#SHE'S AN EMANATOR??? wait her being a finality emanator would be so fucking cool. explains her having ''met us'' before
aromanticasterisms · 8 months
okay penacony has been very fun so far but the only thing to actually make me say Oh Shit out loud was acheron saying yae sakura's line. anyway
#personal stuff#seraph plays star rail#watching firefly straight up die in front of me and going haha but this is just a dream. right. right.#they wouldn't kill off a character with a playable design before making money off of them. right. Right.#anyway acheron. my wife. she stabbed me and then cried blood about it i trust her with my life.#she saved me from an ominous twink by forgetting where her room was. i love her#but yea ''no compassion for the enemy for that is cruelty upon yourself. but you must see clearly who the enemy truly is''#is the same as yae sakura's ''whoever shows mercy to an enemy denies it to themselves. but you must know who your true enemy is''#like HMMM.#so interested to find out more about her i LOVE how ominous she is about possibly knowing us before#SHE'S AN EMANATOR??? wait her being a finality emanator would be so fucking cool. explains her having ''met us'' before#since finality goes backwards through time.#ROBIN?????????#FUCK.#SHAKING HYV STOP KILLING OFF THE ONLY CHARACTERS I WAS INTERESTED IN.#man.#penacony is NOT shaping up to be what i expected#in a good way mostly but also like...............#so many deaths in the first act?????????#two of the characters i really was interested in. and then duke ifrit just. off screen???#i find it hard to believe that the trailer they dropped with the everflame mansion character designs was just like. a red herring#AND SPEAKING OF IFRIT. still don't know what's going on w him and ratio tbh. but him just Leaving at the beginning was so fucking funny#anyway. i'm not opposed to penacony being a more serious turn but like. it feels so weird like okay we are jumping RIGHT into it#it's hard to really wrap my head around some of it because like. they specifically said you don't die in real life if you die in the dream?#like you just wake up.#and we still don't know who or what supposedly killed robin#so. hmmm#idk. i am looking forward to future installments but i'm wary on principle of me not always liking star rail's story#but so far they have been treating the tragedy with appropriate weight. which was a gripe i had before#and i like that we've mostly been on our own on this one and experiencing things ourselves
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horansqueen · 3 years
New Angel - Chapter 18
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story masterlist [x]
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chapter 1  ☆ chapter 2  ☆ chapter 3  ☆ chapter 4  ☆ chapter 5  ☆ chapter 6  ☆ chapter 7  ☆ chapter 8 ☆ chapter 9 ☆ chapter 10 ☆ chapter 11 ☆ chapter 12 ☆ chapter 13 ☆ chapter 14 ☆ chapter 15 ☆ chapter 16 ☆ chapter 17
☆ written from Niall’s pov ☆ i don’t proofread, I never do, I hate it. ☆ AU comedy/fluff/smut/romance ☆ 2.5k ☆ i accept requests and ideas for this story, so message me in my inbox! ☆ if you want to be notified when this story is updated (or be taken off the update list) CLICK HERE
"I can't believe you brought me here." Millie sighed, shaking her head slightly but grabbing a ball anyway. "I can't play, you know it!"
"You mentioned not being good at golf, and at football, but you never said anything about bowling." I argued, trying not to smile too much.
"I mentioned sports in general!" she let out a bit louder. "I suck at all of them."
This time, I couldn't help my lips from curling big. It was finally friday and also the fifth day Millie and I were spending together. It was insane how fast time seemed to pass when we were together but I liked it. I also liked the fact that she was ready to follow me in my stupid ideas, and I was happy to follow her in her crazy ones. I had had many friendships in my life but nothing ever felt like this one. I was trying new things, learning things too, and even discovering things about myself that I don't think I would have found out without Millie's help. I knew it wouldn't always be entertaining the way this week had been but it could definitely be enriching forever.
"You can do it! I believe in you!" I let out, half-joking.
She raised her nose up and grimaced before shaking her head. "Don't be money on me, you'll quickly become poor."
I chuckled and she turned around, grabbing the ball and throwing it in the alley. It rolled around and quickly reached the gutter, making me press my lips together as I tried not to laugh. Okay, maybe she really sucked at it.
"Okay, this is confirmed." Millie let out as she walked up to me. "Bowling is still a sport. I suck at it."
I laughed and finally got up, waking up to her and grabbing a ball too. I was not the best at bowling but I was not so bad either, and I grabbed her arm on my way, bringing her with me. I handed her the ball and she frowned for half a second before grabbing it and I turned her around, placing her hands on the ball. She allowed me to move her fingers, staring at what I was doing and licking her lips. It made me smile more and I kept my hand over hers.
"Okay fist off, you need to relax a bit. You're way too tensed. You need to stay relaxed when you give the swing." I explained slowly, waiting a few seconds. "God, Mill, relax!"
She sighed but I finally felt her relax against me as  I pressed my body slightly more against hers.
"Now you need to line up and not just throw the ball and hope it'll find the right way."
Millie's shoulders fell and she turned to me, frowning at me. It made me chuckle again and she raised her eyebrows.
"Do you think I'm stupid?"
"No," I argued. "I think you expect to be bad at it so you put zero effort in it."
This time, her traits softened and she licked her lips again without answering my comment. "Okay, and what else?"
"Your swing needs to be relaxed, but when you finally throw the ball, you need to some power. Aim for the middle. Oh, and twist your wrist on the left. Not too much, just enough, okay?"
"This is too much information at the same time."
"Come on, Mill. You can do it."
I took a few steps back but kept my eyes on her as she breathed in and out before finally throwing the ball. Instead to get in the gutter, it rolled in the alley and hit two pins that feel down. Millie turned around swiftly, her brown hair moving around her body, and threw her arms in the air, letting her head fall back slightly.
"Yes! I'm the bowling queen!"
I crossed my arms on my chest and started laughing at her reaction. Some people turned around to look at us and I rolled my eyes, a smile still spread on my lips.
"Yea yea, I'm still gonna win."
We kept playing for a while and even if I won all the games, she was getting better and better and for some reason, it made me proud of her. We walked back to my car and as I was driving home, I saw her took her shoes off and bring her feet on the seat, wrapping her arms around her knees.
"Maybe someday, we can go try playing golf together." she explained, making me raise my eyebrows in surprised before I glanced at her. "If you're ready to teach me, of course."
"Yea! Yea of course!"
She sent me a bigger smile and leaned her cheek on her knees, still looking at me. "Cool, you're a good teacher, and I actually had fun."
"That was the goal."
As soon as we walked back in the apartment, she walked to the kitchen and I rushed to my room, grabbing a pack of cards and joining her as she put two beers on the table along with a bottle of vodka. We sat in front of each other and I started dealing the cards.
It was a ritual we had with Louis on every friday night but even if we hadn't talked about it together, neither of us had expected Louis to be there. He was barely at the apartment anyway these days and the fact that Millie still had feelings for him made me think it was actually better that way. We both knew he was spending all his time at his girlfriend's but we didn't mention it. In fact, we hadn't talked about Louis, Grace or Summer at all on that day either and I was fine with it. We could spend time filling the lists and all of that during the weekend... or never.
Millie pushed her empty beer away and filled our shot glasses with vodka. We swallowed it at the same time and I saw her eyes water.
"Don't drink too much." I pointed out, my lips curling on the right. "We're having a party tomorrow night, and also you won't be able to see your cards."
Millie laughed louder than expected and she shrugged a shoulder. "I probably won't get drunk tomorrow, to make sure everyone's safe."
"That's very mature of you." I replied with a small smile. "Now show me what you got."
Her eyes met mine and her lips curled into a cheeky smile. "Are you ready to lose?"
Just as I was about to answer, we heard the front door open and we both jumped slightly, not expecting it. Louis frowned when he entered the kitchen and after a few seconds, his face changed. Maybe I should have felt guilty for doing something with Millie that he was normally a part of, but I didn't.
"Shit, it's friday already?" he asked, placing his hands on the table and leaning closer. "Why didn't you guys remind me?"
"We just thought you were busy." Millie mentioned, shrugging a shoulder and looking at the cards in her hands.
"Maybe I could invite El?" he asked, ignoring her innuendo. "She could play with us."
"No, she can not." my best friend quickly replied before I could say anything.
"Fuck off Millie, why are you acting like that?"
I kicked my friend under the table and cleared my throat to catch Louis' attention but his eyes never left Millie who wouldn't even blink.
"What Millie means is that it's a thing we had only the three of us, you know?" I tried to explain calmly. "It's our thing, and adding someone would just not work."
It took over a minute for Louis to finally move his body back, his hands sliding on the table before they fell on each side of him. I could feel anger emanating of him and I didn't really understand what made him so mad. After all, he was the one who was never here, he was the one who literally dropped us for his girlfriend, and he was the one who broke Millie's heart. If anything, we should be the angry ones.
"Well apparently, you guys don't need me anymore."
I was expecting him to storm off but it's Millie who got up quickly, her chair making an annoying noise as it rubbed against the floor.
"You're the one who doesn't need us anymore, Louis!" she pointed out, making my heart jump in my chest. "So you know what? You fuck off!"
Quickly, Millie threw her cards on the table and grabbed the bottle of vodka, rushing out of the kitchen. i jumped again when she closed the door of her room roughly and slowly got up, shaking my head and leaning myself with my hands on the table.
"Did you really propose to bring your girlfriend here? Are you stupid of what?"
i was talking low but I knew he totally heard how pissed I was with the tone of my voice.
"Shut up, Niall!" Louis quickly replied, his voice louder than mine. He searched for something in his pocket and shook it between his fingers. I frowned slightly until I realized it was Millie's list and my lips parted.
"You didn't have the right to read this." I pointed out, my heart skipping a beat.
"Oh yea? Well Millie forgot it in the living room!"
It was definitely an accident and somehow, I thought it could have just slipped out of her pocket when we were watching tv. She probably didn't know it was there and even if she did, she probably thought Louis wouldn't come back for a while and that it was safe. I knew it was wrong of me to blame him for checking a random paper but I was mad anyway.
"That is none of your business!" I let out, trying to snatch the paper out of his hand.
He pulled away just in time and I breathed in, trying to remain calm. "This is my fucking business! My name is all over it!" he argued.
"That doesn't make it your business!"
I was getting even angrier and at the same time, I just wanted to leave and join Millie. It was her I should be with instead to be arguing with Louis, which was most likely useless anyway.
"Oh but it's your business, right? Because you think I was not good enough for her! You think she deserves better than me!"
In a rough movement, Louis threw the list on the table and I quickly grabbed it tight as I remembered what I had written on it.
"She does! She fucking does, okay!" I almost yelled. "You didn't treat her the way she deserves! She deserves better!"
"And who's better, Horan? Uh? Who's better for her? You?"
The way he said the last word was like a slap in the face and without thinking, I moved my upper body back, still staring at him. I didn't want to pick sides at first but now I had done it without even thinking about it. I looked at my best friend and felt my heart drop in my chest. We were both fighting for no good reason and I hated it. I licked my lips and breathed in deeply before sighing.
"Look, I'm not gonna fight with you, okay?" I let out in a softer tone. "You and Millie... you went through something, and she needs time. Which works because you're busy too. I just want to be there for her, okay? Don't take it so personal."
"How can I not?" Louis pointed out, still a bit mad. "This is my name! This is me you're talking about!"
I sighed again and shook my head. "Just.. go find your girlfriend, okay? I'll see you at the party tomorrow."
Louis' eyes moved up and down on me and finally sighed too. "Yea, it's better I leave for now."
Without an other word, he walked to his room probably to grab a few things and I waited until I heard the front door close again. I walked to my room to get changed and turned all the lights off before walking to until Millie's door, knocking gently on it.
"Mill, can I come in?"
It took a few seconds and I heard the door unlock before it opened. Millie stood in front of me, staring in my eyes, and I noticed she got changed too. We stared at each other for a while and I raised my eyebrows, making her sigh but move away to let me in.
We ended up laying in her bed, under the covers, facing each other, and I kept silent for a while. Her eyes seemed to shine with the lights coming from her window and I realized she had been tearing up, maybe she even shed a few tears.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm.. I'm at that point where my heart aches because I love him but I know he's not meant for me. I know I was not happy with him. I know that what we had was not what a love relationship should be. And... realizing that hurts, too."
I let my eyes room on her face and it made me think about Grace. Perhaps I was exactly at that same place when it came to my ex girlfriend and although it did hurt, I was slowly getting used to it. Maybe I should give Summer a chance, after all? It was not good to stick or hang on to something like the relationship I had with Grace, or the one Millie had with Louis. We should both seek something better and I knew it. Happiness was possible, it just needed a bigger effort.
"That's a first step in the right direction." I explained in a whisper. "You're doing great, I'm super proud of you."
Millie's lips curled in a grateful smile and she pressed her lips together.
"Thank you. I'm proud of you too."" she murmured back. "You're gonna sleep here with me?"
"If you want me to." I proposed with a shrug as she nodded quickly. "Then I will."
She reached for the lamp near her bed and turned the light off before laying back down in bed. I started thinking about Summer and how I never really gave her a chance. I didn't love her but I really liked her. She was a pretty and sweet girl and I had no idea why I was rejecting her over and over again. I knew I needed time to make a choice but the more I was thinking about it, the more I knew my choice wouldn't be Grace.
"You're never gonna leave, right?" she breathed out, taking me out of my thoughts.
"Where do you want me to go?"
"You know what I mean." she whispered again, making my eyes flutter open. I kept blinking a few times until I could see her shadow in the dark. "I lost Louis, I don't want to lose you, too."
I reached for her hand on the mattress and squeezed her fingers as tight as I could. "I'm never gonna leave, I promise. I'll always be there for you."
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit. 18+
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it’s own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV.
Summary: You’re Peter’s classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don’t know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you’re lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: Bad girls are sad girls! Always wondered what goes through the mind of a spoiled, rich but intelligent and perceptive teenager? Have you found yourself craving that adrenaline rush, the danger of a forbidden fruit? Okay. That was cheesy as hell. Gross.
Let’s try again. Sarcasm? Check. Vine references? Hell yes! Crude humour? Check. Blunt honesty? Double check. We’re living in a Lana del Rey song, ladies.
The author doesn’t actually condone codependent relationships in real life. This is a filthy little fantasy. Enjoy, deviants.
THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @vozit​ @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings​
Beta read by the lovely and patient @miscmarvelwritings  ! She deserves all the love 💙
Peter woke me up at eight AM the next morning like the little shit that he was, demanding I make him pancakes. It wasn’t the first time I’ve had the joy to experience him in the morning and he knew exactly how to antagonise me enough to make him the special pancakes he liked so much. They had become kind of a ritual whenever he stayed over at my house, which was quite often - teachers liked me enough to pair me up with one of the most sensible kids for any projects that couldn’t be done alone by yours truly on her own.
I put on my yesterday’s dress, applied moisturizer and obediently trotted behind an excitedly mumbling Peter. The kitchen was large, beautiful and delightfully empty of any resident superheroes. I’ve indirectly crossed paths with all of the tower’s residents hanging around Tony, but I’ve yet had to speak more than polite niceties to any of them. 
Spying a bowl of boiled eggs and some sort of weird salad alongside half burned toast on the counter, I suddenly understood why Peter demanded his pancakes. I strictly instructed the disaster child to stay away from my cooking process and set to work with one ear listening to his ramblings and a headphone in the other. 
A set of thumping footsteps appeared behind me as I was pouring the batter for the first pancake. Their owner loudly sat down next to Peter, sighing, groaning, generally making “I’m not a morning person” sounds.
“Good morning, Mr. Barnes,” Peter’s tone was way, way too chipper.
“‘mrng,” The Sergeant grumbled. “Who’s this and why is she making pancakes?”
I turned around, spatula at the ready. “It’s me,” We’ve actually met before, but Barnes had left before I could even come over from my side of the work bench to say hello.
He nodded in acknowledgement after giving me a suspicious once-over. “One of Stark’s science children. I’m James but you can call me Bucky,” His voice sounded rough and gravely, and he clutched a coffee cup half the size of my head.
I snorted. “Science child, sure,” It wasn’t half-bad actually. I wisely choose to ignore the part of being Tony’s. No matter how hot the man was, I wasn’t anybody’s but my own, thank you very much. “Go get the bananas, Nutella and maple syrup, fellow science child.”
Peter scrambled to follow instructions as I plated the pancakes and cut the bananas into neat little rings to fill the sweet circles with. A tablespoon of Nutella, half a sliced banana, wrap, garnish with powdered sugar and pour maple syrup generously on top. I really didn’t see how this could be difficult but any and all attempts to teach Peter how to recreate my masterpiece always ended up in an absolute mess. I turned around to ask Bucky if he wanted any. The look of a man starved answered all my questions.
“You’re a goddess,” Peter moaned around his mouthful, nose smudged white with the powdered sugar.
“Gross, chew first then talk, you neanderthal,” I scoffed, prepping more batter for the second batch of pancakes. I wasn’t sure if everybody would show up but figured it would be rude to exclude them from the sheer magnificence that were my pancakes. I was just that good.
The music in my ear drowned most of Peter’s disgusting chewing noises, thankfully. My second batch vanished into thin air, inhaled by the two males like the garbage disposals that they were. Peter, in particular, ate an alarming quantity of food and I was surprised how he managed to stay so skinny. His daily eating schedule resembled the Hobbits.
More people appeared, this time acting less surprised regarding me standing at the stove. Hawkeye, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch and her brother, all of them wandered in wearing sleep attire with various amusing prints. Thankfully, they mostly kept quiet or chatted with Peter - I would have definitely grumbled if someone tried to talk to me. As far as my body was concerned it was still the middle of the night.
“PANCAKES,” A booming voice announced and I shuddered at the sheer intensity and devotion contained in that one word. Thor.
“Please use your indoor voice,” I snapped reflectively. My brain caught up with what I just did so I hastily backtracked. “Sorry, I’m a bitch in the mornings.”
The blonde man chuckled, coming over to poke his nose into my flurry of pour-flip-fill sequence. Then, with all the grace and manners of a prince, he dipped one (1) large finger into the jar of Nutella and wandered off with it stuck in his mouth. With this turn of events the Nutella was bound to run out sooner than expected.
I turned around, annoyed confusion in plain sight. “The fuck?.. That’s gross, don’t do that,” Finding his brother (adopted!) sitting next to Thor, wearing a haughty smirk, finger still in his mouth. So Loki turned into his brother to steal Nutella from a jar. I sighed. Nobody even batted an eye. “Your alien germs are in there now, double ew.”
“Alien germs? Where?” Bruce entered the kitchen with a tablet under his arm, wearing Hulk themed pajamas, Captain America in tow. I was honestly on the verge of breaking down into hysterical laughter. Domestic Avengers wasn’t something I’d expected to see or experience, ever, much less be a part of. It took a moment for me to remind myself that they were people, too, and each of them was entitled to their own quirks. 
“America, egg-splain,” Peter muttered under his breath, giggling. “Loki stuck his hand in the Nutella jar,” He pointed at said jar. “She got grumpy,” Peter pointed at me. “Don’t make her grumpy, please, I want more pancakes,” And turned his pleading puppy eyes in my direction again.
“This is indentured servitude,” I pointed my spatula at the little shit. “You just had, like, ten.” But I made more batter nonetheless. I must admit it was kind of cool, seeing the earth’s mightiest defenders so relaxed. And Pete being happy, that was just… The best. I don’t know how to explain it. His eternal cheerfulness was highly contagious.
Chuckles filled up the room, the adults chatting and bickering amongst themselves while they patiently waited for their own breakfast. 
“Do you need some help?” Bruce approached me after stopping to fetch himself a cup of tea. It smelled strongly of tangy herbs and honey.
“I need more Nutella and bananas,” I admitted, surveying the sheer amount of people I had to feed. I didn’t doubt the Captain and two Asgardians had an appetite to match Peter’s which meant a literal extra set of condiments was required. Thankfully, Bruce fetched them for me, coming to a stop next to me. “Anything else?”
“You know, I tried making these with Peter and he just ended up with powdered sugar and chocolate all over himself,” I mused, noting the way Banner was carefully observing the assembly of a pancake. “You think Doctor seven-phds can manage to add a few toppings to a pancake without causing a disaster?“ 
Bruce rolled his eyes fondly, bumping me with his hip. "I’m no Clint Barton when it comes to cooking but at least I don’t burn my toast like Steve,” True to his word, his hands made swift motions of filling, wrapping and plating each individual pancake. They were almost as good as mine albeit more messy. I had lots of practice though. We finished off a batch in companionable silence, sounds of the team and my music playing in the background. 
I didn’t notice when I started swaying to the rhythm, catching a confused look from Bruce. I brushed back my hair, revealing a wireless headphone in my ear and he chuckled in understanding. “What are you listening to?”
“Right now? Kings of Leon,” I said, leaning towards him so he could hear the chorus “Use Somebody” currently occupying my right ear. 
“I like them, too,” He said, his cheek gently touching mine. His hands slowed on the pancake, a soft hum vaguely reminding me of the song’s melody emanating from his throat. “What else do you usually listen to?”
“Mostly heavier stuff, but I have a whole separate playlist dedicated to mid-2000s bops,” I answered. “I’ve heard I’m quite old school when it comes to music.”
“Well, I am an old man, so…” Bruce grinned mischievously. “But my guilty pleasure is Lady Gaga,” He admitted with a laugh.
I laughed, too. The image of his dancing in his lab to Born This Way was too much for my brain and I hung my head, fighting giggles. Bruce bumped me with his hip again, faking a pout. “Okay, okay, that was a fucking hilarious image, you go dude,” I finally powered through my struggle to contain laughter. “My own guilty pleasure would be… Umm… Lana Del Rey, I guess.”
Bruce made a vague noise of confusion. I took a brief break from mixing the batter to dig out my second headphone, presenting it to him and switching to a song. “This is what makes us girls”. Despite the fact I have never stolen a car or had a close female friend, the nostalgia was real. “Carmen” followed after the first song and I silently thanked whatever deity that “You can be the boss” was taken out of Spotify - I don’t think I was prepared to share that kind of information with a lab partner. An older, handsome lab partner. Wait… Where did that come from?
“I like it,” He said after the song ended and my more usual stuff began playing. “It suits you, I think.”
I groaned. “Really? I think it’s edgy,” Hiding away the embarrassment, I passed him a tray of freshly baked pancakes, occupying his immediate attention.
“You’re an old soul,” He gave me a lopsided smile. I saw a very faint blush tinting his cheeks, the kind of blush that had me wondering about the meaning behind his words. 
I gave an attempt at a smile in response, the left corner of my mouth barely tilting up. We talked some more about the rock music we shared in our earphones. I had a lot of 80s hair metal and 90s grunge in my playlist. Bruce was not a Curt Cobain man but enjoyed the works of his legacy, Marcy Playground. 
A tan hand wormed its way between me and Bruce, snatching a handful of banana slices and disappeared just as swiftly. “Tonyyy,” Bruce groaned, picking up another banana to replace the stolen pieces.
The spatula in my hand became a weapon as I blindly aimed at the target behind my back. A loud “ow” indicated I hit it. When I turned around, Tony was clutching the side of his face, a hurt look in his eyes and cheeks stuffed full of stolen goods. I stared him square in the face, absolutely refusing to acknowledge the fact that he was shirtless - the arc reactor glowed brightly in the middle of his toned chest. Fuck.
His chest was honestly what I was aiming for. I constantly kept forgetting how short he actually was. There was this one time when Tony had to put his arms around me to steady a piece of tech - he felt huge, hard and enormous around me. 
“What’s that for, Princess?” He finally chewed through his food and found his voice.
“For being a Tony,” I retorted. “Stay away from my workspace and wait for your breakfast like everybody else.”
“Hey! This is my kitchen,” He whined immediately, like the adult man that he was. I nearly cried from how adorable his face became, eyebrows scrunched up. “I don’t want to wait! And why does he,” Tony’s finger accusingly pointed at Bruce, “Get the bananas?!”
“Because he’s Brucie-bear,” I stuck my nose up in the air when Bruce’s arm wrapped around my waist. “He’s my science father,” I stuck my tongue out at Tony, seeing Bruce’s triumphant smile. Banner used every opportunity to get back at Tony’s incessant sass. 
The gleaming in Tony’s eyes should have alarmed me. “But he’s not your science daddy,” Tony’s flirting was accompanied by a salacious eyebrow wiggle and Peter’s screech of “OH MY GOD!" 
It took me every ounce of willpower to not flush. It was one of those rare times that I was at a complete loss of words. Thinking on the spot, I gave a very meaningful look to Bruce - thankfully, he got the gist and returned an equally filthy smirk back. Tony gaped.
"Is this how they are in the lab?” The Captain’s quiet voice leaked horrified amusement.
“All.The.Time.” Peter’s resonating groan was followed by Romanoff’s laughter.
We went up to the lab after breakfast. Thankfully Tony stopped his dramatic bitching when I served him my pancakes, scarfing them down much like everybody else. So me and Pete were accompanied by one (1) happy engineer, all three of us tinkering away on a robot that we were supposed to present in our science class in a month. The focus that was required to solder was immense and our usual banter was missing, replaced by an occasional request for a specific tool or a water bottle.
It took a few hours to get the dirty job done even with Tony’s help (technically he wasn’t supposed to but neither me nor Pete had the heart to forbid him from it when the man looked so content and happy soldering away). By the time I uncurled from my spot on the bench, my back was in knots and my dress had oil stains and holes all over it. I immediately went to the nearest water bottle, finishing half of it in seconds, picking up my phone to see if I had any important messages from my mother.
Just a message from Bruce.
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I tapped on my phone, idly scrolling through the Instagram app, liking some pictures of people I barely knew and keeping up a general appearance of being very busy. When the ringtone started playing, it took me a whole five seconds to understand it was, in fact, coming from my phone - I certainly wouldn’t put something so… Outrageous as my main tone.
Banner had discovered the power of the internet. You Can Be The Boss played loudly, and it played from my phone and Bruce was calling me. I picked it up, turning around, fighting the incoming laughter. “Yes, Brucie?" 
To say that Tony’s and Peter’s faces were scandalised was nothing. The boy’s face was such a deep shade of red, I started worrying about his blood pressure and Tony’s mouth hung open limply, like he was witnessing the second coming of Christ. 
"Is Tony sufficiently traumatized?” Judging by the breathless tone of his voice, Banner was resisting a mighty laughing fit of his own.
“Oh, absolutely,” I happily chirped.
“Good, keep it up. Come to my lab before you leave,” Banner snorted and then, realising what he’d done, promptly hung up, the tell-tale beginning of a giggle fit abruptly interrupted by a dial tone.
I put the phone in my bag, gathering the rest of my things with a look somewhere between innocence and indifference. At least, I hoped it was - my mind kept jumping between the engineer’s ridiculously scandalised face and the way his mouth went slack, lips moist and soft and plush. That’s a very dangerous trail.
A very dangerous trail I couldn’t resist exploring in the solitude and privacy of my own bedroom, at home.
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samwrights · 4 years
Pining After You [hc]
Just some Haikyuu!! head cannons about my favorites pining after the object of their affection—you. I’m gonna limit myself to only one Seijoh 3rd year >_> instead, I’m just gonna make Makki’s super long bc love.
I might turn these into one shots. I’m planning a special series to be released for the entire month of May—let me know what you guys think!
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Ya know, with my last head cannon, I had such a hard time writing for Makki and now that’s all I wanna do.
Cause THIS BOI is too easy-going, too cool, to ever be blunt and up front about his feelings for you. He can’t ruin his image by stumbling over a confession.
Definitely has been in love with you since your guys’ first year—all thanks to your laugh.
Every time he hears you, even if said laugh is occasionally broken with a gentle, genuine snort, Makki feels every single electrical pulse being sent into his nerve endings.
It was a huge part of the reason that he had started owning the class clown trope, cracking jokes with his peers and even the teachers even though that definitely was not kosher. But his almost dry, sarcastic sense of humor always seemed to be rewarded with the angelic gift that was your laughter.
But he doesn’t know how to talk to you. At all.
He tries really hard not to stare at you, or at least tries not to make it super obvious and fails considering you sit on the opposite ends of the classroom
Makki always has lunch in Mattun’s classroom just so he can freely talk about something you did in class that made him laugh or smile, even if it was something stupid like you dropped your pencil or you raised your hand to answer a question.
In your third year, Mattsun is tIRED of it all.
“Just go fucking confess your feelings, I swear to gOD, or I’ll tell her.”
“Dude no, I can’t she’s way outta my league.”
Did I mention Mattsun is over it? So over it that one day, instead of waiting for his best friend to come to his classroom for lunch, he decides to pay yours a visit.
Makki’s freaking out because the fCK was Mattsun walking over to your desk?!
“She’s coming to our tournament this weekend, so bring your A game.” Was all he said before leaving the poor wing spiker to drown in the blood rising up his neck.
You weren’t friends with anyone on the VBC, but you did actually end up at the tournament with a few friends.
Exhilarating was the only way to describe it, up until Seijoh’s loss to Karasuno.
After the team thanked the spectators for watching, you noticed all the third years crying, signifying the end of their careers.
“Thank you for inviting me to watch, Matsukawa. It was really fun.” You said politely, approaching them afterwards.
Mattsun shoves his best friend towards you, “actually, he wanted to invite you. He just didn’t know how.”
Makki.exe has stopped working. He’s too busy spluttering because he literally has no idea what to say to you now. Cool boy? Not even close.
“I’ve actually wanted to come to one of your matches for awhile. I just thought it was weird because I’m not friends with any of you.”
Oh. O H.
“Y-you could’ve asked me...”
“I was hoping you’d ask me. Why do you think I always laugh at your jokes, Hanamaki?”
“Wait, does that mean you don’t think I’m actually funny?” 💀💀💀 Rip.
“I do. You’re funny, talented, handsome, and I’ve liked you since first year.”
Makki.exe has stopped working.
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Akaashi has studied everything he could about you without ever having actually interacted with you.
He knew you were in Bokuto’s class, he knew your name, and that the two of you interacted often, but never outside of the classroom.
He knew that you always carried your school bag over your left shoulder, and tucked your hair behind your right ear when you felt it was in your face.
Your energy somehow matched his best friend’s while simultaneously calming the owl captain like a gentle wave. You reminded Akaashi of the sun rising over the ocean.
Bokuto, oblivious to nearly everything, never realized that his best friend’s calculations went beyond analyzing the ace. One small section of his brain was dedicated to your ass.
Really, there wasn’t anything extraordinary about you, or at least that’s how you felt about yourself. But every time Akaashi swung by Bokuto’s class to walk with him to practice, his eyes were immediately drawn to you for .067 seconds before he’d look away, so as not to make you feel uncomfortable.
Once in a while, Bokuto would let small details about you slip, like how you were in the art club and that you had a showcase coming up displaying the portfolio you had built over the last three years.
He definitely didn’t ditch practice to be there for your showcase.
Showing up to the venue where the showcase was being held, he suddenly felt very under dressed seeing other third years and teachers adorning formal attire while he showed up in black jeans and a grey button up.
Wandering around the venue, Akaashi looked for you or your artwork, his breath held in his lungs when he saw the arsenal of works displayed on large black boards with your name written elegantly at the very top. Made with various mediums, he was stunned by different paintings and drawings of surreal, exquisite landscapes that could not possibly exist.
Then again, he didn’t think you were real either.
One particular painting invoked a strange emotion in him—a large, desecrated shipwreck amongst of field of bright flowers with the sun setting in the back. Titled “Crack The Sky”, the piece emanated joy and grief in one. It was almost as stunning as you were.
“This one’s my favorite.” You announced sheepishly from beside him and he realized he had never heard your voice before. The setter turned to look at you, drinking in your appearance up close for the first time. “You’re Bokuto’s friend, aren’t you? Akaashi?”
He was kinda hurt to hear you mention Bokuto for reasons unknown to himself jealous much?
“Yeah. It’s nice to meet you.” He bows slightly, remember that no matter how infatuated he was with you, you were still his senpai.
He began walking with you as you explained the creation process of your different pieces. Not that he was actually paying attention, though he’d never admit that. He just liked hearing you talk and he would definitely never admit that.
You excuse yourself as your phone rings, though you don’t walk away, allowing him to hear your end of the conversation. “Yep, he’s here. I owe you dinner. You wanna talk to him?” Akaashi cocks a brow in your direction, staring at your cellphone that you’ve now held over to him. Bokuto’s name flashed on the screen.
“Uh, hi?” The setter asked, confused.
“I made a bet with her that you would ditch practice to go to her showcase because yOu LoVe HeR.”
Aight, imma head out.
Before he could run away out of embarrassment, you grabbed his wrist though you were still on the phone with Bokuto.
“Would you like to join us for dinner? Seems kinda unfair for him to get dinner when you’re the one who made the effort to be here.”
Akaashi graciously accepts to which you respond by telling Bokuto where you would meet him for the evening.
“So you love me, huh?” 💀💀💀 If Akaashi could magically disappear, he would. Or even better, if his blush ran hot enough to melt the skin off his face, that’d be great too.
But you never let go of his wrist until now, opting to wrap an arm around his instead.
“I like you too. Why do you think Bokuto and I made a bet about you coming here, silly?”
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Poor Kenma. The worst part of his whole situation was actually being friends with you, knowing he would never get to have you.
Why would you want him, anyway? You were more fit for someone like Kuroo—someone who was as boisterous and confident as you were. He anticipated the day you two announced your relationship and left him behind in your little trio.
Not even Kuroo knew that he was in love with you and maybe that was a mistake on his part but he could never tell his best friend that you were his entire world. It was too embarrassing for him.
It took entirely too much energy to even sort through his feelings alone, how much more exhausting would it be for him to run through every single thing he felt about you to someone else?
Like the way you would nearly skip out your home every morning when the boys came to fetch you to walk to school together.
Or the way you unabashedly asked almost too personal of questions, or questions that were just soooo left field of you were friends with a person. “Hey Kuroo, how many brushes do you think you would break if you finally decided to brush your hair after 17 years?” Was one of Kenma’s favorites.
The way you sing along to every song that plays on your iPod or even the radio, even if you didn’t know the song, you would try to sing along anyway.
Some days, Kenma would look out the window and see you practicing some form of a dance routine in your backyard. He would watch you for hours until you went inside, suddenly feeling shame for being so creepy.
Nearly every night, Kenma just wished he could turn his feelings off while simultaneously wishing you were next to him so he could hold you while he slept.
Your smile was his favorite. Seeing you smile every morning as the three of you walked to school together was what got him through his day. “Hey, hey are you guys coming to my dance competition tomorrow?” You asked in your typical, jovial lilt.
“Of course.” Was all he was able to reply, while Kuroo enthusiastically responded about their attendance.
“Great! I can’t wait to see you guys in the crowd!”
The “C” word, was almost enough to make Kenna regret his decision to come. Even more so when he was surrounded by the masses, all waiting to watch their respective dance teams. But it was for you, and he would do anything for you.
Kuroo was right beside him, a small bouquet of roses in his hand to give to you after you competed. The blood red flowers made Kenna glower and glare in secret, or as secretive as he could be. “I got these for you.” The captain says quietly, handing them over to his best friend.
“Sorry, Kuroo, I can’t say I return your feelings—“
“For you to give to her, you idiot.” 🤡🤡🤡 “I’m not that dumb, Kenma.” The setter really wanted to argue and say that he was, but your school’s dance team was up to perform so he opted to stay quiet.
Have I mentioned that Kenma loves watching you dance? There was a reason he would watch you practice in your backyard. You moved with elegance and grace that was foreign and so opposite to his own demeanor, it was no wonder he was always so captivated by you.
After you compete, there’s a bit of downtime between the other competitors and the awards ceremony, giving you the chance to hang out with your besties.
“These are for you.” The second year says quietly, handing you the bouquet with a blush dusting over his cheeks. The red rivaled that of the roses.
“Aw, thank you, Kenma!” You squeaked out before giving him a kiss on the cheek, his skin burning even hotter. Kuroo’s just over there laughing but ya know.
During the awards ceremony, you’re sitting in a circle with your team not too far from your friends while they announced that Nekoma had taken first. Everyone in the dance troupe began screaming and hugging each other, while you ran straight to your boys.
While still jumping, you were hugging Kuroo so tight, arms squeezing around his neck while sharing the joy. Which made Kenma just a little bit jealous.
Just a little.
Until you’ve settled down from your jumping before wrapping your arms his neck as well. But rather than going for a hug—
Wait what is hAPOENING
You brought your lips to his briefly before burying your face into his neck out of embarrassment because wHY you had thought that was a good idea was beyond you.
Deciding you couldn’t just keep holding onto him, because he was probably embarrassed too, you stepped away, ready to run back to your team. But Kenma didn’t let go, his arms seated securely at your hips as he stared at you.
“I-I’m sorry, I-I don’t know w-w—“
“I love you.”
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Us and Andie Ch. 3
Summary: Bucky works as an Avenger because it’s what’s right. He feels he has sins he’ll never be able to make up for, but he’ll spend the rest of his life trying. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he comes across Andie, the daughter of recently divorced Y/N. The life he had once “maintained” in hopes of surviving changes as his heart warms for a tough-as-nails nurse and her wonderful daughter.
Pairing: Bucky x singleparent!Reader
Word Count: 5130 (Guys, this just keeps getting higher and higher, wtf)
Warnings: Nothing. Guys, this is fluff. I mean, there will be angst in later chapters, but not yet. I’ll warn ya when we get there.
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Silence had a way of filling a room and making it feel heavy. For the Avengers, a team that was constantly outspoken and filled with energy, that silence was deafening and suffocating. The only person who ever seemed to find true peace with it was Bucky. But now, everyone was silent for a different reason.
They were watching Andie.
The girl had so easily snuck out from under the nose of five heroes and managed to evade a team of them for hours. It took a Hulk with a craving to find her again.
And that alone was enough to impress Tony. He was highly amused by the girl and found her brutal honesty as refreshing as being around Happy or Rhodey. He hadn’t realized it was a quality he respected so much until he was fine with a kid behaving in such a manner. But he knew Andie wasn’t supposed to be here and after an update from F.R.I.D.A.Y., he realized how out of hand everything had gotten. So now, he watched as Bruce and Andie kept up their game, listening to Peter and Sam explain the last several hours of their day.
He shrugged, turning back to them. “Well, I called her mom and she’s on her way.” 
“You know her mom?” Steve raised an eyebrow and Tony laughed.
“Uh…F.R.I.D.A.Y.” Tony pointed up to the ceiling and Steve knew in that moment that he should have already assumed. F.R.I.D.A.Y. was extremely good at getting information.
“So she’s heading this way?” Steve glanced back at Andie, arms crossed and brow furrowed. Tony knew that look all too well.
“Is there something wrong with that, Cap?”
“No…I…” He trailed off and Tony snorted, shaking his head and going back to his work.
“Keep your secrets, Old man. But make sure Manchurian Candidate over there doesn’t explode. I really don’t want to have to clean this place up.”
Steve chuckled. The more forgiving Tony was as time passed, the more he teased Bucky. And it showed a much needed progress for his two friends. He wanted his team to be a family. To be able to work together and rely on one another. That being said, he turned his attention back to his oldest friend.
Bucky was sitting on a stool, leg bouncing restlessly but eyes never wavering. He was absolutely fixated on Andie. It seemed the concern he had was clear to everyone in the room except for him. But no one dared comment on it. Instead, he let himself smile as Andie turned over an empty bag that was once filled with what was hers and Bruce’s favorite candy. He rose to his feet, finally earning the kid’s attention. “Come on, Andie. Can throw that away and wait for your mom in the living room.”
She nodded and hopped off, taking his hand in hers before following him out of the room. When the doors finally closed, there was nothing but silence. Everyone had watched how easily she had listened to him. How easily she had touched him. And there was no fear from her. No tension from him.
“She’s got him wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she?” Sam asked, already knowing the answer.
Rather than answer Sam’s question, Tony asked, “Why do you think I called her mom?”
Steve immediately looked at him.
Still, Tony didn’t look up. The only sign of ‘guilt’ on his face was the smirk that was cast in a glow emanating from the iron-suit.
Bucky sat in one of the awkward, too-stiff chairs near the foyer. It seemed Tony knew the Avengers should expect guests and had this area set up for just that. Right now, he had Andie situated on the couch with a pair of Falcon’s goggles in her hands. She had tried to put them on to the best of her abilities, jumping around as if she was about to take flight. Unlike most kids he had crossed paths with these days, she was heavily relying on her imagination. He wandered if it was a choice or because her family didn’t have the means for her to have access to technology.
“Kid, take a seat. Your mom’s going to be here soon.”
She had been hanging over the back of the couch, but at the title ‘kid’, she looked back at him. “I thought you weren’t going to call me that anymore.”
“I thought your name was ‘Andie’.”
She frowned, taking off the goggles and tossing them on the table between them. “It is.”
“No. According to your mom, your name is ‘Lauren’.”
Her shoulders tensed at that name. He couldn’t help but be curious as to how often she actually heard it. Why did she hate it so much? “You don’t get to call me that.”
“I don’t?”
“You’re not my parent.”
Bucky leaned back in his chair, rubbing his jaw and the back of his neck. He noticed the way she stared at the table between them. It seemed the goofy kid everyone found utterly adorable was no where in sight. He’d overstepped. Tapping his foot, he found himself watching the way she picked at her nails. They were short and he realized she probably chewed them. A nervous habit. “I don’t go by my first name either.”
“I know.” Her voice was soft as she tucked a leg into her chest. She changed her mind as she started playing with her laces. “You go by a nickname from your middle name. Same as me.”
“More like what you’re doing is the same as me. I am older.”
She giggled at that and the small smile was enough to ease at least some more minor worries.
“Was it your dad that named you?”
She nodded against her knee, the action stiff and awkward, but enough of an answer for him.
“And Andromeda?”
Andie looked at him, finally meeting his gaze as she gave him one of his favorite smiles. “Look it up.” Bucky chuckled, crossing his arms and slouching more in his seat. She tilted her head, cheek resting on her bony leg. “Mom says bad posture screws up your back.”
“Oh, is that right?” He raised an eyebrow. “And what does she say about putting your shoes on the couch, huh?”
“She says don’t.”
Both immediately turned their attention to the front doors of the foyer. Y/N was standing there in scrubs and a hoodie, exhaustion even more prominent than the night he had seen her. Was it because she had gotten off a shift? Or was she always so tired?
“What the hell is she doing here?” Y/N crossed the foyer, gaze settled intently on Bucky as he rose to his feet. “I had Peter taking care of her and – “
“And the kid has an internship here. He’s friends with the Avengers.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, not entirely sure why she was angry. Sure, she hadn’t known where Andie was, but she was safe. There was no where else she could have been that would have made her more so. “Steve and Sam saw them at the park and – “
“I don’t care. That’s my kid. And Peter knows better. Just because you’re a bunch of heroes doesn’t mean – “
“Not right now, Andie,” Y/N murmured, shoulders slumping. The only reason she was even remotely functional right now was because of her anger. It was keeping her awake. And she still had a long drive to get them back to Brooklyn and return her coworker’s vehicle. And she still had work tomorrow night. Crossing her arms, she looked back at Bucky and said, “She could have been with every single superhero you know. I don’t care. The fact that I didn’t know where my child was, that’s what matters. I didn’t know that she was safe. For all I knew, her fucking father – “
“Mom, I’m okay.”
“Andie.” Y/N exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. It was then that Bucky saw the tears in her eyes. He watched as Andie reached across the back of the couch and grabbed her hand, squeezing gently. “It took a call from Tony Stark for me to find out where my kid was. Do you have any idea how terrifying that is for someone like me?”
Someone like her?
Oh. A single parent. A single mother.
“No. I don’t know. And I’m sorry.”
Y/N watched him, studying his features and it seemed she believed him because she simply nodded. This reaction to his presence was so different from their last interaction that he wasn’t sure what to think. He would’ve thought she’d be happy that Andie was with good guys, but it seemed she didn’t care. She really did just want to know for herself that her kid was safe. He thought back to the community they lived in. The hospital she worked at. It wasn’t even one of the better hospitals that could provide good pay. It made him wonder – what had happened to their family?
“You must be Y/N Y/L/N.”
The trio looked back towards the inner workings of the building. There, as if waiting to make a grand entrance, was the rest of the team. Normally they would expect someone to freak out, get excited and ask for autographs, maybe a photo. But not Y/N. No, her gaze fell on Tony, recognizing his voice from their earlier phone call and the numerous times she had heard him on the news.
He walked forward, immediately shaking her hand. Bucky watched the exchange, completely puzzled. There was nothing about this situation that required the whole team and yet even Wanda and Vision were lingering in the background, waiting to get to know these two people.
“Please, don’t introduce yourselves. I’m pretty sure anyone with common sense knows who you are,” Y/N said, smiling at Tony before looking to everyone else.
“Those are our codenames though,” Sam reminded.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Alright.”
Andie grinned as if something really cool was about to happen. She looked at Sam, as if her expression alone told him: You are so wrong.
Pointing one by one, Y/N said, “Sam Wilson. Steve Rogers. Natasha Romanoff. Clint Barton. Bruce Banner. Vision. Wanda Maximoff. Tony Stark.” Her gaze settled on Bucky. “James Buchanan Barnes.”
“Just – “
“Bucky.” The nickname slipped out of hers and Bucky’s mouths together and Steve was barely able to hide his smile.
Andie added, “She knows.”
Y/N chuckled down at her girl, pulling her into a little side hug as she told the team, “You aren’t nearly as anonymous as you would like to believe. Anyone with a computer can find out your actual names and anyone who witnessed Sekovia or the Accords would certainly be reminded.”
“You’re not one of the people who hates us, are you,” Sam asked, earning a shove from Steve. “Look, it is a legitimate question. Especially in our line of work.”
Y/N laughed. It was beautiful and simple and the sound made Bucky smile. He ducked his head, hiding behind loose strands of hair so as to hide any flush that could have appeared. No one seemed to notice. Except for Steve. “I don’t hate any of you. I think all of you mean well and, except for Vision and Thor, you’re human. Humans make mistakes. Humans try their best. With your talents, you’re trying to do some good in the world, right?” She didn’t need an answer. “So it’s not even that I don’t hate you. I can’t.”
Tony smiled at that, looking back at Steve. The two seemed to have their own little conversation, silent to everyone but themselves.
“And on that note,” she said, squeezing Andie before releasing her. “We got to get on the road.”
Tony whipped his head around as Bucky looked up. But both reacted for entirely different reasons. It seemed Andie’s initial joke of playing matchmaker now had two important players: Tony and Steve.
And they were determined to see if maybe there was potential for something.
Nothing wrong with that, right?
“Since we scared you and you have that long drive ahead of you anyway, why don’t you stay for dinner,” Tony offered. The confused look from Bucky didn’t go unnoticed, but it was certainly ignored. “Consider it a peace offering?”
“Please, Mom?”
Y/N offered a weak smile, shaking her head. “I wish we could, but I work tomorrow night and Andie has school.”
“We can take her,” Steve offered, shrugging.
“And there’s plenty of rooms here. You could stay the night. Get some actual sleep instead of worrying about all that traffic,” Natasha added.
Andie’s eyes seemed to light up like a kid at Christmas. “Oh, please! Please, can we, Mom?” She swung off Y/N’s arm, seemingly trying to exhaust her into a yes.
“I – Look, as kind as that is, it really isn’t necessary.”
Peter smiled, knowing exactly where this was coming from. Y/N didn’t like charity. Though May hadn’t told him everything that had happened in Y/N’s divorce, he knew it was messy. He knew she had to pick up a lot of pieces and right now she was just looking out for Andie. She had a lot of pride despite everything. Still…it was okay to accept a nice gesture. It wasn’t pity. It was help. “I was going to stay for dinner. If you want, I can stay the night too and take Andie to school tomorrow.”
The idea of Andie going with someone she was more familiar with made Y/N feel at ease. It was ridiculous. They were superheroes. She should feel perfectly fine with her daughter in their hands, but she didn’t know them. And that made a difference. At least now it did. Turning her gaze back to Andie, she noticed that pleading look in her eyes. Andie was pretty good at reading rooms and not asking for things. She was good at knowing when it wasn’t time to push.
So this must really be something she wanted.
The kitchen was chaotic to say the least. Since the Avengers normally ate out or ordered in, it was odd seeing them try to be so…domestic. It turned out that none of them really knew how to cook. Except for Sam and Wanda.
So now they were trying to put together something that could qualify as a meal for Y/N and Andie.
Y/N watched them from the couch as her daughter tried to settle on a movie. At first, they tried to offer her some of Natasha’s clothes to change into, but she had merely laughed at the idea. She knew she could never fit in Natasha’s clothes and didn’t need that twinge of self-loathing. So instead, Steve leant her a hoodie and sweats. They were baggy on her, but she looked cozy.
Cute, Bucky thought as he sat on the opposite end of the couch.
“Do they need help in there?” Y/N pointed to the kitchen, looking at Bucky and then Steve who had taken up the whole loveseat.
Bucky glanced back to see Clint trying to steal a taste of whatever meat Sam was cooking. When he was swatted away with a spatula, he knew they’d all be fine. “Don’t worry about it. They can handle a meal in the kitchen.” He looked back at Y/N. She was doing her best to be in the corner of the couch, trying to take up as little space as possible as Andie made herself comfortable, using her mother’s stomach as a pillow.
“Buck, you should braid Andie’s hair. It’d probably get her to focus on finding a movie.” Steve was mostly teasing, but it seemed his friend was determined to keep as much space between himself and the family as he could. What was he so afraid of?
Bucky glared at Steve as Andie looked from the captain to him. “Could you?”
“Andie,” Y/N murmured, tugging at a strand of her hair. “These guys are already doing a lot for us. Don’t – “
“I don’t mind.”
Y/N looked up, her y/e/c eyes meeting his bright blue ones. It really was strange hearing him talk so much, but she was starting to get used to it. She was starting to like it. There was something about his voice that was calming. And here he was, playing to the whims of her little girl. “Are you sure?”
Before he had a chance to answer, Andie was already scrambling out of her mother’s lap and settling in his. He chuckled, dropping his legs from the coffee table in front of him and settling them on the floor. She took off the hat, such a small thing that she hadn’t parted with in three days, and held it out for her mom.
“Guard it with your life,” Andie said, eyes wide and silent promise already being made as Y/N chuckled and took the hat.
Bucky glanced at Y/N, silently asking if it was genuinely okay for him to do this. She simply shrugged. Who was she to deny such a simple and sweet request? Bucky turned back to Andie, gently combing his fingers through her hair. There were only a few tangles and if they hurt, she gave no inkling that that was the case.
Satisfied that her hair would behave for him, Bucky’s nimble fingers started working on her hair. It reminded him of Rebecca. When she was a little girl, she’d always ask Bucky to do her hair and he had gotten rather good at it. It seemed the muscle memory never quite left him.
Meanwhile, Steve looked at Y/N, curious how she was feeling about all of this. Everything about her looked tired and drained, but he was almost certain that she was far from relaxed. He had experience with someone being a single parent and knew that worry was always high on their list. His mom raised him as a single mother, but it was because she was a widow. She had loved her husband with everything. Seeing someone put such stress on themselves willingly made him want to ask why.
“So,” he spoke up. Clearing his throat, he was relieved when Y/N looked his way and seemed calm. “If you don’t mind my asking, how long has it been just you two?”
Bucky jerked his head, glaring at Steve. “She doesn’t have to answer that.” Whether he wanted to know the answer or not, she didn’t owe them an answer. She owed no one an explanation.
Y/N laughed softly at Bucky’s clear irritation towards the comment. “It’s fine. Honestly. Being a single mom, you get those questions every day,” she told Bucky. Looking back at Steve, she answered his question with, Eight years.”
Steve raised an eyebrow as Bucky looked her way. Eight years? Andie had a whole family for such a small period of time. “I – Wow.”
“Anything else you want to know?”
Yes. Why? How often does Andie see her father? Who decided to get the divorce? Was it mutual? Are you on good terms? What is Andie’s father like?
The questions went on and on and on, listing themselves in Bucky’s head. But he didn’t bother asking. It wasn’t his place.
“You like being single?”
Y/N hesitated when she was asked that, looking back to the kitchen. Clint was the one who asked. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and came to the chaise, plopping down on it as he looked at Y/N. Leave it to him to ask such a weird question. But she thought about it for a moment and shrugged. “Does your team?”
“Hell nah,” Sam called from the kitchen. Laughter came from everyone and Bucky couldn’t stop himself from sighing in relief. Leave it to these guys to ask something that was none of their business. “But maybe we should invite Scott over. Try to get you two…What was the word you used to always call it, Steve?”
Steve shifted, cheeks flushing red. “I don’t remember.”
“Fonduing,” Tony answered, earning a burst of giggles from Andie.
“Are you done yet,” she whispered to Bucky. He chuckled, tugging off the hair tie that was located on his wrist. He secured the braid and dropped it against her back. She grinned and touched it, trying to figure out which braid he had done for her.
“Now pick a movie, Rugrat,” he whispered in her ear. “Before the whole team decides to find a date for your mom.”
Andie wrinkled her nose at the very idea, shaking her head. “She’s not supposed to date anybody.” Looking at her mom, she added, “Not yet at least.”
Yet? What the hell was that supposed to mean?
He chuckled and shook his head as he leaned back. Bucky had every reason to believe that she would move back to her mom, but instead, she did just the opposite. Squeezing between him and the end of the couch, she had practically forced him to wrap an arm around her. Again, Bucky looked to Y/N, not sure that this was okay. But instead of anger or worry, she smiled. It seemed she was anything but bothered by the sight.
“Oh, this one!”
The team looked to the screen to see that Andie had picked out a Disney movie. “Treasure Planet.”
“But first,” Wanda called. Several plates glowed red and hovered in the air. Each was filled with food and ready to be snatched. “Let’s eat.”
Andie immediately bolted, jumping over the arm of the couch as most everyone made their way in the same direction. Bucky glanced at the spot she had wedged herself into, suddenly feeling cold. But when he noticed the way Steve watched him, that knowing smile, he shrugged off any curiosities he had. Andie was just a good kid. That’s all it was.
But then she came back with two plates of food. She held one out to him and immediately dropped back in the spot she’d been occupying. He stared, absolutely dumbfounded as he took the plate and settled it on his spare leg. She was completely oblivious, meeting his gaze and explaining, “Dinner and a show.”
Bucky laughed. Wholeheartedly. A sound Steve hadn’t heard since the 40’s and no one else had ever heard. They all paused for the briefest of moments, trying their best not to simply stare at the pair as Andie pressed play.
Sam glanced at Y/N, passing her a plate. She watched Bucky and Andie with a look on her face that he couldn’t quite read. “You know, if it’s easier on you, we could watch over her.” Y/N faced him. “There’s always someone at the compound and…I mean, we really like having her here.”
Y/N chuckled at that, shaking her head. “You’ve had her for a day.”
“Half of one,” Sam corrected, still not caring. He could make his argument. “When she’s not visiting her dad and you’re working, have her come here. You can save money on babysitting that way, right?”
She hesitated at that. It was true. Though Peter and May didn’t ask for much when it came to babysitting, the number of times she had to ask them meant that particular bill was adding up. And with Andie’s dad not paying child support…she needed all the money she could get. “I get to know who is going to be here, right?”
Sam smiled and nodded, wrapping an arm around her and giving her a small hug. “Of course. I’m sure Tony can work something out. Get you access to the compound. Half a day or not, your kid has quite a way with people. Particularly heroes.”
Y/N looked at Bucky and Andie. They were settled on the couch in such a way, it reminded her of a long time ago. Ten years. When she was still a baby and her marriage was still attempting to function. She looked like a little girl with her dad, watching a little boy on screen freak out over a space-story. It was Andie’s favorite movie. And she knew exactly why.
Blinking away tears before they had a chance to fall, she nodded. “Okay. I think – Yeah, I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”
“Bucky…Bucky, wake up.”
He jolted awake. The metal arm flexed, gears churning as he remembered where he was. He’d fallen asleep? For how long? Running a hand over his face and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he looked around and saw Andie was sitting on his lap. She’d been poking his face, but now she just watched him. The credits from whatever movie were rolling on the screen and he shifted.
What time was it?
“It’s way past my bedtime,” she told him. Holding a finger to her lips, she pointed to her sleeping mom. “I need to go to bed.”
Bucky watched her, barely hiding his amusement. “Alright.” Groaning as he rose to his feet, he kept her in his grasp. She didn’t seem to mind, instead wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his chest. It was such a simple act and yet it felt unbelievably natural. “Let’s find you a bed.”
She nodded as he carried her down the hall and he was almost positive that she was asleep. But he couldn’t exactly judge. He was tired too. Finding one of the spare rooms, he opened the door and looked around. It was bland and empty. Not nearly the type of room any kid should have, but it was just for the night. “Come on, Andie, wake up,” he whispered in her ear.
“Mmm,” she whined into his chest. His heart warmed, beating faster, but he didn’t dare think too hard about it. Instead, he set her on the bed and took her shoes off.
“Come on, Andie, wake up long enough to get under the covers.”
Andie blinked slowly, yawning. How had she fallen asleep so quickly before? He didn’t try to think too hard about it. Instead, he pulled the covers and sheets free as she shimmied out of her jeans. He barely got a chance to get the pillows ready before she dived underneath. Her arms wrapped around one of the overly fluffy pillows, burying her face in it and smiling. “Thank you, Bucky.”
“No problem, Rugrat.” He stood up, watching her for the smallest moment. She looked so frail and innocent…He still couldn’t wrap his head around it. So instead of overthinking, of dwelling, he slipped out.
Closing the door behind him, he wandered back into the common area to find the credits to the last movie still playing. Really the only one he had found himself paying attention to was the first. There were parallels in the movie that he was sure Andie related to. It made sense. Kids identified with characters for multiple reasons, but mostly it provided a validity to who they were. To their trauma.
Turning off the tv, he immediately heard movement on the couch. He glanced down at Y/N as she rolled over, still fast asleep. At some point during the second movie, she had fallen asleep. No one had the heart to wake her, instead wrapping her up in a blanket and just letting her sleep.
A part of him wanted to let her.
But he knew she would be painfully uncomfortable if she stayed there all night. He knelt beside her, brushing her hair back. She looked so peaceful, calm and at ease. He wondered if it was as rare for her to feel like this as it was for him.
God, you’re being creepy.
He dropped his hand and shifted slightly. Instead of playing with her hair, he started shaking her shoulder. “Y/N. Y/N, wake up,” he murmured. “You need a bed.”
She murmured something incoherent, curling into herself more. God, if he wasn’t so worried about her back, he’d leave her like this. She looked so adorable. He didn’t want to be the one to kill that.
“Come on, Doll.” Bucky slipped his hand underneath her, freezing for a moment when he felt her moving again. “Wake up or don’t, but please, don’t pick a time where I look like a creep,” he whispered, lifting her into his arms. His metal arm slipped under her legs as her head rest on his shoulder. She was easy to carry, especially with the serum, but he wanted to be careful all the same. “Let’s find you a bed, hm?”
He carried her down the same hall, hoping the room across from Andie would be open. He knew Y/N would feel better being closer to her kid. Shifting her in his arms, he opened the door and silently swung it open. Repositioning her, he froze as one of her hands wound them in his shirt, her face nuzzling his neck.
If his heart hadn’t been racing before, it sure as hell was now. He exhaled slowly, trying to ignore how hot his face felt, trying to ignore the faint feel of her heartbeat against his chest. Taking quick strides to the bed, he carefully laid her down. Her fist still clenched tightly around his shirt and he worked to free himself from her tight grip. She was strong for such a frail human. It was impressive. Dropping her hand, he slipped her shoes off and set them at the foot of the bed. There was no way in hell he was going to undress her. Nope. Not happening. But he shifted her underneath the blankets. She had to be dead tired. It was the only way someone could stay asleep during all of this.
Finally pulling the blankets to her chin, he smiled and lightly traced her hairline and brow. Her face relaxed and she rolled onto her side, cuddling into one of the pillows.
So that was where Andie got that from.
Bucky rose to his feet and left, silently closing the door behind him. Slumping against the door, he stared at the ceiling and exhaled slowly. That was too intimate. Too real. But he liked it. He liked the idea of taking care of someone.
“They tucked in for the night?”
He looked to the end of the hall, the faint smile on his lips dropping so fast when he saw Sam. That smug smile was in place, a back in hand from when he and Natasha had gone to the store to get Andie some clothes. Turning on his heel, he quickly put more space between him and his friend. He didn’t need Sam’s comments. He really didn’t.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Sam asked, waving at his retreating form.
“Goodnight, Sam!”
“Night, Bucky.”
Sam laughed, unable to stop as he heard Bucky’s door slam at the end of the hall. Shrugging, he hung the clothes on the outside of Andie’s door. “Definitely will be taking that as a yes.”
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septiembrre · 4 years
"you're the worst" and "you're my favorite"! :)
I had a writing block forever and this was just supposed to be 300-400 words of drabble and then it spiraled a little out of hand… 
It’s been a few hours since Rio brought her to this house. The house itself is a charming, simply furnished. In another life, she would have loved to call it home. It sits on a quiet street, in a quiet neighborhood, and the night is peaceful. But, she’s restless.  
She can’t sleep, she can’t eat, so she’s cleaning.
The afternoon was a blur. Rio had met Beth at the Paper Porcupine alone, and then Mick called. Suddenly, Rio was shuffling her into his ridiculous car, sharing the most minimal details - FBI, at the bar.  The drive was tense, silent, stressed and it gave Beth a half an hour to bitterly contemplate where they were headed. To her surprise, instead of a derelict motel or empty loft, Rio had spirited them away to a modest neighborhood. There were no kids riding about on bicycles like her neighborhood, no middle-aged parents out on a run, but a lot of older folks and well-loved garden beds. Rio pulled up to a quaint green house, unlocked the front door with a key he proffered from his glove compartment. And then he settled in with her.
Beth called all the people she needed to call, fiddling with her phone on the couch. Hours passed - Rio had squirreled himself away in one of the bedrooms - and night crept in. The living room is decorated sparsely but closer to her brand of comfort. The house doesn’t really feel like Rio. At least, not in the way the loft felt like a pandora’s box of his personality all those months ago. The couch she’s resting on is so soft and she would curl up here if her mind wasn’t racing, swirling around the indications of the FBI showing up again at Rio’s business, swirling around what it could mean for her cash.
Beth takes a breath.
She starts to look around. She begins by taking inventory of the fridge - empty except for moldy cheese and almond milk that smelled okay, some condiments. She pops open the freezer and found what will be their next meal - veggie burgers, frozen bread, and peas. She thinks about turning on the stove - but the top is a little greasy and she’s not really hungry. Mostly, Beth’s annoyed at the closed door and lack of updates, but she knows she should wait for him. She makes some coffee instead.
The journey of discovery continues, and she drifts through this space that seems to sometimes be Rio’s. Beth rummages through minimally stocked cabinets, finds some mezcal, gin, and blessedly bourbon. She uses the bourbon to top off her coffee.
Beth opens what looks like a pantry but turns out to be fully-stocked with cleaning supplies - detergent, disinfectants, bleach, vinegar, gloves, masks, the works. Despite the shittiness of this day, she laughs. What a weirdo. Such a neat freak. Of course, he has a stockpile comparable to hers, a mother to four children.  
She turns her attention to the empty bedroom. She finds some basic t-shirts and sweatpants sized for Rio and changes. She’s not sure how much to trust the house, it seems clean but a musty smell clings to the rooms. So she strips off the sheets from the bed and runs the wash. She sweeps. She wipes down the stove, then moves the laundry to the dryer. Rio stays holed up in the other bedroom and every now and then she can hear him talking on the phone. Beth takes a deep breath, pins up her hair, retrieves some supplies from the pantry and continues on to the bathroom. She sprays down the surfaces.
And she’s just over it. It was her night to make dinner and Dean all but hung up on her earlier when she called to explain. She was supposed to make another batch of cash with Ruby and Annie, and after her call, they’re scared and holed up in their homes, too. And, now they’re behind schedule. And, now - the fucking FBI? Beth rubs vigorously at a spot on the shower wall. She had finally hit her stride with Rio. After one particularly ugly night where they screamed themselves hoarse at the store, they were okay.  They still don’t broach much talk about before - but they talk about work, they talk about now - and sometimes things between them feel good. But, now her mind leaps and somersaults and she thinks Jim Turner could be waiting for her around a corner of this house, freshly resurrected from the dead and ready to pull them into another deadly triangle.
She hears the bedroom door open, and Rio appears. He leans against the frame of the bathroom, he’s change into sweatpants, too.
“It’s all clean, mama.”
She’s really very tired. Her eyes prick.
“It’s grimy.” Her voice is hoarser than she expects when she speaks.
He purses his lips and then ducks out of the doorway. And fine. She returns to scrubbing any imaginable yuck out of the shower wall. A minute later, she hears him return. She turns to find him tapping on his phone, and music fills the room. She recognizes Rosalía from one of Annie’s money-making playlists - a dive into international lady musicians. He notices her noticing and quirks his brow at her. She holds out her hand and once he begrudgingly hands over the phone, she queues up Milionària.  Rio chuckles, pulls on long rubber gloves, and steps into the shower with her. He’s pulled a second brush out from the pantry stock, and he reaches over her head to help her with the tall spots. She feels a little lightheaded and she’s not sure if it’s all the cleaning chemicals or if it’s that her nose can still zero in on Rio’s cologne.  
Together, moving along to the music, they make quick work of the bathroom. Beth gets the linens out of the dryer. Rio helps her with the sheets.
Thoughts creep up reminding her of the state of her sheets after that afternoon in her bedroom, and how she tended that bed alone afterward.  They’re both tired, and they’re not who they used to be, yet this moment still has that familiar weight, that current. She savors the lines of him out of the corner of her eye and catches him peeking at her, too. She wonders idly where he’s going to sleep.
They finish with the bed. Rio grins at her. Despite everything, she braces herself for an innuendo she knows is at the tip of his tongue. “Dinner?”
It makes Beth laugh. “It’s one a.m.”
Naturally, it’s this moment when her stomach growls.
Rio works on the food. She brings out the mezcal and bourbon she found earlier and pours them drinks, grabs plates. He catches her up on details from his calls with Mick. The FBI lingered outside the bar for some time, and ultimately it’s better that they spend the night in the safe house, just to be sure. They plan for him to drop her off downtown tomorrow afternoon and have Annie get her the rest of the way home.
They make their way through Rio’s playlist, drink more alcohol. Sometime over the course of Rio toasting their bread, and putting together her veggie burger, she relaxes. After they finish their dinner, they curl up on the couch in their mirrored outfits. Next to each other, facing each other, but the couch is not that big anyway.
Beth asks him about the house.
He doesn’t reveal much as usual, but he comes here sometimes, yeah? When shit hits the fan. It makes her mind spin and she wonders. “Like what kind of shit?”
“Well, your pantry is fully stocked with cleaning supplies.”
He smiles - it’s sharkish.
Beth rolls her eyes. “I know you think you’re so cool.” He scoffs, but under his faux-affrontedness, she can see his glee. He loves when she calls him out. “All Tony Montana or Don Corleone.” She blinks and can’t believe she can seriously say that to someone. “But, honestly, you have the cleaning supplies of a suburban mom of four. We’re not that different.”
He’s literally snickering into his hand and she just cannot with him. Beth insists, “It’s true!”
Rio looks down the line of his nose at her. His gaze is sly. “You’re the worst, ma.”
Now she’s laughing. “That’s okay. I can be your worst.” She blames it on the warm, giddiness of being a little buzzed when she gives him a smile, impish. “You’re my worst, too.”
His eyebrows quirk up towards his hairline. He eyes her body from top to bottom and back again and his mouth does that thing she hates and loves where it purses - too attractively - at one side and he’s as playful as ever before. What an arrogant shit, she thinks. Something in her body has too much feeling. The tell-tale heat curls in her chest, and she knows she’s wet. He bites his bottom lip. Her thighs clench and she’s annoyed.
“I’m definitely your best.”
Beth squawks. Blood rushes through her ears, rising up from her chest to blot her cheeks. She rears back, away from him.  “I- You- I’m-” She closes her gaping mouth and eyes him primly. “ Then, I’m definitely not your worst.”
He grins, conceding maybe.
Beth rocks her jaw and edges closer. Their chests don’t meet, but she can feel the warmth emanating from him.
She weighs her options.
Beth doesn’t break his gaze until she’s close enough that her lips graze his collarbone. She noses at the top of his shirt. She feels sexy and maybe it’s too much, but she takes the top button between her teeth and tugs.
Her gaze darts back up at his face. His mouth is parted and she feels that stupid, perfect thrill. Beth remembers how easy it was to enthrall him - too easy. She had examined it in the middle of her nights months ago and then buried it deep inside. She had convinced herself that it had been a trick of her imagination gone wild with the headiness of watching him in that dirty mirror, of finally tracing his skin in the sunlight streaming through her windows. But, she has done it again. Despite everything suspended between them, she still manages it.
Beth knows what’s she’s doing when she bites her lip and leans her face close to his. His gaze is glued to her mouth.
She tries again, “I’m your worst?”
He swallows, and maybe he’s a little wrecked, too. His fingertips brush the cleft of her chin. “You’re my favorite.”
Beth grins, widely, victorious. She nudges her nose against his and whispers, “Want to take a shower with me?”
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When I fall in love with you
The rain fell hard around her, seeping into the mushy earth, as she walked fastly from the Forbidden Forest, feet sinking into the wet grass. She clutched her books tightly in the crook of her arm, covered by her black cloak, protecting them from the incessant torrents of water falling from the dark sky. Lily and the girls had told her to come back to the castle with them, but she had insisted on staying longer to help Professor Kettleburn with the escaped Nifflers, using the occasion to ask a few more questions about the lesson. Unfortunately, the weather had turned for the worse, resulting in her rushing through the Hogwarts Grounds, soaked to the bone. She was already nearing the castle, walking along the greenhouses, when suddenly a hand shot out of the door of Greenhouse number 3, pulling her into the warmth and moisture of the glasshouse brusquely. The unknown hand wrapped itself tightly around her throat, cold, bony fingers digging into her soft skin. Another arm wound itself around her waist, restraining her and impeding any movement whatsoever. Thrashing and kicking against her assailant's firm grip, she attempted to free herself, in vain.
"Now, now, Miss Cattermole, there's no need for such violence," hissed Malfoy's voice in her ear.
"What...do you...want?" she choked, barely managing to force the words out of her mouth.
Another foreign, freezing hand slapped her across the face, long nails scraping her skin, knocking off her glasses, which fell on the floor.
"Do not open your mouth, unless spoken to, you filthy little mudblood," seethed a high-pitched, slightly crazed voice: Bellatrix Black.
Straining to see, she finally distinguished four blurry figures, all dressed in black.
"The Dark Lord is rising, and someone like you has no place in the Wizarding World. Unfortunately for you, that means eliminating all of you mudbloods, one by one, until no one remains standing. Consider yourself...collateral damage, if you will," whispered her attacker.
"You...can't do...anything...to me. You will be...sent to...Azkaban," said Finn in a raspy voice.
She was nearly suffocating now, throat raw, as she continued struggling to try and escape.
"You're right," he continued. "We may not be able to kill you, but we can certainly inflict pain upon you..."
Black spots danced in front of her eyes as she painstakingly peeled them open. Memories of menacing, blurry, dark figures, cold, cruel voices, and a chokingly tight grip around her throat flashed through Finn’s mind, yet she did not remember much more. She did recall feeling an intense wave of fear though before darkness swallowed her. Her body felt sore and exhausted, searing white-hot pain bursting in sporadic spurts along her rib cage and hips. She whimpered feebly as another sharp pang of pain stabbed her head. Suddenly alert and aware that she might still be in danger and that her assailants probably weren’t far, she scrambled for her glasses. They had fallen somewhere near her, she was sure of it, but only dirt and gravel rolled under her palms. Palming her cloak rapidly, she found her wand instead.
“Accio glasses,” she whispered, waving it briefly in front of her.
The familiar shape of the spectacles glided smoothly into her palm, having been laying seemingly close to her. As soon as she put them on, the world sharpened around her and came into focus, the black spots and kaleidoscopic spectrum covering her surroundings disappearing abruptly. The greenhouse around her was filled to the brim with lush plants with waxy leaves and bright, blossoming flowers, strange spindly bushes, vibrant potted plants with twisting tentacles, and other bizarre species of magical herbs and fungi. No one was in sight, she was thankfully alone. She attempted to stand up, but her weak, shaking legs, nearly buckled under her and she stumbled forward, nearly flying face-first into a cactus covered in purple berries. More pain flooded her knees as she slowly took a few tentative steps. Groaning in pain, Finn propped herself up against a wooden worktop. Her blurry reflection stared back at her from the misty glass of the greenhouse, covered in millions of water droplets. The crystal was barely clear enough to reflect her unusual, stark paleness, her brown grimy locks hanging limply over her eyes, and the reddish, rapidly bluing bruises on her neck left by rough fingers. The same bruises were probably blossoming on her hips too now, judging by the pain emanating from there and spreading through her body. Angry, scarlet, crescent-shaped nail marks cut across her cheek, and a deeper gash sliced through them, blood pearling at its edges and steadily trickling down her cold, clammy face. She rummaged briefly through her pockets, hoping to find a napkin leftover from lunch to slow the blood flow but they were empty.
“Fuck!” She swore loudly in frustration.
The pain appeared to stem not only from superficial wounds but also from magical wounds terror deeply inside her organism. She could not go to Madam Pomfrey even though she probably should as she would ask questions, which would inevitably lead to consequences, and more trouble with whoever her attackers were was the last thing she needed. She did not know any healing spells for this or Glamour Charms strong enough to cover all the damage up and neither was she in a state fit to perform them. Her best bet was thus Marlene, the one with the most magi-medical experience since her mother was a Mediwitch. But that meant facing her friends, and Merlin knew what they would do if they found out about the whole story, especially Sirius. With a heavy sigh and wand at the ready, she cautiously slipped out of the greenhouse, resolving to wait a bit until everyone was at dinner to sneak back into her dorm and speak to Marlene alone.
Outside, curtains of rain kept falling and hammering against the glass roof of the greenhouse, sliding down along the fogged-up panels, but they were thinner than before. The sky, a murky shade of gray when she left class, had darkened considerably, now ink black. Not a single star or ray of moonlight was insight, and the vicious cold seeped past her clothes. She must have been unconscious for half an hour at the very least. With a deep sigh, she began making her way between puddles of sombre water and mud. The Hogwarts’ shadow loomed over her threateningly, and the entrance door seemed so far away, a pale golden brown blur in the distance. Clutching her wand tighter, she finally stepped between the fleeting, lurking shadows of the Courtyard’s columns. A single, lonely silhouette stood in the center of it, near the fountain, appearing anxious as they frantically looked around themselves. All of a sudden, she heard it, like a nervous whisper cutting through the roaring wind and water in her ears, and the pain clouding her brain, her name, being called over and over again.
“Finn! FINN!”
And then it hit her. That tall, lanky frame and those short, brown curls she could barely distinguish in the dim light coming from the castle, it was Remus.
“Remus!” she shouted.
Instantly, the figure turned around, and walked rapidly towards her, almost running.
“Finn,” he exclaimed loudly. “I was...I mean we were worried about you, you disappeared after class.”
His voice was unexpectedly ear-splitting, sending pangs of pain through her brain, making her wince with pain.
“Finn,” he repeated cautiously, more quietly. “Are you alright?”
His Welsh accent, which he usually managed to cover up, cut through his words worriedly.
“I’m fine,” she replied shortly, swiftly backing away into the darkness, wrapping her cloak around herself tightly.
“No you are not,” he chided. “What happened?”
“I said I’m fine.”
Her tone was hard and cold, bordering on mean.
“Nothing happened, I swear, I’m alright,” she whispered. “There is no cause for worry.”
“I am not blind, Finn. I see the cut on your face and don’t tell me you fell,” Remus added, seeing that she was about to protest. “Unfortunate accidents do not leave bruises like that.”
He stared sharply at her neck, a dangerous glint playing in his warm brown eyes speckled with green.
“Who was it, love?” He inquired quietly.
Love. He only used that nickname when he was furious, and every time it shook her, sending shivers down her spine.
“I can’t remember,” she sighed.
“What happened? Please tell me, I just want to help.”
His voice had softened once again, concern written all over his face as he raised a gentle hand and brushed a stray strand of hair covered in dirt from her face.
“I was walking back from Care of Magical Creatures class, and someone attacked me near greenhouse number 3, dragged me inside, and…”
“Oh Merlin, I remember now,” gasped Finn. “Please don’t tell anyone, not James, not the girls, and especially not Sirius. Regulus was with them and it will only rile him up, things are already𑁋”
“Finn,” he stopped her. “Just explain to me what happened, I promise I won’t tell anyone.”
“I...I can’t...I don’t want to Remus,” she breathed.
“You know you can trust me right?” He asked, putting a soft but heavy hand on her arm.
The young witch trembled lightly, the small touch sending heat and sparks coursing all over her body. He loomed tall over her, almost dangerously, yet she had never felt so safe.
“I will tell you, I swear. Just...not to now, please.”
She exhaled sharply, before sitting down on the cold stones. Remus kneeled next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, holding her tightly, as if to shelter her from any possible harm. On an impulse, she began to hum, her hushed voice barely hearable over the thundering rain falling around them.
When I fall in love
It will be forever
Or I'll never fall in love
In a restless world
Like this is
Love has ended before it's begun
And too many moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun
She was very much aware of the fact that the tall boy was staring at her, while she watched the raindrops fall onto the cobblestones, but she kept going.
When I give my heart
It will be completely
Or I'll never give my heart
And the moment I can feel that
You feel that way too
Is when I fall in love
With you
And the moment I can feel that
You feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you
“Michael Buble? When I fall in love with you?” He smiled.
“You know it?” She said, surprised.
“Yeah, my muggle aunt used to put some on from time to time.”
He paused.
“You sing beautifully, Finn.”
fanfic written for Finn, the lovely @marauders_aesthetic on Instagram
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the-goddessfighter · 4 years
[Werewolf-Vampire AU -SEQUEL IV: Two Vampire Siblings and Past Memories- ]
by : Little1993lamb for: Temperans-sama / @the-goddessfighter  Words count : 2413 Warning : nsfw on flashback memories part
 Disclaimer: Gaman, the Batarou love child, is Original Character created by amazing @the-goddessfighter. Not mine, I just borrowed him temporarily for this story at her permission ;D
 @koeharu @metalbatandzenko @dies-first @beautifulnightmareus @guppys-paw @ruby-ess
- IV -
Meanwhile on the previous night, after Badd and Zenko were escorted into Vampire Council by the messengers, they're roomed into a royal prisoner chamber. It looked like regular guest room, but still being placed in prisoner chamber was humiliating enough for Badd. He didn't understand why everyone suddenly decided to pay attention to him after so many years being left ignored, especially after his family clan's tragedy. Is it sin to fall in love with your sworn enemy? Is it sin to bear the fruit of their love and be happy with their small family? Why did they tried to capture him just now when everything seems to be good?
Zenko calling his name disrupting his thoughts, made him realized that he's crying silently already. Quickly Badd wiped his tears and trying to give cheered-up smile like he usually do for Zenko, who immediately frowned and suddenly hit his chest hard it made Badd a bit stumbled back. While Badd still trying to stop his coughing fit after being hit on the chest, Zenko hugged him tightly. Zenko said she hates to see her brother knee-deep in sorrow like this, and it hurts her when she saw his pained smile like that. She believes Garou and the packs would come to help them soon, so there's no reason to give up. They must be strong together for tough time right now, just like when they're still being a fugitive siblings before meeting Garou.
So, in the meantime they're waiting for any help from their werewolf packs alliances which surely she believed will coming soon, Zenko assured her brother that she'd defend Badd as his decharge witness with every wits she has in his trial which will be held on the next morning. She joked that maybe she'll become a Lawyer in the future instead of Healer if she could managed to win Badd's trial tomorrow.
Chuckling at her attempt to return his spirit, Badd said that he'll absolutely looking forward for it, while caressing her sister's hair fondly. Thanks to Zenko reassuring words before, Badd feels a lot better now. He's ready for everything that will happen in the court tomorrow, that's how his survival instincts kicked in him like the old days. He just wondering what might Garou and Gaman do right now, it's just one night but he's already missed them terribly.
The morning where the trial will be hold, Badd and Zenko were escorted by royal guards towards the court waiting room. On their way walking through the Fortress corridors, Badd crossed path with Amai who's still talking with some court prosecutors. Realized that Badd was glaring murderously at him, Amai just sneering while mouthing "scum" at him. That word alone instantly made Badd wants to kill him on the spot but the guards and Zenko restrained him immediately as soon as he raised his handcuffed hands.
Even after they entered waiting room, Badd still trying to calm himself from the anger feeling he feels caused by Amai's offensive provocation word. Suddenly Zenko grabbing his hand tightly while saying Badd doesn't have to worry about what Amai said to them before, also Badd doesn't have to kill him because she was sure Amai wont live long enough once Garou arrived to this fortress. She trusted Garou that he'd kill him in the most cruel way possible.
Badd was shocked hearing the warm chirped voice she usually has turned into bone-chilling cold voice, very different than when she's angry. This is not just angry anymore, she's beyond furious! If Badd didn't have Fighting Spirit in him, maybe he'd been killed by just feeling her sister's dangerous aura with so much murderous intent beside him right now.
Zenko had been knew the reason behind of why their family clan were massacred by vampire hunters even though they did nothing harmful to humans. It happened because they were betrayed by Amai's family clan who somehow framed them wrong and spread the false rumours about them which it also have been heard by vampire hunters in their region. And when all the massacre happened Amai's family clan ignored their plead for help and just let them being murdered. This is the reason why Zenko ABSOLUTELY HATES Amai, she still held the grudge to him for indirectly killed their parents and also for always threatened his brother's life safety in every chances he get all these year. And now he's doing it again with his cunning trick.
Badd understand Zenko's feeling. Even though she's still at very young age when that tragedy happened, she suffered the most about losing both of their parent. While Badd hadn't had enough time to mourn and must divert his grief feeling into survival urges to save Zenko from vampire hunters who followed them. He remembered how they just blindly running into the unfamiliar woods without knowing any direction or certain destination. Until the run out of their animal blood stocks because he gave them all to Zenko and it's still too dangerous to go hunting when there's hunter searching for them. Let alone he's already so tired as hell.
Fortunately they found a shack that was Garou's house, once they entered it he just passed out from exhaustion and starvation for blood. He thought he's finally at the death's door, but suddenly he felt something warm and sweet, sweeter than any blood he ever tasted, flooding into his mouth. Never ever he tasted blood this sweet before, so unconsciously he grabbed the source then drink it with more enthusiasm.
After Badd was awoken, the first thing he saw was a very handsome man's face which made his cold heart fluttering wildly. Blush creeping to his cheeks once he's realized that he still in this man's intimate craddle, his large calloused warm hand still caressing Badd's face carefully while his other hand still being held by Badd on his mouth, tongue still lapping on his wrist. Immediately he got up and tried to shield Zenko from this mysterious (yet stunning) stranger. Then after the stranger who introduced himself as Garou explained the whole deal with Zenko, Badd was so surprised about that fact he was going to be his Mate! But actually he really didn't mind it at all, Badd just curious about how Garou will try to get his heart.
Badd chuckled at the memories of Garou trying so hard to court Badd, giving any presents that he deemed as valuable things to him. He always yearning for Badd's attention to the point Garou looked like an adorable big puppy whenever he's following Badd around rather than a dignified Alpha werewolf. Of course he knew very well that Garou seriously head over heels for Badd, and Badd also reciprocated his feeling. He only wait for the best time to confess it to him.
And it happened when Badd was fighting local hunters who came across Garou's territory, the moment he was cornered by them when he clumsily fell onto their trap, Garou immediately comes to help him. Never ever Badd have seen a werewolf with amazing graceful movements could delivered such deathly brute strength attacks like Garou, he was so amazed by him and only could watching in awe.
After Garou finished on demolishing all the hunters, he quickly checked on Badd if there's any fatal injuries on him. Seeing a cool bloodied looking Garou caring for him, the very first person who gives a fuck for him after the tragedy, Badd decided that this was his moment to confess his love for Garou.
He started to lick any splattered blood remains on Garou's fair white skin, on his abs muscles, and lastly on his neck. He kissed the skin surface before whispering his declaration of love for Garou right into his ear, kissed his cheek briefly then looking into Garou's eyes, gazing softly at him. Badd also said that he's willing to become Garou's Mate and pledged his loyalty forever to him until his last breath. Garou looked shocked for a moment, but quickly brightened at the realization of Badd finally reciprocated his feeling and agreed to mate with him.
To seal their deal as Mates, Garou offered his neck, the most vulnerable part of werewolf, but it didn't matter because he trusted Badd and he wanted to earn Badd's full trust. Badd flustered at the gesture, but accepted his offer by biting his neck very gently while sucking the blood in most intimate manner. He could feel the heat emanating from Garou's skin under his lips, the pulse of Garou's heartbeats, the rush of Garou's blood sweetness. It has dizzifying effects for Badd because of the thought that he will becomes someone's Mate, moreover that someone was his sworn enemy, a werewolf, a rogue Alpha one to be exactly. That fact alone was supposed to be a wrong and forbidden thing, yet it felt so right especially when he's currently enveloped in Garou's protective embrace. After Badd finished drinking, they kissed passionately, feeling happy and content knowing they're going to spend their entire life with each other from now on.
Garou warned Badd that Werewolf's mating ritual involved marking the mate's neck to show the Alpha ownership, and the last thing is sexual activity which will ended with knotting as an attempt of breeding to completing the final bond. Before they performing the mating ritual, Badd was asked by Garou if he had a second thought about this or not, because he didn't want to do it unless he had Badd's consent first. Without any hesitation Badd surrendering himself for Garou to become his Mate, because he know with this they'll be together forever.
Seeing how much determination in Badd's eyes, Garou only smiled and kissed Badd deeply on the lips again. Then the kisses going down on his jaw, until Garou peppering soft kisses on his neck, before finally biting it hard with his sharp fangs. That hurts for Badd, but it's really worth it. The bite itself leaving a permanent mark on Badd's shoulder, showing Garou's ownership as his Mate. After that, they started making love.
The vivid memories of their first time made Badd blushing madly everytime he remembered that. Like how many times Garou refered him as the most beautiful being he ever seen in his whole life or that he's a godsend gift or that Garou loves him so much for what he is, while he was getting pounded wildly or sometimes deliciously slow from behind, taking Garou fully, knot also included. And they're totally not doing it just once, but several times in row. Badd could remember his voice became hoarse from a lots of screaming or moaning loudly during making love.
At some point in their hottest climax moments, they transform halfway into their other form, with Badd sprouting his wide leathery BlackBat wings which would enveloping his own body or their bodies, depending on their position, and Garou turned into his Monstrous Werewolf form which made the mating sessions getting more intense than before. In the end, they just laying together on the forest floor, cuddling closely while sometimes they shared radiant joyful smiles to each other because now they're officially became Mates.
Badd smiled happily at the sweet memories. Next, he remembered their initiation ceremony from Bang and the pack members where both of them became co-leaders, followed by his pregnancy period which was hilarious because watching Garou gets all overprotective as husband and soon-to-be father was kind of funny yet very endearing for him. But, the most happiest moment in their life, is when Gaman was born.
His beautiful little baby boy, his own flesh and blood, the fruit of Garou's and his love, the miracle of their life, the boy who always make him very proud and feel happy everyday, the boy he swore to protect forever along with Garou no matter what happen. Badd never expected before back then when he was young that he will have a child, let alone a hybrid child who he birthed himself from his womb. But he didn't regreted it for a bit, it's a truly great experience for his motherhood (or fatherhood?).
Gaman always reminded Badd of himself because his overall appearance is technically carbon copy from Badd, he's like a mini Badd clone. But Gaman's attitude and mannerism really reminded him of Garou, not to mention that his intelligence and his martial arts learning skills also rivaled his dad. He's so talented and Badd is very proud of him for it. Now he could see why Gaman is really his and Garou's love child, it's so adorable whenever he thinks about it.
Speaking of love child, he also noticed that as a hybrid Gaman had combination characteristics between werewolf and vampire. For now Gaman still in his normal state, he doesn't have a transformation form yet. But even if he couldn't transform it's still be okay, they will love him nonetheless, no matter what.
To defend himself, Garou trained Gaman himself his own perfected werewolf martial arts so he could use it if there's any fight he encountered someday, not that Garou will ever let that happen to Gaman, tbh. Badd took part of it by teaching Gaman his vampire hunting abilities to sharpen his instinct, while also trained Gaman to control his fighting spirit so he could activate it when he's in battle situation. Now Badd understand the reason why he had Fighting Spirit glowing mode back then in pregnancy days: it was coming from Gaman's influence who somehow could enhanced Badd's Fighting Spirit.
A knock from outside waiting room's door bring him back to reality. It seems the trial will begin soon, so they have to escort him into the court room right now. Sharing a knowing look with Zenko, he immediately hugged her tightly. Hoping all of this situation will be alright and he could be free from any punishment in the end. Zenko promised that she will helping Badd with all of her capabilities and competences to defend Badd during the trial until reinforcement from pack family alliances coming to the Vampire Council Fortress.
Moved to tears by his dear little sister strong determination, Badd kissing Zenko's forehead and hugged her once again, grateful that she always be there for him. The royal guards handcuffing his wrists before instructed him to come with them walking towards the court room. Taking a deep breath, he prepared his heart and mind for his trial.
Those entire flashback moment is my self-indulge on writing Batarou soft and lovely scenes, and just extended version at re-telling of what I wrote on origin story when they have just met, lol. Forgive me plz 😁
I just love to imagine when they're in the middle of "mating ritual", especially when they're doing it with both of them transformed: Badd with his beautiful BlackBat vampire wings making love with Garou while he's in Alpha Werewolf form! Ooh Badd, are you secretly a furry? 😂
But either making love with Garou in regular form or werewolf form, it's still kinda HOT for him, btw! Because they're very intimate with each other as Mates, ofc.. 👀💦🔥🔥
The next part is Badd's trial with Zenko as his witness, but I promise they will be fine. Just warning for Amai's usual super duper douchebag-ness in here, other than that everything is okay 😅
Also there will be a shocking revelation about Badd's own past that he'd tell in the middle of trial. Stay tune guys! 😎✨
¨Badd, are you secretly a furry?¨ ajswqashkd but actually Badd is already a monsterfuck*er ¬w¬
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torialeysha · 5 years
Something beginning with M - Part 2
Read Part 1 here 
Warnings: NSFW swearing/fluff/smut (AKA - The what more could you want combo 😉)
Song: Notion - Tash Sultana
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“Yahalom?” You heard Alfies gruff voice call you softly. “We’re back now.”
Rising groggily from the cushion of Alfie’s chest, you rub at your tight eyes which strained against the darkness outside the cars windows. You can just about make out a silhouette of the row of houses in which yours was wedged between. There was no sign of life coming from the succession of little homes. The only welcome was the light emanating from the army of street lamps that casted a warm orange glow upon the dingy brick and glass facades.
“What time is it?” You asked croakily.
“It’s almost 11.”
Due to the hour and the fact your house was in darkness you had assumed your Mother was asleep and for that you were grateful. At least it would save you an inevitable scolding...until the morning anyway.
Daniel opened your car door and you clambered out on sleepy limbs with Alfie following you. You turn to him.
“Thank you for today. It’s been wonderful.”
“You’re welcome, Pet.” He sighed heavily. Taking a purposeful pause before committing to the moment you had both been dreading.
“Well, You better get in before your ol’ mum comes out and gives us both a rollicking.” You gaze at the floor, laughing weakly.
With a ringed finger Alfie lifts your chin to look at him then without warning and a with a blatant disregard of Daniels presence, he leans down to press his lips to yours. It was a sensual union of your mouths. Soft, passionate and perfect. Far from the chaste peck on the cheek you were expecting.
“Until tomorrow, Yahalom.” He finally breaks away and let’s you go.
“Tomorrow.” You repeat, still in a slight daze from his kiss.
You bid the two men adieu and stumble giddily towards the front door.
Before entering you glance back at Alfie who along with a blushing Daniel is waiting by the car to make sure you get in safe. The light from the street lamp glistens off Alfies lashes as he winks at you and you fight the sudden urge to shout “I love you” at him.
Quickly and soundlessly, you disappear behind the door before you can do so.
In a euphoric state you slouch against the front door, allowing the chill of the glossed wood to cool your heated skin. Your fingers touch your lips that still tingled with the moistness of Alfies and with a contented sigh you make your way to climb the creaky wooden stairs with a practised caution.
“And where have you been?” Your mothers direct tone coming from the darkness startled you. Squinting up at the top of the wooden mountain her scowling figure appears from the shadows.
“I’ve been out. It was a beautiful day, I was making the most of it. I didn’t mean to wake you.” You pronounce nonchalantly.
“Wake me? I ain’t managed to get a wink of sleep thanks to you. I’ve had your uncle on the phone. He said you’ve been out gallivanting with that Alfie Solomon’s again.” The contempt in which your mother spoke Alfie’s name warned you where this conversation was going.
“And?” She repeats angrily “What do you think you’re playing at Y/N? The man’s a bloody criminal. Your Father, God rest his soul, would turn in his grave if he knew you were associating with such villainous filth.” She spits furiously.
“You don’t know him!” You fire back, furious that she had the audacity to bring your Father in to this.
“And you do?” She scoffs. “Listen to me girl. Men like that are no good. He’ll ruin you. Use you for one thing and then hang you out to dry like the rest of ‘em. Or maybe he already has. Strolling in here at this hour? How could you be so stupid Y/N! I thought I raised you better than that. I forbid you from seeing him again.” You can just about make out her snarling features in the darkness.
“You can’t do that...I love him.” You admit to your disapproving mother.
“Love.” She smirks. “I’ve heard it all now.”
Your eyes fill with an angry swell of hot tears. There was no point trying to explain your feelings for Alfie to your mother, she would never understand. Turning your back on her and her slanted prejudice against Alfie. You make your way back down the stairs.
“Don’t you walk away from me, young lady.” You hear the rubber soles of her slippers slapping righteously against the wooden steps as she descends the stairs behind you.
“Leave it, Mother. You obviously don’t understand.”
“Oh, I understand better than you by the sounds of it. Selfish delinquents like Alfie Solomon’s are not capable of such things as love, Y/N. And I ain’t going to stand by and let that man prey on an innocent girl like my daughter.” She grabs your shoulder turning you to face her. You shrug from her grasp as if it burned.
“He is capable...” You try your best to whisper. Aware of the paper thin walls of the attached houses and their sleeping occupants. “He’s shown me more love in the past few months than you have in years. And I don’t care what you say. I’m not going to stop seeing him. He makes me happy.”
“Oh I’ve heard it all now. And please tell me how a cad like Alfie Solomon’s makes you happy?” She asks through an incredulous cackle.
“He takes me away from my miserable life with you.” You spat venomously, all consideration for your sleeping neighbours disappearing.
Her hand strikes your face forcefully. You gasp in disbelief, your hand darting to cover your stinging cheek. Your Mothers wide eyes told you she was just as shocked at her actions as you were.
“Y/N-I-“ She stutters skittishly but you dash passed her to the door before she can string together a proper sentence. Flinging the wood panel wide, you make down the street. Your Mothers calls echoing after you.
In a stupor you ran as fast as your tired limbs could carry you. Your heart pounded as fast as your feet on the uneven pavement. The dark, smoggy streets of Camden seemed never ending and you knew it wasn’t safe for you to be out on your own so late at night. picking up your pace, you made it passed the countless dark alleys and side roads until you reached the familiar parade of townhouses. Unlike you’re own street, this row of houses were double in size and housed the more well-off side of town. You came to a stop outside the house with a front garden filled with a muddy bed of forget me nots that lined a path leading up to a glossy black door - Alfies door. Holding on to the cool, wrought iron railings that separated his garden from the street. You eyed his abode carefully. To your relief a sliver of light peaked through the ineptly drawn curtains of the living room window and told you that Daniel had dropped him home.
Rubbing roughly at your tear soaked face, you tried your best to pull yourself together. Thankfully the temperature had dropped from the sweltering conditions earlier and a welcomed nippy breeze cooled the hot dampness of your sweaty skin. You walked the beautiful blue lined pathway slowly, taking a couple of deep breaths to regain control of your ragged breathing.
Your hand hesitated around the heavy brass of the door knocker.
Had you done the right thing coming here? Was you being too forward?
You looked down at the eerie loneliness of the narrowing shadowed street and Knocked gently.
The muffled bark of Alfies dog Cyril vibrated through the door in warning, followed by Alfies grumbling voice.
“It’s alright boy. Come, let’s see who’s got the bollocks to be knocking on my door this time of night.” Your heart was pounding in your ears as the door opened a crack, revealing half of Alfie and the nosey sniffing snout of Cyril.
“Y/N?” Alfie inquired dumbstruck.
You attempted a smile but it didn’t reach your watery eyes.
Without delay he releases the door, holding back an excited Cyril while you stepped inside. The Mastiff wiggled free from Alfies grasp and bounded over to you. You giggled as he sniffed and licked at your hand, begging for attention. Your hand moved across his short soft fur, scratching behind his ears just where he likes it.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough, Cyril. Buggar off to bed.” Alfie commands his furry companion as he’s about to collapse euphorically at your feet.
You turn to Alfie, noticing a gun in his hand.
“For protection.” He explains sheepishly, placing it on the sideboard next to the door. You nod as if you were well acquainted with the ways of his world.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to intrude-“ You begin to apologise but he cuts you off.
“-Don’t fucking apologise, right. You are always welcome here. But don’t be out walking the streets this time of night again. It’s not safe, is it? Especially for a beauty like you.” You blush at his compliment. “You hear me?” He scorns.
You give him a contrite nod.
“Good. Now tell me what’s happened? Your mum upset ya?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You grumble.
“Hmm.” He grunts. Eyeing you with concern. His stormy orbs landing on your reddened cheek. You turn to block his view but he grabs your face, pulling it back so he can examine the pink blemish that stains your skin. The slight touch of his fingertips sends your pulse racing.
“She fucking do this?” His voice was tight, his eyes wide and alight with a frightful fury.
“This was my fucking fault getting you back so late.” He carries on bitterly and you’re unsure wether his rage is directed at himself or your Mother.
“It wasn’t your fault. It was mine! I insisted on staying to watch the sunset. I deserved it, Alfie. I said some really spiteful things...” You shake your head regretfully, holding back a fresh batch of tears.
“Ay, Come ‘ere.” He holds out his arms and you fall into them willingly. Closing your eyes you enjoy the comfort of Alfies embrace.
“I was wondering...if I could stay here tonight!” You ask falteringly.
Alfie stiffens, pulling back to study you with a tapered gaze.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Yahalom. Let me and Cyril walk you home, ay?”
You’d be lying if you said his dismissal didn’t wound you.
“I don’t want to go back there. Not tonight.” Your voice was bleak and on the edge of desperation. You were sure that a night away wouldn’t change much but it would at least allow you and your Mother some time to cool off.
He deliberates a moment before succumbing to the desperation in your Doe eyes.
“You’ve fucking got me wrapped around your little finger in’t ya?...” He sighs. “Alright then. Follow me.”
Along with a loyal Cyril, you follow Alfie up the stairs and into the room at the end of the hallway. Alfie flicks a switch and the room lights up.
It was a simple space, predominately cream with royal blue tapestries. The single, Victorian bed caught your eye. Its small, flimsy brass frame telling you it didn’t belong to Alfie.
“This isn’t your room?” You ask.
“No, but my rooms down the hall there.”
“Oh...” the disappointment was evident in your soft voice.
“I’ll leave Cyril in ‘ere with you for the night.” He looks down at Cyril who has already settled on the rug at the foot of the bed. “You’ll look after ‘er won’t ya, boy?”
Not that you at all doubted the capabilities of the sandy giant but you would much rather be tucked up in Alfies arms instead.
“There’s a bathroom across the way if you wanna get washed up and I’ll grab one of my shirts for you to sleep-“
“-I want to sleep with you.” You blurt out, interrupting him.
“...I mean, I want to sleep in your bed with you not on my own.” You explain, blushing furiously.
“No way!-“ He starts strongly but the hurt look on your face stops him from finishing that sentence. “Don’t look at me like that, Pet. You know what I mean. I can barely control myself when I’m with you in a room full of people. How am I gonna behave when we’re alone in the same bed? I’m sorry, yeah, but I’m just trying to do the right thing ‘ere.”
“What if I don’t want you to behave? What if I don’t want you to the right thing?” Your voice was merely a breathy whisper.
He scrubs at his face frustratedly.
“You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I know what I want, Alfie.” A boldness had possessed you, spurred on by the uncontrollable fiery lust that had been festering all day.
Alfies eyes growing wide and distant, strayed from yours. His brow furrowing diligently as he debated with himself the best way to handle this situation.
“What I’m trying to say is, Pet, I don’t trust myself. And I don’t want us to end up doing something you might regret in the morning. Don’t you want to wait until marriage to share a bed and what ‘av ya?”
Marriage? You bite back the urge to scoff. After overhearing Alfies tirade of rules and beliefs to his army of new factory workers the other day, he had made it very clear that the conjugation of Gentiles and Jews was prohibited. So you were pretty sure that thanks to your conflicting religions, marriage wasn’t on the cards for you. However, his condemnation bothered you. If he felt that strongly about it then why was he wasting his time with you in the first place? It was a puzzling, arduous revelation that had been nagging at you for days and you knew you’d have to address it sooner rather than later.
“You’ve gone quiet on me. What ‘av I said now?”
“It’s not what you’ve said...or actually it was.. Oh, I don’t know.” Your head spun. Your coveted feelings for Alfie made logical thinking almost impossible. Disoriented, your heart battled with your brain like it had the past week wether to bring it up or not.
“Spit it out for fuck sake.”
You sigh defeatedly and carefully approached the subject.
“The other day at the bakery, I overheard you speaking to your new workers... and you mentioned about Jewish women being off limits... and it got me thinking... Does it matter to you then that I’m not Jewish? Because I need to kn-“
“-That’s what you’re worried about?..” He starts incredulously.
You nod, unable to look at him.
“...Not that I’m ‘supposedly’ a murderous criminal? Or the fact that your mother fucking hates me and wouldn’t piss on me if I was on fire?...So that’s the reason you were all quiet the other day?”
You stay silent.
“Fuckin ell.” He shakes his head before continuing. “Alright, fair enough.” He holds his hands up in agreement. “it’s not an ideal situation, granted. But nothing ever is, is it, Yahalom?” He sighs with a sympathetic shrug before continuing. “I guess what it comes down to at the end of the day, right... Is you just can’t help who you fall in love with.”
Your eyes dart from the floor to his. In the dim light of the room it’s hard to tell but you’re sure he was blushing.
“What did you say?”
“I love you.” The deep timbre of his casual admission reverberated through you like a bolt of lightning, so hot and fast you couldn’t grasp it.
“You love me?” The last of your sentence is lost as your breathing falters.
He nods, eyeing you cautiously. You could do nothing except stand there stunned.
“Ya see, I knew from the very first time I saw you, right, that I was completely and utterly... fucked.” You frowned at him. That wasn’t the word you were expecting. “You had me hook, line and sinker, yeah, and there was nothing I could fucking do about it.” He carried on, stepping closer to you. Picking up your hand he places it on his chest where his heart is. You feel the muscle beneath the material, flesh and bone, pounding a rapid rhythm. The air was thick, crackling around you both.
“I know what people say about me and unfortunately, Pet, most of it is true, yeah. But whatever good is left of this ol’ heart ‘ere is yours.”
“Oh, Alfie! I love you too.” You revel in his proclamation. He stills. The pounding of his heart increasing against your palm.
“Say That again.” He asks, his voice low and dangerous.
You swallow hard before complying.
“I love you.”
“Again.” He commands with a grunt and you can see the dark glimmer of unworthiness in his stormy orbs.
“I. Love. You.” You pour your heart into every syllable to erase the redundant doubt that’s plaguing him.
Closing the gap, you align your body against his. Your hand that was at his chest has snaked around his neck, your fingers toying with the messy tufts of sweaty hair at the nape of his neck.
Nose to nose, your laboured breathing mingles. His hands grasp your back, stroking and needing your curves restlessly. His little grunts betraying his restraint as his body goes rigid against yours.
“Take me, Alfie. I’m yours.” You tell him.
“Y/N.” He speaks your name as a warning, a poor last attempt at fighting a losing battle. Pushing up on your tippy toes you graze your lips against his. Unmoving, he allows the chaste contact.
“I won’t regret anything..” You continue through pecks. “The only thing I do regret is not meeting you sooner.” His furrowed gaze studies you, catching the certainty of love and desire in your glossy eyes.
“Oh, fuck it.” He pulls you tightly to him. The last of his hesitance retreating as you become a frenzied mess of clashing lips and roaming hands.
He pulls away abruptly leaving you needy and breathless. You hold back a disappointed groan as you ready yourself for his excuse to stop.
“Not here...” He pants against your lips. “...I want you in my bed.”
You gasp in surprise as he hauls you up against the length of his body. You wrap your limbs around his torso. His blatant arousal stiff and thick wedged between your bodies. He carries you with ease from the spare bedroom and down the corridor, Cyril still in tow. You bury your head in his neck, inhaling the musky masculinity of his unique scent that fills you with an overwhelming urge to taste him. You place your lips to his neck, your tongue darting out to sample the saltiness of his clammy skin. Then remembering your promise from earlier you sink your teeth into him. A grunt erupts from his full lips.
“If you don’t stop that we ain’t making it to my room.” He grumbles hotly. Your blood heats and you grin impishly into his neck before kissing softly where you had just bitten.
A couple more strides and you make it to his bedroom. Alfie boots the door and it swings open with a creaky groan. One of his hands leaves you to blindly switch on the light. He sets you down at the foot of the bed. Leaving you stood there while he closes the curtains. Your eyes travel around the freshly illuminated room in amazement. This was no doubt Alfies bedroom. It was at least three times the size of the spare room. The perfect expanse for his larger than life character.
A rich, dark mahogany dominated the room, from the lavish furnishings to the waxed floorboards. The only colour that graced his chamber was an olive green that covered the walls and accentuated the decorative rug that you were currently stood on. A white mantle piece housed a torpid fireplace which faced you and the large four poster bed you were stood against.
It struck you how the room held no sign of life.
No photographs or paintings embellished the surfaces of the mantle or the walls. It was an impersonal space, void of any framed memories, illustrated landscapes or portraits. For a room so full it felt incredibly empty.
“Three’s a crowd, mate. Out you go.” Alfie ushers out a bewildered Cyril before closing the door and returning to stand in front of you. His fervent gaze assesses you hungrily. The rise and fall of your chest increasing as anticipation coursed through your veins. He places both hands on your hips and even through the material of your dress his touch is electrifying.
“I’m taking this off.” He tells you gruffly. He gathers the material of your dress in his dexterous hands. You lift your arms as the last of the hem rises into his deft fingers and in one swift movement it’s off over your head, leaving you in your undergarment - the most naked you had ever been in front of a man.
His fingers slip the straps of your cami-bloomers over your shoulders and the all in one falls to your feet leaving you completely naked. You tense, fighting the urge to cover your modesty. His fingers trail down to trace your hardening nipples and your breath catches. A gentle whimper leaves your mouth as his thumbs circle the sensitive hard peaks a couple of times before sliding down to rest underneath the curve of your breasts. His hands grip your ribs and in one swift movement you’re tossed backwards onto the mattress, landing with a gasping bounce.
Giggling you look up at him. His dark gaze, harsh with desire stopping you mid chuckle.
Slowly and deliberately he begins unbuttoning his shirt, all the while his very serious, wild eyes never leaving yours.
Your whole body felt like it was on fire. His admiring, animalistic glare empowering your nakedness.
You make yourself as comfortable as possible, propping yourself up on your elbows to enjoy the show. Completely riveted, you watch as he bares the alabaster skin of his arms and torso along with the contrasting array of black inkings that adorn them. Your fingers restlessly clutch the bedding beneath you in hot anticipation. Once the shirt had been dealt with, he bends to tug off the cami-bloomers that are still bound around your ankles. They fall to the floor along with your shoes.
“That’s better.” He grumbles hotly. Mimicking your earlier words from the beach.
Forgetting about the removal of his trousers he crawls over you, settling between your legs.
“If we’re going to do this, yeah, I’m going to need you to tell me what you want.”
You gulp nervously, how were you supposed to tell him what you wanted when you hadn’t done anything like this before? He waits patiently for you to give him instructions.
“Tell me what you want me to do to you?” His voice is low and quiet.
“I want you to touch me.” You can barely speak.
“Where?” He asks.
“All over.” You blush. Thrashing impatiently beneath him.
“You’re going to have to be more specific, my love.” You want to curse at him. You grab his hand and place it on your chest. He bares an impish grin and starts to massage your breasts. You arch into his touch.
“What about down ‘ere?” The sharp coolness of his gold bracelets scrape across your fevered skin as his hand travels down your abdomen.
Your eyes follow the burning trail left by his touch. The little crown tattoo on his hand was all that was visible as his thumb and fingers disappeared and began stroking you between your legs. Your head fell back at the the erotic vision and the feeling of his skin on yours teasing the silky folds.
“Fuckin ‘ell.” He growls. “You’re very wet, Yahalom. Tell me have you ever done this to yourself?”
Your hips begin to gyrate shamelessly against his working hand and a measley shake of your head against the mattress was all you could muster.
“Have you done this with anyone else?” He inquires darkly against the skin of your chest. You’re too spellbound by the pressure of his thumb as it swirls and intensifies on your sensitive flesh that you can’t answer.
“Answer me.” He commands. You gasp as he leans down and takes your nipple between his teeth.
“No-Only you.” You pant quickly. Arching your back as he tries to quell the smarting of his bite with a soothing lick.
“Good.” He grunts. Coming to rest over you, he leans all of his weight on to one arm. Your hands grip the other that’s rooted between your thighs. Your nails digging into the tensing muscles of his tricep and forearm as the rough pad of his thumb continues it’s lush rhythm against your clit.
Your lips were parted to accommodate your heavy breathing and you struggled to keep your eyes open as the pleasure took over your body.
“Tell me how it feels?”
“It feels... good.” You hold back a quivering moan to answer him.
“Just good?” His fingers slide down to tease your entrance.
“Really good.” You pant dryly.
“You sure? You’re not making much noise.”
You were purposely trying not to. Like your own home Alfies had houses either side.
“Your-ne-eighbours.” You stammer a vague explanation for your considerate discretion.
“Oh, fuck them!” He shouts. “Stop holding back, Yahalom. For months I’ve dreamt about making you moan. Now let me fucking hear you.” His authoritative tone made you tingle and you couldn’t help but groan loudly as his finger slid inside you.
“That’s it.” He encouraged gruffly. His experienced fingers enticing a pleasure so intense it caused you to quake. Restlessly you writhed against the bed, unable to take the sensation that was building deep within you.
“Kiss me, Alfie.” You pleaded.
Your hands fisted in his hair, pulling his lips down to yours, emptying the moans and groans which now emanated freely and helplessly from your mouth into his.
Every muscle in your body tensed and stiffened as Alfies lips and fingers worked in perfect unison.
“Alfie...” You called his name helplessly.
“It’s okay, Yahalom. Just let go.” And with one last stroke of his talented fingers you did just that. A hoarse cry left you as an explosive sensation rippled and rolled through your body, violently shattering you like glass.
After coaxing the last tremors of your orgasm with his talented fingers, he retreated his hand from your spent form and you watched panting and wide eyed as he placed one of the fingers he was pleasuring you with into his mouth, tasting you as if you were a fresh batch of rum. You flushed as he groaned in delectable appreciation of your flavour.
“Is that what you wanted, Yahalom?”
“I want more?”
“More?” He raised an eyebrow at your greedy admission.
“I want to touch you.” You raise yourself up on heavy, sated limbs. Gathering just enough strength to push Alfie down on to the bed next to you.
“I want to make you feel good.” Your curious hands begin explore his naked torso. Your gentle touch advancing downwards to the waistband of his trousers. Your fingertips stalling at the material barrier for approval.
“Carry on.” He prompted coarsely.
Eagerly and clumsily you fumbled with the button and zip of his trousers until you could pry them from his hips, wrestling them down his body until his cock sprung free and rested thick and hard against his stomach. Alfie kicked his legs, ridding himself completely from the starchy material.
He groaned vehemently when without warning you took him in your palm, your hand flexing timidly around the velvety softness of his shaft. Inexperienced and unconfident, you look to him for a sign that you were doing it right.
“Like this, Pet.” His hand wrapped around yours, guiding it up and down his length a couple of times before leaving you to it.
“Yeah, that’s it. Just like that.” He moaned as you continued to pump him. You watched enthralled as you pleasured him. His eyes hot and heavy with desire. The primitive sounds erupting from his mouth spurring you on, making you feel powerful.
“See, Yahalom. There’s plenty of ways we can still enjoy each other without going all the way.” He groans. His hips tensing upwards into your working hand.
“I still want you, Alfie.” He couldn’t avert you that easily. He had unleashed something inside you. A wanton desire that wouldn’t be satisfied until he had possessed you completely.
“You have me.” He tells you.
“You know what I mean...” you tighten your grip around him causing him to hiss. “I want you inside of me.” You were too enamoured, too consumed in the moment to be embarrassed by your boldness.
His hips stilled as he looked upon you dubiously. His lips parted on a reluctant objection. He could beat grown, begging men to a pulp without a sliver of guilt and not think twice about it. But when it came to you, you were his weakness. He couldn’t refuse you no matter what it was, nor could he deny his own selfish desire to be buried deep inside you.
“Fuck,” He drifts away for a moment, a familiar look of anguish taking over his features.
“You’ll be the death of me.” He grunts. Forcefully pulling you on top so you’re now straddling him.
You look down at him, once again at a loss of what to do.
“Wouldn’t you be better on top?” You question bashfully.
“I don’t want to get carried away. This way we can go at your pace, right. If it’s too much for you then you can stop, okay?”
You nod. Anxiously rising to kneel above his hips as he positions the tip of his cock at the entrance of your sex.
With both of your hands resting on his heaving chest to steady yourself, you lower yourself on to him.
Your movements feeling awkward and slow as your body stretched to accommodate Alfies size. You cried out, a tortured sound of pleasure and pain as you took him to the hilt before stilling, your body trying to acclimatise to the foreign fullness.
The gasping, raspy encouragements of Alfie drifted through your ears as you rose gingerly to take him again. You repeated the movements a few more times before the stinging discomfort began to ease and all you could focus on was the pleasure and intense connection of Alfie inside you.
Your chest shuddered as you gained speed. Rocking your hips against Alfies like your life depended on it, your breasts bouncing buoyantly as you did so.
“You’re fucking breathtaking.” He tells you. Sitting up to take one of your nipples in to his mouth. You moan as he grips your shoulders pulling you down firmly onto him. His ardent mouth leaving a sporadic trail of bites and kisses up your chest and neck before claiming your mouth roughly. You bury your hands in his hair as his hips jolt up into you. The feel of his sweaty body against yours and his incoherent murmurings of appreciation and ragged grunts only heightened the intense building of another orgasm.
“Alfie, get on top please.” You beg, needing him to take control.
He shifts, flipping you on to your back. Levelling over you until you’re pinned beneath his weight. With a wet kiss he rammed in to you, the exquisite fullness causing you to cry out again as he filled you completely.
“You alright?” His panicked blue gaze searches your face.
“I’m fine.” You assure him. “Don’t stop.”
You angle your hips up to his for him to continue and he obliges. His rhythm becoming more erratic as he pounds mercilessly into you.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He curses with each thrust as you tense and clench around him. His name escapes you in a garbled plea as the euphoria of another sensory explosion consumes and leaves you a convulsing mess beneath him. He rears back, plunging his hips into yours one more time before quickly pulling out. Through a string of grunts, he empties his hot spurting release on to your stomach.
You’re just coming back down to Earth when you feel Alfies weight leave you and the bed. Distantly you register the sound of his heavy footsteps padding across the mahogany floorboards and the creaking of the door as he leaves the room. You stretch your exhausted limbs, wincing at the soreness between your legs.
Alfie re-enters the room and you can’t help but gawk at the glorious nakedness of his body.
The mattress dips as he joins you on the bed and you notice a wash cloth in his hand. Silently he tends to you.
You grimace as he gently glides the damp cloth between your legs and across the sticky residue on your stomach.
“I got a bit carried away. I didn’t hurt you did I?” Alfies fretful expression disappears as you grin up at him.
“Truth be told, I’d like you to get carried away with me again.” You notice the contrasting claret staining the white washcloth as he discards it to the floor.
“As relieved as I am to hear that, Yahalom. I think that’s enough for tonight.”
He extends his arm and gestures for you to lay on his chest. Your weary frame settles into him.
Securing his arm around your shoulder, he pulls you closer.
“But remember what I told you earlier? This is just the beginning. We’ve got forever to get carried away, you and me.”
“Forever.” You repeat sleepily, liking the way it sounded. Cosying into his chest you fell asleep with blissful thoughts of forever with Alfie Solomons.
@storm-bjorn​ @alsheyra​ @lililolli​ @jaegers-and-kaijus​ @lightwoodt​ @stars-trash-18​ @innerpaperexpertcloud​ @alitheamateur​ @pointlessbloger99 @hardygal69​ @valentine-in-my-quinjet​ @namelesslosers
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carefulvenom · 6 years
DUDE taking carol to an arcade and getting really fucking conpetitive and both of you are tryna be dominant and when you get home you're still arguing and B)
I was so excited to write this!! thank you for sending in!! I’m so sorry if it’s not what you wanted or too long. I always end up making smut last forever. 
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“Babe, you know I’m gonna win every single game. Why even bother going?” Carol asks you, her cockiness making an appearance once again.
“Okay, you know what? Now I wanna go even more.” You stare her in the eyes, matching her cockiness. Carol doesn’t move, she just smirks. Always so used to getting her way. She’s so goddamn stubborn. “Come on, it’s a fun new place they just put up and I really wanna see if it lives up to the hype.” You whine, again.
“Okay, fine. We’ll go to the damn arcade. Prepare to get your ass whooped.” Carol replies confidently, walking towards you and slinging her arm around your waist, giving a kiss to your nose. 
It’s only been 30 minutes since you and Carol arrived at the arcade, and you’re both already drenched in sweat, hair sticking to your faces. Carol looks absolutely alluring, but you won’t tell her that. You’re too busy trying to beat her in a racing game.
“Go any harder and you’ll break the damn thing off,” Carol laughs at you. “It’s supposed to be a skill game. Not an angry, careless game.”
You didn’t think you could roll your eyes as hard as you do. Carol knows how to push your buttons, and you know how to push hers. You’re both very competitive people who crave dominance, and right now, you want nothing more than a win. You’d love to shove it in her cocky face. You wanna show her you’re capable, you wanna show her so bad.
“Looks like you were too busy staring at my beautiful self to play the damn game, baby.” Carol almost whispers, blowing hair out of her face. “Better luck next time.” 
God, you can’t explain it. Do you want to kiss her hard, to shut her up? Or, do you want to keep trying to win? You can’t deny it, you were too busy looking at her, pushing the fake pedal down and steering wildly. Since you both had already worked up a sweat, her chest was red, rising and falling fastly. You were staring at her, you were thinking of how you were gonna beat her. But obviously, your mind was wandering.
“Alright. Fine. I’ll give you that. But maybe...” You trail off shortly, looking Carol in the red, sweaty, sexy face. “We can see who’s better at laser tag.” 
“Oh fuck yeah.” Carol does another one of her famous smirks and rises up out of the fake car. She stares at you and turns her head. “Have I ever told you how sexy you look when you’re angry and sweaty?”
You’re sure you turned bright red, but you have to shut the lust away for now. Winning is more important.
You finally got your win. You kicked Carol’s ass in laser tag, and you’ve been riding the high throughout the past two games of air hockey in which you won once, and she won once. You both decided to go home and cool off, even though there was still a competitive vibe emanating from inside of both of you.
“You know, Carol, honey?” You ask as you bend down to get two water bottles out of the fridge. You turn to look her in the eye. “I’m a fucking winner.”
Carol snorts. “Yeah? You’re the winner huh? Let’s not forget about all the times I’ve won at darts? Card games? How I’m a champion at making you so angry? Hot and bothered?”
You freeze up. She knows what she’s doing. She’s trying to make you weak with her words like she always does. She’s trying to make you mutter and moan under your breath, and she wants to be the dominant one.
You walk towards her, breath hot on her face, eye to eye. “Don’t act like I’ve never made you hot and bothered. I know what makes you tick, Miss Danvers.” You whisper with an attitude. 
You both stare at each other for what seems like an hour. Two stubborn women who refuse to back down. Some might say that that dynamic would never work, but the warmth on your face that runs down your chest to your lower stomach says otherwise. Yours and Carol’s breathing are matched, jagged and heavy.
“Fuck, baby, please.” Carol finally gives in. It’s surprising it’s her. It seems to be you who always gives in. “Please..” She whimpers, as she pulls you into her by your waist.
Your hands glide up to her head. One hand is on the back of her neck as one cups her face. You stroke your thumb across her cheek, and you pull in and crash your lips onto hers. She opens her mouth up quickly, and you tilt your head to move the kiss deeper. She tastes like candy, the powder kind you had at the arcade. Every move she makes is magic as you grasp her face tightly and kiss her with the force that’s been building up all night. You really wanted this. 
You pick Carol up and you place her on the kitchen island in front of you. She moans and spreads her legs, allowing you to stand between them. You do, and you lean down and press your lips to her exposed neck. She moans again, the soft sound filling the room getting you even hotter. One of your hands is beside her, propped on the counter. The other hand plays around with her hair, and you tug on it softly.
“Fuck!” Carol groans. She throws her head back, eyes squeezed shut. She then leans forward, and tugs on your zipper. You smirk at her and breathe heavily against her. 
“You want me to fuck you, baby?” You ask her, your soft sultry voice dragging your words out. She nods softly, biting her lip. You immediately pull her body closer to the edge of the counter and tug at her pants. You slide them down with grace, revealing her black and lacy underwear you picked out for her. 
“You look so good in these, baby girl. I knew you would. That’s why I picked them.” Your voice soft, but words rough.
“You always got to be the one in charge, don’t you?” She sighs, hands roaming your torso.
“Hard not to when I get to see your face when I fuck you.” You smirk and lean in for another kiss. It’s rough, but it’s slow and meaningful. She pushes a hand on your torso and starts palming her tits through her shirt. Noticing this, you finger the hem of her shirt and pull it over her head. She’s wearing a matching bra to go with the underwear you picked out for her.
“Fuck,” you whisper, leaning back a little to admire her beautiful body. “You are so fucking sexy, my love.” 
Carol can’t take it anymore. She needs to see you. She basically rips your shirt off your body and unclasps your bra. She gets off the counter, and she holds the back of your neck as she kisses down your chest and darts her tongue over your nipples. You moan and whimper under her, going crazy at the sensation of her tongue all over you. She pulls back and picks you up, leaving you to squeak and giggle. She walks you to the couch with hands squeezing your ass before she lays you down. You lay there red in the face with your hands twirling your nipples, staring up at Carol unclasping her bra. 
“So what, you gonna fuck me now?” You breathe out, hoarsely. 
“Maybe. Or maybe, we’re gonna fuck each other.” Carol replies, with a smile creeping over her lips. “I’ll be right back.”
You moan loudly. You can’t wait anymore. You want Carol so goddamned bad that you start cupping your breasts, one hand roaming down your torso to pull down your panties. Your hand slowly makes its way to your inner thigh. Teasing yourself, you let a moan escape again. A hand lingers between your thigh while the other slaps your nipple, and you gasp. You learned how to touch yourself the way Carol touches you. While it’s absolute heaven, nothing compares to her touch. Which is why you’re ecstatic when you see her walk into the room, with a double ended toy. 
“You like it?” She asks as she leans over you.
You’re too fucking turned on to waste time. You flip her over on her back and you lean over her, snatching the toy and kissing her neck. You suck on her neck, her chest, her beautiful ample tits like you can’t live without it. Her skin is soft and sweet, and you need to feel her. Craving more, you make your way down to her hips. Your fingers rest there, as you lick her navel, kissing and sucking. You make your way down slowly. As much as you want her, you want to make sure she’s dripping wet and begging for you. 
“Baby, please,” Carol pants. “Please, just do something.”
You need no more swaying. You spread her legs a little farther, fingers diving into her wet folds, spreading her slick around. “You’re so wet for me, aren’t you?” 
She nods and moans in response. Your fingers work slowly on her clit, then you pick up the pace. You pull back, moving your head so you can put your hot mouth on her begging pussy. Thumb tapping and circling her clit, you use your tongue to suck a line up and down her folds, then twirl your tongue around them making zigzag motions. She’s a mess underneath you, moaning like crazy, pulling your hair. You like the minor pain.
You grab the toy, already dripping wet from pleasing Carol. “You ready, baby?” you ask her.
“Yes baby, fuck.”
Sitting up, you spread your legs apart. Carol starts sitting up too. You kiss her quickly, then lean back to put the toy into her first. It nudges her entrance and you slowly push it in. 
She moans loudly, “Y/N.”
Grabbing your end of the toy, you carefully lift your leg up and slide into the toy. A moan escapes from both you and Carol, and you lean your head back. She reaches for you and you kiss deeply. You start grinding your hips and so does Carol. You pull apart, and you both rest back on your arms grinding your hips to feel the toy pushing inside you. You’re both fucking it, moans loudly filling the room. Curses escape your lips and you’re both experiencing euphoria. You lean forward once again, and you place your fingers on Carol’s clit. You rub it roughly, hearing your name mixed with curses being choked out from her. You’re slamming the toy into her while clenching at the end inside of you. She’s stopped moving except for shakes. She’s close. 
“Oh fuck yeah baby girl, are you gonna cum for me? Huh? My little slut?” You chant through gritted teeth. “Cum for me!”
Carol groans and her hips shoot up a foot off the couch. She’s shaking and twisting, and crying out for you. You keep rubbing her clit, fast and hard until she screams and falls back on the couch. 
“Keep. Going.” She squeezes out after a couple of seconds to recover. 
“Yes, ma’am.” You whisper, but moving Carol so she’s on her knees away from you. “Ready?”
“Yes.” She answers, urgently.
You push the toy inside her again, sitting behind her. Taking in the beauty of her ass and gorgeous pussy, you pump the toy in and out of her. Carol’s already begging for you. You’re dripping wet, and you need more. You stop for a quick second and with the toy in hand, you turn yourself around on your knees so you’re ass to ass with Carol. You’ve never tried this with her before and now’s a perfect time. You slide back on to the fake dick, and you slam into Carol’s ass.
“Holy shit,” she breathes. “Y/N, keep going. Now.” 
Carol’s trying to seem dominant right now, but both of you are fucking each other equally. You’re both sweating, sharing your fluids, swearing and crying out. You’re bouncing your ass against Carol and she does the same. Pounding each other, you’re screaming and trying to grasp at the couch fabric. You love the roughness, the feeling of the toy filling you and Carol up, you sharing this moment fucking each other. You’re so close to cumming when Carol starts shaking again.
“Baby, fuck, cum with me, please. Come on, cum with me. Fuck I’m so close.” You’re chanting, begging to feel Carol cum again.
“I’m, I’m, FUCK!” Carol screams, shaking like crazy right as you throw your head back and feel a shiver down your spine. You feel the tightness that built up suddenly release, and a guttural moan slips out. You’re both cumming on each other, sloppy and wet, panting and smiling. 
You’re both there for a bit, panting and living in the warmth and closeness of each other. You finally slide out and toss the toy aside. You go to lean and kiss Carol, and she kisses back. 
“We’re both winners then, huh?” Carol asks with a smirk. 
“Yeah. We both are. But... I’m better.” You tease.
“Don’t fuckin’ start.”
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sarahjtrash · 5 years
An Untimely Admission
2.3K, Jurdan, Rated T
Jude shares something she's been keeping secret during an inopportune moment.
A/N: Despite what the summary may suggest, I just want to say this isn’t a pregnancy fic. Nothing against those, but I don't really write that. Fluff and angst still ensue. Enjoy!
Jude couldn’t take it anymore. 
While she understood that being exiled and keeping her title a secret was the politically wise thing to do, she couldn’t watch Cardan pursue his carnal desires anymore. It didn’t matter that she knew he would never fully pursue these women, that he would crawl into bed with Jude and whisper sweet nothings in her ear. She was tired of being sidelined in her own life once again. So when Cardan leaned down to whisper something in Nicasia’s ear, Jude handed her drink to the nearest courtier and stormed out of the hall. 
She heard Nicasia’s laughter follow her out the room. 
As she walked, she pulled her jewelry off and dropped it on the floor. While Cardan and her agreed that it made more sense for them to win over courtiers this way, she hated it. She had the same privileges in almost anything being fair game in the hall for political advancement; however, after three months of it, she wanted to punch something. They always tumbled together afterwards, neither going farther than chaste kisses with a stranger, but Jude was tired of playing these wicked games. She wiped her sleeve against her face, trying to stop the tears that rolled down her face, surely smearing her makeup. 
Whatever the guards and servants wanted to say about the state of their supposed seneschal didn’t matter. 
When she reached the end of the hallway, she turned towards her old rooms instead of the king’s suite, refusing to share a bed tonight, or perhaps any night in the future if she had it her way. Cardan could certainly find himself someone else to satisfy him.
That thought seemed to work like a summoning as she heard quick footsteps following behind her.
“I don’t want to talk right now,” she said pathetically. 
She heard Cardan stop moving. “Please don’t run away,” he quietly begged.
She whipped around quickly, her jealousy quickly becoming anger. “And what would it matter to you?” She hissed. 
His face morphed into something she couldn’t recognize. “Let’s not do this in the hallway.”
Her blood positively boiled. “Or what?” She seethed, “Someone would hear us? What a catastrophe that would be.”
Cardan’s face changed to match hers. “You can stand here and yell all you want, but I am going back to the King’s chambers.”
Jude watched his back as he strode away from her and damned herself when she followed him after a few seconds. It amused her that he had to refer to their bedroom as ‘the King’s’ for fear of discovery. His cloak billowed behind him, emanating power as he strode down the halls like he owned them, which she supposed he did. 
When they finally reached his chambers, Jude fifteen paces behind, her anger began to swell once more as they entered the room, and he gently closed the door behind them.
His entire demeanor changed when they crossed the threshold, and his eyes filled with care. “What’s wrong?”
It was exactly this kind of mind game that drove her insane. “I don’t think you get to ask that.”
He let out a frustrated sigh. “I am really exhausted of fighting you, Jude.”
“Then don’t.” 
“I can’t do that if you’re not telling me what’s wrong.”
She crossed her arms and broke his infuriatingly concerned gaze. “Every day in Elfhame, I am constantly reminded of how inadequate I am. I have fought tooth and nail every day for years to crawl to where am I. Which by the way, where I am is a Queen without a crown and a title no one knows about. And I was willing to accept that. So stupidly willing to accept that. Now, all I have is a husband who can dance and swoon and kiss whoever he desires, and I just get to watch while everyone thinks I am a petty, dumb mortal.”
“We can march into that throne room right now and declare you the rightful Queen.”
Her eyes felt like stinging once again. “That is not what this is about. You just party and seduce all the time, without ever caring about—“
She watched the frustration build in him, as he spat out, “You know as well as I do that you are held to the same standards that I am.”
“And what good does that do! If you even cared a little a bit, you would know that I haven’t tried to be seductive towards a courtier in over a month now. I just wait like a naive, trained dog for you to crawl home and get a good fuck in. Do I have any affect on you or do you just enjoy watching me suffer?”
He tried to reach for her, his voice begging a little. “You know what you do to me.”
She stepped back from his advances in disgust. “I should have known. Everyone in your life leaves you or betrays you for one reason or another. Maybe it’s the disappointment or the lack of concern you have for others, but everyone in your life has been part of a sick twisted game, and I am finished being a pawn Cardan. I must be such an idiot, one who watches you drink and play and then gets repeatedly fucked over. Could you even imagine that? How awful it is to be in love with someone who is constantly trying to best you? And you let yourself get fooled time and time again because maybe this time they’ll behave differently.” 
Cardan’s eyes grew wide as saucers as Jude’s heavy breathing filled the room. 
“You’re so inconsiderate to everyone around you that I’m not surprised that Balekin—“
“Jude,” He interrupted her sentence. 
“You can’t even let me finish one sentence. It’s like when I speak—“
“Jude,” He practically yelled at her. 
Anger filled her, and she couldn’t help the glare that she hoped buried him six feet under. “If you’re so inclined to hear yourself, then what,” She spat. 
“I think you should stop speaking—“
“And you’re so controlling and goddamned—“
“Before you say more things that you don’t mean,” He finished loudly.
Their breathing settled between them, and tension filled the room. She thought about what she could say that would ruin him as much as he ruined her when she realized what she’d admitted.
Her thoughts must have shown on her face because he said, “Sometimes Jude, I really wish you couldn’t lie.”
She wouldn’t give him the reassurance of admitting that she meant what she said. Instead, she chose to let him believe the worst. “I think it’s best that I leave.”
He didn’t say anything as she walked out the door. 
Three days later, Jude felt awful. 
She still saw Cardan daily at meetings and the revel last night, but neither deigned to speak with the other more than necessary. They played their roles of King and Seneschal, so that no one would notice anything amiss. It drove Jude insane. All she wanted was to apologize, let him know the truth, or at the very least say hello. All she got, though, were cool glances and smirks thrown her way. 
If she truly wanted what she claimed she did the other night, she knew that she would have to instigate relief efforts, no matter her pride. For the past two days, she’d written and rewritten a letter over and over, trying to explain what she meant. Eventually, she left it short and handed it off to a servant as she walked towards a dueling ring in the courtyard. 
The other letter she’d written was to the bomb demanding her presence in training gear. In the palace, she was Jude’s most worthy adversary. After the better part of an hour, sweat dripped off Jude as she blocked and deflected the bomb’s jests and strikes. Her mortal heart pounded in her chest. It felt so good to release herself like that his that she’d forgotten all about the three little words she wrote on that sheet until she heard an approach from behind.
“My queen?” Cardan called almost hesitantly. 
The bomb instantly stopped fighting and sagely made no noise as Jude turned around. 
“Is this true?” He asked, there was more than just desperation in his voice, almost as if he hoped for answer. 
“Would I lie to you, Your Highness?” She asked. 
He licked his lips in a way that set Jude on fire. “I have need of Jude, Dear, if you don’t mind her leaving the session early, Bomb.”
The bomb said, perhaps too innocently. “I don’t think she minds at all.”
When they reached his room, Cardan held out his hand with the letter in it. “I’ve received word that perhaps you’re ready to end this little feud.”
She took the letter while watching him. “And is this word to be trusted?”
“I feel inclined to believe so.”
As Jude unfolded the letter, she already knew what she would find. It was something that had taken her days, to draft. It was incredibly short and simple, and barely reflected her thoughts. 
In her own handwriting, the cream paper read, 
I didn’t lie.
She pretended that she was mulling over its contents, that it was some long policy proposal instead of a flimsy admission. In an uncharacteristic manner, Cardan patiently let her stare at it. 
She decided she wasn’t quite done with their little game. “Anyone could have written this.”
Cardan’s eyes drifted to the letter as well. “Though true, it appears to be in your handwriting.”
“Anyone can fake that.”
He leveled her a look. “The servant said, ‘From your seneschal, Jude Duarte.’”
“Perhaps a twist of words.”
HIs name seemed to rattle through her, and she remembered why she even wrote that blasted piece in the first place. 
“For the more hurtful things I said the other night, I apologize. For others, I meant what I said.”
“And what part was that?” He challenged.
She rolled her eyes and looked off. “It seems to have escaped me.”
When she looked back at him, she said, “I hate you.”
He watched her very intently. “I know.”
She inhaled deeply and panic seemed to fill her bones as she thought about her next words. It would probably take her months to say it if she didn’t let it escape. It would be so easy to fall into their little game once again, but Jude felt her tiredness from before sweep through her. In the long run, that was not what she wanted. Not at all.
“But,” she paused, drawing a shaky breath. “I also love you more than I ever thought possible.”
A small goofy grin pulled at his lips as he reached out for her. She obligingly tucked herself into his arms as hers wrapped around his neck. 
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” He teased. 
She leaned up and kissed the corner of his mouth. “Is that all you wish to say?”
He pulled her slightly closer, a new hunger filling his eyes. “Not in the least.”
“Then the King shall speak his mind.” She brought her hands down to his shoulders.
He released a pathetic little nose laugh. “I have never been more envious of your ability to lie.”
“It never really seems to do me any favors,” she said quietly. 
His hand made a smoothing gesture on her back, and he brought his gaze down to hers. “I think you underestimate its success rate.”
“Stop avoiding the topic.”
“I am also quite envious of your earlier courage,” he said.
Jude gave him a significant look, and he sighed before saying, “But, the answer to your question is yes.”
“I never asked you anything,”she said confused. 
“You most certainly did. The other night you asked me if I ‘could even imagine that?’,” He asked in a terrible impression of her voice, “‘How awful it is to be in love with someone who is constantly trying to best you?’ Jude. Jude. My dearest Jude. I have never met anyone who holds my heart so dearly and still manages to behave as an adversary.”
She laughed a little at that. 
“Like I said, though, my answer is yes. I can most certainly imagine that because I am so tragically in love with you that it pains me despite all you have done to try and undermine me.”
They paused for a second and let his words settle, but it didn’t take long until they were suddenly a clash of lips and tongue. It felt like breathing for the first time and that every barrier they’d ever put between them came crashing down with their words. Jude pulled on his hair slightly, needing him to just be closer to her. Her heart may have just about leap out of her chest, and she couldn’t help the small sound that escaped her when he pulled away. 
“Jude?” He asked. 
She knew her pupils were dilated and her breathing heavy, but at that moment she couldn’t find an ounce of her to care. Anything he asked, she’d be willing to do. “What?”
“While I appreciate our vigor, I have but one request.”
She cocked her head at his tone. 
“I understand that your training is important, but I think we would both benefit if you bathed yourself before we continued.”
Jude’s mouth opened slightly in fake astonishment, and she pulled away. “If you can’t appreciate me while I’m in this condition, then I must really question your previous declaration.”
Jude stepped toward the wash room, watching Cardan’s shocked face, before turning around and strutting away, perhaps swaying her hips more than necessary. When her hand reached the doorknob, she threw him a significant look. “Perhaps you should call for a servant. There’s one spot on my back I can never reach.”
“I believe I could help,” he all but growled before approaching her quicker than Jude had ever seen.
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devoraakss · 5 years
I ADORE your writing! I don’t know if you’re taking prompts right now but I would die if you wrote a “moving around while kissing, stumbling over things, pushing each other back against the wall” type of passionate kiss for Lucio/Aveana!
oh no my weakness, fuck me 
ft. Lucio’s Non-Canonical Upright ending (I made it vague on purpose, so I don’t have to change it or edit it if we do get his route.)
It was… difficult, for everyone involved. The disaster that was the masquerade, shattering the Devil’s bonds and freeing those involved, disrupting the ritual… But it worked out in the end. Aveana had gone on the journey to the Devil’s realm alone, armed with the energy and hope of her friends and loved ones behind her and the power of her magic, renewed by the truth of her missing past and the hope for a brighter future. 
But the hardest part was telling the truth of her feelings. The disbelief from her friends, the heartbreak from the most trusted of them– But she couldn’t deny her heart, even after all that had transpired. She loved Lucio, the Ex-Count and insufferable disaster himself. She broke the chains the Devil had bound him with, returning her to her body and giving Lucio the body he had lost three years ago.
It was overwhelming, almost. Suddenly being physical again, everything she couldn’t feel between worlds rushing her senses all at once. The energy and excitement that Lucio’s entire aura emanated was captivating and lacked the dizzying sickly feeling it had when she had first arrived and encountered him.
 In the middle of the ballroom, he had looked at her with silver eyes, untainted by red for the first time in forever, rose to his feet slowly… before he rushed her towards her. 
Asra started to call out to her, Muriel startling from beside him and for once looking ready to fight, Nadia and Portia too. Julian nearly ran to her, tripping over himself– 
And Lucio kissed her breathless. 
The world disappeared from around her, silence falling over them. Nothing registering but the hand on her waist, the cool metal on her cheek, the soft lips against her own. She returned the affection without noise or complaint, heart hammering against her chest.
Lucio would have gotten carried away, if not for the sound of someone clearing their throat behind her, and it shocked her out of her momentary bliss. 
Aveana felt the heat rise to her cheeks as she broke the kiss, but Lucio’s arm around her waist didn’t leave, and she didn’t step away from him. 
a woman in a carved wooden mask in the visage of a cheetah separated from the crowd, dressed in fur pelts that draped over her form like armor, a spear at her side… icy blonde hair tumbling down her back and shoulders. Dread fills in the pit of her stomach as the similarities between the woman and Lucio click in her head. Oh, gods, is that his– 
“We’ll have all the time to do that and talk about what happened here after that Devil is dealt with.” Her voice is firm, but her gaze doesn’t leave Aveana. Maybe she was amused but it was impossible to tell behind the mask. What parts of her expression could be seen never wavered. It was unnerving. 
But she was right. 
No one asked any questions, thankfully, but Asra’s gaze was pained every time he looked at her. She knew she had to explain… but not now. With the power of Asra and his parents, alongside Muriel and Nadia, Aveana had entered the Devils realm. 
There was no shortage of shit talking from him, the Major Arcana mocking her feelings– time and time again he attempted to chain her, trap her into making a deal, and time and time again she rebutted his proposals, waiting for the time to strike. 
“I tire of your meddling, Fool!” the Devil snarls, lifting a hand to summon chains from the sides of the room, moving like snakes to grab her– 
Aveana raised a hand, a pulse of white, opalescent energy surging from her gesture, making the chains shriek and clatter. 
“As do I.” 
She focuses her energy in front of her, all she can muster, blinding energy building and making the chains recede further. Cracks of white light burn and appear over her skin– just a little longer– She shuts her eyes and flings all that energy towards the Devil, the shrieking of chains and the Devil himself filling the room before… 
Nothing but light. 
When Aveana woke, she was in the middle of the Devil’s realm. the hellish red walls had turned into smooth, polish marble, the entirety of the realm having changed from a literal hell into… something calmer, and in the center of it all, a grey marble statue of the Devil, radiating malice and frozen in a scream of agony, head turned to the skies. 
After that… it was easier to confront the problems back home. Asra was… understandably heartbroken, but they agreed to still remain friends… so long as whenever she came to visit him and Muriel, Lucio stayed home. 
Nadia was a bit less understanding, though her ire was directed at Lucio rather than Aveana… which made her more pleased than she would care to admit. Aveana understood her want to exile Lucio from Vesuvia, and a small part of that was still upset that she had died from the plague agreed with Nadia… But she was ready to accept exile with him, until the woman from before spoke once more. 
“I believe I can offer a solution.” She removed her mask, looking at it almost annoyed before her attention turned to Lucio. “I did come here for a reason, after all.” 
Lucio shrunk back when her gaze landed on him, looking guiltier than she had ever seen him, taking a step behind Aveana as if to hide from the woman’s gaze… though, it was futile, as aveana stood at 5′2″ and Lucio was at least 8 inches taller than her. 
“Morga, was it? that’s what the Devil called you.” 
The woman gives Nadia a respectful nod. “Yes… M–” she pauses, lips quirking up in a slight smile. “…Lucio is my son.” the way she says his name makes Aveana quirk a brow in confusion. 
“Momma, please…” Lucio groans softly, covering his face with his metal hand. Morga remains seemingly amused, but says nothing more to him, turning her gaze to Nadia once more. 
“I want to bring him home. I see no reason why that should change… and I welcome the addition of his… friend as well. She seems capable of holding her own quite well.” Morga speaks, sounding a bit sad as she begins, before her tone returns to the mild amusement she had previously, icy gaze finally settling on Aveana.  
Nadia shakes her head. “I don’t care where he goes, so long as he doesn’t come back to my city. ever. again.” She enunciates the last few words, glaring pointedly at Lucio cowering behind Aveana. 
Morga says nothing, looking to her son. 
Lucio looks up from his embarrassing attempt at hiding, cheeks flushed red and lips twisted in a pout, glancing at Morga. “What?!” 
She levels him with a firm glare, and he glares right back, face flushing darker, but he doesn’t seem to want to fight with her. 
“Oh, for–UGH- Fine! Yes, yes, I won’t ever come back, you’ll never see me again! Never shall I again set foot in Vesuvia, yadda, yadda….” he grumbles, resting his chin on Aveana’s shoulder. 
Aveana cuts her eyes at him, jabbing him in the side with a finger. “She’s giving you another chance, stop being a dick about it.” her voice is cutting and stern and knocks the shame right into him. He sheepishly straightens his posture, scratching at the back of his neck and looking down at the floor, rightly scolded. 
When he continues to say nothing, Aveana nudges him again and he mutters something, glaring at her half-heartedly… before he sighs and turns to Nadia properly.
“………Thank you……… Nadia……” 
Nadia looks at him, unconvinced, but the tension in her shoulders eases just the slightest. “Don’t thank me yet…” she steps towards him, offering her hand to him. He frowns, looking puzzled, staring at her hand before looking at her face. She looks at him expectantly, so, ever so slowly… he takes her hand. 
As he does, she pulls him towards her, grip on his hand crushingly tight and her other hand clapping him on the shoulder. she speaks to him, quietly enough so only he can hear–
“If you hurt her… in any way, I will hunt you down, and I will kill you. I promise you that.” 
She steps back and releases him, smiling almost kindly. “Well then,” she turns to Aveana, a type of fondness returning to her gaze. “You should pack if you intend to go with them. Do you need someone to look after the shop while you are away?” 
Aveana glances at Asra, briefly, before she shakes her head… “Ah…I don’t think so… But, thank you, Nadia… really.” 
Nadia smiles, giving her a sincere and gentle hug. “You never need to thank me, my friend. I hope you are making the right choice.”
She smiles, returning the hug as she fights the tears behind her eyes. “I am.”  
They stood on a tall hill, below them the city of Vesuvia, shining in the sunlight. Their horses slowed to a stop, Morga glancing to her side at her son. “I… I am glad to see you again, Monty,” she says, slowly. She gently sets a hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze before she spurs her horse to move once more. “Don’t linger behind too long. I won’t wait for you two.” 
Lucio watches his mother trot ahead, suddenly nervous when he hears a burst of giggles. his head snaps back to Aveana, a blush rising to color his cheeks. “What?! What’s so funny?!” 
“’Monty’?” Aveana sits behind him, arms wrapped around his waist, her hair tied back in an intricate style his mother helped with– it caught him by surprise, seeing a familiar style like that on her was… pleasing. 
He quickly shakes his head, turning back to look at the road ahead and nudging their horse to move. “Stop laughing… It’s… a nickname.” 
Aveana smiles, resting her head against his back as they move, watching the city shrink smaller and smaller into the distance. “Sure, whatever you say… Monty.” 
Lucio groans and Aveana just laughs, their path taking them towards a brighter, happier future… for both of them. 
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Allegiances: Chapter 16
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 17
Series is rated M
Word Count: 6191
The final showdown between Clementine and Lilly.
Read it on Ao3!
Read it on Wattpad!
Warning for Graphic Depictions of Violence
The silver beams of the full moon guided them through the dark, twisting branches of the forest as the kids marched towards their final battlefield. The stars danced above, bidding the teens good luck on their mission.
Anxiety ran high at the possibility of failure. Being killed, or worse, being captured was a fate Clementine tried desperately to push out of her mind.
We push on, we fight on, we look forward, never back.
Clementine held her head high with her eyes trained forward at the path ahead as her boots stomped through the dirt. Her fingers fiddled with the strap of her quiver, making sure it was fastened securely as she gripped the metal bow in her other hand.
A smooth draw.
It was truly the best weapon the school had in their arsenal, but it couldn't compare to even a revolver. God, she wished she had a gun. Yonatan's rifle had been missing from his corpse once the dust cleared. Such a precious weapon no doubt snatched back by one of the other soldiers.
The burning orange glow of the distant torches cut through the blue of the night.
“You all know what to do.” Mitch addressed the group as they reached the clearing.
“Willy, you get the raft. Ruby and Tenn, free those horses. Me, Louis, and Clementine will go after the others and plant the bomb.”
A decently solid plan.
“Only the group going up to the boat needs to douse themselves in guts.” Clem added
“If we don’t regroup before the bomb goes off, don’t wait around too long. Every walker in the county is gonna make a beeline for this shore.”
Suddenly, a bright white light flooded the area as the kids threw themselves to the dirt. The spotlight paid them no mind as it moved past, focusing instead, on a walker lumbering towards the source. A loud gunshot rang, signalling the end of that walker’s journey.
Hopefully, James brought enough of them for us to sneak past her.
The kids kept their heads low as they picked themselves up.
“I guess now we just wait for your walker friend to show up with his herd.” Ruby whispered.
Speak of the devil.
“Won’t have to wait too long.” Clementine smirked, seeing the masked boy accidentally sneak up behind the redhead.
“Good Lord!” Ruby tried to contain her surprise at the sudden stranger.
“Uh, hi.” James stood awkwardly as the group stared at him. This must have been his first time around such a group in years.
“Guys, this is James.” Clem introduced.
The others didn’t seem too sure how to react upon actually meeting the guy who wore human skin. Their faces mostly held mild unsettlement mixed with wonder. That is, except for one.
“You’re mask looks so cool.” Willy didn’t hide his enthusiasm but at least kept his voice down. “How do you get the skin like that? Can I try it on?”
“I... uh… Clementine?” James begged for help. Even with all of the control he held over the walkers, he was powerless against this excited child.
“Willy. Cool it.” Mitch interjected before Clem got the chance. “We got a job to do.”
“Right. Sorry.” Willy backed off, and James let out a small sigh of relief.
“It just looks so real.”
I mean, it is.
“Functional, and fashionable. I’ll take two.” Louis comment got a lighthearted eye roll from Clem and a small chuckle from James.
“The walkers will be here soon. I’ll lead them to the boat, but that’s as far as I go.” He reminded them.
“Thank you, James.” Clementine smiled before looking at the other kids. They looked back at her with confidence, which was reassuring.
“See you on the other side.”
When the group dispersed to wait out the arrival of their undead distraction, James pulled Clementine aside. She followed him to the edge of the path, where they stood just within the treeline.
“The noise from the boat will draw the herd towards the water.” He explained.
“You can join them as they pass through.”
“Then we can get on board and save our friends.” Clementine said determinedly.
A lone walker stumbled across the path, no doubt only a prelude for what was to come.
“Your friends aren’t what I expected. They’re… different. Open-minded. Accepting.” He seemed surprised.
“That’s not usually how my first impressions go. That one kid even called me… cool.”
“They could be your friends too, y’know. Once this is all over, you could come back to the school with us.” Clem offered.
“I didn’t think I could trust a group again after getting screwed over so many times, but these people are different. It really feels like a home.”
“I haven’t lived with a group in a long time but...” Clementine noticed him smiling through the hole in his mask as he thought about having a home.
“It does sound nice… I’ll have to think about it.”
James reached his hands behind his head, removing his mask and revealing his face. Clementine looked at the skin mask in his hands. Wearing it was one of the more unnerving things she’d done. She couldn't imagine wearing it full-time.
“There’s something I wanted to show you.” Nervousness crept into his tone.
The boy reached into his pocket, revealing a small plastic bag with a Polaroid photo inside. He cupped the photograph gently in his hands. Depicted in the photo were two boys, one who was clearly James several years younger, and another boy around the same age as him in the picture who also appeared to be of Korean descent. The other boy sat with his arm around James’ shoulder, the two boys smiling happily at the camera.
“This is… was… my boyfriend, Charlie. We joined the Whisperers together.” James confessed, admiring the photo with a wistful smile.
“But it changed him. In a way that couldn’t be undone. It changed both of us.”
“What do you mean?” All the stories Clementine had heard spoke of cruelty beyond all words. Closer to animals than people.
“The Whisperers were my.. Family… from a young age.” He continued, looking shaken as he recalled his past.
“I witnessed so much death and suffering. Eventually, I became the cause of it.”
James’ story began to mirror her own a little bit.
“Weakness was considered a poison, and I believed in that. Fiercely. One day, our Alpha had ordered us to attack a community that had wronged her in some way. And when another boy expressed sympathy for them…” James bit his lip as he held a hand over his face.
“...I slit his throat without hesitation.”
“That doesn’t sound like you.” Clementine was taken aback by his words. James killed a member of his own group? Just like that? It sounded like he was telling the story of some other boy. It was hard to believe such a violent and bloodthirsty act came from the kind-hearted boy standing next to her.
“You killed a child?”
“I didn’t consider who he was, what he felt. Honestly, I don't even remember his name. All I knew was that someone like him would only slow us down.” James grimaced at his own actions.
“After he died, I kept hearing his words in my head over and over. ‘Those people are like us! Just on a different path!’ I stopped killing after that. I changed. But no one else did.”
Some evils just can’t be undone.
“The Whisperers preyed on the young especially, twisting their minds with their sick methods. I don’t want what happened to Charlie to happen to your friends.”
Clementine’s next words were cut off by the moans of the dead emanating from the path. Several of the undead began to emerge from the forest, following the light right to the boat.
“The herd will be upon us shortly. Soon there will be enough of them to provide cover.” James adorned his mask once again as he moved to inspect the herd’s progress.
“Good luck out there.”
Clementine nodded as she stepped out of sight back towards the clearing.
“Clem?” The small voice of Tennessee caught her attention. He played with his hands as he stood before her sadly.
“Louis told me… about my sisters.”
Poor kid.
“He said that… Sophie died… and Minnie is one of them now.” He looked down at his hands as he seemed to fight back tears for a moment.
“If you see her… can you tell her I forgive her?”
“I just want her to be happy. Where ever she decides to go.” The scarred boy said pleadingly.
“Tenn, look at me.” She knelt down to his height.
“I can’t promise how things are gonna go in there, but I can promise that I will try. If we find her, I’m going to try to convince her to come home. I mean, I changed, maybe she can too.”
“I changed, but no one else did.”
James words suddenly echoed in her head.
Would their stories end up following a similar narrative?
“Thank you, Clem.” The now smiling boy hugged her tight.
“Stay safe out there, okay?” Clementine smiled back.
“Okay.” With that, they parted ways, and Clem began to search for Louis.
She found Louis standing alone, leaning against a tree. His eyes were trained on the boat. The dreadlocks that swung in front of his face cast shadows that made it hard to read his expression, but Clem could guess what he was thinking.
“This is really happening, isn’t it?” He said slightly panicked as she approached.” We’re about to walk onto a boat of armed adults, save our friends, and somehow, blow that shit to hell while getting out in one piece.”
Well, when you say it like that it only sounds more impossible.
“I can take us right to the cellblock, and the boiler room is on the way.” She assured.
“The Delta will be so occupied with the walkers that if anyone is there, maybe it’ll be one guard. Between the three of us? I like those odds.”
“Damn right.” He said low.
She hoped her confidence would rub off on him. Once they were inside, hesitation wasn’t an option.
“I just don’t want to fuck this up. People’s lives are depending on us. Depending on me. God, I just…” It was clear that the stress was beginning to get to him.
“Louis, we can’t fall apart right now. Violet’s lost if we don't go. They all are.” Clementine didn’t want to think about her friends befalling the same fate as her.
“I know. I know.” He took a deep breath, stepping aside and mumbling to himself.
“C’mon, Louis. Get it together.”
“We’re going to be okay.” She tried to smile.
“Clem, can you do me a favour?” His eyes were serious.
“What is it?”
“I need you to slap me.”
Excuse me?
“Right here.” Louis pointed to the right side of his face.
“Just to help pull me out of this.”
Clementine watched him in mild amusement as he stood with his eyes closed, bracing for impact. She rolled her eyes and took a step forward.
She stood on her toes. Also grabbing a fistful of his shirt in order to reach her lips to his. Louis tensed for a moment, expecting a slap and getting a kiss, but quickly melted into it as he pulled her close. They savoured it, on the off-chance it was their last.
They broke after a moment, foreheads pressed together, their breath warm on each other’s faces.
“I uh… don't know if I feel more focused or less.” He chuckled.
“Don’t worry.” She assured him one more time.
“We’ll be home by sunrise.”
“Hey lovebirds.” Mitch called from a short distance away, startling the couple. “The walkers are ready, let's get a move on.”
The groans and snarls of the herd were almost deafening as the three blood-soaked teens approached. The spotlight was blinding as it pointed to the mass of the dead. The voices of the Delta soldiers could be heard faintly. Orders barked left and right. For a moment, Clementine thought she could hear Lilly among them.
The crack of a gunshot rang out as a walker a few feet to Clem’s right fell still on the ground.
“Stay behind the walkers, use them as shields.” She whispered to the two boys.
The spotlight no longer focused its attention on the herd, swinging over towards a raft of supplies floating off down the river.
“Good job, Willy.” She heard Mitch mumble under his breath.
The yelling only increased as the panicked whinnies of the horses sounded and a bright blaze of hay lit up the night.
They tried to stay relatively together as one by one the herd was thinned out. Whenever that spotlight found its way to Clementine, she dove for a walker, gripping onto its torn clothes and rotting flesh until the bullet meant for her dropped the walker instead.
More soldiers began to emerge from the boat to fight the herd just as the three reached the pier.
“We can’t risk leaving cover, we’ll have to crawl along the side of the dock.” Clementine lead them as they dipped into the freezing water. She felt a chill run up her body as they scurried along the side, gripping onto the soggy wood. The water around them became a dark red as the guts washed from their clothing. With their camouflage gone, escaping would be a little trickier.
The gap above the door was barely large enough for Clementine to squeeze through, and with walkers on the way, the time-crunch made it even more difficult. Mitch held off any of the dead that got too close as Louis boosted her up. It took some maneuvering, but she managed to twist her way in, slamming the lever to open the door.
“Let’s blow these sons o’ bitches to hell.” Mitch examined the bomb in his hands, which he somehow managed to keep dry while wading through the water.
Clementine nodded, ducking and diving through the halls of Delta, a soldier prowled around, trying to get an angle on the advancing walkers.
We’re so close.
She dove for cover once more as a raider rounded the corner, but not quickly enough.
“Who’s there?” The deep voice of the large man echoed through the metal hall. He let out a low growl before beginning to creep forward.
“Give me a damn city name.”
“Rockingham.” Clementine blurted out, hoping he wouldn’t recognize her voice.
“Well hurry up and get the fuck out there before we lose the whole ship to these things!” The man hurried down another passageway as Clem, Louis, and Mitch finally reached the boiler room.
“There ya go, Mitch’s Masterpiece.” Mitch grinned mischievously as he placed the explosive in the bottom door of the boiler.
Oh God, he named it?
Clem didn’t have time to question it before they booked it through the final stretch of their journey. Clementine was correct in the cellblock only containing one guard, but of course, that guard had to be…
“Minerva.” Clementine called to her.
Minnie immediately drew her crossbow, her brows crossed in a scowl. Clem and the others returned the favour by drawing their weapons as well.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” The redhead stared in shock at the three that stood before her, focusing her anger mainly on the girl.
“If you got my little brother mixed up in this I swear to God I will gut you before the commander gets the chance.”
“Tenn’s fine.” Clementine told her, still being cautious in case Minerva had an itchy trigger finger.
“He wanted me to tell you that he forgives you.”
Clementine lowered her bow as a gesture of good faith and saw Minerva’s stance become more hesitant.
“Come with us, Minnie. Tenn wants to see his big sister again. It isn’t too late.” Clem begged.
“We don’t belong to the Delta. We have a home, and it isn’t with them.”
They stared each other down for a moment before Minerva slowly lowered her weapon.
“Fine. I’ll help you get the others out. Then we go.”
The four of them searched for the cells that contained their friends.
“Clementine?” Aasim exclaimed in surprise.
Omar let out a groan as he stood from within the same cell as Aasim, limping on one leg.
“Are you okay?” Mitch questioned the injured boy.
“I’m alright, burns like hell though.” Omar said as he leaned an arm on Aasim for balance.
“Clementine, help me with Vi and Brody while they get those guys out.” Minerva lifted the latch at the bottom of the door, allowing it to swing open.
Clementine cautiously stepped inside, finding the two girls huddled away from each other against the far wall. She didn’t even get a chance to get a word out before the butt of Minnie’s crossbow connected with the back of her neck, sending her crashing to the floor. Her ears rang as her vision blurred, barely being able to process the sounds of three people yelling before her vision fully faded to black.
The sound of broken, muffled sobs brought Clementine back to reality. As the blurred vision finally subsided, she was able to focus on the source of the sound.
The shaking form of Brody sat in the corner with her knees pulled tightly to her chest and her face buried as if the poor girl was trying to make herself so small that she could disappear from this awful place.
"Brody?" Clem called softly, eliciting no response.
"She's been like that since we woke up here." Violet's voice came flatly from where she sat slouched against the wall, focusing on her hand that was picking at the rips in her jeans.
"Seeing Minnie again only made it worse."
"Are you alright?" She tried to get her best friend to look at her, and when she finally did, Clementine's blood ran cold at the sight of the ice in her gaze.
"I didn't believe her, y'know. When she started spouting all that shit about you being one of them, and all that shit about the kid… I thought she was just trying to fuck with our heads." She spoke in a frustrated growl.
"But then I knew. I got grabbed. We locked eyes, and you looked away."
Clementine didn't know how to respond. She chose to save Louis instead of Violet. She knew this would happen. She had no excuse.
"I'm sorry, Violet." Clementine practically pleaded.
"I didn't want any of this."
"You didn't want it to happen, but you knew it would." The blonde spit back.
"And you lied about it."
"I'm going to make this right." She swore.
"We came to bring everyone home, and that's what we're going to do."
"Then we're all going to die like Marlon did." Violet's face softened, the ice in her eyes melted leaving them empty with hopelessness.
Clementine turned to locate her other friends, to find someone else already waiting by the door.
“You’ve really flown off the fucking rails, haven’t you?” Minerva scowled at her through the bars.
“You put everyone on this fucking ship in danger. My brother in danger. On some pointless rescue attempt. Fucking traitor.”
How could she have the audacity to call Clementine a traitor? She was the one actively working against her friends for the people who kidnapped her away from them.
“This is bullshit, Minnie.” Louis challenged her from the cell across the hall.
“How the fuck could you go along with this after what they did to you and Sophie?”
“Minerva, please.” Clementine gripped the metal bars tightly.
“This is our chance to all go home, don’t you see that?”
“You’re on real thin fucking ice, Clementine.” She growled, their faces only inches apart with the bars of the cell between them.
“Just sit down and shut up, or that kid of yours will get a bullet to the head right in front of you before we even leave this dock.”
What the fuck does she mean?
“Is she awake?” That sickening voice asked from somewhere Clem couldn’t see.
“Yes, ma’am.” Minerva answered obediently before stepping back, allowing her commander to step into view.
“I see you’ve decided to return home after all.” Lilly sang.
“Fuck you.”
“It’s nice to see you too.” The woman smiled as she pulled her pistol from the holster on her hip.
“Back up.”
Clementine obeyed, slowly stepping backwards as Minerva opened the latch to let her into the cell. She was basically trapped in the corner with Minerva’s crossbow pointed right between her eyes. Lilly took a seat on the cot along the wall, the metal frame creaking under the sudden weight.
Clem looked at her two friends also trapped with her. Brody’s laboured breathing only worsened with the threat now only a few feet away. Violet actually scooched closer to the terrified girl, putting her arm around her in an attempt to quiet her down.
“I’m not the only visitor you have today.” The smile never faded from her lips. Lilly nodded to Minerva, giving her some kind of signal.
What fucking game is this?
Clementine felt her heart jump into her throat as Minnie stepped to the side, allowing her little boy to squeeze past. Clem’s shocked expression was met by AJ’s unsure gaze.
“AJ?” Clementine cried out as she stepped towards him, only to be blocked by Minerva’s threatening weapon.
He looked nearly the same as the last time she saw him, the only difference she could tell was that his hair had been cut shorter, not sticking out under the blue baseball cap as much as it had been before.
AJ said nothing as he turned his head towards Lilly, who patted the spot beside her on the cot. The child took quick steps to meet at the instructed spot, sitting on the far side of Lilly from where Clementine stood.
He was right there. Right there. So close, yet still that evil bitch stood between them.
“AJ here has barely said a word the last few days. He’s been terribly upset after he heard about you abandoning him for a brand new family.” Lilly imitated a pouty tone as she taunted the girl.
“Don’t you fucking DARE twist his head like that!” Clementine began to burn with rage.
“AJ isn’t stupid. He knows better than to believe you.”
“AJ isn’t stupid and that's why he’s still alive. He knows better than to disobey orders. He knows better than to go against the people who cared for him.” Lilly wrapped her arm around AJ’s shoulder.
“He’ll make a better soldier than you ever were, considering you ended up being such a disappointing failure.”
“Get your fucking hand off of him.” Clementine growled with a voice full of venom.
“Clem…” AJ finally spoke, an uneasy look across his face as he froze against the woman’s touch.
“Shush, AJ. She doesn’t deserve your attention.” Lilly cooed.
I’m going to fucking kill her.
“And that’s exactly the kind of insubordination we can’t tolerate.” The woman looked back over at Minerva.
“Minnie here is a shining example of everything you were supposed to be. Of course, she and her sister got off to a rocky start when they first joined our ranks, but look where she is now.”
Minerva’s eyes appeared to be empty of her own free will. She stood as if her limbs were tied with strings, moving only when the puppeteer saw fit.
“Let me tell you a story, I call it: The Parable of the Twins.” As Lilly spoke, Clementine saw the icy blue spheres of Minnie’s eyes fill with fear.
“Two girls were taken from their home, and brought to a new place to live. They had to leave their friends and family behind and that was hard at first. They shed a lot of tears.
But the new place was a good place. The people grew corn and raised pigs, and the girls ate well for the first time in years. They had hot showers. Clean clothes. Beds. They were given guns and trained to use them.
The people there were kind to these girls. All that was asked for in return, was that they help defend the group. You see, this place had a lot of enemies, killers and thieves, people who wanted what they had. They needed help fighting, or they’d lose everything they’d built. Their crops, their power, even their lives.”
“I wonder if that’s how the twins would tell it.” Clementine interrupted. Stealing a couple of kids away from their home? Nothing could justify it.
“One of the twins would.” Lilly smirked.
“One of the girls saw this was a place worth fighting for, and her tears dried.
But the other twin… she could never forget her old home. She rejected every gift. Every opportunity. Stirred up trouble every chance she got.
She convinced her sister to help her steal a raft and leave on the river. Of course, they didn’t get far.”
Clementine’s stomach twisted as the story continued.
“What happened then, Minerva?”
There was a moment of hesitation before the tall girl’s eyes drained of fear, refilling with malice.
“I killed her.” Minerva’s words although quiet, set off an explosive response to those listening.
Confused cries of disbelief came from the teens in all three cells.
“What the fuck?”
“Holy shit.”
“Is that true?”
“You killed your own sister? Why would you do that?” Lilly locked eyes with Clem, sending the girl a sinister stare. This was a demonstration of power. Lilly proving her dominance over the others.
“She was twisting my head with her lies.”
“I made a mistake. I needed to show my loyalty to the place I called home.” Minerva spoke with scary certainty as if she fully believed in the things she was saying.
“You fucking brainwashed her!” Louis yelled, slamming his fist against the cell door.
“You sick fucks!”
“Pull the mouthy one out of the cell.” Lilly called to Dorian before turning back to Clem.
“He clearly didn’t get the moral of the story.”
Clem looked over Minnie’s shoulder, seeing the fear in his eyes as Dorian approached his cell.
“Don’t you fucking hurt him!” She growled, trying to step forward but once again stopped by Minerva and her crossbow.
“Lilly, I’m the one who screwed you over. Do whatever you want to me, but don’t hurt any of them.”
Especially not him.
“You misunderstand.” She sang.
“This isn’t a negotiation.”
The door to the adjacent cell swung open as Dorian stepped inside. Mitch quickly stepped between them giving the taller woman a threatening glare.
“Don’t.” Mitch spit.
“Ey yo, you better get out of the way or you gonna get yourself hurt.” Dorian shoved the boy out of the way, grabbing Louis by the collar of his shirt, cleaver in hand.
Mitch jumped at her, pinning her against the wall as Louis fell back into the cell. Dorian swiped her cleaver at her attacker, slicing deep across Mitch’s cheekbone. Blood began to run down his face as Dorian threw him back into the cell, slamming the door. Mitch grimaced in pain as he pressed his hand to his face, attempting to stop the blood flow.
“Enough of this shit.” Lilly stood, tugging on AJ’s arm as she pulled him away from the cell.
“Dorian, start the boiler. I want us out of here.”
Minerva slammed the door behind them as Lilly and AJ disappeared down the hall.
This ship is going to blow. We need to get the fuck out.
Clementine tugged on the cheap steel, enough force, and maybe she could break the hinges.
“Get the fuck back!” Minerva barked, her voice almost on the verge of tears.
“This is all your fucking fault!”
“Her fault?” Louis yelled back.
“You killed Sophie? What the fuck?”
With Minerva’s back turned, Clementine tried to force the door again. A pair of hands dug into her shoulders, ripping her backwards and pinning her to the wall.
“What are you doing?” The blonde fought.
“You’re gonna get us all killed!”
Violet tried to keep Clementine down, but her thin frame was no match for Clem’s muscle. She tried not to be too rough as she released herself from Violet’s grasp, pressing her forearm to her friend’s throat as Clem pinned Vi against the wall.
“What the fuck are you doing?” The choking sounds caught Minnie’s attention as she unlocked the door to break up the fight.
Wrong move.
Clementine launched herself at the door, effectively knocking the crossbow from the redhead’s hands. Clem landed a knee to the other girl's stomach as she knocked her backwards. She reached out and undid the lock to Louis and Mitch’s cell before Minnie could recover= but, of course, Minerva had gone through the same training she had.
Minerva landed a swift kick to the side of Clementine’s knee, knocking her leg out from under her. She sat on top of the smaller girl, brandishing a large hunting knife and using all of her weight to try to push it into Clem’s chest.
They grappled with each other, Minerva having the size advantage. The tip of the knife dug into Clem’s collar bone, the beginning of her losing this battle.
Mitch grabbed Minerva by the hood of her jacket, pulling her off of Clem and slamming her head against the wall. Unconscious, but alive.
“You guys get the others out of here. I’m going after AJ.” Clem ignored the drops of blood rolling down her chest as she grabbed Minerva’s knife.
“I’m going with you.” Louis insisted, squeezing her hand.
“I promised I’d help you save him, after all.”
Louis and Clementine crept across the top deck of the boat, following that evil woman’s voice as she fed the boy all kinds of lies about Clementine.
“I’ve known Clem since this all started. She had a weak man teach her all of the wrong lessons, the same lessons that would have gotten you killed.”
“Commander! We found these two in the herd.” A girl with close-cut blonde hair revealed two more prisoners.
“Tennessee.” Lilly sang.
“My my how your big sister has missed you.”
Her gaze moved from the young boy to the older one. She ripped James’ mask off his face just as he began to regain consciousness.
“No wonder there were so many walkers.” Lilly tossed the mask aside in disgust.
“Tell me there aren’t more of you?”
“You don’t fucking scare me.” James hissed at the woman.
“They’ve got James and Tenn,” Clementine whispered.
“Shit.” He swore.
“What are we gonna do?”
“The thing about people like him, AJ, is that they’re too broken to fit into a community. They won't fight for anyone but themselves.” Lilly spit on James.
“Kill it.” Lilly ordered.
Oh fuck, James!
Just as the blonde woman pointed her rifle at James, Tennessee grabbed the gun off her belt, aiming it wildly between the two soldiers.
“Stop hurting people!” The boy begged.
“Just give me my friends back, o-or else…”
Lilly stared at the boy, seeing what was obvious to everyone. She bent over, pressing her forehead to the end of the barrel.
“Do it, then.” She called his bluff.
“Save your friends. That’s what you came to do, right?”
Tennessee’s hands shook like mad. What little bit of confidence he had faded as the tears started to drip down his cheeks.
“Oh I see, you came here to cry.” Lilly easily snatched the gun from Tenn, turning it on him.
“You’re not a soldier either.”
Louis and Clem took that moment to spring into action. Louis grappled for the blonde’s rifle as James put her in a chokehold.
Clementine tackled Lilly to the ground. The short girl was easily thrown off, however, her knife skittering across the deck and the gun flying from the woman’s hand.
Clem crawled for the gun. Not fast enough as Lilly grabbed a fistful of her hair and painfully yanked the girl back. Lilly pinned her to the ground, an ugly scowl on her face as her fingers tightened around Clementine’s throat.
Louis wrapped his arm around the woman’s neck, putting her in a headlock and pulling her off of Clem, leaving the girl gasping for her breath. Lilly was still much bigger and stronger than any of them, slamming her elbow into Louis’ jaw and knocking him to the ground.
Just before Lilly could pounce on Clem again, AJ buried Minnie’s knife deep into Lilly’s thigh, brandishing a revolver of his own as she screamed in pain.
“AJ wait!” Lilly cried, looking for mercy in the young boy’s eyes.
“Clementine can’t take care of you like we can. The Delta is your home now. She's trying to steal you away from it.”
“We had a home! You stole us! Just like you stole the twins and made one kill the other.” Clem’s little boy shakily pointed the revolver at the bleeding woman, the ball cap dipping low, almost obscuring his eyes.
“You’re not gonna make me kill Clem!”
“AJ!” James approached slowly.
“She’s been beat, put the gun down.”
“You didn’t see what she did!” The boy argued.
“She took me away and made Clem do a bunch of awful stuff to get me back!”
Clementine couldn’t let this happen. Let AJ take a life? At such a young age? It was something she never wanted him to have to do at all.
I can’t let him kill her.
Clementine stopped thinking, and let her rage take over.
An animal-like screech left Clementine’s body as she threw herself at Lilly. She ripped the bloody knife from the woman’s leg, Lilly screaming in agony, the woman turned to attack the girl, but was unable to dodge her next attack.
Clementine swiped the knife at Lilly’s face, cutting right through the woman’s right eye. Lilly screamed again as she fell onto her back clutching her face, blood gushing from the now empty socket.
It wasn’t enough. The pain wasn’t enough. She needed to feel more. Clementine raised the knife again and again, puncturing the woman’s torso over and over long after she stopped moving. Lilly didn’t deserve to die so soon. She deserved to feel it all. Every stab and slash. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks but she couldn’t stop. The face of every person who died because of this woman’s desires flashed through her mind. Every stab was another soul avenged. Before long Lilly’s chest became nothing more than a lump of blood, mangled flesh, and protruding bones.
Rot in hell you fucking bitch.
Yet still, it didn’t feel like enough. All the torture she an AJ had gone through, nothing could take that back. Clementine raised her knife again, aiming for where her heart would be if this monster of a human being even had one. A firm hand clasped around her wrist. She looked up through her tear-blurred vision to see James staring down at her in horror.
“It’s over, Clementine.” James pulled the bloody knife from her hand, which she didn’t resist.
Louis helped her up, holding her close even though her clothes were soaked with blood.
“It’s over now.” He whispered in her ear as he stroked her hair.
Clementine couldn’t focus on him, instead taking in what she had just done. Lilly now looked as if she had been attacked by a walker. It did not look like the work of a human being.
I’m still the animal she trained me to be.
AJ had never moved through the whole ordeal. The small boy stood soundly with both hands gripping his gun. He hardly flinched at the horrid sight before him.
“She was a monster, wasn’t she?” He asked, his eyes going from Clem to the mangled corpse.
“Yeah, and I stopped her.” Clem was finally free, but couldn’t find the will to smile.
“She’s not going to hurt us anymore.”
She wanted to hug her boy, to pull him close and make him believe she’d never leave him again, but she couldn’t. Not like this, covered in Lilly’s blood.
“We’re gonna go home now, okay Goofball?” Her voice broke as fresh tears cut through the blood that stained her face.
The clatter of the knife hitting the deck made her jump slightly. Clem turned to see James staring intently at the body in front of him.
“You… you ripped her apart.” James gasped in disbelief at what he had just witnessed.
“It was like watching a wild animal!”
“I had a history with her. You don’t know what she’s done to us.” Clementine wouldn’t let him make her think this killing was anything but just.
“She deserved it.”
“Nothing could justify such a slaughter.” He hissed.
A loud boom shook the entire deck, nearly knocking them all to the floor. Black smoke rose from the smokestack as Clementine realized that their borrowed time had run short.
“Oh shit, the bomb!” Clementine tackled AJ to the floor just as the shockwave of the explosion knocked her against the metal wall.
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J.B.B. (2)
Bucky x Reader Fluff
Warnings: Blood, broken jaws, violence.
Wordcount: A lot. A. Lot. But I had fun writing it so I don’t regret it.
A/N: Let me know how you find the chapter so I can give it a better direction as the story follows Bucky’s post-Hydra arc
^J.B.B., ^Part 2, ^Part 3, ^Part 4, ^Part 5, ^Part 6, *Part 7, !Part 8, ^Part 9, ^Part 10, !Part 11, ^Part 12, Part 13
"John Watson. Channel your inner John Watson." You persuaded yourself as you punished the slings of your bag with one hand, making it stick to your back higher than where it usually hung while tightening your other hand around your bottle. "Wait, no. That idiot likes danger. You're supposed to run away from it. God! You stupid girl!" The morning sun was a welcoming sight in the cool winter breeze that would leave cracks in your cheeks if you did not have a good layer of moisturizer slathered on you. But even this cold disturbed air couldn't cool down the heat rising at the back of your neck as you walked closer to the park. The City Park was a five-minute walk away from where you lived. Though it was one of the many parks inside the city, the locals preferred calling it City Park, it is the first to initially exist as a playground for children before the city was modelled. The park covered enough acres to have its own mini forest inside it. You would find it alive with people or their pets at any time of the day you went there. Even at night, one would find couples, students, tourists lost in their own world here- something you had discovered on one of your long walks during the days you would not be visited by slumber. This place had become your bubble of solitude with the starry skies for a roof. "Morning Y/N!" A voice called from behind you. You immediately recognised the voice, the tension in your shoulders dropping a little. "Kalisha! Morning!" Your voice almost cracked as you greeted the patrol officer you had befriended during one of your night outs in the Park. The green-eyed woman, who's African roots reflected through her beauty, would always greet you with a huge smile and kindness in her eyes. She was the same woman who had almost mistaken you for a homeless person lying on the park bench on your first encounter and had cautioned to go away until she saw your face and the tears that had left their marks on your cheeks. That had been one long night where the officer had sat down and listened to whatever you had to say and even bought you hot tea to help soothe your nerves after the breakdown you had. "Headed to work?" She asked, her braided brown hair neatly tied in a bun at the back. "Yes, ma'am," you smiled back before adding, "I just have to meet...someone here before going to work." Kalisha raised a brow at you as her open smile shifted into a smirk. "By someone you mean that guy?" She said as she pointed to a figure standing near the park pond under a tree. The familiar brown shirt, black trousers, black jacket and black cap brought back yesterday's events, making her neck and arms ache at the thought of his arms around you; his body heat emanating behind you, making your stomach weak. You could see him steal glances at you, clearly aware of the woman in uniform standing by your side. "How did you..." Your voice trailed off as you noticed a red ball come to rest by his feet, making him flinch lightly. "I know a face out of place when I see one, Y/N." You couldn't decide whether she was stating a fact or giving you words of caution as your eyes followed the movements of the man in front of you. He picked up the ball carefully and gave it to the golden-haired boy that came running towards him. The little one's high pitched, wide-grinned 'thank you' made the man smile involuntary- making your chest feel something fuzzy in turn. The smile vanished when his eyes turned back to the two of you. He couldn't decide between crossed his arms, putting on the hips of leaning against the tree as he waited for you, making you smile involuntarily. "Should I come with you?" Kalisha brought you back to where you stood. "Huh? Uhh...no. I'm good, thanks Kalisha." you confirmed as you took one lungful of air before walking towards him. "I'll be around if you need me." Kalisha announced, less for you and more for the man in front of her as she eyed him like a cat before walking away. The man took off his cap as you approached him, revealing his face to you for the first time. You confessed to yourself of not having seen such wondrous, soft eyes paired with a hint of a smile on pink lips surrounded by an uneven stubble. The man himself, held his breath for a moment as he saw you come towards him, tucking your hair-that was being teased by the breeze- behind your ear revealing the shimmer of your eyes in the morning sun. "Hi," you felt your voice speak as you finally stood before him, having to look up a little. "Hi," he answered, letting his lungs breathe easy for the first time as he brought forward his right hand. "I'm James." James. You let it run through your mind with the image of the man standing in front of you. "Hello, James. I-I'm Y/N." "Nice to meet you, Miss...uhh...Y/N." You stood there awkwardly smiling at each other till James offered you to sit on the bench behind you, cursing himself internally for not thinking about it earlier. The bench was big enough to accommodate the two of you. You sat down, trying to shift as much as you could to one corner, allowing him to sit beside you. And as he did, a gentle breeze blew towards you, bringing with it the familiar scent. James' scent. Focus, you scolded yourself. James couldn't help but notice the bags under your eyes that you tried to hide under your glasses. He noticed your eyes carry a familiar look behind them- the same look he would see in the mirror as he would wake up from a nightmare, never getting the sleep he craved- thinking to himself when was the last time he met someone who'd been so sleep deprived as to carry the same pain in their eyes as a monster like him. "I'm sorry about last night ma'am," his voice came out of nowhere. "I meant no harm." You really had no idea how to respond to that, your fingers digging into your coat in your lap as you still weighed the option of trusting this man. "Thank you for um...my Tupperware." you finally blurted out, finally looking at him and noticing something you hadn't yet. "Is that...?" You didn't finish your question, making James turn his head towards you only to find your fingers coming for the nape of his neck, making him flinch hard on your touch. "Sorry." You jumped, retrieving your fingers, screaming on the inside of touching someone without their permission. "It looks like a deep scratch. Oh my...did Panther do this to you?" "Who?" He turned to look at you, brows furrowed in confusion, sending a flutter down your spine for some fucking reason. "Right. Sorry. The black cat. He scratches. He's a scratcher." James brought his long pale fingers to the spot you'd just lit up, running them over the wound before running them through his long hair, forcing them to cover it. "It's fine. It'll heal quickly." You tried to hide the embarrassment burning on your cheeks with your own hair before turning to your bag. "I brought your journal. I didn't want it to land somewhere it wasn't supposed to be, that's why I took it with me," You explained handing it over from your tiny looking hands into his giant ones. "I swear I didn't read it," you assured James, whose eyes turned a shade lighter on seeing his lost treasure. "I know," he replied like a reflex action, making you raise your brows in question. "You wouldn't be sitting here if you'd read the all the wacky stuff I've spewed in there." He smiled nervously, lowering his head in what you thought was his way of embarrassment. "Oh good!" You proclaimed to yourself out loud, "I'm not the only one who thinks like that about their journal." James looked at you in confused surprise seeing you smile for the first time. He was not sure what emotion this warm uneasiness in his chest was supposed to be categorized under. "I'm...sorry for stabbing you." You finally confessed. "I didn't think twice ab-" You saw him chuckle, the warmth reaching his sparkling eyes. "It's fine. No harm was done. I uh...I deserved that. In fact, it was very brave of you." He didn't miss the surprise in your eyes. "Really?" Not believing that you could be brave. "Yes," he nodded as he looked at you with a hint of pride before reaching inside his jacket and taking out a roll of worn out leather. "Here," he brought it towards you, "this is for you." You hesitantly took the leather in your hands, fearing it to be some unreasonable gift- the inexpensive types you had gotten in the past that were of no value to you. You carefully undid the single string of rope keeping the leather rolled up and opened it, letting out a light gasp at what lay in front of you. "I accidentally broke your knife yesterday. So, I tried to find something similar but more sturdy for you." The knife in front of you was definitely bigger than the one you had but James was right- that sharp little thing wasn't sturdy. This, on the other hand, had tiny teeth on one side and a sharp blade on the other, resting inside a dark heavy wood that you weren't sure about. "Oh!" Words were failing you right now. The person you had literally stabbed last night, was gifting you a dangerous knife. Who does that?! "Thank you. I don't know what to say," you grazed your fingers over the metal, careful not to touch the edges, "I've never used-I-I mean for defence, of course, anything like this before." "I'm sure your friend can teach you," he acknowledged, casually pointing towards Kalisha, who'd been stealing glances at the two of you from behind the fountain. You couldn't help the smile forming on your face, bringing your fingers to press your lips and suppress as much of it as you could, not realising Bucky followed your every movement even the one were inviting unvisited shivers inside him. The vibration of your phone in your pocket made you sit straight. You looked at the screen to see Gina's name. "I should go," you apologised, turning the vibrations silent, as you got up. He straightened up as we, standing to his full height again, without even a moment's hesitation. "Thank you for the journal, ma'am. And I apologise again for the trouble I caused you." His words came out like a soft tune to your ears. You gathered your bag and coat in your hands. "It's okay, James," your lips vibrating at his name, "I'm sorry too. And thank you for the...uh...knife. Have a nice day." "You too." He answered, his voice wavering a little as he saw you leave, wrapping your coat around you as you went, almost missing the light bruises on your arm where he had held you last night. The warm uneasiness vanished, giving way to a small stabbing pain in his chest. He saw Kalisha leave too but not before she threw a suspicion-filled glance at him. Bucky stood there for a moment, hands tight around his journal, lost in the conflicting thought of him making you smile and him hurting you where the bruises now marked your arm. A regret filled breath left his mouth as he was about to leave when was stopped short, letting out a tiny groan of an inevitable circumstance about to come his way.
The walk towards your workplace was languid one today. You had ample amount of time to get to the bookshop-cum-library and the thoughts running through your head really needed to be organised before you could dutifully submerge yourself in work. James. That name was swirling around in your mind like a silent stream in the mountains meeting a cluster of rocks. Your mind tried to reason with this cold wave in your heart, building up low-key pros and cons list somewhere to see if it was alright to think about him. All the possibilities were laid out by your brain. Stalker, random thug, mafia's muscle, military-man, hitman, black ops, assassin- getting worse by the minute to pull out any tiny thread that would make him a danger for knowing where you lived. You really were scared for a moment before a realisation hit you- what's the worse he could do to you? Kill you? Yeah. And that won't be the worst thing you would have gone through. "Excuse me, miss," a voice next to you brought you back to the sidewalk of the tall buildings rising on the sides. "Could you tell me where this address is?" You took the small note from a pair of wrinkled fingers and read the address. "Oh I know this building." you looked up at the person asking for directions, "it is-" The face in front of you sent a chill down your spine as you tried to gather your nerves amongst the adrenaline rush building inside you. The man, who was being referred to as the 'boss' last night, stood in front of you with a devilish smile on his face. You backed away from him an instant only to run into his subordinate behind you, whose broken-toothed smile scared you more than it should have. You couldn't find your voice to scream for help and so, ran into the only exit you saw- a small alleyway between the two buildings standing by you. Cursing yourself, you reached for the knife inside your coat as you ran, swerving by the garbage bins. You could hear their footsteps rushing behind you despite the loud throbbing of your veins all over your body. "Hans! Get her!" You ran faster at that man's command, looking back at him getting closing the distance between you, only to run into the hurdle you missed in front of you. A pair of hands grabbed the life out of your arms, making you wince. But before any voice could escape into the cold quote stench-filled air of the alley, you were gagged from behind. The torturous arms were that of a six feet five building of a man, ripped everywhere; dead eyes carrying scars all over his face. "Put her in the van," the boss man commanded. As soon as the giant let go of one of your arms to push you towards the white van parked ahead, you got the knife out and went for his leg. His grunt nearly turned into a scream as you brought out the knife and swung it out towards the slim faced subordinate 'John', catching his ear and cheek. The arm that was still in the giant's grasp felt a jolt of pain as the strength in his hands tried to crush it. You winced as you turned towards him with the knife that he easily blocked, doing the same to your wrist until you let go of the one thing that you were holding on to for help. "Get this bitch inside," the boss hissed before turning to the front of the van. The giant picked you up by your hair and the bruised arm before throwing you on the vehicle's floor.
"You really should look around before crossing streets, Missy. You never know who's watching you run out of abandoned buildings at night." Your bloodshot eyes had been blurring and clearing themselves time and again for about an hour now. The cheek that had been hit by the 'boss' to stop you from resisting them pounded with pain. The cable ties dug through your wrists as they ran around the armrests of an old wooden chair they'd brought out from somewhere in the building opposite your house. They'd brought you back to this place. It was obvious to you what they were planning; you were soon going to accompany the poor fellow that was lying in the basement inside some body bag. Great, you thought to yourself, the one time I decide I wouldn't really care if I die today and some force somewhere moulds that specific thought into a reality. How convenient. Your phone vibrated on the table beside you where your blood smeared knife lay. The boss picked it up to show you the name on the screen. Gina. "I'll just text her you're busy. Is that okay sweetheart?" You felt your stomach nearly regurgitate at his cooing voiced smacking your ears with poison. You didn't look at him as he swiped away with the default text. "Boss what are we waiting for. Just kill this stupid slut already," John announced as he winced while covering his slashed side with a handkerchief. Your lips found a smile building behind the gag around them on seeing your handiwork on John's face. "Shut up, John," Boss snapped, taking your knife in a handkerchief and wiping it clean. You gulped at the flawless shining steel glistened in your eye, flashing all the Law & Order episodes that had anything to do with a knife. Two men entered the room and stood by the door with identical bags, making your heart race at the thought of your limp body inside them. Fuck. Your hands and feet wriggled inside the cable ties, cutting through at every harsh graze as the blood rushed to your brain to let the gravity of the situation seep in. "Did you get them?" the boss asked without taking his eyes off your knife, making of the new men open up their bag and produce another bag that he carefully placed on the table and unrolled. Your breathing grew erratic at the site of medical grade knives, forceps, syringes, cutters and slicers. This was worse than the Law & Order episode you had running in your mind. So much worse. "Now," the boss finally turned towards you with your knife pointed at your vein in the wrist, grazing it slightly with cold metal, while still covering the handle in his handkerchief, "answer my question sweetheart. Hmm?" Your eyes stung as the sweat running down your forehead entered and mixed with the tears in them. "Was anyone else here with you last night?" James. Your mind called out the name like a final prayer. You shook your head. "Good," he nodded, "good. I believe you." "Anyone know what happened here?" You shook your head again. "Does...Gina know?" Your lungs ached at the thought of Gina being heard. You shook your head as a whimper left your mouth. "Good. So you are the only one who was present here last night." You nodded, letting the tears fall down quickly. "Well, that was easy." He announced to the room before coming behind you as he carefully angled the knife on your dominant wrist. "I promise," he whispered into your ear, placing the tip where the vein was visible, "this will be quick." Oh for fuck's sake, you prayed in your head as you closed your eyes, if there is some stupid force looking out for you, please do something. "Here we go." Clank, clank, clatter. You jumped at the sound. So did everyone in the room, guns and knives drawn out. "Must be the cats," John mentioned casually, still pointing the gun at the door. Something had fallen down from an upper storey near the foot of the stairs. "Smith." The boss commanded, still standing behind you. You saw Smith walk out of the room for a moment, kneel down for something and come back with something shiny in his hand. You recognised it the moment he brought it forward to show to his boss. You weren't able to breathe as you tried to make sense of what was going on. "A broken knife? Who is this son of a bitch?" "I'll go take care of it." Smith's silent footsteps creaked the stair boards till they vanished two floors above. There was dead silence. All five of you waited with unspoken tension to hear something. Anything. A loud thud came from the entrance as Smith's body landed on the foot of the stairs, his neck twisted at an unruly angle, gazing into the room. Your mind went into a spiral of curses as the men around you rattled and took positions, aiming for the entrance, forgetting about you all together. The boss went to the table leaving your knife and picking up his gun. The giant placed himself with the wall, to land a surprise attack on whoever was out there while John stood aiming his gun at the door and the third guy did the same while shielding the boss. Your arms were shaking with fear as the silence grew louder around you. A creak of the stair boards alerted everyone, causing a reflex action inside you, making you wince through your gag to alert whoever was out there until a cold barrel rested on your temple, the boss shushing you with his finger to his pale lips. The creaks grew closer, making the giant loaded his firearm carefully, ending with a click. Silence. The wall around him broke as an arms came for his throat and dragged him back through the hole. Moments later the familiar figure in brown jacket and black trousers entered the room throwing the giant's gun right into John's forehead with uncomfortable ease, knocking him over as he blocked a shot aimed for him with his gloved hand and went on to throw the man at his left into the wall behind you, tearing it apart as well.
"Jbss," you mumbled through the gag, half relieved, half terrified. His eyes settled on you as his gloved hand moved on its own in front of his face to shield him from the endless silenced shots aimed at him by the boss, who kept moving closer to him to get a better shot. "Jbss nnhh!" You tried to warn him, as the boss drew closer to him, only to have the gun locked into his hand as it crunched in between his palm like a soda can. Bucky's eyes never left you. He kept moving closer to you despite your warnings, a fire igniting inside him on the fresh bruise he saw forming around your cheek. "Who did this?" He asked, his voice controlled but his eyes giving the building rage away. You saw his hand come forward towards your throbbing cheek, before pausing at a safe distance. Your eyes met his again before going towards the boss, who was recklessly trying to reload his gun. Bucky did not waste any time. He picked up an incision tool, driving it straight into the boss' shoulder as he stuffed his mouth with a rag and punching him just where it had hurt you. The latter screamed his soul into the rag as his gun fell from his hand. From where you sat, it looked like he had paralysed the man. He was quick to cut your hand ties with your knife and removing the gag from your mouth, instructing you to take a mouthful of air. "Breathe, Y/N. Brea-" A grunt left his mouth as John stabbed him in the upper back. Leaving the knife in your lap, he landed his elbow into John's face, turned and landed a punch into his jaw. You got your feet free and shoved yourself onto the man who had come out of the broken wall and was aiming a knife at Bucky. The man, in turn, shoved you down, his knife aimed at your chest before you felt yourself sliding away, slashing your knife through his calf muscles as Bucky brought you to himself, before attacking the man- who was now throwing curses at you- in his stomach and liver with perfect precision and ease before punching his voice box. "Who the fuck are ya?" The boss finally stood up taking the gag out of his mouth, his shoulder drenched in his blood. You kicked the gun away from the man as you backed away from him, your cheek burning just by looking at him. Bucky didn't utter a word, his breathing controlled and silent as he stepped in between you and the man, his long hair nearly masking his face. He walked towards the boss, startling him for a moment before he took out the man's phone from his pocket and brought it towards him. "Call your cleaning crew and tell them to clean up this mess." There was hesitation in the man's eyes for a moment before he took his phone and did what Bucky said. "How long before they arrive?" "Ten minutes." "Good," Bucky acknowledged before punching the man unconscious. You were pretty sure he was dead already.
"We should get out of here." Bucky stated as he picked up your phone, bag and coat and handed it to you. "Come over to my place," you responded without missing a beat. "Wh-" "You are in no condition to go around without grabbing attention to yourself. And I know for a fact you don't have a place to stay right now." Bucky didn't negate your words. "Come on," you said before stopping with a sudden jolt, "wait" confusing him for a moment. "Take off your jacket." He looked at you with questionable eyes. "Please, James, just trust me." And he did. You took his blood-spattered jacket and gave him your black coat to put on. "Glove." You gave him your pair out of your bag, "Yours is ripped. I can see the metal." Bucky couldn't help but be surprised at how your mind was working through the shock right now. You unfolded your green shirt's cuffs to cover your bloodied wrists and unfolded your jeans into your boots to hide your ankles. Taking your belongings, and Bucky by the arm, you moved out of the building. You crossed the street, him following behind you, both of your trying to be as low-key as possible. You thanked all the Gods when no one greeted you at the entrance, allowing you to quickly move toward the elevator. Ding. "Y/N!" Your heart came up to your throat as Micheal- Mr Kline's husband- stood in front of you in the elevator. "Hi, Michael!" Your voice trying to sound the normal enthusiastic self as you dragged Bucky inside the elevator with you, making Michael bring up so many questions in his mind. "What the hell happened?!" The glass walls of the elevator showed you your dirty clothes and coloured cheek while the only scratch visible on Bucky was the one left by Panther. "R-Rugby." "What?!" "We had a-a rugby match today. My friends and I. I took a pretty hard hit to my face. It isn't as bad as it looks, but uh...everyone was really worried about me. So...my friend... James brought me home." You wrapped your hands lightly around his arm to display some, if not overly, casual affection between the two of you. James nodded at Michael, you gave back a relieved nod. "Be careful honey." "I will."
The elevator door shut back up, leaving the two of you to breathe again. "Fuck." You rubbed your eyes under your glasses not believing you lied so easily to one of the two people who considered you as their daughter. The elevator moved slower than its usual pace making you tense up on the thought of meeting someone else on the way before Bucky's face in the mirrored wall distracted you. "How did you find me?" Bucky looked back at your reflection trying to form some words before giving up and bringing forward something in his hand that was away from you. "You forgot your bottle at the Park. I'd come here thinking I'd leave it at the reception but those suspicious looking goons distracted me." Your brows shot up in surprise as your eyes tried their best not fall out, the proceeding silence between the two of you making Bucky worry.
A tiny ‘huh’ burnt your voice box before you shut your mouth. No sooner a snicker left the back of your throat before it turned into a laugh, taking him by surprise. "All those people back there are messed up because of my bottle." You laughed again. Bucky joined you this time.
Let me know how it was before heading over to Part 3 :)
J.B.B., ^Part 2, ^Part 3, ^Part 4, ^Part 5, ^Part 6, *Part 7, !Part 8, ^Part 9, ^Part 10, !Part 11, ^Part 12, Part 13
@lost-and-wandering-alone @imsunnysu @vxidnik @sebbies @nilokoniloki @unknownuserhasjoined
@greenarrowhead @magiclolipopqueen @choke-me-sweet-pea @classy-swiftt @smexylemony @hazzastyles2471 @lokis-lady-death @lokixme
(Send me an ask if you’d like to be tagged in J.B.B., Loki, or all fics. xx)
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noddytheornithopod · 5 years
Well, started Chapter 5 and... this is a LOT to take in.
So we start out with awkwardness between Shuichi and Kaito over the last chapter. Maki can tell there’s awkwardness, but Shuichi lacks the confidence to know what to say.
So one of the new rooms we discover is Kaito’s lab, which is pretty cool. Kaito’s also still dying it seems.
We see a weird new electronic place with a room that houses the Exisals.
We get a tease of Rantaro’s lab... and it’s locked. If someone dies, the lab is locked.
So we only find a file on the Gofer project using Ultimates as its participants and no memory flashlight.
Kaito requests to look in Maki’s lab, and he becomes really insistent on getting out (which we see is because he’s dying). I thought he was maybe planning to kill Kokichi, but as we see later, it’s not the case. Maki’s disappointed we failed to make up though.
Okay holy shit, Shuichi seeing Kaito and Maki together reminds him of him and Kaede. Great job hitting me in the feels, game.
Speaking of Maki, I was able to succeed in two free time events with her (I botched two others lol). So it turns out the group she was hired for was a cult organisation that neither her nor anyone in it, they just were hired to kill people. She also talked about one of her first missions where she had to kill the daughter of some Yakuza guy because she was feared to gain power, and they talk about how she was unfortunately hired to do the job even as she technically did nothing wrong.
So Kaito’s plan wasn’t a killing... but way more befitting of Kaito: he and the others team up to escape and fight Monokuma if necessary. Mysteriously, Kokichi FINALLY appears after being missing for so long, and gives them electric weapons created by Miu to neutralise the obstacles in the escape tunnel. Kaito doesn’t trust him and Maki has a go at him, but eventually they agree they have to take the chance.
So they make it out and... Earth is even more fucked than before. Everyone is dead. :v Kokichi then explains everything: the disaster regarding the meteorites caused a virus that was wiping out humanity. The last survivors of humanity were the 16 students in this game, and the Gofer Project was to send them all into basically an ark to salvage humanity. However... one of the students wanted the project to fail, being part of the cult organisation who believed humankind deserved to die out. And to the surprise of... pretty much nobody, the mastermind behind this killing game is Kokichi Oma.
Honestly Kokichi being the mastermind isn’t that surprising, but the way he reveals himself is pretty dramatic. He just emanates evil. And “the world is mine” is pretty much his admission that since everyone else is dead, he pretty much runs the show now.
I love how he mentions that Kaede had the right idea just to rub their defeat into them. If she was able to get Kokichi instead of Rantaro, they could’ve ended things it seems... though as I’ll say later, I think there’s still more to come.
Kaito tries to fight back, but he’s powerless against the Exisals: Kokichi, being the mastermind, doesn’t need the Monokubs to control them. He’s captured which really upsets Maki, especially as Shuichi is forced to hand over the Exisal shutdown remote to stop Kokichi from killing Kaito.
So a whole lot of nothing for a while, huh? It really does give you a feeling of despair, lol.
Okay so now things get REALLY interesting: as if Kokichi’s bombshell wasn’t enough, a flashback light is left for the remaining students (presumably by Kokichi, which is really suspect). It then finally connects everything to the rest of the series: it recaps the first game and the tragedy, but then it gets deeper.
So basically, Danganronpa 2 and 3 are summarised by explaining the battle between hope and despair raging across the globe (apparently half the world was destroyed). Of course we ended with Danganronpa 3 ending the Remnants of Despair and Hope’s Peak being rebuilt (a story decision I disagree with because Hope’s Peak is fucked up as seen in DR2 but that’s 3′s fault, not V3′s... wow this could get confusing)... but this is where things get interesting. This is how V3 comes into existance.
So basically, we get the threat of the meteorites and the virus they carry that wipes out humanity. Just as we think the Remnants of Despair are over, this apocalyptic event causes a spike in them and they make a massive comeback, overwhelming the Future Foundation. It turns out Makoto Naegi, the remaining Future Foundation members and the revived Hope’s Peak are the ones behind the Gofer Project, and of course the plan to salvage humanity hinged on... literally the only 16 students alive, who just so happened to be immune to the virus. Problem is... these students didn’t want to abandon everything, all their lives and loved ones, so they fled the Gofer Project. They had their memories wiped so they would live normal lives. Problem is... as they were seen as humanity’s salvation, the Remnants of Despair began the Ultimate Hunt to find and eliminate them. This lead to their deaths being faked by the Gofer Protect, and the students then had no choice but to participate.
Then Kokichi brought in Monokuma and fucked it all up, because nobody realised the leader of the Remnants of Despair would be one of the sixteen students (that’s a pretty big oversight, I guess Kokichi was able to outsmart Kirigiri and all the other super geniuses, lol). Monokuma brought the ship to Earth (it sounds like he can work on his own now, tech advancing and all, lol) and this awakened the 16 students from cryosleep... and this is when the killing game in V3 began, apparently centuries after the extinction of humanity. Kokichi really wanted to end humanity in the worst way possible: by having humanity’s survivors kill each other.
So this is a lot to take in... but I still have questions. First of all, we don’t know how Rantaro fits into all of this. Monokuma implies his ultimate talent is a big deal, so it’s definitely going to fit into things somehow. There’s also his really mysterious message, with the words “you wanted this killing game” particularly sticking out. It seems like the “wanting to die with everyone else” refers to the students wanting to stay on Earth, but we still can’t rule out Rantaro’s line.
Okay... so who were the people who kidnapped them at the start? Why did they awaken as their fake identities as normal students? Did cryosleep fuck with their memories? I mean, their memories were obviously wiped relating to the Ultimate Hunt, so maybe some weird mix-up occured, and that’s why the Monokubs had to make them remember their talents.
So Maki stole one of the electric grenades from Kokichi as she threatened him, nice. Also she’s REALLY concerned about Kaito. She totally likes him, Himiko even points out she’s clearly concerned and she gets all flustered. :P They then plan to stage an attack on Kokichi and rescue Kaito, but they have to wait first (even if Maki wants to go in... wow, she’s picking up Kaito’s headstrong recklessness lmao) to recharge the hammers to break into the Exisal room where Kaito is held.
Tsumugi is mentioning Gonta a lot... yeah, I think she has a thing for him :v
Okay, so it’s obvious Kokichi let them see the flashlight connecting everything, so it seems like he’s got a bigger game in mind. He claims to have gotten bored of the killing game, but I feel like he’s not done yet. Also... this supposed big reveal is in Chapter 5 and not 6, so clearly something deeper is going on. Besides Rantaro, we still don’t know why Kokichi has the rule about the game ending when two students are left.
Look even if I’m not a fan of Hope’s Peak being rebuilt I’d love the idea of Kyoko being Shuichi’s mentor. :P And then her and Makoto see Shuichi and Kaede and they’re all “aww they remind me of us when we were younger”. Okay, I bet something will come and ruin this.
I’m not sure who’s gonna die at this point. It will either be Kokichi, Kaito or Maki at how this is going. Guess I’m gonna need to keep playing, heh.
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kv-r18-fics · 6 years
Hideout Sin
It’s a fic I’ve written a few months ago, enjoy!
“Stop right there! I’m ordering you to stop!”
 It almost felt like forever since those words were spoken. Zack and Rachel were racing down the city, weaving through different crowds and obstacles to evade what was chasing them. They were simply going through town, that’s all, Isaac was even wearing a disguise of sorts to help him move through the busy street, yet, despite all that effort, a cop still managed to gain suspicion.
 The very moment an officer beckoned for Zack to come towards him for a better look, the bandaged man threw Rachel over his shoulder and bolted hard for it. Isaac was not going to stop until he could no longer hear his pursuer, after all, he had tons of stamina to spare, and he was willing to leap over fences to evade interrogation. Rachel watched Zack weaved through a few more crowds of people until he made a sharp turn in an alley, running deep through the claustrophobic areas, until he did manage to clear a small fence. The voice of the officer chasing them was growing fainter with each step, and she could no longer see anyone chasing them anymore.
 “Zack...I think they stopped, you worn them out,” Ray said.
 “Not gonna take my chance, Ray…” Zack replied, then eventually slowed down to catch his breath, “we’ll chill here a bit and keep a lookout.”
 He set Rachel down as he listened carefully, what was one voice was now multiple, trying to find the supposed suspect they wanted to question. Not the first time Zack had to flee from police, technically, he still was after breaking Ray out from the psych ward. After a prolonged period of silence, getting chased by the authorities again gave him one hell of a rush, he could still feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins.
 “I didn’t think they’d remember who you are, after so long,” Ray mumbled.
 “...Cops stop anyone that looks shady, wasn’t gonna take my chance with ‘em...then again, fuck cops in general,” Zack replied, “god, my hands are still feelin’ twitchy.”
 Rachel glanced to Zack, seeing that faint shakiness in his hands, she knew it wasn’t from fear, but from excitement - a typical fight or flight response to their current situation. They waited there for a while until Zack could no longer feel that tension in the air, even Ray could sense him relax a little.
 “You think they’re gone?”
 “Prolly...haven’t heard any commotion in a while,” Zack replied.
 “Think it’s safe to go?”
 “Y-Yeah, we can just sneak around, where it’s less busy…” Zack said.
 “Okay...let’s get going.”
 Rachel was ready to walk off, but Zack stayed behind. The woman turned around to see him pressing his back against the wall, refusing to budge.
 “...What’s wrong?”
 Isaac was hesitant to reply.
 “...I don’t wanna say…” Zack muttered.
 “Did something happen?”
 Zack groaned in the back of his throat, turning his gaze away from Rachel with an embarrassed expression on his face. She may not be able to see the man blush, but she can feel the shy heat coming from the man’s face.
 So, she lowered her voice to lessen his sheepishness, “Hey...you got to tell me, so I can help you out.”
 Zack grumbled yet again, “...Fuckin’ andrenaline...of all the times this could happen, it couldn’t pick a worst one…”
 “What do you mean?”
 The man hesitated to reply again, “...Can’t exactly walk with a boner, now can I?”
 Now, Rachel’s face was the one to turn a shade of red, that quickly explains Zack’s evasive and shy behavior. It also made some sense in a way, Zack was talking about feeling that huge rush of adrenaline coursing through his body, that chemical stimulant making his blood pump to take the best course of action for self preservation. It seemed during their time to hide out, the blood had nowhere else to course through when needed, since his legs were now stationary. The blood started to rush elsewhere, causing his bodily reaction.
 “I-I see…” Ray mumbled, then walked up to Isaac, “hey...don’t be ashamed about it. Sometimes it happens, it’s not your fault.”
 Zack grumbled again, but felt Ray place her hands on his cheeks, and gently peck at his lips to reassure him.
 “...I can still make myself useful to you, Zack…”
 The man froze immediately, noticing that tone in Rachel’s voice - it was seductive.
 “F-Fuck, Ray…” he muttered, “...d-don’t go talking about yer’self like that...I-I mean...if you wanna help...then I’m cool with it…but, do it if you want to...y’know?”
 “Alright, then I’ll correct myself,” Rachel replied, “...I want to help relieve you of your problems in any way possible…”
 Isaac’s heart raced, feeling his pants get even tighter, as Ray’s eyes showed a strong glint of desire on them. He couldn’t resist them, not when she looked at him like that, it gave the man goosebumps. Zack brought his hand up, placing it behind Ray’s head and pulled her in for a kiss, deepening it within seconds. Ray returned the kiss, parting her lips a little to invade the man’s mouth, and hearing him hum out a pleased purr.
 As they reluctantly parted lips, they stared into each other’s eyes, the couple had that passionate glimmer, along with a strong need emanating from them. To further Rachel’s intentions to aid his bodily burden, her hand slid down, slowly unzipping Zack’s hoodie to let her have a good feel of his firm chest. Her digits glided down to fondle his abs, then moved further to dip her hand into his pants to explore further beyond that.
 Ray could feel Zack’s hips writhe in response, as if beckoning for her attention the moment her fingers ran across the stubble along Zack’s belly.
 “R-Ray…” Zack murmured, “...f-fuck...I don’t wanna be loud and get their attention…”
 “I’ll do my best to show some restraint, then,” Ray whispered, letting her fingers graze against the bulge concealed in the man’s boxers.
 Zack inhaled a startled gasp, then quickly covered his mouth. He doesn’t want to get caught, he doesn’t want Ray to get caught either. This isn’t the first time they’ve gotten frisky in public either, but this was too public for them. His eyes quickly scanned the areas, hoping to god there was no windows near them, then he quickly peeked around the corner of the alley to make damn sure no one was around to hear his eventual muffled moans.
 “Keep watch...I’ll handle this…” Ray spoke, then slowly brought herself down onto her knees.
 Isaac could feel the rumble of his zipper being undone, along with the button that held his pants closed, he wants to watch every second of Rachel pleasing him, but he’s got to be on guard. Just being unable to watch what was going on, while trying to stay quiet made Zack a little antsy, Ray could even hear Zack’s uncontrolled breaths. She kissed at the unwrapped portion of Isaac’s abs to help him calm down a little, giving him that sense that she knows what she’s doing and she has everything under control, so he should just lean back and relax. Ray reached up to grasp Zack’s hand, and gently placed it on top of her head, to give Zack that grounded security he often needed when she pleased him.
 Satisfied with that, her fingers began to dig into the opening of Isaac’s trousers, finding the slit of his boxers, and carefully guided the man’s erection out into the open. Zack shuddered as soon as he felt that draft on his body, then peeked at her from the corner of his eye. He wanted that first glance of her pleasuring him, before he had to refocus his attention back on any potential pursuers.
 Ray gazed at Zack’s hard member, and was surprised just how the man’s rush of adrenaline excited his body. He normally got erect like this when he was very horny, or Rachel managed to tease him to this aroused state. Ray still couldn’t help but admire the man’s virile anatomy, she leaned up to kiss the very base of the shaft, feeling Zack flinch immediately from the sensation. She wished she could let her fingers run all over Isaac’s cock, but now was not the time and location, the man needed some relief for them to go back to safety.
 Zack’s breath was getting frantic again, he was filled with anticipation, but also frustration - he wants to watch her so badly. The man kept a hand firmly planted at his mouth, making sure to muffle any sounds about to come out from him. Then it finally happened, he threw his head back slightly, uttering out a groan as soon as he sensed warmth begin to encase his aroused member. Ray could feel Zack starting to throb already in her palm, and she barely had yet to move, she only wrapped her lips around the head.
 “Ngh…” Zack mumbled.
 He wants to say her name, but he knew his attempts would only come out as stifled hums in his hand.
 Ray noticed the growing heat coming from Zack, and it encouraged her to slide her mouth a little further, taking him in some more, while her hand could do the work at the base. Now that she was set, Ray slowly moved her head, sliding her mouth on him back and forth in a slow, but gentle motion, while giving Zack a share of light suckles. Isaac was already humming his sounds from the sensation, that hot and soothing stimulation gathering at his thighs. Ray’s mouth, her lips, and her tongue was all working together to please him. Zack’s hips fairly bucked a couple times when Ray’s lips grazed the edges of the head, while her tongue caressed and glided underneath, all the while, her suckles added a sensation of tightness.
 “H-hnn...ha…” Zack panted.
 Back and forth Rachel moved her head, letting her mouth suckle and stroke Zack’s hard cock, and finally, she could taste that flavor coming from him - the lustful sample of his precum.
 Ray hummed her own pleased sound, she’s tasted him time and time again, yet she could never get enough of Zack’s flavor. Zack could feel Rachel start to pick up the pace, his legs were already shaking from Ray’s tongue grazing all the right areas on him, and trying to keep a lookout was starting to prove difficult. Zack’s eyes squinted hard at times when he needed to let out a raw moan, and other times he kept glancing right back at Ray, watching her suckle and slurp on his stimulated cock.
 “R...Ray…” he managed to grunt.
 His fingers ran through Ray’s hair, while trying his best not to let himself get lost in the ecstasy coursing through his body right now. Zack’s body was starting to respond accordingly to Ray’s actions, his hips began to roll in light motions, as if trying to gently thrust in her mouth. Isaac shuddered to feel those pleased hums on his body again, his cock throbbed in Ray’s mouth the more he felt her slippery suckles on him.
 His vision wanted to haze, his body wanted to succumb, and he wanted his voice to be free. Rachel’s firm sucks felt too good to just not cave in to. Most of all, he just wants to say as many dirty things to her that was on his mind - like how good it feels, and how amazing Ray is when she pleases him like this, something to coach and encourage her to continue sucking on him so good.
 Isaac could feel Ray start to bob her head much quicker again, making Zack utter an aroused groan in the back of his throat, heat was swirling within his loins, along with that stimulating tingle whenever Rachel reached the head. His hips couldn’t stay still, his body was screaming for him to fuck her right now, the best he could do to remedy that is roll his hips a little more. Heavy breaths and hums were the only sounds Zack could emit, his cock was pulsing much more wildly this time, and he could feel that growing pressure building.
 Despite the fact that Rachel wanted to aid Zack real quick, she still couldn’t help but get that need to indulge. She did love to please Zack and make him feel good in every way possible, just hearing his vulnerable and raw moans, along with feeling his bodily responses to her actions aroused her so. Ray slowly pulled her lips back, with her hands continuing it’s hasty strokes, with Isaac looking the other way, she was free to do as she pleased.
 Isaac did notice the lack of warmth surrounding his cock, but he couldn’t turn his gaze back to watch what Ray had in store, a couple passing shadows did get him a little nervous, which left him staying alert with what was around the corner. Suddenly, he felt a slow glide along the head of his member, he hummed out a desperate groan in the back of his throat, and threw his head back. His legs quaked, and his knees threatened to buckle from the surge of pleasure pooling between his legs. Ray was leisurely dragging her tongue along the very lip, lapping every drop of the man’s precum as her tongue grazed the sensitive nerves on the man’s body. Zack’s eyes clenched tightly, almost feeling tears well in the corner of his eyes from the stimulation becoming so overwhelming for the man to handle.
 Ray was savoring Zack’s trembling, loving how weak she could make Isaac become, given his inhuman strength. Her tongue lapped and swirled along the head, taking her sweet time to let the pleasure continue to build. Zack couldn’t stop shaking, even the hand planted on Ray’s head was trembling through her golden locks. She was teasing him again, it sure as fuck felt so good, but he hated when she did this. It filled Zack with pleasure, but mostly frustration, as it didn’t satisfy the man, despite how amazing it felt.
 He needed to get her to stop.
 “Mmh...R...Ray…” he muttered.
 Rachel’s blue eyes glanced up at the man she was pleasuring.
 “...F-fuck...s-stop…stop with the fucking teasing...nnhh...j-just suck me off already…” he grumbled.
 Ray began to plant a couple butterfly kisses along the tip, giving Zack that loving glimmer in her eyes when he finally glanced down at her. Zack knew she was trying to play innocent, it was amusing, and he couldn’t be mad at her. Isaac’s fingers gently combed through Rachel’s hair, then he gently pressed her a little to give her the hint that she needed to go back to what she was previously doing.
 “I couldn’t help it...I just love when you get like this…” Ray muttered, leaning close to gently suckle on him again.
 “N-nh...yeah I know...f-fuck...wait til we’re home…”
 Ray hummed in reply, increasing the pace in her strokes, feeling Zack’s cock throb in her palm, while maintaining it’s hardened sensation. Her lips enveloped him yet again, and began to bob her head to pick up the slack from indulging herself. Zack’s hips slowly moved yet again, gently rolling to thrust his excited length in Ray’s mouth, keeping it a careful pace to match her sucks. Isaac’s muffled groans slowly shifted into pleased purrs, getting that sense of satisfaction again, from Rachel’s suckles and her eager strokes.
 That heat and pressure continued to grow, along with that familiar ache of reaching his climax.
 “A-almost there...mmh..”
 He tried so damn hard to keep his whispers quiet, yet audible for Ray’s ears only, but it did the trick. Rachel picked up the pace once more, knowing just how needy Zack got when he was on the verge of coming. Isaac’s moans would turn more desperate and breathy, his hips would try to thrust as quickly as possible to push himself to that edge, only for restraint to frustrate him, and his member would grow hot as it pulsed wildly in her mouth. Not only that, there was the surplus of precum continuously seeping out onto Ray’s tongue.
 Just as she thought, Zack began to react in the manners she had memorized, those breathy and elongated moans, with those sounds of desperation to them. The quickened yet stiff movement of his hips to try and sate the need to fuck something, along with the ever growing heat swarming in her mouth. She could feel the throbs too, wild but strong, signalling the man’s need to cum arriving.
 It got to the point where Ray let go of Zack’s shaft, letting both hands grasp Zack’s hips to allow him to gently thrust in her mouth. She hummed another moan to let the sound vibrate on the man’s cock, doing what she can to keep Zack pleasured.
 Ray was eager, she wanted every drop, as she continued her suckles and slurps.
 Then she heard the stifled grunt, that vocal signal that Zack could feel that pressure on the verge of releasing. Isaac’s body was threatening to stiffen, he sensed tightness in certain areas, such as his muscles, and around his member. He huffed out yet another groan with the jerk of the hips, getting ever so closer to toppling over the edge. Once Isaac’s body was unable to keep up the thrusts to prepare for ejaculation, Ray went in to pick up the pace, bobbing her head to help Zack enter that period of bliss.
 Soon, Isaac’s vision hazed, and the world around him disappeared. Trying to silence his climatic cries was difficult, it required both hands to keep his mouth covered. Rachel could hear Zack’s muffled sounds of ecstasy, she wished she could hear the real thing - just thinking about it was starting to arouse her. Soon, her mouth began to fill, she could feel those intense spurts of warm and sticky liquid entering her mouth with every hard throb to push the flow even more. Rachel breathed out a satisfied moan as she sampled Zack’s pure taste, and slowed her suckles to gently prolong Zack’s orgasm. All the while, stroking every bit of his release with her lips.
 Once Zack was starting to come to reality, his body immediately relaxed its tension, and shuddered tremendously. His legs, his hands, his torso couldn’t stop shaking. As he pulled his hands back, he noticed the abundance of slobber collected on his bandages. Isaac panted heavily as he blearily focused his attention down to where Ray was, watching her suckle the last drops from him, before pulling back for the final drag of the tongue to catch that last bead of white.
 With her mouth full, Rachel carefully wiped her lips as she quietly swallowed the contents in her mouth. Watching her do that still surprises Zack to some degree, but it does arouse him as well. She finds his pure taste desirous and would take every drop of him, even though Zack found it to be a sticky mess.
 He slowly brought a hand down to gently grasp Rachel’s chin, tilting her head up to look at him. Zack gave her that smile of approval, even trailing his thumb along her lips to show he was turned on that she swallowed him. She was so sexy and tempting right now. At this point, he didn’t give a shit about heading back home, he hasn’t heard much alarming noises during his blowjob, pretty sure he won’t hear more while he fucked Rachel senseless.
 “Stand up for a sec, babe…”
 Rachel slowly got up to her feet, dusting the dirt that collected on her pant legs, then faced Isaac.
 “Was that good for you, Zack?”
 “God, you fuckin’ know it…” Zack purred, then leaned to swarm her neck with kisses and licks. “Y’ made me hard again ‘cuz yer’ so fucking good at suckin’ me…”
 Rachel faintly blushed, “Well, that puts us in a spot...I thought pleasing you with my mouth would be enough…”
 “I got an idea…”
 He pulled back, then pushed Rachel to the wall, watching the startled look on her face as she was now put in the same position as Isaac. Zack kept a smug grin on his face, then brought his hands to Ray’s hips to have her turn around, he held onto her hips tightly as he leaned close to nip at the nape of her neck.
 “God you’re so damn sexy, Ray…”
 His fingers started to slide down, rubbing against the crotch area of Rachel’s pants, and feeling her flinch.
 “I don’t wanna wait...I wanna fuck you right here and right now…”
 “Mmh...what if I get loud?” Ray whimpered.
 Isaac brought his hands back, and began to tear at his bandages with his teeth, freeing his hands from the wrappings and gently pressed his digits against Ray’s lips.
 “Suck on ‘em if you get too loud.”
 His fingers caressed between her legs again, giving her that sensation of Zack’s presence and intention, and feeling her shudder with the curve of her hips only fueled his teasings. Rachel did want Zack right about now, just everything that occurred as she gave him a blowjob made her desire to have Zack inside her. Hell, even wild foreplay would suffice, as long as it was Zack making her quake in delight.
 Zack began to nibble at Rachel’s neck again, bringing his hand down to unbutton Rachel’s pants, and push them down her hips, Ray wanted to help, she began to use her feet to remove her shoes and freed a leg to enable her to spread them wide enough for better positioning during sex. Pleased by Ray’s actions, he nipped at Rachel’s ear, and pushed her panties down, letting them fall to her ankles. Once she freed herself from the undergarment as well, Zack helped move her legs apart to prep Ray for what he was about to do to her.
 Slowly, Zack began to roll his digits along Rachel’s womanhood, letting them feel at her sensitive outer lips to let her body crave for more touches, Ray huffed out a soft moan at first, and gently motioned her hips to rub against Zack’s hand.
 “Mmh...like that?”
 Ray’s response was a soft purr, letting her hips roll back and forth every time Zack caressed her. Her body was desperately needy for any sort of attention right now.
 “Fuck, I love when ya’ get like this…” Zack whispered, “especially when you move like that as I touch ya’...like yer’ gonna cum any second…”
 Rachel was letting out huffs of frustration, she wanted less talking and more touching to be done.
 As Isaac rolled against the woman’s lips a little more, he began to dive his fingers in, letting his digits glide against the woman’s slippery folds. Ray felt herself wanting to let out a loud mewl, so she began to slide her mouth over Zack’s index and middle finger.
 “Damn, yer’ so wet too…” Zack mused, “makes me wanna skip the foreplay and get to the fucking…”
 Ray shared the same sentiment, and let her teeth nip at Zack’s fingers to show her impatience. Zack wasn’t going to have her feisty attitude just yet, he knew how to subdue her. Rachel’s legs quickly trembled as soon as Zack rolled his digits over the clit. Zack let out a devious chuckle as he continued, rolling and juddering his digits to keep her stimulated and weak, just like how she did to him. He could feel her juices start to drip from his digits. Zack leaned back a little to bring his hand up to sample her, leisurely licking at his digits to get every lustful drop he collected.
 The woman panted out hot breaths, then let out a frustrated whimper, she gently suckled on Zack’s fingers to try and get his attention again, only to hear Isaac let out a soft chuckle.
 “I’m not forgetting you…”
 With his digits nice and clean, he brought it down to grasp at his hardened dick, while letting his foot nudge against Rachel’s, signaling her to spread her legs open a little. Ray quickly complied, positioning herself to stand slightly wide-legged, giving Zack plenty of room to slide himself inside of her. Isaac inched his hips closer to hers, and began to nudge the head inside Ray’s heated sex. Already, Ray shuddered from the intrusion, reveling in the sensation of Zack’s heat filling her up. She uttered a groan in the back of her throat while Zack continued to slide himself in her, but being as needy and impatient that she is, the woman quickly pushed back against him.
 “Christ, lemme put it in myself…”
 He felt her nip again, making Zack let out another chuckle. Oh well, at least she helped him free a hand, now that he was inside of her. He leaned close to start claiming her neck again, and if he was going to talk dirty to her, he may as well whisper it. His hand went back down between Ray’s legs, and let his digits slip back between her dripping lips to play with her bundle of nerves. Rachel whimpered yet again from Zack’s fingers teasing pleasurable jolts from her, but she nearly buckled when he began to move his hips.
 Ray nearly called his name a couple times, only for Zack’s fingers to prevent her from speaking. She wants Zack to hear her call him by name, she wants Zack to hear that he and only he was making her feel so good, she wants her voice to drive him wild like it often did, but they were both stuck in unknown territory.
 Isaac pumped himself inside of Ray, starting off that slow pace at first, but he was having that feral side kick in, just by being in this position - he wants to bite at her, hold her tight, and just let his hips slam wildly into hers. Ray tried to grip at the bricks lining the wall she was pinned against, her head tilted back a little as she hummed another long moan. Feeling Zack drag his hard cock inside of her was making her mind spin, and with Zack’s fingers adding extra stimulation, it was hard to restrain her voice.
 “Mmh...god...yer’ tight too, Ray…” Zack whispered, “but you’re also takin’ me in so good…”
 That dirty talk again, every time he spoke such lewdness, it left her sexually frustrated, like he knew it goaded her to fuck him harder. She quickly pushed back against Isaac, making the man slam inside of her, and causing her to quiver.
 Zack breathed out his own share of moans while his hips continued the erotic motion, but feeling Ray push back against him so desperately caused him to nearly yelp a couple times.
 Soon, Ray began to use her tongue to evict Zack’s fingers from her mouth, huffing out a couple deep breaths, but finally finding her voice to speak.
 “Z-Zack...nh…” she whimpered, “...t-turn me around…”
 “Turn me around…” she begged, “I want to look at you…”
 Zack didn’t want to pull out of her, not even for a brief moment of repositioning, but hearing that pleading tone in her voice managed to convince him. Zack pulled back for a moment, suckling his digits to clean them again, then slowly pulled out his arousal from her. They were both clearly wet from their moment of union, and once Ray turned herself around, they quickly locked eyes on each other. There was no predator/ prey mentality that often occurred during their intimate moments together, they were both in that predator mentality, like either one wanting to assert dominance over the other.
 Ray wanted everything from Zack, and Zack wanted to make Ray cave from every bit of pleasure he could give her. Zack approached Rachel yet again, but felt the woman immediately pull him to shove him against the wall. The man was startled that she put him in her previous position, but he wasn’t going to let her without some retaliation. He smirked slyly, and grabbed at one of Rachel’s legs, placing it at his hip as he held it in place. It left Ray standing on only one leg, but at least it kept her spread nice and open for him. At this point, Ray didn’t care, it wasn’t the first time Zack fucked her so widely open before. One hand coiled around Zack’s shoulder, while the other hand grasped Isaac’s throbbing member, holding it by the base, and guiding it to enter her once again.
 The man huffed out a soft moan as he rolled his hips to slide himself inside of Rachel, then brought his hands to Ray’s buttocks, seductively teasing her by squeezing and groping her supple cheeks. They were both turning each other on from this strong energy of dominance surrounding them.
 Ray leaned close and began to press her mouth against Zack’s throat, using her teeth to tug off some bandages to expose his skin. Then she began giving it a firm suckle, desiring to leave marks all over his most vulnerable spot. Zack let out a soft purr as she did it, then exhaled a sharp gasp as Rachel began to roll her hips. In this position, she has the room to fuck Isaac in return, and she did so without hesitation.
 With Rachel’s slippery heat sliding to and fro on him, he used his hands to push her deeper on his cock.
 “Ray…” Zack whispered.
 She lightly bit at Zack’s neck, hearing that soft hiss from the pinch, then let her tongue drag along his skin. Her hips slowly moved much quicker in pace to get that pleasing friction to knot up again.
 Soon, she pulled herself up whisper into Zack’s ear, beckoning his name over and over again, with Zack’s body throbbing in an aroused reply. His grip on her tightened, she could feel Zack’s fingers press hard on her skin, probably having that chance of leaving bruises. At this point, she didn’t care, she continued her whispered moans and whimpers once Zack’s thrusts complimented her own movement. It was partially wild and heated, but also trying to stay as restrained and secretive as can be. She was literally dripping from arousal and sexual stimulation, Zack could feel it as well, it wasn’t often for his woman to get this wet - it was clear that Rachel was strongly desiring Zack, all of him.
 “F-fuck, Ray...I want ya’ all to myself...you hear me?” Zack growled, “no one else is allowed to have you...and I want the world to know it…”
 That sexually charged talk of possessiveness, she knew damn well what Isaac meant by that, since he had his own way of showing how he could claim her - in some occasions in at marks along her neck and body, especially around her thighs, but also he shows it by wanting to cum inside of her. Something about having a piece of himself left inside of her turned him on so much, even if it left her a mess from being unable to keep it in, it still was his sign of saying - she’s mine and mine only. Rachel always anticipated this, secretly, she liked when Zack did it, because it was him that was filling up inside of her. That sensation of being so full of him. Even when he did pull out of her, Zack never really left. That’s why she often stocked on a share of morning-after pills, or other contraceptives of the sort. They both want that primal intimacy, but nothing else that biologically followed - not yet, at least.
 “Then hold me up…” she commanded, nudging Zack with her knee.
 Isaac stared at her for a second, then grinned at her, she was giving him the control again. Rachel wrapped both arms around Zack to hold herself up, and felt Zack quickly pick her up. It’s rare for Zack to fuck her in the position, but he fucking loved when he did. That show of raw strength he had, while Rachel was literally helpless as he fucked her, all she could do was hold on tight and take it in. Once gravity pulled Ray down, she felt herself take in more of Zack, making her whimper in a pleased tone.
 He was ready to fuck her senseless.
 Within seconds, Isaac began to gyrate his hips, gliding his member inside of Rachel at a swift and untamed pace. If he was going to claim Ray all to himself, he was going to work for it. Ray let out a sharp gasp, then tightened her lips to whimper out her desirous moans, she coiled her legs tightly around Zack’s hips to have every inch delve deep inside of her. It wasn’t just Zack’s hips doing all the work too, Isaac let using gravity and his strength to his advantage, bouncing Rachel’s body on his hard cock to further intensify the erotic friction between themselves.
 “Zack...a-ah...Zack…” she whispered in Zack’s ear. “Mmmh...”
 Zack could feel Ray’s delightful throbs all around him, that tightness as Zack reeled his hips back and that slippery looseness when he pushed himself back in, she was eagerly accepting every bit of sensual pleasure given to her. Embracing the man’s growing heat, and firm hardness that grazed every sensitive nerve within her quivering walls.
 Her reactions pleased Zack greatly, making him thrust inside her much faster just to feel her helpless squirms.
 “Mmh...good girl…” he purred.
 Ray’s heels were digging into Zack’s pelvis, pushing her hips further on him to make sure her body would never disconnect from his for even a second. Her hot breaths collected on Zack’s neck as she buried her face in it, she was desperate to stay quiet, but damn, she just wanted to let Zack’s ears ring with her passionate cries. Isaac wanted to hear her erotic singing as well, but how her body desperately responded was satisfying enough, Rachel’s hips squirmed in an attempt to move with him, try and get him to slam as hard and deep in her as he could go and graze every spot inside of her that made her shudder.
 “Zack…” she whimper again, “...I-Isaac...f-faster…”
 Rachel was feeling the pleasure knotting up within her, she’s getting so close to reaching that peak, all she needed was more speed to really spark that heated friction. Isaac wasn’t going to hesitate to comply, she got very tight when he fucked her with such speed. The wild pace and her throbbing tightness what what Isaac needed for his own climax to arrive. The head of his cock was feeling just as pleasurably squeezed as he often teased her by nearly pulling out, as if her body was screaming at him not to disconnect, and when he slid himself back in, that sudden envelopment of heat was enough to make the man sigh out a feral moan.
 They were both close, doing everything they can to reach that edge. Zack paused for a moment to catch his breath, then held Rachel’s hips close, he was preparing himself for those final wild thrusts. Even Rachel could sense it, her arms held onto Zack tightly, along with her legs, knowing the pleasure was going to numb her. With the two of them secure, Isaac let his hips go, immediately pumping his throbbing dick as fast in her as he could. Ray almost shrieked from the sensation. He was sliding against her throbbing walls, and overloading her with so much pleasure. It was also making the growing stimulation ball up much faster than that usual teasing growth she almost felt, Isaac was making absolutely clear that he was going to claim her.
 “Z-Zack…” she whispered, her tone was slightly harsh. As if she was silently shouting his name.
 “A-almost…” Zack growled, “almost there...mmh…”
 She could feel it, those familiar hard throbs and strong heat filling her, his body was signalling his coming orgasm, while her body was responding their own. She was incredibly tight and wet, her body couldn’t stop shaking from the pleasure, and her hips writhed relentlessly to get Zack to fuck her harder. Both of their restrained noises were going much more strained and desperate, like they were clinging ever so tightly on each other to jump over that edge together.
 They knew their cries were going to be loud, so very loud that the police chasing them would hear their sounds of passion. Isaac quickly bit down on Rachel’s shirt, choosing to let the cloth muffle his aroused growls, while Rachel buried her face in Zack’s neck.
 Ray could feel those first couple of strong throbs, while her own body was finally starting to cave into the pleasure, they were both getting the first sensations of their climax before it really took hold of their bodies.
 The couple immediately got that mental sensation of ascending into the clouds, while their bodies felt like an uncontrollable wildfire, then the pleasure finally released itself. Both Zack and Rachel let out their own share of stifled cries, Ray huffed out lost whimpers, while Zack uttered prolonged growls, almost tearing Rachel’s shirt with his teeth.
 It wasn’t just the climatic sensation that took hold, Rachel felt herself overflow from the pleasure possessing her, while Zack had that sensation of a strong need to release that pressure he had building within the base of his spine. Zack’s hips slowed down their gyrations, the pleasure was making it difficult to move at his regular wild pace, it seemed to be enough though, it kept Ray high up in the cloud much longer, as well for himself. Not only that, Ray’s tightness also helped tug Zack into finally let that pressure go.
 Zack hummed out a few satisfied grunts as he could feel himself cum, spurt after spurt, filling his woman up as he promised. Rachel shuddered yet again, she could feel Zack’s load spilling into her with every gentle movement of his hips, she pressed her heels into Zack yet again, making sure he was going to give every drop to her. She wanted all of Isaac.
 Slowly, the pace decreased even more, until Zack stopped moving, he leaned a little against the wall, holding onto Rachel tightly so they both could catch their breath.
 Drops of Isaac was starting to escape from her, Rachel managed to arouse Zack with her desirous behavior that he came much harder than when she sucked him off. Still though, Ray was feeling more than satisfied that she felt so full of him.
 “Zack…” she whimpered.
 Isaac stared at Rachel, and leaned to tenderly kiss at her cheek. Even though he just came, he couldn’t be completely sure that it left him entirely spent. He began to gently roll his hips yet again, sliding his cock in and out to tease every single drop that still remained inside him.
 “Mmh…” Rachel purred.
 Slowly and carefully, Zack began to set Ray’s legs back down, letting one leg find the ground, while he held on the other, keeping her supported by grasping her hip. Rachel’s legs did feel wobbly from the intense pleasure she endured, but she knew Zack would do anything to keep her from toppling. She buried her face in his neck as she allowed Isaac to empty himself before finally pulling out.
 Eventually, rational thought return to Isaac, and now he came to the realization that Rachel was put in a spot. There was no way they could get up and go with her filled with his seed. He still had her nice and spread open for him, keeping her other leg in his grip, while his hand held her up. He needed to readjust to have her supported, so he could have a hand free. He motioned the leg to coil around his hip again, finally freeing a hand to get to work.
 Ray was still trying to regain her senses, then suddenly felt Isaac feel at her clit again, making her tremble, and try to close her legs on reflex. Zack wouldn’t let her drop her leg to close them, he knew what he had in mind.
 Zack continued the erotic strokes of his fingers, rolling against her clit, feeling those faint throbs under his fingertips. He could hear Ray whimper and huff in a frustrated tone, while squirming to shy her hips away from his digits. Soon, she could feel Isaac spread her sex open, and let out a gasp as she could feel the liquid in her start to trickle out.
 “Z-Zack...n-no...it’s coming out…”
 “That’s th’ plan…” Zack said with a slight growl.
 “Nh...n-no...don’t, Zack…”
 Zack wouldn’t listen, he kept her wide open to let himself spill from her.
 “Ya’ helped me out of a spot, now you’re in one too,” Zack replied, “...so calm yer’ tits...we can do this again when we get home…”
 Ray was feeling desperate and also very selfish, she didn’t want any drop of Zack to leave her, but he did have a point - there was no way they could head home in the state Zack put her in. Besides, he already proved his words by claiming Ray all to himself, and he was damn sure to do it all again. She had no other choice but to let Zack help her out, shaking from his touches, and letting out faint moans. With Zack’s digits rolling and rattling Ray’s bud, he could see that familiar expression of pleasure starting to take hold.
 “Mmh! Nnghh…” Ray grunted, trying to stay quiet as a smaller orgasm engulfed her.
 Isaac kissed at Ray’s temple, making sure she wouldn’t collapse, and allowed her to compose herself as she caught her breath. She was no longer filled with him.
 “All good, Ray?” Zack whispered, “...ready to take off?”
 Rachel softly panted, “Y-Yeah…”
 “Good girl...now, pull yer’ pants up...we’ll be heading home…”
 He slowly let Ray’s body relax to stand completely, and even supervised her to make sure she could redress herself without stumbling over her feet. Once Zack and Rachel buttoned up their pants, the woman suddenly felt Zack give her a playful smack on the rear. Ray immediately flinched, but stifled her surprised yelp.
 Isaac lightly chuckled, then kissed her temple yet again, “That was fuckin’ great, Ray...once we get home...I think the next round will be even better…”
 “That’s if we ever get home...if you keep talking like that, we both might end up back to square one.”
 Zack let out an amused snort, “Smartass...alright, then we should hurry the fuck back.”
 “With no cops to chase us home this time.”
 “We’ll have to find that out...let’s hurry,” Zack retorted.
 “Lead the way, then…”
 The two left the area where they relieved their lustful needs, and kept a sharp eye out around every corner of the alley. With the both of them in the clear again, the couple hurried out of the bustling part of the city to head to the place where they called home. It was quite a thrill, but the two seemed to have no regrets with what transpired, they enjoyed that brief moment of passion together, and were eager to do it all over again.
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