inkykeiji · 2 years
Hi hi Clari! I know you're not that into JJK anymore, but they just dropped Toji's official design and I AM NOT OKAY.
hi anon bb!!! ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ ) DID THEY??????? oh my gosh thank u for telling me LMAO he looks so good!!! he’s so BIG ughhhhh my size kink is off the fucking charts right now (*/ω\*) he is so daddy it is unbelievable
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thinkingaboutfilm11 · 5 months
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baylardian-1 · 5 months
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i wonder who she gets her fussiness from
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rooolt · 2 years
Everyday I think about when will campos said “I’m not a good actor” and everyday I think he’s a dirty fucking liar
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simpjaes · 2 months
i thought everyone was well aware that jay is your main 💀 it’s so obvious LMAO
ok but to be fair he wasn't always my main ;-; it was jake. i was ALL OVER jake. but then like, something happened.
i saw him with a knife. that's literally it.
saw him with a knife in that one vlog where jungwon and sunoo are beating the shit out of each other in the indoor pool and it was over for me.
it only got worse when jay joined them in the pool later and started trying to drown everyone.
so......yeah......that's how me n jay got married.
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cuckette · 8 months
Sugar daddy leon is just the type of old mn who would let you step on his pathetic dick with the heels he bought for you <3
oh leon loves dickstepping.. busts in his pants from it every time and he loves when you just call him gross, a dirty old man, disgusting all of it just goes straight to his dick.
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lavenderstemssss · 5 months
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theepisceswriter · 1 year
I heard Gojo back so I’m back too wassup
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uc1wa · 9 months
nami in today’s ep ohhhhhhh you big man
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waitingforminjae · 2 years
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i just think i would quite literally rather die than have to act like i would rather my 20 yr old costar to be paired w my 30 yr old ass than his same-aged friend
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ariesbilly · 21 days
theo rossi talking about how his dad abandoning him as a kid shaped this mindset of "well if he thinks im shit then i must be shit so let me prove it to the rest of the world and be horrible and abuse myself too"...
billy hargrove teas i fear
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Daddy Dazai sounds terrifying✨
that’s because he is anon, he IS!!! genuinely so deliciously scary ehehe likeee i wouldn’t want to get on his bad side because his punishments are so severe and downright brutal except i would want to get on his bad side because i’m a fucking Brat and i’d wanna see how far i can push Daddy until he cracks <3 and also prove i can take whatever he’s gonna give but !!!
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fyodior · 9 months
You to toji 💀
SCHKDDGJVDWRF the fact that i already had that liked……….
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
Does Whatever A Spider Can
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f!reader
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Summary: You’ve spent the day with Peter. And picked up some new habits...
A/N: So I have like 9 WIPs and I swear I will get to them but this woke me up at 4 am and I can’t let it go sooooooooo :D
Warnings: DD-LG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, language, reader is a bit of a daredevil, grumpy totally not jealous Daddy, threat of punishment, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
Bucky knew it was a mistake before they even dropped you off. 
Fury had a mission for him, Steve, and Natasha- one that required both diplomacy and stealth, hence all three of them being called up. It was to be a quick one, so Steve asked Pepper if you could hang out with her and Peter for the day. You were so excited- you had been missing hanging out with your bestie one-on-one and this was the perfect opportunity. You begged Daddy to let you wear your favorite shortalls with your favorite pink shirt, as this was a special occasion. He of course obliged you, but something didn’t hit him right at that- you never wanted to dress up for anything that wasn’t Halloween. 
You were so excited when you got to Tony’s apartment that you barely remembered to say goodbye to your daddies after hurtling yourself at Peter, who caught you in a huge hug. Bucky had to holler goodbye loudly to get you to realize that they were leaving, at which point you detached yourself from your bestie. You ran back to the both of them, giving them big, hard hugs and a sloppy kiss on the cheek. You giggled and raced away with Peter, ready to begin your adventure. 
Bucky was a bit nonplussed at your behavior, but Steve was chuckling. “Looks like the two of them are going to be nice and worn out by the end of the day,” he grinned at Pepper. She laughed once, low. 
“Hopefully, there’s enough caffeine in this apartment for me to keep up with them,” she joked back. “You all be careful, see you tonight.”
The mission went perfectly well, exactly as they’d all hoped. But Bucky couldn’t keep his mind off you. He felt a confusing stab of jealousy remembering your eagerness to spend the day with Peter, but he shut that down immediately. That was ridiculous. He wasn’t jealous. You were HIS baby, you...just were excited, that’s all. You’d be just as excited to see him when he came back. Right? 
And you were. Just not the way he expected. 
They picked you up (literally- Bucky couldn’t stand to not possessively have you in his arms after the entire day) from the Starks. Pepper was happy to report that you’d been an angel all day- you and Peter had come to the table the first time she’d called, eaten your lunches, went down for naps without complaints. Outside of that, the two of you had been in Peter’s playroom all day, giggling and playing and having a grand time. Steve and Bucky thanked Pepper profusely, and after you all said goodbye, headed home. 
Steve rubbed your back and kissed your cheek. “I’m so proud of you for being such a good girl today, angel,” he said, grinning from ear to ear. 
You wiggled in pleasure. “Me and Petey had so much fun today, Papa! We did ALL the things!”
“Yeah? What did you do?”
“ALL the things!”
Steve laughed at your joy, and Bucky bounced you a bit, feeling better having you so near. You turned your attention to him. “Daddy, Petey showed me how he sticks to da walls!!” 
“He did, did he?” Bucky said, a red flag suddenly popping up in his brain. You hadn’t earned your nickname ‘Trouble’ for no reason... 
“Yeah, he’s sooooo good at it. Imma learn to stick to walls too!”
“Yeah, not gonna happen, Trouble. I ain’t letting you within ten feet of some souped-up science spider.”
“I don’t wanna do it like THAT! Silly Daddy.”
“Then how exactly are you planning on sticking to the walls?”
“I gonna ask Unca Tony to make me something to stick to walls!”
“No, you’re not,” Bucky said, suddenly grumpy. He gave Steve an annoyed look when Steve failed to hide a small snort of laughter. Steve immediately tried to smooth his face out, but he couldn’t quite get one corner of his mouth to turn down. He looked back at you with his best Daddy Eye. “You could get hurt, and you know that’s against the rules.”
“But Petey doesn’t get hurt! And I watcheded him fall lots today. You hafta fall on the SOFT things so you don’t get hurt,” you explained patiently, thinking that Daddy just simply didn’t understand how it all worked. You were more than happy to educate him. 
Bucky just sighed. Hopefully, once they got you home and got you distracted by your own toys and maybe a bribe or two  that you’d drop it. 
Silly Daddy. 
The second you entered the apartment, they got your shoes off you and your feet hit the floor. You raced into the living room, eager to show them what you learned. Steve didn’t even have time to remind you to not run before you reached your destination. You clambered up onto the big sectional sofa, standing on the cushions. “See?? Watch what I can do!”
“Hey! Get down, right now,” Bucky scolded loudly, but you’d already begun your descent. You flung your body into the soft cushions, giggling madly. You popped your head up, grinning wildly. 
“See? I fall on the SOFT things!” you said triumphantly. You scrambled up and flung yourself down again, laughing like crazy. Suddenly, you felt yourself swooped up into a pair of strong arms. 
“I’m very glad that you learned to fall on soft thing, kitten,” Papa said, nuzzling your nose with his and smiling. “But this is starting to look like when you ran into the sliding glass door. Remember that?”
You blinked up at him innocently. “But Papa, dat was HARD. Dis is SOFT.”
“And you can sometimes get hurt on the soft things, too. You don’t want to get hurt again, do you? We don’t do dangerous things, right?”
“Right, Papa!” you said, eager to please. But you had to add, “But dis doesn’t hurt?” You were confused as to why this was maybe dangerous.
“Tell you what- we can make a pillow pile later and fall into that together. That way, Daddy and Papa can make sure you don’t get hurt and we can all play together. Does that sound good?”
“Yeah! Is good!!”
“Okay then. So no more falling into the couch cushions right now. Got it?”
“Got it, Papa!” 
“Good girl. I’m going to go shower, why don’t you tell Daddy about the rest of your time with Peter today?” Steve said, failing to hide his grin at the increasingly grumpy look on Bucky’s face as he watched the two of you. He knew Bucky would rather keep you from flinging yourself around altogether, but the odds of you not doing that were now slim to none. At least this way, they had a measure of control over it. Steve pecked Bucky on the mouth cheekily as he passed you to him and got a grunt in return. He laughed as he made his way to the shower. 
Bucky sat down on the sofa to cuddle you into his lap. You stayed for exactly three seconds before wiggling away and standing up on the couch again. “Hey! What did Papa just say?” he scolded again, hands darting out to hold you in place. 
“He said no falling,” you replied innocently. “I not gonna fall, Daddy.”
“You might if you stand on the couch cushions. Don’t do it again.”
“I said no. No climbing, no falling, no...flinging. Got it?”
“But what about da pillows later?”
“That’s later. Right now, just...don’t. No climbing. None.”
“You no fun,” you pouted, plopping down on your bottom, adorable consternation on your face. Before Bucky could figure out a way to prove that he was fun- he was Sergeant Daddy, after all- his phone rang. Out of pure annoyance, he stood up and answered it. “What?” he snarled into it, turning his back to you so you wouldn’t get upset at his tone. 
You took this opportunity to crawl up onto the top of the sofa, like you’d watched Petey do to the walls today, just because you simply could not sit still. You crawled along the area that was against the wall and turned the corner to the part that was separating the living room from the dining room, moving stealthily like a superhero. You felt so awesome and it was so much fun! Until your left hand slipped. 
You let out a squeak of surprise as you fell, bracing yourself for the impact. But it never came. 
A silver hand shot out over the back of the couch, snatching the back straps of your shortalls when you were a mere two inches above the ground. You felt yourself being lifted up, up, up, until you were nose to nose with a very displeased looking Daddy. You smiled at him and waved happily. 
“I’m going to have to call you back,” he growled into the phone, then tossed it on the couch. He kept you dangling in the air with the stern look on his face. “What did I just tell you not thirty seconds ago?” he said, his tone indicating that he was not to be messed with right now. That sobered you up in an instant. 
“No climbing on the sofa,” you replied meekly from your mid-air position.  
“So you wanna give me a reason why you deliberately disobeyed me the moment my back was turned?”
“I didn’t, Daddy!”
“Excuse me?!”
“I didn’t climb on the sofa!”
“Oh really? Now you’re gonna try to lie about it?”
“No! Not lying! I didn’t climb on it. I crawled on it.” You smiled sweetly at him, tilting your head in that adorable way that he couldn’t resist. 
Bucky’s face morphed from furious to resigned in an instant. You were well and truly nicknamed. “Trouble,” he said wearily, still holding you aloft. “How about you just TELL me what you and Peter did today? If you keep trying to demonstrate it, you’re gonna give me heart failure.”
“Okay, Daddy! Can I sit in your lap and tell you all the things?” 
Bucky took comfort in that, trying to hold onto the fact that you wanted to be close to him and tell him everything instead of the ridiculous jealousy that was trying to worm its way in every time you mentioned that little shit Peter’s name. He plopped you down on his lap and cuddled you as you excitedly shared your adventures with him. 
Meanwhile, Steve had stuffed a washcloth in his mouth while in the shower to keep Bucky from hearing him laugh. His grumpy, grumpy love. 
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sassymax2000 · 3 months
2024!Bill Kaulitz X Daughter!Reader(Headcanon)
A/n this was SOOOOOOOOO fucking fun to make! Btw just in case your new to the daddy x daughter thing,ITS A PLATONIC! HC. okrrrrrr enjoy :) ITS SHORT
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He panicked when he found out you were gonna be born. He had knocked up a girl,who wanted nothing to do with him OR you.
But,When you were born and he held you for the first time-OH LORD he was star struck 🤩 he fell in love with you instantly (again,FAHTERLY LOVE)
He spoils you ROTTEN,you want a new dog? Dogie has teleported into ur room,you want a new…I DONT Know-Gucci shit? CHA CHING💰💵🤑 want a new dad?- no just kidding 😂 who would?
Matching clothes is MANDATORy,he won’t force you,but he will pled and beg for you to go matching😞leaving you no choice…so yea he forces you😂
He tours AALOT so you have a personal Nanny,she’s sweet and kind (he made SURE she was before hiring her.
With your uncles..ngl your dad gets frustrated, because theses ‘Men’(boys) are sending you mixed messages,Tom is giving the vibe ‘don’t tell your dad,just tell me everything about your problems’ Georg….well….Gustav…..it’s just Tom😅 the rest are good influences.
(Funny Story,when you were learning your first word,they all gathered together because they KNEW you were gonna say it……you started reaching out for Tom…while calling him ‘dadda’….they all looked at Tom,going’OOOOOOOOO’ while Tom was looking at you in fear,not wanting to make eye contact with your FUMING Father. Thst was the first fist fight your EVER saw🫢🤭 Oopsies- but damn bill was PISSED,he was so jealous and angry that you didn’t think he was your daddy🫢)
If you got hurt as a kid,and you were crying? HAVE NO FEAR DADDY IS HERE!he would knelt down in Front of you, ‘shhhhhhhhhhhhhh’ing you,to soothe you,holding your head in his chest.After you calmed down he would set you on his lap,as your head would he gently pushed into his chest,he cared for the scrap Very carefully,annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd…..done! You were in pain no more,my good lasie 🧓(sorry I’m stupid)
Comforting you while you cried,is honestly,so fucking hard for him,especially if you wanted to alone. He would just sob in the other room,because he knew that you were hurting so bad,that you don’t even wanna talk to your favorite person💔 Eventuelly you needed his comfort,and he ran to the rescue! He would hold you so tight,and let you cry in his chest,when your done,he would ask you what happened,and if someone hurt you,he has to ‘talk’ to them…oof-🫢
So feel like he would be..AMAZING, he would love you soooooooooooooooooo FUCKING MUCH, cuz that’s what daddy’s do.
A/n this was sooooooooo fun to write…but it is now 3:35 in the morning🥱 so good night 💤 I hope you liked it! (It was short I know)
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drawlody · 2 months
It's time I contribute to the Adam nation with my interpetation of Sinner!Adam >:DDD
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Going over some design choices here yes yes:
1 horn cause i saw some fics on ao3 where he would, in mad denial, ripped off it on his own n its just so cool??? like the self-rejection there? lovely 💗💗💗
Skirt also ao3 again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wanted to use a leather jacket but that aint working well with robes so here an alt:D I thought it would be hella funny to have the skirt be imagery of the exorcists causing mayhem, like fallen or not, the hatred for sinners n the pride of a general is still very much there (The excorcists r 1 big fucked up family n no nothing u said will convince me otherwise:))
Revoke wings privilege cause yes , i saw the hc of Adam hugging himself with his wings while in distress going around n yeah thats totally him alright. SooOooOooo what better ways to ensure misery than to take away his 2nd fav bodypart :))) I swear i love him
Angelic steel tail, so i have a certain scene i wanted to draw n for that to happen he need smth enough to fight ok?
Lamb characteristics, everyone know the whole ''sacrificial lamb'' deal we got going on with Adam so yeah it's that (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ He got hooves but he will kill himself before letting others see them:D
I got the "underwear with his own name" thingy from *cough*rule34*cough* ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) dont question it
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Charlie is like the least enjoyable to draw , idk why tho
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Doing all this really get rid of my perfectionism cause the need to get these out fast is stronger:D (like this panel is 30m of work)
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I am also digging this b&w colouring on a grey bg thingy
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He's not "Daddy", he's "Grand-daddy x1000" ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
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Never has my ref board got this messy omg i mean half of them r for the Overlord! design (coming soon give me a few days:))so yeah its a 2 in 1
I spent like 30m or smth coming up with the actual designs n several hours just to choose the palette (i really hate this stage(╬▔皿▔)╯)
Wait the Overlord! may take longer since im kinda make this into an AU maybe? So i'll need to come up with a Fallen!Excorcist design, peferably with bird traits . Ya can check this post for the initial ideas ✍(◔◡◔)ada
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