tagzpite · 2 months
I keep making this pathetic wet fish snake longer and longer each time draw him…
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sunsburns · 8 months
pushing the drummer!luke castellan agenda tonight
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a-drewid · 1 year
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apocaloidae · 17 days
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peacemakerswings · 9 months
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yincryz · 2 months
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I had a vision...
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orange-artist · 15 days
Someone revoke my brain privileges. I made another AU...
Remember this post? (Reincarnators gets thrown into KNY world into Uzui's unnamed younger brother)
Yeah it spiraled. It has world building now.
Meet Uzui Tensei (宇髄 天成) he used to be a musician and he's bad at fashion now he's a traumatized ninja boyo👍
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He does not like the clan politics of the Uzui clan and trying to figure out the logistics of just straight up dipping. He does care too much about the servants and stuff to do it straight up.
He's lowkey came with some issues that got compounded by Tensei's living situations but you know how it goes. What's a reincarnation if not with some horrors?
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And he also gets wives. 😚 They're just his friends tho
Rena (玲声)
Tsuguyo (貢代)
Yuzuki (夕寿生)
Fun fact! He doesn't actually like his earrings that much, he just thinks that maybe Tengen might appreciate their...flamboyancy.
+bonus sketchbook doodles
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I lowkey genuinely have like...the most of the plot for him jotted down. The brainrot got me in a deathgrip.
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iamthecomet · 5 months
what if ghouls aren't actually nameless but they don't use their real names cus of that thing where if someone knows your Real name they have power over you? so they get "earth names" when they're summoned
anyway, Omega telling Terzo his real name (it's a trust thing and probably the least wise thing to do)
Oh OH NO. Oh Omega. I adore this headcanon and it is giving me THOUGHTS (both sexy and angsty, as is tradition). Omega whispering it into Terzo's ear late one night when they're wrapped around each other, half asleep. Saying it again, into Terzo's hair as he sleeps with his head on Omega's broad chest. Working up the courage to say it for real--deciding the risk is worth the reward. Terzo has given him everything--he wants to give him something too. And I think, Terzo doesn't betray that trust. Of course he doesn't. He keeps that name locked up tight against his heart. He whispers it in quiet moments. In moments where pleasure breaks open and he can't keep it in anymore. Omega moving above him. Terzo reaching up to cup his hand against Omega's cheek, his name breaking over kiss swollen lips.
Terzo will never use the power he holds over Omega in betrayal. Will never hurt him with it--or ask anything of him he wouldn't freely give. But, in the end, someone else learns it. Who knows if it's Terzo's fault. Did he write it down? Say it too loudly in the throes of passion one night? Or is it just because Sister has spies everywhere, and there are no secrets in the ministry?
And all it takes is a well timed whisper. Omega's name spoken back to him in an unfamiliar voice, and everything crumbles.
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greensagephase · 5 months
Writing Part 14 of Nonviolent Communication (send help)
Me: *reaches 10k words* "okay, this is normal for me now, whatever"
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Me: *starts getting close to 20K but there's still a lot to write*
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several days later
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In conclusion:
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Update is going up in 2 hours 🫡
Also, to everyone who has sent me dms, asks, etc. that have been unanswered - I'll get back to you soon, I PROMISE!!! I focused on finishing this chapter, so I've been avoiding tumblr to not get distracted in my free time 😭
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malarkgirlypop · 2 months
Back to the old house
who let me near sad songs and BoB?
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onyxsboxes · 3 months
I love whump!gale way too much for my his own good.
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trentybenty · 5 months
Been watching this on repeat for hours
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waltricia · 5 months
Yo I am having REVELATIONS. I don’t know which of my symbolism posts I should add this to, so I’m just going to make a new post for it.
I was totally on to something on Trailer Day when I got fixated on the red tones. So, here is a further (and ongoing) examination of the use of the color red, just based, so far, on what we’ve seen in the trailer + stills. Sorry if the quality isn’t great, I took screenshots from the trailer and was moving too quickly on this to adjust them.
It’s clearly an important color for this season- literally the first shot of the trailer is of the queen’s red throne. The color red obviously has a strong symbolic connection to love and attraction. It’s being used in many places, across storylines, but for now, I’m going to focus mainly on Colin and Pen.
From what we can gather of the timeline, the use of red around Colin starts off by being small, contained, in front of him, and variations of the red tone rather than true red. Gloves, a ring, a quill, a hair piece.
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In this shot, it’s almost behind him, but he’s moving, and I suspect that once he stops, it won’t be behind him anymore.
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Pink and red-orange tones are behind him when he’s showing attraction to some other women.
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When Pen is in frame with him, it’s behind her. It’s broader, less contained. The leaves of a tree, an awning, a rug.
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In a pink tent, they have a moment of mutual attraction.
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Sorry, but I have to throw Debling in here because he is wearing it- not true red though!
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But when he tells Pen that she’s looking especially beautiful, a truer red is behind him.
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Once Colin has The Dream, it’s behind him. Not true red right away, it starts with a cherrywood headboard.
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Once we get to the point where I can say with 100% certainty that the boy is in LOVE, it’s a bright red wall.
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And then, of course, there’s the 3x04 promo still, which many believe directly precedes The Carriage.
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waterlilychaser · 9 months
the three of them were tangled up together, a web of porcelain, freckled, and brown limbs. the glow from the telly and christmas lights are the only things to brighten the come and go room.
when the television had shown up, lily had insisted they watch it’s a wonderful life before they all parted ways for christmas break. of course the boys had never seen it, and james was chatting about the differences between muggle and wizarding moving pictures the whole time.
but regulus was utterly entranced.
when the film had ended, lily gently nudged him.
“did you like it?” she’d asked.
“yeah.” regulus had murmured sleepily. “i think i liked harry best.”
the boy who had almost drowned. the boy who had been saved by his brother. the boy who was a hero.
“he’s my favorite too.” lily whispered back.
“not mine.” james had interrupted. “i like you two best.”
regulus had rolled his eyes, barely visible in the darkness. “we were talking about the movie.”
james just smiled. “i know.”
he squeezed them tightly together and all is right. just being near eachother is enough. to have a wonderful life.
“we can’t name him after him.”
james’s eyes are red rimmed and puffy under his glasses.
“why not?”
“you know why not.”
they lapse into silence.
lily recalls a life that feels like ages ago but is just a few years old. a room glowing with light and adolescent happiness. of dreams that would never come true. of pasts they could never change.
“what about harry?”
a light if understanding flashes through james’s watery eyes.
“his favorite.” he murmurs.
“harry james.” lily continues. “after regulus and his favorite boy.”
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its-your-mind · 6 months
hello tumblr user. before you is a button beside the username of a blog on tumblr.com. above you is an enormous cat’s paw whose toe-beans are made entirely of spikes. will you be able to resist the temptation to boop your mutual, or is it you, yourself, who will be booped?
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livelaughlee · 8 months
I have decided that I fear no Ler until further notice. 🤷‍♀️🙃
I simply cannot be flustered. Oh well.
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