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scottishaccentsareawesome · 7 months ago
Kate: Do you love me? Tyler(smiles): You ask me that like you think I even had a choice...
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ramblings-of-a-mad-cat · 4 years ago
Which storyarc do you like the best from Doctor Who?
I think the seasons had their ups and downs.
The Ninth Doctor had a pretty solid storyline. The whole idea of Bad Wolf was and is a little arbitrary, but it brought back other features like Satellite 5 and the heart of the Tardis. I think the finale was lovely and we don't talk about it enough. This season also has the single best Dalek story in modern who, simply called "Dalek."
Season 2 brought back the parallel words and made Torchwood into the new Bad Wolf. The conclusion was okay, I just really could have lived without all of the teasing that Rose was going to die when she kind of didn't. Also, the cybermen are superbly creepy. Seriously, this may not be their finest outing but for a return to the series, I sure got chills.
Season 3's storyline is amazing. Everything felt seamless. It's one of my favorites for sure. Everything to do with Mr. Saxon and the influence he had over The Doctor and Martha's adventures, and especially the character of Francine Jones. I adore Francine. Martha has an excellent character arc as well, and goes out on her own terms.
Season 4 had it's moments. Turn Left was not only a fantastic episode but a great piece of continuity. I think the disappearing planets was a neat mystery and I enjoy the epic finale, I just also have a lot of issues with it. The whole idea of "destiny" is...meh. The fake-out regeneration was an ice cold move too.
Season 5 is like Season 3. It is so, so well told. All of the elements come together for a perfect finale. The cracks in time, the Silence, the Tardis exploding, Rory's death, the mystery of River...and the Pandorica being built for The Doctor? Underrated twist. Factor in the fairy tale themes and you're in business!
Then we have the hodge podge that is Season 6. Some great episodes and great ideas, but it isn't really put together very well. Especially the stuff with River. Of all seasons, this one is the most convoluted, and it insultingly throws everything in the trash during the final episode.
Matt Smith's final season didn't have an arc for some reason. Okay, it kind of did. The Impossible Girl storyline was solid, and I got emotional losing Amy and Rory...but this season was a weird outing. Apparently the posters/titles were designed, and the episodes built around them...and Moffat is proud of that?
This is the worst season. I'm sorry, but this story-arc is garbage. One of the worst uses of the Cybermen, Missy before she got likeable, and The Doctor randomly hates soldiers with a passion in this season even though UNIT still exists. Don't get me started on the "Am I a good man?" stuff.
A much better season, but not a significantly better arc. I love Clara, I quite like Ashildr, but the Hybrid idea was hastily thrown together and tacked on. And the idea that it's The Doctor and Clara together? That's not what a hybrid is. I'd also be remiss not to mention the letdown that was Hell Bent.
Surprisingly solid. Like, this is the best story-arc Capaldi got. They take a crack at redeeming The Master and honestly? It kind of works. As does Bill's unique dynamic with The Doctor of being his student. It all culminates in an exceptional finale. Season 10 is way more frickin awesome than we remember.
I love this season and I don't even care. The storyline here is one of emotional growth, and it's well executed. Ryan and Graham have to bond and move on from Grace, and it's beautifully done. This is one of the most human seasons of the show.
Like Season 6 before it, this one is a bit of a mess. It's got some great episodes and there are some really cool ideas here, that I want to see explored further. But it doesn't quite stick the landing. I am very salty about Gallifrey being gone again, and I shall be for a while.
So in my humble opinion, the seasons with the overall best storylines and writing are 3, 5, 10, and 11. If I had to pick a favorite through, I would probably go with three. I just love Martha's journey so damn much, and I'm a sucker for The Master when he's written well.
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houseswolo · 5 years ago
Day 17 - 'Tis The Season To Be Thirsting
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"Oh come all ye Forceful..."
The last of our Thirsties to be showcased:
(Tumblr: @wilsonthinks66​ | Twitter: Wilsonthinks66 | Ao3: Wilson66)
What got you into Star Wars?
When a certain Adam Driver revealed his beautiful face in The Force Awakens 😍 helloo handsome
What made you a Reylo? Lightbulb moment!
"You're not alone." "Neither are you."
I think I told Luke to piss off and let them kiss!
Why do you write / make art?
Because why not?! I write when I have that little niggling idea that just won't go away.
The Object of your Thirst…
Oh so many but if we're sticking to the Star Wars it's got to be the beautiful Adam Driver and my favourite ginger Domhnall Gleeson
Which Adam look do you like the best?
Unwrapped and bare chested 🤤😍
Which Adam avatar/ role do you like the best?
Flip Zimmerman, I think my stomach literally flipped (pun intended 😏) when Adam wheeled around on that chair 💦💦
Which part of Adam do you like the best? 
A part? How can you only pick one part.
Favorite Star Wars Movie
Probably The Force Awakens, it was the film that made me watch the others in preparation, although Rogue one is a close second.
What do you like to write / draw / paint the most?
Don't judge me but I love writing angst obviously with a well earned happy ending. This is what I want to write as I've made a promise to myself to focus on what I enjoy reading/writing and not worry about others' opinions.
**Eyes the dark Evil Rey idea that won't leave me alone recently**
We'll get to you soon.
(HS: Dooo eeeet!)
Your TRoS Prediction
They all live happily ever after... Hux included 🤞❤️ no I know that may be too optimistic but I do hope we get Bendemption 😍
If you were an aesthetic... (colors, images, feels....)
Red and black are my favourite colour combination, although I adore autumn colours too🍁🧡
What's your ideal environment for writing / creating? 
Silence 😂 seriously I am so easily distracted that I need solitary confinement 😅 which may be why I sometimes struggle to finish fics.
Are you a dom or sub? 
Switch baby! 🤘 For the perfect partner I'll be whatever they need 😏
What's the most exotic/wierd place you've gotten intimate?
I've spent most of my life at yards, I'm not going to miss the opportunity to roll about the straw barn, now am I? 🙊
What's your kink?
Who doesn't love a good Dom but on the flip who doesn't love a well-behaved sub? 🤷 I'm easily pleased.
Use three words to describe yourself
Loyal, kind (I hope I come across as such) and argumentative sometimes because I can fall out with myself if I'm that way inclined 😂
Meaning behind your nick / ID name
Well it's my name and I wasn't feeling imaginative 😅
Are you a big spoon or little spoon?
I'm a don't touch me while a sleep spoon, solitary spoon 😘
Do you like it rough or soft? 
See if you pick one, you lose out on the other. I'm too greedy for that.
Favorite fic you read
Unexpected by pontmercy44. The first star wars fandom fic I ever read that introduced me into this world, I guess.
Favorite fic you wrote or favorite art you made
Decades to Fall for Sunshineflying. A reyux fic (don't shoot the multishipper!) That I just loved writing and wish that every fic was that easy to create. 😍❤️
Favorite SW character besides Kylo and Rey
Oh well this is so hard for me umm 🤔 maybe that ginger General of First Order... I struggle to remember his name 😘 love me some Hux
(Tumblr: @tazwren | Twitter: WrenTaz | Ao3: TazWren & TrashcanWren)
What got you into Star Wars?
Literally, a lightsaber being stuck into my hand, at 7yrs, and being asked to be Vader to my cousin’s Luke Skywalker. I’d never heard of SW till that moment, and I fell headfirst into the Dark Side and in love with the galaxy far, far away! Its been the one franchise that as been a constant for me, the whole time growing up, and I’ve loved having something SW to look forward to every few years. SW and Reylo lifer! 😁😁😎😎
What made you a Reylo? Lightbulb moment!
“You are not alone.” The minute Kylo/Ben said those words, I was gone for Reylo. No true villain would give a flying fuck about his so-called adversary’s mental and emotional health. When their hands touched? I screeched in that theatre! And I may have yelled at Luke as well. Walked out and hunted for Kylo/Rey fanfics and the rest was history!
Why do you write / make art?
I do because the stories show up and make it impossible for me to do anything else but tell them. They buzz and breed and drown out all other sounds, like manic mosquitoes. They can be quite a nuisance that way, but... *throws up hands* ... I gots to do what they tell me to do! 😆
The Object of your Thirst…
Uh, do I even need to answer this? Adam Douglas Driver, Mr.Sensitive-on-a-stick, BDE Boss hisself 😎😏
Once I discovered him, all others ceased to exist for me. (Hugh, who? Chris, what?)
Which Adam look do you like the best?
I like Adam every which way, but my favorites are with facial scruff and slightly shaggy hair - Phillip Altman meets Ben Swolo. Oooh, anytime he is a sweater (or half out of one!) or with his shirtsleeves rolled up. So, um, yeah... 😁
Which Adam avatar/ role do you like the best?
Philip Altman is BAE - he always lightens my heart. And Ben Solo? He owns the frickin’ thing. So yeah, anyone who knows me, knows one ain’t enough 😏
Which part of Adam do you like the best?
His face - it’s so emotive and expressive! His eyes, those lips, that smile that launches a gazillion ships. His hands, his strong-ass arms. That glorious mane of hair. Have I mentioned them tiddies and the tree-trunk thighs?! Oh, and when he flexes his back, and...
Uh... let’s just say, everything Adam? 
Favorite Star Wars Movie
The Last Jedi was the most beautifully written and shot movie in the entire franchise, with a depth of characterization and exploration of symbolism that was brilliant. This will always rate as the best for me. A close second, and one I will always love, is Empire Strikes Back. That was quintessential Star Wars and an amazingly good watch - snark, action, angst, love, betrayal, rescue, OMFG!
What do you like to write / draw / paint the most?
Until I started writing Reylo, I’d never been able to write fiction. I could never visualize the stories. And once I started, I haven’t been able to stop! I’ll write anything Reylo, I’ll try writing anything at least once (so, yeah, there may be dark fic as well one day!). My style defaults to either mildly angsty, or humour-laced fluff, or depraved smut. So, not sure what that says about me 😂
Your TRoS Prediction
Bendemption. Reylo. *mic drop*
If you were an aesthetic... (colors, images, feels....)
Blacks, Reds, Greys, slashes of bright turquoise and white and ochre. Blue and white-striped awnings shading an alfresco cafe, overlooking a green ocean. Bright, city lights, reds and yellows glinting off the black water of a bay. A busy airport, with the scents of perfume from Duty-Free as you zoom past it.
If you were a candy bar, what would your name be?
The Ever-lasting Gobstopper 😂
What's your ideal environment for writing / creating?
In a hotel room, on my own. In the back of cab, in the window-seat of an airplane. At my desk, looking out through the window as the breeze blows through the trees, and the Burn This playlist keeps going on repeat. 
Are you a dom or sub?
Both? Both is good.
What's the most exotic/wierd place you've gotten intimate?
On the back of a bike, in the middle of the night, stopped at a traffic intersection.
What's your kink?
Size. Hands. Humour. Fidelity, and yet threesomes (go figure, I’m depraved). Mild Dom. Intelligence and thoughtfulness. Hair. Fuck it, Adam.
Use three words to describe yourself
Loyal, funny, organized-chaos (its a thing, trust me!)
Meaning behind your nick / ID name
I’ve always had Taz as a nickname, for the Warner Bros Tasmanian Devil (yes, I’ve been known to be exactly like that! 😂). Wren is a nod to Kylo Ren, and the fact that one of the earliest fanfics I read had Rey naming her son ‘Wren’ as a backhanded pointer to Kylo! So I’m, Taz, a Knight of Ren.
Are you a big spoon or little spoon?
I can be both, till I fall asleep. Then, pls leave me tf alone 😬😁
Do you like it rough or soft?
Both - why choose?!
Favorite fic you read
There are so very many in this amazing fandom! The one that I’ve loved from the beginning, though, is The Art of Broken Pieces - a beautifully written Bendemption fic. 
Favorite fic you wrote or favorite art you made
God, this is hard! My recent favorites are Brooklyn Bridge Blues, Caught Between Beats, and A Taste For Two - I like that I’m able to explore a variety of stories and emotions through them. I’m most proud of Confidences To A Stranger because I was able to explore a storytelling medium that I hadn’t before. 
Favorite SW character besides Kylo and Rey
Padme Amidala - she reminds me of my mother and grandmother, both of whom were strong women, who got shit done, while always taking care of their people. She was a queen in more than just name. Han Solo - I am weak for a scoundrel/villain/bad boy in a leather jacket, with a hardass, snarky exterior that hides a heart of gold. The reluctant hero.💙
Meet the other Thristies! Thirst Order Advent Calendar Day:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
cc: @tazwren @drnucleus @ashtyntaytertot @deadlikemoi @nite0wl29 @thereylowritingden @houseplaidam @housedadam @house-crylo @housereysistance @my-jedi-life @shestoolazytologin @koderenn @thoseindarkness @areylofan @lostinqueue-ffa @queenoferebor  @cosmo-gonika @roguesinside @wilsonthinks66  @dangertaylor @lilia-ula @wandering-minds-found @looc-at-me @hopelesslyreylo @ferashacosplay @andabatae-writes @semperfidani ​ @reylo-fade-to-grey @cb-lainey-schooled
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eddiebaresgazebos · 5 years ago
Beautiful Trauma
*Location* Canada Toronto 1985
The snow fell down heavy. Leaving a beautiful pure white mist behind like a paranormal entity delicately fluttering across a dark room being lit by the moonlight blooming like a snow drop on a beautiful springtime day. This world has many mysteries, horrors and dark secrets that not even everyone can come to terms with no matter how hard they try.
Kimberly Rough Watson is a petite girl for her 17 years of age, withholding a pasty white complexion, deep emerald eyes anyone could be possessed by and the richest shade of caramel locks that trailed down to the very ends of her back. Kimberly in reality was a “sad” girl always looking into the latest crime cases and keeping every snippet of Crime articles containing horrific detail about Milk carton kids, Certain Serial Killers, conspiracy’s and the most spine chilling thing of all exposed experiments kept top secret for years. It gave the girl mixed feelings of amusement and fascination what went through the average humans brain to make them think such despicable thoughts? Was there something in their backgrounds that snapped them into the sinister infamous killers they are known for today? All of Kim’s thoughts were put on holt as she was put into a feeling of great shock when a violent tapping sound came from her window slowly and hesitantly picking up the thickest book she owned of her bed titled “ The secrets of a serial killer” for her protection, peeping her head slightly out from behind her mahogany coloured curtain’s all traces of crippling anxiety and blinding fear taking control over her entire body, plastering her into place like when you use a thick, sticky white substance to plaster wallpaper onto a painfully dull wall when moving into a new house.
{tap, tap,tap} the noise came again only more violent this time Kimberly in this moment becoming blinded by fear with every tap against her window.By the seventh tap something snapped in the back of Kimberly’s mind and her anxiety and fear was exchanged for shear fits of rage “how dare someone or something do this to her in her own house” still hesitant the poor girl gathered all traces of courage she had and picked her book up leaving it protrude over her head, levelled exactly to damage whatever was bothering her and attacking her window. “one…..two…….” counting slowly in her head ready to attack Kim took a breath after each count “THREE” Kimberly screamed in her head pulling back the drapes protecting the secrets of her room from the outside world and shot the book out of her window in sheer fits of aggression, crippling anxiety and paranoia. “OUCHHHHHH FRICKIN TAP DANCING JESUSE!!!” a familiar voice screamed out in agony Kimberly looked out her window analysing with great care for who she hit and after a few seconds of analysis she concluded that she hit her best and only friend a tallish boy withholding a tanned skin tone with the cutest of freckles to compliment his face , soft chocolate coloured eyes in which anyone could get lost in and deep brown hair neatly cut and styled that went by the name of Jack Hunter Andison splattered onto the floor like a fly being smashed against a wall. “Oh well done Kim you’ve done it again” a quick thought passed through Kimberley’s brain as she raced down the stairs to aid her friend back to health. “Oh, Jack I’m so sorry, I didn’t know it was you” The petite girl screamed in sorrow and guilt
“No, no” Jack insisted “Surely it was my fault, I mean its not everyday you get stones attacked at your window and spattered back with a book onto the sidewalk” Jack laughed in pain and embracement from the events which just occurred. “What did you come here for Jack?” Kimberly askes with a hint of interest in her voice as she carefully aided Jacks bruised head, Jack took a few moments to answer thinking with great concentration on how to spill the news.“Well.” Jack winced in pain as Kim aided his injury “You know about the Russian Sleep experiments from the 1940’s right?” “Oh boy! Have I ever, it’s so fascinating about the events that occurred and how the human body reacts to certain things Jack!” Kim’s voice projecting the happiness in her voice, this was one of the worlds mysterious experiments that intrigued her deeply. “ Well something like this has happened again recently Kim.. and.. there’s been one lone survivor. There bringing the survivor to our town for recognition and because this is the last place the creators of the experiment will look, nobody ever comes here to our crappy lil town” Jack explained in great detail slightly ranting towards the end.
Kimberly was hit with a wave of confusion soon after following with a massive wave of unanswered questions. “can we check this out in the library at school tomorrow Jack?” making it sound more of a fact then a question. “Yes but we have to be careful, if anyone finds out were getting ourselves into this were basically screwed” Jack stated in complete seriousness. The very next morning Kim and Jack arose before the slightest beam of sun touched the Earth giving it’s usual Morning greeting. Out onto the crunchy white blanket called snow a petite girl and lanky boy roamed the winter wonderland that was set before them like a black and white picture taken at Christmas time capturing the very essence of “perfect.” Soon after the duo set out onto their journey they were met by Juniper Hill founded in 1920 and the only high school in town, met to educate 600 this old fashioned bricked building educated 1200 making everyday a literal world war 3 creating a sense of irony since the second war ended in 1944, 14 years after the third held at the one place that was supposed to educate and protect juxtaposing its entire existence. Jack swung the doors open allowing the sudden violent bursts of heat to attack their cold body’s and bring a sense of hope to both teens, down the dark hallways a tapping of poorly made winter shoes made its calling down the one hallway which for once possessed all signs of peace, tranquillity and relaxation.Trailing down every book stall and looking through book after book they finally found what they had come for an entire essay had been written about this survivor with crimpled pictures provided and showcasing how old and long this case has gone undetected and heard. Two pairs of eyes scanned every detail being shown to ma kind the columns read { Project B~ Number 1927 formally known as Dylan Robinson as been under scientific measures for 8 years and in that time the founders have concluded that this experiment has given extraordinary results that could change the world however this experiment is very dangerous and with the results in the wrong hands mankind could be obliviated so all traces will be destroyed, results will be said to be conclusive and project B will be disposed of.} “This isn’t real” Kim said to herself
“It’s very real Kimberly” a sinister voice responded trying to mask it’s dark deeds with Jack sweet and husky like voice “What did you say Jack?”“Hmmmm” Jack managed to let a random noise escape this lips, Jack still deep reading and deeper in thought wasn’t properly listening to Kimberly and made some random noise to keep her from becoming angry and annoyed“Kimberlyyyy” the voice summoned again dragging out the Y in a very painful way “Non of this is real, Your crazy, Your Crazy Kimberly, Your never alone when your with meee, You’ll never be sane” Like when dragging chalk across a chalk board this dark and dangerous voice kept hitting Kimberly down shot after shot like a gun firing a full round of bullets intending to cause agony at any cost. Kim looked around her, her head becoming heavy. Body light like helium. The world begun to spin. The confused and scared girl turned to her only friend for comfort and support in this scary event that was taking place but her so called best friend just stood and stared withholding a stone cold face and neutral expression. Kimberly couldn’t believe him. She had been there for him for so long and when she really needed him he does nothing and just watches her, Jack’s face begun to change shape and slowly melt away his cute freckled face, adorable chocolate caramel eyes, his neatly cut hair it was all gone.The floor beneath Kim’s feet ripped open like when a saddo picks their grossly set ruby red scabby wounds the teen was submerged to a world of darkness and shadows as a shocking sensation attacked the left side of her rib cage.
A blurring light shot into Kimberly’s defenceless eye’s as the same shocking sensation as before weakened then disappeared leaving the poor girl’s body on the edge. “Yep it’s she’s been having a Episodes again Doctor” a mysterious voice emerged out of thin air“Take the Patient back to her room, well sort her treatment out later first I must see to Miss Gittus , she has been well mannered enough to return to her room were she has been placed with Miss Watson ” A tiny light blue room with two beds on one side of the room and another 2 on the other side of the room with a single wooden cabinet to contain house the patient’s essentials awaited Kimberly and her future roommate. Kimberly awoke from a peaceful slumber gazing out of the window into the outside world trying to remember what life she had outside of the Ward, her mind was blank the only thing she could think about was Jack. His soft caramel hair neatly styled back, his perfectly tanned face complimented by his freckles and his mesmerising deep brown chocolate eyes anyone was guaranteed to get lost in. Was her real? Or just part of the episodes Kim suffered from? Kimberly was suddenly pulled from her thoughts startled as to what was making a nose, slowly peering over the night Curtin that separated the beds Kimberly was shocked to see a girl in the bed next to hers. You see that bed had been empty ever since Kim was brought into the Mental Hospital which was exactly 5 months ago.
“Hello?” Kimberly questioned walking towards the mystery girl’s bed the girl just sat there staring at Kim blankly. “It’s okay” Kimberly protested in a innocent voice “I was scared to when I first arrived here but I’m not going to hurt you.” The girl still looked blankly at Kim who by this point had already given up trying to make her first friend in this place. The expressionless girl then got up out of her bed and exited the room with out a word. Kimberly soon following into the Dinner Room and she saw the girl from before just sat there with the same expressionless face staring down at a glass of water “Look you don’t have to talk to me, but I hate sitting alone and it’s good to have at least one person you can trust” Kimberly explained taking a seat opposite the girl “I’m Kimberly by the way what’s your name?” after a few agonising seconds the girl responded with “ Lauren” giving a weak smile after. “Well it’s nice to meet you Lauren, if you’ll let me I could show you around since it’s your first day here?” “Hmmm Okay deal” Kimberly took in every detail of the girl sitting before her taking note of her perfectly thin body, Beautiful brown ish eyes which reminded her of Jack’s and light brown locks trailing down past her shoulders. Although Kimberly didn’t believe in love at first sight she believed in that single moment that this Girl was the most mesmerizingly gorgeous person she had ever seen, in some ways Kimberly saw Lauren as an Angel all Elegant and Stunning. Soon after finishing their breakfast the 2 girls entered the game room or so it was called it basically consisted of checkers, chess and cards as Kimberly and Lauren were playing cards and having casual convocation getting to know each other since they were sharing the same room the topic of why they were there was soon brought up which made both Girls entire body’s go ice cold and paralysed with fear.
Kimberly first spoke breaking the silence but not really knowing how to start “Well I’m here because I suffer with Episodes or Hallucinations as they are most commonly known.” Kimberly explained to Lauren watching the girls eye’s have a river of sympathy and somewhat understanding, when Kimberly finally got around to the second reason she was locked up and treated like a disease she became very very hesitant and scared of what the girl in front of her may think. “I’m also here because.. em..Because…. Because I’m apparently sick up here for liking girls” Kimberly finally got the right words out motioning her fingers to tap her head.“Ahh I see well there’s nothing wrong about that Kim don’t you worry I’m here because I had a break down and people think I’m off ma rock for suffering with Social anxiety when it’s not even my fault you see a few years back I lost my brother due to him being taken for a top secret experiment inspired by the 1940’s sleep experiment only it went horribly wrong and my brother and several others faced a sickening death.” Lauren explained raising her voice with tears forming in her eyes, Kimberly felt really bad for Lauren because she couldn’t really do much but explain to her that everything is going to be okay and that’s exactly what she did Kimberly the petite teen wrapped her arms around Lauren’s slim frame embracing her into a hug and whispering in a gentle and sweet like honey tone “everything is going to be alright, I’m here sweetie, everything is going to be okay you are safe with me there’s nothing to worry about.” Lauren felt safe in the girls arms, like nothing could harm her and she was on top of the world soon after Kimberly was loosening her embrace around Lauren when Lauren hugged tighter causing Kimberly to do the same for a few moments.
Both girls never wanted it to end but knew it had to especially Kimberly who refused to get another shocking treatment for being “mentally Sick for liking girls” soon after the comfort Kimberly showered Lauren with all patients were sent of to their room for medication time.
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mikotyzini · 7 years ago
Boundless - Ch. 7 (Trust)
Introduction Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
This is essentially our end of the story - the last day of white rose week, tomorrow, will be our epilogue.
It started out as a pretty normal day.  She slept through her alarm (by accident). She rushed getting ready for work and forgot to put on socks (thankfully, Penny always brought an extra pair).  She waited tables and brought other people food while silently starving (or loudly starving, when her stomach decided to speak up).
It started out as a pretty normal day, but then the prettiest girl in the world showed up.  
On a regular day, that alone was enough to make things more interesting, but the new level of crazy didn't stop there. Not only was this girl prettier than anyone Ruby had ever seen before - including on TV or in movies - with the clearest blue eyes and the whitest white hair, but she had some...well...interesting things to say.
Basically, the most beautiful girl in the world said that she and Ruby were actually soulmates destined to be together through every single universe in existence.
Seriously, Ruby couldn’t make this stuff up.  She had an active imagination, but there was no way she could come up with stories as intricate and detailed as the ones Weiss told.  Everyone wearing compasses that pointed to their soulmate?  Being a queen with some crazy wind element power?  Growing up in an orphanage?  It sounded too crazy to be true, but it was also too crazy not to be true, right?
Now, the prettiest girl in the entire world - with the clearest blue eyes, whitest white hair, gorgeous smile and heart-stopping laugh - was waiting for Ruby to respond to the stories she’d just heard.
Did she believe it?  Was Weiss telling the truth?  Were they soulmates in this life and all others?  Or was this just some big, elaborate joke that one of her friends thought would be funny?
Clearing her throat one more time, Ruby struggled to grasp onto a single thread of thought in her mind, which was pretty difficult to do when hundreds of thoughts were flying in every direction. Eventually, she stumbled over a temporary solution to this problem.
“Uh...can you hold on a second?” she asked, already scooting out of her chair by the time Weiss smiled - again, that really patient and pretty smile.
“Of course.”
“Great.  I’ll be right back.”  About to rush away from the table, Ruby abruptly stopped and turned back when she realized she should take her empty plate to the kitchen.  “I’ll get this,” she mumbled, grabbing the plate and hurrying across the patio, weaving through tables while her heart beat loudly in her chest.
Walking into the interior of the restaurant, she made a beeline for the large, swinging door leading into the kitchen.  Backing into it, she was greeted by the hectic bustle of servers rushing to and fro while the chefs clanged pots and pans around on the stoves.  Dumping her plate into the wash bin near the exit, she then dodged around one of the servers hurrying out with a plate of steaming food in each hand.
Surrounded by the familiar chaos, Ruby let out a sigh. Now that she was away from Weiss, maybe she could think straight.  When she was at the table, it was really hard to think about anything other than Weiss...maybe because she was so pretty.  It was like having lunch with a supermodel.
“Hi Ruby!”
Turning towards the chipper voice, Ruby smiled as Penny walked into the kitchen and lowered a stack of dirty plates into the washer.
“Hey, Penny.”
“Who’s that girl you’re sitting with?  She’s pretty!”
“Oh, uh, she’s uh -”
What was the appropriate answer to that question? Maybe-soulmate?  Person she’d just met?  World’s best storyteller?
“She’s a friend,” Ruby settled upon. Thankfully, Penny accepted the response with a grin before her attention was drawn to two plates of food placed on the warming rack and the soft bell that let them know another order was ready.
“It looks like you two are great friends!” Penny commented before heading over to pick up the two plates and take them to their table.
The remark was weird, because how could Ruby and Weiss look like good friends?  They’d just met!  They’d talked for only like...well, it had been a few hours by this point.
Double-checking the clock hung above the kitchen door, Ruby frowned.
Had it really been that long?  It didn’t feel like that much time had passed.  Maybe that’s why they say ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ - only in this case it was ‘time flies when listening to stories about yourself from other universes from the supermodel claiming to be your soulmate.’
Shaking her head, Ruby flagged down one of the chefs in the kitchen.
“Can I make a quick call?” she asked, pointing towards the restaurant’s only phone.  When he nodded in the midst of his work, she grabbed the phone and ducked inside the walk-in freezer, letting the door fall shut behind her.
They weren’t allowed in here often, but it was the best place to have a private conversation…mostly because no one wanted to come in here since it was frickin’ freezing.  But she would deal with the cold because she needed a little bit of advice on what to do now, and when she needed advice there was one person she always called.
When the phone suddenly rang in her hands, she nearly jumped out of her shoes in surprise.  Taking another full ring to collect herself and get her heart restarted, she accepted the call and lifted the phone to her ear.
“Stella’s - how can I help you?”
“Hi!  I was wondering how late you’re open today?” the voice on the other end of the line asked.
“Oh, uh...eleven.”
“Great.  Thank you!”
“No problem - hope you can stop by!” Ruby answered, using the line she’d memorized after way too many awkward sign offs.  
Ending the call, she stared at the phone and took a deep breath to steady her frazzled nerves.  When that didn’t work at all, she dialed the number she knew by heart and held the phone up to her ear.
“Please be home, please be home,” she muttered to herself while it rang, her words sending icy clouds into the air.  On the third ring, her heart jumped when the call connected.
“Yang, it’s me,” she said, her words falling out in a rush.  She didn’t know why she was rushing, but it suddenly felt like she was in a hurry. Did she want to get back to Weiss that quickly?
“Hey Ruby!  Weren’t you supposed to be done with work already?”
“Yeah, but I...I got held up.”  
“Ah, got it.  So, what’s up?”
Her mind scrambled, Ruby searched for a good way to ask her question.  Come right out and ask?  Or beat around several bushes, lay down some smokescreens, and eventually get to the point?
“Do you believe in destiny?” she blurted out - her dumb, stupid mouth making the decision for her.  
“Uh, what?”
Taking a deep breath, Ruby tried to slow down her words so that Yang could understand what she was asking.
“I mean, like...do you think you and Blake were destined for each other?  Like you were supposed to meet and fall in love?”
“Oh...well...yeah, I’d like to think so.”
If what Weiss said was true, that answer might be more correct than Yang thought.
“What if Blake just walked up to you and said that?” Ruby asked.  “Like...before you even knew each other - what if she walked up and said you were destined to be together?”
Yang laughed at the hypothetical scenario, which was...basically exactly what Ruby had just experienced.
“Uh, you've seen how hot she is, right?” Yang said with another chuckle.  “I would've been stoked that she thought we were soulmates or whatever.”
“So if the person is hot enough, you’d believe them?”
It that was the case, then Ruby had no reason not to believe Weiss...
“l mean, within reason,” Yang added.  “I also had a gut feeling she was a sweetheart after she watched those adorable kittens for so long.”
“Right.  The kittens.”
Having heard this story several times before - how Yang stumbled across Blake standing outside a pet store, watching the kittens in the front window play - Ruby tried to figure out what it meant in terms of her current predicament.  
Yang had watched Blake like a creeper - Ruby had watched Weiss walk up to the hostess, somewhat like a creeper.  Yang then asked Blake out on a date - Weiss then said they were destined to be together across the universes.
But...did that mean Ruby was Yang or Blake in this situation?  Or neither, because this wasn’t at all the same?
“How did you know though?” she pressed.  “How did you know you weren’t just...blinded by how pretty she is?”
If anything was going to be Ruby’s downfall, it was that.  Weiss was too pretty.  She made Ruby’s heart do these crazy flips and turns, and when she talked Ruby wanted to hang onto every word.  And when she laughed...Ruby could die happily every time.  
But that was normal, right?
“It’s just this feeling,” Yang tried to explain. “Like...you know there’s something special about them even though you don’t know them.  And you want to be around them even though you just met. Does that make sense?”
Thinking about the explanation, Ruby nodded (even though Yang couldn’t see her).  It did make sense, in a way.  When she saw Weiss speaking to the hostess, her first thought was that an angel had just walked into their lives.  An actual angel.
“So basically you’re saying...trust your instincts?” Ruby asked.
“Exactly.  Wait - why are you asking?  Did you meet someone??”
“Just curious!  Gotta go - talk later!”  Before Yang could protest, Ruby hung up the call and blew a puff of air through her lips.
Ok, so...Yang believed in soulmates.
Of course Yang believed in soulmates - she was basically one of the characters from those mushy romance novels Blake read. How many times had she professed her love for Blake in high school and college?  How many times had she gone out of her way to find the most ridiculous and public ways to let Blake and everyone else know that they were in love?
Seriously, for the last four years of school, Ruby was known as ‘that girl whose sister is in love with that other girl.’
Still, Yang was the best person Ruby knew for relationship advice.  Yang had way more experience (although was it really experience if she’d only ever dated one girl?), plus...well, she’d convinced Blake to stick around this long!
And Yang believed that soulmates could happen - that it was possible for two people to be destined for one another.  
The last question was...what did Ruby think?
Thankfully, it wasn’t every day that the most beautiful girl on the planet showed up to say she was looking for Ruby because they were soulmates across every dimension.  Although, if that did happen every day, maybe Ruby would be used to dealing with the situation by now. Instead, she was trying to figure out what she thought while keeping the most beautiful girl on the planet waiting.
She understood Yang’s comment about knowing someone was special even though they’d just met.  Weiss was definitely special, and Ruby could totally understand a girl like Weiss being blessed with some awesome superpower that gave her the memories of multiple universes.  
Ruby just wasn’t sure if she believed that she was the other part of the equation. Her.  Ruby Rose.  The one wearing Penny’s green-and-white striped socks because she’d forgotten her own. The one that people in school called weird, and the one that waited tables because she wasn’t sure what else to do with her life.  She really hadn’t done anything to deserve someone like Weiss.  
Ok, so she didn’t know how she felt right now, but there was one thing she was sure about - she was going to go back to the table and talk to Weiss some more.
Leaving the walk-in freezer behind for the blissfully warm air of the kitchen, she put the phone back on its cradle and waved towards the chefs.
“Thank you!” she said, sending them a grateful smile before heading out of the kitchen.
In the inner portion of the restaurant, she navigated through occupied tables before reaching the door leading outside. She was about to open it, but changed her mind at the last second.  Instead of pushing it open, she moved off to one side so she could sneak a glance at Weiss unnoticed.
“Excuse me,” she whispered, moving past one of the diners and crouching down by an empty table to pretend she was tying her shoes. But she wasn’t tying her shoes. Instead, she looked through the window and found Weiss sitting at the same table outside.
She was still there.  
One of these times, Ruby was positive that Weiss would disappear - that the prank would end, and Weiss would disappear, never to be seen or heard from again.  Ruby’s heart ached at the thought, but it must be true, right?  There was no way an angel would stick around forever - no one was that patient.
At least, that’s what Ruby thought, but Weiss seemed to have no interest in leaving.  Instead, she looked perfectly content to sit and wait for Ruby to return.
While Weiss waited, she looked almost...serene. That was the right word.  She was calm, relaxed, not at all freaked out by the idea of having Ruby as a soulmate.  Instead, she took a sip of water and watched tourists pass on the sidewalk.  She vaguely smiled at a dog that walked by.  She didn't seem crazy or like she'd just escaped from prison.  If anything, she was really sweet and kind, and she made Ruby feel...special.
Untying her laces and then slowly tying them again (while trying to watch Weiss at the same time), Ruby suddenly had a thought that jumped right out and smacked her in the face.  
If Weiss’ curse was to remember all these other lives and seek Ruby out over and over again, maybe Ruby’s curse was to blindly trust that a relative stranger was her soulmate.
Although, was it really a curse when a beautiful, smart, funny, kind person like Weiss said that she was Ruby’s soulmate?  That she had loved Ruby over millions of universes and had sought her out just to love her again?  And the only thing she needed to do was accept that maybe it was surprising and unexpected, but it could actually be true?
That didn’t sound like a curse.  That sounded like a blessing - like Ruby did something really good in that first life of hers to deserve someone like Weiss seeking her out over and over again.
So, maybe this was just part of the deal. Weiss did the searching, Ruby did the accepting.  
Really, her side of this was pretty easy - it was her job to trust an angel.  That wasn’t hard to do.  Angels were super trustworthy beings!  Plus, deep down she wanted to believe that everything Weiss said was true.  Maybe that made her selfish - because she wanted to believe she was a queen at some point in time - but she’d be an idiot to let Weiss walk away.
Taking a deep breath and finishing with her laces, she stood and made her way to the door.  Pulling it open and heading out into the late afternoon sun, she rubbed her hands together in an attempt to lower her nerves.
When she’d seen Weiss talking to the hostess, Ruby’s heart had done this huge jump in her chest - the first of many that had happened since then.  It was a sensation she’d never felt before, except on roller coasters and when an elevator started moving before she was ready for it.  But for her heart to start flipping over another person...she knew she had it bad.
As Ruby wove through the tables outside, Weiss almost instantly caught sight of her and followed her path through the maze of seats.  With the space falling away in between them, Ruby noticed how Weiss straightened in her seat while her eyes lit up with unmistakable happiness.
And that happiness was for Ruby.  Weiss was happy to see her.
The excitement filling her chest right now made it feel like she could levitate right off the ground, like she might float away from the restaurant and up into the sky with nothing holding her down.
Instead of floating away, she wasn’t paying attention to where she was walking and tripped over the back of someone’s chair, nearly falling to the ground in the process.
“Sorry!” she yelped, catching her balance and reaching out as if she might’ve hurt the person sitting in the chair. Fortunately, they waved one hand and said, “Don’t worry about it” before going back to their meal as of nothing had happened.
Glancing up, Ruby confirmed that Weiss just witnessed the entire ordeal.  Because of course she had.  Sure, Ruby was lucky enough to have a gorgeous, universe-remembering soulmate, but she wasn’t lucky enough to have her most embarrassing moments missed by that same gorgeous, universe-remembering soulmate.  Maybe it was a package deal.  In which case...yeah, Ruby would still agree to that.
Still, her cheeks burned as she scurried back to Weiss’ table and sat down before she embarrassed herself further.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” she said, trying to keep the conversation away from what just happened.
“That’s alright,” Weiss replied before nodding towards Ruby’s foot.  “Are you ok?”
“Oh, that?” Making a soft ‘psh’ sound, Ruby waved one hand.  “I’ve survived worse!”
Her foot was kind of throbbing from slamming into the leg of the chair, but that should go away soon.  Her ego took the brunt of the damage, like usual.
“I just wanted to make a quick call,” Ruby explained, even though Weiss hadn’t asked about her most recent absence.  
And the explanation wasn’t at all shocking to Weiss.  Instead, she nodded as if it was what she’d expected.
“Yang?” she asked, nodding again when Ruby did the same.
“Yeah, I just...wanted to check in with her…”
“And now that you have?”
They’d ended up right where they started - with Weiss waiting for Ruby to respond to the very large elephant on the patio.
“How did you even find me?” Ruby asked instead of addressing her feelings head on, trying to delay the answer.  “Do you put out wanted ads or something?”
When Weiss laughed at the joke, Ruby’s heart did another flip in her chest.
“I’ll admit to doing that once or twice in the past. But I have a few strategies - it depends on the life I’m living, really.  I’ll search on my own if I’m capable and have the resources.  If the world is too...fragmented...I’ll hire private investigators to help.”
“You hire investigators to find me??” Ruby asked, her eyes widening at the disclosure while Weiss nodded.  
“How do you think I found you this time?” Weiss replied, her eyes sparkling as she gave Ruby a playful smile.
The smile made Ruby blush.  And the question made her blush.  And the way Weiss was looking at her made her blush even more.
“I...just thought you walked up here…” Ruby stammered, gesturing towards the entrance of the restaurant while Weiss shook her head.
“I’ve been looking for you, Ruby,” she said, leveling Ruby with blue eyes that were too clear to be real.  “For years.”
Ruby felt her jaw fall open at the words, but she couldn’t find a way to respond.  Years?  Weiss had searched for years?  All that time, Ruby was right here - oblivious to Weiss’ existence, going to work and trying to figure out what life meant.
“It took longer than I thought it would to find you,” Weiss explained, taking Ruby’s silence as a cue to elaborate.  “I hired an entire team of investigators, hoping they’d find you quickly.  Instead, they found your graduation information and then...nothing.  I don’t know how you and Yang kept such a low profile for so long, but the lack of technology in this world certainly didn’t help. It was impossible to find any useful information without actually searching through written records...”
“Oh, sorry.  Guess we kinda stay out of trouble...”
“It’s nothing to apologize for,” Weiss replied, quickly losing the furrow in her brow and finding a smile once more.  “I’m happy that eventually you turned up - in Vacuo, of all places.”
“What’s wrong with Vacuo??” Ruby asked, looking around like there was some visible problem she could find.  Weiss shrugged but maintained her smile.
“There’s nothing wrong with it.  It’s just...not usually somewhere we live, that’s all.”
Ruby had already nodded at the comment before realizing what Weiss was actually saying.
They didn’t often live in Vacuo.  They - as in, the two of them together.  Her and Weiss.  Weiss and her.  Living together, in the same place.
Cheeks flushing, Ruby looked at the table to escape Weiss’ way-too-powerful gaze.  If they were soulmates, that meant they’d been in love, which meant they’d lived together and...been together.
Looking up, Ruby’s eyes went directly to Weiss’ lips and then flitted away again, hoping she hadn’t just completely given away her thoughts with that glance.  Any moment now, her cheeks would burst into flames - that’s how bad she was blushing.
Turning to the side in hopes something would drag her mind away from the thought of kissing Weiss, Ruby watched one of her managers arrive for work.  The moment she saw him, something clicked together in her head - something that hadn’t made sense until right now.
“Oh!” she exclaimed, gratefully accepting the change in topic.  “That explains the weird guy who was here!”
Weiss tilted her head at the comment.  “What weird guy?”
“This guy!” Ruby replied, her mouth moving faster than her brain connected the dots.  “This strange guy!  I was like...really confused when he was here, but now it makes sense!”  
Sensing that Weiss was now the one confused, Ruby waved her hands and paused so she could straighten out her thoughts.  
“Last week this guy stopped in,” she said, doing her best to speak slowly while her mind moved a million miles per second. “He asked to sit in my section, then only ordered a water.  I thought it was weird, but whatever - he can order whatever he wants!  But when I brought him the water, he looked at me and said, ‘You’re Ruby Rose, correct?’  And I said, ‘Uh, yeah.’  Then he smiled and said, ‘Can I take your picture?’  Which was so weird!  But like...we’re supposed to be nice and helpful, right? So I said sure and he took my photo, then drank his water and left.”
“That sounds like Jeremy...” Weiss mused, shaking her head and giving Ruby an apologetic smile.  “I’m sorry if he made you uncomfortable.”
“Oh, no that’s fine!  I just remembered because I told my manager about it afterward, and he said if that guy comes back to let him know.”  Thinking about the entire situation now that she knew what the weird guy was doing, Ruby sat back and laughed.  “It makes a lot of sense now.”
“l was thrilled when he said he found you,” Weiss added, her gaze drifting off while another of those adorable smiles appeared.  “l made arrangements to come here right away.”
“So you just jumped on a plane to Vacuo?” Ruby asked.  She was mostly joking, but Weiss’ answer was an affirmative nod.
“Essentially.  I canceled all of my meetings, reserved a hotel suite for the foreseeable future, and scheduled a flight.”
Weiss said the words so simply...like it didn’t bother her in the slightest to turn her world upside down and fly all the way over here for Ruby.  Not only that, but it sounded like she was planning to stick around - ‘for the foreseeable future.’  Why would she do that if she wasn’t positive that what she said was true?
She wouldn’t.  At least, Ruby didn't think so.
“Well, uh, I appreciate that…” Ruby mumbled, blushing again when Weiss smiled.
“I was more than happy to do it.  I’ve -”
When the sentence cut off, Ruby watched while Weiss lightly blushed, looking suddenly bashful as she thought about the words before speaking them out loud.
“I’ve missed you…” she finally said, never turning away from Ruby’s gaze.  Hearing the words, Ruby’s heart burst into a joyful song and dance that bounced all over her chest.  
And suddenly, she knew.  
Maybe she didn’t completely believe it at the moment - that they were soulmates and destined to be together across the universes - but she wanted to believe.  More than that, she was willing to make every effort to believe it was true.
Because she liked Weiss.  Like liked her.  As soon as they started talking, Ruby knew she was something special.  Ruby wanted to spend more time getting to know each other, and if that meant accepting that they were already soulmates, then so be it.  This was actually better, because now Ruby could fall totally head over heels in love and (hopefully) Weiss wouldn’t be bothered.  
Ruby had never been in love before, but she imagined it started out a lot like this.
“So...we’re supposed to be soulmates…” she finally said, nervously drawing one finger in circles on the table while Weiss smiled at her.
Again, Weiss’ answer was certain.  There was no hesitation.  No pause.  She was convinced it was true.
“I...don’t really get what that means?” Ruby asked. “Like, do we go off and fight crime together or something?”
Weiss laughed at the suggestion but still nodded.
“If that’s what you want to do, then sure.  I was thinking something a little less...risky.”
“Like what?”
When Weiss smiled - that smile Ruby could never get enough of - Ruby felt happiness budding in her chest.  Whatever Weiss suggested next, Ruby was ready to say ‘yes’ - that much, she knew.  
“I’d like to take you out on a date,” Weiss said. “If you trust me.”
Trust was easy for Ruby - sometimes so easy it got her in trouble.  In this case, Weiss was asking for a whole lot of trust, but did Ruby have any reason not to give it?  What was the worst that could happen?  Even if they weren’t actually soulmates, Ruby loved talking to Weiss and loved listening to all these stories about herself that she couldn’t remember.
But it could be true.  They could be soulmates.  That would explain why Ruby felt so strongly for Weiss from the very beginning of this conversation.  That would explain why Ruby could almost see and feel the stories while Weiss told them.  Maybe Weiss was just a crazy good storyteller, but they didn’t feel like regular stories.  They felt like...long lost memories.
“Ok, that sounds like fun!” Ruby replied, nodding her head as unmistakable excitement built in her chest.
“Really?” Weiss asked, her smile growing.
“Yeah!  Wait, is that surprising?”
Weiss shook her head and laughed, the reaction filling Ruby’s heart with delight.
“It’s wonderfully surprising.  l thought I’d have to do much more to convince you.”
The fact that Weiss was willing to spend more time convincing Ruby was all the convincing she needed.  
“I mean, I don’t know if I completely believe it yet,” Ruby added, not wanting Weiss to get the wrong impression.  “But I want to.  And I’m willing to trust you.”
The response made Weiss even happier, if that was possible.  And it made Ruby blush, feeling a little overwhelmed by the sudden rush of excited emotions surging through her.
She couldn’t wait to learn more - about previous versions of herself, about previous lives they shared, and about Weiss. She was most excited to learn about Weiss, and hopefully learn how to be the soulmate someone like Weiss deserved.
“So, uh...I’m off work,” Ruby said, trying to dispel the heat building in her cheeks.  “Want to go now?”
“I’m ready when you are.”  
Nodding once, Weiss stood up and Ruby scrambled to follow.  Of course, in the midst of her scramble her knee knocked into the bottom of the table and knocked over both glasses, spilling water all over the table.
“Oh - shoot!”  Righting the glasses as fast as possible, Ruby watched water drip onto the ground before looking around in search of something to clean it up. “I’ll be right back,” she told Weiss before rushing over to small server station sitting outside.  Grabbing a stack of napkins, she hurried back and quickly mopped up the mess she’d just made.
“I can help -” Weiss offered, but Ruby shook her head and knelt down to dry water off the ground so no one would slip.
“I got it!” she said, wiping up the rest of the mess before popping back to her feet.  Collecting her pile of wet napkins and the two glasses, she carried everything over to the server’s station.  Throwing away the napkins and setting the glasses off to the side (someone else would take them in later), she rushed back to Weiss and let out a big sigh of relief.
“Sorry about that!” she said with a grin.  “I’m ready now!”
For a brief moment, they just stared at each other, with Ruby’s cheeks growing steadily hotter under Weiss’ unwavering gaze. Weiss was still the prettiest girl Ruby had ever seen, and she couldn’t believe they were about to go on a date. After the date, maybe they could spend more time talking, and then...maybe they could, like, kiss goodnight or something.
Not that Ruby wanted to presume or anything! It was just a wish that she totally wouldn’t mind coming true.
When Weiss suddenly chuckled - as if she’d just read Ruby’s mind - Ruby’s cheeks found a new shade of embarrassment in no time.
“You’re cute,” Weiss commented, succeeding in deepening Ruby’s blush as they walked away from the table.  But they’d only taken a single step before Weiss paused.
“Oh, I never paid,” she remarked, looking around for the bill while Ruby tried to wave the comment away.
“Naw, don’t worry about it.”  Unfortunately, the look Weiss gave Ruby said that she needed to explain exactly why it was acceptable to leave without paying.  
“I-I mean, I totally got it for you,” she admitted, understanding now that her cheeks would be this red forever.
She never covered meals for diners other than her sister, but she’d never served someone so pretty before.  The second she saw Weiss sitting at the table alone, Ruby knew she was about to make a fool of herself in front of a beautiful girl.  Wasn’t it only fair that she give the pretty girl a free lunch in exchange for watching Ruby fumble through her job?
“When did you decide to do that?” Weiss asked.
“As soon as I took your order,” Ruby said, and Weiss laughed - this pure, unbridled laughter that made Ruby’s heart dance excitedly in her chest.
“Well that’s another pleasant surprise,” Weiss commented while leading them towards the exit of the restaurant.  As they walked, she turned to the side and gave Ruby smile.  “But that doesn’t surprise me - you’ve always been full of surprises.”
Weiss certainly knew how to make Ruby blush, which she did again while they headed toward the exit.
“Have you been to Vacuo before?” she asked as they left the café behind, walking down the warm Vacuo sidewalk together.
“Many times,” Weiss answered.  “But only once in this universe, and that was for work so I didn’t have time to explore.”
“Does that mean you need a tour?”
When Weiss looked over with a smile, Ruby’s heart skipped with joy.  
They hadn’t known each other very long (in this life, at least), but she already loved the way Weiss looked at her.  Was it possible to fall in love with the way someone looked at you?  If it was, that was totally happening to Ruby right now.
“Are you offering to give me one?” Weiss asked in return, a hint of playfulness in her tone.
“It’s the least I could do!” Hopping a step ahead, Ruby turned around and walked backward while grinning.  “l mean, you did travel across the galaxy to find me...”
The joke was successful - making Weiss laugh and shake her head.  
“You realize Atlas isn’t that far, right?” she teased.  “l took a plane here, not a spaceship?”
“Well that’s less fun.”  When Ruby pretended to pout, Weiss laughed again.
“You’re right, Ruby.  I took a spaceship here from the moon.  It was quite the trip, actually.”
It was Ruby’s turn to laugh, overjoyed that Weiss was willing to play along with the silly joke - that made her even cooler than before.
“Anywhere you want to see?” Ruby asked, waving down the street.  They were walking towards the main tourist attractions, so there would be tons to look at.
“Whatever you suggest,” was Weiss’ response.  “I’d love to see your favorite places though.”
“Really?”  When Ruby glanced to the side, she found that Weiss was serious - she actually wanted to go to all of Ruby’s favorite places.
In that case, Ruby had a favorite ice cream place, two favorite bakeries, a favorite restaurant for basically any type of food, a favorite shop for buying parts, and much more!  
Hopping on her toes in excitement, she beamed and pointed them in the right direction.
“Then we’ve gotta go this way!” she said, reaching out for Weiss’ hand.  
As soon as she realized what she was doing, she dropped her arm and blushed.
“Uh, I mean, it’s not very far,” she added, trying to save the day on that embarrassing moment.  But, instead of letting slip up pass, Weiss reached out and took Ruby’s hand in her own.  The gesture immediately set Ruby’s heart ablaze, while Weiss’ loving smile added to the growing warmth spreading through her.
A few days ago, she was just a waitress. Today, she was a crime-fighting, universe-stomping superhero!  Or...she was still just a waitress, but she was a waitress with a universe-stomping soulmate in her life.  And it was...really, really awesome.
“Do you have any good stories about Yang?” she asked while they walked towards their first destination - the best bakery in all of Vacuo.  Intertwining their fingers - causing Ruby’s heart to flutter in the process - Weiss laughed.  
“You know your sister...she’s always making something exciting happen.”
“That’s a yes, then!”
Smiling, Weiss nodded.  “That is a yes - would you like to hear another story?”
“Yeah, of course!”
By this point, Weiss didn’t even need to ask - Ruby wanted to hear every single story there was.  Holding hands and walking down the sidewalk together, Ruby listened while Weiss launched into another story from a life far from here.
It was weird to think that Weiss remembered all these lives that Ruby had no memory of, but she loved hearing the stories. She loved the way Weiss told them. And she loved the idea that maybe it sounded unbelievable, fake, or too good to be true, but maybe it was still possible - if someone was willing to believe.
Ruby was willing to believe the unbelievable, and maybe that was one of the reasons they were meant to be together. Hopefully, just one of many reasons.
155 notes · View notes
lordvonthunderporkvi · 7 years ago
and here we go another 20 pages of thoughts on episode 4 dear gods why am i like this
It took me four hours to play through episode 3 because i kept stopping to take notes but is that going to slow down my notes this time? Nope didn’t think so ready to waste another four hours of my life on this game yes i am
Aight who’s narrating this time
ooh it’s Radar again
“Be careful when you get close to an admin” sound advice Radar
Oh calm down jack i wanted to save nurm I really did but it was either leave lluna, the animal without coherent thought, or nurm, the villager who asked me to leave him behind
Geez jack i’m sorry about your husband calm down
Wait did we not tell radar that the admin’s name is romeo
Apparently not i guess
Oh dear notch xara i’m so sorry
Holy frick what was that
Oh it’s the enderman
Aw lluna helped me up
It’s the ninja
Nice radar knocked the camera over
Aw radar “not asking for me cause i’m tough” you’re so cute
Oh no
I’m so sorry xara
Hey you know what jack if you keep disrespecting lluna like this i’m gonna have to poke out your other eye
Good jack apologize
Oh no baby don’t cry
No you aren’t Petra you are certainly not being “nice” if that’s what you consider to be “nice” then we’ve got a problem
Thank you Radar
Gods Xara I am so sorry
We’ll avenge your bed Xara
Yes Xara where does it go
Where did it go Xara we know it’s broken
Oh Xara I’m so sorry
“He loved birch.” I feel so sad
Oh we get to find something personal to Romeo
What is it like a potato or something
Nice good luck Xara
Screw off Jack
Take the gunpowder that’s gonna be useful
Fudge it’s the enderman
Ooh is it porkchop
Nope Romeo smells like cinnamon not sulfur sorry boys
Fudge they’re annoying
I’m not that heavy it’s not that much work
It’s not like we have anything interesting in our inventories Romeo cleared them when he sent us to the Institute
Oh right we have weapons
Why can’t we just tell them we don’t have swords why isn’t that an option it’s not like they’ve been watching us this whole time
They haven’t been watching us this whole time right?
I don’t think they have
Oh it is PorkChop
Holy frick they’re annoying
That was rude and unnecessary Radar take Petra’s hand next time
At least you’re alive be grateful Jack
Oh it’s so pretty
Ooh who’s that she’s cute
Who the heck is Binta
Ooh it’s a bunch of people
Faithful Friends of Fred heck yeah
Fred-o-clock wow
Gosh Radar is adorable
Hi Binta
Ooh we have to win the trivia competition
This is really sad Fred sounded amazing and now we’ll never get to meet him because Romeo is a horrible person
Couldn’t we just ask Xara she knew Fred very well
This dog is so cute
Can i adopt it
That was completely useless but seriously adorable I regret nothing
Sticks nice
It’s okay Petra I know you’re you and that’s all that matters
Yep that’s me
Actually that is incorrect Xara is the most Faithful Friend of Fred ™
Ok his favorite tool is a diamond hoe I’ll keep that in mind
I have learned a Fred Fact ™
Oh no no it’s okay i’m not going to hurt you don’t worry i promise i’m a nice stranger
“Like water...in a bucket...becomes the bucket!” yeah that makes sense Radar what the heck
Good idea you be ready Radar
No of course he won’t we won’t let him
Heck yeah I’m scary
Radar stop this you are not a thug
“One! Hngg… Two!  Hngg- and a half!” a child after my own heart
Radar stop this please
Willy looks kinda like Soren
Ok Fred’s cherished pet is a chicken got it
Ooh a puzzle
Don’t kill the chicken just play with him
The chicken’s name is Waffles nice
I have learned a Fred Fact ™
Aw I’m sorry about your hands Wanda
Oh I have plenty of sticks don’t worry Wanda
The real question is how do all these people know so much about Fred and still the only person who ever wins the trivia contest is Kent
His favorite color was Lapis Blue ™
I have learned a Fred Fact ™
Jesse wears blue underwear
Wanda does too okay
What what just happened why’d the game close
It better have saved my progress
What I’m all the way back here?
Come on
Okay I am sure Romeo never said “We come in peace” to Fred
Wait no a fireworks display is a very bad idea you’ll draw the attention of the giant enderman and if any of you are like Radar you’ll be staring directly at it any you’ll provoke it that’s a horrible idea Binta
Fred’s favorite color is lapis blue I’m sure he’d love Radar’s bandanna
I miss Xara
Those hoes look pretty iron to me Hilda
Maybe it’s just the light
I have learned a Fred Fact ™
I’m not going to hurt you Cam
Welp now I’m imagining Lukas seeing RomeoJesse in their underwear and saying “you’re not the real Jesse Jesse only wears lapis blue underwear this is POWDER BLUE”
“The slammer” Radar please stop
His name is Waffles Willy I’m smarter than you think
Blocco the dog
I have learned a Fred Fact ™
Wanda you cannot paint with your feet while you are wearing shoes come on
I have learned a Fred Fact ™
Also a Jesse Fact ™
And we’re all caught up
Please don’t crash again
Fred looked a lot different than I thought
Stop telling stories Jack don’t you want to get Nurm back come on
Okay is there absolutely nothing else I can do
No there isn’t
Okay let’s go talk to Binta
I really don’t think I’m ready I learned that Fred liked the most useless item in the game, he has a chicken named after my favorite food, and Jesse’s underwear are lapis blue I really don’t think that’s enough information
Oh well I’ve already started
Kent more like Salt
Come on Kent I’ve survived and F-bomb, defeated a Witherstorm, survived a fall into the Void, survived a killer’s mansion, survived a useful computer, beaten a weirdly good at fighting 60-year-old man, survived Romeo’s sea temple, survived Romeo’s icy palace of despair, made it out of the Sunshine Institute, survived the giant freaking enderman and I’ve managed to lead a town and romance Lukas along the way- wait what
You’re not intimidating Kent
Oh no I’m not good at building things
Okay this better be good enough
Fred is dead Xara watched him die guys come on
Okay thank gosh
Okay it’s a draw good enough
I thought you were doing something different this year what do you mean “in the history of this competition”
Fred, dead, bred- I’m sensing a theme
The same color blue as my underwear
I am good
Oh it’s a diamond hoe
It was Waffles the chicken
Nice we’re talking about Benedict
I don’t know any more trivia Xara please come help me
The most Faithful Friend of Fred ™ was Xara she better get her butt in here and help me
I am smart
I am the most Faithful Friend of Fred ™
So what would’ve happened if I lost that competition
Oh well doesn’t matter now because I won
Wow pajamas okay
Oh no now I feel really bad I should’ve given them to Kent
Oh well Kent’s won plenty He’s gotten the pajamas plenty of times
Thanks Binta
Ooh I can jump on the bed fun
Jesse you dork oh my notch
Soren is Romeo pass it on
Oh no that’s actually possible
They both have red hair
Are you kidding that’s Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
Wow okay just a random button in Fred’s closet
Nice a secret room
Romeoburg wow
I really have no other words except...wow, he named his town “Romeoburg”
Surely it has an author someone had to have written it
Maybe it’s like Tom Riddle’s journal and when you write in it it writes the same words in another version of itself for someone else to see
Aw “I’m glad I had Xara and Romeo with me” that is so sweet
“I don’t know what Romeo wants anymore.  It hurts.  All I wanted was the three of us, together.”  that is actually the saddest line in the game you can fight me on this
“We weren’t just happy there.  We were home.”  Okay I better go fight myself because that definitely tops the last one as saddest line in the game
Yeah Binta what’s wrong
Oh well I kinda know Fred’s old best friend and she told me
Fred’s Xara
Xara is there something you’re not telling us
I mean other than everything
How freaking long has it been since the admin war
Well gee thanks Binda
This is making me so sad I want to see the three admins back before Romeo went all Romeo
Don’t just announce this to the crowd Jesse gods
What do you need Binda
Okay sure I’ll take you with me
“The needle points home.”  I’m about to fight myself again that’s the saddest-
Fireworks are a bad idea
Okay bye Jack be safe
Notch Petra please don’t be mad
Nice spit fight
Good to see Jack’s warming up to Lluna
Stop yelling Radar
Don’t provoke her Radar that is a bad idea
Slowness potion-
It’s the ninja again
This is really bad
Oh crap
Jesse you dork
He’s a shadow
He’s so happy
Where is Harper
Yeah where is she by the way
Nope not me
I’m a ninja is a perfect excuse
I’ll hurry Ivor don’t worry
Ooh is that Romeoburg
Oh who’s that
I love her already wow
That was kind of mean Jesse don’t elbow Radar he’s just a bean
She’s just as much of a dork as me I love her
“Let’s take these invaders out!”  to lunch or…
Is there actually an army
They sound like they’re bluffing
I am not an audio disk I am Jesse with the blue underwear
Soup okay
Okay I was right there’s no army
Ooh a challenge
Challenge accepted
Val and Soup okay
We didn’t exactly escape the Institute Xara escaped the Institute and she took us with her and Xara’s not here anymore this is a bad idea Jesse
Soup is great
It’s a llama
The heck are they doing
Wow spit on me okay
Jesse you say this like she’s a human who has any clue what you’re saying she’s not a human she is a llama she does not have coherent thought
I have to build something again are you kidding I’m not good at building stuff
What if I build a Romeo
I don’t have any gray blocks dang it I can’t build Romeo
That thing isn’t going to have any effect on visitors but whatever good enough
No it won’t Val it’s a stack of quartz blocks with a couple redstone blocks thrown in there
Armor yeah
The names of this armor are gold
“Dangerous...but also damaged, so it’s more relatable.” just like me
“Please don’t hit me”
The name is “Llama brown-ish” that’s not a very inspired name Soup
I’m going with Please Don’t Hit Me
Best armor I ever put on
Radar no you need a shirt
I look great in this armor wow
Lluna wants to stay with her mate nice
Oh it’s a means of extinguishing yourself
That means we might be set on fire though
Oh well whatever we’ll be fine
Oh no that’s sad
Let’s not pull the mystery levers that’s a bad idea
No I’m not Romeo
Aw that was a very cute little giggle
Another freaking golem are you kidding me
We can’t even hit the golem that’s just great
Water perfect
Gee thanks Romeo
Or maybe those three levers will summon a Giant Golem ™
This soundtrack is great massive props to Antimo and Welles
well crap
Dear notch Romeo why are you like this
That’s a big “maybe” Jesse
Haha it’s Mettaton except a giant freaking magma golem
Alright I’m ready for some more riDICULOUSLY HARD FIGHT SEQUENCES
I know how to make tnt Petra come on
You’re surrounded in fire and lava don’t tell me you’re that clueless Jesse come on
We are not friends Romeo
It’s llunaaa
This entire game is a feels trip bye
Beautiful birch trees
Radar you are so adorable
Poor Radar those are gonna be some hospital-level burns on his feet
“For Fred” -feels incoming-
Romeo really cared about his friends what changed
This honestly makes me so sad
...is Fred still here?
No he can’t be Xara watched him die
This is so sad
Why doesn’t Xara’s frame have anything in it?
...Petra are you okay?
Something seems..wrong
Jesse used to read all the time Jesse’s a fangirl pass it on
Petra?  What’s wrong why are you crying?
Okay i understand being really sad about stories about puppies but that’s not what’s wrong
“Puppies just make me really sad, okay?”  a girl after my own heart
Petra my baby
Same color as your underwear Jesse
It is freaking important Petra
You are not okay Petra
This music is so beautiful and yet heartbreaking all at once
Red for Romeo
Ooh something happened
We have Xara’s bed now we promised her we’d avenge it and we did
This is the saddest game I’ve ever played
The key to defeating Romeo…?
Dear notch so that’s what the potato means
Wow okay Petra where’s all this potato hate coming from what did the potato do to deserve this
Which terminal?  The one in the sea temple?
Yeah probably the one in the sea temple...right
This entire episode is just a bundle of feels
I’m crying a little bit this is so sad
I’m sensing some similarities between Romeo and Petra a little bit
Petra I do want to be your friend what are you talking about
I’ll be right by your side Petra
This is the saddest freaking game
This game is so incredible
Oh hey there Xara
Well...yeah Radar, she used to be an admin so of course she’s sounding admin-ish
She is acting exactly like Romeo this is a very bad sign
Alright ready to cry again yes I am
Everyone thinks it’s weird Petra
Of course Xara
Nope Radar those are monsters
Yeah Xara you go
crap it’s got me
Radar it is an e n d e r m a n of course it doesn’t have any decency
Wow it actually let me go
Thank you Jack
Hug everyone yeah
More hugs nice
Are Soup and Val coming too
Soup and Val should come too
“Nothing like a little pressure to make building fun”  truer words have never been spoken
radAR NO-
ex-freaking-cuse me?
I can’t just leave him behind
But at the same time I’ve been so loving and supportive of him all along and if I abandoned him now it would be cruel
But I also told Xara “no one gets left behind” and if i leave Radar behind she would just be like “you said ‘no one gets left behind’!  If you were going to leave someone behind you should’ve just left Jack and friends behind and not attracted the enderman with that firework in the first place!”
But I also promised the Faithful Friends of Fred ™ that I would get them out and I can’t just go back on that promise
...I’ll come back for him right?
Oh dear notch this game
I’ll be back for you Radar
Until then, stay alive
Make them taste your bravery
Radar your arms are tiny
Come on guys
Come on Xara
What about Xara come on Jesse whatever happened to “no one gets left behind”
Hey we’re in the old Order’s temple!
..are we in the old Order’s temple
o h n o
That’s not the old Order’s temple
That is the Order hall in Beacontown
Nice lluna
Oh okay good it is the old Order’s temple
What are those fireworks
Why is the music suddenly really foreboding
Oh no this is probably really bad
No no no no no
Romeo I’m going to freaking demolish you
Also where the heck is Xara why hasn’t she come through yet
..Lukas that’s not Jesse
w h a t
how is that the end
come on
Screw this gameeee
I’m gonna actually scream  how is that the end
I’m gonna kill Romeo
And w h e r e i s x a r a
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simlovinggirl · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
More replies! Thank you for all the love you guys <3 :D
@nerdiesimmer @dreamersdolls @samantha8982 @smilingsection @indielectualll @simlishprincess @berrysweetboutique @melien @amespixels @slynnski
nerdiesimmer replied to your photoset“And paying some bills too :(  ”
i love how she has basically nothing but a mailbox :'D
Seriously she had nothing lol xD  It took a couple days for me to get up enough for even one thing!
dreamersdolls replied to your photoset“Starlight: “See now that wasn’t so hard.  Now to scarf this down and...”
Haha I do think of Miss Berry's Merlot every time I read that name.
Me too :D I thought it would be fun to have my very own Merlot in my game.  I always think of Lacelot when I play them now :D
samantha8982 replied to your post“Looking for Some More CC Patterns”
I personally do, haven't had problems yet with exactly the same patters everyone recommended :)
Thanks for replying!  I went ahead and packaged them and haven’t had any issues :D <3 Thank you for the help!
smillingsection replied to your photoset“The twins growing up! Starlight Celeste - White hair blue eyes Flurry...”
aww they're so cute!!!!
Ah, thank you!  I love them so much :D  Sky and Mist made some pretty darn cute babies <3
indielectualll replied to your post“I’m About to Cry”
Oh my god! Noooo. I feel for you 💔
Thank you :(  I was pretty heartbroken when it happened, but i’m feeling better now that I’ve been able to get back to that part. <3
simlishprincess replied to your post“I’m About to Cry”
its a good thing you had backups!! have you tried cleaning the save? that helped a lot with my brightons save
Thank you for helping me figure out how to clean the save :)  It has certainly helped!  The load times are nothing like it was before and it’s running smoother.  <3 <3
berrysweetboutique replied to your post“I’m About to Cry”
This happened to me so many times. I think it has to do with the save bloat. If it gets too big it errors while saving. If it crashes in the middle of the save it corrupts the file. What I absolutely hate about Sims 3.
Wow, well that’s good to know going forward.  I’m only on Gen 4 with them  now, don’t want to know how big it’s going to be by the time i get to Gen 10.  I’ve made several saves and cleaned up the one main one.  It’s helped for now.  Keeping my fingers crossed for the future!
nerdiesimmer replied to your photoset“Aww, but snuggles with Patrick make it all better <3”
they're so frickin cute together!! 💕
Aren’t they?!  Gosh i love them so much together :D <3
melien replied to your video“Um Patrick, pretty sure that’s not how you do that…LOL @melien i think...”
Don't try to repeat in real life xD
I was laughing so hard when i saw this happen.  I was like “I have to video this and share it.” It looked like he was trying to clean his brain out with a screwdriver lmao. xD
nerdiesimmer replied to your photoset“Baby time! <3”
Babies!!!! I seriously love having babies in berry saves.  They’re always so freakin’ cute <3 
amespixels replied to your photoset“Baby time! <3”
Haha that face in the third picture xD
I love having home births specifically for the face lol xD
amespixels replied to your photoset“Hunter Chantily : Friendly | Easily Impressed Jade Chantily : Heavy...”
So cute! Love all the different colors!
I love all their colorings, but Hunter he’s probably my favorite out of all the kids, though he didn’t end up being the heir (spoiler sorry lol).  He ran a super close second to one of his siblings though :D
slynnski replied to your photoset“Can we just talk about how cute these are?!  OMG seriously i took this...”
Ahhh these are soooo sweet! Berry babies ❤️
Eee thanks!  I love little berry babies <3  They make my heart melt with all their adorable colors! :D
nerdiesimmer replied to your photoset“These two <3”
they're so cute!!
Aren’t they?  I squealed when i saw them for the first time <3 :D :D
simlishprincess replied to your photoset“Starlight went to visit her parents, but when no one was home she...”
her parents ditched her lol
They did lmao.  They were home when i sent her over there, but were gone when she arrived.  They heard she was coming and ran lol xD
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ourshineeshrine · 8 years ago
My Number One Fan
Chapter 23 Pairing: JongKey Word Count: 4,612 Summary: Kibum goes to the same, run-down bar every week to watch the man of his affections sing his heart out with a mere guitar for company. He wasn’t expecting the coffee, nor the beautiful personality within the singer. And he definitely wasn’t expecting to fall in love.
A/N: this chapter seems a little boring, idk? it all heats up next chapter though so wooo! for now, enjoy <3
Soon enough Wednesday had arrived, and for the first time in a short while Kibum found himself sitting in the dance room with both Taemin and Minho at lunchtime. Minho had looked the upmost relieved when Kibum had told him that he’d made up with Taemin, but that didn’t stop the awkward aura from lingering around Minho as he interacted with Taemin for the first time since the incident in the hallway.
It was more than obvious to observe that the two hadn’t spoken about what had transpired that day, but Kibum decided against bringing it up, and tried desperately to talk about the things that were going on in his life instead. And well, according to both Taemin and Minho, that meant Jonghyun.
“Have you two screwed yet?” had been the first question Taemin had asked, leaning forward devilishly in an attempt to read Kibum’s expression. The hesitation Kibum had in replying was all he needed as a response. The first year sniggered wildly whilst shooting Kibum scandalous looks, nudging Minho in the ribs as though it was the most amusing thing he’d ever heard. “That’s nasty, Kibum.”
Kibum stuttered. “N-No, we haven’t! We haven’t gone that far yet…I was just shocked by the question.”
“But you’ve done something along those lines, right?” Taemin was hitting the nail on the head, but Kibum merely shrugged and looked away.
“Who cares about that?” he replied, a bright crimson adorning him cheeks.
Minho and Taemin chortled loudly, shooting Kibum the most suggestive looks they could muster. Astounded by their immaturity (and adorableness, but he wouldn’t admit that aloud), Kibum could only roll his eyes and attempt to change the subject. Before he could speak up however, Minho was doing it for him.
“Actually, Kibum,” he began, in between his bouts of laughter. “I wanted to ask you something.”
Shyness and uncertainty weaved its way into Minho’s expression, and he took one last deciding breath before speaking what was on his mind. “Well…Since you two are so close and all…I was thinking that maybe you could set me up on a date with Amber? Or something?”
Kibum blinked before turning his head in astonishment to gauge Taemin’s reaction. He could tell that the younger boy was trying as hard as he could to keep a straight, interested face, but the faint furrows between his brows told Kibum that he felt otherwise. Jealousy burned behind his eyes, and Kibum took note of the way his fists clenched tightly at the fabric of his pants.
“Oh…Right.” Kibum spoke, biting his bottom lip awkwardly. “Look, Minho…It’s just that Amber doesn’t normally like people or wanna date them like that, y’know? She’s not into all that serious stuff and she probably wouldn’t stay committed. I don’t want you going down that black hole, Minho.”
It was true, certainly. For as long as he’d known Amber (which was quite a while), he’d never actually seen her in a serious relationship. Sure, she’d done a bit of mucking around but labelling someone as her boyfriend or girlfriend? It would probably be a few more years until any of that sort happened. Maybe he would have tried to set them up if the circumstances had been a little different. But Taemin had a huge crush on Minho and it was safe to say that Kibum would rather see those two together than Minho and Amber. And he definitely didn’t want to see Taemin’s heart breaking when the object of his affections ditched him for a girl because God knows that Kibum knew how that felt.
Taemin’s shoulders visibly sagged in relief and Minho sighed deeply in disappointment. “I figured that.” he replied, and Kibum was again reminded of how amazingly understanding Minho was. “Oh well, I suppose. It was worth a try.”
Kibum smiled grimly and patted Minho’s shoulder. “It’s alright, buddy. There’s plenty of other people out there who are worth your time. You just gotta open your frog-like eyes a little wider.”
“Oi!” laughed Minho, which was followed by a loud snort from Taemin.
“Don’t mock his eyes, Kibum. He gets a little defensive about resembling an amphibian.”
Laughing out loud, Kibum turned to face Minho with fake apology swimming in his eyes. “Sorry, Kermit. It won’t happen again.”
Minho’s mouth dropped in disbelief and Taemin squealed in amusement, and Kibum had never been so glad to be reunited with his friends once again. But, bladder was calling, and so regrettably Kibum dismissed himself to go use the bathroom. “I’ll be right back, guys.”
Upon Kibum’s departure, the attention was focused solely on Minho and Taemin, where Minho was regarding the first year with caution and concern. An awkward silence lingered in the air and Taemin’s gaze was directed at only the floor beneath him. “So um, Taem…you know about what I overheard the other day, about Kai? You know you can tell me about that, right? We’re best friends. I don’t want you thinking that you can’t trust me or tell me things that might be worrying you.”
For a few moments Taemin remained silent before reluctantly lifting his gaze to meet Minho’s. His mouth felt dry and his throat tight, but he recalled what Kibum had told him about Minho’s kindness and understanding. Taemin knew that. Of course he did. Minho was easily the purest and most loyal person Taemin had ever known. And so because of that, it was with a little hesitation that Taemin began confessing what had happened back then with Kai.
“It’s true.” he began. “I-I did kiss Kai. I guess I had a little crush on him, I don’t know. I thought he liked me too, to be honest. That’s why I did it. But um…” Taemin worried his lip and subconsciously picked at his fingernails. “He didn’t feel the same, obviously. He punched me, left and never really spoke to me again. He just told everyone in my year level that I was disgusting and gay—But I’m not! Just so you know, I’m not gay. I just liked him. That’s all, I swear.”
“Taemin…” spoke Minho softly. “Even if you were gay, you know I wouldn’t give a shit right? Kibum’s gay and I don’t treat him any different.”
Taemin nodded. “I know that! But I’m really not gay, okay? I’d tell you if I thought I was. You really don’t think it’s disgusting?”
Minho leant forward to ruffle Taemin’s hair. “Never, Taeminnie. I just think that Kai is a real fucking jerk and that I should go beat him up right now.”
“No!” Taemin laughed. “Don’t do that, please! It’ll probably make it even worse.”
“Alright…If you say so. Ah, Taemin, you’re seriously awesome. I’m so glad you’re my best friend.”
A barely noticeable blush coloured Taemin’s cheeks and he grinned giddily. “Same here…Kermit.”
Jonghyun laid on his bed sloppily, scrolling through his twitter feed and laughing quietly to himself every so often at an amusing meme which had appeared. Being an aspiring musician who only works Sundays and doesn’t go to university (which Jonghyun wasn’t sure if he regretted quite yet), it was obvious to see that Jonghyun had plenty of time on his hands to simply lounge around at home and do nothing. Seodam had been trying to convince him to get out of the house more often with a gym membership or a part time job, but it wasn’t as though he had any bills to pay and staying at home all day was more than okay to Jonghyun.
A steady knock sounded at his bedroom door, and Jonghyun hummed loudly in response. The door creaked open and Seodam popped her head around the corner, smiling slyly at Jonghyun’s figure. “Hello, brother.”
Jonghyun looked up from his phone and greeted his sister with a frown. “Hello? Back from work already?”
The medical student laughed and gestured to her watch. “Jonghyun, it’s already four o’clock.”
“Oh. Well was it fun then?”
Seodam grinned mischievously, walking in and taking a seat on Jonghyun’s desk chair. “I guess so…But I’m sure it wasn’t as fun as what transpired here on Sunday night, right?”
It took a while for the words to process in Jonghyun’s head, but once they had he choked loudly on his spit and regarded Seodam with large, worried eyes. “W-What the heck are you talking about?”
“Oh, Hyun-ah…Darling…You know what I’m talking about.”
Jonghyun casually shrugged his shoulders and returned his gaze back to the screen of his phone. “No, actually. I’m afraid I don’t.”
His mother had joined them now, and was leaning against the doorframe with an uncharacteristically evil smile adorning her expression. Jonghyun shifted nervously in his position on the bed, and felt his cheeks automatically flush red in embarrassment. The two females shared a strange look and Jonghyun attempted as best as he could to simply ignore them. That proved a lot harder than it seemed when Seodam started speaking once again.
“Need me to jog your memory? I think it went something like…” her voice lifted in pitch, and she gripped a nearby pillow tightly in her grasp with eyes clenched shut. “Ngh—Kibum!”
Jonghyun picked up the cushion beneath him and tossed it roughly at his sister. “What the fuck, shut up, Seodam! Why do you sound like a ten year old girl, anyway?”
Seodam threw her arms up in surrender. “Hey! Don’t blame me, I’m just copying what I heard. Sorry to break it to you, buddy, but that’s literally how you sounded. And mum, tell your son off please. He threw a pillow at me for no reason.”
“I had plenty of reason! Frickin’ hell, you’re so immature. Get lost.”
His cheeks were practically crimson now, and Jonghyun refused to make any sort of eye contact with his mother who had witnessed the whole conversation. Had he seriously sounded like that? Jonghyun had honestly never felt so humiliated in his entire life. The topic of sex was already embarrassing enough, but for his family to have heard him? At that moment Jonghyun was seriously contemplating curling up into a ball and dying beneath his duvet.
“Seodam, stop hassling your brother. And Jonghyun, stop throwing pillows around.” his mother laughed, moving to leave the room with a departing wink. “Oh, and maybe make sure we’re not home next time you decide to…get frisky.”
Jonghyun groaned loudly in aggravation. “Frisky? Are you kidding me? This family sucks.”
Still seated in the desk chair, Seodam chuckled good-naturedly. “Calm down, we’re just messing with you, Hyun-ah. But seriously, how was it? Did Kibum enjoy it?”
Deadpan, Jonghyun simply stared at Seodam in disbelief. “We are not having this conversation right now.”
“Oh yes we are, buddy. I know you’re not very experienced in that department so tell me, did Kibum enjoy it? That’s very important in a relationship, y’know.”
“What the heck do you know about my experience…” he muttered quietly, before simply rolling his eyes and answering the question at hand. “And I’m not sure? I’m pretty sure he did. You tell me. You were the one listening in, after all.”
Poking her tongue out playfully, Seodam offered a simple shrug in response to Jonghyun’s accusations. “Don’t go kink shaming me, buddy. Now listen here, I’ve dealt with a lot of guys like Kibum before and let me tell you, I know what they like—“
Jonghyun had honest to God never been so lost for words in his entire life. Here his sister was, sitting on his chair, and trying to give him sex advice nonetheless. “—Seodam, in case you’ve forgotten I too am I guy. I’m pretty sure I know what they like.”
“It’s different when there’s two people.”
“If I want sex advice, I’ll just go watch porn or something. No offence, but this isn’t the type of thing you want to hear from your sister.”
Seodam’s jaw dropped and she shook her head ferociously before diving onto the bed beside Jonghyun. “Nope, nope, nope! Don’t you know porn is a bunch of bullshit? Hearing this from your sister is better than gaining some shitty unrealistic advice from porn. You don’t have anything better to do, so I’m going to tell you everything I know. I am a doctor after all—“
“But you’re a med student?” frowned Jonghyun.
“Hush, child. Same thing. Wow, I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
“Me neither.”
Seodam continued speaking as though Jonghyun had never said anything. “You’re all grown up now…” She wiped away some fake tears from the corner of her eyes. “Now, Jonghyun. When two people – in your case, two handsome fellas – like each other very much, they can decide to take the next step in their relationship.”
Jonghyun whinged loudly and buried his face into a nearby pillow. He just hoped to God this conversation wasn’t going to last much longer. It did.
The following day eventually arrived, and found Kibum leaving his classroom with a relieved sigh at the prospect of school finishing. He’d barely even made it to his locker when his phone started to ring, but answered immediately upon seeing Jonghyun’s contact flashing on the screen.
“Hello!” he sang into the phone, placing his books away nonchalantly.
“Hi, babe.” came Jonghyun’s response, equally as, if not even more happy than Kibum. “Just wondering if you could come over today…I have a surprise.”
Kibum’s mouth formed an ‘o’ shape and he paused for a few seconds to think. “Yeah, I should be able to. Is um…your family home?”
A laugh sounded from the other side of the line. “Not that sort of surprise, Key. Just hurry over, alright?”
Flushing pink, Kibum could somehow just feel that Jonghyun was winking mischievously as he spoke. “Um, sure? I’ll be there soon.”
“Great! See you soon, Kibum!” And then the line was cut off, and Kibum was left to stand confusedly in the corridor. How on earth was he meant to get there? Jonghyun hadn’t even offered to pick him up.
Kibum frowned. Was he supposed to just call a taxi or something? He willed his forming anger to calm down by concluding that the surprise would be worth it. Taxis from here probably weren’t even expensive, anyway. But before he could ponder the idea of calling one for much longer, a voice sounded from behind him.
“Hey, Kibum?” It was Minho.
Minho pulled his keys from his pocket and jangled them around, and all of a sudden Taemin too was by their side. “Jonghyun told me to drop you at his house. And I’m dropping Taemin home as well, so he’ll be coming with us.”
Kibum sighed in relief. “For a second I thought he’d left me to fend for myself.”
“C’mon, Kibum…This is Jonghyun we’re talking about. The sappiest guy on the planet.” Minho chuckled.
“Okay fine, you’re right. We should go, he was really impatient on the phone.”
Taemin wiggled his brows and nudged Kibum impishly in the ribs. “Impatient to fuck?”
Jaw dropping, Kibum slapped Taemin over the head. “No, you little shit. And don’t swear.”
“Says you, ya hypocrite.”
Kibum rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t forget that I’m older than you. You’re still a fetus.”
With a loud chuckle, Minho nodded in agreement and mussed Taemin’s hair so it stuck up cutely at the edges. Taemin crossed his arms over his chest and attempted to look tough instead, but it was clear to see that his heart was fluttering from Minho’s display of affection.
“Thanks for the ride, Minho! I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” spoke Kibum in farewell as he left the car, waving over his shoulder enthusiastically as the two younger boys drove off.
Upon their departure, Kibum turned towards Jonghyun’s house and breathed deeply before heading towards the front door. His confusion and nerves for the impending surprise were immediately quelled as the door swung open to reveal an overly excited Seodam. “Hey, Kibum! Hurry up and get in here, Jonghyun’s getting impatient.”
A wide, eager smile beamed over Kibum’s face and he jogged the last few steps towards the house with a bounce in his step. “Sorry!” he laughed, immediately being pulled into the woman’s tight embrace.
“I didn’t get to talk to you on Sunday night,” she pouted. “You were too…preoccupied elsewhere.”
Kibum flushed a dark red. “Oh…R-Right. Well um, anyway…Where’s Jonghyun?”
Laughing, Seodam opened the door wider to let Kibum in and gestured at Jonghyun who was standing in the hall. Jonghyun beamed and quickly scurried over to where his boyfriend and sister were standing, greeting the former with a quick kiss. “Close your eyes.”
“O…kay?” giggled Kibum, closing his eyes softly and allowing his hands to be grabbed and lead forward by Jonghyun.
“And no peaking!”
He nodded. “Gotcha.”
Kibum shuffled along awkwardly, making sure to not trip or knock his arms against anything in a house that wasn’t his own. His mind attempted to guess just what Jonghyun would be surprising him with, but other than a possible present his mind came to an abrupt halt. “Is it a present?” he muttered, mostly to himself.
Jonghyun chuckled and he might’ve been shaking his head but Kibum couldn’t tell. “Not quite. But I still think you’ll like it very much. Alright, we’re here. Keep your eyes closed, ‘Bummie.”
The sound of a door opening sounded and Jonghyun led him through said door, all the while keeping a firm grip on Kibum’s hand. The door shut behind them and Kibum was vaguely aware that they were in Jonghyun’s bedroom, but pushed the memories of what had happened last time they were there out of his head.
“Okay, Kibum. Open your eyes.”
His eyelids fluttered open and it took Kibum a while for his sight to focus, but once he’d regained his bearings a loud squeal immediately escaped his lips.
Jonghyun smiled widely at his reaction. “She’s a bit tired because it’s the first day she’s been here, but yeah. I got a puppy. Kibum, meet Roo. Roo, meet Kibum.”
A small dachshund puppy sat curled up on Jonghyun’s bed, chest moving up and down steadily as she slept. Kibum excitedly sat down on the bed beside Roo and gently ran his fingers through her soft fur, looking back at Jonghyun with a smile which made the singer’s heart skip a beat at the mere sight.
“I swear she was awake like a minute ago…Sorry.”
Kibum gently shook his head. “It doesn’t matter, just look how adorable she is. Did you get her today?”
“Yep! Seodam picked her up after work as a surprise for me…I’ve been asking for a puppy for a while now, actually. But dogs aren’t that cheap and we never really found the time to go and buy one. Do you like her?”
Face lighting up, Kibum nodded vehemently. “She’s the best! You’re so lucky…” He grinned wistfully and lifted Roo into his lap, placing a peck on the dachshund’s small snout. Her eyes were open now and instinctively her tail began to wag, giving Kibum’s hand a happy lick.
“Well actually…I was thinking that we could kind of raise her together? She would stay here, obviously, but we can take her for walks together and play with her like a little family…” Kibum was silent and Jonghyun hurriedly exclaimed, “Only if you want to of course! I mean…she already likes you a lot!”
Kibum gently placed Roo back on the bed and stood up, walking over to Jonghyun determinedly before abruptly wrapping the older man in a tight hug. “Of course I want to, you idiot. This is the best surprise I’ve ever gotten.” He pulled away slightly to instead kiss Jonghyun deeply. “I’ve always wanted a dog, but my parents are never home so y’know… it’s a little hard. You’re amazing.”
“To be honest, I would have penned you as a cat person.” spoke Jonghyun with a fond smile, gently tracing his thumb over Kibum’s cheekbone.
Pretending to gag, Kibum shook his head. “As if. I’m dating you for a reason, aren’t I?”
Jonghyun pulled Kibum closer for another kiss, humming against the other boy’s mouth. “Touché. Rude, but touché. Should we feed Roo and then maybe take her for a walk? I think she’s old enough...”
“Okay!” Kibum cheered, pulling away from Jonghyun to instead lift Roo into his arms. “Do you have a leash for her already?”
“Eager are we? And yeah, it’s in the lounge room I think…We’ll give her something to eat first though. How much are puppies meant to have?”
Kibum laughed and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “I don’t know. Maybe just ask Seodam or look it up on the internet…”
Laughing, Jonghyun felt himself relieved to know that Kibum was just as new to all this as he was. “Okay, okay…Bring your school bag and we’ll head towards your house.”
“Alright, be right back!”
Moments later, Roo was fed (thanks to Seodam’s help), her leash was attached, and Kibum and Jonghyun were out of the house, making their way towards the end of Jonghyun’s street. Their hands twined together with Roo’s lead squished between them, and they walked in a comfortable silence until reaching the main road. “Did you know Taemin likes Minho?” questioned Kibum out of the blue, knowing quite well the answer was no.
“Well I do now…But Minho doesn’t swing that way, right?”
Kibum looked in thought momentarily. “That’s what I was thinking too but…I don’t want poor Taemin suffering, y’know? So we gotta stay hopeful for now.”
Jonghyun nodded. “We’ll be the best wingmen ever.”
Roo was slugging along slowly, at times either stopping completely in the middle of the footpath or racing ahead so that Jonghyun and Kibum were forced to run with her.
“We should ask each other questions or something.” spoke Kibum suddenly, once Roo had calmed down a bit and was trotting along at an even pace. “I feel like I don’t know enough about you yet.”
“True…We dived into this relationship kind of fast, didn’t we?”
Nodding, Kibum gave Jonghyun’s hand a firm squeeze. “But I don’t regret it. I just want to learn more about you, so I’ll go first. What’s your…worst fear?”
“Worst fear? If it’s one of those cliché truth or dare questions then I’d say something like losing my voice or people judging me for being myself but honestly…I’m more afraid of losing you and my family.” Jonghyun responded, cheeks flushing pink against the cool breeze.
Kibum nudged against him fondly. “Aren’t you a sap?”
And then Roo halted suddenly in her tracks, sitting down on the pavement and refusing to move another leg. Jonghyun sighed wearily, and gave the puppy an encouraging poke. “C’mon, Roo…We’re nearly there.” Still, she remained on the ground, looking up at Jonghyun with wide, sad puppy eyes which seemed to beg for sleep. “Do dogs seriously get tired so quickly?” Jonghyun questioned, mostly to himself, before promptly picking the puppy up and holding her like a newborn baby. “I guess I’ll have to carry her…”
“Look at these two cuties.” Kibum cooed, pulling his phone out and quickly taking a snapshot. “Geez, I love my dogs.”
Jonghyun frowned and pursed his lips. “Are you implying that I’m a dog?”
In response, Kibum simply entwined their hands once more and continued walking, mentally rolling his eyes at the fact that Jonghyun had missed the most important part of that phrase.
‘Maybe I was implying that you’re a dog…’ he thought to himself. ‘But I was also implying that I love you, idiot.’
“My go to ask a question!” Jonghyun exclaimed happily, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet yet making sure to keep Roo locked firmly in his grasp. “What’s your personal motto? Something that you always tell yourself.”
Kibum became silent in deep thought for a few moments, the sole sound of footsteps against the concrete pavement filling the empty air. “I mean…It’s not really a motto. Just kind of what I base my decisions around, I guess, but... ‘My dream isn’t to become the best. It’s to become someone who I’m not ashamed to be.’”
Instinctively, Jonghyun beamed, rubbing his thumb fondly against the back of Kibum’s hand. “I like that. That’s really nice, actually. But as a side note – you’re kind of the best, anyway.”
Good-naturedly, Kibum slapped Jonghyun’s shoulder. “Stop flirting, it’s getting you nowhere right now. Now hush, while I think of something to ask.”
“Your wish is my command, King Kibum.”
The younger of the two rolled his eyes fondly, and used his free hand to fix his wind-tousled hair. “Okay…Would you rather go into the past or the future, and why?”
“The past!” Jonghyun spoke immediately, as though it was the easiest thing he’d ever been asked. “I could go back and fix everything I did wrong in high school, I could’ve talked to you sooner, I could’ve kissed you sooner…And if I went into the future, I think I’d be scared to see something that I know I don’t want to.”
Kibum hummed in agreement. Maybe if he went into the past he’d be more careful of the string of lies he told his parents and prevent himself from being caught in positions which lead them to suspect him. And as for the future…Kibum wasn’t quite sure he wanted to see what that beheld for him. The past would definitely be a safer option. “Me too, actually. The future’s a little too wild for my liking.”
“We’re both a bunch of scaredy cats.” chuckled Jonghyun, and he could’ve sworn that Roo’s ears twitched as he said it.
“I know…But at least we can be scaredy cats together, right? Imagine dating someone who made you climb mountains on the weekends, I think I’d die.”
Jonghyun’s face dropped suddenly, and he peaked at Kibum from the corner of his eyes. “Oh…”
Mouth dropping in shock, Kibum stopped to glare at Jonghyun. “You are not a fucking mountain climber. I will dump you at this second if you are.”
His disheartened façade faltered, and Jonghyun burst out into loud laughter. “As if I’m one of those, Kibum. My legs are already getting itchy and we have literally walked like one kilometre.”
“And I’ve got a stitch.” added Kibum amusedly, resting his head on Jonghyun’s shoulder and giving Roo a gentle scratch behind the ears. Too caught up in the moment of insulting exercise and bonding over their lazy habits, Kibum and Jonghyun remained painfully unaware of the familiar white sedan which drove past in that precise moment, the driver of said car watching the two with scrutiny from his rear view mirror.
The rest of their journey to Kibum’s house passed in a warm, comforting silence, their hands not once separating until they neared the perfect, pristine structure. Kibum took Roo into his arms and kissed her lovingly on the forehead before passing her back to Jonghyun. “Hopefully you don’t die of exhaustion on the way home. Maybe I’ll buy Roo some toys or something this weekend. Are you free on Saturday?”
“Sure am.” responded Jonghyun, looking at Kibum’s house cautiously before giving Kibum a chaste peck on the cheek. “I’ll see you soon, alright? Take care, Key!”
“You too Jjong. And take good care of Roo!”
Jonghyun nodded happily, and waved to Kibum in farewell as the younger boy walked up towards his front door. His father was home it seemed, thought Kibum to himself, taking note of the white sedan parked neatly in their driveway. Luckily for Kibum he hadn’t done anything spontaneous enough to warrant a scolding as of late.
Well…So he thought.
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survivorathena-allstars · 7 years ago
Ep. 3: “Shrek Can Heck the Heck Off” ~ Duncan
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So tribal occurred and I guess expectingly, everything went as planned. I was really nervous and I don't know why... probably since it's All Stars and everyone is here to not only impress, but to play. We're the recruits and it means that in the past we've shown definitive reasons as to why we had the chance to bypass the application process and immediately enter. It's wild. Overall, i'm fine with tribal. I would've enjoyed Julia a big longer and wouldn't have minded if she stayed, but when so many people are like "you've been so disconnected" etc, there's only so much I can personally do to reroute that. I really am hoping our tribe pulls through in this upcoming immunity. I just don't want to deal with the stress from last time, and i'm scared that I could be in danger. There is an alliance of 7 (now excluding only Duncan & Sam) but EVERYONE talks to Duncan - including myself, he's really nice - and Sam is just generically popular for whatever reason. They're both extremely active, maybe not as much in PMs as the tribe chat, but still are. This then creates the potential of a flip. I would be totally down to do so in the event that it's just... an easy thing to execute. When looking into long term, there's many people who despite how much I like them personally, are huge threats due to their connections on the other tribe. Of course I have Dana, who will work with me but obviously we'll cut one another if the time comes. But there's bigger cliques of people I guess. Emily is mutually friends with EVERYONE - and I adore her so much that it sucks. Ashvika is a legend, also really liked. Duncan has friends on the other side. It's just like... there's many groups of two-four people and it's an interesting dynamic to put as an obstacle. I guess we'll see how things go and how well people think around this and plan accordingly. Also the archipelago is RUDE! thank you. 
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Ali Update! So, I survived tribal, but I've officially been hexed so I guess I may as well give up! But ultimately, while it was ugly to vote out Julia, I think going into a swap, we don't want to be the totally dominate tribe in numbers, so perhaps losing a member (or potentially two, even though I have no idea who that would be) could work to our benefit? Who can ever be sure! With that said, I am concerned going into another tribal, in that the options are either our alliance of 7, Duncan or Sam. And like.... all those options are ugly. I don't want any of those happening.... So, (and it looks like we will need to win two challenges to do this) we need to win the next two challenges basically! Which has like a 25% chance of happening, but I do think a music video challenge does actually favour our tribe, so hopefully we can win the next one too! With regards to the swap, it does look like we are gonna have an #ugly four tribes of four swap, but my theory is for each tribal at that stage, two of the four tribes will go to tribal? So it'll be tribals of like 7 or 8 people! we will see I guess, but right now, I am focusing on not having the awful task of voting out another member of this phenomenal tribe! Toodles ALSO I HAVE A VIDEO CONFESSIONAL THAT IS TAKING YEAAAAAAARS TO UPLOAD, ughhhh.
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Well my plan went off without a hitch this round. I was able to get an alliance formed with Ali, Ashvika, Emily, JD, Ruthie, and Zachary to have the majority going into the last vote. We also made sure to keep Samuel and Duncan looped in so that it was a nice, easy, vote out for Julia. I love controlling votes, yes I do. So far I haven't found anything in the Archipelago. I can't spell that and I'm not going to look it up so I'm going to call it the Islands of Death.  Every time someone has searched we've gotten a notice saying that they were tired but mine never have. Where are they going? What are they doing? Suspicious. I do know that whatever advantage was with the artifacts is gone now. Someone completed the task faster than I did. I have a feeling it might have been something dumb like a double vote so I'm not that worried. Based on the rules, I think there's only going to be one hidden immunity idol and you're going to have to work your ass off to earn it. Athena, Charlotte, and idols don't go hand in hand. I'm only good at finding them in other games. Looks like we're just going to have to keep winning so I'm never at risk!
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I’ve said this already but can lily be on my tribe thanks I want a tribe swap
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I love my majority alliance yes I do! Honestly this game feels like one where I'm gonna make some solid friends, and even though I'm inevitably gonna have to make some rough decisions if I wanna make it to the end again, I'm gonna be close with these people for a while. And that feels really good!
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the hosts hate me. they truly do. a music video challenge. my tribe is doing Shrek. and I am doing suffering.
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I have been so frickin unlucky in the archipelago. It really sucks. And I feel like I've searched the whole thing already like wtf! Ugh. Anyway, I'm super excited about our challenge. I love music videos and as long as everyone can go all out, I'll be happy! So far I have Charlotte's videos but that's it. I don't mind though because um I haven't recorded my stuff either lmao! But we're winning and that's that on that.
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Everyone: loves All Stars and is having a great time Me: 
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Lily is (still) talking shit about me and whining in people's pms all because "i haven't talked to her." Fun fact: I DID!!!! That's right- I, the person who was targeted immediately and grew a social game to survive, struck up a conversation with a person who voted me out. And you know what the wildest part is? It went well!! I thought ok maybe we made progress and we'll be chill and cordial from here on out. But apparently that wasn't enough for her. We're strangers!!! What do you want good morning and goodnight texts?? Get over yourself- like what are you 16?? Oh wait she is, which would explain why she has all these great expectations and why me not moving heaven and earth to be her best friend bothers her. I got news for you sis: I'm doing my best goddammit while you rely on a bunch of relationships from prior seasons. Yeah I said it and I can back it up: I knew 1 person on our tribe when all stars began and yet turned the 9-1 vote against me in the FIRST FUCKING ROUND to 6-4 me staying; I built a solid alliance of 5 (we poached Cameron lol); I give every challenge my all; and I maintain decent relationships with 85% of the tribe. But because Lily happened to fall in that 15% and hasn't gotten a fruit basket, I have to put up with her shit until one of us leaves
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Also I walk on eggshells in this tribe and I can barely breathe without someone having a fucking opinion. Talk to this person, make more of an effort with that person even though they're being immature, don't work with this person, trust that person, change your part in the music video even though there's nothing fucking wrong with playing Gingy from Shrek, don't mind us as we change OUR ROLES every hour because it's fine who cares if the clock is ticking. I love my tribe and they mean well but I'm 23 years old my gameplay isn't a democracy. Speaking of democracy, Elaenia is back to flopping because we can't make any executive decisions about our music video!! So here I am, mentally preparing myself to talk to everyone in the tribe tomorrow so Lily's campaign against me, which she'll whip out once we lose, will fall on deaf ears. You see what I'm talking about?? This is ONE of 2 orgs I'm in that I've been in for 6 DAYS while my job is trying to kill me. HOW HAS IT NOT EVEN BEEN A WEEK
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Am I seriously about to get my second idol? I'm SCREAMING. For THIS idol, what I need to do is not talk in any public chats for 24 hours. So, I sent this lie to the whole tribe that I was silenced by someone on the other tribe and honestly I'm screaming. I've evolved and become a complete liar, this is disgustening. But now I am gonna feel less bad about telling Emily about my idol (even though I don't actually regret it that much!) I feel like telling someone about me having an idol is smart, that way if I am getting votes, they can clue me in! With this now too, I can have my own second layer of protection that they dont know about mwahahahaa. I honestly cant believe how much of a liar I have become!
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I made a video confession but I was angrier than I should’ve been and so I’m typing this out because it’ll probably make more sense. So earlier today, Ali messaged me and tells me that he accidentally went to the bridge instead of clifface and I didn’t think much of it. So when I go archipelago searching, I row > path 1 > climb > complete the challenge > clifface > climb > do the simple task. NOW. The simple task is to not talk in the tribe chat for twenty four hours. HUH. At first I didn’t think anything of it, but then I remembered Ali got a very similar disadvantage only he said that someone ELSE gave him this disadvantage. So at first I’m like. Oh. This is a little weird. But I go ahead and message everyone and tell them about my disadvantage and how I won’t be talking in the tribe chat anymore. Then something occurs to me: Ali could be??? Lying to me??? So I sent him the quotes from my host chat and he immediately confessed to lying. And I tell him it’s totally fine. I’m not upset. I understand what he did and like? I can’t be mad because I was going to do the exact same thing. Now Ali is saying he’s going to give the idol. So this is amazing. I’m getting an idol no matter what so yeet. We’re talking about what to do with Duncan now. I think he’s gonna come clean. And like nskwbwjwjwjw this is such a mess! But I gotta help Ali and get him out of this predicament because this is what FRIENDS are FOR!!! Whew. Anyways I’m gonna drive home now goodbye.
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i dont deserving anything, especially jaybee in other news, my game is a mess and im the mestress. emily also got silenced... I'd be shocked if my whole tribe even remotely trusts me, and I feel like a complete flop. emily is being so nice about it, but if I was her, i'd never trust me ever again ________________________________________________________________ Over the past 24 hours, I have completely ruined my game. Duncan quite rightly doesn't trust me anymore, and I'm so mad at myself for not trusting him sooner. This is the third game in a row where I've been mad at losing someone's trust and I'm so disappointed in myself. I don't want to be, but I deserve to be voted out next. 100%
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I don't think I've made a  confessional in awhile and I want to do this before I get called out so. I'm hoping we'll win the music video thing just because I...don't want to go back to tribal. Not with this group of people at least. I myself feel safe and secure, but then again I felt safe and secure at the first tribal and then the tribe as a group assassinated me, like a meaner Murder on the Orient Express situation. I don't think I'll go home but??? I never know with these demons.   So anyway I found this...thing in the Archipelago. To get it I have to make sure we lose the next challenge. Not really sure how I'll do that but I guess we'll have to find out. It's kinda a win-lose situation because...like I said...I don't want to go to tribal. But maybe this can help me...maybe. I'm like completely in the dark so I don't really know anything but anything will help! 
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hhhhh WOW I'm so worried! I took a look at our final video for the lip sync and while it generally looks good, theres also the issue that... i filmed in portrait mode. shit. i REALLY hope that doesnt cost us the win, because i know people despise that (and for good reason) and I dont wanna deal with tribal because I dont know shit about filming, since I'll probably be made a target for that (if not me, maybe jack bc he didn't do anything but also idk if i'd wanna do that because he did say he was uncomfortable with it)
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Literally just cried because of how wholesome the video Amanda Lynn made is, like that just made my night and I know this isn't related to the game but I really just love this cast and this game so much and I'm so happy to be a part of it :')
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Me? Forgetting that confessions are a thing very briefly? Yes. I was like... how can I get out all my anger about the music video results? Um? I can CONFESS since I can't FUCKING TALK IN THE TRIBE CHAT! God damn I'm so upset about these results I'm not even kidding I could... rip my fucking hair out. I worked so hard on that video and I'm not saying Cameron didn't work hard on his but I am saying that our video was 10x better. Yes theirs had a theme but like,,,,,,, we were so enthusiastic and cute and positive and wholesome the whole vibe to our video was fun and LILY RECORDED IN PORTRAIT I LOVE HER SHE'S MY WIFE BUT COME ON LILY DON'T DO THAT and like the quality was bad too!! And I just... what the fuck we were really honestly truly robbed. Like I loved Owen as the Fairy Godmother that was hilarious and Will as Prince Charming really was so funny but also FUCK THEM IM SO FUCKING MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO AMOUNT OF EXCLAMATION POINTS CAN EXPRESS MY ANGER RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW I HAVE TO GO TO TRIBAL AND IT'S LOOKING LIKE SAM IS GONNA GO AND LIKE I UNDERSTAND BACK HE DIDN'T LIKE CONTRIBUTE A WHOLE LOT TO THE CHALLENGE AND ALSO HIS SOCIAL GAME IS KINDA SHITTY BUT DUNCAN IS REALLY PUSHING TO NOT GO FOR SAM AND GO FOR LIKE JD OR CHARLOTTE AND IM LIEK FDLKFKLSDDAS STOP IT??????????? I DONT KNOW WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH THIS VOTE BECAUSE I LOVE AND CARE ABOUT EVERYONE AND EVERYONE ON THIS TRIBE HAS PULLED THEIR WEIGHT IN SOME WAY AND PROVEN THAT THEY DESERVE TO BE HERE BUT FJKLSDJFKLSDJLFSDLKFSLKDFS I AM GONNA SHIT MYSELF okay sorry to be all in caps for a little bit but Vireao was just fucking robbed know THAT also we have 100% participation SUCK IT!!! Also I called it that Jack wasn't gonna contribute I knew that boy hated music videos and I was RELYING on him not contributing and like losing his tribe points. But we still lost. And the judges made mean comments except "Except for the axe welding earth destroyer. Real star of the video there. Did you make an earth just to destroy it?? I'm nervous!" that made me feel good. I'm an axe welding earth destroyer lol... but I'm also a fucking loser. Okay long ass confession done goodbye cruel world
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Ok so I shouldn’t be up but like y’all know I get off work late and play catch up for like 2 hours + don’t sleep normal people hours so I’m really happy we won, mainly because that means I’m 100% safe. That’s how you’re supposed to feel but when you’re paranoid, facts help you sleep better at night. I went from comfortably being Gingy to taking one for the team and stepping up to be Shrek hours before the deadline; so even if we had lost my logic was that I contributed enough deep in the clutch to be seen more as a saving grace rather than a threat or dead weight. Highkey I feel like I’m playing harder than I really want to but these hoes backed me into a corner and every time I try to go under the radar people start running their mouth. Elaenia was branded the underdogs but I feel like the underdog of the underdogs. Yes I’m on varsity and yes I can sit with everyone at lunch but is it enough? Almost being first boot really did a number on me and I literally play day to day. I am not 18th place and I’m even happier that one of the Goliaths will fall- it truly puts a smile on my face My gut is telling me Karen wasn’t the source of getting me out; I think I just want to believe that so I can be at ease but it couldn’t be that simple. The next logical choice is Lily or Kevin buuuuut what if it’s not? What if one of these people who voted with me actually started the entire chain of events? Is Jack lying and does actually know who the source is? Is Lily not the messiest person on Elaenia? Am I justified in watching my back and being wary of everyone, allies included? Reasons why I can’t with this game. It’s a mind fuck and my brain is a whore lmao
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I just took a nap now i'm regenerated. 2 hours? WOO! I think it's my time. Maybe i'm just hallucinating and paranoid - but I tend to have decent awareness of what's going on and how people interact with me, but at the same time I have a huge habit of over reading situations. Point is, everyone's being very short with me. Duncan, a person who is usually exciting and lovely, is responding with one word excerpts. Perhaps he's tired but... yeah. Emily is also similar. She hasn't changed her speech patterns in my opinion, but in the manner of what's been happening, it's just more noticeable. If I could just you know... have a say - why not Sam? I understand the 7 person alliance is not going to remain unitedly intact, but that's one easy vote. Not only did he send a 4 second clip (then a 9 second lipsync) to Emily in the last two hours, but he's been the most inactive. I do think he's a great guy, I really do - but it's stressing me out. I think Emily maybe wanted to flip though. I always mention Emily in every confessional I make but that's for a few reasons. First, she's really sweet and enjoyable and I like her. Second, she's really well connected and like a spider web of relations, so being good with her could maybe put me 1-up. Third, i'm literally being her so-called lapdog (by myself, that is). But it's all with good intent of course. Point is before I rambled was that she suspects that our group isn't tight and that we soon will require to flip since a 7 person group is a gigantic majority, and despite the fact that an upcoming swap is glooming in the distance, it is a threatening perspective. If she wanted to flip on someone, unless it was one of a few people (Ashvika... and Charlotte, I guess) I would easily be on board. I like the others, Ali and Ruthie and everyone, but i'll play cutthroat. I'm here to get myself one day further!!!! Not really. Kind of. Who knows. Nonetheless it's a great thought process, and i've been interested in it myself prior to her acknowledgement. I don't want to be blatant cause for some dumb reason I think i'm walking on thin ice, but it's there... it's a potential possibility. Duncan's very well connected so I sincerely doubt anyone would vote him out next, after Sam. Hmm... Also, I really love boulders so i've been trucking on through and now I just need 5 more days (after the 23rd) to search and i'll either find something or realized i've been wasting my time, with higher probability on the latter option. 
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So I was really hoping that it wasn't going to come to this because I don't wanna vote out Sam and Duncan ciao know that they are numbers for me over Charlotte... Which for me is what this game is coming down to, me Vs Charlotte, I dont even care who wins the series so long as I can take her out lol. But I wonder if that was why she left them out of the alliance chat she throw me and Ali in. Cus she knew that with such a small number on the outside that it would be easy to get rid of the people I would most likely work with.... She claimed not to be strategic but I know better. 
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I'm so frustrated. I understand tribal is not a fun subject kiddos but it's something that needs to be done and no one is talking to me. Perhaps they all unitedly agree to vote me out, but I really hope not and I don't think that'd be good for various reasons!! Who knows though.  Well, people know, just not me. I'm going to try to encourage a Sam vote or a potential flip but... that'll be whatever the others want.
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Fuck I’m pissed that we lost! Grrrr. I literally never want to watch shrek ever again. Shrek can heck the heck off 
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Upset we lost immunity, hope it’s an easy tribal 
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AH FUCK NVM WE DID IT AAAAAAAAA IM SO PROUD I was especially flattered that Milissa enjoyed the growing nose thing for Pinocchio, I was really proud of that idea ;w; now if only I had filmed horizontally
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I’m out of town. Didn’t help with the challenge. We still won. Interested to see who goes on the other tribe. My social game is weak. The end.
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This vote is going to be beyond crazy. I’ll update you once I actually figure out what is going on
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So I just filmed a video confessional, but I think I need to write out my thoughts since I'm so conflicted. God, just write murdered by Shrek on my tombstone. Anyway, first things first... How blessed are we all to know Emily? Oscar-worthy director, sane person, just inspiration. She helped handle the mess that was my silence idol challenge confusion. She is honestly the best ally I could ask for, and I am so blessed to know her, as a friend and ally. Soppy time over. Time for GAME AKJLFDAkljafd. So, I have decided I need to reassess my core allies. In this game, I need to realise that everyone is of course gonna have an agenda, so its important to coalesce with all the people with motivations similar to mine. Because we share our info, Emily definitely falls into that category, which is why she is my main ally right now. Beyond that, I feel really good about Zach atm. He is so nice and great to talk to, and I think in an alliance sense we really click? So that's why I am really here for the "EAZy Votes" alliance (Me,Zach & Emily) because I really feel those are two solid allies I'd love to work with going forwards. From that point, I also get great vibes from Charlotte & Ashvika as people I'd like to work with going forward in the game. Charlotte is a smart cookie, she knows her stuff, is super sociable and a great person to work with. So like... I'm down to clown with Charlotte. Ashvika is the only person left on the tribe who I didn't have some sort of relationship with preseason, but she is honestly just so nice. She is someone I'd truly love to work with going forwards. Ruthie, my cracked disney queen, is someone who I think would be a great and loyal ally, and like... who doesn't want some Ruthie in their life? That leaves my Emathia chums Duncan,JD & Sam. Sam is a great guy, and someone I always have a place in my soft hort for, but I just think he has for some reason struggle to ingratiate himself within the tribe, which has just made him such a target and means keeping him is like... a big move. Duncan and JD are so conflicting for me. JD has become much more cracked since Emathia, and I am down to crack some eggs, but not the whole batch... So she is scary to work with long term. Duncan I find really hard. As a friend, I love him SOOOOO much, and I always will do. I just get super freaked out, because his agenda is very different to mine (as is JDs). They don't know Zach or Ruthie while I do, which makes it hard to find plans that we agree on? Like with Julia, it was easy, but now it gets harder..... ACK, I dont know. Basically, this whole game is too much for my poor soft hort. 
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This is going to be the most dark sided season of survivor. This round sam is going home (according to what I know) and I actually don’t want him out. Apparently San has just not been putting in the work in order to make friends with everybody. And I’m like sam! This is all stars! You should be performing your ass off in all aspects. Now granted I have Emily to look out for my ass but I’m also looking out for myself. It’s just Ugly because the one time I want to work closely with Sam and make amends I won’t have the chance to. JD made an emathia alliance chat so I think she wants to save sam but she isn’t pushing for it and people were being indecisive. So after thinking about it for about 12 hours I decided fuck it. It’s premerge, I cannot make any big moves rn, I’m not going to play my idol on sam. And sam is not my closest ally right now so I can’t stick out my neck to save him. JD told me she didn’t care to work with zac Ashvika and ruthie and t shook me. I’m the only one left not in that seven but that’s the only crack I need to survive another round if we were to lose again. Sidenote? I’m not happy with Ali like at all. He and Emily both found the path to the idol but couldn’t speak in the tribe chat or any alliance chats for 24 hours. Emily told us the truth but Ali told us before Emily found the path, that he was being punished. Like this makes me feel better about being closer to Emily in the game. I’m really hoping to survive the night obviously, and it’s going to suck to see sam go but this is all stars so I guess All is Fair in Love and War. And I want to win this war.
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AHHH MAYBE I HAVE FOUND SOMETHING!!! I'm mid little mini challenge and I love mastermind, SURELY I can crack this quickly!  I really need to win something, our tribe is dwindling down and i don't feel safe at all!
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wiiiiiiii I am going to submit a Better Confessional when I get home from Christmas just making sure I get something in this time :) I’m happy we won the music video!!!!! And I’m so excited to see who goes home from the other tribe oops!
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hello sweet confessional. I don't have much 4 u, but let me say that Owen as the fairy godmother and Autumn cutting her onion made our video iconique as fuck. Made me love my alliance that much more. I keep forgetting to pretend to socialize with the other people on my tribe so they don't want to vote me out, like i'm doing a TERRIBLE job. With the exception of Autumn, the rest of my alliance is also close with people on the outside of our group, which lowkey sucks but..wig! Catch me getting idoled out honestly. Also i'm probably getting voted out because i'm friends with Zach and like umm no. Idk yall i'm paranoid and I took an exam today so like thinking? it's a no from me.
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i love emily so much she could wear stilettos or cleats and do the cha cha slide (two stomps this time!!) on my face and i would thank her
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hey so i'm about to save the world by doing a challenge!!!!! aaahhhh!! i don't know what'll happen if i win, but I need to repeat verbatim a phrase from everyone in the tribe chat. kind of thinking that i'll just do it all at once. we'll see you on the other side! oh yeah and it has to be done within the next hour.
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HOWDY YALL SOOOOOO I was kind of worried that the other tribe would go fuckin ALL OUT in the music video but our shrek strategy really paid off??? Now that Julia is gone it's going to be super interesting seeing how the dynamics of that tribe split up. I don't think it's going to be another unanimous vote. If Ali and JD stick together, probably with Sam.... And Ruthie/Ali were close af in festive. Emily seems good with everyone. Idk???? I can't see Charlotte Duncan or Zach going either? Ashvika could be in danger tbh but that's so fuckin ugly. I don't want any of them gone but if I had my pick I think JD going would be good for me. She's an obstacle in my relationship with Ali. But who knows! My tribe is really lucky we pulled out a win. I think tension is still rising surrounding Lily being a threat but there's been talk of Jack or Lily having something from the archipelago. SPEAKING OF WHICH I FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING OMFG DSKADJFHKJ so at the beginning I was exclusively looking under these boulders and I started going in phone number order..248-7....then I stopped. I caved and grabbed a torch bc there were only two left. But then I realized a bunch of people prob grabbed the torch and got everything from there so I stressed out and returned my torch in order to go BACK to the boulders...and did the next digit of my phone umber....AND HAD TO DO A CHALLNGE! I basically got an extra vote that can only be used at f14 or f7 which is kinda useless to me for a while but it's better than nothing. And it is also a legacy thing I believe so I'll pass it down. nice. I feel like I've been getting even closer to Will this round. I like him a lot and I think he hopefully trusts me as well. I thought I'd be closer with Dana and Cameron but Will is someone that I really wanna go far with and he's the first person I told about my vote thing. I told Cameron too, he's my first ally and rn prob my best ally. Autumn and Dana I've continued to talk to too. I haven't messaged Jack that much oops but he a freak !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fjskahdfj not rlly but I dont want to work with him. I would if I had to but for now I want him gone! Sorry! Although I like how presst he seems to be that Emily cut him. I'm trying to make a snapchat group with my alliances bc teams that snap together stay together. But I'm scared of a swap coming soon :( i love our tribe and the other people I do rlly wanna play with but I want them to kill each other a bit more first. also I've been tyring to figure out why the other two premerge buffs are completely different fonts and designs but i cant do anythin about it rn so might as well not worry about it! if the game changes up I'll change with it
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like okay i'm gonna succeed in the challenge but uh it's blatantly obvious that i'm going for something. but this is ALL STARS Y'ALL GOTTA RISK IT TO GET THE BISCUIT RIGHT??? (pls let me win this game)
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Ack, I'm really scared Duncan is gonna idol Sam! Also, I feel bad for Sam, he is doing my parroting challenge :( [04:31] Duncan: in every season [02:33] Samuel Rutan: in every season
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This vote has been an absolute roller coaster because Duncan has been pushing hard to save Sam and like... people aren't budging. Except JD is actually so cracked? She made an Emathia alliance now she's voting out Sam? And Charlotte messaged me saying she thinks that JD would flip on us??? And honestly this whole vote has been so nerve wracking and like I pretty much feel safe because I worked so hard on that music video but also? I contributed a whole lot to the scavenger hunt in Crossroads and they VOTED ME THE FUCK OUT so I mean WHO FUCKING KNOWS they could be plotting to get me out I don't KNOW!!! But I've been talking to Zach a whole lot more and he's such a nice person and I love him and I want to work with him going forward. FUck tribal is starting I'm so fucking scared
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I don't really have much to confess right now but I love building my edgic!! It's interesting that our tribe is very divided right now in terms of majority/minority alliance and that the other tribe has had two unanimous votes...very interesting...But as the days go on I feel more and more connected to my alliance of five and can see that the other 4 have made basically no effort to talk to me since the Karen vote (like we've talked about things aside from the game) but like...Kevin doesn't talk to me at all, Madison's lowkey sketchy even though she's a queen, and Jack and Lily haven't talked to me since I apologized for keeping them out of the Karen vote. Also a note - anyone can say "I would've voted with you" and that's an easy lie to tell. So it doesn't really sway me when they tell me that about voting Karen out.
Sam becomes the 3rd person voted out of Athena All Stars in a 8-1 vote. You can see Sam’s preseason interview here.
0 notes