" he exploded. "But you walk around with your nose in the air, acting like you're better than everyone else."
Malfoy inhaled but McGonagall cut him off, "I think I know what can solve this. Neither of you will believe the other unless you've experienced what their life is like," she mused. Then she rose from her desk and went to a cabinet filled with potions, "Here we are," she murmured as she picked up one that looked suspiciously like a polyjuice potion. "Give me one of your hairs, both of you."
Harry swallowed nervously but didn't dare disobey. Malfoy must have felt the same because he plucked a hair from his head and handed it over as well.
"This particular potion is brewed to last for about three hours," she said. "I'll expect you both in my office at that time," she informed them as she measured out two portions. "In the meantime, I want you to go and experience what life is like for the other. I'll inform Miss Parkinson, Mr. Weasley, and Miss Granger; we'll keep the three of them out of this experiment."
"You can't be serious, Professor!" Harry protested.
"I'm quite serious, Mr. Potter. It's either this or I make the two of you walk around holding hands during every waking moment for the next week."
At least the potion would be over in a few hours, Harry thought glumly. "Fine," he huffed.
"I thought you'd see it that way," she said as she nudged the two glasses across the table. "Bottoms up, gentlemen."
Harry took his and blew out a nervous huff before swallowing it down. It was awful but it somehow wasn't quite as terrible as he'd remembered it being. When he looked down at his hands, he saw that his skin had lightened, his fingers had lengthened, and everything felt a bit wrong.
"Off you pop," she said and Harry finally chanced a glance over to see his own image sitting in the chair next to him, squinting.
"Merlin, Potter, you're completely blind. Give me your hideous glasses."
He rolled his eyes, wondering if he looked as arrogant as Malfoy normally did, but handed his glasses over.
"Go," McGonagall said, "I'll see you in three hours. Good luck, gentlemen." As they started out, Harry could have sworn he heard her mutter, "You're going to need it."
Harry had been ostracized by the school before. There had been times when people hadn't trusted him, when they'd believed rubbish printed about him, and when they'd wanted to stay as far away as they could.
Nothing had prepared him for what it was like to be Draco Malfoy.
For three hours people muttered unkind things under their breath, sent minor hexes flying at him when he back was turned, moved away from him the moment he sat down, had two drinks dumped on him, had a pile of books knocked from his arms, and all manner of other unpleasant things.
At first, Harry had still been angry enough that he felt like Malfoy deserved it. But as the three hours dragged on he started to feel more and more isolated, more and more alone. In all of the time he spent as Draco Malfoy, not one kind word was spoken to him and the kindest thing that anyone did was leave him alone.
He started back about five minutes early, only to run into Malfoy at the staircase. They stared at one another for a long moment before both of them blurted, "I'm sorry," at the same time.
Malfoy shook his head, "I-"
"No, let me go first," Harry insisted. "I thought that the reason you always acted so aloof was because you thought you were better than everyone else," he said, "but that's not why, is it?"
"It used to be," he said with a pained looking shrug.
"But not now," Harry said as he nodded slowly, "it must be lonely."
"Not any more than it is to be you," the other boy protested. "You're surrounded by people all day long who are fawning over you but it's impossible to know who is being genuine and who is just trying to get a piece of you because you're the savior."
As he finished saying that, the potion began to wear off and Harry watched as the boy in front of him returned to his body.
When he felt like himself again, Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, it's not a walk in the park being Harry Potter. Still," he said, "I think it's harder being you."
"I'm not so sure," the other boy laughed, "I think I'll take the animosity. At least I know where people stand."
He hummed, "I think I'm changing my mind on where I stand," Harry replied. "Do you think there might be room to stand beside you?"
A smile flickered across his face before it disappeared, "I don't know, with all of your adoring fans I think it's you we ought to be worried about."
"Maybe you'll scare them away," Harry laughed.
"One can only hope," Malfoy replied.
Harry gave him a little smile, "Could we try again?"
"I'd like that."
After a moment he held out his hand, "Harry Potter, don't believe a word you hear about me, I'm not half of the things people say I am."
The other boy stared at his hand for a long moment before taking it. "Draco Malfoy," he replied, "I probably was most of the things that people say I am but I'm trying hard to be better."
Day 86: Sixth Anniversary | Day 87: Heels, Make Up, Glitter, Gold
sorry friends, this one's a bit rough. It should really be fleshed out a bit more but I can't today. Someday I'll get back into the swing of things, I promise.
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galactic-magick · 3 years
Dreams: Echo x Reader
Request: Prompt 6, please. Y/N loves every time they dream, where they can see 'Him', but when they wake up, it's a nightmare to find him, because his face is at the bar they work at, 79s. Now, that'd be fine, but the issue is, his face is on 87% of the customers. The Clone Troopers. So they gave up. After order 66, the dreams get more concerning and they have to leave Coruscant, and takes a job on another planet as a singer for Cid's Parlour(or something like). Finally meets him. Clone of your choosing.
Prompt #6: Soulmate AU where you can see your soulmate in your dreams
Summary: Having a soulmate that looks like the entire clone army has its challenges, enough to make you lose hope. But the possibility of love for you resurfaces when a cyborg man and his strange crew enter your life.
Words: 1200+
Warnings: none
Author’s Notes: I thought Echo would go best with this prompt since for most of his life he looked exactly like the other clones, whereas the rest of The Bad Batch might be more uniquely recognizable. Hope you enjoy!
You sigh, finishing the dishes and restocking the shelves. Once again, you had a beautiful dream about your soulmate last night, but woke up with no more hope of meeting them than you had before.
For most people, the mental link through the dreamscape is no trouble at all. They get to see their soulmate long before they meet them, and then they can easily recognize them when they finally do.
But not you. No, you just hadto have a soulmate who had the same face as the Galactic Republic’s entire army.
Sure, it’s pretty cool that your soulmate is a clone soldier fighting for you and all the other citizens in the galaxy. It’s worrying sometimes, hearing about all the harsh battles they go through, but you’re proud of whoever he is nonetheless. You hope one day he’ll find his way to you safely, and you can live a life together after the war is over.
Until then, though, you’re stuck working a job at 79s, a bar on Coruscant where the majority of the customers are clones.
You enjoy your job, you really do. You like mixing all the drinks and bringing out the food, and all the soldiers are very kind. It just hurts a bit to constantly see the face of your soulmate, and not a single one recognizing you.
As much as you try to push the thought out of your mind, sometimes you wonder if he’s dead. It’s certainly not an irrational possibility. Maybe the visions of him you have in your dreams are figments of the past, nothing more than a memory. Maybe he’s long gone, and you’re better off giving up and moving on.
Several months later, your life is entirely different.
It feels like the galaxy changed overnight. One day you were working your job and everything was normal, the next you witnessed a squad of clones chase a Jedi into the bar and shoot him. You ran, not knowing what else to do, all you knew is you weren’t safe anymore.
You took the little spare money you had to book a transport to a planet you have an old friend living on, and that’s where you’ve been ever since.
“I just…I still don’t get it,” you shake your head as you watch the Empire’s latest recruitment ad on the Holoscreen.
“What’s there not to get? The war’s over,” your friend shrugs.
“So why does everything almost feel worse?”
“It’ll settle down eventually,” they say. “Hopefully,”
You know your friend was never in the midst of the war like you were, living in the center of the galaxy and hearing all the battle stories, but gosh do you wish you could convey to them that what you saw before you left was much more horrifying. Seeing the soldiers you trusted for years all of a sudden kill the Jedi you also trusted and looked up to, the soldiers who shared the face of the man you’re destined to love.
Supposedly the Jedi were not to be relied upon anymore, something about corruption or treason, but you’re not sure you believe that. Something was off about the situation, and something was definitelyoff about the clones. And why would the Empire be putting so much effort into hiring non-clone soldiers if everything was fine?
Despite your concerns though, you understand that life has to go on. Eventually you take a job as an entertainer at a local lounge and buy your own place. You meet all sorts of people and try to forget your past and troubles. You can’t even remember the last time you saw the face of a clone, so even thoughts of your soulmate have started to slip your mind.
One night, midway through singing one of your most popular songs, you notice a particularly strange group come in. They wear armor similar to the clones and troopers, but it’s painted black and red, and a little girl tags along beside them. You continue, but you keep your eye on them.
One of them is significantly taller, speaking in a loud, gruff voice. One of them takes his helmet off to reveal some tattoos and a full head of wavy hair, and one looks to be deep in thought, hunched over a screen.
And the last one was walking towards you.
As you finish your song and step off the stage for your break, he slowly approaches you, his face still hidden.
“Hi,” he says, in a voice you still recognize even after some time.
You smile politely, but stay on your guard. You have no idea if this is a clone that can be trusted.
“Sorry if I startled you,” he must’ve noticed you tense up, “I just wanted to tell you you’re very talented, and-“
He stops.
“Well, thank you very much,” you nod, trying to ease the silence. “No need to apologize, I was just surprised to see one of you around here,”
“Yeah. Things are really different now,” his head falls a bit, “Can we- can we talk somewhere?”
“Uh, yeah. Sure,” you smile, leading him to the back room. You doubt he’s dangerous, if he and his crew were really out to get you they probably would’ve kidnapped you by now or something. They certainly look like they could.
He takes a deep breath, and you sit down.
“I think you’re my soulmate,” he finally says.
Your heart skips a beat, “What?”
“No, no, I don’t think. I know,” he fumbles. “Seeing your face was the only thing that kept me going when I was close to death, I’ve memorized your features more than any battle plan I’ve ever drawn. It must be you,”
“Wow, I-“ you gasp. “Holy shit,”
You stand up and look into the visor of his helmet. You can’t see his eyes, but you’ve seen them a million times before in a way.
“But…” you squint. “You’re different than the others, aren’t you?”
“We’re not with the Empire,” he assures you. “We-“
“Hey,” you bring a hand up to his covered face. “You can explain everything to me later. I’m just glad we’re together now,” your fingers fall to the bottom of the helmet. “Can I see you?”
“There’s…something you should know first,” he grabs your wrist with his human hand. “I was captured by the Separatists during the war, they- they turned me into a machine. I might not look like what you’ve seen in your dreams,”
You glance down at his cyborg arm you vaguely noticed when you first saw him. You can’t tell if his legs are also cybernetic as well, but with how happy you are just to be with your soulmate right now, you don’t really care.
“I will love you no matter what,” you promise him.
He releases your wrist, and you gently remove his helmet.
He has a device wrapped around his head and ears, and scars patched with metal on the top of his head. But beneath the years of suffering plaguing him, he’s still the same familiar face you’ve dreamt of.
You run your thumbs across his cheeks, meeting his eyes with a smirk, “You really thought I wouldn’t still find you handsome?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles.
You close the gap between you, placing a soft kiss on his lips, “You’re literally everything I’ve ever dreamed of,”
He smiles, pulling you back and holding you close. He doesn’t have to say anything else for you to know everything’s going to be alright, as long as you’re together.
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onetrainscifi · 3 years
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#like i'm not saying they shouldn't have been surprised but like...did everyone forget when melanie straight up leaped off the train lastseas
My Top Posts in 2021
Melanie: If I had a nickel for every time someone I killed came back to life, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.
72 notes • Posted 2021-02-08 02:21:01 GMT
I know we all been joking how the train would fall apart without Mel but--did it Really have to be ON FIRE?!
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This is LITERALLY the train without Melanie
84 notes • Posted 2021-03-02 03:45:48 GMT
Melanie: Sorry, I can't talk right now, I'm doing hot girl shit.
Layton: Engineering is not hot girl shit.
Melanie: It is when I'm doing it.
84 notes • Posted 2021-03-07 02:48:37 GMT
Melanie: 7 years ago, I killed Joseph Wilford.
Wilford: Stop telling everyone I'm dead!
Melanie: It's like I can still hear his voice.
87 notes • Posted 2021-03-01 03:04:36 GMT
2x01 References To Mel and Wilford's Past/What We Learned:
-Mel...had/wore a unicorn onesie at some point and Wilford never let her live it down?
-Melanie knew Kevin, Wilford's henchman, before the Freeze, however she did not know Sykes
-Mel didn't just leave Wilford to die, she also left Kevin I guess
-Kevin does not call her Mel. Wilford calls Melanie "Mel"
-Jupiter, Wilford's dog, remembers Melanie and likes her even after seven years
-Wilford knows something is/was up with Melanie and Bennett even before the Freeze, and calls Bennett "Ben", later saying Melanie's "always had an eye for talent"
-Melanie and Wilford's body language around each other is...surprisingly relaxed and comfortable, as well as them being close to each other and never seeming to have a problem being close together
-Wilford makes a reference to Melanie being his protogee
-Melanie sent people for Alexandra, as well as her own parents, however Melanie's parents didn't want to go and Alexandra didn't want to leave them (but where was Allie's dad?)
-Melanie sent Alexandra to go live with her grandparents for an unspecified amount of time, saying that it was to keep Alexandra from Wilford, however Wilford presumably knew where Alexandra was at Departure and saved her
-Melanie knew the Headwoods before the Freeze, and said they were doctors, as well as the Headwoods knowing her (also, the Headwoods immediately went to take care of Mel, and I love that)
-Wilford calls Melanie both "Melanie", "Mel", and "Melly" throughout the episode
-Wilford kidnapped a brewer(? I couldn't hear properly) in Des Moines, Iowa with Melanie to get his beer
-Wilford took Melanie in when she was 17, taking her from her parents, and "shared everything with her" and "gave her everything"
-Melanie's only truly visible reaction is when Wilford grabs her arm to drag her and she flinches and tries to pull away
So from all of this, we really can conclude there was some kind of relationship there-everything so far hints to an abusive relationship, as well as something romantic and at the very least slightly creepy.
103 notes • Posted 2021-01-26 03:12:59 GMT
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robinruns · 3 years
Ok, Hella Mega Minneapolis weekend recap, let's go (also this post is long sorry not sorry)
I already told yall about Sunday: drove, met up with Maria 🖤 wandered around, found one (1) restaurant, but it was good so it was fine.
Monday: got up and went to the zoo... a zoo? There were animals, here are some that spoke to my soul
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Then we got snack and lunch and waited until it was time to walk to the stadium. The line was already pretty long when we got there but it was prime people watching. Also once we got up close they just started ushering peoplw through the "VIP" gate just to keep us moving. Things were NOT moving at the merch table though. Like this whole ass family had so long in line to figure out what they want to do and got to the front and were still talking to their small children about what they wanted.
We grabbed gatorade (because it was still around 87°) and headed to our spot. Luckily we were on the aisle so we had extra space. The girl in front of us was double fisting beers all night, was a MASSIVE fan of Weezer and was generally super cool. She also dumped a drink down a guy's shirt because he and his Jake/Logan Paul lookalike friend were being obnoxious AF and the security guard was just flirting with them instead of dealing with them.
But The Interrupters were great, Weezer was awesome even though there were a couple songs I didn't know.
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Then came the main event (for us at least), Fall Out Boy! This was my 3rd FOB show, and actually the 2nd time they were second billed (the last time was when they were on tour with Blink 182 and Panic in 2009). I loved that their set was more elaborate than either of the other bands' and they changed it midway through, and there was a whole narrative to it.
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(I'm running out of room for photos)
What I really really loved was seeing how totally fuckin stoked Patrick seemed to be about being up there and performing. Like Pete is always up there talking, and I feel like Patrick can be more subdued, but he just had a real energy to him.
Hi can you tell I love Patrick Stump?
Anyway. I had to go get water mid set because I felt like I was thisclose to passing out. Like at this point we'd been on our feet 4+ hours (not counting time at the zoo) and temps were not cooling down, if anything it was hotter due to the people.
Before Green Day came out, they played Bohemian Rhapsody and I've never heard a crowd all singing like that before, it was great!
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So Green Day comes out swinging, it's AMAZING, there's fireworks, it's like it's 2004 and everything nothing hurts. I know they've been pulling a person on stage to play a little with them and the kid they pulled on stage was so freaking stoked, like I'm getting chills right now thinking about how amazing it was. But then the moment I'd been sorta... dreading came.
They played Wake Me Up When September Ends and I lost it. Bless @maria-the-ghoul for putting up with my embarrassing self. Also shout out to beard dude from the other side of the aisle who gave me a hug and then apologized for being sweaty, as if we all weren't drenched in sweat (literally my shirt was totally soaked).
I think that's part of why it took me so long to process the whole night. That moment found that raw spot in my heart and just sorta... I dunno, poked at it. Driving back today I cried again because I just thought about the song. Granted I am very tired (very little sleep, very much activity) and so that probably isn't helping things, but at that point I'd luckily changed my spotify from just playing all of my liked songs to just My Chemical Romance. It really helped. Like I can't convey right now how thankful I am to have their music because it just soothes me so much.
But another thing I felt on my drive home was some goddamn closure on the shit show that was fall 2019. I had songs play that I discovered during that time and that same feeling I'd been carrying for two years was gone. I finally feel at peace with that time period. Hell, maybe it's because I'm more focused on this year's shit show, but either way, I feel better.
And I'm ready to do it again next week
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touchstarvedsam · 4 years
I was really gonna ignore that "superior"natural thing but I saw that they seem to have some talented artists. So I thought maybe they are doing something interesting (even if it's destiel) so I checked out their Google doc and omg I'm HOWLING! Eileen calls Sam moosie, Cas calls Dean squirrel. Dean calls Cas kitten, Sam calls Eileen otter. They say it's just a incollection of ideas that might not make it into the project, but you get a sense of what you're dealing with there. And this is from1/?
A brief perusal to see how much attention Sam gets compared to Dean & Cas (a word search gave 27/87/100 results for each respectively, so not too much attention to Sam. But sure, Sam is the favorite character of some of their writers). I'm sure a deeper reading will unearth more (like, Dean saying you are home to Cas, who says we're not at the bunker, Dean replies but you are home. That sounds like something Dean would say. And Dean wishes a tulpa into existence 'cause he misses Cas too much)2/?
They say they want to eliminate plot holes but it seems what's a plot hole depends on whether it serves their ship: purgatory stays (we know they love that arc) even if it makes no sense for Crowley and Cas to go through that much in S6 when apparently there are many ways in and out. Cas, the guy who failed at almost everything he's done, is a "master strategist". Every other retcon of later seasons stays as long as it serves ship purposes. Sam gets his fair share of attention but Dean is the3/?
One who teaches Cas about being human including the textures of food (Sam and Cas pbj moment erasure) and Cas should be the one to teach Jack about his powers (no mention of Sam and Jack's relationship). Other ooc things: Cas rides a bike and when Dean asks says it reminds him of flying. After Cain, Dean takes Cas to the farm for bees (?). Cas and Dean snuggle. Knowing Cas is alive gives demon Dean strength to fight to be cured? Dean speaks enochian to Cas. Cas making a mixtape for Dean. 4/?
Cas being in regarding Dean. "Baby jack walking around in cas’s trench coat going “I’m an angel”." Home alone type ep with Jack. Dean kissing cas's forehead when he's dead in 13.01. Crowley is Jack's godfather and gets him a hellhound pet. Sam has a pet fish? Dean sings you're my sunshine to Cas as he sleeps. "Uncle Gabe". Apparently John dropped Sam and Dean off at Bobby's all the time? I don't think this is canon? Keep 15.18 but change 19&20 (of course). There's no drama or angst like 5/?
Kevin's death or Crowley's death or anything that might add tension to the story. Unless of course it serves the ship so plenty of trauma for Cas including darkness (from the empty) and sharp objects (from Naomi). A small mention of Sam's trauma with Lucifer, thank God, but it's interesting that they have so little Sam. They can say they'll flesh out more arcs for Sam but it's clear he's not a priority from how he's not present where he should be. For example, Dean will explain everything 6/?
To Mary and break her out of her brainwashing. But where's Sam? She's his mother too. Other than Eileen Sam's most meaningful relationship seems to be with his pet fish (still confused about that). Even if this project gets better in the future, which I doubt, it's clear what the direction here is. It baffles me that they think this is superior to the show we have, as problematic as the show is. I wish them best of luck but I don't have any high hopes for this. Thanks for the laughs though. 7/7
Sorry for that long ass rant in your inbox. It's in the middle of the night but I'm cackling after reading their doc and I had to share it with someone. I thought you might find it amusing as well. Hopefully all my asks go through. On the one hand, I feel bad hating on a fan project. But the way they've positioned it ("superior"), the blatant disrespect to Sam, and all the shit their side has pulled since the finale (and long before that) has really irked me. Again, sorry.
I just- this whole thing was a whirlwind of nonsense, it took me a whole week to process it. I don’t even know where to start here, or if I want to just yeet my laptop out my bedroom window into the snow. They really consider their ideas superior to the original show? More like Inferiornatural, to be honest. Superinferiornatural? They can’t even seem to characterize them correctly, let alone come up with a decent plotline or idea.
So we’ll start with the nicknames, since that is where you started. The whole thing is painfully out of character, but the worst (and funniest) of them all is Dean calling Cas “kitten,” I might actually laugh myself into an early grave with that one. Dean gives nicknames to shorten people’s names (besides Sam; Sammy is the only person who gets an extended nickname). He’s not going to give someone a longer nickname than the original nickname he uses for them! And Cas wouldn’t actually give nicknames, especially not giving Dean the nickname Crowley gave him??? Otter?! Moosie?!  W H A T. Can we move on from grade school kiddie crush nicknames?
I’m currently manifesting Dean saying “kitten” in his gruff voice with that lip curl he does sometimes and I’m cracking up about it. Thanks for the amusement, heIIers.
Of course Sam would only be mentioned 27 times to Cas’ 100 because Sam means nothing to them. He’s only ever either been in their way or a cheerleader for that horribly characterized ship of theirs. I just love how, in order to make DestieI, they have to butcher the characters so irreparably that they’re unrecognizable. Good for them, they can’t even have fanfiction of their ship where the characters keep their canon personalities. 10/10 would laugh at again.
I love the Sam erasure. It’s true to the heIIers’ character at least. They’re a one-trick pony. I’m so used to it by now that I’m totally desensitized to their bullshit. But Dean speaking Enochian? What? When and how did he learn that? I can’t see Dean in his 30s sitting there willingly to learn the language of the angels. Not even if his “kitten” is the one to teach him. Dean doesn’t give a fuck about that. If any of them is going to learn Enochian, it’ll be Sam, and they can fight me on that. I will kick anyone’s ass that argues.
I hope the mixtape Cas makes for Dean is just 4 hours of that Spaghetti song by The Wiggles because Cas sucks at doing human things.
I’d love to see the Sam erasure in the Regarding Dean one. Just swap Sam out for Cas? So Cas is the only one Dean recognizes? Hmm. Where would Sam go? A smoothie place? Yeah, as if Dean would remember the angel who he’d barely known for 8 years at that time over Sam who he’d known since he was 4 years old, lol. Sure, Jan.
The entire 5th ask is WILD, nonnie. A pet fish? Dean singing you are my sunshine? Dean kissing Cas’ forehead? LMFAO. Crowley is Jack’s godfather. The KING OF HELL is Jack’s GODfather. I’m- hgfjdksl I’m sure Dean who was ripped apart by hellhounds would love for Jack to have a pet hellhound. Yeah. Absolutely. “Uncle Gabe” yeah, fuck that guy in particular. Honestly, I’m surprised they haven’t erased Eileen to make SabrieI endgame in their fic. SabrieI is the Sam version of DestieI. It’s just as nasty and abusive :) which was why the heIIers ship it. They’re into abuse. It’s their shtick.
I do wonder what the point of the fish is... Sam has always loved and wanted a dog... you’d think they’d give Sam a dog... but I forgot they don’t pay attention to the show unless the episode has Mushy in the credits. I literally saw a heIIer say they skipped episodes if Mushy wasn’t in the credits... so they don’t know how to characterize Sam or Dean, but from this message they don’t even know how to characterize Cas who seems to be their precious uwu baby angel so I’m not surprised. I can’t wait for them to start releasing this shitshow. It makes for good fodder to make fun of them all over again. They really watched a grand total of 146 out of 327 episodes and thought, “Yeah, my opinion about the show definitely matters,” and I think that’s fucking hilarious.
Sorry for taking so long to respond! Hope I did a good job, nonnie. <3
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uzunofu · 3 years
I looked through the chapters with the incidents you mentioned in this post, @crossdressingdeath. Brace yourself, it will be a long post.
First, "the one time [JYL] claims WWX as family (something which as far as I recall she does at no point before or after, certainly not where other people might hear) is also the one time where not doing so might negatively affect her".
She says it three times during that scene. The first two are in relation to her demand for Jin Zixun to apologize.
"A-Xian is a disciple of the YunmengJiang Sect. He grew up with my brother and I, and so he’s as close as a brother is to me. Calling him the ‘son of a servant’—I’m sorry, but I won’t accept this."
Jiang YanLi’s voice was soft, “Madam, A-Xian is my younger brother. Him being humiliated by others, to me, isn’t just a small matter.”
The third time:
Madam Jin raised her brows, looking Wei WuXian up and down. Her gaze was somewhat cautious, as if she was feeling displeased, “A young man and a young woman—you two can’t stick together all the time if nobody else is present.”
Jiang YanLi, “A-Xian is my younger brother.”
— ch. 70
To me, this last one sounds like a politely incredulous, "I just told you he's my brother and you're still insisting on this?" It's not a "no-no-no, it's not like that!", it's a "are you being serious right now?"
You are right in that she never does it before or after, but in this particular scene it's not about saving face.
You are also right in that she drops her demand for an apology, but JZxun literally stormed away, and then there was the Epic Confession from JZX and things got derailed. Did it seem like sweeping things under the rug at WWX's expense? Well, yes. But also, would it have done him any favors if she kept at it? I really don't know. It could've made things better, it could've made them worse.
Then, "stealing food from a guy who grew up STARVING ON THE STREETS even though JC had almost certainly already eaten".
“Fooling around again! Your sect leader, I, has already poured you a bowl and put it outside. Kneel for me to express your gratitude and go drink your soup outside.”
Wei WuXian skipped outside before he turned around and came back, “What do you mean by this, Jiang Cheng? Where’s the meat?”
Jiang Cheng, “Finished it. There’s only lotus roots left. Don’t eat them if you don’t want to.”
Wei WuXian attacked with his elbow, “Spit out the meat!”
Jiang Cheng, “No objections. I’ll spit them out and let’s see if you’ll eat them!”
Seeing that they started to argue again, Jiang YanLi quickly interrupted, “Okay, okay. How old are you two, fighting over some meat? I’ll just make another jar…”
— ch. 71
WWX doesn't generally seem food-conscious. This is reiterated later on in this chapter when the narrative mentions that when he first came to Lotus Pier, he was careful not to take too much or draw too much attention because he was afraid to be judged a burden. It's possible to read it as a confirmation: see, the soup incident several paragraphs earlier was serious for WWX even though neither JC nor JYL realized it. But I'm reading this in the opposite way: WWX used to be like that but not anymore. I also can't help but remember Xie Lian eating a steamed bun he picked up from the ground and saying that it's edible, it's still good, why waste food? We never see stuff like that from WWX.
JYL here doesn't take JC's side. In fact, she doesn't take anyone's side, she just wants them to stop bickering. Again, it's possible to say that JC is in the wrong here and WWX is in the right, so her not taking a side means silent agreement with JC. But really, I just don't think it's that serious.
A few chapters later, during LWJ's visit to the Burial Mounds, Wen Qing carelessly sweeps away WWX's things to clear a seat for LWJ. WWX goes, "Hey!", and Wen Qing also doesn't take him seriously. But no one tries to point at her and go, "See, she doesn't respect WWX, and she never apologizes for that." It's banter. Later on, it stops being banter between WWX and JC, but at this point, it's just shenanigans.
Then, the incident with the dogs and the tree:
Seeing how worried he seemed, Wei WuXian took the initiative, “Relax. I won’t tell Uncle Jiang. I only hurt myself because I suddenly wanted to climb a tree last night.”
Hearing this, Jiang Cheng sighed in relief. He swore, “You can relax as well. Anytime I see a dog, I’ll chase it away for you!”
Seeing how the two finally made up with each other, Jiang YanLi cheered, “That’s the spirit.”
— ch. 71
She is happy because they made up and because this exchange seems like a tentative start to a friendship: "I'll cover for you" returned with "I'll protect you from your fears". Yes, JC used that fear against him in the first place — but he apologized and promised to make up for it. WWX falling from a tree wasn't directly JC's fault anyway; he didn't chase him up that tree and then push him down so that he'd get injured, he only told him to stay out of their room. It was a childish tantrum that led to unfortunate consequences. Not many children would willingly admit to a wrongdoing.
I also want to note that we don't actually learn WWX's leg was broken in this chapter. JYL says it isn't broken, it's probably not even fractured, and later on it's mentioned that the doctor cleaned and bandaged their injuries, but her assumption of his leg not being broken isn't refuted. We only get confirmation that it really was broken in chapter 87 when he shares this story with LWJ.
Finally, "JYL gets upset at WWX for breaking [JC's] arm".
Jiang YanLi, however, noticed [Wen Ning's] awkwardness. She asked him a couple of things and began to chat with Wen Ning outside. Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng stood in the yard.
After he drank a mouthful, Jiang Cheng spoke, “How’s your wound from last time?”
Wei WuXian, “It healed a long time ago.”
Jiang Cheng, “Mn.” With a pause, he continued, “How many days?”
Wei WuXian, “Less than seven. I told you before. With Wen Qing, it was nothing difficult. But you really did fucking stab me.”
Jiang Cheng ate a piece of lotus root, “You were the one who smashed my arm first. You took seven days, while I had to hang my arm up for an entire month.”
Wei WuXian grinned, “How could it seem realistic if it wasn’t hard enough? It was your left hand anyways. It didn’t hinder you from writing. It takes a hundred days to heal a wound to the bone. It wouldn’t be too much even if you hung it up for three months.”
— ch. 75
So: she wasn't even present during that conversation. After this, they part ways.
JYL doesn't really seem to have much of a role in WWX's life apart from comforting him and being placed on a pedestal. She mostly comes off as lacking because of the obvious comparison to Wen Ning. Even though he is just as gentle, he also stands up for WWX during the golden core reveal and does it spectacularly. JYL wields her social position, Wen Ning wields his physically indestructible nature (JC lashes him with Zidian, but since Wen Ning is a corpse, he can just keep talking). The circumstances, however, are different. Wen Ning has years of resentment built up, both for himself and for WWX, but to JYL Jin Zixun is a non-entity. The golden core reveal takes place in private and whether Wen Ning keeps going or stops, it can't make things any worse, but the Phoenix Mountain scene is a public almost-scandal and had she insisted, it could've gone two ways: either people back down because WWX has someone in his corner (unlikely, because JYL is a woman and JC, his sect leader, isn't in his corner) and admit that he didn't break any hard rules, or they use this as further ammunition against him.
I think WWX was right in the falling-from-a-tree-into-LWJ's-arms scene: JYL wasn't strong enough, so could she have caught him?
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gemsofthegalaxy · 3 years
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#um. decent teeth needed braces. cant drive. dont smoke. can apply eyeliner. cant rme font size. have seen seasons of glee. have spotify 😩
My Top Posts in 2021
Me starting Falcon and Winter Solider knowing full well I’m gonna be queerbaited by Disney
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337 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 17:51:20 GMT
Steve looking at a recovering Bucky and saying,
"I would die for you, you know that?"
And Bucky sort of hums and averts his gaze, but Steve isn't finished.
He says, "I would live for you, too."
Bucky settles his eyes back on Steve now, hesitant, but curious to know what Steve is getting at.
He says, "If there's a time, when I was really low, thinking that I couldn't go on or I couldn't stand back up again, just the thought of you would pull me from the brink, Buck. You make my life better. And more than that, you make me want to actually live my life, with you."
Bucky looks away again, in part due to disbelief, but he can hear the earnestness in Steve's voice.
And Bucky thinks, in time, maybe he'll want to start living again, too.
344 notes • Posted 2021-08-09 04:57:02 GMT
Marvel literally said "if Bucky were a woman, SteveBucky would have been a romance this whole time"
452 notes • Posted 2021-08-14 14:25:59 GMT
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560 notes • Posted 2021-06-15 16:28:13 GMT
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Okay we took a break in between episodes so I decided to realize my text post fully. Sorry if this has been done before sgjfhkds
689 notes • Posted 2021-01-17 02:47:04 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Three Days of The Hunter Job
leverage 2.05
hunt for the truth = fox news
you can’t change my mind, sorry
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Nate: Here's what we can do. We can probably get you enough money to save the house and pay for medical bills--
Sarah: We aren't interested in money, Mr. Ford. This woman took my father's self-esteem. She took his reputation. She took his good name. That's what he needs back.
someone needs to make a compilation of their clients being noble as hell
- - - - -
Sophie: I wanna take the lead on this one. I wanna do what you do.
Nate: Yeah, listen, I know breakups can be very difficult, Sophie.
Sophie: Whoa. No, that's not what this is about.
Nate: I know that you have this need to be in control right now, you know.
Sophie: I don't have any such need.
Nate: But you can't project that onto the con.
Sophie: Excuse me? This, coming from the man who spent an entire year drunk, working out his obsessive vengeance on every dimwit in a suit who happened to cross our line of vision.
Nate: Hey, you put some thought into that one, didn't you?
Sophie: You know, I'm not tryin' to control the universe just because some guy dumped me. I-I appreciate the concern. I just, I need a new challenge.
Nate: Okay. (hands Sophie the files) This is your job.
Sophie: Thanks. Now, let's go get this bitch. (walks away)
Nate: Oh, boy
fucking get rekt nate you’re the literal last one to talk
- - - - -
huh nate is wearing flannel in this one
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Sophie: Exactly. And then to protect themselves, they issue an apology to Mr. Pennington and then they throw Monica Hunter into the jaws of the very media machine that she bent to her own malicious will.
Parker: Wow. I gotta say, Sophie's briefings are much more dramatic.
Eliot: And poetic.
parker and eliot are cute
- - - - -
Sophie: But we can sell a story that commands respect. A story that she's gonna chase to get the respect she craves. Hm? Pack your bags, everyone. We're going to D.C. to make news.
(everyone continues sitting, looking uncomfortable)
Nate: That's when you wanna...
Sophie: I wanna do that bit again. Pack your bags, everyone. We're going to D.C. to make news. (leaves room)
Nate: She's walking into the closet
- - - - -
Parker: I got the pass. Easy.
Sophie: Parker, we went over this.
[Exterior Studio]
Sophie: You're not supposed to take it. Get caught with it.
Parker: I don't know how to get caught.
Sophie: Yeah, I know it's difficult to steal badly. Just, just try
- - - - -
Monica (grabs Parker): Hey. Hey. I will have you arrested for trespassing if you do not tell me what you are doing here.
Parker: Technically, you can't have me arrested for trespassing because you don't own the station.
Sophie: Parker, tell her the story
parker: TRY ME BITCH
- - - - -
hardison doing crazy tinfoil hat guy is iconic
+ parker and hardison’s high five and “that’s what I’m talkin about!” ADORABLE
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Parker: Eliot, these conspiracies aren't real, right?
Eliot: What do you mean?
Parker: Like that one over there that says all the major wars of the past 50 years were ordered by members of The Council.
Eliot: Parker, I'm not at liberty to discuss that with you. (walks away)
Parker: You're not a member of The Council, are you? Eliot? Is he?
Nate: Oh, I don't know. (walks away)
Parker: Huh? Uh, Nate, is he?
parker looked so vulnerable asking it and eliot’s just like,,, imma fuck with her LMFAO
also this is another chaotic ot3 scene that I’d die for
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eliot taking the general’s id with his pencil and handing it off to hardison? SMOOTH AS FUCK
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Parker: But what if he won't talk to us?
Monica: Then we celebrate.
Parker: Celebrate?
Monica: Denial means guilt. Refusal means more guilt. Punch out my cameraman, and I'll kiss you on the mouth.
Camera Man: Mm-hm.
parker: 👀👀👀
- - - - -
parker gets hit with a car ,,, how many times in this series does she get hit with a car ??
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monica’s face when she sees parker get hit by a car is LITERALLY the exact same as the surprised pikachu face
bruh imagine you see this happening ,,, like a girl get hit by a car, a suit running out, grabbing stuff of her body, then running away ???
her playing dead on the ground for a hot minute before “waking up”, dusting herself off and walking away ???
- - - - -
Hardison: Move. Don't stop. Come on.
Monica: They ran her over.
Hardison: I know, but we gotta go. Security cameras, the ATM cameras, the traffic cameras. We're always being watched. Just put your head down. Act natural.
Monica: Why are you dressed like a mailman?
Hardison: Invisible man, mailman, nobody notices the mailman. He blends right in. Just like a circus clown.
- - - - -
Parker: We totally went to the moon.
Eliot: Movie sets. I've seen 'em. They're outside of Albuquerque.
Parker: Why would there still be sets there?
Eliot: Because they're gonna reuse 'em for the Mars mission. Repaint it all red.
her bumping shoulders with eliot and leaning on him? the casual intimacy that nourishes my S O U L
- - - - -
Sophie: She has to have corroboration from her own sources. She has to craft the narrative. Monica Hunter has to be the author of her own personal nightmare.
Nate: Do I sound that creepy when I...?
Eliot: Hell yes.
Parker: Mm-hm.
Nate: Really?
Eliot: You do
- - - - -
Sophie: The only question is whether Hardison guessed her sources right.
Hardison: G-guess? Guess?
Sophie: Well, you know.
Hardison: Woman, my name Alec Hardison. I do not guess, OK? Look, journalists, they're lazy. They always go back to the same sources. I compared Monica Hunter's stories for the last ten years and created a heuristic model based on her sources. I-I filtered by story type, priority and evidentiary chain. Look, (pulls up info on laptop) sex scandal: 87 percent chance she goes to these sources. Serial killer scare: 90 percent she contacts these sources for confirmation. Government secrets and health scare intersects: Ninety-five percent chance she goes to these sources. Look, look. Right there. She's emailing them right now. Look.
- - - - -
Hardison: Get me out of here.
Sophie: Yeah, I'm working on it.
Parker (comes out of back room pulling on jacket): I'm on it.
Sophie: No, no, no, no, no, you cannot go. You're dead. Monica Hunter sees you and the whole con is blown.
Parker: Right
- - - - -
Hardison: Damn the con. I'm a black man caught on an Army base with a video camera. I am going to jail forever.
the realest part of the show
- - - - -
Hardison: Eliot, get me everything you can on a Lieutenant Abbot.
Hardison: Just-just do what I taught you.
Eliot (typing on laptop): Now, the "http" thing comes before—
[Interrogation Room 2]
Eliot: --the "www-dot," right?
Hardison: Eliot!
Eliot: Which one's the forward slash?
Sophie: Oh, come on.
[Interrogation Room 2]
Hardison: It ain't the time, Eliot. It ain't the time.
Eliot: It's not fun when you're hanging out there in the wind and there's a dude behind a laptop cracking jokes, is there?
Parker: (holding a gas mask over her face before looking over it) I like it when we switch jobs. It's exciting
someone PLEASE make an eliot-being-bad-at-technology compilation I’m begging
also it’s officially canon that hardison tries teaching eliot about technology
- - - - -
Eliot: No, that's everything on this guy.
Lieutenant: Sir, I need to know why you're on this base.
Hardison: Yes. Why am I on this base?
Lieutenant: I'm asking you.
Hardison: No, I'm asking you. Why am I on this base? Why am I in this room?
Lieutenant: So I can ask you questions.
Hardison: Or maybe it's so I can ask you questions, Lieutenant Kyle Abbot, Social Security 823-24-6270?
Lieutenant: I don't know what you're up to.
Hardison: Maybe you’re not cleared to know. Two disciplinary actions? That one in Germany? Maybe you're just too much of a security risk.
(lieutenant goes to leave and Hardison slams his fist on the table)
Hardison: Did I say you could leave?
(lieutenant swallows nervously)
- - - - -
[Army Base Gate]
Nate: Not gonna work.
Eliot: It's all in the salute, man.
Sophie: Just work the stars and bars. Nobody wants to--
[Army Base Gate]
(a soldier moves to the side of the car and leans in, saluting Nate)
Sophie: --look a general in the eye.
Nate: Uh, good form soldier. As you were.
Soldier: Clear.
(the gate goes up and Nate pulls into the base, parking near a building. He gets out of the car and walks toward the door)
- - - - -
Nate: We hunt for the truth through many dark places. (approaches Monica menacingly) I am a patriot, Ms. Hunter. I'm sorry. (to Eliot) Earl.
(Monica takes a can of pepper spray from her purse and sprays it in Nate’s face, driving him back. She runs out the door as he groans in pain. Eliot goes to pat his back)
Eliot: Good thing Parker switched that with water.
Nate: Didn't! Didn't switch. (they both start coughing)
- - - - -
Monica: My friends, this is the enemy. Our water has been poisoned.
(an aide spits out a mouthful of water)
- - - - -
(Eliot is cutting vegetables while Nate opens a bottle of wine and Hardison swirls orange soda in a wine glass)
hardison is literally swirling his neon orange soda in a wine glass as eliot cooks actual food for the fam I CANNOT
- - - - -
Parker (holds up photo): Loch Ness Monster.
Hardison: Loch Ness submarine.
Parker: No!
Eliot: Scottish waters are cold and deep. It's a perfect place to test.
Parker (holds up photo): Area 51.
Eliot: True.
Hardison: False.
Eliot: That's true.
Hardison: False. She said Area 51, 51.
Eliot: I'm sorry. False. Area 52.
Hardison: Been there.
Eliot: Yep
I’m crying the ot3 was top tier chaotic this entire episode and parker was having A Time™ with all these conspiracies
someone make a compilation of these scenes overlayed with the wii music. pls.
117 notes · View notes
snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 66 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 244 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 238 Responses
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“Assault” was a total hit with the fans, with 93.7% of respondents rating it a 4 or 5. Nobody gave the lowest rating this week, and only a couple of people weren’t as impressed with the episode. 
I wasn’t a fan of previous episode but GOD I’M BACK TO HYPE! This episode was so full of awesome scenes that picking just one favourite and one that made me most emotiona seems unfair
Incredible improvement. Almost reminded me of Season 1 with all the impact/shockwave flair at times
Was amazing
It was a banger 
One of the best episodes in the ENTIRE SERIES. At first i was skeptical because the cgi often kept throwing me off but i was PLEASENTLY surprised how fantastic the last episode was
it was awesome
So proud of MAPPA with what they've done so far! Appreciate them! 💕
It was breathtaking and MAPPA did tje manga justice!
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Armin making his entrance by blowing up the harbor took the edge this week, with 28.7% most hyped up about the scene. Following closely behind with 26.2% of the vote is Eren using Porco as a nutcracker to eat the War Hammer Titan. 19.8% most enjoyed watching Mikasa fillet Porco’s legs, and 17.3% liked the scene where Sasha and Jean help take down Pieck and the Panzer Unit. 
Jean vs. Pieck was epic!
Levi was so awesome!  It was great hearing his voice again, just everything about him made my day.  this episode was perfect <3
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To counter the breathtaking action this week, some scenes also brought out our emotions. 25.7% were most affected by Gabi and Falco desperately calling out for Reiner to save Porco and help them. 20.7% felt the same pain as Mikasa as she watched Eren brutally kill another person. 15.6% were pained to see Armin’s reaction to his horrific action of destroying the harbor. At some smaller percentages, people were also emotionally touched by these scenes, in order: Seeing the Panzer unit’s pictures in their cabins, Porco’s desperate pleas for Eren to stop using him to kill Lara Tybur, and Reiner’s continued desire to end his own life. 
Seeing hange onscreen again has added 100 years to my lifespan.
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Overall people weren’t too spectacularly creeped out by the haunting image of the War Hammer Titan at the beginning of the episode. About 45.7% of respondents feel they’ve seen things much creepier, while about 33.7% felt it was more close to the thing of nightmares. 20.7% were simply somewhere in the middle.
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Gabi’s seiyuu truly sold this scene and the fandom seems to overwhelmingly agree that she did a fantastic job, with nearly 93% of respondents ranking her performance a 4 or 5. Only a small handful were less enthused, finding the screams more annoying than impressive. 
I’m usually a defender of Gabi, but Falco and Gabi’s screaming annoyed the f out of me
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After much disappointment in the previous episode’s usage of CGI, people in the fandom are feeling a lot more pleased with it this week, with no one even ranking its usage as a 1. The majority felt that MAPPA did a good job, likely hoping that the trend continues.
I Thought the CGI Section in the opening bits looked incredibly wonky, But after that it was used well.
I've been fairly tepid on the CGI while acknowledging its necessity. However, this episode used in amazingly after I was a bit dissapointed with its use last week. Very satisfied with pretty much everything this episode.
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Onyankopon finally makes his appearance and the fandom is overwhelmingly positive about MAPPA’s character design for him, with just over 87% of respondents either stating they are super happy with the design or that they’re straight up starstruck and in love. Only a small handful felt he could have been done a little better. 
Nailed it! Though I had to come back and see him in the rewatch. Was too focused on Hange and Armin. 
I honestly don’t care as he’s a relatively minor character in the manga
They did onion coupon really damn well
He is significantly more bad ass looking than I assumed he would be 
He looks super cool but his voice is too soft. 
He looks even more like Finn than in the manga, and as a John Boyega fan I think that's a good thing!
Idc about his appearance, hope his character will just be portrayed correctly.
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One of the joys for some manga readers when the anime seasons are running is seeing the way that our anime-only counterparts react to the story developments. One of the big plot twists next week will be that Zeke was working with Eren/The Survey Corps and people are eagerly anticipating the fan reaction to the revelation. 44.4% feel that anime only watchers will be totally thrown off guard and that MAPPA has done an excellent job of concealing this plot twist. 27.4% feel similarly positive about the fan reactions for this reveal, though a little disappointed there was a bit less room to theorize. 14.8% aren’t sure as they don’t really keep up with anime-only fan reactions, and a few either feel they’ve probably already pieced it together, or just don’t care. 
The Jaw might be down for the count, but jaws will still drop next ep.
I've been watching reactions from anime only people for this season and some are definitely putting together correctly that Zeke is in on the plan.
I listen to an “Anime only” podcast Where are you they literally called Zeke working with Paradis, but I’m not sure about others. 
I've already seen several theorize that Zeke is working with Paradis. The suspicious nature of his death in this episode clinched it for some of them.
Some of them will be surprised, but the ones who watch the anime more carefully and like to think about things most likely know that Zeke might work with Paradis.
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A small addition, but impactful nonetheless. 53.7% felt more saddened about the Panzer Unit’s deaths after seeing how strong their bond with each other was (or, alternatively, how hard all of the boys simped after Pieck). 37.4% agree that it added just a little more depth to the characters, though it ultimately didn’t do anything to move them too much emotionally. A handful don’t care or were just salty about the addition in general. 
Their screen time was short in general. It was a nice touch, definitely made me pause to get a better look and feel a bit bad for them.
That, and them screaming for Pieck as they get blown up :( amazing additions. 
I gotta be honest, I didn't even notice until I saw this question. I was too busy screaming over Sasha being amazing. It's a nice addition though.
Yes. It shows that the marleyan warriors were not emotionless monsters, but they had their lives, families, friends and were normal people overall. I felt really sorry for them. 
I didn't notice until I saw this question, but I do think it adds to the sadness. 
I was upset by their deaths because they and Pieck were a team and looked out for each other
I loved to see it! It really added more to their characters. The entire Panzer unit being Pieck simps, that is. 
They cut out the scene where the bullet actually HIT Carlo.
it just shows once again how complicated attack on titan is and how much their actions have consequences. no side is innocent
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In the manga, we see a shot of Porco having a meal with Pieck and Zeke while he becomes distraught over the assault on his comrades. MAPPA omitted it, though for the most part fans didn’t really seem to care. Only about 21% of respondents felt something was missing without the small flashback, while the rest were indifferent or felt it never really fit in anyway.
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As expected of the fandom, they agree that any new Pieck content is good content. Even though it was a small one-liner addition, the vast majority were very pleased with MAPPA’s scripting of this moment. Only a small handful felt it was unnecessary.
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A rare occurrence, but the fandom seems to agree that MAPPA excelled at adapting this scene and made it even more impactful than it was in the manga, with nearly 50% stating that they preferred the anime’s take on this moment. 35.7% feel that the impact was of equal strength in both mediums, and only 10.1% still prefer the original manga portrayal. 
I feel like the anime dragged it out a little bit and some angles were meh bc the cgi was more noticeable. I'll have to go back to the chapter to see how many panels were dedicated to the scene
Porco's seiyuu SOLD it. 
I think both are pretty equal but hearing Porco scream and beg for Eren to stop made it a bit more nerve racking.
titan eren’s face during the nutcracker bit was legit terrifying in a way I can’t quite explain 
The music, the voice acting, the scary CGI attack Titan. This scene was impeccably strong! I give it 100%
I felt more surprised in the manga because i didnt expect it, but in the anime porcos reaction made it more horrifying 
Hearing Porco made it even more impactful
Ngl, I was much more grossed out watching it animated than in manga form. Just all that blood and the swallowing...*shudders*
Eren was absolutely in the right here
The swallowing noises and the weird thick blood was absolutely disgusting 10/10
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Unrelated to the episode itself, but remembering that Jean was partially responsible for the deaths of people Pieck loved was something that had us thinking, and we were curious what others thought as well. 39.1% feel that Pieck would never be able to forgive Jean for his part in the assault, but is big enough to move on and leave it in the past. 25.3% don’t want to make a call either way, as Isayama hasn’t done much to explore this facet of her character. 14.2% feel she’s moved past it completely and has forgiven Jean for his role. Smaller percentages either felt she doesn’t hold him responsible at all, or that she will always resent him and is only working with him insofar as to reach her own goals. 
It's war.
dont care fuck pieck
I mean there's no indication that Isayama has even considered this in my opinion so the answer is completely speculative. So like my answer is "She forgot and moved on" :D
She still has a pain in her heart after losing the Panzer Unit, they were her friends after all. But Pieck is smart and she understand why Jean did that. Also, the world is in fire so she doesn't have a time to think about it now.  
The Alliance characters are not allowed to keep grudges (thought at least it fits for Pieck)
The scene with Panzer Unit was so powerful in anime that it detroyed all my Jeanpiku hopes I had after the last chapter :’) I think Pieck could come to an understanding and blame others more than Jean but I’m not sure if she’s ready to fully forgive
I think that Pieck doesn't hold Jean responsible, understanding that it wasn't personal and just counts it as a tragedy from the war.
Pieck seems to be really understanding character and full of empathy. She’ll forgive Jean as soon as he shows he’s sorry for what happened (and he probably really is as long as he hates the idea of killing people)
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We’ve got a heavy episode coming, and a number of things to look forward to. As expected, 40.8% are most anticipating the scene where Sasha dies by Gabi’s gunshot. 31.3% are looking forward to seeing Levi confront and arrest Eren. 23.6% are most looking forward to the big reveal that Zeke was working with Eren all along. Only a small handful are looking forward to the Gabi and Falco content before they board the blimp. 
I'm NOT ready for the next ep...
This is where the fun begins both in anime only reactions and in seeing fantastic scenes brought to life.  
So good. Chills everywhere. Watched it so many times and still getting chills. The 3 minute sequence starting from Armin blowing up the port up to Pieck falling from the rooftop is mindblowingly good. Perfection. 
I remember being really sad when the WHT left the plot so quickly in the manga because it had the best titan design imo. I know we've seen her again in the recent chapters, but the WHT was even better with Lara seen controlling it. She looked so cool, calm and collected in that crystal the whole time. RIP Lara Tybur :( 
Ost are awesome !
Thought it was the best episode of season 4 so far. They kinda gave Hange the mappa egg head syndrome in their first full face shot though. 
It was phenomenal!! And really, if people still don't understand why Gabi goes off, they have their head in the clouds. Everything was so visceral and I genuinely felt fear for the warriors. It moved so quickly just back to back; I could taste the kids desperation. 
I think ending the episode with Reiner transformed is misleading yet strategic since it will tear apart the audience in the next episode.
This was the best episode by far! For a long time I couldn't get over how awesome the attack on Fort Slava in the first episode was and it remained my favorite, but this episode potrayed the war so well and you could totally feel the terror of the war with them!
So, so, so, so good. I was surprised by how emotional I got over it. Mappa is really making everything hit so hard!
Loved the episode! I believe this adaptation has even improved on some scenes (like Armin's tranformation and Gabi's screams), the ost and voice acting give it so much more power and the CGI looks better than in previous episodes. Really looking forward to ep 8 and the little surprises Mappa will give us with it 
This episode was really great, the 1st to get me truly hyped. I was very disappointed last episode because it felt very underwhelming was I watched it, so much so I didn't even want to participate in the poll last week because there was enough negativity about it out there and I didn't want to add to it. After staying away from others opinions and having watched this week's episode i gave 65 a rewatch and I honestly think it's a good episode, with small flaws here and there. I guess all the negativity can really affect how we perceive this adaptation. I realized I watched that whole episode looking for any moment mappa had messed up, moments that I knew people would complain about. This week I didn't and I enjoyed it a lot more. So even though it may not be like this for everyone, distancing yourself from all of the exaggerated "criticism" might just make you enjoy and appreciate it a lot more. 
I still strongly dislike how the CG Attack Titan looks but this episode looked MUCH better than the previous one and was even better lit, IMO. Armin looked beautiful, the colossal titan looked amazing and Levi looked the best he's ever looked to me. JEAN! He looked so good and so did Sasha! I absolutely love the character design this season and everyone looked fantastic. Loved it!
makes me wish porco hadnt died 
I think that I was so disappointed with the previous episode that I just lowered the bar. Either way I enjoyed this episode. I'm still very disappointed with the music choices and much they faded in the background even during climate scenes. But I did feel a lot better about the CGI specially since the barely used it in this episode aside from the titans. Oh man I cant wait the anime fandom reaction to Sasha getting shot. 
The episode was much better than the previous one. I loved it. I loved the moment of horrifying silence after WHT was eaten. The lack of music made the scene more serious and dreadful. Gabi's seiyuu made an excellent work as well. I didn't know I was going to say that but I think that Armin is pretty hot. In the manga he still has his cute baby looks, but MAPPA made his appearance more mature. Now I feel jealous of Annie ;P
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Thank you again to everyone who participated!
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padfootagain · 4 years
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Hello everyone! I'm so happy to host a new event for my blog! It has been a while since I made one of these writing events, and I hope you will enjoy it! I've organized it to celebrate my blog hitting 4.7k followers!!! This is unbelievable, tbh, I have no idea what you guys are doing around here, but thank you so much for it anyway!!
So, for the coming weeks, I'll be writing your requests, that you can send me using the prompts I'm proposing in this post, under the cut! I hope you'll have fun!
 Carole, what is going on now?
 For this event, I'll be answering some prompts! The idea is simple: you choose one of the characters I write for and a few prompts, and I will write a one-shot for the character you have chosen, using the prompts you have chosen. You can also indicate more details that you would like to be included in your request (a specific AU or situation… ). It's super easy, and it makes you choose what I'll write for the next 2 or 3 weeks!
 How do we request something?
 In order to send a request, all you have to do is send me an ask through my inbox (please, do not use the dms, it is much harder to manage for me and I will probably forget about your request…). You can choose between 1 and 5 prompts amongst the prompts listed below the cut. The prompts are pieces of dialogue, and it will be my job to imagine a scenario where the characters use these lines. Choose also a character. It has to be a character in my masterlist (at the exception of Billy Russo and Regulus Black, their requests are closed). If you're a little shy, don't hesitate to switch on the anon function, I will still accept your request! Please, only ask for one request, because I want to write for as many people as possible.
And that's it! Super easy, isn't it?
 A sum up?
 In order to get a one-shot:
-Choose a character in my masterlist (except for Billy Russo and Regulus Black, their requests are closed)
-Choose between 1 and 5 prompts that you would like to see appear in your one-shot. There are 100 of them, and they are all gathered below the cut! No need to send me the whole prompt, just send me the number corresponding to your prompts!
-Send me a message through my inbox (no private messages)
-You can only make one request, so choose wisely ;)
-You can ask as an anon if you're a little shy
-I'll be working hard on your request, so a little nice message or at least a 'hello' would be lovely :)
 The requests will be open for 48 hours (September 8 – September 10 2020), and they are open beginning… right now! The duration for the opened requests for the event might change, depending on how many requests I receive.
Please, be understanding that there is no way for me to judge if this event will be popular or not. If I receive too many requests, I won't be able to write all of them. I'm sorry if I don't have time to go to your request, please, be understanding if that happens. But maybe I'll have time to write all of them! It is hard for me to judge beforehand.
I hope you have fun with this event, and thank you all again for your support!
The prompts for the event are listed below. For a few of them, they might include several lines. All prompts are given a number, all you have to do is send me the number corresponding to the prompts you want, no need to type the whole thing in the ask.
Have fun!
NB: I have no idea why so many of those give off some serious idiots in love and idiots to lovers energy, but… it happened…
 2. "You are too far away."
"I am literally on the couch with you..."
"But are you in my arms? No. See? Too far away."
 3. "If you weren't so cute, I would break your legs right now."
 4. "Wait… are you jealous?"
 5. "Stars and tequila. It's perfect."
"No. Stars, tequila and you. That it perfect."
 6."I think I've made a mistake. Very big mistake. The kind that makes me wonder if I should escape to another country..."
 8. "Maybe I love you a little too much, and that's why it hurts sometimes."
 9. "Does it hurt?"
"Not that... OUCH!"
 10. "I can't believe you got punched in the face."
"For you. I got punched in the face for you."
 11. "It's dark, and it's late, and I'm cold and I'm drenched with this freaking rain and yet all I can think about is that I love you."
 12. "I know you don't love me. It's okay. I will be whatever you want me to be."
 13. "You don't need to love me for me to love you, you know? That's not how loving works. It would save us all from a lot of pain if it did."
 14. "What do you mean you have a date?"
 15. "I propose that we get excessively drunk and then ruin our lives as a consequence. Sounds good?"
 16. "I'll always be here for you. Don't you know that by now? That I'll never leave?"
 17. "I think we need... to make something explode."
 18. "I'm pretty stupid, aren't I?"
 19. "Huh... is that my shirt you're wearing?"
 20. "I miss you. I hate it. I hate you. I love you."
 21. "I'm proud to be with you."
 22. "So... huh... are we gonna mention that you've just snogged me or...?"
 23. "What do you mean lying to your family about us? What do you mean you need a 'plus one'?"
 24. "I have only one thing to say: that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard. Let's do it."
 25. "Huh... were you going to... propose?!"
 26. "Will you marry me?"
 27. "Look... I don't mean to be blunt but... you and me, it's a forever kind of thing. And there's no escape from that."
 28. "Fate? Me loving you, you think it's fate? Nah, it's not fate. It's a choice. I choose to love you and to give you everything I own and everything I am every single day. And that's why what we have is true love."
 29. "Do you have ANY idea of how worried I was about you?"
 30. "I think you've just… puked on my shoes."
 31. "I swear, if you die, I'm going to kill you."
 32. "You're perfect."
 33. "I love you. Do you think you could ever love me too?"
 34. "Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles!"
 35. "I'm sorry. For everything. I'm not going to ask you to forgive me though, cause I know that I don't deserve it."
 36. "Just… shut up and kiss me."
 37. "Please… stay."
 38. "But if you leave now, what am I going to do with the rest of my life?"
 39. "I don't want anything but you."
 40. "You deserve so much more than what I can give you."
 41. "I wish I did, but I don't deserve you."
 42. "You make me so happy, it hurts a little."
 43. "What if we don't make it?"
 44. "Are you… are you bleeding?"
 45. "I… I'm begging you… if you must kill someone, then kill me. But please, please… let him/her go."
 46. "I can't lose you."
 47. "What do you mean… you're pregnant?"
 48. "You are so annoying…"
 49. "You're an idiot. I love you."
 50. "Don't leave me. Don't ever leave me…"
 51. "Well… that was hot."
 52. "So… good morning?"
"We're in the same bed. What the fuck are we doing in the same bed?!"
 53. "I mean, we don't have a choice… there's only one bed. And I am not sleeping on that dirty carpet."
 54. "Us being together, it's a terrible idea."
 56. "This is the worst Halloween costume I have ever seen."
 57. "Promise you'll always love me."
 58. "I need your word. Promise me that you'll come back to me."
 59. "So… does that mean… farewell?"
 60. "I think we’re excellent at making memories.”
 61. "Did you… did you sleep with him/her?"
 62. "Where are you?"
 64. "Dear God… I'm surrounded by idiots…"
 65. "I don't want you to go with him/her. I want you to choose me instead."
 66. "What if we stayed in bed all day?"
 67. "You fool! Fear my wrath!"
"Babe, you're threatening me with a broccoli, it is not very convincing."
 68. "Karaoke night!"
 69. "I am full of surprises!”
“Sadly, yes, you are...”
 70. "Dance with me. Please?"
 71. "I would do anything to convince you to give me a chance."
 72. "I know it's hard. I know that life keeps on getting in the way. But I love you. I love you with my entire being, and I'm willing to fight for you. I'm willing to fight to keep you."
 73. "Are you… are you crying?"
 74. "Stop stealing my blanket!"
 75. "Happy New Year!"
 76. "Merry Christmas!"
 77. "Is that for me?"
 78. "Happy birthday!"
 79. "So… is that… a date?"
 80. "What do you mean it was a date? It wasn't a date!"
"Of course, it was a date!"
 81. "Well… that… was a good kiss…"
 82. "I'm a complete moron! I'm an idiot! I am the epitome of stupidity! It took me forever to realize it, but now I see it, and I'll be damned if I let you walk away. Because it took me all that time to realize it, but I love you. I love you so much. It's always been you."
 83. "Are you drinking my cocoa?"
 84. "Please, just… hold me. Please, hold me close."
 85. "I'm cold."
"I'll keep you warm."
"Nice try!"
 86. "It hasn't stopped snowing. We're stuck. We're gonna die."
"I know that the important information here is that we're gonna die, but I'm very upset that you don't want to do it specifically with me. Why not? I'm a dream!"
 88. "Can I try some of your food?"
 89. "I should have told you long ago."
"Tell me what?"
"That I love you."
 90. "I am not going through a thirty-hours drive with you. There is absolutely no way."
 91. "I used to hate you. Then, I simply disliked you. Now, I hate you all over again."
"Well, the feeling is mutual. But maybe it'll change."
 92. "I really like you."
"I love you."
 93. "Well, if you really were that clever, then you would know that I love you!"
 94. "You have fever, you need to drink this. Come on, now."
 95. "I just… I feel like I'm truly myself when I'm with you. I want to be myself when I'm with you. So now, if you're scared, don't call it love yet. But whatever you want to call it, it's incredible, and I'm not going to give up on this. I'm not going to give up on us."
 96. "You're my home."
 97. "Why is summer so hot?! I'm melting!"
 98. "Have you ever felt like… memories get attached to a word and they almost change their meanings? Like… whenever someone says 'apple' I think of my grandma's pies, to the point that I almost forget that they're talking about the fruit. Well… your name… it's the same for love. When I think of love, I think of you."
 99. "What wish did you make?”
“To spend the rest of my life with you.”
 100. "If you only let me spend the rest of my life with you, I'd be happy with that. I don't ask for anything else, really. My life is complete as long as you're in it."
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
What's the heroes' morning routine to start their day before going to work? Or their night routine before they're going to sleep? (And here is sprinkle of positivity vibes for you today: 😊😉👌💕💞💗💓💝💝💖💖🌟✨🍀🍀🍀🍀💐💐 Have a nice day! ❤)
Thanks for the request, anon! ❤️❤️ sorry this took me so long to get to, hope you’re still around!
Tornado of Terror: I’ve said in a previous hc that she sleep-levitates and wakes up in the weirdest places. So, she’d probably spend 10 straight minutes prying herself out of her bathtub or some shit with hella cramps. After that, she’d spam Fubuki over text message, asking her how to make a cup of coffee for the 57th time, then manage to burn it anyway, and finally go to work salty as fuck.
Silverfang: Wakes up at the crack of dawn, mediates next to a waterfall or some shit, broods over Garou, and makes himself a nice breakfast with a cup of tea. After that, he drags Charanko’s ass up the mountain to do some training, meditate some more, drink more tea, and around then it’s gonna be like 9 AM, so he’d probably just go the fuck back to sleep for a quick nap before actually going to work. Look, he’s old. Let him vibe.
Atomic Samurai: Also wakes the fuck up at the crack of dawn and proceeds to freeload a breakfast off of Iaian, wash it down with some alcohol at 6 in the AM, and complain about the weather. Then, he’d probably run over some sorta training routine with his disciples before doing group meditation and finally, finish it off with another drink. His tolerance is so damn high at this point. He shows up to work while pretending he wasn’t ten seconds away from getting wasted that morning.
Child Emperor: Wakes up rather early (if he even slept at all), runs diagnostics on all of his machinery, does tests on his latest weapons, takes 7 decontamination showers, and then makes himself a hearty breakfast consisting of Froot Loops and choccy milk. He shows up to work early and energized, running solely on his 87th lollipop and the single shot of espresso he had that morning. If it’s a weekday, he’d wait off on going to Association headquarters and teach a few classes at the local university instead. He’d then go to work in the middle of the day, grading papers and dying internally at the dumb shit his students say. He keeps a mental tally of how many people forget to write their names on their assignments. He’s suffering.
Metal Knight: Upon slapping the shit out of his alarm clock, he rolls out of bed and commands one of his bitchbots to make a Michelin-Star quality breakfast for him, then proceeds to stalk to the bathroom. He doesn’t shave or shower. He just takes a 45-minute shit because he’s forced himself to go to the bathroom once a day to “save time” when it, in fact, does not save time. After that, he takes a decontamination shower before entering his lab (also another 45 minutes because he’d spend the whole time je— nevermind) and doesn’t show up to work at all because he’s a little bitchboy hellbent on building Skynet in his mom’s basement.
King: Wakes up, cries, plays video games, cries some more, eats some cereal, takes a shower, cries, calls Saitama over, plays video games, Saitama leaves, cries. Then, he’ll show up to work for a single meeting at 4 PM just so everyone knows he isn’t dead, have an anxiety attack, go home, and then cry (while having another anxiety attack). After that, he’ll play video games until 3 AM. Rinse and repeat.
Zombieman: He’ll wake up at 3 AM and then sarcastically open his blinds like “oh wow, what a beautiful morning”. He’ll make himself a hearty breakfast consisting of leftovers, some protein pills, and half a pack of cigarettes. Next, he’ll shower, shave, and do some routine vigilante detective work out in the town before coming back home just as the sun is beginning to rise. After that, he’ll take a thirty second nap and walk his ass to work (because his car has been in the shop for like, seven years) so he can vibe for 3 hours before throwing in the towel and isolating himself for the remainder 18 hours of the day because depression.
Drive Knight: he sleeps plugged into the wall like a Samsung. Either that, or he’s solar-powered.... or maybe he runs on AAAs. I don’t know, but his ass ain’t waking up like everyone else. He’d power on, do some routine checkups on his laboratory or whatever the fuck he’s got going on, and then show up to work for 3 seconds only to dip the fuck back out and go poach some endangered monster species for his collection or some shit. Look, he’s a robot.
Pig God: wakes up at 10 AM like a king and eats a small breakfast consisting of three rotisserie chickens, a whole pot of rice, 57 eggs, and a cool glass of milk (because calcium is important, kids). He’d spend 4 hours on the internet before he gets hungry and decides to go outside, stopping to casually devour an entire species of demon-threat monsters in the middle of the street while simultaneously traumatizing every single child living in a 3-mile radius in the process of doing so. After that, he’d do some hero work for like 30 minutes (and somehow eat like, 200 living things in that timeframe), go back home, and then indulge himself in a 17-hour food coma. He’s earned it.
Superalloy Darkshine: Homie wakes up at 5 AM, works out for two hours, takes a shower, and eats a breakfast big enough to feed a small family of 19. After terrorizing every health expert in the country with his buckwild diet (ironic considering Pig God exists), he hits up his bro Tanktop Master for another 2-hour workout. He then proceeds to take 3 seconds getting dressed in his hero uniform because it’s literally just a thong, and goes to work for a full 8 hours because he’s a good boi who takes his job seriously and genuinely wants to make the world a better place. :)
Watchdog Man: wakes up, pisses on a fire hydrant, eats dog kibble, sits on his pedestal in city Q, and then gets dressed.
Flashy Flash: wakes up in a forest somewhere because he’s probably homeless. The local birds flock around him and sing a morning song. He feeds a baby deer like a Disney princess. Then, he bathes in a waterfall and spends two hours doing his hair. After that, he buys himself a fucking bagel and takes his ass to work smelling like the inside of a Cabella’s. He vibes at HQ for like, 30 minutes, before traveling 500 miles away on his 57th quest for revenge and ends up breaking a record for “most homicides committed by a hero” on the way there.
Genos: wakes up, makes breakfast for Saitama, takes a shower, and spends half an hour doing chores while Saitama bums around with a yolk stain on his pajamas. Then, he’d hit up the professor for any news about upgrades, and go on about his day handing out justice as he sees fit until Saitama suddenly gets the urge to go buy some cabbage. It’ll be another 2 hours of walking around the inside of a grocery store while holding 2 grams of food (because it’s all Saitama could afford, broke ass) before he actually goes to hero HQ for a single meeting (while Saitama tags along), and then slaughter 87 monsters on his way home.
Metal Bat: wakes up at 6 AM because it takes him 8 years to do his hair. He’d wake up Zenko about an hour later and tell her to get ready for school while he hauls ass downstairs to make breakfast (burnt toast and 8 Flinstone vitamins). They walk to Zenko’s school together. He takes ten minutes to shower her with love, and then he turns back around to walk to his own school only to show up like, 45-minutes late to his first class. He only attends hero meetings on weekends because A. Homework and B. He doesn’t give enough of a shit to juggle official hero business and school in the same day (unless it consists of a monster/criminal [or 12] in need of a beating).
Tanktop Master: same as Superalloy. He wakes up at dawn, works out, eats enough to feed a small army, and then calls his actual army over for a meeting. He and the gang discuss ways to better represent the Tanktop ideology over tea, while also sharing workout tips and just having a good time together in general. Around then it’ll probably be 8 or 9 AM, so he’d join Superalloy at Hero HQ and do hero work for the rest of the day alongside his homies. He’s living the life, honestly.
Puri-Puri Prisoner: he’s in prison so he’d wake up at 8 AM on the clock every day, eat his nasty-ass breakfast (although, I’ve said in a previous headcanon that he gets special meals prepared for him on account of being a literal superhero, but I digress), and then he works out in the courtyard for a good hour before going to work in the cafeteria for 3 bucks a day (or the yen equivalent). During visiting hours, he and his boyfriend are inseparable. They’d make some crafts together, gossip, and just hang out. If there’s a threat in the area, Puri will waste no time busting himself out and hugging that shit to death. A true icon.
Amai Mask: he either wakes up at 10 AM or 2 PM every day, there’s no in-between. He’d spend his morning doing every self-care routine under the sun: taking a warm bath, doing a face mask, eating a good breakfast (prepared by his own personal chef, of course), listening to an audio book, you name it. If he has a concert that night, he’d spend the entire day surrounded by people as he gets ready/rehearses/prepares. If not, he’ll just patrol the streets, handing out autographs and some slices of justice. He wouldn’t really show up to any meetings or do official hero business at HQ unless he’s in the mood to cuss out Sekingar and Sitch over some stupid shit or insert himself in S-Class business.
Iaian: wakes up earlier than any of the other disciples and Atomic Samurai because he’s like, responsible or whatever. He meditates, showers, does his own personal routine, and then kicks everyone out of bed for breakfast like an angry suburban mom. After that, he’d participate in everyone’s routine training, and then take his ass to work while showing up to every meeting at HQ (sometimes tagging along with Kami) because he’s a good boi and he has no problem engaging in business. :)
Okamaitachi: She sometimes wakes up with Iaian, but sleeps in most of the time because she needs her beauty rest, obviously. After breakfast and participating in everyone’s training routine, she’d do her hair/makeup and go do her own hero work the majority of the time. She’d sometimes tag along with Iaian, but she prefers to go on her own every so often. If she has some extra time before breakfast, she’ll also do a face mask or catch up on her favorite soap operas.
Bushidrill: this motherfucker sleeps like a log and Iaian wants to kill him for it. He wakes up like, 2 seconds before breakfast and hasn’t shaven in a month. Still, somehow, he manages to get ready in time for training without Kami trying to assault him for being a doofus.
Fubuki: She wakes up hella early and texts her herd of hooligans the daily plan before dealing with Tatsumaki’s shit over the phone. Then, she showers, does her hair, and takes fifteen minutes to get her makeup done right. It doesn’t take her long to plan out her outfit because she has like, 87 black dresses. After an actual hearty breakfast (unlike the rest of these clowns) that she makes herself, she meets up with the blizzard group to discuss business and engage in hero work together as a ✨team✨. She never gets asked to participate in official business by HQ because Tatsumaki strictly forbids it.
Saitama: he brushes his hair and sits on his ass all day.
Mumen Rider: wakes up at dawn, feeds the cats outside, eats a good-ass breakfast (despite being poor, because he’s actually really good at budgeting), and goes out for a nice, morning patrol. He’ll also call his mom and make sure she’s having a good time because that’s important. If it’s not a busy day, he’ll go to the gym and treat himself to some time at the park afterwards. If there’s monsters all about, he’ll spend the rest of the day in the hospital after getting his shit rocked for the 300th time that week. They’ve basically got a bed reserved for him at this point. He’s so pure but so, so selfless. And a little dumb. But mostly selfless.
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