#but so far they have been treating the tragedy with appropriate weight. which was a gripe i had before
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sabo-torao · 5 months ago
Small disclaimer before you head in: this whole post will be referencing the TCB translation. I know VIZ handled the exchange I'm discussing differently, but I couldn't find anyone who talked about the original version and as a result I don't really know who is closer to the original meaning. In any case, the "analysis" should still stand. Whether Dragon was commenting Sabo's firmness or admiring his resolution, Sabo's still putting on a mask, and that's the point I'm trying to break down. Enjoy!
This very specific interaction between Dragon and Sabo in chapter 1083 has always stuck out to me.
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"My, you really are unshakeable."
which is an appropriate response to what Sabo said, of course. What kind of sensitive person reacts that way to the death of an innocent, right?
Even so, I can't help but compare the thing Sabo said to his actual, genuine reaction to King Kobra's death.
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He's devastated.
Sabo brokenly screams Kobra's name, and his expression is one of full despair; he never thought about killing Kobra, let alone letting him die. On the contrary, he actively tried to save him.
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Kobra told him to just let him go, that he was dead weight and he shouldn't be concerned about him, but Sabo straight up refused. In fact, Kobra's actions read way more as a sacrifice than an inevitable death; the king let himself die, knowing that this way Sabo could flee and reach Vivi and Luffy safely.
On the Lulusian ship, we see Sabo think about Kobra's last words to him and actively trying not to cry (and failing).
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That's not an unshakable man. He's suffering, he's grieving. He realizes he failed his very own mission of saving the king and lets the meaning behind Kobra's actions and words sink in.
It really puts his former reaction into perspective.
Sabo's firmness, seriousness and coldness in front of Dragon and Ivankov are nothing but a façade. He acknowledges that what he's about to say might come off as harsh, and that, even if he does feel sorry for Kobra, the tragedy doesn't weigh him down thanks to the results it brought, but it all sounds like he's reassuring himself more than actually showing his indifference.
Hell, he even drinks his glass of wine right after having said that "he doesn't really care". How can anyone take his words seriously?
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And we've been knowing Sabo is inclined to do this sort of thing since Dressrosa; he acted all cool and composed in front of Luffy but the second Koala called him on the Den Den Mushi he was weeping, having a hard time believing that his little brother didn't punch him or hate him for being alive all along. He even denied he was crying!
All because Sabo hates being seen as vulnerable, especially in front of the people he thinks he has to be strong for (Luffy, Dragon, etc). It's something I think goes back to how his parents treated him, since they scolded him for, y'know, having emotions and being a normal kid in need of love, but i digress.
I once saw someone describing Sabo as a very cold person in comparison to his brothers, even going as far as to say that Sabo doesn't care if people die if it means achieving the Revolutionary Army's goals (using this very interaction as proof), which couldn't be further away from the truth.
Bonney even says outright that it's weird seeing a "radical revolutionary" act so friendly when Sabo helps her out. Why would he do this if all he ever did was for "The Cause"?
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Yes, Sabo is ruthless, rude, violent at times, and his friendly demeanor could be seen as a little more volatile than that of his brothers', but he's not heartless. He's not a "meanings to an end" guy, he proves it time and time and time again, and it's disheartening seeing people label him as such.
Sabo is kind. He may not be as warm as Ace and Luffy, but he is fundamentally a good person. A generous, kind, caring, sensitive person.
No matter how hard he tries to hide it.
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tarhalindur · 4 years ago
The Tragedy of Madoka Kaname
One of the most common charges leveled at Homura, especially in the context of shipping arguments, is that the relationship between the two girls is unhealthy because Homura keeps overriding Madoka’s agency.
It’s not entirely wrong.  But it’s also not quite right, either.
Looking over everything again, I rather think that at least in the main series this is partially missing the point, and in the most ironic of ways - most of the accusations about Homura denying Madoka’s agency are, in fact, ignoring Madoka’s own agency.
After all, Gen Urobutchi is notoriously a fan of hamartia - tragedy wherein the downfall of a character flows directly from that character’s own personality and flaws.
Madoka Kaname is not immune to this.
(Spoilers go under the cut.)
There’s a few keystones to Madoka as a series, but the one that’s been drawing the most of my attention is the Junko-Madoka conversation in episode 6.  Which does get noted by the fanbase, but there’s one line in particular in the context of Madoka not knowing how to make mistakes that strikes me as critically important and that doesn’t get talked about that often:  “The more responsibility you have on your shoulders, the fewer mistakes you can make.”
Junko, as is often the case, pairs being a perceptive judge of her daughter’s character with a understandably very poor assessment of the situation her daughter is in.  That line is Madoka’s own hamartia: twice during the series, Madoka makes a small mistake in a situation where all the weight of the world is on her shoulders, with disastrous consequences.  (Whether Madoka intended to make either or both of those mistakes?  That’s an interesting question.  It’s possible.  To quote the other Junko line that sticks with me from that conversation, “sometimes, if you’re in a dead end with no way out, making a big mistake is an option”.)  The second is the strongest argument for the existence of Rebellion.  But it’s the first one that’s relevant here: Madoka’s request to Homura in episode 10 not to let her turn into a Witch.
A completely understandable and even noble request, on the surface. 
There’s only one problem.
To wit:
A) Madoka is a show that benefits massively from shifting interpretative lenses, nowhere more so than in scenes like this.  (This applies to Madoka’s second mistake, too - the show is meant to be looked at both through a Christian lens and through a Buddhist one, and the mistake is only visible through the latter.)
B) One very old take on magical girls as a genre, dating back IIRC at least as far as Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura if not a decade further, is the magical girl transformation as a metaphor for puberty.  And we can be quite sure that PMMM is using that take - as Kyubey himself tells us in one of the most infamous (and infamously hard-to-translate because Japanese pun) lines of the series, “in this country they call girls ‘shoujo’, so for girls who grow up to be ‘majo’ is it not appropriate to call them ‘mahou shoujo”?”... operative words “grow up”.  (Madoka can be very, very unsubtle when it really wants to make a point, and this is a case in point.)
Therein the problem: from the perspective of PMMM’s version of magical-girls-as-puberty, Madoka’s request can be neatly rephrased as follows: “please don’t let me grow up”.
Homura agrees to this.  (This in turn is a mistake on her part, of course.  Even setting aside everything else - and as I’m about to get into, that would be a mistake itself - I’m pretty sure it’s counterproductive to what Homura really wants deep down; given the archetype she’s trying to wear and her comments to Madoka in 11, I suspect Homura would be happiest protecting an equal.)
Everything else flows downhill from that.
It’s why Madoka becomes increasingly timid (on the surface, anyways) and unable to do anything at the same time that Homura outgrows (or, more accurately, appears to outgrow - again, parallels) her early-timeline self and becomes increasingly assured and self-confident - as Homura grows up, Madoka is regressing back to a childlike state.  (I am, of course, not the first person to note this.  But I’ve never seen anyone else note that you can set aside Homura’s agency entirely and still get this result because it’s the logical consequence of Madoka’s own request.)
And it’s why Homura disregards Madoka’s agency.  By asking Homura to not let her become a Witch(/not let her grow up), Madoka has inadvertently placed Homura in a parental role over her.  And a situation where a child under your care is unwittingly doing something fatally dangerous to themself?  That’s exactly a situation where it’s considered acceptable and usually outright praiseworthy to override the child’s agency.  (Something Homura is likely quite familiar with given her health issues.  Which stands in stark contrast to basically everything else about parenting, given the strong implication that Homura’s parents are either absent or dead.)
And finally, it’s also part of the problem that Homura runs into.  After all, there’s one problem with trying to prevent someone from growing up.  It doesn’t work.  Entropy triumphs.  (With one notable in-universe class of exceptions... and oh would you look at that, that exception class is exactly what Madoka eventually turns to to make good her request.  For herself and everyone else.)
(The payoff, of course, is Homura breaking down during her conversation with Madoka in episode 11.  For what’s probably the first time in subjective years, Homura treats Madoka as basically an equal, trusting her with an explanation of the actual situation.  And it works, albeit indirectly; Madoka manages to figure out a solution to the problem after Homura does this.)
(Note also the implicit contrast with Madoka’s other non-biological maternal figure in the series, Mami, whose role is instead to push Madoka to grow up.  There’s a reason for the Homura-Mami fight in Rebellion.  And I note a couple of existing things suggesting Mami will have a prominent role in Walpurgis no Kaiten...)
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soyouareandrewdobson · 5 years ago
Alex ze Pirate Mini Review 4: The EED: Emotional Exposition Dump. Or why THIS is not friendship
So here we are. The last part of this 45 page three parter, meant to be about what Sam really means to the crew. And what have we seen so far in the previous parts? That Sam is not just their underappreciated, but downright exploited slave (yeah, did you know that in ancient Greece slaves supposedly had more rights than Sam in this one? At least they could buy out their freedom one day), that Dobson has no idea how to genuinely pace a story, turning what could have been a decent 100 page story if planned out and presented with more care into a 45 page short snore fest and that Hat Andy’s idea for jokes are either based on abusing token buttmonkeys, turning annoying memes into even more unfunny jokes or making dark comedy with dead orphans.
At least when South Park makes jokes about children dying, they are appropriate in that dark setting and the death is still in some way handled or refered to as a horrific event. In Dobson’s case however, it just leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth.
Sorry, I just can’t get over the orphanage thing. If Dobson wanted the reason for Sam leaving be that he finds out someone he cared about from his old life is dead, that is one thing. But did this asshole have to destroy an entire building with countless victims to do it? Couldn’t he just have one person die and the rest be still at that place? Honestly, I think it would have been funnier and more meaningful emotionally, if Alex and Co actually interacted with people from Sam’s past and in doing so learn more about him as a person, by genuinely visiting a still standing orphanage. Give the comic some meat on the bones and in doing so actually create the impression this comic is truly about Sam and not just about characters doing random stuff in relation to finding him. Instead Dobson goes for a literal overkill, which he then does not even treat as a tragedy but as a joke.
Dobson, THIS is a better and more dignified joke about orphans than the shit you did.
You got outclassed by Chuck Lorree of all people on this planet, you disgrace of a storyteller. A storyteller who can’t even keep his own barely existing continuity in the Alex-verse straight, now that I think of it. After all, according to Legends, the orphanage was closed and all the orphans were sold out to others, with Sam being the last of the litter
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Which again is just unintentionally more horrific than Dobson likely intented. But you know, dumb people don’t know when they do dumb shit.
But I digress Let us just get into the last part. In which we finally see the “emotional” pay off of everything that happened so far.
 Spoilers, this is my reaction to that pay off.
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And here is what everything led up to now.
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 Sam ran away, because he wants to say his final farewell to his sister figure, we never knew about at all and about whom we do not learn one single thing really.
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 Where do I begin with how this revelation fails?
Let’s start with the fact that this in execution does not have the emotional impact that was intended. And why is that? Because Dobson doesn’t bother to actually introduce us to the sister as a character.
If I may digress a bit to talk about One Piece here: In the manga, oftentimes Oda will “interrupt” an ongoing story arc to feature flashback chapters, through which he tells about past events referenced in the “present” chapters prior. Through those flashbacks he further gives meaning to why in present time the characters facing certain foes or having to win in their current situation, is so important, even on an emotional level. In short, those flashbacks are no interruptions, they are integral in giving those story arcs emotional weight.
Because now we are not just “told” why we should care about things and people, we have been shown why we should care. The old rule of “show, don’t tell” being followed on.
A good example from a more “recent” storyline I can think of, is through the flashback chapters of the Dress Rosa story arc, where we are not only being shown how De Flamingo took over the kingdom of Dress Rosa and brought pain and misery over its people for years to come, but also the past of characters such as the gladiator Rebecca and Mr. Soldier, her father figure that raised her up from the time she was 10 and De Flamingo took over… only for the flashbacks to also reveal properly how Mr Soldier is not just a father figure for her that took her in, but her biological father Kyros, who had been turned into a toy by one of De Flamingo’s henchmen via a power, that also took Rebecca’s memories of her dad away so she never identified the toy as her dad.
This way Oda achieves multiple things at once; Among other things, he establishes how evil De Flamingo is, how tragic Mr Soldier and Rebecca’s lives really are, adding to us the readers wanting to see them and Luffy beat De Flamingo into a pulp and it makes the later “present day” moment when Mr. Soldier and many other victims turn back to normal and Rebecca regains her memories and is reunited with her dad so much more sweeter. Cause now we care.
Truth be told, I myself believe that Oda is one of few storytellers on this planet, who truly has “mastered” the technique of emotional flashback storytelling.
A technique Dobson could have used in this part of the story, but didn’t. Cause honestly, the way he tells how Sam’s sister was “important” to our poor cabin boy is not emotionally engaging from a storytelling perspective. We are told she is important, but we learn genuinely nothing about her, not even what her name was and what she looked like except from that one picture in the locket from over 15 pages ago. Nothing about how “close” she and Sam truly were is revealed through showing, only telling and as such we don’t even begin to care for her relationship with Sam and how her loss is genuinely important to him. So the main goal of this story, to make us the readers feel something for Sam aside of pity for how he is treated by his supposed friends, has not been achieved.
 … Dobson, you are a hack. You can’t even use flashbacks, a basic technique in the realm of storytelling, to show us why we should “care” more, heck, even at all, about Sam and his loss.
If you just had adjusted a few things, you could have had something good here.
By adjustments I mean the following: Take the first page of this chapter as well as the first panel of the second page, and combine them into the final page of the previous chapter. In doing so creating a proper cliffhanger for part two. Then start chapter 3 of with a few pages (lets say 6 or so) showing young Sam and his sister interacting in the orphanage in doing so turning her from a nameless plotdevice into a genuine person to care about. And then use content of page 2 and 3 of this chapter, to elaborate on their relationship, potentially with small cuts always between present day Sam at the grave explaining himself and saying his farewells, with pictures of the past showing what they meant to each other.
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 But nope. This very basic idea a fanfic writer now has come up with, a fanfic writer who never studied literature or took writing classes by the way, something I doubt you did at college the more I read your work, has never crossed your “superior” mind.
Also, I find Sam’s text on page 3 really, really backwards in a way. Like, I get that we are meant to consider it a good thing Sam is this way. You know, being genuinely selfless and wanting to make others happy. And don’t get me wrong, generosity and selflessness are virtues I hold in high regard. But the way Sam talks about how he just wanted her to be happy while sacrificing any fulfillment of basic needs for himself feels more like a pathological disorder in that case than something to reach for. In fact, psychology speaks from different forms of generosity and the thing Sam describes here is likely “compulsive giving” or “unrelenting generosity”, a pathological variant that can be highly toxic for all people affected by it.
Funny how Dobson, a person who wants to claim he is all for mental healthcare, is essentially “promoting” the positivity of a psychological disorder via Sam.
 Then again, this also feels more like Dobson putting words into Sam’s mouth (in a literal sense) to retroactively make Sam’s treatment look less horrid. Cause now Sam doesn’t just do all the work because he is ordered around, he deep down is “happy” doing all of the work and gain not even some basic respect in return, because he cares so deeply for his friends.
… I feel myself get livid again here.
And the next few pages don’t really help me “calm down”.
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 Cause now the “justifications” just go on. The thing that is meant to be a heartfelt farewell turning into Sam “justifying” that hey, it must be good that he ended up with Alex and her crew. Cause after all, by being abducted years ago and being treated as a slave who in the ginger’s eyes is worth less than lint, he likely avoided dying of shitting his pants and a crushing roof. Ignoring the fact that he was going to be sold out anyway back then and would have potentially ended up with a more generous master than the crew of non Captain Syrup.
Also, just all of the shit going on in page 6. Sam asking his “sister” to be at peace, when likely, if the girl could still talk, she may even just ask Sam the following: Who the heck are you. Cause really, if you think about it, if Sam did all the nice things for her in secret, did the girl even realize she had a “big brother” figure to watch over her? Also, him saying he is happy and he is doing quite alright for himself?
All the pictures of him sighing and looking in misery in this story alone, plus the cavalry of strips I posted about how Sam is abused in the first part of this post series tells me another story.
Finally, Sam’s message “At least now, we are both free”? Sam, she is dead, likely having died in pain when a house crushed on her, weakened by a deadly disease and traumatized by other children around her dying of said disease. And you are stuck with a bunch of people that haven’t shown to care for you up until this story and the only reason they may even care for you now is out of “sympathy” because you lost your sister figure, not because they genuinely love and care for you as a person. As far as I am concerned, you would be better off being the slaveboy of some nymphomanic pirate princess in the world of Berserk than you are on this plane of existence.
And now that the “emotional” farewell is out of the way, Dobson can go back to focus on the characters he really cares about in this shit anyway: Little Bitch Annie, lesbian chocolate rain Miroku and Deadpool’s pubes.
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 Oh Alex, you are such a rascal. You really make me want to shoot you with a crossbow, stab you in the eye, hurl you out a window and shove explosives where the sun won’t shine.
Yeah yeah, you are a pirate, but that doesn’t mean you need to be that awful as a person or even protagonist.
Christ. For someone who complains how toxic Walter White is to the point he believes “sympathizing” with the character turns you into a nazi, Dobson certainly is blind to how awful Alex really is, particularly as protagonist in a comic series intented for little kids. Compared to her, I can think of freaking slasher movie villains with more of a moral compass. Like say what you want about Jigsaw, at least he never victimized genuine children or teenagers.
And Talus, thanks for ruining the “emotional” moment Sam “earned” by pointing out how weird it is he kissed a gravestone. Also, I am glad I know what happens in the next pages or else I would assume Alex’s great idea includes to dig up his sister and turn her into a life sized doll for Sam to cuddle.
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No, their ideas to assure he is emotionally save and to redeem themselves for years of taking him for granted/hurting him, is to throw him a surprise party.
… you know, I think you may be the only individuals in fiction, that Pinkie Pie would think do not deserve to throw a party or get one thrown for.
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 But I guess Sam is just so nice, he even throws you a party for no apparent reason.
Either that or now that his “sister” is dead he will overcompensate even more and this is the next destructive stage of his compulsive generosity.
… Sam, I am sorry for your loss. But you need to get help. Once by the authorities who will hopefully get rid of Alex and then by some psychologist who helps you redefine your own self worth.
By the way, I find it funny that the banner he made also actually only mentions Talus, Atea and Captain Daphne with a bad hair day. It just confirms that Peggy either never bothered to join the others or that Dobson developed an early onset of dementia and totally forgot about the fact that the midget is a genuine character in this trainwrack. And I am convinced the later is the case, which really just makes me wonder how someone is able to do that. To forget a major character of the thing they create and want to turn into a money making franchise. Imagine if Disney did e.g. a sequel to Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, only to forget about the god damn dwarves themselves.
At least Talus finally realizes he is unworthy to get a party thrown or be Sam’s friends. Good. Now jump into a wood chipper and free ourselves from your existence you dog beaver thing.
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Content of the next page in a just alternate universe… Alex: You are a better human being than I could ever be and this is all because my creator is a hack who does not know how to create genuinely likable personalities.
The reality:
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 FUCK YOU, ALEX! FUCK YOU AND THE BIKE PUMP YOU FLEW IN ON! Atea and Talus have learnt more than you about what it means to be a friend and they don’t even bother to punch you in the face for still being the biggest red haired  raging cunt since Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
If this is how Dobson thinks “friends” should treat each other, it is no wonder he has a friendless background. Hey, Hat Andy, if you want to emulate manga, may I suggest you just become even more blatantly about it and simply copy paste One Piece? Cause Luffy at least knows how to be a friend. How much does he care for his friends, strangers and even at times former enemies of his?
He cares so much, that e.g. when a special military force that beat the crap out of him got hands on his crewmate Nico Robin, he did THIS:
He declared war on the world government. Fuck, even Jack Sparrow, who is an opportunistic jackass, in a movie where everyone stabs the others at least three times in the back, was less selffish than Alex, when he gave up his chance on immortality as Captain of the Flying Dutchman, just so Will would live in some form.
Metalbeard from the Lego Movie cared more about doing the right thing than anyone in Alex the pirate did. You created the worst friends and “heroes” I have ever seen in a webcomic since the entirety of sinfest. Congratulations for that accomplishment, Dobson. It really takes a special kind of anti-talent to show such level of not understanding the power of friendship as one of the most basic tropes in storytelling, to the point a show about pastel colored equines managed to profit of it for nine years.
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 WOOOOO! We are the worst, we are the worst!
And look, Uncle Pennywise’s scrotum is back.
Anyway, here are the last two pages of this thing, to end on what is meant to be a whimsical note because Sam actually gets something from Alex that is not a beating or verbal abuse.
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 Too bad anything that would feel heartwarming about this is drowned by a) me actually remembering all the shit Alex, the crew and the writer pull to get to this point (from abusive neglect of the characters to pathetic emotional manipulation on a narrative level) and b) the weird rapey face Uncle Peggy makes in the picture. Like Jesus, did Dobson try to emulate the Burger King here?
But hey, this story is over. And who knows, perhaps from this moment on, Sam will actually be treated better overall in the comic and Dobson will spend time actually developing an overall plot and the world of this com-
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And it is back to business as usual.
... How much would I need to pay for someone on the internet to write an alternate ending to the story where it turns out Sam actually poisoned the food at the party and while Alex is slowly dying, a now evil Sam who has finally broke under years of abuse, is going to become a genuine threatening pirat? that is after he villain monologues to Alex how much she sucks before scalping her?
Wow, I am entering a dark place right now. I think I need to take a break.
So I am going to give my final verdict on this story with the next post around the weekend most likely. Cause that is how much time I will now spend rereading One Piece and watching the Pirates of the Carribean movies in addition to playing the Pirates level of Kingdom Hearts 3, in order to forget this shit and remind myself why I think pirates are cool.
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 5 years ago
Danganronpa Togami Volume 3 Part 1 (Summary)
Thanks to @enoshima-pyon @shockersalvage​ @jinjojess​ @hopeymchope​ for helping out! Merry Christmas!
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Danganronpa Togami Volume 3 - I'd Stake The Togami Name On It
In terms of the development of talent, we are still in the experimental stage because we do not know how to cultivate talent.
(Eric Hofer, "The Temper of Our Time") [0]
This text was written using the following note-taking system.
K2K System ver2.3
Pseudo books, bad books, and popular books. I think that one must often tolerate these in a world rife with copies of copies of manuscripts. I am left speechless by the solidity and sheer veracity of a system.
Therefore, my job is only to add or delete a few things.
I am very aware of my place, I will hold onto my spirit until the very end.
I pray for the soul of the original.
That is, if there is such a thing.
CHAPTER 11- The Three Byakuya Togamis
It’s a simple story. One young man decided to try to take over the world. After many repeated extraordinary adventures, the young man got what he wanted and was able to return home safe and sound. And he lived happily ever after.
But here is the problem: which of the following young men is the protagonist of this story?
“I believe I’ve given everyone a slice of cake, no? Back during the Yalta Conference [1] when the world was being split up, the president’s daughters prepared food to calm the atmosphere. Since we’re in a helicopter, a banquet is out of the question, but at the very least I can offer some cake…”
“Who cares about the cake? Let’s continue our conversation. After all, at the moment I am allowing you the right to lead.”
“Heh heh. What admirable conduct from you, Byakuya Togami. Well then, let’s get started, shall we? Nee-san, you eat up too. Please sample this sweet, saccharine cake–it’s American, filled with sugar and butter.”
A dreamy expression crossed the boy’s–Kazuya Togami’s–face.
And so began our discussion of world domination–over a tea set, under the watchful eye of countless gun muzzles, within a WHO helicopter.
In the four years since I’d seen my younger brother, he had grown so much that I barely recognized him. His thin frame had filled out with an appropriate amount of muscle, a sarcastic smile stretched across his lips, his eyes which had once been filled with constant fear now sparkled with self-confidence, and he now wore glasses that resembled Byakuya-sama’s. This young man who had only once referred to himself as Byakuya Togami was now brazenly exerting control over us, UN military forces in tow. He was certainly throwing his weight around.
Since I wasn’t restrained, I put a finger to my temple and accessed Borges, intending to get some information.
Borges Search Result
Data Type: Person
Title “Kazuya Togami”
The perpetrator behind the Biggest, Worst Incident in the History of the Togami Family. He was the sole survivor of the Burning of Kuchinashi Village, but was raised by Michiko Furuhata as a legitimate son. No body was discovered during the large-scale search that followed the incident, but he was presumed deceased. He has had direct contact with Kudan. One of the top targets marked for assassination by the Togami Conglomerate. Is currently posing as Orvin Elevator, the adopted son of World Health Organization Infectious Disease Prevention Unit director Keith Elevator, and working as the captain of the WHO Infectious Disease Prevention Unit’s task force.
“Byakuya Togami. You are under arrest by the UN-affiliated organization WHO, and currently in our custody. We are acting in accordance with Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter [2] set out by the United Nations Security Council. Considering the weight of your crimes, they will require action on par with the International Criminal Tribunal of Former Yugoslavia.” [3]
“Hmph.” Despite being handcuffed, Byakuya-sama’s usual demeanor was unruffled. “If you are planning to treat me the same way as Pol Pot, I will not forgive that.” [4]
“But you are the one spreading the seeds of massacre around the world, aren’t you?”
“And do you intend to take me to the International Court of Justice as is?” [5]
“Yes. We will cross the border from the Czech Republic into the Netherlands, and you will stand trial. Your crimes are heavy, Byakuya Togami, for trying to pick a fight with the world. Don’t forget that I could allow you to be lynched at this very moment to nary a complaint.”
“You certainly seem like you want to beat me.”
“I’m rational. I don’t intend to contribute to the violence you’ve brought upon the Czech Republic by drawing so many maniacs crazed with bloodlust.”
“What are you talking about, you ‘won’t contribute to violence?’ With all of these guns here?”
“Think of the number of guns as an estimation of how dangerous you are.”
“If that’s the case, then there’s far too few.”
To my delight, the UN forces’ gun muzzles bobbed in surprise at Byakuya-sama’s uncharacteristic smile. Similarly pleased, Kazuya cheerfully responded with: “Don’t move, okay? Byakuya Togami.”
“Obviously. If I couldn’t keep still at a time like this, I would not be fit to be a Togami.”
“Well then, until we get you to the International Court of Justice so you can be stuffed into a cell, why don’t you enjoy this tea time with me?”
“If you do not remove these shackles, I won’t be able to teach you table manners.”
“Would you prefer to eat like a dog? I know you are revered as the SHSL Heir, Byakuya Togami, so it would certainly make for a good story, showing you eating like a mangy hound.” [6]
“To think, such a powerless brat saying things like he’s part of society.”
Byakuya-sama, despite the handcuffs, skillfully pushed up his glasses with his fingers.
“Heh heh. But you see, I am already part of society. I’m the captain of the WHO Infectious Disease Prevention Unit’s task force.” [7] Kazuya, as if to mimic Byakuya-sama, adjusted his glasses as well. “I’m much different from how I was four years ago.”
(Thanks to Jinjojess for the translation up to this point).
“Listen here boy, if you want to have a tea party, how about at least some tea talk? Tell me how much the WHO has this current state of affairs under control.” Byakuya asks Kazuya, and he begins.
"The situation has progressed to the following stage: The 'Despair Disease' can now be spread without the 'Despair Novel'. This is why the tragedy in that village occurred just now.”
Byakuya mocks him by saying that the ‘tragedy’ in the village wasn’t brought about by the disease but by them massacring everyone without distinction. Kazuya retorts calling them all trash and all he did was throw the rubbish away, so there is no big deal. Shinobu thinks to herself that it might be her fault Kazuya turned out this way.
Kazuya then declares that Hope’s Peak Academy is also under investigation, since the Despair Novel was written there.
During the investigation, continues Kazuya, they found out that the academy is secretly working on two projects: the “Sage Plan” and the “Bible Plan”. Kazuya says both names have religious connotations, which is ironic considering Hope’s Peak is a school that worships hope as a god.
He still doesn’t have enough information on the “Sage Plan”, [8] but he says that apparently the Despair Novel was written using the system of the “Bible Plan”. The “Bible Plan” consists of an AI which studies all the books and stories in the world to create a Bible which will bring hope to people just by reading it. The data that the AI works on are input by SHSL such as SHSL science fiction writer, SHSL oral inheritor', SHSL light novel writer, SHSL folk story collector etc.
"What do you think Hope’s Peak Academy is most afraid of? Is it human extinction?"
"No, it is human despair."
"That's right, whether it's a giant meteorite or a nuclear war, I hope that the academy will not budge, but if at that time, human beings are in despair, give up their struggles, give up hope... they will be intolerable.”
Byakuya says that he is boring and to go to a bookstore to buy some actually well written books. Kazuya goes on to say that since they couldn’t touch the hearts of all humans, that they instead, let an AI create a story that could. Shinobu is confused and wants to take headache medicine, but Byakuya is simply and utterly bored by the idea. Kazuya says it’s not in an AIs essence to defeat humanity, such as in Go or Chess and that Byakuya’s way of thinking is backward.
"I will say it is 'boring' on the premise of correctly estimating AI capabilities. No matter how good an AI is, one thing is that it can't be done anyway."
"I would appreciate further details."
"That is 'creation', if you don't have the ability to create, you can't write a story."
Kazuya retorts saying that it has no need to as since it has analysed narratives for so long, it has merely become an algorithmic process. He points out that it’s the same as Dr. Victor Frankenstein’s story: they tried to play God and as a result they created a monster. As Kazuya puts it, "People often compare Dr. Victor to God who is the Creator, and the monster is used to compare with Adam, created by God. However, this contrast quickly collapsed. Dr. Victor as a human being imitated God's behavior, the result is a terrible monster, a monster will only kill everywhere. The story writing AI is also a fake God, it and The Bible that was created, are just a strange monster."
After listening to the talk of Kazuya, the expression of Byakuya became very smug, he took a sip of black tea and said, "Let us not stick to these old literary theories."
"Listen, Dr. Victor who created the monster, and God who created human beings, the situation is exactly the same. If you ask why, it is because both sides have encountered unexpected situations. Isn't it? Yes, that is the death of Christ. Is Christ as God's own being killed on the cross, is this also within God's plan? If Dr. Victor is a rebel to God, then God is also a traitor to God Himself; if Dr. Victor is guilty, then God is. Just like this, after the negation is denied, the result is that God and Dr. Victor are put on the line. In essence, they are equals. Since you are a student of Hope’s Peak Academy, you should know these things in advance."
"It seems that you have read a lot of Zizek's [9] books, but in any case, the books written by anarchists can't save humans. This motive makes me very displeased."
“It’s a third-rate motive to let an AI write a Bible out of fear of human despair. When Hope’s Peak Academy was subjected to this boring uneasiness, they were already poisoned by despair, which is like making a doctor who got a cold force the patient to give him an injection."
After Kazuya and Byakuya throw witty insults at each other, they both look over at the guy next to Byakuya, stuffing his face with food.
*Chew chew*
It may be because their hands are cuffed, or just because they are too greedy, but Imposter is buried in the cake, eating like a pig. He seemed to find it hard to notice that he was caught up in the crowd and slowly lifted his face. His face and glasses were covered with cake. Kazuya calls out to Ultimate “Mr. Pig” Imposter.
“Mr. Pig,” says Kazuya. “To be a student at Hope’s Peak Academy, having ties with those who those who took the ‘Bible Plan’ system and started the “World Domination Proclamation”...who are you?”
To all of this the Imposter responds with this:
"Pardon me but, since you aren’t eating those carbs, give them to me."
Shinobu wonders about who the Imposter is, originally thinking he might be with Kazuya, she dismisses the idea. Is it possible that Imposter shares some sort of relationship with Byakuya, then.
The Impostor snorts and tells everyone to don’t bother trying to figure out their true identity and they are  just a teenager. Even when Kazuya asks how many people have joined Super High School Level Despair or if they were the ones who are behind inciting the Reserve Course to to hold their “Parade”, they merely dodge answering it.
“I just said you don’t have to think about my identity. I am just…yes, I am just chasing a star.”
Byakuya seemed to looked bored as he gazed at the Imposter. “What do mean by chasing the stars? Explain it to me.” he ordered. 
“I have been paying attention to you. To me you are the ‘Super High School Level Heir’, a symbol of Hope. It is because you are that symbol of Hope that I will fall into despair.”
“How twisted. Also, deal with the cream on your face.”
The Impostor tells the real Byakuya that they should eliminate the WHO, which doesn’t have anything to do with the story, and then start once again the battle between Hope’s Peak Academy and the Despair High School. Shinobu compares this to a girl rejoicing after they confessed their love to their crush and she becomes somewhat embarrassed upon seeing it. 
Byakuya-sama is God. 
Shinobu believes this to be the absolute truth of the world, though it doesn’t need to be expressed in such a way like what the Imposter is doing. Shinobu is also quite unhappy that other people are now declaring it as truth as she believed that “fact” was her own personal secret. But Kazuya says that the Impostor is the one who doesn’t have anything to do with the story since he is just a fake pig. The Imposter shoots this back at him as Kazuya being the one no one wants to see and that he can’t even match up as an imposter himself. Imposter equates Kazuya’s skills as a fake to a worm. The Imposter then tells him to heed these words and go back home.
"I have been taken away, my hometown, my name, and my life. It is all gone. There is no place for me to be able to return. No matter what people say to me, I will stand in front." Kazuya says.
"Tell me one thing, is life interesting being robbed by others? Hometown, name, life, and even your beloved sister. Has losing all of those made life interesting?" taunts the Imposter with a smile.
The Imposter’s ironic smile makes Shinobu want to vomit, as it reminds her of Kazuya and she avoids their sight. Since the Imposter isn’t Kazuya, she has no idea what to make of them.
Kazuya looks at Byakuya and asks him to return his sister and everything he stole from him, starting with the Kudan. The Imposter also gets in it out as well, since they desire the Kudan as well.This is because, at least how Shinobu sees it, since the Kudan is the secret behind the Togami’s family prosperity:
If you can’t get it, even if you don’t understand it, you can’t really become Byakuya Togami.
“Answer me, Mr. Authentic, where is the ‘Kudan’?”
“Answer me, Byakuya Togami, where is the ‘Kudan’?”
As both demand it, Shinobu notes that the two seems to be acting less like those who want to become Byakuya Togami, but rather those who want to become his enemy.
Byakuya answers that he sealed the Kudan away, since he doesn’t need it to dominate the world. As such, Kazuya demands it back since he found it, though Byakuya believes the knowledge of the Kudan’s prophecy is worthless since the future can’t be changed regardless of one knowing or not. While this is happening, Shinobu looks up information about the Kudan. 
Borges = Search Results
Classification data
Title "About the various Kudans (short version)"
It seems that you do not understand the meaning of the prophecy.
No matter how many methods are tried and how many means are used, it cannot stop it. This is the prophecy.
——TORI MIKI's Banquet in Parsifal [10]
Kazuya argues that even if one is destined for failure, they would still be able to minimize the loss thanks to the Kudan’s prophecy given him a warning. Byakuya just insults him and calls him a defeatist that was needed to face reality. To prove his point, he then he wraps the handcuffs he is wearing around Shinobu’s neck, and pulls with strength. Shinobu however is loving it, because of how close Byakuya is.
"You have been escaping from reality all this time. I want you to see it clearly,” Byakuya says “Look carefully: this woman, ‘Blue Ink', belongs to me, so I can even treat her like this."
Byakuya-sama raised my head up and rubbed against my cheek. Ah, now i'm really sweating, this feels weird.
Kazuya’s exploding blood vessels appeared on his forehead, and hid glasses trembled without him having to touch them. No, his whole body was shaking, from the top of his head to his fingertips. This was, without a doubt, a sign of true madness. Kazuya’s body trembled, staring at us intently.
I heard such a voice, and in the next moment, the table was cut into two halves from the middle. The cake and the teacups flew around, and the fake Byakuya screamed with a clearly frustrated voice, "Gah, I haven't finished eating yet!"
Kazuya’s right hand… It’s the same...
The same light sword as that time.
My brothers and sisters, murdered in cold blood with that very sword.
"Your lives... are now in the palm of my hand. So, will you be dying now? Do you want to Die? Answer me."
"My my, what a strange sword that is. How did you manage to pull that party trick off."
"I cannot wait to slit your goddamn throat."
Kazuya approached us with that lightsaber in hand. Byakuya-sama, in Kazuya’s blind fury, whispered quietly into my ear.
“Wait for me.”
Then he finally let me go. Kazuya has snorted and repeatedly gasped in a mixture of pure anger and sexual excitement, restraining the impulse to use the sword on his hand immediately. His expression was so distorted, it looked like a twisted laugh.
"There is still a long time before we arrive in the Netherlands. Now, Shinobu, it’s only been for years since we last met, but let us continue where we left off… Nice and slowly…” [11]
Translation notes:
[0] Couldn’t find the actual quote in english but hopefully this will suffice.
[1] The Yalta Conference, also known as the Crimea Conference and code-named the Argonaut Conference, held February 4–11, 1945, was the World War II meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union to discuss the postwar reorganization of Germany and Europe. The aim of the conference was to shape a post-war peace that represented not just a collective security order but a plan to give self-determination to the liberated peoples of post-Nazi Europe. The meeting was intended mainly to discuss the re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe. However, within a few short years, with the Cold War dividing the continent, Yalta became a subject of intense controversy.
[2] Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter sets out the UN Security Council's powers to maintain peace. It allows the Council to "determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression" and to take military and nonmilitary action to "restore international peace and security". Chapter VII also gives the Military Staff Committee responsibility for strategic coordination of forces placed at the disposal of the UN Security Council. It is made up of the chiefs of staff of the five permanent members of the Council.
[3] The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was a United Nations court of law dealing with war crimes that took place during the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990s. During its mandate, which lasted from 1993 - 2017, it irreversibly changed the landscape of international humanitarian law, provided victims an opportunity to voice the horrors they witnessed and experienced, and proved that those suspected of bearing the greatest responsibility for atrocities committed during armed conflicts can be called to account.
[4] Pol Pot was a Cambodian revolutionary and politician who governed Cambodia as the Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea between 1976 and 1979. Ideologically a Marxist–Leninist and Khmer nationalist, he was a leading member of Cambodia's communist movement, the Khmer Rouge, from 1963 until 1997 and served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea from 1963 to 1981. Under his administration, Cambodia was converted into a one-party communist state governed according to Pol Pot's interpretation of Marxism-Leninism. 
[5] The International Court of Justice (ICJ),sometimes called the World Court, is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). The ICJ's primary functions are to settle international legal disputes submitted by states (contentious cases) and give advisory opinions on legal issues referred to it by the UN (advisory proceedings). Through its opinions and rulings, it serves as a source of international law. It is located in The Hague, in The Netherlands.
[6] Japanese food culture believes that food is placed and eaten at a table. It’s extremely unsightly to lean over, or on the floor or elsewhere, because that is where dogs eat.
[7] The full name is the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Unit (IDCU).
[8] You don’t get an explanation for the sage plan so my guess is it's referring to Izuru. Also I wasn't sure if it’s actually translated as Sage Plan but thats what im going with for now.
[9] Slavoj Žižek is a Slovenian philosopher, currently a researcher at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts, and International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities of the University of London. He is also Global Eminent Scholar at Kyung Hee University in Seoul. He works in subjects including continental philosophy, political theory, cultural studies, psychoanalysis, film criticism, Marxism, Hegelianism and theology.
[10] Parsifal is an opera in three acts by German composer Richard Wagner, who you would know for composing Suisei Nanamura’s ever favourite “Die Valkyrie”. It is loosely based on Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach, a 13th-century epic poem of the Arthurian knight Parzival (Percival) and his quest for the Holy Grail (12th century). This exact book by TORI MIKI, however, does not exist, at least, not in this Reality.
[11] So it looks like you weren’t supposed to like Kazuya **AFTER ALL** TV Tropes?
To Be Continued.
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justanothercinemaniac · 7 years ago
Epic Movie (Re)Watch #219 - Anastasia (1997)
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Spoilers Below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: No.
Format: Blu-ray
1) The prologue.
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The very first few musical notes of the film’s score establish a key element which we will see throughout: a light and playful darkness which helps to accent the film. It fits the fairytale tone well, for that is what Anastasia is: a fairy tale. I’m not too familiar with Imperial Russia or the revolution which marked its end, but as I understand this film is FAR from historically accurate. I think that decision works well for the filmmakers, as making this more of a fairytale with fantasy elements allows for more room to play around (while also not being beholden to history).
Another reason the prologue works - other than setting tone - is that it establishes all the necessary backstory the film needs in a sleek and easily digestible way. We understand what happened to Anya/Anastasia, we understand Rasputin’s anger/motivations, we understand the pain that Anastasia’s grandmother will feel, we see Dimitri’s role in it all, everything comes through clearly. I like that.
2) Okay, question: Why does Rasputin only care about killing Anastasia and not her grandmother if he vowed to kill all of the Tsar’s family? Wouldn’t the grandma be a part of that equation?
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3) Here is how it went the first time I saw this film:
[Music builds to a swell as we see St. Petersburg] Me [sarcastically]: “Oh GREAT, a song about how wonderful communist Russia is.” Lyrics: “St. Petersburg is gloomy, St. Petersburg is bleak.” Me [after a moment]: “Oh.”
4) “A Rumor in St. Petersburg”
Whereas the prologue established the world of the past, this song establishes the environment the characters are currently in. We understand really quickly the stakes which motivate Dimitri, why he wants to get out of St. Petersburg, and just how much of a hubbub is around the rumor of Anastasia’s return. Beyond that though, the opening is an appropriate first taste of the film’s original songs. St. Petersburg is a big opening number befitting of a Broadway show (which this film now is) and is greatly enjoyable, much like the rest of the songs will be.
5) Anya/Anastasia.
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When it comes to the performance of Anya (I’m just going to call her Anya moving forward since that’s what the film does), the credit must go in equal parts to Meg Ryan and Liz Callaway. As her dialogue actress, Ryan is Anya’s actress the majority of the time. The actress is able to infuse her character with warmth, humor, heart, strength, resilience, and a little bit of sadness all in a captivating way that fits the character design. But Callaway must get the credit she deserves as well, for she is able to take all of the qualities Ryan gives Anya’s dialogue and match it in her singing. This is no easy task, as sometimes having two performers doing voice and song CAN be distracting. But the pair blend beautifully and are able to support the character to the her fullest.
6) “Journey to the Past”
As “A Rumor in St. Petersburg” acts to set up Dimitri’s motivations, “Journey to the Past” sets up what drives Anya. Her search for who she is, for who she was, and any family that may come with that. While that subject matter (Anya confronting the unknown) could be bleak, the song is wonderfully uplifting and inspiring. You ROOT for Anya because of it. You’re invested in her and honestly I think its the best song in the piece. I just love it.
7) I get “Frosty the Snowman” vibes from the ticket seller saying, “No exit visa, no ticket!” Is that just me?
8) Dimitri.
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With much less singing (and certainly less solos), John Cusack plays much more of Dimitri than Jonathan Dokuchitz. Dokuchitz contributions are crazy important and well done, something which he deserves due credit for, but it is Cusack who has the responsibility of developing Dimitri more. Cusack’s through his voice is able to expand on Dimitri’s lovable rogue quality, but when he develops into a much more caring person it seems natural. Cusack through his performance is able to blend these two aspects perfectly, showing Dimitri’s heart and vulnerability in an interesting way as the film continues.
9) “Once Upon a December”
A hauntingly beautiful number, this tune always felt befitting of a ghost story to me. As at home in Phantom of the Opera as Anastasia. This is one of the songs which best demonstrate the dark flavors this film dabbles with and it fits perfectly with the rest of the soundtrack. Its wonderful, slightly creepy, and very fascinating.
10) The chemistry is great between Anya and Dimitri, specifically when they’re bickering. Their initial bickering is wildly fun to watch and it translates into trust, love, and respect much more than some live action film couples. It’s an important aspect to nail in getting the audience behind their relationship and the filmmakers do this well.
11) Kelsey Grammer as Vlad.
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I like Kelsey Grammer in most things, and this film is no exception. As both the speaking and singing voice for Vlad, the experienced actor gives the rotund figure an incredible amount of life which helps us as the audience get invested in him. I just like it.
12) Hank Azaria as Bartok.
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It’s Hank Azaria for crying out loud, what more do I need to say? The veteran voice over and character actor enables the lovable henchman to steal every scene he’s in. Bartok doesn’t even interact with any of the main heroes, just Rasputin, but that alone gives him enough comedic material for Azaria’s vocals to carry us away. All in all, it is an incredibly fun and entertaining part.
13) Christopher Lloyd as Rasputin.
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Back to the Future is my favorite film, so having Christopher Lloyd in anything is a treat for me. His vocals as Rasputin are INCREDIBLE! He’s playful evil, having a ton of fun in the part which means the audience has fun too. Rasputin is a brilliantly entertaining villain (especially considering he’s stuck on the sidelines for most of the movie), with the physical humor brought about by his decaying corpse leading to some gross/great comedy bits! Rasputin is one of my favorite non-Disney animated villains of all time (if not my favorite). He’s great and has an incredible villain song!
14) “In the Dark of the Night”
Lloyd doesn’t song this song, instead its performed by legendary veteran of voice over work Jim Cummings (Darkwing Duck, Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Ed from The Lion King, Ray from The Princess and the Frog, and MUCH more). Cummings KILLS IT with his vocal work, making Rasputin both fun and threatening in the number. The tune is dark, epic, and evil throughout. One of the best villain songs in animation because - more than above else - the threat just amplified considerably. We understand Rasputin is not someone to mess with and this song establishes that in a wildly entertaining way. I love it.
15) The scene which best shows Anya’s and Dimitri’s chemistry has to be when they’re on the train.
Anya: “Dimitri, do you really think I’m royalty?”
Dimitri: “You know I do.”
Anya: “Then stop bossing me around!”
Vlad: “She certainly has a mind of her own.”
Dimitri: “Yeah, I hate that in a woman.”
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16) I really enjoy this film, but one of the things in it I found odd is that the main protagonists go almost completely unaware of the supernatural elements which threaten them. Not until Anya and Dimitri face Rasputin at the end are they conscious of it. If I were to change one thing in the film, it would be that.
17) I always found this little bit of dialogue funny, because Dimitri does think Anya convincing people she’s Anastasia is a lie but we as the audience know better.
Dimitri: “You don’t know if it’s a lie! What if it’s true!”
18) “Learn To Do It”
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The Pygmalion elements of the film could easily have been dull filler until we reach the end, but by condensing it to a charming and fun number Anya’s evolution into Anastasia is an interesting and integral part of the story. The number is one of pure joy, life, and entertainment, speaking to the relationship this trio develops on their long journey to Paris. It holds up against the other song quite well.
19) The waltz between Anya and Dimitri is a key turning point in their relationship. It’s the most vulnerable they’ve been with each other up to this point. I like that.
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20) Anya’s dream.
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There’s a nice sense of heightened reality in the dream’s visuals which (with a unique color palette) helps make it feel beyond reality. While cheerful in appearance, mixing the scenes with Newman’s score means we understand there’s danger even before we see the monsters in Anya’s head. The way the film cuts between dream and reality also works well, as the flow of the scene is never disrupted. All in all, it just works.
21) Angela Lansbury as the Dowager Empress.
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Our first encounter with the Empress in modern setting shows her off as grumpy, jaded, and impatient. But what’s important is that we understand WHY she’s this way. The audience sees the tragedy in her not only through the film’s prologue but also through Lansbury’s performance. That heartache is wonderfully present throughout and when it turns to joy at finding her Anastasia the effect is wonderful. But more on that later.
22) Bernadette Peters as Sophie.
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A broadway legend, Peters actually objected to Sohpie’s curvy appearance since she herself had actually lost weight. Despite this, the actress (much like Grammer with Vlad) breathes a wonderful amount of life into Sophie. It’s hard to imagine anyone performing the charming and energetic character since she just feels so natural/alive. While relegated to the third act, Sophie is definitely a memorable part of the film and Peters’ performance is an important part of that.
23) “Paris Holds The Key To Your Heart”
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In terms of how the tune serves the story, it stands to set up Paris as a location much like “St Petersburg” did in the opening with its titular city. But beyond that, it allows us to juxtapose how far the characters have come. This is it, their final destination, which results in a joyous night on the town. Anya is the happiest she’s been in a while and Dimitri has grown up a lot, ready to let go the woman he cares for so she can have what she wants. Like many of the others, the tune is wildly entertaining and just takes you on this wild night in Paris wonderfully.
24) The fallout between Dimitri and Anya when she finds out his INITIAL motivations is particularly heartbreaking, largely because those are no longer his intentions. For the first time in his adult life he’s actually trying to do the right thing, which creates incredibly high stakes for him (which we see when he freaking KIDNAPS THE DOWAGER EMPRESS! Also in how he turns down the reward for finding Anya). It’s a wonderful if painful moment.
25) When the Empress first meets with Anya she’s guarded and dismissive, which makes sense. It’s self preservation at this point. But that just means it is all the more wonderful when she realizes it IS Anya, that neither of them are without family anymore, and she can finally let herself be open to happiness. (Although, it’s kinda weird that all of Anya’s memories come back at once.)
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26) If I ever go to a high school reunion (which I don’t plan on doing), I gotta use this line.
Rasputin [upon seeing Anya]: “Look at what the years have done to us. You a beautiful young flower, me a rotting corpse!”
27) I talked about this a bit more in note #16, but I wish Rasputin took a more active role in the plot. That there was more interaction between him and the heroes. I really like the action of the climax, where Anya and Dimitri go at it with him, but I wish I’d had a bit more of that in the film.
Rasputin [thinking Anya died]: “Finally, the last of the Romanoffs dead!”
You know, except for her grandma.
29) I love happy endings which aren’t really endings (when they’re done like this, not so much when they’re cliffhangers).
Sophie [when she learns Anya and Dimitri eloped]: “Its a perfect ending!”
Empress: “No, it’s a perfect beginning.”
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Anastasia is one of the more underrated animated films out there. It’s got all the hallmarks of a classic - great music, memorable characters, an awesome bad guy, strong voice acting, a strong story - but not nearly the following of Beauty and the Beast or Aladdin. If you haven’t yet, I would recommend putting in Anastasia.
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koszmar-zycie · 7 years ago
What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)? and What inspired you to create them? (for all of them! B-D )
Koszmar - For Koszmar, it’s a feeling of empathy and melancholy in a lot of ways! Even though Rahab is ultimately more my style (a cast who’s capable of full fledged combat), Ko was my original and true “avatar” as these games have always kind of been driven around. (at their origins, anyway) My Undead Warlock has a lot of problems, is often conflicted between personal experience with the world’s mistreatment, but also with a hopeful respect in that staying firm on his virtues will somehow change that. As stated, he was my first real character (on my own account), and so his origin was basically “how can I make me a guy”. Others kind of replicate “me” better, but he’s got a special place at the heart of it all.
Rahab - For my Blood Elf Death Knight, it’s a lot of pride and content. I’m proud of his character (literally, like his personality, behavior, etc). He’s similar to Ko, in that his past has plenty of tragedy and mental/emotional stress (thanks to the Scourge, obviously, it bears the same weight, but from a different perspective). I feel like his growth from that past, and outlook on handling it and the future are positive. I wouldn’t say better than Ko, but certainly different and as good. I always loved the idea of spellswords, and for me, the Death Knight class did that best. Paladins are cool, but being basically only holy themed didn’t quite do it for me, and I’ll always attach to vampiric themes more, given the option, hence his origin.
Roza - Roza is a darling. The also Undead sister of Koszmar, It’s hard to feel anything but just kind of a happiness to her. She’s kind of boring in one regard, which is that I feel like the way she is is the only way for her to be. She’s like Koszmar, but with a 100% pure optimism and heart. She doesn’t act or treat herself or anyone any differently in her state of unlife. She focuses solely on healing and helping, and the only real difference between now and when she was alive, is that she relies on her holy light to help preserve her body. I wanted a priest, and someone related to Ko for RP and story, and she as already written as a sister for him, so I just gave her life in game as an undead, with a different perspective on such an existence.
Taima - I love Taima. I feel like he’s the most grounded and earnest, along with Xiuying. Taima is like a spirit animal character of sorts for me. (ironic, as I’m a Taurus). The Shaman dedicated to the Tauren spirituality, family, and people first and foremost. And beyond that, he’s just a good, down to earth guy. I feel like he’d be one of those guy that are really easy to overlook, but you could never ask for a better friend. Taima’s creation is pretty much from “make my Yaqui side into a guy”. XD
Xiuying - Xiuying is impossibly adorable. Stone/JadeBlossom’s Kuina really helped flush her out a lot more, as their interactions let her character and behavior grow and shine more thoroughly. I always feel very happy and peaceful with her. Which is appropriate, being a monk. She’s definitely the most ‘feel good’ of my characters by far. I’ve always been attached to Taoism and Buddhism, so my love of traditional Chinese philosophy/religion and martial arts influences me heavily with her creation. Even though she’s a healer first and foremost.
Myriania - I feel a tremendous pride and fondness for Myri, the Nightborne Countess who loves marksmanship. It’s fun to get to write her, because she’s got that sort of Robin Hood vibe (well, the Costner version, anyhow) with the nobility, but also happy to get out and use her hands. She’s very proper and ladylike, but also thorough and hands on. I feel that pride and fondness for having a character that’s notably different, and yet still easy to write for. I wanted to go for that noblewoman aesthetic, while also indulging in the hunter thing. So she has a bit of that ‘highwayman’/’noble hunter’ thing that drove me to make her.
Willow - Willow is a new kid on my roster, relatively speaking. She’s my Undead rogue, and the most patriotic in terms of being black and white on Azeroth politics. I feel a strong sense of fun and “being fired up” with her, because it’s so common to have “middle ground” characters (since many of us want to put our own player views in, as well as having more RP opportunities), but having someone who can say “Oh yeah, the so-and-so in the Alliance are alright I guess. But **** the Worgen bastards.” is SO much fun, and a breath of fresh air, since most of my kids are middle ground as well. That also sums up my motivation to make her. lol
Tirithon - The first of only two Alliance alts that really warrant attention. My Night Elf druid. I love him, and I like the kind of peaceful and playful nature he has. He’s very chill, and dislikes conflict. Even though he maintains a very placid and calm demeanor, he will sometimes have fun by playing minor pranks, or otherwise just having fun with friends. Tirithon was actually based on my DnD ranger-turned-druid who made the change between 3.5 to 5E. I wanted SOME kind of tribute to him in WoW, so Night Elf it was!
Haytham - My Worgen hunter! He’s my former Gilnean Navy officer turned ranger. I feel good with him, because I like writing for the other side (Genn is still a ***** who needs killing in a raid), as well as my appreciation for Gilneas style and theming. Haytham himself was just meant to be a Naval guy who also served as a ranger, so his motivation wasn’t terribly deep, but definitely came from big flavors that I adore. (naval war, and rangers)
Holy heck, that was a LOT. Thanks so much @stonestridernerd! It was a long day, so I’ll have to answer the other stuff later. XD
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bonnissance · 8 years ago
critical ranting about holby under the cut (bc I am also sick of long holby text posts bc reading is hard)  
But I have Thoughts(tm) I need to air because there are many things that really really get my goat about Serena’s current story and almost all of it is due to the fact that her entire narrative arc has been constructed to give Jasmine Burrows a storyline.
To begin, I hold that this narrative arc is an example of poor storytelling. As I’ve vague discussed before, I think Elinor’s introduction+exit=the fall out of her death was very poorly constructed and executed. The pacing is wrong, the rhythm of progression is beyond clunky, and the “you fill in the blanks” between the plot points the writers are handing to the audience are too large and frequent to be of any benefit to the narrative.
They reintroduced Elinor far too briefly for anyone to actually care that the character die, because, of course, the point wasn’t that Elinor died: it was that Serena Campbell’s daughter died. Following that, they left out crucial and oh so very important scenes in Serena’s story. For instance, discussing Elinor’s condition with the Doctors and Edward, their decision to turn of the ventilator, and preparing for the funeral. Nevertheless, those plot points were left out of Serena’s narrative as a deliberate decision.
So too was the choice to leave out any depiction of Serena’s grief at home. Which in itself, I shall concede, is understandable given Holby is a medial drama situated in a work place hospital and generally only includes out of hospital scenes when large concentrations of hospital employees are there at the same time such as Albie’s and work functions, etc.
However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as the trio’s house and now Dom and Issac’s domesticity. Those scenes are included because they are essential to the story those characters are telling at the time. Zosia’s early story is inherently connected to her personal life. As is Dom and Issac’s storyline necessitates the blurring of profession and personal and how Issac’s abuse alters depending on the situation. Thus, Holby has a history of included non-work place related scenes when it furthers the story they have chosen to tell.
Yet the deliberately decided against including allowing Serena to grieve in the safety and comfort of her own home, just as the arguably essential scenes above mentioned scenes were left out of scripts. In fact, that entire section of Serena’s storyline was barely even acknowledged. Now, we all know that Russell would have knocked those scenes out of the park. So leaving them out wasn’t the writers factoring in to a lack of ability on behalf of their performer. Nor do I believe they left them out because the writers were unable to write the content. On the contrary, I think Holby’s writer’s room to be more than capable of producing that type of content and doing it rather well.
It then follows that the writers made a deliberate decision to they breezed over what ought to have been a significant point of character development in favour of inserting her straight back onto the ward. To ensure that her grief and every unhealthy coping mechanism she uses to get through the day would be on full display to her colleagues, and to the audience. The writers forced Serena back onto the ward, to the same physical location of her daughter’s death, in order to deliberately blur the lines of the character’s personal tragedy with her professional existence.
They explicated unhealthy coping techniques that directly affected Serena’s behaviour towards her colleagues, and they did it without providing her with an adequate support network. 
They created an unhealthy inter-generational dynamic between Serena and Jasmine that, at times, epitomises the ‘old queers are predatory and dangerous to young women’ trope. They glazed over Serena’s panic attacks and fugue states in favour implying she’s drinking on the job. They justified the narrative shaming of Serena reaching out to the one person in the world who understood what it meant to lose their daughter: Elinor Campbell, without bothering to make it clear that problem was never Serena wanting emotional support from Edward. The problem was that she continued to try and engage with him after he made it clear he was in no way prepared to provide Serena with the care she was requesting. Once again leaving Serena without a support network as well as implying her desire for the support was unreasonable. 
They continued pushing the mentor/mentee dynamic between Jasmine and Serena to unprofessional and unhealthy levels. Now, while there is certainly examples of emotionally abusive behaviour between Serena and Jasmine, I avoid using the term “abusive” to describe their entire relationship. I don’t believe the mistreatment occurring has been sustained long enough to warrant the term. (It bears mentioning that this classification is based on my own personal experiences with emotional abuse and that I have little interest in expanding on this reasoning should anyone take issue with this statement.) Instead, I would classify this situation as incidental grooming between two people who have positioned another in an unhealthy and toxic position in their live. 
Granted, they both agreed to a mentor/mentee dynamic. However, Jasmine in no way deserves to be belittled and bullied in the work place, to have Serena use her as a project to help process her grief, or to become the focal point of Serena’s need to make sure what happened with Elinor never happens to anyone else. But nor does Serena deserve to become the source of Jasmine’s validation, to overcompensates for Jasmine’s already developed sense of unworthiness, or become a maternal care provider which Jasmine so clearly wants her to be. Both of them are using the other in horridly unhealthy ways and desperately need counselling to process their own emotional traumas. 
But once again, the writers don’t bother to make clear the actual issues in these exchanges, nor handle the fall out of these situations with the degree of seriousness issues such as these actually require. Instead, they continue to escalate things between Serena and Jasmine, which we know cumulates into Serena telling Jasmine she wishes Jasmine were dead, because this was their intention all along.
Despite the fact that Elinor was Serena’s daughter, the point of killing off her off was not to give Serena a storyline. Elinor’s death and the resulting grief, which has irrevocably changed the character at the very core, was not about Serena at all, because this entire narrative was constructed to give Jasmine Burrows a storyline.
And that fact makes me furious. 
Because Holby gave us the story of a middle aged woman discovering her same-sex attraction in a situation where her desire was mutual and returned. They gave us a story in which that character was about to embark on a healthy, fulfilling, sustainable relationship that satisfied her emotional, physical, romantic and sexual wants. They implied the character was going integrate that romantic relationship with her other filial bonds and, for the first time in possibly her whole life, have her emotional needs actually met.
Then they took that character, who in universe was finally finally about to be happy, and decided to add to the other numerous instances of suffering the writers have already put her through by killing of her daughter. Killing off her daughter in her place of work only to cut short her grieving and send her right back there to suffer in the public eye.  
And they did it to give a new and barely formed character a storyline. The fact remains that Jasmine had literally millions of plausible storylines they could have gone with; so many options that would have ended with substantial character growth. She could have stopped drinking and studied harder, she could have taken up running, gotten a boyfriend or a puppy, learnt tact and become an actual decent doctor, and the character would have grown. 
Christ, she could have stubbed her toe on the edge of a bed, sworn on the ward, and gotten a dressing down from her boss about appropriate workplace vocabulary that character growth would have carried the same weight as the storyline she’s now had to endure.
They writers have irrevocably written Serena into a corner, because that character will never be the same again and there is very little they can do with her now, without actually letting the audience see the some of the most important narrative points. Moreover, they have also cut off almost all of Jasmine’s further storylines, because unless they give her a surprise pregnant with Ollie’s baby and then she miscarries after deciding to keep it (which I wouldn’t put it past them tbqh) there’s not a lot the writers can do with her that will have the same intensity and significance as what they’ve already put her through. 
In short, the Holby writers took a queer mentally ill abuse survivor and guttered her from the inside out for the sake of another character with barely touched potential. They treated that character with a level of disrespect and disregard I’m not sure I’ve seen since The L Word drowned Jenny Schecter in her neighbour’s pool and nobody really cared. Because they gave us Serena Campbell, implied that she (along with and everyone she represents) deserves to be happy, only to turn around and burn her beyond recognition for daring to hope. And they did it because they wanted to.
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oldadastra · 8 years ago
The Broken Saga
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Author note: Like legions of other fans, I’m grieving the death of Carrie Fisher. My heart breaks for her daughter Billie and her and brother Todd, and I recognize that the silencing of Fisher’s unique voice is more important than the loss of the character she played. 
This essay was difficult to write. Parts of it are a grief-filled rant. Parts of it explore my own thoughts about how the new saga can be concluded in a way which fulfills the storytellers’ intent while acknowledging the reality of Fisher’s death, and honoring the legacy she created in the iconic character of General Leia Organa.
Parts of this essay are angry. Because make no mistake, I’m angry.
 The intentional and unintentional breaking of the saga
Return of the Jedi ended on a high note; Vader redeemed, the Empire defeated, the bright promise of the future in Luke’s Jedi and Leia and Han’s love for each other.  In The Force Awakens, the creators chose to break the saga to provide the central conflict of the new trilogy. Lucasfilm and the Story Group took a risk in destroying all the ‘happily ever afters’ of the original trilogy when they began the new stories, and now, in a way they surely never intended, Carrie Fisher’s death has broken the saga in a manner that is irretrievable.
The Hollywood Reporter and other outlets recently published news that Rian Johnson and Colin Trevorrow (director of Episode IX), will be meeting this week (early January, 2017) with Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy to discuss the way forward for the story in the wake of Fisher’s death on December 27. In the coming year and beyond, they will work to create a way to bring the new trilogy to the “deeply and profoundly satisfying” conclusion that Trevorrow promised us back in January of 2016, but Fisher’s death has, in many ways, forstalled this possibility. No matter what the creators choose to do, the new trilogy is now, at its core, a tragedy. Despite the fact that principal photography for VIII was concluded in mid-2016,– the pall of Fisher’s passing will shadow it too and may well affect the story Rian Johnson will give us at the end of this year.
“insiders say Leia was to have been a bigger part of Episode IX than VIII.”
- The Hollywood Reporter, January 5, 2017
It will never be alright again
Star Wars has always been a story about hope. Many of us see the new saga as an unwinding, or reversal of the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker. In this light, the opening words of the new saga, spoken by Lor San Tekka:
“This will begin to make things right,”
are resonant far beyond an implied jibe at George Lucas’ flawed prequels. Star Wars has always dealt in archetypes. In essays I wrote about the story during 2016*, I explored a number of different themes I see underpinning the new saga. From my first viewing of The Force Awakens, I believed that the large arc of the new trilogy will be one of homecoming, return, and redemption. As a fan who has spent the past year immersed in the world of the new saga, analyzing the plot, characters, and overarching themes of the new trilogy, reports that Fisher was anticipated to have a large role in Episode IX came as no surprise. All of central themes of the new saga can be gathered under the framework of one of the most ancient archetypal stories of all; The Prodigal Son.
Carrie Fisher’s death has rendered this tale difficult, if not impossible, to tell while remaining true to the characters created in both the original and sequel trilogies.  
Of course Fisher was anticipated to have a large role in the final installment of the tale; what is the return of the prodigal son but a process of coming to terms with the people and relationships one has left behind? The prodigal seeks forgiveness. The prodigal comes home. TFA killed Ben Solo’s father in the universe of the Galaxy Far Far Away. Tragically, Fisher’s death means that General Organa will also be gone before the story ends. From a symbolic standpoint, there is now no “home” to which a repentant prodigal might return.
Unless it was filmed for VIII (and from a narrative standpoint, I have no expectation that it would have been), here are some of the things which will never happen in the galaxy far, far away:
Ben Organa Solo will never see the living face of his mother again.
They will never speak to each other.
Ben will never be able to ask his mother for forgiveness. Nor will she be able to ask for his.
Leia will never see her son in the light again. Never see him whole. Never see him happy. She’ll never dance at a wedding, never hold a Skywalker grandchild.
Lucasfilm and the story group, Pablo Hidalgo, JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan, Kathleen Kennedy - all of them: they destroyed the happy ending of the Original Trilogy, and have left us with this. I weep. I am filled with rage. They have a lot to answer for. Of course no one imagined it would turn out this way, but the storytellers have broken Star Wars in a way that strikes close to its heart, and on some level, no matter what they do, they cannot fix it.
For those of us who have loved the character of Leia our entire lives, this is almost unbearably sad. The storytellers set this particular tale in motion; they took what proved to be an ugly, risky gamble in choosing to tell this particular tale. They have broken the saga, and no matter how they choose to end it, even if they do it well; with sensitivity and courage, they have doomed the new trilogy to some level of tragedy.
Because the terrible reality is that the only honorable, logical, narratively appropriate way to deal with Carrie Fisher’s real death is that in the story, General Leia Organa must also die. This adds a bizarre, free-floating grief to the reality of Fisher’s passing. The destruction of the story – it is another kind of death. For those of us who knew Fisher only through her work as an artist, it is a loss that is bitter, bitter to bear.
“…she burns very bright, and has such a great, generous energy…for that suddenly to not be on set…to have her character; not just her character in the movie, but her character, missing from that very small unit, is a tragedy.”
Adam Driver, speaking of Carrie Fisher, January 6, 2017, with Stephen Colbert
How does the story go now?
At recent conversation around our dinner table, our family talked about how we imagined the storytellers completing the trilogy without Carrie. Most of the ways in which movie makers have dealt with this kind of loss in the past felt deeply inappropriate. It’s possible that our responses are still being strongly shaped by grief – as I write this, we’re only a couple of weeks removed from Fisher’s death in December. Still, I suspect that the views of our average family, consisting of both casual and hard-core fans is pretty representative. Here’s how people felt:
No re-casting.
The Star Wars saga films should not be treated like yet another superhero retread. Carrie Fisher’s Leia Organa cannot be recast to be played by another person. She’s not Batman or Spiderman, a costume to be filled by whatever flavor-of-the-month up and comer is presently in vogue.
No CG.
This is a more difficult question, and a reality it is probably impossible to avoid. With the example of the re-animation of Grand Moff Tarkin (and god, the young Leia cameo) fresh before us in Rogue One, bringing a person back to life onscreen is obviously a newly-emerging reality. Rogue One showed us exactly what that technology can presently achieve, and it is both woefully inadequate to carry the weight of a significant role like Fisher’s, and ethically questionable. Fisher herself was famously outspoken about her unhappiness at being objectified as a fictional character, and railed against the overexposure and exploitation she felt surrounding some aspects of her fame as Princess Leia.  She also understood how important the character was to many people:
“Movies were meant to stay on the screen, flat and large and colorful, gathering you up in their sweep of story, carrying you rollicking along to the end, then releasing you back into your unchanged life. But this movie misbehaved. It leaked out of the theater, poured off the screen, affected a lot of people so deeply that they required endless talismans and artifacts to stay connected to it.
Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist, page 194
In The Princess Diarist, Fisher describes making peace with the fact that Leia is her, and she is Leia. This passage hints at how she might have felt about the possibility of being turned into a computer-generated entity:
“It turns out she matters to me. Leia. I’ve spent the lion’s share of my life…being as much myself as Princess Leia. Answering questions about her, defending her…wondering who I’d be without her, finding out how proud I am of her, making sure I’m careful to not do anything that might reflect badly on her or that she might disapprove of, feeling honored to be her representative here on earth, her caretaker…[it] made me angry and resent it when other people would try to put words in her mouth without consulting me!“
Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist, page 244
Unless Rian Johnson had the foresight to capture footage of Carrie Fisher which could be used for Episode IX, the reality is that some degree of CG work involving Leia is likely to be part of the final installment of the trilogy. As fans, I think we actually have a role to play here by letting Lucasfilm know now, and emphatically, that the fanbase does not want to see Carrie’s Leia turned into a Tarkin-style zombie, that any CG work be kept to an absolute minimum, and that it be avoided altogether if the story can be told without it.
And can it? Could IX reach some form of acceptable ending (if not the “deeply and profoundly satisfying” conclusion described by Trevorrow) even with Carrie and Leia gone?
Yes, but.  
As I said earlier in this essay, Carrie Fisher’s death renders the new trilogy tragic in ways that were probably not anticipated, and now cannot be avoided. Even so, it is possible to wrest some form of peace and balance from this story at its end. Despite my angry grief with the story group and everyone involved in bringing us to this painful place in the story, I have some trust that the storytellers have the skill to do it right.
The reality is that the most straightforward way to deal with Carrie Fisher’s real death is that General Leia Organa will die in the story, and that this death will take place off-screen. To me, this feels like the most honorable and honest way to let the truth of Fisher’s passing become part of the Star Wars universe without resorting to awkward and potentially offensive use of CG or re-casting to complete the saga. But oh, just thinking about it hurts. A lot. Many of us who have spent a lot of time grieving in recent days will grieve deeply again. So be it.
As Carrie noted, Star Wars is a story that misbehaves; it won’t stay on the screen. Our understanding of the characters is unbreakably linked to the people who created them and to our own experiences. 
When news of Fisher’s heart attack first broke, I had the absurd thought that it was time for Ben Organa Solo to stop his descent into darkness and get himself home; his mother needed him. I can readily imagine a version of the saga in which Leia’s death is the impetus that turns Ben back to the light. I can just as easily envision a version of the tale in which his mother’s death is the blow which finally extinguishes the light in him, but I don’t believe that darker path is likely for the filmmakers to take. The redemption of Ben Solo was the most likely endgame of the new saga before Fisher’s death; now I posit that it is the ONLY acceptable way in which the new trilogy can end.
Is there a way to tell the story without CG or re-casting which permits some final reconciliation between mother and son?
Yes, but.
Star Wars is a universe in which the dead sometimes appear to the living in the form of ghosts, and it is possible to envision a version of the story in which Leia appears as a Force ghost. In fact, I would almost guarantee that episode IX will make use of this trope to give both the other characters in the story and the audience some form of closure. It’s a gift of fiction that we are generally deprived of in real life. We’ll have to trust the storytellers to handle this with sensitivity and skill.  
Star Wars is a universe in which people tend not to send letters, but rather use holos to communicate with each other, so some form of CG might be used to permit Leia to send some form of final message to her son. In Rogue One, this storytelling technique was used when Galen Erso gave his message to Bodhi Rook to carry to Saw Gererra. Galen did not know if his message would reach either Saw or his daughter Jyn; but it did indeed serve as his last message of love and reconciliation to his daughter. In a similar vein, a message from Bail Organa to Leia featured prominently in Claudia Gray’s novel, Bloodline. 
Leia, a wartime general, might well have had a “farewell” letter of some kind in keeping for Ben, in the way soldiers who know they might never see their families again have done for centuries.
Actually, we don’t have to invent a message written by the General Organa we met in The Force Awakens, because we know that in Bloodline, Leia composed a letter to Ben at the time their relationship to Darth Vader was revealed. The story so far has not revealed whether this message ever reached its intended recipient. It’s possible that Leia’s message to her son, written long before the events in TFA, might finally reach his hands in Episode IX. 
Bloodline didn’t tell us what was in that message, but we can easily guess: Leia told her son she loved him. She apologized for not telling him the truth of his family history. She asked for his forgiveness. She told him she believed in the light in him.
She told him she loved him.
In one of my essays written in 2016, I speculated that the “mystery box” Rey opened in the basement of Maz Kanata’s castle, in which she discovered the Skywalker lightsaber, was the same box in which Bail Organa’s message was found in Bloodline; a keepsake box from the lost world of Alderaan that belonged to Leia as a young girl.
If my speculation is correct, the box and its contents may have a meaningful role to play in episode IX. As far as we know, the box was left behind after the battle on Takodana, but there’s no reason to assume it was not recovered by Maz and returned to Leia. If it was Leia’s keepsake box from her childhood on Alderaan, it becomes a powerful talisman which the storytellers could use to connect Ben to his mother after her death. In TFA, we catch a very brief glimpse of the objects which were in the box with the lightsaber. I don’t know what the storytellers will do with this detail, but I hope very much that the box did belong to Leia, that its contents were her own childhood treasures, and that the box eventually finds it way into the hands of her son. Maybe Luke will give it to him. Maybe Rey will.
A box of keepsakes and a final message would be a heartrending end to a story which should, by rights, have concluded with Leia dancing at a wedding and living a peaceful life, surrounded by grandchildren, but sometimes even fairy tales don’t go that way. Like life.
With much love to our fandom and our storytellers.
The Force is with you, Carrie Fisher. You are one with the Force.
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 * I’ll edit this and add some links to my old metas soon. XOXO
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markdaniel05 · 5 years ago
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
Due to the tremendous rise in appeal that stand up paddleboarding (SUP) has experienced over the past numerous years, more families than ever before are paddling out together and also making long-lasting memories. Among the fantastic things about the sporting activity of paddleboarding is the fact that it is a functional activity that can be enjoyed by any person, regardless of their age, skill level, or physical condition.In this short article, we’ll go over 9 vital safety suggestions that everybody ought to understand before bringing children along for a paddle. Youngsters actually enjoy going along for the flight, and SUP is a terrific method to introduce them to the water at a young age.
Similar to anything else, it’s important to prepare appropriately for your adventure as well as to see to it you have all of your equipment and also plans in place before paddling out with your small children. By complying with the easy tips detailed in this post, you’ll be ready to appreciate risk-free and extremely enjoyable paddling journeys with your kiddos. So without further ado, let’s jump right in …
9 Points You Need to Know Prior To Paddleboarding with Your Child
POINTER # 1: Life Jackets/PFDs are an Essential SUP Accessory (for both you as well as your child).
When it involves stand paddleboarding, a PFD (individual flotation device) is an accessory that you ought to never leave house without. While it’s usually needed by law that toddlers use life jackets in all times, many moms and dads make the error of forgeting this essential item of safety and security gear on their own. This is specifically real of those seasoned watermen and ladies that feel they’re strong sufficient swimmers. Nothing could be further from the fact, nonetheless.
Also expert swimmers have been victims of unfortunate as well as unnecessary sinking tragedies over the years, as well as a lot of these catastrophes might have been entirely stayed clear of if life jackets were utilized. No matter your experience level in the water, ensure that you and all of your paddling companions are wearing PFDs before striking the water. In several areas, some form of flotation device is needed by law.
There are several different sorts of PFDs to select from. They range from belt loads that blow up on contact with water or with the pull of a cable, to contemporary styles that enable optimum liberty of motion, to those musty typical life vest you might remember from canoeing at summer camp as a youngster. Regulations vary from state to state so make sure you know the guidelines where you’re paddling. Essentially, adults have the flexibility to select what they’re most comfy using. However, given that typical life vest use one of the most buoyancy as well as reputable security, they’re usually recommended for kids and usually needed.
TIP # 2: Make certain You Have the Right Board.
Prior to paddling out with your kid, it is very important to ensure that you’ve got the appropriate board for the task. Paddle board makers offer thorough specifications for their SUPs, as well as you require to guarantee that you as well as your kid’s consolidated weight will certainly be supported by your paddle board. Another consideration is SUP security– the very best boards for paddling with children are broader models that supply greater stability. Try to avoid slim paddle boards, particularly in the very beginning when you as well as your youngster are simply starting out.
IDEA # 3: Moms and dads Should be Putting On a SUP Chain.
Another exceptionally vital stand paddleboarding device is a SUP chain. Paddle board chains guarantee that you and also your board never ever come to be separated while out on the water, as well as this hazardous circumstance can quickly take place when paddling in harsh, gusty conditions with solid currents.
SUP security is a topic that’s exceptionally crucial to us. Due to the fact that we are devoted to maintaining people safe on the water, we include curled SUP chains with all of our boards. Coiled leashes with our dual swivel layout offer you maximum liberty of activity with minimal drag as well as are excellent in the majority of problems. However, if you’ll largely be surfing waves, our much shorter straight surf leash is a far better wager. A straight leash limits recoil in the waves and maintains the board from snapping back at you when you fall.
Make sure you use your chain and understand which style is best for where you’re paddling.
IDEA # 4: Testimonial Instructions Before Paddling Out.
Prior to paddling out with your kids, be sure to assess some basic directions with them. Let them understand that despite the fact that they’re not holding a paddle, they belong to your paddling group. Show them precisely where they’ll be remaining on your board and also agree on when it’s time to rest still and when they can move a lot more openly. Leaping around the deck of your SUP while you’re trying to maneuver your board will not just make the board unpredictable, it can lead to a child obtaining struck by the paddle.
SUGGESTION # 5: Choose a Tranquility Paddling Place.
When it comes to paddling out with children, avoid harsh, difficult problems. Select a place that is tranquil with little or no boat website traffic, and also do not paddle out on extremely windy days. Optimal conditions will certainly make sure that your kid feels great on the water and is loosened up and also able to fully delight in the experience.
Locate a nice tranquil spot to appreciate the day paddling with each other and allow your youngster established the pace.
TIP # 6: Start by Kneeling.
On the first paddle out with your youngster, do not hesitate to begin with your knees. Paddling on your knees lowers your center of gravity and causes better security– something that will make it a lot easier in the beginning as you’re both getting the hang of points.
Oh, incidentally, this works well for bigger children who are finding out to paddle also. It’s a terrific method to get even more comfortable if you’re not feeling confident on your feet, to begin paddling when you’re pushing off from shore, or as a brace placement if the wind and waves get also harsh while you’re out on the water.
SUGGESTION # 7: Maintain points Upbeat and Favorable.
The behavior of small children is often unforeseeable, as well as if your child comes to be fussy or unmanageable while on the water, remain calm as well as stay clear of becoming frustrated with them. The entire point of investing a day on the water together is to have a good time! It is necessary for young children to make a favorable connection with paddling, so you want to avoid unpleasant situations which will wreck their experience.
In the event that your kid’s habits weakens while on the water, stop paddling, muffle the board with them, and take a while to adoringly calm them down. Comfort them if they’re feeling anxious, and attempt to get their mind off of negativity by focusing on some positives. What have they enjoyed one of the most until now? Did you see any kind of wildlife? Exist specific areas where they ‘d like to check out?
Involving your kid in a tranquility, patient, as well as caring way will certainly maintain things enjoyable for everybody as well as will make sure that their SUP experience is a positive one.
POINTER # 8: Sun Security.
Overexposure to the sunlight is a dangerous thing for youngsters and also adults alike, and also it’s extremely crucial to shield on your own and also your youngster by utilizing sun security. Along with wearing sunscreen, we extremely recommend using a wide-brimmed hat that will offer added coverage for your face, ears, as well as neck. Likewise, it’s a good suggestion to put on a UPF 50+ rash guard or swim tee shirt to prevent sunburn on your arms, shoulders, and top torso.
Water functions as a powerful reflector of the sunlight’s rays, and investing hours standing on top of it is a very easy means to obtain an unpleasant shed. Protect on your own and also your child by following these basic preventative measures.
SUGGESTION # 9: Bring Along Water and Snacks.
Youngsters are infamous for continuous snacking, so it is necessary to pack plenty of snacks for your time on the water. Maintaining them pleased will certainly stay clear of grouchy episodes and permit you to spend even more time exploring together.
In addition to treats, water is likewise a requirement. Extensive amount of times in the warm sunlight can result in dehydration, so don’t forget to load a canteen or more full of great water for your adventure.
Last ideas.
Paddleboarding is an activity that households can enjoy together for at all ages, as well as it’s interesting to obtain youngsters entailed with the sporting activity at an early age. Properly introducing them to the water by adhering to these straightforward pointers will guarantee that they have a delightful SUP experience and make a favorable connection with the sporting activity.
It’s truly crucial to remember that as parents, we’re teaching our kids through our activities. When they see us making SUP safety and security a leading priority, they’ll naturally mature to be accountable paddlers who will consequently pass those methods on to their kids. Leading by instance is the leading method to inform the future generation of paddlers, and that duty falls squarely on our shoulders.
We hope this post has been helpful and that your household makes many beautiful memories on the water with each other.
Satisfied paddling!
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This post 9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child was see first on Paddle Board Rental - Paddle Board Rental Business
source https://www.paddle-board-rental.com/9-things-you-need-to-know-before-paddleboarding-with-your-child/ from Pakaloa SUP https://ift.tt/3c4nPzM
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maryajohnson6 · 5 years ago
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
Due to the tremendous rise in appeal that stand up paddleboarding (SUP) has experienced over the past numerous years, more families than ever before are paddling out together and also making long-lasting memories. Among the fantastic things about the sporting activity of paddleboarding is the fact that it is a functional activity that can be enjoyed by any person, regardless of their age, skill level, or physical condition.In this short article, we’ll go over 9 vital safety suggestions that everybody ought to understand before bringing children along for a paddle. Youngsters actually enjoy going along for the flight, and SUP is a terrific method to introduce them to the water at a young age.
Similar to anything else, it’s important to prepare appropriately for your adventure as well as to see to it you have all of your equipment and also plans in place before paddling out with your small children. By complying with the easy tips detailed in this post, you’ll be ready to appreciate risk-free and extremely enjoyable paddling journeys with your kiddos. So without further ado, let’s jump right in …
9 Points You Need to Know Prior To Paddleboarding with Your Child
POINTER # 1: Life Jackets/PFDs are an Essential SUP Accessory (for both you as well as your child).
When it involves stand paddleboarding, a PFD (individual flotation device) is an accessory that you ought to never leave house without. While it’s usually needed by law that toddlers use life jackets in all times, many moms and dads make the error of forgeting this essential item of safety and security gear on their own. This is specifically real of those seasoned watermen and ladies that feel they’re strong sufficient swimmers. Nothing could be further from the fact, nonetheless.
Also expert swimmers have been victims of unfortunate as well as unnecessary sinking tragedies over the years, as well as a lot of these catastrophes might have been entirely stayed clear of if life jackets were utilized. No matter your experience level in the water, ensure that you and all of your paddling companions are wearing PFDs before striking the water. In several areas, some form of flotation device is needed by law.
There are several different sorts of PFDs to select from. They range from belt loads that blow up on contact with water or with the pull of a cable, to contemporary styles that enable optimum liberty of motion, to those musty typical life vest you might remember from canoeing at summer camp as a youngster. Regulations vary from state to state so make sure you know the guidelines where you’re paddling. Essentially, adults have the flexibility to select what they’re most comfy using. However, given that typical life vest use one of the most buoyancy as well as reputable security, they’re usually recommended for kids and usually needed.
TIP # 2: Make certain You Have the Right Board.
Prior to paddling out with your kid, it is very important to ensure that you’ve got the appropriate board for the task. Paddle board makers offer thorough specifications for their SUPs, as well as you require to guarantee that you as well as your kid’s consolidated weight will certainly be supported by your paddle board. Another consideration is SUP security– the very best boards for paddling with children are broader models that supply greater stability. Try to avoid slim paddle boards, particularly in the very beginning when you as well as your youngster are simply starting out.
IDEA # 3: Moms and dads Should be Putting On a SUP Chain.
Another exceptionally vital stand paddleboarding device is a SUP chain. Paddle board chains guarantee that you and also your board never ever come to be separated while out on the water, as well as this hazardous circumstance can quickly take place when paddling in harsh, gusty conditions with solid currents.
SUP security is a topic that’s exceptionally crucial to us. Due to the fact that we are devoted to maintaining people safe on the water, we include curled SUP chains with all of our boards. Coiled leashes with our dual swivel layout offer you maximum liberty of activity with minimal drag as well as are excellent in the majority of problems. However, if you’ll largely be surfing waves, our much shorter straight surf leash is a far better wager. A straight leash limits recoil in the waves and maintains the board from snapping back at you when you fall.
Make sure you use your chain and understand which style is best for where you’re paddling.
IDEA # 4: Testimonial Instructions Before Paddling Out.
Prior to paddling out with your kids, be sure to assess some basic directions with them. Let them understand that despite the fact that they’re not holding a paddle, they belong to your paddling group. Show them precisely where they’ll be remaining on your board and also agree on when it’s time to rest still and when they can move a lot more openly. Leaping around the deck of your SUP while you’re trying to maneuver your board will not just make the board unpredictable, it can lead to a child obtaining struck by the paddle.
SUGGESTION # 5: Choose a Tranquility Paddling Place.
When it comes to paddling out with children, avoid harsh, difficult problems. Select a place that is tranquil with little or no boat website traffic, and also do not paddle out on extremely windy days. Optimal conditions will certainly make sure that your kid feels great on the water and is loosened up and also able to fully delight in the experience.
Locate a nice tranquil spot to appreciate the day paddling with each other and allow your youngster established the pace.
TIP # 6: Start by Kneeling.
On the first paddle out with your youngster, do not hesitate to begin with your knees. Paddling on your knees lowers your center of gravity and causes better security– something that will make it a lot easier in the beginning as you’re both getting the hang of points.
Oh, incidentally, this works well for bigger children who are finding out to paddle also. It’s a terrific method to get even more comfortable if you’re not feeling confident on your feet, to begin paddling when you’re pushing off from shore, or as a brace placement if the wind and waves get also harsh while you’re out on the water.
SUGGESTION # 7: Maintain points Upbeat and Favorable.
The behavior of small children is often unforeseeable, as well as if your child comes to be fussy or unmanageable while on the water, remain calm as well as stay clear of becoming frustrated with them. The entire point of investing a day on the water together is to have a good time! It is necessary for young children to make a favorable connection with paddling, so you want to avoid unpleasant situations which will wreck their experience.
In the event that your kid’s habits weakens while on the water, stop paddling, muffle the board with them, and take a while to adoringly calm them down. Comfort them if they’re feeling anxious, and attempt to get their mind off of negativity by focusing on some positives. What have they enjoyed one of the most until now? Did you see any kind of wildlife? Exist specific areas where they ‘d like to check out?
Involving your kid in a tranquility, patient, as well as caring way will certainly maintain things enjoyable for everybody as well as will make sure that their SUP experience is a positive one.
POINTER # 8: Sun Security.
Overexposure to the sunlight is a dangerous thing for youngsters and also adults alike, and also it’s extremely crucial to shield on your own and also your youngster by utilizing sun security. Along with wearing sunscreen, we extremely recommend using a wide-brimmed hat that will offer added coverage for your face, ears, as well as neck. Likewise, it’s a good suggestion to put on a UPF 50+ rash guard or swim tee shirt to prevent sunburn on your arms, shoulders, and top torso.
Water functions as a powerful reflector of the sunlight’s rays, and investing hours standing on top of it is a very easy means to obtain an unpleasant shed. Protect on your own and also your child by following these basic preventative measures.
SUGGESTION # 9: Bring Along Water and Snacks.
Youngsters are infamous for continuous snacking, so it is necessary to pack plenty of snacks for your time on the water. Maintaining them pleased will certainly stay clear of grouchy episodes and permit you to spend even more time exploring together.
In addition to treats, water is likewise a requirement. Extensive amount of times in the warm sunlight can result in dehydration, so don’t forget to load a canteen or more full of great water for your adventure.
Last ideas.
Paddleboarding is an activity that households can enjoy together for at all ages, as well as it’s interesting to obtain youngsters entailed with the sporting activity at an early age. Properly introducing them to the water by adhering to these straightforward pointers will guarantee that they have a delightful SUP experience and make a favorable connection with the sporting activity.
It’s truly crucial to remember that as parents, we’re teaching our kids through our activities. When they see us making SUP safety and security a leading priority, they’ll naturally mature to be accountable paddlers who will consequently pass those methods on to their kids. Leading by instance is the leading method to inform the future generation of paddlers, and that duty falls squarely on our shoulders.
We hope this post has been helpful and that your household makes many beautiful memories on the water with each other.
Satisfied paddling!
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This post 9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child was see first on Paddle Board Rental - Paddle Board Rental Business
from Paddle Board Rental https://www.paddle-board-rental.com/9-things-you-need-to-know-before-paddleboarding-with-your-child/ from Paddle Board Rental https://paddleboardrental2.tumblr.com/post/619188827207204864
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sylviajackson05 · 5 years ago
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
Due to the tremendous rise in appeal that stand up paddleboarding (SUP) has experienced over the past numerous years, more families than ever before are paddling out together and also making long-lasting memories. Among the fantastic things about the sporting activity of paddleboarding is the fact that it is a functional activity that can be enjoyed by any person, regardless of their age, skill level, or physical condition.In this short article, we’ll go over 9 vital safety suggestions that everybody ought to understand before bringing children along for a paddle. Youngsters actually enjoy going along for the flight, and SUP is a terrific method to introduce them to the water at a young age.
Similar to anything else, it’s important to prepare appropriately for your adventure as well as to see to it you have all of your equipment and also plans in place before paddling out with your small children. By complying with the easy tips detailed in this post, you’ll be ready to appreciate risk-free and extremely enjoyable paddling journeys with your kiddos. So without further ado, let’s jump right in …
9 Points You Need to Know Prior To Paddleboarding with Your Child
POINTER # 1: Life Jackets/PFDs are an Essential SUP Accessory (for both you as well as your child).
When it involves stand paddleboarding, a PFD (individual flotation device) is an accessory that you ought to never leave house without. While it’s usually needed by law that toddlers use life jackets in all times, many moms and dads make the error of forgeting this essential item of safety and security gear on their own. This is specifically real of those seasoned watermen and ladies that feel they’re strong sufficient swimmers. Nothing could be further from the fact, nonetheless.
Also expert swimmers have been victims of unfortunate as well as unnecessary sinking tragedies over the years, as well as a lot of these catastrophes might have been entirely stayed clear of if life jackets were utilized. No matter your experience level in the water, ensure that you and all of your paddling companions are wearing PFDs before striking the water. In several areas, some form of flotation device is needed by law.
There are several different sorts of PFDs to select from. They range from belt loads that blow up on contact with water or with the pull of a cable, to contemporary styles that enable optimum liberty of motion, to those musty typical life vest you might remember from canoeing at summer camp as a youngster. Regulations vary from state to state so make sure you know the guidelines where you’re paddling. Essentially, adults have the flexibility to select what they’re most comfy using. However, given that typical life vest use one of the most buoyancy as well as reputable security, they’re usually recommended for kids and usually needed.
TIP # 2: Make certain You Have the Right Board.
Prior to paddling out with your kid, it is very important to ensure that you’ve got the appropriate board for the task. Paddle board makers offer thorough specifications for their SUPs, as well as you require to guarantee that you as well as your kid’s consolidated weight will certainly be supported by your paddle board. Another consideration is SUP security– the very best boards for paddling with children are broader models that supply greater stability. Try to avoid slim paddle boards, particularly in the very beginning when you as well as your youngster are simply starting out.
IDEA # 3: Moms and dads Should be Putting On a SUP Chain.
Another exceptionally vital stand paddleboarding device is a SUP chain. Paddle board chains guarantee that you and also your board never ever come to be separated while out on the water, as well as this hazardous circumstance can quickly take place when paddling in harsh, gusty conditions with solid currents.
SUP security is a topic that’s exceptionally crucial to us. Due to the fact that we are devoted to maintaining people safe on the water, we include curled SUP chains with all of our boards. Coiled leashes with our dual swivel layout offer you maximum liberty of activity with minimal drag as well as are excellent in the majority of problems. However, if you’ll largely be surfing waves, our much shorter straight surf leash is a far better wager. A straight leash limits recoil in the waves and maintains the board from snapping back at you when you fall.
Make sure you use your chain and understand which style is best for where you’re paddling.
IDEA # 4: Testimonial Instructions Before Paddling Out.
Prior to paddling out with your kids, be sure to assess some basic directions with them. Let them understand that despite the fact that they’re not holding a paddle, they belong to your paddling group. Show them precisely where they’ll be remaining on your board and also agree on when it’s time to rest still and when they can move a lot more openly. Leaping around the deck of your SUP while you’re trying to maneuver your board will not just make the board unpredictable, it can lead to a child obtaining struck by the paddle.
SUGGESTION # 5: Choose a Tranquility Paddling Place.
When it comes to paddling out with children, avoid harsh, difficult problems. Select a place that is tranquil with little or no boat website traffic, and also do not paddle out on extremely windy days. Optimal conditions will certainly make sure that your kid feels great on the water and is loosened up and also able to fully delight in the experience.
Locate a nice tranquil spot to appreciate the day paddling with each other and allow your youngster established the pace.
TIP # 6: Start by Kneeling.
On the first paddle out with your youngster, do not hesitate to begin with your knees. Paddling on your knees lowers your center of gravity and causes better security– something that will make it a lot easier in the beginning as you’re both getting the hang of points.
Oh, incidentally, this works well for bigger children who are finding out to paddle also. It’s a terrific method to get even more comfortable if you’re not feeling confident on your feet, to begin paddling when you’re pushing off from shore, or as a brace placement if the wind and waves get also harsh while you’re out on the water.
SUGGESTION # 7: Maintain points Upbeat and Favorable.
The behavior of small children is often unforeseeable, as well as if your child comes to be fussy or unmanageable while on the water, remain calm as well as stay clear of becoming frustrated with them. The entire point of investing a day on the water together is to have a good time! It is necessary for young children to make a favorable connection with paddling, so you want to avoid unpleasant situations which will wreck their experience.
In the event that your kid’s habits weakens while on the water, stop paddling, muffle the board with them, and take a while to adoringly calm them down. Comfort them if they’re feeling anxious, and attempt to get their mind off of negativity by focusing on some positives. What have they enjoyed one of the most until now? Did you see any kind of wildlife? Exist specific areas where they ‘d like to check out?
Involving your kid in a tranquility, patient, as well as caring way will certainly maintain things enjoyable for everybody as well as will make sure that their SUP experience is a positive one.
POINTER # 8: Sun Security.
Overexposure to the sunlight is a dangerous thing for youngsters and also adults alike, and also it’s extremely crucial to shield on your own and also your youngster by utilizing sun security. Along with wearing sunscreen, we extremely recommend using a wide-brimmed hat that will offer added coverage for your face, ears, as well as neck. Likewise, it’s a good suggestion to put on a UPF 50+ rash guard or swim tee shirt to prevent sunburn on your arms, shoulders, and top torso.
Water functions as a powerful reflector of the sunlight’s rays, and investing hours standing on top of it is a very easy means to obtain an unpleasant shed. Protect on your own and also your child by following these basic preventative measures.
SUGGESTION # 9: Bring Along Water and Snacks.
Youngsters are infamous for continuous snacking, so it is necessary to pack plenty of snacks for your time on the water. Maintaining them pleased will certainly stay clear of grouchy episodes and permit you to spend even more time exploring together.
In addition to treats, water is likewise a requirement. Extensive amount of times in the warm sunlight can result in dehydration, so don’t forget to load a canteen or more full of great water for your adventure.
Last ideas.
Paddleboarding is an activity that households can enjoy together for at all ages, as well as it’s interesting to obtain youngsters entailed with the sporting activity at an early age. Properly introducing them to the water by adhering to these straightforward pointers will guarantee that they have a delightful SUP experience and make a favorable connection with the sporting activity.
It’s truly crucial to remember that as parents, we’re teaching our kids through our activities. When they see us making SUP safety and security a leading priority, they’ll naturally mature to be accountable paddlers who will consequently pass those methods on to their kids. Leading by instance is the leading method to inform the future generation of paddlers, and that duty falls squarely on our shoulders.
We hope this post has been helpful and that your household makes many beautiful memories on the water with each other.
Satisfied paddling!
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This post 9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child was see first on Paddle Board Rental - Paddle Board Rental Business
from Paddle Board Rental https://www.paddle-board-rental.com/9-things-you-need-to-know-before-paddleboarding-with-your-child/ from Pakaloa SUP https://pakaloa1.tumblr.com/post/619190486471720960
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lexiehewitt7 · 5 years ago
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
Due to the tremendous rise in appeal that stand up paddleboarding (SUP) has experienced over the past numerous years, more families than ever before are paddling out together and also making long-lasting memories. Among the fantastic things about the sporting activity of paddleboarding is the fact that it is a functional activity that can be enjoyed by any person, regardless of their age, skill level, or physical condition.In this short article, we’ll go over 9 vital safety suggestions that everybody ought to understand before bringing children along for a paddle. Youngsters actually enjoy going along for the flight, and SUP is a terrific method to introduce them to the water at a young age.
Similar to anything else, it’s important to prepare appropriately for your adventure as well as to see to it you have all of your equipment and also plans in place before paddling out with your small children. By complying with the easy tips detailed in this post, you’ll be ready to appreciate risk-free and extremely enjoyable paddling journeys with your kiddos. So without further ado, let’s jump right in …
9 Points You Need to Know Prior To Paddleboarding with Your Child
POINTER # 1: Life Jackets/PFDs are an Essential SUP Accessory (for both you as well as your child).
When it involves stand paddleboarding, a PFD (individual flotation device) is an accessory that you ought to never leave house without. While it’s usually needed by law that toddlers use life jackets in all times, many moms and dads make the error of forgeting this essential item of safety and security gear on their own. This is specifically real of those seasoned watermen and ladies that feel they’re strong sufficient swimmers. Nothing could be further from the fact, nonetheless.
Also expert swimmers have been victims of unfortunate as well as unnecessary sinking tragedies over the years, as well as a lot of these catastrophes might have been entirely stayed clear of if life jackets were utilized. No matter your experience level in the water, ensure that you and all of your paddling companions are wearing PFDs before striking the water. In several areas, some form of flotation device is needed by law.
There are several different sorts of PFDs to select from. They range from belt loads that blow up on contact with water or with the pull of a cable, to contemporary styles that enable optimum liberty of motion, to those musty typical life vest you might remember from canoeing at summer camp as a youngster. Regulations vary from state to state so make sure you know the guidelines where you’re paddling. Essentially, adults have the flexibility to select what they’re most comfy using. However, given that typical life vest use one of the most buoyancy as well as reputable security, they’re usually recommended for kids and usually needed.
TIP # 2: Make certain You Have the Right Board.
Prior to paddling out with your kid, it is very important to ensure that you’ve got the appropriate board for the task. Paddle board makers offer thorough specifications for their SUPs, as well as you require to guarantee that you as well as your kid’s consolidated weight will certainly be supported by your paddle board. Another consideration is SUP security– the very best boards for paddling with children are broader models that supply greater stability. Try to avoid slim paddle boards, particularly in the very beginning when you as well as your youngster are simply starting out.
IDEA # 3: Moms and dads Should be Putting On a SUP Chain.
Another exceptionally vital stand paddleboarding device is a SUP chain. Paddle board chains guarantee that you and also your board never ever come to be separated while out on the water, as well as this hazardous circumstance can quickly take place when paddling in harsh, gusty conditions with solid currents.
SUP security is a topic that’s exceptionally crucial to us. Due to the fact that we are devoted to maintaining people safe on the water, we include curled SUP chains with all of our boards. Coiled leashes with our dual swivel layout offer you maximum liberty of activity with minimal drag as well as are excellent in the majority of problems. However, if you’ll largely be surfing waves, our much shorter straight surf leash is a far better wager. A straight leash limits recoil in the waves and maintains the board from snapping back at you when you fall.
Make sure you use your chain and understand which style is best for where you’re paddling.
IDEA # 4: Testimonial Instructions Before Paddling Out.
Prior to paddling out with your kids, be sure to assess some basic directions with them. Let them understand that despite the fact that they’re not holding a paddle, they belong to your paddling group. Show them precisely where they’ll be remaining on your board and also agree on when it’s time to rest still and when they can move a lot more openly. Leaping around the deck of your SUP while you’re trying to maneuver your board will not just make the board unpredictable, it can lead to a child obtaining struck by the paddle.
SUGGESTION # 5: Choose a Tranquility Paddling Place.
When it comes to paddling out with children, avoid harsh, difficult problems. Select a place that is tranquil with little or no boat website traffic, and also do not paddle out on extremely windy days. Optimal conditions will certainly make sure that your kid feels great on the water and is loosened up and also able to fully delight in the experience.
Locate a nice tranquil spot to appreciate the day paddling with each other and allow your youngster established the pace.
TIP # 6: Start by Kneeling.
On the first paddle out with your youngster, do not hesitate to begin with your knees. Paddling on your knees lowers your center of gravity and causes better security– something that will make it a lot easier in the beginning as you’re both getting the hang of points.
Oh, incidentally, this works well for bigger children who are finding out to paddle also. It’s a terrific method to get even more comfortable if you’re not feeling confident on your feet, to begin paddling when you’re pushing off from shore, or as a brace placement if the wind and waves get also harsh while you’re out on the water.
SUGGESTION # 7: Maintain points Upbeat and Favorable.
The behavior of small children is often unforeseeable, as well as if your child comes to be fussy or unmanageable while on the water, remain calm as well as stay clear of becoming frustrated with them. The entire point of investing a day on the water together is to have a good time! It is necessary for young children to make a favorable connection with paddling, so you want to avoid unpleasant situations which will wreck their experience.
In the event that your kid’s habits weakens while on the water, stop paddling, muffle the board with them, and take a while to adoringly calm them down. Comfort them if they’re feeling anxious, and attempt to get their mind off of negativity by focusing on some positives. What have they enjoyed one of the most until now? Did you see any kind of wildlife? Exist specific areas where they ‘d like to check out?
Involving your kid in a tranquility, patient, as well as caring way will certainly maintain things enjoyable for everybody as well as will make sure that their SUP experience is a positive one.
POINTER # 8: Sun Security.
Overexposure to the sunlight is a dangerous thing for youngsters and also adults alike, and also it’s extremely crucial to shield on your own and also your youngster by utilizing sun security. Along with wearing sunscreen, we extremely recommend using a wide-brimmed hat that will offer added coverage for your face, ears, as well as neck. Likewise, it’s a good suggestion to put on a UPF 50+ rash guard or swim tee shirt to prevent sunburn on your arms, shoulders, and top torso.
Water functions as a powerful reflector of the sunlight’s rays, and investing hours standing on top of it is a very easy means to obtain an unpleasant shed. Protect on your own and also your child by following these basic preventative measures.
SUGGESTION # 9: Bring Along Water and Snacks.
Youngsters are infamous for continuous snacking, so it is necessary to pack plenty of snacks for your time on the water. Maintaining them pleased will certainly stay clear of grouchy episodes and permit you to spend even more time exploring together.
In addition to treats, water is likewise a requirement. Extensive amount of times in the warm sunlight can result in dehydration, so don’t forget to load a canteen or more full of great water for your adventure.
Last ideas.
Paddleboarding is an activity that households can enjoy together for at all ages, as well as it’s interesting to obtain youngsters entailed with the sporting activity at an early age. Properly introducing them to the water by adhering to these straightforward pointers will guarantee that they have a delightful SUP experience and make a favorable connection with the sporting activity.
It’s truly crucial to remember that as parents, we’re teaching our kids through our activities. When they see us making SUP safety and security a leading priority, they’ll naturally mature to be accountable paddlers who will consequently pass those methods on to their kids. Leading by instance is the leading method to inform the future generation of paddlers, and that duty falls squarely on our shoulders.
We hope this post has been helpful and that your household makes many beautiful memories on the water with each other.
Satisfied paddling!
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This post 9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child was see first on Paddle Board Rental - Paddle Board Rental Business
from https://www.paddle-board-rental.com/9-things-you-need-to-know-before-paddleboarding-with-your-child/
from Pakaloa SUP - Blog https://pakaloa1.weebly.com/blog/9-things-you-need-to-know-before-paddleboarding-with-your-child
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lanaversveld35 · 5 years ago
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
Due to the tremendous rise in appeal that stand up paddleboarding (SUP) has experienced over the past numerous years, more families than ever before are paddling out together and also making long-lasting memories. Among the fantastic things about the sporting activity of paddleboarding is the fact that it is a functional activity that can be enjoyed by any person, regardless of their age, skill level, or physical condition.In this short article, we’ll go over 9 vital safety suggestions that everybody ought to understand before bringing children along for a paddle. Youngsters actually enjoy going along for the flight, and SUP is a terrific method to introduce them to the water at a young age.
Similar to anything else, it’s important to prepare appropriately for your adventure as well as to see to it you have all of your equipment and also plans in place before paddling out with your small children. By complying with the easy tips detailed in this post, you’ll be ready to appreciate risk-free and extremely enjoyable paddling journeys with your kiddos. So without further ado, let’s jump right in …
9 Points You Need to Know Prior To Paddleboarding with Your Child
POINTER # 1: Life Jackets/PFDs are an Essential SUP Accessory (for both you as well as your child).
When it involves stand paddleboarding, a PFD (individual flotation device) is an accessory that you ought to never leave house without. While it’s usually needed by law that toddlers use life jackets in all times, many moms and dads make the error of forgeting this essential item of safety and security gear on their own. This is specifically real of those seasoned watermen and ladies that feel they’re strong sufficient swimmers. Nothing could be further from the fact, nonetheless.
Also expert swimmers have been victims of unfortunate as well as unnecessary sinking tragedies over the years, as well as a lot of these catastrophes might have been entirely stayed clear of if life jackets were utilized. No matter your experience level in the water, ensure that you and all of your paddling companions are wearing PFDs before striking the water. In several areas, some form of flotation device is needed by law.
There are several different sorts of PFDs to select from. They range from belt loads that blow up on contact with water or with the pull of a cable, to contemporary styles that enable optimum liberty of motion, to those musty typical life vest you might remember from canoeing at summer camp as a youngster. Regulations vary from state to state so make sure you know the guidelines where you’re paddling. Essentially, adults have the flexibility to select what they’re most comfy using. However, given that typical life vest use one of the most buoyancy as well as reputable security, they’re usually recommended for kids and usually needed.
TIP # 2: Make certain You Have the Right Board.
Prior to paddling out with your kid, it is very important to ensure that you’ve got the appropriate board for the task. Paddle board makers offer thorough specifications for their SUPs, as well as you require to guarantee that you as well as your kid’s consolidated weight will certainly be supported by your paddle board. Another consideration is SUP security– the very best boards for paddling with children are broader models that supply greater stability. Try to avoid slim paddle boards, particularly in the very beginning when you as well as your youngster are simply starting out.
IDEA # 3: Moms and dads Should be Putting On a SUP Chain.
Another exceptionally vital stand paddleboarding device is a SUP chain. Paddle board chains guarantee that you and also your board never ever come to be separated while out on the water, as well as this hazardous circumstance can quickly take place when paddling in harsh, gusty conditions with solid currents.
SUP security is a topic that’s exceptionally crucial to us. Due to the fact that we are devoted to maintaining people safe on the water, we include curled SUP chains with all of our boards. Coiled leashes with our dual swivel layout offer you maximum liberty of activity with minimal drag as well as are excellent in the majority of problems. However, if you’ll largely be surfing waves, our much shorter straight surf leash is a far better wager. A straight leash limits recoil in the waves and maintains the board from snapping back at you when you fall.
Make sure you use your chain and understand which style is best for where you’re paddling.
IDEA # 4: Testimonial Instructions Before Paddling Out.
Prior to paddling out with your kids, be sure to assess some basic directions with them. Let them understand that despite the fact that they’re not holding a paddle, they belong to your paddling group. Show them precisely where they’ll be remaining on your board and also agree on when it’s time to rest still and when they can move a lot more openly. Leaping around the deck of your SUP while you’re trying to maneuver your board will not just make the board unpredictable, it can lead to a child obtaining struck by the paddle.
SUGGESTION # 5: Choose a Tranquility Paddling Place.
When it comes to paddling out with children, avoid harsh, difficult problems. Select a place that is tranquil with little or no boat website traffic, and also do not paddle out on extremely windy days. Optimal conditions will certainly make sure that your kid feels great on the water and is loosened up and also able to fully delight in the experience.
Locate a nice tranquil spot to appreciate the day paddling with each other and allow your youngster established the pace.
TIP # 6: Start by Kneeling.
On the first paddle out with your youngster, do not hesitate to begin with your knees. Paddling on your knees lowers your center of gravity and causes better security– something that will make it a lot easier in the beginning as you’re both getting the hang of points.
Oh, incidentally, this works well for bigger children who are finding out to paddle also. It’s a terrific method to get even more comfortable if you’re not feeling confident on your feet, to begin paddling when you’re pushing off from shore, or as a brace placement if the wind and waves get also harsh while you’re out on the water.
SUGGESTION # 7: Maintain points Upbeat and Favorable.
The behavior of small children is often unforeseeable, as well as if your child comes to be fussy or unmanageable while on the water, remain calm as well as stay clear of becoming frustrated with them. The entire point of investing a day on the water together is to have a good time! It is necessary for young children to make a favorable connection with paddling, so you want to avoid unpleasant situations which will wreck their experience.
In the event that your kid’s habits weakens while on the water, stop paddling, muffle the board with them, and take a while to adoringly calm them down. Comfort them if they’re feeling anxious, and attempt to get their mind off of negativity by focusing on some positives. What have they enjoyed one of the most until now? Did you see any kind of wildlife? Exist specific areas where they ‘d like to check out?
Involving your kid in a tranquility, patient, as well as caring way will certainly maintain things enjoyable for everybody as well as will make sure that their SUP experience is a positive one.
POINTER # 8: Sun Security.
Overexposure to the sunlight is a dangerous thing for youngsters and also adults alike, and also it’s extremely crucial to shield on your own and also your youngster by utilizing sun security. Along with wearing sunscreen, we extremely recommend using a wide-brimmed hat that will offer added coverage for your face, ears, as well as neck. Likewise, it’s a good suggestion to put on a UPF 50+ rash guard or swim tee shirt to prevent sunburn on your arms, shoulders, and top torso.
Water functions as a powerful reflector of the sunlight’s rays, and investing hours standing on top of it is a very easy means to obtain an unpleasant shed. Protect on your own and also your child by following these basic preventative measures.
SUGGESTION # 9: Bring Along Water and Snacks.
Youngsters are infamous for continuous snacking, so it is necessary to pack plenty of snacks for your time on the water. Maintaining them pleased will certainly stay clear of grouchy episodes and permit you to spend even more time exploring together.
In addition to treats, water is likewise a requirement. Extensive amount of times in the warm sunlight can result in dehydration, so don’t forget to load a canteen or more full of great water for your adventure.
Last ideas.
Paddleboarding is an activity that households can enjoy together for at all ages, as well as it’s interesting to obtain youngsters entailed with the sporting activity at an early age. Properly introducing them to the water by adhering to these straightforward pointers will guarantee that they have a delightful SUP experience and make a favorable connection with the sporting activity.
It’s truly crucial to remember that as parents, we’re teaching our kids through our activities. When they see us making SUP safety and security a leading priority, they’ll naturally mature to be accountable paddlers who will consequently pass those methods on to their kids. Leading by instance is the leading method to inform the future generation of paddlers, and that duty falls squarely on our shoulders.
We hope this post has been helpful and that your household makes many beautiful memories on the water with each other.
Satisfied paddling!
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This post 9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child was see first on Paddle Board Rental - Paddle Board Rental Business
from Paddle Board Rental https://www.paddle-board-rental.com/9-things-you-need-to-know-before-paddleboarding-with-your-child/
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pakaloa1 · 5 years ago
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
Due to the tremendous rise in appeal that stand up paddleboarding (SUP) has experienced over the past numerous years, more families than ever before are paddling out together and also making long-lasting memories. Among the fantastic things about the sporting activity of paddleboarding is the fact that it is a functional activity that can be enjoyed by any person, regardless of their age, skill level, or physical condition.In this short article, we’ll go over 9 vital safety suggestions that everybody ought to understand before bringing children along for a paddle. Youngsters actually enjoy going along for the flight, and SUP is a terrific method to introduce them to the water at a young age.
Similar to anything else, it’s important to prepare appropriately for your adventure as well as to see to it you have all of your equipment and also plans in place before paddling out with your small children. By complying with the easy tips detailed in this post, you’ll be ready to appreciate risk-free and extremely enjoyable paddling journeys with your kiddos. So without further ado, let’s jump right in …
9 Points You Need to Know Prior To Paddleboarding with Your Child
POINTER # 1: Life Jackets/PFDs are an Essential SUP Accessory (for both you as well as your child).
When it involves stand paddleboarding, a PFD (individual flotation device) is an accessory that you ought to never leave house without. While it’s usually needed by law that toddlers use life jackets in all times, many moms and dads make the error of forgeting this essential item of safety and security gear on their own. This is specifically real of those seasoned watermen and ladies that feel they’re strong sufficient swimmers. Nothing could be further from the fact, nonetheless.
Also expert swimmers have been victims of unfortunate as well as unnecessary sinking tragedies over the years, as well as a lot of these catastrophes might have been entirely stayed clear of if life jackets were utilized. No matter your experience level in the water, ensure that you and all of your paddling companions are wearing PFDs before striking the water. In several areas, some form of flotation device is needed by law.
There are several different sorts of PFDs to select from. They range from belt loads that blow up on contact with water or with the pull of a cable, to contemporary styles that enable optimum liberty of motion, to those musty typical life vest you might remember from canoeing at summer camp as a youngster. Regulations vary from state to state so make sure you know the guidelines where you’re paddling. Essentially, adults have the flexibility to select what they’re most comfy using. However, given that typical life vest use one of the most buoyancy as well as reputable security, they’re usually recommended for kids and usually needed.
TIP # 2: Make certain You Have the Right Board.
Prior to paddling out with your kid, it is very important to ensure that you’ve got the appropriate board for the task. Paddle board makers offer thorough specifications for their SUPs, as well as you require to guarantee that you as well as your kid’s consolidated weight will certainly be supported by your paddle board. Another consideration is SUP security– the very best boards for paddling with children are broader models that supply greater stability. Try to avoid slim paddle boards, particularly in the very beginning when you as well as your youngster are simply starting out.
IDEA # 3: Moms and dads Should be Putting On a SUP Chain.
Another exceptionally vital stand paddleboarding device is a SUP chain. Paddle board chains guarantee that you and also your board never ever come to be separated while out on the water, as well as this hazardous circumstance can quickly take place when paddling in harsh, gusty conditions with solid currents.
SUP security is a topic that’s exceptionally crucial to us. Due to the fact that we are devoted to maintaining people safe on the water, we include curled SUP chains with all of our boards. Coiled leashes with our dual swivel layout offer you maximum liberty of activity with minimal drag as well as are excellent in the majority of problems. However, if you’ll largely be surfing waves, our much shorter straight surf leash is a far better wager. A straight leash limits recoil in the waves and maintains the board from snapping back at you when you fall.
Make sure you use your chain and understand which style is best for where you’re paddling.
IDEA # 4: Testimonial Instructions Before Paddling Out.
Prior to paddling out with your kids, be sure to assess some basic directions with them. Let them understand that despite the fact that they’re not holding a paddle, they belong to your paddling group. Show them precisely where they’ll be remaining on your board and also agree on when it’s time to rest still and when they can move a lot more openly. Leaping around the deck of your SUP while you’re trying to maneuver your board will not just make the board unpredictable, it can lead to a child obtaining struck by the paddle.
SUGGESTION # 5: Choose a Tranquility Paddling Place.
When it comes to paddling out with children, avoid harsh, difficult problems. Select a place that is tranquil with little or no boat website traffic, and also do not paddle out on extremely windy days. Optimal conditions will certainly make sure that your kid feels great on the water and is loosened up and also able to fully delight in the experience.
Locate a nice tranquil spot to appreciate the day paddling with each other and allow your youngster established the pace.
TIP # 6: Start by Kneeling.
On the first paddle out with your youngster, do not hesitate to begin with your knees. Paddling on your knees lowers your center of gravity and causes better security– something that will make it a lot easier in the beginning as you’re both getting the hang of points.
Oh, incidentally, this works well for bigger children who are finding out to paddle also. It’s a terrific method to get even more comfortable if you’re not feeling confident on your feet, to begin paddling when you’re pushing off from shore, or as a brace placement if the wind and waves get also harsh while you’re out on the water.
SUGGESTION # 7: Maintain points Upbeat and Favorable.
The behavior of small children is often unforeseeable, as well as if your child comes to be fussy or unmanageable while on the water, remain calm as well as stay clear of becoming frustrated with them. The entire point of investing a day on the water together is to have a good time! It is necessary for young children to make a favorable connection with paddling, so you want to avoid unpleasant situations which will wreck their experience.
In the event that your kid’s habits weakens while on the water, stop paddling, muffle the board with them, and take a while to adoringly calm them down. Comfort them if they’re feeling anxious, and attempt to get their mind off of negativity by focusing on some positives. What have they enjoyed one of the most until now? Did you see any kind of wildlife? Exist specific areas where they ‘d like to check out?
Involving your kid in a tranquility, patient, as well as caring way will certainly maintain things enjoyable for everybody as well as will make sure that their SUP experience is a positive one.
POINTER # 8: Sun Security.
Overexposure to the sunlight is a dangerous thing for youngsters and also adults alike, and also it’s extremely crucial to shield on your own and also your youngster by utilizing sun security. Along with wearing sunscreen, we extremely recommend using a wide-brimmed hat that will offer added coverage for your face, ears, as well as neck. Likewise, it’s a good suggestion to put on a UPF 50+ rash guard or swim tee shirt to prevent sunburn on your arms, shoulders, and top torso.
Water functions as a powerful reflector of the sunlight’s rays, and investing hours standing on top of it is a very easy means to obtain an unpleasant shed. Protect on your own and also your child by following these basic preventative measures.
SUGGESTION # 9: Bring Along Water and Snacks.
Youngsters are infamous for continuous snacking, so it is necessary to pack plenty of snacks for your time on the water. Maintaining them pleased will certainly stay clear of grouchy episodes and permit you to spend even more time exploring together.
In addition to treats, water is likewise a requirement. Extensive amount of times in the warm sunlight can result in dehydration, so don’t forget to load a canteen or more full of great water for your adventure.
Last ideas.
Paddleboarding is an activity that households can enjoy together for at all ages, as well as it’s interesting to obtain youngsters entailed with the sporting activity at an early age. Properly introducing them to the water by adhering to these straightforward pointers will guarantee that they have a delightful SUP experience and make a favorable connection with the sporting activity.
It’s truly crucial to remember that as parents, we’re teaching our kids through our activities. When they see us making SUP safety and security a leading priority, they’ll naturally mature to be accountable paddlers who will consequently pass those methods on to their kids. Leading by instance is the leading method to inform the future generation of paddlers, and that duty falls squarely on our shoulders.
We hope this post has been helpful and that your household makes many beautiful memories on the water with each other.
Satisfied paddling!
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This post 9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child was see first on Paddle Board Rental - Paddle Board Rental Business
from Paddle Board Rental https://www.paddle-board-rental.com/9-things-you-need-to-know-before-paddleboarding-with-your-child/
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marciajgreen4 · 5 years ago
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
Due to the tremendous rise in appeal that stand up paddleboarding (SUP) has experienced over the past numerous years, more families than ever before are paddling out together and also making long-lasting memories. Among the fantastic things about the sporting activity of paddleboarding is the fact that it is a functional activity that can be enjoyed by any person, regardless of their age, skill level, or physical condition.In this short article, we’ll go over 9 vital safety suggestions that everybody ought to understand before bringing children along for a paddle. Youngsters actually enjoy going along for the flight, and SUP is a terrific method to introduce them to the water at a young age.
Similar to anything else, it’s important to prepare appropriately for your adventure as well as to see to it you have all of your equipment and also plans in place before paddling out with your small children. By complying with the easy tips detailed in this post, you’ll be ready to appreciate risk-free and extremely enjoyable paddling journeys with your kiddos. So without further ado, let’s jump right in …
9 Points You Need to Know Prior To Paddleboarding with Your Child
POINTER # 1: Life Jackets/PFDs are an Essential SUP Accessory (for both you as well as your child).
When it involves stand paddleboarding, a PFD (individual flotation device) is an accessory that you ought to never leave house without. While it’s usually needed by law that toddlers use life jackets in all times, many moms and dads make the error of forgeting this essential item of safety and security gear on their own. This is specifically real of those seasoned watermen and ladies that feel they’re strong sufficient swimmers. Nothing could be further from the fact, nonetheless.
Also expert swimmers have been victims of unfortunate as well as unnecessary sinking tragedies over the years, as well as a lot of these catastrophes might have been entirely stayed clear of if life jackets were utilized. No matter your experience level in the water, ensure that you and all of your paddling companions are wearing PFDs before striking the water. In several areas, some form of flotation device is needed by law.
There are several different sorts of PFDs to select from. They range from belt loads that blow up on contact with water or with the pull of a cable, to contemporary styles that enable optimum liberty of motion, to those musty typical life vest you might remember from canoeing at summer camp as a youngster. Regulations vary from state to state so make sure you know the guidelines where you’re paddling. Essentially, adults have the flexibility to select what they’re most comfy using. However, given that typical life vest use one of the most buoyancy as well as reputable security, they’re usually recommended for kids and usually needed.
TIP # 2: Make certain You Have the Right Board.
Prior to paddling out with your kid, it is very important to ensure that you’ve got the appropriate board for the task. Paddle board makers offer thorough specifications for their SUPs, as well as you require to guarantee that you as well as your kid’s consolidated weight will certainly be supported by your paddle board. Another consideration is SUP security– the very best boards for paddling with children are broader models that supply greater stability. Try to avoid slim paddle boards, particularly in the very beginning when you as well as your youngster are simply starting out.
IDEA # 3: Moms and dads Should be Putting On a SUP Chain.
Another exceptionally vital stand paddleboarding device is a SUP chain. Paddle board chains guarantee that you and also your board never ever come to be separated while out on the water, as well as this hazardous circumstance can quickly take place when paddling in harsh, gusty conditions with solid currents.
SUP security is a topic that’s exceptionally crucial to us. Due to the fact that we are devoted to maintaining people safe on the water, we include curled SUP chains with all of our boards. Coiled leashes with our dual swivel layout offer you maximum liberty of activity with minimal drag as well as are excellent in the majority of problems. However, if you’ll largely be surfing waves, our much shorter straight surf leash is a far better wager. A straight leash limits recoil in the waves and maintains the board from snapping back at you when you fall.
Make sure you use your chain and understand which style is best for where you’re paddling.
IDEA # 4: Testimonial Instructions Before Paddling Out.
Prior to paddling out with your kids, be sure to assess some basic directions with them. Let them understand that despite the fact that they’re not holding a paddle, they belong to your paddling group. Show them precisely where they’ll be remaining on your board and also agree on when it’s time to rest still and when they can move a lot more openly. Leaping around the deck of your SUP while you’re trying to maneuver your board will not just make the board unpredictable, it can lead to a child obtaining struck by the paddle.
SUGGESTION # 5: Choose a Tranquility Paddling Place.
When it comes to paddling out with children, avoid harsh, difficult problems. Select a place that is tranquil with little or no boat website traffic, and also do not paddle out on extremely windy days. Optimal conditions will certainly make sure that your kid feels great on the water and is loosened up and also able to fully delight in the experience.
Locate a nice tranquil spot to appreciate the day paddling with each other and allow your youngster established the pace.
TIP # 6: Start by Kneeling.
On the first paddle out with your youngster, do not hesitate to begin with your knees. Paddling on your knees lowers your center of gravity and causes better security– something that will make it a lot easier in the beginning as you’re both getting the hang of points.
Oh, incidentally, this works well for bigger children who are finding out to paddle also. It’s a terrific method to get even more comfortable if you’re not feeling confident on your feet, to begin paddling when you’re pushing off from shore, or as a brace placement if the wind and waves get also harsh while you’re out on the water.
SUGGESTION # 7: Maintain points Upbeat and Favorable.
The behavior of small children is often unforeseeable, as well as if your child comes to be fussy or unmanageable while on the water, remain calm as well as stay clear of becoming frustrated with them. The entire point of investing a day on the water together is to have a good time! It is necessary for young children to make a favorable connection with paddling, so you want to avoid unpleasant situations which will wreck their experience.
In the event that your kid’s habits weakens while on the water, stop paddling, muffle the board with them, and take a while to adoringly calm them down. Comfort them if they’re feeling anxious, and attempt to get their mind off of negativity by focusing on some positives. What have they enjoyed one of the most until now? Did you see any kind of wildlife? Exist specific areas where they ‘d like to check out?
Involving your kid in a tranquility, patient, as well as caring way will certainly maintain things enjoyable for everybody as well as will make sure that their SUP experience is a positive one.
POINTER # 8: Sun Security.
Overexposure to the sunlight is a dangerous thing for youngsters and also adults alike, and also it’s extremely crucial to shield on your own and also your youngster by utilizing sun security. Along with wearing sunscreen, we extremely recommend using a wide-brimmed hat that will offer added coverage for your face, ears, as well as neck. Likewise, it’s a good suggestion to put on a UPF 50+ rash guard or swim tee shirt to prevent sunburn on your arms, shoulders, and top torso.
Water functions as a powerful reflector of the sunlight’s rays, and investing hours standing on top of it is a very easy means to obtain an unpleasant shed. Protect on your own and also your child by following these basic preventative measures.
SUGGESTION # 9: Bring Along Water and Snacks.
Youngsters are infamous for continuous snacking, so it is necessary to pack plenty of snacks for your time on the water. Maintaining them pleased will certainly stay clear of grouchy episodes and permit you to spend even more time exploring together.
In addition to treats, water is likewise a requirement. Extensive amount of times in the warm sunlight can result in dehydration, so don’t forget to load a canteen or more full of great water for your adventure.
Last ideas.
Paddleboarding is an activity that households can enjoy together for at all ages, as well as it’s interesting to obtain youngsters entailed with the sporting activity at an early age. Properly introducing them to the water by adhering to these straightforward pointers will guarantee that they have a delightful SUP experience and make a favorable connection with the sporting activity.
It’s truly crucial to remember that as parents, we’re teaching our kids through our activities. When they see us making SUP safety and security a leading priority, they’ll naturally mature to be accountable paddlers who will consequently pass those methods on to their kids. Leading by instance is the leading method to inform the future generation of paddlers, and that duty falls squarely on our shoulders.
We hope this post has been helpful and that your household makes many beautiful memories on the water with each other.
Satisfied paddling!
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This post 9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child was see first on Paddle Board Rental - Paddle Board Rental Business
from https://www.paddle-board-rental.com/9-things-you-need-to-know-before-paddleboarding-with-your-child/ from Paddle Board Rental https://paddleboardrental2.blogspot.com/2020/05/9-things-you-need-to-know-before.html
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evyengrier25 · 5 years ago
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
9 Things You Need to Know Before Paddleboarding with Your Child
Due to the tremendous rise in appeal that stand up paddleboarding (SUP) has experienced over the past numerous years, more families than ever before are paddling out together and also making long-lasting memories. Among the fantastic things about the sporting activity of paddleboarding is the fact that it is a functional activity that can be enjoyed by any person, regardless of their age, skill level, or physical condition.In this short article, we’ll go over 9 vital safety suggestions that everybody ought to understand before bringing children along for a paddle. Youngsters actually enjoy going along for the flight, and SUP is a terrific method to introduce them to the water at a young age.
Similar to anything else, it’s important to prepare appropriately for your adventure as well as to see to it you have all of your equipment and also plans in place before paddling out with your small children. By complying with the easy tips detailed in this post, you’ll be ready to appreciate risk-free and extremely enjoyable paddling journeys with your kiddos. So without further ado, let’s jump right in …
9 Points You Need to Know Prior To Paddleboarding with Your Child
POINTER # 1: Life Jackets/PFDs are an Essential SUP Accessory (for both you as well as your child).
When it involves stand paddleboarding, a PFD (individual flotation device) is an accessory that you ought to never leave house without. While it’s usually needed by law that toddlers use life jackets in all times, many moms and dads make the error of forgeting this essential item of safety and security gear on their own. This is specifically real of those seasoned watermen and ladies that feel they’re strong sufficient swimmers. Nothing could be further from the fact, nonetheless.
Also expert swimmers have been victims of unfortunate as well as unnecessary sinking tragedies over the years, as well as a lot of these catastrophes might have been entirely stayed clear of if life jackets were utilized. No matter your experience level in the water, ensure that you and all of your paddling companions are wearing PFDs before striking the water. In several areas, some form of flotation device is needed by law.
There are several different sorts of PFDs to select from. They range from belt loads that blow up on contact with water or with the pull of a cable, to contemporary styles that enable optimum liberty of motion, to those musty typical life vest you might remember from canoeing at summer camp as a youngster. Regulations vary from state to state so make sure you know the guidelines where you’re paddling. Essentially, adults have the flexibility to select what they’re most comfy using. However, given that typical life vest use one of the most buoyancy as well as reputable security, they’re usually recommended for kids and usually needed.
TIP # 2: Make certain You Have the Right Board.
Prior to paddling out with your kid, it is very important to ensure that you’ve got the appropriate board for the task. Paddle board makers offer thorough specifications for their SUPs, as well as you require to guarantee that you as well as your kid’s consolidated weight will certainly be supported by your paddle board. Another consideration is SUP security– the very best boards for paddling with children are broader models that supply greater stability. Try to avoid slim paddle boards, particularly in the very beginning when you as well as your youngster are simply starting out.
IDEA # 3: Moms and dads Should be Putting On a SUP Chain.
Another exceptionally vital stand paddleboarding device is a SUP chain. Paddle board chains guarantee that you and also your board never ever come to be separated while out on the water, as well as this hazardous circumstance can quickly take place when paddling in harsh, gusty conditions with solid currents.
SUP security is a topic that’s exceptionally crucial to us. Due to the fact that we are devoted to maintaining people safe on the water, we include curled SUP chains with all of our boards. Coiled leashes with our dual swivel layout offer you maximum liberty of activity with minimal drag as well as are excellent in the majority of problems. However, if you’ll largely be surfing waves, our much shorter straight surf leash is a far better wager. A straight leash limits recoil in the waves and maintains the board from snapping back at you when you fall.
Make sure you use your chain and understand which style is best for where you’re paddling.
IDEA # 4: Testimonial Instructions Before Paddling Out.
Prior to paddling out with your kids, be sure to assess some basic directions with them. Let them understand that despite the fact that they’re not holding a paddle, they belong to your paddling group. Show them precisely where they’ll be remaining on your board and also agree on when it’s time to rest still and when they can move a lot more openly. Leaping around the deck of your SUP while you’re trying to maneuver your board will not just make the board unpredictable, it can lead to a child obtaining struck by the paddle.
SUGGESTION # 5: Choose a Tranquility Paddling Place.
When it comes to paddling out with children, avoid harsh, difficult problems. Select a place that is tranquil with little or no boat website traffic, and also do not paddle out on extremely windy days. Optimal conditions will certainly make sure that your kid feels great on the water and is loosened up and also able to fully delight in the experience.
Locate a nice tranquil spot to appreciate the day paddling with each other and allow your youngster established the pace.
TIP # 6: Start by Kneeling.
On the first paddle out with your youngster, do not hesitate to begin with your knees. Paddling on your knees lowers your center of gravity and causes better security– something that will make it a lot easier in the beginning as you’re both getting the hang of points.
Oh, incidentally, this works well for bigger children who are finding out to paddle also. It’s a terrific method to get even more comfortable if you’re not feeling confident on your feet, to begin paddling when you’re pushing off from shore, or as a brace placement if the wind and waves get also harsh while you’re out on the water.
SUGGESTION # 7: Maintain points Upbeat and Favorable.
The behavior of small children is often unforeseeable, as well as if your child comes to be fussy or unmanageable while on the water, remain calm as well as stay clear of becoming frustrated with them. The entire point of investing a day on the water together is to have a good time! It is necessary for young children to make a favorable connection with paddling, so you want to avoid unpleasant situations which will wreck their experience.
In the event that your kid’s habits weakens while on the water, stop paddling, muffle the board with them, and take a while to adoringly calm them down. Comfort them if they’re feeling anxious, and attempt to get their mind off of negativity by focusing on some positives. What have they enjoyed one of the most until now? Did you see any kind of wildlife? Exist specific areas where they ‘d like to check out?
Involving your kid in a tranquility, patient, as well as caring way will certainly maintain things enjoyable for everybody as well as will make sure that their SUP experience is a positive one.
POINTER # 8: Sun Security.
Overexposure to the sunlight is a dangerous thing for youngsters and also adults alike, and also it’s extremely crucial to shield on your own and also your youngster by utilizing sun security. Along with wearing sunscreen, we extremely recommend using a wide-brimmed hat that will offer added coverage for your face, ears, as well as neck. Likewise, it’s a good suggestion to put on a UPF 50+ rash guard or swim tee shirt to prevent sunburn on your arms, shoulders, and top torso.
Water functions as a powerful reflector of the sunlight’s rays, and investing hours standing on top of it is a very easy means to obtain an unpleasant shed. Protect on your own and also your child by following these basic preventative measures.
SUGGESTION # 9: Bring Along Water and Snacks.
Youngsters are infamous for continuous snacking, so it is necessary to pack plenty of snacks for your time on the water. Maintaining them pleased will certainly stay clear of grouchy episodes and permit you to spend even more time exploring together.
In addition to treats, water is likewise a requirement. Extensive amount of times in the warm sunlight can result in dehydration, so don’t forget to load a canteen or more full of great water for your adventure.
Last ideas.
Paddleboarding is an activity that households can enjoy together for at all ages, as well as it’s interesting to obtain youngsters entailed with the sporting activity at an early age. Properly introducing them to the water by adhering to these straightforward pointers will guarantee that they have a delightful SUP experience and make a favorable connection with the sporting activity.
It’s truly crucial to remember that as parents, we’re teaching our kids through our activities. When they see us making SUP safety and security a leading priority, they’ll naturally mature to be accountable paddlers who will consequently pass those methods on to their kids. Leading by instance is the leading method to inform the future generation of paddlers, and that duty falls squarely on our shoulders.
We hope this post has been helpful and that your household makes many beautiful memories on the water with each other.
Satisfied paddling!
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