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Prodi MPI Jalin Kerjasama dan Adakan Stadium General dengan SEAMOLEC
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Pengenalan Teknologi VR untuk Pembelajaran Bersama Millealab MILLEALAB bekerja sama dengan IKATAN GURU INDONESIA (IGI) DKI JAKARTA, SEAMEO SEAMOLEC, Pigijo, dan…
#pionir vr indonesia#seameo seamolec#sekolah pionir vr#virtual reality#vr millealab#vr untuk pembelajaran
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Review Konten Rumahbelajar.id (dalam bentuk STT dan TSS) oleh Lely Novia (Peserta VCT Batch 5 VCI 100 Jakarta 3)
Review Konten Rumahbelajar.id (dalam bentuk STT dan TSS) oleh Lely Novia (Peserta VCT Batch 5 VCI 100 Jakarta 3)
Saya, Lely Novia, peserta Batch 5 VCI 100 Jakarta 3, akan mereview 2 konten yang terdapat pada rumahbelajar
Konten pertama berasal dari kontributor Pustekom mengenai pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia SMK yaitu “Menentukan Iklan”. Konten ini berguna bagi siswa dan siswi SMK akan tetapi dalam penyajiannya dibutuhkan persiapan yang matang dan lebih baik, serta semenarik dan sekreatif mungkin agar siswa…
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‘อาชีวะอุบลฯ - SEAMEO SEAMOLEC’ จัดประชุมออนไลน์ มุ่งพัฒนาการจัดการศึกษาร่วมกัน #SootinClaimon.Com
‘อาชีวะอุบลฯ – SEAMEO SEAMOLEC’ จัดประชุมออนไลน์ มุ่งพัฒนาการจัดการศึกษาร่วมกัน #SootinClaimon.Com
#SootinClaimon.Com : ขอบคุณแหล่งข้อม��ล : หนังสือพิมพ์แนวหน้า https://www.naewna.com/local/607515 วันศุกร์ ที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2564, 14.27 น. 8 ตุลาคม 2564 ณ ห้องประชุมจามจุรี นางลฎาภา แสวงทรัพย์ ผู้อำนวยการวิทยาลัยอาชีวศึกษาอุบลราชธานี นางสาวธนิดา วรรณแก้ว รองผู้อำนวยการฝ่ายแผนงานและความร่วมมือ พร้อมด้วยคณะครู ประชุมออนไลน์ร่วมกับ SEAMEO SEAMOLEC ประเทศอินโดนีเซีย ในหัวข้อ Meeting on…
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Tugas 3 pelatihan online seameo seamolec, membuat tutorial video scribe
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Buka Pelatihan Kelas Daring UNM, Hasnawi Haris: Kebutuhan Masa Depan - Gosulsel
MAKASSAR, GOSULSEL.COM - Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) menggelar Pelatihan Kelas Daring Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru New Normal. Kegiatan berlangsung di Menara Pinisi UNM selama tiga hari, mulai 11 sampai 13 Juni 2020. Pelatihan Kelas Daring dilaksanakan atas kerja sama UNM dengan Seamolec....
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Pengajuan Proposal Hibah Penelitian SEAMOLEC 2019
Pengajuan Proposal Hibah Penelitian SEAMOLEC 2019
Tema “Pembelajaran 4.0”
Apakah yang dimaksut dengan pembelajaran 4.0???
Pembelajaran 4.0 mengarah kepada pemanfaatan teknologi informasi secara lebih optimal dalam penyelaraskan industri 4.0 yang sudah mengarah kepada kecerdasan buatan, big data, IoT dan lain sebagainya.
berikut ini yang melatarbelakangi kami mengangkat judul Askademy sebagai inovasi kelas digital dalam pembelajaran 4.0…
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Syukur yang tiada habisnya aku ungkapkan kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala yang memberi nikmat ini, Terimakasih yang tiada habisnya kuucapkan kepada orang tua yang telah mengorbankan banyak hal sehingga membuatku sampai pada tahap ini, Tak lupa kuungkapkan terimakasih kepada ITB dan segala isinya juga Seamolec yang memberi kesempatan beasiswa utk program pascasarjana ini, Keluarga, kerabat, sahabat, teman yang tak habis doa dan dukungannya untukku, terimakasih banyak! Jazakumullahu khairan katsiran.. Semoga Allah membalas kebaikan kalian yang lebih banyak dan lebih baik aamiinnn
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Smarter and Simpler Way to Choose the Right University
Quipper launches Quipper Campus to help students understand and get more information on higher education institutions across Indonesia
JAKARTA, Indonesia, Aug. 30, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Quipper strengthens its commitment to ensure all Indonesians received quality education and to enable them to compete at a global level. In this moment, Quipper launched its new product, Quipper Campus, a one-stop information portal that connects students with their dream universities or higher education institutions (HEI). Quipper believes that technology is the key to reduce and end education disparities in every part of the world and the key to the foundation of a new learning.
Country Manager Quipper Indonesia, Takuya Homma, delivering his speech at the Quipper Campus' launching ceremony
Quipper Campus is an online platform that provides complete information of universities across Indonesia, including location, majors, administration information and many more. It is a one-stop information portal for high school graduates who aspire to further their study to higher education. The idea of Quipper Campus is to bridge the information gap between high school graduates who search for higher education information and higher education institutions who want to promote about their institutions.
In addition to providing a wide range of information to students, universities across Indonesia can utilize Quipper Campus to attract more students to study with them. In Indonesia, the gross enrollment rate (APK) for the category of age 19-24 (college level) is still very low, which is below 30% according to the data from Private Higher Education Coordinator (Kopertis). The limited information obtained by prospective high school graduates and equivalent is suspected to be one of the things that are affecting the low APK in that age category. The government has been actively addressing the issues, one of them is by improving the quality of private higher education institutions (PTS).
"It is undeniable that PTS quality becomes the main reason for choosing Higher Education Institutions. Increasing the number of students on PTS is needed to improve the quality. It should be done soon because those PTS who have less than 500 students is categorized as low scale PTS," added Illah Saillah - Private Higher Education Coordinator Jakarta Region (Kopertis).
In response to the issue, Tri Nuraini - PR & Marketing Manager Quipper Indonesia said, "Quipper Campus is designed with simplicity, and friendly user interface that is easy to access from any device at any time student convenient. We believe that with our service, students would be able to obtain complete information about universities and higher education institution in Indonesia and choose the best one that suits their talent and career prospect."
As an educational technology (edu-tech) company, Quipper has a vision of being a "Distributors of Wisdom," and wants to contribute and support the government goals by providing equal access to quality education for everyone in Indonesia.
Takuya Homma, Country Manager Quipper Indonesia said, "At Quipper we believe that every student has the right to receive quality education, and with Quipper Campus, we are extending our reach on the education ecosystem. This is part of our commitment to support government programs to make sure that Indonesia's future generation can compete at the global level."
As of now, Quipper Campus already provides information on all 120 state universities and more than 150 selected private higher education institutions in Indonesia. In the near future, there will be more information on private higher education institutions in Quipper Campus.
Visit our Facebook fanpage @QuipperCampus for more information about Quipper Campus.
About Quipper
Quipper is a leading global education technology company that aims to bring the best education to all corners of the world. Quipper strives to provide, improve, and distribute quality education, through technology, to create a world where every child is given equal opportunity to learn and gain knowledge.
Quipper services, which include Quipper School and Quipper Video, help students receive quality education without limitation, and empower educators to distribute wisdom.
Quipper School is being used by more than 4 million students and 350,000 teachers worldwide. Quipper Video is being used by over 500,000 students globally. Quipper has more than 600 employees around the world and operates in five countries: United Kingdom, Japan, Philippines, Mexico, and Indonesia.
As part of Quipper's commitment and spirit to empower educational ecosystem in Indonesia, Quipper will continue to work with all stakeholders including schools, Provincial and District Education Offices (Dinas Pendidikan) throughout Indonesia, Teachers and Educators Offices, Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI), and Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMOLEC). To date, Quipper services are being used by more than 2.5 million Indonesian students and more than 250.000 teachers in Indonesia.
Media contact
Quipper Indonesia
Ogilvy Public Relations
Ike Yuningsih
Michael Devant M
021 29533314
+62 89650099086
Photo - http://ift.tt/2xLFE31
Read this news on PR Newswire Asia website: Smarter and Simpler Way to Choose the Right University
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Review Konten Rumahbelajar.id: Pusat Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Review Konten Rumahbelajar.id: Pusat Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia SMK
Rumahbelajar (http://rumahbelajar.id/) merupakan sebuah sumber pembelajaran terbuka atau yang lebih dikenal dengan singkatan bahasa Inggrisnya OER (Open Educational Resources). Rumahbelajar menyediakan dokumen dan media berlisensi terbuka yang berguna untuk tujuan pengajaran, pembelajaran, pendidikan, penilaian, dan penelitian yang dapat diakses secara onlineoleh…
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Just Pinned to Startups and Small Businesses: Tugas 3 pelatihan online seameo seamolec, membuat tutorial video scribe http://ift.tt/2lZzXYM
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Peralatan Tata Cahaya Animasi Drawing
Pada review konten Rumahbelajar.id yang pertama saya membahas tentang konten yang terdapat pada Pusat Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yaitu sebuah video untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia SMK dengan tema “Menentukan Iklan” berdurasi 16 menit 55 detik. Seperti diketahui pada pembahasan sebelumnya bahwa Rumahbelajar adalah salah satu Open Educational Resources atau yang dikenal sebagai OER yang dapat diakses oleh siapa saja. Untuk review kedua ini saya akan membahas konten yang dikontribusi oleh Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Open Learning Centre (Seameo Seamolec), yaitu institusi yang bernaung dibawah Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) atau Organisasi Menteri-Menteri Pendidikan se-Asia Tenggara yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengembangkan Pendidikan Terbuka dan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh di Asia Tenggara.
Berdasarkan sebuah artikel pada laman Sekretariat Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dengan judul “Pengembangan Open Educational Resources (OER) Hub Rumah Belajar Indonesia oleh Pustekkom dan Seamolec” yang diterbitkan pada tanggal 11 Juni 2019, pukul 15:07:56 WIB diketahui bahwa Pustekkom Kemendikbud bersama Seameo Seamolec membahas tentang pengembangan portal untuk menghimpun materi pembelajaran dengan format Open Educational Resources (OER) dengan nama OER-hub Rumah Belajar Indonesia yang nantinya akan dijadikan sebagai rujukan konten digital berbasis OER di Indonesia. OER ini menerbitkan materi pembelajaran, mengajar, dan riset dalam bentuk media dan format dengan lisensi terbuka dengan tetap menghormati hak cipta yang terkandung, namun masyarakat dapat mengakses, menggunakan ulang, mengadaptasi ulang, dan mendistribusikan materi tersebut (https://setjen.kemdikbud.go.id/setjen/berita-pengembangan-open-educational-resources-oer-hub-rumah-belajar-indonesia-oleh-pustekkom-dan-seamolec.html) .
Salah satu konten yang telah dipublish oleh SEAMEO SEAMOLEC adalah mengenai “Peralatan Tata Cahaya Animasi Drawing” pada tanggal 16 Mei 2019 pukul 16:22 dengan durasi 4 menit 15 detik oleh Haris Haidi dari SMK Negeri 1 Japara Kuningan. Materi ini telah diunggah di YouTube channel Multimedia Nepan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=lgCGt0GH-Wg) pada tanggal 16 November 2016 dan telah ditonton sebanyak 126 viewers. Melaui video ini para viewers akan mengenal tujuh peralatan tata cahaya yang dibutuhkan untuk animasi drawing. Alat pertama adalah Tungsten Lamp/Fotoflood yang biasanya disebut continuous lighting/cahaya yang dapat bersinar terus menerus; kedua Camera Flash yaitu built-in flash dan flash yang ditempatkan diatas hotshoe dan/atau pada bracket; ketiga Monoflash/monoblock/monolight merupakan jenis yang paling sering digunakan, dimana instrumen pengaturannya berada dalam satu body dan pemakaiannya tinggal disambungkan ke stop kontak; keempat Flashhead dengan powerpack/generator, bentuk Flashhead lebih kecil dari monoblock sehingga fleksibel dalam pengaturan karena instrumen pengaturannya tidak terletak pada flashhead melainkan pada sumber dayanya yang dapat diletakkan dekat fotografer; kelima Light Brush, yaitu Powerpack dengan ujung yang dapat diganti-ganti sehingga menghasilkan cahaya yang kecil dan cara menggunakannya sama seperti ketika kita menggunakan alat cat airbrush; keenam Ring flash yang diletakkan seperti filter terdepan lensa yang efeknya (apabila diatur sedemikian rupa) dapat memberi bayangan tipis disekeliling obyek, ketujuh Linear Flashtube, adalah Flashtube yang berbentuk macam neon panjang sering digunakan untuk mencahayai background.
Konten yang dapat diakses pada laman Rumahbelajar.id dengan alamat http://rumahbelajar.id/product.php?id=NWNkZDJiZWU1NWJmMWY4NzMxN2I5YTgx ini menarik untuk disaksikan bagi para pemula yang ingin mengenal tentang animasi drawing karena memberikan informasi tentang peralatan yang diperlukan dalam menata cahaya agar animasi drawing yang dihasilkan memuaskan. Selain itu konten ini juga menyertakan gambar dari peralatan yang dibutuhkan dan bagian terpentingnya adalah si pemateri melakukan animasi drawing dalam menyajikan materi sehingga viewers memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan animasi drawing. Akan tetapi akan lebih baik apabila dalam menyampaikan materi si pemateri menggunakan pengejaan bahasa yang benar, baik dalam bahasa Inggris maupun bahasa Indonesia karena konten ini merupakam Open Educational Resources (OER) yang dapat diakses oleh siapa saja. Pengejaan bahasa Inggris yang kurang tepat terdapat pada kata “Fotoflood” yang seharusnya dituliskan “photoflood”, “monoblok” menjadi “monoblock”. Selain pengejaan bahasa Inggris yang kurang tepat, terdapat juga penggunaan bahasa Indonesia yang tidak sesuai dengan ejaan yang disempurnakan, yaitu penggunaan kata “ditaruh” yang terdapat pada kalimat “Camera Flash: built-in flash dan flash yang ditaruh diatas hotshoe dan/atau pada bracket” akan lebih baik apalagi diganti dengan menggunakan kata “diletakkan” karena seperti disebutkan diawal bahwa konten ini terdapat pada beranda Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Open Learning Centre (Seameo Seamolec), yang dapat diakses oleh siapa saja yang berada di wilayah Asia Tenggara dan sekitarnya. Sebagai tambahan, hendaknya dalam menyajikan materi menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana yang mudah dimengerti oleh banyak orang termasuk orang awam sehingga akan ada banyak orang yang awalnya tidak tertarik dengan materi ini menjadi tertarik dan mencoba untuk mempelajarinya.
Demikian review konten mengenai “Peralatan Tata Cahaya Animasi Drawing”, semoga bermanfaat bagi para pembaca dan jangan lupa “Teach what you learn and share what you have”. Terima kasih.
Review Konten Rumahbelajar.id: SEAMEO SEAMOLEC Peralatan Tata Cahaya Animasi Drawing Pada review konten Rumahbelajar.id yang pertama saya membahas tentang konten yang terdapat pada Pusat Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yaitu sebuah video untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia SMK dengan tema “Menentukan Iklan” berdurasi 16 menit 55 detik.
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41% of Quipper Video Users Passed SBMPTN, Higher than National Average
JAKARTA, Indonesia, Aug. 14, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The implementation of the National Examination (UN), the National Selection of State University Entrance (SNMPTN), and Group Selection for Entry to State Universities (SBMPTN) has always been a hot issue to discuss due to the low passing rate of this frequently changed module. However, Quipper Video Users, who have been studying by using computer-based and internet-based methods, show an impressive results, with 41% of them passing this high-standard test.
The percentage comparison of Quipperian's SBMPTN graduation rate with national graduation rate
According to the data from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia in 2017, there was a fourfold increase in the number of computer-based UN participants (UNBK) with a total of 3.7 million participants. Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia, computer-based test participants (CBT) SBMPTN increased tenfold from the prior year.
Of the 797,738 SBMPTN applicants who have joined the test, 148,066 participants have passed as prospective students in 85 state universities. The percentage of national SBMPTN acceptance is 14%, and it is suspected that such a low acceptance rate can be attributed to the fact that many students are still unfamiliar with the SBMPTN Computer Based Test (CBT) system.
Meanwhile, Quipper Video users who have been accustomed to learning by taking advantage of computer-based and internet-based methods show significant results, with 41% of the users pass their SMBPTN examinations. Based on survey data collected between May and June 2017 from 4,200 Quipper Video users, the average amount of learning time during which a Quipperian uses Quipper Video is 3 hours per day.
This was practiced by Angellita Buulolo, a student from SMAN 2 Tambun Selatan, Bekasi, West Java. Angellita said, "I never joined additional tutoring like my friends, I just studied for the UN and SBMPTN with Quipper Video because the videos can be repeated at home and the service is very affordable. I was eventually accepted into UI's Management department without any additional tutoring whatsoever."
Angellita is one of the many students who actively uses Quipper Video and was a respondent in the Quipper Video 2017 graduation survey. From Quipper Video's graduation survey results, 41% of Quipperians passed the SBMPTN examination. Moreover, as many as 37% of Quipper Video users who passed their SBMPTN examination were successfully accepted into Cluster A state universities, which consist of ITB, UGM, UI, IPB, UNBRAW, ITS, UNAIR, UNHAS, UNDIP, UNPAD, Andalas, and UNS. This cluster of state universities is taken from university ranking data released by DIKTI. These universities are always favourites among students and consistently maintain their top positions.
In addition, as many as 87% of them are satisfied with learning the SBMPTN preparation materials available through Quipper Video. According to these students, preparation of material that is complete, interesting and comprehensive influences their achievements. It is proven that the quality of material prepared by Quipper Video has successfully assisted users in passing the National Examination, SNMPTN and SBMPTN, and acceptance into the best state universities in Indonesia.
Such data proves that the use of appropriate technology education services can support student learning activities, assist in exam preparation and also improve overall performance. As such, Indonesian students can develop their potential and have the confidence to compete not only at the national level, but also at the global level.
Get the latest information about Quipper School at school.quipper.com and Quipper Video at video.quipper.com. Also follow social media accounts Twitter and Instagram official Quipper Indonesia at @quipper_id and @QuipperVideoID on Facebook for Quipper Video.
About Quipper, Ltd
Quipper, Ltd. is a leading global education technology company that has the mission to bring the best education to all corners of the world. Quipper aims to provide, improve and distribute quality education, through technology, to create a world where every child is given equal opportunity to learn and gain knowledge.
Quipper services, which include Quipper School and Quipper Video, help students and teachers to move beyond the boundaries of education.
By March 2017, Quipper School has been used by more than 4 million students and teachers worldwide. In Indonesia, Quipper schools are being used by 2.5 million students and 250,000 teachers. Currently, Quipper Video are being used by over 500,000 students globally.
As part of Quipper's commitment and spirit to empower the educational ecosystem in Indonesia, Quipper will continue to work with all stakeholders including schools, Provincial and District Education Offices throughout Indonesia, Teachers and Teaching Offices, Basic and Secondary Education Offices, Indonesian Teachers Association, and Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMOLEC)
Quipper has more than 600 employees around the globe and operates in six countries: England, Japan, Philippines, Mexico, Vietnam and Indonesia.
Media Contact
Quipper Indonesia
Ogilvy Public Relations
Ike Yuningsih
Michael Devant M
+621 29533314
+62 89650099086
Photo - http://ift.tt/2w4An8N
Read this news on PR Newswire Asia website: 41% of Quipper Video Users Passed SBMPTN, Higher than National Average
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Commemorating National Education Day, Quipper Committed to Improve Technology Education Equality
JAKARTA, Indonesia, May 2, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Preparing young generations for the future has never been more challenging due to globalization and digital advancement of the 21st century. And yet, Indonesia is struggling with education gaps and lack of teacher competence. Utilizing technology is believed to be the best way out of this, as was discussed at the Education National Day, Momentum for Technology Education Equality event held in Jakarta on Friday, April 28th, by UK founded education technology company Quipper.
From left to right: Itje Chodidjah (Education Expert), Maudy Ayunda (Brand Ambassador Quipper Indonesia), Tri Nuraini (PR & Marketing Manager Quipper Indonesia), Sutrianto (Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia)
According to the Ministry of Education, school participation rate in Indonesia has greatly improved in recent decades. In 2000, both primary and junior secondary schools have reached 100%. This year they aim even higher to achieve 111.4% and 105.3% respectively. However, unfortunately, we have not been able to see the same rate of improvement in education quality and teacher competence.
To resolve this, the government continues to work on quality education and justice. One of their efforts is the improvement of infrastructure and the use of information technology, especially for students who are in less developed areas, referred to as 3T (terdepan, terluar, tertinggal) regions.
The reforms are being carried out in accordance with the National Priorities of Kemendikbud through 2015-2019, such as the strengthening of vocational schools, educational facilities, and infrastructure, ensuring teacher qualifications and welfare, quality improvement and character education, and the Smart Indonesia Program.
In alignment with the government's policy and development strategy, Quipper is committed to pursue its mission of becoming the "Distributors of Wisdom" by contributing to minimize educational disparities in various area in the world, including Indonesia, with digital-based learning. Its e-learning platforms, Quipper School, a free service for all users, and Quipper Video, a premium add-on service, allow students and teachers to access quality education anytime and anywhere, in the fun way using digital devices.
Since entering the Indonesian market in 2015, Quipper has helped the learning process of more than 2.5 million students - 50,000 of whom are Quipper Video users, trained 200,000 teachers, and reached out to 5,000 schools across the country. In 2016, 58% of its users passed the UN, and 50% among them succeeded in the SBMPTN and were accepted to the best state universities in Indonesia. In carrying out its mission, Quipper has received support from 45 provincial and district level education offices.
"We are committed to maintain the quality of our platforms, be it content, tutor or the technology we use. Because these three things are what's most needed by our teachers and students," says Tri Nuraini, PR & Marketing Manager of Quipper Indonesia. Tri added that Quipper has also helped students to prepare or the UNBK by giving free online tryouts to 70,000 students.
Education expert Itje Chodidjah appreciates the initiatives Quipper takes, as she believes the use of technology is the most sensible solution for the educational challenges faced today. Technology not only opens doors to education for students, but also improves the quality of teachers. "Skilled teachers are those who are equipped with appropriate and up-to-date teaching materials," she explains. Itje also noted that technology can help teachers conduct teaching and learning activities more efficiently. Teachers will have more time to improve students' motivations or focus on critical factors to create a competitive generation, rather than worrying about test scores and exam results. "Teachers can return to their role as educators, not just teach," she quoted.
Known actress Maudy Ayunda is also a supporter of Quipper. As Brand Ambassador, she referred to her own experience, "I felt the benefits of technology-based education during my college days at Oxford. My dream is to see all Indonesian children having the opportunity to access quality education without any restrictions."
Nonetheless, there are still many obstacles in minimizing education gaps and improving the quality of education with technology. Being an archipelagic country, Indonesia still faces geographical problems and internet access. To that end, celebrating National Education Day, Quipper invites cross-sector collaboration to realize educational equity in Indonesia.
About Quipper, Ltd.
Quipper, Ltd. is a technology education company founded in the UK in December 2010. With the mission "Distributors of Wisdom", Quipper believes educational inequality in any part of the world can be overcome using the right technology. Thus, Quipper challenges in various countries to realize its vision and mission, currently operating in Japan, Philippines, Mexico, Vietnam, and Indonesia.
In 2014, Quipper entered the Indonesian market by introducing a free-of-charge platform, Quipper School. This platform is designed specifically for teachers and students to help and improve the quality of teaching and learning. By March 2017, Quipper School has been used by 2.5 million students and 200 thousand teachers throughout the country. In 2015, Quipper launched its premium platform, Quipper Video. The online learning solution for 9th - 12th graders through online tutorial videos has been used by more than 50,000 students.
Quipper has reached 5,000 Indonesian schools and is cooperating with 45 provincial and district education offices, including collaborations with Bantaeng Smart City of South Sulawesi, hearings with the Director General of Teachers and Teachers, the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education, Indonesian Teachers Association, and SEAMOLEC.
As part of the educational ecosystem, Quipper hopes to help improve the quality of education and reduce education disparities in Indonesia through its two flagship platforms.
Further information: Ike Yuningsih Public Relations Officer [email protected] | 081314749741
Photo - http://ift.tt/2qyZafa
Read this news on PR Newswire Asia website: Commemorating National Education Day, Quipper Committed to Improve Technology Education Equality
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Tugas 3 pelatihan online seameo seamolec, membuat tutorial video scribe
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